Cold Within

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Abbrienaten t h e POEM
have maell nample AA mnnking.and

the "Celd Withun "duiplaus a an nample of rundahh loug nd na

Thio paem codneas ushil kuyond he pnuuodicta arva Oiow hinkina
magiy the
withim he hiait
man: omea Patl
o tawk kijn fohng he wnpuot, 0cial md uukid.
ciuil nughls uho beaut
actiuot beaut ocwmmhalnena athnRing byyomd. matnal
Mna a thingo and thwnking buyond ena3 Cemmuin
shaucaso the iniua Ad suoudu osaeo but ao theoe im people Cedd nal ut go
amd akcial clasa heis ewn perudid they Kad To tce
Olanti with a foslom ghayp
death The4 did net galfn the baoic
he paem
entaemg www.wm Tade- love f plDOw human
puaple ho ase Irajbeo by chamce in
KAld eathes Thuy aal aitm 0oumd
a Aise
AAN weda is not
whuch io gbout to die Poruc Dncea
pAoided He Aiae Esch o he lin indiuil ARAnaien-t sthe Cloe epiutn
asound the fiaë hae a Veg Catiko) s( wood CAVAOnomt sownda a t he bêommy
with ihm,uitucthey cm allecely e o wcla to fetitirte nashation as
t the kine go en ummg but 2ach ene
Thum suotucla Aurmael! lhuhad hem pAling i
Eg n Biak amd Pittr cold
hia ah hus aick imto the he ao Roh on E Fas ,af the facea Aound tHe Line
Cought m iu ot his ewm eb s Audiu Ponaerticalen-t is a figAL o Ahuch
Aufdhn as APme athah thoushto ushich do An mhihA Mmaimaiabict oi e enlrart
nat let thum huink beyend thEmgeles or thui Jdeaa aR indeed uwiith qualilues s huran
LOunil Aemoaaunt the poe dbo deun
amd all A o Ahem dXe Eg: Dtath m peenitud in bi paëm. Sn the
ine- This Logs Aald tught in disths
Thy had he acopL Laslis to saue thtmauluw
och ems s thum usuld have Rut hio ot hik
Buck into hi ise Hay 0ymasam-i s a Riqwe pueh in uhrch
wsudd Rae
ondh to t o al thus uidivual sthss oppauntay omha dichuttwna appeai n
then hoH usould Aaue bun all, aleiua UMu
hau pttaiem tmuwnetiom
Date yov

of 2 h s foam q
Ea The last man

Theme khe jhime of tut

dealo wn
with A Naihatg\Aol:The igme o opwoh Aitsolen
uasd amAliuatuon
the line m
a ca
d b bpaom
The ceem duicwmimtor

kaue agam ngt Ont

onl_ malhn
nalhs amd biitor code i a slitinien ihhadun io cloae
khat humans duicmwnabon baMed pttom c mamt 0swmds: Th wdahlisk
nith md bibtuh dokme 0h lony myphaaa en khA
The dtalo holaen by aAsalu
sact, claoa omd wohd coldl: The BldenroaMM the weatheh is
ndiuols who a
the shan S chamce nbheme CmpasLd Jo he olomiA nthin the hwaLt
CaugRt dacthel by a u m md bugabu pLop a tha4 a mAt waM PHOm Mmade and
Cold Duitiwunaluon, mat aB all "ieh tach ohel

alwe a he smd u 2 who ase the piapl2 Aljhhid to imthe abaue

onthat why do thy med logs
he 6pLople akl he ebheaymkalima na.6 6Popewho
poople who ae albamgs to
ahe lhamges pach dhos,
toeash dhot
he ohole umam are: E is Aad that Auwho a k happd oqith by chamce Mn
theal peple anl oueAtaken by Ahe feeling bittih told ase hiimg aeleAail n the eilaci
Swmae qht pite omd 'amgt to They mud luga to AUniuw he dying J l
Aueh an tunt thol ahoe pimelict Lo pheuent Ahumaliee Prem thi bitincold
leaol o hur death hbsmth nd' cenpas
e och athor A8 Mat alon in thum heQue3 Atat chasartiL raite would yol aasociat
ackowasmth is best Lnpneoaed an he Avith he fisat md Ahe nund man Hhy ?
ine khia duymg fine n reod of Logs Thehat ohe ie hewemun uuho Kaldimg
hovciat atilide _bicama Ahe dase mat sant to
Rut tha Lo Ain h fise bicamae i t wuned
benut Ke black pikaen aleo

h n t me_ÄA hugot.He dees not usemt

tobunufit heman wro cdas Net btlora to
t h e chusch md ao daea nat put
&a 4 Ahat dalo the fiat ene Aola back
why ae
4.The Ht en taslcla an hes hand
hun l-
wwod, Ahe takie it bacR aa she da
mot wwnt to bent the bloacR
haa Leg m he AhL aa
ky pul
haciit omd.
vady to hamn hohaull but to, phuent a
block them gitimg wahmth md hunittd

Ane 5

Ane LUally it uUma to the fu that s

dima md ecls to be kept aluin uit
Ah a o Log Mutamosphucaliy it unA
mdesdloed as dhe pse compasrun m
thein hearts that is dyrng To Rop itbu
Auld he meed ia Ahe Bega wod but F
dud nat Moe it ,thue, a Lach ene E
dius hm the COLD WITHIN

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