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Applications Production & Infrastructure support Engineer




*Types of management systems.

i. Incident management.

ii. Change management.

iii. Major incident management.

iv. Problem management.

v. Knowledge management.

*Types of ITIL Life cycle process.

*Types of Priority Tickets.

i. Priority 1



iv. P4

*Types of Incidents.

i. User Tickets.

ii. Auto Tickets.

*Types of SLA’s.

*Types of service Now Ticketing Tools.

i. Service Now.

ii. BMC Remedy.


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1. Dynatrace Tool: Application Monitoring Tool.

2. Sitescope Tool: Server Monitoring Tool.

3. HP OMI Tool: Event Monitoring Tool.

4. Nagios Monitoring Tool: Server Monitoring Tool.

5. Tidal Job scheduling Tool: Job Monitoring Tool.

6. DataDog: Application Monitoring Tool.

3. LINUX Administration:

1. Basic Linux Commands.

2. CPU Utilization.

3. Disk space Saturation.

4. Memory utilization.

5. Logs file deletion.

6. User and Group Administration.

7. Service starts / Restarts/ Stop.

8. Agents down issues.

9. Files permissions.

10. Ownership changes.

4. Windows server Administration:

1. Services restart.

2. Jobs monitoring in Task scheduler.

3. SSL Certifications.

4. CPU saturation.

5. Disk space saturation.

6. Memory Utilization.

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7. Active Directory creation.

*Demo Session about Platform and skills set:

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* TYPES OF support LEVELS:

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1. LEVEL 1:

2. LEVEL 2

3. LEVEL 3

4. LEVEL 4

1. LEVEL 1:

> Initially point of contact to the End user.

> If user facing any issues they will contact with L1 team.

>L1 team peoples will take all transaction details from user and they will create SD ticket.

>Then they will assign that SD ticket to respective L2 teams.

>So here L1 team role is interacting with user and creating tickets and assign to L2 team they will follow
up untill the issue is resolved.

Note: Service Desk ticket >> Incident ( Ticket )

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2.LEVEL 2:( 0 to 60 % )

> Level 2 team will work on tickets and baesd on tickets priority and urgency they will resolve the issues.

> if they cant able to resolve the issues they will send RCA to the L3/L4 teams.

3.LEVEL 3:( 0 to 80 % )

> Here L3 teams having all sufficient access and knowledge on application & servers issues 90% they will
resolve from their end itself.

>If issue is not comes under server/Application level scope, then they will Engage with Application
Development Team.

4.LEVEL 4:

> Level 4 is nothing but Devlopers who devloped that respective application .

>Code level chhanges will be taken care by L4 team, once comes to the L4 team they has to resolve must
and should.

Note: If issue is not completely comes under Application level issues, it might be chances to have issue
from Database or Network / Firewall issues.

In that case we need to raise brige call with engage with different teams were ever help is required
to fix the issue.

* Front End support: L1, L2 comes under Front end

* Backend End Support: L3. L4.

 RCA: Root cause Analysis

 Complaint: Escalation
 Bridge calls / High Alert calls /Major incident calls /: Troubleshooting the issue in call.
 Weekend support: Providing support in weekends like Saturday & Sunday.
 On call support: Providing support whole week or Whole month for Apps & Infra.

*Difference Between Application support and Infra support Engineer.

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1. Here our role is Application Production support Engineer as well as Infra Engineer.

2. Difference btw Application and Production Support Engineer:

*App support: Here we will deal with only Applications Front End support.

*Production Support: Here we will deal with completely Application configured servers platforms like
Windows and Linux servers.

*Infra Support: Here we are responsibility for whole organization Infra servers like PRD servers, ITG, DEV
servers in different domains like Windows and Linux platforms.

# PRD: Production

#ITG: Testing

#DEV: Development.

* Mail Format for Escalating the issues from L1 to L2/L3 Teams:

Hi Team,

This is regarding Flipkart Delivery, Below user unable to receive the order Please check and Assist.

User name: Sudheer

Product name:

Date of order:

Product value:



*About Network Connection:

1.VPN: (Virtual Private Network ) : If we want to connect any organization Applications or servers we
need VPN Connection.

2. Pulse Connection

* Types of Infra support:

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> Xilinx >>>Unix >>>Linux

> Windows

1. Windows Admin support.

2. Unix Admin support

3. Linux Admin support

4. Server Admin support

5. Server Monitoring Support

5. Backup Support Engineer.

* Types of Apps Support:

1. Application support Engineer: They work only General apps in company ( Apps support, ITIL Skills )

2. Production support Engineer; Completely they are involving into servers platforms like Windows and
Unix/Linux. ( Unix. Linux, Windows, ITIL, Sql server, Monitoring Tools ).








* Server: Client >> HTTP Request >> ( ) Web server << HTTP Response Web content (
HTML, CSS, Java script ).

* Host / Deployment : Saving the data in server.

* Server >> website >> WEBSITE DOWN >> Server down >> we need to reboot the server >>once server
comes up >>Need to login to server >> restart the website services.

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* server is different and services are different.

* Inside server we have different services, If server we need to reboot only after restart the services.

Server Definition:

A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to another computer over the
internet or a local network.

The word server is understood by most to mean a web server where web pages can be accessed over
the internet through a client like a web browser.


> Data center contains many servers together and one data center contains 1000 servers. usually one
company will maintain multiple data centers.

* Different Types of servers in Computer Networks:

1. Web Server

2. Database Server

3. eMail Server

4. Web Proxy Server

5. DNS Server

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6. FTP Server

7. File Server

8. DHCP Server

*Different Server Platforms.

1. Physical Server

2. Virtual Server

* Server: Application servers are generally two types:

1. Web server.

> Web pages & graphic pages transfer data to web server >> and it will transfer data to client user.

i. Apache & Tomcat/ Jboss

> Tomcat is open source web server and developed Apache group , Apache & Tomcat is the serverlet
container that contains java servlet and java server pages (JSP ).

2. Application server.

> Web server ( web pages & graphic files )

> Application server( Template pages & code , data )

Apps server works from Application server to web server and it will communicate to end user client.

i. Weblogic server.

* UTILIZATION: Usage or using available data in server .

* Threshold value: its simple cutoff value or certain utilization value, server - 100 % Always server should
be 85 % or 90%..

*server /Node ; Both are same

Space consumption / Space utilization /space saturation : are both are same only it will occupy the space
on respective disk / MEM / CPs on server.



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$ Physical server is hardware component we can touch and feel it

$ Physical servers typically have a CPU, RAM and storage.

$ Physical server is connected to Physical data center.

* Again Physical server having two types:

1.HP Prolient rack server and blade server

2.Dell power Edge server.



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$ Virtual servers are nothing but Hypervisor.

$Most popular virtual servers are VMware Vsphere & Microsoft Hyper V.

$ Physical may takes more time to configure and virtual server take within minutes on Configuration,

* Server down: windows servers & linux servers.

1.Open CMD ( command prompt ) ping ip address

SERVER is up, if results shows in above 4 lines.

Server is Down: it will show connection timed out Error. / Request Timed out.

* While login to the server , you can use either server id or IP address.

* in ticket we will get server id, based on that you need to identify whether it is Linux server or windows

Windwos server : Using RDP Tool ( Remote desktop Connection ). VNC Viewer , AWS.

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UNIX / Linux: Putty Tool.

z4w09 : windows server id

z4t/u09 : Linux server

servers are two types: 1. Physical server & 2. virtual server.

server operating systems: 1. Winodws server . 2.Unix/Linux servers.

1. physical server down: You need to contact winodws / Linux L3 team.

2. Virtual server: You need to search server id in vmware vsphere client and try to right click on server <
Start , stop & restart ).

>For Cloud servers: You need to contact Cloud operations team or SRE Team ( Site Reliability Engineers ).

Server details: whether it is a virtual server or physical server. or it is a DEV or ITG or PROD Server

RUNBOOK / Confluence / KB Articles Application : its nothing but guide, it will give all application details
and server details.

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1.for normal applications server: No need to take approvals from anyone.

2.For mission critical applications: We need to take approvals from Respective server owner or
Application L4 team.


> Confluence is nothing but were we will get whole applications data.

> In confluence we can create Knowledge articles.

> We will get our Application details like : Application name, Application related URL's, Application
associated Servers and its troubleshooting steps.

>If any new issues comes we can refer confluence without approaching others.

*TYPES OF Sever & Application Enviornmet:

 DEV Environment: Development.

 ITG: Testing.
 QC & UAT Testing
 PRD: Production.

INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT: You need to take care all servers like DEV, ITG , PRD.

Application production support: You need to take action only on Production servers part.


* Operating system:

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An operating system or OS is a software program that enables that computer hardware to communicate
and operates with the computer software.

* Types of Operating System:

1. Single User - Single Tasking Operating System

2. Single User - Multi tasking Operating System

3. Multi User - Multitasking Operating System

1. Single User - Single Tasking Operating System:

In this type of operating system only one user can log into system and can perform only one task at a

E.g.: MS-DOS

2. Single User - Multi tasking operating System:

This type of O/S supports only one user to log into the system but a user can perform multiple tasks at a
time, browsing internet while playing songs etc.

E.g.: Windows -98,Xp,vista,Seven etc.

3. Multi User - Multi Tasking Operating System

These type of O/S provides multiple users to log into the system and also each user can perform various
tasks at a time.

In a broader term multiple users can logged in to system and share the resources of the system at the
same time.

E.g.: UNIX, LINUX etc.

History OF UNIX:

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1. In Bell's labs "ken Thompson "developed Unix in 1969.

#Several Implementations in Unix:

1.Apple computer's A/UX.

2.AT & T's System Release.

3.Hewlett packards HP-UX


5.SUN Micro services. / solaris.


1.Everything is a file.

2.Configuration data stored in text format.

3.Small single purpose programs.

* Any UNIX operating system consists of three parts and these are as below: –

1. kernel,

2. shell and

3. Programs

* Uses of UNIX:

1. Multi-Tasking.

2. An invention of Linux.

3. Command line functionality.

4.Regular Expressions.

* Popular Unix Commands:


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* AWK Command is used to perform the below actions:

1.Define variables.

2.Use numeric functions or Logical/Arithmetic operators, Variables or Strings.

3.Apply loops or control flow actions.

4.Generate reports.

*Basic Syntax of AWK command:

awk [options] [program] [file


SED is a command in Unix which is a powerful text editor used to insert, search, delete, replace etc. SED
also called Stream Editor .

which performs pattern matching that are complex by supporting regular expression which is a string
describing the character sequences.



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* Cron Tab:

A utility that is always running while executing specific commands at pre-defined times is called Crontab.
We use the crontab file when there are tasks that are to be executed repeatedly.

The CRON daemon shell commands are given by the crontab file and these commands are run at specific
date and time.

# The syntax of Crontab is as follows:

minute(s) hour(s) day(s) month(s) weekday(s) command(s)

* Linux:

1. Linux developed by Linus Torvalds and invented by 1991.

2. It is a free open source operating system.

3. it is a Multi user, Multi tasking, Multiprocessor.

4.It runs of multiple platforms and it include source code.


Hardware >> kernel >> shell >>Applications >> user.


Hardware >> kernel >> shell >>Applications >> user.

Hardware: CPU, MEMORY, DISK.

Kernal: it schedules respective tasks, manages, resorces, and control security.

Shell: which acts user interfacing between user commands and starting applications.

Utilities: which provides utility function.

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kernal: Multi tasking, File systesm, device interface.

Shell: sh, ksh, csh.


Ksh:Korn shell

csh:bornagain shell

Utilities: ls, cc , awk, sort, cat, vi etc.


The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It interacts with hardware and most of the tasks like
memory management, task scheduling and file management.

# Shell:

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* The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you type in a command at your terminal,

* the shell interprets the command and calls the program that you want.

* The shell uses standard syntax for all commands. C Shell, Bourne Shell and Korn Shell are most famous
shells which are available with most of the UNIX variants.

# Files and Directories:

* All data in UNIX is organized into files. All files are organized into directories.

* These directories are organized into a tree-like structure called the filesystem.

Files >>>Directories >>File system

# UNIX Filesystem & Directory Structure:

* A filesystem is a logical collection of files on a partition or disk.

* A partition is a container for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired.

# File Management:

* In UNIX there are three basic types of files:

1.Ordinary Files: An ordinary file is a file on the system that contains data, text, or program instructions

2. Directories: Directories store both special and ordinary files. For users familiar with Windows or Mac
OS, UNIX directories are equivalent to folders.

3. Special Files: Some special files provide access to hardware such as hard drives, CD-ROM drives,
modems, and Ethernet adapters

# Permissions:

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Every file in UNIX has the following attributes:

1. Owner permissions: The owner's permissions determine what actions the owner of the file can
perform on the file.

2.Group permissions: The group's permissions determine what actions a user, who is a member of the
group that a file belongs to, can perform on the file.

3. Other (world) permissions: The permissions for others indicate what action all other users can
perform on the file.

# File Access Modes:

The basic building blocks of Unix permissions are the read, write, and execute permissions, which are
described below:

1. Read:

Grants the capability to read ie. view the contents of the file.

2. Write:

Grants the capability to modify, or remove the content of the file.

3. Execute:

User with execute permissions can run a file as a program.

# Changing Permissions:

To change file or directory permissions, you use the chmod (change mode) command. There are two
ways to use chmod: symbolic mode and absolute mode.

chmod filename username.

# Changing Owenership:

Using Chown command we can change current owner to new owner.

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chown filename username


1.Operation Modes:

Vi has two modes insertion mode and command mode. The editor begins in command mode,

where the cursor movement and text deletion and pasting occur. Insertion mode begins upon entering
an insertion or change command.

1.Command Mode.

2.Insert Mode.

What is a partition?

* Partitioning is a means to divide a single hard drive into many logical drives.

* A partition is a contiguous set of blocks on a drive that are treated as an independent disk.

# Disk Partitioning Criteria:







* It is method of storing the data in an organized format on the disk.

# Types of file systems used in RHEL 6

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1. The file systems supported in Linux are ext2, ext3 and in RHEL 6 ext4, vfat, etc.

2. Ext file system is the widely used file system in Linux.

* Directory :

> its a nothing but a folder and it contains /etc, /usr, / home, /var, /temp, /boot

>Linux files are stored in directory .

* IN AWS Platform server is nothing but : EC2-INSTANCE

* IN AZURE Platform server is nothing but: Virtual machine.

* In any cloud platform we can create either windows server / Linux server as per our requirement.

* If we want use our server we can use either AWS / Azure platform.


The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It interacts with hardware and most of the tasks like
memory management, task scheduling and file management.

# Shell:

* The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you type in a command at your terminal,

* the shell interprets the command and calls the program that you want.

* The shell uses standard syntax for all commands. C Shell, Bourne Shell and Korn Shell are most famous
shells which are available with most of the UNIX variants.

# Files and Directories:

* All data in UNIX is organized into files. All files are organized into directories.

* These directories are organized into a tree-like structure called the filesystem.

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Files >>>Directories >>File system

# UNIX Filesystem & Directory Structure:

* A filesystem is a logical collection of files on a partition or disk.

* A partition is a container for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired.

# File Management:

* In UNIX there are three basic types of files:

1.Ordinary Files:An ordinary file is a file on the system that contains data, text, or program instructions

2. Directories: Directories store both special and ordinary files. For users familiar with Windows or Mac
OS, UNIX directories are equivalent to folders.

3. Special Files: Some special files provide access to hardware such as hard drives, CD-ROM drives,
modems, and Ethernet adapters

# Permissions:

Every file in UNIX has the following attributes:

1. Owner permissions: The owner's permissions determine what actions the owner of the file can
perform on the file.

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2.Group permissions: The group's permissions determine what actions a user, who is a member of the
group that a file belongs to, can perform on the file.

3. Other (world) permissions: The permissions for others indicate what action all other users can
perform on the file.

# File Access Modes:

The basic building blocks of Unix permissions are the read, write, and execute permissions, which are
described below:

1. Read:

Grants the capability to read ie. view the contents of the file.

2. Write:

Grants the capability to modify, or remove the content of the file.

3. Execute:

User with execute permissions can run a file as a program.

