Project Report On BBM in Capital Market

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Project Report On-
‘’ Book Building Method
And Its Impact On Capital Market Of Bangladesh’’

Prepared For:
Mosabbir Uddin Ahmed
Assistant Professor
School of Business and Economics
United International University

Prepared By:
Sadia Islam
ID: 111 131 483
Course title: Project
Course Code: INT 4399
Program: BBA (Major in Finance)

Date of Submission: 13.04.2018

Letter of Transmittal
April 13, 2018
Mosabbir Uddin Ahmed
Assistant Professor
School of business and economics
United International University

Subject: Submission of Project Report on ‘’Book Building Method And Its Impact On Capital
Market of Bangladesh’’.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to apprise you that It is a great pleasure for me to submit the report on
“Book Building Method and Its Impact on Capital Market of Bangladesh” as it is a partial
requirement to accomplish BBA degree. In the preparation of this report, I have studied several articles
and gathered information on book building method and its impact in Bangladesh perspective. I have
tried my level best to make this report substantial and communicative. I hope that it will fulfill my
degree requirement.

So, I therefore, request and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my report and oblige thereby.

Sincerely Yours,


Sadia Islam

ID: 111 131 483

BBA (Finance)

United International Universit

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First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah to enabling me to complete this
report on ‘’Book Building Method And Its Impact On Capital Market of Bangladesh’’.
I take this opportunity to disclose my insightful thankfulness and deepest honors to my guide Mosabbir
Uddin Ahmed (Assistant Professor, School of business and economics) for his special guidance,
monitoring, constant encourage, and thoughtful advice throughout the course of this project. Without his
guidance and cooperation it would be very hard for me to submit this report.

I am thankful for the other members who helped to complete this report by providing their valuable
information in their respective fields.This report is not free from limitations and errors. There might still
be some minor typing mistake, despite my utmost care. I do apologize for this.

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Executive Summery

Applied information is essential to the submission of hypothetical aptitude. Considering this,the

topic of this report is selected to acquire real knowledge. I thankfully admit my indebtness concepts
and data providers. I selected the topic“Book Building Method and its impact on capital market of
Bangladesh”. In this report overviewes has been given shortly about capital market of Bangladesh
and Securities & Exchange Commision (SEC) but emphasizes on the effectiveness, importance,
merits, demerits of Book Building Method in BD. Here I have also included the Procedures which
are followed for estimating price under book-building method & limitation of it. For analyzing this
method I have evaluate some case studies on selected companies following different initiation
methods. I have included some recommendations after analyzing this report. the main objective of
my report is to find out the procedure of book building method of IPO and its effectiveness on the
stock market.
I have accumulated data and information for analyzing this report. Some information’s are from
primary sources and some are from secondary sources. After collecting all the information, I made
some of the following observations of my report;

 Book-building pricing method introduced into Bangladesh’s market has not reduced price
manipulation as expected;
 on the other hand, it has significantly increased possibly due to other external effects.
 Increase the pricing capabilities of institutional investors to some extent.
 SEC& the relevant authorities should come forward to implement the best IPO pricing method
specially the BBM to gain the confidence of investors.


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1 Objectives:.........................................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Scope............................................................................................................................................10
1.3 Limitations..................................................................................................................................10
2 Security Exchange Commission.....................................................................................................................12
2.1 History of SEC............................................................................................................................12
2.2 Mission of SEC...........................................................................................................................12
2.3 Structure of the Commission....................................................................................................12
2.4 Functions of the Commission....................................................................................................13
2.5 Punishment.................................................................................................................................14
3 Capital market................................................................................................................................................16
3.1 Structure of ‘Capital Market’ of Bangladesh........................................................................16
3.1.1 Securities Segment:.........................................................................................................................17
3.1.2 Non- Securities Segment:...............................................................................................................17
4 Concept of Public Offering:...........................................................................................................................19
4.1 Types of PO................................................................................................................................19
4.1.1 Types of IPO....................................................................................................................................19
4.2 Meaning of Book building Method:.........................................................................................20
4.2.1 Book Building Process....................................................................................................................20
4.3 Common Process of listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)...........................................21
4.4 Benefits of Book Building:........................................................................................................22
4.5 Drawbacks :................................................................................................................................23
4.6 Fixed price method:...................................................................................................................24
4.7 Direct listing method:................................................................................................................24
4.7.1 Benefit of Direct listing method:....................................................................................................24
4.7.2 Dissimilarity between Book Building method and fixed price method:....................................25
5 Book Building System in Bangladesh:..........................................................................................................27
5.1 Fundamentals of an issuer for becoming eligible for book building method:......................28
5.2 Processes of determining price under Book-Building Method:.............................................28
5.3 Inappropriate Practice of Book Building Method:.................................................................30
5.3.1 Manipulators Benefiting From Book Building Method:.............................................................31
5.3.2 Stakeholders Demand Further Changes To Book Building Rules:............................................31
5.4 CSE Recommends Changes To Book Building Method:.......................................................32

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6 Nahee Aluminum Composite Panel Ltd.......................................................................................................34
6.1 Oimex Electrode Limited..........................................................................................................35
7. Company Name : Advent Pharma Limited.....................................................................................................38
7.1 Capital structure and history of capital rising:..............................................................................................39
8. Current situation in Bangladesh:......................................................................................................................42
9.Criticism on Book Building Method:.................................................................................................................45
9.1 Recommendations:...........................................................................................................................46
10. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................................47

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Chapter One:

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1 Objectives:

Broad objective-
 To focus capital market of Bangladesh by considering book building method.
 For detecting the usefulness of Bangladesh’s Book Building Method.
 Categorizing the difficulties concerning with the method which inhibited the progress of capital
market in Bangladesh

Specific objectives-

 To dig up the present scenario of Securities and Exchange Commission.

