Up Postgraduate Brochure - zp230228
Up Postgraduate Brochure - zp230228
Up Postgraduate Brochure - zp230228
University of Pretoria 1
MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION TO UP.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
#CHOOSEUP................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
FACULTIES AT UP...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Faculty of Education.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Faculty of Health Sciences................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology................................................................................................................. 18
Faculty of Humanities....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Faculty of Law.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Faculty of Theology and Religion.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Faculty of Veterinary Science........................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Gordon Institute of Business Science............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
INNOVATION PLATFORMS...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
ABOUT PRETORIA..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
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applicable at the time of printing. Amendments to, or updating of the information in this publication may be affected from time to time without
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2 Postgraduate studies 2023/24
We greatly value the inclusion of international students, These fields are plant and animal science, clinical medicine,
postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows in our institution. environment/ecology, engineering, molecular biology and
You add to our University’s diversity and social cohesion, and genetics, microbiology, chemistry, biology and biochemistry, social
bring different views, experiences and ways of doing things that sciences, immunology, economics and business, agricultural
contribute to knowledge creation in South Africa, Africa and sciences and pharmacology, and toxicology. Recent major
globally, with particular emphasis on the Global South. scientific breakthroughs by the University’s researchers include
the restoration of hearing by using a 3D-printed middle ear;
You all play a key role in contributing towards UP becoming participating in the very first imaging of a black hole; performing
a leading research-intensive university in Africa, recognised artificial insemination on a lioness that resulted in the birth of
internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, and for healthy cubs; the discovery of new compounds for the treatment
developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference and possible elimination of malaria; sequencing of the first fungal
locally and globally. genome in Africa; the discovery of a number of medicinal plants;
and the development of a mobile application for screening
Postgraduate programmes play an important role in further hearing. We hope that as a postgraduate student your curiosity
developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills about the world and your desire to solve problems will enable you
through research and contributions to knowledge creation. To to add to this impressive list.
help you to achieve your academic goals, UP is proud to offer
excellent teaching and learning facilities, as well as an environment As an African global university, we are passionate about
that is stimulating and conducive to cutting-edge research and collaboration and mobilising and harnessing partnerships for
innovation. We have world-class research laboratories, close to greater leverage, innovation and impact. Through UP’s African-
70% of UP academic staff have PhDs, and we have a growing Global University Framework, we are bringing together 30 to 40
cohort of postdoctoral fellows. African and international universities as strategic partners to
broaden and deepen joint research endeavours. Approximately
In line with our mission to pursue recognition in our core fields, 44% of the research conducted at the University is pursued with
we consolidate many of our activities in numerous centres international collaborators and through multifaceted international
and institutes where highly rated leading researchers focus on programmes. Our researchers are prolific producers of knowledge
fundamental and challenging research to ensure a sustainable in their quest for innovative and better solutions and a greater
future. UP has close to 600 National Research Foundation understanding of our world and the universe.
(NRF)-rated researchers—more than any other South African
university—including several who received A ratings and are In the past few years we have developed four new dedicated
recognised by their peers as leading international scholars in their transdisciplinary innovation hubs that focus on solving some of
fields for the high quality and impact of their research outputs. the world’s most pressing problems. These platforms host and
develop government-industry-university research programmes
to address national and Pan-African needs for sustainable
UP is renowned for research that significantly
development and economic growth. We enable collaboration and
benefits society and is currently rated among partnerships between multiple stakeholders to co-create new
knowledge that translates into solutions so that knowledge and
the top 1% globally in 13 of the 22 Essential
innovation can be used to transform lives. These UP ‘science for
Science Indicator (ESI) fields. transformation’ platforms are on the Future Africa Campus, a hub
University of Pretoria 3
for Pan-African thought on complex problems, as reflected in the At the University of Pretoria you will experience a unique way
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063; the of life. THE UP WAY is how we teach and learn, innovate, impact
Javett-UP Art Centre, which serves as a driver of transdisciplinary and live. We provide comprehensive support for your academic
research development between the humanities and other journey so that you can graduate on time. We believe in providing
faculties while making the art of Africa accessible, relevant and quality education that is accessible through a hybrid model that
engaging; Engineering 4.0, a facility for smart cities and transport can include a combination of in-person and online engagements,
systems using technology and data science to assist with urban depending on your field of study. We encourage research and
development; and Innovation Africa@UP, which is focused on innovation that seek to discover African solutions to local and
smart, sustainable and precision agriculture to ensure food global challenges. We deploy our skills and resources to transform
security. They operate through research networks within UP, lives, communities, sectors, our country and continent, and to
across Africa and globally. create a better world. We provide work-readiness programmes
and entrepreneurial training to prepare our students for the world
This brochure provides you with an overview of the many facets beyond university. We believe in ethical leadership and conduct,
of UP—from our academic offerings to our support services—that and encourage our students to have a good work ethic, to be
will enable you to succeed and enhance your academic skills on active and engaged citizens who contribute to society, and to live
your postgraduate journey. This environment contributes to UP’s in a way that is respectful and understanding, and embraces the
status as one of the top universities on the continent. We have a humane in all of us.
