Da-08 09-19 MOSTAP Soil Samplers

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MOSTAP Soil Samplers

for high quality in-situ soil samples

• proven push sampling technique; thick-walled piston samplers
• used in combination with a CPT system or other pushing system
• samples with a diameter of 35, 65 or 70 mm
• suitable versions for various soil types
• special versions for contaminated soil
• 70 mm samples can be extended with 1 m-sections

creating tools that move your business

MOSTAP Soil Samplers, for high quality in-situ soil samples
introduction introduction ensuring sample
Subsequently, quality
the MOSTAP is pushed down while the coni-
Soil sampling is a fundamentalSoil
partsampling is a fundamental
of geotechnical soil Fortip
is held 35/65/70:
stable by the wire-line, acting as a piston. The
investigation. Many geotechnical of geotechnical soil investi-
tests require • a nylonsample
MOSTAP sock that
tube ensures minimalthe
slides beyond friction
conicalduring sampling;
tip. Once the
“undisturbed” soil samples. Thegation.
MOSTAP Manysoil sampler is alabo-
geotechnical tube
thereaches the required
nylon sock is cut toend
thedepth, thesize
required catching tool releas-
and slides into a
fixed-piston sampler with a proven technique of minimizing
ratory tests require "undistur- es plastic
the tip liner
and can
tubebe pulled out. Then the string including the
soil disturbance and able to obtain samples of
bed" soil samples. various diame-
• closing caps andsample
with soil a plasticcan be tube
liner retracted (to remove
that ensure the loss
ters and lengths. soil sampler is a fixed-piston sample). The use of a core catcher
during transportation and storage and sock is optional and
sampler (which means that the will depend on the soil type and sample conditions.
For MOSTAP 70, causing less distrurbances of the soil:
how the MOSTAP workspiston is fixed, after which the • an apex angle of 40 degrees
sample length
sample tube is pushed into the • a cutting shoe that is provided with a 6 degree cutting edge
The MOSTAP 70 provides the option to extend the sample
soil and it encloses the sample) • an internal
length drain ofthat
with portions 1 m.eliminates
The samplethe tubesnegative pressure
are 1 m and po-
with a proven technique of minimizing soil disturbance and able created during retraction
sitioned at the same height as the outer tubes and therefore
to obtain samples of various diameters and lengths. dismountable one by one.
MOSTAP Soil Samplers categorized
how the MOSTAP works ensuring sample quality
Giving the standards EN 1997-2:2007 and NEN-EN-ISO 22475-
The MOSTAP is pushed by CPT rods or casing tubes to the For
1:2006 MOSTAP 35/65/70:method categories are defined (table 3.1,
three sampling
required starting depth. A wire-line catching tool is lowered •page
a nylon sock ensures
34). For regular minimal
soil friction
conditions the during
MOSTAP sampling; thefall
35, 65 & 70
inside the string and unlocks the cutting mouth. Subsequently, nylon sock is cut to the required size and slides
into sampling category B that can achieve quality class 2 into a plastic
the MOSTAP is pushed down while the conical tip is held stable liner tube
samples. In favourable soil conditions these thick-walled piston
by the wire-line, acting as a piston. The MOSTAP sample tube •samplers
closing caps
can and
evena be
plastic linerintube
ranked ensureAminimal
category loss
achieving class 1
slides beyond the conical tip. Once the tube reaches the during transportation and storage
required end depth, the catching tool releases the tip and can
For MOSTAP 70, to ensure less distrurbances of the soil:
be pulled out. Then the string including the MOSTAP with soil
• an apex angle of 40 degrees
sample can be retracted (to remove the sample). The use of a • a cutting shoe with a 6 degree cutting edge
core catcher and sock is optional and will depend on the soil • an internal drain that eliminates the negative pressure creat-
type and sample conditions. ed during retraction

sample length MOSTAP Soil Samplers categorized

The MOSTAP 70 provides the option to extend the sample In the standards EN 1997-2:2007 and NEN-EN-ISO 22475- 1:2006
length with portions of 1 m. The sample tubes are 1 m and three sampling method categories are defined (table 3.1, page
positioned at the same height as the outer tubes and therefore 34). For regular soil conditions the MOSTAP 35, 65 & 70 fall into
The MOSTAP isone
dismountable pushed by CPT rods or casing tubes to the
by one. sampling category B that can achieve quality class 2 samples. In
required starting depth. A wire-line catching tool is lowered favourable soil conditions these thick-walled piston samplers can
inside the string and unlocks the cutting mouth. be ranked in category A achieving class 1 samples.


Sample diameter (mm) 35 65 70

Apex angle (degrees) 60 40
Cutting shoe (degrees) 30 6
Sample lengths (mm) 995 or 1,495 or 1,995 1,000 extendable by 1 m sections
Weight per sample length (kg) 12 or 14.8 or 17.5 21 or 24.5 or 30 24 + 12 kg per 1 m extension
Length tool per sample length (mm) 1,559 or 2,059 or 2,559 1,676 or 2,176 or 2,676 1,740 + 1 m per extension
Diameter sampler tool (mm) 60 90
36 mm CPT rods
Pushed by means of 36 mm CPT rods 56 mm casing tubes
or 56 mm casing tubes
Samples suitable for profiling & material identification shear/oedometer/triaxial tests
soft-stiff cohesive/organic soils
Recommended for use in sand, silt, clays soft-stiff cohesive/organic soils
& sensitive soils

For polluted soil stainless steel sample tube not available stainless steel sample tube

A.P. van den Berg Machinefabriek

IJzerweg 4, 8445 PK
P.O. Box 68, 8440 AB
Heerenveen, The Netherlands
tel : +31 (0)513 63 13 55
fax: +31 (0)513 63 12 12 We reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.
Da-8 / 09-2019

MOSTAP is a trademark of A.P. van den Berg, Heerenveen.


A.P. van den Berg Machinefabriek is a trademark of A.P. van den Berg
info@apvandenberg.com Ingenieursburo bv.

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