Cycles in Graphs
Cycles in Graphs
Cycles in Graphs
Radoslaw Żak
17th June 2021
1 Introduction
Lemma 1. All vertices in a graph have degree 2 ⇒ graph is a disjoint union of
Lemma 2. Graph with n vertices and n edges has a cycle.
Lemma 3. Directed graph in which degout v > 1 for any vertex v, has a cycle.
Lemma 4. G is bipartite ⇐⇒ G has no odd cycles.
2 Problems
1. On a m × n grid m + n cells are marked. Prove that we can choose some
subset A of marked cells, such that any row and any column has even
number of elements of A.
2. A graph G has no cycle of length 3, and none of its induced subgraphs is a
path with four vertices. Prove that if G is connected, then it’s a complete
bipartite graph.
3. On an infinite grid 111 L-triominos were placed, in such a way that for
any triomino the square 2 × 2 containing it is fully covered. Prove that we
can delete one triomino, so that this property will still hold.
6. Cells of a n × n grid was filled with real numbers so that rows are pairwise
distinct. Prove that we can erase some column, so that rows will stay
pairwise distinct.
7. A tournament G has n > 2022 vertices. Prove that there is a sequence
of vertices of G, not necessarily distinct (!), A1 , A2 , . . . , An , such that for
any i we have edges Ai → Ai+1 and Ai → Ai+2021 (of course for such i
that these indices are well-defined) (in particular Ai+1 6= Ai 6= Ai+2021 ).
8. Prove that in a graph G = (V, E), which is not bipartite and has no cycles
of length 3, there is a vertex of degree 6 2n
5 , where n = |V |.
10. Edges of a tournament were colored with two colors. Prove that there is a
vertex, such that starting there we can reach any other vertex using path
of one color.