Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
What is TAX?
Tax Systems
If the incidence of tax is one person and impact on another person, it is called indirect tax. In other
words, burden is passed on to the ultimate consumer. If both the incidence and impact of tax fall
on the same person, it is called direct tax. In other words, burden cannot be passed on to anyone.
Indirect taxes imposed on Goods or Services affect the prices leading to an inflationary trend. In
order to curb inflation which was due to multiple taxes and cascading effect, Government of India
has introduced Goods and Services Tax.
Goods and Services Tax is one of the biggest reform in Indirect Taxes in the history of India. With
the implementation of Goods and Services Tax, India realises the dream of One Nation- One Tax.
Goods and Services Tax is a simple and destination-based tax that is levied on all activities related
to supply of goods or services of both. The activities that are taxable in GST regime is the supply
of Goods or Services or both. Hence GST is leviable at all transactions of goods whether import,
manufacture, trading, providing services, entertainment or anything else. The scope of GST is so
wide that no activity remains untaxed in this regime unless specifically emptied by law.
The successful implementation of GST is expected to boost the country’s GSP due to reduced cost
of compliances, reduction in corruption, increase in tax revenue for the country, barrier free flow
of goods across the nation, reduced litigations, increase in foreign direct investment in India and
creation of employment due to improvement in overall business climate in the country.
1. July 17, 2000 - Government of India setup the Empowered Committee of State Finance
Minister with the Hon’ble State Finance Ministers of West Bengal, Karnataka, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Delhi and Meghalaya
2. In 2003 - The Kelkar Task Force on Indirect Tax had suggested a comprehensive Goods and
Services Tax (GST) based on VAT principle.
3. August 12, 2004 - Government of India reconstituted the Empowered Committee with all the
Hon’ble State Finance Minister/Taxation Ministers as its members.
4. February 2007 - An announcement was made by the then Hon’ble Union Finance Minister in
the Central Budget (2007- 08) to the effect that GST would be introduced with effect from
April 01, 2010
5. September 2009 - The Empowered Committee (EC) decided to constitute a Working Group
consisting of Principal Secretaries / Secretaries (Finance / Taxation) and Commissioners of
Trade Taxes of all States/UTs
6. November 2009 - Based on inputs from Government(s) of Centre and States, Empowered
Committee released its First Discussion Paper on GST
7. March 2011 - The Constitution (One Hundred and Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 to give
concurrent taxing powers to the Union and States was introduced in Lok Sabha. The Bill
suggested the creation of Goods and Services Tax Council and a Goods and Services Tax
Dispute Settlement Authority.
9. March 2013 - A not for profit, non-Government, private limited company was incorporated
in the name of Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) as special purpose vehicle setup by
the Government primarily to provide IT infrastructure and services to the Central and State
Government(s), tax payers and other stakeholders for implementation of the Goods and
Services Tax (GST)
10. August 2013 - The Parliamentary Standing Committee submitted its Report to the Lok Sabha.
The recommendations of the Empowered Committee and the recommendations of the
Parliamentary Standing Committee were examined by the Ministry in consultation with the
Legislative Department. Most of the recommendations made by the Empowered Committee
and the Parliamentary Standing Committee were accepted and the Draft Amendment Bill was
suitably revised
11. September 2013 - The final draft Constitutional Amendment Bill incorporating the above
stated changes was sent to the Empowered Committee (EC) for consideration
13. June 2014 - The draft Constitution Amendment Bill in March 2014 was sent to the Empowered
Committee after approval of the new Government.
14. December 2014 - The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Second Amendment) Bill,
2014 seeking to amend the Constitution to introduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and
subsume state Value Added Tax, octroi and entry tax, luxury tax, etc. was introduced in the
Lok Sabha on December 19, 2014 by the Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Mr. Arun Jaitley.
15. May 2015 - Constitution Amendment (122nd) Bill was passed by Lok Sabha on May 06, 2015.
16. May 2015 - In Rajya Sabha, Bill was referred to a 21-member Select Committee of Rajya
17. July 2015 - Select Committee submitted its report to Rajya Sabha on July 22, 2015.
18. June 2016 - On June 14, 2016, the Ministry of Finance released draft model law on GST in
public domain for views and suggestion
19. August 2016 - On August 03, 2016, the Constitution (122ndAmendment) Bill, 2014 was
passed by Rajya Sabha with certain amendments.
20. August 2016 - The changes made by Rajya Sabha were unanimously passed by Lok Sabha,
on August 08, 2016.
21. September 2016 - The Bill was adopted by majority of State Legislatures wherein approval of
at least 50%of the State Assemblies was required
22. September 2016 - Final assent of Hon’ble President of India was given on 8th September,2016
• April 2017- President’s assent was given to four key legislations on Goods and Service Tax.
One of the unique feature of GST is that both the Central and State Government have given up
their individual power to levy taxes in favour of a common conditional body which is now as
Goods and Service Tax Council.
Goods and Service Tax Council consists of the Union Finance Minister, the Minister of State
Revenue and the State Finance or Taxation Ministers to recommend the GST Rate, exemption and
thresholds, taxes to be subsumed and other matters relating to GST.
This mechanism would ensure harmonization on different aspects of GST between the Centre an
States as well as between different States
One-half of the total number of members of GSTC would form the quorum in meetings.
Decision in Goods and Services Tax Council would be taken by a majority of not less than three-
forth (75%) of weighted votes cast. Centre would have one-third weightage of the total votes cast
and all the State taken together would have two-third of weightage of the total votes cast.
It is specifically provided in the GST Act, that Central Government shall act on the
recommendation of the Goods and Services Tax Council and hence shall not take any decision of
its own
• To decide Taxes, cesses, and surcharges levied by the Centre, States and local bodies which
may be subsumed in the GST;
• To decide Goods and Services which may be subjected to or exempted from GST;
• To decide Model GST laws, principles of levy, apportionment of IGST and principles that
govern the place of supply;
• To decide threshold limit of turnover below which goods and services may be exempted from
• To decide rates including floor rates with bands of GST;
• To decide special rates to raise additional resources during any natural calamity;
• To decide special provision with respect to Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand; and
• Any other matters as may be prescribed
Article 265: No tax shall be levied and collected except by the authority of law
Article 245: Parliament may make laws for the whole or any part of the country and State
Legislature can make laws for the whole or any part of the state
Article 246: Refer schedule VII of Constitution of India for distribution of powers
Both Parliament
Only State
Only Parliament and State
Legislature has to
has the power to Legislature has the
power to make
make laws power to make
1. Central List
2. State List
3. Concurrent List
While the Central Government is empowered to tax the activities provided in the Central List, the
State Government can levy the taxes on the State List. If the activity is prescribed in the Concurrent
List, taxes can be levied by both Central and State Government. If the activity is not provided in
any of the three lists, it would be treated a residuary item and the tax shall be levied by the Central
In Constitution of India, the power to levy taxes on services was specified in the Central list and
the power to levy taxes on goods was specified in the State list which was the biggest hurdle for
Goods and Services Tax because in GST regime taxes on goods as well as services is going to be
levied by both Central as well as State Government. So, to nullify the effect of Article 246,
Constitution of India was amended on 8th September 2016 by inserting following Articles.
After article 246 of the Constitution, the following article shall be inserted, namely: —
"246A. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in articles 246 and 254, Parliament, and, subject
to clause (2), the Legislature of every State, have power to make laws with respect to goods and
services tax imposed by the Union or by such State.
(2) Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to goods and services tax where the
supply of goods, or of services, or both takes place during inter-State trade or commerce.
After article 269 of the Constitution, the following article shall be inserted, namely: —
‘‘269A. (1) Goods and services tax on supplies in the course of inter-State trade or commerce shall
be levied and collected by the Government of India and such tax shall be apportioned between the
Union and the States in the manner as may be provided by Parliament by law on the
recommendations of the Goods and Services Tax Council.
The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017- To levy, collect CGST on intra-state
supplies and for other matters.
The State Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017- To levy, collect SGST on intra-state
supplies and for other matters.
The Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017- To levy, collect IGST on inter-
state supplies and for other matters.
The Union-territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017- To levy, collect UTGST on
intra-union territory supplies and for other matters.
The GST (Compensation to States) Tax Act, 2017- To compensate States for the loss
of revenue if any due to introduction of IGST.
1. This Act may be called as Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
3. It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint.
Provided that different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act and any
reference in any such provision to the commencement of this Act shall be construed as a
reference to the coming into force of that provision.
Definitions (Section 2)
Sec Aggregate means the aggregate value of all taxable supplies (excluding the
2(6) Turnover value of inward supplies on which tax is payable by a person on
reverse charge basis), exempt supplies, exports of goods or
services or both and inter-State supplies of persons having the
same Permanent Account Number, to be computed on all India
basis but excludes central tax, State tax, Union territory tax,
integrated tax and cess;
Sec Business means a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is
2(18) Vertical engaged in the supply of individual goods or services or a group
of related goods or services which is subject to risks and returns
that are different from those of the other business verticals.
Sec Casual Taxable means a person who occasionally undertakes transactions
2(20) Person involving supply of goods or services or both in the course or
furtherance of business, whether as principal, agent or in any other
capacity, in a State or a Union territory where he has no fixed place
of business
Sec Composite means a supply made by a taxable person to a recipient consisting
2(30) supply of two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or both, or
any combination thereof, which are naturally bundled and
supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of
business, one of which is a principal supply
Sec Continuous means a supply of goods which is provided, or agreed to be
2(32) supply of Goods provided, continuously or on recurrent basis, under a contract,
whether or not by means of a wire, cable, pipeline or other conduit,
and for which the supplier invoices the recipient on a regular or
periodic basis and includes supply of such goods as the
Government may, subject to such conditions, as it may, by
notification, specify;
Relevant definitions
(1A) The activities or transactions which constitute a supply to be treated as supply of goods or
supply of service refereed in Schedule II
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub section (1), following activities shall be neither
treated as a supply of goods or supply of services or both
a. Activities specified in Schedule III ; or
b. Activities undertaken by the Central Government, State Government or any local authority, as
may be notified by the Government
(3) The Government may on the recommendation of the Council, specify transactions that are to
be treated as -
a. A supply of goods and not as supply of service
b. A supply of service and not as supply of goods
1. Mr. Amitabh a dealer sells a washing machine for Rs. 30,000 to earn profit. Does it qualify
as a supply.
2. Mr. Ram (an unregistered person) wants to do MBA from abroad. He takes Education
consultancy services from a UK based consultant for Rs. 10,000. Does it qualify as a supply?
3. ABC Ltd. A manufacturing company scraps old plant and machinery due to renovation of
manufacturing facility. The company has taken input tax credit of plant and machinery so
scrapped without consideration. Does it qualify as supply?
4. Big Ltd. provides management technical services without consideration to Small Ltd in
which Big Ltd. has controlling rights. These technical services have been provided for
benefit of entire group. Does it qualify for supply?
6. Honda Motors ltd. Engages DD Motors as an agent to sell motorcycles on its behalf. For the
purpose, Honda Motors Ltd. Has supplied 500 cars to the showroom of DD Motors located in
Punjab. Does it qualify as supply?
