Epidemiology of Injuries

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Journal of Sport and Health Science 00 (2021) 1 15


Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players:

A systematic review and meta-analysis
Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon a, Alejandro L opez-Valenciano b,*, Mark De Ste Croix c,
Jon L. Oliver d,e, Alberto Garcıa-G
omez f, Pilar Sainz de Baranda a, Francisco Ayala a,c
Department of Physical Activity and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Campus of Excellence Mare Nostrum, University of Murcia, Murcia 30720, Spain
Centre for Sport Studies, King Juan Carlos University, Madrid 28933, Spain
School of Sport and Exercise, University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester GL2 9HW, UK
Youth Physical Development Centre, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff CF23 6XD, UK
Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ), Auckland University of Technology, Auckland 0632, New Zealand
Operative Research Centre, Miguel Hern andez University of Elche, Elche 03202, Spain
Received 4 April 2021; revised 10 June 2021; accepted 21 July 2021

2095-2546/Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Background: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological data of injuries in male and female youth football players.
Methods: Searches were performed in MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and SPORTDiscus databases. Studies were con-
sidered if they reported injury incidence rate in male and female youth (19 years old) football players. Two reviewers (FJRP and ALV)
extracted data and assessed trial quality using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement
and the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach determined the quality
of evidence. Studies were combined using a Poisson random effects regression model.
Results: Forty-three studies were included. The overall incidence rate was 5.70 injuries/1000 h in males and 6.77 injuries/1000 h in females.
Match injury incidence (14.43 injuries/1000 h in males and 14.97 injuries/1000 h in females) was significantly higher than training injury inci-
dence (2.77 injuries/1000 h in males and 2.62 injuries/1000 h in females). The lower extremity had the highest incidence rate in both sexes. The
most common type of injury was muscle/tendon for males and joint/ligament for females. Minimal injuries were the most common in both sexes.
The incidence rate of injuries increased with advances in chronological age in males. Elite male players presented higher match injury incidence
than sub-elite players. In females, there was a paucity of data for comparison across age groups and levels of play.
Conclusion: The high injury incidence rates and sex differences identified for the most common location and type of injury reinforce the need for
implementing different targeted injury-risk mitigation strategies in male and female youth football players.
Keywords: Incidence; Muscle injuries; Severity; Soccer; Young athletes

1. Introduction gymnastics.5 In fact, it has been suggested that football is

among the top 5 sports in which players are prone to injury.6,7
Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the world.1
Injuries are also common events among youth footballers,
Players are required to perform sudden accelerations and
especially at periods of rapid changes in growth and
decelerations repetitively, rapid changes of directions, and
maturation.8 11 Football-related injuries can counter the
jumping and landing tasks, as well as to be involved in several
health-related beneficial effects of sports participation at a
tackling situations in order to keep possession of or to win the
young age if a child or adolescent is unable to continue to par-
ball.2,3 These high-intensity situations, alongside frequent
ticipate because of the residual effects of injury.12
exposure to collisions and contacts, result in a notable increase
There is a clear necessity to develop and implement meas-
in injury risk compared to individual sports such as tennis4 and
ures (e.g., integrative neuromuscular training,13 appropriate
rule enforcement, and emphasis on safe play14) aimed at pre-
Peer review under responsibility of Shanghai University of Sport.
* Corresponding author.
venting and reducing the number and severity of football-
E-mail address: alex_tanaco@hotmail.com (A. Lopez-Valenciano). related injuries in youth players. However, before

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
2 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.

implementing any injury prevention measure, it is essential to 2. Methods

know the injury profile of youth football.15,16 In the past 2 dec-
This systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out
ades, a number of prospective studies have been published
following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
describing the incidence and pattern of injuries in youth foot-
Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.39 The
ball players.17 27 Recently, a systematic review combined and
PRISMA checklist is presented in Supplementary File 1. The
meta-analysed most of the injury incidences available for elite
research protocol was registered with PROSPERO (http://
male youth football and reported overall injury rates of 7.9 and
www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/), registration number
3.7 time-loss injuries per 1000 h of exposure for players aged
under (U) 17 to U21 (i.e., players from around age 17 to age
21) and U9 to U16 (i.e., players from around age 9 to age 16),
2.1. Study selection
respectively.28 Furthermore, the same study proposed that a
median of 18% (nearly one-fifth) of all reported injuries might Eligibility criteria were established and agreed upon by all
be classified as severe (>28 days of absence), with muscle authors based on the concept of population, intervention/indi-
injuries accounting for 37% of all injuries sustained in elite cator, comparator/control, outcome, and study design
male youth football. However, the systematic review28 also (PICOS)39,40 (Supplementary File 2).
documented a large disparity in injury incidence rates across Thus, to be included in this systematic review and meta-
primary epidemiological studies and pointed out that pooled analysis, studies had to fulfil the following criteria:
incidences of injury patterns (i.e., location, type, mechanism,
severity of injuries) have not yet been provided for youth foot- 1) Participants had to be male or female football players 19
ball. years old.
The injury profile in youth male football should not be 2) “Injury” had to be defined in terms of time loss (i.e., an
extrapolated to young female players due to the well-docu- injury that results in a player being unable to take a full
mented anatomical, hormonal, and musculoskeletal sex- part in future football training or match play).41,42
related differences.29,30 In fact, epidemiological studies 3) Eligible studies had to be prospective cohort or rando-
have pointed out that male youth footballers seem to be mised control trials (control groups) in order to minimise
more prone to suffer muscle injuries,9,17,18,20 22,24,25,31 34 the occurrence of errors associated with recall.41,42 The
whereas ligament sprains are the most frequently diagnosed full text of the article reporting results of the study had to
type of injury in female youth footballers.27,35 Likewise, be published in English or Spanish in a peer-reviewed
disparities in training workloads, medical and performance journal before 1 January, 2021.
teams, and physical and mental demands that often exist 4) Eligible studies had to report either injury incidence rate
between elite and sub-elite players and between younger (IIR) or prevalence among the surveyed players separately
and older age groups might also generate differences in by sex or provide sufficient data from which these figures
injury incidences according to the level of competition and could be calculated through standardised equations.
stages of development.3,17,33,36 Indeed, some studies have
shown that older adolescent football players who are
Studies using injury definitions other than time loss were
approaching a professional-league level of play are more
excluded. Literature reviews, abstracts, editorial commentaries,
susceptible to sustaining injuries than their counterparts
and letters to the editor were also excluded. Finally, 22 authors
playing at a grassroots level.37,38
were contacted for clarification on raw data
The potential for differences by sex in youth football-
extraction9,17,24,32,33,35,43 54 and participant information.18,19,55,56
injury profiles requires meta-analytical investigation to
Most of the authors contacted (18 out of 22) gave additional
identify accurately the most common and severe types of
details, when requested.9,18,19,24,32 34,43,44,47 51,53 56
injuries, as well as where (anatomical location) and when
(matches or training sessions) they usually occur in these
2.2. Search strategy
paediatric cohorts. However, to the best of our knowledge,
no systematic review and meta-analysis has been published A systematic computerised search was conducted for
that describes the injury profile of youth football while articles published before 1 January, 2021, in the databases
analysing potential sex differences in injury patterns. Like- MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, and
wise, disparities in training and match demands require the Cochrane Library. In addition, a complementary search of the
identification of those levels of play and age groups that reference lists of included articles and a Google Scholar search
may present a higher incidence of injury. Therefore, the were also performed. This was done using backward (manu-
main purpose of the current study was to conduct a system- ally searching the reference list of a journal article) and for-
atic review and meta-analysis quantifying the incidence of ward (scanning a list of articles that had cited a given paper
injuries in male and female youth football players. The sec- since it was published) citation tracking.57 When additional
ondary purpose was to determine the overall effects regard- studies that met the inclusion criteria were identified, they
ing location of injuries, type of injuries, severity of were included in the final pool of studies. Relevant search
injuries, mechanism of injuries, type of incident, age terms were used to construct Boolean search strategies, which
groups, and level of play. can be found in Supplementary File 3.

