Vision CSAT Test 1-16 Prelims 2024 @cse - Updates
Vision CSAT Test 1-16 Prelims 2024 @cse - Updates
Vision CSAT Test 1-16 Prelims 2024 @cse - Updates
Under the Guidance of Ajay Kumar Singh (B. Tech. IIT Roorkee, Director & Founder: Vision IAS)
20 TESTS (10 Sectionwise + 10 Full Length)
- Team Vision IAS
(Experts Support: Telephonic Discussion / Email Interaction)
Program Objective: This is a comprehensive and intensive ‘interactive’ program focusing on sincere IAS Aspirants who will appear in Civil Service Exam 2024. Our experts provide step by
step guidance to aspirants for understanding the concepts of General Studies and preparing them for scoring good marks.
Approach & Strategy: Our simple, practical and focused approach will help aspirants understand the demand of UPSC exam effectively. Our strategy is to constantly innovate to keep the
preparation process dynamic and give personalized attention to individual aspirants based on factors like core competence, availability of time and resource and the
requirements of Civil Service Exam. Our Interactive Learning approach (Email / Telephonic Discussion: Experts with Aspirants) will continuously improve aspirant’s
performance and move their preparation in the right direction.
Nature: Flexible -Date of Mock Test: Reschedule on the demand of the aspirants. (POSTPONE, BUT NOT PREPONE)
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4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items individuals and families the confidence that their level
of living and quality of life will not erode by social or
should be based on the passages only.
economic eventuality. A worker works not only for
Passage – 1
economic motivation but also for the sense of
Tigers live in some of the most important but also most
belongingness and security within his workplace.
highly threatened habitats on the planet, where many of
Hence, the employer must ensure as best as he can that
Asia's most exceptional species thrive. In
his workers have this psychological satisfaction that
Sumatra, dense tropical forests form the only habitat in their as well as their family's lives are socially secure
the world where tigers are found to live alongside and cared for. Indian legislations have gone a long way
orangutans, rhinos and elephants. Protecting tiger in strengthening this cause and because of this and
landscapes not only helps to protect these majestic big many other factors, today in the world of labour and
cats but also thousands of other species. Left with just employment, the employee and employers’ interest is at
5% of the range where they used to roam, tigers are par with each other, and the principal focus is on the
combined interest and satisfaction of both. If these
losing their homes to deforestation, infrastructure, and
conditions are fulfilled with a joint effort and
other human disturbances, forcing them into rapidly
contribution from both the employer and the employee,
diminishing pockets of nature.
then the workplace to a great extent will become a
1. Which one of the following statements best
home of sorts.
reflects the crux of the passage?
2. Based on the above passage, the following
(a) Due to deforestation and other human assumptions have been made:
disturbances, the tiger has become the most 1. Social security measures are the best way
threatened species on the planet. to ensure a decent quality of life of an
(b) Being the keystone species, it is critical to employee and his family.
(c) Asia holds the highest population of tigers, belongingness towards the workplace
which motivates the employee to work.
and the majority have their habitat in
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(d) Diminishing habitats of tigers can threaten
(b) 2 only
human life due to frequent human-wildlife
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
expenses in the year 2020 as compared to the Read the following four passages and answer the items
previous year? that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
should be based on the passages only.
(a) 6 : 5
Passage – 1
(b) 9 : 7
Traditional food security programs tend to adopt a
(c) 1 : 2
production-focused approach, which seeks to directly
(d) None of these
influence food security by increasing the supply of
food. The focus on food production leads to the neglect
9. A sum of money becomes 16 times in 6 years of other areas in which the root causes of the food
and 81 times in 10 years. What is the rate of system's underperformance, as well as the leverage
compound interest? points to bring about the biggest impacts, can often be
1. If rate of interest is increased by 2%, he (b) Other ways to deal with food security
will get ₹ 3280 as interest in 7 years. include cash transfers and more focus on
(c) Both 1 and 2 history also offers many examples of adverse health
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 impacts from new technologies.
interest rate doubles every year. At the time of answer the question that follows.
The given line graph shows the number of male
investment, the rate of interest was 4% per
and female patients that recovered in different
annum. What amount of money will she receive hospitals P, Q, R, S, T and U.
at the end of the 3rd year?
Patients recovered in different hospitals
(a) ₹ 10800 40 35
35 30
(b) Less than ₹ 10000 30
25 22.5
(c) More than ₹ 11000 20 27.5
20 25 25 Male
20 12.5 20 Female
(d) None of these 15
10 15
18. Study the graph given below carefully and
draining into another state. In this regard, a state only unequal population growth in different areas unrelated
exercises its right to use water for various purposes as to local resources. Most of this population growth is
long as the Union government deems fit. In the event of expected in developing countries, first in Africa, and
indiscriminate use of interstate waters by a state, the then in Asia, where scarcity of clean water is already a
Centre can enact a law to prohibit the state in the larger major issue.
public interest. 31. Which one of the following statements best
30. Which one of the following statements best reflects what is implied by the passage?
reflects what is implied by the passage?
(a) UN WWDR should primarily focus on
(a) All states having interstate rivers are at a
Africa and Asia for ensuring access to
disadvantage as those rivers are under the
clean water.
Centre’s purview.
(b) In addition to the existing causes for water
(b) The conflict between “interstate water” in
scarcity in Africa and Asia, population
Union List and “water” in the state list
growth will be a major contributor to it.
should end with an amendment.
(c) Not only developing countries, but also
(c) Complex nature of interstate river water
distribution requires the adoption of the developed countries face scarcity of clean
(d) No state should have any kind of power access to clean water is to control
concerning interstate river water utilization. population growth.
33. Sachita invested a certain amount of money on 36. Study the graph given below carefully and
compound interest, which became 69% more in answer the question that follows.
two years. What must be the rate of interest? Half-yearly percentage increase in the height of a tree
(a) 25% 60%
(b) 30% 50%
(c) 16% 40%
(d) None of these 30% 25%
34. Mihir invested some money at 6% per annum, 10%
which amounted to ₹1430 in 5 years on simple
interest. If the rate of interest is increased to 6 Months 1 year 1.5 Year 2 year 2.5 year
every year. If in 2022 its value was ₹ 37,044, interest per annum for 2 years. How much extra
then what would have been its value 3 years money will he get as interest at the end of that
time period?
(a) ₹ 904
(a) ₹ 61500
(b) ₹ 872
(b) ₹ 62500
(c) ₹ 954
(c) ₹ 63500
(d) ₹ 1008
(d) Can’t be determined
2100. Ramesh invested at 4.5% simple interest that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
for 3.5 years, while Suresh invested at 5.25% should be based on the passages only.
Passage – 1
simple interest for 4 years. Both earned equal
Unemployment can have a devastating impact both on a
interest. How much money did Suresh invest?
household and the general economy. The loss of
(a) ₹ 800
income has an immediate effect on the reduction of
(b) ₹ 1200
consumer spending. However, the increase in
(c) ₹ 1500 uncertainty for the household can have a multiplier
(d) ₹ 900 effect on the reduction of consumer spending. A
household that endures unemployment is likely to
39. 6% of the marks obtained by Ram in Maths is significantly cut spending, often more than the loss of
equal to 18% of the marks obtained by Raju in income due to uncertainty, and the resumption of
spending can lag after the return of income. The
Science. 10% of the marks obtained by Raju in
psychological impact of unemployment on a household
Science is equal to 30% of the marks obtained
can have a significant impact on the broader economy.
by Mohan in English. What is the number of
For this reason, economists have long sought better
marks scored by Raju in Maths?
information on the dynamic influences of the re-
(a) 200 employment market. It is in society’s best interest for
(b) 400 the newly unemployed to quickly navigate the re-
(c) 600 employment market and re-emerge with the best wage
assumptions have been made: The relationship between science and philosophy is an
1. Economists are best placed to single- intricate and somewhat problematic subject. On the one
handedly assess the overall impact of hand, some great scientists have been great
2. Governments should ensure quick but in the sense of deep thinking: science and
engagement of the newly unemployed philosophy often went together in the work of great
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? sometimes hard—and perhaps unnecessary, and
(c) Both 1 and 2
40 Q
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 30 R
45. A = (45% of P) – (15% of Q) and B = (25% of 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2. Wastewater management is becoming an Homicides are becoming more frequent in some parts
of the world, while gender-based attacks are increasing
ever-challenging issue in the field of
globally. The long-term impact on the development of
environmental sustainability.
interpersonal violence, including violence against
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? children, is also more widely recognized. Separately,
(a) Wastewater being a finite resource, needs 53. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the crux of the passage?
adequate attention for its recycling.
(a) Technology, being borderless, is the most
(b) Use of wastewater should be a focus area lethal weapon for attacks, and is beyond the
for the private sector. control, even through international
(c) There is a need for an effective policy by
(b) Women and children are the worst sufferers
the government to leverage wastewater
of conflicts and violence through
resource in PPP mode. cyberattacks in the world.
(b) In 25 years have confidence that their data is collected and stored
(c) In 35 years safely and used solely for legitimate purposes. Data
60. If the price of a commodity is raised by 25%, and secure. They often seek to protect individuals’
then by how much percent a house holder privacy and grant some control over how personal data
about them is processed. They also typically establish
should reduce his consumption of the same
institutions with powers to conduct investigations and
commodity so that his expenditure does not
enforce obligations. A strong data protection
framework provides certainty which may encourage
(a) 25%
investment, competition and innovation in the digital
(b) 20%
economy and uptake of digital government and private
(c) 33.33%
sector services.
(d) None of these
62. Based on the above passage, the following
assumptions have been made:
61. Kavita’s annual salary is ₹ 80000. If her salary
1. India already has in place a robust data
is being cut by 2.5% every year, then how
protection framework which balances the
much money will she get after 2.2 years?
benefits and the risks of personal data
(a) ₹ 75669.75
(b) ₹ 74750.62
2. Data protection is important not only for
(c) ₹ 72405.50
privacy concerns, but also for the economic
(d) ₹ 76491
growth of a country.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
(a) 1 only
Read the following three passages and answer the items
(b) 2 only
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(c) Both 1 and 2
should be based on the passages only. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) A strong data protection framework is Select the correct answer using the code below:
impossible to achieve.
(a) 2 and 3 only
(d) Data protection framework should place the
concerns of the individuals above those of (b) 1 and 2 only
governments and private companies.
(c) 1 and 3 only
Passage – 2
The global race to fund, develop, and acquire artificial (d) 1, 2 and 3
intelligence technologies and start-ups is intensifying,
with commercial uses for AI proliferating in emerging
economies. AI could increase GDP growth in both 65. Which of the following is/are the most rational
advanced countries and emerging markets. In energy, and logical inference/inferences that can be
AI can optimize power transmission. In healthcare,
made from the passage?
diagnosis and drug discovery will benefit enormously
from AI. In education, it can improve learning 1. Advanced economies have invested more
environments and learning outcomes and can better
in AI, than emerging markets.
prepare youth for the transition to the workplace. In
manufacturing, AI can help design better products in 2. AI implementation can greatly benefit
terms of functionality, quality, and cost, and improve
emerging markets in various sectors.
predictive maintenance. AI can help extend credit and
financial services to those who lack them. The potential Select the correct answer from the code given
impact of AI on transportation and logistics goes far
beyond automation and road safety to span the entire
logistics chain. Yet with the exceptions of China and (a) 1 only
1 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given crux is not correct. Refer to the lines “Left with just 5% of the range
where they used to roam, tigers are losing their homes to deforestation, infrastructure, and other human
disturbances, forcing them into rapidly diminishing pockets of nature.” It is true that tigers are losing their
habitats, however, there is no information about whether this loss of habitat has made tigers ‘the most’
threatened species on the planet. Also, there could be other factors behind their reducing numbers like
poaching. So, as per the passage, this option is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The lines “Protecting tiger landscapes not only helps to protect these majestic big
cats but also thousands of other species (feature of Keystone species). Left with just 5% of the range
where they used to roam, tigers are losing their homes to deforestation, infrastructure, and other human
disturbances, forcing them into rapidly diminishing pockets of nature.” The given option captures the
essence of the passage that since the tiger is a keystone species, it is critical to protect it and preserve its
habitat. Therefore, this answer option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The author only says that Asia is home to some of the most exceptional species.
In Asia, Sumatra is the only place where tigers and organgutans live together. From these lines, we cannot
conclude that Asia holds the largest population of tigers and that the majority are in Sumatra. Hence, the
given option is not the best crux.
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage talks about the shrinking habitats of tigers. There could be multiple
implications of this shrinking habitat. The author chooses to tread the line of its impact on tiger
population, not the impact on human-wildlife encounters. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
2 (d)
Assumption 1 is invalid. Whether or not social security measures are the best way to ensure a decent
quality of life is not discussed in the passage. Therefore, this assumption is not valid.
Assumption 2 is invalid. As per lines “A worker works not only for economic motivation (salary) but
also for the sense of belongingness and security within his workplace”, it is important to understand that
salary and sense of belongingness are both important factors for working for an employee. To say that
sense of belongingness is more important than salary would not be correct. Hence, the given assumption is
not correct.
3 (a)
Option (a) is correct. Refer to the lines “The purpose of any social security measure is to give individuals
and families the confidence that their level of living and quality of life will not erode by social or
economic eventuality.” and “… today in the world of labour and employment, the employee and
employers’ interest is at par with each other, and the principal focus is on the combined interest and
satisfaction of both.” These lines clearly reflect that an employee needs social security, and the employer
needs work commitment from employees. Hence, this answer option aptly captures the intent of the
Option (b) is incorrect. We cannot conclude that the government is less responsible, and the employer is
more. Refer to the lines “…but it is the law which defines such duty for the employer” and “Indian
legislations have gone a long way in strengthening this cause and because of this and many other
factors...” So, both are important. But government, by enacting the required laws, plays a driving role.
Hence, this option is not correct as per the passage.
4 (a)
p% of (p/q) + (p/q)% of p
= (p/100) × (p/q) + [(p/q) /100] × p
= p2/ 100q + p2/100q
= 2p2 / 100q
= p2/50q
Now, r% of p/q = (r/100) (p/q) = rp/100q
As per the question,
p% of (p/q) + (p/q) % of p = r% of (p/q)
or p2/50q = rp/100q
or r = (p2/50q) / (p/100q)
or r = 2p
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
5 (d)
Let the ages of Raju and Bittu be X and Y respectively.
According to the question,
15 (X + Y)/100 = 25 (X - Y)/100
or 15 (X + Y) = 25 (X - Y)
or 10X = 40Y
or X = 4Y
∴ Required percent = (X/Y) ×100 = (4Y/Y) × 100 = 400%
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
6 (c)
Statement 1:
From the first part of statement 1, we can write x = 0.4y.
From the second part of statement 1, we can write y = 0.6z.
Combining these equations, we can express x in terms of z:
x = 0.4y = 0.4(0.6z) = 0.24z.Statement 1 provides a relationship between x and z, allowing us to express x
in terms of z. Therefore, statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Statement 2:
From the first part of statement 2, we can write x = y + 0.25y = 1.25y.
From the second part of statement 2, we can write y = z - 0.2z = 0.8z.
Combining these equations, we can express x in terms of z:
x = 1.25y = 1.25(0.8z) = z.
Statement 2 provides a direct relationship between x and z, allowing us to express x in terms of z.
Therefore, statement 2 alone is also sufficient to answer the question.
Since both statements individually provide sufficient information to determine the value of x, the answer
is option (c).
7 (d)
Checking option (a):
Percentage increase in earnings in 2022 as compared to 2021 = [(450 - 400)/400] × 100 = 12.5%
Checking option (b):
Percentage increase in earnings in 2020 as compared to 2019 = [(600 - 450)/450] × 100 = 33.33%
Checking option (c):
Percentage decrease in earnings in 2021 as compared to 2020 = [(600 - 400)/600] × 100 = 33.33%
8 (d)
Increase in earnings in 2020 as compared to 2019 = 600 - 450 = 150 thousand
Increase in expenses in 2020 as compared to 2019 = 500 - 350 = 150 thousand
Required ratio = 150/150 = 1 : 1
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
9 (d)
A sum of money becomes 16 times in 6 years and 81 times in 10 years.
Amount = Principal × (1 + rate/100)time
Let principal be ₹ P.
So, 16P = P (1 + rate/100)6 ................. (i)
81P = P (1 + rate/100)10 ................ (ii)
On dividing equation (ii) by equation (i), we get:
81/16 = (1 + rate/100)10 – 6
Or 81/16 = (1 + rate/100)4
Or (1 + rate/100) = (81/16)1/4
Or (1 + rate/100) = 3/2
Or Rate = (3/2 – 1) × 100 = 50%
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
10 (d)
To calculate simple interest, we need principal, rate and time.
However, in this question we don’t know the principal and rate of interest. So, here it is impossible to
calculate the simple interest.
So, option (d) is the correct answer.
11 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given statement mentions the issues with traditional food security programs,
not necessarily in context of India. Moreover, the “new challenges related to hunger” have not been
discussed either. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of cash transfers and nutritional security is not a part of the passage.
Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The structure of food systems and the need to change them is not covered in the
passage. The line “Furthermore, the interwoven interactions and feedbacks in the food system mean that
direct interventions in one area create risks or exacerbate problems in another” only covers how
interactions and feedbacks affect different areas in the food system. So, this option is not the best crux of
the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The lines “The focus on food production leads to the neglect of other areas in
which the root causes of the food system's underperformance, as well as the leverage points to bring
about the biggest impacts, can often be found”, show that merely increasing the food production would
not be enough for addressing food security because food systems’ underperformance is caused by many
other factors. Hence, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
12 (b)
Assumption 1 is invalid. As per the passage, children under 5 make up only 9 per cent of the world’s
population, but they account for almost 40 per cent of foodborne diseases and 30 per cent of related
deaths. So, it would not be correct to say that burden of foodborne disease is evenly distributed across age
13 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage is not about World Health Organization. The mention of the WHO
in the passage is limited to the line “Foodborne diseases caused an estimated 600 million illnesses and
420,000 premature deaths in 2010 according to World Health Organization.” Though, this option could
be a fair implication, to say that this is the crux would not be correct, because the passage is much broader
in context. Hence, this option is not the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of adopting best food safety practices from developed countries is
not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage- There is no information
about food safety standards in developed countries.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given passage is about food, food safety and related illnesses. To say that
there is a need for increased investment in health infrastructure might be correct in general, but not in the
context of the passage. The passage does not discuss the dimension of health infrastructure. Hence, this
option is beyond the scope of the passage and hence not the correct answer.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is correct and best reflects the crux because of the lines, “… low
and middle-income economies about US$ 110 billion in lost productivity (economic) and medical
expenses (health) each year…. Better managing the safety of food would also significantly contribute to
achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (international benchmarks), especially those relating
to poverty, hunger, and well-being.” Therefore, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
14 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The line “In this context, technological advancements may provide new benefits —
however, history also offers many examples of adverse health impacts from new technologies”, shows that
technology has not necessarily benefitted human health as seen in history. Therefore, to say that resorting
to technology might not solve the issues of human and ecological health would be correct as per the
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage is specific about European countries. It is evident from the line:
“Despite significant improvements, major differences in environmental quality and human health remain
between and within European countries.” The author has quoted the case of Europe. This does not mean
that it is limited to European region only. It could be prevalent in other regions of the world also.
Therefore, this option is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the statement presents a necessary
relation between environmental health and human health which is not seen in the passage. The line “The
environment plays a crucial role in people’s physical, mental, and social well-being”, only shows that the
environment impacts different aspects of a person's life, but to say that without addressing the
environment it is impossible to address human health would not be correct. May be there are medical
interventions to address such issues. So, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The line “In this context, technological advancements may provide new benefits
— however, history also offers many examples of adverse health impacts from new technologies”, shows
that technology can adversely impact health. Therefore, evaluating such impacts is important. However,
whether this should be done by “government recognized lab” or some other institute has not been
discussed in the passage. So, this option is not correct.
15 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The given option is correct because of the lines, “Despite this progress,
communicable diseases are expected to continue to remain a major public health problem …,
communicable disease outbreaks will continue to challenge public health, requiring a high level of
readiness in terms of early detection and rapid response.” These lines indicate the crux of the passage
that it will be difficult to eradicate communicable diseases in the coming future.
4 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines “In the health sector, India has made enormous strides over the past
decades. The life expectancy has crossed 67 years, and infant and under-five mortality rates are declining
as is the rate of disease incidence”, reflect that the health indicators have improved. But to extrapolate
and mention that this will boost human capital and then economic growth would not be correct as it is not
based on the information given in the passage. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of natural immunity is not discussed in the passage. Also, the focus,
as per the passage, should be on early detection and rapid response. So, this option is beyond the scope of
the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect because option (b) is incorrect.
16 (b)
Let the original selling price of item be Rs.300x.
New selling price = 300x × 33.33% = 300x × 1/3 = Rs. 100x
He suffers a loss of 33.33% if he sells the item at Rs.100x.
Then, cost price = 100x × (3/2) = Rs.150x
60% of original selling price = 60% of 300x = Rs.180x
Profit % = [(180x – 150x)/ 150x] × 100 = 20%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
17 (d)
Here, P = ₹ 8000
As interest rate doubles every year, so R1 = 4% ; R2 = 8% ; R3 = 16%
∴ Amount at the end of the third year, A = P (1 + R 1/100) (1 + R2/100) (1 + R3/100)
Or A = 8000 (1 + 4/100) (1 + 8/100) (1 + 16/100)
Or A = 8000 (1 + 1/25) (1 + 2/25) (1 + 4/25)
Or A = 8000 × (26/25) × (27/25) × (29/25)
Or A = 8000 × (26 × 27 × 29) / (25 × 25 × 25)
Or A = 10,423.30
Thus, at the end of the 3 rd year she will receive ₹10,423.30
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
18 (b)
From the given graph, we get:
Year Different sectors
Mechanical Engineering Paint Services Electronics Real- Food Pharma Chemical Fertilizer Others
2008 17 15 8 16 9 9 4 0 0 0 5
2009 9 4 0 12 0 5 0 27 4 8 24
As per the above table, there are 4 sectors wherein FDI increased in 2009 as compared to 2008.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
19 (c)
Male patients that recovered in hospital R = 35
Total number of male patients that recovered in all the hospitals = 22.5 + 20 + 35 + 30 + 12.5 + 25 = 145
Required percent = (35/145) × 100 = 24% (approximately)
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
20 (a)
Cost price of bicycle = ₹ 8000
Raman got two successive discounts of 10% and 15%.
∴ Resultant cost price = 8000 x (90/100) × (85/100) = 8 x 9 x 85 = ₹ 6120
Finally, he sold the bicycle at ₹ 8000.
∴ 8000 = CP + repairing cost + profit / loss
Or 8000 = 6120 + repairing cost + profit / loss
5 ©Vision IAS
Checking option (a):
8000 = 6120 + (repairing cost + profit)
Or 1880 = (repairing cost + profit)
So, if he earns a profit, the sum of repairing cost and profit is ₹ 1880.
So, option (a) is right.
Checking option (b):
Repairing cost is 30% of CP.
∴ Repairing cost = (6120 × 30)/100 = ₹1836
8000 = CP + repairing cost + profit / loss
Or 8000 = 6120 + 1836 + profit / loss
Or 8000 = 7956 + profit / loss
Or profit = 44
So, it will be a profit, not loss.
So, option (b) is wrong.
Checking option (c):
Repairing cost is not given. So, option (c) is wrong.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
21 (b)
Marked price of book = ₹ 40
Discount percentage = 15%
Price of free pen = ₹2
∴ Effective selling price of the book = 40 – (40 × 15)/100 – 2 = ₹32
We know that, he earns a profit of 60%.
∴ Cost price of book = (32 × 100)/160 = ₹20
So, Profit = 32 – 20 = ₹12
∴ Percent of cost price with respect to the profit = (20 × 100)/12 = 166.67%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
22 (b)
Let total number of people in the party be x.
Number of people who ate roti = 72x/100
Number of people who ate rice = 44x/100
Number of people who ate both = {72x/100} + {44x/100} – x
= 1.16x – x = 0.16x
According to the question,
0.16x = 80
Or x = 80/0.16
Or x = 500
So, there were 500 people in the party.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
23 (c)
Sanjay’s expenditure is 40% of Dinesh’s expenditure.
Dinesh’s expenditure is 25% of Shikha’s expenditure
Hence, the ratio of their expenditures is,
Sanjay : Dinesh : Shikha = 40 : 100 : 400
= 2 : 5 : 20
So, Sanjay’s expenditure with respect to Shikha’s expenditure (in percent) = (2/20) × 100 = 10%
And, Sanjay’s expenditure with respect to Dinesh’s expenditure (in percent) = (2/5) × 100 = 40%
So, Sanjay’s expenditure is 90% less than Shikha’s expenditure and 60% less than the Dinesh’s
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
6 ©Vision IAS
24 (d)
B is 30% less than C, and A is 37% less than C.
So, A : B : C = 63 : 70 : 100
∴ Required percentage = [(70 – 63)/70] × 100
= (7/70) × 100 = 10%
So, it is clear that both statements are required to answer the given question.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
25 (a)
To determine if the percentage increase in sales from Year 1 to Year 2 is greater than the percentage
increase from Year 2 to Year 3, we need to compare the two increases.
Statement 1 tells us that sales increased by 20% from Year 1 to Year 2. However, it doesn't provide any
information about the increase from Year 2 to Year 3. Thus, statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
Statement 2 tells us that sales increased by 15% from Year 2 to Year 3. However, it doesn't provide any
information about the increase from Year 1 to Year 2. Hence, statement 2 alone is also not sufficient.
By combining both the statements, we know the percentage increase in sales for both the intervals.
Let sales in Year 1 be Rs. 100.
So, sales in Year 2 = 120% of 100 = Rs. 120 (So, an increase of Rs. 20)
And, sales in Year 3 = 115% of 120 = Rs. 138 (So, an increase of Rs. 18)
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
26 (d)
Total number of bicycles manufactured by company A during 2013-2018 = 260 + 218 + 224 + 179 + 266
+ 348 = 1495
Average number of bicycles manufactured during 2013-2018 = 1495/6 = 249.16
Total number of bicycles manufactured by company B during 2013-2018 = 307 + 270 + 250 + 289 + 310
+ 416 = 1842
Average number of bicycles manufactured in company B during 2013-2018 = 1842/6 = 307
Required percentage = [249.16/307] × 100 = 81% (approximately)
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
27 (d)
Let Puja invested ₹ X and Archana invested ₹ Y.
Puja got simple interest of ₹ 820.
Time = 2 years, Rate = 5%
Principal = (Simple interest ×100)/(Time × Rate)
or X = (820 × 100) / (2 × 5)
or X = ₹ 8200
We know that, CI = P [(1 + r/100)n – 1]
or P = CI/[(1 + r/100)n – 1]
So, Principal invested by Archana, Y = 820/[(1 + 5/100)2 – 1] = 820/{(441/400) – 1]} = ₹ 8000
∴ Sum of the principals invested by them = 8200 + 8000 = ₹ 16200
Therefore, statement 1 is not correct.
Also, Archana invested ₹ 200 less than Puja.
Therefore, statement 2 is also not correct.
So, both statements are incorrect.
Therefore, option (d) is the right answer.
28 (d)
Let total votes be 100x.
Votes secured by Rohan = 30% of 100x = 30x
Remaining votes = 100x – 30x = 70x
Votes secured by Mohan = 60% of 70x = 42x
Remaining votes that were secured by Sohan = 100x – (30x + 42x) = 28x
Given that, Sohan secured 84000 votes.
∴ 28x = 84000
or x = 84000/28 = 3000 votes
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So, Total votes = 100x = 100 × 3000 = 300000 votes
Votes secured by Rohan = 30x = 30 × 3000 = 90000 votes
Votes secured by Mohan = 42x = 42 × 3000 = 126000 votes
Winning margin or difference of votes between Mohan and Rohan (i.e. winner and runner-up) = 126000 –
90000 = 36000 votes
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
29 (a)
Let r% be the rate of interest and n years be the time.
Amount = Principal × (1 + rate/100)time
So, 7840 = 4000 (1 + r/100)n
or (1+ r/100)n = 7840 / 4000
or (1+ r /100)n = 1.96
or (1 + r/100)n/2 = √1.96
or (1 + r/100)n/2 = 1.4..................... (i)
Checking statement 1:
∴ In (n/2) years ₹ 4000 will amount to 4000 (1 + r/100)n/2
= 4000 × 1.4 [on putting the value of (1 + r / 100)n/2 from equation (i)]
= ₹ 5600
Thus, in half of that time ₹ 4000 will amount to ₹ 5600.
Therefore, statement 1 is correct.
But we cannot calculate the rate of interest based on the given data.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer
30 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage does not cover aspects of all states. Refer to the line: “In the event of
indiscriminate use of interstate waters by a state, the Centre can enact a law to prohibit the state in the
larger public interest.” In case of indiscriminate use of interstate waters by a state, the centre can
intervene in larger public interest. This does not mean that all states having interstate rivers are at a
disadvantage. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect. The issue of amendment has not been discussed in the passage. So, whether the
amendment should happen or not is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The given option best reflects the implication of the passage. The lines “In this
regard, a state only exercises its right to use water for various purposes as long as the Union
government deems fit (oversight). In the event of indiscriminate use of interstate waters by a state, the
Centre can enact a law to prohibit the state in the larger public interest.” These show that states have the
‘right to use’ under centre’s oversight. Hence, as per the passage, this option is correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is extreme. The constitution itself has given states the power on
the subject of “water” within its jurisdiction. So, it would not be correct to take away all such powers.
Also, the passage does not mention anything related to amending such powers. Therefore, as per the
passage, this option is not correct.
31 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. As per the lines, “The United Nations (UN) World Water Development Report
(WWDR) has provided an update on the present trends of clean water availability and future
expectations”, UN WWDR is a report which provides the status of clean water access. Also, the
passage does not mention that UNWWDR is responsible for ensuring access to clean water. So, to say that
it should focus primarily on Africa and Asia for ensuring clean water access would not be correct as per
the passage.
Option (b) is correct. Refer to the lines, “The strain will be aggravated by unequal population growth
in different areas unrelated to local resources. Most of this population growth is expected in developing
countries, first in Africa, and then in Asia, where scarcity of clean water is already a major issue”. This
shows that clean water is already a scarcity in Africa and Asia. This would be further strained due to
population growth. Hence, as per the passage, population growth would be a major contributor to water
scarcity in future.
32 (c)
Anshuman scored 86 marks, but he still failed by 86 marks.
∴ 43% = 86 + 86 = 172
∴ 100% = (172/43) × 100 = 400
So, Passing marks = 172
And, Total marks = 400
Checking statement (i),
It is clear that total marks are not a factor of 7.
Hence, it is not correct.
Checking statement (ii),
Passing marks are 228 marks less than the total marks.
Hence, it is not correct.
Checking statement(iii),
Anshuman got 86 marks.
Required percentage = (86 × 100)/172 = 50%
His mark are 50% less than the passing marks.
Hence, it is not correct.
Checking statement (iv),
If Anshuman got 200 more marks, then his marks would have been 286, which is 114 more than the
passing marks.
∴ Required percentage = (114 / 172) × 100 = 66.27%
Hence, it is correct.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
33 (b)
Let principal amount be ₹100.
It becomes 69% more in 2 years.
So, amount after 2 years = 100 + [100 × 69/100] = ₹ 169
Now, Amount = Principal × (1 + rate/100)time
Or 169 = 100 × (1 + rate/100)2
Or (1 + rate/100)2 = 169/100
Or (1 + rate/100) = (169/100)1/2 = 13/10
Or (rate/100) = 13/10 – 1 = 3/10
Or rate = (3/10) × 100 = 30%
So, rate of interest is 30%.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
34 (c)
Amount = ₹1430
Let principal be ₹ X.
∴ Simple interest = ₹ (1430 – X)
Rate, R = 6%; Time, t = 5 years
Simple Interest = Principal × Rate × Time/100
So, (1430 – X) = (X × 6 × 5) / 100
35 (b)
Observing the given graph carefully, we get that:
Export price per quintal in 1997 = 40000000/(6000) = ₹ 6666.66
Export price per quintal in 1999 = 40000000/(8000) = ₹ 5000
Export price per quintal in 2002 = 100000000/(14000) = ₹ 7142.8
Export price per quintal in 2003 = 160000000/(12000) = ₹ 13333.33
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
36 (d)
Height by the end of 6 months = 150% of 2 feet = 3 feet
Height by the end of 1 year = 125% of 3 feet = 15/4 feet
Height by the end of 1.5 years = 120% of 15/4 feet = 9/2 = 4.5 feet
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
37 (b)
The value of a machine is depreciating by 16% every year.
We know that, A = P [1 – (R/100)]t
Where, A is amount; P is principle; R is rate of interest and t is time interval.
Price in 2022 was ₹ 37044.
