Corporate Governance Coursework

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Writing a coursework on Corporate Governance can be a challenging task, as it requires a deep

understanding of complex concepts related to business management, ethics, and legal frameworks.
This type of coursework often involves extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to
synthesize information from various sources. Additionally, staying updated with the latest
developments in corporate governance practices is crucial to produce a relevant and insightful

The difficulty lies in the need for comprehensive knowledge about corporate structures, governance
models, regulatory frameworks, and their practical applications. Moreover, crafting a well-structured
and coherent coursework demands strong analytical and writing skills to effectively convey ideas
and arguments.

For individuals who find themselves overwhelmed with the demands of such coursework, seeking
assistance from professional services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option. These
services often provide expert writers with relevant backgrounds who can help navigate the
complexities of the topic and deliver a high-quality coursework.

However, it's essential to approach such services cautiously and ensure that they prioritize originality,
adhere to academic standards, and respect ethical guidelines. It's always recommended to review and
edit the work received to maintain personal ownership and understanding of the coursework.

In conclusion, while writing a Corporate Governance coursework can be challenging, seeking

assistance from reputable services like ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable support for
those who may need guidance or support in completing their coursework successfully.
There is a system in place that directs and controls businesses based in the United States, as well as a
system that paces them. Data from almost every business activity, such as product information,
goals, customer sentiment, and nearly everything else, can be analyzed. The perceptions of
employees and customers will be considered as the performance indicators of these banks in the
concerned areas. Fairness means that corporations must treat their shareholders fairly. Governance
encompasses ethics, risk management, compliance, and administration, among other things. Just look
for a module that shows Downloadable Files within the course dashboard. Transparency involves
disclosing information about the company's financial performance, business operations, risks,
governance structure, and other relevant matters. There is a civil penalty determined for
contravention of duty that includes fiduciary liable for company loss resulting from the breach of
fiduciary duty, injunction restraining the party to act, directors to pay compensation to the company.
An inside informal trade is questionable in the eyes of the law therefore she can be imprisoned or
removed from the post of managing director and can even be fined. There are several theories such
as shareholder theory and agency and stockholder theories that have illustrated the link between
innovation and corporate governance in different ways. Japanese regulators play a large role in
corporate policies, often because corporations' major stakeholders include Japanese officials. Thus,
firms with poor internal governance systems are likely to be less innovative. Promoting ethical
behavior: Corporate governance sets standards for ethical conduct within a company. This entails
clarifying roles and responsibilities, optimizing spans of control, streamlining decision-making
processes, and fostering collaboration. The legal procedures to be followed are very simple and lucid.
It gives an awareness of how corporation runs and equip individual with essential skills to be one of
the key management personnel of an organization. The corporate governance theory is based on three
main models of leadership: the Anglo-Saxon, the Continental and the Japanese model. The capital
and shareholder structure are highly dispersed in the Anglo-US markets. Investors will ultimately
have the information they need to decide whether they are ok with the level of compliance of their
company. Research papers suggest several factors influence corporate governance. Companies must
navigate complex international laws, cultural differences, and varying corporate governance practices
while maintaining consistency in their operations and reporting. The phrase corporate governance
combines the two words corporate and governance. Corporate Governance focuses on the big picture
like the structure of the board, roles of the directors, sub-committees of the board, remuneration of
the directors, and internal controls. Therefore, we find that in case of US target corporation as per the
extensive rules established under the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Delaware common
law the ultimate authority and power is wielded by the board of directors in case of selling the
company. Based on hundreds of reviews from thousands of students we know how CFI courses have
helped so many people advance their finance careers. Thus, in any case if the company refuses to
pay it is Kim who will stand liable to pay because the contract or the agreement to purchase is made
on the name of Kim herself. This pillar also entails an organization carrying out corporate social
responsibility, which yields enhanced community support, branding, and customer loyalty. On the
contrary, US based Delaware law leaves a large scope for flexibility for all the entities that are
involved in takeover activities. The evolution of corporate responsibility continues as consumers are
becoming more and more interested in what the companies do as a service to humanity and the
planet besides the products and services offered (Nielsen, 2013). At least half of the board should
consist of non-executive directors Non-executive directors do not have any operational responsibility
for the company.
