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Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 42 (2023) 103–107

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Narrative Reviews

National TB elimination programme - What has changed

Ashwani Khanna a, Rumpa Saha b, *, Nadeem Ahmad b
Government of Delhi, India
Department of Microbiology, University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Dilshad Garden, Delhi, 95, India


Keywords: Background: Before the start of Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, TB was the leading cause of death due to a
Tuberculosis single infectious agent, ranking well above HIV/AIDS. Almost one-fourth of the world's population is infected with
NSP 2020–25 M. tuberculosis. TB is curable and preventable. About 85% of people who develop TB can be successfully treated
TrueNat MTB
with drug regimens of 6 months. Universal health coverage (UHC) is necessary to ensure that all those with the
disease can access these treatments. Research breakthroughs (e.g., newer rapid diagnostic techniques, drugs,
newer vaccine) are needed to rapidly reduce the number of new cases each year (TB incidence) worldwide.
Objective: Changes in the National TB Elimination Programme since its inception.
Content: The Government of India launched the “National TB Programme” in 1962 as District TB Centre model
involved with BCG vaccination and TB treatment to fight tuberculosis, a major public health problem. The
tuberculosis control programme has come a long way since then and has undergone major changes over the past
few years The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has developed the “National Strategic Plan” for Tuberculosis
Elimination (2017–25) which encapsulates the bold and innovative steps required to eliminate TB in India by
2025, five years ahead of the global targets. By 2020 it was clear that the NSP- 2017–25 will not be able to meet
these objectives, so another new NSP India 2025 had been launched in 2020. India has been actively involved in
TB control activities for more than 50 years now. TB still continues to be a severe health problem in India. The
country is now better prepared to tackle TB than before. It now has advanced and effective interventions and
technologies for diagnosis, treatment and care of TB cases.

The Government of India (GoI) launched the “National TB Pro- Tuberculosis Elimination (2017–25) which builds on the success and
gramme (NTP)” in 1962 as District TB Centre model involved imparting lessons learnt from the last NSP and encapsulates the bold and innovative
BCG vaccination and TB treatment to fight tuberculosis, a major public steps required to eliminate TB in India by 2025, five years ahead of the
health problem. The “Revised National Tuberculosis Control Pro- global targets.
gramme” (RNTCP), based on the internationally recommended Directly
Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, was launched in 1997 1. National Strategic Plan 2017–2025
and expanded across the country by 2006. In the year 2007, GoI intro-
duced the “Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB” (PMDT) to This plan was launched in 2017 by the MoHFW, Government of India
combat the threat of drug resistance and subsequently achieved full which sets out how the government proposed to eliminate TB in India
geographical coverage by the year 2013. RNTCP is in line with other describing the activities and interventions that would bring about major
health sector strategies and global efforts, such as the ‘National Health and effective changes in the incidence, prevalence and mortality from
Policy 2017’, World Health Organization's (WHO) ‘End TB Strategy’, and tuberculosis. This is in addition to what was already practiced.
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). The goals under NSP 2017–2025 are:
The tuberculosis control programme has come a long way since then
and has undergone major changes over the past few years. Much effort is  Improving and expanding early detection in TB & testing drug resis-
being made to make the program more patient-centric and provide tance in TB.
comprehensive treatment care and support. The Ministry of Health and  To correctly treat TB to prevent any emergence of drug resistance and
Family Welfare (MoHFW) has developed the “National Strategic Plan” for thus cut the chain of transmission.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: drashwani.khanna@gmail.com (A. Khanna), rumpachatterjee@yahoo.co.in (R. Saha), nadeemahmad411@gmail.com (N. Ahmad).

Received 18 June 2022; Received in revised form 18 October 2022; Accepted 20 October 2022
Available online 16 November 2022
0255-0857/© 2022 Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Khanna et al. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 42 (2023) 103–107

 Building capacity for continuous surveillance. Worldwide tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among adults
 Preventing the of emergence of TB and Latent tuberculosis infection from an infectious agent and has been considered a global public health
(LTBI). emergency for the past 25 years [2].
 Ending TB infection in India Although public health approaches to tuberculosis have saved tens of
millions of lives, there has only been a modest progress has to control (let
By 2020 it was clear that the NSP- 2017–25 will not be able to meet alone end) tuberculosis. Drug resistant forms of M. tuberculosis is
these objectives, so a new NSP India 2025 was launched in 2020. currently considered to be the world's deadliest pathogen responsible for
a quarter of deaths due to antimicrobial resistance [3]. Great ambition
2. National Strategic Plan India 2020-2025 and radical action are needed to tackle this completely curable pathogen.

