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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Bachelor Degree of

Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department of Adab And Humanities
Faculty of State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar


Reg. Num: 40300115034




Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, all praises and thanks to the Almighty Allah

SWT for His uncountable graces, faiths, and helps always stand behind the writer,

show writer the right way, and carry the writer out to the final step of this thesis

writing. Shalawat and salam are addressed to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the

greatest one who has shared inspiration, spirit, and power to the human.

The writer realizes that this thesis could not be completed without getting

assistance, guidance, understanding and encouragement from many people. Therefore

the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to the following:

1. The writer gives special gratitude to her beloved parents, Sulaiman and

Rusmiati for her love, patience, sincere prayer for her success and her support

materially and emotionally. And for my brothers and sisters namely Armayani

SE, Sri Juni Alviana, and Akbar Anugrah for their support and sincerely

prayer for the success too. The writer’s beloved big family for their support

and sincere prayer for the writer’s success.

2. The writer gratitude is addressed to the Rector of Islamic State University of

Alauddin Makassar, Prof. H. Hamdan Juhannis, M.A., Ph.D. for his advice

during the period when the writer studied at the university.The Dean of Adab

and Humanities Faculty Dr. Hasyim Haddade, M.Ag and his staff, Vice Dean

of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Andi Ibrahim, S.Ag., S.S., M.Pd., Dr.

Firdaus, M. Ag., H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D, and also all

the staffs for their advices and helps during the period of times the writers

study in the university, especially in Adab and Humanities faculty.

3. The Head of English and Literature Department, Dr. Jumharia Djamereng,

M.Hum. and Secretary of English and Literature Department, Sahruni Junaid,

S.S, M. Pd. for their support, help and encouragement.

4. Special thanks to the honorable supervisors, Dr.H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. and

Sardian Maharani Asnur, S.Pd., M.Pd for their patience, motivation,

comment, advice, support, and immense knowledge. Their guidance helped

me in all the time of writing this research.

5. Furthermore, the writer would like to send her biggest thanks to her first

examiner Dr. Umar Thamrin, S.Ag., M.Hum. and her second examiner Faidah

yusuf, S.S., M.Pd., for their correction, guidance, supports and advices.

6. The writer gratitude is also addressed to all the lecturers of Adab and

Humanities Faculty, for their knowledge, enlightenment, and advices during

the academic years also for the administrative officers of Adab and

Humanities Faculty, for their help, services, and administrative support.The

writer thanks send to Mr. Kustiwan Syarief, S.Ag., M.Sc., M.A who has given

some suggestion for the writer.

7. The writer thanks are addressed to the best friend Resky Amaliyah, Rahma

Dani, Rosmini and Risa Februani Asba for their help and support for the

writer. The Writer’s thanks is addressed to Syarfaeni Yachsan and Asrima that

always give support, correction, and help the writer to finish this thesis.

8. The writer thanks are also addressed to the writer’s beloved friends in English

Literature Departement, especially for UTOFE15 (Unlimited Togetherness of

English and Literature 2015) the writer is proud of them and with them the

writer shares experience and knowledge during study and writing this thesis.

9. All of the students of English and Literature 2015 who cannot be mentioned

their name one by one here. For their supports and their loves for being her

friends till everywhere. Finally, the researcher would like to thank all of

people who here helped researcher to finish her study. This thesis is far from

perfect, but it is expected to be useful for the readers.

Romang Polong, November 06th 2019

The Writer,



COVER .................................................................................................................i
PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI .............................................................ii

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ......................................................................iii

APPROVAL SHEET ...........................................................................................iv
PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ....................................................................................v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................vi
LIST OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................ix
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................xi


A. Background......................................................................................................1
B. Research Question............................................................................................5
C. Research Objectives.........................................................................................5
D. Significanse of the Research............................................................................5
E. Research Scope................................................................................................6


A. Previous Findings ...........................................................................................7

B. Theoritical Framework ..................................................................................11
1. Pragmatics ................................................................................................11
2. Context .....................................................................................................13
3. Presupposition ..........................................................................................14
4. Movie ........................................................................................................22


A. Reserach Method ............................................................................................23
B. Data Source ................................................................................................. ...23
C. Instruments of the Research ........................................................................ 23
D. Procedures of Collecting Data ..................................................................... 24
E. Techniques of Data Analysis .........................................................................24


A. Findings .........................................................................................................25
B. Discussion......................................................................................................50


A. Conclusion .....................................................................................................54
B. Suggestion .......................................................................................................55

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................56
APPENDIXES ..........................................................................................................60
BIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................71



A. Background

In this modern era, when people talk, sometimes the message is not

conveyed to the other people. Therefore to know what the speaker means to the

hearer, it is important to learn more about presupposition. in speaking, people will

do a conversation that contains presuppositions related to a context or

understanding between speaker and hearer. A context in a speech containing

presupposition will help the hearer to understand information that will be

conveyed by the speaker. It is a form of information for a premise or assumption

as a way through the interactions that occur in everyday life or from one people to


In delivering a message or information from the speaker to the listener,

many possibilities that mistakes or misunderstanding can occur, the information

delivered to the listener may be different and it will make many interpretations of

the listener. To avoid the misinterpretation in the meaning, it will be dealing with a

presupposition. Yule,(1996:25) states that presupposition is something to the

assumes by the speaker before producing an utterance. Besides, Peccei,(1999:22)

explains that presuppositions are the relationship of words and grammar structures

used in a speech on how to interpret the language by conventional. Therefore the

researcher has a conclusion that presupposition is an initial assumption that is in

the mind of the partner said before the speaker gives pieces of information in a

conversation. In presupposition, usually, there is hidden information that can be

the basis of the subject.

The presupposition is one part of the pragmatic that is important. First,

because presuppositions can help in interpreting speech between speakers and

listener in the process of delivering information. Second, in a conversation

interaction, speaker and listener do not only share information, but assumptions

and expectations also appear in it as interpretations of speeches that will act as a

result. In other hand,Venneman (1975:314 at Brown (1995) an in Astuti, (2015: 11)

states that the context as presupposition which helps listeners to determine or

understand the language, topics, and response in a daily or movie conversation.

Context will also help listeners to hold the intended meaning of the speaker.

Yuniardi,(2015:2) says that movie is one of the media which is purposed to

entertaining or stole the show, therefore, the viewer can understand the plot of the

movie. Also, the movie is one type of media that attract many audiences interest

like watching a new movie in the cinema. It is there are usually some main

characters who use presuppositions that will make the story interesting as well as

the spectators.

In this research, the writer chooses Crazy Rich Asian movie published in

2018 because the movie was adapted from the novel Crazy Rich Asian written by

Kevin Kwan who also acts as director of the movie with Jon M Chu. In connection

with that, in learning the language, the writer uses a pragmatic approach to know

the relationship between speech and context in the movie. There are many types of

movie that can be used to examine pre-assumption phenomena. Related with this

movie, the one that makes movie interesting are the history, culture, and life of the

Chinese people. Then, there is a conversation between the characters in the Crazy

Rich Asian movie that uses two languages, such as Mandarin and English

languages. Besides, the use of presupposition in a dialogue between the characters

in the movie quite a lot to be analyzed in the study.

There are some previous studies related to presupposition such as

conducted by Siagian, Pangaribuan, & Toruan,(2015). In this article, this research

finds four types of presupposition in the magazine. They are existential, factive,

lexical, and structural presupposition while the two types other, non-factive and

counterfactual are not used in it. And the most dominant types of presupposition

found in this research is the existential presupposition.

Gustia,(2018) From the results of his research, she finds the type of

presupposition such as existential presupposition, then factive presupposition

while the three types of presupposition are less widely used by the general public

in Bukit Tinggi. But the types that often used is structural

presuppositions.furthermore, Hasta & Marlina, (2018) They use two news from

Al-Jazeera and one news from Fox news as the object. Then, they use theory based

on Khaleel’s (2010) about presupposition triggers. As the results of data, they find

that Al Jazeera news, Existential presupposition is more found than on the Fox

news. Of both the news the researchers find dominant types of presupposition.

They are a verb in the lexical and adverbial clause in structural.

Based on explaining about presupposition then the writer gets the surah

related to this research. As explained in the verse below:

In Surah Al-Hujurat( 46: 6 )

O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, as

certain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of

repentance for what ye have done. by Ali,(1946:366)

The verse above is one of the foundations started by religion in social life

at the same time it is logical guidance for acceptance and practice. Human life and

their interaction must be based on things known and clear. Humans itself cannot

reach all the information, Shihab (2009: 586-589). Therefore, if there is a piece of

new news, it will be better to filter first because it will be worried if someone steps

unclearly. Before the information is clear, it is important to sort the information

whether it is important or not and also sort out whether the information carrier can

be believed or not.

