Comp 100 Prelim Reviewer
Comp 100 Prelim Reviewer
Comp 100 Prelim Reviewer
2ND SEMESTER | 2ND YEAR | A.Y. 2023 – 2024
LECTURER: Ms. Melissa Mangune
• The stored program concept implied that • The third generation computers made
the instructions to run a computer for a use of 'Integrated Circuits that had 10- 20'
specific task were held inside the components on each chip, this was Small
computer's memory and could quickly Scale Integration (SSI)
be modified or replaced by a different • The Fourth Generation realized Large
set of instructions for a different Scale Integration (LSI) which could fit
function hundreds of components on one chip and
• High level languages like COBOL, Very Large Scale integration (VLSI) which
FORTRAN and AL-GOL were dev eloped squeezed thousand of components on
• Computers started finding vast and one chip
varied applications • The Intel 4004 chip, located all the
• The entire software industry began with components of a computer (central
the second generation computers processing unit, memory, input and
output controls) on a single chip and
THIRD GENERATION microcomputers were introduced
• The third generation computers • Higher capacity storage media like
were characterized by: magnetic disks were developed
➢ Use of Integrated circuits • Fourth generation languages emerged
➢ Phenomenal increase in and applications software's started
computation speed becoming popular
➢ Substantial reduction in size and
power consumption of the FIFTH GENERATION
machines • Defining the fifth generation computers is
➢ Use of magnetic tapes and drums somewhat difficult because the field is
for external storage still in its infancy
➢ Design-of Operating systems and • The computers of tomorrow would be
new higher level languages characterized by Artificial Intelligence
➢ Commercial production of computers (Al)
• This generation was characterized by the • An example of Al is Expert Systems
invention of Integrated Circuits (ICs)
• Computers could be developed which
• The IC combined electronic components
could think and reason in much the same
onto a small chip which was made from
way as humans
• Computers would be able to accept
spoken words as input (voice
• The general features of the
• Many advances in the science of
fourth generation computers
computer design and technology are
coming together to enable the creation
➢ Use of Very Large Scale Integration
➢ Invention of microcomputers of fifth generation computers
➢ Introduction of Personal Computers
➢ Networking
➢ Fourth Generation Languages
2ND SEMESTER | 2ND YEAR | A.Y. 2023 – 2024
LECTURER: Ms. Melissa Mangune
• The computers accept data from sensors • These computers are widely used in
and produce output using conventional very advanced applications like
input/output devices weather forecasting, processing
geological data etc. ex. CRAY-2, NEC-
• Mini computers are more powerful than
the microcomputers APPLICATION OF COMPUTER
• They have higher memory capacity and SCIENTIFIC, ENGINEERING, AND RESEARCH
more storage capacity with higher • This is the major area where computers
speeds find vast applications
• These computers are mainly used in • They are used in areas which require lot
process control systems of experiments, mathematical
• They are mainly used in applications like calculations, weather forecasting, and
payrolls, financial accounting, Computer complex mathematical and engineering
aided design etc. ex. VAX, PDP-11 applications
• Computer Aided Design (CAD) and
MAINFRAME COMPUTERS Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
• Main frame computers are very large help in designing robotics, automobile
computers which process data at very manufacturing, automatic process
high speeds of the order of several control devices etc
million instructions per second
• They can be linked into a network with BUSINESS
smaller computers, micro computers • Record keeping, budgets, reports,
and with each other inventory, payroll, invoicing, accounts are
• They are typically used in large all the areas of business and industry
organizations, government departments where computers are used to a great
etc. ex. IBM4381, CDC extent
• Database management is one of the
SUPERCOMPUTERS major area where computers are used on
• A super computer is the fastest, most a large scale
powerful and most expensive • The areas of application here include
computer which is used for complex banking, airline reservations, etc. where
tasks that require a lot of large amounts of data need to be
computational power updated, edited, sorted, searched from
• Super computers have multiple large databases
processors which process multiple
instructions at the same time MEDICINE
• This is known as parallel processing • Computerized systems are now in
widespread use in monitoring patient
data like pulse rate, blood pressure etc.
resulting in faster and accurate diagnosis
2ND SEMESTER | 2ND YEAR | A.Y. 2023 – 2024
LECTURER: Ms. Melissa Mangune
• Modern day medical equipment are • The speeds of computers are measured in
highly computerized today. Computers milliseconds (10-3 sec), micro-seconds
are also widely used in medical research (10'6 sec), and nano-seconds (10-9sec)
• Computers are superfast machines and
INFORMATION can process millions of instructions per
• This is the age of information. Television, second
Satellite communication, Internet, • Smaller computers can execute
networks are all based on computers thousands of instructions per second,
while the more complex machines can
EDUCATION execute millions of instructions per
• The use of computers in education is second
increasing day by day
• The students develop the habit of ACCURACY
thinking more logically and are able to • Computers are very accurate
formulate problem solving techniques • They are capable of executing hundreds
• CDs on a variety of subjects are available of instructions without any errors
to impart education • They do not make mistakes in their
• On line training programs for students computations
are also becoming popular day by day • They perform each and every
• All the major encyclopedias, dictionaries calculation with the same accuracy
and books are now available in the digital
form and therefore are easily accessible EFFICIENCY
to the student of today • The efficiency of computers does not
• Creativity in drawing, painting, decrease with age
designing, decoration, music etc. can be • The computers can perform repeated
well developed with computers tasks with the same efficiency any
number of times without exhausting
• Computer games are popular with • Even if they are instructed to execute
children and adults alike millions of instructions, they are capable
• Computers are nowadays also used in of executing them all with the same speed
entertainment areas like movies, sports, and efficiency without exhaustion
advertising etc
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF • Computers are capable of storing large
COMPUTER amounts of data in their storage devices
SPEED • These dev ices occupy very less space and
can store millions of characters in
• The speed of a computer is measured in condensed forms
terms of the number of instructions that
it can perform or execute in a second
2ND SEMESTER | 2ND YEAR | A.Y. 2023 – 2024
LECTURER: Ms. Melissa Mangune
• There are two concepts related to the way • There are las messages generated by
in which data is input to the computer special keys on the keyboard which allow
➢ On-line Data Input: Here data is the cursor to move in up, down, left and
directly transferred to the computer right directions
➢ Off-line Data Input: Here the data is • Other special keys on the keyboard include
not immediately transferred to the keys like Tab, Del, Ctrl, Ins, Page Up, Page
computer Down etc