∴ 37044 = P (1 - 16/100)3
or 37044 = P (21/25)3
or P = 37044 × 15625 / 9261
or P = ₹ 62,500
So, price of the machine 3 years ago was ₹ 62,500.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
38 (d)
When money is invested in two parts in such a way that the simple interest on the first part at X 1 rate and
in T1 time is equal to the simple interest on the second part at X2 rate and in T2 time, the ratio of the
money is:
X2T2 : X1 T1
In our case,
X1 = 4.5%, T1 = 3.5 years
X2 = 5.25%, T2 = 4 years
So, Ratio of money invested by Ramesh and Suresh = X2T2 : X1 T1 = 5.25 × 4 : 4.5 × 3.5 = 4 : 3
∴ Suresh’s investment = 2100 × 3/(3 + 4) = 2100 × 3/7 = ₹ 900
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
39 (d)
6% of Ram’s Maths marks = 18% of Raju’s Science marks
So, Marks scored by Ram in Maths = 3 × Marks scored by Raju in Science ........................ (i)
Also, 10% of Raju’s Science marks = 30% of Mohan’s English marks
So, Marks scored by Raju in Science = 3 × Marks scored by Mohan in English............................ (ii)
Even on using both the equations (i) and (ii), we could not find the answer.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
41 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. Refer to the lines “The psychological impact of unemployment on a
household can have a significant impact on the broader economy.” Unemployment does not only have
economic impacts; the psychological impacts are also intense. For example, even after re-employment it
takes time to resume the same level of expenditure that was there before being unemployed. So, we
cannot say that economists are best placed – other experts like sociologists or psychologists might also be
required. Furthermore, it is grossly incorrect to say that economists can single-handedly asses the overall
impact. They would need other experts also. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The given assumption is not correct because making the government
accountable for giving jobs to the unemployed is not a part of the passage. The line “It is in society’s best
interest for the newly unemployed to quickly navigate the re-employment market and re-emerge with the
best wage outcome possible”, specifies that it is in the interest of society to give jobs to the unemployed.
42 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. Unemployment can have a devastating impact both on a household and the
general economy. There is no mention about whether or not the household impact has been duly studied.
The passage only says that economists have long sought better information on the dynamic influences of
the re-employment market. So, this answer option is beyond the scope of this passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage nowhere mentions that unemployment is the biggest challenge
for the growth of the economy. There could be other challenges that are not discussed in the passage. So,
this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The author says that unemployment can have devastating impact on households.
The increase in uncertainty for the household can have a multiplier effect on the reduction of consumer
spending. The psychological impact of unemployment on a household can have a significant impact on
the broader economy. From these arguments we can safely infer that the uncertainly around
unemployment cannot be underestimated as compared to the issue of unemployment per se.
Option (d) is incorrect. The author talks about the impact on households, the psychological dimensions
of unemployment, and the qualitative aspects. These subtle aspects might not be adequately addressed by
data alone. We might need micro level information on individual experiences. Therefore, we cannot say
that macro level data-based policy decision is sufficient to address the issue of unemployment.
43 (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage nowhere mentions that science and philosophy are contradictory to
each other. The author clearly quotes examples wherein science and philosophy often went together in the
work of great figures such as Newton and Leibniz. So, we cannot say that conciliation between science
and philosophy is not possible because of their contradictory nature.
Statement 2 is also incorrect. The author only quotes the examples of Newton and Leibniz to highlight
that science and philosophy are not completely contradictory. Both Newton and Leibniz were great
figures. However, it is nowhere indicated that both were the greatest philosophers and scientists. In fact,
the author says that they were not philosophers in professional sense. The passage nowhere mentions that
Newton and Leibniz were the greatest philosophers. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
44 (c)
Assumption 1 is valid. The lines “Another chronic feature is that actual payments lag allocations”,
reflect that there are cases of lag payments which certainly would cause delay in execution and the overall
effectiveness of the programme would get affected. So, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
45 (b)
We will check by substituting the values for each option.
For option (a):
A = (45% of P) – (15% of Q) = 0.45 × 700 – 0.15 × 400 = 255
B = (25% of P) + (20% of Q) = 0.25 × 700 + 0.20 × 400 = 255
Clearly, A = B, hence option (a) is wrong.
For option (b):
A = (45% of P) – (15% of Q) = 0.45 × 700 – 0.15 × 300 = 315 – 45 = 270
B = (25% of P) + (20% of Q) = 0.25 × 700 + 0.20 × 300 = 175 + 60 = 235
Clearly, A-B > 0
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
46 (d)
Let marked price of each merchant be ₹100.
A sold the machine after giving a 30% discount.
Discount offered by A = 100 × 30/100 = ₹ 30
Selling price of A = 100 – 30 = ₹ 70
B sold the same machine after giving three successive discounts of 10% each.
First discount offered by B = 100 × 10/100 = ₹ 10
Price after first discount = 100 – 10 = ₹ 90
Second discount offered by B = 90 × 10/100 = ₹ 9
Price after 2nd discount = 90 – 9 = ₹ 81
Third discount offered by B = 81 × 10/100 = ₹ 8.10
Selling price of B after giving three successive discounts of 10% each = 81 – 8.10 = ₹ 72.90
C sold the same machine after giving successive discounts of 15%, 10% and 5%.
First discount offered by C = 100 × 15/100 = ₹ 15
Price after discount = 100 – 15 = ₹85
Second discount offered by C = 85 × 10/100 = ₹ 8.5
Price after discount = 85 – 8.5 = ₹ 76.5
Third discount offered by C = 76.5 × 5/100 = ₹ 3.825
Price after third discount = 76.5 – 3.825 = ₹72.675
Selling price of C after giving successive discounts of 15%, 10% and 5% = ₹72.675
∴ Descending order of their selling prices is BCA.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
47 (c)
Let price of all toys = ₹ 100
Selling price at 10% profit = 100 + 100 × 10/100 = 100 + 10 = ₹ 110
Selling price at 10% loss = 100 – 10 = ₹ 90
∴ Overall profit or loss percent = 0%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
48 (a)
Average production of onion in state P = (35 + 50 + 40 + 60 + 55 + 65 + 60)/7 = (365/7) metric tonn
Average production of onion in state R = (50 + 55 + 45 + 70 + 50 + 60 + 80)/7 = (410/7) metric tonn
Required percent= [(365/7)/(410/7)] × 100 = 89% approximately
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
49 (c)
Using graph ‘B’, we can find out the average quantity of milk consumed during the given period.
Required average = (390 + 410 + 400 + 450 + 500 + 525)/6 = 2675/6 = 445 liters per 1000 population.
According to graph ‘A’,
50 (b)
Satya buys a pair of slippers for ₹500 and sells them to Sachin at a profit of 20%.
∴ Cost price for Sachin = 120% of 500 = (500 x 120)/100 = ₹ 600
Sachin sells the slippers to Nitin at a profit of 10%.
Cost price for Nitin = 110% of 600 = (600 × 110)/100 = ₹ 660
51 (d)
Assumption 1 is invalid. The line, “The benefits far outweigh the costs of better wastewater
management” only shows that the benefits are more than the cost. However, the assumption is that
recycling is highly expensive compared to its safe discharge. We do not have any information about the
process of safe discharge. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is invalid. The second assumption is not directly addressed in the passage. The passage
discusses the potential of wastewater as a resource if it's properly managed and recycled, contributing to
environmental sustainability. However, it does not mean that wastewater is becoming an ever-challenging
issue in the field of environmental sustainability. Therefore, neither of these assumptions is valid.
52 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. Whether wastewater is a finite or infinite resource is not discussed in the passage.
We cannot assume it to be finite. Hence, this is not the correct option.
Option (b) is incorrect. The author has not commented on the participation of private sector. Therefore,
we can rule this option out.
Option (c) is incorrect. The line “Governments must exploit the enormous opportunities in wastewater”,
only shows that the government must do something related to wastewater. The finer details and modalities
of implementation (e.g. PPP mode) is not discussed in the passage. Therefore, we can rule this option out.
Option (d) is correct. The lines “The benefits far outweigh the costs of better wastewater
management. The positive impacts on water quality and supply by increasing wastewater recycling and
safe reuse will drive progress in public health, environmental sustainability and economic development
by providing new business opportunities and creating more ‘green’ jobs”, show that wastewater
recycling will need investment in operations. This investment will also give returns through its benefits
like green jobs, improved public health, new business opportunities etc. So, as per the passage, this option
is correct.
53 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. Technology is borderless, but to say that it cannot be controlled even with
international cooperation is not correct as per the passage. The lines “Meanwhile, international
cooperation is under strain, diminishing global potential for the prevention and resolution of conflict and
violence in all forms.”, show that all forms of conflict and violence need international cooperation. So,
this statement is not the best crux as per the passage.
13 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is incorrect. The author says that gender-based attacks are increasing globally. Furthermore,
the long term impact of violence against children, is also more widely recognized. From these
information, we cannot infer that women and children are the worst sufferers of conflicts and violence
through cyberattacks. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (c) is correct. The given option is correct or the best crux because of the following lines
“Meanwhile, international cooperation is under strain, diminishing global potential for the prevention
and resolution of conflict and violence in all forms.” Clearly, the stain on international cooperation has
affected the global efforts for conflict resolution. These lines reflect that without global cooperation,
overcoming conflicts and violence would be a challenge. So, this answer option is correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage only says that the nature of conflict and violence has transformed
substantially since the UN was founded 75 years ago. Whether or not the UN has been successful in
controlling conflicts and violence across the globe is nowhere indicated in the passage. Therefore, this
answer option is incorrect.
54 (c)
Let the selling price of 1 article= Rs. 1.
So the selling price of 16 articles= Rs. 16.
And loss = Rs. 4
So the cost price = 16 + 4 = Rs. 20.
Hence the percentage of loss = 4/20×100 = 20%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
55 (b)
Increase in profit in scheme A in 2016 = 100 - 45 = 55
Increase in profit in scheme B in 2018 = 70 - 45 = 25
Required percent = (55 × 100)/25 = 55 × 4 = 220%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
56 (b)
Cost price of first bed sheet = (100 / 120) × 840 = 100 x 7 = ₹700
Cost price of second bed sheet = (100 / 96) x 1248 = ₹ 1300
Total cost price = 700 + 1300 = ₹ 2000
Total selling price = 840 + 1248 = ₹ 2088
Profit = 2088 – 2000 = ₹ 88
∴ Profit percent = (88/2000) x 100= 4.4%
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
57 (c)
Let ₹100 be the maximum prize money.
Monu won ₹40, and Golu won ₹50. That is, Monu won ₹10 less than Golu.
Statement 1:
Required percent = (10/40) × 100 = 25%
Thus, Golu got 25% more money than the money that Monu won.
Hence, statement -1 is right.
Statement 2:
Required percent = (10/50) × 100 = 20%
Thus, Monu got 20% less money than the money that Golu won.
So, statement 2 is also right.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
58 (a)
Let total cost price of lemons be ₹ 300.
Statement 1:
According to statement 1, overall profit should be 25%.
∴ Total selling price = 300 + 300 × 25/100 = 300 +75 = ₹ 375
Now, C.P. of 1/3rd lemons, CP1 = ₹100
and C.P. of 2/3rd lemons, CP2 = ₹200
59 (b)
Let principal be ₹ P.
Amount = ₹ 2P, Time = 12.5 = 25/2 years, Rate = R%
Simple interest = 2P – P = ₹P
Simple interest = (Principal × Rate × Time)/100
Or P = (P × R × 25)/(2 × 100)
Or R = 8%
New Amount = ₹ 3P, Principal = ₹ P, R = 8%
Simple interest = 3P – P = ₹ 2P
So, Time = (Simple interest × 100)/(Principal × Rate) = (2P × 100)/(P × 8) = 25 years
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
60 (b)
Here the expenditure is constant.
Since, Rate × Consumption = Expenditure
So, Initially - 1×1 = 1 (assume it on your own)
After change - 1.25× c = 1
(c = new consumption)
So, c = 4/5
Hence, decrease in value = 1-(4/5) = 1/5
And percentage decrease = [(1/5)/1] ×100 = 20%
So, option (b) is the right answer.
61 (a)
Here, Principal = P = ₹ 80000
Rate, R = - 2.5 % = (-5/2)%
T = 2.2 years = 11/5 = 2(1/5) years
∴ Salary after 2.2 years = 80000 {(1 - 5/(2 × 100)}2 × { 1 – 5/(2 × 100 × 5)}
= 80000 × (39 /40)2 × (199/200)
= 80000 × 39 × 39 × 199 / (40 × 40 × 200)
= ₹ 75669.75
So, Kavita will get ₹ 75669.75 salary after 2.2 years.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
62 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The passage talks about data protection in general, and the need to balance
the benefits and the risks of personal data processing. There is no mention about whether or not India has
a robust data processing framework. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is correct. The given assumption is correct as it validates the line “A strong data
protection framework provides certainty which may encourage investment, competition and innovation
in the digital economy and uptake of digital government and private sector services.” Therefore, it is
correct to say that data protection is important both for privacy concerns and economic growth of the
64 (a)
Statement 1 is not correct. The following line “In healthcare, diagnosis and drug discovery will benefit
enormously from AI” talks about diagnosis and drug discovery, not about surgeries, that too critical in
nature. So, as per the passage, this statement is not correct.
Statements 2 and 3 are correct. The lines “AI could increase GDP growth in both advanced countries
and emerging markets (statement 3)” and “In education, it can improve learning environments and
learning outcomes and can better prepare youth for the transition to the workplace (statement 2)”, show
that option (a) is correct.
65 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The passage mentions, “Yet with the exceptions of China and India, emerging
markets have received only a modest share of global investment”. If global investment in AI is
considered, the emerging markets have received a smaller pie. Therefore, we can say that advanced
economies have invested more in AI, than emerging markets.
Inference 2 is correct. The passage states, “…they may benefit more from AI implementation than
advanced economies”. AI has the potential to bring significant improvements in sectors such as energy,
healthcare, education, manufacturing, finance, and transportation in emerging markets.
66 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The following lines from the passage “If climate change continues
unaddressed it will increase inequality within countries and may even reverse current progress in
reducing inequality between countries”, clearly show that there has been some progress in reducing
inequality. However, the assumption states that there has been no progress which is not correct as per the
Assumption 2 is incorrect. Whether urbanization will increase the inequality between rural and urban
people has not been discussed in the passage. The lines “They find high levels of wealth and modern
infrastructure coexist with pockets of severe deprivation, often side by side”, only show that there is
inequality within the urban centres. Rural-urban inequality pattern is not touched upon. So, this
assumption is beyond the scope of the passage.
68 (c)
Let the original total weight be x.
Weight of the jar = (12.5/100)x = x/8.
Original weight of the water = x-(x/8) = 7x/8.
New weight of jar and water (jar + water) = (25/100)x = x/4.
New weight of water = new weight of jar and water – weight of jar = (x/4) – (x/8) = x/8.
Weight of water removed = original weight of water – new weight of water = (7x/8) – (x/8) = 6x/8
Fraction of water removed = weight of water removed/original weight of water = (6x/8)/(7x/8) = 6/7
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
69 (b)
The total number of characters = 10×50×60.
Let the number of sheets in the new format be p.
Since the total number of characters remains the same, therefore:
10×50×60 = p×30×25
So, p=40
So, increase in the number of sheets = 40-10 = 30
So, percentage increase = (30/10)×100 = 300%
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
70 (d)
SI = Prn/100
Let the money borrowed at 15% simple interest per annum be ₹ X.
According to the question,
[(18000 × 12 × 2)/100] + [(X × 15 × 2)/100] = 9000
⇒ [(36000 × 12) / 100] + [30X / 100] = 9000
⇒ 30X / 100 = 9000 – 4320 = 4680
⇒ X = 4680 × 100 / 30
⇒ X = ₹ 15600
So, total borrowed amount = 18000 + 15600 = ₹ 33600
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
71 (c)
Profit = 25%
Selling price = ₹ 3920
∴ Cost price = ₹ {(3920/125) × 100} = ₹ 3136
Profit = Selling price – Cost price = 3920 - 3136 = ₹ 784
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
72 (c)
Let cost price of mangoes be ₹ x
Ramesh’s profit is 20%.
∴ Selling price = 120% of x = 6x/5
Suresh sells the mangoes at double the price.
73 (d)
Let the initial amount invested be A.
Return on investment for the first year is 10% and for subsequent years is 20%.
Amount after 1 year = (110/100) × A = 1.1A
Amount after second year = (120/100) × 1.1A = 1.1A × 1.2
Similarly, amount after six years = 1.1 × (1.2)5 A
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
74 (c)
Let the initial length and breadth of a rectangle be l and b respectively.
Initial area of rectangle = l × b = lb
New Length after it got increased by 20% = 120/100 × l = 1.2l
New Breadth after it got increased by 25%= 125/100 × b = 1.25b
New Area = 1.2l × 1.25 b = 1.5lb
Net change in area = New Area – Initial area = 1.5lb – lb = 0.5lb
Percentage increase in area = Net increase in area / original area × 100 = 0.5lb/lb × 100 = 50%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
75 (d)
Let salary of C = ₹ 100
Salary of A = ₹ 130
Salary of B = ₹ 140
According to the question,
(130/140) × 100 = X
Or X = 650 / 7
Or X = 92 (6/7)
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
76 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect. The line “Though certified organic crop producers earn higher revenue, they
incur higher production expenses as well”, shows that the production cost of organic farming is high.
However, nowhere has it been mentioned in the passage that research on farm level data will help in
reducing the cost of organic farming. Therefore, this inference is not correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect. Refer to the line: “Though certified organic crop producers earn higher
revenue, they incur higher production expenses as well” and “Contrary to expectations, certified organic
farmers do not earn significantly higher household income than conventional farmers.” The revenue
might be high in organic farming sector, but the input cost is also high. So, the net profit (revenue – input
cost) might not be significantly higher in organic farming. Therefore, this inference is not correct.
77 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. As per the passage “Contrary to expectations, certified organic farmers do not
earn significantly higher household income than conventional farmers.” Conventional farming is not
more profitable than organic farming but is mildly less profitable. So, to say that conventional farming is
highly profitable is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. Refer to the lines “There is growing evidence that organic farming is a rapidly
expanding economic sector in the U.S.” Clearly, organic farming is expanding rapidly in the U.S. It is
incorrect to say that organic farming is witnessing reduced growth in the U.S.
Option (c) is correct. The lines “Though certified organic crop producers earn higher revenue; they
incur higher production expenses as well. In particular, certified organic producers spend significantly
more on labour, insurance, and marketing charges than conventional farmers”, reflect that organic
farming involves higher input costs which reduces the net profits. Therefore, as per the passage, it would
be correct to say that rationalising these expenses will help in making organic farming more profitable.
78 (c)
Let the cost price be Rs. 100.
Then the selling price= Rs. 114.
Now, let the marked price be Rs. x, then
95x/100 = 114
or x = Rs. 120.
If no discount was offered, the selling price = Rs. 120
The cost price = Rs. 100.
So, the percentage of profit = 20%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
79 (d)
Let the original sum of money be P, and the rate of interest per annum be R%
After 2 years, the amount becomes 2.25 times the original sum. So, the amount after 2 years is 2.25P.
The formula for compound interest:
Amount = Principal × (1 + Rate/100)Time
So, 2.25P = P x (1 + R/100)2
or 2.25 = (1 + R/100)2
or √2.25 = 1 + R/100
or √2.25 - 1 = R/100
or 1.5 - 1 = R/100
or 0.5 = R/100
or R = 50
Therefore, the rate of interest is 50%.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
80 (a)
Men×Time = Work
Let the work be 100 units and time be 1 unit
100×1= 100 units
Now work is 150 units (after 50% increase), but time remains the same.
Let m be the total number of workers (with same efficiency) required now.
So, m×1 = 150
So, m = 150
So extra workers required = 50
But since the new workers are 5/2 times (i.e. 150% more) efficient than the existing workers.
So, actual number of new workers required = 50/(5/2) = 20
Hence, the required percentage = 20/100×100 = 20%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
(b) 5/9 Graph given below shows the number of actual and
(d) 5/3
Car Production
If R were to replace P, the average would Read the following two passages and answer the items
become 38 years and if R were to replace Q, that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
the average would become 42 years. The age of should be based on the passages only.
R is how much more than that of P?
Passage – 1
(a) 15 years
Gender equality remains unfinished business in every
(b) 16 years
country of the world. Women and girls have less access
(c) 14 years
to education and healthcare, too often lack economic
(d) 18 years
autonomy and are under-represented in decision-
(d) 36 independent.
Question: Train A slows down when it rains. How 35 km in 1 hour 45 minutes along the stream,
then find the rate of stream current.
long does it take train A to reach a town which
(a) 7 km/hr
is 576 km away, knowing that it rained the (b) 14 km/hr
entire time? (c) 13 km/hr
(c) Either S1 alone or S2 alone is sufficient to mixture it is 3:4. Using these two mixtures, he
makes a third mixture of 169 litres, in which
answer the question.
the ratio of alcohol and water is 7:6. What
(d) Both the statements are needed together to
quantity of first mixture is required to make
answer the question. 169 litres of the resultant third kind of mixture?
(a) 120 litres
24. The average score of students in sections A, B
(b) 90 litres
and C of class X is 92, 84 and 70 respectively. (c) 69 litres
be the proportion of milk and water in the 4
4 3 3 3 3 3
resulting mixture? 2
2 1 1 1
(a) 17:16
(b) 13:15 1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) 18:13 Value Rolled
(d) 13:14
White Red
34. The stream of the Bay of Bengal is running at a What is the average value rolled by the
speed of 4 km/h. A cargo ship goes 6 km
white die? (Note: Die is the singular of
upstream and back again to the starting point in
2 hours. Find the speed of the cargo ship in still
water. (a) 2.50
time as compared to the time taken to cover the vaccination drive started in response to 19 detections of
same distance via route 2. type-2 Polioviruses; two cases in Niger, 10 in Chad,
Statement 2: Ratio of the speeds via route 1 and four in the Central African Republic and three in
route 2 is 1:3.
Cameroon. The multi-country initiative is supported by
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
WHO through the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
(a) 1 only
(GPEI). It comprises synchronised vaccinations and
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 joint plans in border communities to stop polio
should be based on the passages only. immunising every child until transmission stops.
the crucial message conveyed by the author of The UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2022 posits clearly
(b) Polio is currently in its last stage, before climate change is evident and it is also certain that the
(d) A pandemic can cause a temporary break in context of global consumption and production patterns.
Select the correct answer using the codes given economies and often leads to social and environmental
(c) 2 and 3 only average individual consumer is often more aware of the
48. Aakash drove his car at a speed 40 km/h. After violence against healthcare workers or obstruction of
30 minutes, Anil started chasing him at a speed healthcare in the country in 2022 — an increase from
of 60 km/h (through the same route). Find how 20 in 2021. Ignoring Red Lines: Violence Against
much distance Anil will have to cover to chase Health Care in Conflict 2022 report was published by
down Aakash.
Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC), a
(a) 45 km
(b) 50 km group of international non-profits working towards
(c) 40 km protecting health workers, services and infrastructure. It
(d) 60 km documented 1,989 attacks and threats against healthcare
facilities and personnel across 32 countries and
49. The ratio of the number of boys to girls in a
territories which are reeling under armed conflict and
swimming class is 5:8, and the ratio of the
number of boys to girls in a dance class is 2:3. political instability throughout 2022. Among 32
The ratio of the total number of students in countries and territories, 15 countries — Burkina Faso,
swimming class to dance class is 13 : 8, and the Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic
difference between the number of students in Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Mali,
swimming class and dance class is 25. What is
Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South
the ratio of the number of girls in swimming
class to the number of girls in dance class? Sudan, and Sudan — were from Africa. Over half of the
(a) 5 : 3 total attacks were reported in just two countries,
(b) 2 : 1 Ukraine and Myanmar, the report stated. “Over the last
(c) 3 : 5 year, we identified a 45 percent increase in reported
(d) 1 : 3
incidents of violence against or obstruction of health
50. Ratio of the monthly income of A to that of B care in conflict zones as compared to 2021,” said
is 4:5, and the ratio of the monthly income of B Christina Wille, director of Insecurity Insight. Wille led
to that of C is 9:7. The difference between B’s the data collection and analysis for the report. Reported
monthly income and his savings is Rs.18000, violence against or obstruction of health care decreased
and savings of B are 60% more than his
in the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Syria in
expenditure. What is the approximate average
of the incomes of A, B and C? 2022 compared to 2021. However, cases in some
(a) Rs. 42,313 countries in West and Central Africa, including Burkina
(b) Rs. 38,213 Faso, Cameroon and Mali, have been increasing, the
(c) Rs. 40,213 report noted.
(d) Rs. 42,613
increased in all of Africa. article in the New York Review of Books to capture the
fact that the proportion of women is lower than what
2. Healthcare workers have been attacked in
would be expected if girls and women throughout the
at least three continents. developing world were born and died at the same rate,
relative to boys and men, as they do in sub-Saharan
Select the correct answer using the codes given
Africa. Today, it is estimated that 6 million women are
below. missing every year. Of these, 23 per cent are never
born, 10 per cent are missing in early childhood, 21 per
(a) 1 only
cent are in the reproductive years, and 38 per cent are
(b) 2 only above the age of 60. Stark as the excess mortality is, it
(c) Both 1 and 2 still does not capture the fact that throughout their lives,
even before birth, women in developing countries are
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
treated differently than their brothers, lagging behind
men in many domains. For each missing woman, many
more women fail to get an education, a job, or a
52. Consider the following statements.
political responsibility that they would have obtained if
1. The largest number of attacks against they had been men.
healthcare personnel occurred in Myanmar. 53. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the crux of the passage?
2. Attacks against healthcare personnel
(a) Developing nations should improve their
increased by less than 50% in 2022 as criminal justice systems to reduce the high
rate of missing women.
compared to 2021.
(b) To improve the status of women, it is
critical to transform society into a
Which of the statements given above is/are
matriarchal one.
true? (c) Basic human rights are violated when men
are valued more than women in developing
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (d) Women’s status in developing nations
(c) Both 1 and 2 cannot improve without making necessary
changes in laws, politics and education.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
14 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 55. The fuel cost for operating a bus service is Rs.
Encryption and cryptographic techniques for preserving (Speed)2 per hour. Other charges put together
are Rs. 100 per hour. Which of the following
the security of online communication have become
statements must be true regarding a journey of
increasingly contested in India. Rapid digitalization in
500 kilometres?
the past decade has led to the proliferation of domestic
and foreign online communication services that use (a) The cost of entire journey is Rs. 3000.
encryption and pose challenges to national security (b) At the speed of 40 km per hour, the cost of
bodies and law enforcement agencies (LEAs). To help journey shall be minimum.
(c) The time of journey shall be at least 18
overcome these challenges, the Indian government
issued controversial new rules in February 2021 that
(d) The cost of journey may be Rs. 10000.
require messaging communication providers to supply
Many providers argue that this requirement 56. A shopkeeper mixes two varieties of tea - one
costing Rs. 260 per kg and the other costing Rs.
significantly weakens the end-to-end (E2E) encryption
400 per kg, to produce a blended variety of tea
they deploy.
worth Rs. 320/kg. What should have been the
54. Based on the above passage, the following
quantity of second variety of tea used by him, if
assumptions have been made: he used 132 kg of the first variety?
1. Government of India, too, should enhance (a) 188 kg
(c) 3:2
59. A bullet train of length 210 m crosses a
platform of length 190 m in 8 seconds. What is (d) 2:1
the speed of the train?
(a) 180 km/hr
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(b) 160 km/hr
(c) 150 km/hr Read the following two passages and answer the items
(d) 200 km/hr
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
60. In a class, the number of boys and girls are in should be based on the passages only.
the ratio of 4:3. If 10 more boys and 15 more
Passage – 1
girls join the class, the ratio of the number of
boys and girls becomes 10:9. How many more The role of culture in moral development is an
boys are there in the class as compared to the
important topic that raises fundamental questions about
number of girls?
(a) 10 what is universal and what is culturally specific
(b) 30 regarding morality and moral development. Many
(c) 40
(d) Cannot be determined research traditions have examined this question, with
(a) Considering the universal nature of 1. Along with the private sector, governments
morality, culture does not play any should invest in promoting startups in the
(b) Socialization is the most important tool in 2. Sharing of knowledge and lessons should
the development of universal moral values. be across the globe and not only limited to
(c) Despite the universal nature of morality, it the regions of the global south.
Agriculture has the potential to drive economic 65. Which one of the following statements best
development, contribute to food security and generate reflects the crux of the passage?
income for millions of rural farmers. Recent years have (a) The only restriction in modernizing and
seen growth in digital innovations that can address the transforming the agriculture sector is the
various agricultural and food industry challenges. lack of knowledge sharing and learning
Startups led by the private sector are tackling issues from countries of the global south.
ranging from access to markets to the provision of (b) Startups in the field of agriculture can solve
financial services. However, despite innovations and the core persisting issues of agriculture.
viable business models, challenges persist. This is due, (c) Countries across the world should invest in
in part, to constraints in sharing knowledge and lessons agricultural technology for ensuring food
learned among countries and regions of the Global security and economic development.
South. As a result, agricultural solutions have failed to (d) Harnessing the potential of agriculture
achieve the wider impact that could modernize and depends on the sharing of knowledge and
transform the continent's agricultural and food industry lessons learned from regions of the global
sectors. south.
17 ©Vision IAS
66. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below 68. The distance between two stations X and Y is
followed by a question. 1000 km. A train starts at 11 AM from X and
moves towards Y at an average speed of 50
S1: The average of X and Y is 60.
km/h. Another train starts from Y at 10 AM and
S2: The average of the integers between X and moves towards X at an average speed of 100
Y, not including either, is 60. km/h. At what time the two trains will meet?
Question: What is the average of the (a) 3 PM
(b) 4 PM
consecutive integers from X to Y, including
(c) 5 PM
both? (d) None of these
Which one of the following is correct in respect
of the above Statements and the Question. 69. The average of 20 numbers is zero. How many
of these numbers may be greater than zero at
(a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question. (a) 19
(c) Either S1 alone or S2 alone is sufficient to (b) 18
answer the question. (c) 20
(d) 10
(d) Both the statements together are not sufficient
to answer the question. 70. Consider the following information and the
Statements and Question that follow:
In a hockey team, the average age of 11 players
67. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below is 32 years.
followed by a question. Statement-1: The captain is 16 years older than
S1: The ratio of incomes of Mr. X in the years the youngest player.
Statement-2: The average age of 10 players
2022 and 2023 is 3 : 4.
other than the captain is 31.5 years.
S2: The ratio of his expenditures in the years Statement-3: Leaving aside the captain and the
2022 and 2023 is 5 : 6. youngest player, the average ages of the three
Question: What is the ratio of Mr. X’s savings groups of three players each are 35 years, 33
years and 30 years respectively.
in the year 2022 to that in the year 2023?
Question: What is the age of the captain?
Which one of the following is correct in respect Which one of the following is correct in respect
of the above Statements and the Question. of the above Question and Statements.
(a) (а) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the (a) Any two of the given three statements are
sufficient to answer the question.
(b) Either Statement 1 and 3 together or
(b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question. Statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the
(c) Both the statements together are sufficient to question.
answer the question. (c) Either Statement 1 alone or Statement 2
alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(d) Both the statements together are not sufficient
(d) Statement 2 and 3 together are sufficient to
to answer the question. answer the question.
1 (a)
Average of 5k and 3l is equal to 50% of 6l.
Or (5k + 3l)/2 = 50% of 6l
Or (5k + 3l)/2 = 3l
Or (5k + 3l) = 6l
Or 5k = 6I – 3l
Or 5k = 3l
Or k/I = 3/5
Hence, option (a) is correct.
2 (b)
The formula for a weighted average is:
Sum of the (weight x values) divided by the sum of the weights.
Mid-term exam was worth four times as much as a quiz, and the final exam was worth six times as much
as a quiz.
So, Weighted Average of marks = (1 x 94 + 1 x 78 + 1 x 92 + 4 x 92 + 6 x 94) / (1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 6)
= 1196 / 13
= 92
Hence, option (b) is correct.
3 (c)
B is the average of A, C and F.
So, B = (A + C + F)/3
D is the average of C, E, G and H.
So, D = (C + E + G + H)/4
So, Average of B and D = [(A + C + F)/3 + (C + E + G + H)/4] / 2
= [(4A + 4C + 4F + 3C + 3E + 3G + 3H)/12] / 2
= (4A + 4C + 4F + 3C + 3E + 3G + 3H) / 24
Hence, option (c) is correct.
4 (d)
Production costs in 2006 = Rs. 10,000 × 5,000 = Rs. 500 lakhs
Production costs in 2010 = Rs. 15,000 × 9,000 = Rs. 1350 lakhs
The percent increase in gross production cost from 2006 to 2010 = [(1350 – 500)/500] × 100 = 170%
Hence, option (d) is correct.
5 (c)
Each year the gap between actual production and capacity decreased by 1000.
In 2010, the gap is 15000 – 9000 = 6000.
So, in 6 years the gap would disappear, i.e. in 2016.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
7 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it compares which model is better.
However, the passage does not compare which is good. Also, the option specifically talks about young
people and that democracy is good for them, but the passage is not focussed on young people only. Hence,
this option is not the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect. Democracy being the mask for authoritarianism is not discussed in the passage.
Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it talks about an ideal scenario in that no
country should be under authoritarianism due to the benefits offered by democracy. However, whether a
country should be a democracy or under a dictatorship is not discussed in the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The lines “Many countries are not democracies, and most countries that are
democratic are younger than a lifetime. This means that for most people, life under authoritarianism is
either their current experience, or they remember a time when it was”, support the claim given in the
option. The passage, talks about how people are either living in a dictatorship or they know what it looks
like due to their historical experience. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
8 (b)
Frequency of steps of X, Y and Z, X1: Y1: Z1 = 5:6:7
Let X1 = 5c, Y1 = 6c and Z1 = 7c (c is a constant)
In terms of size of step, 4X2 = 5Y2 = 6Z2 = k (k is a constant)
So, X2 = k/4; Y2 = k/5 and Z2 = k/6.
Since, Speed = Distance × Frequency = Step size × Frequency
So, the speeds of X, Y and Z are:
X3 = (5/4) ck; Y3 = (6/5) ck and Z3 = (7/6) ck.
So the ratio of speeds of X, Y and Z = (5/4) : (6/5) : (7/6)
= (5/4) ×60 : (6/5) ×60 : (7/6) ×60
(LCM of 4, 5 and 6 = 60)
= 75:72:70
Hence, option (b) is correct.
9 (c)
Let the 3 numbers in increasing order be X, Y and Z.
The arithmetic mean of the first two is 7 less than the arithmetic mean of all the three.
[(X + Y + Z)/3] – [(X + Y)/2] = 7
Or 2X + 2Y + 2Z - 3X - 3Y = 42
Or 2Z - X - Y = 42 ........ (i)
The sum of the first two numbers is equal to the arithmetic mean of the last two.
X + Y = (Y + Z)/2
Or 2X + 2Y = Y + Z
Or 2X + Y - Z = 0
Or Z = 2X + Y ........ (ii)
Putting the value of Z in equation (i), we get:
2(2X + Y) - X - Y = 42
Or 3X + Y = 42
From Statement-1:
The second number, i.e. Y is given.
10 (d)
Let speed of stream be x km/hr.
Speed of boat in still water = 22 km/hr
Downstream speed = 22 + x
Upstream speed = 22 – x
It takes him thrice as long to row up than to row down. As the distance covered by boat downstream is the
same as the distance covered by that boat upstream,
Time taken by boat downstream / Time taken by boat upstream = Upstream speed/Downstream speed
Or 1/3 = (22 – x)/(22 + x)
Or 22 + x = 3(22 – x)
Or 22 + x = 66 – 3x
Or 4x = 44
Or x = 11 km/hr
Thus, the speed of the stream is 11 km/hr.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
11 (d)
Distance between X and Y = 680 km
The ratio of the speeds of P and Q = 7:10
Here, time is constant. So, the distance covered by P and Q is directly proportional to the speeds of P and
So, the ratio of the distance covered by P and Q = 7:10
Required distance = 680 × (10 – 7) / (7 + 10)
= 680 × 3/17 = 120 km
Thus, Q would cover 120 km more than P.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
12 (b)
Let man's age be 6x and his wife’s age be 5x.
After 6 years,
Man's age = 6x + 6
Wife’s age = 5x + 6
According to the question,
Or (6x+6)/(5x+6) = 7/6
Or 36x + 36 = 35x + 42
Or x = 42 – 36
Or x = 6
So, Man's age = 6x = 6×6 = 36 years
Wife’s age = 5x = 5×6 = 30 years
Let us assume that they were married 'm' years ago, then:
(36–m)/(30–m) = 4/3
Or 3(36–m) = 4(30–m)
Or 108 – 3m = 120 – 4m
Or m = 120 – 108
Or m = 12 years
Thus, they were married 12 years ago.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
14 (c)
Let the number of selected candidates be 3x and the number of unselected candidates by 11x.
Total number of candidates that applied for the interview process = 3x + 11x = 14x
Number of selected candidates = 3x – 34
Number of candidates that applied = 14x – 90
So, Number of unselected candidates = (14x – 90) – (3x – 34) = 11x – 56
According to the question,
(3x – 34) / (11x – 56) = 1/4
Or 4(3x – 34) = 11x – 56
Or 12x – 136 = 11x – 56
Or 12x – 11x = –56 + 136
Or x = 80
So, Number of candidates that applied for the job interview originally = 14x = 14 × 80 = 1120
Hence, option (c) is correct.
15 (a)
Let 'x' number of candidates passed the exam.
Number of failed candidates = 296 – x
According to the question,
89x + (296 – x) × 57 = 296 × 77
Or 89x + (296 × 57) – 57x = 296 × 77
Or 32x = (296 × 77) – (296 × 57)
Or 32x = 296 × 20
Or x = 296 × 20/32 = 185
Thus, 185 candidates passed the exam.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
16 (c)
Sum of the ages of P and Q, P + Q = 31 × 2 = 62 years ............(i)
Sum of the ages of R and Q, Q + R = 38 × 2 = 76 years ..........(ii)
Sum of the ages of P and R, P + R = 42 × 2 = 84 years ........(iii)
From equations (i), (ii) and (iii), we get:
2(P + Q + R) = 62 + 76 + 84 = 222
Or P + Q + R = 222/2 = 111 ........(iv)
From equations (i) and (iv), we get:
Age of R = 111 – 62 = 49 years
From equations (ii) and (iv), we get:
Age of P = 111 – 76 = 35
Thus, age of R is more than that of P by (49 – 35), i.e. 14 years.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
18 (c)
Let's assume that the batsman played 'n' innings before he got out of form, and his average at that time
was 'x' runs.
Total runs scored by the batsman in n innings = 2014
Average score of batsman in 'n' innings, x = 2014/n .......(i)
Average score of batsman in (x+10) innings, x – 32 = (2014 + 132)/(n + 10)
Or x – 32 = 2146/(n + 10)
Or (2014/n) – 32 = 2146/(n + 10) [Since, x = 2014/n]
n = 19 satisfies the above equation.
So, total innings played by the batsman = n + 10 = 19 + 10 = 29
Hence, option (c) is correct.
19 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The given option is the best crux because of the lines “Gender equality remains
unfinished business in every country of the world” and “The progress that has been made towards
gender equality over the past quarter of a century, though slow and incremental, does, however, show that
change is possible.” These lines show that situation of women could improve in future. So, the given
option is the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of patriarchal mindset is not a part of the passage. The passage does
not contain any information on the patriarchal mindset being the cause of gender inequality. So, this
statement is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. Whether a country’s progress is meaningful or meaningless vis-à-vis the
contribution of female gender cannot be concluded from the information given in the passage. This
statement is subjective, and the passage only mentions that gender inequality exists. So, this is not the best
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of laws and policies for women's empowerment is not a part of the
passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and therefore, it cannot be the best crux of the
20 (d)
Option (a) is not correct. This statement reflects the view of a popular author, rather than that of the
author of the passage. The passage says, “Stock, author of books such as Material Girls: Why Reality
Matters for Feminism (2021), has long been at the receiving end of criticism for her view that biological
sex is more socially significant than gender identity, even though it does not exclude sympathy for the
trans-rights movement”. Hence, this is not the message of the passage.
Option (b) is not correct as it is not the view of the author or message of the passage. The author is just
conveying a viewpoint of “trans-exclusionary radical feminists”, who think that females maybe at a risk of
violence at the hands of trans-women.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage says, “TERF or “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” refers to
feminists whose advocacy for women’s rights do not include the rights of transgender people, especially
trans women”. Hence, TERF activists do not advocate for the rights of transgenders.
Option (d) is correct. The passage revolves around the theme that a category of feminists excludes trans
people when it comes to women rights. The passage says, “TERF or “trans-exclusionary radical
feminist” refers to feminists whose advocacy for women’s rights do not include the rights of transgender
people, especially trans women”.
22 (d)
Arithmetic mean of five different numbers is 65.
So, sum of these five different numbers = 65 × 5 = 325.
From Statement 1:
There can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 numbers greater than 65, even if none of them is greater than 100.
So, Statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
From Statement 2:
Three of the five numbers are 36, 44 and 56.
Sum of the given three numbers = 36 + 44 + 56 = 136
So, Sum of the remaining two numbers = 325 – 136 = 189
One or both of these numbers can be greater than 65.
So, Statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
From Statement 1 and 2:
Sum of the remaining two numbers is 189, and none of them is greater than 100.
Thus, we can conclude that both of these numbers must be greater than 65, e.g. 90 and 99.
Hence, both the Statements are needed together to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
23 (d)
From S1:
Train A usually goes 720 km in 10 hours. So, we can find the usual speed of the train. However, we
cannot find the speed of the train when it’s raining.
So, S1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
From S2:
When it’s raining, it typically takes train A thrice the usual time. From this information we can’t find the
exact speed of the train when it’s raining.
So, S2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
From Statement 1 and 2:
Ratio of the time taken when train A goes at usual speed and when it’s raining = 1 : 3
So, Ratio of the usual speed of the train and when it’s raining = 3 : 1
Usual speed of train = 720/10 = 72 km/hr
So, Speed of train when it’s raining = 72 × 1/3 = 24 k/hr
Time taken by train A to reach a town which is 576 km away when it’s raining = 576/24 = 24 hr
Hence, both the Statements are needed together to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
24 (b)
Let there be x, y and z number of students in the three sections - A, B and C of class X.
The average score of students in sections A, B and C of class X is 92, 84 and 70 respectively.
So, Total score of all students of section A = 92x
Total score of all students of section B = 84y
Total score of all students of section C = 70z
The average score of students in sections A and B together is 90.
So, Total score of all students in sections A and B together = 90(x + y)
Thus, we get:
92x + 84y = 90(x + y)
Or 2x = 6y
Or x:y = 6:2 = 3:1
25 (a)
Let speed of the boat be x km/hr and the stream current be y km/hr.
A person covers a distance of 35 km in 1 hr 45 min along the stream.
1 hr 45 min = 7/4 hr
Time = Distance/Speed
Or 7/4 = 35/(x + y)
Or x + y = 35 × 4/7 = 20 ……. (i)
Distance covered against the stream = (35/2) km
Now, the time taken to cover the distance along the stream is 40% less than the time taken to cover the
distance against the stream.
So, [(35/2)/(x – y)] × (60/100) = (7/4)
Or [35/(x – y)] × (3/10) = (7/4)
Or [7/(x – y)] × (3/2) = (7/4)
Or 3/(x – y) = (1/2)
Or x – y = 6 ……. (ii)
On solving (i) and (ii), we get:
y = 7 km/hr
∴ Rate of river current = 7 km/hr
Hence, option (a) is correct.
26 (a)
Quantity of alcohol in 1st mixture = 7/(7+5) =7/12
Quantity of alcohol in 2nd mixture = 3/(3+4) = 3/7
Quantity of alcohol in resultant 3rd mixture = 7/(7+6) = 7/13
Using Alligation method, we get:
27 (d)
Let's denote the five numbers as A, B, C, D, and E. We know that the average of these five numbers is 12.
So, we can write the following equation:
(A + B + C + D + E) / 5 = 12
Next, we are told that if one number is multiplied by 2, and another number is multiplied by 3, the new
average becomes 18. But here all the 5 numbers are unknown, and it is not mentioned which number is
multiplied by 2 and which number is multiplied by 3. Thus, the average of the two multiplied numbers
cannot be determined using the given information.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
7 ©Vision IAS
28 (c)
Time taken by Usha to cover 100 m = 100/4 (time = distance/speed)
= 25 s
So, Dutee covers (100 - 5.5) m = 94.5 m in (25 + 2) sec = 27 sec.
∴ Dutee’s speed = distance/speed = 94.5/27 = 3.5 m/s.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
29 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The entire passage revolves around the theme of how big oil corporations are
lobbying in international environmental summits, and probably getting decisions in their favour. For
example, the passage says, “Their presence could unduly influence the outcome of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) aimed at
discussing climate finance, adaptation, operationalising the loss and damage fund and the global
stocktake”. Hence, it is the correct option.
Option (b) is not correct. Though they influence the decision-makers, the passage nowhere mentions that
lobbyists out power policymakers. Hence, it is not a correct option.
Option (c) is not correct. The lobby of large oil corporations may influence international summits and
get things done in their favour, but the passage does not mention that it causes any kind of harm to
developing countries. Hence, it is not a correct option.
Option (d) is not correct. The passage mentions, “The top five oil and gas majors in the European Union
(EU) and the United States, namely Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and Total Energies, had 403
lobbyists registered from the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP21) to COP27.” It
does not mention that they are responsible for most of the carbon emissions. It only mentions their clout
through lobbyists. Hence, it is not a correct option.
30 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct. Though it may be factually correct, the passage nowhere mentions that global
warming is the most harmful for the least developed countries. It does not find mention in the passage.
Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is not correct. The passage says, “The aforementioned organisations believe that lobbyists
are there at Bonn to push the agenda of fossil fuel expansion forward to continue to rake in profits”.
However, this does not imply that the only objective of these lobbyists is to make profit at the cost of the
poor. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
31 (d)
Let the number of male employees in P be x.
So, Number of female employees in P = 120x/100 = 6x/5
Total number of employees in P = x + 6x/5 = 11x/5
Let the number of male employees in Q be y.
So, Number of female employees in Q = (62.5/100) y = 5y/8
Total number of employees in Q = y + 5y/8 = 13y/8
As per the question,
(11x/5) – (13y/8) = 15000
Or 88x – 65y = 600000
There are two variables and one equation, so we can’t solve it.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
32 (a)
Let Raman’s speed in still water be ‘x’ and speed of stream be ‘y’.
Upstream speed of Raman’s boat = x – y = 80/4 = 20 km/hr
Thus, x – y = 20 km/hr
Speed of speedboat in still water = 40 km/hr
Upstream speed of speedboat = 40 – y
Speed boat starts after 2 minutes of Raman's departure and crosses him after 5 minutes.
It implies that the speed boat covered the same distance in 5 minutes that Raman took 7 minutes to cover.
Hence, the ratio of the upstream speeds of Raman and Speedboat = (x – y)/(40 – y) = 5/7
33 (d)
Quantity of milk in 1st tank = 120 × 7/12 = 70 litres
Quantity of water in 1st tank = 120 × 5/12 = 50 litres
Quantity of milk in 2nd tank = 135 × 4/9 = 60 litres
Quantity of water in 2nd tank = 135 × 5/9 = 75 litres
So, Quantity of milk in final mixture = 70 + 60 = 130 litres
And Quantity of water in the final mixture = 50 + 75 = 125 litres
When 15 litres of water is added to the whole.
New quantity of water in the final mixture = 125 + 15 = 140 litres
Required ratio = 130 : 140 = 13 : 14
Hence, option (d) is correct.
34 (d)
Speed downstream = (x+4) km/h.
Speed upstream = (x-4) km/h.
Since, time = distance/speed ,
So, Downstream time = 6(x+4) and
Upstream time = 6(x+4) .
So, 6(x+4) + 6(x-4) = 2
➱ 3(x+4) + 3(x-4) = 1
➱ x2 – 6x – 16 = 0
➱ (x – 8) (x + 2) = 0
➱ x = 8,
or x = -2 (negative value, not acceptable).
Hence, speed of the cargo ship in still water = 8 km/h.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
35 (c)
Since Amar and Deepak are moving in the same direction along the circular path, so they will first meet
each other when there is a difference of one round between the two.
Relative speed of Amar and Deepak = 5 – 2
= 3 rounds per hour.
∵ 3 rounds = 1 hour
∵ 1 round = 1/3 hour
= 20 minutes.
So, the time taken to complete one round at this relative speed = 20 minutes.
So, they shall first cross each other at 6:20 PM.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
36 (c)
Just look at the white bars. White dice was rolled 19 times.
So, the average = (1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 6)/19 = 66/19 =
Hence, option (c) is correct.
38 (b)
Let speed of the local train be x km/hr.
Then, the speed of the express train will be 1.4x km/hr.
According to the question,
(84/x) – (84/1.4x) = 30/60
Or x = 48 km
Speed of the express train = 1.4x = 48 × 1.4 = 67.2 km/hr
Hence, option (b) is correct.
39 (a)
Option (a) is correct. Eradication of polio is the central theme of the passage. The passage revolves
around the theme of how African countries, with the help of the world bank are implementing the schemes
to eradicate polio. The passage also mentions, “Eradicating polio requires immunising every child until
transmission stops.” Hence, it is the correct option.
Option (b) is not correct. The passage says, “All polio cases in West and Central Africa are due to
circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus — the final strain of polio remaining on the African continent;
these outbreaks are rare”. Though it is a correct statement, it is a part of the main theme and not the
main theme of the passage. The passage revolves around the theme of how African countries, with the
help of the world bank are implementing the schemes to eradicate polio. Hence, it is not a correct
Option (c) is not correct. The passage deals with polio cases in Africa and how governments there are
taking initiatives to eradicate polio. It does not mention about the rest of the world. Hence, it is not a
correct option.
Option (d) is not correct. The passage mentions, “This is a crucial undertaking to close vaccination gaps
in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and will provide millions of children with vital protection from
the risk of irreversible polio paralysis”. This implies that a pandemic can cause a temporary pause in the
vaccination programs, but it is not the central theme of the passage. Hence, it is not a correct option.
40 (b)
Statement 1 is not correct. The passage says, “…three countries — Cameroon, Chad and Niger —
kicked off Africa’s largest polio vaccination campaign since 2020, according to World Health
Organization (WHO)”. This implies that it is not the largest ever polio eradication program, but the
largest, post the pandemic of Covid-19. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is not correct. The passage clearly mentions, “Polio is a highly infectious viral disease that
primarily affects children under five years and causes permanent paralysis or death”. It does not mean
that it affects children only under 5. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 3 is correct. The last line of the passage clearly mentions, “There is no cure, but safe and
effective vaccines can protect children. Eradicating polio requires immunising every child until
transmission stops”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
42 (c)
P's initial speed = 4 m/sec
Q's initial speed = 16 m/sec
Time taken to meet for the first time = 400/(4 + 16) = 20 sec
After 1st meet,
P's speed = 8 m/sec
Q's speed = 8 m/sec
Time taken to meet for the second time = 400/(8 + 8) = 25 sec
After 2nd meet,
P's speed = 16 m/sec
Q's speed = 4 m/sec
Time taken to meet for the third time = 400/(16 + 4) = 20 sec
Total time taken to meet for the third time = 20 + 25 + 20 = 65 sec
Hence, option (c) is correct.
43 (b)
The average of 17 numbers is 19.
So, Sum of 17 numbers = 17 × 19 = 323
Now, if we multiply each number by 5, the sum of the new set of numbers = 323 × 5 = 1615.
Since, there are still 17 numbers in the new set, so new average = 1615/17 = 95
Hence, option (b) is correct.
44 (c)
Sum of the weights of 11 players = 160 × 11 = 1760 pounds
If the heaviest player is removed, the average weight of the remaining 10 players becomes 158 pounds.
Sum of the weights of 10 players = 158 × 10 = 1580 pounds
So, Weight of the heaviest player = 1760 – 1580 = 180 pounds
Hence, option (c) is correct.
45 (a)
The median of a set of numbers is the middle number in the set (after the numbers have been arranged
from least to greatest) - or, if there are an even number of data, the median is the average of the middle
two numbers. To determine if the median is greater than 60, we need to know the specific values of the
numbers in the set. Let's analyze the statements:
Statement 1: The sum of the smallest and largest numbers in the set is 150.
The average of a set of 7 numbers is 40. So, there sum total = 7 × 40 = 280
So, the sum total of the middle 5 numbers = 280 – 150 = 130
If the middle of these 5 numbers is 60, then two other numbers must also be above 60. This is not
possible. So, it’s clear that the median of the set cannot be greater than 60.
So, Statement 1 alone is sufficient.
Statement 2: The range of the set is 80.
The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the set. This statement alone
doesn't give any information about the values between the largest and smallest numbers.
So, Statement 2 alone is insufficient.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
47 (b)
Speed of boat in still water = 7 km/hr.
Speed of the stream = 1 km/hr.
So, Downstream speed of the boat = 7 + 1 = 8 km/hr.
And, Upstream speed of the boat = 7 – 1 = 6 km/hr.
We know that, Upstream speed of the boat/Downstream speed of the boat = Time taken in covering
downstream distance/ Time taken in covering upstream distance
Or 6/8 = Time taken in covering downstream distance/ Time taken in covering upstream distance
Or Time taken in covering downstream distance/ Time taken in covering upstream distance = 3/4 ….. (i)
Now, Time taken in covering downstream distance + Time taken in covering upstream distance = 84
Or 1 + [Time taken in covering upstream distance / Time taken in covering downstream distance] = 84/
Time taken in covering downstream distance
Or 1 + (4/3) = 84 / Time taken in covering downstream distance
Or 7/3 = 84 / Time taken in covering downstream distance
Or Time taken in covering downstream distance = 36 minutes
So, Time taken in covering upstream distance = (4/3) × Time taken in covering downstream distance =
(4/3) × 36 = 48 minutes
Total distance covered by the boat from P to Q and Q to P = [Downstream speed × Time taken in covering
downstream distance] + [Upstream speed × Time taken in covering upstream distance]
= [8 × (36/60)] + [6 × (48/60)]
= [8 × (3/5)] + [6 × (4/5)]
= 48/5
= 9.6 km
Hence, option (b) is correct.
48 (d)
Speed of Aakash = 40 km/h.
Speed of Anil = 60 km/h.
Their relative speed = 60 – 40 (they are moving in the same direction)
= 20 km/h.
Distance travelled by Aakash in 30 minutes (1/2 hour)
= 40 × 1/2 (distance = speed × time)
= 20 km.
So, the time taken by Anil to meet Aakash = Distance / Relative speed
= 20 / 20
= 1 h.
Hence, the distance Anil need to cover = speed of Anil × time needed
= 60 × 1
= 60 km.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
50 (c)
Difference between the B’s monthly income and his savings is Rs.18000.
Expenditure = Income – Saving = 18000
Thus, B’s expenditure is Rs. 18000.
Savings of B = 18000 × 160% = Rs. 28800
Thus, B’s monthly income = Savings + Expenditure = 28800 + 18000 = Rs. 46800
So, A’s monthly income = 46800 × 4/5 = 37440
And C’s monthly income = 46800 × 7/9 = 36400
Average of the incomes of A, B and C = (37440 + 46800 + 36400)/3 = Rs. 40,213 (approx)
Hence, option (c) is correct.
51 (b)
Statement 1 is not correct. The passage clearly says, “Reported violence against or obstruction of health
care decreased in the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Syria in 2022 compared to 2021”. In many
countries, the incidence of violence has actually decreased. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, healthcare workers have faced attacks in Ukraine
(Europe), Myanmar and Syria (Asia) and Africa. Hence, it can be inferred that they faced violent reaction
in at least three continents. Hence, it is a correct statement.
52 (b)
Statement 1 is not correct. The passage says, “Over half of the total attacks were reported in just two
countries, Ukraine and Myanmar, the report stated”. It does not mention that the largest number of
attacks were witnessed in Myanmar. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The passage clearly mentions, “Over the last year, we identified a 45 percent
increase in reported incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in conflict zones as
compared to 2021,”. Therefore, it is correct to say that attacks against healthcare personnel have increased
by less than 50% (45%). Hence, it is a correct statement
53 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the context of the criminal justice system
is not a part of the passage. The option states that the cause of missing women is crime. However, the
passage does not explain the cause of missing women in particular. Hence, this is not the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of matriarchal society and whether it will lead to improvement in the
status of women is not based on the information given in the passage. So, this option is beyond the scope
of the passage and is not the best crux.
Option (c) is correct. The lines “… capture the fact that the proportion of women is lower than what
would be expected if girls and women throughout the developing world were born and died at the same
rate, relative to boys and men, as they do in sub-Saharan Africa” show that this issue exists in developing
world and “Of these, 23 per cent are never born (violation of the right to life), 10 per cent are missing in
early childhood, 21 per cent are in the reproductive years, and 38 per cent are above the age of 60. Stark
as the excess mortality is, it still does not capture the fact that throughout their lives, even before birth,
women in developing countries are treated differently than their brothers, lagging behind men in many
domains”, validate that women are not valued or are at loss as compared to men. The tone of the passage
is descriptive rather than being solution-rendering. So, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
54 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The passage only states that “Rapid digitalization in the past decade has led
to the proliferation of domestic and foreign online communication services that use encryption and pose
challenges to national security bodies and law enforcement agencies”, which does not mean that
government should enhance its technological capabilities, and that too for surveillance. Hence, the given
assumption is not correct as it is not based on the information given in the passage.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The lines “To help overcome these challenges, the Indian government issued
controversial new rules in February 2021 that require messaging communication providers to supply
information regarding the originators of messages. Many providers argue that this requirement
significantly weakens the end-to-end (E2E) encryption they deploy”, reflect that due to controversial
rules, companies feel that they will weaken the encryption of communication. However, encryption is a
more technical aspect rather than being directly related to business environment. Hence, this assumption is
not correct based on the given passage.
55 (d)
Fuel Cost per hour = (Speed)2
Other cost per hour = Rs. 100
Let speed for 500 kilometre journey = X.
Time of journey = Distance/Speed = 500/X hours.
Cost of journey = (500/X) × 100 + (500/X) × X2 = 500(100/X + X)
Option (a) Cost of journey may be 3000 when (100/X + X) = 6 (not possible).
Option (b) Cost at 40km/hr = 500 × (100/40 + 40) = 500 × 42.5
Cost of journey at 25 km/hr = 500 × (100/25 + 25) = 500 × 29 which is lower.
Option (c) Time can be anything depending on speed.
Option (d) For X = 10: Cost = 500 × 20 = Rs. 10000
56 (d)
Using Alligation method,
57 (d)
Let Sachin walks ‘d’ km to reach the bus stand.
Let usual time taken by him in reaching the bus stand be ‘t’ hours.
Since, time = distance/speed
So, d / 2 = t + 25 / 60 ……………………..(І)
or d / 4 = t - 10 / 60 ……………………..(ІІ)
58 (b)
Speed of faster train = 120 km/hr
Speed of slower train = 84 km/hr
Length of the faster train = 180 m
Let length of the slower train be 'x' m.
Time taken by the faster train to cross the slower train = Sum of the lengths of the two trains / Difference
in their speeds
Or 30 = 180 + x / (120 - 84) × 5 / 18
Or 30 = 180 + x / 36 × (5 / 18)
Or 180 + x = 36 × 30 × 5 / 18
Or 180 + x = 300
Or x = 300 - 180
Or x = 120 m
So, length of the slower train is 120 m.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
59 (a)
Total distance = length of the bullet train + length of platform = 210 + 190 = 400 m
Total distance covered = Speed of the bullet train × Time
Or 400 = Speed of the bullet train × 8
Or Speed of the bullet train = 400/8 = 50 m/sec
= 50 × 18/5 = 180 km/hr
Hence, option (a) is correct.
60 (a)
Let the number of boys be 4x and the number of girls be 3x.
According to the question,
(4x + 10)/(3x + 15) = 10/9
Or 9(4x + 10) = 10(3x + 15)
Or 36x + 90 = 30x + 150
Or 36x – 30x = 150 – 90
Or 6x = 60
Or x = 10
So, Number of boys = 4x = 4 × 10 = 40
Number of girls = 3x = 3 × 10 = 30
So, Number of boys - Number of girls = 40 – 30 = 10
Hence, option (a) is correct.
61 (c)
Let Mr. Sharma's salary be Rs. x.
Amount given to his father = x × 40/100 = 40x/100
Remaining amount = x – 40x/100 = 60x/100
Amount invested in insurance and share market = (60x/100) × (40/100) = 24x/100
Amount invested in share market = (24x/100) × (11/15) = 88x/500
Remaining amount that he keeps in his bank account = (60x/100) – (24x/100) = 36x/100
According to the question,
(36x/100) – (88x/500) = 46000
Or (180x – 88x)/500 = 46000
Or 92x/500 = 46000
Or x = 46000 × 500/92
15 ©Vision IAS
Or x = 2,50,000
Thus, Mr. Sharma's salary in Rs. 2,50,000.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
62 (c)
Let’s mix x units of alloy A with y units of alloy B.
Quantity of silver in alloy A = 5x/8
Quantity of copper in alloy A = 3x/8
Quantity of silver in alloy B = 9y/16
Quantity of copper in alloy B = 7y/16
According to the question,
(5x/8 + 9y/16) / (3x/8 + 7y/16) = 3/2
Or [(10x + 9y)/16] / [(6x + 7y)/16] = 3/2
Or (10x + 9y)/(6x + 7y) = 3/2
Or 2(10x + 9y) = 3(6x + 7y)
Or 20x + 18y = 18x + 21y
Or 20x – 18x = 21y – 18y
Or 2x = 3y
Or x:y = 3:2
Thus, these two alloys should be mixed together in the ratio of 3:2 to get a new alloy having silver and
copper in the ratio 3:2.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
63 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because of the line, “Alternatively, relativistic
cultural positions have been put forth mostly by socialization theories that focus on how cultures transmit
values rather than what values are applied across groups and individuals.” This line shows that culture
too may have a role in moral development. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. Whether socialization is the most important tool in moral development or not
cannot be concluded on the basis of the given passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage
and is not correct.
Option (c) is correct. The given option best reflects the crux, as evident in the lines “Many research
traditions have examined this question, with social-cognitive and structural-developmental positions
theorizing that morality has a universal requirement to it, drawing from moral philosophy.” and
“Alternatively, relativistic cultural positions have been put forth mostly by socialization theories that
focus on how cultures transmit values rather than what values are applied across groups and
individuals.” So, this option is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not make any comparison between universal moral values and
moral values developed through socialization. Therefore, to conclude that universal moral values are
stronger would not be correct. Hence, this is not the best crux.
64 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. Only the private sector’s role is mentioned in the passage; the role of the
government in the context of promoting startups is not discussed in the passage. So, this assumption is not
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The lines, “This is due, in part, to constraints in sharing knowledge and
lessons learned among countries and regions of the Global South”, show that poor knowledge and lesson
sharing is a major challenge, but only to this specific region of the global south. However, to extrapolate it
across the globe would not be correct. So, this assumption is not correct.
65 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The lines “This is due, in part, to constraints in sharing knowledge and lessons
learned among countries and regions of the Global South. As a result, agricultural solutions have failed
to achieve the wider impact that could modernize and transform the continent's agricultural and food
industry sectors”, verify that lack of knowledge and lesson sharing is only a part, and the only restriction
with modernizing and transforming of the agricultural sector. Hence, this is not the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of startups is very limited in the passage, as seen in the lines
“Startups led by the private sector are tackling issues ranging from access to markets to the provision of
66 (c)
From S1:
The average of the consecutive integers from X to Y, including both, will always be equal to the average
of the integers X and Y, since the elements in the sum are consecutive.
For example, the average of the numbers 1 to 4 is 2.5, which equals (1 + 4)/2 = 2.5.
Hence, S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
From S2:
The average of the consecutive integers between m and n not including either is the same as the average
including them, since the elements in the sum are consecutive.
For example, the average of the numbers 2 and 3 is 2.5, which equals (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)/2 = 2.5.
Hence, S2 alone also answers the question.
So, either S1 alone or S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
67 (d)
S1 gives information only about income. While, S2 gives information only about expenditure.
Hence, neither statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Using both the statements together:
The ratio of incomes of Mr. X in the years 2022 and 2023 is 3 : 4.
The ratio of his expenditures in the years 2022 and 2023 is 5 : 6.
Even from the above information, we cannot find the ratio of Mr. X’s savings in the year 2022 to that in
the year 2023.
Therefore, even the two statements together are not sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
68 (c)
Suppose they meet ‘h’ hours after 11 AM.
Thus, Distance moved by the train from X in ‘h’ hours + Distance moved by the train from Y in (h+1)
= 1000
⇒ 50h + 100(h+1) = 1000 (distance = speed × time)
⇒ 150h = 900
⇒ h = 6 hours
So, they meet 6 hours after 11 AM, i.e. at 5 PM.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
69 (a)
Since the average of 20 numbers is zero, it means that their sum must be zero.
To ensure maximum positive numbers, we can have 19 positive numbers and the magnitude of the 20 th
negative number may be equal to the sum of these 19 positive numbers.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
71 (d)
We cannot solve the question using either statement alone.
From Statement 1 and 2:
70/(Speed of boat + 2) + 70/(Speed of boat - 2) = 12
or Speed of boat = 12 km/hr
Hence, both the statements are needed together to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
72 (a)
Time taken to cover 2500 km
= 2500 km / 100 km/h (time = distance / speed )
= 25 h.
Number of stoppages = Total distance / 125 – 1
= 2500 / 125 – 1
= 20 – 1 = 19
Total time of stoppage = 19 × (5 min) = 95 min
Hence, total time taken = 25 h + 95 min
= 25 h + (1 h + 35 min)
= 26 h 35 min.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
73 (a)
Inference 1 is correct. The lines “It is a matter of concern that despite huge investments, our cities still
face many efficiency-and sustainability-related challenges. None of our cities features among the top 50
cities in many global rankings”, show that global rankings contain those cities which are efficient and
75 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect. The passage does not mention that the unclear mechanism of SDGs is the cause
of hunger in the world. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct. The line “Food security exists when all people have physical and economic access
to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food”, shows that food security is not only about sufficient food, but also
about safe and nutritious food. Therefore, the inference that only consuming sufficient calories will not
solve the challenges related to food security is correct.
