JoJo Attachment Report

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Industrial Report Page 1









I Joan Achieng Omondi do hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that all information in
this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical

I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully written this report based
on truth and cited all activities and duties that I undertook while on attachment.


ADM: TKNP/B/3555

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my supervisor
Dennis Githinji. Mr. Mwachofi the entire operations department for their exemplary guidance,
supervision and constant encouragement throughout the training period.

In addition, I would like to express appreciation to the Department of electrical of CTVC for the
arrangements they made including supervising me during my industrial attachment

The purpose of this report is to provide the details of the intuition of attachment, a description of
all activities undertaken during the same, the lessons learnt and challenges encountered during
the attachment period.

The essence of attachment is to provide wonderful opportunity for learners to relate the
theoretical knowledge learnt in class with their practical applications in the field. Industrial
attachment is important for engineering students as it gives the students a taste of the work
environment. The lessons learnt during this period build on the students’ experience as well
helping the student evaluate how relevant the course contents are.

This report is a summary of an 12 weeks period industrial attachment activities and lessons that I
have taken part in and /or learnt during my industrial attachment at the KenGen’s Sondu Miriu
Hydro Electric Power Station.

The report also reflects on the progress I have gained from my industrial exposure as well as any
challenge I have faced at my work place, possible solution of the challenges is offered and
general recommendation.

Industrial Report Page 3

DECLARATION..................................................................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................................................................... 2
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................................................ 6
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 BACKGROUND OF KENGEN...............................................................................................................................6
1.2 KENGEN ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE...............................................................................................................8
1.3 THEORY OF KENGEN SONDU MIRIU POWER PLANT..........................................................................................8
1.3.1 THEORY OF SONDU MIRIU POWER STATION.............................................................................................9
1.3.2 VISION......................................................................................................................................................10
1.3.3 MISSION...................................................................................................................................................10
1.3.4 COMPANY CORE VALUES.........................................................................................................................10
1.3.5 THE KENGEN QUALITY POLICY STATEMENT.............................................................................................11
1.4 IMPORTANCE OF THE PROJECT TO THE COMMUNITY.....................................................................................11
1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT.............................................................................................12
1.6 SCOPE OF MY ATTACHMENT TRAINING..........................................................................................................12
1.7 METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................................................12
2.0 CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................................. 13
OVERVIEW OF THE STATION WATER-WAY......................................................................................................... 13
2.1THE INTAKE......................................................................................................................................................13
2.1.1Main water Intake. ...................................................................................................................................14
2.1.2 Spillway Gates..........................................................................................................................................14
2.1.3 Sand Flush Gate ......................................................................................................................................15
2.1.4 Trash rack................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.1.5. The Intake Gates/Inlet Gates..................................................................................................................15
2.1.6Settling basin............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.1.7 Sand drain gates......................................................................................................................................17
2.1.8 Sand drain bulkhead gate .......................................................................................................................17
2.1.9Maintenance flow outlet gate..................................................................................................................17
2.1.10 Intake bulkhead gate.............................................................................................................................17
2.2 WATERWAY.....................................................................................................................................................18
2.2.1 Headrace tunnel......................................................................................................................................18
2.2.2Surge tank.................................................................................................................................................19
2.2.3 Penstock valve.........................................................................................................................................19
2.2.4 Penstock.................................................................................................................................................. 20
........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.0 CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................... 23
POWERSTATION................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.1 POWER HOUSE................................................................................................................................................23
3.1.1 Main inlet Valves (MIV)............................................................................................................................23
3.1.2 By pass valve............................................................................................................................................24
3.1.3 Spiral casing and Stay Ring.......................................................................................................................25
3.1.4 Guide vanes.............................................................................................................................................26
3.1.5 Runner..................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.6 Shaft.........................................................................................................................................................27
3.1.7 Turbine Drain pipes and Penstock...........................................................................................................28
3.1.8 Draft tube gate.........................................................................................................................................28
3.1.9 Tailrace.................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.1.10 The Governor and the Pressure Pumping Set........................................................................................29
3.1.11 Hydraulic accumulators.........................................................................................................................30
3.2 OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD.................................................................................................................................30
3.3 IRRIGATION OUTLET FACILITIES.......................................................................................................................30
4.0 CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................................................ 31
POWERHOUSE CABINETS................................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 THE GENERATOR AND 11KV BUSBAR..............................................................................................................31
4.1 The AC Generator.......................................................................................................................................32
4.1.1 Stator.......................................................................................................................................................32
Fig. 13 Rotor.........................................................................................................................................................35
4.2 Shaft and coupling...........................................................................................................................................35
4.3 The excitation system......................................................................................................................................36
4.4 Synchronization of the Alternating Current.....................................................................................................37
4.5 Battery Room..................................................................................................................................................38
Fig. 15 Battery section......................................................................................................................................40
4.6 Rectifiers......................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.7 The A.C. Field Breaker .....................................................................................................................................41
4.8Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR).................................................................................................................42
4.9 Field Flashing...................................................................................................................................................42
4.10 The Circuit Breaker of Generator...................................................................................................................43
4.11 Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR).................................................................................................................43
4.12Station And Local Service Transformers.........................................................................................................43
4.13 The Diesel Engine Generator.........................................................................................................................44
4.14 Direct Current Station Service Supply System................................................................................................44
5.0 CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................................................. 44
BEARINGS AND COOLING SYSTEM..................................................................................................................... 44
5.1 BEARINGS........................................................................................................................................................44
5.1.1 Turbine Guide Bearings............................................................................................................................45
5.1.2 The Thrust Bearings.................................................................................................................................45
5.1.3 Lower Guide Bearings..............................................................................................................................45
5.1.4 Upper Guide Bearings..............................................................................................................................45
5.2 THE COOLING SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................................46
5.2.1 Air and Water Cooling System.................................................................................................................46
5.2.2 Strainers Cleaning for Cooling Water System..........................................................................................47
5.0 CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................................................. 48
THE MAIN POWER TRANSFORMER.................................................................................................................... 48
5.1 The Main Power Transformer.....................................................................................................................48
5.1.2 Parts Of A Transformer............................................................................................................................49
5.2 Lightning Arrestors .........................................................................................................................................54
5.3 Instrument Transformers.................................................................................................................................54
5.4 Neutral Grounding Transformer......................................................................................................................55
5.5 Line Circuit Breakers........................................................................................................................................56

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5.6 Isolators/Disconnections.................................................................................................................................57
6.0 CHAPTER SIX................................................................................................................................................ 58
SENSORS AND DETECTORS ............................................................................................................................... 58
6.1 Types Of Sensors And Detectors......................................................................................................................59
j) Speed Signal Generator (SSG)............................................................................................................................63
k) Level Gauges.................................................................................................................................................63
7.0 CHAPTER SEVEN.......................................................................................................................................... 65
PROTECTION SYSTEM OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................... 65
The generator and the main transformer must be protected from any other external or abnormal parameters.
These two critical machines must operate only when all the real-time conditions are normal and any other
change in certain parameters should automatically trigger a disengagement from the system or an immediate
stop until they are rectified. There are two major forms of protection within Sondu-Miriu power plant and these
are generator and main transformer protection. This indicates that there are two major protection relays, each
for the two............................................................................................................................................................ 65
7.1 Generator Protection System..........................................................................................................................65
7.1.1 Generator Protection...............................................................................................................................65
7.1.2 Stator Earth Fault protection...................................................................................................................66
7.1.3 Neutral Overvoltage Protection...............................................................................................................66
7.1.4 Rotor Earth Fault Protection....................................................................................................................66
7.1.5 Phase Under Voltage Protection..............................................................................................................67
7.1.6 Over Current Protection..........................................................................................................................67
7.1.7 Over/Under Frequency Protection...........................................................................................................68
7.1.8 Loss of Field/Excitation Protection...........................................................................................................68
7.1.9 Generator differential protection............................................................................................................69
7.1.10 Phase Unbalance Protection..................................................................................................................69
7.2 11kv/132kv Line Protection.............................................................................................................................70
7.3 Main Transformer Protection..........................................................................................................................71
c) Restricted earth fault protection..................................................................................................................72
7.4 Substation Protection Against Lightning.........................................................................................................72
CHALENGES....................................................................................................................................................... 73
RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................................................................ 74
CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................................... 74
REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................................... 75



The company was founded on February 1, 1954 as Kenya Power Company (KPC) and was

commissioned to construct the transmission line between Nairobi and Tororo in Uganda. This

was to transmit power generated at the Owen Falls Dam to Kenya. KPC was as well tasked to

develop electricity generating facilities in the country.