 To recommend around vital rules those measure about IPO process for the growth of Capital
 To figure out the awareness of sustainable capital market among the investors.

1.1 Methodology

By accumulating data from several sources I have completed my report. Theose sources are primary
sources and secondary sources.

Primary sources:

 Discussion with DSE and SEC professional

 From Workshop arranged by SEC
 Discussion with supervisor teacher
 Group argument (classmates)
 Discussion with DSE investors

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Secondary sources:

 Journals and relevant books

 Bangladesh govt. budget 20126-17 materials
 World Bank reports
 Various Bengali and English newspapers
 Various capital market related websites
 DSE index analysis

1.2 Scope

As there are several opportunities to study on Book Building Method in Bangladesh, e.g., impact of SEC
in the overall economic condition, current market activities regarding the quick fall of share price, etc.,
but in this study I will try to find out only the prudence of introducing Book Building Method for issuing
capital in the capital market of Bangladesh.

1.3 Limitations

 This is a descriptive and analytic based report. Hence, it requires sufficient time.
 Need sufficient fund to bear out the work.
 Data unavailability
 Accessibility
 Sufficient books, publishers, and journals are not available.
 Up to date information are not available

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Chapter Two:
Overview of Security Exchange Commission

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2 Security Exchange Commission

The controller of the capital market in Bangladesh is known as ‘’Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission (BSEC)’’ it consists of ‘’Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)’’ and ‘’Chittagong Stock Exchange
(CSE)’’. It is directly connected to the ‘’Ministry of Finance’’.

2.1 History of SEC

 Establishment of SEC : 8 June, 1993

 Government appoints the Chairman and Members of the Commission and it also maintains total
accountability to manage the regulation of securities.
 BSEC is a legal body. It is committed to the ‘‘Ministry of Finance’’ for all of its activities.

2.2 Mission of SEC

 Defend the interests of many types of security investors

 Progress and uphold fair, clear and effectual security markets
 Guarantee suitable issuance of securities and agreement with securities laws

2.3 Structure of the Commission

 The commission involves of a chairman and four participants. The chairman is the chief
executive of the commission
 The chairman and the participants of the commission are chosen by the Government. An
eligible and experienced non-government person must get an opportunity to become a
participant of the commission.
 The chairman and the participants are the full time employee.
 They shall be the specialists in matters of companies and security market, in law, economics,
keeping of accounts and also other matters which are compulsory for the commission.

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 They are selected for three years and shall be eligible for reappointment for only one further
such period..
 The chairman and the members have to pay an advance notice to the Government if they want
to quit the office before the expiry. they must inform this notice three months before their
 But a rules is that , The chairman and the members continue their activities until the
government has acknowledged the resignation
 There are 60 officers in the commission.

2.4 Functions of the Commission

 BSE controls the business of the stock exchange or any other securities market
 BEC wielding a registering the business of stockbrokers, share transfer agents, sub-brokers,
merchant bankers and managers of issues, registrar of an issue, underwriters, investment advisers,
portfolio managers, trustee of trust deeds and other intermediaries in the securities market.
 It not only monitoring, registering, regulating the collective investment scheme of companies in the
share market but also regulating mutual funds in BD.
 Observing and controlling all official self-controlling administrations in the securities market.
 All official self-controlling organizations in the securities market are Observing and regulating by
 BSEC strictly prohibits deceitful and biased employment performs involving to securities trading in
any security markets.
 BSEC giving training for intermediaries of the securities market and promoting investors’ education
and Forbidding insider trading in securities.
 Bangladesh securities exchange commission regulating the significant acquisition of shares and
take-over of companies.
 BSEC undertaking analysis and inspection, inquiries and audit of any issuer or dealer of securities,
the Stock Exchanges and intermediaries and any self-regulatory organization in the securities
market and conducting research and publishing information

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2.5 Punishment

Whenever any listed company under the stock exchange breaks or intends to contravene or aids and

helps to contravene any provision of SEC Act shall be punishable with a term of difficult imprisonment

not above five years or a fine of at least five lac Takas or both. Under this act if any person fails to:

 Fulfill with any instruction orcommand.

 Furnish any required information; or

 Provide require facility during the investigation process

Then, commission may,

 Provide him a chance of hearing a warning in writing through an approved representative. or

 A fine of at least one lakh taka and

 In case of remaining failure, each day will be count per ten thousand taka for delayed.

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Chapter Three:
Overview of the Capital Market

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3 Capital market

The market where long term debt or equity backed securities are traded is called capital market. It is also
called financial market. With capital market money is provided for a longer period and that must be
more than one year. The investor of capital market always makes long term investment. In 1954 capital
market starts its journey in Bangladesh through two segments those are ‘’Dhaka stock exchange’’ and
‘’Chittagong stock exchange’’. The securities market permits sound listed companies to increase surplus
capital rapidly. Vibrant and liquid securities market lead to an upward sloping in savings through
attractive offering and rewarding in terms of higher yiel

Every capital market has to segmentation primary market and secondary market. In primary market
newly traded securities are traded and in secondary market existing securities are traded. Investment
bankers are specialized in trading new securities in primary market. Equity markets, bond markets and
derivative markets are part of secondary market. It is encouraging to see that the capital market of
Bangladesh is growing, though at a slower pace and still at an emerging stage. Later on the bubble and
burst of 1996and 2010, capital market has touched a lot more responsive, importance and consciousness
that have guided to whatever infrastructure we have at present. This flow of knowledge for market
further upgraded the awareness and knowledge level of investors as well as issuers

3.1 Structure of ‘Capital Market’ of Bangladesh

The capital market has two sections

 Securities segments
 Non securities segments

A securities segment in turn may be alienated into the markets for

 primary issues and

 the markets for secondary trading.

