Nelson Pediatric Symptom Based Diagnosis by Kliegman
Nelson Pediatric Symptom Based Diagnosis by Kliegman
Nelson Pediatric Symptom Based Diagnosis by Kliegman
Robert M. Kliegman, MD Heather Toth, MD
Professor and Chair Emeritus Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics Program Director, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics
Medical College of Wisconsin Residency Program
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Hospitalist, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Patricia S. Lye, MD
Professor and Vice Chair of Education Donald Basel, MD
Department of Pediatrics Associate Professor and Section Chief
Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Medical Genetics
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Brett J. Bordini, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Section of Hospital Medicine
Assistant Professor of Global Health
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899
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Names: Kliegman, Robert, editor. | Lye, Patricia S., editor. | Bordini, Brett J.,
editor. | Toth, Heather, editor. | Basel, Donald, editor.
Title: Nelson pediatric symptom-based diagnosis / [edited by]
Robert M. Kliegman, Patricia S. Lye, Brett J. Bordini, Heather Toth,
Donald Basel.
Other titles: Pediatric symptom-based diagnosis
Description: Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2018] | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016050910 | ISBN 9780323399562 (hardcover :
alk. paper)
Subjects: | MESH: Signs and Symptoms | Pediatrics | Diagnosis, Differential
| Adolescent | Child | Infant
Classification: LCC RJ50 | NLM WB 143 | DDC 618.92/0075–dc23 LC
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viii Contributors
This book is intended to help the reader begin with a specific chief help provide a quick visual guide to the differential diagnosis of the
complaint that may be seen in many different disease entities. It is various diseases under discussion. The diagnostic approach includes
arranged in chapters that cover specific symptoms mirroring clinical standard laboratory and radiologic testing, as well as advanced imaging
practice. Patients do not usually present with a chief complaint of studies and genetic-based analysis.
cystic fibrosis; rather, they may present with a cough, respiratory dis- We appreciate the hard work of our contributing authors. Writing
tress, or chronic diarrhea. a chapter in this type of format is quite different from writing in the
With a user-friendly, well-tabulated, illustrated approach, this text format of a disease-based book. In addition, we thank Kate Dimock
will help the reader differentiate between the many disease states and Jennifer Ehlers of Elsevier, whose patience and expertise contrib-
causing a common symptom. The inclusion of many original tables uted to the publication of this book. We are all also greatly appreciative
and figures should help the reader identify distinguishing features of of Carolyn Redman at the Medical College of Wisconsin Department
diseases and work through a diagnostic approach to the symptom. of Pediatrics, whose editorial assistance and organization have made
Modified and borrowed artwork and tables from other outstanding this new edition a reality. Finally, we are ever grateful for the under-
current sources have been added as well. The combination of all of standing and patience of Diane Basel, Jessica Bordini, Ryan Festerling,
these illustrations and tables with diagnostic clues within the text will Sharon Kliegman, and Dale Lye in supporting this work.
SECTION 1 Respiratory Disorders
Sore Throat
Robert R. Tanz
Most causes of sore throat are nonbacterial and neither require nor are is rarely reason to test outpatients and infrequent benefit to testing inpa-
alleviated by antibiotic therapy (Tables 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). Accurate tients except to confirm and treat influenza.
diagnosis is essential: Acute streptococcal pharyngitis warrants diag- Adenoviruses can cause upper and lower respiratory tract disease,
nosis and therapy to ensure prevention of serious suppurative and ranging from ordinary colds to severe pneumonia and multisystem
nonsuppurative complications. Life-threatening infectious complica- disease, including hepatitis, myocarditis, and myositis. The incubation
tions of oropharyngeal infections, whether streptococcal or nonstrep- period of adenovirus infection is 2-4 days. Upper respiratory tract
tococcal, may manifest with mouth pain, pharyngitis, parapharyngeal infection typically produces fever, erythema of the pharynx, and fol-
space infectious extension, and/or airway obstruction (Tables 1.4 and licular hyperplasia of the tonsils, together with exudate. Enlargement
1.5). In many cases, the history and/or physical exam can help direct of the cervical lymph nodes occurs frequently. When conjunctivitis
diagnosis and treatment, but the enormous number of potential causes occurs in association with adenoviral pharyngitis, the resulting syn-
is too large to address all of them. drome is called pharyngoconjunctival fever. Pharyngitis may last as
long as 7 days and does not respond to antibiotics. There are many
adenovirus serotypes; adenovirus infections may therefore develop in
children more than once. Laboratory studies may reveal a leukocytosis
VIRAL PHARYNGITIS and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Adenovirus outbreaks
Most episodes of pharyngitis are caused by viruses (see Tables 1.2 and have been associated with swimming pools and contamination in
1.3). It is difficult to clinically distinguish between viral and bacterial health care workers.
pharyngitis with a very high degree of precision, but certain clues may The enteroviruses (coxsackievirus and echovirus) can cause sore
help the physician. Accompanying symptoms of conjunctivitis, rhini- throat, especially in the summer. High fever is common, and the throat
tis, cough, discrete ulcerations, croup, or laryngitis are common with is erythematous but usually not bright red; tonsillar exudate and cervi-
viral infection but rare in bacterial pharyngitis. cal adenopathy are unusual. Symptoms resolve within a few days.
Many viral agents can produce pharyngitis (see Tables 1.2 and 1.3). Enteroviruses can also cause meningitis, myocarditis, rash, and two
Some cause distinct clinical syndromes that are readily diagnosed specific syndromes that involve the oropharynx.
without laboratory testing (Table 1.6; see also Tables 1.1 and 1.4). In Herpangina is characterized by distinctive discrete, painful, gray-
pharyngitis caused by parainfluenza and influenza viruses, rhinovi- white papulovesicular lesions distributed over the posterior orophar-
ruses, coronaviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the symp- ynx (see Table 1.6). The vesicles are 1-2 mm in diameter and are
toms of coryza and cough often overshadow sore throat, which is initially surrounded by a halo of erythema before they ulcerate. Fever
generally mild. Influenza virus may cause high fever, cough, headache, may reach 39.5°C. The illness is due to enteroviruses and generally lasts
malaise, myalgia, and cervical adenopathy in addition to pharyngitis. less than 7 days, but severe pain may impair fluid intake and occasion-
In young children, croup or bronchiolitis may develop. When influenza ally necessitates medical support.
is suspected on clinical and epidemiologic grounds or confirmed by Hand-foot-mouth disease is caused by coxsackievirus A16. Painful
testing (polymerase chain reaction [PCR] is most accurate), specific vesicles that ulcerate can occur throughout the oropharynx. Vesicles
antiviral therapy is available for treatment of patients and prophylaxis also develop on the palms, soles, and, less often, on the trunk or
of family members. RSV is associated with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, extremities. Fever is present in most cases, but many children do not
and croup in young children. RSV infection in older children is usually appear seriously ill. This disease lasts less than 7 days.
indistinguishable from a simple upper respiratory tract infection. Primary infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) usually
Pharyngitis is not a prominent finding of RSV infection in any age produces high fever with acute gingivostomatitis, involving vesicles
group. Parainfluenza viruses are associated with croup and bronchiol- (which become ulcers) throughout the anterior portion of the mouth,
itis; minor sore throat and signs of pharyngitis are common at the including the lips. There is sparing of the posterior pharynx in herpes
outset but rapidly resolve. Infections caused by parainfluenza, influ- gingivostomatitis; the infection usually occurs in young children.
enza, and RSV are often seen in seasonal (winter) epidemics. Many High fever is common, pain is intense, and intake of oral fluids is
agents can be identified using multiplex or targeted PCR testing, but there often impaired, which may lead to dehydration. In addition, HSV may
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 1.e1
Clinical Features
After a 2-4 week incubation period, patients with infectious mono-
nucleosis usually experience an abrupt onset of malaise, fatigue, fever,
and headache, followed closely by pharyngitis. The tonsils are enlarged
with exudates and cervical adenopathy. More generalized adenopathy
with hepatosplenomegaly often follows. Fever and pharyngitis typi-
cally last 1-3 weeks, and lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
resolve over 3-6 weeks. Malaise and lethargy can persist for several
months and can affect school or work performance.
Laboratory studies of diagnostic value include atypical lymphocytosis;
these lymphocytes are primarily EBVspecific, cytotoxic T lymphocytes
that represent a reactive response to EBV-infected B lymphocytes. A
modest elevation of serum transaminase levels, reflecting EBV hepati-
tis, is common. Tests useful for diagnosis include detection of hetero-
phile antibodies that react with bovine erythrocytes (most often
detected by the monospot test) and a specific antibody against EBV
viral capsid antigen (VCA), early antigen (EA), and nuclear antigen
(EBNA). Acute infectious mononucleosis is usually associated with
FIGURE 1.1 Aphthous stomatitis (“canker sore”). (From Reilly BM. a positive heterophile test result and antibody to VCA and EA
Sore throat. In: Practical Strategies in Outpatient Medicine. 2nd ed. (Fig. 1.2).
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.) The findings of acute exudative pharyngitis together with hepato-
megaly, splenomegaly, and generalized lymphadenopathy suggest
infectious mononucleosis. Early in the disease and in cases without
to oral prednisone or cimetidine. There are reports of improvement liver or spleen enlargement, differentiation from other causes of phar-
after tonsillectomy. In most patients PFAPA completely resolves before yngitis, including streptococcal pharyngitis, is difficult. Indeed, a small
puberty without sequelae. The diagnosis is based on clinical criteria number of patients with infectious mononucleosis have a throat
after excluding cyclic neutropenia, other periodic fever syndromes, culture positive for group A streptococci. (They are likely streptococcal
infections, and malignancy. carriers; see subsequent text.) An indistinguishable syndrome can
Infants and toddlers with measles often have prominent oral find- occur with cytomegalovirus, but differentiation is rarely of clinical
ings early in the course of the disease. In addition to high fever, cough, importance. Serologic evidence of mononucleosis should be sought
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 4.e1
Heterophile antibody
Infectious mononucleosis
Early antigen
Antibody titer
1:10 (4 years)
0 2 4 2 4 6 1 3
Weeks Months Years
Time after Clinical Onset
FIGURE 1.2 Schematic representation of the evolution of antibodies to various Epstein-Barr virus antigens
in patients with infectious mononucleosis. The titers are geometric mean values expressed as reciprocals
of the serum dilution. The minimal titer tested for viral capsid antigen (VCA) and early antigen antibodies
was 1 : 10; for Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen, it was 1 : 2.5. The immunoglobulin (Ig)M response to capsid
antigen was divided because of the significant differences noted according to age. (From Jenson HB, Ench
Y, Sumaya CV. Epstein-Barr virus. In: Rose NR, de Macario EC, Folds JD, et al, editors. Manual of Clinical
Laboratory Immunology. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology; 1997. p. 634-43.)
when splenomegaly or other features are present or if symptoms persist Spread of GAS in classrooms and among family members is common,
longer than expected. especially in the presence of crowded living conditions. Transmission
Primary infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) occurs primarily by the inhalation of organisms in large droplets or by
may produce a mononucleosis-like illness with sore throat, fever, direct contact with respiratory secretions. Pets do not appear to be a
lymphadenopathy, rash, myalgias, and hepatosplenomegaly. Early frequent reservoir. Untreated streptococcal pharyngitis is particularly
infection may be detected by viral RNA or DNA load because immu- contagious early in the acute illness and for the first 2 weeks after the
noglobulin (Ig)M or IgG titers may have not yet developed. organism has been acquired, but antibiotic therapy effectively prevents
disease transmission. Within 24 hours of institution of therapy with
penicillin, it is difficult to isolate GAS from patients with acute strep-
tococcal pharyngitis, and infected children can return to school.