When two or more goods are sold in a combination it becomes difficult to identify the rate of tax
to be levied. For such goods or services, CGST Act, 2017 has provided with two terms --
“Composite Supply” and “Mixed Supply”.
Both Composite supply and Mixed supply consist of two or more taxable supplies of goods or
services or both but the main difference between the two is that Composite supply is naturally
bundled i.e., goods or services are usually provided together in normal course of business. They
cannot be separated. Whereas in Mixed supply, the goods or services can be sold separately
Composite Supply
Section 2(30): “composite supply” means a supply made by a taxable person to a recipient
consisting of two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or both, or any combination thereof,
which are naturally bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of
business, one of which is a principal supply
Principal Supply (Section 2 (90)): means the supply of goods or services which constitutes the
predominant element of a composite supply and to which any other supply forming part of that
composite supply is ancillary
Illustration: Where goods are packed and transported with insurance, the supply of goods, packing
materials, transport and insurance is a composite supply and supply of goods is a principal supply
Applicable rate of tax: The rate of tax which is applicable on principal supply shall be applicable
rate on composite supply
Section 2 (74): “mixed supply” means two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or
any combination thereof, made in conjunction with each other by a taxable person for a single
price where such supply does not constitute a composite supply
Illustration: A supply of a package consisting of canned foods, sweets, chocolates, cakes, dry
fruits, aerated drinks and fruit juices when supplied for a single price is a mixed supply. Each of
these items can be supplied separately and is not dependent on any other. It shall not be a mixed
supply if these items are supplied separately.
Judicial Pronouncement
Where company is selling water in containers whether selling of container and water is
composite supply?
Water cannot be sold standalone without filling in containers and thus the supply is naturally
bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of business - Selling
of water in container is composite supply where selling of purified water is the principal supply.
The Central Government vide notification no. 17/2017 has notified following categories of
services, the tax on intra-state supplies shall be paid by electronic commerce operator –
3. Services by way of house-keeping, such as plumbing, carpentering etc., except where the
person supply such service through electronic commerce operator is liable for registration
2 Supply of legal Services provided by Any business entity located in the taxable
services an territory
1. individual
including a senior
advocate or
2. firm of advocates
by way of legal
services, directly
or indirectly
3 Service supplied by An arbitral tribunal Any business entity located in the taxable
an arbitral tribunal territory
To give relief to the small taxpayers, Government has incorporated ‘Composition Scheme’ in the
Central Goods and Services Tax Act. This scheme is optional on the part of the assessee.
Any registered person having business of supply of goods and restaurant services whose aggregate
turnover in a preceding financial year did not exceed One crore and fifty lakh rupees (Rs. 1.5
crores), may opt to pay, tax as per composition scheme. However, the aggregate turnover in the
preceding financial year shall not exceed Rs. 75 lakhs in case of an eligible registered person in
any of the following states namely: 1. Arunachal Pradesh 2. Meghalaya 3. Manipur 4. Mizoram 5.
Nagaland 6. Sikkim 7. Tripura 8. Uttarakhand
The GST Council has extended the scope for applicability of composition scheme to the service
providers other than provider of restaurant service who have annual turnover of Rs. 50,00,000 in
the preceding financial year.
6. He shall mention the words “Composition Taxable Person, not eligible to collect tax on
supplies” at the top of the bill of supply issued by him
7. He shall mention the words “Composition taxable person” on every notice or signboard
displayed at a prominent place at his principal place of business and at every additional places
of business
8. Where more than one registered person are having same PAN (issued under Income Tax Act),
the registered person shall not be eligible to opt for the scheme unless all such registered person
opt to pay tax under the composition scheme.
Registered person who opts for composition scheme, shall not take any credit of input tax and shall
not collect any tax from the recipient of goods or services or both.
Registered person who opts composition scheme shall pay tax from his own pocket on the amount
of turnover as per the following rates of taxes:
Types of supplier Rate of Tax
Manufacturer 0.5% CGST + 0.5% SGST/UTGST of
Supplier of Foods and beverages other than 2.5% CGST + 2.5% SGST/UTGST of
alcoholic drinks turnover
Other Traders 0.5% CGST + 0.5% SGST/UTGST of
Supplier of services 3% CGST + 3% SGST/UTGST of turnover
The option availed by a registered person shall lapse with effect from the day on which his
aggregate turnover during a financial year exceeds the limit specified above
If the proper officer has reason to believe that a taxable person has paid tax under composition
scheme despite not being eligible, such person shall be liable to pay the difference amount of tax
also penalty and section 73 or section 74 of CGST Act shall also apply for determination of tax
and penalty.
Intimation to Any person who has been granted registration on a provisional basis under
opt clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 24 and who opts to pay tax under section 10,
composition shall electronically file an intimation in FORM GST CMP-01, duly signed
levy (Rule 3(1)) or verified through electronic verification code, on the common portal, either
directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, prior
to the appointed day, but not later than thirty days after the said day, or such
further period as may be extended by the Commissioner in this behalf:
Provided that where the intimation in FORM GST CMP-01 is filed after the
appointed day, the registered person shall not collect any tax from the
appointed day but shall issue bill of supply for supplies made after the said
Mention in Any person who applies for registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 may
Registration give an option to pay tax under section 10 in Part B of FORM GST REG-
form (Rule 01, which shall be considered as an intimation to pay tax under the said
3(2)) section.
Intimation to Any registered person who opts to pay tax under section 10 shall
opt electronically file an intimation in FORM GST CMP-02, duly signed or
composition verified through electronic verification code, on the common portal, either
levy before directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, prior
commencement to the commencement of the financial year for which the option to pay tax
of Financial under the aforesaid section is exercised and shall furnish the statement in
Year (Rule FORM GST ITC-03 in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule
3(3)) 44 within a period of sixty days from the commencement of the relevant
financial year.
Rule 3(A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1), (2) and (3), a person
who has been granted registration on a provisional basis under rule 24 or who
has been granted certificate of registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 10 may
opt to pay tax under section 10 with effect from the first day of the month
immediately succeeding the month in which he files an intimation in FORM
GST CMP-02, on the common portal either directly or through a Facilitation
Centre notified by the Commissioner, on or before the 31st day of March,
2018, and shall furnish the statement in FORM GST ITC-03 in accordance
with the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 44 within a period of 180 days from
the day on which such person commences to pay tax under section 10.
Effective date The option to pay tax under section 10 shall be effective from the beginning
for of the financial year, where the intimation is filed under sub- rule (3) of rule
composition 3 and the appointed day where the intimation is filed under sub-rule (1) of the
levy (Rule said rule.
Effective date The intimation under sub-rule (2) of rule 3, shall be considered only after the
(Rule 4(2)) grant of registration to the applicant and his option to pay tax under section
10 shall be effective from the date fixed under sub-rule (2) or (3) of rule 10.
Validity of The option exercised by a registered person to pay tax under section 10 shall
composition remain valid so long as he satisfies all the conditions mentioned in the said
scheme (Rule 6 section and under these rules.
Liability to pay The person referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be liable to pay tax under sub-
tax under section (1) of section 9 from the day he ceases to satisfy any of the conditions
regular scheme mentioned in section 10 or the provisions of this Chapter and shall issue tax
(Rule 6(2)) invoice for every taxable supply made thereafter and he shall also file an
intimation for withdrawal from the scheme in FORM GST CMP-04 within
seven days of the occurrence of such event.
GST CMP - 04 Within 7 days of the occurrence of If not remain eligible for
event composition scheme, or
wants to opt out from
composition scheme
GST CMP - 05 Show Cause Notice to be
issue by proper officer if
person not eligible for
composition scheme
GST CMP - 06 With in 15 days from the date of receipt Reply should be sent by
of Show cause notice noticee
Question 4 – A, a retailer who keeps no inventories, presents the following expected information
for the year–
(1) Purchases of goods: Rs. 50 lakhs (excluding GST @5%)
(2) Sales (at fixed selling price inclusive of all taxes): Rs. 60 lakhs (GST on sales @ 5%)
Discuss whether he should opt for composition scheme if composite tax is 1% of turnover.
Expenses of keeping detailed statutory records required under the GST Laws will be Rs. 1,20,000
p.a., which shall get reduced to Rs. 50,000 if composition scheme is opted for. Other expenses are
Rs. 3,00,000 p.a.
Solution: The cost to the ultimate consumer under two schemes is as under–
The Government has issued a list of approximately 150 items of exempted goods in CGST law by
notification NO. 2/2017 dated 28.06.2017 as amended. Items such as unbranded atta, maida, besan,
unpacked food grains, milk, eggs, curd, lassi and fresh vegetables are among the items exempted
from GST.
Services exempt under GST (Notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate))
66. Services provided by way of pure labour contracts of construction, erection, commissioning,
installation, completion, fitting out, repair, maintenance, renovation, or alteration of a civil
structure or any other original works pertaining to the Beneficiary-led individual house
construction / enhancement under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/Pradhan Mantri Awas
Yojana (PMAY);
67. Services by way of pure labour contracts of construction, erection, commissioning, or
installation of original works pertaining to a single residential unit otherwise than as a part of
a residential complex;
68. Services of general insurance business provided under following schemes:
• Hut Insurance Scheme;
• Cattle Insurance under Swarnajaynti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (earlier known as
Integrated Rural Development Programme);
• Scheme for Insurance of Tribals;
• Janata Personal Accident Policy and Gramin Accident Policy;
• Group Personal Accident Policy for Self-Employed Women;
• Agricultural Pumpset and Failed Well Insurance;
• Premia collected on export credit insurance;
• Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme or the Modified National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme, approved by the Government of India and implemented by the
Ministry of Agriculture;
• Jan Arogya Bima Policy;
However if a supplier supplies taxable goods shall be liable to be registered under CGST Act
in the State or Union Territory, other than special category States, from where he makes taxable
supplies of goods if his aggregate turnover exceeds Rs. 40,00,000 in a financial year, except:
1. Persons required to take compulsory registration under section 24 of the Act;
2. Persons engaged in making the following supplies
• Ice cream and other edible ice
• Pan Masala
• Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes
Every supplier liable for registration will have to take a separate registration in every state even
though such supplier may be supplying goods or services or both from more than one State as a
single entity
2. Every person who is registered or holds a licence under an existing law, shall be liable to be
registered under CGST Act with effect from appointed date (1st-July-2017).