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3.1.1 Securities Segment:

The process a firm can distribute its securities in the primary market through the public offering and
after the securities are traded in the secondary markets. Stock, bonds, preference shares, debentures,
treasury bonds, etc. are the principal instruments. There are two group of securities segment in

(I) Stock Exchanges:

(II) Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB):

3.1.2 Non- Securities Segment:

The non-securities section of the capital market provides long term loans both in local &foreign
currencies. This segment also covers merchant banking. The following are the players in this field:

(I) Development Finance Institutions:

(II) Commercial & Specialized Banks:

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Chapter Four:
IPO Procedure Analysis

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4 Concept of Public Offering:

Public offering means collecting funds for capital of a business from the public. PO a method of issuing
new securities. It create a way to sale new securities to the public. Public offering helps to elevate
capital of a company. Through public offering a company can offer like bonds and variety of securities
to the public.

4.1 Types of PO

There are two types of public offering they are

 Initial public offering

 Secondary public offering

An IPO is the way to raising funds for the first time from the public. On the other hand secondary public
offering is the fact when a company having floated securities through IPO further collects fund from
public through the public offering.

4.1.1 Types of IPO

The initial public offering (IPO) is a practice followed by joint stock companies in enhancing capital
through issuing new shares of stock to the general public. It can be made through a

 Fixed price method,

 A book building method or
 A combination of both.

The fixed price method is being commonly used in IPO for many years. But, recently the book-building
method has gained popularity in developed countries and has been making inroad into emerging markets
as well.

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4.2 Meaning of Book building Method:

Book building procedure helps to discover price of a securities. First of all the issure company create a
demand and set a issue price of the securities afterthat fulfilling other requirements of prospectus .The
issure fiexd the offer price. they has freedom to fixed the amount of a newly issued securities under the
instruction of book building process. For the private placement the issuer company ties up with a
selected group of individuals and agencies for private placement. The entire exercise is done on a whole
sale basis.
The issuing company appoints a lead manager who builds the order book by forming a syndicate of
eligible potential buyers. The book runner (lead manager) notes the amounts offered by various
investors such as Institutional Investors, Mutual Funds, Underwriters, Foreign Institutional Investors etc.
The price of the instrument is the weighted average at which the majority of investors are willing to buy
the instrument. The price is investor driven and based on market forces of demand and supply. Book
building refers to the collection of bids from investors, which is based on an indicative price range, the
offer price being fixed after the bid closing date.

4.2.1 Book Building Process

 The quantity of securities and the price ensemble for the bid are declared by the issuer.
 An offer is forecasted by the issuer that suggest prime merchant bankers as book runners.
 Syndicate members are assigned by the issuer ,they helped the investors to place the order.
 In an ‘Electronic book’ the syndicate participants keep their order. Its called ‘’Bidding’’ that is
similar to ‘open auction’.
 For a period of 5 days this book persists uncluttered.
 Within the exact price band the bids have to be entered.
 Before the book shut down bid can be reviewed by the bidders
 Book runners evaluate the bids based on demand on various price level.
 Bok runners fixed the final issue price of the security
 The number of shares is ascertained; based on the final price per share the issue size gets
 The respite bidders become refund orders ,distribution of securities is made to the fruitful bidders

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4.3 Common Process of listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)

Each company is required to complete the following procedures to get listed at DSE.
 Companies should sign up its securities through DSE. It is an initial requirement of listing IPO.
 Companies need to prepare a draft prospectus for bing approved in SEC.
 Issure have to make an agreement with the underwriter and the bankers to the issue for IPO

 The Exchange inspect and appraise the overall performance as well as financial components of the
company on the basis of the draft prospectus. which may have short term and long term influence on
the market;

 The Stock Exchange sends its feedback  Within 15 days

 After proper examining, SEC send its permission for floating IPO as per Public Issue Rule;
Having permission from SEC, the Issuer is required to file application to the Exchange for listing
its securities within 5 days of issuance of its prospectus;

 On fruitful subscription, the company is required to accomplish the distribution of allotment/

refund warrants within 42 days of closing subscription;
 Over 100% distribution of shares/refund warrants and consent of other necessities, the
application for listing of the Issuer is placed in the Exchange’s meeting for the essential decision
of the Board of DSE;;
 Within 75 days from the closure of the subscription The Board of DSE takes the decision
regarding listing/non-listing of the company which must be completed.
The process of getting price for IPO through using investors’ demand for shares is known as a book
building method .It is a systematic process . Based on the institutional investors demand an underwriter
try to determine the offer price of an IPO. Book building method has some advantage and disadvantage

4.4 Benefits of Book Building:

 With the commitment of prospectus investors price of the instrument is determined

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 In order to modify pricing and allocation result maximum market price for shares and securities
and demand level from maximum quality investors is the main urpose of the book building method
 For fixing price of an issue on the basis of the result from potential investors on how long they are
willing to bid to pick up issues and instrument in the book building method.
 It is a advantageous method for the issuer company because the pricing of issue would be more
accurate as the final price is selectd about 11 to 12 days before the opening of the issue. Book
building method gives faster access on capital more quickly than the public issue.
 There is no chance of uncertinity loss in book building method because the price are predetermined
As the issue is pre-sold, there would be no uncertainties relating to the fate of the issue involved.
 Issuers feel free to choose any investors by observing its quality.
 Here investors has a great chance to fulfill their demand and increase their capital.
 Under this method the issuer are safe from deciling the market price than the issue price.
 Issure can raise its capital efficiently by proper instruction ,leading ,reduction issue costs and paper
 Optimal demand based pricing is possible.
 Transparency of allocations is made.
 Upgraded information flow of issues, lead managers, syndicate members and investors is made
 This process inspires investors confidence
 This process creates a liquid and buoyant after market.
 As the syndicate members will get firm allocation, the investors to that extent are assured of
 Immediate allotment and listing of placement portion of securities.