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 3
Two authors (FJRP and ALV) used a 2-step process, inde- by von Elm et al. Supplementary File 6 gives a description
pendently, to select studies for inclusion in the meta-analysis. of the 22 STROBE criteria designed to assess the quality of
First, studies were screened based on title and abstract. Sec- the studies included in our meta-analysis. The items and subi-
ond, the full text of the studies identified after the initial tems of the STROBE statement were scored as 0 or 1, with a
screening were reviewed to identify those studies that met the score of 1 given for each checklist item that was properly com-
eligibility criteria. A study was excluded immediately when it pleted. Using this checklist, a maximum score of 34 would
failed to meet any of the inclusion criteria. Disagreements indicate that the article fulfilled requirements for a high-quality
were resolved through consensus or by consulting a third publication.
author (FA). Furthermore, to assess risk of bias of external validity qual-
ity, an adapted version of the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS)
2.3. Data extraction was used.60 This scale contains 8 items and uses a star rating
system to indicate the quality of a study (maximum of 8 stars).
A codebook was produced to standardise the coding of each
The higher the number of stars given to an article, the lower
study in order to maximise the objectivity of coding. Each
the risk of bias. Supplementary File 7 displays a brief descrip-
study was codified by 2 different reviewers (FJRP and ALV).
tion of each item of the adapted version of the NOS used in
The moderator variables of the eligible studies were coded and
our meta-analysis.
grouped into 3 categories: (1) general study descriptors; (2)
The data extraction and quality assessments were conducted
study population; and (3) epidemiological data (injury (includ-
by 2 reviewers (FJRP, ALV). To assess the inter-coder reliabil-
ing its main characteristics, e.g., location, type, severity, and
ity of the coding process, these 2 reviewers coded 22 (51%) of
mechanism, according to Fuller et al.41) and exposure data). If
the included studies randomly (including quality assessment).
necessary, the authors of the included studies were contacted
For the quantitative moderator variables, intra-class correlation
to provide clarifications or access to raw data. Operational def-
coefficients (ICC3,1) were calculated; for the qualitative mod-
initions and moderator variables used in our meta-analysis are
erator variables, the Cohen kappa (k) coefficients were applied.
shown in Supplementary File 4 and Supplementary File 5,
On average, the ICC was 0.84 (range: 0.69 1.00), and the k
coefficient was 0.89 (range: 0.79 1.00), which can be consid-
The purpose of our meta-analysis was to determine the
ered highly satisfactory, as proposed by Orwin and Vevea.61
overall effects, separately, on male and female youth football
Inconsistencies between the 2 coders were resolved by con-
players of (1) football-related IIR (overall vs. training vs.
sensus, and when they were due to ambiguity in the coding
match); (2) location of injuries (lower extremity vs. trunk vs.
book, they were corrected. As before, any disagreement
upper extremity vs. head and neck); (3) type of injuries (frac-
was resolved by mutual consent in consultation with a third
tures and bone stress vs. joint (non-bone) and ligament vs.
author (FA).
muscle and tendon vs. contusions vs. laceration and skin lesion
vs. central/peripheral nervous system vs. undefined/other); (4)
2.5. Quality of the evidence
severity of injuries (slight/minimal (1 3 days) vs. minor/mild
(4 7 days) vs. moderate (8 28 days) vs. major/severe (>28 The quality of the evidence for the overall, training, and match
days)); (5) mechanism of injury (overuse vs. traumatic injuries; IIRs in male and female youth football players was graded as
contact vs. noncontact); (6) new vs. recurrent injuries; (7) age high, moderate, low, or very low, using a modified the Grading of
groups (U17 U19, U13 U16, and U12 and below); (8) level Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
of play (sub-elite (low level) vs. elite (high level)); and (9) (GRADE) approach. Of the 5 GRADE factors, 4 were used in our
probabilities of injuries over a season. meta-analysis: risk of bias, inconsistency, imprecision, and indi-
With regard to the category level of play, players were clas- rectness. The fifth factor, publication bias, is difficult to assess in
sified into 1 of 2 labels: sub-elite or elite. Elite players were observational studies due to a lack of registries for these types of
defined as follows: football players between 8 and 19 years of studies.62 Therefore, we did not take this factor into account in
age whose performance status was described in the studies as our meta-analysis. The starting point is always the assumption
“football academy”, “high level”, or “elite”.28,58 Players not that the pooled or overall result is of high quality. The quality of
described as belonging to a professional youth academy, play- evidence was subsequently downgraded by 1 or 2 levels per factor
ing at a high level, or classified as elite were considered to be to moderate, low, or very low when there was a risk of bias, incon-
sub-elite. sistency, imprecision, or indirect results.63
The age group category was classified into 3 different labels
in order to reflect the taxonomy of children (U12 and below), 2.6. Statistical analysis
pubertal adolescents (U13 U16), and post-pubertal adoles-
IIRs per 1000 h of player exposure were extracted from the
cents (U17 U19).
included studies. If IIRs were not reported specifically, they
were, if possible, calculated from the available raw data using
2.4. Quality and risk of bias assessment
the following formula:
The reporting quality of included studies was assessed IIR = 1000 £ ( injuries/ exposure hours)
using an adapted version of the Strengthening the Reporting of Similar to previous meta-analyses of epidemiology of inju-
Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement ries in sports,60,64,65 data were modelled by a random effects

