Portal Administration
Portal Administration
Portal Administration
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Document Control
Namrata Mohapatra
Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Portal Administration............................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 CREATE A TEST USER ON IGA.........................................................................................7
2.2 CHANGE THE SEQUENCE INTO A DETAILED NAVIGATION MENU......................................8
2.3 CREATE A NEW SGA HR ROLE........................................................................................9
2.4 CREATE A TRAINING USER ON FGA...............................................................................10
Assign a user into a group.................................................................................................................. 11
Users creation.................................................................................................................................... 17
Configuration of SSO:......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 LAUNCH THE JAVA API................................................................................................24
2.7 MAINTAINING THE DEPLOYMENT TABLE........................................................................28
The transaction................................................................................................................................... 28
2.8 MAINTAINING THE INFORMATION PAGE........................................................................30
Upload of the html file......................................................................................................................... 30
Note 1:................................................................................................................................................ 40
Note 2:................................................................................................................................................ 41
2.11 UNLOCKING A SGA OBJECT..........................................................................................41
2.12 INSTALLATION OF PORTAL CERTIFICATE.......................................................................42
2.13 CHECK ACCESS RIGHTS FOR A END USER.......................................................................46
2.14 MAINTAIN STATIC HTML PAGES ON SGA....................................................................56
Prerequisites:...................................................................................................................................... 56
1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to capture information gathered during the knowledge transfer and
structure it for proper system understanding.
HR-PORTAL_ System Maintenance and Technical Documentation
2 Portal Administration
Here we provide an insight into the portal administration activities.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the test system of SGA called IGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
You are used to work with roles, folders, permissions and users on SGA.
You received a request from an IS package leader working on an ESS/MSS scenario. You have:
process and status (employee or manager) of test user to create or logon and group of user to give
Creating a user:
The test users are “anonymous”, theirs logons are shaped by the prefix “HR” followed by the process
name (MACO, PD, TEM, ESSMSS for example) and a number on 3 digits.
If you have to create only one or some users, you can use the User Administration tab then Users
For a mass creation of user, you have to use a text file giving the user ID, the password, the e mail
(HRIS SGA e mail for test user), the first and the last name with this design:
Email Address=administration.hris-sga@airbus.com
Last Name=HRTEM121
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On the User Administration tab, choose the link Import / Export. Fill in the file parameter and tick the
radio button Overwrite Existing Data. Then click on Import button.
On the User Administration tab, choose the link Groups. At this step, you can search or key in the
group name. From the proposed list, select the good one and click on the icon “Assign users to ”.
On the screen after, you have the list of already assigned users and a button “plus” to assign a new
Mass assignment:
To assign several users to a group, you can use a file giving the group id, group description and the
list of users using this design:
Gdesc = Group for training user HR, management of competencies, for employees of all entities.
Use the link Import/ Export as for the mass user creation. The file name should be the group name.
Note that the case (upper or minor) is important. If there is an error in the spelling or in the case, a new
group is created. The file should contain all users already assigned to the group plus the new ones if
the option Overwrite is ticked.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the necessary systems of SGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
In the role or work set directory of the process, choose the page to move and use the buttons up or
down at the bottom of the Iview. The horizontal navigation links (e-HR Services, Manager’s Area for
example) have the parameter Entry point set to yes.
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You can also organise pages under a common folder like People Development, using the merge ID.
In the PCD, you create a new role inside the project repertory. This role has to be named using the
naming convention:
In the role, you must use the merge ID field in order to respect the classification convention. All hr role
must be included inside the e-HR Services tab and placed into the Employee’s area or the Manager’s
area. Via the merge id, you can create a new classification in order to group some i-views under a
common folder.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the training system of SGA called FGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
You are used to work with roles, folders, permissions and users on SGA.
You received a request from an IS package leader working on an ESS/MSS scenario. You have:
process and status (employee or manager) of training user to create or logon and group of user to give
Create a user
The training users are “anonymous”, theirs logons are shaped by the prefix “HRTR” and a number on
4 digits. If you have to create only one or some users, you can use the User Administration tab then
Users link.
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For a mass creation of user, you have to use a text file giving the user ID, the password, the e mail
(HRIS SGA e mail for training user), the first and the last name with this design:
On the User Administration tab, choose the link Import / Export. Fill in the file parameter and tick the
radio button Overwrite Existing Data. Then click on Import button.
