Career 1708157222
Career 1708157222
Career 1708157222
2. All the candidates who have successfully submitted their online applications
have been called for On-line Test without verifying their personal details viz. age,
qualification, experience and reservation applied for etc. Hence, before appearing for
the on-line test, candidates must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria in all
respects as stipulated in advertisement by the Company.
3. Candidates who have successfully submitted on-line application are requested
to download their call letter and information handout from below given link and read
it carefully before coming to examination.
4. Information handout contains general instructions, test structure and other
instructions, etc. for the on-line test.
5. In case of any difficulty in downloading call letter, candidates may contact at
MSETCL, Corporate Office, Mumbai, Tel Nos:- 022-69595228, 022-69595216 &
6. Candidates are informed to bring hard copy/print out of call letter alongwith
currently valid Photo identity proof (as mentioned below) in original and a
photocopy of the same ID proof, which is essential. The call-letter alongwith
photocopy of photo identity proof duly stapled together is required to handover to the
invigilator before starting of on-line test. Candidate’s name as appearing on the call
letter shall exactly match with the name as appearing on the photo identity proof.
7. The currently valid photo identity proof may be ‘PAN Card/Passport/
Permanent Driving License/Voter’s Card/Bank Passbook with
photograph/Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer on official
letterhead /Photo Identity proof issued by a People’s Representative on official
letterhead/Valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College/
University/ Aadhar/E-Aadhar Card with a photograph/Employee ID/Bar
Council Identity card with photograph. Please Note that Ration Card and
Learner’s Driving License will not be accepted as valid ID proof.
8. For Female candidates:- Their names as appearing on the Call Letter
(provided by them during the process of registration) should exactly match with the
name as appearing on the Photo Identity Proof. Female candidates who have
changed first/ middle / last name post marriage will be allowed only if they produce
original gazette notification/original marriage certificate/affidavit in original on
stamp paper.
9. For Divyang candidates :- The candidate who has claimed for using service
of scribe in Online Application Form, is required to arrange his/her own scribe at
his/her own cost. Further, candidates are required to submit Scribe Declaration Form
in the format given in Annexure-2 of the Advertisement and Divyang Certificate
alongwith the Call-Letter. In case candidate fails to produce Scribe Declaration
Form and Divyang Certificate at the time of on-line test he /she shall not be held
eligible for taking the services of a scribe.
10. For Divyang candidates :- The candidate who has claimed for using
compensatory time in Online Application Form, is required to submit Certificate
regarding physical limitation in an examinee to write in the format given in
Annexure-2 of the Advertisement alongwith the Call-Letter. In case candidate fails
to produce the Certificate at the time of on-line test he /she shall not be held eligible
for using compensatory time in On-line Test.
11. The Candidates reporting late for whatsoever reason i.e. after the reporting
time specified on the call letter, will not be permitted to appear for the on-line test.
12. The Candidates will have to appear for on-line test at Examination Centre at
their own cost and risks and MAHATRANSCO will not be responsible for any
injury or losses, etc of any nature.
13. The candidates are hereby requested to download their call letter and
Information handout from the link given at below :