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 22, the following categories of persons shall be
required to be registered under this Act,
• Person making any inter-state taxable supply (Person making inter-state taxable supplies of
services whose annual aggregate turnover is less than Rs. 20,00,000 (for special category states
the turnover limit is Rs. 10,00,000) are exempt from obtaining registration)
• Casual taxable person making taxable supply (making supply of handicraft goods provided
aggregate value of such supplies to be computed on all India basis does not exceed amount of
Rs. 20,00,000 (for special category states the turnover limit is Rs. 10,00,000) in a financial year
are exempt from obtaining registration )
• Person who is required to pay tax under reverse charge
• Person who are required to pay tax under section 9(5) i.e. E-commerce operator who is required
to pay tax on specified services,
• Person who supply goods or services or both, other than supplies specified under section 9(5),
through such e-commerce operator who is required to collect tax at source under section 52
(Person making supplies of services through e-commerce operator and having an aggregate
turnover to be computed on all India basis not exceeding an amount of Rs. 20,00,000 (for special
category states the turnover limit is Rs. 10,00,000) in a financial year are not required to obtain
• Non-resident taxable person making taxable supply
• Person who are required deduct tax under section 51
• Persons who make taxable supply of goods or services or both on behalf of other taxable persons
whether as an agent or otherwise
• Input Service Distributor
• Every electronic commerce operator
• Every person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place
outside India to a person in India, other than a registered person
• Such other class or person as may be notified
A casual or Non Resident taxable person shall apply for registration at least 5 days prior to the
commencement of business
Every person who makes a supply from the territorial waters of India shall obtain registration in
the coastal state or Union Territory where the nearest point of the appropriate base line is located.
Where the application submitted is found to be deficient, either in terms of any information or any
document required to be furnished or where the proper officer requires any clarification with regard
to any information provided in the application or documents furnished therewith, he may issue a
notice to the applicant electronically in FORM GST REG-03 within a period of three working days
from the date of submission of the application and the applicant shall furnish such clarification,
information or documents electronically, in FORM GST REG-04, within a period of seven
working days from the date of the receipt of such notice.
Where the proper officer is satisfied with the clarification, information or documents furnished by
the applicant, he may approve the grant of registration to the applicant within a period of seven
working days from the date of the receipt of such clarification or information or documents.
Where no reply is furnished by the applicant in response to the notice issued under or where the
proper officer is not satisfied with the clarification, information or documents furnished, he shall,
for reasons to be recorded in writing, reject such application and inform the applicant electronically
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number is a 15 digit alpha numeric number:
a. two characters for the State code;
b. ten characters for the Permanent Account Number
c. two characters for the entity code; and
d. one checksum character.
Section 25(2): A person seeking registration under this Act shall be granted a single registration
in a State or Union Territory.
However a person having multiple places of business in a State or Union Territory may be granted
a separate registration for each such place of business, subject to such conditions as may be
Section 25(3): a person not liable for registration under section 22 or section 24 may get himself
registered voluntarily, and all the provisions of this Act, as are applicable to be registered person,
shall apply to such person.
Section 25(4): A person who has obtained or is required to obtain multiple registration in one
State/Union Territory or in different State/Union Territory shall be considered distinct person for
the purpose of CGST Act.
Section 25(6): Every person shall have a Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued under Income
Tax Act, 1961 in order to be eligible for grant of registration
Section 25(6A): Every registered person shall undergo authentication or furnish proof of
possession of Aadhar Number.
Section 25(7): Notwithstanding contained in Section 25(6), non-resident taxable person may be
granted registration on the basis of self-attested valid passport.
A non-resident person shall apply for registration in GST REG-09 at least 5 days prior to the
commencement of business
Section 25(8): If a person fails to obtain registration who is liable to be register, the proper officer
may proceed to register such person on a temporary basis and issue an order in FORM GSTREG-
Every person to whom a temporary registration has been granted shall, within a period of 90 days
from the date of grant of registration suit an application for registration in the prescribed form.
Section 25(9):
a) Any specialised agency of the United Nations Organisations or any Multilateral Financial
Institution and Organisations notified under the United Nations (Privileges and Immunity) Act,
1947, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries and
b) any other person or class or persons as may be notified by the Commissioner
shall apply for the allotment of Unique Identification Number in FORM GST REG-13. The proper
officer may after filing up the said form, assign Unique Identification Number to the said person
and issue a certificate in FORM GST REG-06 within a period of 3 working days from the date of
submission of application.
Section 25(12): A registration or a Unique Identification Number shall be deemed to have been
granted after the expiry of prescribed period (i.e. 3 days) info deficiency is communicated to the
applicant within that period.
Grant of registration to persons required to deduct tax at source or to collect tax at source
(Rule 12 of CGST Rules, 2017)
Application by person required to deduct TDS and collect TCS (Rule 12(1))
Any person required to deduct tax in accordance with the provisions of section 51 or a person
required to collect tax at source in accordance with the provisions of section 52 shall electronically
submit an application, duly signed or verified through electronic verification code, in FORM GST
REG-07 for the grant of registration through the common portal, either directly or through a
Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner.
Where change in the constitution of business results in the change of the Permanent Account
Number (PAN) of a registered person, the said person shall apply for fresh registration.
Where the proper officer is of the opinion that the amendment sought is either not warranted or
documents furnished are incomplete or incorrect, he may issue a notice in FORM GST REG-03
within a period 15 working days from the date of receipt of application
The registered person shall furnish the reply of notice in FORM GST REG-04 within a period of
7 working days from the date of service of the notice.
Where the reply furnished is found to be not satisfactory or where no reply is furnished in response
to the notice, the proper officer shall reject the application and pass an order in FORM GST REG-
The certificate of registration shall stand amended and the amended certificate shall be made
available to the registered person.
Section 28(2): The proper officer may on the basis of information furnished above or as
ascertained by him, approve or reject amendments in the registration particulars.
Proper officer shall not reject the application for amendment in the registration particulars without
giving the person an opportunity of being heard
Section 28(3): Any reject or approval of amendments under SGST Act or UTGST Act, as the case
may be shall be deemed to be rejection or approval under this Act.
Section 29(2): The proper officer may also cancel the registration of his own motion under
following circumstances -
• The registered person has contravened provisions of the Act
• A person availing composite scheme has not furnished returns for 3 consecutive tax periods
• Any other registered person has not furnished returns for a continuous period of 6 months
• Any person who has taken voluntary registration has not commenced business within 6 months
from the date of registration
• Registration has been obtained by means of fraud, will full mis-statement or suppression of facts
The proper officer shall not cancel the registration without giving the person an opportunity of
being heard.
Section 29(4): The cancellation of registration under the SGST Act or UTGST Act shall be
deemed to be a cancellation of registration under CGST Act
Section 29(5): Every registered person whose registration has been cancelled, shall pay to the
Government an amount equivalent to the
a. credit of input tax in respect of
• inputs held in stock as such or
• inputs contained in semi-finished goods or
• inputs continued in finished goods or
• capital goods or plant and machinery
on the day immediately preceding the date of such cancellation or
b. the output tax payable on such goods whichever is higher
Payment in case of Capital Goods: in case of capital goods or plant and machinery, the taxable
person shall pay-
• The input tax credit involved in the remaining useful life in months shall be computed on
pro-rata basis, taking the useful life as five years or
• The tax on the transaction value of such capital goods or plant and machinery under section
whichever is higher
Application for cancellation of registration: A registered person shall electronically submit an
application in FORM GST REG-16, including therein the details of
• inputs held in stock or
• inputs contained in semi-finished or
• finished goods held in stock and
• of capital goods held in stock
on the date from which the cancellation of registration is sought, along with the application,
relevant documents in support thereof, at the common portal within a period of thirty days of the
occurrence of the event.
Cancellation of registration:
(1) Where the proper officer has reasons to believe that the registration of a person is liable
to be cancelled under section 29, he shall issue a notice to such person in FORM GST
REG-17, requiring him to show cause, within a period of seven working days from the
date of the service of such notice, as to why his registration shall not be cancelled.
(2) The reply to the show cause notice shall be furnished in FORM GST REG–18.
(3) Where the reply furnished, is found to be satisfactory, the proper officer shall drop the
proceedings and pass an order in FORM GST REG –20.
Particulars Rs
Intra-state supply of goods agricultural 17,00,000
produce grown out of cultivation of land by
family members
Intra-state supply of goods which are wholly 6,00,000
exempt from GST u/s 11 of CGST Act, 2017
Intra-state supply of goods chargeable with 9,50,000
GST @ 12%
Total value of supplies 32,50,000
Invoice is a documentary evidence in support of a transaction entered into book of account for the
purpose of recording revenue and confirm among other things nature of supplies made by the
There is no format prescribed for the Tax Invoice. Only certain fields have been prescribed as
mandatory fields. Further, invoices may be issued manually or electronically. Issuance of
electronic invoices is not mandatory
Time limit for issuance of invoice in case of supply of goods (Section 31(1)):
A registered person shall issue a tax invoice before or at the time of -
a. Removal of goods for supply to the recipient, where the supply involves movement of goods
b. Delivery of goods or making available thereof to the recipient in any other case
Tax invoice to be issued in prescribe time in respect of notified goods: The Government may
notify the categories of goods or supplies in respect of which a tax invoice shall be issued with in
such time as may be prescribed
The invoice shall be prepared in duplicate, in the case of the supply of services, in the following
manner, namely,-
a. the original copy being marked as ORIGINAL FOR RECIPIENT; and
b. the duplicate copy being marked as DUPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER.
Section 31(6): In a case where the supply of services ceases under a contract before the completion
of the supply, the invoices shall be issued at the time when the supply ceases and such invoice
shall be issued to the extent of the supply made before cessation.
Section 31(7): Notwithstanding anything contained in section 31(1), where the goods being sent
or taken on approval for sale or return are removed before the supply takes place, the invoice shall
be issued
• before or at the time of supply or
• six months from the date of removal
whichever is earlier
Amount of tax to be indicated in tax invoice and other documents (Section 33)
Where any supply is made for a consideration, every person who is liable to pay tax for such supply
shall prominently indicate the amount of tax in all documents relating to assessment, tax invoice
and other like documents, the amount of tax which shall form part of the price at which such supply
is made.
Note: Draft format of tax invoice is in form GST INV-01
Rule 55A Person-in-charge of the conveyance shall carry a copy of the tax invoice or
the bill of supply.
Rules 46A Where a registered person is supplying taxable as well as exempted goods
or services or both to an unregistered person, a single ―invoice-cum-bill
of supply may be issued for all such supplies
Time of supply (Section 12(1)): The liability to pay tax on goods shall arise at the time of supply,
as determined in accordance with the provisions of this section.
The time of supply shall be earlier of the following dates (forward charge) (Section 12(2)):
1. The date of issue of invoice
2. Last date on which he is required under Section 31(1), to issue invoice with respect to the
3. The date on which the supplier receives the payment with respect to the supply.
As per Notification No. 66/2017, dated 15.11.2017, the registered person who did not opt for the
composition levy under section 10 shall pay the central tax on the outward supply of goods at the
time of supply of supply as per section 12(2)(a) (i.e. on the date of issue of invoice by the supplier
or the last date of on which he is required under section 31(1) with respect of the supply of goods
and not at the time of receipt of advance of such supplies). In other words, for such registered
person, in case he receives advance payment, the time of supply shall be on the date of issue of
invoice by the supplier or the last date of on which he is required under section 31(1) with respect
of the supply and condition (b) shall not be applicable. However this notification shall not be
relevant for determining time of supply of services under section 13.
