Maths Statistics Coursework Sample
Maths Statistics Coursework Sample
Maths Statistics Coursework Sample
that demands a thorough understanding of the topic, strong analytical skills, and effective
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The amount or size of the sample is in proportion to the size of each category within the whole data.
But, there are some students, who do not come to school as often as they should but still get good
results (“naturally clever” as people would say it). It is closest to zero by a long way, meaning on
average they are the most accurate at estimating, although it does have a high standard deviation
perhaps meaning more values are farther away from this mean. If the variables show correlation, I
will plot a line of best fit using the mean average of the data. Average SATS Score shows that the
higher the IQ of a Year 7 Boy, the higher the average SATS Score will be., the statistic that supports
this is the Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient as it is 0.9034; and as 1 is the highest and -1 is
the lowest; 0.9034 is very high as it is close to 1. It is the nerve centre of all human activity,
aspirations and objectives. This time I will be including Key Stage 5, as it does include both male
and female students, and therefore I compare these as I would with the other Key Stages. Again
though there is no clear relationship between each Key Stage (and therefore age), in fact KS5
females are further from zero than KS4 females. For this one, I split the set in two and used one boy
and one girl to be more-able and the other two to be less. The histogram shows that most of the data
is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. So, because of this, the formula that I will be using
will be this. The total of the frequency is clearly highlighted at the bottom cell in the cumulative
frequency column. To get a more accurate picture of what word lengths the articles use I decided to
total the individual results and create the graph shown on the following page. This shows that the
less able you are the less you will improve. The study has further shown that the scheme is
contributing to the creation of employment. There is a clear pattern to see when all the standard
deviations are shown. This can be proved as well if you were to take a look at our schools Results
and another mixed school boys results, I think that our results would be a considerable amount
higher than the Boys from a mixed school. Therefore there is very varied improvement in the less
able pupils or there is an anomaly in the less able pupils. I will take the number of people, divided by
Total number of people at the school, times by the sample size. e.g. ELLIA NYANJA MUSOKE
Whose electricity and for what. We could also have looked at year groups instead of Key Stage, as it
would probably be easier to spot a trend if there were more categories to work from. This is because
the more able pupils have improved more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the
same amount. Here are some of the important conclusions which show this. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Question 2 Does the estimation of a non straight line improve
after practice. The mean uses all of the data, finding the sum of all the data points and then dividing
by the number of data points, meaning that a mean closest to zero will be the most accurate. This
means that the inter-quartile range will be further spread. I will calculate the mean for each year
group and then I will verify this result by finding the median from a cumulative frequency graph. See
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of Phytophthora in Southeast Asia Edited by Andre Drenth and David I. The histogram shows that
most of the data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution.
Page 16 of 20 0 P(Y 1), x 2 1 1 5 (b) f X ( x ) where P(Y 1). x 2,3, 4,. 3 3 2 6 fY ( x ), 5 6, x 0 x So f
X ( x ) 1 1. Since my data is all secondary, there is no need for me to do any pilot tests to check that
the questionnaire works, as I do not have a questionnaire. It is just educated guesses that, according
to this data, males are slightly better at. We have seen no clear relationship between age and accuracy
of estimation, nor between the seemingly most obvious relationship between maths ability and
accuracy of estimation. Question 2 Does the estimation of a non straight line improve after practice.
With these results I will calculate the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient of the data to
determine if there is a correlation, and whether the correlation is significant. I feel a sample of 200
words would be fitting, as it is large enough to take the general style of an article in, but not so small
that there may be some misrepresentative anomalies. Write in detail how you plan with collect your
data and what sampling method you horizons use. The data I will need to collect are “Year 7’s boys;
Year 7 girls; Year 11 boys; Year 11 girls” data. It is important we get an accurate representation of
what the spread is like as spread measures how closely the data is clustered. I will only collect a little
data from each data group e.g. 20 pupil’s data from the “Year 11 girls” data group. The study has
further shown that the scheme is contributing to the creation of employment. Sampling I have 86
results for boys but only 52 results for girls. At the moment it appears as though the broadsheet uses
more of the shorter words than the tabloid, but this is only the first article and so you can’t tell for
sure. All pupils will have used a ruler before so they will know the approximate length of 30cm and
15cm lines. It is also useful for estimating how much more or less there is than a certain amount. The
scheme is run by a technical team which comprise of employed staff in addition to area mechanics.