In connection with the verse above, the writer can associate with

presuppositions. In the surah explain when bringing news, it should be checked

first that the news is true or not. The same thing with a presupposition, expressions

in a speech should be good and clear so that there is no misunderstanding between

speaker and listener.

B. Research Question

People can do some ways of expressing what they mean by using

presupposition. Based on the background research above, the writer formulated the

research question as follow: What are the types of presupposition applied in the

movie Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan?

C. Research Objective

Based on the research question above, the writer provided to propose the

objective of the research as follow: to identify the types of presupposition applied

in the movie Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan.

D. Significant of the Research

Theoretically, these studies are expected to contribute to linguistic students,

especially in a pragmatics study so that this research can help other linguistic

students to discover new ideas to develop some presuppositions research that acts

as a fundamental theory, the writer presents and add information about related


Practically, these studies are expected to contribute to the development of

knowledge of language society, especially for people who want to engage deeper

in linguistics. The first step in introducing linguistics to the community, especially

in the study of communication in society with the basic theory of presuppositions.

E. Research Scope

In this research, the writer focused on analyzing the presupposition of the

movie Crazy Rich Asian. It includes the types of presuppositions those are, the

existential presupposition, the factive presupposition, the lexical presupposition,

the structural presupposition, the non-factive presupposition, and the

counterfactual presupposition. Thus, context of presupposition in the movie. This

research uses Yule’s (1996) theory.



A. Previous Findings

Before the writer did some research then should look for or read some

thesis or journals that have researched earlier about the presuppositions. So the

writer can find the differences as well as similarities in the study. In connection

with it, the writer founds there were few prior findings related to this research, as


The first research was “Presupposition Of The Narrator’s Utterances In

Silet Infotainment” conducted By Astuti,(2015).Thesis from Faculty Of

Humanities Diponegoro University Semarang. In this research, Astuti focused on a

program that conveys a piece of information about gossip news that is presented

by television such as Infotainment. She also examined the presuppositions found

in the narrator infotainment Silet's speech. The research aims to identify the types

of pre-suppositions that arise in the narrator infotainment of Silet. The pre-

supposition function used narrator infotainment Silet. In the data, Astuti uses a

non-participant observation method and is followed by a note-taking technique.

The Data is then selected using the purposive sampling technique. Authors use a

pragmatic method of order, introspective reflective methods, and clear techniques

for analyzing data. Therefore, the results of his research gained 55 speech from the

108 speech narrator which contains presuppositions. The author finds that a speech

can have more than one presupposition trigger representing a different

presuppositions type. Authors find that the pre-assumed category is found to be

single triggers, double triggers, and plural triggers.

The second Hikmah Nur,(2017) Researched the title “An Analysis Of

Language Presupposition In Advertisements Of Tv Channels In Indonesia” from

English and Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, Alauddin State

Islamic University of Makassar. The method used in this research used descriptive

qualitative method and the researcher will use Yule’s theory about presupposition,

Existential presupposition, Factive presupposition, Lexical presupposition,

Nonfactive presupposition, structural presupposition, and Counterfactual

presupposition. This research aims to find out the types of presupposition in an

advertisement for a TV channel in Indonesia. Furthermore, the result of the study

shows that the researchers concluded that everyone who presupposed something

that they must have different presupposition.

The third,Cahyono,(2016) researched the title “The Analysis Of

Presupposition Found In Song Lyrics Of The Heart Of Everything Album By

Within Temptation Band And Its Application In Teaching Listening”. The method

used in this research used the descriptive qualitative method. This research aims to

find out the presupposition Found in Song Lyrics of “The Heart of Everything”

Album by Within Temptation Band and to find out the way of teaching listening

using song lyrics on The Heart of Everything. Furthermore, the result of the study

shows that the researcher found that the most presupposition used in song lyrics on

The Heart of Everything album by Within Temptation band are existential

presupposition.The application of presupposition in the song lyrics on the album

entitled The Heart of Everything by Within Temptation band is to teach English

listening. The indicator is students can identify the meaning of the song. The

researcher suggests to the teachers, they can use authentic materials like this song

lyrics so teachers can maximize the teaching result. For the students, songs can

help them learn to listen to something entertaining.

The fourth, Ananda, Wihadi, & Suryana, (2017) in the research entitile

Presupposition Analysis in Some Selected Consumer Advertisement Slogan of The

Jakarta post this research aims to finding the types of presuppositioon and

describing the function of presupposition in advertisement found in consumer

advertisement slogans of the Jakarta post newspaper. The method used in this

research used descriptive qualitative method and the researcher will use Yule’s

theory about presupposition. The result of this research showed that the writer

found 20 presuppositions. Then, not all type of presupposition and function of

presupposition in advertisement are found, it is influenced by various types and

functions in advertisement causing different assumption and presupposition.

The fifth study is taken from taken Risdianto, (1996) entitle “The Analysis

of Presupposition in George Orwell’s Novella Animal Fram”. The study focuses

on types to identify and classify the presupposition used in conversation in

Orwell’s novella. The identification is based on the presupposition triggers and

classification based on six type of presupposition. The research also attempts to

analyze the function in the use of presupposition in conversation. The data in this

research are in form of utterances containing presupposition. Based on the

classification of six presupposition types according to Yule's theory (1996), this

research found the 180 utterances.

Based on the previous study above, the writer finds the similarity and

difference between this research. The similarity is that the writer will also use the

type of presupposition propose by Yule’s theory (1996). Therefore, those relevant

studies will be very helpful in simplifying the writer in doing data analysis.

Moreover, there are disimilarity between this research and prior research. First,

Astuti’s thesis focuses on analyzing the types of presupposition triggers based on

Levinson theory. Then. She has an object this research about “infotainment”

While, Hikmah’s thesis focuses on analysis in “advertisement of Tv channel

Indonesia”. Thus, Cahyono’s thesis used the song for an object is “The Heart of

Everything” Album by Within Temptation Band” and its application teaching

listening”. Next, Ananda’s Journal focuses on analyzing advertisement in post

Jakarta. The last, Cahyono’s in the journal focuses on analysis George Orwell’s

Novella Animal Fram. be different previous study, the data in this writer taken

from in movie Crazy Rich Asian. The writer assumes that this study which is titled

presupposition in movie Crazy Rich Asian has never been observed before.

B.Theoretical Framework

1. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is one of the branches of linguistics that is closely related to

semantics because they both have the meaning of language units. However, the

two branches of linguistics have the distinction of semantics studying the meaning

of language units internally while pragmatics learning the meaning of a language

externally. Levinson,(1983:12) states that pragmatics is the study of all those

aspects of meaning not captured in a semantics theory. Pragmatics has as its topic

those aspects of the meaning of utterances which can not be accounted for by

straightforward reference to the truth conditions of the sentences uttered. Then,

according to Yule,(1996: 4) pragmatics is the study of the relationship between

linguistics form and the users of those forms situations to communicate.

Pragmatics related to the study of meaning as communicated by the speaker or the

author and interpreted by listeners or readers.

a. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning. This approach is

concerned with the study about the meaning conveyed by the speaker or the author

than in the interpretation by the listener or reader. This study is more related to the

analysis of what is meant by people with the speech of the meaning of Separate

words and phrases. Their speech rather than the literal meaning of the speech


b. Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. This approach explains

what a person means to use a context and how the context affects what it says.

c. Pragmatics is the study of how more meaning is communicated than

what is said. The intent of this approach is how the listener can conclude the

information that the speakers say. Another word of study is a vague search study

of meaning.

d. Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. This

approach answers perspectives on what determines the choice between the spoken

and the unspoken. So there is assuming how close or distant the listener.

From its definition, it is apparent that there is a close relationship between

the linguisticsqa form and the person using it. A speech can have several different

meanings if pronounced by different people with different statuses, different jobs,

and different genders. Following pragmatics definitions according to experts:

Trudgill (1980:61) states that pragmatic is a branch of linguistics that

relates to the meaning when it occurs in the social context. Pragmatic can be

described as a study of meaning from linguistics. Then, based on the pragmatics

standpoint, the meaning and use of the language depends on the speaker. Similar

to the opinion above, Levinson,(1983:5) states that pragmatic study of language

uses the relationship between language and basic context for a language

understanding. Afterward, Huang, (2007:2) says that pragmatic are systematic

studies based on meaning the use of language.

Furthermore, Birner,(2013:2) explains that pragmatic is a study of the

language used in the context in comparison with semantics, which is a literal study

of independent meanings of contexts. On the other hand, Pragmatics are associated

interactions with tools for meaningful communication that relies on or originates

in the way in which are use words and sentences by Kroeger,(2018:4) and

Griffiths, (2006:1). Based on the definition above, briefly, pragmatics is studying a

language use based on the context of the meaning of a speech speaker to the


2. Context

Context is a very important aspect inferring the implicit meaning

(Schiffrin, 1987:3). Context is the knowledge and situation in which the language

itself guides the use of language and interpretation of speech so that the

information to be conveyed can be understood by the listener.The information

submitted will be successfully understood only if the listener can capture meaning

in context. The function of context is to reduce the ambiguity of meaning if there

are different contexts then produce different meanings. Levinson,(1983:22).