GROUP A STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTION Molecular epidemiology studies of streptococcal pharyngitis have
In the evaluation of a patient with sore throat, the primary concern shown that the prevalent M protein types vary among communities
in the United States is usually accurate diagnosis and treatment of and over time. Numerous distinct strains of GAS can circulate simul-
pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci (GAS) or Streptococcus taneously in a community during the peak season. GAS M proteins
pyogenes, which accounts for about 15% of all episodes of pharyngitis. can be identified in research studies by using PCR to establish the
The sequelae of GAS pharyngitis, especially acute rheumatic fever specific M protein gene (emm gene); M protein identification is not
(ARF) and acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), at one time resulted in available for use in clinical care. Children with streptococcal pharyn-
considerable morbidity and mortality in the United States and con- gitis can serve as a local reservoir for strains that cause invasive disease
tinue to do so in other parts of the world. Prevention of ARF in par- (e.g., sepsis, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, cellulitis, necrotizing
ticular depends on timely diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis and fasciitis) in the same geographic area and season.
prompt antibiotic treatment. Group A streptococci are characterized
by the presence of group A carbohydrate in the cell wall, and they are Clinical Features
further distinguished by several cell wall protein antigens (M, R, T). The classic patient presentation of acute streptococcal pharyngitis
These protein antigens, especially the M protein, a virulence factor, are involves a sudden onset of fever and sore throat. Headache, malaise,
useful for studies of epidemiology and pathogenesis but are not used abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting occur frequently. Cough, rhinor-
in clinical care. rhea, conjunctivitis, stridor, diarrhea, discrete ulcerated lesions, and
hoarseness are distinctly unusual and suggest a viral etiology.
Epidemiology Examination of the patient reveals marked pharyngeal erythema.
GAS pharyngitis is endemic in the United States; epidemics occur Petechiae may be noted on the palate, but they can also occur in viral
sporadically. Episodes peak in the late winter and early spring. Rates pharyngitis, especially mononucleosis. Tonsils are enlarged, symmet-
of GAS pharyngitis are highest among children aged 5-11 years old. ric, and red, with patchy exudates on their surfaces. The papillae of the
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 6.e1
tongue may be red and swollen, hence the designation “strawberry the area around the mouth often appears pale in comparison, giving
tongue.” Anterior cervical lymph nodes are often tender and enlarged. the appearance of circumoral pallor. Accentuation of erythema occurs
Combinations of these signs can be used to assist in diagnosis; in in flexor skin creases, especially in the antecubital fossae (Pastia lines).
particular, tonsillar exudates in association with fever, palatal pete- The erythema begins to fade within a few days. Desquamation begins
chiae, and tender anterior cervical adenitis strongly suggest infection within a week of onset on the face and progresses downward, often
with GAS. However, other diseases can produce this constellation of resembling that seen after mild sunburn. On occasion, sheet-like des-
findings, including infectious mononucleosis. Some or all of these quamation occurs around the free margins of the fingernails; this is
classic characteristics may be absent in patients with streptococcal usually coarser than the desquamation seen with Kawasaki disease. The
pharyngitis. Symptoms usually resolve within 5 days even in the differential diagnosis of scarlet fever includes Kawasaki disease,
absence of antibiotic therapy. Younger children can have a syndrome measles, and staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (Table 1.7).
called streptococcosis―coryza with crusting below the nares, more
generalized adenopathy, and a more chronic course. When rash accom- Diagnosis
panies the illness, accurate clinical diagnosis is easier. Scarlet fever, Although signs and symptoms may strongly suggest acute streptococ-
so-called because of the characteristic fine, diffuse red rash, is essen- cal pharyngitis, laboratory diagnosis is strongly recommended, even
tially pathognomonic for infection with group A streptococci. Scarlet for patients with scarlet fever (Fig. 1.3). Scoring systems for diagnosing
fever is rarely seen in children younger than 3 years old or in adults. acute GAS pharyngitis on clinical grounds have not proved very satis-
factory. Using clinical criteria alone, physicians overestimate the likeli-
Scarlet Fever hood that patients have streptococcal infection. The throat culture on
The rash of scarlet fever is caused by infection with a strain of GAS blood agar plate has traditionally been used to diagnose streptococcal
that contains a bacteriophage encoding for production of an erythro- pharyngitis. Plating a swab of the posterior pharynx and tonsils on
genic (redness producing) toxin, usually erythrogenic (also called sheep blood agar, identifying β-hemolytic colonies, and testing them
pyrogenic) exotoxin A (designated SPE A). Scarlet fever is simply GAS for the presence of sensitivity to a bacitracin-impregnated disk has
pharyngitis with a rash and should be explained as such to patients long been the “gold standard” diagnostic test, but it takes 24-48 hours
and their families. Although patients with the streptococcal toxic shock to obtain results. Rapid antigen detection tests (RADTs) that take less
syndrome are also infected with GAS that produces SPE A, most GAS than 15 minutes can detect the presence of the cell wall group A car-
pharyngeal infections are not associated with development of severe bohydrate antigen after acid extraction of organisms obtained by
invasive or systemic disease. throat swab. RADTs are highly specific (generally >95%) when com-
The rash of scarlet fever has a texture like sandpaper and blanches pared to throat culture. In comparison to hospital or reference labora-
with pressure. It usually begins on the face, but after 24 hours, it tory throat culture results, the sensitivities of these tests are generally
becomes generalized. The face is red, especially over the cheeks, and 75-85% and can be lower. The low sensitivity of these tests, coupled
Signs and Symptoms Compatible with GAS TABLE 1.8 Distribution of McIsaac
Scores in a Study of Pediatric Patients
Yes No Viral With Pharyngitis*
Symptomatic Number of GAS Culture-
therapy McIsaac Score Patients (%) Positive† n (%)
Scarlet fever? (No antibiotics) 0 42 (2%) 3 (7%)
Yes Rapid 1 200 (11%) 37 (19%)
GAS pharyngitis test 2 576 (31%) 118 (20%)
Positive 3 552 (30%) 162 (29%)
Negative 4 365 (20%) 163 (45%)
Confirm with rapid test,
throat culture, or 5 113 (6%) 70 (62%)
Throat culture
molecular test; treat
with antibiotics *McIsaac criteria: Fever (temperature >38°C), tender anterior cervical
Molecular test
adenopathy, tonsillar swelling or exudates, absence of cough, and
Not GAS GAS age <15 years. One point is awarded for each criterion.
Negative Positive
pharyngitis pharyngitis
Hospital laboratory throat culture result.
GAS, group A streptococci.
From Tanz RR, Gerber MA, Kabat W, et al. Performance of a rapid
antigen detection test and throat culture in community pediatric
Viral pharyngitis Treat with offices: implications for management of pharyngitis. Pediatrics.
Symptomatic therapy antibiotics 2009;123:437-444.
(No antibiotics)
*Based on Infectious Diseases Society of America 2012 and AAP Red Book recommendations.
Maximum dose for children is 500 mg/day. Adult dosage: 500 mg the first day, 250 mg the subsequent 4 days.
First-generation cephalosporins (e.g., cephalexin and cefadroxil) are preferred but all cephalosporins are effective. Dosage and frequency vary
among agents. Avoid use in patients with history of immediate (anaphylactic) hypersensitivity to penicillin or other β-lactam antibiotics.
appear to affect the risk of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis not yet emerged as a major problem in the United States, where the
(AGN). Antibiotic therapy also reduces the incidence of suppurative rate of macrolide resistance among GAS is generally 5-8%, there is
sequelae of GAS pharyngitis, such as peritonsillar abscess and cervical much local variation. GAS resistance to clindamycin is in the range of
adenitis. In addition, treatment produces a more rapid resolution of 1-2%. Of note, both macrolide and clindamycin resistance are more
signs and symptoms and terminates contagiousness within 24 hours. common in Canada than in the United States. Sulfa drugs (including
For these reasons, antibiotics should be instituted as soon as the diag- sulfamethoxazole combined with trimethoprim), tetracyclines, and
nosis is supported by laboratory studies. chloramphenicol should not be used for treatment of acute streptococ-
There are numerous antibiotics available for treating streptococcal cal pharyngitis because they do not eradicate GAS.
pharyngitis (Table 1.9). The drugs of choice are penicillin and amoxi-
cillin. Despite the widespread use of penicillin to treat streptococcal Suppurative Complications
and other infections for many decades, resistance of GAS to penicillin Antibiotic therapy has greatly reduced the likelihood of developing
or any other β-lactam antibiotic has not developed. Amoxicillin has suppurative complications caused by spread of GAS from the pharynx
been demonstrated to be effective in eradicating GAS when given by or middle ear to adjacent structures. Peritonsillar abscess (“quinsy”)
mouth once daily for 10 days. The convenience of once-daily dosing manifests with fever, severe throat pain, dysphagia, “hot potato voice,”
and palatability make amoxicillin an attractive approach despite its pain referred to the ear, and bulging of the peritonsillar area with
somewhat broader spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Penicillin can asymmetry of the tonsils and sometimes displacement of the uvula
be given by mouth twice daily for 10 days or intramuscularly as a single (Fig. 1.4; see also Table 1.4). There can be peritonsillar cellulitis without
injection of benzathine penicillin. Intramuscular benzathine penicillin a well-defined abscess cavity. Trismus may be present. When an abscess
alleviates concerns about patient compliance. A less painful parenteral is found clinically or by an imaging study such as a computed tomo-
alternative is benzathine penicillin in combination with procaine peni- graphic (CT) scan, surgical drainage is indicated. Peritonsillar abscess
cillin. Intramuscular procaine penicillin alone is not effective for pre- occurs most commonly in older children and adolescents.
vention of ARF because adequate levels of penicillin are not present in Retropharyngeal abscess represents extension of an infection from
blood and tissues for a sufficient time. Other β-lactams, including the pharynx or peritonsillar region into the retropharyngeal (prever-
semisynthetic derivatives of penicillin and the cephalosporins, are at tebral) space, which is rich in lymphoid structures (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6;
least as effective as penicillin for treating streptococcal pharyngitis. The see also Table 1.4). Children younger than 4 years old are most often
broader spectrum of the cephalosporins and their higher cost relegate affected. Fever, dysphagia, drooling, stridor, extension of the neck, and
them to second-line status. The decreased dosing frequency of amoxi- a mass in the posterior pharyngeal wall may be noted. Surgical drain-
cillin and some cephalosporins may improve patient adherence. age is often required if frank suppuration has occurred. Spread of GAS
Patients who are allergic to penicillin can receive a cephalosporin via pharyngeal lymphatic vessels to regional nodes can cause cervical
if they have not had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction. Erythro- lymphadenitis. The markedly swollen and tender anterior cervical
mycin or another non-β-lactam antibiotic, such as clarithromycin, nodes that result can suppurate. Otitis media, mastoiditis, and sinusitis
azithromycin, or clindamycin, can be used. Resistance of GAS to mac- also may occur as complications of GAS pharyngitis. Additional para-
rolides has increased dramatically in many areas of the world where pharyngeal suppurative infections that may mimic streptococcal
erythromycin has been widely used. Macrolide resistance also affects disease are noted in Table 1.4. Furthermore, any pharyngeal infectious
azithromycin and can affect clindamycin. Although this resistance has process may produce torticollis if there is inflammation that extends
10 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
Nonsuppurative Sequelae
Nonsuppurative complications include acute rheumatic fever (ARF),
acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), and possibly reactive arthritis/
synovitis. In addition, an association between streptococcal infection
and neuropsychiatric disorders such as tic disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and Tourette syndrome has been postulated. This
possible association has been called PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococci). The termi-
nology has been modified to “pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric
syndrome” (PANS) or “childhood acute neuropsychiatric syndrome”
(CANS), in recognition that the etiologic role of GAS and benefit from
antibiotic treatment have been difficult to establish, and it is likely that
infections other than GAS infection are associated with the develop-
ment, recurrence, or exacerbation of neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Therapy with an appropriate antibiotic within 9 days of onset of
symptoms is highly effective in preventing ARF. Except in certain geo-
graphic areas (e.g., Salt Lake City) and populations (e.g., Hasidic
Jewish communities) ARF is quite rare in North America. The impres-
sive reduction in ARF prevalence in the United States since the mid-
1960s may be related to reductions in the prevalence of so-called
FIGURE 1.4 Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy, sore throat). The left tonsil
“rheumatogenic” GAS M types. The reason for the near disappearance
is asymmetrically inflamed and swollen; there is displacement of the
uvula to the opposite side. The supratonsillar space (arrow) is also of rheumatogenic types in the United States is unknown. Areas of the
swollen; this is the usual site of the surgical incision for drainage. world with persistently high rates of ARF have different M types than
Prominent unilateral cervical adenopathy typically coexists. (From Reilly the United States had in the past and has currently. AGN is not pre-
BM. Sore throat. In: Practical Strategies in Outpatient Medicine. 2nd vented by treatment of the antecedent streptococcal infection. Pharyn-
ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.) gitis caused by one of the “nephritogenic” strains of GAS precedes
FIGURE 1.5 Retropharyngeal abscess in a 3-year-old female with sore throat and fever. A, Lateral soft tissue
neck radiograph reveals extensive soft tissue swelling displacing the airway anteriorly from the skull base
to C6 (arrow). B, Sagittal reconstructed contrast-enhanced computed tomography confirms thickened,
enhancing retropharyngeal soft tissues indicating cellulitis. Region of hypoattenuating fluid is concerning for
retropharyngeal abscess (asterisk). (From Lowe LH, Smith CJ. Infection and inflammation. In: Caffey’s Pedi-
atric Diagnostic Imaging. 12th ed. Vol 1. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 138; Figure 15.4.)
