UACE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 2018 Marking Guide
UACE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 2018 Marking Guide
UACE BIOLOGY PAPER 1 2018 Marking Guide
1. Which one of the following would be the effect of increasing the partial pressure of carbon
dioxide in blood?
A. Increase in the ventilation rate B. variation of ventilation rate
Answer is A
Answer is A and B
Ammonia is made up of simple molecules which require less energy to make (this makes A
correct) and it is highly toxic that it require much water to be eliminated in very dilute
solution (this make B correct)
Answer is B
11. Which of the following would happen to individuals of the population in shaded area of
figure 2 if selection pressure continued for generations acting on the phenotype?
They would
A. develop into two distinct population B. die off and become extinct
Answer is D
Selection pressure favours individuals in the shaded area leading to increase in their number
12. Starch and glycogen are suitable storage molecules because they
A. are large in size which makes them less soluble in water
B. are chemically reactive in the cell
C. can easily be hydrolysed
D. exert an osmotic pressure in the cell
Answer is A
Starch and glycogen are polysaccharides insoluble in water and thus retained in the cell
13. In which of the following structures of a moss does meiosis occur?
A. Gametophyte B. sporophyte C. archegonium D. antheridium
Answer is B
14. A total of 180 black jack plants were recorded after throwing a 2m2 quadrat 30 times in an
area of the 160,000m2. The estimated number of black jack in the area were
A. 53,333 B. 192,000 C. 480,000 D. 960,000
Answer is C
Average number of plant in 2m2 =
2 180 160,000
Number of plants in 160,000m = 𝑥 = 480,000
30 2
15. Two cells A and B have water potential of -2000kPa and -1000kPa respectively. Which one of
the following statements is true about cell B?
A. Cell A has higher concentration of water molecules than cell B
B. Cell A has higher solute potential than cell B
C. There is a net movement of water from cell A to cell B
D. Cell A has less solute concentration than cell B
Answer is D
Increase in concentration of solutes lowers water potential
16. Which one of the following is the role of capillary network around alveoli in mammals?
A. makes the alveoli more permeable
B. increase the surface area of the alveoli
C. maintain a steep diffusion gradient
D. makes the alveoli cell thinner
Answer is C
Capillary network supplies deoxygenated blood and removes oxygenated blood from
alveoli thereby maintaining a steep diffusion gradient
17. Which one of the following organelles would be abundant at a site where some embryonic
tissues are being discarded?
A. mitochondria B. Ribosome C. Golgi apparatus D. lysosomes
Answer is D
Lysosomes destroy worn out tissues
18. Gaseous exchange in earthworm occurs at the body surface because the body is
A. moist B. elongated D. segmented D. flattened
Answer is D
Flattening increase the surface area volume ratio
19. Figure 3 shows energy transfer in ecosystem
A. Process occurs fast B. offspring are identical
Answer is B
23. Some animals living in arid habitats excrete uric acid because
A. nontoxic B. highly soluble in water C. heart toxic D. insoluble in water
Answer is D
Excretion of uric acid require little water therefore conserves water in an animal
24. Which one of the following is not of benefit in territorial behaviour?
A. pair bonding
B. rights to defend a home range
C. increased reproductive success
D. saving energy used to chase away invaders
Answer is D
26. Which one of the following chromosomal mutations causes Down’s syndrome?
A. Non-disjunction B. deletion C. inversion D. duplication
Answer is A
Down’s syndrome is aneuploidy condition resulting from failure of separation the 21
chromosome/non disjunction.
27. Which one of the following is the correct state in the guard cells in relation to the
neighbouring cells, when the stoma is open
A. low pH B. sugar being converted to starch
C. little acid present D. Higher water potential
Answer is C
During day carbon dioxide is used for photosynthesis, the increase in pH causes conversion
of starch to sugars. The osmotic potential of guard cells increase leasing to osmotic uptake
of water from neighbouring epidermal cells.
28. A fresh water bony fish solves its osmoregulatory problems by
A. Possessing few glomeruli
B. Having a long loop of Henle
C. Possessing many glomeruli
D. Actively secreting salts into water
Answer is C
This enable the fish to get rid of excess water
29. Which one of the following is the major form in which carbon dioxide travels to the lungs
from tissues?
A. Carbonic acid B. sodium bicarbonate
Answer is B
Carbon dioxide diffuse into haemoglobin for carriage, it combines with water to form
carbonic acid. At high pH carbonic anhydrase catalyses dissociation of carbonic acid into H+
and HCO3- ions. The HCO3- ions combine with Na+ to form NaHCO3 to be carried to the lungs
30. In Drosophila, the alleles for width of abdomen and length of wings are linked. When a
Drosophila with long wings and broad abdomen was mated with one possessing vestigial
wings and narrow abdomen, the following offspring were obtained
Long wings, broad abdomen = 686
Long wings, narrow abdomen = 211
Vestigial wings, broad abdomen = 206
Vestigial wings, narrow abdomen = 465
What was the cross over value?
