PSP 253
PSP 253
PSP 253
MATLAB software package.
STEP: 1 Click the Simulink icon.
STEP: 2 Open the untitled window and create the model for loan frequency control of
single area power system using various library functions available in the
Simulink browser.
STEP: 3 Save the file and simulate the model.
STEP: 4 Double click the scope and we can get the waveform as change in frequency
with respect to time.
STEP: 5 simulate the model for uncontrolled case and observe the waveform.
STEP: 6 Simulate the model for controlled case (i.e.), introduce one integral
control in the model and observe the waveform.
STEP: 7 Finally, compare the results obtained from simulation and comment the
If the system is connected to numerous loads in a power system, then the system
frequency and speed change with the characteristics of the governor as the load changes. If
it’s not required to maintain the frequency constant in a system then the operator is not
required to change the setting of the generator. But if constant frequency is required the
operator can adjust the velocity of the turbine by changing the characteristics of the governor
when required. If a change in load is taken care by two generating stations running parallel
then the complex nature of the system increases. The ways of sharing the load by two
machines are as follow:
Power System & Simulation Lab
Block diagram:
Model graph:
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1) Suppose there are two generating stations that are connected to each other by tie line. If the
change in load is either at A or at B and the generation of A is regulated so as to have
constant frequency then this kind of regulation is called as Flat Frequency Regulation.
2) The other way of sharing the load is that both A and B would regulate their generations to
maintain the frequency constant. This is called parallel frequency regulation.
3) The third possibility is that the change in the frequency of a particular area is taken care of
by the generator of that area thereby maintain the tie-line loading. This method is known as
flat tie line loading control.
4) In Selective Frequency control each system in a group is taken care of the load changes on
its own system and does not help the other systems, the group for changes outside its own
5) In Tie-line Load-bias control all the power systems in the interconnection aid in regulating
frequency regardless of where the frequency change originates.
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In s-domain
The command AP, is transformed through amplifier to the steam valve position command
∆Pᵥ. We assume here a linear relationship and considering simple time constant we get this-
domain relation.
Combining all the above block diagrams, for a isolated area system we get the following:
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Single area system
An Isolated power station has the following parameters
Turbine time constant = 0.5 sec
Governor time constant = 0.2 sec
Generator inertia constant = 5 sec
Governor speed regulation = R per unit
The load varies by 0.8 percent for a 1 percent change in frequency i.e., D=0.8. The
governor speed regulation is set to R=0.05 pu. The turbine rated output is 250 MW at
nominal frequency of 60Hz. A sudden load change of 50 MW (APD=0.2 pu) occurs.
i). Find the steady state frequency deviation in Hz.
ii). Draw a MATLAB/Simulink model and also verify the output with the manual
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Simulation Output:
Thus, the load frequency dynamics of single area power system is analysed using Simulink
and the outputs are verified.
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MATLAB software package.
STEP: 1 Click the Simulink icon.
STEP: 2 Open the untitled window and create the model for loan frequency control of
two area power system using various library functions available in the
Simulink browser.
STEP: 3 Save the file and simulate the model.
STEP: 4 Double click the scope and we can get the waveform as change in frequency
with respect to time.
STEP: 5 simulate the model for uncontrolled case and observe the waveform.
STEP: 6 Simulate the model for controlled case (i.e.), introduce one integral control in
the model and observe the waveform.
STEP: 7 Finally compare the results obtained from simulation and comment the result.
Modern day power systems are divided into various areas. For example, in India there
are five regional grids, e.g., Eastern Region, Western Region etc. Each of these areas is
generally interconnected to its neighbouring areas. The transmission lines that Connect an
area to its neighbouring area are called tie-lines. Power sharing between two areas occurs
through these tie-lines. Load frequency control, as the name signifies, regulates the power
flow between different areas while holding the frequency constant.
As we have that the system frequency rises when the load decreases if ∆Pref is kept at
zero. Similarly, the frequency may drop if the load increases. However, it is desirable to
maintain the frequency constant such that ∆f=0. The power flow through different tie-lines
are scheduled for example, area- i may export a pre-specified. Amount of power to area-j
while importing another pre-specified amount of power from area- k. However, it is expected
that to fulfil this obligation, area-i absorbs its own load change, i.e., increase generation to
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Block Diagram:
Model graph:
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supply extra load in the area or decrease generation when the load demand in the area has
reduced. While doing this area- i must however maintain its obligation to areas j and k as far
as importing and exporting power is concerned. A conceptual diagram of the interconnected
areas is shown in Fig. 2.1.