Kim bought the land on behalf of the company before the company got incorporated. There is a civil
penalty determined for contravention of duty that includes fiduciary liable for company loss resulting
from the breach of fiduciary duty, injunction restraining the party to act, directors to pay
compensation to the company. There are very rare studies found in this area apart from major
researches on the banking industry of UK and US (Hansen 2011). What Are Some Examples of
Different Corporate Governance Systems. Worrels solvency and forensic accountants,, “Securities
over Assets”, Aug 14, 2010. These four pillars provide a framework for effective corporate
governance by promoting transparency, accountability, fairness, and responsibility in organizational
practices. Nonetheless, in terms of organizational development and progress, in various models there
are significant variations. Thus, Rita should be held guilty and be prosecuted. Accountability is
closely linked to transparency and involves holding company management and the board of directors
responsible for their actions and decisions. Other disciplinary actions like termination of job can also
be taken against Bruce (Monash University, “Insider Trading Policy”). Vukcevic 2012 argues that
corporate governance is important for creating an environment conducive to investments and
competition, encouraging development and productivity, and limiting the abuse of authority.
Companies were required to disclose more information about their financial condition and internal
controls, and boards of directors were given new responsibilities for overseeing management.
Edward Elgar was the editor of The History of Modern US Corporate Governance. Chido Madzogo
Consultant This article was written by Chido a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt)
Ltd Visit Profile Related Articles Notifications Sign up now to get updated on latest posts and
relevant career opportunities Subscribe. Corporate governance decides, for example, what managers
can decide which strategic decisions and which decisions must be authorised by the board of
directors or shareholders. Some of the defence measures are used as pre-emptive strategies (in
anticipation of future negotiation), while there are also a wide spectrum of complaisant defences
available to organisations that find themselves as potential targets after the negotiations.
Accountability, transparency, fairness, and responsibility are essential for building strong corporate
governance practices within organizations. Employees, shareholders, customers, and suppliers should
be aware of and familiar with the governance framework in place; they should also be comfortable
with it. According to North (1990), institutions are structured out of the humanly restraints that
occur as a result of the human interactions. Virtually everybody prefers distinct ways of learning.
Whistleblowers revealed unethical behaviour at the Westfarmers-owned discount 10 department
store Target and at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia subsidiary CommInsure. The four pillars of
corporate governance provide a framework for how corporations should be run. Board expertise is
another key pillar of corporate governance independence. Leverage on our large pool of professional
trainers and consultants for your organization’s training needs. The lack of strategic control
mechanisms and effective regulation has been responsible for the decline of the overall performance
of the company, making them an easy target for the unscrupulous elements, both within and outside
the organization. North, D. C. (1990) Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Preference,
Norton. They can easily highlight detrimental impacts and can warn the organisation about its
consequences. The benefits for those companies include better risk management, reputation, and
improved infrastructure of governance. Agency approach and corporate governance Agency theory
was exposited by Alchian and Demsetz (1972) and was further developed its economic roots by
Jensen and Meckling (1976).Agency is a relationship between a principal (a Shareholder) and an
agent (a Director) (Siegel, 2000). Transparency and accountability are the foundation of corporate
Please note that course exams can be repeated as many times as you need. Corporate governance
concerns the use of authority in company entities. Comprehending the inference of corporate
governance seems to increase significance amid transnational workforce, policy makers,
industrialists, stakeholders and associated businesses. Accountability Good governance calls for
accountability to the different stakeholders. Cookie Settings Accept All Reject All Privacy Policy
Manage consent. Meyer (2004) elucidates that most of the corporate governance theories are
observed and developed from the industrial and organizational economies and structures as
expressed by. It is important to have directors with varied backgrounds, skills, and experiences who
can provide objective oversight and strategic guidance. This website uses cookies on a case-by-case
basis in regards to corporate governance in India. Chido Madzogo Consultant This article was
written by Chido a Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd Visit Profile Related
Articles Notifications Sign up now to get updated on latest posts and relevant career opportunities
Subscribe. Our curriculum is designed to teach what you need to know from basic fundamentals to
advanced practical case studies. Corporate Governance help in such a way that directors behave to