They also have worked a lot with rulers so they know the approximate length of 30cm and 15cm
lines. The attendance figures of all of the students will be divided according to the year groups they
belong to in ascending order (0% - 100%). Variance is a measure of spread that uses all of the data.
Although there maybe some problems and anomalies with this sample because someone maybe away,
someone maybe blind or have eye problems and someone might be handicapped. This is because the
more able pupils have improved more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the
same amount. I have 50 pieces of data for each of the male and female tables, so to find the median
I would need to find out what the 25 th value was. I am using box-plot charts as they are the easiest
and clearest way to find a skewness, and by drawing the whiskers you can spot outliers easily. So,
this means that, if the age actually affects the students’ attendance, why is it the Year 7, who is
supposed to be the most immature and youngest students in the school come out with the highest
attendance figures. Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the
length of a straight line and mathematical ability. 2) Does the estimation of a non straight line
improve after practice. This is because of the numbers that has been rounded off during the
calculations by the calculator. But, if there ever was a possibility for further investigation, it would
be to further investigate the Daily Mail, by possibly taking more pages into the sample, in order to
account for the more pages the newspaper had. I will use quantitive data which include numbers e.g.
IQ and Average SATS score. I have also described what the results show, and they provide more
support for my original hypotheses.
I need to make the experiment fair, so I need the same controlled experiment for each person who
does the experiment. The overall hypothesis, that will be summarised at the end is that the content
and style of a newspaper compliment each other in a way that attracts a specific audience to read
their newspaper. My hypothesis was half correct but I did not think that the boys would make such
an improvement that the girls would fall behind. However, here again we could see that the Year 8
has the lowest median by looking at the middle line within the box compared to the other diagram
and the Year 10 and 11 are the top two medians. Alternative hypothesis: Practice doesn't improve the
estimate of a non-straight line. However, the students’ appreciation of the importance of their
attendance figures does and this is why (in my opinion) the attendance figures vary between
students. I will take the number of people, divided by Total number of people at the school, times by
the sample size. e.g. This gives the variance, which can be square rooted to find the standard
deviation. By using Spearman’s rank, the results will tell me the specific correlation in a form of
figures that will then be placed on the scale to see if there is a negative, positive or no correlation at
all. I will only have some qualitive data, such as the names of pupils, however this will not effect my
conclusion, whether these qualitive data are different. The less able pupils’ box and whisker plot is
lower on my scale and a lot more spread out as they have not improved much as my hypothesis says
Also they have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than others. It seems that, as
of yet, it is hard to find a relationship between how good people are at estimating and their age. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Therefore, my hypothesis stating that on
average, children in year 7 will have smaller feet than children in year 11 has been proven correct. I
have used the random data selector provided by the site to select some sample data (about 2500
records) to use and transferred this to a spreadsheet. The rest of the diagrams and drawings have
been completed neatly and accurately by the computer, so there isn’t a huge mess on the drawings.
It’s style also compliments its aims, as it is not exactly difficult to understand, but not so much so that
it’s use of language can be described as merely simple. However, I think these extraordinary students
must have another form or way of learning when not at school (the student might be an independent
learner for example). On his way to work Josh goes through 2 sets of traffic lights. So, I will be able
to estimate the averages much easier using these graphs rather than using tables. However, from
looking at the graph, generally those good at maths achieved smaller differences in estimation hence
were more accurate. Research, statistics, primary, and secondary data are imperative in psychological
analysis. This is expected as there will be a large amount of variation on the improvement as some
will be prepared to work more than others. Go Premium and unlock all 20 pages Access to all
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Free Trial Get 30 days of free Premium Already Premium. The median is roughly -40 and 50% of the
results are between -80 and 60. I will then start to process data (attendance figures) firstly by
reducing the amount of data that I will have to process using the method of stratified sampling. This
grouping enabled me to produce the following table. The facts that interest me the most are the Year
7 attendance that has the same median as the Year 11s. I am going to use the results for the
estimation of a straight line not a non-straight line. I will get my data from Mayfield High School
which is a fictitious school however; the data presented is based from a real school.