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Where Ptie and Psch are tie-line power and scheduled power through tie-line respectively
and the constant Bris called the frequency bias constant.
The change in the reference of the power setting ∆Pref,I, of the area- j is then obtained
by the feedback of the ACE through an integral controller of the form
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Two area system
A two-area system connected by a tie line has the following parameters on a
1000MVA common base
Area 1 2
Speed regulation R1=0.05 R2=0.0625
Frequency sensitive load coefficient D1=0.6 D2=0.9
Inertia Constant H1=5 H2=4
Base power 1000 MVA 1000 MVA
Governor time constant
Turbine time constant
The units are operating in parallel at the nominal frequency of 50Hz. The synchronizing
power coefficient is computed from the initial operating condition and is given to be Ps=2 pu.
A load change of 187.5MW occurs in areal. Determine the new steady state frequency and
the change in tie-line flow.
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Simulation Output:
Thus, the load frequency dynamics of two area Power system is analysed using
MATLAB Simulink and the outputs are verified.
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MATLAB software package.
A transmission line has *three constants R, L and C distributed uniformly along the
whole length of the line. The resistance and inductance form the series impedance. The
capacitance existing between conductors for 1-phase line or from a conductor to neutral for a
3-phase line forms a shunt path throughout the length of the line. Therefore, capacitance
effects introduce complications in transmission line calculations. Depending upon the manner
in which capacitance is taken into account; the overhead transmission lines are classified as:
Short transmission lines: When the length of an overhead transmission line is up to about
50 km and the line voltage is comparatively low (< 20 kV), it is usually considered as a short
transmission line. Due to smaller length and lower voltage, the capacitance effects are small
and hence can be neglected. Therefore, while studying the performance of a short
transmission line, only resistance and inductance of the. line are taken into account.
Medium transmission lines: When the length of an overhead transmission line is about 50-
150 km and the line voltage is moderately high (>20 kV < 100 kV), it is considered as a
medium transmission line. Due to sufficient length and voltage of the line, the capacitance
effects are taken into account. For purposes of calculations, the distributed capacitance of the
line is divided and lumped in the form of condensers shunted across the line at one or more
Long transmission lines: When the length of an overhead transmission line is more than 150
km and line voltage is very high (> 100 kV), it is considered as a long transmission line. For
the treatment of such a line, the line constants are considered uniformly distributed over the
whole length of the line and rigorous methods are employed for solution
It may be emphasized here that exact solution of any transmission line must consider the fact
that the constants of the line are not lumped but are distributed uniformly throughout the
length of the line. However, reasonable accuracy can be obtained by considering these
constants as lumped for short and medium transmission lines.
Medium Transmission Lines (Nominal ∏- Method):
In this method, capacitance of each conductor (i.e., line to neutral) is divided into two halves;
one half being lumped at the sending end and the other half at the receiving end as shown in
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below figure. It is obvious that capacitance at the sending end has no effect on the line drop.
However, it’s charging current must be added to fine current in order to obtain the total
sending end current.
Let ir= load current per phase
R= resistance per phase
XL = inductive reactance per phase
C= capacitance per phase
cos ØR= receiving end power factor (lagging)
VS = sending end voltage per phase
The phasor diagram for the circuit is shown in above figure. Taking the receiving end voltage
as the reference phasor, we have
Load current
Line current
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Voltage regulation: When a transmission line is carrying current, there is a voltage drop in
the line due to resistance and Inductance of the line. The result is that receiving end voltage
(VR) of the line is generally less than the sending end voltage (VS). This voltage drop (VS -
VR) in the line is expressed as a percentage of receiving end voltage VR and is called voltage
Transmission efficiency: The power obtained at the receiving end of a transmission line is
generally less than the sending end power due to losses in the line resistance.
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Single phase Inductance = 10-7[1+4log(d/r)]
Capacitance = 3,14*8.854*10-12/log(d/r)
Three phase Inductance = 10-7 [0.5+2log(d/r)]
Capacitance = 2*3.14*8.854*10-12/log(d/r)
Dequivatent = [d1*d2*d3]1/3
d = spacing of conductors
r= radius of conductors
STEP 1: Find that the given transmission line is single phase or three phase
STEP 2: If it is single phase, get the value of distance between the conductors.
