Cost For Compliance Work (Pivot)

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Balance Sheet (RSC-10087)

Consultant/ Supplier Workorder Amount Advanced Received Materials Yet To Due (Total) Due (Current)
Excel Technologis 14,944,015 14,400,000 14,944,015 - 544,015 544,015
EMACO 2,390,205 2,355,073 2,390,205 - 35,132 35,132
Master Engineering 962,438 863,590 863,590 98,848 98,848 -
Source Associate 811,275 811,275 811,275 - - -
Critical Stop 794,069 794,069 794,069 - - -
Micro Control Technology 735,800 735,800 735,800 - - -
SQ Wire & Cable Co. Ltd. 484,054 484,054 484,054 - - -
Morgan Intl. 467,679 467,679 467,679 - - -
RFL 303,010 303,010 303,010 - - -
Morgan international 296,447 - 296,447 - 296,447 296,447
Fast Protect Fire Equipment Co. 243,582 85,000 243,582 - 158,582 158,582
Astute Electronics 171,600 171,600 171,600 - - -
M/S Raad Ent. 136,138 136,138 136,138 - - -
TJ Electrical & Electronics 133,850 133,850 133,850 - - -
SGS BD 105,800 105,800 105,800 - - -
Sofik Mill & Machinary 99,129 99,129 99,129 - - -
S.M Traders 73,500 73,500 73,500 - - -
Transco Engineers 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - -
M/S Tanvir Enterprise 59,930 59,930 59,930 - - -
BESI Pvt Ltd. 58,190 58,190 58,190 - - -
Fast Protected Fire Equipment Co. 51,100 51,100 51,100 - - -
Bauwerk Ltd 31,500 31,500 31,500 - - -
TOTO Power 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - -
AL Makka Glass & Thai Aluminum 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - -
Asia Pnumetic & Machineries 17,997 17,997 17,997 - - -
Total Result 23,471,308 22,338,284 23,372,460 98,848 1,133,024 1,034,176
Sl Workorder Consultant/ Amount (VDS &
Unit Project name Status
no. Date Supplier TDS included ,

1 6/10/2023 AAL Fire Detection System Excel Technologis 360,400

2 8/28/2023 AAL Fire Detection System Excel Technologis 334,784

Expansion Card 2 Loop for

3 6/1/2023 AAL Excel Technologis Running 131,700
Fire rated Cable , 2x1.5
4 ### AAL mm2, UL listed
Excel Technologis Running 958,000

5 5/9/2023 AAL Hose Rack (UL Listed) Excel Technologis Running 143,745

6 5/9/2023 AAL Piping Work (T&C) Excel Technologis Running 1,686,895

7 5/4/2023 AAL Pump room modification Excel Technologis Running 347,369

AAL- Fire Detection system (AAL-

8 3/28/2023 Excel Technologis Running 7,307,232
10087 10087)
AAL- Fire Detection system (AAL-
9 3/28/2023 Excel Technologis Running 2,428,390
10087 10087)

AAL- Fire Cable Items (1.5mm,

10 3/3/2023 Excel Technologis Running 1,245,500
10087 2.5mm, AAL-10087)

Door Accessories Critical Stop 343,301

Exit Sign & Fire Door 296,447

Evacuation & Fire Safety Fast Protect Fire

11 AAL 243,582
Plan Item (Fire) Equipment Co.

12 AAL Training Related Work TOTO Power 20,000

13 AAL Earthing Test Report Transco Engineers 60,000

Detector Base, VES, UL

14 AAL Source Associate 83,850
15 AAL Fire Proof Sealant Bauwerk Ltd 31,500
M/S Tanvir
16 AAL DB Box 59,930
17 AAL G.I. Pipe S.M Traders 73,500
Asia Pnumetic &
18 AAL Hammer Drill M/C Item 17,997
Sofik Mill &
19 AAL MS Angle & Flat Bar 99,129
20 AAL Cable Tray With Cover 212,625
SQ Wire & Cable
21 AAL Cable 4rm,6rm 382,746
Co. Ltd.
Micro Control
22 AAL IPS Battery 12V/200A 735,800

23 AAL Battery 12V/40A,26A,18A Astute Electronics 171,600

Fast Protected
24 AAL ABC Dry Powder Items Fire Equipment 51,100
25 AAL Vassel Test BESI Pvt Ltd. 58,190
Cable- 1x3Cx4 rm, A/C, SQ Wire & Cable
26 5/20/2023 AAL 400m 101,308
220V, NYY Co. Ltd.
27 5/24/2023 AAL Door Accessories Morgan Intl. Work order 467,679
5/21/2023 AAL Lift Equiment Inspection SGS BD Job Done 105,800

