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Fisheries Classification MCS

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The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii’s is nearly

1. 30 species
2. 23 species
3. 25 species
4. 55 species
5. : Members of the class myxini feed on the
1. plants
2. vertebrates
3. soft-bodied animals
4. snails
5. : Gills in the fishes supported by the
1. trachea
2. gill arches
3. gills filaments
4. pharyngeal slits
5. Pharyngeal slits in the member of the subclass Holocephali is covered with
1. lid
2. lobe
3. operculum
4. jaws
5. Members of the genus lampetra are called
6. lancelets
7. brook lamprey
8. hagfishes
9. hedgehog
10. In India which of the following genera of earthworms is extensively used for
11. Eudrilus
12. Pheretima
13. Eudrigaster
14. Pontoscolex
15. Induced breeding technique is used in
16. Culture fishery
17. Marine fishery
18. Capture fishery
19. Inland fishery
 Isinglass is employed in
A Clearing of wines
B Preservation of wines
C Preparation of wines
D Distillation of wines
 One of the following is not a benefit of vermicompost
A Reduction in microbialo activity
B increased availability of minerals
C Protection of water bodies from pollution
D increased hydration and aeration
1. Smooking is used as a technique of
A Fish preservation
B Crop harvesting
C Crystalisation of sugar
D Mushroom cultivation
1. Pisciculture is rearing and production of
A Fishes
B Wool yielding animals
C Birds
D None of the above
1. pH of vermiculture is kept at
A Near neutral
B Highly alkaline
C Alkaline
D Acidic
1. Inand fisheries are
A raising and capturing fishes in fresh water
B oil extraction from fish
C deep sea fishing
D capturing fishes from sea coast
1. If more than single species of fish is cultured at a time, then it is called
A Polyculture
B Mori culture
C Monoculture
D Aquaculture
1. Identify the edible freshwater teleost
A Sharks
B Hilsa ilisha
C Rays and skates
D Catla catla
1. Bony armor fishes are:
A Ostracoderms
B Elasmobranchs
C Placoderms
D None of the above
1. The fish remained buried in the mud and sand is:
A Sharks
B Ostracoderms
C Hag Fishes
D Lamprey
1. 18. Sucking mouth and rasping tongue is present in :
A Ostracoderms
B Lampreys
C Hag fishes
D Sharks
1. The larva of Lamprey is:
A Ammocoete
B Trochophore
C Tadpole
D Tonaria
 Cartilaginous fishes are:
A Osteichthyes
B Chindrichythyes
C Acanthodians
D Placoderms
 scales are present in:
A Sharks
B Hag Fishes
C Lamprey
D Salmons
 The lung fish found in tropical Africa is:
A Neoceratodus
B Protopterus
C Lepidosiren
D None
 Which fish of the following aestivate?
A Neoceratodus
B Protopterus
C Lepidosiren
D None
 Some elasmobranchs have modified pelvic fin for copulation called:
A Clasper
B Cloaca
C Penis
D None
 Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through:
A Gills
B Kidney
C Liver
D Rectal glands