STEP 3: Get the radius of the conductor
STEP 4: Using the appropriate formula, find inductance and capacitance. __
STEP 5: If the given system is three phase, classify whether it is symmetrical or
STEP 6: If symmetrical, get the distance between the conductors and radius of
the conductor.
STEP 7: Using the appropriate formula, find inductance and capacitance
STEP 8: If unsymmetrical, get the distance between the conductors and radius of the
conductor. Using the appropriate formula, find inductance and capacitance.
Determine the sending end voltage, current, power & power factor for a 160km
section of 3phase line delivering 5OMW at 132kV and P.F 0.8 lag. Also find the efficiency
and regulation of the line. Resistance per line 0.1557o0hm per km, spacing 3.7m, 6.475m,
7.4m transposed. Evaluate the A, B, C, D parameters also. Diameter is 1.956cm. Write and
execute a MATLAB program and also verify the output with the manual calculation results.
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simulation output:
output for medium transmission line parameters-19G21A0235
enter length of medium 3 phase transmission line in km:160
enter operating frequency in Hz:50
enter diameter of conductor in meters:1.956*10^-2
enter distance between lines 1&2:3.7
enter distance between lines 2&3:6.475
enter distance between lines 3&1:7.4
enter resistance per km of a line:0.1557
enter receiving power in MW:50
enter receiving end line voltage in kv:132
enter power factor at output:0.8
C =1.4010e-06
Z=24.9120 +66.3840i
Y=0 +4.4014e-004i
A=0.9854 + 0.0055i
B =24.9120 +66.3840i
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C = -1.2065e-06 +4.3692e-04i
D =0.9854 + 0.0055i
irold =273.3666
ir =2.1869e+02 -1.6402e+02i
vp =7.6210e+04
vs =9.1433e+004 +1.0849e+004i
is =2.1631e+02 -1.2713e+02i
anglevs =6.7671
angleis =-30.4436
inputpf =0.7964
ps =5.5195e+007
efficiency =90.5882
regulation =20.8167
Thus, the computation of line parameters of a given power transmission system is
done by using MATLAB and the output is verified.
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To form the bus admittance matrix (Y-bus) for a given power system using MATLAB
MATLAB software package.
The Ybus / Zbus matrix constitutes the models of the passive portions of the power
network. Ybus matrix is often used in solving load flow problems. It has gained widespread
applications owing to its simplicity of data preparation and the ease with which the bus
admittance matrix can be formed and modified for network changes. Of course, sparsity is
one of its greatest advantages as it heavily reduces computer memory and time requirements.
In short circuit analysis, the generator and transformer impedances must also be taken into
account. In contingency analysis, the shunt elements are neglected, while forming the Z-bus
matrix, which is used to compute the outage distribution factors.
This can be easily obtained by inverting the Y-bus matrix formed by inspection
method or by analytical method. The impedance matrix is a full matrix and is most useful for
short circuit studies. Initially, the Y-bus matrix is formed by inspection method by
considering line data only. After forming the Y-bus matrix, the modified Y-bus matrix is
formed by adding the generator and transformer admittances to the respective diagonal
elements and is inverted to form the Zbus matrix.
The performance equation for a n-bus system in terms of admittance matrix can be
written as,
The admittances Y11, Y12,... Y1n are called the self-admittances at the nodes and all other
admittances are called the mutual admittances of the nodes.
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Formulae Used:
STEP1: Read all the data namely R and X for the system
STEP2: Calculate the mutual or transfer reactance for the reactance between i and jand
i=j=1, 2, 3, 4...
STEP3: Calculate the self- admittance or point admittance bus i=1, 2, 3, 4...
STEP4: Output the Y-bus matrix.
STEP5: Print the result
Form the Ybus matrix for the power system connected with bus numbers and
impedance and self-admittance given for buses as
Bus number impedance Bus Self-admittance
1-2 0.06+i0.18 1 10.05
1-3 0.02+i0.06 2 10.06
2-3 0.04+i0.12 3 10.05
%formation of bus admittance matrix
display(‘Formation of bus admittance matrix (19G21A0235)’);
nbranch=input(‘enter the number of branches in the system =');
display(‘enter line data’);
for n=1:1:nbranch
fb=input(‘enter from bus=');
tb=input(‘enter to bus=');
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Y (fb(k),tb(k))=Y(fb(k),tb(k))-y(k);
% diagonal element
for m=1:nbus
for n=1:nbranch
for k=1:nbus
Formation of bus admittance matrix(19G21A0235)
enter the number of branches in the system =3
enter line data
enter from bus=1
enter to bus=2
enter the value of resistance=0.06
enter the value of reactance=0.18
enter the value of line charging admittance(b/2)=0.05
enter from bus=1
enter to bus=3
enter the value of resistance=0.02
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Thus, the formation of bus admittance matrix is done by using MATLAB and the
output is verified for the given power system.