# Changing Permissions:

To change file or directory permissions, you use the chmod (change mode) command. There are two
ways to use chmod: symbolic mode and absolute mode.

chmod filename username.

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# Changing Ownership:

Using Chown command we can change current owner to new owner.

chown filename username


1. Operation Modes:

Vi has two modes insertion mode and command mode. The editor begins in command mode,

where the cursor movement and text deletion and pasting occur. Insertion mode begins upon entering
an insertion or change command.

1. Command Mode.

2. Insert Mode.

What is a partition?

* Partitioning is a means to divide a single hard drive into many logical drives.

* A partition is a contiguous set of blocks on a drive that are treated as an independent disk.

# Disk Partitioning Criteria:







* It is method of storing the data in an organized format on the disk.

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# Types of file systems used in RHEL 6

1. The file systems supported in Linux are ext2, ext3 and in RHEL 6 ext4, vfat, etc.

2. Ext file system is the widely used file system in Linux.


1. Attaching a directory to the file system in order to access the partition and its file system is known as

2. The mount point is the directory (usually an empty one) in the currently accessible file system to
which a additional file system is mounted.

# How to view the existing partitions: fdisk -l



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* The Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a mechanism to virtualize the disks.

* It can create "virtual" disk partitions out of one or more physical hard drives,

# Components of LVM in Linux:

1. Physical Volumes (PV)

2. Physical Extent (PE)

3. Volume Group (VG)

4. Logical Volume (LV)

5. Logical Extent (LE)

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Physical Volume (PV)

It is the standard partition that you add to the LVM. Normally, a physical volume is a standard primary or
logical partition with the hex code 8e.

pvcreate diskname

Physical Extent (PE)

It is a chunk of disk space. Every PV is divided into a number of equal sized PEs.

Volume Group (VG)

It is composed of group of Physical Volumes .

*Important issues which we are working in Linux platform:

1.CPU utilization

2.Memory Utilization


4.Log files.


1. DISK Space: df -h

df -h
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cd /etc/path location


cd /filename

logs files with date, year, sec's

Always you need to old log files older than 60 days or 90 days.

rm -f (Log file name ). somu 04/09/2021

somu 03/08/2021

rm -f somu 04/09/2021

rm -f somu 03/08*

rm -f 04/09/2021 03/08/2021.

2.Memory: free –m


sync ; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches, sync ; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

total used free shared buff/cache available

Mem: 257692 8715 232224 1 16751 247769

Swap: 4095 0 4095

3. CPU : top

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Process id killing: kill -9 (Process id ) (java )

kill -9 java.

4. Log files Deletion:

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>Log files ends with(.log) extension.

>we can remove log files always older than 90 days, 60 days.

> 30 days log files.

> cd /var/log

Root Access: Admin access. He is having Read, Write, Execute access.

* Pbrun bash

* sudo su

* sudo -su

General user: He doesn't have admin access, He is having Read access.


4. How to check Java process is running or not: ( ps -ef | grep java / Tomcat / Apache / Jboss ).

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* If java process is not running in server, you will get results in single line result.

* If java process is running in server, you can able to see 10 lines of results.

Difference between the Apache Tomcat server and Apache web server:

Apache Tomcat Server

Apache Web Server

This server is a JSP/Servlet container. This server is a HTTP server. It serves ...

It can handle both static pages and dyna ... It can handle static pages which are gen ...

It can be used only for hosting JAVA bas ... It can be used to host applications writ ...

It is not capable for the requests/respo ... It is capable of request/ response & loa ...

* commands to check start & stop, restart of Apache process:

1. Service httpd status

2. Service httpd stop

3. Service httpd restart

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5. Mostly in servers we use to install java based platform web applications , They are different types of
web services:

1. Apache.

2. Tomcat

3. Jboss

4. Weblogic.

* To check jboss service status: ps -ef | grep jboss

Commands to status/start/stop jboss services:

service jbossas status

service jbossas stop

service jbossas restart.

* To check Apache service status: ps -ef | grep apache

service httpd status

service httpd stop

service httpd restart

* To check Tomcat service status: ps -ef | grep Tomcat




* Mostly we use to work on Redhat and Centos versios:

 RHEL: Red hat Enterprise Linux server

 Centos

*Red hat: Red hat 6, red hat 7, red hat 8. (RHEL)

* Present working red hat version is : ( red hat 7.2 / 7.6 )

* lastest redhat version: redhat 8.3

* Present working centos version: 8.1

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* latest centos version: 8.3

* Types of Linux distributions:

1. Centos




Red Hat Versions ( RHEL ): Red Hat 8 is latest version in Linux

Red Hat 2

Red Hat 3

Red Hat 4

Red Hat 5

Red Hat 6

Red Hat 7

*Important default port numbers for servers:

1. Sql server: 1433

2. Http: 80

3. DNS: 53

4. FTP: 21

5. RDP: 3389

6. Https: 443

7. SSH: 22

8. Tomcat: 8080

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9. DHCP: 67

10. Apache: 80

# Types of Linux servers :

1. Web server

2. Proxy server

3. Blade Server

4. Policy server.

1. Web servers:

In server domain we have below three types web applications and based on application requirement
they will take below web server.

i. Apache


iii. Jboss

# Difference Between Physical & Virtual server:

Physical server:

Virtual server:

Real Time commands:

ls, ll, ls -ltr, ls -lrt: it will show the list of the files under respective directory.
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ls or ll : both are same , it will show list of the files

ls -lrt: it will show files lower level to higher level

ls -ltr: it will show files from higher level to lower level

rm : it will remove the files from directory. ( rm sudheer )

rm -f : it will remove forcefully from the directory.

mkdir: To create a directory ( mkdir sudheer )

rmdir: To remove a directory ( rmdir sudheer )

cp: it will copy the files

cd : change directory. ( cd production support )

ps: it will shows present running process in backend.

pwd: present working directory. /

* chmod: to change the permissions of the file. ( chmod username rwx. )

r: 4 - read

w: 2 - write

x: 1 - execute

chmod 777: read, write, execute for all access.

*There two ways to use the chmod commnad:

1.Abosulte mode. ( 1234567 )

2.symbolic mode. ( rwx )

0 No permission ---

1 Execute --x

2 write -w-

3 Execute + write -wx

4 read r--

5 read+Execute r-x

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6 Read+write rw-

7 Read+write+Execute rwx

*chmod 755 : owner and group access.

* Chown : to change the ownership of the files

> chown username.

* Cluster: it is a combination of group of computers that work together to increase the availability of
apps and services.

Clusters are known as a Nodes are connected by physical servers.

*cluster: it is managed by application and services, under cluster we have multiple nodes

Cluster: 1. node1 , 2. node2 :: we will operate only one node1 at a time , if node 1 goes down we will do
app pool recycle to change from node1 to node2.

node1; Primary

node2: secondary

* Cluster >>>Load balancer >> Node 1 & Node 2.

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* Unix / Linux Architecture: Hardware >> kernel >>> shell >> applications / programs.

/home /usr /temp/boot: Linux L3 team

We need to delete Application Logs files only .

Kill : is using for stopping the respective process.

Rm : It will delete the respective file permanently from the server.


* Application Deployment in Linux server:

1.First we need to install jdk and JRE software into the server.

2.Next we need to install java process into the server

3.Later we need to intsall web servers like Apache/Tomcat /jboss.


* Operating system: Hardware >> Operating system >> Application >> User.

* Linux vs Windows:

1. Linux upgrades faster than windows.

2. Linux is a free software and windows is a LISENCE based OS.

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3. Linux is a cheaper but windows.






5. JOBS VALIDATION IN Task scheduler

6.IIS Server

7. Agents Installations

8. License installations

9. SSL Certification.

9. Node down alerts.

10.Logs deletion.

Application >> windows server >> Task scheduler & D drive / E Drive processing the data >> then it will
reflect in Application.

Troubleshhoting steps:

*For Windows server: We need to use RDP ( Remote Desktop Connection )

*For Linux server: Putty

*In Linux server: Default port Number is 22 and connection type is SSH ( Secure shell ).

Commands To Check Cpu, Mem, Disk in Linux:


1. Top

2. Iostat

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3. Vmstat


1. Free -m ,

2. Free

3. Free -tm

4. /proc/meminfo


1. Df -h

2. du

3. df -a

4. df -i

1. CPU Utilization & Memory Utilization::

> For reducing CPU utilization: Login into server >> Task bar >> Task manager >> Check CPU Utilization.

2.If you want to reduce CPU Utilization , You need to check what and all application process are running
in task manager under.

3. You need to perform End task or goto services tab check only Application services and right click >>

# For reducing CPU down, >> we need to stop only Application process not OS related Process.

# Generally we can stop process like : Symantec End point Protection or Splunk Tool or Appdynamics
Agent or Network related process only.


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# C-Drive space issue: Will be taken care by infra L2 or infra L3 team or Site reliability Team. its consists
of only OS related data

# D-drive or E-drive or F-Drive : Data will be taken care by Application L2 or L4 DEV team., it consists of
only Application data.

# Data Deletion: Log files deletion mainly, incase log files not available you need to contact Apps DEV L4
team based on their guidance you need to take action.

Log files: Initially you need to identify older log files like 30 days, 60 days, 90 days.

Incase if 30 or 60 or 90 days log files are not available, then you need to go with old files from current

Atleast you need to go with older than last 15 days. you have to left latest 15 days files.

C- Drive OS Related data: We can delete Log files, or else we can delete older user profiles in user folder.


Initially when we receive C-Drive disk space alert, we need to execute below script in command prompt
in Windows server.
After executing below script some space will be reduce, if still more space consuming then escalate to
Windows L3 Team they will take care from their end.

del c:\*.dmp /s /q
del c:\*.tmp /s /q
del c:\*.bak /s /q
del c:\*.~* /s /q
del c:\*.gid /s /q
del c:\~*.* /s /q
del c:\*drwtsn32.log /s /q
rmdir /q /s %WINDIR%\Installer\$PatchCache$
DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded
rd /s c:\$Recycle.Bin
rd /s c:\recycler

3. Services issue:

*login to server >> goto services tab >> check service name status>> if it is in stopped >> start it.

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*When we are doing any pre-patching activities in server, initially we need to stop all application

*Again post patching we need to Enable or restart those services.

*Services accounts: Automatic & Manual & Account type.

Account type: User account id >> double click >>logon >>change password >>apply >>OK.



4. IIS server: ( Internet Information services ).

it is a web based application , it is a licensed version and it is a Microsoft product.

Windows server >> IIS server >>> Application pools >> External SSL certification >> Application

*If application went down >> we need to login to IIS server >> Select respective application Website >>
Right side >>stop and restart the application.

*Incase after restarting the applications also still app doesn't comes up >>> check Application pools.
here you can find Node 1 & Node 2,

*II server versions: IIS 7 , IIS 8, IIS 10.


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If we want create website or host any application into the windows server goto IIS server >> Here you
can any website or create app pools or host any application into the server.

In single server we can host multiple Applications and multiple App Pools.


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*IISRESET in Windows power shell:

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*Difference between IIS Reset & App Pool Recycles:

IIS Reset:

IIS RESET stops and starts all IIS related services. It tries to shutdown all components normally i.e. it
sends request to shut down and waits for services to shutdown. It waits for all services to shutdown and
then starts them back again


AppPool recycle invokes a new worker process first, and then shutdown the old worker process.

Web servers: There are types :

1. Apache

2. Tomcat

3. Jboss

4. Weblogic.


% Pbrun bash or sudo su : It will give root access to the server .

For checking Node status in Linux:

/opt/ov/bin/opcagt - status:

/opt/ov/bin/opcagt - stop

/opt/ov/bin/opcagt – restart

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For Windows:

opcgat -statusx

opcagt - stop

opcagt - restart.

6. FOR License installations:

/opt/ov/bin/oalicense-get-all: To get whether license is installed or not.

7. Configuration details: /opt/ov/bin/ovconfget.

8. Core id: /opt/ov/bin/ovcoreid.

9. Policies: /opt/ov/bin/ovpolicy -list.

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SSL Certifications :( Secure Socket certificate )


We are creating internal & External SSL certificates for internal &External employees.

SSL: secure socket Layer

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Types of certs:

1. Standard cert

2. Wild card cert

3. UCC (Unified Communications Certificate )

Creating different types of key files like:

1. .key file

2. Csr file

3. Pfx file

4. Jks file

5. Security Crt file

6. Pem file

7. PKCS File

These are creating in SSL Linux server under open san SSL software tool.

Before installing any application into the servers, we need to install SSL certification into the server.

SSL certs: There are two types of certs.

1. Internal (For only internal Employees/Customers) - Free of cost cert creation

2. External (For only External customers)- Taking license from GODADDY Website and its cost based

SSL Certs we have 1 year validation as we well 5 years validation certification.

For Internal or External certification, we will get requests from user; they will required Different types of

Key File, JKS file, CSR file, PEM File, PKCS file, Personal Information File, Security File etc.

Windows server >> SSL jump server >> SSL software >> Executing scripts for generating different types of
key files.

USER DETAILS PROVIDED by creating one SSL cert:

Common name: sudheer

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Alternative name: sudheer

Team PDL:

Project code:

user name:


Common name: sudheer

Alternative name:




Initially if we want to create any website we need to SSL certificate before that they only we can create
any respective website.

For example Google website is frontend which we are seeing but in backend there is a server as well as
SSL certificate.

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This certificate is using for Google website and it is issued by Google company and every certificate
having duration liken 1 year ssl certificate, 5 years ssl certificate etc.

If certificate is expired any website won’t work, always it should be Live with date duration.

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If certificate expired we need to renewal the cert or need to create new one.


* ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library ).

ITIL definition: ITIL is a set of well-defined guidelines that helps Software professionals to deliver the
best IT services.

The ITIL full form is Information Technology Infrastructure Library.

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ITIL framework helps in improving project delivery success and managing constant business and IT

It is an ITIL Process, now days all IT Industries are following ITIL Process to Provide
Better services and faster Resolutions to End users by using Different
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library):
*Under ITIL Process again having Different Types of Management Process like:
1. change management
2.Configuration management
3.Incident management
4.Problem management
5.Major incident management
6.Knowlegde management
* Now days all support projects are mainly using INCIDENT MANGEMENT to
Provide Better services to customer.

Two Types of Tickets:

1. Auto Tickets
2. User Tickets
 Both having Different SLA’s, User Tickets raised by End users and Auto Tickets
will be Automatically Logged through Automation tool help when any server
Applications Down.
Priority Tickets:
P1 Tickets : No SLA .
P2 Tickets: SLA (Department Affected)
P3 Tickets: (Multiple users)
P4 Tickets: (Single users).

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*Different status of Tickets:

 Open status: (open status means while logging ticket in dashboard ticket
will be reflecting in open status, we need to change the status from open to
work in progress status.)

 Work in Progress: (Here SLA will run based upon priority wise)
 Pending customer status: (Here SLA will stop)
 Closed status: (Issue Resolved)

* Where ITIL Technology is using:

1. Cloud services.

2. backup, network security, Data processing and storage, managed print services, IT consulting, Help
desk support, IOT etc.

* History of ITIL:

# In 1990 ITIL was Established.

# ITIL was introduced in North America.

# Initally it came with V2 version, V3 and ITIL V4.

*Features of ITIL :

Here are some important features of ITIL

One language/terminology.

ITIL is a means to deliver a consistent quality.

Focus on IT. However, it is just not only suitable for IT.

Existing activities and how to optimize them.

Related process and tasks (roles).

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ITIL Process

The ITIL Framework process contains the following stages:

Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transitions, Service Operations and Continual Service

Incident Management:

The objective of Incident Management is to manage the lifecycle of all incidents.

It also makes sure that services are returning back to the IT service to users as fast as possible.

Knowledge Management:

The objective of knowledge management service is to gather, analyze, store, and share knowledge and
information within an organization.

It helps improving efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.

Change Management:

Change management activity controls the lifecycle of all the changes with minimum disruption to IT

Service request vs Change request:

service request = request by standard users via service desk and is usually a fulfilled through Request

Change requests = requests for modifications required in any part of the Services (Service management
systems or underlying systems and components).

* ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library).