Excess payment upto Rs. 1,000 - date of invoice to be time of supply: Where the supplier of
taxable goods receives an amount upto Rs. 1,000 in excess of the amount indicated in the tax
invoice, the time of supply to the extent of such excess amount shall, at the option of the said
supplier, be the date of issue of invoice in respect of such excess amount.
Time of supply of goods shall be earlier of the following dates:
1. Date of issue of invoice; or
2. Date of receipt of payment; or
3. Date of removal of goods:- where supply involves movement of goods; or
4. Date of delivery of goods or making available:- where the supply does not involve
movement of goods; or
5. Date of statement of accounts or successive payments:- in case of continuous supply of
goods; or
6. Six months from the date of removal or date of acceptance whichever is earlier:- where
goods sent for approval for sale or return.
The time of supply shall be earlier of the following dates (reverse charge) (Section 12(3)):
1. The date of the receipt of goods
2. The date of payment as entered in the books of accounts of recipient or the date on which the
payment is debited in his bank account whichever is earlier or
3. The date immediately following 30 days from the date of issue of invoice or any other
document, by whatever name called by the supplier
Where it is not possible to determine time of supply as per above provision, the time of supply
shall be the date of entry in the books of account of the recipient of supply.
Time of supply in case of residuary cases (Section 12(5)): where it is not possible to determine
the time of supply as per above provisions, the time of supply shall be-
1. In case where a periodical return has to be filed, be the date on which return is to be filed; or
2. In any other case, be the date on which tax is paid.
Time of supply with respect to addition in value by way of interest, late fee or penalty or any
other delayed payment of consideration (Section 12(6)):
The time of supply to the extent it relates to an addition in value of supply by way of interest, late
fee or penalty for delayed payment of any consideration shall be the date on which supplier
receives such additional value. In other words, the receipt of payment of these amounts are
essential to attract levy of tax.
Time of supply (Section 13(1)): The liability to pay tax on services shall arise at the time of
supply, as determined in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Time of supply shall be earlier of the following dates (Forward Charge) (Section 13(2)):
The time of supply shall be earlier of the following dates (reverse charge) (Section 13(3)):
1. The date of payment as entered in the books of accounts of the recipient or the date on which
payment is debited in his bank account whichever is earlier or
2. The date immediately following 60 days from the date of issue of invoice
whichever is earlier
If it is not possible to determine time of supply as per above provision, the time of supply shall be
the date of entry in the books of account of the recipient of supply.
The time of supply in case of associated enterprises: in case of associated enterprises, where the
supplier of service is located outside India, the time of supply shall be -
1. The date of entry in the books of accounts of the recipient or
2. The date of payment
whichever is earlier
The time of supply in case of supply of vouchers in respect of services (Section 13(4)):
In case of supply of vouchers by a supplier, the time of supply shall be-
1. The date of issue of voucher, if the supply is identifiable at that point or
2. The date of redemption of voucher, in all other cases
Time of supply in case of residuary cases (Section 13(5)): where it is not possible to determine
the time of supply as per above provisions, the time of supply shall be-
1. In case where a periodical return has to be filed, be the date on which return is to be filed; or
2. In any other case, be the date on which tax is paid.
Rate of exchange of currency, other than Indian rupees, for determination of value (Rule 34
of CGST Rules, 2017)
The rate of exchange for determination of value of taxable goods or services or both shall be the
applicable reference rate for that currency as determined by the Central Board of Indirect taxes
and Customs on the date when point of taxation arises in respect of such supply in term of section
12 or section 13 of the Act as the case may be.
Time of supply of continuous service where contract provides for monthly payment upto 15th of
the succeeding month
Entry of Invoice date Due date of Receipt of
provision of payment as per payment
service in contract
30/11/2017 07/12/2017 15/12/2017 20/12/2017
31/12/2017 22/01/2018 15/01/2018 20/01/2018
31/01/2018 15/02/2018 15/02/2018 11/02/2018
Time of supply of service where contract provides for payments linked wit completion of event
Entry of Date as per Invoice date Receipt of
provision of contract payment
service in
12/11/2017 10/11/2017 12/11/2017 25/11/2017
24/04/2018 24/04/2018 24/04/2018 20/04/2018
1. In case of goods or services or both have been supplied BEFORE the change in rate of tax-
Condition Time of supply Applicable Rate
Where the invoice issued and Earlier of New Rate
payment received after the 1. Date of receipt of
change in rate of tax payment
2. Date of issue of invoice
Where the invoice has been Date of issue of invoice Old Rate
issued prior to the change in
rate of tax but payment is
received after the change in
rate of tax
Where the payment has been Date of receipt of payment Old Rate
received before the change in
rate of tax, but the invoice for
same is issued after the
change in rate of tax
2. In case of goods or services or both have been supplied AFTER the change in rate of tax-
Condition Time of supply Applicable Rate
Where the invoice issued and Earlier of Old Rate
payment received before the 1. Date of receipt of
change in rate of tax payment
2. Date of issue of invoice
Where the invoice has been Date of issue of invoice New Rate
issued after the change in rate
of tax but payment is
received before the change in
rate of tax
Where the payment has been Date of receipt of payment New Rate
received after the change in
rate of tax, but the invoice for
same is issued before the
change in rate of tax
Question 2 – What is the time of supply of goods in case of tax payable under reverse charge?
Question 3 – What is the time of supply of service in case of tax payable under reverse charge?
Solution: .
Question 2–From the following information determine the time of supply if supply involves
movement of goods :
Question 4 - Determine the Time of supply in each of the following independent cases in
accordance with provisions of Section 12 of the CGST Act, 2017 in case supply involves
movement of goods.
Sl. No. Date of Removal Date of invoice Date when goods Date of
made available to receipt of
recipient payment
1. 01-10-2020 02-10-2020 03-10-2020 15-11-2020
2. 03-10-2020 01-10-2020 04-10-2020 25-11-2020
3. 04-11-2020 04-11-2020 06-11-2020 01-10-2020
Question 6 - Determine the Time of supply in each of following independent cases in accordance
with provisions of Section 12 of the CG Act, 2017 in case supply involves movement of goods.
S. No. Invoice date Invoice due Payment entry Credit in bank
date in supplier's books account
1. 10-11-2020 20-11-2020 28-11-2020 30-11-2020
2. 30-11-2020 18-11-2020 10-11-2020 28-11-2020
Question 8 - Determine the Time of supply in each of following independent cases in accordance
with provisions of Section 12 of the Act, 2017 in case supply does not involve movement of goods.
Sl. Date of invoice Date when goods made Date of receipt of
No. available to recipient payment
1. 02-10-2020 03-10-2020 15-11-2020
2. 04-10-2020 01-10-2020 25-11-2020
3. 04-11-2020 06-11-2020 01-10-2020
Question 10 - From the following information determine the time of supply if there is continuous
supply of goods :
S. No. Invoice date Removal of Statement of Receipt of
goods accounts payment
1. 01-12-2020 15-11-2020 05-12-2020 02-12-2020
2. 21-01-2020 18-01-2020 05-01-2020 10-02-2020
3. 08-02-2020 14-01-2020 05-02-2020 01-02-2020
Question 12 - Determine the Time of supply in each of following independent cases in accordance
with provisions of Section 12 of the CGST Act, 2017 in case recipient of goods is liable to pay tax
under reverse charge mechanism.
Question 14 - XYZ Ltd. has purchased for its customers 100 vouchers dated 24-12-2020 worth
Rs. 1,000 each from ABC Ltd, a footwear manufacturing company. The vouchers were issued by
ABC Ltd. on 25-12-2020. The vouchers can be encashed at retail outlets of ABC Ltd. The
employees of XYZ Ltd. encashed the same on 01-01-2021. Determine time of supply of vouchers.
Question 16 - Mr. X, a registered supplier supplied certain goods to Mr. Y on 6 months credit
with a penalty clause in the agreement levying a penalty of 5% of the invoice value in case of
delayed payment. The invoice was dated 01-11-2020. Mr. Y could not make the payment on the
due date due to unavoidable reasons. He however made the payment of the invoice value on 05-
05-2021. Mr. X raised a debit note for the penalty amount. There being dispute on this, the matter
was in arbitration which was finally resolved with Mr. Y agreeing to pay half of the penalty
amount. The amount was paid by Mr. Y on 12-12-2021. Determine the Time of Supply in light of
the GST law.
Question 20 - From the following information determine the time of supply of services. The
supply is a continuous supply of service where contract provides for payments linked with
completion of event.
Question 22 - Apte & Apte Ltd. is located in India and h ding 51% of shares of Wilson Ltd., a
USA based company. Wilson Ltd. provides Business Auxiliary Services to Apte & Apte Ltd.
From the following details, determine the time of supply of Apte & Apte Ltd.:
Agreed consideration US $ 1,00,000
Date on which services are provided by Wilson Ltd. 16-12-2020
Date on which invoice is sent by Wilson Ltd. 19-12-2020
Date of debit in the books of account of Apte & Apte Ltd. 30-12-2020
Date on which payment is made by Apte & Apte Ltd. 23-03-2021
Question 24 - From the following information determine the time of Supply of services where
supply is by issue of voucher valid for one year and are issued after supply of first service.
First service Issue of voucher Redemption of Last date for
voucher acceptance of
01-01-21 01-01-2021 31-10-2021 31-12-2021
Question 26 - Determine the time of supply in the following cases. The rate of CGST has been
increased to 12% w.e.f. 01-10-2020, Before the said date, the rate of tax was 5% ,
Question 28- Determine the time of supply of service in the following cases
1. Mugdha Private Limited is engaged in supply of services. It receives advances of Rs. 1,00,000
from clients on 23rd June 2020 for the services to be rendered in the month of July 2020.
2. Rohan Limited provided management consultancy services to M/s Bhatia & Sons on 5th June
2020 and billed it for Rs. 1,20,000 on 10th July 2020. It received the payment for the same on
14th July 2020
Relevant Definitions:
Input (Section 2(59)): Any goods other than capital goods used or intended to be used by a
supplier in the course or furtherance of business.
Input Service (Section 2(60)): Any service used or intended to be used by a supplier in the course
or furtherance of business
Capital Goods (Section 2(19)): Goods, the value of which is capitalised in the books of account
of the person claiming the input tax credit and which are used or intended to be used in the course
or furtherance of business
Exempt Supply (Section 2(47)): Supply of any goods or services or both which attracts nil rate
of tax or which may be wholly exempt from tax under section 11, or under section 6 of the
Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, and includes non-taxable supply
Input Tax (Section 2(62)): “input tax” in relation to a registered person, means the central tax,
State tax, integrated tax or Union territory tax charged on any supply of goods or services or both
made to him and includes—
a. the integrated goods and services tax charged on import of goods;
b. the tax payable under the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 9;
c. the tax payable under the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 5 of the Integrated
Goods and Services Tax Act;
d. the tax payable under the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 9 of the respective
State Goods and Services Tax Act; or
e. the tax payable under the provisions of sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 7 of the Union
Territory Goods and Services Tax Act,
Input tax credit (Section 2(63)): It means the credit of input tax
Taxable supply (Section 2(108)): It means a supply of goods or services or both which is leviable
to tax under this Act
Non-taxable supply (Section 2(78)): It means a supply of goods or services or both which is not
leviable to tax under this Act or under the integrated Goods and Services Tax Act.