ensure shareholder objectives are met. Effective Corporate Governance improvement tips, Corporate
Governance techniques, improve Corporate Governance, improve Corporate Governance games,
Corporate Governance improvement exercises, improve Corporate Governance power, how to have
good Corporate Governance, how to have good Corporate Governance in studying, how to build up
your Corporate Governance, how to improve Corporate Governance how to improve Corporate
Governance course in Singapore. Nike's vision is “to carry on the legacy of innovative thinking,
whether to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential or to
create business opportunities that set Nike apart from the competition and provide value for our
shareholders”. The incorporation of such modules in the Company Acts promote transparency and
protects the stakeholders interests in the capital market. Click here to compare our available
enrollment options. Code of Corporate Governance is a set of best practices that companies should
follow. The influences on the corporate innovation strategies due to an independent external board
member and an internal board member are examined. It is common for each member firm in Keietsu
to own less than 2% of the stock in other firms. The responsibility of clinical governance to ensure
the quality and safety of patient care falls under this responsibility. A McKinsey article on
organization and governance notes that aligning the organization and governance with a business or
corporate function's strategy and value proposition is identified as a key lever for enhancing
effectiveness and efficiency. Board can adhere to these best practices while having some room for
flexibility in different circumstances. Corporate governance is the willingness and ability to shoulder
the blame or bear the consequences of your actions. An inside informal trade is questionable in the
eyes of the law therefore she can be imprisoned or removed from the post of managing director and
can even be fined. The fundamental assumption of the agency theory is this that the agents act
rationally and are risk adverse and self- interested individuals. Past-2: Case Study There are many
examples in Australia of whistleblowers being retrenched or punished for being brave enough to
reveal issues in the public interest. Koh lost his job for breaching CBA’s IT policy relating to taking
client files home. In case of issuing new shares, or while creating multiple and dual share classes,
directors must necessarily (legal obligation) seek prior authorisation of the shareholders through a
general meeting.28 Besides the Code, various other authorities regulate takeovers under varying
situations. In Australia, women hold 14.2 per cent of board chairs, 23.6 per cent of directorships, and
15.4 percent of CEO roles. Other areas that lead to excess clutter is information on corporate social
responsibility, deferred tax, directors' report and statutory information, financial instruments,
intangibles, principal subsidies, movement tables, post-retirement benefits, principal risks and
remuneration report. As explained by Hopkins (2002) in his example of agency theory that it is quite
common to almost every single corporation that how the conflicting and rather infamous ways of
corporate governance strategies are being introduced by the different owners depending on their
competence. If not well managed, conflicts could lead to bad or lack of decisions by a company.
Organizations to follow legislations such as USA Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Corporate Governance Best
Practice Recommendations A company should lay. As discussed by O’Sullivan (2000) the supporters
of the shareholder theory argue that, even though the shareholders rely on others for the effective
running of the company, the shareholders are the ones in whose interests the corporations should be
run i.e. to maximize shareholders wealth, as they are the principles. Companies do so because
engaging in social activities boosts profit margins by benefiting their corporate reputation, goodwill,
and staff and consumer loyalty (Ethical Consumer, 2007). The perceptions of employees and
customers will be considered as the performance indicators of these banks in the concerned areas.
Research papers suggest several factors influence corporate governance. They offer depth and insight
not offered at most training providers and the modular nature means you can come back time and
again to pick up where you left off. We help entities structure and maintain good corporate
governance, providing the necessary chairman, directors, compliance, MLRO and management team
to both licensed and non-licensed entities. While the Delaware laws appear friendly to the bidding
firm’s shareholders, the target firm’s shareholders are not equally favoured under the same laws, by
way of statute. This shift highlights board directors' evolving priorities and focus in contemporary
business environments. Companies must navigate a myriad of regulations and best practices, and
boards of directors must strike a delicate balance between the interests of shareholders, management
and other stakeholders. It is commonly accepted not only in the financial economics but also in
almost all of the majority economics that shareholders are appropriately unrestricted for the residual
profits for corporate entity as they are the residual risk holders. The research is also important to
describe the underlying issues in the Australian banking industry related to ethical banking practices.
