Illumina DNA Methylation Infographic ST9

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DNA methylation The relationship between

introduction DNA methylation and

specific elements of the
DNA methylation is an epigenetic
mechanism known to affect gene
2000 bp
2000 bp 2000 bp
2000 bp mammalian genome
expression. 300-3000 bp
DNA methylation (5 mC) is formed by
the addition of a methyl group to the 4 CpG islands
5' position of cytosine residues within a CpG islands (or CG islands) are regions in the
CpG dinucleotide context in mammals.
1 genome with a high frequency of CpG sites,
usually 300–3,000 base pairs long. CpG islands
The majority of CpG sites are highly 5 are mainly located in promoter regions and
methylated in the mammalian genome found in almost half of all human genes.

with the exception of CpG islands which

are largely unmethylated .
Genome-wide demethylation happens in Promoter regions
the early stages of embryogenesis to form Promoter regions are DNA sequences that
totipotent cells. This is followed by de define where transcription of a gene by RNA
polymerase begins. Promoters are typically

novo methylation where tissue-specific located directly upstream or at the 5' end of the
genes undergo demethylation in their cell transcription start site (TSS). Promoter regions
type of expression.1
A T G C T G C G C G C C T T are 100–1,000 base pairs long. RNA polymerase
DNase and the necessary transcription factors (TFs)
DNA methylation is maintained during bind to the promoter sequence and initiate
hypersensitive site
DNA replication of somatic cells.2 When Enhancer transcription.

the literature refers to DNA methylation as 1

heritable it generally refers to heritability
across cell divisions, not miRNA promoter regions
DNA methylation of promoter regions of miRNA

genes can modulate their transcription levels
Some regions of the methylome vary
and hypermethylation appears to contribute to
across different tissue or cell types.3 Shore Shelf CpG island miRNA dysregulation in cancer.

factor (TF) 3
TSS Enhancers
miRNA Enhancers are short (20–400 bp) DNA
sequences that bind tissue-specific

4 transcription factors and can regulate
transcription at distant loci through
DNA methylation and disease G A C
G C G chromosome looping7. Most are found in
T A C C T G C intergenic regions, but some are also found
within genes 8.
Alterations in DNA methylation are associated with
numerous diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular
diseases, metabolic disorders, and neurodegenerative
diseases such as those caused by expansion of Nucleosomes
microsatellite repeat elements.4 DNase hypersensitivity sites
Therefore, identifying therapeutics that inhibit these Promoter region DNase hypersensitivity sites (DHSs) are short
epigenetic changes are of great interest. nucleotide regions of the genome that are
extremely sensitive to cleavage by the DNase I
enzyme and various other nucleases. In these

5 regions, the nucleosomal structure is less

condensed, making the DNA more accessible to

Cancer binding by proteins like transcription factors and

DNase I.

Methylated CpG falling within DHSs impedes

Aberrant DNA methylation has been implicated as one of If hypomethylated
the association of transcription factor to DNA,
the mechanisms driving tumour onset, development, inhibiting the accessibility of chromatin.9
progression and recurrence.
Epigenetic gene silencing due to promoter CpG island
hypermethylation is one of the most common
mechanisms by which tumour suppressor genes are
inactivated during tumourigenesis.
Another typical feature of methylation in carcinogenesis
is global DNA hypomethylation linked to genomic Genome
instability.5 instability
If hypermethylated

Aging and the Epigenetic Clock

Changes in DNA methylation correlate with age and it silencing References
has been shown that a set of differentially methylated 1. Smith, ZD et al., DNA methylation dynamics of the human preimplantation
embryo, Nature. 2014 Jul;511: 611-615.
loci can be used to calculate the biological age of
2. Wigler M et al., The somatic replication of DNA methylation, Cell.
mammals, with potential predictive powers for life 1981 Apr;24(1): 33-40.
expectancy. This has been dubbed the "Epigenetic 3. Junchen G et al., Mapping of Variable DNA Methylation Across Multiple Cell
Types Defines a Dynamic Regulatory Landscape of the Human Genome, G3
Clock".6 (Bethesda). 2016 Apr;6(4): 973-986.
4. Ptak C & Petronis A, Epigenetics and complex disease: from etiology to new
This discovery has led to research into the potential to therapeutics, Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2008 48: 257-276.
delay or reverse these epigenetic changes with life style 5. Bird AP, CpG-rich islands and the function of DNA methylation, Nature.
changes, dietary interventions, pharmaceutical 1986 May;321(6067): 209-213.

approaches, or cellular reprogramming. 6. Hannum, G et al., Genome-wide methylation profiles reveal quantitative views of
human aging rates, Mol Cell. 2013 Jan;49(2): 359-367.
7. Petrascheck, M et al., DNA looping induced by a transcriptional enhancer in vivo,
Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jul;33(12): 3743-3750.
8. Kowalczyk MS et al., Intragenic enhancers act as alternative promoters, Mol Cell.
2012 Feb;45(4), 447-458.
© 2021 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved. 9. Gross, DS et al., Nuclease hypersensitive sites in chromatin, Annu Rev Biochem.
XXXX 1988 57: 159-197.

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