4.5 Drawbacks :

 One is the flaw in its process

 Another is its complexity and lengthiness in the process
From the beginning of the method, it is criticized and disputed. Although SEC tries to adjust lot of
things, but still it has some weakness. The first difference arises the setting of the indicative price of IPO

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by using this method. The exchange revised some proceeding in this regard, but still the issuers have
room to manipulate the process in their favor. On the other side, the investors attending the road show
with a very limited knowledge according the valuations of the firm. The issuer selects the indicative
price with the help of auditors and issue manager which is different from the fundamentals of their
firms. For the purpose of offering the higher prices for a company’s new issues the issue manager hardly
tries to convince suitable institutional investors.
After fixing the indicative price bidding for cutoff price of an issue take place. Eligible institutional
investors put their bid prices and desired shares into the book building system. Putting prices in the bids
there is an upward and downward limit. In order to win their bids investors always put prices on the
upward ceiling. Book building method will lose its objective, if the companies imposed a stiffer
restrictions in fixing the indicative price and cut off prices to check anomalies. At the beginning around
10% of total securities are allowed to estimate by the investors that are offered for sale.
But now 5% of total securities are offered for sale according to the investors estimation. So that at
present it becomes a problem to influence the cut-off price through a insufficient bids. Through forming
a syndicate with a number of institutional investors the issuers try to manipulate the cut –off price. If we
surveyed the current rate of IPOs under the book building method, we have got indication that indicative
prices were fixed at an outstanding high level. Indicative prices remain lower than the cut-off prices.
After fixing the offer the prices price to earnings ratio increased by more than 15 times. This price to
earnings ratio could be increased around 25 times at the entrance of their trading exchange. With high
prices the new issues start trading. The institutional investors take benefit until the issue price remains
high. After that, the prices start decreasing .The general investors who are holder of these shares become
the ultimate sufferers. This method certainly contributes to the market volatility
In reality the offender somehow gets their way to achieve their goals without stiffening of the rules. By
applying this method companies might be benefited on the other hand the investors are losing their
money. For this reason the issure ought to be inspired to offload their shares through this method.
Another one problem is this book building method is a lengthy process that this method usually takes to
discharge shares.

4.6 Fixed price method:

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Fixed pricing method: The issuer sets the price in the fixed price method. The price of the company’s
share at IPO is often lower than the fair market value so this process lead to an undervaluing of the
share. Low price attracts investors. So when the price increased radically in the first few beginnings of
the trading after the public offering, the company revalued by the investors.

4.7 Direct listing method:

The direct listing method has exceptional rules and regulation. First of all a public company lists its
share into the stock exchange then the investors allow to buy shares from is owner. That is opposite to
the other method. Because in initial public offering investors get an offer from the owner of the
company after that the share is listed on the stock exchange. In a word, the owner offers the existing
share for sale in directing listing. On the other hand IPO offers new share for sale to its investors.

4.7.1 Benefit of Direct listing method:

 Company share get best prices because of it directly offered for sale to investors in stock exchange
so there is no chance of manipulation.
 Company receives money directly from the investors and can invest in new projects.
 Through direct listing company could grow up rapidly
 Finally, because of the foregoing, direct listing can bring successful and profitable companies to the
stock exchange.
 This may improve supply of good shares; and stabilize capital market which is so necessary

4.7.2 Dissimilarity between Book Building method and fixed price method:

Types Fixed Price Issues Book Building Issues

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Offer Price The rate at which the investors The investors don’t known in advances the offer
purchase shares is called the offer price of the companys shares. After the time of
price termination of buiding the final price determined
A 20 % price band is offered by the issuer within
whom investors are

Demand After the termination of the issues During the budding period various prices are
the investors get to known the offered on the basis of ht securities demand
demand of the securities.

Payment At the time of application investors At the time of application QIBSrequired10%

required100% advanced payment advanced payment

Reservations 50 % of the shares offered are 50 % of shares offered are reserved for QIBS,
reserved for applications below 35 % for small investors and the balance for all
Rs. 1 lakh and the balance for other investors.
higher amount applications.

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Chapter Five
Book Building System: Bangladesh

5 Book Building System in Bangladesh:

To develop the book building system that was initiated by SEC along with DSE, CSE and central
depository of Bangladesh limited. Through the circular the shareholder cames to known the rules and the
regulation that is made by the SEC. The economy of Bangladesh is begininging to modification from its
existing debt base to an equity base. The IPO offers small investors with an chance to finance in the
share market. However, the country’s capital market is still very superficial with market capitalization of
less than 4% of its gross domestic product (GDP).

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To expand the understanding and consciousness of investors in the Bangladesh equity market, listed
companies have been classified as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘G’, and ‘Z’ based on announcement of dividend by the
companies, the status of the AGM and the operational status and amassed losses of the companies.
Category ‘A’ companies are those which pay a dividend of 10% or more; category ‘B’ companies pay a
dividend of less than 10%; category ‘G’ are ‘greenfield’ companies; and category ‘Z’ companies do not
pay any dividend, do not hold an annual general meeting, and whose accumulated losses surpass their
issued capital or are companies which have been closed for more than six months.