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 11
2 No Yes
3 Probable GAS carrier Recurrent pharyngitis
4 Special situation?
Family or physician
overly concerned? No Evaluate and treat
each symptomatic
5 Thyroid episode individually
Cricoid Throat culture
cartilage or Negative
7 Molecular test
space Positive
GAS carrier Antibiotic treatment (optional)
FIGURE 1.6 In an adolescent, the retropharyngeal space normally 1.Oral clindamycin or
does not exceed 7 mm when measured from the anterior aspect of the 2.IM benzathine penicillin plus
C2 vertebral body to the posterior pharynx. In infants the retropharyn- oral rifampin
geal space is usually less than one width of the adjacent vertebral body.
However, during crying, this distance may be three widths of the ver-
FIGURE 1.7 Management of patients with repeated or frequent posi-
tive rapid tests or throat cultures. GAS, group A streptococci; IM,
tebral body. In addition, under normal circumstances, the retrotracheal
space does not exceed 22 mm in adolescents when measured from
the anterior aspect of C6 to the trachea. Dotted lines depict the “thumb-
print” sign, noted on a lateral neck radiograph, made by a swollen
epiglottis. (From Reilly BM. Sore throat. In: Practical Strategies in Out- spread of GAS in the community. There is no reason to exclude carriers
patient Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.) from school. There is no easy way to identify chronic carriers prospec-
tively among patients with symptoms of acute pharyngitis. The patho-
physiology of chronic carriage is unknown. As resistance to penicillin
is not a factor, many other causes have been hypothesized including
glomerulonephritis by about 10 days. Unlike ARF, which occurs only non-adherence to antibiotic treatment, tolerance to antibiotics (sup-
after GAS pharyngitis, AGN also can follow GAS skin infection. pression but lack of killing by antimicrobials), internalization of
GAS by epithelial cells, and presence of β-lactamase-producing
Treatment Failure and Chronic Carriage “co-pathogens,” but none has been proven. The clinician should con-
Treatment with penicillin cures GAS pharyngitis but does not eradicate sider the possibility of chronic GAS carriage when a patient or a family
GAS from the pharynx in as many as 25% of patients (Fig. 1.7). This member has multiple test-positive episodes of pharyngitis, especially
causes considerable consternation among affected patients and their when symptoms are mild or atypical. A culture or other test is usually
families. Resistance to penicillin is not the cause of treatment failure. positive for GAS when the suspected carrier is symptom-free or is
A few such patients are symptomatic and are characterized as having receiving antibiotic treatment (intramuscular benzathine penicillin is
clinical treatment failure. Re-infection with the same strain or a differ- recommended in order to eliminate concerns about compliance).
ent strain is possible, as is intercurrent viral pharyngitis. Some of these Carriers often receive multiple unsuccessful courses of antibiotic
patients may be chronic pharyngeal carriers of GAS who are suffering therapy in attempts to eliminate GAS. Physician and patient anxiety is
from a new superimposed viral infection; others may have been non- common and can develop into “streptophobia.” Unproven and ineffec-
adherent to therapy. Many patients who continue to have positive tests tive therapies include tonsillectomy, prolonged administration of anti-
for GAS despite antimicrobial treatment are asymptomatic and are biotics, use of β-lactamase-resistant antibiotics, and culture or
identified only when follow-up throat swabs are obtained, a practice treatment of pets. Available treatment options for the physician faced
that is usually unnecessary in North America. Patients who adhered to with a chronic streptococcal carrier include the following:
therapy are at minimal risk for ARF. One explanation for asymptom- 1. Evaluate for GAS pharyngitis by throat swab each time the
atic persistence of GAS after treatment is that these patients are chroni- patient has pharyngitis with features that suggest streptococcal
cally colonized with GAS, were initially symptomatic because of a viral pharyngitis. Treat as acute GAS pharyngitis with amoxicillin or
pharyngitis, and did not truly have acute streptococcal pharyngitis. penicillin (or an alternative agent) each time a test is positive;
Patients who are chronically colonized with GAS are called chronic this will prevent ARF if the GAS identified has been newly
carriers. Carriers do not appear to be at risk for ARF or for develop- acquired. Avoid testing patients who do not have signs and
ment of suppurative complications, and they are rarely sources of symptoms suggestive of acute GAS pharyngitis.
12 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
2. Treating with one of the regimens effective for terminating cause self-limited infections. Acute rheumatic fever is not a sequela
chronic carriage. to these infections but acute glomerulonephritis has been documented
The first option is simple, as safe as amoxicillin and penicillin, and in rare cases after epidemic group C and group G streptococcal
appropriate for most patients. The second option should be reserved pharyngitis.
for particularly anxious patients; those with a history of ARF or living
with someone who had it; or those living or working in nursing homes,
chronic care facilities, and hospitals. Two antibiotic treatment regi-
mens have been demonstrated in randomized trials to be effective for Fusobacterium necrophorum, an anaerobic gram-negative organism, is
eradication of the carrier state: increasingly recognized as a cause of pharyngitis in older adolescents
• Intramuscular benzathine penicillin plus oral rifampin (10 mg/ and adults (ages 15-30 years). Prevalence in studies in Europe is
kg/dose up to 300 mg, given twice daily for 4 days beginning on reported to be about 10% in patients with pharyngitis not caused by
the day of the penicillin injection) GAS, but large surveillance studies have not been performed. In a U.S.
• Oral clindamycin, given for 10 days (20 mg/kg/day up to study of students at a university health clinic, F. necrophorum was
450 mg, divided into three equal doses) detected by PCR in 20.5% of patients with pharyngitis and 9.4% of an
Clindamycin is easier to use than intramuscular penicillin plus oral asymptomatic convenience sample; some had more than one bacte-
rifampin and may be somewhat more effective. Amoxicillin-clavulanate rium detected by PCR of throat swabs. Many of the pharyngitis patients
(40 mg amoxicillin/kg/day up to 2000 mg amoxicillin/day divided tid with F. necrophorum had signs and symptoms indistinguishable from
for 10 days) has also been used. Successful eradication of the carrier patients with increased likelihood for GAS pharyngitis: About one-
state makes evaluation of subsequent episodes of pharyngitis much third had fever, one-third had tonsillar exudates, two-thirds had ante-
easier, although chronic carriage can recur upon re-exposure to GAS. rior cervical adenopathy, and most did not have cough. The
symptomatic overlap of F. necrophorum and GAS and the presence of
Recurrent Acute Pharyngitis asymptomatic carriage could complicate the clinical assessment of sore
Some patients seem remarkably susceptible to developing GAS phar- throat in adolescents but F. necrophorum is difficult to culture from
yngitis. The reasons for frequent bona fide acute GAS pharyngitis are the throat and neither a rapid test nor PCR is available for use in
obscure. In contrast to chronic carriers, appropriate antibiotic treat- clinical care.
ment of each episode results in eradication of the organism. F. necrophorum pharyngitis can be associated with development of
The role of tonsillectomy in the management of patients with mul- septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, known as
tiple episodes of streptococcal pharyngitis is controversial. The pres- Lemierre syndrome (Fig. 1.8). Approximately 80% of cases of Lemierre
ence of tonsils is not necessary for GAS to infect the throat. Fewer syndrome are due to this bacterium, but the proportion of patients
episodes of sore throat were reported among patients treated with infected or colonized with F. necrophorum who develop pharyngitis
tonsillectomy (in contrast to patients treated without surgery) during and Lemierre syndrome is unknown. Patients present initially with
the first 2 years after operation. Patients had experienced numerous fever, sore throat, exudative pharyngitis, and/or peritonsillar abscess.
episodes of pharyngitis over several years, and it appears that not all The symptoms persist, severe neck pain and swelling develop, and the
episodes were caused by GAS. By 2 years after tonsillectomy there was patient appears toxic. Septic shock may ensue along with metastatic
no difference between the groups in the frequency of pharyngitis. The complications, especially septic pulmonary emboli. Diagnosis is con-
postoperative complication rate among tonsillectomy patients was firmed by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of
14%. Tonsillectomy cannot be recommended for treatment of recurrent the neck and isolation of the organism on anaerobic blood culture.
pharyngitis except in unusual circumstances. It is preferable to treat F. necrophorum is usually sensitive in vitro to penicillin, but some
most patients with penicillin or amoxicillin whenever symptomatic isolates produce β-lactamases, and treatment failure with penicillin
GAS pharyngitis occurs. Obtaining follow-up throat specimens for has been reported. Many expert clinicians use metronidazole, clinda-
culture can help distinguish recurrent pharyngitis from chronic car- mycin, a β-lactam in combination with a β-lactamase inhibitor (such
riage but is unnecessary in most instances. as ampicillin-sulbactam), or a carbapenem. The septic thrombophle-
bitis of Lemierre syndrome can be polymicrobial; combination anti-
INFECTION WITH STREPTOCOCCI THAT ARE NOT biotic therapy may be beneficial. Some patients require surgical
debridement and/or incision and drainage. The case-fatality rate may
GROUP A (NON-A STREPTOCOCCI) be as high as 4-9%.
Certain β-hemolytic streptococci of serogroups other than group A
cause acute pharyngitis. Well-documented epidemics of food-borne
group C and group G streptococcal pharyngitis have been reported
in young adults. In these situations, a high percentage of individuals Arcanobacterium haemolyticum is a gram-positive rod that has been
who had ingested the contaminated food promptly developed acute reported to cause acute pharyngitis and scarlet fever-like rash, particu-
pharyngitis, and throat cultures yielded virtually pure growth of the larly in teenagers and young adults. Detecting this agent requires
epidemiologically linked organism. There have been outbreaks of special methods for culture, and it has not routinely been sought in
group G streptococcal pharyngitis among children. However, the role patients with scarlet fever or pharyngitis. The clinical features of A.
of non-A streptococcal organisms as etiologic agents of acute phar- haemolyticum are indistinguishable from GAS pharyngitis; pharyngeal
yngitis in endemic circumstances has been difficult to establish. Group erythema is present in almost all patients, patchy white to gray exu-
C and group G streptococci may be responsible for acute pharyngitis, dates in about 70%, cervical adenitis in about 50%, and moderate fever
particularly in adolescents. However, the exact role of these agents, in 40%. Palatal petechiae and strawberry tongue may also occur. The
most of which are carried asymptomatically in the pharynx of some scarlatiniform rash usually spares the face, palms, and soles. The rash
children and young adults, remains to be fully characterized. When is erythematous and blanches; it may be pruritic and demonstrate
they are implicated as agents of acute pharyngitis, groups C and G minimal desquamation. Erythromycin appears to be the treatment of
organisms do not appear to necessitate treatment, inasmuch as they choice.