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
4 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.
Poisson regression model, as previously described. The inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) for overall, train-
response variable in each meta-analysis was the number of ing, and match IIR outcomes in males and females, respectively.
observed injuries, offset by the log of the number of exposure The detailed data for STROBE, NOS, and GRADE scales are
hours (IIR). A random effects term was included to account presented in Supplementary File 9, Supplementary File 10, and
for the correlation arising from using multiple rows of data Supplementary File 11, respectively.
from the same study. Factors of interest were included as ran-
dom effects. The following weighting factor was used: study
3.2. Meta-analyses
exposure time (h)/mean study exposure time (h). For the IIR,
the overall estimated means for each random effect factor In the various meta-analyses we carried out, the effect sizes
were obtained from the model and then back-transformed to exhibited a moderate to large heterogeneity (based on the Q
give the IIR, along with 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs statistics and the I2 index), supporting the decision to apply
that showed negative values were adjusted to 0 for better random-effects models.
interpretability). Heterogeneity was evaluated using the I2 sta- None of the following had an impact on IIRs: the registra-
tistic, which represents the percentage of total variation across tion period (i.e., the period of time/year when the data collec-
all studies due to between-study heterogeneity.67 The possible tion process was carried out), the year of publication of the
influence of the following variables on the model was analysed study, age, STROBE score, NOS stars, or number of teams.
independently through univariate and multivariate analyses: Hence, the subsequent sub-analyses were not adjusted to these
registration period, year of publication of the study, age of the variables.
players, STROBE score, NOS stars, and number of teams
included in the study. Sub-analyses separately by sex were car- 3.2.1. Injury incidence: Overall, training, and match
ried out when there were at least 3 IIRs (cohorts) coming from
a minimum of 2 different studies and the sum of the number of Males. Thirty-three studies (38 cohorts) reporting overall
participants involved was more than 30 players. IIRs,9,10,17,18,20 25,31 34,43,45 51,54 56,73,75 79,82,83 25 studies
Where match IIRs were given per 1000 h, post hoc proba- (30 cohorts) reporting training
bilities of injury over a season were determined using the IIRs,18,20 22,24,25,31 34,43,45,47 51,54,56,75,77 79,82,83 and 29
equation developed by Parekh et al.68 The Poisson distribution studies (34 cohorts) reporting match
for injury probability has been employed previously in foot- IIRs18,20 22,24,25,31 34,43 45,47 51,54,56,72,74,75,77 80,82,83 in
ball28 and rugby69 studies and describes the frequency of inju- male youth football players were included in our meta-analy-
ries occurring, assuming these injuries occur independently sis, comprising a total of 7495 injuries and about 25,600 differ-
and take place over time or space.70 Probability calculations ent players. The random effect models showed an overall IIR
were based on match durations’ being between 40 and 90 min, of 5.70 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 4.54 6.86, I2 = 98%; quality
a conservative 30 matches per season, and injuries being inde- of evidence = moderate), a training IIR of 2.77 injuries/1000 h
pendent events.28 Injury probability was calculated separately (95%CI: 2.04 3.50, I2 = 97%; quality of evidence = moder-
for male and female players and by age group. ate), and a match IIR of 14.43 injuries/1000 h (95%CI:
All statistical analyses were performed using the statistical 11.00 17.85, I2 = 97%; quality of evidence = moderate).
software package R version 2.4.1 (The R Foundation for Statis- Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 display the forest plots with the training and
tical Computing, Vienna, Austria) and the “metafor” package.71 match IIRs, respectively, for males in the analysed studies.

3. Results Females. Nine studies (11 cohorts) reporting overall

IIRs,26,27,35,43,49,51,53,73,81 5 studies (7 cohorts) reporting train-
3.1. Descriptive characteristics of the studies
ing IIRs,27,43,49,51,53 and 10 studies (12 cohorts) reporting
A total of 2150 references were identified by all search match IIRs19,27,43,44,49,51,53,72,74,80 in female youth football
strategies, of which 43 met the inclusion criteria (resulting in players were included in our meta-analysis, comprising a total
111 cohort groups, because 19 studies had more than 1 group) of 2179 injuries and about 9600 different players. The random
(Fig. 1).9,10,17 27,31 35,43 51,53 56,72 83 These 43 studies were effect models showed an overall IIR of 6.77 injuries/1000 h
carried out between 1985 and 2020 and comprised (95%CI: 5.01 8.52, I2 = 94%; quality of evidence = low), a
male9,10,17,18,20 25,31 34,43 51,54 56,72 80,82,83 and training IIR of 2.62 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 1.16 4.08,
female19,26,27,35,43,44,49,51,53,72 74,80,81 players from various I2 = 90%; quality of evidence = low) and a match IIR of
(predominantly European) countries. Supplementary File 8 14.97 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 9.70 20.24, I2 = 96%; quality
provides a descriptive summary of the characteristics of the of evidence = low). Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 display the forest plots
included studies. with the training and match IIRs, respectively, for females in
With regard to the reporting quality of the studies, the mean the analysed studies.
score obtained with the STROBE quality scale was 23 (mini-
mum = 11; maximum = 32). Regarding the NOS scale, the mean 3.2.2. Location of injury
score obtained was 6.5 (minimum = 5; maximum = 8). The qual-
ity of evidence according to GRADE was downgraded to mod- Males. Twenty-four studies reported injury location and
erate (risk of bias and inconsistency) or low (risk of bias, lower-extremities-region categories (based on Fuller et al.41)

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 5

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the selection of studies for the meta-analysis. aNo injury definition (n = 2), full-text not available (n = 2), and incidence for football players
reported jointly with other sports (n = 1).