A company must have to go for IPO after accomplishment of its five years commercial operation. It is
mandatory to convert a Private Limited Company into Public Limited if its capital is over 20 crore Taka.
To proliferation paid up of a converted company it is necessary to extent IPO in the market. For quick
and effective capital formulation of corporation to fund their advance opportunities they should go for
IPO. It helps the economy to raise and complete. It plays a vital role for the formation of the economy,
largest growth market and expands business of the country. This is a general perception that investment
in a public offer of a company will almost certainly yield significant returns on listing. It is true that this
is often the case. But the reverse has also been known to happen as many times, it not more. A part of
the perception can be linked to the earlier days of capital issue when a government controller
deliberately under priced equity issues. Due to this under pricing, issues gave good returns in a post-
listing scenario. Today, the problem has been addressed only partially. Merchant-bankers and issuer
companies will do tend to under price offerings, however this is not always the case. A bull market is a
fertile environment for public offerings. Bull runs are conveniently used by companies to issue capital
and very often it is purely this positive momentum in the market that pushes up the post listing demand
and price for a company’s scrip. Any fundamental reversal in the period between close of the IPO offer
and the listing date can negatively impact post issue listing price. Most issues these days use the book
building route. News is flashed within hours of the opening of the offer that the offer has already been
over subscribed. This conveys the picture that there is heavy demand for the shares on offer which, in
turn, encourages other investors to joint the IPO rush. Although foreign investors started investing in the
Bangladesh share market in the 1990s activity has been low. Reasons include the under-developed state
of the market with weak investor confidence, and a low volume of potential investments. Clearly,
national economic development and positive capital flows would result from any moves to develop
Bangladesh’s share market.

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5.1 Fundamentals of an issuer for becoming eligible for book building method:

 30 crore is the minimum requirement of listed in the book building method.

 The issuer must have the 10% paid up capital or the tk 30 crore at face value that is a highe rate.
 The issuer must have at least immediate last three years the commercial operation.
 The issuer company must have 2 years profit out of the abrupt last three completed financial year.
 At the time of application the company must not have any loss.
 The issuer must attend the annual general meeting.
 From the panel of the auditors of the commission the firm should audit at least the last financial
 For managing the offer the issuer of the securities should appoint an issue manager and a register.
 The Company should prepare a prospectus with all of its rules and regulation.

5.2 Processes of determining price under Book-Building Method:

a. It is a process of requesting indicative price offer from the qualified institutional investors
through proper revelation, arrangement document, seminar, road show etc
b. The qualified investors and issue manager shall estimate an indicative price in the prospectus and
submit this paper to the SEC
c. The price assort of the indication shall be ascertained at least five suitable institutional investors
covering at least three several denomination of such investors
d. The arguable price must include in the prospectus and the issuer must include the proper reason
of and detail about the indicative price in prospectus
e. The suitable institutional investors shall bid for the allocated amount of security on the basis of
20% if indicative price
f. After getting permission from the commission qualified institutional bidding shall begin.
g. 20% lowerd securities means the issue price will be rejected
h. The issuer has a right to low the once in the book building system.

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i. Before the bidding the prospectus will be posted into the website of the commission so that the
investors can get to know about the company’s financial condition. And that should be at least
two week before the start of bidding
j. Investor can estimate around 10% of it’ securities that is offered for sale and subject to only
k. Bidding period could be 3-5 working days but it could be changed by the commission
l. The stock exchange handles the bidding through a uniform and incorporated computerized
m. Without identifying the bidder the volume and the rate of bid at several prices will be shown on
the monitor.
n. On the basis at pro data the securities will be chosen by the bidders.
o. Mutual fund and BRB’s shall buy at the cut off price. The Commission precise the period for
subscription for the general investors
p. the Commission gets 25 working days to determined closure of bidding by eligible institutional
investors and subscription opening for general investors;

Introduction of book building is a big step towards developing Bangladesh capital markets.Book
Building is basically a capital issuance process used in Initial Public Offer (IPO) which aids price and
demand discovery. Book building reduces risk of undervaluation for issuers. Ensures fair pricing by
factoring in demand, likely to encourage listing of large, well reputed companies .It enables small and
riskier companies to access equity markets as compared to auction method. It provides early investors
with liquidity.It encourages underwriters to provide important aftermarket services. For large issuer
book building is less expensive. It enables issuer to raise large amounts of capital. SEC qualifying
conditions for book-building set certain criteria for companies to be eligible

5.3 Inappropriate Practice of Book Building Method:

At the time of activation of book building method in a capital market ensures fair pricing of a stock and
it was predicted this method would sort, revelation and reporting to the public more transparent and
reliable and, more importantly, help accelerate the step of industrialization. On the other hand this

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method has been established to be used a process to increase money from capital market through
expending the stock price at the beginning of traded started on the same stock exchanges. the developing
and developed country used this method. but it has faulty itsel and getting misused. On the basis of
demand and supply of the market the price of a particular securities are determined. Consederig the risk
adjustes discount rate the future cash flowa to be generated in the forseeable period is the present vlue of
a stock. Most of the method used to determine the ratio of price to earn ratios. In our country the price of
a stock getting 25 times higher by using this method. The reason behind this the issure company who
arranges the road show with this overstated price to request offer for indicative price from the
institutional investors, It has been notified that the institutional investors approve to provde a very large
amount of price or even higher than one proposed by the company. Strong complain are that there is a
prior understanding among the issure company and the institutional investors joining in the road show.
the problem getting worst when the indicative price observed that all the bidders offer at upper band
(+20% of indicative price) although lower band (-20% of indicative price) is allowed in formal bidding
price. For bid highr prices only 15 days lock in periods incentives. Cnsidering all these thing book
building method is demanded for withdow from capital maket.

