Gcse Physics Coursework Helicopters
Gcse Physics Coursework Helicopters
Gcse Physics Coursework Helicopters
many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, diligent research, critical
analysis, and effective communication skills. Specifically, a topic like "GCSE Physics Coursework:
Helicopters" demands not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experimentation and data
analysis, which can add another layer of complexity.
Firstly, crafting a coursework on helicopters would entail delving into principles of physics such as
aerodynamics, forces, motion, and energy transformations. This necessitates extensive research to
gather relevant information, theories, and experimental data to support the analysis.
Moreover, compiling the coursework requires effective organization and structuring of the content to
present arguments logically and coherently. This involves outlining the coursework, drafting multiple
iterations, and revising to refine the arguments and ensure clarity.
Furthermore, writing in a scientific and academic style with proper citations and referencing adds
another layer of challenge. It requires adherence to specific formatting guidelines, accurate use of
terminology, and integration of relevant literature to support arguments.
Given these challenges, it's understandable why some students may find it overwhelming to tackle
coursework on their own. In such cases, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services
like ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ can be beneficial.
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and effectively written coursework.
In conclusion, writing GCSE Physics coursework on topics like helicopters can be challenging due
to its multidimensional nature. For students who find themselves struggling or pressed for time,
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So far with the help of helicopters, lives of over a million of people were saved. In order to get good
results I firstly have to start off by making the paper helicopter. With this scientific explanation we
have been able to predict many scientific happenings. When the angle is 90 degrees, the wing is
offering its maximum air resistance as it has a much higher cross-sectional area facing the direction
of motion. In 1483, Leonardo da Vinci proposed a flight device, which comprised a helical surface
formed out of iron wire. This was due to general knowledge but also scientific knowledge. Some of
us dropped them off down a stairwell where there could have been an updraft affecting the air
resistance, others (including me) dropped them off from the balcony in the great hall. The difference
here is manifested only in the period and the degree of growth of oscillation, which depend on the
moments of inertia of the helicopter, different in pitch and roll. When an object is spinning, it has
momentum just like an object moving along a plane. This information of course was later found out
after I was more than half way through the experiment, so I had to decide whether to go ahead with
doing the experiment all at a drop of 2 metres and 3 centimetres or change it and have half the
results at 2 metres and 3 centimetres whilst the rest of the results would be obtained from a height
of an exact 2 metres. Because the wings are deflecting the air, they are therefore exerting a force on
the air. He also discovered that in most changes of Velocity, more than one force is acting on the
accelerated object, such concurrent forces produce a signal net force. Open Access is an initiative
that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. I shall do this until I have 5 paperclips
attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. The helicopter lift force is provided by the main rotor
with the blades that spin about the shaft and all the flight maneuvers under the pilot’s full control
suppose a significant mechanical and aerodynamic complexity. Expert Solution Trending now This is
a popular solution. I really want to walk out the theater when I see that. In this experiment I intend
to attach a one end of a paper clip to the body and the other to the wing (one on each wing). The
shape of an airplane wing is called an airfoil. Trim control can adjust the mechanical feel in flight by
changing the neutral position of the stick. Find out the difference in flight time, of a weighted paper
helicopter, on. The term “rotary wing” is often used to distinguish the helicopter from airplane, which
is a “fixed wing” aircraft. If the terminal velocity is reached almost immediately, then the graph of
time to fall against height will be a straight line and the graph of velocity against time taken will be a
horizontal straight line. If a spinning object has more momentum when its mass is far from the center
of rotation, then it must require more energy to make such an object go the same speed as one with
its mass in the center of rotation. I am going to find out what factors affect the Terminal Velocity of
an obje. The Youtuber comes to the conclusion that the answer to the question is in fact option B. Say
if I were to get a balloon and fill it with Helium, due to the helium being placed inside of the balloon
we already know that for some reason the balloon seems to go up into the air. A higher density
altitude also affects the engine power available. You can apply a simple helicopter, which also
includes a shooting system so you can turn any helicopter into a combat helicopter. This experiment
involved dropping a paper helicopter from a height and recording the time taken when the length of
the wings is altered, Full description Save Save Paper Helicopters (GCSE Physics Coursework
How does a uniform cable beneath a helicopter hang. The air is assumed to be incompressible and
the flow remains in the same direction (one-dimensional), which for most flight conditions is
appropriate. At the equilibrium sections, the aerodynamic force T coincides with the axis of rotation.