in males.9,17,18,20,21,23 25,31 34,43,45,47,48,50,54,56,77 79,82,83 footballers.26,27,35,43,53 The trend was similar to that for males,
Lower-extremity injuries had the highest IIR with lower extremities having the highest IIR
(IIR = 4.08 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 2.92 5.24, I2 = 99.5%) (IIR = 6.54 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 4.68 8.40, I2 = 91.4%),
compared to injuries in other body regions. The upper limbs followed by trunk (IIR = 0.68 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
region was the second most commonly injured region 0.54 0.82, I2 = 0%) and upper limbs (IIR = 0.26 injuries/1000
(IIR = 0.29 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.20 0.39, I2 = 94.7%); h; 95%CI: 0.12 0.39, I2 = 51.0%), with the lowest IIR related
the trunk region was third (IIR = 0.25 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: to head and neck injuries (0.13 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
0.17 0.34, I2 = 92.9%), and injuries to the head and neck 0.00 0.34, I2 = 68.2%). With regard to lower-extremity inju-
region had the lowest IIR (IIR = 0.08 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: ries, ankle (IIR = 1.52, 95%CI: 1.19 1.86, I2 = 64.0%) and
0.04 0.12, I2 = 88.5%). Regarding lower-extremity injuries, knee (IIR = 1.49, 95%CI: 0.90 2.08, I2 = 89.3%) showed the
the thigh showed the highest IIR (IIR = 1.21, 95%CI: highest IIRs, followed by thigh (IIR = 1.06, 95%CI:
0.74 1.69, I2 = 99.1%), followed by ankle ((IIR = 0.91, 0.55 1.56, I2 = 91.0%), lower leg/Achilles tendon (IIR = 0.68,
95%CI: 0.64 1.18, I2 = 97.6%), knee (IIR = 0.75, 95%CI: 95%CI: 0.28 1.08, I2 = 90.2%), hip/groin (IIR = 0.57, 95%CI:
0.53 0.97, I2 = 96.6%), hip/groin (IIR = 0.73, 95%CI: 0.19 0.96, I2 = 91.9%), and foot/toe (IIR = 0.40, 95%CI:
0.45 1.00, I2 = 98.1%), lower leg/Achilles tendon (IIR = 0.37, 0.31 0.49, I2 = 0%) (Fig. 6).
95%CI: 0.24 0.50, I2 = 94.4%), and foot/toe (IIR = 0.31,
95%CI: 0.19 0.43, I2 = 94.9%). 3.2.3. Type of injury

Females. Only 5 studies reported injury location and lower- Males. Fifteen studies reported the type of injury among male
extremities region categories in female youth players.9,17,18,21,24,25,31 34,43,47,48,50,82 The most common type

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
6 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.

Fig. 2. Training injury incidence in male youth football players, with 95%CI. a, b, c, d, e, and f indicate different cohorts in the same study. 95%CI = 95%
confidence interval.

Fig. 3. Match injury incidence in male youth football players, with 95%CI. a, b, c, d, e, and f indicate different cohorts in the same study. 95%CI = 95% confidence

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 7

Fig. 4. Training injury incidence in female youth football players, with 95%CI. (g), (h), and (i) indicate different cohorts in the same study. 95%CI = 95% confi-
dence interval.

Fig. 5. Match injury incidence in female youth football players, with 95% CI. (g), (h), and (i) indicate different cohorts in the same study. 95%CI = 95% confi-
dence interval.

of injury grouping was muscle/tendon (IIR = 1.92 injuries/1000 laceration and skin lesions (IIR = 0.03 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
h; 95%CI: 1.26 2.58, I2 = 99.0%), followed by joint (non- 0.01 0.05, I2 = 66.0%) were the least common types of injury.
bone) and ligament (IIR = 0.97 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
0.64 1.30, I2 = 97.4%) and contusions (IIR = 0.84 injuries/1000 Females. Only 3 studies reported type of injury in females
h; 95%CI: 0.37 1.30, I2 = 99.3%). Fracture and bone stress players and were the only 3 pooled in our meta-
(IIR = 0.43 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 0.02 0.84, I2 = 99.7%), analysis.27,35,43 Unlike injuries in males, joint (non-bone) and
undefined/other (IIR = 0.27 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.04 0.50, ligament injuries (IIR = 2.36 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
I2 = 99.5%), central/peripheral nervous system 1.62 3.11, I2 = 59.0%) were the most common type of injury
(IIR = 0.06 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.00 0.12, I2 = 95.6%) and among females, followed by muscle and tendon injuries
(IIR = 2.01 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 1.75 2.28, I2 = 0%), con-
tusions (IIR = 0.93 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.61 1.25,
I2 = 44.6%), undefined/other (IIR = 0.84 injuries/1000 h;
95%CI = 0.49 1.20, I2 = 57.0%), and fracture and bone stress
injuries (IIR = 0.27 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.17 0.36,
I2 = 0%). No laceration and skin lesions or central/peripheral
nervous system injuries were registered.

3.2.4. Severity of injury

Males. Twenty-one studies (26 cohorts) reported severity of

injury in males.9,17,18,20,21,23,25,31 34,45 48,50,51,56,79,82,83 Mini-
mal injuries (IIR = 1.88 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 1.13 2.64,
I2 = 99.8%) were the most common, followed by moderate
(IIR = 1.74 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI = 1.30 2.18, I2 = 98.0%),
Fig. 6. Location of injuries in male (left side) and female (right side) youth mild (IIR = 1.13 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.77 1.49,
football players. The upper boxes (with solid lines extending from them) rep-
I2 = 98.5%), and severe (IIR = 0.78 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
resent the incidence of injury for main groups (head and neck, upper limbs,
trunk, lower limbs), whereas the lower boxes (with dashed lines extending
0.56 1.00, I2 = 96.4%). Additionally, a total of 11
from them) represent the incidence of injury for lower extremities categories studies9,18,23 25,31 34,46,83 reported an average of 15.5 days
(hip/groin, thigh, knee, lower leg/Achilles tendon, ankle, foot/toe). lost per injury by male footballers, with an overall injury

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
8 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.

