Unit 3 Linux
Unit 3 Linux
Unit 3 Linux
User and Group management- Creation, Updating, Deletion of user and group, Command –
password, Shadow, user add, user mod, user del, group add, group mod, group del -VBC
1. Creating a User: To create a new user in Linux, you can use the `useradd` command
followed by the username. For example, to create a new user with the username "newfile",
you can use the following command:
2. Updating a User: To modify an existing user's account, you can use the `usermod` command
followed by the appropriate options. For example, to change the home directory for the
"newfile" user to "/home/newfile", you can use the following command:
3. Deleting a User: To delete a user from the system, you can use the `userdel` command
followed by the username. For example, to delete the "newfile" user, you can use the
following command:
4. Creating a Group: To create a new group in Linux, you can use the `groupadd` command
followed by the group name. For example, to create a new group with the name
"developers", you can use the following command:
Ex. sudo groupadd developers
5. Updating a Group: To modify an existing group, you can use the `groupmod` command
followed by the appropriate options. For example, to change the name of the "developers"
group to "devs", you can use the following command:
6. Deleting a Group: To delete a group from the system, you can use the `groupdel` command
followed by the group name. For example, to delete the "devs" group, you can use the
following command:
By properly managing users and groups, administrators can ensure that users have the
necessary access to system resources and that the system is secure from unauthorized access.
It is important to follow best practices for user and group management, such as creating
strong passwords, setting appropriate permissions, and restricting root access.
In Linux, the `passwd` command is used to set and change passwords for user accounts. The
`passwd` command can be used by both users and system administrators to update their own
password or to update the passwords of other users.
1. To change the password for the current user, type `passwd` in the terminal and press Enter.
You will then be prompted to enter your current password and then your new password
Ex. passwd
Current password:
New password:
2. To change the password for another user, you will need to use the `passwd` command
followed by the username of the user whose password you want to change. For example,
to change the password for the user "johndoe", you can use the following command:
3. To force a user to change their password the next time they log in, you can use the `passwd`
command with the `-e` option. For example, to force the user "johndoe" to change their
password at the next login, you can use the following command:
passwd: Success
It is important to use strong and secure passwords, and to change them regularly to ensure the
security of user accounts and the system as a whole.
In Linux, the `/etc/shadow` file is a system file that contains the encrypted password
information for all the user accounts on the system. This file is only readable by the root user,
and is used to provide an additional layer of security to the system.
The `/etc/shadow` file is a text file that consists of several fields separated by colons. The fields
in the file are as follows
2. Password: This field contains the encrypted password for the user account. This field is
usually filled with a string of characters that cannot be read or interpreted by humans.
3. Last password change: This field contains the date of the last password change for the
user account.
4. Minimum password age: This field specifies the minimum number of days that must pass
before a user is allowed to change their password again.
5. Maximum password age: This field specifies the maximum number of days that a
password can be used before it must be changed.
6. Password warning period: This field specifies the number of days before a password
expires that the user will receive a warning message.
7. Account inactive period: This field specifies the number of days after which an inactive
account will be disabled.
8. Account expiration date: This field specifies the date on which the user account will
System administrators can use the `passwd` command to update the password information in
the `/etc/shadow` file for a user account. The `passwd` command updates the encrypted
password for the specified user account in the `/etc/shadow` file.
user add, user mod, user del, group add, group mod, group del
In Linux, there are several commands for adding, modifying, and deleting user accounts and
groups. Here are the basic commands for user and group management:
1. User add: `useradd`
The `useradd` command is used to create a new user account. The command creates a new
entry for the user in the `/etc/passwd` file and sets up the user's home directory and shell.
Here's an example:
Ex. useradd johndoe
This command will create a new user account with the username "johndoe".
2. User mod: `usermod`
The `usermod` command is used to modify an existing user account. You can use this
command to change the user's username, home directory, login shell, or other account
settings. Here's an example:
Ex. usermod -s /bin/bash johndoe
This command will change the login shell of the user "johndoe" to `/bin/bash`.
3. User delete: `userdel`
The `userdel` command is used to delete an existing user account. You can use this
command to remove the user's home directory and mail spool as well. Here's an example:
Ex. userdel johndoe
This command will delete the user account for "johndoe".
4. Group add: `groupadd`
The `groupadd` command is used to create a new group. The command creates a new entry
for the group in the `/etc/group` file. Here's an example:
Ex. groupadd developers
This command will create a new group with the name "developers".
5. Group mod: `groupmod`
The `groupmod` command is used to modify an existing group. You can use this command
to change the group's name or group ID. Here's an example:
Ex. groupmod -n newdevelopers developers
This command will change the name of the group "developers" to "newdevelopers".
6. Group delete: `groupdel`
The `groupdel` command is used to delete an existing group. Here's an example:
Ex. groupdel developers
This command will delete the group with the name "developers".
Note that these commands require root or sudo privileges to execute, as they involve system-
level changes. It is important to use these commands with caution and ensure that you are
making the correct changes to user and group accounts.