26. The potential of marine fish production from the Indian EEZ is
a. 3.9 million tonnes
b. 3.0 million tonnes
c. 5.4 million tonnes
d. 4.5 million tonnes
27. The following state has the highest marine fish production in India.
a. Maharashtra
b. Gujarat
c. Kerala
d. Tamil Nadu
28. The major gear used to exploit tunas from the Indian coastal waters is
a. Drift gill nets
b. Trawlers
c. Purse seines
d. Trolling
29. Scientific name of Frigate tuna is
a. Auxis thazard
b. Auxis rochei
c. Thunnus tonggol
d. Katsuwonus pelamis
30. Choodavalai used to exploit the Whitebaits from southwest coast of India is a
type of
a. Gill net
b. Shore seine
c. Ring seine
d. Bag net
31. Whitefish is also known as
a. False trevally
b. Jew fish
c. Croaker
d. Thread fin
32. The example of Slipmouth is
a. Leiognathus bindus
b. Harpodon nehereus
c. Nemipterus japonicas
d. None of the above
33. The maximum production of Chinese pomfret is from the state of
a. Karnataka
b. Kerala
c. Maharashtra
d. Orissa
34. The species having topmost production in the world is
a. Peruvian anchoveata
b. Alaskan Pollock
c. Chub mackerel
d. Blue Whiting
35. The area of EEZ along the west coast of India is
a. 0.86 million sq. km
b. 0.90 million sq. km
c. 0.56 million sq. km
d. 1.0 million sq. km
36. The species of mackerel found rarely along the southeast coast is
a. Rastrelliger kanagurta
b. Rastrelliger brachysoma
c. Rastrelliger faughnii
d. None of the above
37. The dominant species of ribbon fish occurring in the ribbon fish landings is
a. Trichiurus lepturus
b. Trichiurus russeli
c. Lepturocanthus savala
d. Lepturocanthus ggangeticus
38. Leatherjackets are included in following group of fishes
a. Carangids
b. Sciaenids
c. Whitebaits
d. Threadfin breams
39. Scientific name if short neck clam is
a. Paphia malabarica
b. Tapes brugueiri
c. Perna viridis
d. Meretrix casta
40. The example of deep sea shrimp is
a. Metapenaeopsis jerryi
b. Aristeus alcocki
c. Penaeopsis jerryi
d. All of the above
41. India has got an EEZ of
a. 2.02 m sq.km
b. 2.05 msq.km
c. 2.0 m sq.km
d. 2.1 m sq. km
42.……………….net is popularly used to exploit the Bombay duck along
northwest coast of India.
a. Disco net
b. Rampani
c. Long line
d. None of the above
43. The Indian marine fisheries sector is characterized by………………..
a. Multigear fisheries
b. Multispecies fisheries
c. Multigear & multispecies fisheries
d. none of the above
44. ………….. have got well developed swim bladders
a. Sciaenids
b. Flying fishes
c. Half beaks
d. Whitebaits
45.…………… state has got highest standing crop of seaweeds in India
a. Gujarat
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Maharashtra
d. Orissa
46. The objectives of fisheries management are
a. MSY
b. MEY
c. Maintenance of minimum spawning stock
d. All of the above
47. Holistic models are
a. More data demanding
b. Age-structured
c. Less data demanding
d. None of the above
48. Beverton and Holt Yield per Recruit Model assumes that
a. Recruitment is constant
b. Natural mortality is variable
c. Fishing mortality is variable
d. There is no complete mixing within a stock.
49. Catch per unit effort data gives a measure of
a. Relative stock abundance
b. Absolute stock abundance
c. Fishing effort
d. None of the above
50. Von Bertalanffy Growth Equation is used to determine growth in terms of
………….. as a function of time.
a. Length and Weight
b. Weight
c. Length
d. None of the above
51. MSY refers to …………..
a. Maximum Social Yield
b. Minimum Social yield
c. Maximum Sustainable Yield
d. Minimum Sustainable yield
52. The mesh size of Cod end determines the gear selectivity in ……………..
a. Gill net
b. Trawl net
c. Cast net
d. Long line
53. Age of massive maturation is denoted by …………….
a. T 50%
b. Tm
c. TC
d. TTC
54. Growth overfishing is an overfishing of …………….
a. Young fish
b. Adult fish
c. Spent individuals
d. None of the above
55. Instantaneous rate of natural mortality is denoted by ……………..
a. M
b. F
c. Z
d. R
56. L∞ refers to …………….
a. Minimum length
b. Length at maturation
c. Asymptotic length
d. Mean length
57. Fox model is an example of …………….
a. Analytical model
b. Surplus production model
c. Virtual Population Analysis
d. None of the above
58. Predation is categorized into …………….
a. Natural mortality
b. Fishing mortality
c. Total mortality
d. None of the above
59.. ……………………… is a useful tool for determination of optimum mesh size
for a gear.
a. Gear selectivity
b. Exploitation rate
d. None of the above.
60.. ………………….. Determines the number of survivors in a cohort of a fish.
a. Virtual population Analysis
b. Swept Area Method.
c. Modal progression Analysis
d. None of the above.
61. Rikhter & Effanov formula is used to estimate
a. Natural mortality
b. Fishing mortality
c. Total mortality
d. None of the above
62. ………………….. is a type of output control
a. Bag limit
b. Mesh size regulation
c. Closed season
d. Closed area
63. The proportion of number or biomass of a fish stock removed by fishing is
a. Exploitation rate
b. Exploitation ratio
c. fishing effort
d. none of the above
64.The graph of logarithm of numbers caught plotted against respective age is
a. catch curve
b. selection curve
c. selection ogive
d. growth curve
65. Inverse von Bertalanffy equation is used to convert
a. Lengths into ages
b. Ages into lengths
c. Lengths into weight
d. none of the above
66. Machrobrachium rosenbergii passes through ……… number of larval stages
a. 11
b. 10
c. 9
d. 13
67. Torsion is the characteristic of …………
a. Bivalvia
b. Gastropoda
c. Cephalopda
d. Polyphora
68. The larva of Artemia is known as ……………
a. Zoea
c. Phyllosoma
d. NaNaupli
69. The integument enclosing the visceral mass in mollusca is known as —–
a. Pallium
b. Ostracum
c. Periostracum
d. Spicules
70. .…………. has rhipidoglossate radula.
a. Cyprae
b. Diadora
c. Conus
d. Patella
71. Contractile filaments used for sensing food in Scaphoda are known as —–
a. Osphradium
b. Captucula
c. Tentacles
d. Antennae
72. The larvae of lobster is known as ——
a. Zoea
b. Mysis
c. Phyllosoma
d. NNauplius
73. In …………. the mantle is studded with spicules.
a. Polyplacophora
b. Monoplacophora
c. Aplacophora
d. Scaphopoda
74. In Stomatopoda gills are present at the base of ………………
a. Thorax
b. Abdomen
c. Mouth
d. Legs
75. Conus has …………….. type of radula.
a. Docoglossate
b. Taxoglossate
c. Rachiglossate
d. Taenioglossate
76. Thin leaf like processes attached to each maxillipeds of crustaceans are
known as
a. Endopodite
b. Epipodite
c. Uropod
d. Maxilla
77. Operculum in gastropods is secreted by …………….
a. Mantle cells
b. Cuticular cells
c. Glandular cells
d. Dermal cells
78. Larva of squilla is known as