On the other hand, Dey,(2001:5) says that context is any information that

can be used to characterizes the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place,

or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a speaker and

listeners. Meanwhile, Holmes,(2013:250) writes that there are several factors

related to use language and social settings and interaction functions. Moreover,

context will reflect the influences of one or more of the following components:

a. The participants: who is speaking and who are they talking ? for

example wife-husband, boss-workers, lecture-student, etc.

b. The setting or social context of the interaction: where are they speaking?

Example: home, work, campus, school, etc

c. The topic: What is being talked about? for example education, social

media, Global warming, etc

d. The function: why are they speaking?

From the explanations above, Context is the crucial factor influencing a

deeper meaning of an utterance. it is known that context is an important concept in

pragmatics as part of presupposition.

3. Presupposition.

a. Definition

A presupposition is derived from the pre-suppose, which means to suspect

a prior or suspected temporary. It means that before speakers get in the talk of

something, speakers already had a previous guess about would the speakers

talking. To better understand the presupposition. Here are some of the definitions

of the presupposition by experts:

Fromkin, Victoria, Rodman Robert, Hyams (1988:174) says that

presuppositions are the situation should usually exist on each appropriate for

utterance.Besides, Grundy,(2008:63) says that a presupposition is the meaning of

someone accommodating along the side of a speech.Furthermore, Tambunan,

(2019:18) explains that the presupposition is in the form of a speaker is say that

the speech partner can know for sure the person or object being discussed. The

speech partner will understand or recognize something that the speaker

communicates. Communication between speakers and speech partners can run

without obstacles. Understanding of presuppositions by speech partners is due to

the utterances that preach.

(Wang, 2007) Presupposition is a subject widely studied by linguists

nowadays, but actually it is first studied by philosophers and logicians. Various

opinions exist about the definition of presupposition by different linguists. During

the daily communication, it happens that speakers assume certain information is

already known; such information will generally not be stated and consequently

will count as part of what is communicatedbut not said. Thus, according to

Levinson (1983:168) presupposition is background belief, relating to an utterance

that must be mutually known or assumed by the speaker and addressee for the

utterance to be considered appropriate in context. Yuniardi (2015:11) says that

Presupposition is interpreted by considering the context that exists in the situation

when the utterance is happening to find out the intended meaning of the speaker to

get the information. The context of this utterance should be understood by the


b. Types of Presupposition

Yule (1996:27) states that presuppositions have been associated with the

use of a large number of words, phrases, and structures. This linguistic form is

regarded as an indicator of a potential presupposition, which can only be an actual

presuppose in context with the speakers. Thus, Yule’s states that six types of

presuppositions are: the existential presupposition, the factive presupposition, the

lexical presupposition, the structural presupposition, non-factive presupposition

and counter-factual presupposition. The writer is a further explanation of the six

types of presuppositions:

1) Existential presupposition.

The existential presupposition is not only assumed to be present in

possessive construction but more generally in any definite noun phrase. Speaker is

committed to the existence of the entities named any definite noun phrase an

assumption that someone or something exists, based on the Yule’s, (1996: 27).

Also, the definite noun has any form such as definite article, determiner

and proper name that use to specifying something who have in know by listeners.

Then, form the definite article and the determiner like the that, this, these, and

those. As well as possessive pronoun like Tina, my, yours. To refer in word exist.

El-Gamal, (2001: 42) says that defínite expressions are closely linked to existence

and reference.which express indefiniteness with indefinite articles that always

precede the noun.

Defínite expressions include proper nouns, personal pronouns, and noun

phrases. A semantic categorization of noun phrases divides them in three

subclasses defínite descriptions, indefinite noun phrases, and quantified noun

phrases. Defínite descriptions are expressions that refer to some defínite entity and

identify it partly by means of the descriptive content of the expression. For

example : The king of Sweden, the cat, the girl door, the counting Crows.

In the example above, the utterance said “The king of Sweden” that the

king does exist and they presuppose is “there is the king of Sweden”

The cat >> exist

The girl door >> exist

The counting Crows >> there is a crow.

2) Factive presupposition.

The second type of presupposition is factive presupposition since some

verb used in the sentences to indicates a fact, such as know, realize, regret, glad,

odd and aware. the speaker makes the hearer or reader trust and the information of

the utterance in a fact, based on Yule’s, (1996: 27) For example:

a. She did not realize he was ill. (>> He was ill)

b. We regret telling him. (>> We told him)

c. I was not aware that she was married. (>>She was married)

d. It is not odd that he left early. (>>He left early)

e. I am glad that it is over (>>It is over)

In the example above, the part (a) of the sentence that can be presupposed

is “ He was ill” because it is the fact or the part of the sentence that must be true

although she realized it or she did not realize it. While the part (b) of the sentence

that can be presupposed is “He told him” because it is the fact or the part of the

sentence that must be true although we regret it. The same way part (c) of the

phrase “ was not aware” gives an assumption that I do know that She was married.

So, the presupposed information treated as the fact of her.

3) Lexical presupposition.

Based on the Yule’s, (1996: 28), lexical presupposition is asserted meaning

conventionally interpreted with another meaning for the listener understood about

the information it and it has some word like managed, stop, and start. For example:

a. He stopped smoking. (>>He used to smoke)

b. They started complaining. (>>They were not complaining before)

c. You are late again. (>>You were late before)

In the example above, in the first sentence, the use of one verb “stopped”

can lead up to the presupposition that the smoking was his pas habit, so it can be

presupposed that “ He used to smoke”. Furthermore, in the second sentence, the

use of one verb “ started” indicates the beginning which means that before the

utterance is made, the action of complaining has never been done. The same way

third sentence, the use of one verb “ late” indicates the not on time means that

before the utterance is made, the action of again has never been done.

4) Non-factive presupposition.

The non-factive presupposition is associated with some verbs that are

assumed not to be true. such verbs are the dream, imagine and pretend are used

with the presupposition that what follows is not true, based on the Yule’s,(1996:

29).For example:

a. I dreamed that I was rich (>>I was not rich)

b. We imagined we were in Hawaii (>>We were not in Hawaii)

c. He pretends to be ill (>>He is not ill)

In the first sentence, the use of the verb “ dreamed” indicates that the

clause following the verb“I was rich” is not true. This means that the

presupposition is “I was not rich”. Meanwhile, is applied to the second sentence

where it can be presupposed that the clause “ We were in Hawaii” is not true

because it follows the verb “ imagined”. The same way, in the third sentence, the

presupposition is “ He is not ill” because the clause uses the verb “ pretends

5) Structural presupposition.

The presupposition is the speaker treats them as presupposed information

and accepted be true by the listeners. It can be seen in the use of Wh- question

construction, which is the information after Wh-question is already known to be

the case, based on the Yule’s,(1996: 28). For example :

a. When did he leave? (>>He left)

b. Where did you buy the like (>>You bought the bike)

The sentence above shows that the listener perceives that the information

presented is necessarily true rather than just the presupposition of the person

asking the question.

6) Counter-factual presupposition

This type creates a presupposition meaning that is contrary to the facts or

the opposite is true. Such a structure of if-clause presupposes that information is

considered as not true. However, the meaning of this presupposition isn’t only

true, but it is the opposite of what is true or contrary to the fact, based on the

Yule’s, (1996: 29). For example :

If you were my friend, you would have helped me.

(>>You are not my friend)

Based the example above, the if-clause “ if you were my friend” uses a

conditional structure indicating that the is opposite to the utterance, so it can be

presupposed that the meaning of the clause is “ you are not my friend.

4. Movie

a. Definition of movie

Bahri Arifin & Ariani, (2017:86) states that movie is one media that

reflects the social life of human. One of the important aspect mostly occurred in

movie is the dialogue (conversation) among the characters. Thus, Ali (2013) in

(Sa’adah, 2014 :3) states that a movie is a combination of art, literature and

science. Art and literature reflect moments in people’s life and science studies

people and the world where they live. Thus, a movie is a portrait of people’s life

which is presented beautifully and colorfully. The movie is one of the audiovisual

mass media. It is a series of motion images with sounds and colors. The movie

carries something to share and it is projected.

b. About “Crazy Rich Asian” Movie.