On the User Administration tab, choose the link Groups. At this step, you can search or key in the
group name. From the proposed list, select the good one and click on the icon “Assign users to”.
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On the screen after, you have the list of already assigned users and a button to assign a new
user. Tip:
One other solution is to use a “reference” user. Search this user and look the group assigned.
Mass assignment:
To assign several users to a group, you can use a file giving the group id, group description and the
list of users using this design:
Gdesc=Group for training user HR, management of competencies, for employees of all entities.
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Use the link Import/ Export as for the mass user creation. The file name should be the group name.
Note that the case (upper or minor) is important. If there is an error in the spelling or in the case, a new
group is created.
The option Overwrite has to be ticked for a creation or a recycling. Be careful because of erase risk.
If the group does not exist: it is created and the logon is assigned.
If the group already exists with one or more logon and if you use a file with the already assigned
logon(s) plus some new ones, without the option overwrite: no change of the group. If the options
overwrite is ticked: the group is updated.
The users are put into a group to be identified by a common feature (entity, process) but it is common
that several groups are linked to the same role. Here after, you can find a document with role(s) and
associated group(s) by process.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to necessary system of SGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
On PGA, we have to create a new transport package and insert the whole content of HR directory.
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After the import, the PCD contain all objects like on PGA.
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Users creation
The export function doesn’t work for huge group. So the users (HRTR001 to HRTR999 and HRPD001
to HRPD099) are mass created using a text file.
Not needed, the e mail address was set up at the mass creation.
And select for each one the export function. Create a new text file for each one.
On the old FGA, for each role of the PCD we have to search which group(s) is (are) linked via the user
administration tab. This produce an excel file.
For example in old FGA user administration tab for role menu, we choose the role which has to be
reassigned in new FGA portal.
Then we do an explain tab in the .xls file which represent group(s) and user(s) assignment for the
selected role (hr_ess_xx_employee in the example).
Then it will be easier to assigned appropriate group(s) and user(s) for each role in the new FGA portal from the xls file.
Configuration of SSO:
Create a transport package named “eu_role” for example in the PGA portal to export the role “eu_role”
for personalizes option.
Then in new FGA portal, import the client transport package file created for eu_role transport package.
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Assign the new eu_role, which stems form PGA eu_role transport package, to all groups in new FGA.
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On PHM, the tables ZDTHAU_XX_IN_M and ZDTHAU_XX_OUT_M must be field in via SM30.
To connect on server tosap172 using our generic logon HRISSGA (password HRISSGA14).
Once finish, make a logoff hrissga, never, never a shutdown!!!! If not, you can call immediately Pierre
Melan, Olivier Rodriguez, Sebastien Viau and go to security local to leave your badge.
On PHA, the tables ZDTHAU_XX_IN_M and ZDTHAU_XX_OUT_M must be field in via SM30.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the production system PHM.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
You are used to work with roles, folders, permissions and users on SGA.
You received a request from an IS package leader working on an ESS/MSS scenario. You have the
precise description of the involved population.
The transaction
All settings for the deployment program can be done by the transaction ZTHHR_XXMAINTDEPLOY.
For any change, we have to click on export button. So we work on an excel sheet. After updating the
excel sheet, close it before click on import button. Then save to confirm your changes.
This action has to be done directly on the needed system. For each process, we can set many lines to
give the process role for a restricted population.
This population could be restricted by org unit, by link type (NAT, OPE or FUN), by company code
(bukrs), by personnel area (Persa), by personnel Subarea (btrtl), by employee group (persg) and by
employee subgroup (persk). Each of these potential combinations could be restricted also using a
function (zform). The complete line is applied for employee (link 000) or for manager (link 012). But
other links on position can be managed also by the program.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the necessary system of SGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
You received a request from the change team to create a new designation or to store a picture file.
The online training and documentation is under the responsibility of the Change management team,
they manage the content themselves using html files.
So the members of Change team can themselves upload theirs html file on the portal. In fact a BSP is
called to store this file as a binary file into SAP R/3 server. The necessary keys are the designation
title and the language. This action has to be done on each SGA system.
