S V Engineering College For Women: Eee - A
S V Engineering College For Women: Eee - A
S V Engineering College For Women: Eee - A
1. The phase angle for the transfer function, G (jw) = of corner frequency is [ ]
a) b) c) d)
10. Which of the following properties are associated with the state transition matrix ?
14. The Bode plot is obtained using Open loop transfer function. [ ]
15. When , GM and PM are positive, system is stable. [ ]
III. Fill in the Blanks 5× 1/2 = 2.5 M
16. Solution of state equation X(t)= _________
17. The frequency at which the magnitude of the Bode plot crosses 0 db axis is termed as ______________________________
18. A point is said to be encircled by a closed path, if it is found to Lie __________ that of closed path.
19. For checking controllability by kalmans method ,the controllability matrix Q c is _______________
20. For checking observability by kalmans method, the Observability matrix Q o is _______________
(b) Find the solution of state transition matrix for a given system matrix A= 6M