ITIL definition: ITIL is a set of well-defined guidelines that helps Software professionals to deliver the
best IT services.

The ITIL full form is Information Technology Infrastructure Library.

ITIL framework helps in improving project delivery success and managing constant business and IT

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Service Now : it is nothing but Ticketing Tool , here we will get tickets like Auto & User tickets and we
are working on Incident Management.

Auto Tickets: tickets are getting directly from servers with help of OMI whenever server exceeds
threshold value.

User Tickets: customers are whoever using applications when they are facing any issues they will raise


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* Where ITIL Technology is using:

1.Cloud services.

backup, network security, Data processing and storage, managed print services, IT consulting, Help desk
support, IOT etc.

* History of ITIL:

# In 1990 ITIL was established.

# ITIL was introduced in North America.

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# Initially it came with V2 version, V3 and ITIL V


*Features of ITIL:

Here are some important features of ITIL

One language/terminology.

ITIL is a means to deliver a consistent quality.

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Focus on IT. However, it is just not only suitable for IT.

Existing activities and how to optimize them.

Related process and tasks (roles).


ITIL Process

The ITIL Framework process contains the following stages:

Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transitions, Service Operations and Continual Service

*Incident Management:

The objective of Incident Management is to manage the lifecycle of all incidents.

It also makes sure that services are returning back to the IT service to users as fast as possible.

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Knowledge Management:
The objective of knowledge management service is to gather, analyze, store, and share knowledge and
information within an organization.

It helps improving efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.

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Change Management:
Change management activity controls the lifecycle of all the changes with minimum disruption to IT

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Service request vs Change request:

service request = request by standard users via service desk and is usually a fulfilled through Request

Change requests = requests for modifications required in any part of the Services (Service management
systems or underlying systems and components)

Analyzing Ticket Description:

 Application Name.
 Ticket Priority
 Application Error
 Ticket urgency , Impact
 Ticket came from which monitoring Tool and is it user ticket or Auto Ticket.

How we can verify Is it a truly P1 ticket or False Ticket.

1. Check is it True alert or false alert.

2. Check user ticket or Auto Ticket.

3. Try to access Respective main URL.

4. If you find main URL is down or not able to access try to validate Sub URL's.

5. Is it Normal Application or , Mission critical Application.

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6. How many users Affected and is it Global or just offshore locations.

===========================start Troubleshooting ==============

*Whenever any application down / Performance / Slowness, First we need to perform Application
Health Check.

If Health check fails then we need to perform Troubleshooting:


1. Validating Main URL.

2. Login page URL,

3. Home page URL.

4. Logout page.


1. Try to validate servers which are associated with respective application related servers.

2. Check those servers are UP /Down.

3. If server is UP, then try to login to the server and validate application services.

4. Validate all the web services like apache / Tomcat / jboss.

5. if you find services is not running try to restart apache/jboss/Tomcat.

6. If still after restarting the services still application is not loading .

7. Then try to engage Development team whatever troublshooting steps we have taken we need to
mention all this details in RCA via mail.

RCA: Root Cause Analysis.

Step 2:

1. Check server is UP/down, If you find server is Down.

2. Find out the server is belongs to Prod server / dev server.

3. Is it Physical server or Virtual server?

4. if it is Prod server , then try to restart the server.

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5. Once reboot the server again try to login to the server and restart all the running web services.

Step 3:

1. After performing all the steps still application doesn't come UP.

2. Send RCA to the DEV team and DEV team will start troubleshooting from their end like code level or
servers/Applications logs level.

3. Mostly once issue went to DEV team , it will resolved L4 team itself.

step 4:

1. If Dev Team also not able to resolve the issue but they will get to know issue is persisting were.

2. Then they will inform to MI team to engage with respective like Firewall team, Database team,
Network Team Etc.

3. Then other teams will start troubleshooting and we need to follow up with those peoples untill issue
gets resolved.

Regular Errors in Applications:

1. Http Url down.

2.404 errors




6. bad request.

RCA Example Format:

Hi L3 Team,

This is regarding Google website Application down issue, As we found that website is we are not able to
access the application.

As we check the servers are down and those servers are comes under PROD Env , we tried to reboot the
servers but still app doesn't comes.

Kindly check and Assist.

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Application name:

App URL:

Error Screenshot:



1. Application down incident.

2. Server down incident.

3. Logs are not getting updated.

4. Services went down.

4. Jobs are failed.

5. Files are not processing.

6. Employees details are showing incorrect.

7. Requesting for access new application.

8. Need server access.

9. Not able to perform respective transaction in Application Level.

10. CPU, Memory, Disk space Utilizations.

11. Utilities are not getting updated.

12. Agents down issues.

13. Not able to access application.

USER >> Facing Application issue >> Using Self Service portal >>Submitting the request >> Service
Desk/Techops teams >>Will take Required Request details >> Creates Incident.

Self Service portal / End user portal: Here users will submit all required details like Application name,
servers names, Error details and impact Etc.

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SD Ticket / Request: Incident / Ticket.

$ Current Company Roles and Responsibilties :

1. Here our role is Application Production support Engineer as well as Infra Engineer.

2. Differe btw Application and Production Support Engineer:

*App support: Here we will deal with only Applications Frond End support.

*Production Support: Here we will deal with completely Application configured servers platforms like
Windows and Linux servers.

*Infra Support: Here we are responsibility for whole organization Infra servers like PRD servers, ITG, DEV
servers in different domains like Windows and Linux platforms.

# PRD: Production

#ITG: Testing

#DEV: Development.

3. As a application support engineer i use to take care all the applications in 24/7 environment.

4. We are handling multiple applications like Access management, HR Apps, Payroll apps, Finance
Applications in production Environment.

5. We are mainly following ITIL Frame works mainly into service operation under Incident , change,
Major incident management.

6. We are handling L2 level infra admin support like CPU, Mem, Disk, License installations, SSL
certifications creations Etc.

7. we are mainly following Monitoring support like we have different monitoring tools like Apps
monitoring tools and Server Monitoring Tools.

$ Self Introduction:

Myself Muni chandra,

Basically i am from Tirupathi, from Andhra pradesh,

I have completed my graduation in the stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

I have totally 3.5 years of work Experience in both applications and Infra support in wipro Technologies,

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I have hands on experience on various monitoring tools like Appdynamics, Dynatrace, Sitescope, BMC

My strengths are optimistic, and Enthusiasim.

My hobbies are Playing cricket and watching Movies.


# Candidate personal details:

Payroll Company: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Client Location: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

HR Name: soumya

Reporting manager: jagadeesh

Team size: 13

Client Location details: Electronic city, Phase 1.

Client manager name: Malikarjuna

Project name: W-ITES Confluence.

Candidate joining start date: Feb

Candidate joining End date:

initially starting salary package:

Hike package:

Final package:

Worked as : Contract Employee.


physical server domain Virtual server domian

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WiNDOWS servers & Linux servers Windows server & Linux server




AWS Platforms; server is known as EC2-Instance

Azure : server is know as Virtual machine.

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# Work Flow Between Monitoring Tools & Servers:

Here is the work flow of Monitoring Tool and Servers. server ( Windows/Linux ) is integrated with both
Site scope and as well service now


Monitoring Tools:

SITESCOPE: it is using for server Monitoring Tool, here we will get CPU, MEMORY, DISK, PING,
URL,PROCESS Alerts through with help of servers.

DYNATRACE: it is using for Application Monitoring tool, Here we will get alerts like Application down

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TIDAL Job Scheduling Tool: It is job scheduling tool, Here we will get job failed alerts whenever job has
failed .

OMI Tool: it is nothing but Automation tool, it helps to create ticket automatically without engineer
intervention and will create alert it will logged into service now.


 Datadog is using for applications monitoring purpose.

 Its Sas product and developed under Cloud Platform.
 We can use it for two ways like Infra monitoring and Apps Monitoring.
 Whenever any server or apps went down will get alerts from datadog monitoring tool.

*Splunk Tool:

 Splunk is using Applications and server logs monitoring Purpose.

 Here we will configure all our apps and servers when server or apps having issues will get splunk
 Based on that will navigate to splunk tool and will take latest logs and will send it to L4 Team for
further investigation.

 Dynatrcae is a monitoring tool.
 We can use it for both Applications & Infra monitoring tool.
 We are mainly using for Applications monitoring tool; All our internal
applications are configured under dynatrace.
 If any application or application related servers went down we will get alerts
from dynatrace. Basically will get many different alerts from dynatrace.
 Like CPU saturation, MEM Saturation, Disk space Utilization, Network, DB alerts
 If any alerts trigger from dynatrace it will convert ticket into Service Now
ticketing tool.

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Enter your user id and password , post you can able to login dynatrace tool.

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Dynatrce: using for both Applications purpose and infrastructure purpose

 If you observe above screenshot, you can able to see duration from last one, last 30 mins, last 15
mins when application went down and again it came up.
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 In Dynatrce we can see analysis clearly like how many locations application went down or else
exactly which location went down.
 We can able to see what Uptime of the application is and what the response time of the
application is.
 If application went down we can see alert status as RED and If application is UP we can see
GREEN status in dynatrace dashboard.

NOTE: During interview times interviewers will ask like “ Do you have knowledge on installation &
Configurations of servers and Application in Dynatrace.

Solution: Just mention we are not involving any Installations or configurations in monitoring tools .

We have monitoring Admins or Tools team, They will only will take care Configurations and installations
in dynatrace.

We are just apps monitoring team, We are using dynatrace for apps monitoring purpose.


 Sitescope is a monitoring tool developed by HP. It is mainly used to monitor different
type of servers and to create the alerts accordingly.
 The alerts will be triggered automatically according to the alerts we have created. We
can monitor these operating systems and servers:
 SiteScope is agentless monitoring software focused on monitoring the availability and
performance of distributed IT infrastructures, including Servers, Network devices and
 Sitescope is mainly using Server monitoring tool and here we are getting different types
of alerts like CPU utilization, Memory Utilization, Disk space utilization, Http URL down
alerts, Ping Failed etc alerts mainly will get.
 Example: In server if any disk space exceeds threshold value @ 90 % out of 100 % we
will get automatically alerts from sitescope to ticketing tool.

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 Data dog also one of the monitoring tools which are available in market.
 Data dog is a SAS based cloud platform Tool and it’s a synthetic Monitoring Tool.
 As a application monitoring tool we are monitoring Synthetic based applications.
 We can use it in different ways like “Application monitoring tool, Server Monitoring
Tool, Security Monitoring Tool, Network monitoring etc.
 We are mainly suing for Application monitoring tool, here all our internal applications
are configured.
 If any application went down single location or Global locations within fraction of sec’s it
will trigger a alert with help of Event management.
 If application went down will get within sec’s alert again less time if application came UP
the alert which initially raised it will clear automatically without manual intervention.
 If alert wont auto clear , then we need to checks the alert by manually like validating
Application url’s and servers.

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 EVENT >> ALERT >> TICKET. All are same only it will starts from
Event and it will change as Alert and finally it will create as a
Ticket in servicenow ticketing tool.

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 HP OMI is a Event Monitoring Tool.

 This tool belongs to HP product.
 All our Applications & servers are configured to OMI tool.
 If any Application or sever went down initially , Will get Events from Monitoring tool and that event will
create as a Alert in OMI Tool and that alert will create as a Ticket in service now

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RED COLOR: Critical alerts.

Orange color: Major alerts

Yellow color: Warning Alerts

Blue color: Minor Alerts

Green Alerts: Good condition Alerts

*In HP OMI console, we can different alerts like Critical, major, minor, warning, Normal alerts.

*Here we can create tickets only using critical alerts and major alerts along with we will escalate via mail
or tickets.


We are using CISCO TIDAL AUTOMATION WORKLOAD TOOL for job scheduling.

About TIDAL:

Tidal is a batch scheduler tool owned CISCO and is the Wipro standard for batch enterprise scheduling
and processing.

Tidal Scheduler uses client-server architecture to automate repetitive computer related task and can be
easily tailored to a specific business and works based on schedules, dependencies, events, etc. for those
task that had been scheduled.

Schedulers are commonly used to load balance a system affectively or achieve a target quality service,
the scheduler also must ensure that processes met deadlines; this is crucial for keeping the system

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As TIDAL there are many other schedulers SQL, Oracle, Dial, etc.


Here we are performing Activities Like If any job fails we are re-running the job or if any job running long
back onwards we need to mark it as Completed Normally.

If job fails, we need to re-run the job or override the job.


1. Ticket:


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2.) Ticket:


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# Windows server Administration:

@ Production support & Infrastructure:

* Both Production support & Infra support requires same skills like Windows, Linux, SQL , ITIL.

# Servers:

* Servers are nothing but system, here we can store the data or we can access the data from one system
to another system (server) or one place to another place we can access the server.

# There are two types of servers:

1. Physical server

2. Virtual server (VMWARE SERVER)

# Infrastructure:

* All below technologies comes under Infra Domain.

1. Servers

2. Windows

3. Linux


5. VMware

6. devops

7. AWS

8. Cloud.

9. Backup

10. Storage

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* In both windows & Linux issues will be same, only OS interface will be different.

* In windows OS are looks like how our personal computer os looks in same way windows server also

* When coming to Linux OS are purely command based OS. Here we are using commands

# Types of OS:

1. Windows

2. Linux

1. Windows:

* Types of windows server’s versions:

1. Windows server 2012

2. Windows server 2012 R2

3. Windows server 2016

4. Windows server 2016 R2

5 .Windows servers 2019........2019 is the latest version

In windows we use to get below issues frequently in real time windows server platform.

@ Disk

@ Memory



@ Active Directory---user & group’s creation

@ SSL certifications

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@ Node down alerts

@ Agent installations

# Disk space issues:

* In server we have three disks like C, D, E drives, And in server we kept threshold value has 80% or 85%
out 100%.

* Whenever server exceeds threshold value above 80 % , we use to get auto alert from that respective
server to ticketing tool as a Ticket.

* Post we need to observer the server id / Node id, we need to login to windows server via using RDP
(Remote desktop connection tool).

* If the Disk really consuming more space, we need to check the disk and need to delete the files like
Logs or Temp files or Cache files.

*After deleting the files, still disk space has not reduced then next level we need to check with L3 team.

Disks: C, E, F drives are having in windows

C drive: it contains programs files, software’s files >>>>>>Here if we we want delete any data we need to
check with Windows/Linux L3 team

E & F Drives: It contains Application data., it contains Temp files, cache files, Log files. >>>here we need
to check with Application L4 team.

For reducing space on Disk space, we need to delete Log files in D Drive under Log files folder.

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Windows >> Task bar >> right click Task manager >> Click on More details >> Here we can able to see
both CPU & Memory Utilizations.

Memory & CPU : When memory utilization exceeds threshold value , we need to observe the highest
consuming process and we need to monitor some.

After sometime also still memory consuming more space then need to inform to respective process id
team they will kill the process.

Later automatically process consumption will comes down.

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1. Default Port number for Http in Linux?

Answer; For HTTP default port number: 80

FTP: 21


LDAP: 389

Telnet: 23



2. How to Establish connection between two Linux servers?


# Open the SSH terminal on your machine and run the following command: ssh

# If the username on your local machine matches the one on the server you are trying to
connect to,

# can just type: ssh host_ip_address. ...

# Type in your password and hit Enter

3. What is meant by Grep Command??

Answer: The grep command is used to search text or searches the given file for lines containing
a match to the given strings or words.

By default, grep displays the matching lines.

4. How to find Logs files in linux ?

Answer: cd/var/log
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Some of the most important Linux system logs include:

/var/log/auth. ...

/var/log/kern. ...


5. How to provide Ownership with read & write permissions to respective user ?

Answer: chmod 777 folder name will give read, write, and execute permissions for everyone.


Every file and directory in your UNIX/Linux system has following 3 permissions defined for all
the 3 owners discussed above.

1.Read: 4

2.Write: 2

3.Execute: 1


The 'chown' command can change the ownership of a file/directory. Use the following
commands: chown user file or chown user:group file

The 'chgrp' command can change the group ownership chrgrp group filename.

6. How to rename the file ?

Answer: mv command is used both to change the name of a file and to move a file into a
different directory.