A. 133.3% B. 26.6% C. 49.4% D. 73.4%
Answer is B
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠
Cross over value = 𝑥 100%
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔
= 𝑥 100%
= 26.6%
31. If the magnification of a microscope is 50,000 times and the size of the image viewed is
5mm, the actual size of the object is
A. 1 x 10-4μm B. 0.01μm C. 0.1μm D. 1.0μm
Answer is C
𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 5 𝑥 10−3
Size of the object = = = 1x 10-7m = 0.1μm
𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 50 000
32. Figure 5 shows the relationship between four different species W, X, Y and Z.
Which pairs of the species would have the least competition for resources if they lived
A. X and Y B. X and W C. Y and Z D. Z and W
Answer is D
Z and W are distantly related.
33. Which one of the following is not true of a contracted muscle fibre?
A. M-line shortens B. sarcomere shortens
C. H-zone shortens D. light band shortens
Answer is A
34. Which one of the following describes facilitated diffusion?
A. Molecules are moved by proteins from a region of high concentration to a region of low
B. Water molecules move across a semi-permeable membrane
C. Molecules move from a region of high to low concentrations
D. Energy is used when molecules are moved across a cell membrane
Answer is A
35. Larval forms and their adult forms do not come into direct competition because the larvae
A. are independent organisms
B. are different in structure and feeding habits
C. have restricted mobility
D. reproduce asexually
Answer is B
36. The most important adaptation of a plant in a salty environment is the possession of
A. Deep roots B. root hairs sap with low water potential
Answer is B
37. Which one of the following is the major cause of slow growth of population of individuals
when they have just migrated to a new area?
A. Insufficient food in the new area
B. Pressure from predators
C. Small number of reproducing individuals
D. Diseases which kill many individuals
Answer is C
38. Which one of the following changes of activities occur when adrenaline is released in
mammalian body?
A. Reduction in oxidation of glucose
B. Conversion of glucose to glycogen
C. Conversion of fat in adipose tissues into glucose
D. Increase in the uptake of glucose by tissue cells
Answer is D
Glucose is taken up by muscle cells to be oxidised to produce energy
39. Which one of the following actions in photosynthesis are most affected by low temperature?
A. Absorption of light
B. Splitting of water
C. Fixation of carbon dioxide
D. Formation of ATP
Answer is C
40. Which one of the following is true about the state of an axon membrane during the absolute
refractory period? It is
A. Depolarised
B. inexcitable
C. polarized
D. excitable with a stimulus stronger than usual
answer is B
SECTION B (60marks)
41. Table 2 shows the relative contribution of aerobic and anaerobic respiration to the total
energy of an individual during exercise
Table 2
Duration of exercise (min) From aerobic respiration From anaerobic respiration
0.5 83 17
2.0 40 60
10.0 9 91
60.0 1 99
(a) Compare the relative contribution of aerobic and anaerobic respiration to the total
energy output with duration of exercise. (03marks)
Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration contribute to the total energy of an individual
during exercise
The contribution of aerobic respiration to the total energy decreases as the duration of
exercise increases while the contribution anaerobic respiration increases as the duration
of exercise increases.
(b) Explain the changes in the relative contributions of aerobic and an aerobic respiration
with duration of the exercise.(04marks)
In short duration of exercise the oxygen supply is enough to sustain aerobic respiration.
With increase in the duration of exercise, demand for energy exceed that that can be
supplied by aerobic respiration due to shortage of oxygen. This necessitates the muscles
to respire anaerobically.
(c) Explain why diving mammals have reduced heart beat rate (03marks)
Diving mammals experience oxygen deprivation, heart beat rate is low to prolong the
use of oxygen available
42. Figure 6 shows two guard cells A and A1, with adjacent cells B, and B1, C, C1 and C2. The
values of the solute potential and pressure potential shown in cells A and B are exactly the
same as those for cells A1 and B1 respectively. Similarly, the water potential indicated in cell
C is the same as that in cell C1 and C2. Use the figure to answer the questions that follow.
(ii) Show by means of arrows the movement of water in the seven cells (03marks)
(b) Explain why the net movement of water in the cell is as you have indicated in (a)(ii)
Water moves from a region of high (less negative) water potential to a region of low
(more negative) water potential
(c) What would be the effect of the net movement of water indicated in (a)(ii) to guard
cells a and A1?
The guard cells lose turgidity and the stomata close
(b) State two ways in which passive immunity may be acquired naturally by a young child.
(c) During vaccination against tuberculosis (T.B), children are injected with a weakened
strain of T.B bacteria. Explain how this procedure can result in long term defence against
T.B. (06marks)