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MATLAB software package.
STEP 1: Evaluate the accelerating power Pa.
STEP 2: From the swing equation d2δ/dt 2 = α (0) = Pa(Qt)/M Where δ is the
acceleration factor. Evaluation δ.
STEP 3: The change in angular velocity for the first interval is calculated.
STEP 4: The change in rotor angle for the first interval is also calculated.
STEP 5: If the discontinuity occurs due to removal of the fault or due to switching
operation there are three possibilities.
a. The discontinuity occurs at the beginning of i" interval.
b. The discontinuity occurs at the middle of the i interval.
STEP 6: To evaluate Pa when under first situation, one should use the value
corresponding to average value of Q-accelerating power i.e., power before and
after clearing the fault.
STEP 7: To evaluate Pa under the situation, a weighted average value of Pa before and
after the discontinuity may be used.
STEP 8: Thus, equating for nth interval can be written as
Pa(n-1) = Ps — Pe (n-1)
δn = 5n-1 + del δn
There are used for plotting the curve.
STEP 9: To evaluate Pa under second situation no procedure is required. It is taken as
the value at the beginning of the interval.
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Model graph:
Reactive power Qe = sin(cos-1(p.f))
Stator Current It =
Prefault Operation:
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Stability problem is concerned with the behaviour of power system when it is
subjected to disturbance and is classified into small signal stability problem if the
disturbances are small and transient stability problem when the disturbances are large.
Transient stability:
When a power system is under steady state, the load plus transmission loss equals to
the generation in the system. The generating units run at synchronous speed and system
frequency, voltage, current and power flows are steady. When a large disturbance -such as
three phase fault, loss of load, loss of generation etc., occurs the power balance is upset and
the generating units rotors experience either acceleration or deceleration. The system may
come back to a steady state condition maintaining synchronism or it may break into
subsystems or one or more machines may pull out of synchronism. In the former case the
system is said to be stable and in the later case it is said to be unstable.
Consider a system which consists of generator having 2 rating of 50 MMVA & H=2.7 -
MJ/MVA at rated speed, E=1.05, V=1, Xd’ =0.2, X1=%2=0.4 pu. The generator supplies 50
MW to the infinite bus when a 3phase fault occurs at middle of line 2.
i) Plot swing curve for a sustained fault up to 0.5 SEC.
ii) Plot the swing curve if the fault is cleared in 0.1 sec by simultaneous opening of
breakers at both ends of line 2.
iii) Find the critical clearing angle & clearing time.
iv) Write and execute a MATLAB program and also verify the output with the
manual calculation results.
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display(‘….Transient stability output <19G21A0235>….’);
f=input('Enter the input frequency’);
s= input(‘Enter the machine rating’);
ang(1)=input(‘Enter the initial angle’);
h=input(‘Enter the moment of inertia constant’);
tfinal=input('Enter the end time’);
tstep=input('Enter the change in time’);
tc=input('enter the clearing time’);
pm=input('enter the power transfer’);
pmaxbf=input(‘enter the prefault power’);
pmaxdf=input(‘enter the power during fault’);
pmaxaf=input(‘enter the postfault power’);
m= (s*h)/(180*f);
while t<tfinal
if t==tf
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axis([0 0.6 0 180])
….Transient stability output <19G21A0235>….
Enter the input frequency 50
Enter the machine rating 50
Enter the initial angle 4/11
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Thus, the transient stability analysis for single machine connected to infinite bus and
fault clearance in different time was studied.
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To find load flow analysis using Gauss-Seidel method In MATLAB
MATLAB software package.
STEP1: The slack bus voltage magnitude and angle are measured usually V1=1 p.u
with the load profile known at each bus, we allocate Pl and Qi to all generating
Stations with this step, bus Injections (Pi+Qi) are known at all buses other than
the slack bus.