7. How to check OS versions ??

Answer: Type any one of the following command to find os name and version in Linux: cat
/etc/os-release. ...

Type the following command to find Linux kernel version: uname -r.

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8. How to find in which network the server is associated??

Answer: traceroute. ..

ssh. ..., telnet.

9. What is the Difference between Find and Locate?

Answer: Both the locate and find commands will find a file, but they work in quite different

locate will work in an offline mode

find will work in an online/"in real time" mode.

10. Difference between VGS & LVS ??

Answer: Physical Volume (PV): Consists of Raw disks or RAID arrays or other storage devices.

Volume Group (VG): Combines the physical volumes into storage groups.

Logical Volume (LV): VG's are divided into LV's and are mounted as partitions.

11. How to check process in server?

Answer: PS Command (Process status).

12. What is the command to install Zabix in server??

Answer: Yum, Rpm or Dpkg.we can use anyone of these commands.

sudo yum zabix

sudo Rpm Zabix

13. Types of Files systems in Linux??

Answer: Linux supports 100 types of File systems.

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Most widely using file systesm are as follows : ext2 , ext3 , ext4, XFS.

14, How to check CPU utilization in Linux?

Answer: TOP command

Troubleshooting steps in server:

Once we exceuted the TOP Command in Linux server, we can able to see Total CPU Virtual
Memory and physical Memory

And we can able to see see highest consuming process in CPU.

15. How to check Memory Utilization in Linux ??

Answer: Free -m or Free -h

Free -m : it shows memory in Mb's

Free -g : it shows Memory in GB's

Troubleshooting steps in server:

Once we executed the Free -m command in Linux server, we can able to see total how much
Virtual Memory and physical Memory consuming space, available, used space

16. How to check Disk space in Linux server??

Answer: df -h / df

Troubleshooting steps in server:

df -h >> Here it will show all directories disk space like /var, /temp, /user, /Log, /application

Then we need to observe which file system/Directory utilizing more space >> cd directoryname
>> cd Logs >> ls >> rm -f Logfilename.

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17. Types of SSL Certifications in servers?

Answer: we have two categories of SSL certificates:

1.Internal certificates

2.External certificates.

Again in both Internal & External certificates having three sub categories:

1.Standard Certificate

2.UCC certificate

3.Wild card certificate.

In all three types of certificate , we use to create Key File, CSK file, PFM file, CER File,CRT file as
per user/Client requirements.

18.What is the command to calculate the size of a Folder ?

Answer: du -sh ( Filename) .

19. Different mode Types of Vi Editor ?

Answer: 1. command mode

2.Insert mode

3. Edit Mode

20.Explain Process Management ?

Answer: There are two types of calls:

1. process call: Fork, Execute, wait, Exit

2.system call : getpid,getppid

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21. what is the use of tar Command ??

Answer: Tar is using for extracting or creating an archive folder.

22. Minimum number of partitions are used in Linux ?

Answer: 2.

23. How to copy a file in Linux ?

Answer: CP <source file > < Destination file >.

24. How to terminate a current running process in Linux ??

Answer: PS - it shows current running process

Kill ( processid) - it kills the current process.

25. How to find difference in two configuration files ?

Answer: diff <abc filname > < cde filename >

26. Types of Linux Directories?

Answer: pwd,ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir.

27. Types of shells available in Linux??

Answer: Bash shell, Korn shell, C shell.

28. Types of users in Linux??

Answer: 1.super user

2. System user

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3. Normal user.

29. Types of Linux servers?

Answer: 1.Physical server

2. Virtual server.

30. Difference between Physical server and virtual server?


1.No need for licensing purchase 1. VM software licenses

2.Physical servers and additional equipment 2.A single physical server can host multiple VMs,
thus saving space
take a lot of space.
3. Poor capacity optimization 3. Advanced capacity optimization is enabled by load
4.High Cost Efficiency. 4. Low cost Efficiency.

31. Types of Linux Distributions??

Answer: 1.Redhat




5. Suse

32. Difference between Physical Memory and Virtual Memory?



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1.An actual Memory 1. A physical Memory.

2.Faster 2.slower.
3.uses the swapping technique 3. uses paging
4.Limited the size of RAM Chip 4.Limited by the size of HARD Disk.

33. What are the basic components of Linux?

Answer: Kernal, shell, GUI, System Utilities, Application Programs.

34. Types of ls command and details ?

Answer: $ ls Example/

There are different options that can be used with the ls command. These options give
additional information about the file/ folder. For example:

-l lists long format (shows the permissions of the file)

-a lists all files including hidden files

-i lists files with their inode number

-s lists files with their size

-S lists files with their size and sorts the list by file size

-t sorts the listed files by time and date

35. How would you delete a directory in Linux?


There are two commands that can be used to delete a directory in Linux.


$ rmdir <directory name>

rm -rf

$ rm -rf <directory name>

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Note: The command rm -rf should be used carefully because it will delete all the data without
any warnings.

36. How to schedule a task in Linux ?

Answer: Cron and at.

CRON: The cron command is used to repeatedly schedule a task at a specific time.

The tasks are stored in a cron file and then executed using the cron command.

AT: The command is used to schedule a task only once at the specified time.

The command is used to schedule a task only once at the specified time.

37. How to identify which shell you are using?

Answer: Open the terminal and run: $ echo $SHELL

38. How can you login to another system in your network from your system?

Answer: SSH can be used for this. The Syntax is as follows: ssh <username>@<ip address>

39. How do you check if a particular service in running?

Answer: service <servicename> status

40. How do you check the status of all the services?

Answer: service --status-all

41. How do you start and stop a service?

To start:

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Answer: service <servicename> start.

42. What is a Root Account?

Answer: A Root Account is a system administrator account which helps in applying complete
control over the system.

It helps in creating and maintaining various user accounts and thereby assign them
different kinds of permissions as per each account.

It occurs by default whenever LINUX is installed.

43. Differentiate between LINUX and UNIX?



1.LINUX is an open source software 1. UNIX is an operating system which is

basically used in
Intel, HP, internet servers, etc.
and free operating system used for computer
hardware & software, game development, PCs, etc.

2. File support system includes Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, 2. File support system includes jfs, gpfs,
hfs, etc.
Jfs, Xfs, Btrfs, FAT, etc.

3. Examples: Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, etc 3. Examples: Solaris, All Linux

4. BASH SHELL 4. Bourne shell.

44. What is the maximum length for any file name under LINUX?

Answer: The maximum length for any file name under Linux is 255 characters.

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45. Enlist some Linux to file content commands?


head: Displays the beginning of the file

tail: Displays the last part of the file

cat: Concatenate files and print on the standard output.

more: Displays the content in pager form and is used to view the text in the terminal window
one page or screen at a time.

less: Displays the content in pager form and allows backward and single line movement.

46. Enlist some Linux networking and troubleshooting commands?


Hostname: To view the hostname (domain and IP address) of the machine and to set the

Ping: To check if the remote server is reachable or not.

ifconfig: To display and manipulate route and network interfaces. It displays network
configuration. ‘ip’ is the replacement of ifconfig command.

netstat: It displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics. ‘ss’ is the
replacement of netstat command which is used to get more information.

Traceroute: It is a network troubleshooting utility that is used to find the number of hops
required for a particular packet to reach the destination.

47. Differences between Linux and Windows.


Windows Linux

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Microsoft Corporation Linus Torvalds, community.

C++, Assembly Assembly language, C
Graphical Operating system family Unix-like OS family
Proprietary commercial software GPL(GNU General Public License)v2 and
Windows shell Unix shell

Important points:

(Threshold values nothing but cutoff period)

(Utilization is nothing used space)

(Mostly server having 85% or 90% threshold value, it will not cross the those values if it cross
will recieve Auto Alerts )

48. Real Time High Memory Utilization Troubleshooting steps:


1. All our servers are configured to server Monitoring Tools like Sitescope or any other tools.

2. Every server having Threshold value like 85 % or 90 % based on company out of 100%.

3. When server Exceeds the threshold value like 90 % above, we will get Memory alert to our
ticketing tool.

4. Then we need to login to the server and check Memory uasage by executing this command:
Free -m

5. Here you can see how much total memory space, used space , Available space and
cache/buffer space.

6.If you see memory is having 10 gb , in out 10 gb currently 450 Mb is available then that cases
we need to reduce the space on memory.

7. If you check Application/Dev Team, They will let you know the path were we can remove the
log files or cache files or else they will only clear the space.

49.Real Time High CPU Utilization Troubleshooting steps:

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1. All our servers are configured to server Monitoring Tools like Sitescope or any other tools.

2. Every server having Threshold value like 85 % or 90 % based on company out of 100%.

3. When server Exceeds the threshold value like 90 % above, we will get CPU alert to our
ticketing tool.

4. Then we need to login to the server and check CPU uasage by executing this command: TOP.

5. Here you can see how much CPU utilizing and which process consuming more space.

6.If you see CPU is having 10 gb , in out 10 gb currently 450 Mb is available and 9.5gb used then
that cases we need to reduce the space on CPU.

7.We need to check which process consuming more utilization, Then we need to observer 5-10
mins if still CPU doesn't reducing.

8.Take the more consuming process id and kill it : Kill pid

To kill the process: Kill (Process id)

If you want to kill the all running process : kill 0

9.But usually most of the times we will not kill the process, we need to inform to L3 team they
will kill the required process.

50. Real Time High DISK Utilization troubleshooting steps:


1. All our servers are configured to server Monitoring Tools like Sitescope or any other tools.

2. Every server having Threshold value like 85 % or 90 % based on company out of 100%.

3. When server Exceeds the threshold value like 90 % above, we will get DISK alert to our
ticketing tool.

4. Then we need to login to the server and check DISK uasage by executing this command: df /
df -h.

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5.After you can see which filesystem utilizing more like 90 % or 95%, after enter into directory
delete the log files.

df -f

cd (Filesystem name ) >> ls >>Logs >>ls >> find the 60 days old log files >> Rm -f (Logfilename ).

Incase if you are not able to find the old log files, Sent mail to Application L4 team they will
help us to reduce space on Disk.


As L2 support Engineers, we are handling Pre-patching and Post patching in Production


Involving patching activities like monthly and quartely patching

# Below are the commands we usually using in patching time.

1. Packages updating on latest version : Sudo yum update

2. To verify packages in server: sudo yum check update

3. To reboot the both physical server and virtual server: sudo init 6.


@ OS PATCHING: OS up gradations, java packages, kernel upgradations:

> Patching is nothing but to upgrade the current OS verion to latest OS version, For Example
now days all are using Centos and Redhat Linux servers.

> If you are using Redhat 7.0, if you want upgrade redhat 7.0 to redhat 7.1 that is nothing but

> During patching, The process is like Patching team will send mail communication to Core infra
teams and Production teams, Monitoring teams.

> Patching will happend only on weekends, Because in weekends users will not work so we can
easily perform the tasks without interminent.

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> Monitoring team Once mail communication has received from patching team they will disable
all the monitors like Sitescope and dynatrace.

> Untill patching as completed they will not to enable monitors.

> Patching will happend only respective durations.Once patching has completed the OS will
upgrade to lastest versions.

@ Linux Administration Auto Alerts part:

# Failed to contact alerts / Node down alerts:

#Agents installations: /opt/ov/bin/opcagt -status.

# service restarts on server: /opt/ov/bin/opcagt -restart

# certifications installations: /opt/ov/bin/ovcert -list

# license installations: /opt/ov/bin/olicense -get -all

# policies installations: /opt/ov/bin/ovpolicy -list.

# Server logs deletions: Check the disk space from the command line. Use the du command to
see which files and directories consume the most space inside of the /var/log directory. ...

Select the files or directories that you want to clear.

command: rm -f <Logfilename>

@USER & GROUP Administration part in LINUX:

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# user accounts creations: sudo usseradd <username >

# Group accounts creations: sudo groupadd <groupname >

# lock user accounts: usermod -L <username >

# Unlock the user Accounts: usermod -u <Username>

# Assigning the password to the users: sudo passwd <Username>

# Deleting a user: userdel -r <username>.


1. Server down issues.
2. Node down issues in server
3. License installation issues
4. Polices & core id, certifications issues in server.
5. Configuration details
6. Explain about LVM Concepts
7. Types of file systems
8. Active Directory
9. How to check services status in server (Win/Linux)
10. How to check CPU Utilization
11. How to check Memory Utilization
12. How to check Disk space Utilization
13. How to check Process running status in server
14. Which OS version currently we are using in work Environment
15. Types of OS versions
16. List of Linux/Unix commands
17. How to change permissions to user
18. How to change ownership to the users.
19. How to remove Logs Files in Win/Linux server
20. Types of SSL certifications
21. How to renewal SSL certifications
22. Explain file permission in Linux.
23. Which are the different modes of vi editor?
24. Types of Memory in server and explain physical memory and SWAP memory.
25. What is a virtual desktop?
USER & Group Administration questions:

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1. User Accounts creations

2. Group Accounts creations
3. Lock user account
4. Unlocking user account
5. Password assignment to users
6. Password change
7. User Deleting’s in server.

1. What is ITIL Process

2. What is Incident Management, Change Management, & Major incident management.
3. Which Ticketing Tool we are using currently in workspace.
4. What is RFC& Change.

1. Server Down issues:
 First, we need to check server is pingable or not in Command prompt.

 Then, we need to login to server by using either RDP /PUTTY without

any errors then we can consider has server is working fine and UP.
 If you see server is not pingable and not able to login to server via
putty/RDP, then server is Down case.
 We need to check server is in which Environment like PRD/DEV/ITG.
 If server is in PRD platform, we can reboot the server with help of
Application L4 Team approval mail.
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 For Example, if it is a DEV/ITG server, we need to take approval mail

from Application owner and 4 team post we can reboot server from our
 Servers are two types like Physical server and Virtual server
 If it is a virtual server, we can reboot the server in VSPHERE V-Center
 If it is a physical server, we need to Engage with Windows L3 team.

2. Node Down issues in server?

 If Node down in server we will receive auto alerts throw our ticketing
tool, we need to bring it up the node in server.
 To check services status: /opt/OV/bin/opcagt -status
 If services are not running in server: /opt/OV/bin/opcagt -restart
 To check License status: /opt/OV/bin/oalicense -get -all
 To check Configuration details in server: /opt/OV/bin/ovconfget
 To check core id:/opt/OV/bin/ovcoreid
 To check policies in server:/opt/OV/bin/ovpolicy -list
 To check Certifications in server:/opt/OV/bin/ovcert -list


oalicense -get -all
ovpolicy -list
ovcert -list
3. How to check


1.) What is PV ?.

Ans: it is a standard partition that we can add to LVM, generally a physical volume is a standard physical
or logical partition with the hex code of 8e.

2.) what is volume group?

ans: it is composed of a group of Physical volumes and logical volumes and it is a organisational group
for LVM.

3.) What is Logical Volume ?

ans: Logical volume is composed of group of logical extents, you can format or mount any file system in
LVM, The size of the LVM's can be increased or decreased as per requirement.

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4.) Types of Files systems ?

Ans: data files, text files, directory files, program files And File formats are Ext 2, EXT 3 Etc.

5. Difference betweenrhel5 rhel 6 rhel7?

Features Rhel 5 Rhel 6 Rhel 7

1. Kernel version 2.6.18 2.6.32 3.10.x

2. File system EXT3 EXT4 XFS

40 SEC 40 SEC 20 SEC

4. Run Level Runlevel0 Runlevel0 -

LVM have 3 concepts

 Physical Volume (PV): it is a whole disk or a partition of a disk

 Volume Group (VG): corresponds to one or more PV
 Logical Volume (LV): represents a portion of a VG. A LV can only belong
to one VG. It’s on a LV that we can create a file system.


1.Add new physical disk. Boot.

2.# pvscan

This will show you the current physical volumes.

3.# fdisk /dev/sdb

Add the disk to your machine as a primary partition. Partition type: “8e (LVM)”. Obviously /dev/sdb may
be different on your system.

4.# pvcreate /dev/sdb1

This creates a new physical LVM volume on our new disk.

5.# vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/sdb1

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Add our new physical volume to the volume group: VolGroup00. Again, this group name may by
different for you, but this is what Redhat& CentOS assigns by default when you install your system.