Corpor ate Gover nance - syst em of rules, practices and pr ocesses by which business corpor ations
are direct ed and contr olled. - In volves balanci ng the inter ests of a company’ s many s tak
eholders, such as share holders managemen t, customer s, supplies, financier s, gov ernment and the
community. - Good Corporate governanc e is all about contr olling one’ s business Purpose of
Corpor at e Governance. These pillars ensure that companies are held responsible for their actions,
operate openly and transparently, treat all stakeholders fairly, and act responsibly towards society
and the environment. Employees, shareholders, customers, and suppliers should be aware of and
familiar with the governance framework in place; they should also be comfortable with it. This was
evident in the 1982 hostile takeover endeavour by Bendix Corporation where it attempted to acquire
Martin Marietta. When the set of rules and processes which form the governance mechanism of a
firm are weak or ineffective, it can have disastrous consequences for a business. The corporate
governance theory is based on three main models of leadership: the Anglo-Saxon, the Continental
and the Japanese model. Companies must navigate complex international laws, cultural differences,
and varying corporate governance practices while maintaining consistency in their operations and
reporting. Thus, in any case if the company refuses to pay it is Kim who will stand liable to pay
because the contract or the agreement to purchase is made on the name of Kim herself. OECD, “The
role of financial accounting information in strengthening corporate control mechanisms to alleviate
corporate corruption”. The Chairman of the company has decided to address the issue of gender
diversity on the company’s board to ensure the board meets the AICD target by the end of 2018.
Ricart (2022) explores the development of purpose in corporate governance and the challenges faced,
analyzing the theme at the intersection between stakeholder theory and business models. These
include the launch of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), which is
responsible for promoting foreign investment in Malaysia; the establishment of the Malaysian
Securities Commission (SC), which is the primary regulator of the Malaysian capital markets; and the
creation of Bursa Malaysia, the country’s stock exchange. The Malaysian Code on Corporate
Governance (MCCG) was introduced in 2000 as a significant step toward improving corporate
governance in Malaysia. In this case, the board plays the role of strategic guidance and oversight
management during implementation of corporate governance. At least half of the board should
consist of non-executive directors Non-executive directors do not have any operational responsibility
for the company. There is a sense of joint responsibility and balance to the Japanese model.
Accountability, transparency, fairness, and responsibility are four of the governance principles that
board directors must adhere to. Recent Documents You haven't viewed any documents yet. The
regulations however tend to vary, as jurisdictions in different nations differ in the manner in which
they aim to control the tenders or the negotiations for hostile takeovers. Corporate governance points
towards the strategies and course of actions practiced by the corporations for achieving positive
purposes, business goals and visions regarding investors, workers, patrons, dealers and various
regulatory interventions and the society in general. A company might need not have the separate
constitution of its own; they can simply take the advantage of the replaceable rules contained in the
corporation act as internal governance. This is a little bit more flexible approach compared with the
rules-based approach. The Audit Committee is made up of typically three non-executive directors
which at least one should have recent financial experience. This type of corporations is much in
demand nowadays. Use of flexibility in the standard for reasonableness allows the board of directors
to appropriately depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding a deal, while also allowing
courts to hold the directors’ actions accountable under an analysis of the depository duties. In UK
under the Takeover Code, the scenario is in stark contrast, where we find the board stripped of any
powers to take help from takeover defense strategies and ne amendment even prohibits application of
deal protection measures. There are four pillars for successful corporate governance: accountability,
fairness, transparency, and responsibility. It is unfortunate but not uncommon for whistleblowers to
be forced to take costly actions through the courts or Fair Work Commission after losing their jobs.
