Mns Exam: Vocabulary Through Memory Linking

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Through Memory Linking
1. What is memory linking method
2. How to make competitive words easy
3. Retaining them for a long time.
4. Understanding their parts of speech
5. Usage of word
6. Synonyms of the word
7. Antonym of the word
WHAT IS Memory Linking
• Thinking process has Linking is thinking
links through which it
keeps going on.
• Recalling something
becomes easier if linked
points are brought in
memory the way they
were in connected while
Steps of learning words through
Memory Linking
• Pronounce that word Linking is thinking
well and find a key word
or common word which
is already known to you.
• Make a practical scene
or story combining the
key word and meaning.
• Make sentences to make
Apricate (v)
Ingrained (adj)
Consolidation (N)
Legitimacy (N)
Brawl (N)
Commonplace (N)
Meaning Ordinary, common (साधारण)
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

Pronunciation Common + Place

Synonyms banality, bromide, cliche, platitude, a trite or obvious remark, humdrum, prosaic, unglamorous, unglamourous, completely ordinary and
unremarkable, banal, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn

Antonym Special, Extra-ordinary,


Memory Link It’s quite obvious to find commonplace objects at common places.

Sentences  In many civil service exams that take place in India, questions which test the general knowledge of a candidate
are commonplace.
 It calls upon one to raise himself from routine to originality and from commonplace to the extraordinary.
 It becomes banal to find commonplace objects all around and it sounds quite special to have special appearances of things.
 Why to have commonplace ways of discussions when you are passionate to convey your messages.
 No commonplace appearance when you are there to make it markable.
Spleen (N)
Meaning क्रोध (Anger), प्लीहा

Pronunciation SPLEEN
Etymology o The word spleen has been derived from the Greek word splen meaning heart.
o Spleen is the largest organ in our lymphatic system.
Synonyms Quick Temper, Short Tempered, anger, grumpy, A feeling of resentful anger, melancholy, impulse, caprice, whim

Antonym Cool, balanced, calm

Key Word LEEN

Memory Link My father asked me to bring a glass of water but I was LEEN in my learning and did not stand promptly for the action so in spleen he rebuked
me very strongly.

Sentences 1. The position of spleen is at the left of the stomach which monitors the quality of blood in our body.
2. Due to spleen, it becomes tough to convince our point to others as there is no control over sentences.
3. One should have a balanced schedule for all the activities to ensure the condition of spleen in our body.
4. For effective leadership, have a good control on spleen and not to let it go on high. It avoids chances of
5. If logical discussion is expected, don’t have it with spleen, it will not let you communicate properly.
Acrimony (N)
Meaning a rough and bitter manner (कठोरता)
Pronunciation ACRI+MONEY

Synonyms acerbity, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness

Antonym Decency, gratitude, regards
Key Word A CRY
Memory Link Hearing cry of our children, gives us acrimonious feel as parents love their children a lot.

Sentences  Acrimony can be reduced if you tend to understand the scenario and put
efforts to make it resolved.
 People start giving acrimonious answers when they are frustrated with the
things happening around them.
 One cant manage a grumpy person with acrimonious tone, one has to cool
down to handle other.
 Acrimony in relations spoil them completely as relation requires love.
 Acrimonious replies from our beloved ones make us baffled.
Parsimonious (adj)
Meaning excessively unwilling to spend (कंजूस)
Pronunciation PARSI+MONIOUS

Synonyms penurious
Antonym Extravagant, Spendthrift,
Memory Link Parsees wish to build their bank balance very high so they think a lot in spending money.

Sentences  Never be parsimonious when it comes to spend in social causes.

 The old lady was so parsimonious that she washed and dried the used dirty plastic bags so that
she could reuse them.
 Those who have fair intentions for their aim to achieve, do not think much in spending
money. They are no more parsimonious as they find these expenses in concerned with
their plans.
 Determination to achieve the goal makes you take decisions instantly rather than
wasting time and being parsimonious.
 And they who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor parsimonious, and (keep)
between these the just mean.
Achroous (adj)
Meaning Colorless (बेरंग)

Pronunciation ACH+ ROO+ US

Synonyms Achromatic, dull, boring, banal

Antonym Exciting, interesting, encouraging, involving

Memory Link It’s a matter of great ACHRAJ when we find achroous objects when we tend to give the best presentation.

Sentences  This world is full of colors, giving achroous objects for display makes people quite boring.
 Interest comes when attractions make a place in mind. Just choosing commonplace style of
writing makes an achroous sense.
 Life is beautiful and one should keep exploring different colors to beautify one’s life rather than
just taking an achroous impact.
 Why to worry when such a creative life partner is with you who makes achroous things
interesting tactfully.
 No more achroous faces now, smile at fullest and utilize the colors of life in designing your own

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