Dorsal Displacement of The Facial Nerve in Vestibu
Dorsal Displacement of The Facial Nerve in Vestibu
Dorsal Displacement of The Facial Nerve in Vestibu
Dorsal displacement of the facial nerve in vestibular
schwannoma surgery
Gustavo S. Jung, MD,1 Joel Fernando Sanabria Duarte, MD,2 Afonso H. de Aragão, MD,2
Ronaldo Pereira Vosgerau, MD,3 and Ricardo Ramina, MD, PhD1
Department of Neurological Surgery, Skull Base Division; 2Department of Neurological Surgery, Post-Graduate Program; and
Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology Division, Neurological Institute of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
The course of the facial nerve (FN) has been extensively investigated in patients with vestibular schwannomas (VSs). FN
running dorsally to the tumor capsule accounts for less than 3% of the cases. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)–based fiber
tracking helps to preoperatively identify the FN. During surgery, a higher risk of injury is associated with the dorsal loca-
tion of the FN. The authors demonstrate the nuances and tricks to identify and preserve a dorsal displaced FN during
resection of a large VS, T3b according to the Hannover classification, through the retrosigmoid-transmeatal approach.
The video can be found here:
KEYWORDS acoustic neuroma; facial nerve; facial palsy; vestibular schwannoma
© 2021 The authors, CC BY 4.0 ( Neurosurg Focus Video Volume 5 • October 2021 1
mild EMG response is also evoked during the stimulation 7:52 Conclusions and References. In summary, ves-
of the upper pole of the tumor, making unpredictable the tibular schwannomas are challenging lesions regardless
precise course of the facial nerve. the position of the facial nerve. Dorsal displacement of the
4:10 Internal Auditory Canal Drilling. To better facial nerve is rare and accounts for less than 3% of the
delineate the trajectory of the facial nerve, the distal por- cases.1–3 DTI-based fiber tracking can help to the identify
tion of the FN is exposed inside the IAC. A dural flap is the facial nerve course preoperatively,4,5 but its accuracy is
harvested and kept attached over the jugular foramen. We intermediate when the nerve is running dorsally.6 Starting
start drilling the IAC with a large cutting burr, creating arachnoid dissection at the lower pole of the tumor (around
a safety cavity to prevent the drill slide. Smaller cutting the jugular foramen—where it is looser) helps to release the
burrs are used until an eggshell bone is left over the IAC. arachnoid in the dorsal surface of the tumor. This strategy
Diamond drills are used to expose the dura inside the IAC associated with the neuromonitoring may avoid injury to
and enlarge the bone cavity sufficiently to access the lat- the tumor capsule and dorsally displaced nerves. In those
eral portion of the tumor. cases, our strategy is to first identity the nerve at brainstem
and then open the IAC to dissect the facial nerve within
4:54 Removal of Intrameatal Tumor and Facial the IAC. The nerve is usually very adherent to the tumor
Nerve Identification. The dura inside the IAC is incised capsule at the meatus entrance. The electric stimulation of
with microscissors, and the inferior vestibular nerve is dis- this cisternal-meatal transition of facial nerve will help in
sected away from the tumor. The tumor within the IAC is its identification and dissection. Thank you.
dissected with a blunt hook dissector and removed. The
facial nerve is identified and stimulation on the upper and
lower portions of the cisternal-meatal region identify the References
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5:22 Removal of the Cisternal Tumor. After identi- 3DFT MR imaging of the inner ear and cerebellopontine
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6:41 Internal Auditory Canal Reconstruction. The schwannomas. J Neurosurg. 2011;115(6):1087-1093.
vascularized dural flap is rotated into the IAC covering
the nerves. A 0.5-mm hook dissector is used to inspect the
walls of IAC for the presence of opened mastoid air cells. Disclosures
These cells are occluded with small pieces of muscle, and The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the materi-
the IAC is completely occluded with a larger piece of mus- als or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this
cle, Surgicel, and fibrin glue. publication.
7:07 Dural Closure. The dura is closed in watertight Author Contributions
fashion with 4-0 Prolene sutures, and the mastoid air cells Primary surgeon: Ramina. Assistant surgeon: Jung. Editing
are closed with bone wax. The bone flap is repositioned and drafting the video and abstract: Jung, Duarte, de Aragão.
and fixed with titanium plates. Critically revising the work: Jung, Duarte, de Aragão, Ramina.
7:21 Postoperative Course. Postoperative MRI did Reviewed submitted version of the work: Jung, Duarte, de
not show any residual lesion, and the facial nerve is well Aragão. Approved the final version of the work on behalf of all
authors: Jung. Supervision: Ramina. Diagnostic imaging consul-
visualized in the CISS MRI. The patient remained 1 day tant: Vosgerau.
in the ICU and was discharged home in the postopera-
tive day 4. The patient remained stable with a House- Correspondence
Brackmann grade III facial palsy that recovered to grade Gustavo S. Jung: Neurological Institute of Curitiba, Paraná,
I 4 months after surgery with physiotherapy. Hearing de- Brazil.
creased to AAOHNS class C.