6.# pvscan

You should see the new physical volume assigned to VolGroup00.

7.# lvextend -L+40G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

This increases the size of the logical volume our root partition resides in. Change the -L flag as

We’ve just added 40GB to the logical volume used by the root partition. Sweet as. Now we need to
resize the file system to utilize the additional space.


how to extend existing file system

how reduce space from existing lv and add same space to other lv which is on same vg

# fdisk -cu /dev/sda

1.To Create new partition Press n.

2.Choose primary partition use p.

3.Choose which number of partition to be

4.selected to create the primary partition.

5.Press 1 if any other disk available.

6.Change the type using t.

7.Type 8e to change the partition type to Linux LVM.

8.Use p to print the create partition (here we have not used the option).

9.Press w to write the changes.

Restart the system once completed.


Linux Directories
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1. / is the root directory.

2. /bin/ and /usr/bin/ store user commands.
3. /boot/ contains files used for system startup including the kernel.
4. /dev/ contains device files.
5. /etc/ is where configuration files and directories are located.
6. /home/ is the default location for users‟ home directories.


* Types of users in Linux:
1. Super user
2. system user
3. Normal user

* Create a New user: #useradd <sudheer>

*Create a Group: #groupadd < name of the group >

*Create a user with default attributes: #useradd <username>

#useradd <sudheer>

*Create a user with own Attributes: #useradd <sudheer> -u505 -g505 -d /home/kernel/-c salesman

*Assigning password to user: #passwrd <sudheer>

* Locking users: #usermod -l <sudheer>

*Un Locking users: #usermod -u <sudheer>

*password parametters: #chage -l <sudheer>

*changing the password parameter: #chage < username >

*Deleting a user: #userdel -r < username >

*Add user to Existing Group: #usermod -a -g <username>< group name >

#Directory: A directory is nothing but special type of file, it contains list of objects, files, directories, links

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1.To create a new Directory command: mkdir<name of the dir>

Create a directory: mkdirSudheer

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-88-183 ~]$mkdirsudheer

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-88-183 ~] $ls>>>>>It will show the list of the directories wat we created in server.


[ec2-user@ip-172-31-88-183 ~]$mkdirchowdary

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-88-183 ~]$ ls


2. To Remove the directory command: rmdir< name of the dir>

3. To create a file command: touch < file name > or CAT <File name >

To remove the file: rm < file name >

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4.Moving the files from one file to another file: mv filename1 filename2

After moving the file it will show only filenam2 only


 Create user add:


@ Create user with own attributes:

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@Assigning the password:

@user Unlocking:usermod -U <Sudheer>

#create a Group: sudogroupadd Chowdary

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#Create a user with user specified group:

#Changing the name of the group:

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1. What are the types of shells available in Linux?
Sol: Bash shell, Korn shell, C Shell.

2. Command to check memory space in Linux server.

Sol: Free -m,



3. Explain file permissions in Linux?

4. Changing the permission of a File in Linux?
Sol: Two types: 1. Symbolic
2. Absolute
1. Symbolic: $ chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r filename
2.Absolute: $ chmod <permission> filename

5. What is the Linux Directory commands?

Sol: pwd, ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir.

6. Types of VI Editors?
Sol: insert mode, command mode, Replacement mode

7. Explain Grep Command?

Sol: Grep is using for File based pattern for regular expression

8. Explain process management?

Sol: Process calls, systems calls.

1, Process call: fork execute, wait, exit

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2.System call: getpid, getppid

9. Tar command is used for?

Sol: Tar is using extracting or created an archive folder

10.Minimum number of disk partitions used in Linux?

Sol: 2

11. How to copy a file in Linux?

Sol: CP <Source file >< Destination file >

12. How to terminate a running process in Linux?

Sol: PS- It shows current running process

Kill- it kills the current running process

13. How to rename a file in Linux?

Sol: we can use either mv or cp command to rename the file.

$ mv <oldname><newname>

$ cp <oldname><newname>

To delete the file: $ rm <oldname>

14. How to find where a file is stored in Linux?

Sol: Locate command

15. How to find the difference in two configuration files?

Sol: $ diff abc.confxyz.conf

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Backup Concepts:

In market we have different types of backup software’s.

But you are using @ HPE Data protector Manager.

It is located under respective windows jump server.

Jump server station : is nothing but all backup servers are configured in single jump station in
single server we can able to connect multiple servers.

Types of backup :

1. Full backup

2. Incremental backup.

3. ADD backup.

Tier 1: 7 backups per week ( 1 full and 6 incremental (

Tier 2: 5 backups per week ( 1 full and 4 incremental )

Tier 3: 1 backup per week ( Full)

All our internal applications are configured in backup.

Everyday as per schedule backup will run and it will take backup data.

While running backup there is chances to fail the backup.

That case we use to get backup Auto tickets, based upon tickets we need to take action and
troubleshoot and resolve.

In ticket description we will get below details.

Cell server

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Client server

Application spec

Backup Tickets:

Issues : IN ticket description you can able to see below details.


cell server, and Spec name, Error name will be available .

Errors like:

IPC cannot connect

Server down

Client server and cell server not communicating.

* issue 1: usually client server and cell will not communicate properly because of server down,
in that case we will try to check client server either windows or linux.

If client server went down because of that backup has failed, we need to reboot the server
again we need to re-run the backup.

It will rerun and shows results sometimes it will completed or it will failed again.

If fails again send RCA and as well as move ticket to backup L3 Team.

logs Files Deletion:

Every server having two types of Log Files.

1. OS Related Log Files

2. Application Related Log Files.

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* OS : OS Log files will be taken care by core Infra L3 team. Like whether it is Windows / Linux.

* Application Logs: will be taken care by our L2 or L4 Apps team.


df -h

cd /opt/nifi/logs


rm -f filename

For Example if u want to delete multiple log files at a time then use below command.

rm -f 2021-05*

df -h : To check disk space

Cd : To change the directory from current directory to /opt/nifi/logs directory.

cd /opt/ nifi/ logs

ls : it will show the list of log files under that directory from date wise.

rm - f ( log filename )

Troubleshooting steps:

1 .First we need to check is there any older than 60 days logs are available in log folder..???

> if its there we can directly delete the old logs

2. For example if its not there 60 days older than log files... then check which date onwards log
files are available if its like current month and previous month.

Then we can delete from previous month old log files 1 by 1 ...and we need to see the
utilization is reducing or not and if its comes down u can stop the removing the files.

3. For Example if its having only current month or current week log files then must and should
you need to take help from L4 team.

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Based on their guidance we need to remove the log files or else they will only take action behalf
of us.


During an interview, They will ask Self introduction and as well as your Roles & responsibilities.

@ Roles and responsibilities are nothing day to day activities what you performing in your
organization when you login onwards to Logout duration.

# Candidate personal details:

Payroll Company: Mention company name

Client Location: Infosys

HR Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Reporting manager: xxxxxxxxxxx

Team size: 13

Client Location details: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Client manager name: xxxxxxxxxx

Project name: W-ITES Confluence.

Candidate joining start date: Feb

Candidate joining End date:

Initially starting salary package:

Hike package:

Final package:

Worked as: Contract Employee.

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# About Yourself:

My name is RAM, i belongs to Tirupathi from Andhra Pradesh.

I have totally 3.0 years of Experience as a Infrastructure and Production support Engineer

Currently im working in INFOSYS, Myself mainly supporting into Infra and Apps part.

When coming to my family details my father is farmer and mother is house wife including me
we are four members in my family.

When coming to my hobbies i like to travelling new places.

This is Quick introduction about me. Thank you



we are mainly supporting infra as well as production support .

When coming to infra platform, we are mainly supporting L2 level support on windows, linux,
UNIX, backup, server monitoring.

When coming to Application support, We are handling internal applications, which are hosted
production environments like windows servers operating systems & Linux operating systems
and the applications comes under different domains like Access management related
applications, Finance related applications, payroll related applications.

We use to involve mainly monitoring areas work on different kinds of Monitoring Tools like
Dynatrace, site scope, Data Dog, HP OMI, Cisco job scheduling tool, AppDyamics etc.

We are following mainly ITIL PROCESS, under ITIL we are into mainly service operations like
Incident management, change management, Major Incident management.

And we are using service Now Ticketing Tool and we are into 24/7 Shifts.

Roles and Responsibilities: Infrastructure Engineer Role:

Infra in the sense like Windows, Linux, UNIX, Network, VMware, Wintel, storage, Backup Aws,
Devops, Cloud, servers.

√ generally as an infra Engineer we need to take care all our organization infrastructure part.

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√ Usually people's will support like Windows server Administration / support or Linux server

√ But here we use to support both windows and Linux server support Administration

√ we are supporting as L2 Infra Engineer, here we are handling like server down issues and
Memory, CPU, Disk, Process, ping, URL down issues.

Real Time issues:

1. Server Down issue??

1) Check in command prompt whether server is pingable or not.

Command: Ping < server name >

2. Then you need to try to login in sever.

Tools: via RDP or putty

For Linux: putty

For windows: Remote Desktop Connection

3. if you are able to login to server, then server is UP...incase if you are facing any issues while
logging into server like Connection Timed out Error then in that case server is down.

4. Then you can take approval mail from server owner or Application owner and go head for
server reboot

Roles and responsibilities: Application and Production support:

Production /Application support:

i supported as Application support engineer and we are handling all our internal applications
like finance and access management related applications

Finance Application issues:

Mention only these points for finance applications

we are handling finance related apps like Employees data corrections and payroll issues
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1. when data is incorrectly updated in application .

2. When Employees wants to change their Employee code or County or designations , roles and
time sheet issues.

3. Finance data is not flowing from upstream applications to downstream applications in that
case we will process the data feeds in server level or database End.

Access Management issues:

1. Providing access to users who are newly joined or requesting in application end.

2. Revoking the access for terminated employees..

Applications Monitoring:

we are having different types of Applications monitoring tools :

1. Site scope.

2. Dynatrace

√ Both BSM/Dynatrace tools are using for applications monitoring.

√ All our internal Applications are configured under either BSM or Dyntrace.

√ when any application went down, we use to receive auto alerts through our ticketing tool.

√ when we see the alerts/tickets , we will observed the alert type and application name, errors
then we will start the troubleshooting.


We are using multiple Monitoring Tools:

Like site scope, Dynatrace, cisco Tidal job scheduling Tool, etc.

site cope is for Server Monitoring

Dynatrace is for Applications Monitoring.

Tidal is for job scheduling monitoring.

In site scope we use to get alerts like Disk space, CPU alerts, Memory issue, Ping failed, Process
failed, URL down issues, server down alerts.

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Based on alerts we need to check the status in site scope and we need to login to server and
have to troubleshoot the issues.

Dynatrace is Application monitoring and all our applications are configured in dynatrace,
whenever any apps went down or not able to access any url we use to get alerts from

Based on alerts error, we use to do troubleshooting.



Dear Hr/Manager,

Good day!!!

As i discussed in phone conversation regarding my last working day, please help us to consider
Oct 13th is my last working day and release me in project in same day.

This time to look on my technical growth and career growth, Hence i resigned kindly requesting
you to accept my resignation and do needful.




Hii Sneha here..

I am speaking suresh??

Yes... Suresh speaking.

I am calling you from infosys, we are looking for Application support engineer are you into same

Yes i am into Application production support / infra support engineer.

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May i know your total years of experience on Application support and relevant experience??

Which company you are working currently??

Wipro Technologies, Bangalore location.

Are you permanent employee or contract employee in Wipro?

Wipro is my client company and Payroll Company is different company.

Payroll Company: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

May i know your notice period?

I have 30 days of notice period officially.

What is your current package?

5.5 LPA

What is your expectation ?

8.5 LPA

Have you worked in ITIl??

Yes i worked in ITIL in whole 3.5 years of experience.

Have you worked in any monitoring tools?

Yes i worked in different monitoring tools like Appdynamics, Data dog, Dynatrace, Site scope

Worked in Windows servers, Linux servers, and backup.




Good day!!!

Thanks for choosing me for this opportunity,

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i have received naukri email from your end, i am very much interested for this opportunity
please requesting you to process my profile ahead.

Please find below details for your reference.


Name: xxxxx

Total Experience: 3.0

Relevant Experience: 3.0

Current CTC: 4.5

Expected CTC: As per Norms

Current Location: Bangalore

Notice period: 15 days

Current company: Wipro Technologies



Naukri Email Applying:

Everyday morning 9 clock Am you need to update your naukri account.

Then only you will get chance to get more calls from HR's. Who updated their accounts when
Recruiter searching for profiles only recently updated profiles will reflect to recruiter.

When you receive naukri email within sec's you need to apply for that

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Email >> Apply Now >> it will goto your naukri account >> you will get successful updated

Later click on REPLY

Email >> Reply >> type below details >> submit.

Reply :

Hi Team,

Good day!!!

Thank you so much for choosing me for this opportunity.

I am very much interested for this opportunity, Requesting you to process my profile ahead.

Please find below my details:

Total years of Exp: 3.6

Current CTC: 10 LPA

ECTC: ....

Notice period: 30 days

Skills: unix, linux, sql, ITIL Etc.



Ticket issues:
 While Getting the Tickets, initially we need to check the Ticket description and we need
to Analyze the issues exactly what user facing the issue from their End.

 Post we need to check whether user shared all required information or not to resolve
the issue, if user didn’t share all required information we need to ask the user to share

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whatever we required to troubleshoot / validate the issue exactly what he/she is facing while
doing the transaction from their End in Application Level. (In that time, we need to change
Ticket status as PENDING CUSTOMER to save the SLA).

 Once user shared all required data, post we need to change the Ticket status from
Pending customer to work in Progress again SLA Will continue.

 We need to take the user shared info and we need to check in application level wat user
facing the issue while performing transaction in application, if user facing same error and from
our end also getting same Error.

 Post we need to take all the transaction details whatever user trying to perform and
along with Error screenshots.

 After taking all details, we need to send RCA (mail) to Backend team.

 For Example, if user facing different issue and from our End we are facing different issue
in that case we need to validate the issue and convey the exact issue to user, if user performing
transaction in wrong way we need to guide the user while providing the exact path or to guide
through SKYPE SCREEN SHARING (Remote control).


1. People not available in PAR Report.

Sol: If Employee wants to Onboard respective New Project Employee should be available in PAR
Report( FREE Pool ), If Employee not available in PAR system will not allow you to perform the
transaction , In this case we need to validate from L1 Level and post that we need to send RC to
L2 / L3 team they will refresh from their End , post we can End onboard employee into Project.

2. Employee want to change from current designation to future.

Sol: If Employee wants to change Current designation to other designation, Employee simply by
raising ticket asking to change, That time we need to take his/her manager Approval mail to
change current designation to Expected designation.

3. Unable to Login Confluence Application.

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Sol: Confluence Application Access will Enabled only for Delivery team like Project manager,
Delivery manager, Account Delivery Head etc. For All Employees Access is not Enabled.

4. Unable to create Project.

Sol: Only Module lead, PM, DM, ADH cab able to create Project in Confluence Application, Rest
of the people’s system won’t allow performing any transaction in Confluence Application.

5. Need Access for Confluence Application.

Sol: sometimes For any project PM/DM can changed, that time new PM/DM can be assigned
they don’t have access for using confluence, we need validate that respective person for which
project he is assigned as PM/DM, post validating in sap database we need to send mail to L3
team to give Confluence Access.

6. Unable to change PM/DM for given Project.

Sol: New users usually trying to change PM/DM for projects based upon their requirements, but
system won’t allow to perform transaction. They have some criteria to perform PM/DM
changes for respective project. Only PM changes can able to perform DM and DM changes can
able to ADH and ADH changes can able to perform VDH.

7. Please help to close given Projects.

Sol: PM / DM raising ticket to help to close given Projects, but we can’t close projects directly.
Initially we need to send the path to close respective Project.

If still they unable to close the project, we need to take error screenshots what they are facing
from our end exactly or we need to take skype screen screen sharing to guide or validate the
issue exactly user facing the issue from their End.

If really user facing any Error, we need to take Error screenshot along with Project PM Approval
mail and DM Approval mail, post we need to send L3 team to close the project from backend.