number of bursaries and scholarship opportunities for which our
students can apply to assist with their studies.
Thank you for choosing UP for your
We welcome you to a diverse student population with thousands postgraduate journey. We look forward
of students from around the world at home at UP. Pretoria is to meeting you!
the capital of South Africa, and our campuses are situated in the
heart of the diplomatic and research hub of our country. Since our
Professor Tawana Kupe
qualifications are internationally benchmarked and recognised,
Vice-Chancellor and Principal
you can look forward to a bright future locally or globally if you
have UP behind your name.
4 Postgraduate studies 2023/24
To be a leading research-intensive university in In pursuing recognition and excellence in its core functions of
Africa, recognised internationally for our quality, research, teaching and learning, and integrating engagement with
relevance and impact, and also for developing society and communities into these, the University of Pretoria
people, creating knowledge and making a will use quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its
difference locally and globally. navigational markers.
#CHOOSEUP Have you completed your studies and are you looking
for a suitable postgraduate programme?
Look no further than the University of The TTO has been involved in the establishment of more
Pretoria (UP)! We offer a wide range of exciting than 10 start-up companies that together employ more than
200 people.
postgraduate degree programmes that will
further develop your skills. Since we are aware of how overwhelming postgraduate studies
through research or coursework can be, we provide our students
Being one of the largest research universities in South Africa, with support for their studies to ensure that they complete
we search for African solutions to global problems. We attract them successfully and in a timely manner. The FlyHigher@UP
students from around the world who want to work and study programme ensures that postgraduate students have access to
at our excellent facilities and with our world-class researchers. all the information and tools needed to take their career planning
The University has nine faculties, each of which has its own and research training to the next level.
research focus areas and research interests. The faculties are well
equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, laboratories, As one of the top universities in Africa we produce socially
academic libraries and skills development and practical learning impactful research to find solutions for the world’s most pressing
opportunities. We pride ourselves on encouraging innovation issues. We offer a high quality of teaching and learning in the
by ensuring that UP innovators’ inventions are patented by the classroom, online and in communities.
Technology Transfer Office (TTO).
University of Pretoria 5
There are many good reasons for you to consider furthering your education at the University of
Pretoria. Here are some of the reasons why UP should be at the top of your list:
Humanities Research Institutes
and Centres
1 175
Study programmes
Natural and
Agricultural Sciences
Theology and Religion Academic
departments QS World University #33 in the world for
Rankings rate UP Mineral and Mining
Veterinary Science Engineering
Only faculty of its kind in #1 in South Africa for
South Africa
� Veterinary Science Among the world’s
Unless indicated to the contrary, all statistics are provided by the University of Pretoria’s � Accounting and Finance top universities in
Department of Institutional Planning and are valid as at August 2022. � Economics and 20 subjects
� Mechanical, Aeronautical Times Higher
The traditional SA university with the most and Manufacturing Education ranks UP
� Engineering #1 in South Africa for
� Academic staff with PhDs (70%)
� Electrical and Electronic industry, innovation, and
� NRF-rated researchers (613)
Engineering2 infrastructure
� Students enrolled (53 912)
#1 in South Africa for
2022 THE Impact Rankings Computer Science3
According to the latest Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
(2022), released in May 2022, the University of Pretoria was
named South Africa’s second-best (joint second) and Africa’s
third-best (joint third) university.