NSP India 2020–2025 identifies a number of goals which still need to 4. Epidemiology of India
be carried out for the elimination of TB from India. This plan intends to
accelerate the national response to TB. Data from India shows that despite the consistent use of masks by the
The recommended actions included: general public, only a brief decline was seen due to delay in seeking
diagnosis for TB around the months corresponding to India's two major
 To mount a TB elimination campaign inspired by lessons gained from COVID-19 waves, the numbers had actually reclaimed. Accordingly,
the eradication of Polio; 2021 witnessed a 19% increase from the previous year in TB patients'
 Provide top priority reinforcements to the existing workforce; notification—the total number of new and relapse TB patients notified
 Scale up private provider engagement; during 2021 were 19,33,381 as opposed to that of 16,28,161 in 2020 [4].
 Changes in approach from passive community involvement to full The estimated number of MDR and XDR-TB cases to have been put on
community participation and ownership; treatment as per the global TB report was 4 per 100,000 and 1 per
 Investment in TB surveillance staff and systems for accurate, complete 100,000 population, respectively [1]. During the pandemic, a significant
and timely information; reduction was observed in the total number of drug resistant TB (DR-TB)
 Deployment of new precision diagnostic tools; patients who were started on treatment as compared to 2019. In 2020
 Support patients comprehensively throughout treatment; and 2021, there was a reduction of 14% and 9% in the number MDR
 Redesign and pursue targeted active case finding; patients put on treatment. Higher reductions were also seen in the
 Deploy and evaluate ambitious plans to implement TB preventive number of XDR-TB patients being started on treatment in 2020 and 2021
treatment in household and other close contacts, children, People [4].
living with HIV (PLHIV) and other locally defined "high risk" groups,
using new and short regimens. 5. Deterrents to elimination of TB

3. Tuberculosis (TB) Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan TB control faces the following daunting challenges in India:

The MoHFW along with various development partners of the Health  Decades of unrestrained transmission left hundreds of millions of
Ministry launched the Tuberculosis (TB) Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan in 2021 Indians with latent TB infection, which may re-activate at any time. A
under the NSP India 2020–25 for TB Elimination in a major mission significant proportion of the population is undernourished (35% of
activity for ending the epidemic of TB by 2025. It is a multi-dimensional adults and almost half of children in India) [5], which weakens im-
approach which aims to detect all TB patients and emphasizes on munity and drives TB reactivation. A considerable number suffer from
reaching for patients who are seeking TB care from private practitioners risk factors for tuberculosis, including diabetes, indoor air pollution
and undiagnosed TB in high-risk populations. from cook stoves, or smoking [6].
To achieve the ultimate goal of a TB Mukt Bharat (TB-free India),  Tens of millions with previous, inadequately treated TB may recur at
WHO-India is also preparing to implement Project GATIMAN to enhance any time particularly among patients seeking care from private pro-
technical assistance in the areas of public-private partnership, TB sur- viders, who alone are ill-equipped to sustain their patients on pro-
veillance, knowledge management, implementation research, drug- longed and adequate treatment. Patients seeking TB care in the public
resistant TB, laboratories, TB infection management, and advocacy and sector have a better chance of treatment but 1/3rd are lost to follow
communications across states and UTs. In addition to all these things, up between care-seeking and successful cure.
WHO-India has also identified and adopted 100 difficult-to-reach, and  The over populated congested urban conditions plays an important
neglected districts for ending TB in India. role in facilitating the transmission of the disease. The infectious TB
Before the start of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, TB was the cases spread the disease to their family and community, thereby
leading cause of death due to a single infectious agent, ranking well maintaining the transmission cycle.
above HIV/AIDS. Almost one-fourth of the world's population is  Despite all these difficulties, there are various countries which have
infected with M. tuberculosis. TB is curable and preventable. About 85% consistently shown that TB can be controlled, as long as it is diag-
of people who develop TB can be successfully treated with drug regi- nosed early and treated properly. Thereby interrupting the trans-
mens of 6 months. Universal health coverage (UHC) is necessary to mission cycle. The overwhelming challenge facing TB control in India
ensure that all those with disease or infection can access these treat- remains delayed diagnosis either due to lack of quality rapid diag-
ments. The number of people acquiring infection and subsequently nostic services or due to lack of necessary expertise.
developing the disease (and thus the number of deaths caused by TB)  India also has a large burden of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and
can also be reduced through multisectoral action to address TB de- extensively drug resistant TB ((XDR-TB) most of whom are undetected
terminants such as poverty, under and malnutrition, HIV infection and and continue to transmit the disease; even those who are detected
smoking. Some countries have already reduced their burden of TB endure long toxic and costly treatments only to have poor odds of
disease to fewer than 10 cases and less than 1 death per 100,000 treatment success, along with a high number of lost to follow up cases.
population per year [1]. The rate for India is 193 per 100,000 popu-
lation per year [1]. Research breakthroughs (e.g., a newer vaccine) are 6. Advancements in diagnosis
needed to rapidly reduce the number of new cases each year (TB
incidence) worldwide to the levels already achieved in these Free of cost laboratory services to patients attending public health
low-burden countries. facilities and those referred from the private sector has been the