KPC was managed by the Kenya Power and Lightning Company under management contract. In

January 1997, the management of KPC was formally separated from Kenya Power as adirect

result of reforms being undertaken in the energy sector and the entire economy. Subsequently on

January 19, 1998 the company changed its name from Kenya Power Company to Kenya

Generating Electricity Company. The trading name KenGen was adopted at this point.

KenGen is the leading electric power generation company in Kenya, producing about 80% of

electricity consumed in the country. The company utilises various sources to generate electricity

ranging from hydro, geothermal, thermal and wind, hydro is the leading source, with an installed

capacity of 766.88MW, which is 64.9% of the company’s installed capacity.

Industrial Report Page 7



Sondu Miriu Power Station is situated in Kisumu County, 60km from Kisumu town and
350km from Nairobi.

It draws water from Sondu Miriu River whose main catchment area is Mau Forest.

Sondu is a run of the river scheme with an intake weir and holding pond that discharges the
required water with net head of 190m via a 6.2km tunnel, and a 1.2km penstock, to the
vertical Francis turbine. Water from the turbines is discharged into an open outlet channel
4.7km to 21.2MW Sang’oro Plant.

Power generated is fed into the National Grid through a 50km-132kv transmission line to
Mamboleo Sub-station in Kisumu.

There is a provision for irrigation intake facility of about 2380Ha of land in the Kano plains.
The station is involved in Community Helping activities through construction of schools and
churches. Provision of domestic water, education sponsorship for students, support to local
through employment, offering community library services and local VCT services,
environment conservation through provision of tree seedlings to individuals and local
institutions. The following are the key details about KENGEN SONDU-MIRIU:

Installed capacity 60MW

Year of commissioning 2007

vertical Francis

Turbine type

Turbine manufacturer Toshiba

Generator manufacturer- Toshiba

Estimated cost of development Ksh. 18billions

Industrial Report Page 9

Contractors KonoikeTaisei JV;Mitsui/Toshiba;Ishkawajima-
Harima; Kinden Corp.(Japan)

Sang’oro is a cascade power station 4.7km from Sondu Miriu Power Station. Water is conveyed
from Sondu Miriu tailrace back to Sondu Miriu River. Water from the station is released through
a tailrace back to Sondu Miriu River. Power from the station is fed to the national grid through a
5km, 132kv transmission line to the Sondu Miriu sub-station.

Power plant was handed over to Operations Division for commercial operations on 31st July


1.3.2 VISION
To be the market leader in the provision of Reliable, Safe, Quality and Competitively Priced

electric energy in the Eastern Africa Region.

To efficiently generate competitively priced electric energy using the state of art technology,

skilled and motivated human resource to ensure financial success. We shall achieve market

leadership by undertaking least cost, environmental friendly capacity expansion consistent with

our corporate culture, our core values will be adhered to in all our operations.


v Integrity

v Qualified trained staff

v Skills and motivation

v Team spirit

v Safety culture

v Professionalism
KenGen is fully committed to offer quality reliable safe and competitively low priced electric
power and services that meet the customer needs and expectations.

To achieve this commitment;

1. KENGEN has Quality Management System (QMS) on the ISO 9001:2008 standard and
they are fully committed to complying with requirements and to continually improve the
effectiveness of our system through constant top management and oversight.
2. KENGEN has ensured that all their employees are trained in quality management
methods and are provided with the resources required to ensure that such methods are
effectively implemented


The project has provided employment opportunities to local people, free treated water,

rehabilitation of schools e.g. Thurdibuoro Secondary School, and development of infrastructure

in the interior parts, provision of public library and soil erosion control.

KENGEN SONDU MIRIU had also Provision for the environmental conservation means by

providing seedlings to the community at no cost at all.


The objectives of the Industrial Training programme are as follows:

· To provide an opportunity for students to discover, learn about, and familiarize with
industry of their discipline, and with organizations within the industry. Students will acquire
interpersonal skills through meeting with professionals in their field of study.
· To provide an opportunity for students to observe real-life practices and implementation
of theoretical lessons and principles. Students will acquire practical skills and experience
working on projects and alongside industry experts.
· To provide the opportunity for the industry to identify potential employees from among
the industrial trainees and to feedback comments on the programme. Students will benefit
from coursework tailored to meet training expectations of the industry.
· To ensure coursework and training programs satisfy the expectations of the industry, and
ensure the programs are relevant and up to date.

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During my attachment, I focused on the following:

· Learning about the whole concept of hydroelectric power production

· Carrying out routine, predictive and reactive maintenance on the power plant machineries

· Learning of the industrial environmental and noise control measures as well as the
application of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2007


In order for maximum gain at the company, the following methods were fully engaged:

· Persistent asking of questions about the company and everything concerning the
processes involved in SONDU MIRIU HEP generation.

· Consulting documented manuals of the company regarding some key plant components.

Engagement in discussion with my fellow attaches about the whole concept studied.



2.1.1Main water Intake.

60% of water from Sondu Miriu River is tapped and channelled through a 4.2km diameter
underground tunnel. At the intake, water is regulated such that 40% of the Sondu Miriu River is
allowed to flow downstream for their domestic use and for aquatic life. At the intake there are
intake gates, the spillway, and spillway gates. There is a control room in the intake where the
operators monitor and control the gates and constantly communicate with their fellows in the
power house control room to ensure proper flow of the water to the power house.

Intake weir then stores the river flow water from catchment area of 3345sq.kmand to control
water head. It also creates a regulating pond with effective storage volume which could generate
the maximum electric power for some 7.6 hours.

2.1.2 Spillway Gates

The spillway gates are three in number.

They are used for spilling 40% of water under normal operation to the downstream for the
domestic use. The spillway gates are coupled with the flap gates. The flap gates are lowed or
raised to control the amount of water flowing downstream. At no time shall are all the three flap
gates closed or opened. Two flap gates are opened when the volume of water in the river is very
high while only one is opened when the volume of water in the river is low. This is to ensure that
only the fixed volume of water is allowed to flow to the power house via the tunnel then through
the penstock. The flap gates are hoisted or lowered by the help of cranes that are operated by

Industrial Report Page 13

Spillway gates were also used to regulate water level of regulating pond and flood control of the
intake weir by discharging excessive inflow from either top or bottom of gate. Each gate is
equipped with flap gates at the top of the gate leaf for flashing trashes and debris trapped in the
intake weir and for regulating the water level of intake weir in normal discharge condition of the
Sondu River.

Fig. 1 Spillway gates

2.1.3 Sand Flush Gate

There is one sand flush gate with a flap gate adjacent to the three spillway gates.

It was provided to flush out sediments and floating debris in front of the intake structure. It is
kept in a fully closed position but to be operated to flush out sediments when need to flush out
sediments arises. The flap gate is operated to flush out debris as required.

2.1.4 Trash rack

Trash rack is used to fish out any floating debris on the water. Once debris have been removed,
they are placed in a horizontal conveyor belt which transports them to the inclined conveyor belt.
The inclined conveyor belt transports them to the storage hopper.

A storage hopper is a large container for storing the debris. Once full, it is opened and the dirt
placed in a truck which disposes them.

There are two 5.0m wide and 9.0m height inclined type trash racks used for this purpose.
2.1.5. The Intake Gates/Inlet Gates
Intake gates are four in number. They let in 60% of water from the river and convey it to two
settling basins in two pairs. The water that goes through the four intake gates is the actual water
used for power generation.

Intake structure is provided at the right bank most downstream of the regulating pond to take the
river flow water to headrace tunnel smoothly

Intake gates

Fig. 2 intake gates

2.1.6Settling basin
The settling basin is used to settle and remove sand, trash and harmful foreign particles to
minimize their flowage into the headrace tunnel.