1. Web of Science Essential Science Indicators 2. 2022 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University
Rankings by Subject 3. THE Impact Rankings for 2021
6 Postgraduate studies 2023/24
top-50 position5 Only university in Africa to be
part of the University Social A-rated researchers, recognised as leading
Responsibility Network international scholars in their field
Hosted the first Nobel Prize
partnerships Dialogue in Africa
With Advance.io to develop
Invited to join the prestigious
an information hub to
Worldwide Universities
support the digitalisation of
Network, a global higher
the agriculture and forestry
education network of 24
leading comprehensive
With Exxaro Resources
research universities
to establish a Chair in XR
Launched South Africa’s first
Technology to address mining
exclusive Diabetes Research
industry challenges and
Centre at a public academic
identify the best available
technologies for the solutions
4. THE Impact Rankings for 2021 5. UK Financial Times (FT) executive education rankings
University of Pretoria 7
Collaborative partnerships
Alliance for African Partnership – develops entrepreneurs and
business initiatives (with Michigan State University)
United States-South Africa Higher Education Network Project
OF CURRENTLY EMPLOYED – promotes exchanges and collaborative research between UP,
GRADUATES FOUND WORK Rutgers University-Newark and the University of Venda
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund – supports the
WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF JuniorTukkie programme, which helps learners make a successful
COMPLETING THEIR STUDIES6 transition to higher education through digital learning
off the University of Pretoria, has made great progress in the four
years following the licensing of this invention. This invention was
PATENTLY SMART licensed to AAC in 2019. The company started shipping its first
orders at the end of February 2020.
An extensive range of postgraduate study options are available, including vocation-oriented
postgraduate diplomas and honours, master’s and PhD degrees. Please look at the summaries
of the faculties mentioned in the booklet.
Different faculties and programmes
have different entry requirements, but
meeting the minimum requirement does
Entry requirement: A master’s degree
not guarantee admission. Consultation with the relevant
Duration: Three to four years of full-time study
faculty is advised.
Requirement to be awarded your doctorate: Acceptance
of a doctoral thesis, an original piece of work that contributes
substantially to knowledge in the chosen field
CHECKLIST Tip: Please pay attention to opening and closing dates for
Make sure that you have the required qualifications. applying to study at UP. We do not want you to miss out!
FINANCING YOUR STUDIES bulletin managed by the Research Capacity Development Unit
in the Department of Research and Innovation (DRI).
In order to build a knowledge economy through higher
Calls for applications open at different times during the course
education, UP offers various types of bursaries to academically
of the year.
deserving students who are in financial need. Two broad
categories of bursaries—UP-funded and externally
funded bursaries—are offered to honours, master’s and Tip: You may request a one-on-one funding information
doctoral students. session from the PGSO at pgbursary@up.ac.za, but only
once you have applied for admission.
Since different funding organisations have different eligibility
criteria and conditions for the bursaries they offer, you should
make sure that you are familiar with the requirements. Some
bursaries are for South African nationals only, while others IMPORTANT
are available to both South African and non-South African
students. Only students registering for full-
time honours, master’s and doctoral
The Postgraduate Support Office (PGSO) helps current and degrees are eligible to apply for
prospective students to access funding for postgraduate funding. Students who register for postgraduate
studies and research by announcing calls for funding through diplomas and certificates, or for the fourth year
the University website, social media platforms, faculties and of any bachelor’s degree, are not eligible for
information sessions. Funding opportunities are further postgraduate awards.
communicated through the weekly UP research funding
University of Pretoria 13
UP has three dedicated postgraduate residences on the Hatfield Postgraduate students with disabilities
Campus, with facilities ranging from bachelor’s apartments to or special needs
two-bedroom flats and communal living. The residences are
If you have a disability that requires a specific living environment,
Jakaranda, Protea and Tuksdorp.