burden of 96.47 injury days/1000 h of football exposure 3.2.7. Age groups

(95%CI: 49.86 143.08, I2 = 100%).
Males. Concerning the age of football players, we categorised
Females. Only 3 studies (5 cohorts) reported on the severity of footballers into 3 groups: U12 and below, U13 U16, and
injuries in females.19,51,53 Minimal injuries U17 U19. For males, 20 studies (58
(IIR = 3.60 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.68 6.53, I2 = 82.3%) were cohorts)9,18,21 25,31,33,43,46,49 51,54 56,77,78,82 provided data
also the most usual in females, followed by moderate that allowed us to compare the overall IIR; 16 studies (46
(IIR = 1.52 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 1.18 1.87, I2 = 0%), severe cohorts)9,18,21,22,24,25,31,43,49 51,54,56,77,78,82 provided data that
(IIR = 1.25 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.57 1.94, I2 = 43.1%), and allowed us to compare training IIRs; and 19 studies (55
mild (IIR = 0.76 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.51 1.00, I2 = 0%). cohorts)9,18,21,22,24,25,31,43,44,49 51,54,56,74,77,78,80,82 provided
The paucity of data prevented the calculation of pooled estimates data that allowed us to compare match IIRs. The U17 U19
for the injury burden among female footballers. male age group showed the highest overall IIR
(IIR = 7.54 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 5.62 9.47, I2 = 97%), fol-
3.2.5. Mechanism of injury lowed by the U13 U16 male group (5.35 injuries/1000 h,
95%CI: 3.73 6.98, I2 = 98%), and the U12 male group
Males. In our meta-analysis, 16 studies (19 cohorts) provided (IIR = 1.61 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 0.76 2.45, I2 = 85%). In
data for the comparison of overuse injuries to traumatic (acute) particular, the mean IIRs in training decreased from the
injuries among males.9,18,20,21,23,25,31 33,49 51,54,56,79,82 The U17 U19 age group (IIR = 3.51 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
IIR for traumatic injuries (IIR = 5.50 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 2.15 4.87, I2 = 91%) to the U13 U16 age group
3.98 7.01) was higher than for overuse injuries (IIR = 3.39 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 2.20 4.57, I2 = 95%) to
(IIR = 1.10 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 0.68 1.53). In relation to the U12 age group (IIR = 1.07 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
the mechanism of injury, 15 studies (18 cohorts) reported data 0.40 1.74, I2 = 72%). The match IIRs for each age group
that allowed us to compare contact injuries to noncontact inju- were, in descending order: U17 U19
ries among males.9,21,25,31 33,45,47,49 51,55,56,79,82 Males (IIR = 20.05 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 15.48 24.62, I2 = 93%),
showed a slightly higher IIR for noncontact injuries U13 U16 (IIR = 13.67 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI: 8.49 18.86,
(IIR = 3.48 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 2.35 4.62) than for con- I2 = 95%), and U12 (IIR = 2.60 injuries/1000 h; 95%CI:
tact injuries (IIR = 2.77 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 1.93 3.61). 0.60 4.59, I2 = 77%).

Females. Eight studies (9 cohorts) provided data for the com- Females. Only 2 studies (5 cohorts) provided data that
parison of overuse injuries to traumatic (acute) injuries among allowed us to compare overall and training IIRs for
females.19,26,27,35,49,51,53,81 Similar to the IIR for males, the females,49,51 and only 6 studies (15 cohorts) provided data that
IIR for traumatic injuries (IIR = 4.55 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: allowed us to compare match IIRs.19,44,49,51,74,80 The
3.72 5.38) among females was higher than for overuse inju- U17 U19 female age group had an overall IIR of 6.25 inju-
ries (IIR = 1.56 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 0.80 2.31). Four ries/1000 h (95%CI: 4.68 7.81, I2 = 38%), a training IIR of
studies (5 cohorts) reported data that allowed us to compare 3.08 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 2.18 3.98, I2 = 40%), and a
contact injuries to noncontact injuries among match IIR of 20.94 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 14.27 27.62,
females.49,51,53,81 Similar IIRs for noncontact injuries I2 = 78%). The U13 U16 female age group reported a match
(IIR = 2.39 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 1.80 2.98) and for con- IIR of 12.67 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 5.41 19.94, I2 = 89%).
tact injuries (IIR = 1.92 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 1.67 2.17) The scarcity of studies reporting overall, training and match
were found. IIRs for the U12 and below female age group, and overall and
training IIRs for the U13 U16 female age group, prevented
3.2.6. New vs. recurrent injuries further sub-analyses for these groups.

Males. Included in our analysis were 11 studies (14 cohorts) 3.2.8. Level of play
that aimed to compare the IIR for new injuries to the IIR for
recurrent injuries among males.9,24,25,31 34,48,50,51,56 The IIR Males. Regarding the level of play, studies were classified into
for new injuries (IIR = 5.87 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 2 groups: sub-elite and elite. Ten studies reported overall
3.89 7.84) was higher than that for recurrent injuries IIRs,21,25,32 34,43,47,54,75,76 9 studies reported training
(IIR = 0.81 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 0.38 1.25). IIRs,21,25,32 34,43,47,54,75 and 9 studies reported match
IIRs21,25,32 34,43,47,54,75 in sub-elite players. The random effect
Females. Five studies (6 cohorts) provided data that allowed models showed an overall IIR of 4.77 injuries/1000 h (95%CI:
us to compare the IIR for new injuries to the IIR for recurrent 2.63 6.90, I2 = 98%), a training IIR of 2.83 injuries/1000 h
injuries among females.26,27,35,51,81 Similar to the IIR for (95%CI: 1.39 4.27, I2 = 96%), and a match IIR of 10.63 inju-
males, the IIR for new injuries (IIR = 5.12 injuries/1000 h, ries/1000 h (95%CI = 5.98 15.28, I2 = 93%).
95%CI: 3.64 6.61) was higher than the IIR for recurrent inju- For its part, the elite level was represented by 20 (25 cohorts)
ries (IIR = 1.42 injuries/1000 h, 95%CI: 0.29 2.55) among overall IIR studies,9,10,17,18,20,22 24,31,45,46,48 51,55,56,79,82,83 14
female footballers. (19 cohorts) training IIR studies,18,20,22,24,31,45,48 51,56,79,82,83