It is separated into two basins in order to carry out cleaning of the basin and sand drain operation
independently without interruption of the power generation.

To do sand draining the two intake gates supplying one settling basin and the outlet of that
settling basin bulkhead gate were closed and then the sand drain valve was opened and the water
in the settling basin plus the sand were forced to the river.

Industrial Report Page 15

Fig. 3 settling basin

2.1.7 Sand drain gates

Sand drain gates are provided at the left side of the settling basin to drain water together with
accumulated foreign particles from each of the settling basin. They are two in number. These
gates are kept in fully closed position in normal but to be fully opened for sand drain operation.

2.1.8 Sand drain bulkhead gate

Sand drain bulkhead gate is provided at the centre wall of the settling basin to prevent blockage
of the connecting culvert between the centre wall and left side wall by deposits. This gate is kept
in fully closed position in normal, but to be fully opened for sand drain operation of the right side

2.1.9Maintenance flow outlet gate

Two of these gates were provided at the left side of the settling basin to release maintenance flow
to the downstream of the intake from each settling basin during the dry season. They are kept in
fully closed position in normal and to be fully opened as required.

2.1.10 Intake bulkhead gate

Intake bulkhead gate is provided for draining one out of the two settling basins to clean sand and
sediment. This gate is equipped at the downstream end of each settling basin with secondary
trash racks.

The gate is operable under balance condition of the upstream and downstream water pressures.

It is the water path from intake to the power house it consist of the following;

Head Race

Surge Tank

Penstock Valve


2.2.1 Headrace tunnel

Headrace tunnel is provided to lead water from the intake to the surge tank. It is provided as a
pressurized concrete lined circular type tunnel with an inner diameter of 4.2m and length of some
6,190m.Headrace tunnel drain pipe and valve has the following functions;

a). Draining sediments deposited at trap basin in headrace tunnel.

b). Draining water in the headrace tunnel in case of emergency.

c). Releasing the irrigation water.

2.2.2Surge tank
Surge tank is built between the headrace tunnel and the steel penstock to protect the headrace
tunnel and the steel penstock against water pressure fluctuation due to an operation of the sudden
lead rejection or rapid load increase at the powerhouse.

Industrial Report Page 17

2.2.3 Penstock valve
Penstock valve is
equipped at the end
point of the steel
penstock, which is the
beginning point of an
inclined open portion
of the steel penstock
for a water draining
or filling operation of
the waterway as well
as for water shut-
down operation in an
emergency case with
over velocity of water
flow in the penstock.
The penstock valve is
kept at fully opened
position in normal
and closed as required
or automatically in an emergency case.

A set of air vent valve and a bypass pipe with a valve are equipped in the penstock valve for a
water draining or filling operation of the waterway

2.2.4 Penstock
It is basically provided to direct water right from the surge tank to the powerhouse.

The diameter of the penstock decreases from 3600cm to 3400cm then to 2200cm and to 1650cm
as it approaches the power house to obtain maximum pressure of the water. Before the water
enters the power house it is divided into three; two to the two turbines in the power house and the
other is allowed to flow for irrigation (future project).
It consists of a tunnel portion, inclined open portion, and encased branch portion, ten numbers of
concrete anchor blocks, which provide the mechanical anchorage for the penstock. The diameter
of the steel penstock reduces as it approaches the powerhouse. This increases the velocity.

Fig. 4 penstock

The below picture represents the penstock as obtained from the documented KENGEN SONDU-

MIRIU manual

Industrial Report Page 19

Fig. 5 penstock overview



This is where the hydro power generation takes place.

It has a generating equipment of an installed capacity of 60MW, and transmits the generated
electric power with a single transmission line to Kisumu substation which is connected to Lessos
substation which is a core sub-station of the national power system in the Western region via
Muhoroni substation.

The powerhouse is a semi-underground type reinforced concrete building. The water through a

penstock is divided into two branch pipes at the bifurcation just upstream of the powerhouse and

led to the powerhouse. The water rotates two turbines for the power generation and then is

released to the tailrace through the draft tube.

The following are the key components of the power house:

3.1.1 Main inlet Valves (MIV)

The water from the penstock is conveyed to the spiral casing via the Main Inlet Valve (MIV).
The main inlet valve is opened and closed using a servo motor (hydraulic motor) and it allows
water from the penstock to flow through the spiral casing to the turbine.

There are two pressure sensors at the MIV region; one from the penstock side and the other one
from the spiral casing side. These sensors monitor the pressure from the penstock side and that
from the spiral casing side and then the pressure transmitters transmit the pressure signal to the

Industrial Report Page 21

governor. The pressure is transmitted to the governor via transmitters, that is, penstock and spiral
case pressure transmitters. The MIV is set to open only when the pressure from the penstock side
is equal to the pressure from the spiral casing side. When the main inlet valve is closed, pressure
at the penstock side is higher than that of the spiral casing side, so there is a by-pass valve to
allow the balancing of the pressure during the starting of the turbine. Before opening the MIV,
the by-pass valve is opened to allow water first to flow to spiral case and when the two pressures
are balanced, the MIV opens allowing water to the turbine.

Fig. 6 Main Inlet Valve

3.1.2 By pass valve

It is the opening/closing device in a pipe connecting the upstream and downstream side of the

valve in the main conduit. This bypass is used to equalize the pressure on the two sides of the

main valve to relieve the valve from large loads during normal opening and closing. The bypass

is also used to fill the spiral casing of Francis turbines.

3.1.3 Spiral casing and Stay Ring

The spiral case has one manhole of 600mm in diameter and whose cover is designed to open
outward. The hinges are outside the manhole cover and hinge bolts are of stainless steel. The
manhole cover is equipped with a round rubber packing of 6mm in diameter and is fixed with
stainless steel bolts for sealing purpose.
It is connected to the penstock and it supplies water to the runner. The spiral casing has inner

openings called stay vanes which release water to the runner. The stay vanes are closed or

opened by guide vanes. The spiral casing has a diameter which decreases gradually. This is to

maintain the pressure since some pressure is lost to the runner.

Fig. 7 The spiral casing

3.1.4 Guide vanes

It guides water tangentially to the runner. The radial flow acts on the runner and causes it to spin.
They are adjustable making it possible for efficient turbine operation depending on the load.
Guide vanes open and close at the same angle and time. They are controlled by a servomotor.
Moreover guide vanes are pivoted and can be turned by a suitable governing mechanism to
regulate the flow of water while the load changes.

Industrial Report Page 23

Fig. 8 guide vanes

3.1.5 Runner
The runner is usually made of carbon steel casting. The water hits all round it and then falls
through causing the runner to spin. The runner is coupled with the turbine shaft. A shaft seal is
mounted on top of the runner to prevent uplifting of the rotor shaft by up thrust force of water.

The runner is coupled with the turbine shaft. Here is an example of a runner for Sang’oro power


Fig 9 Runner
3.1.6 Shaft
The mechanical energy produced by the tremendous force that rushes water on the turbine is

transmitted to the shaft which then conveys it to the generator.

The shaft must have a constant rotation speed to ensure quality of production. The length of the

shaft varies if the length to the rotor is very hollow then an intermediate shaft should be used in

the case of Sang’oro. The main advantage is to make work easy during decoupling. The shaft

have a coupling where the torque is applied which produces a high stress concentration. The

turbine exerts a torque on the shaft transmits the torque to the generator, the generator creates an

equal and opposite torque, net torque of the internal shearing stresses is an internal torque equal

and opposite to the applied torque.

The shaft connects the turbine to the generator.

Fig. 10 The Shaft

3.1.7 Turbine Drain pipes and Penstock

The penstock and turbine drain pipes is installed below each main inlet valve. The pipes are

installed to the steel penstock upstream and downstream of each main inlet valve to drain the

stored water in penstock and turbine respectively.

Industrial Report Page 25

3.1.8 Draft tube gate
It links the runner to the tailrace. A draft tube gate is provided to close a draft tube outlet during
maintenance of the turbine or generating equipment. This gate operates under a balanced
condition of upstream and downstream water pressures.