In a company, integrity is not only about ethical standards, work ethics, government stipulations, and
other measures, but it is also about defining what it means to be ethical. Differences between the
defence takeover strategies of US and UK Largely, regulations for monitoring and controlling
takeover activities in a country are based on prevalent government policies and the maturity of the
existent market. A tool for corporate governance is the Progression Matrix. The corporation’s
governance structure establishes the rights and responsibilities for various participants in the
corporation. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and
responsibilities among different participants in the corporation, such as the board, managers,
shareholders and other stakeholders, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on
corporate affairs. To be effective, news and public opinion must be supplemented by additional
sources of information. According to Oppermann, this is because; various stakeholders have attained
their goals through appropriate disclosures. Diligent organizes data into powerful dashboard displays
that present key data points from a variety of sources. Under the codes of corporate governance, the
disclosure mainly relates to the policy of the company to disclose relevant information about its
budgets, annual financial statements and short term and long term management forecasts and other
mandatory information that gives indication of the company’s positioning in the market. This allows
stakeholders to clearly understand the company's activities, performance, and decision-making
processes. The basic components of a good corporate governance could be summarised as follows: 1.
And still if a case is filed proper evidence to prove that Bull manipulates the other share holders is
required without it the case will have no base. Smith and Jones can register under Limited Liability
Corporations (LLC). The agency theory actually refers to the issues of the relationship that exist
when there is a defined relationship between the two i.e. a principle and the agent. It may appear to
be difficult to implement good governance, but using the right tools can make the process go faster.
This part of the paper looks at the dimensions on which corporate governance can be analyzed by
undertaking a literature review of the readings that have been assigned in different weeks of the
course. We are now ready to take up the roles as comprehensive national one stop financial solution.
From the destructive fraud at WorldCom to recent frauds involving hedge funds, from the UK,
United States to the Satyam episodes in India, failures of corporate governance have continued to
lead to periodic episodes of fraud on a staggering scale.
The role of board of governors, managers, and employees will be clarified in deciding the role of
banks in the society. Internal Auditors - perform audits of companies for. Turnbull report and later
revised guidelines for corporate governance became the guiding principles for the United Kingdom
companies to reinforce internal controls to reduce risks and through transparency in the corporate
governance. Marinac, A., “Corporations Amendment Bill (No.2) 2005”, Aug 14, 2010. This duty
requires directors to monitor the financial status of their company continually to make sure that it is
not trading whilst insolvent. The intensive competition in today's business world has led to the
development of various strategies by contemporary firms so that they are able to sustain themselves
in the quest of earning greater market share. Though it did not bring losses to the company but the
act is illegal. Differences between the defence takeover strategies of US and UK Largely, regulations
for monitoring and controlling takeover activities in a country are based on prevalent government
policies and the maturity of the existent market. Importance of Corporate Governance What are the
General Best Practices of Corporate Governance. However, CEOs have interests that differ from
share holders and can use their decision making authority within the corporation to promote their
own interests over those of shareholders. So, Woods should be made the bait for such a happening.
Vinten, G. (2004) Corporate Governance: Corporate Mandate, Emerald Group Publishing. The
current study will focus on corporate responsibility activities and corporate governance codes
followed by Merck. These laws give a wide scope to the board management for negotiating and
defending against hostile takeovers to an optimal level, the board can also refuse any transaction by
defence strategy of “just say no,” if the board of directors feel that somehow the bidder’s offer does
not spell good for the shareholders or the firm. Also, the risk committee overlooks the processes of
implementing and monitoring compliance with identifying and reporting risks, ensuring effective and
timely implementation of actions to mitigate risks. It outlines the procedures used to regulate firms
and their goals and identifies who is in charge, who is responsible, and who takes decisions.
Practically it is difficult to set up rules that are suitable for every set of circumstances. According to
a McKinsey global survey on governance, board directors today exhibit increased confidence in their
understanding of the companies they serve and demonstrate a more strategic approach compared to
2011. As Afsharipour (2011) added that expectation of the banking sector to fulfill the responsibility
of internal and external stakeholders have been increased in recent decades. While the Delaware laws
appear friendly to the bidding firm’s shareholders, the target firm’s shareholders are not equally
favoured under the same laws, by way of statute. From the destructive fraud at WorldCom to recent
frauds involving hedge funds, from the UK, United States to the Satyam episodes in India, failures
of corporate governance have continued to lead to periodic episodes of fraud on a staggering scale.