please indicate this when applying for accommodation. The
UP Disability Unit and the Department of Residence Affairs
Veterinary Sciences and Health Sciences postgraduate students
and Accommodation will work together to find something that
are considered for postgraduate accommodation on their
suits you.
respective campuses. The OP Village residence for Faculty of
Veterinary Sciences students is located on the Onderstepoort
Campus (Pretoria), while Faculty of Health Sciences students can Safety and security
be accommodated in the Hippokrates residence on the Prinshof Our campuses are conveniently located along major public
Campus (Pretoria). transport hubs. Besides the Gautrain and Gautrain buses,
municipal or private buses, taxis or hired cabs, the University also
The application for postgraduate accommodation will be provides:
processed and considered once the student has been provisionally Buses that shuttle our students between classes to different
admitted to a postgraduate study programme. Students who have campuses and residences
applied for accommodation are expected to follow up on their A park-and-ride facility from our Hillcrest Campus to alleviate
applications as soon as they have been provisionally admitted to on-campus parking pressure
a postgraduate study programme at the University. To ensure a Students living in official residences are within walking distance
living and learning environment that supports your research and from most campuses, but may use the service to travel between
scholarship journey, you are advised to choose a UP residence. campuses when necessary.
You have taken that bold first step to study further and an exciting journey has begun.
A supervisor is of immense help during this journey and should be seen as your GPS
to keep you on course.
RIGHT SUPERVISOR The PGSO will help you with information about study programmes,
research and funding opportunities, and research support that will
Contact the head of department in your faculty to enquire about
assist you in successfully completing your qualification.
the availability of supervisors, OR visit the relevant faculty website
and view the research profiles of the academic researchers.
The PGSO promotes postgraduate education and research
productivity through the FlyHigher@UP programme, which
Detailed information on the different faculties and contact
will enable you to gain invaluable research skills and workplace
details of relevant personnel are listed below.
readiness. To ensure effective research training, this programme
enables collaboration between the PGSO and the academic staff
across the University’s nine faculties, its business school and
RESEARCH ETHICS library services. The programme was introduced to improve the
throughput and success of postgraduate students and help them
AND INTEGRITY complete their studies in the minimum time. Academic support
comprises three main stages: proposal development and writing;
Research conducted at UP by students or staff members must data collection and analysis; and thesis, dissertation or journal
be ethical. It is therefore a requirement for UP researchers, article writing. The resources we offer allow students to participate
students or staff members to obtain ethical clearance for their in the University’s major research breakthroughs, which in turn
proposed research project before embarking on the project. Ethics lead to academic recognition and further career development. This
committees at UP review research proposals and ensure that the has demonstrated the quality of our research and as a result has
proposed research does not violate the main ethical principles, earned UP a place among the top research-intensive universities in
which are (i) autonomy, (ii) non-maleficence, (iii) beneficence and Africa and the world.
(iv) justice.
University of Pretoria 15
The Department of Library Services has 11 faculty libraries spread Training
out over all the UP’s various campuses. In total, these libraries
Currently basic library training and postgraduate and researcher
have a collection of 700 000 printed books, 400 000 licenced online
training are available online, but you should also make enquiries
books, and 182 600 subscription-based journal titles. Scopus, Web
about physical workshops to attend.
of Science, ScienceDirect, EbscoHost and Proquest are just a few
of the 76 databases (among the largest in the world) to which the
The library also created a ClickUP course that includes both basic
library currently subscribes.
and advanced postgraduate training. These courses are self-paced
and can be included in lecturer ClickUP pages.
Each department at the University has a dedicated
information specialist (trained librarian) who
supports the department’s research endeavours UP HAS:
through the provision of information resources.
These information specialists form the link between the library
11 faculty libraries;
and the researchers. Their services include the following aspects
related to the research cycle:
Assisting with literature searches
Sourcing relevant information
Referencing 700 000 printed books;
Information literacy training
Research data management
Bibliometric analysis for funding and NRF applications
Identifying appropriate accredited journals in which to publish 400 000 licenced online books;
Providing information on predatory journals
Research visibility (eg ORCID, Google Scholar profile)
Anti-plagiarism and copyright clearance
182 600 Subscription-based
Information specialists can be reached via email or journal titles; and
online appointments.