a. Alima b. Megalopa c. Nauplius d. Veliger

79. Cypraea has ——- radula.

a. Rhipidoglossat b. Taxoglossate c. Taenioglossate d. Docoglossate

80. Cypris larva is present in —–

a.Artemia b. Squilla c. Balanus d. Lobster

81. Shell in Bavilvia is the secretion of epithelial cells in ——-

a. viscera b. mantle c. gonad d. ctenidia

82. ——- is a digestive gland which is extended over the posterior portion of hindgut.

a. Gastric mill b. Hepatopancreas c. Scaphognathite d. Corfrontle

83. Osphradium acts as a —– organ

a. sense b. defense c. reproductive d. respiratory

84.. Hinge dentition in Arcidae is

a. desmodont b. taxodont c. pachyodont d. dysodont

85. Subclass belonging to Class Aplacophora

a. Rostroconchia b. Caudofoveata c. Prosobranchia d. Scaphopoda

86. In ——–, gills are present to the right and behind the heart.

a. Prosobranchia b. Opisthobranchia c. Pulmonata d. Rostroconchia

87. Tusk shells belong to Class —–

a. Monoplacophora b. Scaphopoda c. Aplacophora d. Polypachophora

88. Non-penaeid prawns have —– naupli stages

a. 8 b. 7 c. 6 d. 9

88. Penaeid prawns have 17 —— stages.

a. Naupli b. Post larva c. Zoea d.

89.. Hagfishes belongs to the order

a. Petromyzontiformes
b. Clupeiformes
c. Myxiniformes
d. Perciformes
90.. ………….. has its dorsal fin modified into a luring filament.
a. Catfish
b. Carp
c. Angler fish
d. Rasbora
91. Rastrelliger kanagurta is locally known as
a. Karkata bangda
b. Lubluba bangda
c. Bombil
d. Renvi
92. Which of the following fish belongs to family Stromatidae
a. Rhincodon typus
b. Sardinella longiceps
c. Saurida tumbil
d. Pampus chinensis
93. Sciaenids have well developed …………….
a. Pyloric caecae
b. Stomach
c. Gills
d. Air bladder
94. Ravas belongs to family ……………..
a. Carangidae
b. Polynemidae
c. Engruilidae
d. Clupeidae
95. Which of the following fish is known as lamprey?
a. Myxine
b. Petromyzon
c. Bombay duck
d. Sting Ray
96. Scientific name of lady fish is
a. Atropus atropus
b. Silago sihama
c. Saurida tumbil
d. Elops macnata
97. Trilobed caudal fin is the character of
a. Chorbombil
b. Kap
c. Bombil
d. Saranga
98. Which one of the following is the family of solefish?
a. Cynoglossidae
b. Mobulidae
c. Stromatidae
d. Carangidae
99. What is the scientific name of silver carp?
a. Ctenopharyngodon idella
b. Catla catla
c. Hypothalmicthys molitrix
d. Cyprinus carpio
100. Pony fishes belong to family…………….
a. Psettodidae b. Leognathidae c. Cynoglossidae d. Mugilidae

Pisceans are aquatic entities found in marine, freshwater and brackish water. This class
is classified under Phylum Chordata and subphylum Vertebrata, hence they possess
characteristic features of both the groups. Typically, the body is segregated into head,
trunk, and tail and is streamlined. The lateral line system found in them serves as a
sensory structure to sense disturbances in the ambience. The internal skeleton of fishes
is cartilaginous or bony. These cold-blooded entities exhibit a closed type of blood
circulation. Read on and solve these questions on Class Pisces.

1. A common trait between tadpole and fish is

(a) scales

(b) lateral line

(c) fins

(d) legs

Answer: (b)

2. This has a cartilaginous endoskeleton

(a) Bony fishes

(b) Mollusca

(c) Dipnoi

(d) Elasmobranch

Answer: (d)

3. True fishes have fins and gills. This is not a true fish

(a) Hippocampus – SeaHorse

(b) Hythalamictyes – Silver carp

(c) Carassius – Goldfish

(d) Lepisma – Silverfish

Answer: (d)

4. This fish shows dorsal fin modified into suckers

(a) Neoceratodus

(b) Hippocampus

(c) Echeneis

(d) Torpedo

Answer: (c)

5. This is a living fossil

(a) Lepidosiren

(b) Latimeria

(c) Lepidosteus

(d) None of these

Answer: (b)