STEP2: Assembly of bus admittance matrix: with the ling and shunt admittance data
stored in the computer, Y bus Is assembled by using the algorithm developed
earlier, Alternatively bus ls assembled using Y bus=ATYA where the Input is
in the form of primitive admittance matrix Y and singular connection bus
incidence matrix A
STEP3: Iterative computation of bus voltages (Vi, 1=1,2...n) to start Iteration a set of
initial values is assumed, since in a power system the voltage spread is not too
wide, it is normal practice to use a flat voltage start, le. Initially all voltages
are set equal to (1+j0) expect slack bus voltage which is fixed . this reduced
the n equations in complex number which are to solved iteratively for finding
complex voltages V2,V3,...Vn. IF complex no options are net available in a
computer, the equation is real unknown js
We also defined,
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Also we see if
|∆Vi | min $ [AVE [max I=2 …………. n
If not, we fix |∆Vi |at one of extreme values i.e.
|∆Vi| min if |∆ Vi | ≤ |∆ Vi| min or |∆Vi | max if |∆Vi| ≤ |∆Vi|
STEP4: Computation of slack bus power; substitution of all bus voltages computed in
step3 with Vi and I=1 yield real and reactive power at slack bus i.e.,
STEPS: Computation of line flows; this is the last step in the load flow analysis where
in the power flows on the various lines of the network are computed. This also
enables us to check whether any line overloaded. Consider the line connecting
buses | and k. The line and transformer at each end can be represented by a
circuit with series admittance Yik and to shunt admittances Yiko. As the
current fed by bus line to the line can be expressed as
lik = lik1+lik0= (Vi-Vk)Yik+ Viyik0
Load flow analysis is the most frequently performed system study by electric utilities.
This analysis is performed on a symmetrical steady-state operating condition of a power
system under ‘normal’ mode of operation and aims at obtaining bus voltages and
line/transformer flows for a given load condition. This information is essential both for long
term planning and next day operational planning. In long term planning, load flow analysis
helps in investigating the effectiveness of alternative plans and choosing the ‘best’ plan for
system expansion to meet the projected operating state. In operational planning, it helps in
choosing the ‘best’ unit commitment plan and generation schedules to run the system
efficiently for them next day’s load condition without violating the bus voltage and line flow
operating limits.
The Gauss seidel method is an iterative algorithm for solving a set of non- linear
algebraic equations. The relationship between network bus voltages and currents may be
represented by either loop equations or node equations. Node equations are normally
preferred because the number of independent node equation is smaller than the number of
independent loop equations.
The network equations in terms of the bus admittance matrix can be written as,
For an bus system, the above performance equation can be expanded as,
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Ip has been substituted by the real and reactive powers because normally in a power system
these quantities are specified.
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Figure shows the one-line diagram of a three-bus power system with generation at
bus1.The magnitude of voltage at bus1 is adjusted to 1.05 per unit. The scheduled loads at
buses 2 & 3 are as marked on the diagram. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a
100MVA base and the line charging susceptance are neglected.
i) Using Gauss-Seidel method, determine the phasor values of the voltage at the
load buses 2 & 3 (PQ buses) accurate to 4 decimal places. .
ii) Write and execute a MATLAB program and also verify the output with the
manual calculation results.
display (‘----- Formation of Ybus By G-S Method<19G21A0235>-----‘);
n= Input ('Enter the number of buses ');
fprintf (‘Enter your choice’);
p= input ('1. impedance, 2. admittance’);
if (p==1)
for q= 1:n
for r=q+1:n
fprintf ('Enter the impedance value between %d-%d',q,r);
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if (z(q,r)==0)
y (q,r)=inv(z(q,r));
y(r,q)= y(q,r);
elseif (p==2)
for a= 1:n
for b=a+1:n
fprintf (‘Enter the admittance value between %d-%d',a,b);
y(b,a)= y(a,b);
fprintf ('enter the correct choice’);
for a=1:n
for b=1:n
if (a==b)
for c=1:n
ybus(a,a)= ybus(a,a)+ y(a,c);
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busdata =[1 1 1.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
2 3 1.00 0 0 0 256.6 110.2 0 0;
3 3 1.00 0 0 0 138.6 45.2 0 0];
bus = busdata(:,1);
type = busdata(:,2);
V = busdata(:,3);
th = busdata(:,4);
GenMW = busdata(:,5);
GenMVAR = busdata(:,6);
LoadMW = busdata(:,7);
LoadMVAR = busdata(:,8);
Qmin = busdata(:,9);
Qmax = busdata(:,10);
nbus = max(bus);
P = GenMW - LoadMW;
Q = GenMVAR - LoadMVAR;
Vprev =V;
toler = 1;
iteration = 1;
disp(' Bus number | 1.Slack 2.PQ 3.PV | V| angle|Pg | Qg | PL | QL | Qmin | Qmax ');
while (toler> 0.1)
for i = 2:nbus
sumyv = 0;
for k = 1:nbus
if i~=k
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for f=1:nbus
----- Formation Of Ybus By G-S Method<19G21A0235>-----
Enter the number of buses 3
Enter your choice1. impedance, 2. Admittance 1
Enter the impedance value between 1-2:0.02+j*0.04
Enter the impedance value between 1-3:0.01+j*0.03
Enter the impedance value between 2-3:0.0125+1j*0.025
ybus =
20.0000 -50.0000i -10.0000 +20.0000i -10.0000 +30.0000i
-10.0000 +20.0000i 26.0000 -52.0000i -16.0000 +32.0000i
-10.0000 +30.0000i -16.0000 +32.0000i 26.0000 -62.0000i
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real_power =
reactive_power =
Thus the load flow analysis using is performed by Gauss-Seidal method and a
program is developed using MATLAB to find the solution of load flow for given power
system and the output is verified.
