Cyber Foe
Cyber Foe
Cyber Foe
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue VIII Aug 2021- Available at
Abstract: Cyber Forensics is termed as scientific methods or applications in association with the judiciary or court of laws. The
aim behind these methods is to unveil the digital evidence to be utilized in court for solving crime cases. This sort of technology
wasn’t practiced before therefore most criminals tend to urge away with their criminal acts without valid proof to incriminate or
prosecute them. During that time the oaths, confessions, testimonies from witnesses were the sole determining factors of
Crimes committed within electronic or digital domains, particularly within cyberspace, have become common. Criminals are
using technology to commit their offenses and make new challenges for law enforcement agents, attorneys, judges, military, and
security professionals. Digital forensics has become a vital instrument in identifying and solving computer-based and computer-
assisted crime. This paper provides a quick introduction to cyber forensics.
During this paper we present a typical model for both Incident Response and Computer Forensics processes which mixes their
advantages in an exceedingly flexible way: It allows for a management oriented approach in digital investigations while
retaining the chance of a rigorous forensics investigation.
Keywords: cyber forensics, digital forensic science, computer forensics, evidence, judicial system.
Cyber forensics within the simplest words means investigating, gathering, and analysing information from a computer device which
may then be transformed into hardware proof to be presented within the court regarding the crime in question [1]. An awful
important aspect of the investigation is making a digital copy of the storage cell of the computer and further analysing it so that the
device itself doesn’t get violated accidentally during the whole process. The aim is to only find malware within the software a part
of the device and leave the particular component of it on one side. While studying the entry and exit points of the device’s storage,
one can easily and efficiently study about the individuals who accessed the device and also the circumstances under which the logs
were made which successively gives a crystal-clear picture of what happened and at what date and time. Cyber forensics is an
unavoidable force that’s extremely significant in today’s ever-changing, evolving, and technologically transforming world.
Digital devices like cell phones, tablets, gaming consoles, laptop and desktop computers have become indispensable a part of the
trendy society. Digital forensics is employed to assist investigate cybercrime or identify evidence of a computer-assisted crime. The
concept of digital forensics dates back to late 1990s and early 2000s when it absolutely was considered as computer forensics [2].
Computer Forensics may be a discipline which is anxious with the collection, analysis and interpretation of digital data connected to
a computer security incident; it’s some-times also called digital forensics.
Computer Forensics, or Digital Forensics, may be a forensic science that deals with obtaining, analysing and presenting digital
evidence, which may be defined as “any data stored or transmitted using a computer that support or refute a theory of how an
offense occurred or that address critical elements of the offense like intent” By employing accepted and proven techniques and
principles, which also are applied in other forensic sciences, admissibility during a court of law and credibility of the evidence is
It’s all about provision of digital evidence usually retrieved from digital devices like hard disks, cameras. Set of analysis techniques
are accustomed achieve this by gathering data to be used as evidence. Each process done must be documented until final report is
produced. This ranging from the onset which is crime scene until last stage, And the powerful ability behind computer forensics is
that even damaged, deleted or lost data from devices can still be recover.
A. Acquiring of Evidence
This is the very first step in gathering information for evidence purposes. Is it done immediately after the occurrence of an incident?
There are tools (sniffer and monitor) used for collecting such evidence and bend preserved until court case. A duplication or copy is
formed since during court case original copy isn't used [3].
B. Identification
Here comes the second step after acquisition step. Collected information from crime scene is then going to be analysed for it to be
ready to be used as evidence. It also entails the employment of methodologies and procedures that are even capable of retrieving the
damaged/destroyed or deleted data from a device. The results here may be presented in either hardware or a soft copy format.
C. Evaluation
Third step after identification, a collective o parties (Team) from forensics investigator, examiners now working together to see
whether identification information is that valid and valuable to be used. This might even involve the conductions of DNA
investigations if necessary.
D. Presentation
The Last stage of forensic investigation, this is often where a final report (document) from previous stages is now taken to relevant
officials to see if it admissible to be utilized in court. It’s actually a summary of all findings in each stage from different parties
involved in an investigation.
1) Database Forensics: The examination of data contained in databases, both data and related metadata.
2) Email Forensics: The recovery and analysis of emails and other information contained in email platforms, like schedules and
3) Malware Forensics: Sifting through code to spot possible malicious programs and analysing their payload. Such programs may
include Trojan horses, ransomware or various viruses.
4) Memory Forensics: Collecting information stored access exceedingly computers random access memory (RAM) and cache.
5) Mobile Forensics: The examination of mobile devices to retrieve and analyse the information they contain, including contacts,
incoming and outgoing text messages, pictures and video files.
6) Network Forensics: Searching for evidence by monitoring network traffic, using tools like a firewall or intrusion detection-
In “A Study on Cyber and Network Forensic in Computer Security Management” paper, they highlight basics related to computer
and network security. Also an information beneficial to prosecutors, as Law enforcement on the rules and procedures for creating
use of digital evidence similarly as obtaining it. Both authors state computer security as about confidentiality and protection of data
from exposure to unauthorized entities. One author mentioned it as associate with the protection of data from damage to both
hardware and software as along with services disruption, whilst another author defined it using 3 triangular security trends being
CIA Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability as further as authentication.[1] In “Digital Forensic” paper, they provides a brief
introduction of digital forensics. Digital forensics could be a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary field encompassing diverse
disciplines like criminology, law, ethics, computer engineering, and information and communication technology (ICT), computer
science, and forensic science. Uncovering and interpreting electronic data so on to preserve any evidence in its most original form.
[2] The AI based forensics also helps to get generate IT blocks within the cyber world which will easily identify the centre for cyber
and virtual attacks and to search out a responsive solution to them. AI could be a field of computer science that is capable of
constructing the software smart and tamed and making them act and perform like humans. [3]
In this paper we included different aspect and method of cyber forensics. Lastly understanding forensics world from both cyber
and network perspective would actually help individuals, private companies, businesses, organizations to be able to understand how
to safeguard their data more especially in a digital way. All sorts of communication from storage mediums to online charts (via
network) moreover as cloud storage, email systems should be kept as secure as possible. The most goal of computer forensics is to
identify, collect, preserve, and analyse data in a way that preserves the integrity of the evidence collected so it may be used
effectively in a legal case.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my guide Dr. Sunil R. Gupta who has in the literal sense, guided
and supervised me. I am indebted with a deep sense of gratitude for the constant inspiration and valuable guidance throughout the
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