Crazy Rich Asian is adaptated from the novel Crazy Rich Asian written by

Kevin Kwan. and produced by John M chu and Kevin Kwan. While duration

movie is 01-56-46 . The movie was released by Warner Bross, Sk Global, Color

force. Then, the main character of movie were Contance Wu, Henry Golding,

Michelle Yeon, Gemma Chan, etc.The movie is released on15th August. The

movie received several nominations such as : Golden, Globes, USA (2019), Screen

Actors Guild Awards (2019), AARP movies for Grownups Awards (2019), etc.

The movie told a woman named Rachel Chu who is an economics

professor of Chinese-American descent who is in a relationship with a man

named Nick Young who is an Oxford-hosted professor. The begining of the story

when Nick invited Rachel to Singapore to meet with her family and attended the

wedding of her best friend, they are Araminta and Colin Khoo. However, the trip

made Rachel aware that her lover is one of Asia's richest family. When she first

meets with Nick's family, Rachel is deem inappropriate for her social status,

including Eleanor, Nick's mother who always looks down to her after learning of

Rachel parents’s past. Rachel's mother is Immigrants from China who fled to the

United States because of her husband's household violence. In his escape, She

become acquainted with foreign men and she is pregnant. So one day Nick is

forced to choose between Rachel and his family. So she made Rachel go from

Nick's life that has previously rejected his application from Nick.



A. Research Method

The writer uses qualitative research in this study. Which is designed to

describe the case of the study by words or sentence than numbers. The analysis

explains the presupposition that used in movie “Crazy Rich Asian” according to

Yule’s pragmatics theory. By using the descriptive qualitative method, it is easy

to find the disparate and the meaning of presupposition which contains in the

movie “Crazy Rich Asian”.

B. Data Source

The source of data is the conversation that includes the types of

presupposition the movie script “Crazy Rich Asian” by Kevin Kwan as the main

object of the research. The duration is around 01:56:46 and the movie script

around 77 pages.

C. Instruments of the Research

Guba’s in (Shenton, 2004:64) states that the writer himself or herself is the

key instrument of the qualitative method. This research is qualitative, so the

primary instrument is the writer itself.

D. Procedures of Collecting Data

In this research, the process of collecting the data is taken such as

following steps:

1. The writer watched the movie thoroughly.

2. The writer read and completed the script with see the context

3. The writer identified the utterances which include in presupposition in the

movie script.

4. The writer reduces the data being identified in a form of extract data on

the piece of note and coding it.

E. The Techniques of Data Analysis

Coming to this section, the writer included these following steps for the

formulated problem:

1. The writer analyzed the phrase of presupposition in movie “Crazy Rich

Asian” by using the theory of Yule’s, (1996:25) about presupposition.

2. The writer categorized the data in types of presupposition in the movie.

3. Furthermore, the writer drawed the conclusion and rechecked it whether or

not the conclusion is appropriate to answer the formulated problem.



This chapter provides the findings and discussion. As states in the previous

part, this research aims at identifing the presupposition applied in the movie Crazy

Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan. The data gained are presented in the findings, while

the detail explanation is conveyed deeply in the discussion section.

A. Findings

The categorized data is based on Yule’s (1996:25) theory about

presupposition. Thus, Yule explains about six types of presupposition are

existential presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, non-

factive presupposition, structural presupposition, and counterfactual


Based on the data result, the writers finds all of the types of presupposition

in the movie Crazy Rich Asian. It can be seen that there are 47 data divided into

six categories. It consists of 27 data out of 47 data of existential presupposition as

the most dominant and followed by others, that are 3 data of 47 data of factive

presupposition, 3 data are lexical presupposition, thus, data of non-factive

presupposition only has 1 data of 47 data, 7 data are structural presupposition and

6 data of 48 data are counterfactual presupposition.

1. The Existential Presupposition

It is an assumption of the existence of the entities named any definite noun

phrase by the speaker. in this research, the writer founds 27 data that belong to the

type of existential presupposition. But, the writer just to explain some of extract

this type. The first data can be seen below:

1) The utterances at 00:01:28 - 00:01:29

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Clerk and Eleanor. The conversation takes place in the lobby on the hotel. As

mentioned earlier, it is a problem to receive a visitor to the hotel. The function of

the conversation is to show that the speaker receive guests who come and

introduce the hotel as a luxurious and private hotel.

Extract 1

Clerk # 1: May I help you? This is the Calthorpe, a private hotel

Eleanor: I’m Mrs. Eleanor Young. I have a reservation.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions the name of the place Calthorpe. Then, this

utterance uses definite articles so that it is referred to as a definite noun phrase.

The speaker that the place is exist.

Extract 2

Clerk # 1: May I help you? This is the Calthorpe, a private hotel

Eleanor: I’m Mrs. Eleanor Young. I have a reservation.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions the existence of a private hotel. This utterance

explains about someone who introduces a place and this speaker assumes this

place is exist.

2) The Utterance at 00:01:30-00:01:37

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Eleanor and Clerk. The conversation takes place in the lobby on the hotel. As

mentioned earlier, it is a problem to receive a visitor to the hotel. The function of

the conversation is to show that when Eleanor enters a hotel and she has

reservation this hotel. But the Clerk hotel does not believe and chase away them

out of the hotel because their name are not on the hotel guest books.

Extract 3

Eleanor: I’m Mrs. Eleanor Young. I have a reservation. The Lancaster suite.
(sees his name tag) We spoke on the phone when I confirmed yesterday.
Clerk # 1: Sorry, don't seem to have your reservation.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions the name of the place and she that assumes there

is the suit in this hotel and this suit is exist.

3) The Utterance at 00:01:43- 00:02:02

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Ormsby and Eleanor. The conversation takes place in the lobby on the hotel. As

mentioned earlier, it is a problem to receive a visitor to the hotel. The function of

the conversation is to show that the speaker identifies himself as a hotel manager.

So, if there is a problem. He has to solve the problem.

Extract 4

Ormsby: Good evening. I'm Reginald Ormsby, a hotel manager. Is there a

Eleanor: I'm Mrs. Eleanor Young. My family and I would like to be shown to our
suite We’ve had a long flight.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker introduces himself along with the work, and he is assumes

that the hotel have a hotel manager, when there is a problem then he has know its

that problem.

Extract 5

Eleanor: I'm Mrs. Eleanor Young. My family and I would like to be shown to our
suite We’ve had a long flight.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions that she has a family and they is exist. These

utterances are state by Eleanor, when she wants to reservation hotel because they

just come from Singapore.

4) The utterance at 00:02:42 - 00:02:46

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Ormsby and Lord Cathhope. The conversation takes place in the lobby on the

hotel. The topic of the conversation is to reservation on the hotel. The function of

the conversation is to show the Ormsby have acknowledged all the mistakes that

they have committed and apologize for any misunderstanding over the problems

that have occured.

Extract 6

Ormsby: Lord Calthorpe! My apologies for this disturbance

Lord Calthorpe: Eleanor! I just got off the phone with your husband.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker talks about existence. This utterance refers to a possessive

pronoun, because the speaker mentions Eleanor’s husband. So. he speaker have to

know that she has a husband and he is exist.

5) The utterance at 00:05:14 - 00:05:20


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Nick. The conversation takes place in the Restaurant. The topic of the

conversation is the food. The function of the conversation is to show that Nick

who always orders coffee and he always eats his girlfriend’s dessert.

Extract 7

Nick: Mm, I'm okay with coffee. Thanks.

Rachel: Yeah, well, you always say that, and then you end up eating all my dessert

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions he has a dessert and the speaker assumes that the

dessert is exist. Then, this phrase refers to possesive contruction.

6) The utterance at 00:13:19 - 00:13:28

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Nick. The conversation takes place in the Plane. The topic of the

conversation is Nick's family. The function of the conversation is to show that

Rachel wants to know all of Nick’s family because she only finds out that Nick’s

simple people. But they are a rich and famous family in Singapore.

Extract 8

Nick: I like that place, thank you very much. And yes, my family has money, but
I’ve always thought of it as theirs. Not mine
Rachel: I get that. But I'm going all the way over there to meet them... Kind of just
wanna know what I'm getting into. And, you know, they’re your family.

This bold utterance is classified as the existential presupposition because it

shows that the speaker mentions he has a family and money. This utterance refers

to exist because the speakers assume that he does not money just her family.

2. The Factive Presupposition

Something that's an assumption that the speaker is a fact. This type has

some words are used in the sentences to denote facts, such as know, realize, regret,

glad, aware, odd. In this research, the writer found 3 data that be part of factive

presupposition those are:

7) The utterance at 00:39:15-00:39:27


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Eleanor. The conversation takes place in the kitchen. The topic of the

conversation is to introduce itself. The function of the conversation is to show the

speaker that she is happy to meet he boyfriend's parents, even though she only

meet her mother while her husband went to work outside the city despite she is her

very nervous when they meet for the first time.