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MATLAB software package
STEP 1: Assume a flat profile 1+j0 for all buses except the slack bus in the Specified
voltage and it is not modified in any iteration.
STEP 2: Assume a suitable value of ε called convergence criterion. Hence € is a
specified change in the residue that is used to compare the actual residue at the
end of each iteration.
STEP 3: Set the iteration count K=0 and assumed voltage profile of the buses are
denoted as V10,V20......vn0.
STEP 4: Set the bus count p=1
STEP 5: Check for slack bus. If it is a slack bus then go to step 13. Otherwise go to
next step.
STEP 6: Calculate the real & reactive power of bus p using the following equation,
STEP 7: Calculate the change In real power, ∆Pk=Pp spec -Ppk Where, Pp
spec=specified real power of bus p.
STEP 8: Check for generator bus. If it Is a generator bus gob to next step otherwise go
to step 12.
STEP 9: Check for generator bus. If it is a generator reactive power limits Violation of
generator buses. For this compare the calculated reactive power Q with
specified limits. If the limits are violated go to step11. Otherwise go to next
STEP 10: If the calculated reactive power is within the specified limit then consider this
bus as generator bus. Now calculate the voltage residue using the equation
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Where |Vp spec| = specified voltage magnitude for generation bus. Then go to
step 13.
STEP 11: If the reactive power limit violated the treat this bus as a load bus. Now the
specified reactive power for this bus will correspond to Limit violated.
STEP 12: Calculate the change in reactive power for load bus change in reactive power,
STEP 13: Repeat the step 5 to 12 until all residues are calculated for increment the bus
count n. by 1 to 5 steps until the bus count is n.
STEP 14: Determine the largest of the absolute value of the residue (i.e.) Find the largest
value among ∆Ppk , ∆Qpk, or |∆Vpk|2
STEP 15: Compare ∆E and E, if ∆E<E then go to step 20. If ∆E>E go to next Step.
STEP 16: Determine the element, the load flow equation using th iteration Value.
STEP 17: Calculate the increment in real and reactive part of voltage ∆epk and ∆fpk by
solving the matrix equation B=JC.
STEP 18: Calculate the new bus voltage.
STEP 19: Advance the iteration count k=k+1 and go to step 4.
STEP 20: Calculate the line flows.
Load flow study in power system parlance is the steady state solution of the power
system network. The main information obtained from this study comprises the magnitudes
and phase angles of load bus voltages, reactive powers at generator buses, real and reactive
power flow on transmission lines, other variables being specified. This information is
essential for the continuous monitoring of current state of the system and for analysing the
effectiveness of alternative plans for future system expansion to meet increased load demand.
Newton-Raphson method is an iterative method that approximates the set of non
linear ay simultaneous equations to a set of linear simultaneous equations using Taylor’s
series expansion and the terms are limited to first approximation. The rate of convergence is
fast as compared to the FDLF program and also it is suitable for large size system. So, we go
for N-R method. The non-linear equations governing the power system network are,
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The Newton —Raphson method requires that a set of linear equations be formed expressing
the relationship between the changes in real and reactive powers and the components of the
bus voltages as follows:
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on when solved for ∆δ, ∆V gives the correction to be applied to |V| and δ, i.e.