6. This is a migratory fish

(a) Ribbon fish

(b) Carp

(c) Salmon

(d) Shark

Answer: (c)
7. The distinguishing factor between rays and sharks are

(a) type of tail fin

(b) position of gill slits

(c) position of mouth

(d) nature of their scales

Answer: (b)

8. Type of association between shark and suckerfish is

(a) Predation

(b) Parasitism

(c) Commensalism

(d) Symbiosis

Answer: (c)

9. Placoid scales are found in

(a) paleontological fishes

(b) lung fishes

(c) bony fishes

(d) cartilaginous fishes

Answer: (d)

10. This is a characteristic feature of fishes

(a) gills and epidermal scales

(b) tail and epidermal scales

(c) gills and venous heart

(d) venous heart and tail

Answer: (c)

Fishes Vertebrate Success in Water MCQ

Quiz PDF Download : Test 1
MCQ 1: The number of the living species of the Actinopterygii's
is nearly

A) 30 species
B) 23 species
C) 25 species
D) 55 species
MCQ 2: Members of the class myxini feed on the

A) plants
B) vertebrates
C) soft-bodied animals
D) snails
MCQ 3: Gills in the fishes supported by the

A) trachea
B) gill arches
C) gills filaments
D) pharyngeal slits
MCQ 4: Pharyngeal slits in the member of the subclass
Holocephali is covered with

A) lid
B) lobe
C) operculum
D) jaws
MCQ 5: Members of the genus lampetra are called

A) lancelets
B) brook lamprey
C) hagfishes
D) hedgehog
The number of pharyngeal slits in the class
cephalaspidomorphi is

A) 2 pairs
B) 7 pairs
C) 5 pairs
D) 4 pairs
MCQ 7: The only surviving coelacanth is

A) latimeria
B) hatfish
C) ratfish
D) eels
MCQ 8: The time duration for the larval stages of the lamprey

A) 2 months
B) 3 months
C) 3 years
D) 1 month
MCQ 9: Lampreys have salivary glands with anticoagulants,
feed on

A) blood
B) vegetation
C) dead organisms
D) fungi
MCQ 10: The characteristics of the Gnathostomata is

A) hinged jaws only

B) paired appendages only
C) lungs
D) hinged jaws and paired appendages
MCQ 11: In the Gnathostomata, the notochord is replaced by

A) vertebral column
B) lungs
C) heart
D) glands
MCQ 12: Sharks, ratfishes, and rays are included in the class

A) chordata
B) Chondrichthyes
C) elasmobranchii
D) Holocephali
MCQ 13: Sharks have a cartilaginous structure and it may

A) calcareous
B) partially ossified
C) completely ossified
D) lignified
MCQ 14: The fishes that migrate between marine and
freshwater environment are called

A) diadromous
B) dual nature
C) neutral species
D) all of above
MCQ 15: In the members of the subclass Holocephali, the
teethes are modified into

A) dentine
B) jaws
C) crushing plates
D) tail
MCQ 16: The tail fin with the upper lobe is called

A) heterocercal tails
B) urochorda
C) chorda
D) endocotyl
MCQ 17: The function of the swim bladder in the class
Osteichthyes is carried out by

A) lungs
B) gills
C) pneumatic sacs
D) heart
MCQ 18: The member of the class myxini are

A) hagfishes
B) ostraccoderms
C) agnathans
D) urochords
MCQ 19: Lungfishes are included in the class

A) Osteichthyes
B) Chondrichthyes
C) elasmobranchii
D) Holocephali
MCQ 20: The member of the agnatha lacks

A) teeth
B) jaws
C) gills
D) lungs
MCQ 21: How many numbers of the pharyngeal slits in
members of the class myxini?

A) 3-15 pairs
B) 2-10 pairs
C) 5-15 pairs
D) 5-20 pairs
MCQ 22: Sucking mouth with the teethes and the rasping
tongue is the characteristics of the class

A) myxini
B) cephalochordata
C) cephalaspidomorphi
D) Chondrichthyes

151. What is the basis of classiication of Protochordata– (A) Gut (B) Brain (C)

Gills (D) Notochord152. Balanoglossus belongs to– (A) Hemichordata (B) Dephal
ochordata (C) Urochordatra (D) Cyclostomata153. In which

of the following jaws are found– (A) Herdmania (B) Fish (C) Petromyzon (D) Am

phioxus154. Branchiostoma belongs to– (A) Urochordata (B) Hemichordata (C) C

ephalochordata (D) Protochordata155. Notochord is restricted to tail region only in

– (A) hemichordata (B) Cephalochordata (C) Tunicata (D) None of these156. Retr

ogressive metamorphosis is found in– (A) Blanoglossus (B) Branchiostoma (C) He

rdmania (D) All of these157. Cold blooded animals are those having– (A) Cold blo

od (B) Variable body temperature according to the temperature of atmosphere (C)