A. Khanna et al. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 42 (2023) 103–107

programmatic ethos since the inception of the tuberculosis program in suspected of having tuberculosis both in pulmonary and specific forms of
India. Staying true to its history of ever-increasing spread in both public extra-pulmonary tuberculosis as well as in adults and children with HIV
and private sector and up-gradation to newer diagnostic technologies, by and suspected of having TB or MDR-TB. The utility of CB-NAAT testing
the end of 2021, 80 laboratories are equipped to support liquid culture for TB is now expanded to all other types of extra-pulmonary samples in
system, of which 60 are certified for First-Line Liquid Culture Drug pediatric patients.
Susceptibility Testing (FL LCDST), and 49 are certified for Second-Line The disadvantages of CB-NAAT test include a stable electrical power
Liquid Culture Drug Susceptibility Testing (SL LCDST) [7]. Moreover, supply requirement, temperature control and calibration of instrument
Liquid culture-based DST has been expanded to include Linezolid, Clo- annually. Sufficient measures must be taken so that power supply re-
fazimine and Pyrazinamide. Concerning Line Probe Assay (LPA), 74 mains uninterrupted (with additional batteries, a generator or solar
Laboratories are certified for First-Line LPA, and out of these, 61 are panels), cartridges must be stored at the recommended temperature
additionally certified for Second-Line LPA [7]. The momentum to range (2–28  C), and the equipment itself between 15  C and 30  C.
improve TB diagnostic services does not end here. The programme di- Irrespective of all these disadvantages, Xpert MTB/RIF remains a very
vision has developed an Annotation tool for interpretation of the LPA important tool because of its definitive, rapid results, and high sensitivity
results through Machine Learning (ML). Moreover, besides the 19 NABL and specificity.
accredited laboratories till 2021 under the NTEP, in 2022, 15 additional Line Probe Assay (LPA) is a rapid technique based on polymerase
laboratories have been accredited with the NABL [7]. The Microbiology chain reaction (PCR) that is used to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ilaboratory plays an active role in all diagnostic modalities, drug sensi- (MTB) complex as well as drug sensitivity to rifampicin (RPM) and
tivity testing as well as in accreditation of laboratories and notification to isoniazid (INH) through the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Pro-
health authorities. gramme (RNTCP) of India. It is used to diagnose drug-resistant TB under
Identifying people with a high probability of having active TB in the programmatic conditions [9]. Only sputum samples that are smear pos-
early course of the disease is very important for breaking the trans- itive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) are tested by LPA.
mission cycle. To achieve this, it is essential to reach the unreached and
targeted groups through Active case finding (ACF) for early detection of 7. Newer diagnostic modalities
TB cases and initiating treatment on time. In India, ACF has been
comprehensively regulated across all the States/UTs since 2017. In Whole genome sequencing (WGS): WGS provides a comprehensive
January 2021, an important campaign was started for active case finding review of the entire Mtb genotype with a 96% concordance for culture-
among risk groups like diabetes, chronic kidney and liver disease, pa- based sensitivity testing [9a]. It provides genotypic sensitivity to most
tients on immunosuppressants, etc. In addition, to alleviate the impact of drugs required for treatment of MDR-TB [9b].
COVID-19 on TB services, a special ACF drive was launched to monitor & Computer aided detection for chest radiographs: Given the limi-
screen influenza-like illness (ILI) and severe acute respiratory infections tations, in terms of time, cost and infrastructure, it has become clear that