Next, we get a new set of linear equations evaluated at (r+1)th iteration and the process is
repeated. Convergence is tested by the power mismatch criteria. This method converges to
high accuracy nearly always in 2 to 5 iterations from a flat start (|V| = 1 p.u. and θ=0) for all
where |V|, θ are unknown, independent of system size.
At PV bus at the end of an iteration and if it violates the limits, the PV bus is switched to a
PQ bus. When Q is within limits, then it is switched back to PV bus.
Figure shows the one-line diagram of a three-bus power system with generators at buses 1& 3.
The magnitude of voltage at bus1 is adjusted to 1.05 per unit. The magnitude of voltage at
bus 3 is fixed at 1.04pu with a real power generation of 200 MW. A load consists of 400 MW
and 250 MVAR is taken from bus2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100MVA
base and the line charging susceptance are neglected.
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display(‘Load Flow Solution By Using Newton-Raphson Method<19G21A0235>’);
n= input('Enter the number of buses ‘);
fprintf('Enter your choice’);
p= input ('1, impedance, 2. admittance’);
if (p==1)
for q= 1:n
for r=q+1:n
fprintf('Enter the impedance value between %d-%d',q,r);
if (z(q,r)==0)
y(r,q)= y(q,r);
elseif (p==2)
for a= 1:n
for b=a+1:n
fprintf('Enter the admittance value between %d-%d',a,b);
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y(b,a)= y(a,b);
fprintf(‘enter the correct choice');
for a=1:n
for b=1:n
if (a==b)
for c=1:n
ybus(a,a)= ybus(a,a)+ y(a,c);
pwracur=0.00025; % Power accuracy
dc=10; % Set the maximum power residual to a high value
while max(abs(dc))>pwracur
p=[v(2)*v(1)*y(2, 1) *cos(t(2,1)-d(2)+d(1))+v(2)^2 *y(2,2) *cos(t(2,2))+v(2)*v(3)
v(3)*v(1)* y(3,1)* cos(t(3,1)-d(3)+d(1))+v(3)^2*y(3,3)* cos(t(3,3))+v(3)*v(2)*y(3,2)*
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Load Flow Solution By Using Newton-Raphson Method<19G21A0235>
Enter the number of buses 3
Enter your choice1. impedance, 2. admittance1
Enter the impedance value between 1-2:0.02+0.04j
Enter the impedance value between 1-3:0.01+0,03)
Enter the impedance value between 2-3:0.0125+0.025}
ybus =
20.0000 -50.0000i -10.0000 +20.0000i -10.0000 +30.0000i
-10.0000 +20.0000i 26.0000 52.0000i -16.0000 +32.0000i
-10.0000 +30.0000i -16.0000 +32.0000i 26.0000 -62.0000i
iter =
54.2800 -33.2800 24.8600
-33.2800 64.1664 -16.6400
-27.1400 16.6400 49.7200
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iter =
dc =
51.7246 -31.7678 21.3026
-32.9797 63.7409 -15.3834
-28,5386 17.3988 48.1036
dx =
iter =
dc =
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51.5967 -31.6941 21.1474
-32.9337 63.6841 -15.3520
-28,.5482 17.3966 47.9549
1.0e-004 *
iter =
1.0e-004 *
51.5964 -31.6937 21.1471
-32.9337 63.6846 -15.3516
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Thus the load flow analysis using is performed by Newton-Raphson method and a
program is developed using MATLAB to find the solution of load flow for given power
system and the output is verified.
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To develop a MATLAB program to perform the short circuit fault analysis for a given
power system.
MATLAB software package
STEP 1: Get the data for positive and negative sequence impedance materials.
STEP 2: Enter the bus code number, base kV, base MVA number,
STEP 3: Implementation of Z-Bus using BUILDING ALGORITHM.
STEP 4: Enter the choices.
STEP 5: Enter the impedance value to be included according to the corresponding
STEP 6: Enter the fault impendence value, fault bus code, and fault bus voltage.
STEP 7: Print the result.