There are subject guides for each department, as well as guides 76 databases (among the largest
on copyright, EndNote, ORCID, predatory publications, a research
guide, researcher profiles and identifiers, and Open Education
in the world).
Resources for each faculty.
At UP you can choose an area for further study from our nine faculties and one business
school. The faculties offer a total of 1 175 academic programmes, of which 145 are
undergraduate and 1 030 are postgraduate programmes. This large number of postgraduate
programmes contributes significantly to the research outputs of the University, which are
among the highest in the country.
A high-level overview of all the faculties, as well as their niche offerings and significant achievements follows below.
Niche areas
AND MANAGEMENT The Department of Auditing is one of only 12 tertiary
SCIENCES institutions in the world to be accredited at Centre of
Excellence level in the Institute of Internal Auditors Global
Dean: Prof Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu Internal Audit Education Partnership (IAEP) programme.
Acting Deputy Dean, Teaching and Learning: Students with postgraduate qualifications in Internal
Prof Theuns Steyn Auditing are sought-after in the market.
Deputy Dean, Research and Postgraduate Studies: The Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute (also hosts the
Prof Karin Barac SA SDG Hub) offers a Master’s in Development Practice,
Africa’s first multidisciplinary postgraduate qualification
Direct postgraduate enquiries to: that focuses on the implementation of the SDGs.
The Department of Business Management, in
Ms Alta Erasmus (Postgraduate Coordinator)
collaboration with UP’s Faculty of Law, offers a first-of-its-
kind master’s degree in insolvency and business rescue.
The Faculty is a member of AACSB International – the
Academic departments Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Accounting The Mamelodi Business Hub is an entrepreneurship
Auditing enabler and part of the Department of Business
Business Management Management’s quality-driven community engagement
Economics initiatives that endeavour to enhance social impact
Financial Management through interdisciplinary-oriented programmes
Human Resource Management in partnership with UNICEF South Africa and
Marketing Management PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
School of Public Management and Administration The Faculty hosts the UP Centre for the Future of Work, a
Taxation hub for research and insights pertaining to the future of
Centres, Institutes, Research Chairs work within an African context.
African Tax Institute (ATI)
Albert Luthuli Leadership Institute
Unit for Forensic Accounting
South African Reserve Bank Chair in Monetary Economics
South African Research Chair in Tax Policy and Governance
The 2022 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University
by Subject place UP in the
101-150 band for
Accounting and Finance
(number 1 in South Africa) and in the
201-250 band for
Economics and Econometrics
(joint first in SA).
University of Pretoria 17
HEALTH SCIENCES Community-orientated Primary Care (UP COPC) Research Unit
Environmental Chemical Pollution and Health Research Unit
School of Dentistry
School of Health Care Science
School of Health Systems and Public Health INTERNATIONAL RANKINGS
School of Medicine
Ranks in the top 1% internationally in clinical
Academic departments medicine, immunology and microbiology.
Centre for Ethics and Philosophy of Health Sciences (CEPHS)
Centre for Neuroendocrinology (CNE)
Forensic Anthropology Research Centre (FARC)
Centre for Viral Zoonoses (UP CVN)
UP Research Centre for Maternal, Fetal, Newborn and Child
Health Care (MFNCHC RC)
Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies Unit
Diabetes Research Centre (DiabetesCentre@UP)
Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC)
18 Postgraduate studies 2023/24
Direct postgraduate enquiries to: Wide-ranging expertise in crop breeding, pre- and post-
cathy.barnard@up.ac.za harvest applications, crop pests and pathogens, animal
breeding, animal welfare, agricultural economics and
Academic departments extension, food production, consumer adoption, sensory
Actuarial Science evaluation, African crops, food systems and food security.
Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology Bioinformatics and computational biology, mathematical
Chemistry modelling in bioengineering and biosciences
Consumer and Food Sciences
Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES:
Geology Hazards modelling, environmental modelling, sustainable
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics environmental management and biodiversity conservation
Plant and Soil Sciences
Human (tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria) and veterinary
Zoology and Entomology
diseases (ticks and tick-borne diseases, rabies, helminths,
African horse sickness, bluetongue disease, etc)
Centres of excellence
DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security PHYSICAL SCIENCES:
DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology Radio astronomy, biophysics, green chemistry, drug
discovery, separation science, renewable energy
African Centre for Gene Technologies (ACGT with CSIR and Wits) TRADITIONAL MEDICINES
Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology AND NATURAL PRODUCTS:
Centre for Environmental Studies (CFES) Bioprospecting, medicinal plant science
Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics (CMEG)
Sci-Enza Science Centre
UP Natural Hazard Centre Africa
Radio astronomy, biophysics, green chemistry, synthetic
chemistry drug discovery, separation science, renewable
Institute energy
The Mammal Research Institute (MRI)
The Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden
SARChI chairs
SARChI Chair in Non-Parametric, Robust Statistical Inference and
Statistical Process Control
SARChI Chair in Mammal Behavioural Ecology and Physiology
SARChI Chair in Mathematics Models and Methods in
Bioengineering and Biosciences
SARChI Chair in Sustainable Malaria Control
SARChI Chair in Fungal Genomics
SARChI Chair in Plant Health Products from Indigenous
Knowledge Systems
SARChI Chair in Carbon Technology and Materials
National Zoological Gardens SARChI Research Chair:
Conservation Physiology
SARChI Chair in Biostatistics
SARChI Chair in Clean and Green Energy
University of Pretoria 21
Niche areas
Dean: Prof Rantoa Letšosa Religion and Sustainable Development
Deputy Dean, Teaching and Learning: Prof Jaco Beyers Inclusive Communities
Deputy Dean, Research and Postgraduate Studies: Religion and Science
Prof Dirk Human Economy, Ecology and Theology
1. The Faculty conferred degrees on SA’s first cohort of
veterinary nursing graduates.
Dean: Prof Vinny Naidoo 2. Prof Koos Coetzer, former HOD: Veterinary Tropical
Deputy Dean, Research and Postgraduate studies: Diseases and a former Deputy Dean of Research in the
Prof Marinda Oosthuizen Faculty, was awarded an honorary doctorate (Doctor of
Deputy Dean, Teaching and Learning: Prof Dietmar Holm Veterinary Science (honoris causa) by the University of
Direct postgraduate enquiries to:
3. A total of 19 PhD candidates were awarded their
Leonie Johnson (leonie.johnson@up.ac.za) doctoral degrees at the UP autumn graduation
ceremony and a total of 46 postgraduate qualifications
Academic departments were conferred.
Anatomy and Physiology 4. Faculty alumnus Dr Gideon Brückner became only the
Companion Animal Clinical Studies second South African to receive a gold medal from
Paraclinical Sciences the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) for
Production Animal Studies outstanding international veterinary service.
Veterinary Tropical Diseases
5. Three Faculty alumni reunited in the USA to perform a
specialised tusk extraction on a six-ton elephant.
Centres, institutes and research Chairs
SARChI Research Chair in Poultry Health and Production 6. The National Research Foundation (NRF) awarded
Afrivet Chair in Primary Animal Healthcare Professor Johan Schoeman a B1 rating for the period
Equine Research Centre (ERC) 2022–2027, which was the highest rating ever achieved
Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Research by a veterinary clinician-scientist in the Faculty of
UP-NRF Community of Practice in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Veterinary Science.
Risk Assessment (COP) 7. Faculty veterinarians saved the life of Nero, a Yorkshire
Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (OVAH) terrier, after he had swallowed a bone that became
stuck at the base of his oesophagus just above his heart.
New initiatives 8. An equine specialist in the Faculty created a unique
African Centre for Biosecurity and Disease Risk Assessment offering for horse owners: an equine cardiology
Aquatic Health Unit consulting service to detect early heart-health issues in
Oncology Unit horses.