76 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not the best crux because it is beyond the scope of the
passage. The passage nowhere mentions that food security issues can be solved by sharing information on
available food resources across nations.
Option (b) is correct. The given option is the best crux because of the lines, “But how to achieve this
goal is debated controversially. Genetically modified (GM) crops are sometimes mentioned in this
connection. Some see the development and use of GM crops as key to reducing hunger while others
consider this technology as a further risk to food security. Solid empirical evidence to support either of
these views is thin”. These lines describe that GM crops can help in food sufficiency; however the safety
issue persists. However, neither of these views can be substantiated due to the lack of empirical studies.
Therefore, to state that before going for mass production the debate around safe use should be concluded
is correct as per the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is based on the lines “Some see the development and use of GM
crops as key to reducing hunger while others consider this technology as a further risk to food security.
Solid empirical evidence to support either of these views is thin.” The passage mentions that there is no
evidence of food sufficiency or safety from GM crops, and to conclude and say that it guarantees quantity
and not safety is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of organic farming is not covered in the passage. Hence, this option
is beyond the scope of the passage.
77 (c)
The total score of those 9 students = 9 × 78 = 702.
The expected total score of the entire class = 10 × 80 = 800.
Therefore, the last student needs a score of 800 − 702 = 98.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
79 (c)
Maximum possible number of graduates who are fresh out of college = 70 (considering all are fresh
Minimum possible number of graduates who are fresh out of college = 30 (considering all 50 non
graduates are fresh from college)
Required ratio = 3:7
Hence, option (c) is correct.
80 (d)
x = (r + 11)/2
y = (3r + 19)/2
z = (5r + 20)/2
x + y + z = (r + 11 + 3r + 19 + 5r + 20)/2
or x + y + z = (9r + 50)/2 = 4.5r + 25
Hence, option (d) is correct.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
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8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
1. Which of the following sets is/are infinite? 4. Study the following pie-chart carefully and
answer the question that follows.
(i) {x: x ∈ R and 0<x<1}
Pie-chart given below shows the various loans
(ii) D = {x: x is divisor of 50} taken by Ranjan from different sources to
(iii) C = The set of prime numbers less than 10. construct his house.
(c) (ii) and (iv) Note: The relative sizes of the various sections
shown in the above pie chart may not be in the
(d) (i) and (iv)
same proportion as their value.
What is the central angle made by the loan on
2. Sameer gave 2/5th of his money to Alok. Alok credit card?
(a) 60o
gave 2/5th of what he got from Sameer to
(b) 90o
Yogesh. If Yogesh got Rs. 2100 less than the (c) 70o
(d) None of these
total money that Sameer had at the start, then
how much money did Alok get from Sameer? Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(a) Rs. 1000 Read the following two passages and answer the items
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(b) Rs. 1250
should be based on the passages only.
(c) Rs. 1460 Passage – 1
(d) Rs. 1700 The balance of pursuing market opportunities while
maintaining accountability and ethical integrity has
proved a defining challenge for business enterprises
3. A number is made up of 2 digits, out of which since the arrival of the joint-stock company in the early
years of industrialism. The accountability and
the first digit is 2. If the sum of that number and
responsibility of business enterprises are constantly
the number obtained by reversing its digits is 99, subject to question. The manifest failures of corporate
then what is the second digit of that number? governance and business ethics in the global financial
crisis have increased the urgency of the search for a
(a) 6
better ethical framework and governance for business. A
(b) 7 substantial increase in the range, significance, and
(c) 8 impact of corporate social and environmental initiatives
in recent years suggests the growing materiality of a
(d) 9
more ethically informed approach.
accountability and ethical integrity was not jurisdictional changes was June 30, 2023, and before
that, December 31, 2022. In May, Union Home Minister
a challenge.
Amit Shah said the government is planning to bring a bill
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? in Parliament to link data related to birth and death with
electoral rolls and the overall development process. Shah
(a) 1 only
had said the census is a process that may form the basis
(b) 2 only
of the development agenda. Digital, complete, and
(c) Both 1 and 2 accurate census figures will have multi-dimensional
benefits, he said, adding planning based on the census
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
data ensures development reaches the poorest of the
poor. If the birth and death certificate data are preserved
(b) With time, corporate governance and inferred from the above passage?
1. Census will be held in 2024.
business ethics have grown to be more
2. Fruits of development may reach the most
ethical. impoverished people through the census
(c) Without ethics, corporate governance is
Select the correct answer using the codes given
devoid of accountability and responsibility. below.
(d) Financial crisis is the real test of any (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
approach to corporate governance or
(c) Both 1 and 2
business ethics. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
10. Study the following pie-chart and answer the (b) 150 minutes
question that follows. (c) 75 minutes
Following pie-chart represents different modes (d) Data insufficient
of transportation taken by students of a coaching
centre. 13. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below
followed by a question.
S1: N divides x and y.
S2: 2N divides x/2 and y/4.
Question: Is N the HCF of the two numbers x
and y?
Which one of the following is correct in respect
of the above Statements and the Question?
If the total number of students in the coaching
(a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
centre is 2160, then what is the total number of
(b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
students taking other forms of transportation?
(a) 320 (c) Either S1 alone or S2 alone is sufficient to
(b) 240 answer the question.
(c) 600 (d) Both the statements are needed together to
(d) Can’t be determined answer the question.
Study the following pie-chart carefully and answer the Scientists on Thursday said they have found evidence to
questions that follow. suggest that the universe is replete with low-frequency
Pie-chart given below shows Rajesh’s earnings from gravitational waves – ripples in the fabric of space-time
different sources in two consecutive years. that are created by huge objects moving around,
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: technology compared to the one used eight years ago, as
Read the following two passages and answer the items per different studies that were carried out by radio
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items astronomers representing five different international
should be based on the passages only. teams including Indian Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA).
inferred from the above passage? Unsafe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
1. More evidences supporting Einstein's were responsible for 395,000 deaths among children
General Theory of Relativity have been under five years of age, according to a new report by the
17. Consider the following statements. based on the estimates of the burden of diseases
1. Gravitational waves are produced by the attributable to unsafe WASH — namely diarrhoea, acute
2. The first gravitational waves detected were transmitted helminthiases (STH). Soil-transmitted
about a billion years old. helminthiases are transmitted by eggs in human faeces,
women, there is a dire need of changing the days, then in how many days can Raj alone
should be based on the passages only. available technology. Low-technology farming involves
The commodification of reality and the manufacture of replanted after each harvest. Citrus trees and coffee
plants are examples of permanent crops. Higher-
demand have had serious implications for the
technology farming involves crop rotation, which
construction of human beings in the present day, where,
requires knowledge of farmable land. Scholars and
to quote philosopher Herbert Marcuse, "people recognise
engineers use crop rotation and irrigation to plant crops
themselves in their commodities". The capitalist system,
according to the season, type of soil, and amount of water
dependent on a logic of never-ending growth from its
needed. In coastal West Africa, farmers, usually women,
earliest inception, confronted the plenty it created in its
plant corn soon after the first rains of the growing season.
home states, especially the US, as a threat to its very
They often use an ancient method of clearing called
existence. It would not do if people were content because slash-and-burn. First, the farmer cuts all the brush in her
they felt they had enough. However, over the course of plot. When this vegetation dries, she sets fire to it. The
the 20th Century, capitalism preserved its momentum by heat from the fire makes the soil easy to turn, and the
moulding the ordinary person into a consumer with an burned vegetation fertilizes it. The farmer then sows
unquenchable thirst for its "wonderful stuff". kernels of corn saved from the previous year’s harvest.
34. Which one of the following statements best 35. Which of the following is/are the most rational
reflects the underlying message of the passage? and logical inference/inferences that can be
(a) The unquenchable thirst of humans for the made from the passage?
“wonderful stuff” is a hindrance to their 1. The people of Coastal West Africa are not
(a) Agriculture is the main occupation of 24 students are of arts stream. Find the minimum
number of buses required if in each bus the same
women in Coastal West Africa.
numbers of students are to be seated, and in each
(b) Farming is not highly remunerative for
bus a group of only one stream has to be seated.
farmers and hence it requires the (a) 16
intervention of technology (b) 10
(c) Slash-and-burn is the best agricultural (c) 12
West Africa.
40. A town has a population of 8000 people. Out of
(d) It may not be possible for everyone to
these, 4200 people support party A, while 2500
practice high-technology farming. people support party B. If there are 1600 people
who support both A and B, then how many are
37. A can do four times the work that B can do in there who support neither A nor B?
the same amount of time. If both together can (a) 5100
(b) 2900
complete a work in 28 days, then in how much
(c) 1870
time can A alone complete that work?
(d) 2700
(a) 35 days
(b) 45 days 41. In a sports club, 50 persons play cricket, 20
(c) 55 days persons play football and 10 play both cricket
(d) 14 days and football. How many play at least one of
these two games?
(a) 45
38. Shubham has some dresses with him. If he
(b) 55
distributes them equally among 20 or 30 or 50 (c) 60
children, he would be left with 16 dresses in each (d) 65
case. Instead, if he distributes them equally
among 14 children, he would be left with no 42. The HCF of two numbers is 12, and their sum is
588. Among all such pairs of numbers, the
dress. Find the minimum possible number of
maximum possible value of the product of these
dresses he has.
two numbers is:
(a) 316
(a) 51840
(b) 512 (b) 83520
(c) 616 (c) 86400
(d) None of these (d) 87840
Read the following two passages and answer the items of a select few or when the people who are governed are
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items kept out of the affairs of governance, it degenerates into
misgovernance and becomes a travesty of democracy.
should be based on the passages only.
50. Which one of the following statements best
Passage – 1
reflects the most rational and logical inference
India has the smallest police-per-capita ratio of any
of the passage?
major country in the world. Fully one-third of judicial
(a) We cannot imagine governance without
postings lie vacant. The ability of state and local
citizens' participation.
governments to impartially deliver basic welfare
(b) Citizens should be proactive in participating
services is extremely limited. If these infirmities exist, so
in the governance of the local bodies.
will criminal politicians. Because building up the state is
(c) For good governance, elected leaders should
a long, slow task ... there are some short-term measures
involve people by increasing their
reformers can take, such as cleaning up how politics are
funded. But to fully resolve the challenges of this unique
(d) It is not necessary that democratization of
nexus, one must address both the supply of criminal
governance would lead to good governance.
politicians as well as the demand for them.
49. Based on the above passage, the following 51. Arijit and Brajesh, working together, can
assumptions have been made: complete a task in 10 days, whereas Brajesh and
1. India’s politics is marred by criminal Chandan can finish the same job in 15 days
politicians. working together. If Arijit works for 5 days and
2. To fill the vacancies of police and judiciary, Brajesh works for 8 days, it takes Chandan 9
the state can increase its source of income days to complete the rest of the task. How many
through taxes. days will Chandan take to finish the same job
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? alone?
(a) 1 only (a) 10 days
(b) 2 only (b) 20 days
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 30 days
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) None of the above.
53. In a health survey of 100 families, it was found 55. The area allotted to water reservoir, green area
that 50 families were suffering from diabetes, 75 and industry together is what percent of the total
families were suffering from blood pressure, and area?
25 families were suffering from a rare disease. (a) Less than 40%
Only 10 families have all the three kinds of (b) More than 45%
diseases, and each family suffering from a rare (c) More than 50%
disease is also suffering from blood pressure. (d) Less than 30%
How many families are suffering from blood
pressure only? 56. Land allotted to green area is what percent of the
(a) 20 land allotted to residential area?
(b) 25 (a) 80%
(c) 35 (b) 120%
(d) 45 (c) 70%
(d) 180%
54. P = {x: x∈ N, x is a multiple of 3}; Q = {x: x∈
N, x is a multiple of 7}; R = {x: x∈ N, x is a 57. Find the largest three-digit number which when
multiple of 9}; divided by 8 or 12 leaves a remainder of 2 in
We can also represent (P ∩ Q) ∩ R as
each case.
(a) P ∩ R
(a) 986
(b) Q ∪ P
(b) 882
(c) P - R
(c) 976
(d) None of these
(d) 678
60. A six digit number is of the form XYXYXY 62. Based on the above passage, the following
(such that 1 ≤ X ≤ 9 & 1 ≤ Y ≤ 9). Which of the assumptions have been made:
following will always divide such type of six 1. The growth and the per capita income of a
digit number? country can increase despite the instability
(a) 101
in the country.
(b) 10101
2. The government of India has been able to
(c) 1010
successfully curb secessionist tendencies
(d) 1011
causing internal security issues.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
61. What is the unit digit of 625 + 916 + 540?
(a) 4 (a) 1 only
(a) Sound policies are more than enough to (a) The major cause of cancer,
1 (d)
Let’s check each set one by one.
(i) {x: x ∈ R and 0<x<1}
There can be infinite real numbers in between 0 and 1.
So, it is an infinite set.
(ii) D = {x: x is divisor of 50}
There are limited number of divisors of 50.
So, it’s a finite set.
(iii) C = {The set of prime numbers less than 10} = {2, 3, 5, 7}
So, it is a finite set too.
(iv) Set of all lines in a given plane.
We know that there can be infinite number of lines in a plane. So, it is an infinite set.
Hence, (i) and (iv) are infinite sets.
So, option (d) is the right answer.
2 (a)
Let Sameer had Rs. x.
Money that Alok got = (2/5) x
Money that Yogesh got = (2x/5) × 2/5 = 4x/25
Yogesh got Rs. 2100 less than the total money that Sameer had at the start.
∴ x – (4x/25) = 2100
Or 21x/25 = 2100
Or x = 2100 × 25 /21
Or x = 2500
∴ Money that Alok got = (2/5) x = (2/5) × 2500 = Rs. 1000
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
3 (b)
Let the number be 10x + y
Number obtained by reversing its digits = 10y +x
Sum of these two numbers = (10x + y) + (10y + x) = 99
Or 11x + 11y = 99
Or x + y = 99/11 = 9
The first digit is 2.
∴ Second digit of the number = 9 – 2 = 7
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
4 (d)
In any pie chart, the total central angle is 360o.
Loan from all the sources = 32570 + 200000 + 18430 + 500000 + 100000 = Rs. 851000
Loan on credit card = Rs. 100000
So, 851000 = 360o
1 = 360o/ 851000
5 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct. The given assumption is correct, as it is based on the following lines from the
passage - “The manifest failures of corporate governance and business ethics in the global financial crisis
have increased the urgency of the search for a better ethical framework and governance for business.”
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The passage does not mention anything related to accountability before
industrialism. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage.
6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of the trust of the people and its link with accountability is not a part
of the passage and is, therefore, not correct. This option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The central theme of the passage is the increasing need for ethics in business since
the time of industrialism. The lines, “The balance of pursuing market opportunities while maintaining
accountability and ethical integrity has proved a defining challenge for business enterprises since the
arrival of the joint-stock company in the early years of industrialism” and “A substantial increase in the
range, significance, and impact of corporate social and environmental initiatives in recent years suggests
the growing materiality of a more ethically informed approach” reflect the same. Hence, as per the passage,
the given option is correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. This option states a relationship between ethics and accountability and
responsibility in corporate governance. However, the passage does not state so explicitly. So, this option is
not correct as per the information given in the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is not correct, because the fact that financial crisis is the “real
test” of any approach to corporate governance or business ethics has not been stated in the passage.
7 (b)
Statement 1 is not correct. The passage does not mention that Census will be held in 2024. Rather, it just
says that Census will not be conducted in 2023. It does not give any timeline regarding the census. Hence,
it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The passage says that - “the census is a process that may form the basis of the
development agenda. Digital, complete, and accurate census figures will have multi-dimensional benefits,
he said, adding planning based on the census data ensures development reaches the poorest of the poor”.
It can be inferred from this that census may help in ensuring that fruits of development reach the last mile.
Hence, it is a correct statement.
8 (c)
Let Ram and Shyam together take x hours to complete the work.
∴ Work done by Ram and Shyam in one day = 1/x units
Also, the time in which Ram alone can finish the work = (x + 8) hours
And, the time in which Shyam alone can finish the work = {x + (9/2)} hours
Now, 1/x = {1/(x + 8)} + {1/ (x + (9/2)}
Or 1/x = {1/(x + 8)} + {2/(2x + 9)}
Or x(4x + 25) = (x + 8) (2x + 9)
Or 4x2 + 25x = 2x2 + 9x + 16x + 72
Or 2x2 = 72
Or x2 = 36
Or x = 6 hours
Thus, they together can complete the work in 6 hours.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
9 (c)
The various possible ratios are:
(1 : 5, 1 : 6, 1 : 7, 1 : 8)
(2 : 5, 2 : 6, 2 : 7, 2 : 8)
2 ©Vision IAS
(3 : 5, 3 : 6, 3 : 7, 3 : 8) …(3 : 6 = 1 : 2)
(4 : 5, 4 : 6, 4 : 7, 4 : 8) …(4 : 8 =1 : 2)
We can see that there are only 2 possible cases in which the ratio of chocolate and strawberry paste is 1 : 2.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
10 (b)
Section of students taking other modes of transportation = 1 – {(1/4) + (1/6) + (1/3) + (5/36)} = 1/9
Total number of students = 2160
∴ Required number = (1/9) × 2160 = 240
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
11 (a)
The given number is 810A4B6C.
We need to find A+B+C.
From statement 1:
As the number is a multiple of 5 and 8, so C = 0.
As the number is a multiple of 8, so its last three digits should be divisible by 8. Thus, the value of B can
be 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
As the number is a multiple of 9, the sum of its digits must be a multiple of 9 too.
Sum of the digits of 810A4B60 = 8 + 1 + 0 + A + 4 + B + 6 + 0 = 19 + A + B
If B = 1, then A has to be 7, for the number to be divisible by 9.
Similarly, if B = 3, then A has to be 5.
If B = 5, then A has to be 3.
If B = 7, then A has to be 1.
If B = 9, then A has to be 8.
The possible values of A and B have been listed below:
7 1 0
5 3 0
3 5 0
1 7 0
8 9 0
From Statement II:
Both A and B are non- prime numbers.
Only A = 8 and B = 9 satisfy the above condition.
∴ A + B + C = 8 + 9 + 0 = 17
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
12 (c)
Ashok, Manoj and Rakesh together can complete a work in 30 minutes.
So, Ashok, Manoj and Rakesh’s work efficiency = 1/30
Ashok and Manoj can complete the work in 50 minutes.
So, Ashok and Manoj’s work efficiency = 1/50
∴ Rakesh’s work efficiency = (1/30) – (1/50) = 2/150 = 1/75
Hence, Rakesh alone can finish the work in 75 minutes.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
13 (b)
From S1:
N divides x and y.
So, let x = Nk, and y = Nr
N will be the HCF of x and y only if k and r are co-primes, otherwise not.
∴ S1 alone is not sufficient.
From S2:
2N divides x/2 and y/4.
So, let x/2 = 2Nk1, and y/4 = 2Nr1
3 ©Vision IAS
∴ 4N divides x and y
So, N is not the HCF of x and y.
∴ S2 alone is sufficient.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
14 (c)
Total earnings in 2018 = Rs. 500000
Earning from House Rent in 2018 = 25% of Rs. 500000 = Rs. 125000
Total earnings in 2019 = Rs. 600000
Earning from House rent in 2019 = 23% of Rs. 600000 = Rs. 138000
Required percent = [(138000 – 125000)/125000] × 100 = (13000 × 100)/125000 = 10.4%
So, option (c) is the right answer.
15 (d)
Total earnings in 2018 = Rs. 500000
Earning from selling milk in 2018 = 9% of 500000 = Rs. 45000
Total earnings in 2019 = Rs. 600000
Earning from selling milk in 2019 = 8% of 600000 = Rs. 48000
Required difference = 48000 –45000 = Rs. 3000
So, option (d) is the right answer.
16 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage clearly states that “low-frequency gravitational waves – ripples in
the fabric of space-time that are created by huge objects moving around, colliding, and merging with
each other, and predicted by Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity more than 100 years
ago.” Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The passage clearly mentions that “Gravitational waves were first detected in
2015 using an experiment, involving Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory (LIGO)
detectors. But those waves were of high frequency”. The passage further says that “In a bid to discover
low-frequency gravitational waves, scientists used an entirely different technology compared to the
one used eight years ago”. Therefore, it can be inferred that LIGO technology was earlier probably more
useful in detecting high-frequency gravitational waves. Hence, it is a correct statement.
17 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The gravitational waves are produced by the collision of massive objects in space.
The passage says that “ripples in the fabric of space-time that are created by huge objects moving
around, colliding, and merging with each other”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct: In 2015, an experiment utilizing LIGO detectors made the first observation of
gravitational waves, thought to have been created around 1.3 billion years ago. The passage mentions that
“Gravitational waves were first detected in 2015 using an experiment, involving Laser Interferometer
Gravitational Observatory (LIGO) detectors. But those waves were of high frequency, believed to be
produced by the merger of two relatively small black holes that took place about 1.3 billion years
ago”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
18 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage in the first line itself mentions the huge number of deaths caused by
unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation. Further, the passage narrates the diseases caused by
contaminated water, globally. The passage says that “Globally, 771 million people lack access to safe
water and 1.7 billion people don’t have a toilet. The WHO report is based on the estimates of the
burden of diseases attributable to unsafe WASH”. This is the reflection of the central theme of the
passage. Hence, it is the correct option.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage has not compared the data across multiple years. So, we cannot say
for certain if such diseases are on the rise or on the way down. Moreover, it is not a part of the crucial
message that the author wants to convey – it is a supporting argument. The issues of sanitation and hygiene
have also not been covered by this option. Hence, it is not a correct option.
19 (c)
∅ means a null set.
From statement –1:
Z represents integers. An integer can be 0, a positive number to infinity, or a negative number to negative
{x: x ∈ Z and x2 = 2} = ∅
It is right, because there is no integer whose square is 2.
Statement– 2:
The letter N is the symbol used to represent natural numbers. Natural numbers are also known as counting
numbers, and they begin with the number 1 and continue to infinity.
{x: x ∈ N, 4 < x <5} = ∅
It is also right, because there can be no natural number between 4 and 5.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
20 (d)
We have to determine whether (a – b + c) > (a + b – c).
Or if, -b + c > b – c
Or if, 2c > 2b
Or if, c > b
From Statement 1: 4ab > 0
But c is not mentioned in Statement 1.
Hence, Statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
From Statement 2: b < (a + c)
If a < 0, we can infer that c > b.
But we do not know whether a is positive or negative.
Hence, Statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
Even by combining both the statements, we cannot answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
21 (a)
The first 5 prime numbers of the number system are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
The first 5 composite numbers of the number system are 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10.
So x = (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11)/5 = 28/5 and
y = (4 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 10)/5 = 37/5
So, the required difference = y – x = 37/5 - 28/5 = (37 − 28)/5 = 9/5 = 1.8
So, option (a) is the right answer.
22 (b)
Let three workers be x, y and z.
x can complete the work in 16 hours.
y can complete the same work in 12 hours.
x, y and z together can complete the same work in 4 hours.
So, x's one hour’s work = 1/16
y’s one hour’s work = 1/12
(x + y + z)’s one hour’s work = 1/4
∴ z’s one hour’s work = (1/4) – [(1/16) + (1/12)] = (1/4) - (7/48) = 5/48
Hence, z alone can complete the work in 48/5 i.e. 9.6 hours.
So, option (b) is the right answer.
24 (a)
W = MDH (formula)
Where, W = work; M = man (number of persons); D = days (number of days); H = hours (hours per day)
So, 60× 9 × 27 = 30 × 162 × 𝑥
(x= hours a day needed by each of the 30 men)
⇒ x = (60 × 9 × 27)/(30 × 162) = 3 hours.
So, option (a) is the right answer.
25 (d)
Let 1 boy’s 1 day’s work = x (i.e. efficiency of 1 boy = ‘x’ units/day) and
1 girl’s 1 day’s work = y (i.e. efficiency of 1 girl = ‘y’ units/day).
Then, 9x + 12y = 1/15 ………………І
(9 boys’ & 12 girls’ 1 day’s work)
39x + 72y = 1/3 ………….…ІІ
(39 boys’ & 72 girls’ 1 day’s work).
Multiplying equation І by 6 and then subtracting equation ІІ from it, we get,
x = 1/225 .
Putting the value of x in either equation І or equation ІІ will yield
y = 1/450 .
So, 20 boys’ and 5 girls’ 1 day’s work
= 20/225 + 5/450 = 1/10.
Since 1/10 part is performed in 1 day.
So, 1 part is performed in 1/((1/10)) day, i. e., 10 days.
So, option (d) is the right answer.
26 (d)
Let us assume that Raj alone can complete the work in x days.
So, Raj’s one day work = 1/x
Time taken by Shubham to complete half the work = x/4 days
So, Time taken by Shubham to complete the whole work = 2 × (x/4) = x/2 days
So, Shubham’s one day work = 2/x
Given that, Shubham and Raj together can complete the work in 18 days.
So, Shubham and Raj’s one day work = 1/18
So, (1/x) + (2/x) = 1/18
Or, 3/x = 1/18
Or, x = 54 days
Thus, Raj alone can complete the work in 54 days.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
6 ©Vision IAS
27 (c)
Given, M = 72N – 1, where N ε N
M = ((7)2) N – 1 = 49N – 1
aN – bN is always divisible by (a – b) if N is a natural number.
So, 49N – 1 is divisible by (49 – 1), i.e. 48.
Hence, 49N – 1 must also be divisible by 6 for any value of N.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
28 (c)
The smallest number that satisfies the given condition is obtained by taking the LCM of the numbers 6, 13
and 17, and adding the remainder 3 to it.
LCM of 6, 13 and 17 = 1326
Hence, the required number = 1326 + 3 = 1329
So, option (c) is the right answer.
29 (b)
Let the efficiency of Amar = x = 100%.
Then, the efficiency of Sanjay = y = 125%.
Ratio of efficiencies, 𝑥/𝑦 = (100%)/(125%) = 4/5.
As the time taken to complete a work is inversely proportional to the respective efficiencies, so the time
taken by Amar (let, m) and Sanjay (let, n) to complete the work will be in the ratio of 5:4.
So, 𝑚/𝑛 = 5/4
⇒ 20/𝑛 = 5/4
⇒ n = 16 days
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
30 (b)
Next time when they would fall simultaneously = 11 am + LCM of time intervals
= 11 am + LCM (45 seconds, 60 seconds, 75 seconds, 90 seconds)
= 11 am + 900 seconds
= 11 am + 15 minutes
= 11:15 am.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
31 (c)
Ananya and Rudra can together complete a work in 30 days.
Ananya and Rudra’s 1 day work = 1/30
They actually worked together only for 20 days.
Ananya and Rudra’s 20 days’ work = (1/30) × 20 = 2/3
∴ Remaining work = (1 – 2/3) = 1/3
1/3 part of the work can be completed by Ananya in 20 days.
So, 1 part of the work can be completed by Ananya in 3 × 20 = 60 days.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
32 (d)
Total Marks obtained by Ravina = 540
∴ 360o = 540
1o = 540/360
Central angle made by the pie-section representing the marks of English = 360 – (90 + 55 + 70 + 65) = 360
– 280 = 80o
∴ Marks in English = (540/360) × 80 = 120 marks
34 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage does not link the concepts of unquenchable thirst and human
happiness. Therefore, to conclude that unquenchable thirst is a hindrance to happiness would not be correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. The line “The capitalist system, dependent on a logic of never-ending growth from
its earliest inception, confronted the plenty it created in its home states, especially the US, as a threat to its
very existence” only shows that the US faced the issue of plenty due to the capitalist model of growth.
However, to conclude that consumerism model should not be adopted by any country is an extreme
statement and is not based on the information given in the passage. Therefore, this option is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage majorly mentions the disadvantages of consumerism and hardly
mentions any benefits. So, to state that disadvantages outweigh benefits is not correct in the absence of such
a comparison. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (d) is correct. The passage critically discusses the implications of the “commodification of reality”
and the “manufacture of demand” in the context of the capitalist system. It highlights how capitalism
relies on a logic of never-ending growth and confronts the plenty it creates as a threat to its existence. The
passage emphasizes how capitalism has shaped the “ordinary person into a consumer with an unquenchable
thirst for material possessions”. Therefore, the underlying tone of the passage aligns with statement (d), as
it acknowledges the focus on consumerism within the capitalist model of growth and its impact on
transforming individuals into perpetual consumers.
35 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect. The given inference is not correct because the passage does not confirm whether
they are aware or not. The passage only mentions that, “They often use an ancient method of clearing
called slash-and-burn. First, the farmer cuts all the brush in her plot.” This means that they mostly use
slash-and-burn. But to infer that they are not aware of modern-day technology would not be correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The passage does not compare permanent crops and rotational crops in the context
of benefits. So, this inference is not correct as per the information given in the passage.
36 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage nowhere mentions that agriculture is the main occupation of women
in Coastal West Africa. The passage only mentions, “In coastal West Africa, farmers, usually women, plant
corn soon after the first rains of the growing season.” Hence, as per the passage, this option is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of remuneration of farming is not a part of the passage. Hence this
option is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. Whether slash-and-burn is the best method as per the geography of Coastal West
Africa or not has not been mentioned in the passage. The lines, “They often use an ancient method of
clearing called slash-and-burn. First, the farmer cuts all the brush in her plot. When this vegetation dries,
she sets fire to it.” Only show that this method is practiced there. Hence, this option is not correct as per the
37 (a)
Ratio of the efficiencies of A and B = A : B = 4 : 1
Both together can complete a work in 28 days.
Let, Total work = 28 × (4 + 1) = 140 units
Time taken by A alone to complete the work = 140/4 = 35 days
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
38 (c)
Let the number of dresses Shubham has be N.
LCM of (20, 30, 50) = 300
Hence, N is of the form 300k + 16.
We have to find out the value of k for which (300k + 16) is divisible by 14.
By hit and try method, we can see that for k = 2, (300k + 16) is divisible by 14.
So, the minimum number of dresses he has = 300 × 2 + 16 = 616
So, option (c) is the right answer.
39 (b)
Let the number of students seated in each bus be N.
Number of buses required, R = (60/N) + (36/N) + (24/N)
For R to be minimum, 60/N, 36/N, 24/N must be minimum. For this to happen, N must be maximum.
HCF of 60, 36, 24 = 12
So, Minimum number of buses required = (60/12) + (36/12) + (24/12) = 5 + 3 + 2 = 10
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
40 (b)
Let A be the set of people who support party A, and B be the set of people who support party B.
So, n(A) = 4200; n(B) = 2500; n (A ∩ B) = 1600
Now, n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n (A ∩ B)
= 4200 + 2500 – 1600
= 6700 – 1600
= 5100
∴ The number of people neither supporting A nor B = n(∪) – n (A∪ B) = 8000 – 5100 = 2900
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
41 (c)
On the basis of the information given in the question, we can draw the following Venn diagram.
42 (c)
Let the two numbers be 12a and 12b, where a and b are co-prime.
Given, 12a + 12b = 588
Or a + b = 588/12 = 49
Product of the two numbers will be the maximum when a and b are as close to each other as possible.
So, a = 24 and b = 25
∴ The largest possible product = 12a × 12b = (12 × 24) × (12 × 25) = 86400
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
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43 (a)
The man’s age can be 27 when the son was born.
Daughter was born when he was 29.
His age will be a perfect cube again when he is 64.
Sum of ages of man, his son and his daughter = 64 + (64 -29) + (64 -27) = 136 years.
Note: The other perfect cubes, 8 and 64 are not appropriate as per the given options.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
44 (b)
25% = 24000
Or 1% = 24000/25
The percentage of people of age group 36-60+ that were taking a foreign trip is 30%.
30% = (24000/25) × 30 = 28800
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
45 (b)
Percentage of foreign travelers in the age group of 5-10 years = 20%
Percentage of foreign travelers in the age group of 11-20 years = 10%
So, Required ratio = 20:10 = 2:1
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
46 (d)
Work done by A and B in two days when working on alternate days = 1/10.
Work done by C in one day = 1/30.
Work done in 3 days (A works on day 1, B on day 2 and C on day 3) = 1/10 + 1/30 = 4/30 = 2/15.
Work is completed in 15/2 = 7.5 such set of 3 days.
Work done in 7 such set of 3 days = 14/15.