Note: Where any person claims that he is eligible for input tax credit under this Act, the burden of
proving such claim shall lie on such person (Section 155)
• The input tax credit shall be availed by a registered person, including the Input Service
Distributor, on the basis of any of the following documents, namely,-
a. an invoice issued by the supplier of goods or services or both in accordance with the
provisions of section 31;
b. an invoice issued in accordance with the provisions of clause (f) of sub-section (3) of
section 31, subject to the payment of tax;
c. a debit note issued by a supplier in accordance with the provisions of section 34;
d. a bill of entry or any similar document prescribed under the Customs Act, 1962 or rules
made thereunder for the assessment of integrated tax on imports;
• Input tax credit to be availed by a registered person in respect of invoices or debit notes, the
details of which have not been uploaded by the suppliers, shall not exceed 10 percent. of the
eligible credit available in respect of invoices or debit notes the details of which have been
uploaded by the suppliers.
Reversal of input tax credit in the case of non-payment of consideration (Rule 37 of CGST
Rules, 2017) –
1. A registered person, who has availed of input tax credit on any inward supply of goods or
services or both, but fails to pay to the supplier thereof, the value of such supply along with
the tax payable thereon, within a period of 180 days from the date of issue of invoice by the
supplier, shall furnish the details of such supply, the amount of value not paid and the amount
of input tax credit availed of proportionate to such amount not paid to the supplier in FORM
GSTR-2 for the month immediately following the period of one hundred and eighty days from
the date of the issue of the invoice.
2. The amount of input tax credit referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be added to the output tax
liability of the registered person for the month in which the details are furnished.
3. The registered person shall be liable to pay interest at the rate not more than 18% per annum
for the period starting from the date of availing credit on such supplies till the date when the
amount added to the output tax liability, is paid.
4. The time limit specified in sub-section (4) of section 16 shall not apply to a claim for re-
availing of any credit, in accordance with the provisions of the Act or the provisions of this
Chapter, that had been reversed earlier.
1. If goods or services or both are used partly for the purpose of any business and partly for other
purposes, the amount of credit shall be restricted to so much of the input tax as attributable to
the purpose of his business.
2. If goods or services or both are used partly for effecting taxable supplies including zero rated
supplies and partly for exempt supplies, the amount of credit shall be restricted to so much of
the input tax as attributable to the purpose taxable supplies.
3. The value of exempt supplies under sub-section (2), shall be such as may be prescribed and
shall include
• supplies on which the recipient is liable to pay tax under reverse charge basis,
• transaction in securities
• sale of land
• subject to clause (b) of paragraph 5 of Schedule II, sale of building
4. Optional method for bank etc. for taking input tax credit: A banking company or a
financial institution including a non-banking financial company, engaged in supplying
services by way of accepting deposits, extending loans advances shall have the option
to either comply with the provision of sub-section (2) or avail of every month, an amount
equal to 50% of the eligible input tax credit on inputs, capital goods and input services
in that month and the rest shall lapse.
• Option once exercised shall not be withdrawn during the remaining part of the
financial year.
• Restriction of 50% shall not apply to the tax paid on supplies made by one
registered person to another registered person having the same PAN.
Works Contract Service Works contract service when supplied for construction of an
immovable property. However, credit is allowed-
• where it is an input service for further supply of works
contract service.
• wehere it is supplied for construction of plant and
Goods or Services for Goods or services or both received by a taxable person for
construction of immovable construction of an immovable property on his own account
property including when such goods or services or both are used in the
course or furtherance of business.
However, credit is allowed if they are supplied for construction
of plant and machinery
Goods or Services under Goods or services or both on which tax has been paid under
Composition scheme section 10;
Manner of determination of input tax credit in respect of capital goods and reversal thereof
in certain cases (Rule 43 of CGST Rules, 2017)-
1. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 16, the input tax credit in respect of
capital goods, which attract the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 17, being
partly used for the purposes of business and partly for other purposes, or partly used for
effecting taxable supplies including zero rated supplies and partly for effecting exempt
supplies, shall be attributed to the purposes of business or for effecting taxable supplies in the
following manner, namely,-
a. the amount of input tax in respect of capital goods used or intended to be used exclusively for
non-business purposes or used or intended to be used exclusively for effecting exempt supplies
shall be indicated in FORM GSTR-2 and shall not be credited to his electronic credit ledger;
b. the amount of input tax in respect of capital goods used or intended to be used exclusively for
effecting supplies other than exempted supplies but including zero-rated supplies shall be
indicated in FORM GSTR-2 and shall be credited to the electronic credit ledger;
c. the amount of input tax in respect of capital goods not covered under clauses (a) and (b),
denoted as ‘A’, shall be credited to the electronic credit ledger and the useful life of such goods
shall be taken as five years from the date of the invoice for such goods:
Provided that where any capital goods earlier covered under clause (a) is subsequently covered
under this clause, the value of ‘A’ shall be arrived at by reducing the input tax at the rate of five
percentage points for every quarter or part thereof and the amount ‘A’ shall be credited to the
electronic credit ledger;
Explanation.- An item of capital goods declared under clause (a) on its receipt shall not attract the
provisions of sub-section (4) of section 18, if it is subsequently covered under this clause.
d. the aggregate of the amounts of ‘A’ credited to the electronic credit ledger under clause (c), to
be denoted as ‘Tc’, shall be the common credit in respect of capital goods for a tax period:
Provided that where any capital goods earlier covered under clause (b) is subsequently covered
under clause (c), the value of ‘A’ arrived at by reducing the input tax at the rate of five percentage
g. the amount of common credit attributable towards exempted supplies, be denoted as ‘Te’, and
calculated as-
Te= (E÷ F) x Tr
where, ‘E’ is the aggregate value of exempt supplies, made, during the tax period, and ‘F’ is the
total turnover of the registered person during the tax period:
Provided that where the registered person does not have any turnover during the said tax period or
the aforesaid information is not available, the value of ‘E/F’ shall be calculated by taking values
of ‘E’ and ‘F’ of the last tax period for which the details of such turnover are available, previous
to the month during which the said value of ‘E/F’ is to be calculated;
h. the amount Te along with the applicable interest shall, during every tax period of the useful
life of the concerned capital goods, be added to the output tax liability of the person making
such claim of credit.
2. The amount Te shall be computed separately for central tax, State tax, Union territory tax and
integrated tax.
2. No Input Tax Credit after one year of invoice: A registered person shall not be entitled to take
input tax credit under sub-section (1) in respect of any supply of goods or service or both to
him after the expiry of one year from the date of issue of tax invoice relating to such supply.
Conditions to be fulfil for transfer of credit on sale, merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer
of a business (Rule 41 of CGST Rules, 2017)-
a. A registered person shall, in the event of sale, merger, de-merger, amalgamation, lease or
transfer or change in the ownership of business for any reason, furnish the details of sale,
merger, de-merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of business, in FORM GST ITC-02, on
GST portal along with a request for transfer of unutilized input tax credit lying in his
electronic credit ledger to the transferee:
Provided that in the case of demerger, the input tax credit shall be apportioned in the ratio of
the value of assets of the new units as specified in the demerger scheme.
b. The transferor shall also submit a copy of a certificate issued by a practicing chartered
accountant or cost accountant certifying that the sale, merger, de-merger, amalgamation,
lease or transfer of business has been done with a specific provision for the transfer of
c. The transferee shall, on the common portal, accept the details so furnished by the transferor
and, upon such acceptance, the un-utilized credit specified in FORM GST ITC-02 shall be
credited to his electronic credit ledger.
d. The inputs and capital goods so transferred shall be duly accounted for by the transferee in
his books of account.
Provided that after payment of such amount, the balance of input tax credit, if any, lying in his
electronic credit ledger shall lapse.
5. The amount of credit under sub-section (1) and the amount payable under sub-section (4) shall
be calculated in such manner prescribed.
6. Reversal of Input Tax Credit on clearance of Capital Goods: In case of supply of capital goods
or plant and machinery, on which input tax credit has been taken, the registered person shall
pay an amount equal to the input tax credit taken on the said capital goods or plant and
machinery reduced by 5% per quarter of a year or part there of or the tax on the transaction
value of such capital goods or plant and machinery determined under section 15, whichever is
Provided that where refractory bricks, moulds and dies, jigs and fixtures are supplied as scrap, the
taxable person may pay tax on the transaction value of such goods determined under section 15.
Illustration: Capital goods have been in use for 4 years, 6 month and 15 days. The useful
remaining life in months= 5 months ignoring a part of the month Input tax credit taken on such
capital goods= C Input tax credit attributable to remaining useful life= C multiplied by 5/60
2. The amount, as specified in sub-rule (1) shall be determined separately for input tax credit of
central tax, State tax, Union territory tax and integrated tax.
3. Where the tax invoices related to the inputs held in stock are not available, the registered person
shall estimate the amount under sub-rule (1) based on the prevailing market price of the goods
on the effective date of the occurrence of any of the events specified in sub-section (4) of
section 18 or, as the case may be, sub-section (5) of section 29.
4. The amount determined under sub-rule (1) shall form part of the output tax liability of the
registered person and the details of the amount shall be furnished in FORM GST ITC- 03,
where such amount relates to any event specified in sub-section (4) of section 18 and in FORM
GSTR-10, where such amount relates to the cancellation of registration.
5. The details furnished in accordance with sub-rule (3) shall be duly certified by a practicing
chartered accountant or cost accountant.
Question 2 From the following information determine the amount of Input tax credit admissible
to ABC Ltd. in respect of various inputs purchased during the month of September, 2020.
Purchases CGST &
SGST (Rs.)
(1) Goods purchased without invoice 25,000
(2) Goods purchased from PQR Ltd. (Full Payment is made by ABC Ltd to 1,20,000
PQR Ltd. against such supply but tax has not been deposited by PQR
(3) Purchases of goods not to be used for business purposes 18,000
(4) Purchases of goods from TT Ltd. (Invoice of TT Ltd. is received in 24,000
month of September 2020, but goods were received in month of October
(5) Goods purchased against valid invoice from FF Ltd. Tax has been 36,000
deposited by FF Ltd. ABC Ltd has made payment to FF Ltd. for such
purchases in the month of October 2020.
Question 3 - S Ltd. a registered manufacturer of Jaipur entered in a contract with a supplier for
supply of Input 'X' in October, 2019. As per contract it was agreed that 10,000 kgs of Input 'X' will
be supplied for Rs. 7,28,000 (inclusive of CGST and SGST @ 6% each) in 4 lots. Invoice of Rs.
7,28,000 has been issued with supply of first lot of Input 'X'. Following further information has
been provided regarding supply of Input received in subsequent lots.
Briefly explain whether S Ltd. eligible to take credit on proportionate basis.