Fig.11Draft tube

3.1.9 Tailrace.
It is provided to stabilize the discharged water from the draft tube and then lead it smoothly to
the tailrace channel.

3.1.10 The Governor and the Pressure Pumping Set

The governor is used to bring a unit to a synchronous speed, load the unit automatically once
synchronized and protect it from over speed under load loss conditions and shut down once it is
no longer required to be in operation.

The auxiliary power is derived from oil which is pressurized by electric motor driven pump
which takes its suction from a sump tank. Pressurized oil is stored in the accumulator tank.

Oil pump 1 operates continuously and the stand-by oil pump is operated intermittently. The main
pump (pump 1) pumps oil under the control of idler valve to maintain a pressure at receiver
between 14.8-16Mpa.
Pressure switch operates to start stand-by pump motor when pressure falls below 14.2Mpa due to
failure of main pump or excessive demand being made from pressure receiver. When pressure
builds up again to 16Mpa, pressure switch stops the stand-by pump.

Roles of main and stand-by pumps can be interchanged by means of a selector switch or push
button fitted in the unit control and indication panel.

3.1.11 Hydraulic accumulators

An accumulator contains a nitrogen gas bladder which is compressed upwards by oil being
pumped from bottom of the accumulator from the oil sump. Oil pressure build-up is used by the
servomotor for opening MIV, the by-pass valve and the guide vanes.


A conventional outdoor type switchyard is provided in the east side of the powerhouse .The

switchgear is equipped on the yard to connect with a 132kv transmission line to Kisumu



They are provided on the west side of the powerhouse to release required water for planned Kano

plain irrigation project. They are composed of:

· A line of steel conduit pipe diverted from steel penstock

· A set of hollow jet valve unit with a guard gate.

Industrial Report Page 27




The following are specification of the generator;

Phase : 3

Phase’s sequence :UVW

Rated frequency : 50 Hz

Number of poles : 12

Rated speed : 500 rpm

Rated output : 33,700 kVA

Rated voltage : 11 kV

Rated current : 1769 A

Rated power factor : 0.9 lagging

Exciting current : 930 A

Exciting voltage : 77 V

Insulation : F Class (IEC)

4.1 The AC Generator
The generator used in Sondu Miriu power station is an alternating current (a.c) type of generator.

It is a three-phase generator with a rated output of 33,700kVA, rated voltage of 11KV, rated

current of 1769A, rated frequency of 50Hz, rated speed of 500rpm, rated power factor of 0.9

lagging. It has a cooling method of rim duct radial ventilation air cooling system with the

excitation current of 930A and excitation voltage of 77V.

The major components of the generator are the rotor, and the stator with additional

requirements such as the air gap, the cooling system, the braking system, bearings among other

components. The generator also has a housing that prevents the leakage of magnetic field as the

rotor rotates. The rotating part of the generator is coupled with slip rings on the upper part to

enable the provision of the field current and voltage for excitation to the rotor.

4.1.1 Stator
The generator stator, also called the armature, supports the iron core and windings, the rotor, and

the compartment coolers. The stator consists of a steel plate casing called the "wrapper" that

covers a frame that in turn holds the iron core. An iron core is used in order to produce a stronger

magnetic field for the generation of voltage. There are tubes within the wrapper to help distribute

cooling gas.

The core is made up of thousands of laminated steel sheet metal punching, each of which is

insulated from the others to avoid creating large currents in the core that would cause it to heat

up to an unacceptably high temperature. The punching is "stacked" with spaces between groups

of punching to allow for cooling ventilation.

Industrial Report Page 29

The stator winding is a conventional lap wound design. The materials are all designed and tested

to provide reliable performance at Class F temperatures for the life of the machine.


Fig. 12The stator

The rotor is a rotating electromagnet part of the generator. This rotor requires a d.c electric
power to excite the magnetic field. The rotor of the generators of Sondu Miriu Power Station is
rated at 77V dc.

The rotor is provided with 12 field poles to suit the synchronous speed 500rpm under the rated
frequency 50Hz. The poles are spaced around the rotor rim and are magnetized by d.c power
flowing in the turns of the field coil around each pole. The magnetic flux crosses the air gap
between rotor and stator, flows radially through the stator teeth and hence to the area on pole
pitch away and back to the adjacent pole on the rotor. The field windings are insulated for Class
F insulation.

Physical dimensions and weight of the rotor and shaft are as follows:

Outer diameter of rotor : 3478mm

Gap between stator and rotor : 16mm

Height of rotor : 1234mm

Slip rings provide a connection and path for DC power into the rotating field windings.

The rotor is coupled to the turbine shaft, which is coupled to the runner. pole

Fig. 13 Rotor

4.2 Shaft and coupling

The coupling joins the driving shaft (turbine shaft) to the driven shaft (rotor shaft).The rigid
coupling should be sufficiently stiff so that no change in co linearity between top and bottom
shafts occurs during rotation.

Shaft run-out refers to the deviation of the shaft from its true centreline. Shaft run-out should be
zero or with tolerable limits beyond which shaft run-out sensor sends a machine trip signal.
Severe shaft run-out causes excessive vibration, seal wear and bearing damage.

Fig. 14 Shaft coupling device

Industrial Report Page 31

4.3 The excitation system

Excitation refers to the continuous supply of voltage to the rotor in order to provide field current
which produces magnetic flux of the generator. Generators require direct current to energize its
magnetic field (rotor).The field when excited and rotated past the stationary conductors of the
stator, causes voltage to be generated at the generator terminals.

The amount of voltage generated at the generator terminals is a function of speed and the amount
of excitation supplied to the rotor through slip rings. A generator produces output voltage
proportional to the magnetic field which is proportional to the excitation current.

Part of the 11kV generated is tapped and stepped down to 134V by the excitation transformer.
These 134V is passed through the rectifier which converts the 134V A.C to 134V D.C. Through
the field breaker, the field current is fed to the rotor by carbon brushes through the slip rings.

When the machine has been shut, it does not have residual magnetism to build up to the rated
voltage. The D.C 110V from the battery room is used to supply current to the rotor until the
generator generates 3.3kV.The generator then self excites itself. This process occurs within a
span of seconds and the entire process is called field flushing.

The AVR or automatic voltage regulator is a regulator which is used to regulate the output
voltage at the nominal constant voltage level.

The AVR does the following roles

1. To regulate the generator terminal voltage. Mainly the generator under no load condition,
AVR regulates generator voltage to the voltage setter. AVR control part of the excitation,
excitation controls field current due to AVR command. AVR detects terminal voltage and
compares it with voltage setter or with the grid voltage. AVR regulates the field current
via the exciter. The generator terminal voltage is regulated by the field current. When the
grid voltage is greater than the terminal voltage then the field current will increase and
when the grid voltage is lower than the terminal voltage then the field current will
2. To adjust the MVar or reactive power. When the generator is connected to the power
grid, the AVR adjust reactive power by regulator generator voltage.
4.4 Synchronization of the Alternating Current.

In an alternating current electric power system, synchronization is the process of matching

the frequency, voltage and phase sequence of the generator to the one that is already in the
grid. An AC generator cannot deliver power to an electrical grid unless it is running at the
same frequency as the network. If two segments of a grid are disconnected they exchange AC
power again until they are brought to synchronization.

Synchronization of generator is carried automatically. There are five conditions that must be
met for the synchronization process to be complete. The source generator or sub network
must have equal:

1. Line voltage
2. Frequency.
3. Phase sequence.
4. Phase angle.
5. Wave form to that of the system to which it is being synchronized
Wave form and phase sequence are fixed by the construction of the generator and its connections
to the system.

The machine circuit breaker closes only at the point the generator terminal voltage and the grid
voltage has been brought to synchronization. Therefore synchronization prevents the arc caused
in the breaker which results due to forced closure of the breaker when there is a mismatch
between the two voltages.

Industrial Report Page 33

4.5 Battery Room

The battery banks in the battery room are regularly maintained by removing dust on them using
moist rags. The lead acid accumulators supply 110V DC which is used in various ways as listed
below in DC machines.