To get this data I need to get a person to measure a line and a non straight line in an experiment. Set
5 boys did not do the same exam so these boys will not be sampled. The tabloid aimed at those with
less interest in politics, which would often be aimed at those with less education than most, in this
case the Daily Star, would contain a lot more television related content and would especially focus
upon celebrity news and gossip, whilst using a simple easy to comprehend, often monosyllabic style
of language to attract their audience. I was first about to use primary data, I had completed my
questionnaire and then I decided against using primary data because I would not know on what sort
of response I would get. Other LAB species detected for the first time in tempoyak were a
fructophilic strain of Lactobacillus fructivorans, Leuconostoc dextranicum, Lactobacillus collinoides
and Lactobacillus paracasei. I assumed that in years 7-9 girls will generally be taller than boys- due
to the fact girls tend to grow faster than boys during the early stages of development. This shows
that the Correlation Coefficient is positive, as 0.7384 is high which means that the higher the IQ, the
higher the Average SATS Score. It might also have been more beneficial to have used a different
sampling technique, as this technique gave me different numbers of students from each stratum.
These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random button the sample names
were collected. On the same, the study recommends collaborative water quantity and quality
monitoring programs with various stakeholders in the area. A Year 7 pupil could have a 100%
attendance figure just like a Year 11 student and it doesn’t have to relate to age at all. Although there
maybe some problems and anomalies with this sample because someone maybe away, someone
maybe blind or have eye problems and someone might be handicapped. Although the lowers band’s
data is less consistent, it is less consistent around a value very close to zero, suggesting many pupils
in KS4 lower band guessed very accurately, on a contrary to my hypothesis. The histogram shows
that most of the data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. Page 13 of 20 The probability
of a Type II error is ( n 1) S 2 ( ) S 2 k ) 2 2 (2 1)k k P (1) 2 2 1 2P Z ( 0, 3 ). Below are the tables
containing the required data I need for my hypotheses. Table and statistics from the graph was
copied from autograph and placed below. There is high water facility functionality in the scheme due
to active community water committees. Average SATS Score shows that the higher the IQ of a Year
7 Boy, the higher the average SATS Score will be., the statistic that supports this is the Spearmans
Rank Correlation Coefficient as it is 0.9034; and as 1 is the highest and -1 is the lowest; 0.9034 is
very high as it is close to 1. A scientific calculator is used, to randomly select attendance figures that I
am going to use, so that the new set of statistics isn’t bias and isn’t affected by my conscious
decision. For each question I will use a certain sample of year 10's at Stamford Endowed schools.
Also, random sampling will be better as it will be easier to avoid bias, because with stratified you
may end up selecting all the pupils who have improved the most even if you don’t really mean to.
However, the students’ appreciation of the importance of their attendance figures does and this is
why (in my opinion) the attendance figures vary between students. This is because the more able
pupils have improved more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the same amount.
I got the results gain by taking away the KS2 results average with the KS3. Coursework accounts for
25% of the final Exam marks. So, I will be able to estimate the averages much easier using these
graphs rather than using tables. This is in order to remove bias, as the whole newspaper would be
represented within that sample. Whatever approach is adopted, its main focus should be energy for
socio-economic development, to reduce poverty, which is the plague ad scourge of Africa. I have
provided a key for my scatter graphs, as they include different colours, so I have shown a key for
them to make the reader understands the graph.
Given that a chocolate chosen is a milk chocolate, what is the probability that it is not wrapped.
However, survival study showed that these pathogens could survive up to 8 e12 days. The higher the
standard deviation the more spread out the curve is. It also notifies me that there is a faint
relationship between the attendance of the candidates and their results. Variance is a measure of
spread that uses all of the data. These are examples of the lines which are going to be estimated. By
using stratified sampling I will then only use a fair amount of data according to the percentage that
I’m comfortable with. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is an accurate choice as every
person has have the same education and experience and the data is very easy to collect. I was first
about to use primary data, I had completed my questionnaire and then I decided against using
primary data because I would not know on what sort of response I would get. This explains why the
inter-quartile range is further spread. This gives the impression that overall females are more
consistent and precise in their estimates than males. A scientific calculator is used, to randomly select
attendance figures that I am going to use, so that the new set of statistics isn’t bias and isn’t affected
by my conscious decision. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. So I decided
that it would be much more appropriate for me to use secondary data. The box and whisker plots
where then draw on to two sheets of paper one for boys and one for girls. So, this means that, if the
age actually affects the students’ attendance, why is it the Year 7, who is supposed to be the most
immature and youngest students in the school come out with the highest attendance figures. This
shows that the Correlation Coefficient is positive, as 0.922 is extremely high which means that the
higher the IQ, the higher the Average SATS Score. It may not be correct either, as the information
will vary from school to school and maybe from county to county. This is because the mean is
affected by the extreme values within the data while the median only take in the middle 50% of the
data and calculates the average using that data, which is much more accurate (in terms of average). It
shows that the median is about -40 and that 50% of the results are between about -80 and 60. The
girls’ heights are more concentrated around 170cm, and the boys are mainly spread 150-180cm.