Remaining 1/15 work is completed either by A on 22nd day or by B on 23rd day
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
47 (c)
The number of people shortlisted from cities E and F = (14 + 20)% of 1400 = (1400 × 34)/100 = 476
The number of people that participated from cities B and E = (22 + 20)% of 6600 = (6600 × 42)/100 = 2772
Required percent = (476 × 100)/2772 = 17.17%
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
48 (b)
Number of people that participated from city A = (6600 × 10)/100 = 660
Number of people that participated from city B = (6600 × 22)/100 = 1452
Number of people that participated from city C = (6600 × 12)/100 = 792
Number of people that participated from city G = (6600 × 4)/100 = 264
Number of people shortlisted from city A = (1400 × 22)/100 = 308
Number of people shortlisted from city B = (1400 × 10)/100 = 140
Number of people shortlisted from city C = (1400 × 4)/100 = 56
Number of people shortlisted from city G = (1400 × 12)/100 = 168
Shortlisting to participation percentage for city A = (308/660) × 100 = 46.66%
Shortlisting to participation percentage for city B = (140/1452) × 100 = 9.64%
Shortlisting to participation percentage for city C = (56/792) × 100 = 7.07%
Shortlisting to participation percentage for city G = (168/264) × 100 = 63.63%
Hence, this percentage or ratio is the highest for city G.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
50 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it is an extreme statement and not based
on the information in the passage. The lines “Good governance in modern democracy means the
democratization of governance.” show that “good governance” is about the democratization of governance,
but the statement mentions only “governance”. Hence, as per the passage, this is not the best inference.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage is not restricted to the governance of the local bodies. Hence, this
inference is not correct.
Option (c) is correct. The option reflects the best rational inference as seen in the lines, “Good governance
in modern democracy means the democratization of governance. In participatory democracy, people
elected their leader to govern them. But governance is not the monopoly of elected leaders.”
Option (d) is incorrect. The given statement is not correct as per the lines, “Good governance in modern
democracy means the democratization of governance.” So, good governance and democratization of
governance are linked to each other. Therefore, this inference is not correct as per the passage.
51 (b)
Let us assume that working alone Arijit completes the task in ‘a’ days, Brajesh completes in ‘b’ days and
Chandan completes in ‘c’ days.
1/a + 1/b = 1/10 ...........(1)
1/b + 1/c = 1/15 ............ (2)
It is also given that:
5/a + 8/b + 9/c = 1
Or 5(1/a + 1/b) + 3(1/b + 1/c) + 6/c = 1
Using (1) and (2),
5/10 + 3/15 + 6/c = 1
Or 6/c = 1 - ½ - 1/5 = 3/10
Or c = 20.
Chandan can finish the task alone in 20 days.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
52 (c)
On Saturday he earns Rs. 205, which is Rs. 5 and Rs. 25 more than what he earns on Monday and Tuesday
So, Earning on Monday = 205 – 5 = Rs. 200
Earning on Tuesday = 205 – 25 = Rs. 180
Earning by a man on Wednesday is three-fourth of the money he earns on Monday and Tuesday combined.
So, Earning on Wednesday = (200 + 180) × (3/4) = 380 × 3/4 = Rs. 285
In the next two days his earning is half of what he earns in the previous three days combined.
So, Earnings on Thursday + Friday = (200 + 180 + 285) / 2 = 665/2 = Rs. 332.5
Total earnings in the whole week = 200 + 180 + 285 + 332.5 + 205 = Rs. 1202.5
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
53 (c)
Total number of families = 100
Let families suffering from diabetes and blood pressure only be x.
On the basis of the given information, we can draw the following Venn diagram:
54 (d)
P = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, ……}
Q = {7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, ………….}
R = {9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, ………….}
(P∩Q) = {21, 42, 63, ……………}
(P∩Q) ∩ R = {63, 126, ……………..}
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
55 (b)
Land allotted to water reservoir, green area and industry = 18 + 108 + 54 = 180o
This is 50% of the total area.
Hence, option (b) is right.
56 (d)
Central angle of land allotted to green area = 108o
Central angle of land allotted to residences = 60 o
∴ Required percent = (108/60) × 100 = 180%
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
57 (a)
LCM (8, 12) = 24
984 is the largest three-digit number which is divisible by 24.
So, the largest three-digit number which when divided by 24 leaves a remainder of 2 = 984 + 2 = 986
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
58 (d)
Let Ram can complete the work in x days.
Time taken by Shyam to complete 1/4 of the work = 3x/5 days
Time taken by Shyam to complete the whole work = 4 × 3x/5 = 12x/5 days
∴ Shyam’s 1 day work = 5/12x
Ram and Shyam’s 1 day work = (1/x) + (5/12x)
∴ (1/x) + (5/12x) = 1/24
Or (1/x) + (5/12x) = 1/24
Or 17/12x = 1/24
Or x = 17 × 24 / 12 = 34
So, Time taken by Shyam to complete the whole work alone = 12x/5 = 12 × 34/5 = 408/5 = 81.6 days
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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59 (c)
Percentage of guests who took coffee, n(c) = 82%
Percentage of guests who took soft drink, n(s) = 54%
Total percentage of guests in the party = n(s ∪ c) = 100%
So, 100 = 82 + 54 – n (c ∩ s)
Or n(c ∩ s) = 136 – 100 = 36%
Thus, 36% guests took both.
Now, we know that the number of guests that took both = 72
So, 36%→72
Or 100% → (72/36) × 100 = 200
Hence, the total number of guests in the party is 200.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
60 (b)
The six digit number is of the form XYXYXY. By using place value method, we get:
XY × 10000 + XY × 100 + XY = 10000XY + 100XY + XY = 10101XY
So, the number XYXYXY will always be divisible by 10101.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
61 (c)
We know that,
Unit digit of 625 is 6,
Unit digit of 916 is 1, and
Unit digit of 540 is 5.
Hence, unit digit of 625 + 916 + 540 = 6 + 1 + 5 = 2.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
62 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct. The passage mentions - “Despite these challenges, India has become stronger
and today is looking towards becoming a middle-income country and a major player in global affairs.”
These lines support the assumption that the growth of a country can happen, despite the internal security
issues. Hence, as per the passage, the given assumption is correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The passage does not mention the act of successfully curbing secessionist
tendencies by the government of India. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage and is
not correct.
63 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “While there is no room for complacency, the country is
confident that despite the complexity, these challenges can be handled through a combination of sound
policies and institutional capacity” which means that policies and institutional capacity together can address
the internal security challenges. So, to say that sound policies are more than enough to handle the complex
internal security challenges would not be correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given statement is not correct because the passage mentions – “Many of our
problems can be traced to the partition. Yet, India has retained its unity and emerged as a strong country”,
meaning that many of our problems are due to partition. However, the given statement mentions partition
as the root cause of “all” internal security problems which is not correct.
Option (c) is correct. The given statement is correct as per the following lines from the passage - “Despite
these challenges, India has become stronger and today is looking towards becoming a middle-income
country and a major player in global affairs.” So, the option is correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not mention anything about the external environment within the
context of internal security challenges. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not
65 (b)
Raju’s 1 day’s work = (2/5) × (1/6) = 1/15
Sandhya’s 1 day’s work = (1/3) × (1/10) = 1/30
Combined work of Raju and Sandhya in one day = (1/15) + (1/30) = 1/10
∴ Both of them together can complete the work in 10 days.
So, option (b) is the right answer.
66 (a)
L.C.M. of 9, 15, 18, 25 = 450 seconds
So, after every 450 seconds, i.e. 7.5 minutes, bells will ring together
∵ In 7.5 minutes they will ring together 1 time
∴ In 1 minute they will ring together 1/7.5 times, i.e. 2/15 times
∴ In 60 minutes or 1 hour they will ring together (2/15) × 60 = 8 times
∴ In 4 hours they will ring together 8 × 4 = 32 times
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
67 (d)
P = {B, L, O, W}
Q = {F, L, O, W}
R = {S, L, O, W}
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
Note: The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of".
68 (a)
Students passed in science exam n(A) = 60%
Students passed in maths exam n(A) = 40%
Students passed in both exams n(A∩B) = 30%
Now, by set theory n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A∩B)
Students who passed in atleast one of the exams, n(A∪B) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A∩B) = 60 + 40 – 30 = 70%
So, those who failed in both exams = 30% = 12000
Or 1% = 400
Or 100% = 40000
∴ Total number of students who appeared in exam = 40000
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
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69 (d)
M = {m, n}
N = {4, 6, 8, 10}
O = {6, 8, 10, 11, 12}
(N ∩ O) = {4, 6, 8, 10} ∩ {6, 8, 10, 11, 12} = {6, 8, 10}
Now, M × (N ∩ O) = {m, n} × {6, 8, 10} = {(m, 6), (m, 8), (m, 10), (n, 6), (n, 8), (n, 10)}
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
70 (b)
Total number of soldiers = 80
Number of soldiers who have bulletproof jacket = (80 × 20)/100 = 16
Number of soldiers who have helmet only = 50% of remaining = 50% of (80 – 16) = 64/2 = 32
Number of soldiers who have neither bulletproof jacket nor helmet = 80 – 16 – 32 = 80 – 48 = 32
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
71 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. The central theme of the passage revolves around the marine heat wave in the
North Atlantic. The above statement mentions El Nino and its effect on global weather system, which is a
part of the central theme of the passage. Also, La Nina has not even been mentioned in the passage. Hence,
it is not a correct option.
Option (b) is correct. This is the crux of the passage, and the entire passage revolves around this theme.
The passage initially mentions that “An extremely unusual marine heatwave is occurring in the North
Atlantic Ocean, especially around the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland. It has lasted for more than
two months and may continue through the rest of the year as well”. Further, the passage revolves
around this theme, narrating the cause of marine heatwave and its impact. The passage further says that
“Such warming has never been observed in the region before and could lead to long-lasting impacts
on marine flora and fauna, on livelihoods and local weather patterns, and even heatwaves on the
land”. Hence, it is the correct option.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage mentions the unusual marine heat wave in North Atlantic, but it
does not say that North Europe is the most affected region due to heatwaves. Hence, it is not a correct
Option (d) is not correct. The issue of increasing marine traffic has not been discussed in the passage.
Hence, it is not a correct option.
72 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given statement is extreme because it states that those businesses which make
a profit are not ethical. However, the passage states that “… Mahatma Gandhi once mentioned that all
businesses have a social responsibility which has nothing to do with their ordinary economic activity.”
which means that social responsibility is not related to profit-making, nor is profit-making a bad thing per
se. Therefore, this is not what the passage implies.
Option (b) is correct. The lines, “While referring to business activities, Mahatma Gandhi once mentioned
that all businesses have a social responsibility which has nothing to do with their ordinary economic
activity.” and “Therefore, the responsibility towards society is a moral obligation arising out of business
ethics, which in turn is steeped in the philosophy of business” reflect that social responsibility is a moral
obligation which is a part of the philosophy of business. Hence, this option best reflects what the passage
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not what the passage implies because the context of every
person being socially responsible is not a part of the passage. The passage is limited to the context of
businesses being socially responsible. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given statement is not correct because of the lines - “While referring to
business activities, Mahatma Gandhi once mentioned that all businesses have a social responsibility which
has nothing to do with their ordinary economic activity.” Though it’s correct that without profit, it would
be hard for a business to contribute to the society. However, such loss-making or non-profit making
businesses have not been discussed in the passage separately.
74 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The following lines from the passage, “A good leader with a stress-free mind can
easily spot any signs of trouble in his team, and quickly and effectively solve these issues as they arise. Since
the techniques used in managing stress are also very beneficial to creating emotional management when
used now, the mind of the leader can immediately become clear to handle any challenges in the
workplace.” validate the assertion made in the passage. So, this option is the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions the importance of handling or managing stress by a leader
as given in the lines, “Since the techniques used in managing stress are also very beneficial to creating
emotional management, when used now, the mind of the leader can immediately become clear to handle
any challenges in the workplace.” However, this option mentions the quality of understanding the emotions
of self and others, that too in a corporate setting. Hence, the given option is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of intrinsic abilities of a good leader is not a part of the passage, and
is beyond its scope. Hence, the given option is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it mentions that a good leader does not
face any stress in managing his team and in maintaining his own productivity. However, the passage is
about managing stress efficiently. Therefore, this crux is not correct, as it is contradictory to the central
theme of the passage.
75 (b)
Let the total number of boys be x.
Then, (¾) x = 18
Or x = 24
If the total number of students is y, then
(2/3) y = 24
Or y = 36
So, Number of girls in the class = y – x = 36 – 24 = 12
Hence option (b) is the right answer.
76 (b)
Let the total number of pages in the book be ‘n’.
Let page number ‘x’ be repeated.
Then, x + ∑ni=1 i = 850
⇒ x + (𝑛(𝑛 + 1))/2 = 850
So, (𝑛(𝑛 + 1))/2 ≤ 850
⇒ n2 + n ≤ 1700
16 ©Vision IAS
The greatest possible value of n = 40.
Now, for n = 40, 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)/2 = (40 × 41)/2 = 820
So, x = 30.
Hence option (b) is the right answer.
77 (b)
Laxman’s work efficiency = 1/6
Suresh’s work efficiency = 1/12
So, ratio of the work efficiencies of Laxman and Suresh = 2:1
∴ Part of the work done by Laxman = 2/(2 + 1) = 2/3
So, option (b) is the right answer.
78 (c)
To maximize the number of incorrect responses, the number of correct responses should also be maximized.
Let the number of correct responses (maximum) be ‘x’.
So, the number of incorrect responses (maximum) = 80 – x.
So, total marks scored = 3x – (80 – x).
Now, 3x – (80 – x) > 150
⇒ 4x – 80 > 150
⇒ 4x > 230
⇒ x > 57.5
So, the least possible value of x = 58.
Hence, the maximum number of incorrect responses = 80 – 58 = 22.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
79 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of the cost of development is not a part of the passage. The passage
does not mention the cost being high or low. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is
not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The whole passage is about how biomimicry will help in the production of
environment-friendly and sustainable products as seen in the lines, “Researchers are studying how plants
store energy, to help design better solar panels. Biomimicry principles are used to produce more energy-
efficient trains and cars and to help manufacturing plants create products that use less energy and produce
little or no waste”. Hence, this option best reflects what the passage implies.
Option (c) is incorrect. Though the passage lists a lot of the benefits of biomimicry, it would be rather
extreme to say that it can soon phase out fossil fuels. So, this option is not what the passage implies.
Option (d) is incorrect. The issue of biomimicry being unaffordable has not been discussed in the passage.
So, this option is not what the passage implies.
80 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage is just describing the issues with overuse of technology. It’s not
proving any solutions. Also, the issue of work-life balance has not been discussed in the passage as such.
Option (b) is correct. The passage talks about the increasing role of technology in our lives, how it offers
benefits but also brings some drawbacks, particularly in relation to mental health. The author states that
being constantly connected through technology can lead to psychological issues like stress, anxiety, and
depression. This gives an overall sense of a mixed view of technology, which is best reflected in this
statement - "Use of technology gives pleasure, but it also takes a toll on mental health.”
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it states that we should be restricted to use
social media only for a few hours. It has nowhere been suggested by the author.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given statement is opposite to the truth – “Technology in the form of social
media is a good servant but a bad master”, which metaphorically means that technology is useful when it is
controlled, but can be harmful when it dominates our lives.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: 2. Which of the following statements best reflects
Read the following two passages and answer the items the crux of the passage?
(a) Despite a long history and huge audience,
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
the impact of Bollywood on society is
should be based on the passages only. miniscule.
Passage – 1 (b) It is critical to ensure the financial viability
of films for Bollywood to survive in the
For the past hundred years, Bollywood has been one of
the most dominant and distinctive features of Indian (c) Bollywood needs quality films, focusing on
culture. Indian cinema is one of the most influential and addressing the most pressing social issues,
through the medium of screenplay.
powerful tools to address various social issues through
(d) In the context of social issues and insights,
the medium of screenplay. It is the world’s largest film cinema can be aptly called a mirror of
industry in terms of the number of films produced, but society.
Passage – 2
not in terms of its financial returns. To satisfy the 14
While we dream, the brain is shifting between the
million Indians who go to the cinema every day, the information it should store and the information it should
Indian film industry produces more than 1,000 films forget. Our mind also generates images and tales to best
organise all this activity to forward the process.
every year. Since its inception in 1913, film has been a
According to a 2019 review of dream ideas in the journal
vital medium for the communication of social insights Brain Science Advances, the evidence does support the
and conditions, while continuing to function as an existence of something termed “sleep-dependent
memory consolidation” and the fact that both REM and
important mode of entertainment for the masses. It’s
non-REM (NREM) sleep are necessary for memory
very intriguing to understand, sometimes, whether the processing. According to the hypothesis, since dreams
movies are shaping society or vice versa. frequently represent events that occurred while a person
was awake; the brain is retrieving, processing, and
1. Based on the above passage, the following
learning from that information while it is at rest.
assumptions have been made: 3. Which one of the following statements best
1. Bollywood has been successful in the reflects the crux of the passage?
(a) Dreams are not limited only to the past
propagation of Indian culture abroad.
events in a person’s life, they can be related
2. Despite a huge audience going to the cinema to a future event as well.
every day, Bollywood has not been able to (b) There is a strong relationship between
compete with other film industries. dreams and information which the brain
utilizes for memory consolidation.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(c) The decision of what information to store
(a) 1 only and what to forget, is based on the dreams
(b) 2 only we see while sleeping.
(d) Better memory consolidation is directly
(c) Both 1 and 2
correlated with the quality of dreams one
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 sees in sleep.
surface in a straight line passing through the foot but less than 70,000 can be formed using the
of the tower. (tan 150 = 2 - √3 and tan 750 = 2 + digits 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, if repetition of digits
√3) is allowed?
Bipin and Chotu, such that Ananya receives reflects the crux of the passage?
more pens than Bipin, who in turn receives more (a) Food has been grossly underestimated in the
pen than Chotu. Find the number of ways in context of the indirect effects it can have on
which the distribution can be done, if each of diverse aspects of people’s lives.
them must receive at least one pen. (b) Food not only connects the hearts and heads,
below. August 32 57 67 42 57 38
14. With reference to the passage, which one of the hospital A in October and hospital C in
(a) Apart from socioeconomic and respective ratio between the number of patients
environmental drawbacks, large dams put a that died in hospital A in October and those that
U 470 420 300 390 280 37. In a multiple-choice examination, there are two
V 400 350 320 280 350 possible answers for each of the 7 questions.
What is the probability that a candidate would
33. What is the difference in earnings between the get 6 or more correct answers just by guessing,
person who earned the highest and the person if he attempts all the questions?
who earned the lowest (considering their income (a) 2/3
from all the cities)? (b) 1/16
(a) Rs. 440 (c) 2/7
(b) Rs. 620 (d) 1/8
(c) Rs. 360
(d) Rs. 660 38. The records of the last innings played by Ambati
shows that out of the 300 balls faced by him, he
played 180 dot balls. What is the probability that
34. What is the ratio of the average earnings of all
a particular ball played by him in that innings
persons in city B and D?
was a dot ball?
(a) 242 : 257
(a) 0.5
(b) 222 : 257
(b) 0.6
(c) 272 : 277
(c) 0.7
(d) 172 : 257
(d) 0.4
their panic does not last long. The most needed dices. As per the rules, each of the players
information is fast assistance, shelter, and logistics.
throws the dices one by one. The person who
Disasters on the one hand are the cause of damage and
destruction of various facilities, and the occurrence of gets a sum of either 8 or 10 on the single throw
victims in families, but on the other hand, natural of two dices wins the game. What are the total
disasters have caused compassion and have been
possible number of ways in which a player can
recognized by 78.6% of respondents from the total
number of victims interviewed in a study, who before the get a winning score?
disaster were among those who were hostile, did not (a) 4
communicate with each other, even hated each other.
(b) 5
Natural disasters unite their hearts and strengthen the
embrace of disaster through ecological communication (c) 6
1 (d)
The passage mostly covers the entertainment, social and financial aspects of Bollywood.
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The context of the propagation of Indian culture abroad is not a part of the
passage. Therefore, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The context of the competition of Bollywood with other film industries is not
covered in the passage. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct as per
the passage.
2 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. Indian cinema is one of the most influential and powerful tools to address various
social issues. It is incorrect to say that the impact of Bollywood on society is miniscule. So, this statement
does not quite capture the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines “It is the world’s largest film industry in terms of the number of films
produced, but not in terms of its financial returns” cannot be taken to imply poor or unviable financial
returns. The author only says that Bollywood is not the world leader in terms of financial returns on movies.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of quality films is not a message of this passage. Only the quantity is
mentioned in the line “To satisfy the 14 million Indians who go to the cinema every day, the Indian film
industry produces more than 1,000 films every year.” Furthermore, Bollywood is already one of the most
influential and powerful tools to address various social issues. So, the second part of the statement is also
incorrect. This means that the given option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is correct because the passage clearly mentions, “Since its inception
in 1913, film has been a vital medium for the communication of social insights and conditions”. Hence,
cinema can be aptly called a mirror of society.
3 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage only focuses on dreams which are related to past events as given in
the line - “According to the hypothesis, since dreams frequently represent events that occurred (past) while
a person was awake”. The context of dreams about the future is not a part of the passage and hence not
Option (b) is correct. Refer to the lines, “While we dream, the brain is shifting between the information it
should store and the information it should forget. Our mind also generates images and tales to best organise
all this activity to forward the process”. This explains that the brain works on memory while we are
dreaming. Therefore, the given option is closer to the essence of the passage, and hence it is the correct
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it states that the decision of storing or
forgetting is based on the dreams we see. But, the line “While we dream, the brain is shifting between the
information it should store and the information it should forget” only mentions that such exercise of storing
and forgetting is done while one dreams. It is not ‘based’ on the dreams one sees during sleep. Hence, the
given option is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of the quality of dreams and their relationship with memory
consolidation is not discussed in the passage. Hence, the given option is not correct as per the passage.
5 (b)
The bag contains only red and green balls.
The number of balls that are not red = number of balls that are green = 5
Probability that one ball chosen randomly is green = Number of green balls / Total number of balls = 5/12
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
6 (b)
The total number of ways of selecting two students out of 10 students = 10C2 = (10 × 9)/2 = 45
The number of ways two adjacent students may get selected is 9, i.e. (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6,
7), (7, 8), (8, 9) and (9, 10).
So, the required probability = 9/45 = 1/5
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
7 (c)
Let CD be the height of the tower, and A and B be two points on the ground.
From ΔACD,
tan 750 = 200/x
⇒ 2 + √3 = 200/x
⇒ x = 200/(2 + √3)
⇒ x = 200 × (2 - √3)/[(2 + √3) (2 - √3)]
⇒ x = 200 (2 - √3) m
From Δ BCD,
tan 150 = 200/y
⇒ 2 - √3 = 200/y
⇒ y = 200/(2 - √3)
⇒ y = 200 × (2 + √3) / [(2 - √3) (2 + √3)]
⇒ y = 200 (2 + √3)
Distance AB = x + y = 200(2 - √3) + 200(2 + √3) = 200 (2 - √3 + 2 + √3) = 200 × 4 = 800 m
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
8 (c)
From S1,
We know the angle of elevation and the distance. So, we can find the height of the tower.
From S2,
We know the angle of elevation of the middle of the tree and the distance. So, we can find the height of
the tree.
∴ Using both the statements together, we can find which one is taller.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
10 (c)
As the numbers lie between 40,000 and 70,000, the first digit could be 4 or 6.
The last two digits of the numbers who are divisible by 4 could be 00, 04, 08, 16, 36, 40, 44, 48, 60, 64,
68, 76, 80, 84, 88.
Thus last 2 digits can be selected in 15 ways.
11 (a)
The various ways in which we can distribute ten pens are:
Chotu Bipin Ananya
1 2 7
1 3 6
1 4 5
2 3 5
12 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage highlights various non-nutritional dimensions of food –
environmental, economic, workers’ rights related etc. However, the passage does not discuss
underestimation or overestimation with regards to these aspects of food. Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option is partially correct due to the second part. However, the first part
about food connecting the heads and hearts is not correct as the passage does not mention anything as such.
The second part (food connects continents, states and people) has been mentioned in the context of fairness
and equity in the global food market. Hence, the given option is not correct as per the passage. Also, as we
will see later, option (d) stands out as a much better crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option presents the solutions to the issues highlighted in the passage.
So, this could be a rational implication of the passage. However, it is not the crux of the passage as the
central theme of the passage deals more with the problems related to food and discussions arising thereof.
Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The major discussion in the passage is about the issues related to food, as seen in the
line, “Food is at the centre (root cause) of several funding questions for political philosophy”. The questions
framed in the passage represent issues of different dimensions - environment, trade and human resources.
Hence, this option best captures the essence of the passage.
3 ©Vision IAS
13 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect. Refer to the following lines “like water conservation, drought and flood control,
irrigation, energy requirements, and food security; however, they also have major socioeconomic and
environmental drawbacks” and “However, the study shows that large dams are not fulfilling the irrigation
requirements of different states in India.” These lines highlight not just the peripheral issues (socioeconomic
and environmental problems) of dams, but also their inadequacy in solving the intended objective
(irrigation). However, it would be incorrect to say that environmental drawbacks of large dams have
“overshadowed” the benefits they were intended to serve. The passage does not provide us a comparative
analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of large dams.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The line, “We need to change our path which is majorly large dam-driven and
should also implement cost-effective, environment-friendly, and socially acceptable measures to conserve
water and alleviate water scarcity.” talks about the desired change in policies related to large dams.
However, nowhere does it say that we should refrain from investing more in the construction of large dams.
Just that we should focus on other solutions too.
14 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of the burden on the state exchequer is not discussed in the passage.
Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. There is no discussion in the passage on how micro irrigation techniques will solve
issues concerning large dams, or on quality of soil. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage
and is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. Dams have major socioeconomic and environmental drawbacks. The last line of
the passage also highlights the social aspects. Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that non-core aspects
like socioeconomic development and environmental protection can be ignored.
Option (d) is correct. Refer to the lines, “…however, they also have major socioeconomic and
environmental drawbacks” and “However, the study shows that large dams are not fulfilling the irrigation
requirements of different states in India. We need to change our path which is majorly large dam-driven
and should also implement cost-effective, environment-friendly, and socially acceptable measures to
conserve water and alleviate water scarcity.” The author clearly recommends finding alternatives to large
dams. This confirms that the future of water conservation, irrigation, energy requirements, and food security
should not only be dependent on large dams. So, this option best captures the essence of the passage.
15 (a)
Let the number of patients that got admitted in hospital A in October = Number of patients that got
admitted in hospital C in September = x
So, required ratio = (42x/100) : (56x/100) = 3:4
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
16 (b)
11x + 135 is divisible by x. It means that 135 is divisible by x, or x is a factor of 135.
Now, 135 = 33 × 5
So, x can be 1, 3, 9, 27, 5, 15, 45 and 135. So, a total of 8 possible values.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
17 (d)
Required percentage = [(1200 – 1130)/1130] × 100 = (70/1130) × 100 = 6.19%
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
19 (d)
The probability that Ram gets selected in CSE, P(R)] = 2/3
∴ Probability that Ram is not selected in CSE, P(R̅) = (1 – 2/3) = 1/3
The probability that Mohan gets selected in CSE, P(M) = 5/8
∴ Probability that Mohan is not selected in CSE, P(M̅) = (1 – 5/8) = 3/8
The probability that Sita gets selected in CSE, P(S) = 4/7
∴ Probability that Sita is not selected in CSE, P(𝑆̅) = (1 – 4/7) = 3/7
Probability that exactly two friends get selected in CSE = (2/3) × (5/8) × (3/7) + (2/3) × (4/7) × (3/8) +
(1/3) × (5/8) × (4/7) = (5/28) + (1/7) + (5/42) = 37/84
So, option (d) is the right answer.
20 (c)
Probability of wining a car = 0.30
Probability of winning a bike = 0.38
So, probability of winning a car or a bike = 0.30 + 0.38 = 0.68
So, option (c) is the right answer.
21 (b)
Total number of green faces = 2.
Total number of faces = 6
Probability that green face appears as the top face = 2/6 = 1/3
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
22 (b)
Let the value of the prices be x, x− 50, x − 100, .....
This is an arithmetic sequence with first term, a = x and common difference, d = −50. Number of terms
are n = 7.
Now, Sum total of cash prizes = Rs. 5600 = (n/2) [2a + (n - 1)d]
⇒ 5600 = (7/2) [2x + (7 – 1) × (- 50)]
⇒ 5600 = (7/2) [2x + 6 × (- 50)]
⇒ 5600 = (7/2) [2x – 300]
⇒ 11200/7 = 2x – 300
⇒ 1600 = 2x – 300
⇒ 2x = 1600 + 300
⇒ x = 1900/2
⇒ x = Rs. 950
Therefore, the highest prize is x = Rs. 950
3rd highest prize = x – 100 = 950 – 100 = Rs. 850
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
23 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The author mentions that cities are disproportionately wealthy. The complex
interlinkage of urbanisation and poverty levels is also discussed in the passage. However, the distribution
of urban wealth in rural areas is nowhere indicated in the passage. The author only talks about the rural-
urban gaps in poverty. Therefore, this assumption is not correct as per the information given in the passage.
24 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The concept of the trickle-down effect is not a part of the passage. Therefore, the
context of the growth of urban areas resulting in the growth of rural regions is not a part of the passage.
Hence, as per the passage, this option is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. The line, “… initially, increases in urbanization likewise led to improvements in
those measures, but at higher levels of urbanization, increases in urbanization exacerbated urban poverty
and rural-urban gaps.” talk about the ill effects of urbanization. However, to conclude and state that
governments should not focus on urbanization will be an extreme statement to make. The problem probably
is “rapid urbanization”, as mentioned in the last line, “…. rapid/excessive urbanization can lead to greater
poverty and inequality. ” Therefore, this option is not correct. This makes option (d) incorrect too.
Option (c) is correct. Refer to the lines, “Cities are disproportionately wealthy, a key reason why the world
is becoming more urban. Yet, cities are associated with poverty, too” and “…but at higher levels of
urbanization, increases in urbanization exacerbated urban poverty and rural-urban gaps.” These show that
excessive urbanization can backfire. Rural areas should also get their share of development. Therefore, it is
correct to say that development of rural areas cannot be ignored for the sake of urbanisation.
25 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct. The passage mentions several reasons for the Polar Motion. “The excessive
extraction of groundwater for drinking and irrigation has shifted the Earth’s axis of rotation”. “There are
several other reasons responsible for polar motion like ocean currents and even hurricanes”. “…climate-
driven changes in water mass distribution, led by the melting of glaciers and ice in Greenland, can cause
Earth’s axis to drift”. However, the passage does not mention that climate change is the most dominant
factor for the shift in the earth’s axis of rotation. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is not correct. Nowhere in the passage is it mentioned that drought has occurred in some
regions of the world due to over-extraction of groundwater. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
26 (b)
Statement (a) is not correct. In the passage, there is no mention of the shifting of climate belts along with
the planet’s axis. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement (b) is correct. The central theme of the passage is that Polar motion is caused due to multiple
factors including groundwater extraction. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement (c) is not correct. Though Polar Motion is also caused by climate change; the passage does not
mention that polar motion can be prevented with control of climate change. Other reasons for Polar Motion
include ocean currents, hurricanes, and groundwater extraction. The passage says that “Scientists for years
have known that the poles and the axis keep shifting naturally as the mass distribution in and on the
planet changes”. This implies that the earth’s axis keeps shifting naturally and even if climate change is
controlled Polar Motion will continue to occur. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement (d) is not correct. The passage revolves around the theme of shift in the earth’s axis of rotation.
It does not even mention irrigation of any kind. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
27 (b)
Let the ages of Ram and Shyam be x and y respectively.
Given, x/y = 7/8
or x = 7y/8 -------(i)
After 2 years,
(x + 2)/(y + 2) = 9/10 ---------(ii)
6 ©Vision IAS
⇒ 10 (x + 2) = 9(y + 2)
⇒ 10x + 20 = 9y + 18
Putting x = 7y/8 from eqn. (i), we get:
10 × (7y/8) + 20 = 9y + 18
⇒ (70y/8) + 20 = 9y + 18
⇒ 9y – (70y/8) = 2
⇒ 2y/8 = 2
⇒ y=8
And x = 7y/8 = (7 × 8)/8 = 7
Hence, after 12 years their age ratio, (x + 12)/(y + 12) = (7 + 12)/(8 + 12) = 19/20
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
28 (b)
Total three digit numbers that can be formed using the given digits = 5 × 5 × 4 = 100
The units place can have either 0 or 5 for the number to be divisible by 5.
Total numbers having 0 as units digit = 5 × 4 = 20
Total numbers having 5 as units digit = 4 × 4 = 16
So, total numbers divisible by 5 = 20 + 16 = 36
Hence, required probability = 36/100 = 9/25
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
29 (a)
There are 5 letters of which ‘R’ is repeated twice.
Number of distinct combinations that can be formed from these letters = 5!/2 = 60
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
30 (a)
Let the radius of the circle be r cm.
Let the length and the breadth of the rectangle be l cm and b cm respectively.
The circumference of the circle and the perimeter of the rectangle are in the ratio of π : 2.
So, (2 πr)/[2 (l + b)] = π/2
Or (π/2) [2 (l + b)] = 2 πr
Or π (l + b) = 2 πr
Or l + b = 2r
Radius of the circle equals one of the sides of the rectangle.