5.3.1 Manipulators Benefiting From Book Building Method:

An overview of book building structure has twisted into an instrument to deploy market prices which
has been observed by the Centre for Policy Dialogue. As an alternative of confirimg rivalry among giant
investors the market associations are mistreating it for making a place of shares at an false high rate at
the price discovery stage. The fake price is being upheld for some time (particularly 15 days) and then
the investors relif there shares at higher prices. As book building is new process in Bangladesh,only
three example of such exercise are there. The CPD breakdown initiated “Those who hold the private
placements took out a substantial amount of money by selling shares at high prices during the first one

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month. As a result, share prices of a particular company fell by 33 percent within one month and 50
percent in the next two months and did not rise thereafter.”

5.3.2 Stakeholders Demand Further Changes To Book Building Rules:

Shareholders argued to remove an aniticiapated cause on evaluation from the flow on an edited book
building method. This section is connected to definine the revealing price of shares of a company. Based
on a firm’s EPS and NAV, for an initial public offer (IPO), the section will be used. Investors mentioned
that if the section is involved in book building instructions, modifications of other sections or involving
of new sections will be worthless. The SEC conferred the book building structure with Dhaka and
Chittagong stock exchanges, Bangladesh Merchant Bankers Association, Bangladesh Association of
Listed Companies and the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh. The anticipated section
reads,“Indicative price will be such that it does not exceed the following yardstick: 15 times of weighted
average EPS of the preceding three years or three times of net asset value, whichever is lower but no less
than NAV a share.” After crashing stock market, in January 2011, the government charged SEC to
dangle the book building method. Ensuing references from a high profile enquiry board on the share
market scam, the government decided to alter the book building rules rather than stopping the system.
Because it is well experienced in other countries. The shareholders also suggested swelling the number
of group of recognized investors who figures up the revealing price. As per the flow modification, “The
indicative prices should be supported by at least 20 EIIs including at least five quotations from each of
the following category: merchant banks, commercial banks and asset management companies.” The
shareholders also clashed with the suggestion of taking a committee serene of specialists that will
inspect and confirm the reviewed financial statements succumbed and has a connection with an IPO.
They claimed that it will rise the difficulty in the IPO procedure. Some of them also suggested dropping
the lock-in period for qualified official investors from six months to three months, while some others
demanded to retain the existing lock-in period of 15 days. Market shareholders offered various views
and suggestions everytime on the subject of the flow on modification in the book building method

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5.4 CSE Recommends Changes To Book Building Method:

A series of recommendations has been made by CSE about the book building method to make price
discovery system effective.the method was suspended in 2011 by the government for misusing the
system.SEC took initiative to make amendments making unique guideline for stockholders. CSE
requested SEC to determine indicative price considering 25% NAV,25% past EPS,and 30% of future
earning per share of any company.P/E ratio should be 10% for similar stock. Reasonable diligence
should be used by issue manager in terms of P/E and P/B ratio of similar stock.SEC should provide the
checklist of due diligence. A recommendation has been given by CSE to provide more or less 10% for
indicative price during bid pricing. A draft copy should be sent to Bangladesh association of publicly
listed company. Role of two bourses and other association need to be explained by SEC.Hard copy of
draft prospectus should be sent to Bangladesh Marchant bankers,DSE,bankers association,CSE,Leasing
company,insurance association of Bangladesh,and finance company association. Availability of
application form in online should be ensured.

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Chapter Six:
Companies Followed BBM in Bangladesh

Some important companies which are listed under the Book Building Method in 2017 of Bangladesh are
as follows:

6 Nahee Aluminum Composite Panel Ltd.

Nature of Business:
 ‘’Nahee Aluminum Composite Panel Ltd.’’ is innovator of ‘’Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP)’’
manufacturer in Bangladesh.
 NACPL manufacture “ALUCOTIGER” brand Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP); which is pioneer
& market leader of ACP industry.
 This company wants to build world class ‘’Aluminum Composite Panel’’.

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Use of IPO Proceeds
Particulars Amount (Tk.)
Long term loan repayment 40,000,000 (26.67%)
Plant & Machinery 87,762,000 (58.50%)
Construction of new building 10,000,000 (06.67%)
IPO Expenses 12,238,000 (08.16%)
Total 150,000,000 (100.00%)

Some other information:

Issue Date of Prospectus August 28, 2017
Subscription Open September 24, 2017
Subscription Close October 03, 2017
Authorized Capital Tk. 1,200,000,000
Pre-IPO paid-up Capital Tk. 330,000,000
IPO size in shares 15,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at face value Tk. 150,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at offer price Tk. 150,000,000
Post IPO Paid-up Capital Tk. 480,000,000
Face Value per share Tk. 10.00
Offer Price per share Tk. 10.00
Market Lot (Shares) 500 [Existing Market Lot is 1 for trading]
Net Asset Value (NAV) per share Tk. 16.10 as on September 30, 2017.
Earnings Per Share k. 0.75 for the period (3 months) ended on
September 30, 2017.
Subscription (Times) 37.43

6.1 Oimex Electrode Limited

Nature of Business:
 ‘’Oimex Electrode Limited’’ is involved in manufacturing

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 It doing it’s marketing of ‘’Welding Electrodes’’, ‘’Wire’’ (G.I. Wire) and ‘’Tarkata’’ (Nail) in

Use of IPO Proceeds

Particulars Amount (Tk.)