9. As part of a vaccination drive against rabies, staff and
student volunteers from the Faculty of Veterinary
Niche areas Science provided free care and advice for pet owners
Research into high-impact infectious diseases from Bronkhorstspruit.
One Health and zoonotic diseases
10. A ground breaking, collaborative study undertaken
Wildlife research projects, from disease epidemiology to
by researchers from the Faculty has revealed that
advanced wildlife immobilisation
mammals’ hearts operate with declining energy
Clinical diagnostics and advanced patient care
efficiency as body size increases.
Ethnoveterinary medicine, toxicology and pharmacology
Diagnostic assay development 11. Expert articles and opinion pieces on lumpy skin disease,
Vaccine development rabies and FMD were published by Faculty members.
University of Pretoria 23
Dean: Prof Morris Mthombeni
Deputy Dean: Prof Louise Whitaker
As ideas and technologies evolve at an increasingly rapid
rate, Africa needs a new generation of original thinkers with
international perspectives, yet with a vision and voice that are
rooted here—in the continent’s leading economy.
This purpose-built transdisciplinary research institute and
green campus is dedicated to creating the knowledge that
addresses the importance of sustainable futures for Africa
in a world marked by rapid political, economic, cultural,
social and technological changes.
Focus areas:
Connected Africa
From African Soil
Transforming the World
Health, People and Place
Equity and Global Africa
University of Pretoria 25
Focus areas:
Smart cities
Smart transport
Smart agriculture
Focus areas
A unique (and first in Africa) transdisciplinary master’s degree
in Tangible Heritage Conservation, taught by academics from
the humanities and sciences, focuses on restoring artworks and
preserving heritage.
Students who are finalising their postgraduate studies should start preparing for life after
university. This is important as some application processes may span from one year to the next.
Opportunities beyond postgraduate studies vary depending possible, it is important to use your entrepreneurial skills to create
on your field of study and interests, and a PhD qualification is employment for yourself and others.
critical if you are interested in pursuing an academic career. If
you have completed a PhD degree, a postdoctoral fellowship is a Information on UP Postdoctoral studies can be found at
good stepping stone for a career in the academic field. Potential www.up.ac.za/postdoctoral-research/article/2810595/
opportunities also exist in the private and public sectors. If postdoctoral-information
University of Pretoria 27
Pretoria, one of South Africa’s three capital cities, serves as the seat of the executive branch of
government and as host to all foreign embassies in the country. The city straddles the Apies
River and extends into the foothills of the Magaliesberg Mountains, and allows residents an
easy escape into the surrounding natural environment.
Things to do in and around Pretoria, sometimes free of charge and always budget friendly:
Union Buildings
Voortrekker Monument
The Moreleta Kloof Nature Reserve spans 100 hectares in the
foothills of Moreleta Kloof near the city centre, with a variety of
hiking trails. In the 19th century, the reserve was a dairy farm, and
one of the original buildings has been converted to a restaurant
where visitors can dine on a beautiful deck, often with a parade of
animals in view.
The Rietvlei Nature Reserve offers a peaceful escape into
nature and great game viewing less than a 20-minute
drive from the city centre. You will see Highveld game such
as eland, red hartebeest, buffaloes, blesbok, waterbuck,
zebras, black wildebeest, hippos and even cheetahs.
Birder-watchers should keep a lookout for the comical
secretary birds, blue cranes (South Africa’s national bird)
and a breeding pair of fish eagles.
The Voortrekker Monument is one of the country’s most-visited
historical monuments. It was built in 1949 to commemorate the
Great Trek of 1838, when the Voortrekkers pushed northward into
unknown territory. This 40 m-high square granite structure is a
prominent landmark with steps leading up to the Hall of Heroes,
where 27 marble reliefs depict the Great Trek.
The Javett-UP Art Centre at the University of Pretoria
hosts many public cultural programmes and houses three
permanent collections. They are the Javett Foundation’s
collection of twentieth-century South African art, which
contains a number of significant works, the AngloGold
Ashanti Collection, and the Mapungubwe Gold, an
archaeological collection that is historically and culturally
important for South Africa, the southern African region
and the world.