If l = r, then b = r
If b = r, then l = r
In either case, l = b = r
Required ratio = πr2 : lb = πr2 : r×r = π : 1
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
31 (b)
Let O be the centre of the circle, and D be the midpoint of BC.
Let us denote the radius of the circle by r.
7 ©Vision IAS
Since, ∠A = 600 and chord AB and AC have the same length.
So, ∠B = ∠C = (1800 - 600)/2 = 600
Thus, ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 600. So ΔABC is an equilateral triangle.
By symmetry, the center of the equilateral triangle coincides with the center of the circle, and the distance
from the center of the equilateral triangle to any of its vertices is equal to the radius of the circle.
So, OB = OC = r
OD must be a perpendicular to BC.
OB and OC will bisect ∠B and ∠C respectively.
BD = OB cos 300 = r × √3/2
Length of the side of the equilateral triangle, BC = 2 BD = 2(r × √3/2) = r√3
Area of Δ ABC = (√3/4) (r√3)2 = (3√3r2)/4
Combined area of all the three unshaded segments lying outside the shaded triangle = Area of the circle –
Area of the triangle = π r2 – (3 √3 r2)/ 4
All these three unshaded segments must be equal in area.
So, Combined area of any two of these three segments = (2/3) [πr2 – (3√3r2)/4]
Percentage of the area of the circle that is not shaded = (Unshaded area / Area of circle) × 100%
= [(2 r2/3) [π – 3√3/4] / πr2] × 100
= (2/3) (4π – 3√3) / 4π] × 100
= (2/3) [(12.56 – 5.2) / 12.56] × 100 = 39% (approx.)
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
32 (d)
S1 alone is not sufficient, as it only gives the relationship between the two sides.
S2 alone is also not sufficient as breadth is not known.
Using both the statements together:
As the length is p cm, the breadth will be √p cm (if p>1), or p2 (if p < 1)
∴ The possible area of the rectangle = p3 or p√p.
So, unique area of the rectangle cannot be found.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
33 (d)
Total earnings of P = 340 + 350 + 420 + 410 + 390 = Rs. 1910
Total earnings of Q = 250 + 280 + 220 + 350 + 300 = Rs. 1400
Total earnings of R = 280 + 260 + 360 + 400 + 380 = Rs. 1680
Total earnings of S = 450 + 360 + 280 + 320 + 420 = Rs. 1830
Total earnings of T = 380 + 400 + 400 + 420 + 460 = Rs. 2060
Total earnings of U = 470 + 420 + 300 + 390 + 280 = Rs. 1860
total earnings of V = 400 + 350 + 320 + 280 + 350 = Rs. 1700
Required difference = 2060 – 1400 = Rs. 660
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
34 (a)
Average earning of all persons in city B = (350 + 280 + 260 + 360 + 400 + 420 + 350)/7 = 2420/7
Average earning of all persons in city D = (410 + 350 + 400 + 320 + 420 + 390 + 280)/7 = 2570/7
Required ratio = (2420/7)/(2570/7) = 242/257 = 242 : 257
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
36 (d)
Length of the canvas = 23 cm
Breadth of the canvas = 17 cm
Length of the painting excluding the border line = [23 - (1.5 + 1.5)] cm = 20 cm
Breadth of the painting excluding the border line = 17 - (1.5 + 1.5) = 14 cm
Area of the painting excluding the border line = (20 × 14) cm² = 280 cm²
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
37 (b)
Probability that the answer is correct, P = 1/2
Probability that the answer is incorrect, Q = (1 - 1/2) = 1/2
Probability that 6 or more answers are correct = (7C6) × Q × P6 + (7C7) × P7
= (7C6) × (1/2) × (1/2)6 + 1 × (1/2)7
= 7 × (1/2) × (1/2)6 + (1/2)7
= (7/2) × (1/64) + 1/128
= (7/128) + (1/128)
= 8/128
= 1/16
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
38 (b)
Total balls faced by Ambati = 300 balls
Dot balls played by him = 180 balls
Probability that a ball played by Ambati was a dot ball = 180/300 = 18/30 = 3/5 = 0.6
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
39 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. No country has been able to land a spacecraft on the lunar south pole. Prior
spacecrafts have all made equatorial landings on the Moon, a few degrees either north or south of the lunar
equator. The passage says, “If everything goes well, the Chandrayaan-3 will become the world’s first
mission to soft-land near the lunar south pole”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. China's Chang'e 4 is the first spacecraft to touch down on the opposite side of the
moon. It is clearly mentioned in the passage that “Even China’s Chang’e 4, which became the first
spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon — the side that does not face the earth — landed near the 45-
degree latitude”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
40 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage says, “Many parts lie in a completely dark region where sunlight never
reaches”. Hence, it is a correct option.
Statement 2 is correct. In the polar regions of the moon, the temperature is extremely low. Hence, it creates
difficulty in operations. The passage says, “…lack of sunlight and extremely low temperatures create
difficulty in the operation of instruments”. Hence, it is a correct option.
41 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. The passage discusses the issues of carbon emissions and how CDR and CCS
will control carbon emissions which in turn will control global warming. It nowhere mentions that CCS will
make the lithosphere unstable. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Option (b) is correct. The passage talks about CCS and CDR with regards to controlling carbon emissions.
According to IPCC, both techniques will be needed for controlling carbon emissions. Hence, it is a correct
Option (c) is not correct. The passage mentions two techniques (CDR and CSS) for controlling carbon
emissions. Nowhere does it mention that one technique is more efficient than the other. Hence, it is not a
correct statement.
Option (d) is not correct. The passage talks about the control of carbon emission by CDR and CSS, but
does not mention global warming being an existential threat to humanity. Hence, it is not a correct
42 (b)
Let present ages of Shikha and Rudra be x and y respectively.
So, x + y = 62
Or x = 62 - y
6 years ago, the age of Shikha = x - 6
6 years ago, the age of Rudra = y - 6
6 years ago, the age of Shikha was 4 times that of Rudra.
So, x - 6 = 4(y - 6)
Or x - 6 = 4y - 24
Or 4y - x = 18
Or 4y - (62 - y) = 18 (since, x = 62 - y)
Or 5y - 62 = 18
Or 5y = 80
Or y = 80/5 = 16
Now, x = 62 - y = 62 - 16 = 46
Difference between the present ages of Shikha and Rudra = 46 - 16 = 30 years
So, option (b) is the right answer.
43 (c)
Let Ram’s age = x years
Shyam’s age = 2x years
Ghanshyam’s age = (x+17) years
According to the question,
x + 2x + (x + 17) = 185
⇒ 4x = 185 – 17
⇒ x = 168/4
⇒ x = 42
10 ©Vision IAS
Ram’s age = x = 42 years
Shyam’s age = 2x = 84 years.
Ghanshyam’s age = x + 17 = 42 + 17 = 59 years
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
44 (c)
By looking at the graph we can say that only 10% people of 50-64 age group use Micro-Blogging to get
daily news.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
45 (a)
Total number of students that participated in NEET in districts A, B and C = 13500 + 10600 + 15400 =
Total number of students that participated in MBA in districts D, E and G = 8600 + 11200 + 25600 =
Required percent = (39500/45400) × 100 = 87% (approx..)
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
46 (c)
The number of students that participated in NEET in district E is not less than the number of students that
participated in CUET in district B. So, option (c) cannot be concluded.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
47 (a)
Here, a = 500, d = 50
Let the time in which the entire loan is cleared be n months.
So, (n/2) [2 × 500 + (n – 1) 50] = 25800
⇒ 50n2 + 950n – 51600 = 0
⇒ n2 + 19n – 1032 = 0
Solving the equation, we get:
n = 24
So, Last installment = The amount paid in 24th month = a + 23d = 500 + (23 × 50) = Rs. 1650
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
48 (d)
Let common ratio be r.
So, the terms are 1, r, r2
Using statement-1:
1 + r + r2 = 21
⇒ r2 + r – 20 = 0
⇒ (r + 5) (r – 4) = 0
⇒ r = -5, or r = 4
If r = 4, the numbers are 1, 4 and 16.
The middle term is 4.
Statement 1 alone is sufficient.
Using statement-2:
1 × r × r2 = 64
⇒ r3 = 64
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The middle term is 4.
∴ Statement 2 alone is sufficient.
Thus, either statement-1 alone or statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
49 (b)
50 (c)
51 (a)
BC = 6 cm, PS = x cm, RS = y cm
BP = CS = (6 - x)/2 cm
∠C = 600 (equilateral triangle)
In triangle CSR,
tan 600 = RS/CS
⇒ √3 = y/[(6 - x)/2]
⇒ y = (√3/2) (6 – x)
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
52 (c)
Let the distributed t-shirts be a-3d, a-d, a+d and a+3d
∴ Sum of the number of distributed t-shirts = a – 3d + a – d + a + d + a + 3d = 148
⇒ 4a = 148
⇒ a = 37
According to the question,
(a – d) (a + d) = (a – 3d) (a + 3d) + 8
⇒ a2 – d2 = a2 – 9d2 + 8
⇒ 8d2 = 8
⇒ d2 = 1
For d = 1,
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T-shirts distributed to the third orphanage = a + d = 37 + 1 = 38
For d = -1
T-shirts distributed to the third orphanage = 37 – 1 = 36
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
53 (d)
First term = 4, Last term = 1/64, Common ratio, r = 1/2
The sum of the terms of a G.P. = [first term – r × last term]/(1 – r)
= [4 – (1/2) × (1/64)] / (1 – 1/2)
= [4 – (1/128)] / (1/2)
= [(512 – 1)/128)] × 2
= 511/64
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
54 (b)
As the cards are replaced after every drawing, on every instance, one card is drawn from a pack of 52
Number of ways of drawing the first card = Number of ways of drawing the second card = Number of
ways of drawing the third card = Number of ways of drawing the fourth card = 52
Total number of ways of drawing 4 cards = 524
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
55 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The previous version of the Bill had a clause relating to data portability, which
allows users to transfer their data across platforms. The passage says, “One of the provisions in an earlier
version of the Bill concerned data portability, which empowers users to “port” or transfer their data across
different platforms”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Inference 2 is correct. Internet users do not have any control over where and how much of their data is
saved. The passage says, “…users online are powerless when it comes to the scope and extent to which
their data is collected, stored and processed by data-hungry platforms”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
56 (a)
Option (a) is the correct answer. The passage mainly discusses the occurrence of unusual and extreme
rainfall in Ladakh which is typically known as a cold desert. This rainfall was due to a unique combination
of a western disturbance and the monsoon system. This event has exposed Ladakh's vulnerability to such
extreme weather phenomena. This answer option captures all these arguments. Therefore, it is correct.
Option (b) is incorrect because, as mentioned in the passage, Ladakh, being a cold desert, usually has a
meagre rainfall. The passage points out that the recent extreme rainfall is an anomaly, and it has caused
problems such as leakages in houses and small landslides, indicating its impact on the landscape and
Option (c) is also incorrect as it is overly focused on one specific problem caused by the heavy rain –
leakages in old houses. While this issue was mentioned in the passage, it's not the central theme. The passage
primarily discusses the unusual occurrence of such extreme rainfall in Ladakh and its implications for the
Option (d) is incorrect as the passage clearly states that the extreme rainfall in Ladakh was due to a "rare
interaction of a western disturbance with the monsoon system" indicating that it was not solely due to the
monsoon system.
58 (c)
As the Ace of diamond is replaced with an Ace of spade.
So, total number of spades = 14
Total number of cards = 52
Probability that one card drawn randomly is a spade = 14/52 = 7/26
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
59 (d)
Let total students in the school be x.
Number of girls below 20 years = 5950
70% of the students are below 20 years of age, in which 85% are girls and rest are boys.
85% of 70% of x = 5950
⇒ x × (70/100) × (85/100) = 5950
⇒ x = 5950 × 10000/(70 × 85)
⇒ x = 10,000
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
60 (a)
Let the radius of sphere be 'r' unit.
Volume of sphere = (4/3) πr3
Surface area of sphere = 4πr2
Now, (4/3) πr3 / 4 πr2 = 1/1
Or r/3 = 1
Or r = 3
∴ Volume of the sphere = (4/3) π(3)3 = 36 π cubic unit
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
61 (d)
The boys are seated at the extreme ends and the girls are seated in the five places between the six boys.
The arrangement is something as shown in the arrangement shown below:
B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B
Number of ways of seating 6 boys in 6 places = 6!
Number of ways of seating 5 girls in 5 places = 5!
Total number of ways of seating 11 students = 6! × 5!
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
63 (a)
In the beginning, all the players shake hands with all the players of the other team.
So, one player shakes hands with 11 players.
All the 11 players shakes hands with all the other 11 players.
Total number of handshakes = 11 × 11 = 121
At the end of the match, the same process is repeated,
Total number of handshakes at the end of the match = 121
So, Total number of handshakes done = 121 + 121 = 242
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
64 (c)
Let the number of pencils bought by Kamlesh be Rs. x and cost of each pencil be Rs. y.
∴ xy = 180
Also, (x – 2) (y + 2) = 160
⇒ xy – 2y + 2x – 4 = 160
⇒ 180 – 2 (180/x) + 2x – 164 = 0 (since, xy = 180)
⇒ 16 – (360/x) + 2x = 0
⇒ 8 – (180/x) + x = 0
Multiplying both sides by x, we get:
x2 + 8x – 180 = 0
⇒ x2 + 18x – 10x – 180 = 0
⇒ (x - 10) (x + 18) = 0
⇒ x = - 18 or 10
Number of pencils bought can't be negative. Thus, x = 10
So, Kamlesh bought 10 pencils.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
65 (c)
Total number of tickets = 25
Total number of prizes =10
Probability of winning = 10/25 = 2/5
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
66 (c)
The number of students who have failed =12
Total number of students = 80.
Probability that one student chosen randomly has failed = 12/80 = 3/20
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
68 (c)
Since, books are different, we have 12 different books and we can give one or more of them in 212 – 1
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
69 (c)
Out of 6 letters, any two letters can be placed into their corresponding envelopes in 6C2 ways.
Of the remaining 4 letters, no letter can be placed into their corresponding envelope. This can be done in
4! [(1/2!) – (1/3!) + (1/4!)] = 12 – 4 + 1 = 9 ways
So, the total number of ways = 6C2 × 9 = (6 × 5/2) × 9 = 9 × 15 = 135 ways
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
70 (b)
Total number of chits in the bowl = 20.
Number of multiples of 4 less than or equal to 20 = 5
Required probability = 5/20 = 1/4
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
71 (d)
Total number of chits in the bowl = 20
Number of multiples of 3 and 5 but not of both = 8 (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 5, 10, 20)
Required probability = 8/20 = 2/5
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
72 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The central theme of the passage is the “license raj”. The lines “The “license raj”
was created in which most imports required government approval, most investments required government
permission, and most foreign investments were barred” and “Under restricted trade, India succeeded in
industrializing, but inefficiency and bureaucratic controls were rampant and economic growth was slow”
confirm the multiple issues due to license raj. Hence, as per the passage, it would be correct to call license
raj as the main villain of India’s poor investment and slow economic growth. Therefore, this answer option
best captures the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. LPG reforms are not mentioned in the passage. So, this option is beyond the scope
of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option presents an extreme scenario of no industry-led growth without
capitalism. This claim is not discussed in the passage and hence, we cannot validate the claim based on the
information given in the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The author does talk about inefficiency and bureaucratic controls in the era of
licence raj. Whether or not these issues are still prevalent is not touched upon in the passage. So, this option
is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the best crux.
73 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is partially correct because of the lines “Training in ethics is an
important part of the development of a professional accountant.” However, the second part which is about
the role of ethics at the selection stage is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this option does not reflect
the best crux of the passage.
17 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines “As professionals grow in their careers, they must be continually
developed to perform effectively and help their organizations to be successful” and “Furthermore, since
professional accountants … so relevant ethical training must be sufficiently broad” reflect that ethical
values are important for the professional accountant. However, to say that without ethical values, it will be
impossible for professional accountants and organizations to grow would be rather extreme. Also, the option
just talks about professional in general, rather than professional accountants.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is very generic and broad in context. It misses the specific context
of professional accountants (the core theme of the passage). So, this does not present the best crux of the
Option (d) is correct. The lines, “The ethical challenges faced by managers will likely differ from those of
more junior staff, so to be effective, ethics training should be tailored for the appropriate level of staff.”
convey the same meaning as the statement in option (d). So, this is the best crux of the passage.
74 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage does not cover the context of the importance of insurance penetration.
It is only discussing the advantages of insurance – e.g. it can transfer otherwise unmanageable risks away
from farmers, businesses, and countries. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage nowhere discusses the context of claim disbursement. Hence, this
option is also beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The passage focuses on the importance of climate risk insurance. It explains how
farmers face a vicious cycle and how insurance can help change it to a virtuous cycle. Read the following
lines - “Agricultural and climate risk insurance breaks the vicious cycle of risks, shocks and poverty traps
that prevent rural people from strengthening their livelihoods and improving their lives” and “But
insurance does more than that; when used with other tools and techniques as part of a holistic approach, it
can create a virtuous cycle that enables farming families to produce, earn and invest more, and to build
their assets and their resilience.” So, this option best captures the underlying message of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The option seems to be correct, but the context of India is not a part of the passage.
Hence, this option is not the best underlying message of the passage.
75 (d)
The bag has five coins of gold, six coins of silver and seven coins of bronze.
After one bronze coin has been drawn, the coins left in the bag are: five coins of gold, six coins of silver
and six coins of bronze.
So total coins = 5 + 6 + 6 = 17
Number of coins that are not of bronze = 11
Probability that one coin drawn randomly is not of bronze = 11/17
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
76 (d)
Red balls can be chosen in 8 ways.
Similarly, blue balls can be chosen in 7 ways.
And green balls can be chosen in 6 ways.
So, the total number of ways in which the balls may be chosen = 8 × 7 × 6 = 336 ways
Total number of ways of choosing at least one ball = 336 – 1 = 335
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
77 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct. The following line from the passage “It is important to highlight possible
ecological risks associated with the use of artificial habitat structures and urge that they are not exploited
as inappropriate biodiversity offsets or for greenwashing” validates the given assumption. Hence, this
assumption is correct.
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Assumption 2 is correct. The given assumption is correct because of the lines “The design of these
structures must be well informed by the drivers of natural habitat selection, and their use should be part of
an experimental framework to enable evaluation and refinement.” These lines confirm the given
78 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage nowhere analyses the artificial habitats to be a short-term or a long-
term measure. It only covers the mechanism or the relevance of such habitats. Hence, this option is not a
correct statement as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage does not cover the context of anthropogenic causes for wildlife losses
and whether artificial habitats will address these causes. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the
passage and therefore not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. Refer to the lines, “Habitat loss and degradation, and their interaction with other
threats, are driving declines in animal populations worldwide. One potential approach for mitigating these
threats is to create artificial habitat structures…” These structures have been mentioned as a possible
solution to check the decline of endangered species. However, it would be incorrect to say that these
artificial structures are the only practical way out. So, this option is not the correct statement as per the
Option (d) is correct. The following lines, “The design of these structures must be well informed by the
drivers of natural habitat selection, and their use should be part of an experimental framework to enable
evaluation and refinement” fall in line with the given option. It states that understanding the drivers of
natural selection is very important for the implementation of artificial habitats. Hence, this option is correct
as per the information given in the passage.
79 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. As per the passage, there is no correlation between faster dissemination of
information and the development of compassion after disasters. After a disaster, people need quick
information to dispel their panic. In another context, one of the positives of a disaster is the development of
feelings of compassion in the community. The author quotes these two aspects in different contexts.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because of the lines “… but on the other hand,
natural disasters have caused compassion and have been recognized by 78.6% of respondents from the
total number of victims interviewed in a study …”. This means that compassion is an outcome of the disaster.
It would be incorrect to say that it will help in disaster trauma. Also, terming it to be the necessary value is
an extreme claim to be made. Hence, as per the passage, this option is not correct.
Since options (a) and (b) are incorrect, option (d) is also incorrect.
Option (c) is correct. Refer to the lines, “… who before the disaster were among those who were hostile,
did not communicate with each other, even hated each other. Natural disasters unite their hearts and
strengthen the embrace of disaster through ecological communication among victims.” The past hostilities
are forgotten and a new sense of compassion germinates. Therefore, this answer option best reflects the
crux of the passage.
80 (b)
To win, a person needs either a sum of 8 or of 10.
Combinations which give a sum of 8 = {(6,2), (5,3), (4,4)}
Combinations which give a sum of 10 = {(6,4), (5,5)}
Total number of winning combinations = 3 + 2 = 5
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
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9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Read the following three passages and answer the items Changing values in Western society indicate that the
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items context of human experience is changing into a more
should be based on the passages only. spiritual quest for wholeness, meaning, identity, and
Passage – 1 happiness. Hence, we appear to be in the midst of a
Think back to the last mistake that you made at work. transition period to a more spiritual and holistic era. This
Even if it was a minor one, like spilling coffee on a new era is characterised by a calling to find a balance
document seconds before you were due to present it, between - and ultimately an integration of - science and
you'll likely have felt a rush of panic and then had the
spirituality into a greater whole. As a result, there is a
inconvenience of putting things right. No one is immune
need to redefine the purpose of businesses: Profit can no
to making mistakes – we are human, after all! But if we
longer be the only purpose. Future organisations must be
simply apologize and carry on as before, we're in danger
both morally and socially responsible and profitable.
of repeating the same errors. When we don't learn from
This in turn affects the leadership role and tasks. Indeed,
our mistakes, we inflict unnecessary stress on ourselves
the philosophical foundations of 21st-century leadership
and others, and we risk losing people's confidence and
tasks are found in several contemporary spiritual
trust in us.
leadership theories.
1. Which of the following statements best reflects
2. Which of the following statements best reflects
the message implied by the passage?
the crux of the passage?
(a) Learning from mistakes is important not
(a) Values in Western society treat science and
only for self-improvement, but also for the
spirituality as the two sides of the same coin.
sake of others.
(b) Materialism is a thing of the past, and it is
(b) Every mistake has an important learning for
time for compassionate capitalism.
(c) In the future, science, spirituality, profits
(c) That humans are a pillar of mistakes is a
myth and demeans the importance of and moral leadership will be integral parts of
(d) Apologizing for your mistakes is much more (d) With a rise in spiritual quest by people, the
important than the lessons learnt from that end of consumerism is near, not only for
11. Shubham has 24 mobiles, 72 tablets and 60 15. To make a certain purple dye, red dye and blue
laptops. He gives them to ‘n’ children in such a dye are mixed in a ratio of 3:4. To make a certain
way that each type of item is distributed equally orange dye, red dye and yellow dye are mixed in
among them. What is the minimum possible a ratio of 3:2. If equal amounts of purple and
number of items that each child can get? orange dye are mixed, then what fraction of the
new mixture is red dye?
(a) 11
(a) 9/20
(b) 13
(b) 1/2
(c) 17 (c) 18/35
(d) 21 (d) 27/40
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
Read the following two passages and answer the items (a) 1 only
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (b) 2 only
should be based on the passages only.
(c) Both 1 and 2
Passage – 1
Although the science of sustainable land management (d) Neither 1 nor 2
20. A student appeared in an examination, where (a) Statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the
maximum score that can be obtained was ‘a’. question.
The student secured ‘y’ marks in that (b) Statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the
examination and failed by same number of
marks. What must be the percentage of marks
required to pass the examination? (c) Either Statement 1 alone or Statement 2
(a) 2y/a % alone is sufficient to answer the question.
(b) a/2y %
(d) Both the statements together are not
(c) 200y/a %
(d) None of the above sufficient to answer the question.
below. cause one’s thoughts to not be clear because they are too
(a) I only concerned with the anger, they feel towards something
(b) I and II only or someone. They are unable to see the truth or
(c) II and III only correctness in what they are doing and do not consider
(d) I and III only all the facts before deciding. Therefore, tolerance is just
as important as understanding when trying to figure out
30. If a, b are natural numbers such that (a + b)/ab is an issue.
also a natural number, then which of the
32. Which of the following statements best reflects
following will always be true?
the crux of the passage?
(a) it is not possible
(a) Anger and intolerance are the worst enemies
(b) It is possible, but the pair (a, b) satisfying the
of a peaceful human society.
stated condition is unique.
(c) It is possible, and pair (a, b) can be chosen (b) Anger and intolerance prevent correct
1. Jagannath Puri Temple is not a World a ball randomly out of this box, what is the
probability that the chosen ball is neither blue
Heritage Site.
nor pink?
2. The colour and the dimension of the three
(a) 89%
chariots is changed every year.
(b) 97%
Which of the statements given above is/are
(c) 85%
correct? (d) 78%
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only 38. Mr. Suresh owns a 5 metre × 4 metre coffee
(c) Both 1 and 2 shop. He plans to tile the rectangular floor of this
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 shop with grey-coloured square tiles. Each side
of the tile measures 20 cm. What must be the
35. Which of the following best captures the total cost of fitting the tiles, if they cost Rs. 40
per piece?
significance of Rath Yatra?
(a) Rs. 12,000
(a) It commemorates the reincarnation of
(b) Rs. 16,000
Vishnu as Lord Jaganath.
(c) Rs. 24,000
(b) It celebrates Lord Jagannath's voyage with
(d) Rs. 20,000
his two siblings.
(c) It cherishes the victory of Lord Ram over 39. w, x, y and z are four largest single digit
Ravana. numbers. What will be value of the square root
(d) It celebrates the victory of Pandavas in of the multiplication of (w + z) and (x + y)?
Mahabharata. (a) 16
(b) 15
(c) 12
36. Distance between Jim and Della is 300 m. Speed
(d) Can’t be determined
of Jim is 15 kmph and that of Della is 20 kmph.
Both are moving in the same direction in a
40. ABCDEF is a hexagon. How many distinct
straight line. How long will they walk before
quadrilaterals can be drawn using any four of its
meeting each other? vertices?
(a) 206 seconds (a) 16
(b) 216 seconds (b) 18
(c) 184 seconds (c) 15
(d) 222 seconds (d) 12
would have made the tyre flat in 10 minutes, the Lavanya and Konika started a business
second alone would have done it in 15 minutes, together. At the end of the year they shared
profit as per their respective contributions.
the third alone would have done it in 20 minutes.
1. Share of Konika is not the least.
If air leaks out at a constant rate, how long (in
2. Share of Aum is one third of Shubhra’s and
minutes) does it take for all the punctures
four times that of Konika’s share.
together to make the tyre flat? 3. Combined profit share of Aum and Vivek
(a) 4.27 minutes is equal to that of the joint profit share of
(b) 4.61 minutes Lavanya and Konika.
(b) 27
45. 5 years ago, the average age of a 10-member
(c) 18
family was 30 years. If the ages of grandfather
(d) 9
and his eldest daughter are removed on the
present day, then the present average of the
43. What is the sum of all 4-digit numbers less than family will decrease by 3 years. If the difference
2980 formed by the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, wherein between the ages of grandfather and his eldest
none of the digits is repeated? daughter is 20 years, find the present age of
(a) 21774
(a) 57 years
(b) 22793
(b) 65 years
(c) 18965
(c) 70 years
(d) 21353
(d) 82 years
(c) II only
47. How many integers are there between 101 and
200 which have 5 as a digit but only at unit place, (d) III only
and are also divisible by 7?
(a) There are less than 20 but more than 8 such
integers. 50. The population of a colony of bacteria increases
(b) There are less than 5 such integers. by 200% every 6 hours. If the current population
(c) There are only 7 such integers.
(d) There are only 22 such integers of the colony is 20,000, which expression
(b) 500,000 > 55n - 20,000 that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(c) 500,000 < 55n + 20,000
should be based on the passages only.
(d) 500,000 < 75n - 20,000
against the DNA Technology Bill? The securities market regulator has said it is working on
real-time settlement of transactions in India’s stock
1. Breach of Privacy
exchanges. The announcement by Madhabi Puri Buch,
2. Profiling on the basis of race chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of
3. Distrust on police India (SEBI), came after the regulator shortened the
Aadhaar card of every individual. 2. Even if the buyer is not given the listed
company's securities, a trade settlement
Which of the statements given above are
might be considered complete.
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 1 and 2 only below.
of A and C is the same as the incomes of B and first sofa set and 2x% profit on the second one.
D taken together. Moreover, A earns half as If in the entire transaction he made a net profit
much as the sum of incomes of B and D. Which
of 2.5%, find x.
of the following statements is not correct?
(a) 15
(a) A earns more than B.
(b) B earns more than D. (b) 20
(c) C earns more than D. (c) 25
(d) B earns more than C.
(d) 30
noticeable. It brings social cohesion among the poor at 73. Ajay, a clerk in a bank, takes a bus to his bank.
the grassroots level. Field evidence shows that SHG On one particular day, he left home 15 minutes
earlier than usual and reached the bus stop at
members can easily become involved in households’
8:40 am. He needs to walk for ten minutes to
decision-making and bring positive changes in their life.
reach to the bus stop. What time does he usually
SHGs provide a sufficient platform for social leave home for the bus stop?
participation and encourage members to better interact (a) 8:30 am
(b) 8:45 am
with society. Such continuous efforts lead to the societal
(c) 8:55 am
transformation of women in rural areas. (d) None of the above
1 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The given option is correct as it captures the essence of the passage as given in line
- “When we don't learn from our mistakes, we inflict unnecessary stress on ourselves and others, and we
risk losing people's confidence and trust in us.”
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct but it is incomplete as compared to option
(a) which captures the essence of the passage in more detail. The context of “others” is missing in this
option. Hence, this option is not what the passage best implies.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context that human beings are a pillar of mistakes, and whether this demeans
the importance of introspection is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of
the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of apologizing is seen in the line - “But if we simply apologize and
carry on as before, we're in danger of repeating the same errors.” This means that a mere apology is not
enough; learning lessons and not repeating the same errors is more important. Hence, this option is not what
the passage best implies.
2 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. Refer to the lines “Changing values in Western society indicate that the context
of human experience is changing into a more spiritual quest for wholeness, … and ultimately an integration
of - science and spirituality into a greater whole.” It means that with changing values, spirituality is getting
more attention now. However, to conclude that values in Western society treat science and spirituality as
part of the same coin is not correct. Also, this answer option does not talk about business side of things.
Option (b) is incorrect. Refer to the line “Future organisations must be both morally and socially
responsible and profitable (materialism).” It shows that materialism and compassion or spirituality need to
go hand in hand in future. It would be incorrect to say that materialism is a thing of the past. So, this option
is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. Refer to the lines “This new era is characterised by a calling to find a balance between
- … science and spirituality into a greater whole. As a result, there is a need to redefine the purpose of
businesses: Profit can no longer be the only purpose. Future organisations must be both morally and
socially responsible and profitable … found in several contemporary spiritual leadership theories.” In the
future compassionate capitalism will include science, spirituality, profits and moral leadership. Hence, this
option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of consumerism is not a part of the passage. Also, the line “As a result,
there is a need to redefine the purpose of businesses: Profit can no longer be the only purpose. Future
organisations must be both morally and socially responsible and profitable” validates that spirituality and
profits (consumerism) could go together. Hence, the given option is not correct as per the passage.
3 (c)
Assumption 1 is invalid. The context of unemployment is not discussed in the passage. The passage focuses
mostly on the importance, challenges and timelines of vocation as a discipline. Hence, this assumption is
beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Assumption 2 is also invalid. The given assumption is not correct because the passage merely mentions
the reason for the stigma attached to it, that too in the past tense – “Up until the end of the twentieth century,
vocational education focused on specific trades such as automobile mechanics or welding and was therefore
4 (c)
In a kilometer race, candidate A defeated candidate B by 100 metres and candidate B defeated candidate C
by 100 metres.
It means, while candidate A covered 1000 metres, candidate B covered 900 metres.
While candidate B covered 1000 metres, candidate C covered 900 metres.
It means when candidate B covered 900 metres, distance covered by candidate C = 900 × (900/1000) = 810
Therefore, the Distance By Which Candidate A must have defeated candidate C = 1000 – 810 = 190 metres.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
5 (d)
Let, p = (1/q)k, where k is a constant.
Or pq = k
As p = 4 and q = 6.
So, k = 4 × 6 = 24
Product of p and q is a constant, i.e. 24. The only other pair with a product equal to 24 is p = 12 and q = 2.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
6 (a)
A set of n numbers has an average of 3k and a sum of 12m, where k and m are both positive numbers.
Average = Sum of terms/Number of terms
Or 3k = 12m/n
Or n = 12m/3k = 4m/k
Hence, option (a) is correct.
7 (b)
A hare runs at a constant rate of 'a' miles per hour, and a tortoise runs at a constant rate of 'b' miles per hour.
Distance = d
The tortoise would take d/b hours to complete the race, and the hare would take d/a hours to complete the
Here, 0 < b < a.
Thus, d/a < d/b
So, the tortoise would take (d/b) – (d/a) = (ad – bd)/ab more hours to finish the race.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
8 (c)
Total capacity of the pool = 20,000 kilo litres
The pool is 1/4th full. So, it further requires (3/4)(20000) = 15,000 kilo litres of water to get filled.