Capital machineries & equipments 85,000,000 (56.67%)
Partial loan repayment (Islami Bank Bangladesh 50,000,000 (33.33%)
Ltd., Elephant Road Br.)
IPO expenses 15,000,000 (10.00%)
Total 150,000,000 (100.00%)

Some other information:

Issue Date of Prospectus August 07, 2017

Subscription Open September 5, 2017
Subscription Close September 13, 2017
Authorized Capital Tk. 500,000,000
Pre-IPO paid-up Capital Tk. 308,920,000
IPO size in shares 15,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at face value Tk. 150,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at offer price Tk. 150,000,000
Post IPO Paid-up Capital Tk. 458,920,000

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Face Value per share Tk. 10.00
Offer Price per share Tk. 10.00
Market Lot (Shares) 500 [Existing Market Lot is 1 for trading]
Net Asset Value (NAV) per share Tk. 16.96 as on June 30, 2017.
Earnings Per Share Tk. 2.09 for the period ended June 30, 2017
Subscription (Times) 41.47

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Chapter Seven:
Company Following Fixed Price Method

7. Company Name : Advent Pharma Limited

Nature of Business: The Company is a Pharmaceutical company which is engaged in

manufacturing, importing and marketing of animal health care drugs, nutritional supplements and feed
additives for livestock like powder, bolus and liquid dosage forms

Major Products:
The Company manufactures products in the following three major dosage forms:

1. Bolus Products

2. Powder Products

3. Liquid Products

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BSEC’s Consent for IPO: January 11, 2018

Issue Date of Prospectus : January 15, 2018

Subscription Open :February 11, 2018

Subscription Close (Cut-off Date) : February 19, 2018

Authorized Capital Tk. 1,000,000,000

Pre-IPO paid-up Capital Tk. 486,000,000
IPO size in shares Tk.20,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at face value Tk. 200,000,000
IPO size in Tk. at offer price Tk. 200,000,000
Post IPO Paid-up Capital Tk. 686,000,000
Face Value per share Tk. 10.00
Offer Price per share Tk. 10.00
Market Lot (Shares) 500
Foreign Currency required for NRB and USD 60.65 or GBP 44.25 or EUR
Foreign Applicants per 49.96
IPO Expenses 18,500,000 (9.25%)
Total 200,000,000 (100.00%)
NAV per share Tk. 12.45 as at June 30, 2017
Earnings per Share (Basic) Tk. 1.49 for the year ended on
June 30, 2017

7.1 Capital structure and history of capital rising:

The Company intends to issue 20,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10.00 each at par through

Initial public offering (IPO) totaling to Tk. 200,000,000.00 subject to regulatory approvals.

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Particulars No. of Shares Face Value Issue Price (Tk.) Amount in
(Tk.) Taka
Authorized Capital 100,000,000 10.00 10.00 1,000,000,000
Before IPO:
Paid up capital 48,600,000 10.00 10.00 486,000,000
After IPO:
To be issued through IPO 20,000,000 10.00 10.00 200,000,000
Paid up capital (Post IPO) 68,600,000 10.00 10.00 686,000,000

‘‘Risks in relation to the First Issue’’:

 This being the first issue of the issuer, there has been no formal market for the securities of the
 The face value of the securities is =Tk. 10.00 (Ten) and
 the issue price is =Tk. 10.00, i.e. the face value.
 The issuer examined the issue price.
 the issue managers as stated under the paragraph on “justification of issue price” should not be taken
to be indicative of the market price of the securities after listing.
 No assurance can be given regarding an active or sustained trading of the securities or the price after

‘‘General Risk'’

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 Investment in securities involves a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this
offer unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment.
 Investors are advised to read the risk factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this
 For taking an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and
the offer including the risks involved.
 The securities have not been recommended by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
(BSEC) nor does BSEC guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of this document.

 ‘APL’s Absolute Responsibility’

"The issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for and confirms that this
prospectus contains all material information with regard to the issuer and the issue, that the information
contained in the prospectus are true, fair and correct in all material aspects and are not misleading in any
respect, that the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other
facts, the omission of which make this document as a whole or any of such information or the
expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect."

Chapter Eight:
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Current situation in Bangladesh

8. Current situation in Bangladesh:

IPO issue manager and the stakeholders say a lack of government policy support has deterred companies
from going public. There has been a sharp decline in using Initial Public Offerings (IPO) for fund raising
this year. It fell by 74.18% to Tk219.25 crore which is the lowest since 2009.

Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) records show that a total of six companies and a mutual fund have raised
Tk219.25 crore this year, which was Tk849.30 crore in 2016. After the stock market crash in 2010, IPOs
saw the highest fund raising of Tk1677.71 crore in 2011. IPO issue manager and the stakeholders say a
lack of proper policy has deterred companies from going public, with the lengthy process of getting
regulatory approval is one of the biggest impediments. However a lot of companies are in the process of
offloading shares to the public through the capital market, which will get approval in 2018. Although the
price index of the stock market has seen a sharp rise and had a stable growth this year, the number of
IPOs approved by the stock market regulator was not as we had expected. This is mostly likely caused
by the long time it takes to get approval from the regulators,

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We have placed company prospectus to the regulator but did not get approval from BSEC to go public.
They delay the process of approving, unnecessarily, by saying they are looking into the matter,

The failure is the government’s inability to offload shares of its companies to the stock market. While,
the stock market regulators, stock exchanges and issue managers also cannot escape their responsibility
in attracting companies to start listing with the stock exchange. However, both the regulators and the
stock exchanges claimed they work to make the process easier. ‘’From the regulator and the exchanges
point of view, we are giving quick feedback to hasten the process of IPOs. But because the issue
manager takes too long to respond to our questions, the process slows down.As a regulator, BSEC’s top
priority is to protect investor’s interest and ensure that accurate financial statements and other
documents are being submitted for proper pricing of company stocks. This is why it sometime takes a
little while to approve IPO prospectus.