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 9
and 16 studies (21 cohorts) from respectively); and volleyball (2.4 injuries/1000 h of match
competitions.18,20,22,24,31,44,45,48 51,56,74,79,82,83 The random exposure).87 Furthermore, the probability of youth football
effect models showed an overall IIR of 6.19 injuries/1000 h players’ sustaining a time-loss injury during a season was 47%
(95%CI: 4.56 7.82, I2 = 99%), a training IIR of 2.68 inju- for male players and 43% for female players. These probabil-
ries/1000 h (95%CI: 1.64 3.72, I2 = 98.0%), and a match IIR ity-of-injury scores are higher than the 28% score reported for
of 17.91 injuries/1000 h (95%CI: 12.99 22.83, I2 = 98%). child and adolescent rugby players during a rugby season.69
The high IIRs and probability scores found for youth footbal-
Females. Three studies (4 cohorts) reported overall IIR26,35,43 lers in our meta-analysis reinforce the need for implementing
in sub-elite female players, with the random effect models dis- targeted injury risk mitigation strategies in youth football.
playing a total of 7.86 injuries/1000 h of football exposure For adult football players60,84 and players in other youth
(95%CI: 3.27 12.44, I2 = 78%). An insufficient number of team sports (independent of the players’ sex), such as hand-
studies were found to estimate training and match IIRs in sub- ball,85 basketball,86 volleyball,87 and rugby,69 match IIRs have
elite female players. always been found to be significantly higher than training
On the other hand, 4 studies (6 cohorts) reported IIRs. A number of studies have attributed the difference in
overall,26,27,49,51 3 studies (4 cohorts) reported training,27,49,51 IIRs between match and training to several factors, including
and 5 studies (6 cohorts) presented match27,44,49,51,74 IIRs in the higher physical playing demands during matches compared
elite female players. The overall IIR was 6.49 injuries/1000 h to the demands of training sessions, the greater variability and
(95%CI: 5.76 7.23, I2 = 50%), 3.24 injuries/1000 h of training uncertainty in game demands when competing against rivals
(95%CI: 1.60 4.89, I2 = 79%), and 18.13 injuries/1000 h of (compared to the familiarity of training with teammates), the
match (95%CI: 9.43 26.82, I2 = 98%). number of contacts and collisions during matches, and the
fatigue generated during the course of a match.38,88,89
3.2.9. Probability of Injury
The overall injury probability during 1 season was 47% and
4.2. Location and type of injuries
43% for male and female youth players, respectively. Indepen-
dent of sex, the highest injury probability was found for the Similar to the rates that have been reported for adult foot-
U17 U19 age groups (56% in males and 58% in females) and ballers, lower-extremity injuries had the highest IIRs com-
was lowest for the U12 age group (7% in males and 18% in pared to the other body regions among both male and female
females). The U13 U16 age group had an injury probability youth football players (4.1 injuries/1000 h and 6.5 inju-
of 39% for males and 30% for females. Supplementary File 12 ries/1000 h, respectively).
provides a descriptive summary of the probabilities of injury The locations of the most frequently reported injuries in
for both male and female cohorts. male and female youth footballers were slightly different. In
male players, the thigh (1.2 injuries/1000 h) and ankle
4. Discussion (0.9 injuries/1000 h) were the anatomical regions where inju-
ries occurred most frequently, whereas the knee (1.5 inju-
Both the methodology and the statistical analyses used in
ries/1000 h) and ankle (1.5 injuries/1000 h) were the regions
our study were identical to those used in the systematic
where injuries were reported most frequently among females.
reviews and meta-analyses conducted by Lopez-Valenciano et
The higher knee and ankle IIRs found for female youth foot-
al.60,84 for adult men (elite football players) and women (sub-
ball players in our meta-analysis may be explained by the fact
elite and elite football players). Although injury profile com-
that females sustained twice as many joint (non-bone) and lig-
parisons between youth and adult football players are possible,
ament injuries as their male counterparts (2.4 injuries/1000 h
our comparisons should be interpreted with a certain degree of
for females and 1.0 injuries/1000 h for males). This higher sus-
caution due to inter-meta-analyses differences in the number
ceptibility for sustaining joint and ligament injuries observed
of cohorts and quality of the studies included in each analysis.
in female youth football players in comparison with their male
counterparts has also been found in adult football players. Sex-
4.1. Injury incidence: Overall, training, and match
related differences in core and lower extremity neuromuscular
The main findings in our study indicate that the overall, control, joint laxity, hormonal regulation, biomechanics, and
training, and match IIRs in male youth football players anatomy29,30,90 have been suggested (among other factors) as
(5.7 injuries/1000 h, 2.8 injuries/1000 h, and 14.4 injuries/1000 reasons why female athletes are more prone to suffering joint
h of overall, training and match exposure, respectively) and (non-bone) and ligament injuries, mainly around the knee and
female youth football players (6.8 injuries/1000 h, 2.6 inju- ankle joints. Because of the lack of epidemiological studies
ries/1000 h, and 15.0 injuries/1000 h of overall, training and reporting IIRs separately for joints (non-bone) and ligaments
match exposure, respectively) are higher than the IIRs found (e.g., anterior cruciate ligament of the knee and anterior infe-
in previous studies related to other youth team sports such as rior tibiofibular ligament of the ankle) among youth footbal-
handball (2.9 injuries/1000 h, 0.9 injuries/1000 h, and 9.9 inju- lers, a subanalysis aimed at identifying the most commonly
ries/1000 h of overall, training and match exposure, respec- injured joint (non-bone) and ligament was not possible. How-
tively);85 basketball (1.3 injuries/1000 h, 0.5 injuries/1000 h, ever, previous studies have consistently reported that ankle
11.2 injuries/1000 h of overall, training and match exposure, sprains were the most frequent joint and ligament injuries

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
10 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.