Click here to compare our available enrollment options. We help entities structure and maintain good
corporate governance, providing the necessary chairman, directors, compliance, MLRO and
management team to both licensed and non-licensed entities. Once a board has been formed, its
members must face conflicts of interest between stakeholders and the company, between different
stakeholder groups, and within the same stakeholder group. Elo’s result 2023: Return on investment
increased to 6 per cent and cost effi. According to North (1990), institutions are structured out of the
humanly restraints that occur as a result of the human interactions. Pillar 4: Responsibility The last
pillar in answering the question: What are the 4 pillars of corporate governance is responsibility. Pa
rticipation- k ey corner st one of good gov ernance. The challenges and issues faced in implementing
the sustainable and responsible business practices of large private banks of Australia will be
undertaken in view of the corporate governance framework. When it comes to hiring a CEO, the
board is in charge of selecting the individual who is in charge of day-to-day operations.
Strong internal rules and best practices will help you to control and manage your company
confidently. You can view more detailed information through our Help Center or Email us and we'll
be happy to answer any of your questions. The huge losses to the world’s large banks and high
unemployment in this sector had turned into bankruptcy of some countries like Greece and Iceland
(Sharma, et al., 2011). In this scenario this research is very important to analyse the issues and
challenges faced by four largest banks of Australia. Lawyers who specialize in class actions are
particularly drawn to large transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, due to the favorable
corporate law environment in which they operate. CFI’s free Financial Modeling Guidelines is a
thorough and complete resource covering model design, model building blocks, and common tips,
tricks, and. Rules-Based Approach Principle-Based Approach Code of Corporate Governance is a
set of legal requirements mentioned in the Act. The practice of corporate governance allows
businesses to manage risk more effectively, establish clear lines of authority and responsibility, and
foster good communication and collaboration between management and shareholders. Corporate
governance is the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. Sound familiar? This
seems to be the effect of placing women on corporate boards. Powerful, mighty, impressive,
competent, great, excellent, exceptional Corporate Governance in Singapore. Local organizations
require competition with multinational firms in such situations. Principals delegate their business
running to the directors, who are the shareholder’s agents (Clarke, 2004). Since the development of
international trade, corporate governance has been considered as an essential element of any firm’s
conduct so that the corporate and economic expansion could be gauged to a desirable level of
precision. The current study will focus on corporate responsibility activities and corporate
governance codes followed by Merck. Upgrade, amplify, boom, elevate, exaggerate, magnify, grow,
gain Corporate Governance. Agency approach and corporate governance Agency theory was
exposited by Alchian and Demsetz (1972) and was further developed its economic roots by Jensen
and Meckling (1976).Agency is a relationship between a principal (a Shareholder) and an agent (a
Director) (Siegel, 2000). Firstly it can be the insufficient monitoring by the principle of the agent that
whether he has behaved in the way he was instructed or not and secondly it is the distribution of risk
when both of them turn out to have different opinions towards risk. This requires all groups to have
opportunities to improve or maintain their. Boards need to have a specific policy in place to deal with
conflicts between individual directors and the company. Research shows that there are multiple
important pillars of corporate governance, and there is no clear consensus on which is the most
important. He summarized that it is not surprising that investors belonging to different backgrounds
tend to have different inclinations for the corporate governance strategies (p.17). Post-training
reinforcement consequently helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask questions. Add
Books Studylists You don't have any Studylists yet. The agency theory actually refers to the issues of
the relationship that exist when there is a defined relationship between the two i.e. a principle and the
agent. Baysinger (1985) argues that board size, composition, structure, directors' compensation, and
frequency of board meetings are important factors. We are now ready to take up the roles as
comprehensive national one stop financial solution. Indeed, one can conclude that the codes of
corporate governance have been developed to ensure effective and transparent functioning of the
business processes of the corporation. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of
data from different sources. These companies have implemented a range of transformative changes,
including adopting comprehensive codes of conduct, enhancing board composition and performance,
increasing transparency through improved information disclosure, and prioritizing the protection of
minority shareholders. 5. What are the factors that influence corporate governance. Some of the
defence measures are used as pre-emptive strategies (in anticipation of future negotiation), while
there are also a wide spectrum of complaisant defences available to organisations that find themselves
as potential targets after the negotiations.

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