Always constant temperature (D) Blood, which can low even below 4ºC158. Ch

ordates are distinguished from non-chordates by the presence of– (A) Ventral nerv

e cord (B) Dorsal nerve cord (C) Brain (D) Dorsal tubular nerve cord159. Notocho

rd is restricted to the anterior part of body proboscis in animals of which group– (A

) Hemichordata (B) Urochordata (C) Cephalochordata (D) Chordata160. One of th

e primary character of chordates is– (A) Solid ventral nerve cord (B) Dorsal tubula

r nerve cord (C) Paired nerve cord (D) Ganglionated nerve cord
Production of luminescence by fishes is due to the presence of
(A) Luceferin(C) Luciferace
(B) Oxyluceferin
(D) None of the above
Lung fishes belong to the sub—class
(A) Bl‘£ICl‘llOpl61'_'/gll
(C) Actinopterigii(B) Crossopterygii
(D) Dipneusti
CIFT is involved in the research work on
(A) designing of new crafts, gears
(B) innovative methods of fishing
(C) designing of indigenous engines
(D) All of the above
Sharks, skates, catfishes and perches are
(A) Pelagic fishes
(C) Shore fishes
(B) Demersalfishes
(D) Shellfishes
“Masniin” is prepared traditionally by the meat of
(A) Soles (B) Flat fislies
(C) Tunas (D) Cat fishes
Pearl oyster used for the production of lustrous pearls is
(B) Perm: vz'r:’di's
(D) Preriapengm}:(A) Pinclada jizcaza
(C) P margarrmfem
Processing of fish by salting, diying, smoking and pickling is known as
(A) caring (B) curing
(C) cloning (D) cleaning
Isinglass is prepared from
(A) air bladder of fish (B) liver of fish
(C) stomach of fish (D) skin of fish
Fish liver contains
(A) Vitamin E and B
(C) Vitamin A(B) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin A and D
Anemia is used as in aquaculture
(A) dry feed (B) live animal feed
(C) powdered Feed (D) granular feed
Which fishery is represented by a single species?
(A) Sole fishery
(C) Bombay duck fishery
(B) Mackerel fisliery
(D) Sardine fisheiy
Androgenic steroids are for
(A) feininisation
(C) bisexual characters
(B) masculinisation
(D) monosex
Sargassum is used for the extraction of
(A) agar (B) coir
(C) algin (D) agaroids
Which chemical is used for preserving pituitary gland extract?
(A) Formalin (B) Iodine
(C) Glycerin (D) Alcohol
Bhcri culture is common in
(A) Andhra Pradcsh (B) Orissa
(C) West Bengal (D) Kerala
Gynogenesis means
(A) chromosomal manipulation
(B) parthenogenetic development
(C) polyploidy
(D) inbreeding
In fish, high protein content is present in
(A) muscle (B)
(C) liver (D)
Treatnlent of fish with salt is known as
(A) brining (B)
(C) calming (D)
Scientific name of Indian 011 sardines is
(A) Sardine!/a afbei/a (B)
(C) Sardfnefla day! (D)
Prmgasfus is 21
(A) cat fish (B)
(C) carp (D)
smokingdiyingS. melamxra
Sardinelia longiceps
mu rrel
flying fishNeuromast cells in fishes are associated with
(A) newous system (B) skeletal system
(C) lateral line system (D) muscular system
Chilka Lake is located in State
(A) Gujarat (B) Maliarashtra
(C) Andhra Pradesil (D)
Ablone fanning was initiated in

(A) China and Japan

(B) Thailand and Malaysia(C) Indonesia and New Guinea

(D) Australia and New Zealand

Fish that live their adult life in the sea but migrate up to fresh water

rivers to spawn are

(A) niigrators (B) catadromous

(C) aqua-gliders (D) anadromous

In the sea, a condition where waters are depleted of oxygen is known


(A) paraxia (B) hypoxia

(C) decarbonised water (D) carbonised water

A systematic gathering of iiifoimation on fish availability using eco

sonncler is

(A) aerial survey (B) acoustic survey

(C) remote sensing (D) benthic survey

Aquatic organisms which live on or in the seabed are

(A) plankters

(C) benthos

(B) incidental fish

(D) shell fish

Fish that live their adult life in fresh water rivers but migrate down to

spawn in the seas are

(A) catadroinous (B) anadromous

(C) occanodromous (D) None oflhe above

Cephalopods belong to the group

(A) cmstacea

(C) mollusca

(B) echinodennata(D) mammals

A gill net suspended by floats so that it fishes the stock available on thefew metres

of the top water column is called

(A) bottom set net

(C) ghost net(B) drift net

(D) stake net

Fishing line with hooks held vertically in the water column with

weights is known as

(A) dropline (B)

(C) drift hooks

floating line

(D) Jigs

Fish that tolerate wide range of salinity are

(A) euryhaline (B) stenohaline

(C) migratory (D) deep water

An extreme increase in chemical nutrients containing nitrogen and

phosphorous in an ecosystem is
(A) nitrification(C) putrification

(B) eutrophication.