(SARI) cases for TB. Accordingly, in 2021, 34 States/UTs have conducted there need to be affordable, accessible methods of screening available in
ACF activities/campaigns at the state and district level, leading to the high-burden areas to assist with risk stratification for allocating further
screening of 2.23 crore people, out of which 17,52,903 samples were testing. One such proposed method is the use of computer software to
tested for TB, and 73,772 additional TB patients were identified [7]. The digitally interpret chest radiographs, and assign a score indicating the
National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) has made avail- likelihood of TB. The most commonly studied software is CAD4TB,
able 81 Mobile TB Diagnostic Vans to the States for conducting ACF in currently on version 6. When compared with NAAT, CAD4TB has been
remote and hard-to-reach areas [7]. shown to have 90–100% sensitivity, and 23–45% specificity at detecting
Now there is a shift in approach to diagnosis of TB from conventional TB disease [9c].
microscopy to molecular techniques, thus increasing sensitivity from
65% to 85%. 8. Diagnostic dilemmas
TrueNat MTB and RIF Plus - The Truenat™ (Molbio Diagnostics,
Goa, India) testing system is a rapid test which uses portable, battery- Rapid, sensitive, accurate and portable diagnostic techniques are the
operated devices to rapidly detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex mainstay of modern-day medicine. There have been important de-
bacteria (MTBC) and rifampicin resistance even in peripheral labora- velopments in the diagnostic devices for tuberculosis like CB-NAAT, LPA,
tories with minimal infrastructure. however, these are expensive, often prone to error, lack the necessary
Based on a review of the data shown in Table 1, WHO recommends sensitivity or accuracy and not sufficiently portable and thus not appli-
use of Truenat MTB or MTB Plus on sputum specimens as the initial cable in the remote, rural areas, where they are most needed.
diagnostic test for TB rather than smear microscopy or culture in adults Diagnosis is done by a combined use of molecular detection methods,
and children [8]. culture and microscopy. These methods however, have known limita-
CBNAAT - Cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test (CB-NAAT/ tions such as, being less effective in individuals with latent infection, and
GeneXpert) is an automated cartridge-based molecular technique. It can in children unable to produce significant sputum containing Mycobacte-
detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis as well as rifampicin resistance within 2 rium tuberculosis. Furthermore, these methods often require a steady
h and has been endorsed by WHO as an initial diagnostic test in children supply of electricity, well-trained personnel which are seldom available
in the often-under-resourced laboratories in low- and middle-income
countries (LMIC) [10].
Table 1
In terms of diagnosing extrapulmonary TB, diagnosis often remains
Diagnostic accuracy of Truenat MTB, MTB Plus and MTB-RIF Dx tests relative to
culture, in microscopy center settings as reviewed by WHO [8]. the same as with pulmonary or latent TB, though it is often combined
with the use of invasive biopsies taken from the suspected site of infec-
Test Sensitivity (all Sensitivity (SS Sensitivity Specificity (all
tion [1]. Diagnosis of EPTB is difficult due to the pauci-bacillary nature of
patients) þ patients) (SS- patients) patients)
the disease, variable clinical presentation, need for invasive procedures
Truenat 0.73 0/91 0.37 0.98
to secure appropriate sample, and lack of appropriate laboratory facilities
Truenat 0.80 0.96 0.46 0.97 in the resource constraint settings.
MTB Plus Timely and effective diagnosis for combatting and eradicating TB is at
Truenat 0.84 0.88 0.67 0.95 the heart of world health organization (WHO) guidelines [11] where
MTB-RIF management of latent infections is being considered a key component in
the eradication process [12]. There is, therefore, an urgent need to apply

