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UH319 Series
service instructions
EN UH319 Service Instructions
UK60898 IMSIUH319c
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
Note: Painting of the filter housing is optional. The coating on 6.4 Use of both positive indication (green light) and negative
the filter housing is a suitable painting base. Cover the indication (red light for dirty element) is recommended to
differential pressure warning device and nameplate if painting effectively monitor filter element life.
of the housing takes place. Electrical connections and ratings for all differential
4.8 Bleed the filter pressure switch options:
4.8.1 UH319C series (cover service): Bleed the filter by 110 VAC = 4A (inductive),
opening the vent plug (7) at the top of filter one and one 4A (resistive)
half turns. Jog system and fill filter until all air bleeds 220 VAC = 4A (inductive),
through the plug, then torque tighten the vent plug to 4A (resistive)
12 ft/lb or 16Nm.
28 VDC = 3A (inductive),
4.8.2 UH319H series (head service): Bleed the filter by opening 5A (resistive)
the blanking plug (6b) one and one-half turns. Jog system
and fill filter until all air bleeds through the plug, then 48 VDC = 1A (inductive),
torque tighten the blanking plug to 40 ft/lb or 54 Nm. 1.5A (resistive)
Pressurize system fully and check for leaks; if leaks occur 125 VDC = 0.25A (inductive),
refer to section 5. 0.5A (resistive)
Maximum inrush - 24 amps.
Underwriter’s lab. Inc. listed ratings of pressure switch
CAUTION: (Microswitch) options are:
Failure to bleed the filter housing adequately will 4 amps at 250 VAC
increase the dissolved air content of the system fluid 0.25 amp resistive at 220 VDC
which will shorten fluid life and may cause other 0.50 amp resistive at 110 VDC
problems in the system. Electrical differential pressure switch operation:
When preset differential pressure is exceeded continuity
5 Routine maintenance switches from 'C' - 'A' to 'C' - 'B'.
5.1 Pall filters do not normally require special attention When differential pressure decreases below the pre-set value,
except for periodic monitoring of the differential pressure continuity returns to 'C' - 'A'.
warning device. Schedule replacement of filter element
every six months or sooner, and have ample supply of Figure 1 - Switch Circuit Diagram
spare elements available.
5.2 If external leakage is noted, replace O-ring at leak. If A LOW DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE
leakage persists, check sealing surfaces for scratches or or white
cracks; replace any defective parts. or tag 1 C
5.3 Differential pressure devices actuate when the element or black
needs changing or because of high fluid viscosity in B or tag 2
'cold start' conditions. If 'cold start' conditions exist, see or red
Section 6.2 and 6.3. or tag 3 HIGH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE
5.4 A dirty system can quickly plug a new filter element,
especially with Pall high efficiency filter media. It may
require one or two initial element changes to stabilize
element life. If element life is short or differential
pressure is excessive, filter may be undersized; refer to
the sizing and selection section of the product literature
or contact your local Pall representative.
5.5 Make sure element change labels are clean and
undamaged. Replace illegible labels with the appropriate
new labels.
6 Differential pressure devices
Reference should be made to product literature for dimensions,
operating parameters, part numbering, ordering information
and specifications.
6.1 Differential pressure devices actuate when the element
needs changing or because of high fluid viscosity in
'cold start' conditions.
6.2 If visual indicator is fitted and actuates during 'cold start'
(red button extends 5mm, 3/16"), reset by depressing the
button when the normal operating temperature is reached.
If indicator actuates after resetting, replace element.
NOTE: Option 'P' visual indicator has thermal lockout and manual
reset. No signal below 0°C (32°F), signal above 29°C (80°F).
6.3 If the electrical switch actuates (e.g. red light comes on)
during cold start, continue operating until the signal (red
light) goes out as system warms to normal operating
temperature. This feature can be used as 'warm up'
indication in operating procedures. If the warning signal
(red light) remains or appears when system is warm,
replace the filter element.
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
7 Filter element installation / servicing 7.3 DO NOT run the system without a filter element
During servicing, the external surfaces of the filter assembly installed. For UH319C series: check that the O-ring (4)
must be cleaned to remove any dust deposits. between the cover (3) and tube (2) is not damaged. For
Servicing must be conducted using suitable tools that do not UH319H series: check that the O-ring (5) between the
present a hazard. tube (2) and head (1) is not damaged. Use the
replacement filter as indicated by the part number on
Servicing must not be carried out when a potentially explosive the element endcap.
atmosphere is present.
7.4 Lubricate element O-ring with clean system fluid.
Reinstall element in the shell assembly. Lightly lubricate
CAUTION: cover-to-head or tube-to-head (as applicable) O-ring
Filter elements should be replaced upon indication or with clean system fluid and reassemble the housing
at specified intervals, six months maximum. Failure to until thread bottoms. The cover or tube should be
change the element will cause the filter to go on torque tightened using a suitable socket wrench
bypass. to 74 ft/lb or 100 Nm.