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Chapter Nine:
Criticism and Recommendation

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9.Criticism on Book Building Method:

The book building method comprises a number of complex steps. It takes quite a lot of month to
accomplish al these steps. The whole process will take almost one year or more to complete. So there is
a chance to happen lots of things during this period. For example, the country economy may fall down,
political situation may collapse, or there is a possibilities of deteriorate the company’s business, or
global economy may have depression etc. All these may causes to bear down on the profit of the
companies. As a result the investors may hampered economically. Hence, the firms' valuation at the road
shows will have no meaning at all. Additionally, bureaucracy involved in the process discourages the
companies to offload their shares under this method. Renowed and well established companies are liked
to practice the book building method. Only book building method is not capable of making these big
companies and bring them into the market. The regulator of stock exchange imposes some rules and
regulation that will entail these big companies into the market. Book building method is not a easy
process.It is a high standard and a systematically complex process. To understand its procedure the
investors have to be more qualified and should have deep knowledge and practices it properly.
Therefore, it cannot be said that book building method is appropriate for our stock market. As we
discussed earlier that correction of our rules and regulation could not stop the wrongdoers. They will
find their own ways out to complete their dishonest purpose.

After verifying the above reason it’s time to decide both the exchange the regulator whether the book
building method should remain or should withdraw from the market. Without ensuring a fair
atmosphere, the authorities should not permit companies anymore for increasing their capital under this
method. Otherwise, the method will continue to be blamed for creating turmoil in the stock market.

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In 2010 book building method first comes into Bangladesh. Due to massive allegation on misuse of its
process this method was suspended in 2011. This method was restarted after modifying in 2014 after
2year suspension. According to Dhaka Stock Exchange only six companies got listed in 2017.

9.1 Recommendations:

Measures should be taken to ensure strict surveillance methods before going for initial public offering
by any Company. Neither too high nor too low volume of share to an individual should be issued or
approved. Big groups of companies should be encouraged to public through IPOs. Any industry, mills of
nationalized sector should not be privatized but share of this sort of industries or mills may be floated in
the primary market. Strict compliance of Public Issue Rules, regarding limitation of the time on opening
as well as closure of the subscription, the subscription shall remain open for the prescribed consecutive
working days. The issue manager should ensure the proper allotment of shares without any complicacy.
The issuer company and the issue manager also ensure transmission of the prospectus to public at an
adequate way. Before processing IPO to general public, it must be fully underwritten by recognized and
authorized underwriters, who have accountability to the public.Development of market maker rule and
its proper implementation from IPO level and underwriting facility for brokers. Any premium/discount
on share shall be determined on the basis of underwriting commitment and the manager to the issue’s
due diligence certificate.

All publicly listed companies should have a stringent Dividend Policy. There should have uniform
policy on declaring the dividend. No larger dividend shall be declared than is recommended by the
directors, which shall have a negative impact on the company reserve policy. Shareholders shall have
the right to receive all kind of periodical statement and reports, audited as well as unaudited, published
by the company from time to time. It is also necessary for the SEC authorities to make it free from
corrupt officials who demand kickbacks from the companies to float IPOs. Companies willing to float
IPOs should be obliged to make the public the financial report of past three years audited and verified by

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the third party accountancy firm. To boost up capital market more foreign companies should be invited
to float IPOs in DSE and CSE. Delisting of the companies who failed to perform in the capital market
should be done very carefully and without any sort of mal

10. Conclusion

An investor must have a common understanding in both quantitative and qualitative fundamentals of a
share market during purchasing shares. An investor should give importance in valuing business and
share while he considers about future investment. So valuing shares on IPO puts a great impact on future
investment. The Bangladeshi market scenario presents uncertainty of share market so the book building
method is not the right approach to consider the major criteria of share market. In some cases, small
investors are deprived by the sponsors of listed companies which could not exile their responsibility
properly. So those small investors have been cheated by these listed companies. SEC’s try to protest
against them, but their action is not enough to chang this behavior to a outstanding level. At this
circumstance the pricing and valuing of IPO must warrant more responsiveness of the SEC for a
constant, growth oriented and healthy capital market. From an observation, it has been notified that the
auditors are changed before going to the IPO. But changing of an auditor movement is not unusual and
not always wrong. The reason behind the change is important. If the auditors changed their aim at
ensuring quality then is it appreciated.Otherwise the intension for their changing should strictly observed
including pre-changed period financial performance of the company and previous auditors made the
recommendations. Bppk building method widely used and it is a very sophisticated approach.But some
investors misused it for achivng their motive.So it is highly recommended to customize itaccording to
the Bangladashi contex Book building method is apparently a sophisticated and widely used concept
but unfortunately, this method is being misused with some motive. It needs adequate efforts by
regulatory agencies to customize it for implementation in Bangladesh context.

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The capital market is now at a take-off stage. It is mandatory to increase the supply of new shares in the
market. No IPO will be done except through Central Depository System allotment of new shares will be
done through central depository System. This ensures that there is no scope for issuing fake share
certificates. The proper steps should be taken regarding trading and introducing a system of regular
inspection of brokers and dealers in the stock exchanges. There is no discount option practice in
Bangladesh, but a company can look for premium which is based on a rating by a credit rating company.
Currently direct listing rules are not followed by any company. Unlisted companies cannot trade at OTC
market or any market of DSE or CSE.

Lack of funding is the number one reason given for the failure of so many promising ventures. While no
amount of money will make a bad venture successful, for many businesses especially the ones that are
seriously under-performing, financially distressed, or in the early stages before profits become
predictable, traditional sources of capital, banks and credit unions, are simply unavailable. For these
ventures, private equity – or more broadly, entrepreneurial finance may offer the best hope to raise the
money needed to succeed.

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 Bangladesh Bank (BB), Department of Financial Institution & Market (BFIM)
 Ahmed Rashid Lali & M. Talha Moshen “Book Building” DSE Monthly Review ,2017
 Bangladesh Bank , Economic Trends (Various Issue)
 The Financial Express, the Daily Star.
 DSE & SEC Monthly Review, 2016-2017
 SEC Quarterly Review, 2017.
 SEC Annual Report 207-2016

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