A. Khanna et al. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 42 (2023) 103–107

cheap, accurate and rapid diagnostic means to diagnose TB particularly, Pretomanid is a nitroimidazo-oxazole developed by the TB Alliance. It
in rural settings. can be used for the treatment of both DS-TB and DR-TB. It has shown
Biomarkers for TB- upcoming prospects - When an individual is activity against both latent TB and active TB disease. Pretomanid
infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen will inevitably received US approval for the use in combination regimens with Bdq and
activate the immune response of the host leading to changes in host linezolid for people with XDR TB or treatment intolerant or non-
biomarkers. Specific antibodies against the pathogens are the most responsive MDR TB In 2019. Studies for its place in national pro-
commonly used host biomarkers diagnostics as they are easy to perform, gramme in India are ongoing.
inexpensive and are available for point-of care testing (POCT).
More recently, several highly antigenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis 9. Programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis
antigens have been developed for diagnostics with improved sensitivity (DR-TB) in India (PMDT)
and specificity than the classical ESAT-6- and CFP-10-based assays such
as RV0310c-E and RV1255c-E. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) The increasing burden of DR-TB has led to the rapid expansion of
analyses have shown that serum IgG against both RV0310c-E and Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) ser-
RV1255c-E antigens has better sensitivity and specificity (AUC ¼ 0.8 and vices in recent times. Endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO)
0.808, respectively) in diagnosing MTB compared to ESAT-6 and CFP-10 in 2002, India adopted the PMDT services in 2007 and complete
(AUC ¼ 0.665 and 0.623, respectively) [13]. geographic coverage was achieved in 2013. Since then, PMDT, a
Apart from these, several other biomarkers like nucleic acids in comprehensive document on diagnosis and treatment of DR-TB is
sputum, proteins such lipoarabinomannan in blood and urine, metabo- updated regularly anticipating the current needs in providing for the DR-
lites in sputum, blood and urine, detection of mycolic acid/lipids in the TB services.
urine sample are still an ongoing work and it is expected that these will be The WHO recently revised the definition of extensively drug resistant
in place very soon. tuberculosis (XDR-TB), who have also defined pre- XDR-TB for the first
As far as drug susceptibility testing for TB is concerned, NAAT and time, highlighting the seriousness of these forms of TB. XDR and Pre-XDR
LPA remains the first choice for the detection of DR-TB; liquid culture TB are defined on the basis of resistance to certain key drugs. The WHO
isolation and doing a LPA DST is the second choice, and the third choice had issued an updated interim guidance in 2019 which re-classified anti
remains liquid culture, isolation, and liquid DST. DR-TB drugs into three categories (A, B, and C). The update was based on
Treatment guidelines: The present treatment regimen for drug evidence of the high effectiveness of levofloxacin/moxifloxacin, Bdq, and
sensitive TB (DS-TB) is of 6 months with 4 drugs for the first 2 months linezolid in DR-TB. The PMDT- 2021 India update has now officially
and 3 drugs for the next 4 months (Fig. 1). adopted this new classification. The drugs which form Group-A, are the
However, if a patient is found to be rifampicin sensitive and INH key pillars on which the new PMDT regimens stand. Since these key
resistant, there is another regimen which is called INH mono and poly pillars have evolved, and the second-line injectable drugs (SLIDs) are
resistant regimen, which is of 6–9 months and here INH is replaced by given less importance now, these definitions have also been changed
levofloxacin. appropriately. New definitions for pre-XDR and XDR-TB aim to define
For drug-resistant TB, when patients are resistant both to rifampicin more precisely the groups of TB patients who require complex treatment
and INH, the duration is 9–11 months and this is only given if the patient regimens. The (SLID) resistance-based criteria for the diagnosis of Pre-
is found sensitive to levofloxacin, all oral regimen. These two important XDR/XDR TB have been removed.
drugs form the basis of this treatment. So the duration has cut down from Pre-XDR TB is now defined as Multi drug resistant/rifampicin-
a longer 24–36 months’ therapy to 9–11 months. resistant (MDR/RR) TB with FQ resistance.
Newer drugs: The development of new TB drugs is finally making XDR-TB is now defined as Pre-XDR TB with additional resistance to
progress. Although there are two new drugs namely, Bedaquiline (Bdq) and Bdq and/or linezolid. These new definitions are not only expected to lead
Delamanid, further new TB drugs are still needed to combat the disease. to better reporting, surveillance and monitoring of DR-TB, but also,
The new TB drugs need to provide short, simple, less toxic but still stimulate the development of better treatment regimens for these
affordable, multidrug regimens for DS-TB, DR-TB, LTBI, HIV-TB and with dangerous forms of TB. PMDT-2021 also focuses on the challenges with
few drug interactions. the available diagnostic modalities for DR-TB in India. All samples that