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8. Unable to onboard New Employee into Project.

Sol: we need to take screen shot from user end what they are facing while performing
transaction in their End, post that we need to take all transaction details and we can perform
from our end, if still from our end also unable to perform transaction we need to send mail to
L3 team to perform transaction.

9. Please change plant and location for given project.

Sol: we need to validate wat user is asking us to change and we need to validate exactly which
plant and location is created for given project, if both are matching same we need to take
approval mail from his manger and send it to L3 team to make changes.

10. Unable to Assign Employee into Respective Project.

Sol: we need to check whether budget is there or not in given project, if sufficient budget is not
available in Project in system wont allow to perform transaction, post we need to convey
information to user to allocate additional budget post try to perform transaction.


Frontend team: L1/L2 teams (They are having Limited Access to perform transactions)

Backend Team: L3/L4 teams (They are having all access to perform all transactions in
Application Level).



I have basic knowledge on sql server.

I have knowledge on sql server management studio 2016 version tool.

Here i do have knowledge morely into statements like DML, DDL, DCL.

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Were we can change the employee data modifications like country code changes, Employee
id mismatch, Project id, manager details modifications etc.

Mainly i do have knowledge like select query, insert query, update query, delete query..

Apartment from i do have theoretical knowledge like stored procedures, Normalizations,

joints, triggers, union and union all, functions , Foreign key, primary key, unique key etc.

SELECT - extracts data from a database

UPDATE - updates data in a database

DELETE - deletes data from a database

INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database

CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database

ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database

CREATE TABLE - creates a new table

ALTER TABLE - modifies a table

DROP TABLE - deletes a table

CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)

DROP INDEX - deletes an index.

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Sql operators: AND, OR and NOT

Select syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name;

Insert INTO Syntax:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)

VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);

UPDATE syntax:

UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...

WHERE condition;

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DELETE syntax:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Sql Functions :

Min, Max, Count, SUM, Avg.


Types of joints:

Right join

Left Join

Inner join

Outer join.


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2. JOINTS and Its Types: right join, full join, inner join, left join

3. Normalization and its types

4. Types of keys: foreign key, primary key, and unique key.



A primary key constraint uniquely identifies each record in the database, it doesn’t contain
Null values and it doesn’t contain unique values.

A primary key constraint can contain single or multiple fields. A table has only one Primary

Unique Key:

Unique key contain only null values and it doesn’t contain Duplicate values is called Unique

The Role of unique key is to make sure that each column and row is unique.

Foreign Key:

A foreign key is an attribute or set of attributes that reference to the primary key of some
other table. Basically it links together two tables.

difference between Primary key and Unique Key:

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Both Primary key and unique key carry unique values where as primary key don’t null values
where as unique can have.

A table cannot be more than one primary key and unique key can contain multiple.

5. Stored procedures

6. Triggers

7. Explain about Indexes, and types of indexes?


Indexes help speed up searching in the database. If there is no index on any column in the
WHERE clause, then SQL Server has to skim through the entire table and check each and every
row to find matches, which might result in slow operation on large data.

Indexes are used to find all rows matching with some columns and then to skim through only
those subsets of the data to find the matches.



8. Explain Views.

9. Difference between delete and truncate, drop.


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DELETE: This query is used to delete or remove one or more existing tables.

TRUNCATE: This statement deletes all the data from inside a table.

TRUNCATE is a DDL command, and DELETE is a DML command.

10. What is meant by Table and Field?

Ans: Table: An organized data in the form of rows and columns are known as Table.

Field: A number of columns in a table referred as a field.

11. What is meant by unique constraint?

Ans: unique constraint ensures that all values in columns are different.

12. How would you find the second highest salary from the below table?



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Major Incident Management issue / Application Down issues

> This question is most widely interviewed in all companies for support Background Engineers.

> Major Incident or High Alert or P1 Ticket or Application down, All these types OF words are
same meaning in support Environment.

# Usually in interview, Interviewers are asking main question is how to troubleshoot when
application went down...without these question interview will not happened.

# If you explain below steps clearly, Then will interviewer will consider as You Experienced and
skilled person in support.



1. Assume If one of our internal production Application name as some "XYZ”

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2. If Application went down, we use to get Auto Alerts/Tickets from ticketing through specific
configured Application Monitoring.

Else will get mails or user tickets from outside or internal users stating that application is not
functioning properly.

4. In such scenario we need to try to accessing the application initially.

5. we need to access the application, If application is working fine and all URL's are working .

then we need to inform to user try to do clear cache and deleting the browsing history.

post deleting all the cache's automatically the application will works properly.

6. After performing all above steps also still application is not working then we need to cross
check with other peoples

or need to indetify whether issue is persisting one location or all locations

7. If we found any errors like 404 error, 505 error , Http Error , in such case we can consider as
Application has down truly.

8. here onwards we need to start troubleshooting, In every organization they have some
internal applications like KB's articles or Runbook or Confluence Applications.

9. KB Article or Confluence or Runbook all these types of apps gives data were we can find data
about respective application server details or URL's which associated with application as well as
Server owner details, application owner deatils, support manager details, Development details.

10.Login to respective Run book , start validating the all the URL'S which are configured one by
one. you found any one of the URL is not working , Then try to validate the server which
associated with that application , the server may be Windows or else Linux.

12.if Four Servers are configured to application, start validating the server one by one by
logging into the servers.

13.If you observe that any one of the server or all servers are not able to login then you
consider servers are down .

14.Due to servers down , The application also went down so in such we need to reboot those
down servers then after restarting the services in servers the application will be accessable.

15.For Example if servers are not down, then we need to login to servers and need to validate
whether services are running or stopped status.

16, If services are showing as stopped status, then we need to restart the services automatically
the application will works.

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17. For Example if servers are UP and Services also running fine but still application is not
working try to restart the server and services.

18. After performing all above steps still no use, Then we need to escalate the issue to
Application DEVELOPMENT L4 team and we need to send RCA Mail to them.

19.Here onwards Development will take care the issue they will also do troubleshooting most
of the cases issue here only resolved from Dev Ends.

20.In such case Development team also not able to identify the issue atleast they will able to
identify the issue were issue is occurring exactly.

21.Post we need to inform Major incident management team or L1 team to raise High Alert or
Major incident call.

22. Major incident team will engage with different teams like Network team or database team
or some other teams were ever help required to resolved the issue.

22. They will set up a Major incident call or Bridge call were all L1, L2, L4 teams; other teams
will join together and resolved the issue.

Below Errors will get When Application Went Down:

1. HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error)

The description of this error pretty much says it all. It’s a general-purpose error message for
when a web server encounters some form of internal error. For example, the web server could
be overloaded and therefore unable to handle requests properly.

2. HTTP Error 403 (Forbidden)

This error is similar to the 401 error, but notes the difference between unauthorized and
forbidden. In this case no login opportunity was available. This can happen, for example, if you
try to access a (forbidden) directory on a website.

3. HTTP Error 404 (Not Found)

Most people are bound to recognize this one. A 404 error happens when you try to access a
resource on a web server (usually a web page) that doesn’t exist. Some reasons for this
happening can for example be a broken link, a mistyped URL, or that the webmaster has moved
the requested page somewhere else (or deleted it). To counter the ill effect of broken links,
some websites set up custom pages for them (and some of those are really cool).

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4. HTTP Error 400 (Bad Request)

This is basically an error message from the web server telling you that the application you are
using (e.g., your web browser) accessed it incorrectly or that the request was somehow
corrupted on the way.

5. HTTP Error 401 (Unauthorized)

This error happens when a website visitor tries to access a restricted web page but isn’t
authorized to do so, usually because of a failed login attempt.



> Most of the internal production applications are web based applications and those hosted are
in Web servers

>Web servers are like: Apache, Tomcat, Jboss.

>If application went down and need validate serves as well as Services. Services are nothing but
Apache or Tomcat or Jboss.

>All web based application servers are only Linux servers not windows servers.

>Login to servers and check the services status.

@ APACHE troubleshooting steps/Commands:

Service httpd status:it shows service status

Service httpd start: This command will helps to start the service in server.

Service httpd stop: This command will helps to stop the current running service in server.

Service httpd restart: This command will helps to restart the service and application will works

@ TOMCAT Troubleshooting steps/Commands:

./tomcatstart: This command will helps to start the service in server.

./ This command will helps to stop the current running service in server.

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./tomcatrestart: This command will helps to restart the service and application will works

@ Jboss Troubleshooting steps/Commands:

service Jbossas status: This command will helps to start the service in server.

service jbossas stop:This command will helps to stop the current running service in server.

service jbossas restart: This command will helps to restart the service and application will works

IMP NOTE: Sometimes interview will ask question like after executing above commands how
you will confirm service is not running???

Answer: After Executing Service http status command, In below results will shows like Active -
Green color and stopped - Red color.

Active - green: Application service is running Fine.

Stopped - Red: Application service is Stopped status.

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@ ITIL PROCESS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS : ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library )

1.What is ITIL Process ??


ITIL is a collection of comprehensive practices for IT Service MANAGEMENT ( ITSM ),

which focus on IT Service Alignment with the requirement of business needs.

It helps business to achieve their mission with the best way to plan, manage, and deliver.

2. Types of ITIL Process:


1. Incident Management

2.Change Management

3.Major Incident Management

4.Problem Management

5.Knowledge Management

Note: Usually as a support Engineer we use to involve Incident, Change ,Major Incidents

3.What are the Benefits of ITIL ??


1.Build a stronger alignment between IT & the Business.

2.Improved Customer satisfaction

3.Reduced Costs to resources.

4.Greater visibility of the business IT Costs and Assets.

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4.What is TICKETING Tool ?


It is an ITIL Process ,Now a days all IT Industries are following ITIL Process to provide Better
services and faster resolutions to end users

by using different ticketing tools like SERVICENOW, BMC Remedy, ITSM, HP Service Manager,
JIRA, etc.

5. Types of Tickets??

Answer: There are two types of Tickets:

1.AUTO Ticket: Auto Ticket is nothing but getting directly alerts from any monitoring tools is
called AUTO.

2.USER Ticket: is nothing but End users will raise requests in End user portal it will get created
as USER Ticket in our Ticketing Tool.

6. What is Incident Management?


1. End users while performing any transactions on Application level if they faced any errors they
will go and log a service requests

using end user those requests will log into our ticketing tool as a Ticket.

2. We are mainly working on incident management, Here we use to get requests from End
users based on issues criticality and urgency

we will take action accordingly.

3. And we will receive auto alerts also when server went down or CPU,MEM exceeds threshold
values.4.Here incident management role is just to acknowledge the tickets and take action
within time duration and document the resolutions.

4. Manage User satisfaction with the quality of IT Services.

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7. What is Change Management?


1. Usually we will follow the one process incase if we want to change the current version to
another new version or update new scripts/apps in PRD/DEV environment.

2. Chnage management team will raise a Change request and they will get all approvals from
respective departments to implement the new changes in Application Level.

3. Chnage request is also known as RFC (Request for Change ) , once its creates change team
will engage with incident Application team and deploy the task.

4. Change management task is to create and follow up with other teams and get deploy the
task in Application.

8. What is Major Incident Management?


1. Major incident management team plays a role like Bridge between incident teams and other
teams like database, Network etc teams.

2.When any application went down or server down , L2 team will inform to Major incident team
they will engage with different team were help required

untill issue gets resolved major incident team will take responsibility.

3.Their role is monitor the apps and servers and inform to apps or Infra team.

4. TYPES OF Prority Tickets:


P1 Ticket--P1 means Application will down in Entire Global Location (Both Offshore & Oniste )

P2 Ticket--P2 means One Department Affected on one issue like 50-100 users

P3 Ticket--P3 means Multiple user Affected like 10-20 users.

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p4 Ticket--P4 means Single users.

5. STATUS OF Tickets:




* PENDING CUSTOMER----Here No time duration, Becoz when we required some info from user
we put ticket into Pending customer that time SLA will stop.



6. SLA For all Types of Ticket ( Service Level Aggrement ):SLA is nothing Time duration for


* P1 Ticekt ----Critical-------SLA: Open status: 15mins, Working Progress:No Time duration we

need to take action Immediately.

* P2 Ticket ---High ----------SLA: Open status: 30 mins, Working Progress: 8 Hours

* P3 Ticket ---Medium --------SLA: Open status: 30 mins, Working Progress: 24 Hours.

* P4 Ticket ---LOW -------- SLA: Open status: 1 hour, Working Progress: 3-4 working days .

7. What is Meant by SLA and its Types ?

Answer: An SLA is a contract between a service provide ( Either External or Internal )

and the end user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider.

8. Types of SLA's:

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1. Customer service Level Agreement

2. Internal service Level Agreement

3. Vendor Service Level Agreement.

9. What are the ITIL Process according to V3 Edition??

Answer: The process is:

1. Service stragey

2. Service Design

3. Service Transition

4. Service operation

5. Continual service Improvement.

10.What is meant by INCIDENT ?

Answer: An Incident is an Event that leads to unplanned interruption to an IT Service.

11. What is meant by PROBLEM?

Answer: A problem is a underlying cause of one or more incidents.

12.What is difference between End user and Customers ??

Answer: 1. An End user or End customer is the direct recipient of product or service .

2. A customer is the Entity who may or may not have the ability to choose from different
products or suppliers.

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13. What is difference between Service Request and Incident??

Answer: 1. Service requests are forma requests from a user for some type of service or

2. The incident is something that an unplanned interruption to an IT Service.

14.What is change Request ?

Answer: A Change request is Formal Proposal for an alternation to some product or system.

15. What is service Request?

Answer: A service request is a user request for information or advice or for a standard change
or for access to an IT Service.


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Hi Gowtham,

Good day!!!

Thanks for sending mail, I am very much interested for this opportunity. Please request that I
process my Profile ahead.

Please find below details for your reference.

Full Name: Teja

Total Experience: 8 years

Relevant Experience: 4.5

Current Company: Wipro

CCTC: 5.8

ECTC: As per standards

Notice period:15 Skills; Windows , Linux, ITIL, SQL Server.

Pan card:






#Shift Takeover:

1.When you login into the shift you need to check with Previous shift peoples, is there any
ongoing issues or any High Alerts calls are going or not or anything need to be checked or
anything need to be follow up with other teams via mail.

#Shift Handover:

1. You have to handover your shift to next shift Engineers.

2. Inform to the next shift Engineers to follow up any ongoing issues via mail.

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3. You have to attach Tickets report in mail like how many tickets we have received current and
how many are in working progress and how many tickets are closed etc.

4. Perform Mission critical daily health checks.

* When you logged into the shift to till your shift Ends What you need to perform:

1. Need to connect VPN, For connecting all the applications and servers.

2. We have to keep open Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Notepad++, One Note, Sticky Notes.

3. Need to open ticketing tools which you are using either Service now or Remedy.

4. Keep open all your monitoring tools like data dog, Appdynamics, Site scope.

5. Check all your mails in outlook like individual mails, teams mails, if any user sent separate

6. Check your old tickets, and new tickets based on high priorities take action from High to Low




Hii All...

Just now i have attended @ Sonata software company first round of interview .

Below are the questions they have asked :

Self introduction

Roles and responsibilities.

1. Which ticketing system you are using ??

2. How many ticketing system tools handson experience you have ??

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3. If one user reported the issue like respective website is not ables to access how you figure
out the ussue ??

4. What is the port number for HTTPS ?

5. What is default port number for Apache and tomcat under web servers.

6. Do you have knowledge about IIS server??

7. What do App pools will do??

8. If App pools doesn't start how you will sort it out ??

9. What is meant by Cluster Failover and how you will identify which one is primary and which
one s secondary Node in cluster?

10. In Linux how you will check cluster status and command to check cluster??

11. How good you are creating external certificates.

12. How to create CSR File for certificate.

13. Who are the cert providers?

# interview was scheduled 30 mins but intervier completed within 25 mins


1. Explain about IIS

2. Why we use ii's

3. Can we use IIs in Linux?

4. How do we establish password less authentication between two Linux servers

5. What is DNS

6. Difference between Authentication and Authorization

@capco interview questions:

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Hii All...

Yesterday i have attend capco company interview they have asked below questions.

1. self introduction.