1. Initial excitation of the rotor coil for both unit 1 and unit 2.
2. No1 control source for 41 CB.
3. No2 control source for 41 CB.
4. Control source for 11kV
5. CB for unit 1.
6. Control source for 11kV CB for unit 2.
7. Control source for 11kV CB for station service.
8. Control source for 11kV for local feeder.
9. Control source for CB for 400V switchgear.
10. Control equipment for fire protection and etc.
The batteries have alkaline whose levels are maintained above the minimum level. The
batteries are connected in series with each having a voltage of 2V and 414Ah.The series
connection of the batteries gives a total of 110V DC since each bank has a total of 55
batteries. The batteries have sensors which monitor the alkaline level. The circuit below
shows the changeover systems for the power used in the power house.
Fig. 15 Battery section

Industrial Report Page 35

4.6 Rectifiers

The rectifiers convert alternating current to unidirectional direct current for excitation.

Sondu Miriu Power station has two generators, and every generator has two rectifiers.

Although there are two rectifiers to each generator for rectification of voltage required for

excitation, only one rectifier is in use.

The other rectifier is redundant in that it checks the system and gets real-time information but

does not execute unless the other one fails, hence acting as an active back up rectifier.

The rectifier in use at any moment rectifies the 134V A.C from the excitation transformer to a

between 50-77V D.C depending on the amount of current generated. The redundant rectifier can

pick up automatically when the other one fails. The rated excitation voltage is 77V D.C but in

normal operations, the voltage varies between 50-77V D.C.

The rectifier has one bridge made up of thyristors.

4.7 The A.C. Field Breaker

The A.C. Field Breaker is used to close contact when the current for excitation is within the rated

field current (930A).

When this current goes beyond this rated current the field breaker will open and an indication of

fault in the excitation system will be registered since there will be no current going to the rotor.

4.8Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

The AVR utilizes a fast response microprocessor to control its AC to DC converter power stage

output that provides excitation to the generator to regulate the difference between the generator

stator voltage reference set point and feedback signal to zero. Reactive power sharing during
parallel operation of generator with other generators or a power system is achieved by the use of

droop compensation where the voltage feedback signal is increased by typically 0% to 5% as

lagging reactive load current increases from 0% to 100%.

4.9 Field Flashing

When the machine has been shut, it does not have residual magnetism to build up to the rated

voltage. The D.C 110V from the battery room is used to supply current to the rotor until the

generator generates 3.3KV.The generator then self excites itself.

The 11kV Bus Bars

This is the paths followed by the 11kV right from the generator, to the station transformers and

the main transformer. The 11kV bus bars begin from the output of the generators. The first

parallel branch of the 11kV bus bars goes to the excitation transformer as discussed above.

4.10 The Circuit Breaker of Generator

The other main 11kV bus bars go to the generator circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is uses

vacuum for absorbing the arc whenever it opens. In normal operation, the circuit breaker must

remain closed and only opens as a protection mechanism.

4.11 Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR)

The NGR acts to limit generator fault current to a low level when a phase-to-ground fault occurs.

It also serves to protect the generator from excessively high magnetic stresses and temperatures

caused by high fault currents. The NGR is time-rated.

Industrial Report Page 37

4.12Station And Local Service Transformers

Two sets of 1600kVA station service transformers and one set of 1000kVA local service

transformers were provided for supplying the station service and intake.

Station service transformer is a step down transformer which steps down the 11KV generated to

415V to be used at the powerhouse auxiliaries.

Local service transformers steps down 33KV from grid to 415 volts to be used at the powerhouse

in case the power station is not generating.

4.13 The Diesel Engine Generator

The diesel engine generator is provided for emergency power supply not only for back-starting a

generating unit but also for essential station-service load.

The emergency diesel engine generator is arranged to start automatically when an under voltage

relay on the 415V bus bar is operated. This usually happens when the station is not generating

and not receiving any supply from the grid.

It is interlocked with a 415V air circuit breaker for non-essential load so that the generator

cannot start unless the non-essential load is switched off.

4.14 Direct Current Station Service Supply System

Direct–current supply systems of 110V are provided for control source of equipment in power

station, switchyard control building and intake control house independently. Each system consist

of two sets of 110V dc supply system for control system.48 V DC system are also provided for

communication system at 132kv KPLC control building .Each 110V power system consist of
55batteries in the battery room each producing 2volts. A battery charger is provided for each of





5.1.1 Turbine Guide Bearings

They are installed just above the runner.

They ensure that the turbine rotates at a vertical position i.e. (90 degrees).

They are submerged in an oil tank in order to lubricate them. Small pipes consisting of water are

passed through the oil tank to cool them. There are eight turbine guide bearings each consisting

of a resistance temperature detector in order to monitor its temperature. This is done to make

sure that the oil is being cooled.

5.1.2 The Thrust Bearings

They are installed below the rotor beside the lower guide bearings to support the weight of

turbine rotor generator and water thrust load. It’s a spring supported type which consist of pieces

of thrust pads and pieces of coil springs.

Thrust bearing is assembled into a housing, which is bolted at the upper end shield, and the upper

end shield is bolted against the stator frame

Industrial Report Page 39

5.1.3 Lower Guide Bearings
They are placed below the rotor to suppress the radial swing of the rotor .They ensure that the
rotor rotates in a vertical position. It consist of pieces of segment metal sustained by pivot and is
placed in an oil tank.

5.1.4 Upper Guide Bearings

They are installed on the upper part of the generator to suppress the radial swing of the rotor at
the upper part. It consist of pieces of segment metal sustained by pivot and is placed in an oil


In the synchronous machine, heats are generated in several parts such as copper loss of the
armature and the field winding, iron loss of the armature core, and mechanical loss. To lower the
temperature of the insulation materials below the thermal limits, these heats should be removed
from the machine. Therefore, air and water is used for cooling the system.

5.2.1 Air and Water Cooling System

Water is supplied to the cooling system from draft tube then it is pumped through the strainers.

When the strainers are being cleaned there is a bypass system that ensure continues flow of

water. The strainers are four but two are standby. From the strainers water branches into two

ways, one way heads normal use and the other heads to the generator turbine.

The cooling water system is used for the following:

· Cooling water to heat exchangers for lubricating oil in turbine bearing.

· Cooling water for generator coolers generator guide bearing coolers.

· Cooling water to heat exchanger for lubricating oil in thrust bearing.

The cooling water is contained in a green pipe while oil is contained in a brown pipe. The

cooling water is pumped from the draft tube and it is passed through a strainer for filtration and

makes it free from particles. Oil is pumped by an oil pump. The cooling water is used to cool the
oil by the use of heat exchanger. Small pipes containing water is passed through oil hence

cooling the oil.

5.2.2 Strainers Cleaning for Cooling Water System

When the pressure differential across the filter element increases due to debris clogging beyond a
pre-set value, a debris stirring motor automatically starts to clean the strainer and the debris
outlet valve opens to empty the debris. The pressure reducing valve is fitted in the line to reduce
the water pressure to suit the generator and turbine coolers.

Industrial Report Page 41



5.1 The Main Power Transformer

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more
circuits through electromagnetic induction. Commonly transformers are used to step up
or step down the voltages of alternating current in electric power applications. A varying
current in the transformer primary windings creates a varying magnetic flux in the
transformer secondary winding. This varying magnetic field at the secondary induces a
varying electromotive force or voltage in the secondary winding.

The transformer connection for our case is delta star connection.

There two main transformers one for each unit.

They are used to step up the voltage from 11kV to 132kV to reduce power loss during
transmission to Mamboleo in Kisumu. The transformer for unit one is called on load tap
changer transformer while that of unit two is called off load tap changer transformer. The
main transformer has different parts as illustrated below.
Fig. 16 Unit1 Main power Transformer

5.1.2 Parts Of A Transformer

a) The Core

It is used to support the windings in the transformer. It also provides a low reluctance path to the

flow of magnetic flux. It is made up of laminated soft iron core in order to reduce eddy current

loss and Hysteresis loss. The composition of a transformer core depends on such factors as

voltage, current, and frequency. Diameter of the transformer core is directly proportional to

copper loss and is inversely proportion to the iron loss. If diameter of the core is decreased, the

weight of the steel in the core is reduced which leads to less core loss of transformer and the

copper loss increase. The vice versa happen when the diameter is increased.

b) The Transformer Windings

There are two windings wound over the transformer core which are insulated from each other.