Extract 9

Rachel: Oh, my gosh! I, I'm so happy to meet you, Mrs. Young. (gives her a big
hug) Or, uh, Auntie. Right?
Eleanor: I'm very glad to finally meet you, too. And I’m sorry Nick’s father
couldn’t be here. He was called to a business in Shanghai.

This bold utterance is clasified as the factive presupposition because it

shows that the speaker indicates feeling happy when he first meet the girlfriend of

a daughter even though Eleanor feel guilty because her husband is not here.

8) The utterance at 01:12:01-01:12:05


The utterance below show that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Eleanor. The conversation takes place on the ladder. The topic of the

conversation is rung. The function of the conversation is to show the speaker

looking for Rachel because she thinks that it will disappear in this huge house and

she wants to tell story about this ring.

Extract 10

Rachel : (surprised) Oh. Hi. I think I’m a little lost. This house is pretty big.

Eleanor: I'm glad I found you. I’m afraid that I’ve been unfair.

Rachel: Oh, no, you know what? I'm sorry I made an assumption. I didn't mean

to offend you.

Eleanor: Not at all. (then) You asked about my ring. The truth is Nick's father had

it made when he wanted to propose to me because Ah Ma wouldn't give him the

family ring. I wasn't her first choice. Honestly, I wasn't her second

This bold utterance is clasified in the factive presupposition because it

shows that the speaker indicated His feelings because he thinks Rachel will be lost

in this House that is very large buildings.

9) The utterance at 01:14:01- 01:32:32


The utterance below shows tha the participants of the conversation are

Nick and Ah ma. The conversation takes place in the garden. The topic of the

conversation is Rachel's parents. The function of the conversation is to show that

the speaker says her mother does not know about her aktivity.

Extract 11

Nick: I know my mum can be tough at times, but there isn’t anything she wouldn’t

do for me... (off Rachel’s silence) And there is a reason why I lived with Ah Ma

growing up. It’s because my mother knew she wasn’t the favorite. So she let her

raise me so I would be.

Nick: Ah Ma. Mum. What's all this about?

This bold utterance is classified as the factive presupposition because it

shows that the speaker indicates the disappointment of a child to his mother who

does not know her habits and her drunks, she feels happier if she lives with her

grandmother. And also a disappointment that her boyfriend go because of the past

problems of Rachel's parents.

3. The Lexical Presupposition

This type is the use of a form with its asserted meaning is conventionally

interpreted with the presupposition that another, non- asserted meaning is

understood. On the other hand. The lexical presupposition is the assumption that,

in using one word, the speaker can act as if another meaning (word) will be

understood. This type has some words are used in such as managed, stop, start, and

again. In this research, the writer found 3 utterances that apply to the type of

lexical presupposition those are:

10) The utteramce at 00:20 51-00:20 53

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Colin and Nick. The conversation takes place is Hacker Center. A place that has

traditional food and is very popular in Singapore. The topic of the conversation is

groomsmen wedding. The function of the conversation is to show that Colin wants

to ask Nick for helping to become a Groomsmen because he does not want his

own male companion at the time of the wedding. And after that they speak while

eating that they has bought.

Extract 12

Colin : (to Nick) Oh, before I forget, I need your help tomorrow. Uh, I need to do
some groomsmen stuff and I don’t wanna do it alone with Bernard Tai.
Nick : I still cannot believe that you got that guy to be your groomsman
Araminta : thank you. Thank you. I rest my case.

The presuppositions appearing in this extract are lexical presupposition. In

the bold sentence it has presuppositions that he does not think he will be a

groomsmen and his friend would marry. The presuppositions that arise are on the

word "still" because the speaker has an implied word that says that it does not

believe what he has heard.

11) The utterance at 00:43:51- 00:43:55


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Astrid and Michael. The conversation takes place is Ah Ma’s House. The topic of

the conversation is the food. The function of the conversation is to show that

Astrid brings her a favorite meal for her husband because the party is over and all

the food have been cleaned.

Extract 13

Astrid : They started clearing away dinner. Your favorites

Michael : Thank you

The presuppositions appearing in this data are lexical precrepositions. In

the bold sentence has a presupposition that the dinner has been completed because

the officers have cleared the party. The presuppositions that appear are in the word

if "started" which of the speaker gives an implied information.

12) The utterance at 01:45:31 - 01:45:34

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Eleanor and Rachel. The conversation takes place is Mahjong Hall. The topic of

the conversation is Mahjong games. The function of the conversation is to show

that the speakers play Mahjong with Rachel as they relate the relationship to

Rachel and Nick where Rachel has goes because she doesn't want Nick to go with

her and leave her family so she decides to go back to American.

Extract 14

Eleanor : (realizing) so you chose for him.

Rachel : i’m not leaving ‘cause i’m scared or because i think i’m not enough.
Because... Maybe for the first time in my life, i know i am. I just love nick so much.
I don't want him to lose his mom again. So i just wanted you to know that one
day, when he marries another lucky girl, who is enough for you, and you're
playing with your grandkids while the tan huas are blooming, and the birds are
chirping, that it was because of me... A poor, raised by a single mother, low class,
immigrant nobody.

The presuppositions appearing in this data are lexical presupposition. The

bold sentence has a presupposition Nick has abandoned his mother before.

Rachel's implied speech explaining information that has previously occurred in the

present time when the incident is repeat. The presuppositions that arise is the word

"again" in order to be understood the implied information that is said by speakers.

4. The Non-factive Presupposition.

The non-factive presupposition is one that is assumed not to be true. then,

these types are the opposite of factive presupposition. There is a verb that includes

this type like dream, imagine and pretend. In this research, the writer found 1

utterance that belongs to the type of non-factive those are

13) The utterance at 01:50:49 - 01:50:52

Context :

The utterance above shows that the participants of the conversation are

Nick and Rachel. The conversation takes place on the plane. The topic of the

conversation is the relationship. The function of the conversation is to show the

speaker does not want Rachel to go out of her life so she has imagined a happy

family and would go to her favorite place. Therefore she will apply for her

boyfriend aboard the plan.

Extract 15

Nick: I always imagined what I proposing to you would be like. And you know
what, I had it all planned out. Oh, yeah, right behind you.

This bold utterance is clasified as the non-factive presupposition because it

shows that the speaker indicates he never thought a relationship the girlfriend will

a break.

5. The Structural Presupposition

In this type, one might say that the speaker can use such structures to treat

information as presupposed (assumed to be true) and hence to be accepted as true

by the listener. Thus, usually, this presupposition is formed Wh- question. In this

research, the writer found 7 utterances that belong to the type of structural

presupposition those are

14) The utterance at 00:09:07 - 00:09:21

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Nick and Eleanor. The conversation takes place in the Restaurant. The topic of the

conversation is News about Nick has a girlfriend. The function of the conversation

is to show the speaker is shock because suddenly her mother is calling and asked

about the news she has a boyfriend despite the time she know that it is coming

from a News Radio in Asia.

Extract 16

Nick : hmm. We were literally just talking about that. How could you know?
Eleanor : everybody knows. Nick sees celine leaving through a revolving door.
Nick : Radio One Asia.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because in

this expression it has a presupposition "He had known the news before He called

to me". As for the presuppositions which raise structural presuppositions on Nick's

speech is Wh-Question. Wh-Question type used is the Question "How " that can

serve to ask for a situation or clarity about a thing.

15) The utterance at 00:39:32 - 00:39:40

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Eleanor and Rachel. The conversation takes place in the house. The topic of the

conversation is Rachel’s job. The function of the conversation is to show the

speaker has learned earlier that he is a professor then he is curious about what

subjects he has taught his students.

Extract :17

Eleanor : as it should be. (to rachel) nick tells me you’re a professor, too.What did

you teach?

Rachel : um, i teach economics.

Nick : and she’s brilliant. Nyu’s youngest faculty member.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because this

phrase has a assumption that Rachel is a teacher because she had previously been

told by Nick that she is a Professor. But he does not know that he is a young

professor at the faculty. The presuppositions which the structural presuppositions

of Eleanor's use is the question "What" that can be used to ask something.

16) The utterance at 00:46:00 - 00:46:13

Context :

The utterance below show that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Oliver. The conversation takes place in the house. The topic of the

conversation is the Young’s family . The function of the conversation is to show a

speaker situation that tells of Young family who buy very rare items.

Extract : 18

Oliver : Mm, well, I’m one of the poorer relations. The rainbow sheep of the
family.But I make myself useful.Whatever the Youngs want, I procure. Golden koi
fish, Huanghuali furniture.A rare Cambodian gong.
Rachel : why would they want to buy a rare cambodian gong?
Oliver : because they can.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because it

has a presupposition that he had a Cambodian gong. As for the presuppositions

which raise structural presuppositions on Rachel's used the word "why" which can

serve to ask why an event occurred.