(D) detoriation

A sea zone under the law of the sea over which a state has right to

explore and use marine resources is

(A) offshore zone

(C) exclusive economic zone

(B) deep water zone

(D) fishing zone

The potential egg producing capacity of a fish during a reproductive

cycle is

(A) ovulation

(C) fecundity(B) milking

(D) productivity
Fishing nets lost in the ocean but continue to capture and kill fish are
(A) drill nets (B) trawl nets
(C) waste nets (D) ghost nets
is a device that uses satellite signals to accurately determine a
fishing vessels position in the sea.
(13) GKS
A method of fishing squids with a vertical line attached with multiple
hooks is
(B) jigging
(D) jamming
(A) Jogging
(C) jukung
A shallow salt or brackish water body separated from the deeper sea bya shallow
or exposed sand bank or coral reef is
(B) backwater
(D) tidal flat
(A) lagoon(C) estuary
Drifting marine organisms whose movements depend on the movementof water
currents is
(B) marine benthos
(D) marine species
(A) marine nekton
(C) marine plankton
Discolouration of surface waters of sea caused by large concentration
of hannful algal bloom is
(A) colourtide
(C) red tide
(B) black waters
(D) yellow waters
The position that a species occupies in a food chain is
(A) trophic level (B) trophic band
(C) trophic group (D) feeder
Anbas has which type of respiratoiy organ?
(A) Arboresccnt
(C) Labrinthine(B) Air bladder
(D) Tubular sacs
Adipose tissue of fish is formed of
(A) protein (B) aminoacid
(C) fat (D) carbohydrate
Elasmobranchii includes
(A) bony fishes (B) caitilaginous fishes
(C) jawless fish (D) rays and skates
Eye stalk ablation is done to induce the spawning of
(A) mullet (B) Sln'1m])S
(C) C/mnos (D) Chmma
Fish is the richest source of
(A) silica (13) protein
(C) magnesium (D) zinc
Vitamin A is more in
(A) codliveroil (B) sunlight
(C) fishflcsh (D) seeds
Elver is the larva of
(A) Eel (B) M uncl
(C) Mullet (D) Chcmzm
Shark fish skin is fonncd of
(A) Cycloid scales (B) Ctenoid scales
(C) Placoid scales (D) Ganoid scales
Which hormone is involved in the process of osinoregulation?
(A) Adrenalin (B) Insulin
(C) Thyroxin (D) Oesttogen
Which fish can produce electricity?
(A) Narcine (B) Sardine
(C) Mugil (D) Milk fish
Monotonous sound is produced by
(A) Sea horse (B) Sea cucumber
(C) Seaweed (D) Sea anemone
Luminous glands are present in
(A) Catfish (B) Moiiocemrus
(C) Acropoina (D) Eiectricray
Melanin gives colour to
(A) eye (B) skin
(C) liver (D) heart
Enzymes are
(A) fats vitamins
(C) proteins (D) starches
Which is the primary cause of spoilage of fish‘?
(A) Bacteria(C) Protozoa
(B) Fungus
(D) Virus
Which is the example of Indian hill trout?
(A) Torpimtora
(C) Tortoise(B) Torpedo
(D) Eclieneis
‘Pokkali’ culture is practiced in
(A) London (B)
(C) Kerala (D)
Which is also called ‘pearl spot’?
(A) Tilapia (B)
(C) Etropius (D)
‘Roe’ is called
(A) sperm (B)
(C) hung of fish (D)
Which one is an ornamental fish?
(A) Guppy (B)
(C) Tuna (D)
Crustaceans release excess water through
(A) kidney (B)
(C) gills (D)
I lllll Ill Ill lllliflflfllfll
Tamil Nadu
Macropodusovary of fishvas deferens of fish
chloride cells
green glandsWho is regarded as the Father of Modern Biology?
(A) Aristotle (B)
(C) Robert Hooke (D)
Bacterial action changes dead leaves into
(A) algae (B)
(C) humus (D)
None of the aboveMost fish do not sink in water because of the presence of
(A) air bladdar (B)
(C) vacuoles (D)
air sacs
None of the above
The study of fishes is known as
(A) Ichthyology(C) Nematology
(B) Ornithology(D) Ostcology
Which one is a flying fish?
(A) Eleurlzronema
(C) Carangid
(B) Exocoelus
(D) Hereropncustus
Male sea-horse carries the eggs
(A) in its mouth
(B) as a glutinous mass on the back
(C) in its pouch
(D) in its stomach
In some fishes, electricity is produced
(A) to stun smaller creatures for food
(B) to protect them from enemies
(C) to produce light
(D) to aid locomotion
Fishes in the culture ponds come to the surface in the morning for want
(A) oxygen (B) food
(C) sunlight (D) shade
Polyculture means
(A) culture of more than one variety of fish
(B) culture of fish in a pond