Rate of water supply = g kilo litres per m minutes = (g/m) kilo litres per minute
Required cost = [15000 / (g/m)] × r = 15000 × (m /g) × r = Rs. 15000 mr/g
Hence, option (c) is correct.
9 (b)
Population of town B is 50% more than the population of town A, and the population of town C is 20%
more than the population of town A.
Let population of town A be X.
Population of town B = (150X/100) = 1.5X
Population of town C = (120X/100) = 1.2X
Required percent = [(1.5X - 1.2X)/1.2X] × 100 = 25%
Hence, option (b) is correct.
11 (b)
Total number of items that each child gets = (24/n) + (72/n) + (60/n) = 156/n
This is minimum when n is maximum.
n = HCF (24, 72, 60) = 12
Therefore, the minimum possible number of items that each child can get = 156/12 = 13
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
12 (c)
The sum of two positive numbers is 24.
Let the smaller number be x.
Then, the other number will be (24 – x).
According to the question,
2x2 – (24 - x)2 = 4
⇒ x2 + 48x – 580 = 0
⇒ x2 + 58x – 10x – 580 = 0
⇒ x(x + 58) –10(x + 58) = 0
⇒ (x + 58) (x – 10) = 0
⇒ x = 10, – 58
∴ Larger of the two numbers is (24 – 10), i.e. 14
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
13 (a)
Let the present ages of Alok, Vinay and Chandan be ‘a’ years, ‘b’ years and ‘c’ years, respectively.
Vinay will attain Alok’s present age (a – b) years from now.
The ages of Alok and Chandan at that time will be (2a –b) years and (c + a – b) years respectively.
According to the question,
(2a – b) / (c + a – b) = 18/13
⇒ 26a - 13b = 18c + 18a - 18b
⇒ 18c = 8a + 5b ………. (i)
Alok was as old as Chandan (a – c) years ago.
The ages of Vinay and Chandan then were b – (a – c) and c – (a – c) years respectively.
According to the question,
{b – (a - c)} / {c – (a – c)} = 7/5
⇒ (b + c – a) /(2c – a) = 7/5
⇒ 5b + 5c - 5a = 14c - 7a
⇒ 2a + 5b = 9c …………….. (ii)
From eqn. (i) and (ii), we get:
18c = 8a + 5b = 2(2a + 5b)
⇒ a/b = 5/4
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
14 (c)
Let ages of Sunny and Lucky be s and l, respectively.
Sunny told Lucky “I am thrice as old as you were when I was as old as you are”.
Sunny was as old as Lucky exactly (s – l) years ago.
(s – l) years ago Lucky would have been [l – (s – l)] = (2l – s) years old.
3 ©Vision IAS
Given, s = 3(2l - s)
⇒ 4s = 6l
⇒ s = 3l/2 ………………. (i)
Sum of the ages of Sunny and Lucky is 80 years.
s + l = 80 …………………….. (ii)
Solving eqn. (i) and (ii), we get:
s = 48, l = 32
Sunny is x years elder to Lucky.
So, x = s – l = 16
Hence, required value of x is 16 years.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
15 (c)
To make a certain purple dye, red dye and blue dye are mixed in a ratio of 3:4.
Purple dye is [3/(3 + 4)] red, i.e. (3/7) red
To make a certain orange dye, red dye and yellow dye are mixed in a ratio of 3:2.
Orange dye is [3/(3 + 2)] red, i.e. (3/5) red
If equal amounts of purple and orange dye are mixed, then
Required fraction of red dye = (1/2)(3/7) + (1/2)(3/5) = (3/14) + (3/10) = 18/35
Hence, option (c) is correct.
16 (d)
Let’s assume a, b and c as 4, 2 and 1 and check each statement.
Statement I:
(a + 2b) (a - 4b + 5c) = (4 + 2×2) (4 - 4×2 + 5×1) = 8×1 = 8
Statement II:
(2a + b + 5c) (a - b) = (2×4 + 2 + 5×1) (4 - 2) = 15×2 = 30
So, neither I nor II is always odd.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
17 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect. The passage does not cover the context of crop production, and there is no
comparison of crop production made with prevention of soil erosion. The focus of the passage is on
sustainable land management. Hence, this inference is not correct and is beyond the scope of the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The given inference is not correct because the passage in line “Governments and
banks must help farmers get access to credit and support in implementing erosion prevention”, mentions
that governments should support farmers to access credit for erosion prevention and not for restoration as
given in the option statement. Also, the author categorically says that the cost of erosion prevention is far
lower than the cost of land restoration and rehabilitation, So, the emphasis is on prevention.
18 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of more research to reduce cost is not a part of the passage. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of crop production and its importance in dealing with the climate crisis
and hunger is not mentioned in the passage. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. The line “Governments and banks must help farmers get access to credit and
support in implementing erosion prevention” mentions that governments and banks should support farmers.
However, the option mentions insurance policy by the government, which is not correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is correct. It is based on the following line from the passage - “The cost of erosion prevention
is far lower than the price of land restoration and rehabilitation, which one source estimated to be around
Rs.1,20,000–Rs.1,60,000 per hectare.” So, as per the passage, it would be correct to say that erosion
prevention should be valued more than restoration/rehabilitation. Hence, this option is correct, as per the
4 ©Vision IAS
19 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The lines “The flexibility offered by gig platforms allows workers to better manage
unpaid care and paid work, by letting workers determine their work hours and reducing their dependence
on a static physical space. As the gig economy gained more ground, it was assumed that more women would
come into the ambit of the workforce in India, leading to an overall improvement in the workforce
participation rate. Statistically, however, little improvement has been seen”, shows how gig work is
suitable for women, and still it has had limited impact. So, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. In the lines - “One of the main reasons for women’s high attrition rate in the
workforce … especially after starting families” and “Not only is the work mandated by socio-cultural
norms, but the flexibility offered by gig work depends largely on whether it is a primary or supplementary
source of income.”, the author talks about the socio-cultural norms prevailing in society, not necessarily
patriarchal norms. Also, the passage has nowhere discussed anything regarding the phenomenon of glass
ceiling. So, this option is not correct.
This makes option (d) incorrect too.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of the patriarchal mindset is not discussed in the passage and hence
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
20 (c)
Maximum score possible in the examination = a
Marks secured by the student = y
Since the student secured ‘y’ marks and failed by the same number of marks, therefore marks required to
pass = y + y = 2y
Percentage of marks required to pass = (Marks required to pass/Maximum score) × 100
= (2y/a) × 100
= 200y/a %
Therefore, percentage of marks required to pass the examination is 200y/a %.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
21 (a)
Let x and y be the length of the sides of the rectangle.
If the multiplication of two variables is constant then their sum is the least when they are equal, i.e. if xy =
16, then the minimum possible value of x + y = 4 + 4 = 8.
So, the minimum possible perimeter = 2 (x + y) = 16 m
x + y will be maximum when the difference between x and y is the most, i.e. (x, y) = (1, 16) or (16, 1).
So, the maximum possible perimeter = 2 (1+16) = 34 m
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
22 (a)
Let the time taken by pipes A, B and C to fill or empty the tank be 'a' minutes, 'b' minutes and 'c' minutes
If pipes A and B are used for filling and pipe C is used for emptying, the tank would get filled in 6 hours.
(1/a) + (1/b) – (1/c) = 1/6 ……………. (i)
From Statement 1:
(1/a) + (1/b) + (1/c) = 1/2 ………….. (ii)
Subtracting equation(i) from equation (ii), we get:
⇒ 1/c – (-1/c) = (1/2) – (1/6)
⇒ 2/c = 1/3
Thus, time taken by pipe C to fill the tank is 6 minutes.
Hence, Statement 1 alone is sufficient.
From Statement 2:
(1/b) + (1/c) – (1/a) = 1/6 …………… (iii)
Subtracting equation(i) from equation (iii), we get:
(2/c) – (2/a) = 0
Or 1/a = 1/c
Or a = c
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Adding equation(i) and equation(iii), we get:
2/b = 2/6
Or b = 6
Now, from equation (i), we get:
(1/a) + (1/b) – (1/c) = 1/6
Or (1/a) + (1/6) – (1/c) = 1/6
Or 1/6 = 1/6 (as a = c)
∴ We cannot find c.
Hence, Statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
23 (d)
Let d be the distance between Tripura and Chennai.
Then, time taken by them to meet = d/{(d/42) + (d/56)}
= 14 [(3 × 4)/(3 + 4)]
= 24 hours
Since they started at 7:30 am, they would meet at 7:30 am the next day.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
24 (c)
Let loss be Rs. x.
Then, profit = {(100 – 15)/100} of x = 85x /100
According to the question,
1896 – (85x/100) = 1680 + x
Or x + (85/100) x = 1896 – 1680
Or 37x/20 = 216
Or x = (216 × 20) / 37
Or x = 116.76
So, Cost price of the article = 1680 + 116.76 = Rs. 1796.76
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
25 (c)
Total number of students enrolled in all the given states in M. Phill = 1500 + 250 + 1000 + 2000 + 500 +
1500 = 6750
Average number of students enrolled in all the given states in M. Phill = 6750/6 = 1125
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
26 (a)
Total number of students enrolled in B. Ed in Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra and West Bengal = 3250 + 3000
+ 2750 = 9000
Total number of students enrolled in M. Phill in Karnataka and M. Ed in Tamilnadu = 1000 + 2000 = 3000
Required percentage = [3000/9000] × 100 = 100/3% = 33.33%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
27 (c)
Total expenses = 72000 + 24500 + 30000 + 32500 + 18600 = Rs. 177600
Expense made on transportation = Rs. 30000
So, 3600 = Rs. 177600
177600 → 3600
1 → 3600 / 177600
30000 → (3600 / 177600) × 30000 = 60.81o
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
28 (c)
It is given that, total number of students in a school is a prime number.
Let us assume that there are 47 students in that school.
If number of boys is 25, then number of girls will be 22.
29 (c)
p = xyz and q = zyx are 3 digit numbers.
B = p – q = (100x + 10y + z) – (100z + 10y + x) = 99x - 99y
So, statement I is correct.
Assume the numbers p and q to be 524 and 425 respectively.
B = p – q = 524 - 425 = 99, and
A = p + q = 524 + 425 = 949
Hence II and III are false.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
30 (d)
a, b are natural numbers such that (a + b)/ab is also a natural number.
The pairs (a, b) satisfying the stated condition are:
(1, 1) and (2, 2)
Thus, there are more than one but a finite number of ways of choosing the pair (a, b).
Hence, option (d) is correct.
31 (b)
Three bells chime at intervals of 18 minutes, 24 minutes and 32 minutes respectively.
Required time = LCM (18, 24, 32) = 288 minutes = 4 hours and 48 minutes
The bells will chime together again after a time interval of 4 hours and 48 minutes.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
32 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect as it is beyond the scope of the passage. The author does highlight the harms and
demerits of anger and intolerance. However, to claim that anger and intolerance are the “worst” enemies of
human society would not be correct, as there is no such claim made in the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The lines “Intolerance can also cause one’s thoughts to not be clear because they
are too concerned with the anger, they feel towards something or someone. They are unable to see the
truth or correctness in what they are doing and do not consider all the facts before deciding”, from the
passage essentially correspond to the claim made in this option. Hence, the given option is the best crux of
the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of love and caring, as a solution to anger and intolerance is not touched
upon in the passage. Hence, this is not the best crux.
33 (b)
Statement 1 is not correct. To maximize the development effects of cross-border movements on the
migrants and refugees the World Development Report (WDR) 2023 offers an integrated framework. The
passage says, “World Development Report (WDR) 2023 proposes an integrated framework to
maximize the development impacts of cross-border movements on both destination and origin
countries and on migrants and refugees themselves”. It can be clearly inferred that WDR seeks to
enhance the impact of development on both migrants and refugees. However, we cannot infer the stand of
the report on illegal immigrants. It’s a grey area. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “As the world struggles to cope with global
economic imbalances, diverging demographic trends, and climate change, migration will become a
necessity in the decades to come for countries at all levels of income”. So, irrespective of the income
levels of the countries, migration will become a necessity. Hence, it is a correct statement.
35 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. Lord Jagannath is regarded as a manifestation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. He
actually possesses all of Lord Vishnu's avatars' characteristics. But the passage does not mention that Rath
Yatra celebrates the reincarnation of Vishnu as Lord Jagannath. Hence, it is not a correct option.
Option (b) is correct. The passage clearly mentions, “The Rath Yatra takes place on the second day of the
Odia month of Ashadha Shukla Tithi (bright fortnight) every year to commemorate the journey of Lord
Jagannath and his two siblings from their abode —the 12th century Jagannath Temple, to the Gundicha
Temple, believed to be their aunt’s home”. It implies that the significance of Rath Yatra is in the celebration
of Lord Jagannath's voyage with his two siblings. Hence, it is a correct option.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage does not mention any incident related to Lord Ram. Hence, it is not
a correct option.
Option (d) is not correct. No incident of Mahabharata or Pandavas is mentioned in the passage. Hence, it
is not a correct option.
36 (b)
Both Jim and Della are moving in the same direction.
So, relative speed = 20 - 15 = 5 kmph. = 5 x (5/18) m/sec = 25/18 m/sec
To meet Jim, Della has to gain 300 m over him.
Time taken by Della to cover this extra 300 m with relative speed of 5 kmph = {300 / (25/18)} = 216
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
37 (c)
Total number of balls = 120
It is given that there are 10 blue and 8 pink balls.
Number of other balls = 120 – 18 = 102.
So, probability of choosing a ball that is neither blue nor pink = 102/120 = 85%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
38 (d)
Area of coffee shop = 5 metre × 4 metre = 20 square metres
Area of one tile = 0.2 metres × 0.2 metre = 0.04 square metres
Number of tiles required = Area of rectangular region / Area of one square tile = 20 square metres / 0.04
square metres = 500
Therefore, total cost of fitting the tiles = number of tiles × cost of fitting 1 tile = 500 × 40 = Rs. 20,000
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
39 (d)
Four largest single digit numbers are 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Case 1:
√{(w + z) x (x + y)} = √{(6 + 9) (7 + 8)} = √(15 × 15) = 15
Case 2:
√{(w + z) x (x + y)} = √{(6 + 7) (8 + 9)} = √(13 × 17) = √221
Hence, option (d) is correct.
40 (c)
The number of distinct quadrilaterals that we can draw using six points = 6C4 = 6C2 = (6 × 5) / (2 × 1) = 15
Hence, option (c) is correct.
42 (a)
Let the digit at tens place be ‘a’ and the digit at unit’s place be ‘b’.
Then, the two digit number formed will be (10a + b), and reverse of that number will be (10b + a)
The question states that, the ratio of a two-digit natural number to the number formed by reversing its digits
is 4 : 7.
So, (10a + b) /(10b + a) = 4/7
or 70a + 7b = 40b + 4a
or 66a = 33b
Therefore, a/b = 1/2
So, let us list down all possible values for a and b such that their ratio is 1 : 2.
a b Original Number Reversed Number
1 2 12 21
2 4 24 42
3 6 36 63
4 8 48 84
On observing the table carefully, we observe that the largest possible number is 48 and reverse of that
number is 84.
So, required difference = 84 - 48 = 36
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
43 (a)
4-digit numbers less than 2980 formed by the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, wherein none of the digits is repeated are:
1234, 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432, 2134, 2143, 2314, 2341, 2413, 2431
Required sum = 21774
Hence, option (a) is correct.
44 (b)
Profit share of Aum = (1/3) Shubhra = 4 Konika ……………(i)
Aum + Vivek = Lavanya + Konika ………….(ii)
Lavanya - Vivek = Jyoti
Or Vivek = Lavanya - Jyoti ……….(iii)
On solving equations (i), (ii) and (iii):
Lavanya + Konika = 4 Konika + Lavanya - Jyoti
Or 3 Konika = Jyoti
If Konika’s profit share was 5000, then share of Jyoti = 3 × 5000 = Rs. 15000
Hence, option (b) is correct.
45 (a)
5 years ago, average age of the family = 30 years.
Present average age of the family = 30 + 5 = 35 years
Total age of the family at present = 35 × 10 = 350 years
If the ages of grandfather and his eldest daughter are removed on the present day, then the present average
of the family will decrease by 3 years. It means average age of the rest of the 8 members of the family is
(35 - 3), i.e. 32 years.
Total age of 8 members of the family (after removing the ages of grandfather and his eldest daughter) = 32
× 8 = 256 years
9 ©Vision IAS
So, sum of the ages of grandfather and his eldest daughter = 350 – 256 = 94 years
Grandfather + Eldest daughter = 94 ………..(1)
It is also given that, difference between the ages of grandfather and his eldest daughter is 20 years.
Grandfather - Eldest daughter = 20 ……….. (2)
Adding equations (1) and (2), we get:
Age of grandfather = (94 + 20)/2 = 57 years
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
46 (c)
In the time Abhijit covers 1000 m, Bijit covers 900 m and Chandrajit covers 800 m.
So, in the second race, when Abhijit covers 1000 m in this race, all of the three participants will be 200 m
away from the finish line.
As per the given speed, in a 200 m race (the distance left), Abhijit would defeat Bijit by 20 m.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
47 (b)
Integers having 5 as a digit placed only at the unit place are: 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 165, 175, 185 and 195
So, there are a total of 9 such integers.
Out of these, the integers which are divisible by 7 are 105 and 175.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
48 (a)
Annual revenue = number of units sold × price per unit = n × 65 = 65n
Annual cost = Rs. (20,000 + 10n)
Annual profit from the sale of n items = Annual revenue - Annual cost = 65n - (20,000 + 10n) = 55n -
Thus, 500,000 < 55n - 20,000 indicates that the total profit for this heart monitor in 2012 was greater than
Rs. 500,000
Hence, option (a) is correct.
49 (d)
The average of a and b is greater than the average (arithmetic mean) of c and 2b.
So, (a + b)/2 > (c + 2b)/2
Or a + b > c + 2b
Or a > c + b
Thus, only statement III is correct.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
50 (b)
In 6 hours, the population = current population + 200% of current population = 3 times of current population
Thus, the population after 6 hours will be 20,000 × (3).
After 12 hours, the population will be 20,000 × (3)2.
After 18 hours, the population will be 20,000 × (3)3, and so on.
If h hours have passed, then h/6 of these “tripling periods” have passed. So, the population after h hours =
20000 × (3)h/6
Hence, option (b) is correct.
51 (c)
Options (a) and (d) are not correct. The purpose of zero FIR is to get a complaint registered ASAP.
Timely delivery of justice and proper medical help to victim can be related to FIR, but these are not the
main purpose of zero FIR. This makes options (a) and (d) incorrect.
Option (b) is not correct. Forensic investigation is out of context of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The passage clearly mentions, “Zero FIR ensures that the victim doesn’t have to run
from pillar to post to get a police complaint registered”. Zero FIR ensures that the first step towards
grievance redressal is met as early as possible. Hence, it is a correct statement.
53 (c)
Option 1 is correct. The passage clearly mentions, “The primary objections were on grounds of privacy,
utility and possibility of misuse”. This implies that breach of privacy along with possible misuse and
utilization of the DNA Technology bill is among the primary objections against it. Hence, it is a correct
Option 2 is correct. Concerns have been raised regarding the potential for racial profiling in the application
of this law. It is mentioned in the passage - “In recent years, apprehensions were raised about the possibility
of this law being used for racial profiling”. Hence, it is a correct option.
Option 3 is correct. Yet another objection was that the police couldn't be relied upon to request DNA
samples for their investigation. The passage says, “It was even argued that the police could not be trusted
to seek DNA tests in their investigations”. Hence, it is a correct option.
Option 4 is not correct. The passage nowhere mentions anything about virus attack on the DNA database.
Hence, it is not a correct option.
54 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage clearly says, “The Bill had three primary objectives. First, it sought
to set up a DNA profiling board as the regulatory body, one of the functions of which would be to provide
accreditation to laboratories authorized to carry out DNA sample tests”. This implies that the creation of
regulatory authority is proposed. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The passage clearly says, “The Bill also provided for the creation of databases —
DNA Data Banks — for storing DNA information collected from convicts and accused”. Hence, it is a
correct statement.
Statement 3 is not correct. It is not mentioned in the passage that DNA information will be connected to
each person's Aadhaar card. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
55 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “As of now, there is a lag between trade and
settlement — the settlement date is different from the trade date”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is not correct. The passage mentions, “A trade settlement is said to be complete once
purchased securities of a listed company are delivered to the buyer, and the seller gets the money”. This
implies that only when the buyer gets the purchased securities and seller gets the money, a trade settlement
is considered to have been completed. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Since one-third of the soccer players also run track, we must put s/3 in the overlapping region between
soccer and track, and therefore the number of players who play only soccer is 2s/3.
Likewise, since one-half of the athletes who run track also play soccer, we must put t/2 in the overlapping
region, and therefore the number of athletes who only run track is t/2.
Since there are 60 athletes in total.
So, (2/3) s + (½)t + ( ½)t = 60
Or (2s/3) + t = 60
Or 2s + 3t = 180
The number of soccer players who run track must be equal to the number of track athletes who play soccer.
So, (1/3)s = (1/2)t
Or 2s = 3t
Substituting 2s = 3t into the previous equation, we get:
3t + 3t = 180
Or 6t = 180
Or t = 30
So, 2s = 3×30 = 90
Or s = 45
Now we can use these values to complete the Venn diagram:
From this diagram, we can see that the number of soccer players in this group is 15 greater than the number
of track team members.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
57 (c)
Vessel A contains x litres of milk and vessel B has y litres of water.
After the transfer:
Quantity of milk in vessel A = x – z
Quantity of milk in vessel B = z
12 ©Vision IAS
Percentage of milk in vessel A = [(x – z)/x] × 100
Percentage of milk in vessel B = (z/y) × 100
Percentage of milk becomes the same in these two vessels after such an operation.
So, [(x – z)/x] × 100 = (z/y) × 100
Or (x - z)/x = z/y
Or xy = xz + yz
Or xy = (x + y)z
Hence, option (c) is correct.
58 (a)
As per the question, A + B > C + D ……………..(i)
A + C = B + D …………………(ii)
A = (B + D)/2
Or B + D = 2A …………………….(iii)
Putting value of (B + D) in (ii), we get:
A + C = 2A
Or A = C
Using (i):
So, B > D
Using (iii): B > A.
So, statement (a) is wrong.
59 (a)
Charge for Airtel for 15 days = 15 × 90 = Rs 1350
Charge for Idea for 15 days = 1350 – 10% of 1350 = 1350-135 = Rs 1215
Total monthly expense on data = 1350 + 1215 = Rs 2565
Required percentage = (135/2565) × 100 = 5.2 % (approx)
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
60 (d)
Let the total number of students be x.
Number of students that passed = 38% of x
Number of students that failed = (100 - 38)% of x = 62% of x
As per the question,
(62% of x) – (38% of x) = 60
Or 24% of x = 60
Or x = 250
Thus, the total number of students who appeared in the examination is 250.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
61 (b)
Let the cost price of two sofas be Rs. 500 and Rs. 300 respectively.
∴ SP1 = 500 (1 – x/100) = 500 – 5x
SP2 = 300 (1 + 2x/100) = 300 + 6x
SP1 + SP2 = (500 – 5x) + (300 + 6x) = 800 + x
Profit = Total SP – Total CP = (800 + x) – (500 + 300) = Rs. x
In the entire transaction he made a net profit of 2.5%.
So, Profit = 2.5% of (500 + 300) = 2.5% of 800 = Rs. 20
So, x = 20
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
62 (d)
Either statement alone is not sufficient to find discount percentage offered on item x.
Combining S1 and S2:
S.P. = 20 + {(25/100) × 20)} = Rs. 25
M.P. ≤ Rs. 30
63 (d)
Let the number of days on which he completed the task be x and the number of day/days on which he did
not complete the task be y. There are 30 days in June month.
If he completed the task on every day of the month, i.e. on all the 30 days, the amount earned by him would
have been 30 × 50 = Rs. 1500
But at the end of the month he earned only Rs. 1430.
It means that he missed out on 1500 – 1420 = Rs. 80.
It means that he must have earned Rs. 50 on 26 days and Rs. 30 on 4 days.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
64 (a)
Kavi borrowed Rs. 72000 from Kanchan and Krishna. At the end of one year he paid Rs. 6120 as interest.
Average rate of interest that Kavi paid = (6120 × 100)/(72000 × 1) = 8.5%
Kanchan charges 12% per annum compound interest and Krishna charges 7% per annum compound interest.
By allegation method,
65 (d)
From S1:
We know the angle of elevation and the distance. So, we can find the height of the statue of Shivaji.
From S2:
We can find the height of telephone tower.
∴ Using both statements, we can find which is taller.
Thus, both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
66 (c)
Let the age of the lady at the time of her death be X.
Age spent as child = X/12
Age spent as a teenager = X/7
Age spent between adulthood and marriage = X/6
Age of daughter = X – (X/12 + X/7 + X/6 + 3 + 6) = X - 33X/84 – 9 = 51X/84 – 9
Now, 2(51X/84 – 9) = X
Or 18X/84 = 18
Or X = 84.
Age of daughter = X/2 = 42 years
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
68 (a)
The distance that the ball falls in successive seconds is in A.P with a common difference of 10 m.
Let the distance that it falls through in the 20th second (in meters) be Tn.
Tn = a1 + (n - 1)d
Here, n = 20, a1 = 6, d = 10
∴ T20 = 6 + (20 – 1) × 10 = 6 + 19 × 10 = 196 m
Hence, the distance through which the ball falls in the 20th second 196 m.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
69 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage says, “This floating barrier poses threats to navigation and public
safety and presents humanitarian concerns”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The passage says, “…the presence of the floating barrier has prompted diplomatic
protests by Mexico and risks damaging US foreign policy.” Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 3 is not correct. The passage does not say that floating barriers will create any kind of refugee
crisis. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
70 (d)
Statement (a) is not correct. The passage does not mention anything about variants of malaria. Hence, it
is not a correct statement.
Statement (b) is not correct. The passage does not mention that local transmission of malaria may prove
deadly to elders and children. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement (c) is not correct. The passage does not mention anything regarding the immunization costs
with regards to malaria. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement (d) is correct. This is the first instance of local transmission of malaria in 20 years and it is
alarming according to the authorities. The passage says, “The five cases have raised alert because this is
the first time in 20 years that there has been local transmission of malaria in the United States. The last
time the infection was transmitted by a mosquito locally in the country was in 2003 when eight people in
Florida were infected”. Hence, it is a correct statement.
71 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct. This is supported by the passage where it mentions, “It tries to create social
stability through financial inclusion and play an active role in the social empowerment of the people in
rural areas.” The passage also indicates that SHGs create social stability through financial inclusion and
active participation in decision-making. Hence, we can safely say that SHGs have helped in overcoming
socio-economic marginalisation.
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines, “The social impact of SHGs on women’s empowerment is noticeable”
and “Such continuous efforts lead to the societal transformation of women in rural areas” indicate towards
the assumption made in the option statement. So, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
72 (a)
Option (a) is correct. Refer to the lines “It tries to create social stability through financial inclusion and
play an active role in the social empowerment of the people in rural areas.” and “Field evidence shows
that SHG members can easily become involved in households’ decision-making and bring positive changes
in their life.” These lines show that SHGs improve social, economic and personal lives of rural people.
15 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is incorrect. The line “Since the 1970s, SHGs have been playing an essential role in different
states of India by contributing mostly to democratising many institutions that stand for the deprived sections
of society”, only states that SHGs are present in different states. It nowhere means that SHGs are limited to
a few states only. Hence, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of the urban poor and its relationship with SHGs is not mentioned in
the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of financial independence of children with the help of SHGs is not a
part of the passage. Therefore, this option is not correct.
73 (b)
Time when Ajay reached the bus stop = 8:40 am
He needs to walk for 10 minute to reach the bus stop
Time when he left home = 8:40 am – 10 minutes = 8:30 am
He left the home 15 minutes earlier than usual.
So, usual time when he leaves home = 8:30 + 15 minutes = 8:45 am
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
74 (d)
The quantities of milk and water in containers A and B at different stages are tabulated below.
Milk Water Milk Water
10 0 0 10
9 0 1 10
9 + (1/11) = 100/11 10/11 10/11 100/11
The final amount of milk in container A is 100/11 litres.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
75 (a)
Given, 10 ≤ x ≤ 20 and 2y – x = 2
So, y = (x + 2)/2
Let E = x/(x + y)
E = x / {x + [(x + 2)/2]} [ Since, y = (x + 2)/2]
Or E = 2x / (3x + 2)
Or E = 2/{3 + (2/x)}
Here, E will be the maximum when {3 + (2/x)} is the minimum.
{3 + (2/x)} is minimum when x is maximum, i.e. x = 20.
∴Emax = 2/(3 + 0.1) = 20/31
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
76 (c)
Given, f(x) = ax5 + bx3 – cx + 3 and f(4) = 10
Putting x = 4 in f(x), we get:
(4)5a + (4)3b – 4c + 3 = 10
Or 45a + 43b – 4c = 7 …… (i)
Putting x = -4 in f(x), we get:
f(-4) = (-4)5a + (-4)3b + 4c + 3
Or f(-4) = –(45a + 43b – 4c) + 3
Or f(-4) = -7 + 3 [from equation (i)]
Or f(-4) = -4
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
77 (b)
In one hour, the monkey climbs 30 feet and falls back 20 feet. So, effectively he climbs 10 feet every hour.
Starting at 9 am, he will climb 90 feet in 9 hours.
After the 9th hour, when he starts climbing, he will reach 120 feet.
So, the monkey will reach the top first after 9 hours, i.e. between 6 pm and 7 pm.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
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78 (b)
P(A) : P(A̅) = 4:3
P(A) = 4/7 and P(A̅) = 3/7
P(B) : P(B̅) = 2:1
P(B) = 2/3 and P(B̅) = 1/3
P(C) : P(C̅) = 1:4
P(C) = 1/5 and P(C̅) = 4/5
Now the majority of the selectors are favorable if any two are favorable and the third is unfavorable, or all
the three are favorable.
Hence, required probability = (4/7) (2/3) (4/5) + (3/7) (2/3) (1/5) + (4/7) (1/5) (1/3) + (4/7) (2/3) (1/5)
= (32/105) + (6/105) + (4/105) + (8/105)
= (32 + 6 + 4 + 8)/105
= 50/105
= 10/21
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
79 (b)
Rohan, Sohan and Mohan can do a piece of work separately in 5 days, 10 days and 12 days.
Ratio of their wages = 1/5 : 1/10: 1/12 = {(1/5) ×60}:{(1/10)×60}:{(1/12)×60} = 12:6:5
∴ Mohan’s share = [5/(12 + 6 + 5)] × 1380 = {(5/23) × 1380} = Rs. 300
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
80 (c)
Time taken by the boat to cover the distance from A to B = 12/(4 + 2) = 12/6 = 2 hours
Time taken by the boat to cover the distance from B to C = 18/(7 + 2) = 18/9 = 2 hours
∴ Total time taken by the boat in downstream = 2 + 2 = 4 hours
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
1. If 9×7 = IX; 12×5 = VI; 5×4 = II, then 9×4 =? Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(a) IX Read the following two passages and answer the items
(b) XII that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(c) II should be based on the passages only.
(d) VI Passage – 1
Conservation programs in the Himalayan region are
2. Study the following information and answer the mandated by government agencies, but there is little
question that follows. transnational coordination. Cooperation among the
'time is money' is coded as 'tis nim jes' Himalayan nations is vital for designing a robust
'money buy happiness' is coded as 'lop xer nim' conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent
'save your time' is coded as 'tis hop hix' challenges threatening the Himalayas. The Himalayan
'your happiness is important' is coded as 'xer
region, with its unparalleled ecological significance, is
mop hix jes'
under increasing threat from urbanization, deforestation,
What can be the possible code of ‘save your
tourism, and climate change. Effective implementation
important documents’?
of laws is imperative to curb unchecked development
(a) hix jes kop hop
that could lead to irreversible damage. Preserving the
(b) xer mop hop kop
Himalayas not only safeguards biodiversity but also
(c) hop hix mop kop
ensures the well-being of millions who depend on its
(d) nim hop hix mop
resources. By imposing laws rigorously, we can uphold
the Himalayas' ecological balance, maintain vital water
3. Four persons A, B, C and D consisting of two
sources, and set a global precedent for responsible
married couples are in a group. Both the women
conservation in vulnerable and ecologically significant
are shorter than their respective husbands. A is
the tallest among the four. B is shorter than C, D
5. Based on the above passage, the following
is brother of B. In this context, which one of the
following statements is not correct? assumptions have been made:
(a) All the four people have family ties. 1. Human led development is the sole cause
(b) C is not the shortest among the four. threatening the ecological balance of the
(a) Conservation of the Himalayas requires not subscribe to the capitalist model of business.
(b) The inclusion of societal and environmental
only programs but also effective financing.
considerations makes profit-making for
(b) Strict enforcement of laws and transnational
corporate people difficult.
coordination may protect Himalayas and
(c) To achieve a more shared and durable
other such ecologically vulnerable regions
prosperity, corporations should work for the
society and consumers, and not for profit.