Input 'X' (in lots) Quantity in Kgs Date of Receipt of Supply
First Lot 2,500 19-10-2019
Second lot 3,000 21-10-2019
Third Lot 1,500 12-11-2019
Fourth Lot 3,000 01-12-2019
Question 5 - ABC Pvt. Ltd. a registered manufacturer is engaged in taxable supply of goods. It
procured the following goods during the month of November, 2019. Determine the amount of
Input Tax credit available by giving necessary explanations for treatment of various items.
Items Input Tax paid
Laptops used in office within factory 36,000
Truck used for transportation of inputs in the factory 2,24,000
Capital goods used exclusively for non business purposes 54,000
Pumps obtained from the unregistered supplier on which tax has been paid 4,500
by ABC Pvt. Ltd on reverse charge basis
Goods used in construction of office building 45,600
Capital Goods used exclusively for making outward supplies to SEZ unit 28,800
Question 6 - Determine the amount of Input tax credit available to Posco Ltd. in respect of the
following items procured by them in the month of January, 2020 :
Input tax
S. No. Item
paid [`]
(i) Input used for the manufacture of the final product 72,000
(ii) Food and Beverages procured from Sweet Caterers for being used in 48,000
dealer's meet
(iii) Goods used for providing services during warranty period 12,000
(iv) Goods used for setting up Telecommunication Towers being 90,000
immovable property
(v) Inputs stolen from the factory Store 13,200
Question 10 - Compute the Input tax credit available with Ujjwal tors Ltd., manufacturer of cars,
in respect of the following services availed by it in the month of October, 2019:
S. No. Services billed Input tax
paid (`)
(i) Accounting and Auditing Services 7,200
(ii) Health insurance services for employees (Services are not provided 16,200
under Government obligation)
(iii) Routine maintenance of the cars manufactured by Ujjwal Motors Ltd. 18,000
(iv) Repair services for office building (cost of repairs is charged to Profit 14,400
and loss Account
Hotel accommodation and Conveyance facility to employees on
(v) 3,360
(vi) Testing services availed for car engines 9,000
Solution: Computation of Input tax credit available with Ujjwal Motors Ltd.:
Question 12 – XYZ Ltd., a manufacturer, which is engaged in supply of taxable goods has
purchased 10,000 kg of inputs for Rs. 1,00,000 (exclusive of CGST @ 6% and SGST @ 6%) on
which input tax credit has been taken. Due to technical changes in manufacturing process, the said
inputs became obsolete, and their value has been written off in the books of accounts. Explain
Input tax credit treatment in above case.
Question 14 - XYZ Ltd. is engaged in supply of passenger transportation services. In the month
of September, 2019, it has purchased two motor vehicles for Rs. 36,00,000 plus GST @ 28%. You
are required to advice XYZ Ltd. if it can avail Input tax credit of the GST paid by it on for vehicles.
Question 15 - XYZ Ltd. conducted its 66th Annual General meeting at its head office in New Delhi
and availed services of Delicious caterers on that occasion. Delicious caterers charged Rs.
15,00,000 plus GST @18% for the supply of outdoor catering services. You are required to advice
XYZ Ltd. if it can avail Input tax credit of the GST paid on outdoor catering service.
Question 18 - B Ltd. is not required to register under CGST Act, 2017 but it wishes to obtain
voluntary registration so, it applied for voluntary registration on 18th September, 2019 and
registration certificate has been granted to it on 25th September, 2019. The CGST and SGST
liability for the month of September, 2019 is Rs. 21,000 each.
B Ltd. provides the following information of inputs held in stock on 24th September, 2019. It is
not engaged in making Interstate outward taxable supplies.
Particulars Rs.
Input procured on 02-09-2019 lying in stock :
CGST @ 6% 4,500
SGST @ 6% 4,500
Particulars IGST @
18% (`)
6% (`) 6% (`)
Computation of Tax payable in cash by B Ltd. for the month of September, 2019:
Particulars CGST SGST
(`) (`)
PQR Private Limited has provided the following details of stock of input held on 14-02-2018
and tax paid thereon:
In view of above provision Input tax credit available to PQR Private Limited. will be
computed as follows:
Particulars CGST @ SGST @
6% (`) 6% (`)
Job work (Section 2(68)): It means any treatment or process undertaken by a person on goods
belonging to another registered person.
The person who is treating or processing the goods belonging to other person is called job worker
and the person to whom the goods belongs is called principal
Conditions and restrictions in respect of inputs and capital goods sent to the job worker
(Rule 45 of CGST Rules, 2017)
1. The inputs, semi-finished goods or capital goods shall be sent to the job worker under the cover
of a challan issued by the principal, including where such goods are sent directly to a job-
2. The details of challans in respect of goods dispatched to a job worker or received from a job
worker or sent from one job worker to another during a quarter shall be included in FORM
GST ITC-04 furnished for that period on or before the twenty-fifth day of the month
succeeding the said quarter.
3. Where the inputs or capital goods are not returned to the principal within 3 years, it shall be
deemed that such inputs or capital goods had been supplied by the principal to the job worker
on the day when the said inputs or capital goods were sent out and the said supply shall be
declared in FORM GSTR-1 and the principal shall be liable to pay the tax along with applicable
Input Service Distributor (Section 2(61)): An office of the supplier of goods or services or both
which receives tax invoices issued under section 31 towards the receipt of input services and issues
“input service distributor invoice” for the purposes of distributing the credit of central tax, state
tax, integrated tax or union territory tax paid on the said services to a supplier of taxable goods or
services or both having the same Permanent Account Number as that of the said office.
Notwithstanding contained in section 15(1) or 15(4), the value of supply of such supplies as may
be notified by the Government on the recommendation of the council shall be determined in such
manner as may be prescribed. (Section 15(5))
Question: Mr. Kohli residing in Noida, purchase 20,000 Markers @ Rs. 20 each from Ankita &
Stationary, wholesalers at Delhi. Mr. Kohli’s sister working as Manager in Ankita & Stationary.
Open Market Value of Marker is Rs. 23. Ankita & Stationary additionally charges Rs. 10,000 for
supplying markers to Kohli’s business place.
Question: From the following information determine the value of taxable supply as per provision
of Section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017?
Particulars Rs
Contracted value of supply of goods (including GST @ 18%) 11,00,000
The contracted value of supply includes the following
1. Cost of primary packing 25,000
2. Cost of protective packing 15,000
3. Design and engineering charges 85,000
Other information
• Commission paid to agent be recipient on instruction of supplier 5,000
• Freight and insurance charges paid by recipient on behalf of supplier 75,000
Rule 27: Value of supply of goods or services where the consideration is not wholly in money.-
Where the supply of goods or services is for a consideration not wholly in money, the value of the
supply shall,-
a. be the open market value of such supply;
b. if the open market value is not available under clause (a), be the sum total of consideration in
money and any such further amount in money as is equivalent to the consideration not in
money, if such amount is known at the time of supply;
c. if the value of supply is not determinable under clause (a) or clause (b), be the value of supply
of goods or services or both of like kind and quality;
d. if the value is not determinable under clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c), be the sum total of
consideration in money and such further amount in money that is equivalent to consideration
not in money as determined by the application of rule 30 or rule 31 in that order.
1. Where a new phone is supplied for twenty thousand rupees along with the exchange of an old
phone and if the price of the new phone without exchange is twenty four thousand rupees, the
open market value of the new phone is twenty four thousand rupees.
2. Where a laptop is supplied for forty thousand rupees along with the barter of a printer that is
manufactured by the recipient and the value of the printer known at the time of supply is four
thousand rupees but the open market value of the laptop is not known, the value of the supply
of the laptop is forty four thousand rupees.
Question: M/s. Showmakerz an event management Co. for creation of large scale events &
Occasions, owned by Mr. Shipu Kingdom of Dreams in Gurugram contracts with Showmakerz
ompany to arrange a celebrity concerts charging Rs. 8,00,000.The company sub-contract the same
work to Aura Mgt. Company which were also controlled and managed by Mr. Shipu for Rs.
6,00,000. M/s. Aura Mgt Co. charges Rs. 6,20,000 from market for the same work.
Illustration: A principal supplies groundnut to his agent and the agent is supplying groundnuts of
like kind and quality in subsequent supplies at a price of five thousand rupees (Rs. 5,000) per
quintal on the day of the supply. Another independent supplier is supplying groundnuts of like
kind and quality to the said agent at the price of four thousand five hundred and fifty rupees (Rs.
4,550) per quintal. The value of the supply made by the principal shall be four thousand five
hundred and fifty rupees (Rs. 4,550) per quintal or where he exercises the option, the value shall
be 90 per cent. of five thousand (Rs. 5,000) rupees i.e., four thousand five hundred rupees (Rs.
4,500) per quintal.
b. where the value of a supply is not determinable under clause (a), the same shall be determined
by the application of rule 30 or rule 31 in that order.
Rule 31: Residual method for determination of value of supply of goods or services or both-
Where the value of supply of goods or services or both cannot be determined under rules 27 to 30,
the same shall be determined using reasonable means consistent with the principles and the general
provisions of section 15 and the provisions of this Chapter.
Purchase or sale of foreign currency, including money changing: The value of supply of services
in relation to the purchase or sale of foreign currency, including money changing, shall be
determined by the supplier of services in the following manner, namely:-
a. Exchanged from or to Indian Rupees: for a currency, when exchanged from, or to, Indian
Rupees, the value shall be equal to the difference in the buying rate or the selling rate, as the
case may be, and the Reserve Bank of India reference rate for that currency at that time,
multiplied by the total units of currency:
Provided that in case where the Reserve Bank of India reference rate for a currency is not
available, the value shall be one percent. of the gross amount of Indian Rupees provided or
received by the person changing the money:
Provided further that in case where neither of the currencies exchanged is Indian Rupees, the
value shall be equal to one percent of the lesser of the two amounts the person changing the
money would have received by converting any of the two currencies into Indian Rupee on that
day at the reference rate provided by the Reserve Bank of India.
Option 1
Where the RBI reference rate for a currency when exchanged from, or to, Indian Rupees,
is available the value shall be equal to the difference in
the buying rate or the selling rate, as the case
may be, and the Reserve Bank of India
reference rate for that currency at that time,
multiplied by the total units of currency
Where the RBI reference rate for a currency Provided that in case where the Reserve
is not available Bank of India reference rate for a currency is
not available, the value shall be 1%. of the
gross amount of Indian Rupees provided or
received by the person changing the money
Whether neither of the currencies exchanged Provided further that in case where neither of
is Indian Rupee the currencies exchanged is Indian Rupees,
the value shall be equal to 1% of the lesser of
the two amounts the person changing the
money would have received by converting
any of the two currencies into Indian Rupee
on that day at the reference rate provided by
the Reserve Bank of India
Option II
b. at the option of the supplier of services, the value in relation to the supply of foreign currency,
including money changing, shall be deemed to be-
• one percent of the gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount up to one lakh
rupees, subject to a minimum amount of two hundred and fifty rupees;
• one thousand rupees and half of a percent. of the gross amount of currency exchanged for
c. The value of the supply of services in relation to booking of tickets for travel by air provided
by an air travel agent shall be deemed to be an amount calculated at the rate of five per cent.
of the basic fare in the case of domestic bookings, and at the rate of ten per cent. of the basic
fare in the case of international bookings of passage for travel by air.