Fig. 1. TB treatment regimen.

A. Khanna et al. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 42 (2023) 103–107

test positive in TrueNat, are further going to be subjected to TrueNat - efforts, as per the district-specific requirements in coordination with the
MTBRif- Dx, to rule out rifampicin-resistance. Additionally, ruling out district administration.
isoniazid or fluoroquinolone resistance by second line LPA (SL-LPA) Apart from the current support provided to the TB patient under
currently requires a turnaround time of at least 2 days. An advanced National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) like free diagnostics, free
version of CBNAAT, the Xpert-Mtb/XDR can detect resistance against drugs and Nikshay Poshan Yojana, there is also a need for augmenting
isoniazid (H), fluoroquinolones (FQs), SLIDs and ethionamide (Eto). The community involvement in meeting India's commitment to end TB by
PMDT-2021 aims to progressively introduce this modality throughout 2025 and leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.
the country. Xpert-Mtb/XDR will not only reduce turn-around times, but
also lessen the excessive burden faced by the various centers which 12. Conclusion
perform SL-LPA on samples from a large geographical area.
Treatment adherence initiatives, incentives & enablers: In- India has been actively involved in TB control activities for more than
centives of Rs. 1000 are given after completion of treatment. Additionally 50 years now. Still TB continues to be India's most severe health problem.
for every drug resistant TB case, an amount of Rs. 5000 is being given to The country is now better prepared to tackle TB better than before. It now
all treatment supporters during the treatment course. For private pro- holds advanced and effective interventions and technologies for diag-
viders every support provider is being given Rs.1000 for every notified nosis, treatment and care of TB cases. The NSP for 2020–25 for TB
case of tuberculosis. In tribal areas, Rs. 750 as travel support is given for elimination in India embraces these opportunities to leverage its full
all TB patients of any tribal block. potential and proposes transformational changes to TB care service de-
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India livery. Over the last National Strategic period, significant gains were
announced “Nikshay Poshan Yojana” scheme for incentives for nutri- made in strengthening the support structures, programme architecture
tional support to all notified TB patients. Under this scheme financial and implementation environment for TB control. This included manda-
incentive of Rs.500/- per month is given as direct benefit transfer for tory notification of all TB cases, integration of the TB programme with
each notified TB patient for the duration for which the patient is on anti- the general health services (National Health Mission), expansion of di-
TB treatment. agnostics services, expansion of programmatic management of the drug
resistant TB service, single window service for TB-HIV cases, national
10. Unsolved issues in tuberculosis prevention and control in drug resistance surveillance and revision of partnership guidelines.
India However, there is a need to recognize that more needs to be done to
drastically reduce the TB incidence in India. The NSP 2017–2025 builds
TB has a high global burden with high mortality including in India. on the success and learnings of the last NSP and encase the bold and novel
The actual data may not be accurate due to lack of proper identification steps required to eliminate TB in India by 2025.
and reporting. The source of bovine tuberculosis and its management is
also still undetermined. India has the largest burden of human tubercu-
losis in the world, the annual reported cases being 2.2 million. However,
80% of our healthcare is in private sector which does not report its cases. [1] WORLD TB REPORT 2021; https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978924003
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mated 26 lakh people contracting the disease and approximately 4 lakh India: 2012. [accessed on December 17, 2014]. Available from: http://www.tbc.
india.gov.in/WriteReadData/l892s/8320929355Guidelines for PMDT in India-May
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terms of loss of lives, income and workdays is also substantial. The [9a] Nikolayevskyy V, Kranzer K, Niemann S, et al. Whole genome sequencing of
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