The book also concludes with a multiple-choice practice examination; used in conjunction with
quizzes for each chapter, the reader can test their grasp of helicopter aerodynamics. I am going to
find out what factors affect the Terminal Velocity of an obje. The graphs illustrated display a steady
increase in speeds between the upper wingspans (9cm to 6cm), then wing span 5cm shows a steeper
gradient, which means there has been an increase in speed, but may seem misleading as it looks like
there has been a quick deceleration in my graph, yet the time differences are the sack of a few
milliseconds in comparison to the earlier results where there is about 25 milliseconds different in
increased speed. Therefore, the tail rotor creates a large damping yaw moment on the helicopter, and
the main rotor—a damping force for vertical helicopter movements. The readings will be taken with
a constant height of 6m, and mass of 2.84g. Below is a picture of one of the helicopters used. Open
Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. It shows that the
angle of attack is slightly less, the amount of total rotor thrust is the same as the gross weight, the
blade angle is smaller, the power required to overcome the reduced rotor drag (or torque) is less and
the collective control lever is lower than when hovering out of ground effect. In order to get good
results I firstly have to start off by making the paper helicopter. The angle in the table below is taken
as the angle between the vertical and the wing, looking from side on. Thus angled blades may reduce
this, but also have a propeller affect. The effect of weight on the terminal velocity of a paper
helicopter. The aerodynamic force in the driving region is inclined slightly forward with respect to
the axis of rotation. This means that the terminal velocity was reached almost immediately. You can
apply a simple helicopter, which also includes a shooting system so you can turn any helicopter into
a combat helicopter. These two movement types are therefore referred to as one, “lateral” movement
of the helicopter. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion Publisher: Cengage Learning Principles of Physics: A
Calculus-Based Text Physics ISBN: 9781133104261 Author: Raymond A. Some elementary analysis
of the stability characteristics has been done. The main reason for this is that the gravitational force is
greater than the resistance force. Vortex ring can only occur when the following conditions are
present: power on, giving an induced flow down through rotor disk; a rate of descent, producing an
external airflow directly opposing the induced flow; low forward speed. The smallest of touches
could deform the paper, and subsequently alter the wings. Having already looked up Hooke's Law,
our star student has some more to say. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.
In the low-speed modes, while the relationship between the roll and yaw movements is still small,
and the roll motion, like the hovering, is unstable, the lateral motion of a single-rotor helicopter is
unstable. Also, the line goes through the point (0, 1.1). At this point, the wing area is 0, so this
imaginary object has no wings and no air resistance. This is because it takes energy to give the object
its momentum. I would also have more accurate timing methods, so as to prevent parallax errors.
This is because Helium is lighter than air causing the gravitational force to pull it upwards and not
downwards as the weight is very low. The inclination of the resultant in the direction of parrying
disturbance is too great because of the presence of velocity stability. Thanks to SimpliSafe for
sponsoring a portion of this video. From this we can deduce that the air exerts a force on the wings.
He was the first specialist who described the helicopter autorotation; 1939: Igor Ivanovitch Sikorsky
built the helicopter VS-300 which flew in May 13, 1940. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. This is because it takes energy to give the object its momentum. For a control volume
surrounding the rotor and its wake, as shown in. Looking at these horizontal forces from the point of
view of the above the diagram, they will be acting towards the body of the helicopter. For example it
is widely noticed with massive objects like the planets. The readings will be taken with a constant
height of 6m, and mass of 2.84g. Furthermore, this would conclude in less air resistance against the
force of gravity. After the helicopter was successfully constructed, I changed the variables of the
helicopter such as changes in the mass of the helicopter (adding more paper clips) and also changing
the wingspan (shortening the wings), I realized that the greater the mass, the harder it was to record
the data since in some occasions when the mass was too heavy it became too quick to calculate the
data and also harder to use the stopwatch. Causing the paper helicopter to fall downwards and not
upwards. The difference here is manifested only in the period and the degree of growth of
oscillation, which depend on the moments of inertia of the helicopter, different in pitch and roll. For
example it is widely noticed with massive objects like the planets. In order to achieve this I shall
only be changing one variable, which I have already established to be of the number of paperclips
added to the tail of the paper helicopter. Once I had placed all my timings in the table I was to work
out the average of each set of timings. Reply AlianzaGames 2 years ago Thank you for your
comments, they are greatly appreciated. This is because the wing offers less air resistance when its
full area is not facing in the direction of motion. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. There are two forces on the
1.19 kg box in the overhead view of the figure but only one is shown. The idea of vertical flight
could be localized in time, in the years of about 400 BC, when was built so called “Chinese top,”
consisted of feathers at the end of a stick which was spun between the hands to generate lift. Some
of us dropped them off down a stairwell where there could have been an updraft affecting the air
resistance, others (including me) dropped them off from the balcony in the great hall. There are two
sections of equilibrium on the blade—the first is between the driven area and the driving region, and
the second is between the driving region and the stall region. It used to draw me out of the movie,
but at some point I just said “fuck it,” and decided that movie physics aren’t the same as reality
physics. Strong crosswind and tailwind require the more tail rotor thrust to maintain the directional
control. Just make sure you back it up with a scientific basis. Investigate the factors which affect the
terminal velocity of a falling obj. This supplementary weight would cause a greater resultant force in
the favour of gravity, which would cause a greater acceleration.