(C) culture of move prawns in a pond
(D) culture of crabs in a pond
Sea urchins belong to the class
(A) Holothuroidea(C) Helicoplacoidea
(B) Echinoidea
(D) Opliiocystioidea
Large quantities of ‘Isinglass’ can be obtained from the air-bladders of
(A) Stu rgeons
(C) Catfishes
(B) Sharks
(D) Snake-»heads
Which of the following is called as ‘Paddle Fish’?
(A) Polyodon
(C) Pangasius
(B) Paiaeoniscus
(D) Polyptems
The first Ray of Spinous dorsal lrzmsfonned into ‘ILICfUM‘, in
(B) Eelmeiformes
(D) Gadifonnes
(A) Lophifonnes
(C) Si luriformes
Pectoral fins are exceptionally large for gliding purposes over water, in
(A) Exocoetns
(C) Toipedo
(B) Tiygon
(D) Belone
Vertical Swimming with prehensile tail is the Cl1fll'E1Ct61'lSllC of
(A) Top Minnows
(C) Comets
(B) Pipe Fishes
(D) Flying Fishes
Suout with an elongate, flexible, hook-lil<e process, is diagnostic
feature of
(B) Chimaera
(D) Pri.s‘!zLs'
(A) Callorhynclms
(C) Harriora
The ‘Milk Fish’ belongs to the family
(A) Chanidac
(C) Bagridac
(B) Mugilidae
(D) Cichlidac
‘Mime!’ or ‘Snake Head‘ is the common name for
(A) M ystus
(C) C/Iauna
(B) Mttgif(D) Clmuos
‘Pomfret’ is the common name for
(A) Tuna
(C) Perch
(B) Stromafeus
(D) Harpadon
‘Freshwater Dog Fish’ is the name assigned to
(A) Polyodon (B) Scoiiorlon
(C) Amid (D) W0/Iago
Which ofthe following family is VIVIPAROUS?
(A) Percidae
(C) Fislulariidae
(B) Siluridac
(D) Poccili idac
‘Mullets’ belong to the Genus
(A) 11«Im‘re(. ' (B) Cimmza
(C) Nondus (D) Mugil
The largest number of species occurs in
(A) Subtropical region (B) 'l‘ropics
(C) Temperate zone (D) Subtempcrate region
Snout is prolonged into a long blade with teeth on both sides, is the
diagnostic feature of
(A) Trygon(C) Spltyma
(B) Prislfs
(D) Manta
‘Indigenous Lawivorous Fishes of India’ is the book written by
(A) Hora (B) Hora and Mukerji
(C) A.G.K. Menon (D) T.J. Job
Which is called as ‘Guppy’?
(A) Macropodus (B) Cofisa
(C) M0Ih’em's:‘(2 (D) Poecilia
Which of the following is a ‘Bacterial Disease’?
(A) Velvet Disease
(C) F iu»Rot
(B) Costiasis
(D) Cilodon disease
‘Dragonfly Larvae’
(A) cause Fin~Rot Disease
(8) cause Turbidity in tank(C) cause damage to fishes
(D) act as food for aquarium fishes
CMFRI was established in
(A) 1947 (:3) 19 0
(C) 1967 (D) 194
The headquarters of National Institute ofOceauog1‘aphy is at
(A) Chennai
(C) Cochin
(B) Mumbai
(D) Papaji
The organisms inhabiting the bottom of the sea constitute
(A) the Abyss
(C) the Planktons
(B) the Benthos
(D) the Nektons
FAQ is the full form for
(A) Fisheries of Arabian Ocean(B) Fish and Agriculture Organisation(C) Food
and Agriculture Organisation
(D) Fisheries and Agriculture Organisation
The ‘Fish Wars‘ are the
(A) conflicts between fishes
(B) conflicts between. sharks
(C) conflicts among fishenncn
(D) conflicts among fish and man
The First M arine National Park came into existence at
(A) GulfofMannar
(C) Gulf of Kutch
(B) South Andaman
(D) Lakshadweep Islands
Which ‘OIL’ is used as a presewativc for boats against weathering?
(A) Sharks
(C) Sardines
(B) Rays
(D) Tunas
Both the eyes come to lie on the left side in the adults of
(A) Pampas
(C) Cynoglossus
(B) Otofirlzodes
(D) Kowala
A system adopted to keep the cages in desired position is called
(A) Collar
(C) Free Board
(13) Mooring
(D) Wal~way
Where are the Fry raised to Fingerlings?
(A) Hatcheries
(C) Rearing Ponds
(B) Nurseries
(D) Stocking Ponds
Application of Gypsum in a pond corrects the
(A) PH
(C) hardness(B) alkalinity(D) turbidity
The most common method of correcting the low pH is
(A) addition of gypsum (B) liming
(C) addition of oil cake (D) putting organic manure
The ratio between food consumed for per unit weight gained by the
body is expressed by
(B) food absorption rate
(D) food assimilation rate(A) food conversion rate(C) food consumption rate
To Calcu late ‘Condition Factor‘ which of the following is studied?
(A) Length-Weight Relationship(B) Length frequency distribution
(C) Weight of ovary and weight of body relationship
(D) Health of the fish
‘The weight of the gonad relative to the body weight’ is known as
(B) Gonadosomatic Index