There are two types of windings based on voltage. These are:

High voltage winding

Industrial Report Page 43

The high voltage windings are made up of copper coil. The number of turns in it is the multiple

of the number of turns in the low voltage windings. It has copper coils thinner than that of the

low voltage windings.

Low voltage windings

The low voltage winding has less number of turns than that of the high voltage windings. It is

made up of the thick copper conductors. This is because the current in the low voltage windings

is higher than that of high voltage windings.

c) Conservator

Conservator conserves the transformer oil. It is an airtight metallic cylindrical drum which is

fitted above the transformer. The conservator tank is vented to the atmosphere at the top and the

normal oil level is approximately in the middle of the conservator to allow expansion and

contraction of oil during the temperature variations. It is connected to the main tank inside the

transformer which is completely filled with transformer oil through a pipeline.

Fig.17 oil conservator position

d) Breather

Breather consists of silica gel contained in a chamber. When the atmospheric air passes through

the silica gel breather the moisture contents are absorbed by the silica crystals. Silica gel breather

is acts like an air filter for the transformer and controls the moisture level inside a transformer. It

is connected to the end of breather pipe. They are dark blue in color and turn light blue when it

has absorbed moisture. Whey they all turn pink, it means that they should be replaced or

regenerated. They are regenerated by drying them in the sun. Above the silica gels is some oil

used to trap dust.

e) Tap Changers

One of the most suitable methods of controlling voltage variation for long line transmission is by

using tap changing transformers. In this method, a number of tapings are provided on the

secondary of the transformer. The voltage drop in the line is supplied by changing the secondary

e.m.f. of the transformer through the adjustment of its number of turns. There are two types of

tap changing transformers.

On load tap changing transformers. In supply system, tap-changing has normally to be

performed on load so that there is no interruption to supply.

Off load tap changing transformers. It cannot be for tap changing on load.

f) Buchholz Relay

Industrial Report Page 45

Is a protective relay unit installed in connecting pipe between the main tank and conservator with

rising angle of 5 degrees and arrow indicator on relay pointing to the conservator It is used to

sense the faults occurring inside the transformer. It is a simple relay which is operated by the

gases emitted due to the decomposition of transformer oil during internal faults. It helps in

sensing and protecting the transformer from internal faults. In normal operation the relay is

completely filled with insulating liquid, if oil drops, upper float operates the alarm signal, in case

the oil drops still further the lower float oil will then operate the trip contact.

g) Cooling The Transformer

The cooling of transformer is the process of dissipation of heat developed in the transformer to

the surroundings. The losses occurring in the transformer are converted into heat which increases

the temperature of the windings and the core. In order to dissipate the heat generated cooling

should be done.

The main transformers are oil cooled but air forced. In this method the tank is made hollow and

air is blown to cool the transformer. This increases the cooling of transformer tank to five to six

time its natural means. An external radiator is connected to the transformer and is cooled by air

blast produced by the fans. These fans are provided with automatic switching. When the

temperature goes beyond the predetermined value the fans will be automatically switched on.
h) Bushing

Is an important part of power transformer which is used to insulate the incoming or outgoing
conductor into or out of a grounded transformer part, in power transformer it is the transformer
main tank. The bushings connect the windings of the transformer to the supply line and insulate
the feed through conductor from the transformer main tank.

i) Arc horns

The transformers are fitted with arc horns which absorb any external inducement that is voltage
and current caused during lightning. There is need to absorb any external inducement because
the transformers are rated and any external voltage or power may cause it to exceed the rated
voltage and current that may result to explosion or blast.

5.2 Lightning Arrestors

They are used to protect vital equipment and installation (especially transformer) against

atmospheric over voltage and switching overvoltage. Lightning arrestors are filled in parallel

with the object generally between phase and earth .Because of the limited spatial range

protection, the arrestor must be connected as close as possible to the object being protected.

5.3 Instrument Transformers

The lines in sub-stations operate at high voltages and carry current of thousands of amperes. The

measuring instruments and protective devices are designed for low voltages (generally 110 V)

and currents (about 5 A). Therefore, they will not work satisfactorily if mounted directly on the

power lines. This difficulty is overcome by installing instrument transformers on the power

lines. The function of these instrument transformers is to transfer voltages or currents in the

Industrial Report Page 47

power lines to values which are convenient for the operation of measuring instruments and

relays. There are two types of instrument transformers:

(a)Current transformers

A current transformer is essentially a step-down transformer which steps down the current to a

known ratio. The primary winding of this transformer consists of one or more turns of thick wire

connected in series with the line. The secondary winding consists of a large number of turns of

fine wire and provides for the measuring instruments and relays a current which is a constant

fraction of the current in the line.

(b)Voltage transformer

It is essentially a step down transformer and steps down the voltage to a known ratio. The

primary of this transformer consists of a large number of turns of fine wire connected across the

line. The secondary winding consists of a few turns and provides for measuring instruments and

relays a voltage which is a known fraction of the line voltage.

5.4 Neutral Grounding Transformer

The generator stator windings are arranged for star connection. The neutral ends are bussed in

the generator pit and the neutral point is connected with a single phase grounding transformer

through a single pole disconnected. The connection between the neutral point and the disconnect

or is made by a 240/11KV single core. It steps down any voltage to 240V before grounding it.

The transformer provide a high impedance to normal currents but allow ground fault
currents(zero sequence) to flow thereby allowing protective devices to operate if a ground fault


5.5 Line Circuit Breakers

It is used to perform switching operations in an electrical circuit under normal conditions as well

as abnormal conditions. It can open and close a circuit under all conditions i.e. no load, full load,

and fault conditions. When a circuit breaker is employed in the protection of an electrical circuit,

they are equipped with a trip coil connected to a relay arrangement, which is designed to sense

the abnormal conditions and close the trip circuit. Therefore an additional relay arrangement is

always required for the automated operation of a circuit breaker.

Fig. 18 Line Circuit Breakers

Principle of operation

A circuit breaker consists of a fixed contact and a moving contact. Under normal conditions

these contacts touching each other and will carry current. When an abnormal condition is sensed

by the relay arrangement provided, it energizes the trip coils and pulls back the moving contact

apart and opens the circuit breaker, thereby interrupting the flow of current. The circuit breaker

Industrial Report Page 49

is reset manually or automatically after the clearance of fault. Circuit breakers can also be

operated manually.

Most circuit breakers used in KENGEN SONDU-MIRIU are of SF 6. SF6 meaning that sulfur-

hexafluoride gas is used to quench the electric arc produced during operation. SF 6 gas is used

because of its good dielectric strength, efficient quenching agent and high cooling effect. It also

has a unique property of fast recombination with the arc

5.6 Isolators/Disconnections

It’s designed to open a circuit under no load. Its main function is to isolate one portion of the

circuit from the other and is not intended to be opened while current is still flowing in the line.

Such switches are generally used in both sets of the breakers in order that the repairs and

replacement of breakers can be made without any danger. They should never be opened until the

circuit in the same circuit has been opened and should be closed before the circuit breaker is

Fig.1911kv isolator



A sensor is a device that responds to a stimulus such as heat, light or pressure. It then generates a

signal that can be measured or interpreted . Several sensors and detectors determine the

Industrial Report Page 51

parameters at which normal operations of all the machine parts are determined.