29 5/13/2023 AAL Megnetic Door Holder Critical Stop Work order 258,000
Detector Base, VES, UL
30 5/13/2023 AAL Source Associate Work order 41,925
Testing & Comissiong of
31 5/13/2023 AAL Source Associate Work order 193,500

AL Makka Glass & Local

32 5/13/2023 AAL Glass for Door & Fittings 20,000
Thai Aluminum Purchase

TJ Electrical &
33 5/13/2023 AAl Air Conditioner & Fittings Work order 133,850
34 4/6/2023 AAL Cable tray Work order 749,813
35 2/6/2023 Fire Exit Box M/S Raad Ent. Done 43,050
36 1/22/2023 Fire Door Hardware Items Critical Stop Done 192,768
Purchase of Fire Alarm
cable 2x1.5rm for fire
AAL- detection system
37 ### Source Associate Done 492,000
10087 modification work

Local Supply of fire

AAL- detection system
38 ### M/S Raad Ent. Done 93,088
10087 modification work at AAL-
### AAL- Local Pipe Supply for Running
39 10087 Detection work. (Electrics RFL 303,010
9/28/2022 AAL- Fire Hydrant System Running
10087 modification work for AAL-
10087 (Local)

40 EMACO 1,616,205

Fire detection system

AAL- modification work &
41 9/25/2022 EMACO Proposed 774,000
10087 foreign parts purchase for
GST panel
Total= 22,306,282

Work order issue Remaining Total Materials
Total Approved Budget budget Received
24,077,715 #REF! #REF! 303,010

Excel Technologies Summery

Materials Received Yet to Receive
Work order Issue for Excel (Excel) (Excel) Advanced

1,992,196 1,992,196 - 676,454

Bill Amount Yet To
VAT (VDS, AIT (TDS, Amount/ Material AFPL,
(payable, Receive
BDT) BDT) Payment Received Sprinkler
BDT) (With VAT)

349,588 - 10,812 360,400 360,400 - -

324,740 10,044 69,714 334,784 - -

125,115 6,585 - 131,700 -

930,000 - 28,000 958,000 958,000 - -

136,575 7,170 - 143,745 - -

1,602,550 84,345 1,686,895 1,686,895 - -

330,000 17,369 347,369 347,369 - -

6,941,870 365,362 7,307,232 7,307,232 - -

2,306,970 121,420 2,428,390 2,428,390 - -

1,183,225 62,275 1,242,000 1,245,500 - -

343,301 343,301 -

- 296,447 - -

85,000 243,582 - -

20,000 20,000 - -

60,000 60,000 - -

83,850 83,850 - -

29,100 1,500 900 31,500 31,500 - -

59,930 - - 59,930 59,930 - -

73,500 - - 73,500 73,500 - -

17,999 - - 17,997 17,997 - -

91,842 - - 99,129 99,129 - -

- - - 113,777 113,777 98,848 -

- - - 382,746 382,746 - -

- - - 735,800 735,800 - -

- - - 171,600 171,600 - -

49,567 - 1,533 51,100 51,100 - -

53,590 - 4,600 58,190 58,190 - -

98,668 - 13,052 101,308 101,308 - -

421,999 32,629 13,052 467,679 467,679 - -

92,000 13,800 9,200 105,800 105,800 -

232,800 18,000 7,200 258,000 258,000 - -

41,925 - - 41,925 41,925 - -

193,500 - - 193,500 193,500 - -

20,000 - - 20,000 20,000 - -

123,675 6,350 3,825 133,850 133,850 - -

676,575 52,313 20,925 749,813 749,813 - -

39,770 2,050 1,230 43,050 43,050 - -

173,939 13,449 5,379 192,768 192,768 - -

477,240 14,760 492,000 492,000 - -

88,655 4,433 - 93,088 93,088 - -

295,105 7,905 - 303,010 303,010 - -

1,616,205 - - 1,581,073 1,616,205 - 1,144,927

774,000 - - 774,000 774,000 - -

18,877,669 152,429 781,597 21,977,884 23,012,060 98,848


Date: 2/27/2024
Yet To Adavance
Receive payment

#REF! 303,010

Other Vendors Summery

Other vendors Materials Yet to Receive
work order Received (Others) Advanced
(Others) #VALUE!
#VALUE! (1,689,186) #VALUE! #VALUE!
Due Amount
Current Due Remarks

Beam &
- -
265,070 265,070

131,700 131,700

- -

143,745 143,745

- -

- -

- -

- -

3,500 3,500

- -

296,447 296,447

158,582 158,582

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -
98,848 -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- - Conduit

- -
Advance paid
BDT 3500000,
BDT 1144927
35,132 35,132 adjusted to
AFPL , Rest
2355073 BDT

- -



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