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 13
FIGURE 1.8 Lemierre syndrome (Fusobacterium necrophorum infection) complicated by stroke in a 6-year-
old female presenting with fever, difficulty swallowing, and nuchal rigidity. A, Axial contrast enhanced
computed tomography image shows low-attenuation retropharyngeal fluid (asterisk). B, Magnetic resonance
imaging 2 days later, performed because of acute left arm weakness, confirms lack of left internal jugular
vein patency on magnetic resonance venogram. C, Diffusion-weighted image of the brain reveals multiple
small foci of bright signal infarction secondary to emboli from thrombophelebitis, vasospasm, or both. (From
Lowe LH, Smith CJ. Infection and inflammation. In: Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging. 12th ed. Vol 1.
Philadelphia: Elsevier; 137; Figure 15.2.)
Clinical Features
Acute tonsillar and pharyngeal diphtheria is characterized by sore
throat, anorexia, malaise, and low-grade fever. The grayish membrane Chlamydia species and Mycoplasma pneumoniae may cause phar-
forms within 1-2 days over the tonsils and pharyngeal walls and occa- yngitis, although the frequency of these infections is unclear. Chla-
sionally extends into the larynx and trachea. Cervical adenopathy mydia trachomatis has been implicated serologically as a cause of
varies but may be severe and associated with development of a “bull pharyngitis in as many as 20% of adults with pharyngitis, but
neck.” In mild cases, the membrane sloughs after 7-10 days, and the isolation of the organism from the pharynx has proved more dif-
patient recovers. In severe cases, an increasingly toxic appearance can ficult. Chlamydia pneumoniae has also been identified as a cause
lead to prostration, stupor, coma, and death within 6-10 days. Distinc- of pharyngitis. Because antibodies to this organism show some
tive features include palatal paralysis, laryngeal paralysis, ocular palsies, cross reaction with C. trachomatis, it is possible that infections
diaphragmatic palsy, and myocarditis. Airway obstruction (from mem- formerly attributed to C. trachomatis were really caused by C. pneu-
brane formation) may complicate the toxigenic manifestations. moniae. Diagnosis of chlamydial pharyngitis is difficult, whether by
culture or serologically, and neither method is readily available to
Diagnosis the clinician.
Accurate diagnosis requires isolation of C. diphtheriae on culture of M. pneumoniae most likely causes pharyngitis. Serologic (positive
material from beneath the membrane, with confirmation of toxin pro- mycoplasma IgM) or, less often, culture methods can be used to iden-
duction by the organism isolated. Laboratories must be forewarned tify this infectious agent, which was found in 33% of college students
that diphtheria is suspected. Other tests are of little value. with pharyngitis in one study. PCR is diagnostic but there is no need
to seek evidence of these organisms routinely in pharyngitis patients
in the absence of ongoing research studies of nonstreptococcal phar-
GONOCOCCAL PHARYNGITIS yngitis. The efficacy of antibiotic treatment for M. pneumoniae and
Acute symptomatic pharyngitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae occurs chlamydial pharyngitis is not known, but these illnesses appear to be
occasionally in sexually active individuals as a consequence of self-limited.
A bibliography is available at
CHAPTER 1 Sore Throat 14.e1
Snellman LW, Stang HJ, Stang JM, et al. Duration of positive throat cultures Tanz RR, Shulman ST, Shortridge VD, et al. and the North American
for group A streptococci after initiation of antibiotic therapy. Pediatrics. Streptococcal Pharyngitis Surveillance Group. U.S. community-based
1993;91:116-117. surveillance of macrolide-resistant pharyngeal group A streptococci
Tanz RR, Poncher JR, Corydon KE, et al. Clindamycin treatment of during three respiratory disease seasons. Clin Infect Dis.
chronic pharyngeal carriers of group A streptococci. J Pediatr. 2004;39:1794-1801.
Louella B. Amos
INTRODUCTION cannot afford central heating may use a smoky wood-burning stove;
spending time at a daycare center may expose an infant to respiratory
Cough is an important defense mechanism of the lungs and is a viruses; and several adult smokers in a small home expose children to
common symptom, particularly during winter months. In most a high concentration of respiratory irritants.
patients, it is self-limited. However, cough can be ominous, indicating
serious underlying disease, because of accompanying problems Characteristics of the Cough
(hemoptysis) or because of serious consequences of the cough itself The various cough characteristics can help determine the cause of
(e.g., syncope and hemorrhage). cough. The causes of acute, recurrent, and chronic coughs may be
quite different from each other (Fig. 2.2; see also Table 2.1). A cough
Pathophysiology can be paroxysmal, brassy, productive, weak, volitional, and “throat-
The cough reflex serves to prevent the entry of harmful substances into clearing,” and it may occur at different times of the day (Tables 2.2
the tracheobronchial tree and to expel excess secretions and retained and 2.3).
material from the tracheobronchial tree. Cough begins with stimula- The previous response or lack of response to some therapies for
tion of cough receptors, located in the upper and lower airways, and recurrent and chronic cough can provide important information (see
in many other sites such as the ear canal, tympanic membrane, sinuses, Table 2.3). Furthermore, some coughs may be caused or worsened by
nose, pericardium, pleura, and diaphragm. Receptors send messages medications (Table 2.4).
via vagal, phrenic, glossopharyngeal, or trigeminal nerves to the “cough
center,” which is in the medulla. Because cough is not only an invol- Associated Symptoms
untary reflex activity but also one that can be initiated or suppressed A history of accompanying signs or symptoms, whether localized to
voluntarily, “higher centers” must also be involved in the afferent limb the respiratory tract (wheeze, stridor) or elsewhere (failure to thrive,
of the responsible pathway. The neural impulses go from the medulla frequent malodorous stools) can give important clues (Table 2.5; see
to the appropriate efferent pathways to the larynx, tracheobronchial also Tables 2.2 and 2.3). It is essential to remember that the daily
tree, and expiratory muscles. language of the physician is full of jargon that may be adopted by
The act of coughing (Fig. 2.1) begins with an inspiration, followed parents but with a different meaning from that understood by physi-
by expiration against a closed glottis (compressive phase), resulting in cians. If a parent says that a child “wheezes” or “croups” or is “short
the buildup of impressive intrathoracic pressures (50-300 cm H2O). of breath,” it is important to find out what the parent means by
These pressures may be transmitted to vascular, cerebrospinal, and that term.
intraocular spaces. Finally, the glottis opens, allowing for explosive
expiratory airflow (300 m/sec) and expulsion of mucus, particularly Family and Patient’s Medical History
from the larger, central airways. The inability to seal the upper airway Because many disorders of childhood have genetic or nongenetic
(tracheostomy) impairs, but does not abolish, the effectiveness of familial components, the family history can provide helpful
cough. Weak ventilatory muscles (muscular dystrophy) impair both information:
the inspiratory and the compressive phase. • Are there older siblings with cystic fibrosis (CF) or asthma?
• Is there a coughing sibling whose kindergarten class has been closed
History because of pertussis?
The patient history often provides the most important body of infor- • Is there an adolescent or adult with chronic cough (bronchitis) who
mation about a child’s cough. A diagnosis can often be discerned with may have pertussis or tuberculosis?
relative certainty from the family history, the environmental and expo- • Was the child premature, and, if so, did he or she spend a month
sure history, and the acute nature and characterization of the cough. on the ventilator, and does he or she now have chronic lung disease
(bronchopulmonary dysplasia)?
Demographics • Did the toddler choke on a carrot or other food 3 months ago?
The patient’s age (Table 2.1) helps to focus the diagnostic possibilities. • Did the child have RSV, bronchiolitis, or rhinovirus infection as an
Congenital anatomic abnormalities may be symptomatic from birth, infant?
whereas toddlers, who may have incomplete neurologic control over • Did the child receive a bone marrow transplant a year ago?
swallowing and often put small objects in their mouths, are at risk for • Is the child immunized?
foreign body aspiration; adolescents may experiment with smoking or • Did the infant have a tracheoesophageal fistula repaired in the
inhaled drugs. Socioeconomic factors must be considered; a family that neonatal period?
CHAPTER 2 Cough 15.e1
TABLE 2.1 Causes of Cough
Age Group Acute Recurrent (>4 wk)
L/Sec Infants Infection1* Asthma1 Asthma1
6.0 Aspiration2 CF1 CF1
Foreign body3 GER1 GER1
5.0 volume 50 Aspiration2 Aspiration2
Anatomic Pertussis2
4.0 40 abnormality3† Anatomic
Flow Passive abnormality3†
3.0 Subglottic 30 smoking3 Passive smoking3
pressure Toddlers Infection1 Asthma1 Asthma1
2.0 20 Foreign body2 CF1 CF1
Aspiration3 GER1 GER1
1.0 10 Aspiration2 Aspiration2
0.1 sec Anatomic Pertussis2
0.0 0 abnormality3 Anatomic
Passive abnormality3
smoking3 Passive smoking3
Children Infection1 Asthma1 Asthma1
1 2 3
Foreign body3 CF1 CF1
Neg. flow phase Min. flow Pos. flow phase GER1 GER2
phase Passive Pertussis2
smoking3 Mycoplasma3
Expiratory Anatomic
Inspiratory Glottis
phase closure
phase abnormality3
(explosive) Passive smoking3
Adolescents Infection1 Asthma1 Asthma1
FIGURE 2.1 Cough mechanics, showing changes in expiratory flow
rate, air volume, subglottic pressure, and sound recording during cough.
(Modified from Yanagihara N, et al. The physical parameters of cough: GER1 GER2
the larynx in a normal single cough. Acta Otolaryngol. 1996;61: Aspiration2 Smoking2
495-510.) Anatomic Tuberculosis3
abnormality3 Psychogenic2
Physical Examination Anatomic
Inspection abnormality3
Initial inspection often reveals the seriousness of an illness: Tumor3
• Is the child struggling to breathe (dyspnea)? *Infections include upper (pharyngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, rhinitis,
• Does the child have an anxious look? otitis) and lower (pneumonia, abscess, empyema) respiratory tract
• Can the child be calmed or engaged in play? disease.
• Is the child’s skin blue (representing cyanosis) or ashen? Anatomic abnormality includes tracheobronchomalacia,
• Does the child appear wasted, with poor growth that may indicate tracheoesophageal fistula, vascular ring, abnormal position or take-off
a chronic illness? of large bronchi.
The respiratory rate is often elevated with parenchymal lung Common; 2less common; 3much less common.
disease or extrathoracic obstruction. Respiratory rates vary with the CF, cystic fibrosis; GER, gastroesophageal reflux.