Fig. 20 Sensor Block Diagram

6.1 Types Of Sensors And Detectors

a) Heat Sensors

Heat sensor is a transducer that generates an electrical signal proportional to the total heat
applied to the surface of the sensor. Heat sensors include the Resistance Temperature Detectors,
Thermal Relays, and Liquid -in-metal thermometers, Heat Detectors, Smoke Detectors.

b) Smoke Detectors incorporated with heat sensors

The power station has ionization smoke detectors respond to very small smoke particles a wide

range of responses. They are most sensitive to hot fast burning fires, and less sensitive to slow

smouldering fires. There are various smoke and heat detectors installed within the powerhouse as

an indication and protection mechanism. Whenever, the detectors trigger the alarm system,

evacuation of the powerhouse and assembling at the fire assembly point is mandatory. These

alarms are the most dangerous alarms to be experienced or heard in the powerhouse hence the

heat and smoke detectors must be accurate.

c) Pressure Sensors

It is a device fitted on the penstock side and spiral casing side of the MIV. Its diaphragm is
deflected by the applied pressure. This deflection is converted into an electrical signal. Its
electronic unit converts the electrical signal generated to a current in the range 4-20mA for to a
remote instrument.

Before opening the MIV, it is critical that the penstock pressure balances the spiral casing

pressure, and the two pressure transmitters located on the opposite sides of the MIV achieves

this. The By-pass valve will open and fill the spiral casing side until these two pressures are

balanced then closes to open the MIV. They are directly connected to brown pipes, which

receive water at the same pressure as the penstock or the spiral casing.

d) Resistance Temperature Detectors

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) are temperature sensors that contain a resistor that
changes resistance value as its temperature changes. The 3-wire RTDs are used with the all the
bearings to determine their temperatures.3-wire RTD’s are more accurate than 2-wire RTD’s.

They are also used to determine the temperature of oil in the transformer hence the temperature

of the windings. Every bearing has its RTD.

e) Vibration Sensors

On the turbine shaft-bearing casing, there are vibration sensors installed to check on the runner

vibration. It checks the vibration of the turbine and the turbine shaft as it rotates. The turbine and

turbine shaft has a level at which it should vibrate and when this level is passed, the sensor will

indicate an alarm.

f) Flow Sensors

Industrial Report Page 53

The amount of water hitting the runner per second must be determined because it is the changing

parameter determining the generated voltage. There are flow sensors, which determine the

volume of water passing to the runner per second. Therefore, the flow sensor must be able to

record this amount adequately and appropriately. Flow sensors are also used in determining the

amount of cooling water getting into the cooling system per minute. There are thresholds to be


When the flow rate of water to the cooling system goes below 21litres per minute, an alarm is

initiated and this alarm will continue until this problem is resolved.

Cooling water Flow sensor limits for Sondu Power Station.

Flow meter for; Normal operating limit Alarm limit

Turbine guide bearing ≥65l/min ≤25l/min

Gen. lower guide bearing ≥45l/min ≤30l/min
Gen. thrust bearing ≥300l/min ≤200l/min
Gen .air cooler ≥1900l/min ≤1250l/min

The normal operating limits and alarm limits of the flow meters.

g) Moisture Sensors

Water contamination of the oils used to lubricate large turbine shaft guide and thrust bearings at

hydroelectric projects can result in expensive downtime for the turbine-generator unit.

This sensor detects moisture particles in the turbine bearing oil sump. Moisture in oil will alter

its lubrication properties and thus need for an alarm when detected.

h) Shaft-Run-Out Sensors

The rotating shaft must always rotate at a vertical position and it should not at any time rotate

outside its axis. The shaft run out sensor is an inductive proximity sensor, which determines how
close the shaft is to the sensor as it rotates. The difference between the rotating shaft and the

sensor pin should be 2mm and this distance must be maintained at all times. Whenever this

distance changes, the proximity of the shaft changes and the sensor will trigger an alarm to

indicate that the rotating shaft is not rotating about its axis.

i)Shear -Pin Sensors

Shear pins sensors monitor guide vanes moving angle.

All the guide vanes must open and close at the same angle and at the same time.

The servomechanism guiding the regulating ring must ensure uniformity of these actions. Every

guide vane is, therefore, has a shear pin that determines the angle at, which they open. When the

guide vane arms stretch to rotate the guide vane in opening or closing position, the shear pins

rotate based on the angle of opening or closing, thereby determining the angle at which all the

guide vanes rotate. The process will not continue unless the shear pins determine that all the

guide vanes opened or closed at the same angle of rotation.

j) Speed Signal Generator (SSG)

It is positioned at the top of the generator. The toothed wheel of SSG has 120 teeth. The turbine
rated speed is 500rpm, 60000pulses (120teeth*500rpm) are registered in the unit PLC and the
Governor. If 30000pulses (250rpm) are registered in the governor, the governor initiates more
opening of the guide vanes to allow more water into the runner until 60000pulses (500rpm
turbine speed) are registered.

k) Level Gauges
One important parameter is the determination of the level of oil or water at a certain point within
the power plant. One important level gauge is the intake weir water level indicator (numerical
meter). The numerical meter/water level indicator is a gauge operating just like the normal

Industrial Report Page 55

analogue watches. The two hands are geared together with the longer hand being of a small gear
and the short hand of a large gear. The operational level of the intake weir water should be EL.
1402.5m. Once the water level indicator determines that this point is reached, other actions are
actuated based on the signal from the gauge.

The principle operation of the water level indicator utilizes a spring loaded floating object. When

the level rises, the spring tightens hence rotating the longhand gear. When the longhand gear

makes one revolution, it rotates the shorthand gear for a certain distance of 1m. There are also

level gauges that determine the level of cooling and lubricating oil in the bearings


The generator and the main transformer must be protected from any other external or

abnormal parameters. These two critical machines must operate only when all the

real-time conditions are normal and any other change in certain parameters should

automatically trigger a disengagement from the system or an immediate stop until

they are rectified. There are two major forms of protection within Sondu-Miriu

power plant and these are generator and main transformer protection. This indicates

that there are two major protection relays, each for the two.

7.1 Generator Protection System

7.1.1 Generator Protection

Generator protection schemes determine when the generator needs to be protected and the
consequences of their failure to operate. One common aspect with generator protection is the
tripping aspect. There are different classes of generator protective trips defined as Class A, Class
B, Class C and Class D trips. The Class A generator trip will completely separate the generator
from the grid, and shut down the turbine generator by tripping both the turbine and the field
breaker. Class B generator trip will disconnect the generator from the gird, but will leave the
turbine generator supplying the unit load. This can be due to the problem within the grid, which
causes loss of load. Class C generator trip is generator over-excitation trip. This occurs only if
the generator is not connected to the grid. Finally, Class D generator trips occur when the
generator begins the motoring process due to mechanical problems with the turbine generator set.

7.1.2 Stator Earth Fault protection

This is the fault which occurs when there is a leakage in the stator windings to the ground.

Industrial Report Page 57

A fault to earth is liable to be caused by arcing to the core and may not only damage the

conductor but also cause burning and welding of the laminations.

To limit this damage it is almost universal practice to connect impedance or an earth resistance

between the generator winding neutral and the earth. Practice varies on the method adopted for

grounding and the impedance used. Phase to phase or three-phase short circuit are not limited by

the earth impedance. Here the use of neutral grounding transformer is applied.

7.1.3 Neutral Overvoltage Protection

Any generator phase leakage causes a voltage to appear at the star point. Here the primary of the
grounding transformer is connected across earth and neutral point of the stator winding.
Secondary of the transformer is loaded by a suitable resistor and one overvoltage relay is also
connected across.

7.1.4 Rotor Earth Fault Protection

Rotor earth fault correction was done in Sang’oro Station. Carbon brushes particles connect rotor
to the grounded generator casing thus lowering insulation resistance of the rotor.

Firstly, the Insulation Resistance (IR) of the rotor against the ground was measured using a
mugger. The IR value almost approaches 0 MΩ. Secondly, cleaning of oil and carbon brushes
that caused rotor earth fault was done. Thirdly, the Insulation Resistance (IR) of the rotor against
the ground was measured again. The IR value was about 48MΩ. In ideal case, IR should
approach ∞.The short-circuited portion of winding causes unbalanced magnetic field and the
mechanical damage of bearing occurs due to unbalanced rotation.