diagnosed in youth football players, independent of the sex of (0.8 injuries/1000 h for males and 1.3 injuries/1000 h for
the players.8,18,27,35 females) found in our meta-analysis may be considered prob-
In our meta-analysis, the thigh was the area most frequently lematic. In practical terms, our findings might imply that in a
injured in male football players. However, no sex-related dif- typical youth football squad comprising 20 players, a coach
ferences were found in the magnitude of thigh IIRs could expect 2 high-burdensome injuries (> 28 days of time
(»1.1 injuries/1000 h for both male and female players). This loss) per season (value calculated using the data provided in
circumstance strongly correlates with the fact that both male original studies9,18,20,21,23,25,31 34,45,47,48,50,51,53,56,79,82,83).
and female youth football players also presented analogous Results of our study have revealed that a great proportion of inju-
muscle IIRs (»2 injuries/1000 h). The link between these 2 ries in male and female youth footballers might have traumatic
IIRs can be found in the fact that hamstring and quadriceps and noncontact mechanisms and, as such, they can be regarded
muscle injuries, both operationally located in the thigh,41 have as preventable. The implementation of comprehensive injury pre-
been consistently reported as the most frequently diagnosed vention programs aimed at improving movement competency
injuries in youth football players (and also in adult and physical fitness among youth footballers has demonstrated
players).8,38,91 However, the very limited number of studies that this can be a successful approach to reducing the number of
available that reported IIRs separately by muscle group pre- moderate and severe noncontact injuries in children and
vented us from calculating pooled estimates for hamstring and adolescents.53,96 Previous studies have demonstrated that
quadriceps muscle injuries. In contrast, it should be noted that, 10 15 min of neuromuscular training activities 2 to 3 times
among adult football players, men and women did not report weekly reduces noncontact injuries by 45% in youth football
similar muscle injury rates. In particular, male footballers pre- players.97
sented muscle IIRs that were twice as high as women’s IIRs Although injuries to adult football players can have negative
(4.6 injuries/1000 h vs. 1.8 injuries/1000 h, respectively), effects on a team and its success rate,98 the impact of injuries on
which might be attributed to the larger intersex differences in the development of youth football players has yet to be estab-
physical match demands (e.g., number of high-intensity lished. However, it may be assumed that at young ages, being
actions performed) that are evident in elite football.92 away from football play for more than 28 days may not only neg-
Interestingly, the IIRs related to trunk injuries were more than atively influence the short-term tactical, technical, and physical
twice as high for female footballers as for male footballers performance of youth football players but may also impair their
(0.7 injuries/1000 h vs. 0.3 injuries/1000 h, respectively) but were long-term development, health outcomes, and future career
still relatively low for both sexes. A more erect posture during opportunities.12,99 Because the studies included in our meta-anal-
landing has been evidenced in females, which could overload not ysis reported only IIRs, not the average number of days lost from
only the lower limbs but also the trunk area.90 Consequently, this football (time loss) by location and type of injury, it was not pos-
may increase the risk of trunk injuries (e.g., spondylolisthesis) for sible for us to calculate the injury burden and, thus, build a risk
females. Therefore, it would be advisable for prevention pro- matrix. A risk matrix would have helped to identify the impor-
grams for females to focus on core strength also. tance (i.e., burden) of each football-related injury and provided
Current international research has also given particular information that could have helped prioritise injury-prevention
attention to head injuries that involve the nervous system (i.e., measures used in applied football environments. However, based
concussions and traumatic brain injuries). Our results in this on the findings from previous studies,46,100 the most burdensome
area showed the lowest IIRs for head and neck injuries injuries in youth football may well be quadriceps and hamstring
(0.1 injuries/1000 h) and for injuries to the central/peripheral muscle injuries, knee ligament injuries (anterior cruciate ligament
nervous system (< 0.1 injuries/1000 h) in both males and tears) and growth-related injuries (Osgood-Schlatter and Sinding-
females, which matches the findings of previous large-scale Larsen diseases). In terms of the severity and mechanisms of inju-
investigations.93,94 However, these injuries might be under- ries described for youth football players, this injury pattern is very
diagnosed frequently due to inconsistencies in the interpreta- similar to that reported by Lopez-Valenciano et al.60,84 for adult
tion and reporting of the symptoms.95 Thus, the use of a footballers.
definition of a time-loss injury may have reduced the propor-
tion of concussion injuries pooled in our research. Future pro-
4.4. New vs. recurrent injuries
spective studies using a more accurate injury definition, as
well as a recognition of and reporting on this type of injury, As expected, and similar to the findings reported elsewhere
are needed to analyse the evidence on the incidence of concus- concerning adult football players,60,84 the IIRs for recurrent
sions among youth footballers. injuries in youth footballers is lower than the IIRs for new inju-
ries (0.8 injuries/1000 h for males and 1.4 injuries/1000 h for
females vs. 5.9 injuries/1000 h for males and 5.1 injuries/1000
4.3. Severity and mechanisms of injuries
h for females, respectively). Likewise, there were no sex-
Although injuries occur frequently in youth football players, related differences in new and recurrent injuries in either youth
the majority of injuries, fortunately, appear to be of minimal or adult football players. However, it should be highlighted
severity (1 3 days lost). However, it should be highlighted that that the ratio of new injuries to recurrent injuries was higher
the IIRs for moderate injuries (1.7 injuries/1000 h for males and among youth players (7.4 for male youths vs. 5.4 for male
1.5 injuries/1000 h for females) and for severe injuries adults60 and 3.6 for female youths vs. 2.6 for female adults84).

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 11

The lower recurrent IIRs in youth players in comparison factors may contribute to a higher IIR for adolescent players
with their adult counterparts may indicate that at young ages compared to prepubertal players.
there is not such high pressure to return to play as soon as pos- Players continue to develop physically into late adolescence
sible, contributing to improved rehabilitation.58,101 On the and early adulthood and will likely continue to increase their
other hand, having a previous history of injury is one of the abilities to work at high intensities, completing more accelera-
few evidence-based predictors available in the literature for tions, decelerations, and greater total distances during compe-
the most common football-related injuries (i.e., hamstring and tition compared to younger players.115 The increased physical
knee injuries).102 104 As a consequence of having more expe- demands and longer duration of match play mean that players
rience in playing football, adult footballers may present a in the older age groups are exposing themselves to more risk
higher likelihood of having suffered previous injuries than during a game. Simultaneously, players transitioning to older
youth players; hence, adults may be at a higher risk of injury age groups (U17 U19) are likely to experience a great
recurrence.105,106 This circumstance has led some researchers increase in training load as they begin to train on full-time pro-
to suggest that the main purpose of injury-risk-mitigation strat- fessional contracts,8 and these spikes in workload have been
egies in youth football should be to delay, as much as is possi- suggested to contribute to injuries among youth football
ble, the occurrence of the first injury.105,107 Longitudinal players.8,116 These increases in IIRs across players’ age groups
studies that track IIRs through the academy setting and into are also evident when compared with the results reported by
professional environments might help to elucidate whether Lopez-Valenciano et al.60 for adult footballers, where IIRs
there is a consequence of repeated injuries during growth and reach up to 8.1 injuries/1000 h, 3.7 injuries/1000 h, and
maturation.108 36.0 injuries/1000 h for overall, training and match exposure,
There was a paucity of data available to compare IIRs
across age groups for female players. Only 2 studies reported
4.5. Age groups
overall and training IIRs for females in the U17 U19 age
Results from the various age groups, representing differing groups,49,51 and although a few others have presented match
periods of childhood and adolescence, suggest potential inter- injury data for females in the U13 U16 and U17 U19
actions among maturity, sex, training, and competition with cohorts, most of these studies correspond to football
IIRs. In males, the overall IIR increased among players who tournaments,19,44,51,74,80 and 1 was published in 1985.80 Based
are likely to be prepubertal (U12), circapubertal (U13 U16), on the available information, females who were in the
or postpubertal (U17 U19),109 with overall IIRs of 1.6 inju- U17 U19 group experienced a higher incidence of match-
ries/1000 h, 5.3 injuries/1000 h, and 7.5 injuries/1000 h of related injuries than U13 U16 females (20.9 injuries/1000 h
football exposure, respectively. This was driven by a high IIR vs. 12.7 injuries/1000 h, respectively), which is similar to the
for matches, which increased by approximately 10 injuries increase described for males. However, more research with
between each consecutive age interval (2.6 injuries/1000 h vs. longer follow-up periods is needed to confirm the potential dif-
13.7 injuries/1000 h vs. 20.0 injuries/1000 h). The changing ferences between age groups in females, especially across a
profile of the IIR is likely to be attributable to both maturation range of maturational stages.
effects and increasing demands of training and competition in
older age groups. Young children have an immature neuro-
4.6. Level of play
muscular and metabolic system, with a lower muscle mass,
more compliant muscle-tendon structures, and less ability to The findings from our study also indicate that elite (high-
recruit fast-twitch fibres, with an underdeveloped anaerobic level) male players present a higher match IIR (17.9 inju-
system and a greater reliance on aerobic metabolism.110 All ries/1000 h) than their sub-elite (less skilled) peers (10.6 inju-
these factors mean that immature players work less explo- ries/1000 h). These observed differences according to the level
sively and that they generate and have to tolerate lower levels of play may be partially explained by the fact that elite players
of force, thus exposing themselves to lower levels of risk. At perform more high-intensity actions during competitions and,
the same time, they experience lower levels of fatigue during as has been mentioned, this would potentially increase their
intermittent work and are able to recover from fatigue more risk of sustaining injuries. In addition, players skilled in
quickly.111 This is reflected in the fact that U12 players have receiving the ball, passing, shooting, and decision making with
low overall and low match IIRs. Adolescent players experi- the ball at their feet have more ball possession and, conse-
ence a period of rapid physical development that will result in quently, are exposed to more tackles and other contact situa-
gains in both size and fitness, but this developmental period tions.117 Furthermore, highly skilled young players are often
can be accompanied with temporarily disrupted motor coordi- required to compete on teams of older players. This scenario
nation.112 Consequently, adolescent players may begin to not only forces younger players to compete against more
expose themselves to a greater intensity and volume of exer- mature and physically bigger players but also to potentially
cise within training and match play and may display aberrant play 2 matches within a very short time interval (usually less
movement mechanics while also being more susceptible to than 36 h), which may overload their immature musculoskele-
growth and overuse injuries.8,10,113 They may also have a tal system and significantly increase their risk of injury.118 In
reduced ability to recover between matches.114 All these this regard, Dupont et al.119 found that decreased recovery