2. Day to day activities.

3. What is the most challenge issue that you have resolved recently.

4. How you will receive user tickets ??

5. Will you be able to create SD ticket.?

6. Do you known any programming language ??

7. How good you are in sql ??

8. If P1 ticket assigned to you... How you will categorise its really comes under P1 category or
other priorities..

9. Have you involved any deployments or patching activities.

10. How to find default system logs and error logs in linux server.

11. How to check history in linux?

12. How to clear history in terminal ??

13. How to connect mysql database via linux server ??.

@ Tech Mahindra interview questions:

Today i have attended Tech Mahindra interview Technical round 1 :

Below are the questions they have asked:

1. What is meant by cab call.

2. What is shell?

3. What are the type’s shells?

4. What is meant by kernel?

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5. What is meant by zombie process?

6. How to check Memory space??

7. Explain about booting process?

8. What is meant by swap memory?

9. Which shell you are using??

10. How to remove a log files ??

11. How to check respective file size???

12. What is meant by tail command?

13. Explain about soft link and hard link?

14. How to compare two files in Linux?

15. Explain daemon services?

16. Types of commands available to check memory in Linux??

17. Explain about ITlL process?

18. What is meant by incident management?

19. What is meant by knowledge management?

20. Difference between incident and problem ?

21. Which ticketing tool you are using?

22. Types of ticketing tools available in market??

23. Explain about change management whole process??

24. What is meant by joints and its types?

25. What is meant by query and sub query??

26. Difference between delete and truncate??

27. Do you have knowledge about scripting language?

28. Do you have exposure on cloud?

29. How to create VM in Ec2 instance

30. Difference between Ec2 and S 3 bucket

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@ Wells Forgo Interview Questions:

1. How to kill a process in Linux

2. How to connect Linux server

3. How to copy files from one server to another server?

4. How to check server last 5 times reboot history?

5. In Linux is it possible to combine multiple commands using in single command?

6. How to check PEM File expiration date.

7. Why we are using curl command.

8. What is your roles and responsibilities in Appdynamics tool.

@ JP Morgan Interview Questions:

1. Which command is using for checking CPU apart from Top command in Linux?
2. How to find disk space for particular folder?
3. Which command is used to find at the time of server down?
4. What is the difference between 404, 505, http url down errors?
5. What is meant by DNS?
6. What is meant by Active Directory?
7. If you have 10 lines in Linux terminal you want to edit 5th line How you will edit?
8. You have 10 logs how to find which log file contains more space?
9. How to reboot physical server?
10. How to reboot Virtual server?
11. Explain booting process in Linux?
12. How to upgrade redhat current version to latest version?
13. Difference between Union and Union All?
14. What are the aggregative functions in Linux?
15. Difference between Delete and Truncate.
16. Difference between Commit and Rollback?


Today i have attended Harman international company interview.

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Below are the questions they have asked:

1. How to check last line of a file in Linux?

2. How to check first line of a file in Linux?

3. How to edit respective file name?

4. I want to edit exactly 5th line of the file how can i edit?

5. If i edit the file how can i save the file in Linux terminal?

6. What is meant grep command?

7. Which ticketing system you are using?

8. How to connect one server to another server?

9. How to copy files from one server to another server?

10. Which is most challenging P1 Ticket that you have faced recently?

11. What is difference between L1 and L3?

12. Do you have knowledge on shell scripting?

13. What is meant by patching?

14. What is meant by deployments and why we are using?

15.why we are using CAT command and how we can edit text in file using cat command.


1) what are the daily activities in our organization

2) explain about ITIL


4) what types are monitor tools your using and explain ??

5) explain about change management

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6) what is different between incident and problem management

7) major priority ticket in your organization??? (P1, p2, etc..)

8) recently facing one problem???

9) in patching process what is procedure???

10) explain about installation process of Dynatrace???

11) present version your using in your organization???

@ Evertz company interview.

Hii All,

Just now i hv done @ Evertz company interview. They have asked below questions.

Interview went exactly 1 hour 10 mins. .

1. Why you are interested to join Everz.

2. Who is leading more BOSS or Leader.

3. What kind of products we have.

4. How you will interact with customers.

5. If user raised issue, how you will handle user pressure.

6. How to delete log files.

7. Types of log files.

8. Where default log files stored.

9. What is meant by kernal logs.

10. What is meant by OS logs.

11. How to check log file size.

12. How to check pattern based log file.

13. How to check CPU.

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14. How to check current running Process.

15. How to check whole current running process in Linux machine.

16. How to find which process consuming more utilization.

17. How to stop respective running process.

18. Explain about jboss.

19. How to stop and restart jboss process.

20. How to copy log files from one server to another server.

21. How to extend mount point.

22. If you are trying to restart jboss, if it is not executing and start what is the next step you will

23. Commands to check web services.

24. What is meant by DHCP.

25. What is meant by DNS.

26. What is meant by Active directory.

27. Which database you are using.

28. Explain about sql statements.

29. Explain about triggers.

30. Explain about stored procedures.

31. Difference between delete and truncate.

32. Have you worked on scripting languages.

33. They have given shell scripting script ask us to explain the whole script conditions.

34.They have given customer and country details table asking us to write a query.

35. What is meant by commit and roll back.

@ Mindtree interview questions:

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1. Self introduction.

2. Roles and responsibilities.

3. You are comes under L1/L2 team ?

4. What kind of troubleshooting you are doing ?

5. What kind of issues you are doing ?

6. What kind of servers you are rebooting ?

7. What king of server environments you are handling?

8. How you will get to know weather the server is up or down?

9. How many servers do u manage?

10. How u will identify out of 1000s servers that which server went down ?

11. What kind of servers you are handling and where these servers are hosted?

12. What kind of infra alerts you are handling?

13. How to check CPU memory utilization?

14. What you will do during patching and what kind of patching you are performing?

15. Which ticketing tool you are use using ?

@ Mphasis interview questions:

1. Why we are using vmstat command.

2. How to check inode in linux

3. Why we are using df -i.

4. What is meant by Kill -18 pid ?

5. Types of vi editors

6. Types of modes in linux

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7. How to go 5th line in linux.

8. What is meant by 402 error ?

9. What is meant by 503 error ?

10. Difference between Delete and truncate?

11. Write a query about employee table to show region wise list.

12. How to copy files from one server to another server.

13. How to remove file content without deleting file.

14. How to check file size.

15. If you have two p1 tickets at the same time how you will manage both??

@ SAP LABS Interview questions

1. Self introduction

2. Dad to day activities

3. Explain types of monitoring tools you are using

4. When u receive alert from monitoring toll, how you will resolve.

5. Have you involved any installations or configurations?

6. If u received alert, server is not accessible how you will check

7.what is the cause for server went down

8. How to check disk space

9. How to check CPU utilization

10. Your are able to access the server and your colleague not able to access the server , what
might be the reason.

11. If u receive an error and your colleagues also don't know about that error , then how you
will check and resolve that error .

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12. When you receive your PC issues how you resolve or whom you will approach

13. Do you have knowledge on database

14. Have you created any tables in database

15. Are you learning any cloud technologies

16. What is the biggest mistake you have done in your work space

17. Which one is the big explanation you got

18. When you have multiple task at a time , there is a ongoing high alert call and your colleague
require some help and at the same time your manager asked you to do task , so which one you
prefer first

@ planview technologies, they have asked below questions.

1. Introduce yourself

2. Explain your job roles.

3. What is meant by IIS server.

4. What is meant by App pool recycle ?

5. What is difference between IIS server and App pool.

6. If application down which will do initially app pool or IIs reset.

7. How you will perform IIS reset.

8. One App pool does contains multiple applications.

9. Under IIS server if we have multiple apps how you will do IIs reset on single application.

10. What is meant 401, 402, 403, 404 errors

11. Explain Primary key and foerign key.

12. Explain types of joints.

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13. What is meant by cluster and non cluster.

14. What is meant by stored procedure?

15. What is meant by trigger.

16. Write query use inner joint.

17. Write a query using two table's find highest salary using max condition.

18. How you will check application performance issue.

19. How you will interact customers.

20. If application down how you will fix it.

21. Explain recent P1 ticket which you have resolved.

22. Explain about change management process..


1. Why you are looking for change?


 Due to Location Concern.

 Due to technical Growth.
 I was in same company from beginning onwards my whole years of Experience, Now I
am looking for new learning and new team, new Environment where I can able to learn
new things.

2. What you are expecting from my company?


 Technical Learning Growth.

 Employee Benefits.
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 Flexibility, Good Team and Good Work Culture.

3. What is your short term and long term Goals?


 My short term goal is to get good technical opportunity where I can able to learn new
 My long term goal is to good opportunity in after some span of duration like L3 Role or
beyond that role.

4. Why you are looking for support Role?


 I started my career as a support engineer.

 I don’t have much interested on development, In support itself I want to prove it myself
and I need to get higher roles.

5. What is your current package?

Answer: Current package is 5, 50000/- Fixed salary.

6. What is Expectation Package?


 As per company standards.

 My expectation is 10, 00000/-.

7. Which is most challenge issue that you have faced in your workspace?


Recently most challenging Ticket:

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 We have an application called "SAP Ariba ".

 I was in weekend support alone i have received one user ticket stating that Sap Ariba
application is not functioning properly.
 I have started Troubleshooting.
 First i checked with what kind of error user facing... Is it single user or multiple user.
 Post based on user inputs i have started application health check performance.
 I hv validated all the applications main URL"s and sub URL's. I found one of the main
home page url is not loading..
 Later i validated all the servers which are associated with that application all ar running
 Post i hv raised bridge call and informed to dev team and others teams.
 Finally we got to know that application server having two ip's address. One of the ip
addresses is not functioning.
 Later firewall team fix the issue and we have restarted application servers and its
services. Application restored

8.What is Achievements as of now in your organization ?


 Got many appreciations from End users and clients , Higher management.

9. Which skills does support Engineer Required?


 Patience.
 Good Communication skills.
 Smart Work.

10.How your management calculating your performances.?


 Taking new challenges.

 Taking ownerships on work.
 Tickets closure count and appreciations and performance.

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11. What you know about my company?


 About company products and services.

 About Head quarters, number of locations and revenue details of company .
 About company clients details.

12. What is Your Team size ?

Answer: 18 members.

13 .Are you ready to support Rotational shifts ?


 Yes, I am ready to work on rotational shifts like morning , afternoon , night shits.

14. Are you ready to support Weekend supports ?


 Yes, I use to support weekend supports along as well as oncall support also.

15. which kind of skills doesn’t support Engineer mainly not required to work in support
background ?


 Late response to users.

 No need to get escalations.
 No need to keep tickets long time in your queue.

16. If you are in shift if you received at a time two P1 tickets how you will handle those


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 I will work on both P1 tickets at a time , But I will check those tickets comes which
application and those applications are Mission critical or normal application based on
application criticality I will take action respective application Ticket.

17. When you are in Bridge calls/high alert calls at the same time your manager asking you to
do some task …at that moment which one you will work ?.


 First I will take action on bridge call and then once I get free time I will look on into my
manager task
 Compare to my manager task bridge call is More affect on multiple users so will take this
one as a priority.

18. Are you doing any certifications?

Answer: Anyone certification name like AWS or Azure, ITIL Etc.

19. When you are in shift if you received any unknown issue how you will resolved that issue
and how you will overcome issue.


 First I will analyze the issue post I will refer old emails and I will previous Tickets.
 If still I didn’t get proper support then I will reach out to L3 team or L4 Team.

20. Are you ready to work in rotational shifts.


 Yes, I am ready to work on rotational shifts.

 I use to support APJ ( Morning ) , EMEA ( Afternoon ) , AMS ( Night shift )

21. Are you ready to support ONCALL support and Weekend support.


 . I use to support On call support and Weekend support.

22. when you done in your shift and next shift person still not joined in shift you are not able
to reach out to that person what you will do in that time …will you extend shift ?


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 Yes, I will try to reach out to that respective shift person if im unable to reach to him.
 I will extend my shift until he logged into the shift.

23. when you are facing your laptop / outlook issues to whom you will reach out ?


 I will do basic troubleshooting, if it doesn’t works I will reach out to IT Support team /
Desk support Team.

24. Are you from L1 team or L2 team ?


 If you are below 2 years of experience then mention like L1 Engineer.

 If you are having above 2.5 years of experience then mention like L2 Engineer.

25. how users will approach to you it via Tickets or Emails or Calls ?


 Our First priority is Ticket.

 But sometimes users will reach out to us via teams chat or emails or Tickets.
 But as a incident manager we need to follow the process , we need to ask user to create
the ticket post will work and fix it the issue.

*Applications List:

For wipro:

1. OWBS.

2. DiGiQ

3. Confluence.

4. Trace CRM

5. Ecube

6. CWMG.

For HPE:

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1. Expense Hub.

2. Sap Ariba.

3. Sap concurs.

4. Sap boe.

5 Nifi.

6. Vsm

7. Cpat.

8. Vcp

9. Getpaid


# Once you selected any new company after clearing all your technical interviews, Before
HR / Salary discussion they will required below Documents for conducting HR round:

1. Old Company Offer letter.

2. 3 months latest payslips.
3. Hike letters if any.
4. Form 16.
5. Salary bank statements.

 Initially consultancy will provide below certificates:

1. Offer letter
2. Hike letters.
3. Latest 3 months pay slips.
4. HR Form Details.

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 Once you kept Resignation in current company you need take below details:
1. Mail Acceptances from your manager.
2. Need to know your last working day in organization.

 Once you joined into the New company you need take below certs from old company:
1. Experience letter.
2. Reliving Letter.

*You should aware of below details:

 You must aware of your current working company details.

 Like Company name, company location, company branch details.
 You should aware about you are working as a Permanent Employee or contract
Employee in current company.
 If you are working as a Permanent Employee in ‘ XYZ company, you need to aware about
company official Notice period details.
 If you are working as a Contract Employee in ‘ XYZ company, you need to aware about
company official Notice period details.
 For Top MNC’s Notice period will be 90 days.
 For consultancy payroll company notice period will be 30 days.






Date ——— (Date of letter)


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Dear ———–,

Please be informed that I am submitting this letter for the purpose of resigning from the post of
————————- (mention your post) from —————- (mention the company name)
effective ————– (mention the period of notice) from today. Therefore the last day of work
for me here will be ———————- (mention your last working day).

The reason for my resignation is ————————–(mention reason for resigning new job,
relocation, any other)

From the time I joined ———————–( mention company name) as a ———————

(mention first post in the company) —————- (mention no. of years served in company) years
ago, I have enjoyed immense professional growth and unbreakable bonds of friendship. I have
received an abundance of support, advice, and encouragement from my superiors, and for that,
I shall be always grateful.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Signature and Name

======================================= END =================================


1. serviceNow is a Ticketing tool.

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2.We are using for incident management purpose.

3.It is latest ticketing tool in market.

4.In serviceNow we have different features compare to other ticketing tools.

5.We can use Ticketing tool purpose and CMDB database purpose.

6. We can find server details database along with we have KB articles in serviceNow.

7.This Tool was developed by ITIL Frameworks.

8. This tool having Incident management and Change management activities.

9.Here we can find change requests ( RFC ).

9.We can Full incidents report and other database reports.

10.Here we will get different tickets like P1, P2, P3, P4 and different SLA’s Tickets.

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AWS ( Amazon Web series )

One of the best cloud provider services in market.

We have many cloud services in market like AWS, Azure, GCP, Dell, HP Etc.

AWS having Totally Three data centers and in US we have Houston and Austin & India we have
in Mumbai.

Again in different data centers, we have different Zones

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*How to connect server from one server to Another server:

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*How to copy files from one server to another server:

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High Memory Utilization:

Check instance ID of alarmed server with the IP from alert

login to the instance (system manager -> Explore to session manger -> Start session -> in search bar put
"Instance ID:equal:xxxxxxxxxx)
To clear cache :-
1) free -h
This will show the current memory utilization of the instance, look for "free" space
2) echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
This will clear the cache from the instance

In case available memory is very less or alarm is recurring, move to next step.