17) The utterances at 00:29:46 - 00:29:49


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Neena and Rachel. The conversation takes place in Neena's house. The topic of the

conversation is a job.The function of the conversation is to show the speaker wants

to find out what Rachel is doing in American

Extract 19

Neena: so, Rachel, what you did in america?

Rachel: um, i'm an economics professor
Wye mun : (impressed) whoa. Very impressive. Econ professor, eh? Wow! You
must be very smart. Good for you.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because it

shows that the speaker indicated that Neena presupposes that Rachel has a job in

America". As for the presuppositions which raise structural presuppositions on

Rachel's used the word "what" that can serve to ask something.

18) The utterance at 01:03:25 - 01:03:28


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Astrid. The conversation takes place on the beach. The topic of the

conversation is an Araminta’s friends. The function of the conversation is to show

the situation of Rachel and Astrid who dig holes to dump all the garbage that has

been done by Araminta friends to him by giving food waste and fish blood in his

room. So he felt very angry and dislike the deed.

Extract 20

Rachel : I mean, i didn’t have to deal with catty, fish-killing sociopaths, but how
did you two get through all this?
Astrid : well, i didn't have it quite this bad, but it wasn't pretty.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because in

this expression has a presupposition "you have been friends with them very long".

As for the presuppositions which raise structural presuppositions on Rachel's used

a question word "how" that can serve to ask for a situation or clarity about a thing,

how something work.

19) The utterance at 01:10:08 - 01:10:18

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel, Eleanor and Nick.the conversation takes place in messroom. The topic of

the conversation is Eleanor’s ring. The function of the conversation is to show the

situation making a dumping cake with other families. In addition Rachel sees

Eleanor's very beautiful and beautiful rings and they also discuss about Eleanor's

relationship with her husband.

Extract 21

Rachel : That’s a beautiful ring, Aunty Eleanor.I’ve never seen anything like it.
Eleanor : (surprised; then) Nick’s father had it made when he proposed to me.
Rachel : that’s very romantic. How did you guys meet?
Nick : actually, they met at cambridge. They were both studying law together.
Rachel : oh, i didn’t know you were a lawyer

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because in

this expression has a asumption that speaker wonder about they are relationship

and they have met before". As for the presuppositions which raises structural

presuppositions on Rachel's used the question "how" that can function to ask for

circumstances or clarity about a thing.

20) The utterance at 01:37:33- 01:38:17

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Rachel and Kerry. The conversation takes place in Rachel’s bedroom. The topic of

the conversation is Rachel's fathers. The function of the conversation Rachel want

to know his parent’s past.

Extract 22

Rachel : why didn’t you tell me about my father?

Kerry : My husband wasn’t a good man.He hurt me.(off rachel) but an old
schoolmate of mine helped me through things and we fell in love and I got
pregnant with his baby, that’s you. I was so afraid my husband would find out and
kill us both, so I just took you and I ran to America.

This bold utterance is clasified as the structural presupposition because this

expression has a presupposition "you never told my father before". As for the

presuppositions which raise structural presuppositions on Rachel's used the word

"why" which can serve to ask the reason for an event that happened.

6. The Counterfactual presupposition

It is presupposition when the assumption of what is presupposed is not only

untrue but is the opposite of what is true or contrary to fact. Then, this

presupposition uses conditional structure if-clause for the information is not true at

the time of utterance. In this research, the writer found 6 utterances that belong to

the type of counterfactual presupposition those are:

21) The utterances at 00:09:36 - 00:09:48

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Eleanor and Nick. The conversation takes place in a Restaurant. The topic of the

conversation are Rachel and Nick's visit to Singapore. The function of the

conversation is to show that Eleanor asks Nick will stay at home because they still

have guest bedrooms at home.

Extract 23

Eleanor: I see. Well, I'm having the house redone. And it's not ready for guests.
If Rachel comes, I think she might be more comfortable staying somewhere else?
Nick: All right. Sorry about that

This bold utterance is classified as the counterfactual presupposition

because it shows that the speaker indicates that Rachel does not come to the party.

22) The utterance at 00:14:42 - 00:14:44


The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Phorographer and Eddie. The conversation takes places in house.The topic of the

conversation is family picture. The function of the conversation is to show that the

speaker will take photos together naturally with a good angel.

Extract 24

Photographer: You know if you move, it will look more natural.

Eddie : No, this way you get our optimal angles.

This bold utterance is classified as the structural presupposition because it

shows that the speaker had a presuppose is "although he moved it wouldn't look

natural". As for the type of presuppositions used is in the word "if" which is

applied to explain the presuppositions of speakers that the fact that he faced


23) the utterance at 00:32:15-00:32:07

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Wye mun and Rachel. The conversation takes place in Peik Lin’S house. The topic

of the conversation is Rachel’s outfit. The function of the conversation is to show

the family situation of Peik Lin is gathering in the dining room as they tell the

story of Rachel who is invited by the Nick family to go to her grandmother's party.

And they also turned out about the clothes to be used by Rachel who wears very

simple clothes.

Extract 25

Rachel : Yeah, I thought red was a lucky color, right?

Wye mun : Yeah,if you’re an envelope. Zing! Nailed it!

Rachel : No

On this data, the speakers have the opposite presuppositions appearing in

the bold sentence. In that sentence, the presuppose of the speakers is "he was not an

envelope" because the assumption shows untrue reality and did not also conform to

the fact that he was a man. The type of presuppositions uses in the word "if" which is

apply to explain the presuppositions of speakers that the fact that he face opposition.

24) The utterance at 00:32:28 - 00:32:28

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Peiklin and Rachel. The conversation takes place in Peik Lin’s bedroom closet.

The topic of the conversation is Rachel’s outfit. The function of the conversation is

to show the situation Peik Lin is find a dress for Rachel that she will wear at the

party and tell how the Young family is very popular in the country. So she want to

make Rachel stand out on the show.

Extract 26

Peik lin :Now, they’re the landlords of the most expensive city in the world. Here

you go. (hands Rachel the purse) These people are so posh and snobby, they’re

snoshy. Here you go. Peik Lin hands her a pair of platform shoes.

Rachel : Yeah, but Nick’s not like that.

Peik lin : Even if he isn’t, I guarantee you the family is. Which is why tonight,

you need to not look like Sebastian of The Little Mermaid. You know, little crab


In this data, speakers have the opposite presuppositions appearing in bold

sentences. In the sentence, the presuppositions of the speakers is "he did not look

like Sebastian as a crab guy" because the presuppositions show an untrue reality

and did not also conform to the fact that he is a man and Female while Sebastian is

a male crab in the movie The Litle Mermaid. The type of presuppositions used is

the word "if" which is applied to explain the presuppositions of speakers that the

fact that he faced opposite.

25) The utterance at 01:09:20 - 01:09:30

Context :

The utterance below shows that the participants of the conversation are

Astrid, Oliver, and Felicity. The conversation takes place in Tyersall park - dining

room. The topic of the conversation is the Tradition of making dumplings. The

function of the conversation is to show the situation of people gathering in the

family room to make dumplings which are a tradition of the Young family so as

not to lose. So all the family must teach all his children to make dumplings.

Extract 27

Astrid : (to Felicity) Hey, I never got after-school dumplings.

Oliver:Well, that’s because Aunty Felicity was doing after-school
Felicity : (mock-scolds; in Cantonese; subtitled) Ni le wu qie, ruguo a ye zhong xi
du, shi qing ni shi teng tiao wen zhurou. [Smart ass. If your grandfather was
alive, he’d kick you into next week.]

In this data, speakers have the opposite presuppositions appearing in bold

sentences. In that sentence, the presuppositions of the speakers were "he died"

because the presuppositions shows unrighteous reality and does not also conform

to the fact that grandfather’s died and could not kick you anymore. The type of

presuppositions uses word "if" which is applied to explain the presuppositions of

speakers that the fact that he faced opposition.

26) The utterance at 01:17:54 - 01:17:58

Context :

The utterance below the participants of the conversation are Oliver and

Rachel. The conversation takes place in the Goh house - living room. The topic of

the conversation is Rachel’s dress. The function of the conversation is to show

Rachel's situation prepares herself go to the party by picking a nice dress in use at

the party. He is assisted by Oliver and Peik Lin in choosing a dress and his goes

the party.

Extract 28

Oliver : Right. I'm not sure if it's working or if she looks like a clown's tampon.
Rachel : Oh!

In this data, speakers have the opposite presuppositions appearing in bold

sentences. In that sentence, the presuppose of the speakers is "he was not like

Clown's tampon" because the presuppositions shows an untrue reality and did not

also correspond to the fact that he wants to beautify himself but they said he saw

like a clown wearing such a suit. The type of presuppositions used is in the word

"if" which is applied to explain the presuppositions of speakers that the fact that he

faced opposition.