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
12 F.J. Robles-Palazon et al.

time between matches leads to an increase in IIRs. Finally, the time-loss IIRs have been shown to be especially sensitive to
professionalisation of youth football has meant that many differing recording settings, and a research invested clinical
youngsters in professional academies become single-sport spe- recorder might report almost a 9 times greater IIR compared to
cialists.28 High weekly training volumes associated with early other noninvolved recorders (i.e., noninvolved physiothera-
specialisation may promote limited participation in other pists).122 Thus, and based on the reality of injury surveillance
sports, decreasing motor skill development and increasing among youth football players, where coaches are frequently
injury risk as players transition to new development the responsible person for recording injuries35,43,44,73,78 due to
cycles.120,121 Elite young football players who strive to be pro- the lack of medical staff, a time-loss definition was used. Fur-
fessional players may also be exposed to high levels of pres- thermore, because different epidemiological data were pre-
sure. sented in the included studies (e.g., total number of injuries,
However, in our study, no differences in training IIRs were number of matches played), we applied standardised formulas
found regarding the level of play for males. It is reasonable to to account for this discrepancy. Nevertheless, even when these
suggest that elite players have access to better resources than inclusion criteria and standardised formulas were applied, the
do their sub-elite peers, including better equipment, compre- degree of inconsistency of the main results (overall, training
hensive medical support, and expert coaches who can control and match IIRs) across studies was still very high. Conse-
match and training loads. These superior resources may con- quently, other aspects of football—such as differences in geo-
tribute to a reduction in injury risk despite their expected graphic areas or time of year affecting climatic conditions for
greater exposure to training.17 football practice,123 the monitoring period of the season,33,34
Although elite female youth footballers showed IIRs that the number of exposure hours and match congestion,17 or the
were similar to those shown for males, there was a lack of data skill level of youth footballers117—may have constituted other
related to training and matches for sub-elite female players. sources of inconsistency. The limited number of studies report-
Future studies should analyse the injury profile for this cohort ing the location and type of injuries for elite and sub-elite play-
of female football players, reporting the number of injuries ers by sex made further sub-analyses in this area impossible.
sustained in matches and training sessions separately. Such sub-analyses may have identified potential differences
attributable to the level of play. However, given the results of
4.7. Level and quality of the evidence previous studies on elite9,17,18,31,50,82 and sub-elite21,25,32 34
male and elite27 and sub-elite35 female players, large differen-
In our systematic review and meta-analysis, the pooled
ces in these injury patterns might not be expected. Finally, the
results of more than 25 epidemiological studies provided a mod-
sample sizes of the included studies were not sufficient to
erate quality of evidence for support of the overall, training and
investigate the interactive effects of physical maturation,
match IIRs estimated for male youth football players. The qual-
growth spurt, or growth-related injuries on IIRs among young
ity of evidence for overall, training and match IIRs in females
football players.
was low, coming from only 5 (training)27,43,49,51,53 to 10
(match)19,27,43,44,49,51,53,72,74,80 studies. Furthermore, several of
these studies were carried out with female players who were
selected to participate in various tournaments,19,44,51,72,74,80 a 5. Conclusion
situation that represents a shorter period of time for data collec-
The high IIRs and probability scores found for youth foot-
tion compared to an entire football season. Therefore, future
ballers in our meta-analysis reinforce the need for implement-
research should focus on monitoring IIRs among female youth
ing targeted injury risk-mitigation strategies in youth football,
football players throughout competitive seasons in order to pro-
irrespective of sex. Because IIRs are higher during match play
vide a broader comparison with the IIRs documented among
for both sexes, it is important that the training prescription
male youth footballers.
mimic the demands of match play as closely as possible in
order to provide the robustness and readiness needed for com-
4.8. Limitations
petitive play. The sex differences identified for the most com-
Although our study was conducted following the interna- mon locations and types of injury reinforce the need for
tional guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, different targeted management strategies in male and female
some limitations should be acknowledged. Variations in injury youth players. Males tend to sustain predominantly muscle
definitions and data collection procedures used in the various injuries to the thigh, and females sustain predominantly joint
studies might partly explain the heterogeneous estimates and ligament injuries to the knee and ankle, so strategies
obtained in our meta-analysis and in previous meta-analyses should focus on neuromuscular conditioning in male players
conducted in the field of sport medicine.28,60,69,84 To mitigate and movement mechanics, core strength, and joint stability in
this problem, we included in our sub-analysis only those stud- female players. However, there is still a paucity of data con-
ies that rigorously and clearly followed the time-loss injury cerning female players, especially for younger and less mature
definition described by Fuller et al.41 and H€agglund et al.42 female players. Additional longitudinal studies are needed to
The inclusion of injuries requiring medical attention may well fully explore the age- and maturation-related changes in inci-
have led to higher IIRs. However, it could also intensify the dence, severity, location, and type of injuries that occur among
differences between data-collection procedures because non- footballers of both sexes.

Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002
Epidemiology of injuries in youth football 13

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Please cite this article as: Francisco Javier Robles-Palazon et al., Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of
Sport and Health Science (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2021.10.002

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