age of the child (Fig. 2.3) and with pulmonary infection, airway
obstruction, activity, wakefulness and sleep, fever, metabolic acidosis,
and anxiety. Chest, abdomen, and spine. The shape of the chest gives informa-
Odors may also give helpful clues. Does the examining room or the tion. Is the anteroposterior (AP) diameter increased, which indicates
clothing smell of stale cigarette smoke? Is there a foul odor from a hyperinflation of the lungs from obstruction of small airways (asthma,
diaper with a fatty stool, which may suggest pancreatic insufficiency bronchiolitis, CF)? Is this diameter small, as can be seen with some
and CF? Is the child’s breath malodorous, as can be noticed in sinusitis, restrictive lung diseases with small lung volumes (muscular dystrophy,
nasal foreign body, lung abscess, or bronchiectasis? spinal muscular atrophy)? The normal infant has a “round” chest con-
Fingers. Cyanotic nail beds suggest hypoxemia, poor peripheral figuration, with the AP diameter of the chest about 84% of the trans-
circulation, or both. The examiner looks for the presence of digital verse (lateral) diameter. With growth, the chest becomes more flattened
clubbing (Fig. 2.4), which makes asthma or acute pneumonia extremely in the AP dimension, and the AP-to-transverse ratio is between 70%
unlikely. The absence of digital clubbing but a history of severe chronic and 75%. Although obstetric calipers can be used to give an objective
cough in an older child makes CF unlikely. assessment of the AP diameter of the chest, most clinicians rely on their
CHAPTER 2 Cough 17
TABLE 2.2 Clinical Clues About Cough
Characteristic Think of
Staccato, paroxysmal Pertussis, cystic fibrosis, foreign body,
Chlamydia species, Mycoplasma species
Consider Yes Followed by “whoop” Pertussis
Foreign body Sudden onset
Pulmonary embolism All day, never during Psychogenic, habit
Inhaled irritant sleep
Barking, brassy Croup, psychogenic, tracheomalacia, tracheitis,
Hoarseness Laryngeal involvement (croup, recurrent
Consider laryngeal nerve involvement)
Nasopharyngitis Yes Fever, rhinorrhea
Abrupt onset Foreign body, pulmonary embolism
Sinusitis Normal chest exam
Laryngotracheitis Follows exercise Asthma
Accompanies eating, Aspiration, gastroesophageal reflux,
No drinking tracheoesophageal fistula
Throat clearing Postnasal drip
Productive (sputum) Infection
Viral, bacterial pneumonia Fever, abnormal
Yes Night cough Sinusitis, asthma
Hypersensitivity pneumonia chest exam,
acute onset Seasonal Allergic rhinitis, asthma
Immunosuppressed Bacterial pneumonia, Pneumocystis jiroveci,
patient Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium
No avium–intracellulare, cytomegalovirus
Cystic fibrosis Dyspnea Hypoxia, hypercarbia
Asthma Animal exposure Chlamydia psittaci (birds), Yersinia pestis
Tuberculosis Yes
Chronic cough (rodents), Francisella tularensis (rabbits), Q
Mediastinal fever (sheep, cattle), hantavirus (rodents),
histoplasmosis (pigeons)
Other (see below) Geographic Histoplasmosis (Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio
No River Valley), coccidioidomycosis (Southwest),
blastomycosis (North and Midwest)
Consider Workdays with clearing Occupational exposure
Cystic fibrosis Yes Recurrent cough on days off
Immunodeficiency (HIV, and pneumonia
combined immunodeficiency)
Leukocyte disorders (e.g.,chronic granulomatous Less easy to notice than intercostal retractions is their bulging out
disease) with expiration in a child with expiratory obstruction (asthma). Con-
Ciliary dyskinesia (dysmotile cilia syndrome,
Kartagener syndrome)
traction of the abdominal muscles with expiration is easier to notice
Anatomic disorders (sequestration, reflux, and is another indication that a child is working harder than normal
bronchiectasis, lobar emphysema, cystic to push air out through obstructed airways.
adenomatoid malformation, aspiration) Inspection of the spine may reveal kyphosis or scoliosis. There is a
Sickle cell anemia risk of restrictive lung disease if the curvature is severe.
FIGURE 2.2 Algorithm for differential diagnosis of cough. HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus. Palpation
Palpating the trachea, particularly in infants, may reveal a shift to one
side, which suggests loss of volume of the lung on that side or extra-
pulmonary gas (pneumothorax) on the other side. Placing one hand
subjective assessment of whether the diameter is increased: Does the on each side of the chest while the patient breathes may enable the
patient look “barrel-chested”? examiner to detect asymmetry of chest wall movement, either in
Intercostal, subcostal, suprasternal, and supraclavicular retractions timing or in degree of expansion. The former indicates a partial bron-
(inspiratory sinking in of the soft tissues) indicate increased effort of chial obstruction, and the latter suggests a smaller lung volume, vol-
breathing and reflect both the contraction of the accessory muscles of untary guarding, or diminished muscle function on one side. Palpating
respiration and the resulting difference between intrapleural and extra- the abdomen gently during expiration may allow the examiner to feel
thoracic pressure. Retractions occur most commonly with obstructed the contraction of the abdominal muscles in cases of expiratory
airways (upper or lower), but they may occur with any condition obstruction. Hyperinflation may push the liver down making it pal-
leading to the use of the accessory muscles. Any retractions other than pable below the costal margin.
the mild normal depressions seen between an infant’s lower ribs indi- Palpation for tactile fremitus, the transmitted vibrations of the
cate a greater than normal work of breathing. spoken word (“ninety-nine” is the word often used to accentuate these
18 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
+++, very common and suggests the diagnosis; ++, common; +, uncommon; –, almost never and makes examiner question the diagnosis.
Theophylline, caffeine Indirect, via worsened gastroesophageal reflux
(relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter)
Metabisulfite Induces allergic asthma
Cholinesterase Induce mucus production (bronchorrhea)
inhibitors 30
vibrations), helps determine areas of increased parenchymal density
and hence increased fremitus (as in pneumonic consolidation) or 0
decreased fremitus (as in pneumothorax or pleural effusion). 0 12 24 36 4 8 12 16
Age (months) Age (years)
FIGURE 2.3 Mean values (blue line) ±2 standard deviations (red and
The percussion note determined by the examiner’s tapping of one yellow lines) of the normal respiratory rate at rest (during sleep in chil-
middle finger on the middle finger of the other hand, which is firmly dren younger than 3 years). There is no significant difference between
placed over the patient’s thorax, may be dull over an area of consolida- the genders. (Data from Pasterkamp H. The history and physical exami-
tion or effusion and hyperresonant with air trapping. Percussion can nation. In: Chernick V, ed. Kendig’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract
also be used to determine diaphragmatic excursion. The lowest level in Children. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1998:88.)
CHAPTER 2 Cough 19
Diagnostic Studies
The chest radiograph is often the most useful diagnostic test in the
evaluation of the child with cough. Table 2.7 highlights some of the
radiographic features of the most common causes of cough in pediat-
ric patients. Radiographic findings are often similar for a number of
Posterior Right disorders, and thus these studies may not indicate a definitive diagno-
sis. Chest radiographs are normal in children with psychogenic (habit)
cough and in children with sinusitis or gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
as the primary cause of cough. A normal chest radiograph indicates
the unlikelihood of pneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial virus
(RSV), influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, Chlamydia species, or
bacteria. Although children with cough resulting from cystic fibrosis
(CF), Mycoplasma species, tuberculosis, aspiration, a bronchial foreign
body, or an anatomic abnormality usually have abnormal chest radio-
graphs, a normal radiograph does not exclude these diagnoses. Hyper-
inflation of the lungs is commonly seen on chest radiographs of infants
with RSV bronchiolitis or Chlamydia pneumonia, and a lobar or round
(coin lesion) infiltrate is the radiographic hallmark of bacterial pneu-
Anterior Left
monia. The diagnosis of sinusitis cannot be sustained with normal
sinuses on radiograph or computed tomography (CT) scan.
FIGURE 2.5 Projections of the pulmonary lobes on the chest surface.
The upper lobes are white, the right-middle lobe is black, and the lower Hematology/Immunology
lobes are purple. (From Pasterkamp H. The history and physical exami-
nation. In: Chernick V, ed. Kendig’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract The white blood cell (WBC) count may help exclude or include certain
in Children. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1998.) entities for a differential diagnosis. For example, a WBC count of
(?) Lipid-laden macrophages from bronchoscopy or gastric washings; barium swallow or radionuclide study showing aspiration.
Right-sided arch, mass effect on airways, mass identified; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Bronchoscopy; computed tomography; MRI.
+++, almost always—if not present, must question diagnosis; ++, common; +, less common; –, seldom—if present, must question diagnosis.
+Bld cult, blood culture may be positive; Bronch, bronchoscopy can reveal the foreign body; Diff, diffuse or scattered; ↑EOS, increased eosinophil count; Esoph pH, prolonged esophageal
pH probe monitoring; GE, gastroesophageal; Hyper, hyperinflated; Ig, immunoglobulin; Infil, infiltrates; ↑LY, increased lymphocyte count; +NP aspirate PCR, nasopharyngeal positive for
specific organism; Paraflu, parainfluenza virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; ↑PMN, increased polymorphonuclear neutrophil count; PPD, purified protein derivative (TB); RAD, reactive
airways disease; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; TB, tuberculosis; ↑WBC, increased white blood cell count.
22 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
35,000 with 85% lymphocytes strongly suggests pertussis, but not derivative (PPD) or Quantiferon assay in tuberculosis; and several
every child with pertussis presents such a clear hematologic picture. studies of the esophagus in GER. Several imaging techniques, such as
The presence of a high number or large proportions of immature CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can help to delineate
forms of WBCs suggests an acute process, such as a bacterial infection. various intrathoracic anatomic abnormalities, pulmonary embolism,
Immunoglobulins provide supportive evidence for a few diagnoses, and bronchiectasis. Multiple tests can be employed to confirm the
such as chlamydial infection, which rarely occurs without elevated diagnosis of CF (Table 2.8).
serum concentrations of immunoglobulins G and M.
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Bacteriology/Virology Infection
Specific bacteriologic or virologic diagnoses can be made in a number Infections are the most common cause of acute cough in all age groups
of disorders causing cough, including RSV, influenza, parainfluenza, and are responsible for some chronic coughs. The age of the patient
adenovirus, and Chlamydia pneumonia. In most cases, the viruses can has a large impact on the frequency of the type of infection.
be rapidly identified with amplification of the viral genome through Infections in infants. Viral upper respiratory infections (common
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In bacterial pneumonia, the offend- cold); croup (laryngotracheobronchitis); viral bronchiolitis, particu-
ing organism can be cultured from the blood in a small proportion larly with RSV or human metapneumovirus; and viral pneumonia
(10%) of patients. A positive culture provides definitive diagnosis, but are the most frequently encountered respiratory tract infections and
a negative culture specimen is not helpful. Throat cultures are seldom hence the most common causes of cough in infancy. Viral illness
helpful (except in CF) in identifying lower respiratory tract bacterial may predispose to bacterial superinfection (croup and Staphylococcus
organisms. Sputum cultures and Gram stains may help guide initial aureus tracheitis or influenza and H. influenzae or S. aureus
empirical therapy in older children with pneumonia or purulent bron- pneumonia).
chitis, but their ability to identify specific causative organisms with Viral upper respiratory infections (URI). Viral URI symptoms
certainty (with the exception of CF) has not been shown clearly. and signs usually include stuffy nose with nasal discharge, sore throat,
Infants and young children usually do not expectorate but rather and sneezing. There may be fever, constitutional signs (irritability,
swallow their sputum. Specimens obtained via bronchoscopy may be myalgias, and headache), or both. Cough is common and may persist
contaminated by mouth flora, but heavy growth of a single organism for 5-7 days. The mechanism by which URIs cause cough in children
in the presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils certainly supports is undetermined. In adults, it is generally thought that “postnasal
the organism’s role in disease. If pleural fluid or fluid obtained directly drip”—that is, nasal or sinus secretions draining into the posterior
from the lung via needle aspiration is cultured, the same rules apply: nasopharynx—causes cough and, in fact, may be one of the most
Positive cultures are definitive, but negative cultures are not. frequent causes of cough. Indeed, sinus CT in older patients with URIs
often reveals unexpected involvement of the sinus mucosa. Other
Other Tests authorities believe that cough in a child with a URI indicates involve-
A number of specific tests can help to establish diagnoses in a child ment (inflammation or bronchospasm) of the lower respiratory tract.
with cough (see Table 2.7). These include a positive response to bron- Over-the-counter cough and cold medications are commonly used.
chodilators in a child with asthma; visualizing the red, swollen epiglot- Evidence of efficacy of these medications for children with URI is
tis in epiglottitis (to be done only under very controlled conditions); lacking. Because of the known risk for unintentional overdose from
the bronchoscopic visualization of the peanut, plastic toy, or other these medications, their use is not recommended in children under age
offender in foreign body aspiration; a positive purified protein 4 years.
