E.S. 5.1 Bullet Point Notes
E.S. 5.1 Bullet Point Notes
E.S. 5.1 Bullet Point Notes
Frost Wedging
● Frost Wedging: mechanical breakup of rock caused by the
expansion of freezing water in cracks and crevices
○ When water freezes it expands by about 9%
● Most common in mountainous regions in the middle latitudes
● Sections of rock that are wedged loose may tumble into
large piles called talus
○ Talus: accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff
● Removal of great weights of overlying rock
● Reduced pressure on igneous rock causes it to expand and
allows exfoliation.
○ Exfoliation: type of weathering caused by unloading
where slabs of outer rock break off in layers
○ igneous rock is “unloading” all the built-up pressure
Earth Science Chapter 5 ~ ~Lesson 1: Weathering
Biological activity
● The activity of organisms, including plants, burrowing
animals, and humans, can also cause mechanical
Chemical Weathering
● Chemical Weathering: transformation of rock into one or
more new compounds
● Water is the most important agent of chemical weathering.
● Oxygen dissolved in water reacts easily with certain minerals
forming oxides.
● Increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere may accelerate
chemical weathering.
Spheroidal Weathering
● Chemical weathering can change the physical shape of rock
as well as its chemical composition.
Earth Science Chapter 5 ~ ~Lesson 1: Weathering
Rate of weathering
● One major factor that affects the rate of weathering is
surface area.
○ Increased surface area accelerates chemical
● Key Point: Two other factors affecting the rate of
weathering are rock characteristics and climate.
Rock characteristics
● Mineral composition and solubility
○ Example: Marble gravestones undergo chemical
weathering much faster than granite gravestones
● Physical features such as joints and cracks
● Temperature and moisture are the most crucial factors.
○ Control the frequency of freeze-thaw cycles
■ Which affect the amount of frost wedging
○ Affect the rate of a chemical weathering
○ Influence the kind of vegetation and how much is
● Chemical weathering is most effective in areas with high
temperatures and abundant moisture.
Differential Weathering
● Different parts of a rock weather at different rates
Earth Science Chapter 5 ~ ~Lesson 1: Weathering