(D) Maturity Index
(A) Coefficient of Maturity
(C) Ponderal Index
Fecundity of marine fishes is usually
(A) lower than Freshwater Fishes(B) higher than Freshwater Fishes(C) equal to
Freshwater Fishes
(D) moderate
The Number of Ova per gram body weight, is defined as
(A) fecundity
(C) relative fecundity
(B) absolute fecundity(D) complete fecundity
Most of the cultivable carps in India are
(A) Monsoon Breeders
(C) Spring Spawners(B) Winter Spawners
(D) Sununcrspawners
Pituitary Gland extracts are inj<—:ctcd to induce
(A) ovulation (B) gonadal development
(C) sex play (D) secretion ofsexlionnoncs
The head quarters of Marine Products Expoit Development Authority
is at
(A) New Delhi
(C) Koclti
(B) Chennai
(D) Kolkata
Culture-based capture flSl]Cl}' is associated with
(A) ranching (B) rice-fish
(C) pig-fish (D) aquaculture
Heterocercal type of caudal fin is found in
(A) Scorpion
(C) Eel
(B) Scolior/on
(D) Tilapia
The aquatic animal with the most developed intelligence is
(A) Whale
(C) Dolphin
(B) Seal
(D) Shritnp
Mermaid purse is produced by
(A) Shark and Rays
(C) Ehroplns and cat fish
(B) Tiiapia and Clarius
(D) Chanos and Mullet
(A) Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(B) Indian Costal Aquacullural Research(C) Indian Council of Aquatic
Research(D) Institute of Coastal Research
Fishes release excess water in the body through
(A) Chloride cells(C) Green Glands
(B) Glomcmlar kidney
(D) None ofthc above
The association between shark and sucker fish is referred to as
(A) Mutualisin
(C) Symbiosis
(B) Connnensalisin
(D) Parasitism
Indicate the correct hierarchy.
(B) Genus, family, species
(D) Family, genus, species
(A) Family, species, genus
(C) Species, family, genus
Which of the following is best used as ‘Aquarium Cleaner’?
(A) Noemacheihzs
(C) Gambusia
(B) Poecilirr
(D) Gyrinoc/zellus
Flaltened Head is the clunacterislic of the genus
(B) Plalycephalus
(D) Plarynemus
(A) Platyszum‘
(C) P/arymysms
Which of the following can be considered as the growth rate
expressing structure?
(A) Deposition of fat (B) Increase in length of ovary
(C) Otolitli (D) Budlging abdomen
‘Ponderal Index’ is another term for
(A) Maturity of Gonads (B) Food Quotient
(C) Growth factor (D) Condition Factor
Trout fanning in ponds originated in
(A) Denmark (B) Japan
(C) China (D) USA
Troughs and Baskets are used as incubators in
(A) Catfish culture
(C) Trout culture(B) Tilapia culture(D) Crop culture
Pro-, ineso- and metapteiygia are the skeletal elements of
(A) Pectoral girdle
(C) Dorsal fin
(B) Pelvic girdle
(D) Caudalfm
‘Layers’ and ‘broilers’ are the terms used in
(A) Pig-fish farming(C) Geese-fish farming(B) Poultry-fisli farming
(D) Cattle-fish fanning
‘Rigor morlis’ is basically characterised by
(A) stiffening of body (B) softening of body
(C) asphyxiation (D) red cheeks
The fishes coming under the class Elasanohrancliii will have
(A) two gill openings (B)
(C) four gill openings
three gill openings
(D) five gill openings
What is the function of petasma?
(A) Transfening the spennatophores
(B) Protection
(C) Transport of egg(D) Change its size
Wliat is the use of chloride cells in fishes?
(A) To eliminate blood cells
(C) To eliminate wastes
(B) To eliminate chloride ions
(D) To eliminate ions
Fornialin is used in the
(A) ptepatelion of medicine
(B) preservation of biological specimens(C) preparation of sleep producing drug
(D) preparation of nutrition for infants
Oviparous fish produce
(B) Babies
(D) Adults
(A) Eggs
(C) Young ones
The mucus or slim covering ofa fish
(A) protects its body from the action of the water
(B) facilitates swimming
(C) protects the fish from its enemies
(D) helps respiration
48. Bye catch means
(A) targeted fish catch in a tmwl not(B) non-targeted catch in a trawl net
(C) second~level catch in a trawl net
(D) purchase of a trawl catch
149. Which ofthe following is a lawicidal fish?
(A) Pzmtiusticro (B) Aploclteflus hmzatum
(C) Labeorofma (D) Calla cafla
1 0. Which is an Exotic can) Species?
(A) Cirrfzms mrfgaia (B) Labeo roltita
(C) Cypr':'mr.s' carpio (D) Calla calla

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