BT5 Prelim Reviewer

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PART 1 (BASEMENT COMPONENTS) (contaminants) that decrease water quality and

compromise public health and safety when
Sum Pit: A sump pit, or a sump basin, is a hole which
discharged into aquatic systems. At the end of the
is constructed in order to collect water. The lowest
process, STP produces an environmentally safe fluid
part of the basement, or what is often referred to as
waste (the treated effluent) and solid waste (the
the crawl space, is the most suitable place to have
treated sludge). Depending on its chemical
the sump pit to prevent flooding problems.
composition, this sludge can occasionally be reused
Retaining Wall: is a type of wall structure that are as fertilizer.
designed and constructed to withstand lateral
Fire Reserve Tank (FRT): are liquid water storage
pressure of soil or hold back soil materials. The lateral
tanks used to provide fire protection water for a fire
pressure could be also due to earth filling, liquid
suppression system that demands more water than
pressure, sand, and other granular materials behind
the domestic water supply line serving the building
the retaining wall structure.
can deliver.
Perforated Pipe: pipes with a series of small holes or
Cistern Tank: a tank for storing water, especially one
slots that allow water to enter or exit from them easily. supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.
They are mainly installed as a part of underground
drainage systems and for outdoor uses to facilitate Pipe Chase: also referred to as a plumbing wall. an
easy drainage and thereby prevent flooding on site. enclosed, finished space used to house and conceal
pipe runs. In other words, it is any type of wall that
Shear Wall: It is the vertical structural element of a has plumbing piping inside.
reinforced concrete framed structure which is
provided to resist in-plane lateral loads such as wind, Steel Grate: A material made of metal that can be
earthquake or sometimes due to hydrostatics or used in the trench and drainage system as the trench
lateral earth pressure. Stairway and Elevator cores and drainage cover to ensure the excellent drainage
are natural locations for structural walls, which serves performance and secure the pedestrians safety.
a dual purpose of enclosing vertical shaft while
providing efficient axial and lateral resistance. Strap Footing: are components of building
foundations. A type of composite footing that consists
The provision of shear wall as a lift and staircase wall of two or more column footings connected by
has following advantages: concrete beams. This type of beam is called a strap
beam. Strap footings are used to distribute the weight
1.) It supports the horizontal earth pressure below the
of heavily or eccentrically loaded column footings to
floor level.
adjacent footings.
2.) It prevents the seepage of water into lift pit.
Bored Piles: are cylindrical bodies made of concrete
3.) A concrete wall provides better anchorage as lift (with or without reinforcement) which are installed in
frames are drilled to the wall. the ground by a variety of methods. They transmit
high structural loads into lower, load-bearing soils.
4.) The anchorage length bars are left on which the When installed in rows or in secant configuration they
stairs can be made and load can be beard by these can form a supporting wall for an excavation or steep
walls. slope, or cut-off groundwater. The length, diameter,
material, geometry and layout of the piles can be
varied according to their intended use.
STP (Sewage Treatment Plant): a facility, often
including physical, chemical, and biological Electrical Room: is a room or space dedicated to
processes, designed to receive and treat waste from housing all the sensitive electrical equipment in a
domestic, commercial, agricultural, and industrial facility for power distribution or communication
sources. The STP aims to remove materials purposes. They offer safe, accessible storage for