Common viral pathogens include rhinovirus, RSV, coronaviruses, diaphragm, with an enlarged retrosternal air space in as many as 60%
and parainfluenza viruses. The differential diagnosis includes allergic of patients, peribronchial thickening in approximately 50%, and con-
rhinitis, which often demonstrates clear nasal secretions with eosino- solidation and/or atelectasis in 10-25%.
phils and pale nasal mucosa, and sinusitis, which presents with muco- The diagnosis is confirmed with demonstration of RSV by PCR of
purulent nasal secretions containing neutrophils and erythematous nasopharyngeal secretions. In most cases, no treatment is needed
mucosa. because the disease does not interfere with the infant’s eating or breath-
Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis). Infectious croup (see Chapter ing. Apnea is a common complication of RSV bronchiolitis in neonates
3) is most common in the first 2 years of life. Its most dramatic com- and may necessitate close monitoring. In severe cases, often those in
ponents are the barking (“croupy”) cough and inspiratory stridor, which there is underlying chronic heart, lung, or immunodeficiency
which appear a few days after the onset of a cold. In most cases, the disease, RSV can be life-threatening. In severe cases, hospital care with
patient has a low-grade fever, and the disease resolves within a day or supplemental oxygen and intravenous fluids is indicated. Suctioning
two. In severe cases, the child can be extremely ill and is at risk for of secretions is an essential part of the treatment. Many other treat-
complete laryngeal obstruction. There may be marked intercostal and ment modalities have been tried for hospitalized infants with bronchi-
suprasternal retractions and cyanosis. Stridor at rest signifies significant olitis. Aerosolized bronchodilators and systemic glucocorticoids do not
obstruction. Diminishing stridor in a child who is becoming more seem to alter clinical outcome and are not recommended in most
comfortable is a good sign, but diminishing stridor in and of itself is patients. Nebulized saline may reduce the length of hospitalization. Use
not necessarily good: If the child becomes fatigued because of the of high-flow nasal cannula may reduce the need for more invasive
tremendous work of breathing through an obstructed airway and can forms of respiratory support in infants with impending respiratory
no longer breathe effectively, smaller-than-needed tidal volumes make failure.
less noise. Viral pneumonia. Viral pneumonia can be similar to bronchiolitis
It is important to distinguish croup from epiglottitis in the child in its manifestation, with cough and tachypnea, after a few days of
with harsh, barking cough and inspiratory stridor because the natural apparent URI. There can be variable degrees of fever and of overall
histories of the two diseases are quite different (see Table 2.7). Epiglot- illness. Infants and children with viral pneumonia may appear rela-
titis occurs more commonly in unimmunized toddlers than in infants tively well or, particularly with adenovirus or influenza, may have a
(see Chapter 3). rapidly progressive course. Frequent symptoms include poor feeding,
Treatment of mild croup is usually not needed. For decades, pedia- cough, cyanosis, fever (some patients may be afebrile), apnea, and
tricians have recommended putting a child with croup in a steamy rhinorrhea. Frequent signs include tachypnea, retractions, crackles,
bathroom or driving to the office or emergency department with the and cough. Cyanosis is less common.
car windows rolled down. It is likely that these remedies are effective The most common agents causing viral pneumonia in infancy and
because of the heat exchange properties of the upper airway; air that childhood are RSV, influenza, and parainfluenza. Adenovirus is less
is cooler or more humid than the airway mucosa will serve to cool the common, but it is important because it can be severe and leave residua,
mucosa, thus causing local vasoconstriction and probably decreasing including bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans. Adenovirus
local edema. pneumonia is often accompanied by conjunctivitis and pharyngitis, in
In a child who has stridor at rest, evaluation is indicated. Symp- addition to leukocytosis and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation
tomatic, often dramatic relief through decreased laryngeal edema can rate (ESR); the ESR and leukocyte count are usually not elevated in
usually be achieved with aerosolized racemic epinephrine (2.25% solu- other types of viral pneumonia. Additional viral agents include entero-
tion, 0.25 to 0.5 mL/dose). It is essential to remember that the effects viruses, human metapneumovirus and rhinovirus. Radiographs most
of the epinephrine are transient, lasting only a few hours, although the often reveal diffuse, bilateral peribronchial infiltrates, with a predilec-
course of the illness is often longer. The result is that when the racemic tion for the perihilar regions, but occasionally lobar infiltrates are
epinephrine’s effect has worn off, the child’s cough and stridor will present. Pleural effusions are not common. On occasion, if an infant
probably be as bad or even worse than before the aerosol was admin- is extremely ill, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage may be
istered. This is not a “rebound” effect: The symptoms are not worse indicated to isolate the virus responsible for the pneumonia.
because of the treatment but, rather, because of the natural progression Treatment is largely supportive, with oxygen and intravenous fluids.
of the viral illness. Repeating the aerosol will probably again have a Mechanical ventilation may be necessary in a small minority of infants.
beneficial effect. A child who responds favorably to such an aerosol In young infants, the afebrile pneumonia syndrome may be caused
needs to be observed for several hours because further treatment may by Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, or Mycoplasma species; cytomegalovirus;
be needed. A single dose of dexamethasone (0.6 mg/kg orally, intra- or Pneumocystis jiroveci. In this syndrome, cough and tachypnea are
muscularly, or intravenously) reduces the severity and hastens recov- common. Severe pneumonia may develop in neonates as a result of
ery. Aerosolized steroids (budesonide) may also be effective in patients herpes simplex.
with mild to moderately severe croup. Pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis is a relatively common
Bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis is a common and potentially serious cause of lower respiratory tract infection in infants, children, adoles-
lower respiratory tract disorder in infants (see Chapter 3). It is caused cents, and adults, especially in those who are underimmunized or not
usually by RSV but on occasion by parainfluenza, influenza, human immunized. The causative organism, Bordetella pertussis, has a tropism
metapneumovirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, and human rhinovirus. It for tracheal and bronchial ciliated epithelial cells; thus the disease is
mostly occurs in the winter months, often in epidemics. RSV bronchi- primarily bronchitis, but spread of the organism to alveoli, or second-
olitis is seen uncommonly in children older than 4 years. Typically, ary invasion by other bacteria, can cause pneumonia. The disease can
“cold-like” symptoms of rhinorrhea precede the harsh cough, increased occur at any age, from early infancy onward, although its manifesta-
respiratory rate, and retractions. Respiratory distress and cyanosis can tions in young infants and in those who have been partially immunized
be severe. The child’s temperature is seldom elevated above 38°C. may be atypical.
The chest is hyperinflated, widespread crackles are audible on Most commonly, pertussis has three stages:
inspiration, and wheezing marks expiration. The chest radiograph • Catarrhal, in which symptoms are indistinguishable from a
invariably reveals hyperinflation, as depicted by a depressed viral URI
CHAPTER 2 Cough 23.e1
• Paroxysmal, dominated by repeated forceful, paroxysmal coughing colds and cough in infants (see previous discussion) apply to this older
spells; spells may be punctuated by an inspiratory “whoop,” post- age group. The differential diagnosis of rhinorrhea is noted in
tussive emesis, or both Table 2.10.
• Convalescent, in which the intensity and frequency of coughing Sinusitis. The sinuses may become the site for viral and subse-
spells gradually diminish quent secondary bacterial infection spreading from the nasopharynx
Each stage typically lasts 1-2 weeks, except the paroxysmal stage, (Fig. 2.7). The signs and symptoms are usually localized, including
which lasts many weeks. (Pertussis is known as the “100 day cough” in nasal congestion, a feeling of “fullness” or pain in the face (Fig. 2.8),
China.) Most children are entirely well between coughing spells, when headache, sinus tenderness, day or night cough, and fever. Maxillary
physical findings are remarkably benign. Infants younger than 6 toothache, purulent nasal discharge for more than 10 days, and a posi-
months of age are at highest risk for complications. The majority of tive transillumination (opacification) are important clues. Sinus radio-
infants with pertussis need to be hospitalized. graphs or (more accurate) CT scan may facilitate the diagnosis of
Diagnosis can be difficult because the definitive result—namely, sinusitis by demonstrating opacification of the sinus with mucosal
culturing the organism from nasopharyngeal secretions—requires thickening. Sinusitis is thought to be a cause of cough in adults and
special culture medium (Bordet-Gengou, which must be prepared can probably be listed, with lower certainty, as a cause of cough in
fresh for each collection). Culture specimens are much less likely to be children.
positive during the paroxysmal stage than during the catarrhal stage, Sinusitis is frequently seen in other conditions known to cause
when the diagnosis is not being considered. PCR assay of an adequate cough, especially CF, asthma, ciliary dyskinesia, and granulomatosis
nasopharyngeal (NP) specimen is the most commonly used test with polyangiitis with or without eosinophilia. It may be difficult to
because of improved sensitivity and faster turnaround time compared ascertain whether the cough is a direct result of the sinus infection or
to culture. An elevated WBC count, as high as 20,000-50,000, with the underlying problem (purulent bronchitis in the child with CF or
lymphocytes predominating is suggestive of pertussis in infants ciliary dyskinesia, exacerbation of asthma). In the first two situations,
and children but often absent in adolescents. Chest radiographic it may not matter because treatment is the same. In the case of the
findings are nonspecific. Infants with severe disease may require child with asthma, it is important to treat the asthma with broncho-
hospitalization. dilating and antiinflammatory agents, as well as to treat the infected
Treatment is largely supportive, with oxygen, fluids, and small fre- sinuses with antibiotics.
quent feedings for patients who do not tolerate their normal feedings.
Treatment with azithromycin decreases infectivity and may ameliorate
the course of the disease if given during the catarrhal stage.
Complications include those related to severe coughing (Table 2.9) TABLE 2.9 Potential Complications
and those specific to pertussis, such as seizures and encephalopathy. of Cough
The risk of acquiring pertussis is markedly reduced by immunizations
Musculoskeletal Rib fractures
(three primary immunizations and regular booster immunizations).
Vertebral fractures
Neither pertussis infection nor immunization produces lifelong
Rupture of rectus abdominis muscle
Asymptomatic elevation of serum creatine
Chlamydial infection. Chlamydia trachomatis can cause pneumo-
nia in young infants, particularly those aged 3-12 weeks. Cough, nasal
congestion, low-grade or no fever, and tachypnea are common. Con- Pulmonary Chest wall pain*
junctivitis is an important clue to chlamydial disease but is present in Bronchoconstriction
only 50% of infants with chlamydial pneumonia at the time of presen- Pneumomediastinum
tation. Affected infants may have a paroxysmal cough similar to that Pneumothorax
of pertussis, but post-tussive emesis is less common. Crackles are com- Mild hemoptysis
monly heard on auscultation, but wheezing is much less common than Subcutaneous emphysema
the overinflated appearance of the lungs on radiographs would suggest. Irritation of larynx and trachea
The organism may be recovered from the nasopharynx by culture or Cardiovascular Rupture of subconjunctival,* nasal,* and anal veins
antigen testing. The complete blood cell count may reveal eosinophilia. Bradycardia, heart block
Chlamydial infection responds to oral erythromycin therapy. Transient hypertension
Ureaplasmal infection. Ureaplasma urealyticum pneumonia is dif- Central nervous Cough syncope
ficult to diagnose but causes cough in some infants. There are no system Headache
particularly outstanding features to distinguish this relatively uncom- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
mon infection from viral pneumonias. Gastrointestinal Hernias (ventral, inguinal)
Bacterial pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia is relatively less Emesis
common in infants than is viral pneumonia but can cause severe Rectal prolapse
illness, with cough, respiratory distress, and fever. Chest radiographs Pneumoperitoneum
are abnormal, and the WBC count is elevated.
Miscellaneous Anorexia*
Treatment is with antibiotics effective against pneumococci, group
A streptococci, and, if illness is severe, S. aureus.
Sleep loss*
Infections in toddlers and children
Urinary incontinence
Viral URIs. In early childhood, as children attend daycare and
Disruption of surgical wounds
nursery schools, they are constantly exposed to respiratory viruses to
Vaginal prolapse
which they have little or no immunity (e.g., RSV, rhinoviruses, adeno-
Displacement of intravenous catheters
viruses, parainfluenza, and enteroviruses). Young children may have as
many as 6-8 or even more URIs in a year. The remarks concerning *Common.
CHAPTER 2 Cough 24.e1
FIGURE 2.7 The paranasal sinuses. 1, Frontal. 2, Ethmoid. 3, Maxillary. 4, Sphenoid. (From Smith RP.
Common upper respiratory tract infections. In: Reilly B, ed. Practical Strategies in Outpatient Medicine. 2nd
ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991.)