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If a picture is included into an information page, this picture has to be store into the folder mime
repository of the BSP application ZBHHR_XX_C_DSP. This action has to be done on DHM and
included into a transport order to be effective on others systems.
The tag in the html file should refer to the file without any path.
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Tip: If there is a problem about display, you can make a right click on a page, show the source code,
save it on your hard disk. Then you can change the HTML code and make an upload of this new
To create a new designation, found the next free number, fill in the 2 fields and click on update.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have now an access to the necessary system of SGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
On DGA system, go through Content Administration and Portal Content Translation tabs to the menu
link Translation Worklist Coordination. Then, in the PCD, choose or create the directory dedicated to
the project into the global directory Translation to create a new translation worklist.
Inside this worklist, you have to put all necessary objects, a good way is to put the whole content of
the project directory for each object type ( Iview, page, role and workset).
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After that, you can click on button Generate Translation Data, then on the button Release for
In the menu, click on link Worklist Translation. Then you can search your worklist (this value is case
You have to tick the good one and to select the source and target language before click on button
Load for translation.
On the new Iview, you can tick the object to translate and to set the translation, repeat this action for
all necessary objects and click on Save All button. Then you can close the i view.
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Back on the first Iview, you have to click on button Mark as Translated to complete the action. The
status is changed to Translated.
From the menu, go back to the Translation Worklist Coordination console to open again your worklist
and click on Publish translation button.
In order to diffuse the translation on others xGA system, you have to perform a classic transport. As
for worklist, a good way is to transport the whole content of the project.
You are SGA administrator for HR. You have an access to the necessary systems of SGA.
You are aware of the complete landscape of SGA and the different roles and responsibilities.
You received a request from an IS package leader working on an ESS/MSS. You have: name and ID
of the objects to transport and the source and the target systems.
HR-PORTAL_ System Maintenance and Technical Documentation
Search the folder Transport / HR in the PCD. In it, you will find a folder dedicated to each project.
Make a right click on the dedicated folder to create a new transport package.
The package name and Id should be the same (without space in the ID) and contain the source
system, the project name, the transported objects names and the target system (ex:
DGA_UGO_IVIEW_MyAlert_IGA). After key in the name and ID, you should click on Next then Finish
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To reach this goal, you will search in the PCD (still in the System Administration tab with the transport
package opened in the overview page), the transportable objects. In the PCD, choose the folders HR,
then A690, then the folder by object type and finally the project dedicated folder. In this last folder,
make a right click on the object and choose the option Add object to transport package.
When all needed objects are selected, you have to click on Export button.
Please note that when you want to transport a role or a page, you have also to transport the included
objects like the Iview.
Note : You can ask to xGA to include all needed objects by the radio button Include all objects on
which the exported objects depend after identify the object in the template, BUT THIS OPTION IS
HR-PORTAL_ System Maintenance and Technical Documentation
Then you click on Start export button to access to another screen where you could download the
export file on your hard disk.
It is important to choose the value client to the parameter Source for Package Files to search the file
on your hard disk.
Then you have to click on upload then on import buttons. At this step, you can choose to overwrite or
not the object. If you keep the default value “all” all objects included in the file are overwritten, if you
choose the value “None”, only the new objects are imported. Be aware that the existing objects are not
updated even if the versions are different between the source and target system.
The transport is done, you can now check the new version of the objects.
Note 1:
On the portal, a transport can not be used to delete an object. So, if you want to delete an object, you
have to delete it manually on each system.
To delete an object, it has to be released, so you have to delete before all transport packages where
the object is included.
Note 2:
Before the transport of existing objects, you can check the system alias. It is usually set to
“SAP_R3_HUMAN_RESSOURCES”. But in some cases, a portal system linked with several R/3
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systems like IGA or on PGA, the information pages are linked to RHM and not PHM in order to have
valid information even if PHM is unavailable, the parameter system alias has to be set to the correct
alias like RHM001. This has to be checked before transport.
Before a transport or in order to move an object from the DEV to the project repertory you may need to
unlock the object.
