16 2023 Resarcg Asst Manager CV I
16 2023 Resarcg Asst Manager CV I
16 2023 Resarcg Asst Manager CV I
The candidates whose register number mentioned below have been
provisionally admitted to Onscreen Certificate Verification in the ratio of
1:3/1:4 for the posts of Research Assistant in the Institute of Preventive
Medicine, Ranipet included in the Tamil Nadu Animal Husbandry Service and
Manager (Veterinary) in the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’
Federation Limited based on the results of the examination (Computer
Based Test) conducted by the Commission on 09.12.2023 FN & AN and
10.12.2023 FN.
The Onscreen Certificate Verification will be done based on the
documents already uploaded by the candidates at the time of submission of
online application.
Research Assistant
0101001171 0101001209 0101001225 0101001227 0101001232 0101001296
0201001009 0201001078 0201001086 0201001092 0201001131 0201001148
0201001156 0201001163 0201001184 1001001067 1001001071 1001001076
1001001078 AND 1001001087
Manager (Veterinary)
0101001009 0101001021 0101001022 0101001033 0101001037 0101001088
0101001139 0101001145 0101001154 0101001156 0101001158 0101001176
0101001180 0101001184 0101001198 0101001201 0101001215 0101001228
0101001229 0101001231 0101001233 0101001234 0101001236 0101001239
0101001243 0101001252 0101001253 0101001257 0101001259 0101001263
0101001266 0101001275 0101001277 0101001282 0101001289 0201001003
0201001004 0201001011 0201001020 0201001091 0201001101 0201001106
0201001107 0201001110 0201001111 0201001113 0201001122 0201001124
0201001126 0201001129 0201001139 0201001162 0201001165 0201001167
0201001175 0201001179 0201001190 0201001192 1001001010 1001001023
1001001025 1001001032 1001001037 1001001047 1001001056 1001001060
1001001062 1001001069 1001001075 1001001089 1001001093 1001001098
1001001100 1001001105 1001001108 AND 1001001110