Disk Space Utilization:

Check instance ID of alarmed server with the IP from alert

login to the instance (system manager -> Explore to session manger -> Start session -> in search bar put
"Instance ID:equal:xxxxxxxxxx)

login into instance using putty and run following commands:

1. df -h OR df -Th sudo du -x /opt | sort -n | tail -40 (Command for secondary or opt)
2. Validate if usage is under threshold
3. In case of high disk usage, try to zip old log files with "gzip" command.

In case if no files are available to compress, move to next step

High CPU Utilization:

login into instance using putty and run following commands

1. top

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2. check cpu usage and if usage is high check for the Process which is using more CPU.

In case of high cpu usage ,move to next step

Tomcat Down:

Go to tomcat user -> sudo -u tomcat -i
check tomcat is running or not -> ps -ef|grep tomcat
check tomcat status -> service tomcat status
Start Tomcat -> service tomcat start
Stop Tomcat -> service tomcat stop
Restart Tomcat -> service tomcat restart

Go to root user -> sudo su
Start Tomcat -> Go to cd /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.29/bin than write ./
stop Tomcat -> Kill tomcat process id with kill -9 process id or you can go to cd /opt/tomcat/apache-
tomcat-8.5.29/bin than write ./


 Email outlook will looks above image, Microsoft Email is using for Official email purpose in
 Its like just How our Personal Gmail, Gmail is for personal usage and Email is for Official
organizations purpose.
 Path for Email outlook: windows start >> Search outlook >> Double click.
 All your team mails and other mails will receive under Inbox.
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 You can create your own Folders in outlook.

 Shortcuts for Email: Ctl+N : opening new mail, Windows+shift+S = Taking screenhots.
 In Emails you can attach files and documents.
 Ctr+c = Copy , Ctl+v = Paste, ctl+A = Select the content.

>Here you find calendar > Under calendar you can find your invite calls from your manager, you
can see your weekly meetings and any KT’s sessions call invites.

> You will notifications when any meetings or calls schedule .you can set up your own calls or

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Writing Official Email:

 To address contains to whom you are sending mail.

 CC: it contains your team mail id/PDL or your managers email address comes under”CC
 Subject: is nothing but main topic or any issue that you want to report with shot form or
main concept of the mail.
 Email starts with Hi XYZ…. And ends with your signature.

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*ONENOTE( For maintaining Your notes / KT Sessions data ):

 OneNote is nothing but its notes, Here we can store all our data like training notes,
Passwords, URL’s links and you attach documents and videos.
 You can create multiple pages and maintain your applications and server details.
 Here whatever data you written it will auto save.

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 Sticky Notes is nothing mini notes for yourselves.

 Here you can maintain all your short data like Credentials, Applications links or URL’s
 It will be Auto save forever. You can create multiple notes pages, you can add every
page as different color fonts.

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 Snipping tool main purpose for taking any screenshots.

 After taking screenshots you can highlight any key points with Color formats.
 Just select particular page drag and drop .

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$ What is meant by Cloud ??

"The cloud" refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet, and the software and
databases that run on those servers.

Cloud servers are located in data centers all over the world.

By using cloud computing, users and companies do not have to manage physical servers
themselves or run software applications on their own machines.


1. Reduced IT costs. Moving to cloud computing may reduce the cost of managing and
maintaining your IT systems. ...

2. Scalability

3. Business continuity

4. Collaboration efficiency.

5. Flexibility of work practices

* List of Cloud Service Providers:

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Server Space.

Microsoft Azure.

Google Cloud Platform.

IBM Cloud Services.

Adobe Creative Cloud.



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1. AWS

2. AZURE: It comes from Windows.


Initially it came into market later Azure came into market.

Need AWS Basic skills:

1. Linux.

2. AWS.





1. Public Cloud: Its consisting public data anyone can access this data. Anyone share or anyone
access wiith help of internet. Managed by universities, Business Etc.

2. Private Cloud: Its consisting own data.

3. Hybrid Cloud:


1. Iaas: Infra as a service - Operating system, Storage, Networks, Firewalls.

2. Paas: Platform as a service - Products

3. Saas: Software as a service - softwares

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Offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally.


With over 6,000 services, Azure has a wide range of flexible offerings.

Azure draws on Microsoft's vast data capacity to provide software, platform, and infrastructure
as a service.

1.1 Azure AI. ...

1.2 Azure Analytics. ...

1.3 Azure Internet of Things (IoT) ...

2.1 Azure Storage. ...

3.1 Azure DevOps. ...

4.1 Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) ...

4.2 Azure Container Service. ...

5.1 Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)


1. EC2 Instance.

2. Lambda.

3. VPC

4. Route 53

5. S3 Bucket.

6. Load balancer.

7. Autoscaling groups.

8. VPC Peers.

9. VPC End point & gateway.

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10. EFS & Glacier.

11. AWS Backup.

12. cloudfront.

13. IAM.

14. Cloud watch.

15. cloud trail.

16. RDS.

17. AWS Resources groups.

18. system manager.

19. Cognito.s


1. Azure Active Directory

2. Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

3. Azure Data Factory

4. Azure SQL

5. Azure Function

6. CosmosDB

7. Azure Backup

8. Logic Apps.

9. Virtual Machine

10. Wrapping Up

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1. Docker.

2. Puppet.

3. Maven.

4. Jenkins.

5. Git, GitHub.

6. Kubernaties.

7. Anisble.

8. Terraform.

IP Address:

* IPV4: 32 Bit IP address

* IPV6: 64 bit IP Address.

* AWS Zones:

1. Availability Zones - it consisting multiple data centers - Regions

Scenario based Topics:

1. About Support Shifts structure.

2. Shift Handover.

3. Bridge calls activities.

*When you are applying any roles in naukri / LinkedIN:

1. Roles and responsibilities.

2. Job description.

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3. Designations:

i. Support Engineer.

ii. Application support Engineer./ Senior support.

iii. Production support Engineer.

iv. Operations Engineer.

v. Technical support Engineer.

vi. System Engineer.

vii. System Administrator / Senior System Administrator.

Support Engineer skills:

Major skill set:

1. UNix/ Linux.

2. Windows.

3. ITIL Process: Incident management, Change management, Major incident management.

4. Monitoring Tools: Dynatrace, Sitescope, Datadog, HP OMI, NAGIOS, SPLUNK, TIDAL Job


Minor skill sets:

1. Scripting:

Powershell: Windows scripting Technology

shell scripting: Linux.

2. Cloud: AWS, Azure.

3. Basics knowledge of Devops.

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4. Basics of Network.

Support Engineer Basic activities:

1. Shift timings:

* Morning shift (APJ Region) : 6 AM TO 3 PM.



Are you into Rotational shifts or Not: YES , we are into 24/7 Rotational shifts.

* WEEKEND SUPPORT: During working weekends: Saturday/ Sunday. - Only L1 / L2 will only
support Weekend supports.

* Weekdays: Monday to Friday.

* ONCALL SUPPORT: They will provide 24/7 support for Entire week: On call support will be
provided by L3 Team.


1. Application Down issues.

2. Application access issues.

3. Files are not processing.

4. Not able to perform particular Application.

5. Not able to create projects, Slaes orders, Efforts & billings are not updated.

6. Services down.

7. Application Jobs are failed.

8. Need permissions for application / server related things.

9. Please add below users. add attached data in application.

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* Application Domains:

1. Health care Domain Applications.

2. Banking / Finance based applications.

Applications Types:

1. Access related Applications.: VSM

2. HR & Payroll related Applications. WORKDAY

3. Sales related Applications: EXPENSEHUB, SAP CONCUR

4. Finance Applications: CPAT, GETPAID, VCP.



> This application helps us to create internal projects for our organization.

> This application mainly PM, DM, ADH, SDH Etc can able to access this application.

> They will only projects under this application; Normal users cannot able to access these


1. User will report not able to access application:


1. Ask user whether is a PM / DM / ADH / SDH, incase if user is a PM then u need to check user
role in sap database.

*SHIFT TAKEOVER: Starting the shift / Taking care shift going further./ Shift TAKEOVER:

1. Need to check current ongoing issues.

2. Need to follow Critical / Escalation issues.

3. If ongoing calls, we need to jump into those calls.

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4. We need to ownership of all issues during shift timings.


1. Update all ongoing issues.

2. Update Escalations / Tickets.

3. Daily Health checks.

* Client handling:

1. Internal: In-house Applications / Internal Projects.

2. External: Outside of the organization Applications / Projects.

We are dealing internal customers and internal Applications.

we are dealing only Internal Project , its a life time project

Errors codes: Http URL Down, 404, 403, 505 , 503 Errors.

Client side Errors / Application Side Errors: Application access, Application down issues, Not
able to perform particular transactions.


1. Based Tickets closure.

2. Taking ownerships for the activities.

3. Handling customers and Clients.

4. Proactiveness in Every Aspect.

5. Based on your Escalations / Issues / Mistakes.

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* After selecting any company and on boarding into Project:

1. First day you will have HR Induction session.

2. Second day you will meet project manager.

3. Third day Team Introduction.

4. You need rise to access requests for the applications and servers, Tools.

5. After getting all your access, Then they will schedule KT's one by one.

6. KT (Training ) it will min 1 week to max 1 month.

7. Once completion of your KT , they will assign Tickets/Work they put you in Shifts.

* MAJOR INCIDENT ISSUE / CRTICAL HANDLING ISSUE / Most challenging issue which you
have faced Recently:

1. during major incident / Critical alert / High alerts: As a support engineer we need to take the
ownership of the call.

2. There is no time duration for bridge call. untill issue resolved we need to stay in call.

*Basic Communication skills which we required in during calls:

Hi sudheer : Hello sudheer

How are you doing : Yeah i am doing , Thank you, How about You ???

When you joined any Bridge calls or Client calls:

.Hi everyone....This is sudheer from Application management Group L2 support Engineer


I am audiable ??

I am able to Hear You.

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Are you able to see my screen???

Yes i am able to see your screen .

I cant able to see your screen ??

Let me share my screen, Let me know once its visible .

Can you record the session??

Can you share me the recorded session??

* When you are requesting any application /server access below is the mail format:

Hi Team,

Good day!!

Need Confluence Application access to perform production activities, Plesae requesting you to
do needful.

If you need anything please revert us.

Emai id:

Emp id:

org id / Short id :



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* Total classes: 30 days.

* Mock interviews: 5 days

* Primary skill: ITIL Process, Linux servers, Windows servers, Monitoring Tools, Basics of Theory

* Job Role: Application support / Production support / Infra support / Monitoring Support.

*Qualification: Any Degree: Btech, Degree.

Education gap:

> 1 year: 1.5 years of Experience.

> 2/3 years: 2.5 to 3.5 years of Experience.

>More than 5 years: 2017 joining date: 5 years.

> More than 6 + years: 2018 joining date: you can keep 4 years to 5.5 years of Experience.


1 years of EXp: CCTC: 3.3 LPA >> ECTC: 4.5 to 5.5

2 / 3 years of Exp : CCTC: 4.8 LPA >> ECTC: 8.5 LPA.

3 + / 4 + Years of Exp: CCTC: 5.5 to 5.8 >> ECTC: 10 to 11 LPA.


1. L1 Support Engineer:1 year to max 3.5 years.

2. L2 Support: more than 2 + years of exp to 5 years

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3. L3 Support: More than 5 + Years.


1. ITIL Process.

2. Monitoring Tools.

3. Basics of servers and its functionalities.

4. Linux servers and commands.

5. Windows servers.

6. Basics of SQL.

7. 5 days Mock interviews.

* INTERVIEW PATTERN: (30mins to 1 hour)


i. self introduction.

ii. Roles and responsibilities.

They will go for technically. Like: LINUX, WINDOWS SERVERS, ITIL, MONITORING TOOLS, Real
Time based Scenarios.

2. Manager Round / Client Round.

> self introduction.

> Roles and responsibilities.

> They will ask technical questions as well as General questions.

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3.HR Round.

> self introduction.

> Roles and responsibilities.

>They will check your ability, attitude, way of talking, personality.

Technical questions:

1. Linux:

> Explain Linux commands.

>How to check CPU, MEMORY, DISK SPACE Utilizations.

>Hot to check current running process.

>How to remove log files.

> Explain booting process.

>Explain LVM Concept.

2. Windows:

> IIS Servers.


> How to checkjobs in task scheduler.

> How to check services status.

> Active Directory.

> What is meant by DNS.

> SSL Certifications.

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> What is meant by incident management?

>Change management.

> Major incident management.

> Diff Incident & Change.

> Diff incident & Problem.

> Problem management.

> Types of priorities.

> Types of SLA's.

> What is meant by Impact, Urgency, and Criticality.

> Which Ticketing system you are using.

> Diff Service Request & Incident.

4. Monitoring Tools:

> Which monitoring Tool you are using ?

> What you will do in Monitoring Tool.

> What kind of alerts you are handling in Monitoring Tools ?

> What kind of analysis or Errors, in details you are seeing in monitoring Tools.

> How you will fix those alerts.

# Have you involved any installations , Configurations , Alerts Set Up: Sorry , we are not into
monitoring administrators we are just monitoring support Engineer.

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>We have Monitoring Admins teams, they will only take care installations, Configurations,
Alerts Set Up, Integrations.

> The applications which we are handling those are configured under monitoring tools; If any
Application or server went down we need to take action accordingly.



> Joints & its types.

> Triggers.

> Stored procedures.

> Types of Keys: Primary, Foreign, Unique Key.

> Normalization and its types.

> Real time based queries: Highest, second Employee salary.

> Syntax: Update, Select, Insert into, Delete.

JOB Searching:

1. Naukri Portal.

2. Linkedin Portal.

1. Naukri : You will get calls from recruiters and mails, you need to spoke to recruiters and
replay to eamils.

Everyday you need to update naukri account by 9.00 AM .

2. LinkedIn: You need to apply jobs by manally by every company.

3. Employees Reference.

4. Direct Company carrer website.

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When Recruiter:

1. Are you looking for job change: YES

2. Which company you are working currently:

3. What is CCTC?

4. What is Expectation: ;

5. Which Technologies you are working:

6. Are you contracting Employee or Permanent Employee.: Contract Employee?

7. Incase if you are contract employee: Who is your payroll company: ??

8. Who is your client: Wipro , Infosys, CTS, TCS, HCL, HPE.

9. What is Notice Period: Officially 30 days , but we have negotiation upto 15 days.


1. Mkdir: To creating a new directory
2. Rmdir: To Removing an existing directory
3. ll / ls :it shows list of the files in a directory
4. cd : changing current directory to another directory
5. ps : it shows current running process
6. pwd: it shows present working directory
7. rm :it delete/remove the files
8. rm -f : it removes forcefully the files from folder/directory
9. Grep : it search pattern based file.
10. Head : it shows first 10 lines of a file
11. Tail : it shows last 10 lines of a file
12. Free -m : it shows Memory space utilization
13. Df / df -h : it shows disk space utilization
14. Top : it shows CPU utilization
15. Kill -9 : It kills the respective process id
16. Ps -ef | grep java /ps -ef | grep tomcat /ps -ef | grep Apache : it shows whether
java/tomcat/apache anyone of the process is running or not.
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17. Sudosu: user having root or full access of the server.

18. Cat : it concatenates and print the files.
19. Netstat : it shows network connection and Network port number.
20. Chmod: it changes the permissions of the file
21. Chown : it changes the ownership of the file.
22. History : it will show the previous history in server
23. Exit: To exit from the terminal
24. Find: To find the respective file in server
25. Locate: To shows the exact file location
26. Gzip : it compress the File content.
27. Ungzip : it uncompress the file content.
28. Mv : it moves files/directories from one location to another location.
29. Ping :it will show whether server is online or not or pingable or not.
30. Shutdown :it will shutdown or reboot the Linux system.
31. Tar :it creates a archive file.
32. Uname -a : it shows your system information
33. W : it shows current Logged users in server.
34. Whoami :Use whoami to find out who you are logged in as or who is logged into an
unmanned Linux terminal.
35. Hostname : it shows your system ip address.
36. Diff : it compare difference between two text files.
37. Man : it shows command information.
38. Finger : it shows the user info.
39. Ssh : command allow users to connect remote Linux machines.
40. Paaswd :users can change a password of a user.
41. Cp : it copies files from one file to another file.

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