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matrix is convenient to use for fault studies as its diagonal elements are the Thevenin’s
impedance of the network as seen from different buses. Prior to the occurrence of fault, the
system is assumed to be in a balanced steady state and hence per phase network model is
used. The generators are represented by a constant voltage source behind a suitable reactance
which may be sub-transient, transient or normal d-axis reactance. The transmission lines are
represented by their n-models with all impedances referred to a common base. Further, a
balanced three phase fault, through fault impedance Zf is assumed to occur at kth bus as
shown in the figure. A pre-fault load flow provides the information about the pre-fault bus
Let [ VBus(0)] be the prefault bus voltage vector [V2(0).... VK(0)....Vn(0)]T p.u. The fault at kth
bus through an impedance Zf will cause a change in the voltage of all the buses [∆VBUS] due
to the flow of heavy currents through the transmission lines. This change can be calculated by
applying a voltage Vk (0) at kth bus and short circuiting all other voltage sources. The sources
and loads are replaced by their equivalent impedances. This is shown in below figure
In above figure, Zj and Zk are the equivalent load impedances as bus i and k respectively, Zik
is the impedance of line between ith and kth buses. Xdl is the appropriate generator reactance,
Zf is the fault impedance,Ik(F) is the fault current and Vk(0) is the prefault voltage at kth bus,
From the superposition theorem, the bus voltages due to a fault can be obtained as the sum of
prefault bus voltages and the change in bus voltages due to fault, i.e.,
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[ Vbus(F)]= Vector of bus voltages during fault = [V1(F)…..Vk(F)…...Vn(F)]T
[ Vbus(0)]= Vector of pre-fault bus voltages= [V1(0).... Vk (0)....Vn(0)]T
[∆Vbus) = Vector of change in bus voltages due to fault = [∆V1.... ∆Vk... ∆Vn]T
Also the bus injected current [IBUS] can be expressed as,
Where, [Vbus] is the bus voltage vector and [Ybus] is the bus admittance matrix. With all the
bus currents, except of the faulted bus k, equal to zero, the node equation for the network of
above figure can be written as
As the fault current Ik(F) is leaving the bus it is taken as a negative current entering the bus.
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For a bolted fault Zf=0 and hence, Vk(F) = 0. Thus the fault current Ik(F) for bolted fault can
be expressed
For faulty with non-zero fault impedance Zf, the fault current can be calculated as:
The quantity Zkk in equations is the Thevenin’s impedance or open circuit impedance of the
network as seen from the faulted bus k. From equation [Vbus(F)] the bus voltage after fault for
the healthy buses can be written as:
Substituting Ik(F)
Consider the 3bus system as shown in figure. The generators are 100 MVA with
transient reactance 10% each. Both the transformers are 100 MVA with a leakage reactance
of 5%. The reactance of each of the lines to a base of 100 MVA, 110kV is 10%. Obtain the
short circuit calculation for a 3phase solid short circuit on bus 3. Assume pre-fault voltages to
be 1pu and pre-fault currents to be zero.
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Write and execute a MATLAB program and also verify the output with the manual
calculation results.
display('........short circuit analysis.......');
n=input (‘enter number of busses in the power system’);
x=input ('enter 1.impedence given between buses 2.admittance given between buses:’);
%reading power System line data
if (j>=i)
if (i==j)
fprintf('Enter the half line charging admittance between buses %d-%d',i,j)
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k=input('fault occurred at bus’);
vpf=input('enter prefault voltage');
zff=input('fault impedance');
for (i=l:n)
fprintf(‘Voltage at bus %d under fault’,i);
………….short circuit analysis……………
Enter number of buses In the power system:3
enter 1. impedance given between buses 2.admittance given between buses:1
Enter the half line charging admittance between buses 1-1:-1/0.051
Enter the Impedance value between buses 1-2:0.11
Enter the impedance value between buses 1-3:0.11
Enter the half line charging admittance between buses 2-2:-1/0.051
Enter the Impedance value between buses 2-3:0.11
Enter the half line charging admittance between buses 3-3:0
0-39.60781 0+10.00001 0 +10.0000i
0+10.00001 0-59.21571 0 +10.0000i
0+10.00001 0+10.00001 0-20.0000i
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0+0.03281 0+0.0091i 0+0.0210i
0+0.0091i 0+0.0210i 0+0.0150i
0+0.0210i 0+0.0150i 0+0.0680i
Fault occurred at bus 3
Enter prefault voltage
fault impedance 0
ifault =
0 -14.7081i
voltage at bus 1 under fault
/n voltage at bus 2 under fault
/n voltage at bus 3 under fault
Thus, a program is developed using MATLAB to perform the short circuit fault
analysis for a given power system network and the output is verified.
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