WS March 11th

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aaa aE 1 Complete the text. How well do you manage your time? cis so much tobe said in fru of good tne manageent at SSP how mary people woe bad att From the school student who abways struggles 10 ‘work on time. 10 the powirul businessperson who ona personal ssa organise tec dy we coud al ‘benefit from a mare organised approach shesinpe facts that poor time managenert can hae some 3 These indude damaged relationships geting @ for alvaysboing late and seeing your re time gt eaten ip. | te oheran eole who marae te tne wel ae mers thei | jpb enon ——— FS FON EES ge ero 2 Answer the questions about the text above. 4 Doyou alvays suomi you always suet work on tne? Wy? Why not? 2 Doyouraly en ‘Dp you ly en anyone ass to organise your tne fr you? Who? 3 Doyoutink you woud bon wt om a more organised approach to tne management? Why? Why not 4 Have yous yousuiered fom any of fe bad consequences mentoned here? Which? Wirk in pairs. Choose In pairs. Choose one column each and try oad your own de {emont mportant Discuss your answers. a “ the tems, puting number tas Consequences of bad time management good tine manag good time management improves yourjob protpecte You nave more fee time You finish work on time Your work ls not 0 good You do bettor work ape aot ‘You might make less money. a ‘Your relationships can suter makes you fos! better about yourself have more tne for oer people other other QOg000000 other other

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