Therefore, more education equals better exam results. This showed that the broadsheet contained
more of the shorter words than the tabloid and the tabloid contained more of the longer words. With
these results I will calculate the Product Moment Correlation Coefficient of the data to determine if
there is a correlation, and whether the correlation is significant. The majority of rural people still
depend on the use of traditional fuels like fire wood to meet their energy needs. Alternative
hypothesis: Practice doesn't improve the estimate of a non-straight line. The data which I selected
was supposed to be every 6 th person, but some pieces of data was missing on the sheet, so I had to
choose the one below, and start counting every 6 th person again. However, at the very end, the
frequencies stop, as the graph shows, but in this diagram there isn’t a straight line being produced as
the maximum value is 6 and the cumulative frequency curve stops at 6. Calculate the probability that
on 5 randomly selected days the mean time Alex spends on social media is greater than 85 minutes.
Genotyping showed a high degree of diversity among F.
All the benefits, financial, social and environmental derived from biogas technology through
generation of biogas (methane) and its utilization for heating, the slurry used as a fertiliser are
properly addressed and explained. The quantitative phase included the following hydrometrics: tap
delivery rates, stream discharge rates, laboratory testing of water and physical inspection of water
taps. Below is how the scale looks like and what it means. We see that M m 2. We may write T 1,
where T Geo(1 2) with mean ET variance VT 1 2, 2 2 2 and second raw moment ET 2 VT ( ET ) 2 6.
(1 2) 2 2 Thus EX ET 1 2 1 3, and VX VT 2. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good
choice as every person has have the exact same education and experience and the data is reasonably
easy to collect. So, basically overall, I think the attendance of the students does affect their learning
and exams results. I have used the random data selector provided by the site to select some sample
data (about 2500 records) to use and transferred this to a spreadsheet. Although, KS3 Middle band
does have an extremely high sample size, meaning there was more chance of having a higher range.
Every person has used the same facilities, books and material and the teachers have all been taught
using the same course. These are examples of the lines which are going to be estimated. However,
the students’ appreciation of the importance of their attendance figures does and this is why (in my
opinion) the attendance figures vary between students. So, because of this, the formula that I will be
using will be this. I will then start to process data (attendance figures) firstly by reducing the amount
of data that I will have to process using the method of stratified sampling. Although Key Stage 4’s
data is less consistent, it is less consistent around a value very close to zero, suggesting many pupils
in Key Stage 4 guessed very accurately, on a contrary to my hypothesis. To get this data I need to get
a person to measure a line and a non straight line in an experiment. The data can then be used to
identify trends that can affect quality such as the rate of variance in the outcomes of a production
process. I think that in Challney High Schools case the boys make a better improvement than the
girls. Looking at my first hypothesis, I am right, the Year 10 and 11 should have a higher attendance
as they are in their GCSE years. As I expected the highest range of 51.02 belongs to Key Stage 3,
with Key Stage 4 having a slightly lower range of 46.26. The lowest range was Key Stage 5 with
41.5, as expected as these are the oldest students and are also all the highest ability. The figure below
shows L( ) and shows the MLE with a vertical dashed line. (d) The probability of a Type I error is ( n
1) S 2 (2 1)k P ( S 2 k ) P 2 (1) 2 2 3 2 2 2P Z where Z N (0,1) since Z (1). 3 0 2 P ( Z 1 ). So we
equate But k 1 to get 3 k 5 and k 34. The study has further shown that the scheme is contributing to
the creation of employment. The Daily Mail and the Daily Star both respectively have 21% and 32%
of their papers devoted to celebrity and personal news, in addition to the fact that overall, the
Independent has 35% of its newspaper containing Global Issues in comparison to 1% of personal
stories. Since my data is all secondary, there is no need for me to do any pilot tests to check that the
questionnaire works, as I do not have a questionnaire. The median excludes all of these extreme
figures within the data and only takes in the true middle average of the data. Based on your
observations, experiences and using relevant examples, docume. I have double checked that the
results of my calculations to make sure that they are accurate and that the results are reasonable in
the context of my investigation. Therefore it appears gender does not have an effect on how much
improvement is made with age. The y on x regression line is the same as the line of best fit. I will
discard any anomalies when analysing the data and creating box plots. The reason of why I’m doing
both the mean and the median even though they both are averages is because the mean takes in the
whole data and work out the average from that data which could be misleading especially if the data
contains any extreme values at the top and the bottom of the data.