Type of Booking Value of supply
Domestic Booking 5% of the basic fare
International Booking 10% of the basic fare
d. The value of supply of services in relation to life insurance business shall be,-
a. the gross premium charged from a policy holder reduced by the amount allocated for
investment, or savings on behalf of the policy holder, if such an amount is intimated to the
policy holder at the time of supply of service;
b. in case of single premium annuity policies other than (a), ten per cent. of single premium
charged from the policy holder; or
c. in all other cases, twenty five per cent. of the premium charged from the policy holder in
the first year and twelve and a half per cent. of the premium charged from the policy holder
in subsequent years:
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply where the entire premium paid by the policy holder is
only towards the risk cover in life insurance.
e. Where a taxable supply is provided by a person dealing in buying and selling of second hand
goods i.e., used goods as such or after such minor processing which does not change the nature
of the goods and where no input tax credit has been availed on the purchase of such goods, the
value of supply shall be the difference between the selling price and the purchase price and
where the value of such supply is negative, it shall be ignored.
Value of second hand goods = Sale price – Purchase price
Provided that the purchase value of goods repossessed from a defaulting borrower, who is not
registered, for the purpose of recovery of a loan or debt shall be deemed to be the purchase
price of such goods by the defaulting borrower reduced by five percentage points for every
quarter or part thereof, between the date of purchase and the date of disposal by the person
making such repossession.
f. The value of a token, or a voucher, or a coupon, or a stamp (other than postage stamp) which
is redeemable against a supply of goods or services or both shall be equal to the money value
of the goods or services or both redeemable against such token, voucher, coupon, or stamp.
Illustration.- Corporate services firm A is engaged to handle the legal work pertaining to the
incorporation of Company B. Other than its service fees, A also recovers from B, registration fee
and approval fee for the name of the company paid to the Registrar of Companies. The fees charged
by the Registrar of Companies for the registration and approval of the name are compulsorily
levied on B. A is merely acting as a pure agent in the payment of those fees. Therefore, A’s
recovery of such expenses is a disbursement and not part of the value of supply made by A to B.
Question 2
Mr. Prakash is an Air Travel Agent and provides the following information for the month of
October, 2020.
Date Particulars Basic Commission Total
Fare Value
02/10/2020 Booked by Mr. Ram for Delhi to Chennai 3,000 500 6,000
10/10/2020 Booked by Mr. Sachin for Delhi to Bangkok 15,000 1,500 19,000
24/10/2020 Booked by Mr. Raj for Delhi to Mumbai 2,600 500 5,500
Compute value under various methods applicable for air travel agent. Answer:
Question 4 –
From the following information determine the value of taxable supply as per provisions of section
15 of the CGST Act, 2017?
Particulars `
Contracted value of supply of goods (including GST @ 18%) 11,00,000
The contracte4d value of supply includes the following:
(1) Cost of primary packing 25,000
(2) Cost of protective packing at recipient’s request for safe transportation 15,000
(3) Design and engineering charges 85,000
Other information:
(i) Commission paid to agent by recipient on instruction of supplier 5,000
(ii) Freight and insurance charges paid by recipient on behalf of supplier 75,000
Give reasons with suitable assumptions where necessary.
Question 5-
From the following information determine the value of taxable supply as per provisions of section
15 of the CGST Act, 2017?
Particulars Rs.
Value of machine (including GST @ 12%) 15,00,000
The invoice value includes the following
(1) Taxes (other than CGST /SGST /IGST) charged separately by the
(2) Weighment and loading charges 25,000
(3) Consultancy Charges in relation to pre-installation planning 10,000
(4) Testing Charges 2,000
(5) Inspection Charges 4,500
Other information: .
(i) Subsidy received from Central government for setting up factory in
backward region
(ii) Subsidy received from third party for timely supply of machine to
(iii) Trade discount actually allowed shown separately in invoice 24,000
Give reasons with suitable assumptions where necessary.
Question 6-
Comfort footwear, a registered supplier of Agra, has a non-moving stock worth Rs. 8,00,000 of a
particular variety of shoes that are out of fashion. It has not been able to find market inspite of
huge discounts offered. Subsequently, it was able to sell this stock at a very low price of Rs.
5,00,000 to a retailer in Madhya Pradesh with a condition that the retailer would display hoardings
of Comfort Footwear in all their retail outlets in the State. Determine the value of supply.
Contracted sale price of goods (including CGST and SGST @5%) 10,56,000
The contracted sale price includes the following elements of cost:
(i) Cost of drawings and design 5,000
(ii) Cost of primary packing 2,000
(iii) Cost of packing at buyer's request 4,000
(iv) Fright and insurance from 'place of removal' to buyer's premises 43,000
A discount of Rs 6,000 was given by the supplier at the time of supply of goods. CGST and SGST
is levied @5 %.
Question 8-
Mr. X located in Jaipur purchases 2,000 drawing boxes for Rs. 2,00,000 from M/s. Stationers Ltd.
(wholesalers) located in Delhi. Mr. X's son is an employee in M/s. Stationers Ltd. The price of
each drawing box in the open market is Rs. 120. The supplier additionally charges Rs. 5,000 for
delivering the goods to the recipient's place of business.
2. Maintenance of records in electronic form: Registered person may keep and maintain such
accounts in electronic form also.
• Every person who is enrolled under sub-rule (1) shall, where required, amend the details
furnished in FORM GST ENR-01 electronically on the common portal either directly or through
a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner.
4. Maintenance of additional records: The Commissioner may notify a class of taxable persons
to maintain additional accounts or documents for such purpose as may be specified therein.
6. Audit of Accounts: Every registered person whose turnover during a financial year exceeds
Rs. Two crore (2 Crores) shall get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant or a cost
accountant and shall submit a copy of the audited annual accounts, the reconciliation statement
under sub-section (2) of section 44 and such other documents in such Form GSTR-9C
In terms of the said provision, Electronic Way Bill has been prescribed as one of the documents
which the person in charge of a conveyance is required to carry.
The Government may require the person in charge of a conveyance carrying any consignment of
goods of value exceeding the prescribed amounts, to carry with himself such documents and
devices as may be prescribed.
Where any such conveyance is intercepted by the proper officer, he may require the person in
charge of the conveyance to produce the documents & devices for verification and that person then
has the duty to cooperate and allow the inspection.
It is for the same reason that Electronic Way Bills (E-way bills) have been prescribed.
Every registered person who causes movement of goods of consignment value greater than Rs.
50,000 whether for supply or otherwise or due to the inward supply from an unregistered person,
shall before commencement of such movement, furnish the necessary information in Form GST
EWB-01 which is divided into two parts Part-A and Part-B, electronically on the portal.
Part-A shall be filed by registered person whereas Part-B shall be filed and filled by transporter
Where the E-way bill hasn’t been generated and the consignment is handed over to a transporter,
the transporter will generate the E-way bill on the basis of information furnished on the portal by
the registered person.
Upon the generation of the E-way bill, a unique E-way bill number (EBN), is generated and made
available to the supplier, the recipient and the transporter. Where multiple consignments are being
carried, a transporter may also generate a consolidated E-way bill.
For the purpose of calculating the consignment value of goods, the value as declared in an invoice,
a bill of supply or a delivery challan shall include includes the Central tax, State or Union territory
tax, integrated tax and cess charged, if any, in the document and shall exclude the value of exempt
supply of goods where the invoice is issued in respect of both exempt and taxable supply of goods.
Supplies in territorial waters Section 9 : Notwithstanding anything contained in IGST Act, 2017
a. Where the location of the supplier is in the territorial waters, the location of such supplier or
b. Where the place of supply is in the territorial waters, the place of supply
Shall, for the purpose of this act, be deemed to be in the coastal State or Union Territory where the
nearest point of the appropriate base line is located.
Place of supply of goods imported into or exported from India (Section 11)
The place of supply of goods -
a. Imported into India shall be location of the importer
b. Exported from India shall be location outside India
1. X ltd. of Mumbai receives order from A ltd. of Jaipur, for supply of certain goods. The price
quoted by X Ltd is inclusive of freight. X Ltd. arranges for the transportation of the goods to
Jaipur. The delivery of goods is taken by A ltd. at Jaipur. Determine the place of supply of
goods. Would your answer be different if A ltd has arranged the transport of goods which are
delivered to it by transporter in Jaipur.
2. P ltd of Jaipur places order on Q ltd of Jaipur for delivery of certain goods. P ltd directs Q ltd
to deliver the goods to R ltd. in Mumbai, and Q ltd arranges for transportation of the goods to
R ltd in Mumbai. What will be the place of supply of goods
3. Mr. Ram of Mumbai went to Chennai on holidays. He purchased laptop from shop located in
Chennai. What will be place of supply of laptop.
4. Mr. X of Rajasthan has a warehouse in Pune, Maharashtra. Mr. Y of Rajasthan approaches Mr.
X for purchase of goods lying in warehouse in Pune and takes delivery of goods from the Pune
warehouse. Mr. X issues an invoice for sale of goods at his principal place of business in
Rajasthan. Determine place of supply of goods
6. Moody ltd. of Delhi entered into contract with the airlines authority for the supply of food
packets to the passenger travelling in Delhi - Mumbai route. Aircraft commenced the journey
from Delhi. The goods were loaded on board the aircraft in Jaipur. Determine the place of
supply of goods.
7. From the following information determine the place of supply of goods, where the goods are
delivered by the supplier to a recipient on the direction of third person during the course of
movement of goods. Also determine the nature of supply - whether inter-state or intra-state
Supplier and his Location of the Recipient and his Place of delivery of
location buyer (third location goods
A ltd. Jaipur B ltd. Jaipur M ltd. Mumbai Mumbai
A ltd. Jaipur M ltd. Mumbai B ltd. Jaipur Jaipur
A ltd. Jaipur S ltd. Surat M ltd. Mumbai Mumbai
A ltd. Jaipur M ltd. Mumbai P ltd. Mumbai Mumbai
8. XYZ Ltd. of Jaipur imported certain goods from PQR Inc of US. The goods were imported
through vessel and delivery of goods was taken at Mumbai port. Determine the place of
supply of goods.
Special provision for payment of tax by a supplier of online information and database access
or retrieval services (Section 14)
1. This section is applicable in case of
• supply of online information and database access or retrieval services by any person located
in a non-taxable territory
• received by a non-taxable online recipient,
• the supplier of services located in a non-taxable territory shall be the person liable for paying
integrated tax on such supply of services
2. An intermediary located in a non taxable territory, who arranges or facilitate the supply of such
services, shall be deemed to be, the recipient of such service from the supplier of services in
non-taxable territory, and supplying such services to the non taxable online recipient.
