CTB01 - General Introduction Sept 02

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Rev 2, September 2002
This issue supersedes all previous issues

INTRODUCTION 1. Hot dipped zinc/aluminium coating

While Architects, Roof Plumbers and Builders (ZINCALUME® zinc/aluminium alloy-coated
may not need to fully understand the steel) used for roofing, walling, rain water
chemistry and mechanics of metallic corrosion, goods and numerous fabricated articles for
there should be an awareness of the many interior/exterior use.
materials design, specification and installation 2. Hot dipped zinc coating (galvanized) used
combinations that have a potential to cause for structural purlin fabrication, fence
unsatisfactory material performance. posts, concrete decking and numerous
The most common factor leading to eventual articles for interior/exterior use within the
material replacement is time. This statement building industry.
recognises that all materials eventually suffer 3. Electro deposited tin coating used in the
from some form of deterioration. While canning industry.
premature replacement of brittle building 4. Hot-dipped lead/tin coating used for the
materials can be initiated by impact damage, manufacture of automotive fuel tanks.
and timber may rot or suffer from termite
attack, the common reason for failure of metal There are two different types of metallic
products, is eventual corrosion. coatings; “active” (or sacrificial) coatings and
“noble” (or cathodic) coatings. The terms
Corrosion may be defined as the destruction or active and noble indicate whether the metallic
deterioration of a material because of a coatings are active (will corrode) or noble (will
reaction with its environment. For steel, it is not corrode) compared with steel. Galvanized
often the case of the iron endeavouring to or ZINCALUME® steel coatings are active. Hot-
return to the original hydrated iron oxide or dipped lead/tin coatings are noble, while tin
iron oxide state. Although many other metals coatings constitute a special case.
form their oxide when corrosion occurs,
“rusting” is a term reserved for the corrosion of Tin is cathodic to steel on the outside of a tin
iron and steel. plated steel container but usually active to steel
on the inside. That is whether the corrosion
All environments are corrosive to some degree. potential of the metallic coating is more
Such reactions are generally governed by the negative or more positive than the corrosion
available moisture within the specific potential of steel in the same environment.
environment which can allow an otherwise
benign environment to greatly assist the At defective areas in an active metal coating,
onset of corrosion mechanisms. Further the metal coating will corrode and sacrifice
contamination of the environment where acid itself in an attempt to protect the steel
products may exist or be derived from substrate, where a defect in a noble metal
industrial or marine contamination, will only coating will cause the steel substrate to
serve to expedite such reactions leading to the corrode in an attempt to protect the metal
premature demise of the material. coating. Noble metal coatings therefore must
contain minimal porosity which may indicate
BHP Steel Limited has endeavoured to take a thick coating requirement or carefully
advantage of the natural galvanic protection controlled process parameters.
associated with preferential corrosion of
specific metallic materials when placed in Two important qualities of an active metal
contact with less active metals. coating are:
To achieve this effect, metallic coatings are a) essential corrosion resistance.
applied to steel substrates for the purpose of b) ability to corrode in a controlled manner to
increasing the corrosion resistance of the steel sacrificially protect the steel base.
product. Some examples of applications for (Sacrificial protection is also commonly
which metallic coatings are commonly applied referred to as galvanic protection.
to steel, for the prime purpose of providing Refer CTB-2)
corrosion protection are as follows:
When a metal is placed in a corrosive When considering the surfaces of bare metals,
environment, cathodic and anodic areas form cathodes are typically found at sites of lesser
on the surface. These areas form localised chemical activity such as within grain interiors.
corrosion cells and are usually microscopic in For corrosion to occur, the electrons made
size. The chemically active sites such as surface available from dissolution of the anodic metal
defects, cracks in surface films, or grain are consumed by the adjacent cathodic
(spangle) boundaries are where the corrosion reaction. The two main reactions at the
or anodic reactions are initiated. cathodic site are:–
Metal dissolution (or corrosion) is expected to Reduction of hydrogen ions to produce
occur at these sites according to the following hydrogen gas which will predominate in acid
anodic reaction:- solutions:
M ⇒ M2+ + 2e 2H+ + 2e ⇒ H2 ⇑
(M=Metal Ion)
Or, in near neutral environments dissolved
oxygen is reduced to form hydroxide by the
following reaction:

1/2O + H2O + 2e ⇒ 2OH

The information and advice contained in this Bulletin is of a general nature only, and has not been prepared with
your specific needs in mind. You should always obtain specialist advice to ensure that the materials, approach and
techniques referred to in this Bulletin meet your specific requirements.
BHP Steel makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any estimates, opinions or other
information contained in this Bulletin, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, BHP Steel disclaims all liability
and responsibility for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, which may be suffered by any person acting in reliance
on anything contained in or omitted from this document.

ZINCALUME® is a registered trade mark of BHP Steel Limited.

“BHP” is a trade mark of BHP Billiton Limited under licence by BHP Steel Limited,
an unrelated corporation.

Please ensure you have the current Technical Bulletin

BHP Steel
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