A protection relay is employed to detect current leakage to earth and protect the rotor from such.
The current will flow through the limiting resistor then through the rotor ground fault protection
relay which is connected to alarm and trip contacts then to the ground then back to the fault
location. Current flowing through the relay will bring an alarm.
7.1.5 Phase Under Voltage Protection
This is protected by incorporating the use voltage regulator in the excitation system to ensure

that the excitation voltage is supplied according to the required voltage by the system.

7.1.6 Over Current Protection

Back-up over current protection may be provided to generator either as a standby protection

against faults in the network or as a safeguard against failure of the generator unit protection.

This involves the use of over-current relays. The over current relay serves as a very useful

standby system of protection for such periods as for example, when the differential protection is

being tested at which time the over current settings can be varied at discretion to suit the

temporary condition. With the advent of modern static quick response type automatic voltage

regulators controlling large reserves of excitation power, the generator circuit decrement in fault

condition is delayed and so that over-current/times settings can be chosen as to give back up

cover against through fault conditions as well. In such cases, however, possible regulator is out

of circus it for maintenance.

7.1.7 Over/Under Frequency Protection

Large hydro generator connected to EHV power system sometimes leads to severe system

frequency swings because of the complexity of modern EHV power system. This may cause

generator to go out of step.

The deviation of the frequency from the rated system frequency indicates unbalance between the

generated power and the load demand. If the generator is large as compared to over frequency

operation .This results from excess generation and it can be easily controlled by the reduction of

outputs with the help of governor or manual operation.

Industrial Report Page 59

Under frequency operation occurs due to the excess voltage. During an overvoltage generation

capability of the generation increases and reduction in frequency occurs.

7.1.8 Loss of Field/Excitation Protection

Failure of DC excitation causes the machine to run as an induction generator, the stator drawing

magnetizing currents from the Ac system. Due to saliency, normal hydro generators may carry

20-25% of normal load without field and not lose synchronism.

Loss of field when a hydro generator is carrying full load may cause over loading of the stator by

operating at low power factor, and of overheating the rotor owing to induced currents in the rotor

body and damper windings. The unit will impose VAR drain on the system

7.1.9 Generator differential protection

The difference between the incoming and the outgoing current in each generator phase is
arranged to flow through relay operating coil. If this difference is equal to or greater than pick up
value, the relay will operate and then open the circuit breaker to isolate the faulty section.

Fig. 21 Circuit
diagram of Generator
Differential protection

7.1.10 Phase Unbalance

If the generator continuous to operate with the phase imbalance, currents in the windings will

increase due to additional induced circulating currents(these currents will also cause heating of

other internal components of the generator).This will result in rapid and uneven heating within
the generator. Possible damage to insulation and windings (hence, reduced machine life) and

thermal distortion could occur.

A specialized relay to detect these circulating currents, called Negative Sequence Current Relay

(Since the Induced currents are negative sequence currents) is used to detect the phase imbalance

within the generator during unbalanced fault conditions. A differential scheme could be used

between the three phases to detect excessive variations in currents caused by uneven loading.

The unbalanced magnetic forces within the generator due to these currents will also cause

excessive vibration. This may result in bearing wear/damage and reduced machine life, and may

result in a high vibration trip.

Causes of phase imbalance include unequal load distribution, grid faults and winding faults.

7.2 11kv/132kv Line Protection

The line can also be protected against the surges by the use of surge diverters and the lightning

arrestors as well as differential line protection scheme.

Industrial Report Page 61

7.3 Main Transformer Protection

The main transformer must be protected. The protection used for the main transformer includes
the Buchholz protection, winding/core temperature protection among other forms of protection.

a)Buchholz Protection

Buchholz protection uses a relay system that works on a simple mechanical phenomenon. The
relay is mechanically actuated. Whenever there is a minor internal fault in the transformer such
as insulation faults, the transformer insulating oil will be decomposed in different hydrocarbon
gases. The gases accumulate in the upper part of the buchholz container, which causes fall of oil
level in it. Lowering the oil level lowers the position of the float and thereby tilting the mercury
switch. The contact of the mercury switch are closed hence an alarm circuit is energized. More
severe fault types such as short circuit between phases or to earth and fault in the tap changing
equipment, are accompanied by a surge of oil, which strikes the baffle plate causing the mercury
switch of the lower element to close. This switch would energize the trip circuit of the breaker
thereby isolating the faulty transformer from the rest of the power system.

b)Windings/Core Temperature Protection

Due to high current, the transformer windings get heated thereby increasing the temperature of
the transformer core which in turn may lead to the burning of the windings and in order to
prevent this transformer cooling system must be maintained. The cooling is done by the use of
the oil and the air through the fans.

Overheating of the transformer winding and core due to over loading, failure of transformer
cooling system or core lamination short circuit is detected by temperature sensors embedded at
various points in transformer winding. Temperature sensors for protection of transformer
winding continuously monitor temperature of the winding. The sensors are normally connected
to data acquisition system for scanning, recording and alarm and tripping for abnormal
temperature rise if necessary.

c) Restricted earth fault protection.

It is similar to generator differential protection in working. It protects the high voltage winding
of 11/220KV power transformer against internal faults. One set current transformers of the
power transformer on neutral and phase side, is exclusively used for this protection. The
protection cannot detect turn-to-turn fault within one winding. Upon the detection of a phase-to-
phase or phase-to-ground fault in the winding, the unit will be tripped without time delay.

7.4 Substation Protection Against Lightning

A substation has to be shielded against direct lightning strikes by provision of overhead earth

wires, spikes and earthing pylons. This equipment is essential irrespective of the ceramic level of

the area due to serious consequences and damage to costly equipment in case substation is hit by

a direct stroke. The choice between these two methods depends upon several factors economy

being the most important consideration. Both the methods have been used sometimes even in the

same station. Generally, the spikes method involves taller structures than the alternative of using

earth wires. Another method' comprises the use of separate lightning masts which are provided at

location determined on the basis of substation area and height of bus-bars. - Besides providing

lightning protection, these masts serve as supports for luminaries required for switchyard

illumination. Spikes and the earth-wire have to be suitably placed so as to provide coverage to

the entire substation equipment. Generally an angle of shield of about 45° for the area between

ground wires and, 30° for other areas is considered adequate for the design of lightning

protection system.

Transformer differential protection:

On a system with grounded neutrals, any current which leaves a line conductor and returns to the

neutrals via ground as in a fault to ground, is a residual current and can be measured in the

neutral (common) load of the star connected secondary’s of a set of current transformers in the

three phases of that line by the use of the differential protection. This current generally spearing

Industrial Report Page 63

represents a fault current quite independent of load. It can therefore, be used in a current relay of

sensitive setting.

Sondu Miriu Power Stations is in a remote place which has not developed therefore comes the

challenge of getting accommodation within the vicinity of the area of the station. There was no

accommodation offered it’s upon an individual to plan for a place to stay.

Despite having a smooth operations at SONDU-MIRIU with limited setback during my 12

weeks attachment duration at the power station but I would surely like to recommend the


· The interior road to the intake should be repaired to enable smooth flow of


· The company should provide earmuffs to the employees because the sound

produced at the shaft and turbine floor is too high and can cause eardrum damage.

Sondu Miriu is a hydropower station. This is the cheapest way to generate electricity today; no

other energy source renewable or non-renewable can match it. It is cheap because once a dam

has been built and equipment installed then electricity can be generated. It is also environment


KENGEN Sondu-Miriu plant has benefited the community in terms of provision of treated water,

construction of schools and provision of trees.

It is also a beneficiary to students to get an opportunity to be trained in their Engineering fields

of specialization.

The experiences gained in this attachment have proven to be invaluable for me. Amongst the

technical skills gained that strengthened my knowledge in the field of electricity generation, I

have also learned to be independent and self-sustaining through this attachment which will be

useful in both my career and character development. Through this attachment, I have also gained

a greater awareness of the cultural diversity and the importance of communication skills.

1. Electrical Technology by BL and BK The raja

2. Instrument Transformer manual from India Instrument Transformer manufacturers.

3. Operation and Maintenance Manual for Sondu Miriu Hydropower Project.

4. IET, OMICRON and KENGEN training manual on Hydro’s.

5. Google search (internet).

Industrial Report Page 65

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