Cycles in Graphs

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Cycles in graphs

Radoslaw Żak
17th June 2021

1 Introduction
Lemma 1. All vertices in a graph have degree 2 ⇒ graph is a disjoint union of
Lemma 2. Graph with n vertices and n edges has a cycle.

Lemma 3. Directed graph in which degout v > 1 for any vertex v, has a cycle.
Lemma 4. G is bipartite ⇐⇒ G has no odd cycles.

2 Problems
1. On a m × n grid m + n cells are marked. Prove that we can choose some
subset A of marked cells, such that any row and any column has even
number of elements of A.
2. A graph G has no cycle of length 3, and none of its induced subgraphs is a
path with four vertices. Prove that if G is connected, then it’s a complete
bipartite graph.
3. On an infinite grid 111 L-triominos were placed, in such a way that for
any triomino the square 2 × 2 containing it is fully covered. Prove that we
can delete one triomino, so that this property will still hold.

4. Prove that in a graph with 2n + 1 vertices and 3n + 1 edges there is an

even cycle.
5. In a tournament G = (V, E) for any partition V = A ∪ B we can find
a ∈ A, b ∈ B with an edge a → b. Prove that G has a Hamiltonian cycle.

6. Cells of a n × n grid was filled with real numbers so that rows are pairwise
distinct. Prove that we can erase some column, so that rows will stay
pairwise distinct.

7. A tournament G has n > 2022 vertices. Prove that there is a sequence
of vertices of G, not necessarily distinct (!), A1 , A2 , . . . , An , such that for
any i we have edges Ai → Ai+1 and Ai → Ai+2021 (of course for such i
that these indices are well-defined) (in particular Ai+1 6= Ai 6= Ai+2021 ).

8. Prove that in a graph G = (V, E), which is not bipartite and has no cycles
of length 3, there is a vertex of degree 6 2n
5 , where n = |V |.

9. Graph G is 3-regular and connected. Prove that we can erase edges of

some cycle, so that G will stay connected.

10. Edges of a tournament were colored with two colors. Prove that there is a
vertex, such that starting there we can reach any other vertex using path
of one color.

The goal of the next five problems is to prove Erdös–Gallai theo-

rem (problem 15). You are welcome to use statement of the problem
n in solving the problem n + 1.

11. Graph G has a Hamiltionian cycle A1 A2 . . . An A1 . We know that there

is no Hamiltonian path starting in Ai and ending in Aj (for some i 6= j,
i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}). Prove that deg Ai+1 + deg Aj+1 6 n.
12. Graph G has a Hamiltonian cycle P A1 A2 . . . An−1 P . Let us call a vertex
Ai a Hamiltionian vertex, if there is a Hamiltonian path starting in P and
ending in Ai . Prove that if Ai > k for every i, and n 6 2k − 1, then every
vertex Ai is Hamiltonian.1
13. In graph G let us choose a vertex P . A loop would be a way of a form
P A1 A2 . . . Am Am+1 . . . An Am . A cycle of a loop is C = Am Am+1 . . . An Am .
Take a longest loop starting at P (if some loops have the same length,
take the one with the largest cycle). Prove that if the cycle of this
loop has length 6 2k − 1, and every vertex of G has degree > k, then
Am+1 Am+2 . . . An is a connected component of graph G \ {Am }.
14. Every vertex of a 2-connected graph G has a degree > k, and |G| > 2k.
Prove that G has a cycle of length > 2k.
15. Graph G has n vertices. Choose integer k > 2. Prove that if G has more
than (n−1)k
2 edges, then it has a cycle of length greater than k.

1 Note that we have no assumption about degree of P .

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