7.5 Bleed the system and check for leaks as per
Refer to Service Parts List (Section 9) for item numbers for section 4.8.
applicable replacement element series. Remove and replace 7.6 After element change ENSURE DIFFERENTIAL
7.1 Turn off and depressurize the system. RED BUTTON; electrical switches reset automatically.
When system reaches normal operating temperature,
7.1.1 For UH319C series (cover service): check that the electrical switch has not actuated and/or
Open vent plug (7) at top of filter one and one-half turns. the visual warning button has remained depressed. If
Open the blanking plug (6b) partially on the filter head visual indicator rises due to a cold start condition, reset
and drain fluid into waste receptacle. again as per section 6.
This sequence may be long for high viscosity fluids.
Replace ad torque tighten drain plug to 12 ft/lb or 16Nm. 8 Warranty, Limitation of Liability and
Unscrew and remove cover (3) from tube (2) counter- Remedies
clockwise when viewed from above. It will be necessary THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
to use a 1" socket wrench on the hexagon on the cover FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT
(3) to loosen the cover initially. TO ANY OF THE PRODUCTS, NOR IS THERE ANY OTHER
Note: The UH319C series assembly is equipped with Pall’s FOR HEREIN.
'Auto-Pull' element extraction mechanism to facilitate element
removal. While removing the cap, tabs on the element endcap For a period of twelve months from the date of delivery from
lock into hooks in the cap and the element is automatically Seller or three thousand hours of use, whichever occurs first
pulled from the nipple. (the "Warranty Period"), Seller warrants that products
manufactured by Seller when properly installed and
7.1.2 For UH319H series (head service): maintained, and operated at ratings, specifications and design
Open the drain plug (7) at the bottom of the bowl conditions, will be free from defects in material and
assembly (tube and cover) and drain fluid from the bowl workmanship. By way of explanation and not limitation, the
into a suitable waste receptacle. Replace and torque Seller does not warrant the service life of the filter element as
tighten drain plug to 12 ft/lb or 16Nm. Unscrew and this is beyond the Seller's control and depends upon the
remove the bowl assembly (2 and 3) from head (1) condition of the system into which the filter is installed.
counter-clockwise when viewed from below. It will be
necessary to use a 1" socket wrench on the hexagon on
the cover (3) to loosen the cover initially.
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E S service instructions
Seller's liability under any warranty is limited solely (in Seller's Seller shall not be liable for any product altered outside of the
discretion) to replacing (FOB original ship point), repairing or Seller's factory except by Seller or Seller's authorized
issuing credit for products that become defective during the distributor, and then, as to the latter, only for products which
Warranty Period. Purchaser shall notify Seller promptly in have been assembled by the distributor in accordance with
writing of any claims and provide Seller with an opportunity to Seller's written instructions. Nor shall Seller be liable for a
inspect and test the product claimed to be defective. Buyer product subjected to misuse, abuse, improper installation,
shall provide Seller with a copy of the original invoice for the application, operation, maintenance or repair, alteration,
product, and prepay all freight charges to return any products accident or negligence in use, storage transportation or
to Seller's factory, or other facility designated by Seller. All handling.
claims must be accompanied by full particulars, including In no event will Seller be liable for any damages, incidental,
system operating conditions, if applicable. consequential or otherwise, whether arising out of or in
connection with the manufacture, packaging, delivery, storage,
use, misuse, or non use of any of its products or any other
cause whatsoever.
9 Parts List
List Description Part Number Quantity
1 Head 1
2 Tube 1
3 Cover 1
4, 5 O-ring (cover-to-tube and head-to-tube) UH319SKZ 2
Seal Kit (fluorocarbon)
6, 6b Indicator and port plug kit (not shown) See product literature 2
7 Vent/drain plug 1
8 Filter element UE319**++Z
See product literature 1
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
Figure 2
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
Figure 3
4 Gewindebohrungen mit Gewindetiefe AA
4 huller med gevind, dybde AA
4 taladros pasantes roscados. Profundidad AA
4 täyskierteistä reikää, syvyys AA
4 trous taraudés de profondeur AA
4 fori completamente filettati profondità AA
4 tapgaten (met draad over volle diepte)
4st fästhål. Gänga "Z". Min gängdjup "AA"
UH319 UH319 Series
H I G H P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S service instructions
Portsmouth - UK
+44 (0)23 9230 3303 telephone
+44 (0)23 9230 2507 fax
Because of developments in technology these data or procedures may be subject to change. Consequently
we advise users to review their continuing validity annually. Part numbers quoted above are protected by the
Copyright of Pall Europe Limited.