sensitive, possibly dangerous electrical equipment. which cools to form the join, which can be stronger
As a result, they make the operation and than the parent metal. Pressure can also be used to
maintenance of circuitry much safer and more produce a weld, either alongside the heat or by itself.
convenient. Electrical rooms typically house medium- It can also use a shielding gas to protect the melted
or low-voltage electrical distribution equipment, and filler metals from becoming contaminated or
including electric switchboards, distribution boards, oxidized.
circuit breakers and disconnects, motor control
centers, relays, transformers, busbars, fire alarm Welding on Site: welding work that is carried out
control panels, and distribution frames, switchgear at the location of the project. This means that the
fuse-switches, electrical panels, etc. welders come to your site with all the necessary
equipment and perform the welding work there.
Gen Set: combination of an engine and electrical
generator used to produce electrical power, typically Concrete Pedestal: a concrete pedestal is a
as a backup or portable source of power. compression element provided to carry the loads from
supported elements like columns, statues etc. to
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning): footing below the ground. It is generally provided
stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It below the metal columns. In general pedestal width is
refers to the systems that regulate and move heated greater than its height.
and cooled air throughout residential and commercial
buildings, from homes to offices to indoor stadiums. Web Welding: type of welding used for metal plate
and I-Beam connection.
Mechanical Room: means any space or area which
contains equipment providing heating, cooling, Steel Column: a vertical structure member used in
ventilation, plumbing distribution, or construction to provide essential support. They may
mechanical/plumbing system utility generation and carry loads in compression, or they may transfer
distribution capabilities. These spaces are defined as loads from things like beams, ceilings, floor slabs or
“Mechanical Rooms” even if they are called by roof slabs to floors or foundations. Steel columns may
another name (i.e., boiler room, chiller room, machine also carry bending moments near cross-section axes.
room, etc.). While there are many types of materials used
columns in construction, steel is a common choice. Its
PART 2 (PEDESTAL COMPONENTS) structure offers a more durable and flexible and
stronger structure than concrete structure does. Also,
2 Types of Beam Connection
steel columns are generally more lightweight and
Welded: whereby two or more parts are faster to construct than concrete columns.
fused together by means of heat, pressure
Deformed Bars: a steel bar with surface projections
or both forming a join as the parts cool.
that increase its bond strength when used in
Bolted: whereby two or more parts are
reinforced concrete.
fused together by connection parts such as
bolts, nuts and washers. Stirrup: used for beams as a closed loop of
reinforcement bar, which has a main function of
Welding: a fabrication process whereby two or more
holding the main reinforcement (RFT) bars together in
parts are fused together by means of heat, pressure
a reinforced concrete element.
or both forming a join as the parts cool. Welding is
usually used on metals and thermoplastics but can Ties: used for columns as a closed loop of
also be used on wood. The completed welded joint reinforcement bar, which has a main function of
may be referred to as a weldment. welding is a high holding the main reinforcement (RFT) bars together in
heat process which melts the base material. Typically a reinforced concrete element.
with the addition of a filler material. Heat at a high
temperature causes a welding pool of molten material

Steel Deck: also known as metal decking, is a sheet are all terms used to identify different components in
of high-performance galvanized steel used in the framing. Framing also means the basic structure that
construction of composite concrete floor slabs. It can surrounds and supports something such as a
also be used as a structural feature in roof building, vehicle, or piece of furniture.
construction. When specified as metal roof decking it
Countries with the Highest Supplier of Steel:
is used to support insulating membranes.
Nut w/ Washer also known as a flange nut is a nut • CHINA
that has a wide flange at one end which acts as an • VIETNAM
integrated washer that does not move or spin. The Types of Steel
serrated flange distributes the pressure of the nut
over the part being secured and creates a locking • Angular Steel
action to prevent loosening. • Rectangular Hollow Steel (RHS)
• Circular Steel
J-Bolt: also know as a Hook Bolt is a U-shaped
fastener threaded on one side and bent into a “J”
shape on the other. The bending of the bolt creates
two points of contact for securing any material to its
base. This makes it easy to connect two objects
without the need for complicated tools or additional
hardware. Furthermore, because of its shape, it can
be inserted into pre-drilled holes with minimal effort.
Non-Shrink Grout: a type of material that does not
shrink. This is a cementitious material that does not
reduce its volume when it getting harden like normal
concrete. The final volume will be greater or equal to
the initial volume of the concrete.
Used for the Following:

• Filling under the base plates

• Anchor bolt installation
• Machine base sloe plates
• Steel bearing plates
• Filling cavities in concrete or any structural
Framing: is the process of connecting building
materials together to. create a structure. Framing is a
construction system.

• Studs
• plates
• headers
• rafters,
• girders
• flooring
• joists








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