The treatment of sinusitis involves the use of oral antibiotics active oxymetazoline) decongestants may be of benefit by increasing the
against the common pathogens (i.e., Streptococcus pneumoniae, non- patency of the sinus ostia, which permits drainage of the infected and
typable H. influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and, in rare cases, anaero- obstructed sinuses. Oral antihistamines may benefit patients with an
bic bacteria or Streptococcus pyogenes). Treatment regimens include the allergic history. Treatment with antimicrobial agents should continue
use of amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, cefuroxime, cefpodoxime, for at least 7 days after the patient has responded. This may require
or cefdinir. Amoxicillin is considered the initial agent of choice. 14-21 days of therapy. Many patients with presumed sinusitis recover
Oral (pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine) or topical (phenylephrine, without antibiotic therapy.
26 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
*Atypical pneumonias include Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella species (L. pneumophila, L. micdadei), Q fever,
BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; PMNs, polymorphonuclear neutrophils; SARS, severe acute respiratory
syndrome; URI, upper respiratory tract infection; WBC, white blood cell.
CHAPTER 2 Cough 27
*Atypical pneumonia syndrome (see Table 2.11); atypical in terms of extrapulmonary manifestations, low-grade fever, patchy diffuse infiltrates,
poor response to penicillin-type antibiotics, and negative sputum Gram stain.
SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Some clinical and radiographic features may be suggestive of the Differentiating among the causes of bacterial pneumonia can be
bacterial cause of pneumonia. Children (especially infants) with staph- done with certainty only with positive cultures from blood, pleural
ylococcal pneumonia are more likely to have a rapid overwhelming fluid, fluid obtained by direct lung tap, or, in rare cases, sputum.
course. Staphylococcal pneumonia may be accompanied by more Current or previous antibiotic treatment diminishes the yield of such
extensive radiographic abnormalities, including multilobar consolida- cultures. Bronchoscopy with or without lavage may yield helpful speci-
tion, pneumatocele formation, and extensive pleural (empyema) fluid. mens from the progressively ill child or the child who has not responded
The presence of a pleural effusion is not helpful in indicating the spe- promptly to empirical antibiotics.
cific bacterial diagnosis because other bacterial pneumonias may be Treatment of uncomplicated presumed bacterial pneumonia is with
accompanied by pleural effusion. Pleural effusions may represent a antibiotics. Ampicillin is the drug of choice for the previously healthy
reactive parapneumonic effusion or an empyema. Pleural fluid may be child who requires hospitalization with lobar pneumonia who is fully
characterized as transudate, exudate, or empyema (Table 2.13). If the immunized. If the child is not fully immunized, either cefotaxime or
effusion is of sufficient size, as demonstrated by a lateral decubitus ceftriaxone is indicated. For the critically ill child, vancomycin and
radiograph or ultrasonography, a thoracentesis may be indicated to cefotaxime/ceftriaxone may be considered for possible drug-resistant
differentiate the nature of the effusion and to identify possible patho- S. pneumoniae and methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA). Many chil-
gens. For young children who require sedation for thoracentesis and dren with pneumonia do well with oral antibiotics and respond within
who have an effusion needing drainage, a primary chest tube place- hours to the first dose. Repeated or follow-up chest radiographs may
ment is preferred over thoracentesis to decrease the risks from multiple remain abnormal for 4-6 weeks after appropriate treatment and are
procedures with sedation. not indicated for a single episode of uncomplicated pneumonia (i.e.,
28 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
*Low glucose or pH may be seen in malignant effusion, tuberculosis, esophageal rupture, pancreatitis (positive pleural amylase), and
rheumatologic diseases (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus).
LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PMNs, polymorphonuclear neutrophils.
The patterns of disease in normal hosts include primary pulmonary with toddlers or young children in the household who may “feed” the
tuberculosis, with subsequent inactivation usually noted in young chil- baby are also at risk. In older children, it is usually possible to obtain
dren and reactivation pulmonary disease among adolescents. Primary an accurate history of the aspiration event. These events are described
pulmonary disease is often noted as a lower or middle lobe infiltrate as choking, gagging, and coughing while something (e.g., peanuts,
during the period of T lymphocyte reaction to the initial infection. popcorn, small toys, sunflower seeds) is in the mouth. The child may
Before resolution, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection may dis- come to the physician with cough and wheeze immediately after the
seminate to the better oxygenated upper lobes and extrathoracic sites, event, with a clear history and a straightforward diagnosis. In many
such as bone, or the central nervous system. If the immune response children with a tracheobronchial foreign body, however, the initial
contains the initial infection, the radiographic findings may be indis- episode is not recognized; these children may not come to medical
tinguishable from those of any other pneumonic process. With altered attention for days, weeks, or even months. The initial episode may be
immune function, however, there may be progressive local disease, followed by a relatively symptom-free period lasting days or even
dissemination to miliary pulmonary disease, or early reactivation weeks, until infection develops behind an obstructed segmental or
(months to 5 years) at distal sites, which produces tuberculous men- lobar bronchus. At this point, cough, perhaps with hemoptysis, with
ingitis or osteomyelitis. Reactivation of upper lobe pulmonary disease or without wheeze, recurs.
may produce cavities that are similar to the disease among adults. On physical examination early after an aspiration episode, there is
Cavitary and endobronchial lymph node involvement are highly infec- cough, wheeze, or both, often with asymmetry of auscultatory findings.
tious, in contrast to the much less contagious nature of the hypersen- There may be locally diminished breath sounds. Later, localized wheeze
sitivity reaction noted in primary pulmonary disease. or crackles may be detected. The triad of wheezing, coughing, and
decreased breath sounds is present in fewer than 50% of patients. The
Aspiration presence of laryngotracheal foreign bodies often manifests with stridor,
Inhaling food, mouth or gastric secretions, or foreign bodies into the retractions, aphonia, cough, and normal radiographs.
tracheobronchial tree causes acute, recurrent, or chronic cough. Inter- Chest radiographs may be normal in 15% of patients with intra-
ference with normal swallowing disrupts the coordination of swallow- thoracic foreign bodies but should be obtained in both inspiration
ing and breathing that prevents aspiration. Structural causes of and expiration because in some cases the only abnormality is unilateral
disordered swallowing include esophageal atresia (in neonates), stric- or unilobar air trapping, which is occasionally more clearly identified
tures, webs, or congenital stenoses. Mediastinal lesions (tumors, lymph with an expiratory radiograph. In this view, an overdistended lung
nodes), including vascular rings, may compromise the esophageal that had appeared normal on the inspiratory view does not empty,
lumen and esophageal peristalsis, increasing the likelihood of aspira- but the normal, unobstructed lung empties normally. This phenom-
tion. Functional disorders include central nervous system dysfunction enon causes a shift of the mediastinum toward the emptying lung,
or immaturity, dysautonomia, achalasia, and diffuse esophageal spasm. away from the side with the obstructing foreign body (Fig. 2.9). In
Prior neck surgery, including tracheostomy, may alter normal swallow- other patients, localized infiltrate or atelectasis may be present behind
ing. Tracheoesophageal fistula and laryngeal clefts are congenital the obstructing object. In a few patients, it may be possible to identify
malformations with direct physical connections between the tracheo- the foreign body itself; nonetheless, most inhaled food particles are
bronchial tree and the upper gastrointestinal tract; thus oral contents not radiopaque and cannot be seen on radiographs. Aspiration is
enter the lungs directly. usually unilateral (80%); 50-60% of the objects are in the right lung
Making the diagnosis of aspiration as the cause of cough may be (the lobe depends on body position—supine versus standing—but is
difficult. Barium contrast studies during swallowing may help charac- often the right middle lobe). The definitive diagnostic and therapeutic
terize these disorders if barium enters the trachea. Because most maneuver is bronchoscopy; either the flexible or rigid open-tube bron-
patients aspirate sporadically, a normal barium swallow does not rule choscope enables direct visualization of the object; the rigid instru-
out aspiration. Radionuclide studies can be helpful if ingested radio- ment also enables its removal.
labeled milk or formula is demonstrated over the lung fields at several-
hour intervals after the meal. Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar Gastroesophageal Reflux
lavage that recover large numbers of lipid-laden macrophages suggest GER is a common cause of cough in all age groups (see Chapter 12).
that aspiration has taken place; however, the finding is neither sensitive The typical patient is an infant in the first 6 months of life who spits
nor specific for aspiration. up small amounts of milk frequently after feedings. This “regurgitant
Treatment depends largely on the cause of aspiration. Because reflux” most commonly resolves by 1 year of age. However, many tod-
many patients who aspirate do so because of lack of neurologic control dlers and children continue to have reflux, although it may be “silent”
of swallowing and breathing, it is often difficult to prevent. Even gas- or nonregurgitant (without spitting up).
trostomy feedings cannot prevent aspiration of oral secretions. In In most people with GER, it is merely a nuisance or not noticed. In
extreme cases, tracheostomy with ligation of the proximal trachea has some there are sequelae, and this condition is designated gastroesopha-
been employed. This not only prevents aspiration but also prevents geal reflux disease (GERD). One manifestation is cough; the mecha-
phonation, and it must be considered only in unusual situations. nisms for the cough are not fully understood. Aspiration of refluxed
Aspiration pneumonia is often treated with intravenous ampicillin- material is one mechanism for cough but is probably not very common
sulbactam or clindamycin to cover mouth flora of predominant anaer- in neurologically intact children. A major mechanism for GERD with
obes. Additional coverage against gram-negative organisms may be cough is mediated by vagal esophagobronchial reflexes (bronchocon-
indicated if the aspiration is nosocomial. striction), stimulated by acid in the esophagus. Whether acid in the
esophagus is sufficient stimulus to cause bronchoconstriction by itself
Foreign Body or whether it merely heightens bronchial reactivity to other stimuli is
Any child with cough of abrupt onset should be suspected of having not yet clear. Many children with reactive airways disease have cough
inhaled a foreign body into the airway. Toddlers, who by nature put all or wheeze that is difficult to control until their concurrent GER is also
types of things into their mouths and who have incompletely matured treated. Many episodes of cough caused by GERD occur in children
swallowing and airway protective mechanisms, are at high risk. Infants with asthma that is difficult to control.
CHAPTER 2 Cough 29.e1
FIGURE 2.9 A, Normal inspiratory chest radiograph in a toddler with a peanut fragment in the left main
bronchus. B, Expiratory radiograph of the same child showing the classic air trapping on the involved side.
(From Schroeder JW Jr, Holinger LD. Foreign bodies in the airway. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St Geme
JW III, Schor N, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 20th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016:2040, Fig. 387.2.)
Cough is frequently the sole or most prominent manifestation of (CFTR), which acts as a chloride channel and affects other aspects of
asthma; wheezing may be entirely absent. In fact, asthma is almost membrane transport of ions and water. Not all the consequences of
certainly the most common cause of recurrent and chronic cough in the defective gene and protein have been determined. In general,
childhood (see Chapter 3). Some of the features that characterize the however, the defective gene product results in the long-observed clini-
cough of a child with asthma are listed in Table 2.15. Treatment for cal manifestations of the disease, including thick, viscid mucus in the
asthma manifesting as cough is the same as the treatment for asthma. tracheobronchial tree, leading to purulent bronchiolitis and bronchitis
with subsequent bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, and respiratory
Cystic Fibrosis failure; pancreatic duct obstruction, leading to pancreatic insufficiency
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common cause of recurrent or chronic cough with steatorrhea and failure to thrive; and abnormally high sweat chlo-
in infancy and childhood. CF occurs in 1 in 2000-3000 live births ride and sodium concentrations. The airway disease in CF is character-
among white persons, is far less common among African Americans ized by infection, inflammation, and endobronchial obstruction. The
(1 in 15,000), and is rare among Native Americans and Asians. Early infection begins with S. aureus, H. influenzae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
diagnosis improves the prognosis for untreated CF; if untreated, many species, or combinations of these organisms but eventually is domi-
patients die in infancy or early childhood. With current state-of-the-art nated by nonmucoid or mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other
care, median length of survival is upper 30s. organisms, such as Burkholderia cepacia, Stenotrophomonas malto-
CF is a genetic disorder, inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. philia, Alcaligenes xylosoxidans, Aspergillus fumigatus, or nontubercu-
The CF gene is on the long arm of chromosome 7; more than 1900 lous mycobacteria may also appear; their significance remains
mutations have been identified at the CF locus. Of these mutations, undetermined. In some patients, B. cepacia has been associated with
one (ΔF508, indicating a deletion, Δ, of a single phenylalanine, F, at rapid deterioration and death, and in others, Aspergillus species has
position 508 of the protein product) is the most common, responsible caused allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). The airway
for 70-75% of all CF chromosomes. The mutation affects the gene’s inflammation in all patients with CF appears to be the result of toxic
protein product, termed cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator substances, including elastase, released by neutrophils as they respond
CHAPTER 2 Cough 31
to the endobronchial infection and by similar enzymes released by the children with an inadequate sweat rate. Sweat testing can be performed
invading organisms. at any age. Newborns within the first few weeks of life may not produce
CF may manifest at birth with meconium ileus (10-15% of patients), a large enough volume of sweat to analyze (75 mg minimum), but in
or later, with steatorrhea and failure to thrive despite a voracious those who do (the majority), the results are accurate. Indications for
appetite, in an apparent effort to make up for the calories that are lost sweat testing are noted in Table 2.19.