3. The supplier of online information and database access or retrieval services shall, for payment
of integrated tax, take a single registration under the Simplified Registration Scheme to be
notified by the Government
Question 3 - Auditions of music show were held at Jaipur, where the judges of the music and
dance firm registered in Mumbai were sent to appraise the performance of the young aspirants.
Determine the place of supply of performance appraisal services.
Question 5 - Mr. A of Pune, booked online for the Tiger Safari at the Ranthambor National Park
and hired a jeep to be taken around for the safari. Determine the place of supply for the services.
Here, there are two kinds of supply of services- first admission to the park and second hiring of
the jeep.
Question 6 - Jas Fashions Ltd. an Indian fashion designing company registered in Delhi hosts a
faishon show at Toronto, Canada. The firm receives the services of ABC Ltd. of Mumbai for
organizing the event. Determine the place of supply of services provided by ABC Ltd.
Question 7 - Mr. A of Raipur (unregistered person) hires the services of M/s XYZ an event
management company registered in Jaipur, for organising the marriage ceremony of his daughter
at marriage garden in Jaipur. Determine place of supply of services provided by XYZ Ltd. What
would your answer be in case marriage takes place in Dubai.
Question 8 - The All India Scientists Association (AISA) registered in Bengaluru, contracted with
event managers M/s. BB Ltd. of New Delhi for organising the National seminar of scientists at
Gurgaon and the highly esteemed real estate company XYZ Ltd. of Rajasthan offered sponsorship
for the seminar. Mr. A, a scientist from Chennai paid for the fees to attend the seminar at the
Bengaluru office of the AISA. Determine the place of supply of the various services supplied
Question 10 - Mr. A, partner of M/s. ABC Chartered Accountants, a firm registered in Delhi, went
to Mumbai for audit purposes. He purchased from Jaipur Airlines (registered in Rajasthan) air
ticket from Jaipur to Mumbai disclosing the name of the organisation and its GST Registration
number. Determine the place of supply of service. What would your answer be in case Mr. A does
not disclose the particulars of organisation.
Question 11 - Mr. X residing in Delhi travelling with Indian Airlines is provided with the movie-
on-demand service as on-board entertainment during the Kolkata -Delhi leg of a Bangkok -
Kolkata - Delhi flight. Determine the place of supply of service provided to Mr. X.
• The details of outward supplies of goods or services or both effected during a tax period on or
before 10th day of the month succeeding the said tax period, and
• Such details shall be communicated to the recipient of the said supplies in Part A of GSTR-2A,
GSTR-4A and GSTR-6A after the due date of filing FORM GSTR-1
• The registered person shall not be allowed to furnish the details of outward supplies during the
period from 11th to 15th day of the month succeeding the tax period
• The commissioner may for reason to be recorded in writing, by notification, extend the time
limit for furnishing such details for such class of taxable person as may be specified therein
Every registered person who has been communicated the details pertaining to inward supplies of
Input Service Distributor shall-
a. Either accept or reject the details so communicated, on or before 17th day, but not before the
15th day of the month succeeding the tax period and
b. The details furnished by him shall stand amended accordingly
Any registered person, who has furnished the details under this section for any tax period and
which have been remained unmatched, shall upon discovery of any error or omission therein,
rectify such error or omission in such manner as prescribed and shall pay the tax and interest, if
any, in case there is a shot payment of tax on account of such error or omission, in the return to be
furnished for such period.
Question: Anand Ltd. furnished the annual return for the year 2018-19 on August 25, 2019. An
error is discovered in respect of a transaction pertaining to outward supplies of September 2018.
Determine the time limit to rectify the mistake in case return of September 2019 is furnished on
19th October 2019. Would your answer be different is annual return for financial year 2018-19 is
furnished on 25-12-2019.
shall verify, validate, modify or delete, if required, the details relating to outward supplies and
credit and debit notes communicated under section 37
• To prepare the details of his inward supplies and credit and debit notes and
• May include therein, the details of inward supplies and credit or debit notes received by him in
respect of such supplies that have not been declared by the supplier under section 37
Time limit for rectification: no rectification of error or omission in respect of the details furnished
under this section shall be allowed after-
a. Furnishing of the return for the month of September following the end of the financial year to
which such details pertain or
b. Furnishing of the relevant annual return
whichever is earlier
On or before 20th day of the month succeeding such calendar month or part thereof
• A registered person paying tax under the provision of the Composition scheme, shall for each
quarter or part thereof, furnish, in FORM GSTR-4 a return electronically of turnover in the State
or Union Territory, inward supplies of goods or services or both, tax payable and tax paid within
18 days after the end of each such quarter
• Every registered person required to deduct tax at source under the provisions of CGST Act,
2017, shall furnish return in FORM GSTR-7 electronically for the month in which such
deductions has been made within 10 days after the end of such month.
• Every taxable person registered as an Input Service Distributor shall for every calendar month
or part thereof, furnish, in FORM GSTR-6 a return electronically within 13 days after the end
of such month.
• Every registered non-resident taxable person shall for every calendar month or part thereof,
furnish, in FORM GSTR-5, a return electronically within 20 days after the end of a calendar
• The commissioner may for reason to be recorded in writing, by notification, extend the time
limit for furnishing such details for such class of taxable person as may be specified therein.
• Every registered person who is required to furnish a return, shall pay to the Government the tax
due as per such return not later than the last date on which he is required to furnish such return.
• Every registered person who is required to furnish a return under section 39 shall furnish a return
for every tax period whether or not any supplies of goods or services or both have been made
during such tax period.
• If any registered person after furnishing a return under section 39 discovers any omission or
incorrect particulars therein, he shall rectify such omission or incorrect particulars in the return
Such rectification cannot be done when omission or incorrect particulars are discovered as a result
of scrutiny, audit, inspection or enforcement activity by tax authorities
Time limit for rectification: no rectification of error or omission in respect of the details furnished
under this section shall be allowed after-
a. Furnishing of the return for the month of September following the end of the financial year to
which such details pertain or
b. Furnishing of the relevant annual return
whichever is earlier
• A registered person shall not be allowed to furnish a return for a tax period if the return for any
of the previous tax periods has not been furnished by him.
Claim of input tax credit and provisional acceptance thereof (Section 41)
1. Every registered person shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed,
be entitled to take the credit of eligible input tax, as self-assessed, in his return and such amount
shall be credited on a provisional basis to his electronic credit ledger.
2. The credit referred to in sub-section (1) shall be utilised only for payment of self- assessed
output tax as per the return referred to in the said sub-section.
2. Every registered person who is required to get his accounts audited in accordance with the
provisions of section 35 shall furnish, electronically, the annual return along with a copy of the
audited annual accounts and a reconciliation statement with the audited annual financial statement.
b. Taxpayers with annual aggregate turnover more than Rs. 1.5 crore need to file GSTR-1
for each of the month on the 11th day of the month succeeding each month.
Provided that the input tax credit on account of central tax, State tax or Union territory tax shall be
utilised towards payment of integrated tax, central tax, State tax or Union territory tax, as the case
may be, only after the input tax credit available on account of integrated tax has first been utilised
Questions 3: R has a sum of Rs. 2,80,000 on account of input tax credit of CGST in the electronic
credit ledger. He has to pay the following tax liability:
Tax payable under Amount (Rs.)
IGST 1,10,000
CGST 1,50,000
Determine the order of utilisation of the ITC available in electronic credit ledger
Question 5: Sunny has a sum of Rs. 3,90,000 on account of input tax credit of IGST in the
electronic credit ledger. He has to pay the following tax liability
Tax payable under Amount (Rs.)
IGST 2,10,000
SGST/UTGST 1,80,000
CGST 1,40,000
Determine the order of utilisation of the ITC available in electronic credit ledger
Provided that no refund of unutilised input tax credit shall be allowed in cases other than
a. zero rated supplies made without payment of tax
b. where the credit has accumulated on account of rate of tax on inputs being higher than the rate
of tax on output supplies (other than nil rated or fully exempt supplies)
Provided further that no refund of unutilised input tax credit shall be allowed in cases where the
goods exported out of India are subjected to export duty
4. If, on receipt of any such application, the proper officer is satisfied that the whole or part of
the amount claimed as refund is refundable, he may make an order in FORM GST RFD-06
accordingly and the amount so determined shall be credited to the applicant and if so payable
not refundable then the amount shall be credited to the Consumer Welfare Fund.
5. The proper officer may, in the case of any claim for refund on account of zero-rated supply of
goods or services or both made by registered persons, refund on a provisional basis, ninety
percent of the total amount so claimed
(1) Where any return furnished by a registered person is selected for scrutiny, the proper officer
shall scrutinize the same in accordance with the provisions of section 61 with reference to the
information available with him, and in case of any discrepancy, he shall issue a notice to the said
person in FORM GST ASMT-10, informing him of such discrepancy and seeking his explanation
thereto within such time, not exceeding thirty days from the date of service of the notice or such
further period as may be permitted by him and also, where possible, quantifying the amount of tax,
interest and any other amount payable in relation to such discrepancy.
(2) The registered person may accept the discrepancy mentioned in the notice issued under sub-
rule (1), and pay the tax, interest and any other amount arising from such discrepancy and inform
the same or furnish an explanation for the discrepancy in FORM GST ASMT- 11 to the proper
(3) Where the explanation furnished by the registered person or the information submitted under
sub-rule (2) is found to be acceptable, the proper officer shall inform him accordingly in FORM
Rule 100(2): The proper officer shall issue a notice to a taxable person in accordance with the
provisions of section 63 in FORM GST ASMT-14 containing the grounds on which the assessment
is proposed to be made on best judgment basis and after allowing a time of fifteen days to such
person to furnish his reply, if any, pass an order in FORM GST ASMT-15
Rule 100(4): The person referred to in sub-section (2) of section 64 may file an application for
withdrawal of the assessment order in FORM GST ASMT-17
Rule 100(5): The order of withdrawal or, as the case may be, rejection of the application under
subsection (2) of section 64 shall be issued in FORM GST ASMT-18
Note: On conclusion of special audit, the registered person shall be informed of the findings of
the special audit in FORM GST ADT-04
Form and manner of appeal to the appellate authority for advance ruling (Rule 106 of CGST
Rules, 2017)
1. An appeal against the advance ruling issued under sub-section (6) of section 98 shall be made
by an applicant on the common portal in FORM GST ARA-02 and shall be accompanied by a fee
of ten thousand rupees to be deposited in the manner specified in section 49.
2. An appeal against the advance ruling issued under sub-section (6) of section 98 shall be made
by the concerned officer or the jurisdictional officer referred to in section 100 on the common
portal in FORM GST ARA-03 and no fee shall be payable by the said officer for filing the appeal.
3. The appeal referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the verification contained therein and all
the relevant documents accompanying such appeal shall be signed,-
c. in the case of the concerned officer or jurisdictional officer, by an officer authorised in
writing by such officer; and
d. in the case of an applicant, in the manner specified in rule 26.
Note: Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir and Puducherry are the Union Territories, but this Act will not be
applicable there as they have their own State Legislature and Government. State GST would be
applicable in their case.
The Union territory tax shall not be utilised towards payment of central tax