B. Discussion

This part, the writer discuss the result of data analysis. In the finding

section, the writer presents and analyze the data about the movie “Crazy Rich

Asian” by Kevin Kwan. The writer begins the discussion by answering the

research question about the presupposition applied by character in the movie.

Based on Yule’s theory (1996) about presupposition. As a result, based on 47 data,

the writer finds all the types of presupposition in the movie Crazy Rich Asian.

From the five types of presupposition which is used by the main character

in the movie Crazy Rich Asian, the writer finds existential presupposition is the

most dominant among all types of presupposition is 27 data. This type shows

definite noun phrase. One of the interesting findings is that utterance “This is the

Calthorpe” and “The Lancaster suite” show that the utterance refer to noun place

and proper to the name place. Another the data of existential type are the mostly is

used in the phrase “ my family, your husband, my dessert” showing possesive


The second finding is the factive presupposition having three (3) data from

all data and the writer only finds the factive verb like “knew and glad”. Factive is

the assumption that something is true and it has some verbs such as “ realize,

regret. aware, odd, glad and know”. These data are taken from the movie “I'm

very glad to finally meet you, too” (extract 11),” I'm glad I found you”(extract 13),

and “It’s because my mother knew she wasn’t the favorite”. This data shows a fact

of information that is proved

The third finding is the lexical presupposition having three (3) data of 48

the total amount of data. This type, the writer only finds the lexical verb like “start,

again and still”. Lexical is any implied information that can be understood by the

listener and it has some verb such as “ stop, start, again, manage and still”. These

data are taken from the movie “They started clearing away dinner” (extract 15), “I

don't want him to lose his mom again” (extract 16) and “I still cannot believe that

you got that guy to be your groomsman (extract 14).

The fourth is the non-factive presupposition having one (1) data from all

data. This type, the writer only finds the non-factive verb like “imagine”. Non-

factive is an assumption that is not a fact and it has some verb such as “dream,

imagine and pretend”. These are the data taken from the movie; I always imagined

what I proposing to you would be like. (extract 16).

The five findings are the structural presupposition having seven (7) data

from all data. Which were presupposed by Wh-question like the word “what,

when, where, who, why, and how which help the spectator to fully understand the

story of the movie. Non-factive is an assumption that uses a phrase and structure in

explaining a truth that occurs. One of the interesting findings is that the word

“that’s very romantic. How did you guys meet? (Extract 23)”. This utterance, the

speaker wants to know the relationship between Eleanor and your husband.

The last finding is the counterfactual presupposition having six (6) data

from all data. Which presuppose used is counterfactual conditional like the word

“if-clause”. Counterfactual is a presupposition contrary to the facts and truths. One

of the interesting findings is that the word “Yeah if you’re an envelope. Zing!

Nailed it”. this utterance shows that The presuppositions demonstrate the

unrighteous reality and not also in accordance with the fact that he was a man.

This finding in the movie “Crazy Rich Asian” is different from the

previous studies that also analysis about presupposition. Compared with Astuti

(2015) who study presupposition as find in silet infotainment. She finds that 108

utterances narrator which contain presupposition triggers like single triggers,

double triggers, and plural triggers. Moreover, she finds three functions

presupposition in the narrator speaks. Meanwhile, this research find 47 utterances

the types of presupposition in the movie and this research did not find the function

of presupposition. Furthermore, the research conducted by Hikmah (2017) analyze

presupposition in advertisements. She find the most dominant type of

presupposition used is existential presupposition and she just find out three type of

presupposition. Whereas, this research find all the types of presupposition.

On the side, Cahyono (2016) also analyze the types of presupposition and

application teaching listening. He finds the most dominant type is existential

presupposition and he gives suggestions for the students that songs can help to

learn listening with something entertaining. Meanwhile, this research just focuses

on the types of presupposition. Furthermore, the last previous studies conducted by

Risdianto (1996) focuses on the types of presupposition in George Orwell’s

Novella Animal Fram and the language function by Jakobson (1960). He found

180 presupposition types according to Yule’s theory. Moreover, He find 5

functions of presuppositions the novella which is emotive, conative, referential,

poetic, and phatic. While this research just focusses the types of presupposition

and use the movie as main object.

After classifiying the types of presupposition ,The writer finds that the

presupposition applied by character in the movie can be seen from presupposition

types that uses. This type of presupposition mostly used is existential

presupposition and the types of presupposition rarely used non-factive

presupposition. because the existential used by the writer telling relationship

between Rachel with her boyfriend, which he is the richest in Asia. Thus, this

types shows the existence of an entity such as definite noun phrase and possesive

contruction,after the writer looking the character in movie from their background

and their condition place.

The writer concluded that every presupposition produced has meaning that

want to be sent by speaker to hearer, every presupposition can depends on the

condition or the situation when the speaker says a presupposition. When the

speaker produces a presupposition, we should consider about the situation that

conveys the presupposition itself, so it can decrease the mistakes in receiving




In this chapter the writer would like to present the conclusion and suggestion of

this research which is entitled "An Analysis of Presupposition Used in The Movie

Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan”.

A. Conclusions

Based on analyzing the data of presupposition, the writer concludes that the

characters in the movie Crazy Rich Asian mostly used the presupposition in

the form of existential presupposition, and followed by factive presupposition,

lexical presupposition, non-factive presupposition, structural

presupposition,and counterfactual presupposition. It is proven by the 47

utterances types of presupposition that are found by the writer.The utterances

are divided into some presupposition, which consist of 27 utterances

existential presupposition, 3 utterances of factive presupposition, 3 utterances

of lexical presupposition, 1 utterances of non-factive presupposition, for

structural presupposition these are 7 utterances and the last is 6 utterance that

include counterfactual presupposition.

B. Suggestions

After nalyzing the data and discussing the result, the writer gives some

suggestion to those who might be benefite to the result of this research, there

are four as follows

1. English and literature students

The writer hopes this research can be one of the references for studying

presupposition especially to give more understanding about

presupposition as one of the part pragmatics studies in the linguistics field.

2. For the reader

The writer hopes that this research can be one of the reader's references

when studying presupposition. It is also hope after reading this research

the readers would understand if every utterance that produces by people

sometimes has implicit meaning that wants to speak to the listener, so the

reader can communicate well with the others.

3. The writer future

This research can be one of the references in studying presupposition and

for the other writers, and the writer hopes that in the future there will be

other writers who will conduct the same topic or the same theory to

complete this research although indifferent object.


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NO Type of Time Utterances


Existential 00:01:28- Clerk #1 : May I help you? This

1 presupposition 00:01:40 is the Calthorpe 1, a private
Eleanor : I’m Mrs. Eleanor
Young.I have a reservation.The
Lancaster suite 3. We spoke on
the phone when I confirmed
Clerk#1: Sorry, don’t seem to
have your reservation

2 00:01:42- Ormsby : Good evening.I’m

00:01:55 Reginald Ormsby, hotel manager
. Is there a problem?
Eleanor : I’m Mrs. Eleanor
Young. My family5 and I would
like to be shown to our suite.
We’ve had a long flight

3 00:02:36 - Ormsby : Lord Calthorpe! My

00:02:42 apologies for this disturbance 6.
Lord calthorpe : Eleanor! I just
got off the phone 7 with your
husband 8
4 00:02:47 - Ormsby : Surely you’re joking,
00:03:05 sir.
Lord calthorpe : I assure you,
I’m not. As of this evening, my
family’s long history as
custodians of the Calthorpe is
ended. I am selling the hotel to
my dear friends, the Young
family of Singapore.9

5 00:05:14 - Nick : (taking a bite; chewing)

00:05:20 Mm, I’m okay with coffee.
Rachel : Yeah, well, you always
say that, and then you end up
eating all my dessert 10.

6 00:10:17 - Kerry : Hey! You are the one

00:10:25 who asked for my help picking
out a dress11 to meet Nick’s
Rachel : It’s only ‘cause I hardly
know anything about them.
Every time I bring them up Nick
changes the subject.

7 00:11:42 - Flight attendant : Good

00:11:50 afternoon, Mr. Young, Ms. Chu.
We’ll take your bags12 and get
you checked into first class .
Nick : Great. Rachel looks
confused as the porters take their
Rachel : Oh. No, there's a
mistake. We're not first class.
We’re economy people
8 00:12:02 - Flight attendant #2 : Welcome
00:12:13 aboard, Mr. Young, Ms. Chu.
Here’s the way to your private
suite 13. And some champagne

9 00:18:12 Rachel : I can’t believe this

airport14 has a butterfly garden
and a movie theater. JFK is just
salmonella and despair.

10 00:20:30 - Rachel : Oh, my God!

00:20:34 Nick : Yes! I told you! I told
you. The best satay on the
island15. For sure. All right.

11 00:27:12 - Peik lin : New York in the

00:27:16 house!16 Yeah! Yeah
Rachel : Aw! Peik Lin!