The tool is in the System Administration tab, Monitoring link, Portal workset: Object locking
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Type in Transaction
Click on Import
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Type in the name of the system and the client 001 and click enter:
Click on Save:
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Exit the STRUSTSSO2 transaction, verify the new certificates are present in the two lists (the old one
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This person should be in groups listed in these 2 tables. (Tables ZDTHAU_XX_HISTO &
The JAVA API has included this logon into these groups at the noticed date stamp. (Table
Population involved:
Exclusion of one
or several pernr
for future run
Employees with multiple logon valid in CUA (Need data cleaning in LDAP)
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You will get access to the Static Html File, where you can find three pages:
A page has been defined for static content. We have created a page with 4 Iviews called Welcome.
You don’t see the first page (Define Designation) because administrator does it. With this page you
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3 4
DSP Summary
This Iview is not a static Html page; it’s a BSP and don’t need a designation.
If you want change the text displayed in the “DSP Summary Iview” (Iview 2) you need to upload a new
html page for the designation DSP Summary, and automatically the new text will be displayed in the
Iview of the page “Welcome”. The last page uploaded for a designation will be displayed in the
Page Upload.
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This page is made for upload html page that you have created before. In the selected area designation
you can choice the Iview (the zone of the page) where the upload html file will be displayed. You need
to upload the page for all the languages.
If you want to include image who are not in the kit of development, you will have to ask to the
administrator portal for upload the image.
For display image in your html file you need to write him directly without path. Ex: <img src="ESS.jpg">
You must develop using the css HtmlStyle.css, this css is like the look and field of the portal. If in this
css it misses a class, you need to recreate the css including it and ask the administrator for uploading
the new file.
Page Versioning.
HR-PORTAL_ System Maintenance and Technical Documentation
It’s very important that you keep in mind that the last html page for a designation will be displayed in
your portal.
Example: For the Iview DSP Summary (like the screenshot) in the portal you will see the last page
name dsp02.htm in the language of your connection.
You can see by designation (the Iview where the page is displayed) and by language. You can see all
pages you have uploaded. You can delete or have a preview of these pages.
Example: You have uploaded a page for the Iview DSP SUMMARY. This page will be automatically
the last page, so this page will be displayed in the portal. But this is a wrong page… you have just to
delete this page and automatically the most recent page will be displayed in the portal.
After developing your html pages you want to include it in a new page of the portal.
1 - Ask to the administrator for create the new page in the portal.
The administrator will create the page with the number of Iview you want.
1 - Welcome
Administrator part.
2 - DSP Summary
When the page, Iviews and designation are created by the administrator go to step 2
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- Delete a page
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This page is visible for all the users and it is composed of 4 Iviews:
System information
This Iview show an HTML page with information for Airbus data security. A link exist on this page witch
open a new window with additional information on HR data security.
This Iview retrieve the quick info available for the current period.
The period for displaying the quick info is entered by the administrator when he create (or modify or
copy) the quick info (see the manage page).
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Iview “welcome”
This page is stored in a specific table by the administrator (see Access to the Administration of the
static HTML PAGE.doc)
The BSP ZBHHR_XX_C_DSP is used to display information.
For the Welcome page, these information are in fact HTML pages stored in the specific table
ZDTHHR_XXDSPTAB (Table contains Xstring that can be display in bsp) in hexadecimal type.
The values for designation number for the welcome page are defined as follow with their description
(see table ZDTHHR_XXDESIGN).
DSP Summary
This parameter is passed in the portal content. Only an administrator can modify this content.
The others parameters are the language, the date and the time. They are sent by an other BSP witch
aim is to upload the HTML file or image (see doc).
This page is only accessible for an administrator and is used to create, modify, copy or delete quick
The user can create a new quick info or delete, modify, copy existing one.
The data saved are stored in specifics tables ZDTHHR_XXQIUI and ZDTHHR_XXQIUM.
A new page is opened when the user click on the create button.
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The user can define start date and time, end date and time and those of display, The urgency of the
message and the message in the different languages. Then he choose Create to save the information
of the quick info in the specifics tables.
These information are displayed for all the users in the System information’s Iview of the welcome
The user select a line and click on the modify button.
The user can modify the message, the dates or times and then pressed Update to save.
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He can delete the quick info or go to the main administration menu with the others buttons.
The line selected is copied and the user can modify data.
It is used to delete the quick info selected.
The user has to select a line and then press the delete button.
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3. Appendix A - Acronyms
Acronyms Description
BR Baseline Record
CA Change Authorization
CR Change Request
CI Configuration Items
PM Project Manager
PR Problem Request
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley