CTB01 - General Introduction Sept 02
CTB01 - General Introduction Sept 02
CTB01 - General Introduction Sept 02
The information and advice contained in this Bulletin is of a general nature only, and has not been prepared with
your specific needs in mind. You should always obtain specialist advice to ensure that the materials, approach and
techniques referred to in this Bulletin meet your specific requirements.
BHP Steel makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any estimates, opinions or other
information contained in this Bulletin, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, BHP Steel disclaims all liability
and responsibility for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, which may be suffered by any person acting in reliance
on anything contained in or omitted from this document.
BHP Steel
Copyright© 2002 BHP Steel Limited
BHP Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058
BHP Steel (AIS) Pty Ltd ABN 19 000 019 625