12 00:27:39 - Neenah : Singapore is so hot.

00:27:51 Come in and enjoy the aircon.
Come, come on. Whole family
waiting to meet you. Very
excited.Rachel, welcome,
Rachel : Wow! Oh, my gosh!
Your house is amazing 17, Mrs.
13 00:28:09 - Neenah : Oh, yeah. Uh...
00:28:13 Yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah. We
were inspired by the Hall of
Mirrors in Versailles.18
Peik lin ; (to Rachel; low) And
Donald Trump’s bathroom, as
Rachel : Really?

14 00:32:13 - Peik lin : Rachel, these people

00:32:46 aren’t just rich, okay. They’re
Crazy Rich19
Rachel : Yeah, but Nick’s not
like that.

15 00:33:08 - Peik lin : Duh. This is, like, my

00:33:10 one chance to see the Young
family mansion.20
Rachel : Mm.

16 00:35:30 - Peik lin : (awestruck) Damn,

00:35:38 Rachel. He’s like the Asian
Nick : Hello, gorgeous

17 00:41:14 - Michael : Nick.

00:41:17 Astrid :This is my husband,

18 00:42:36 - Nick : This is Auntie Alix and

00:42:41 Auntie Felicity.23
Rachel : Hi! It’s so nice to meet
you. I’ve never been to a tan
hua party before.
19 00:56:17 - Superimpose: SAMSARA
00:56:23 ISLAND
Araminta : Welcome to paradise
this is Samsara Island. 24

20 01:09:54- Rachel : That’s a beautiful

01:10:06 ring,25 Aunty Eleanor.I’ve never
seen anything like it That’s very
romantic. How did you guys
Nick : Actually, they met at
Cambridge. They were both
studying law together.

21 00:21:29 - Araminta ; Listen, Rachel, I

00:21:37 know we’ve only just met, but
it’s my bachelorette party 26 this
weekend and I would love for
you to come.
Rachel : That would be
amazing.27 Thank you so much

1 The Factive 00:39:15- Rachel: Oh, my gosh! I, I'm so

presupposition 00:39:27 happy to meet you, Mrs. Young.
(gives her a big hug) Or, uh,
Auntie. Right?
Eleanor: I'm very glad to finally
meet you, too. And I’m sorry
Nick’s father couldn’t be here.
He was called to a business in
2 01:12:01- Rachel : (surprised) Oh. Hi. I
01:12:05 think I’m a little lost. This
house is pretty big.
Eleanor: I'm glad I found you.
I’m afraid that I’ve been unfair.
Rachel: Oh, no, you know what?
I'm sorry I made an assumption.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Eleanor: Not at all. (then) You
asked about my ring. The truth
is Nick's father had it made
when he wanted to propose to
me because Ah Ma wouldn't
give him the family ring. I
wasn't her first choice.
Honestly, I wasn't her second

3 01:14:01- Nick: I know my mum can be

01:32:32 tough at times, but there isn’t
anything she wouldn’t do for
me... (off Rachel’s silence) And
there is a reason why I lived
with Ah Ma growing up. It’s
because my mother knew she
wasn’t the favorite. So she let
her raise me so I would be.
Nick: Ah Ma. Mum. What's all
this about?
1 The lexical 00:20 51-00:20 Colin : (to Nick) Oh, before I
presupposition 53 forget, I need your help
tomorrow. Uh, I need to do
some groomsmen stuff and I
don’t wanna do it alone with
Bernard Tai.
Nick : I still cannot believe that
you got that guy to be your
Araminta : thank you. Thank
you. I rest my case.

2 00:43:51- Astrid : They started clearing

00:43:55 away dinner. Your favorites
Michael : Thank you

3 01:45:31 - Eleanor : (realizing) so you

01:45:34 chose for him.
Rachel : i’m not leaving ‘cause
i’m scared or because i think i’m
not enough. Because... Maybe
for the first time in my life, i
know i am. I just love nick so
much. I don't want him to lose
his mom again. So i just wanted
you to know that one day, when
he marries another lucky girl,
who is enough for you, and
you're playing with your
grandkids while the tan huas are
blooming, and the birds are
chirping, that it was because of
me... A poor, raised by a single
mother, low class, immigrant

1 The Non-factive 01:50:49 - Nick: I always imagined what I

Presupposition. 01:50:52 proposing to you would be like.
And you know what, I had it all
planned out. Oh, yeah, right
behind you.

1 The sructural 00:09:07 - Nick : hmm. We were literally

presupposition 00:09:21 just talking about that. How
could you know?
Eleanor : everybody knows.
Nick sees celine leaving through
a revolving door.
Nick : Radio One Asia

2 00:39:32 - Eleanor : as it should be. (to

00:39:40 Rachel) nick tells me you’re a
professor, too.What did you
Rachel : um, i teach economics.
Nick : and she’s brilliant. Nyu’s
youngest faculty member.

3 00:46:00 - Oliver : Mm, well, I’m one of

00:46:13 the poorer relations. The
rainbow sheep of the family.But
I make myself useful.Whatever
the Youngs want, I procure.
Golden koi fish, Huanghuali
furniture.A rare Cambodian
Rachel : why would they want to
buy a rare cambodian gong?
Oliver : because they can.

4 00:29:46 - Neena: so, Rachel, what you did

00:29:49 in a America?
Rachel: um, i'm an economics
Wye mun : (impressed) whoa.
Very impressive. Econ
professor, eh? Wow! You must
be very smart. Good for you.

5 01:03:25 - Rachel : i mean, i didn’t have to

01:03:28 deal with catty, fish-killing
sociopaths, but how did you two
get through all this?
Astrid : well, i didn't have it
quite this bad, but it wasn't

6 01:10:08 - Rachel : That’s a beautiful ring,

01:10:18 Aunty Eleanor.I’ve never seen
anything like it.
Eleanor : (surprised; then)
Nick’s father had it made when
he proposed to me.
Rachel : that’s very romantic.
How did you guys meet?
Nick : actually, they met at
cambridge. They were both
studying law together.
Rachel : oh, i didn’t know you
were a lawyer

7 01:37:33- Rachel : why didn’t you tell me

01:38:17 about my father?
Kerry : My husband wasn’t a
good man.He hurt me.(off
rachel) but an old schoolmate of
mine helped me through things
and we fell in love and I got
pregnant with his baby, that’s
you. I was so afraid my husband
would find out and kill us both,
so I just took you and I ran to

1 The 00:09:36 - Eleanor: I see. Well, I'm having

counterfactual 00:09:48 the house redone. And it's not
presupposition ready for guests. If Rachel
comes, I think she might be
more comfortable staying
somewhere else?
Nick: All right. Sorry about that

2 00:14:42 - Photographer: You know if you

00:14:44 move, it will look more natural.
Eddie : No, this way you get our
optimal angles.

3 00:32:15 - Rachel : Yeah, I thought red was

00:32:07 a lucky color, right?
Wye mun : Yeah, if you’re an
envelope. Zing! Nailed it!
Rachel : No
4 00:32:28 - Peik lin :Now, they’re the
00:32:28 landlords of the most expensive
city in the world. Here you go.
(hands Rachel the purse) These
people are so posh and snobby,
they’re snoshy. Here you go.
Peik Lin hands her a pair of
platform shoes.
Rachel : Yeah, but Nick’s not
like that.
Peik lin : Even if he isn’t, I
guarantee you the family is.
Which is why tonight, you need
to not look like Sebastian of The
Little Mermaid. You know,
little crab guy.

5 01:09:20 - Astrid : (to Felicity) Hey, I never

01:09:30 got after-school dumplings.
Oliver : Well, that’s because
Aunty Felicity was doing after-
school microdermabrasion
Felicity : (mock-scolds; in
Cantonese; subtitled) Ni le wu
qie, ruguo a ye zhong xi du, shi
qing ni shi teng tiao wen zhurou.
[Smart ass. If your grandfather
was alive, he’d kick you into
next week.]

6 01:17:54 - Oliver : Right. I'm not sure if

01:17:58 it's working or if she looks like a
clown's tampon.
Rachel : Oh!

Asmawanti was born on october 28th, 1997 in Basokeng,

Bulukumba. She is the second child and daughter from Sulaiman

and Rusmiati. She had been studying at SDN. 128 Erekeke,

MTSN 1 Bontotiro, and SMAN 4 Bulukumba. After finishing her

study at school, she enrolled her study at Alauddin State Islamic

University of Makassar (UINAM) 2015 as the English and Literature students. She

was the join in club meeting is english club University Islamic Negri State Alauddin

(ECUINSA, 2015-2016) and she was join also in organisations is students of

associations of English and Literature Department (ELD,2017-2018). For further

information about his thesis, contact her in E-mail: asmawanti.bsi@gmail.com.

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