in the stool (see Chapter 11). The most common presenting symptom In patients for whom sweat testing is difficult (e.g., because of
is cough, which may appear within the first weeks of life or may be distance from an experienced laboratory, small infants who have not
delayed for decades. The cough can be dry, productive, or paroxysmal. produced enough sweat, patients with extreme dermatitis, or patients
Cough may respond to antibiotics or perhaps steroids, but it is less with intermediate-range sweat chloride concentrations), DNA muta-
likely to improve with bronchodilators (see Tables 2.3 and 2.5). tion testing can be useful. Demonstration of two known CF mutations
Although CF is a genetic disease, there is often no family history. Fur- confirms the diagnosis. Finding one or no known mutation makes the
thermore, in atypical cases, patients may not have pancreatic insuffi- diagnosis less likely but is not exclusive, inasmuch as there are patients
ciency (~10% of patients) and thus may not demonstrate steatorrhea
and failure to thrive. In addition, malabsorption may not be evident
in the neonatal period.
There is no such thing as a child who looks “too good” to have CF; TABLE 2.17 Causes of Digital Clubbing
common abnormalities found on physical examination are noted in in Children
Table 2.16. One of the most important physical findings is digital club-
bing. In most patients with CF, clubbing develops within the first few
• Cystic fibrosis ++
years of life. Although the list of conditions associated with digital
• Non–cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis +
clubbing (Table 2.17) is long, they are less common than CF, or the
• Ciliary dyskinesia
incidence of digital clubbing with these conditions is low. There is
• Bronchiolitis obliterans
some relationship between the degree of pulmonary disease severity
• Interstitial lung diseases
and the degree of digital clubbing. A child who has had years of severe
• Empyema
respiratory symptoms without digital clubbing is not likely to have CF.
• Lung abscess
The diagnosis is confirmed by a positive sweat test or confirming
• Malignancy
the presence of two CF mutations on chromosome 7. The sweat test,
• Tuberculosis
if not performed correctly in a laboratory with extensive experience
• Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
with the technique (as, for example, in an accredited CF center), yields
many false-positive and false-negative results. The proper technique is Cardiac
to use quantitative analysis of the concentration of chloride in the • Cyanotic congenital heart disease ++
sweat produced after pilocarpine iontophoretic stimulation. Chloride • Bacterial endocarditis +
concentrations higher than 60 mmol/L are considered positive, and • Chronic congestive heart failure
those lower than 40 mmol/L are negative (normal). Healthy adults
have slightly higher sweat chloride concentrations than do children, Gastrointestinal
but the same guidelines hold for positive tests in adults. The non-CF • Crohn disease
conditions yielding elevated sweat chloride concentrations are listed in • Ulcerative colitis
Table 2.18. False-negative results of sweat tests can be seen in CF chil- • Celiac disease +
dren presenting with edema or hypoproteinemia and in samples from • Severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage
• Small bowel lymphoma
• Multiple polyposis
All 50 states are using a neonatal screen for CF. The CF screen assays
TABLE 2.18 Conditions Other Than Cystic
include measuring serum immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) levels,
Fibrosis with Elevated Sweat Chloride which are elevated in most infants with CF for the first several weeks
Adrenal insufficiency (untreated) of life, and DNA analysis for CFTR mutations. The main drawback of
Ectodermal dysplasia the IRT assay is that it has relatively poor specificity; as many as 90%
Autonomic dysfunction of the positive results on the initial screen are false-positive results. If
Hypothyroidism an infant’s IRT screen is positive, the test should be repeated, or DNA
Malnutrition, including psychosocial dwarfism analysis for the 23 most common CFTR mutations should be per-
Mucopolysaccharidosis formed. At 2-3 weeks of age, which is when the IRT is repeated, the
Glycogen storage disease (type I) false-positive rate has fallen dramatically but is still quite high (25%).
Fucosidosis Definitive testing with the sweat chloride test needs to be carried out
Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus on infants with positive screening results.
Mauriac syndrome Laboratory data that may support the diagnosis of CF include low
Pseudohypoaldosteronism levels of fecal elastase. This suggests pancreatic insufficiency, which
Familial cholestasis occurs most commonly in CF but can be seen in other diseases. The
Nephrosis with edema test is not perfect for confirming CF as some CF patients have sufficient
pancreatic function. Pulmonary function test findings with an obstruc-
tive pattern, incompletely responsive to bronchodilators, are consistent
with CF but, of course, can be seen in other conditions. Conversely,
TABLE 2.19 Indications for Sweat Testing
some patients with CF also have asthma and may show a marked
Pulmonary Indications response to a bronchodilator. Complications of CF that should suggest
• Chronic or recurrent cough the diagnosis are noted in Table 2.20.
• Chronic or recurrent pneumonia (especially RUL) The treatment of patients with CF requires a comprehensive
• Recurrent bronchiolitis approach, best performed in, or in conjunction with, an approved CF
• Atelectasis center. Several studies have shown survival to be significantly better in
• Hemoptysis center-based care than in non–center-based care.
• Staphylococcal pneumonia
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the respiratory tract (in the absence of such Anatomic Abnormalities
circumstances as tracheostomy or prolonged intubation) Table 2.21 lists the main anatomic abnormalities that cause cough.
• Mucoid P. aeruginosa in the respiratory tract Vascular rings and slings. Vascular rings and slings are often asso-
ciated with inspiratory stridor because the abnormal vessels compress
Gastrointestinal Indications central airways, most commonly the trachea (see Chapter 3). The
• Meconium ileus patient may also have difficulty swallowing if the esophagus is
• Neonatal intestinal obstruction (meconium plug, atresia) compressed.
• Steatorrhea, malabsorption The diagnosis may be suspected from plain radiographs of the
• Hepatic cirrhosis in childhood (including any manifestations such as chest, especially those showing tracheal deviation and a right-sided
esophageal varices or portal hypertension) aortic arch. Further support for the diagnosis can be found at bron-
• Pancreatitis choscopy (which shows extrinsic compression of the trachea or a main
• Rectal prolapse stem bronchus), barium esophagram (which shows esophageal com-
• Vitamin K deficiency states (hypoprothrombinemia) pression), or both. The definitive diagnosis is made with computed
tomographic angiography or magnetic resonance angiography. Treat-
Miscellaneous Indications
ment is surgical.
• Digital clubbing
Pulmonary sequestration. Pulmonary sequestration is relatively
• Failure to thrive
unusual, occurring in 1 in 60,000 children. It occurs most commonly
• Family history of cystic fibrosis (sibling or cousin)
in the left lower lobe and can manifest in several ways (Fig. 2.10; see
• Salty taste when kissed; salt crystals on skin after evaporation of sweat
also Table 2.21). The chest radiograph usually shows a density in the
• Heat prostration, especially under seemingly inappropriate circumstances
left lower lobe; this density often appears to contain cysts (Fig. 2.11).
• Hyponatremic hypochloremic alkalosis in infants
The feature distinguishing a sequestered lobe from a complicated
• Nasal polyps
pneumonia is that the blood supply arises from the aorta and not the
• Pansinusitis
pulmonary circulation. Doppler ultrasonography and CT angiography
• Aspermia
provide the definitive diagnosis. The treatment is surgical removal.
RUL, right upper lobe. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM). Congenital
From Kercsmar CM. The respiratory system. In: Behrman RE, pulmonary airway malformations (formerly known as congenital cyst-
Kliegman RM, eds. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics. 2nd ed. adenomatoid malformations or CCAMs) are rare. They manifest in
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994:451. infancy with respiratory distress in nearly 50% of cases; the other half
may manifest as cough with recurrent infection later in childhood or
even adulthood. The chest radiograph reveals multiple cysts, separated
with not-yet-characterized mutations. Furthermore, commercial labo- by dense areas. Chest CT scans can help make the diagnosis with near
ratories do not identify all of the mutations. certainty. Surgical removal is the treatment of choice if the lesion is
Recovery of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa from respiratory tract symptomatic.
secretions is strongly suggestive of CF. Similarly pansinusitis is nearly Congenital lobar emphysema. Congenital lobar emphysema
universal among CF patients but is quite uncommon in other children. occurs in one of 50,000 live births. It can manifest dramatically with
CHAPTER 2 Cough 33
FIGURE 2.11 Anterior-posterior and lateral chest radiographs showing a left lower lobe pulmonary seques-
tration (bold arrow) in a 15-year-old girl.
CHAPTER 2 Cough 35
A 8 <1 month
plain radiographs of the chest. The x-ray study or bronchoscopy may
show extrinsic compression of the trachea. Treatment is directed at the
11 1–6 months underlying cause.
Bronchial stenosis. Occasionally bronchial stenosis, either con-
5 6–12 months genital or acquired, may cause cough. The diagnosis is made with
4 1–5 years bronchoscopy, after suspicion has been raised by the child having
recurrent infiltrates in the same lobe, especially with localized wheeze.
4 >5 years Treatment may be difficult. In some cases, endoscopic balloon dila-
tation or airway stent placement is successful; in others, surgical resec-
tion of stenotic areas may be necessary.
B 14
Repiratory Bronchogenic cysts. Bronchogenic cysts are uncommon, but they
can cause cough, wheeze, stridor, or any combination of these. They
8 Wheeze may also cause recurrent or persistent pneumonia if they block a
5 Cough bronchus sufficiently to interfere with normal drainage of the segment
or lobe. Radiography may show localized overinflation if the cyst
5 Incidental radiological findings causes a ball-valve–type obstruction. The cyst itself may or may not be
seen on plain radiographs. Bronchoscopy reveals extrinsic compres-
sion of the airway. CT studies often definitively show the lesion. Surgi-
C 16 Left upper cal removal is indicated.
14 Right upper lobe
Posterior Mediastinum
TABLE 2.23 Speech Therapy Techniques
• Neuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma
• Other neural tumors
for Treating Habit Cough
• Neuroenteric lesions Increase abdominal breathing
• Esophageal lesions (duplication) Reduce muscle tension in neck, chest, and shoulders
• Vertebral osteomyelitis Interrupt early cough sensation by swallowing
• Diaphragmatic hernia Substitute gentle cough for racking cough
• Meningocele Interrupt cough sequence with diaphragm breathing and tightly pursed lips
• Aortic aneurysm Increase the patient’s awareness of initial sensations that would trigger cough
36 Section 1 Respiratory Disorders
cough that may produce significant complications (see Table 2.9). For
most diseases, suppressing the cough offers no advantage. Disadvan-
Cough itself seldom necessitates specific treatment. Nonetheless, tages include narcotic addiction and loss of the protective cough reflex
cough is not always completely benign (see Table 2.9). Most complica- with subsequent mucous retention and possible superinfection.
tions are uncommon, and most accompany only very severe cough, Demulcent preparations (sugar-containing, bland soothing agents or
but some are serious enough to justify treatment of the cough itself. honey) temporarily suppress the cough response from pharyngeal
Cough suppressants include codeine and hydrocodone (two nar- sources, and decongestant-antihistamine combinations may reduce
cotics) and dextromethorphan (a nonnarcotic D-isomer of the codeine postnasal drip.
analog of levorphanol). Such agents should be used only for severe
A bibliography is available at