(c) Exploited Himalayas mean loss of (d) The changed outlook of corporate people
biodiversity and a vulnerable future towards the society is to an extent based on
generation. the demands of the people.
(d) The Himalayas need better laws to protect
itself from irreversible damage. 8. Four positions of a dice are given below.
Passage – 2
Capitalism has provided unprecedented wealth and
prosperity around the world, but a growing community
Identify which letter would be at the bottom
is raising concerns about whether the promise of the
when the letter U is at the top?
capitalist system to achieve a more shared and durable
(a) T
prosperity can be achieved without systemic changes in (b) R
the way for-profit corporations are governed and (c) Q
managed. The change in public opinion has become (d) P
evident among workers, consumers, and investors, as
well as through new policies enacted by elected officials, 9. Four positions of a dice are given below.
Read the following two passages and answer the items (b) 2 only
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (c) Both 1 and 2
Choose the dice that can be formed from the (d) Amit is older than Chandan
various sectors, we can strive for a harmonious (c) Despite challenges, the objective of food
coexistence where technology uplifts livelihoods, systems is not merely limited to feeding the
allowing more to savour the enriching benefits of leisure rising population.
time. (d) Both (a) and (b)
warming, improved building designs, not the junior-most person, and K is not the senior-most
person. M is senior to P. P is junior to J. P is not the
efficiency standards and alternative cooling
senior-most person. N is senior to L, but junior to P. Q is
solutions are required. senior to L, but junior to P.
(b) 294 Lancet Planetary Health said. The study presented the
Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both reflects the crucial message conveyed by the
foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness. (a) Opinions reflect the culture of conservative
Encouraging people to withhold their opinions thinking, and prevent research, leading to
challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research, people becoming prone to misinformation.
and empathy before taking a stance. This approach can (b) Substantiation of opinions is a must to avoid
lead to more informed discussions, where ideas are scepticism and promote well-informed
refined and enriched through collaborative exploration.
Simultaneously, resisting the blind acceptance of
(c) Expression of opinions is a part of the right
opinions encourages a healthy scepticism that safeguards
to freedom of expression, and therefore,
against misinformation and groupthink. However, the
should not be restricted.
goal isn't to discourage dialogue but rather to elevate it.
(d) The informed act of giving opinions or
Striking a balance between personal expression and
accepting them helps build an intellectually
receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-
resilient society.
rounded and intellectually resilient society.
1 (a)
9×7 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9→IX(in roman numeral format)
12×5 = 60; 6 +0 = 6→VI (in roman numeral format)
5×4 = 20; 2 + 0 = 2 → II (in roman numeral format)
9×4 = 36; 3+6 = 9 → IX (in roman numeral format)
Hence, option (a) is correct.
2 (c)
Comparing 1st and 2nd statements,
'money' is coded as 'nim'.
Comparing 1st and 3rd statements,
'time' is coded as 'tis'.
Thus, we can say that, ‘is’ coded as ‘jes’.
Comparing 2nd and 4th statements,
'happiness' is coded as 'xer'.
Comparing 3rd and 4th statements,
'your' is coded as 'hix'.
Thus, we can say that, ‘important’ is coded as ‘mop’ and ‘save’ is coded as ‘hop’.
Hence, ‘save your important documents’ can be coded as ‘hop hix mop kop’.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
3 (c)
From the given statements in the question we can deduce the following:
(i) A and D are males (as A is the tallest among the four, he must be a male. D is brother of B, so D must
be a male too);
(ii) B and C are females.
Also, it is given that D is brother of B. Therefore, D is husband of C and A is husband of B.
As per the information given in respect of height it is known that: A > C > B.
As D is husband of C, he has to be taller than C but shorter than the tallest person, i.e. A.
Thus, the order of heights is: A > D > C > B
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
4 (c)
Given series:
5 (a)
Note: This question is about invalid assumptions (not the valid ones).
Assumption 1 is invalid. The given assumption is based on the line – “The Himalayan region, with its
unparalleled ecological significance, is under increasing threat from urbanization, deforestation, tourism,
and climate change.” This line includes climate change as well, which is not mentioned in the
assumption. To term human development as the sole cause would not be correct as the passage does not
mention so. Hence, the given assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines, “Cooperation among the Himalayan nations is vital for designing a
robust conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent challenges threatening the Himalayas”
and “Preserving the Himalayas not only safeguards biodiversity but also ensures the well-being of
millions who depend on its resources” validate the assumption that nations which use Himalayan
resources should also focus on its conservation. Hence, the given assumption is correct.
6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of effective financingis not a part of the passage. Hence, this option
is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct. The given option is correct because of the lines – “Cooperation among the
Himalayan nations is vital for designing a robust conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent
challenges threatening the Himalayas.”, “Effective implementation of laws is imperative to curb
unchecked development that could lead to irreversible damage” and “By imposing laws rigorously, we
can uphold the Himalayas' ecological balance, maintain vital water sources, and set a global precedent
for responsible conservation in vulnerable and ecologically significant regions.” These lines show that it
is the effective enforcement of laws and transnational coordination which are important for Himalayan
conservation. Hence, this is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of vulnerable future generations is not a part of the passage. Hence,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of the need for better laws is not correct because the passage
mentions strict enforcement of laws and not lack of better laws as the issue with the conservation of the
Himalayas. Hence, the given option is not the most rational inference of the passage.
7 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the relationship between the values of
corporate governance and the capitalist model of business is not explained in the passage. Hence, it would
not be correct to conclude that those values do not subscribe to the capitalist model of business. Therefore,
this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given lines “The change in public opinion has become evident among
workers, consumers, and investors, as well as through new policies enacted by elected officials, more than
ever before, the public supports businesses that demonstrate positive social change and sustainable
development”, only explain that the public supports business which considers society and environment.
However, to state that because of this, profit-making becomes difficult, would not be correct as the
passage does not indicate anything of this nature. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the corporations will work for profit. This
is evident in the line - “Capitalism has provided unprecedented wealth and prosperity … way for-profit
corporations are governed and managed.” Hence, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. This option best captures the essence of the passage, especially compared to the
other options. For example, consider the lines, “These new attitudes have begun to take root in
corporations themselves, with a growing community of investors, business leaders, and entrepreneurs
expressing a fiduciary duty to create value not only for shareholders but for society (changed outlook)”
and “The change in public opinion … the public supports businesses that demonstrate positive social
change and sustainable development.” These lines from the passage indicate that this option is the best
crux of the passage.
9 (b)
In the first two positions of the dice, there is one common face, i.e. the one having 2 points, and it is in the
same position. Hence, 1 point face is opposite to 3 points face, and 5 points face is opposite to 6 points
face. Therefore, the face opposite to 4 points face is the one having 2 points.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.
10 (a)
The dimensions of smaller cubes must be 9×9×9.
So, number of cubes not painted on any side = (9 – 2) ×(9 – 2) ×(9 – 2) = 343
Therefore, option (a) is correct.
11 (b)
X is the heaviest person of the group.
12 (a)
Rank of T in the decreasing order of weights is third.
13 (c)
S is the fastest in the group.
14 (d)
If 3 is adjacent to 2, 4 and 6, then either 1 or 5 lies opposite to 3. So, the numbers 1 and 5 can't lie
opposite to each other. Clearly 1 must be adjacent to 5.
Therefore, option (d) is correct.
There is one day gap between Economics and Computer Science lectures. Mathematics lecture is held
before Computer Science lecture. Chemistry lecture is to be held immediately after Mathematics lecture.
Day Lecture
Monday Mathematics
Tuesday Chemistry
Wednesday Economics
Thursday Physics
Friday Computer Science
Saturday Off
Sunday English
16 (d)
17 (d)
No lectures are scheduled between Economics and Chemistry.
18 (d)
Physics is scheduled on Thursday.
19 (a)
Saturday is the off day.
20 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The assumption that agriculture is the cause of free or highly subsidized
electricity is not correct. There is no mention of agriculture or its “state" in the passage. Hence this
assumption is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is correct. The line “However, poorly conceived (envisioned) measures to boost inclusion
can have unintended negative consequences that can include distorted product markets, reduced
investment, or faster environmental depletion”, validates the given assumption. It means that inclusion
can have positive as well as negative outcomes as it depends upon how it is envisioned. Hence, the given
assumption is correct.
22 (b)
Option (a) is not correct.There was a drastic change in the geopolitics of the world during the post-Cold
War era. There are multiple aspects of geopolitics like strategic alliances, trade talks, etc. Which aspect
lead to the need for new classification of countries is not mentioned in the statement. Hence, option (a) is
not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The passage mentions, “In the post-Cold War world, the First World/Third World
classification was no longer feasible because when the Communist USSR disintegrated in 1991, most
countries had no choice but to ally at some level with the capitalist US – the only remaining global
superpower.” This implies that after the Cold War, the US became the sole superpower (Unipolar),
making the old classification redundant. This put up a need for a new classification of the countries.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct. It was not that poor countries wanted patronage of developed countries, but
they were left with no choice. Further the passage talks about US in particular, not about developed
countries in general in this regard. The passage says, “…when the Communist USSR disintegrated in
1991, most countries had no choice but to ally at some level with the capitalist US – the only remaining
global superpower. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct. Post-Cold War, there was only one superpower left, and countries were left
with no choice but to ally with it in some form. The passage does not mention anything about “breaking
the hegemony of the superpowers”. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
23 (d)
From the statement 1 and 2 we can say that Potato is costlier than Lady’s finger and Lady finger is costlier
than cabbage.
Thus, Potato > Lady’s finger > Cabbage
From statement 3: Either peas are as costly as cabbage or peas are costlier than cabbage.
Checking each option one by one we get,
Options (a) and (b) may or may not be true.
Option (c) may be true if peas are costlier than cabbage and false if peas cost equal to cabbage.
Option (d) is definitely true.
24 (a)
We know that making n cuts along one axis divides the cube into (n + 1) parts. To obtain 125 cubes by
making a minimum number of cuts, we should be making the same number of cuts along all the axis.
Assume we make ncuts along each of the three axes.
So, the number of cubes formed = (n + 1) (n + 1) (n + 1) = 125
or (n + 1)3 = 53
or n + 1 = 5
or n = 4
Thus, least number of cuts required if the rearrangement of the pieces before/after making a cut is not
allowed = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Hence, option (a) is correct.
25 (d)
15 (4860) 12→ (15 + 12)×(15×12) = 27×180 = 4860
13 (1820) 7→ (13 + 7)×(13×7) = 20×91 = 1820
17 (?) 12→ (17 + 12)×(17×12) = 29×204 = 5916
Hence, option (d) is correct.
The pattern being followed here is:
28 (b)
Let us assume that a cube of each side 4 cm, has been painted red, blue and black on pairs of the opposite
faces. It is then cut into smaller cubes of each side 1 cm.
The smaller cubes which are painted on one face only are the cubes at the centre of each face of the big
There are 6 faces in the big cube and in each of the face of the big cube there will be four such smaller
29 (d)
Option 1 is not correct. According to the passage Gabon had a deal with the Bank of America, the US
International Development Finance Corporation (USDFC) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for a $500
million debt-for-nature swap. A similar deal was done by Ecuador too. The passage does not mention that
only G7 countries could buy debt for nature swaps from developing countries. Hence, option 1 is not
Option 2 is not correct. Nowhere does the passage mention that climate financing holds more importance
for island countries. Hence, option 2 is not correct.
30 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of fighting climate change to address global climate and regional
climate challenges is not discussed in the passage. The passage is about regional climate models, and not
about the challenges of regional or global climate change. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (b) is incorrect. Equipping farmers to understand and apply the findings of regional climate
models is not a part of the passage. The only line about farmers is “By simulating localized climate
scenarios, they empower farmers and policymakers to anticipate shifts in temperature, precipitation, and
other environmental factors.” Hence, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The given option best captures the essence of the passage, which is how regional
climate models can proactively help in decision-making related to agriculture based on changing climate
patterns. Refer to the lines, “This knowledge enables the identification of suitable crop varieties,
irrigation strategies, and planting schedules that align with changing conditions. Additionally, regional
climate models aid in mitigating risks associated with extreme weather events, allowing for better
resource allocation and adaptive planning.” These linesshow that the given option best reflects the crux
of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option would have been correct if the word completely was not used.
The agricultural output would depend on regional climate models but to state that it is “completely”
dependent would not be correct as per the passage. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
31 (a)
The inherent pattern in the two sequences has been represented below.
Sequence I:
4×1.5 + 7 = 13
13×2 + 7 = 33
33×2.5 + 7 = 89.5
89.5×3 + 7 = 275.5
7 ©Vision IAS
278.5×3.5 + 7 = 971.25
Sequence II:
A = 8×1.5 + 7 = 19
B = 19×2 + 7 = 45
C = 45×2.5 + 7 = 119.5
D = 119.5×3 + 7 = 365.5
E = 365.5×3.5 + 7 = 1286.25
Thus, D = 365.5
Hence, option (a) is correct.
32 (d)
The given series is: u _ s u _ s s _s _ _ t u _ t
There are 15 characters in the sequence. By using the given options, we can complete this series using
hit and try method, and see if a pattern emerges.
The blanks have been highlighted: u u s u u/ s s t s s/ t t u t t
So, the missing letters are: u, u, t, s, t, t
Hence, option (d) is correct.
33 (b)
Here, we are just multiplying up the numbers and then summing up the digits of the resultant number.
16 8 13 = 16 × 8 × 13 = 1664→ 1 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 17
7 15 18 = 7 × 15 × 18 = 1890→ 1 + 8 + 9 + 0 = 18
12 28 7 = 12 × 28 × 7 = 2352→ 2 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 12
So, 14 9 16 = 14 × 9 × 16 = 2016 → 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9
Hence, option (b) is correct.
34 (c)
Alphabets adjacent to B are A, C, E and F.
Hence, alphabet D must be opposite to alphabet B.
Therefore, option (c) is correct.
35 (a)
a + b < c + d ...........(i)
b + c < d + e............(ii)
c + d < e + a ...........(iii)
d + e < a + b............(iv)
From (i) and (iv):
So, e < c
From (ii) and (iv):
So, c < a
From (i) and (iii):
So, b < e
Hence, b < e < c < a
From (ii), it is clear that d > b. From (iii), it is clear that d < a
Thus, it is clear from above, that the largest number is a and the smallest one is b.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
36 (a)
In the given figure, * is opposite to %, @ is opposite to #. Therefore, & must be opposite to $.
Therefore, option (a) is correct.
38 (a)
Option 1 is correct. The passage mentions about the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
(GRACE), which is used in to deliver data on draught regions of the world. It is clearly mentioned in the
passage, “Major droughts are also spread across wider geographies, they found, highlighting
limitations of satellite data“.Further, to improve data precision, GRACE calculation was mixed with
another scientific model. The passage further says, “The researchers who made the new analysis
combined the GRACE measurements with the hydrological model Water GAP for the first time to
show, more precisely than ever before, how the total distribution of water over the Earth’s land
surfaces has changed in the last two decades”. Hence, option 1 is correct.
Option 2 is correct. There has been a change in the distribution of groundwater across the globe. The
frequency of draught has also increased as compared to the past decade. The passage says, “The new
method allows us to test out model calculations on the future effects of climate change, particularly how
rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns will impact the water balance in different
parts of the world…”It can be implied that climate change is also responsible for the change in water
balance in the world. Hence, option 2 is correct.
Option 3 is not correct. Tropical countries are not specifically mentioned as being affected by the change
in the water balance. The passage says, “…changes in precipitation patterns will impact the water
balance in different parts of the world…” Hence, option 3 is not correct.
39 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. The passage clearly says, “Though California, in the past, has felt the effects of
hurricanes, they typically remain well offshore and subside to become tropical storms by the time they
hit they make landfall”.It can be implied that tropical cyclones have occurred in the past on the coastal
parts of California. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The hurricane will make a landfall on the lands of California and Mexico. The
passage mentions, “It is rare, indeed nearly unprecedented in the modern record, to have a tropical
system like this move through Southern California…”The passage further mentions, “…the hurricane
will make landfall in the Baja peninsula in Mexico”.It can be implied that previously, cyclones hitting
the coast of California and Mexico lose their strength and Hillary making a landfall in these regions is a
rarity. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage nowhere mentions whether or not coastal California experiences
temperate cyclones. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.
Option (d) is not correct. The passage says, “Though California, in the past, has felt the effects of
hurricanes, they typically remain well offshore and subside to become tropical storms by the time they
hit they make landfall”. It can be implied that California in the past has experienced cyclones; therefore
they do not come under anti-cyclonic zone. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
40 (b)
Option 1 is not correct. The passage does not mention anything about the type of water around the coast
of California. Hence, option 1 is not correct.
Option 2 is correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “Unlike states like Florida, Louisiana and Texas on
the Gulf of Mexico, which have learned over the years on how to survive hurricanes, for Californians and
Mexicans in the west, it is a novel, terrifying, experience”.It implies that citizens of California and
Mexico are not familiar with experiencing cyclones. Hence, option 2 is correct.
Since out of 216 cubes, we removed 4 columns of 6 cubes each, so:
Number of cubes in the solid after the removal of the columns = 216 – (4 x 6) = 216 – 24 = 192
Hence, option (b) is correct.
43 (c)
Given unfolded dice:
44 (c)
In 1st and 2nddice, there are two common faces, i.e. brown and blue. So, the remaining faces will be
opposite to each other
Therefore, violet is opposite to yellow.
Therefore, option (c) is correct.
45 (d)
Amit>= Binod ..................... 1
Divyanshu>= Chandan ........2
Binod>Chandan ..................3
From 1 and 3:
Amit>= Binod>Chandan
Therefore, option (d) is correct.
46 (b)
In the second test he scored the highest marks. So, his performance was best comparatively in this test.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.
47 (b)
4 edges common to red and yellow faces have 3 cubes each.
So, number of small cubes that have at least two coloured faces, one with red and other with yellow =
4×3 = 12
Therefore, option (b) is correct.
48 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of automation level and its impact on the quality of leisure is not a
part of the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the best crux of the
Option (b) is incorrect. The first line of the passage says that automation can liberate human beings from
repetitive tasks and create space for leisure pursuits. This does not mean that automation is the “only” way
to create a large leisured population. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
49 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because religious values and fertilizersare not a
part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the context of religious values and
profitsis not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The given option is correct as it is based on the lines “… but with that great
acceleration have come trade-offs and new challenges, particularly with climate change, ecosystem
resilience and deepening issues of inequity, … Food systems objectives have therefore progressed from
producing enough nutritious food to feed the world to doing so in an environmentally
sustainablewaywhile facilitating fair and equitable livelihoods, social justice, and respect for cultural
values.” The essence of these lines is best captured in the given option. Hence, this option is the best crux
of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect as both options (a) and (b) are incorrect.
50 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The last line of the passage has a positive tone about the plausibility of
alternative solutions to air conditioner. Therefore, it would be incorrect to call them utopian goals.
Option (b) is incorrect. Though probably correct, the context of huge investmentor investment per se is
not a part of the passage and so can be ignored.
Option (c) is incorrect. Though it seems correct, the context of air conditioners being devastating for the
planet is not discussed in the passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage. Moreover, it
cannot be the crux of the passage anyways as the passage is solution oriented.
Option (d) is correct. The crux of the passage is in the lines, “Efficiency competent standards are a key
measure to reduce emissions, together with passive, nature-based and alternative solutions to air
conditioners, and improved design of buildings and districts.” These lines show that innovative solutions
and competent benchmarks are required to deal with emissions. Hence, this option is the best crux of the
51 (a)
The number of cubes having only one face painted =2[(l-2)(b-2)+(b-2)(h-2)+(l-2)(h-2)]
Therefore, option (a) is correct.
52 (b)
n = side of big cube / side of small cube = 15/3 = 5
Number of small cubes which have only two painted faces= (n - 2)×number of edges = (5 - 2)×12 = 36
Therefore, option (b) is correct.
54 (c)
M is the senior-most person.
55 (d)
Either 2 or 3 persons are junior to K, but senior to N.
56 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option mentions sustainable production practices as the solution to
desertification. However, the passage does not focus on the solutions for desertification. It rather focusses
on the issue, cause and effects of desertification. Hence, this option is not what the passage implies.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions various human activities leading to desertification; but
how nature causes desertification leading to its ill consequences is not discussed. Hence, this is not what
the passage implies.
Option (c) is correct. The passage discusses the issue of desertification and the problems/risks associated
with it. It is reflected in the lines, “Human activities that can favour desertification are unsustainable
farm practices, heavy industry and mining, deforestation, overexploitation and contamination of water
and … Globally, the United Nations estimates that the livelihoods of more than 1 billion people in some
100 countries are at some level of risk linkedto the effects of desertification.” This essence is best
captured in the given option. Hence, this is the best answer.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is generic as it mentions the environment, rather than
specifying desertification. However, the passage is specific to desertification which is not mentioned in
the option. Hence, this is not what the passage implies.
57 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage does not mention that the
exchange of gifts should be a regular affair in adult life. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the
passage and is not the best logical inference.
Option (b) is correct. The whole passage describes various reasons why adults feel thrilled by presents.
Refer to the lines “Additionally, presents often tap into a sense of nostalgia, rekindling the joy associated
with surprises from childhood. They may also represent opportunities for self-indulgence, allowing
adults to enjoy something they might not ordinarily prioritize.” These lines validate the given option as
the best logical inference from the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not based on the passage because the passage does not
discuss how presents offer limited mechanisms for excitement and self-indulgence. Rather, the essence of
58 (a)
Option 1 is correct. The passage highlights the key findings of the report published by the World
Resources Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas. The passage says, “For West Asia and North
Africa, this means 100 percent of the population will live with extremely high-water stress by 2050. This
is an issue of concern not just for consumers and water-reliant industries, but for political stability,
according to the authors of the WRI report”. This implies that a water deficit regionmight face political
instability. Hence, option 1 is correct.
Option 2 is incorrect. The passage says, “While most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are not
extremely water-stressed right now, demand is growing faster there than any other region in the
world.” It implies that at the moment sub-Saharan Africa is not among the most water-stressed regions of
the world. Although, the increase in demand for water in this region will be the highest in the world, at the
moment it is not the most water-stressed region. Hence, option 3 is not correct.
59 (a)
Here, we are required to decipher or decode the pattern.
TABLE is written as 8.
Logic: Sum of the letter position numbers / Number of letters
Code of TABLE = (20 + 1 + 2 + 12 + 5)/5 = 40/5 = 8
Code of MIND = (13 + 9 + 14 + 4)/4 = 40/4 = 10
Code of CHOKER = (3 + 8 + 15 + 11 + 5 + 18)/6 = 60/6 = 10
Hence, option (a) is correct.
60 (b)
The pattern being followed here is:
40 + (22 – 2) = 42
42 + (42 – 2) = 56
56 + (62 – 2) = 90
90 + (82 – 2) = 152≠ 150
152 + (102 – 2) = 250
250 + (122 – 2) = 392
Thus, the wrong term in the series is 150. It should be replaced by 152.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
61 (c)
Given series: B25, A26, Z1, Y2, ?
First letters of each term are B, A, Z, Y, ?
Here 1st letter of each term is reduced by 1. So, next letter will be X.
In 1st term:
B has position 2.
So, 27 -2 = 25
In 2nd term:
A has position 1.
So, 27 - 1 = 26
In 3rd term:
Z has position 26.
So, 27 - 26 = 1
In 4th term:
Y has position 25.
So, 27 – 25 = 2
13 ©Vision IAS
In 5th term:
X has position 24.
So, 27 - 24 = 3
? = X3
Hence, option (c) is correct.
62 (a)
RAM = 18 + 1 + 13 = 32 → 3 + 2 = 5
TOP = 20 + 15 + 16 = 51 → 5 + 1 = 6
WBC = 23 + 2 + 3 = 28 → 2 + 8 = 10 → 1 + 0 = 1
Hence, option (a) is correct.
63 (d)
In the code:
'307' means 'drink fruit juice' …………..(i)
'963' means 'juice is sour' ……………(ii)
'905' means 'apple is fruit’ …………..(iii)
Comparing (i) and (ii), we get:
Code for ‘juice’ must be 3.
Comparing (i) and (iii), we get:
Code for ‘fruit’ must be 0.
Hence, code for ‘drink’ must be 7.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
64 (a)
KNOOR = #^%#*
So, O is coded as #.
CRACK = ^%&&@
So, C is coded as &.
R and K are common in KNOOR and CRACK. So, R and K are % or ^.
Therefore, N is coded as *.
S is a new letter; so it must correspond to a new symbol.
Thus, CONS may be coded as &#*$.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
65 (d)
Given series:Q, W, Y, P, G, I, ?, ?
Observing the pattern carefully, we see that this series consists of 2 of two different series:
(Q, Y, G, ?) and ( W, P, I, ?)
1st series:
Hence, option (d) is correct.
66 (d)
As per the question:
B is shorter than only D. It means D is the tallest and B is second in height.
Now, A is taller than C and they are adjacent to each other. So, two cases are possible:
67 (d)
Minimum number of persons = (Sum of the positions of the two persons from the end – Number of in-
between persons) – 2
So, minimum possible number of persons in the queue = (8 + 10 − 4) − 2 = 12.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 68 and 69:
We may represent the information in a table as shown below:
France Germany Vegetarian Non -vegetarian Thin Fat
P √ √ √
Q √ √ √
R √ √ √
S √ √ √
T √ √ √
U √ √ √
69 (d)
70 (d)
BEYOND is written as DHCMKZ.
We can see that the underlying pattern is very simple, as shown below:
O -2 = M
We will follow a similar pattern to code VERTEX.
So, the required code is XHVRBT.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
71 (b)
n = side of big cube / side of small cube = 9/1 = 1
Number of small cubes havingexactly one face painted = 6(n - 2)2 = 6(9 - 2)2 = 294
Hence, option (b) is correct.
73 (a)
There are two boxes between Red box and Green box and there is one box between Red and Blue box.
Hence, two cases are possible:
However, Red box is not above Yellow one. So, Case 2 is correct.
So, option (a) is the right answer.
74 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. According to the passage, air pollution is considered to be the world’s largest
environmental health threat. However, it does not reflect the crux of the passage, as the passage revolves
around the central argument of new findings related with PM 2.5. Hence, Option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. This statement best reflects the crux of the passage. A recent study regarding the
relationship between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution and antibiotic resistancesuggests that
there is a clear correlation between the two. The passage says, “The study presented the first global
estimates of antibiotic resistance and burden of premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance
resulting from PM2.5 pollution”. Further, the passage mentions cases of countries and the risk of
antibiotic resistance associated with an increase in air pollution. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “China and India could be the countries where
changes in PM2.5 have the largest effect on premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance due
to their large populations”. It can be implied that the more the population, more the number of deaths.
But it is not the central argument of the passage as it correlates death with population, and does not
mention anything about the relation between antibiotic resistance and PM 2.5. Hence, option (c) is not
Option (d) is not correct. The passage does not mention anything related with the funding of developing
countries by the developed world. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
75 (d)
Option 1 is not correct. The passage does mention about the details of the MoU between ISRO and
Skyroot - a private space tech start-up of India. Hence, option 1 is not correct.
Option 2 is not correct. The passage does not mention anything about the funding requirements of the
start-ups. Hence, option 2 is not correct.
77 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct. The given assumption is based on the line “Striking a balance between personal
expression and receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-rounded and intellectually resilient
society.” Therefore, it would be correct to say that intolerance of various opinions could make a society
intellectually stagnant. Hence, this assumption is correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The given assumption is not correct. Refer to the lines “Encouraging people
to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research, and empathy
before taking a stance. This approach can lead to more informed discussions, where ideas are refined and
enriched through collaborative exploration.” For the development of ideas through cooperation people
should withhold their opinions and not express them freely in a spontaneous and unfiltered manner.
Hence, this assumption is not correct.
78 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because opinions in themselves do not reflect
anything as per the line, “Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both offering and
unquestioningly adopting opinions can foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness.
Encouraging people to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research,
and empathy before taking a stance.” This line means that blind acceptance of opinions and offering
unfiltered opinions limits critical thinking, and not just opinions per se. Hence, this is not the most crucial
message conveyed by the author.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of substantiation of opinions for decision making is not correct as
the passage does not discuss it. Hence, this option is not the most crucial message conveyed by the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of the right to freedom of expression is not discussed in the passage.
Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of the passage, and is not the most crucial message conveyed
by the author.
Option (d) is correct. The lines, “Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both offering and
unquestioningly adopting opinions can foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness.
Encouraging people to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research,
and empathy before taking a stance” and “Striking a balance between personal expression and
receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-rounded and intellectually resilient society” show how
important it is to think about opinions with patience. It could lead to an intellectually resilient society.
Hence, the given option is the most crucial message from the passage.
79 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The given inference is based on the following line - “While mitigation efforts
continue to hold value, pragmatic policies emphasizing rapid implementation will prove pivotal in
safeguarding ecosystems, livelihoods, and vulnerable populations from the mounting consequences of
evolving climate change reality.” Therefore, as per the passage, the given inference is correct.
Inference 2 is correct. The line “Collaborative efforts between nations are vital to share knowledge and
best practices, as climate change knows no borders”, validates the given inference because climate
change impacts all people across the world and does not discriminate based on nations. Hence, this
inference is correct as per the passage.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Passage – 2
Read the following two passages and answer the items India has made significant strides in electric vehicle (EV)
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items battery research and more government focus can spur
should be based on the passages only. innovation in cell chemistry. Last week, Hyderabad-
Passage – 1
based Altmin, a Hyderabad-based battery material
Health practitioners and experts attending the inaugural
production and cell engineering company, collaborated
Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, have
with the International Advanced Research Centre for
expressed displeasure with the exclusion of health on the
main agenda despite its inextricable link with climate Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, an institution
change. Speaking at a side event within the summit, the under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology to
specialists from the sector expressed worry that a manufacture cathode active material for lithium-ion
comprehensive health standpoint is likely to miss from batteries (LIB). While the global EV industry has had an
the ‘Nairobi Declaration’, which the meeting is intended innovation trajectory of its own, India is not far behind
to culminate in. The theme of the summit is “Driving when it comes to battery research. Vikram Sarabhai
green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa Space Centre, International Advanced Research Centre
and the World”. The Nairobi Declaration aims to give
for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials and
the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) a common
Nonferrous Materials Technology Development Centre
voice ahead of the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28)
have their own battery know-how and
to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change to be held this year in the United Arab capabilities. Additionally, the Union Ministry of
Emirates. The Acting Deputy Director General of Africa Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has set
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa up its own pilot plants for manufacturing batteries as
CDC) Ahmed Ouma Ogwell expressed regret that health well as cells at the Centre for Materials for Electronics
had been excluded from the conference’s main agenda. Technology, Pune. The Department of Science and
“Agriculture, health and development are suffering. So, Technology has also been proactive in holding dialogues
bringing the health discussion onto the agenda of the with various institutes of higher education like the Indian
climate change platform is essential for Africa,” said Institutes of Technology, Indian Institute of Science and
Ogwell, stressing on the link between climate change
Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research and
and health. Any discussion about financing for climate
encouraging battery technology research and training
change mitigation, building resilience and adaptation
must include financing for the public health sector, programmes in these institutes. However, EV battery
which is equally strained, he said. “We must highlight research is lacking in government sponsorship. Even
the relationship between climate change, environment though the Indian government, through its Advanced
and health. We must have a clear approach on how best Chemistry Cell (ACC) Production-Linked Incentive
we can prevent the health disasters that come about as a (PLI) scheme, has laid out Rs 18,100 crore for
result of the effects of climate change,” said Ogwell. manufacturing of ACC, it doesn’t have a national
1. Which of the following subjects does the writer programme to fund research and development into the
of the passage emphasise mostly? latest technologies like SIB and SSB. The world
(a) Agriculture and health only.
transitioned from nickel cobalt aluminium chemistry to
(b) Health only.
LFP within 15 years and is likely to shift to other latest
(c) Environment, climate change and health
technologies like SIB and SSB very soon. This is an
(d) Green growth, climate finance and health opportunity for India to leapfrog in the battery race and
only. put its money where the mouth is.
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and J sit in a single 15 teachers applied for both junior and TGT
row. They all face the same direction, but not necessarily level, and 8 teachers applied for all the three
in the same order. categories. How many teachers applied for the
C sits at an extreme end of the row. Two persons sit examination in total?
between C and F. More than two persons sit between F (a) 35
and J. J does not sit at an extreme end of the row. Three
(b) 45
persons sit between B and D. G sits third to the left of B.
(c) 49
E sits to the immediate right of H. B does not sit at
(d) None of these
extreme ends of the row.
(a) L, M, N, O, P, Q
9. In a security selection examination, 53% are
selected in Army, 61% are selected in Navy, (b) N, M, O, Q, P, L
60% are selected in Airforce, 24% in Army and
(c) M, L, N, Q, O, P
Navy, 35% in Navy and Airforce, 27% in Army
and Airforce, while 5% are not selected in any (d) N, P, Q, M, O, L
of these three. If total number of candidates is
300, how many are selected in only one of these?
(a) More than 50 12. Consider the figure given below:
(b) Less than 40
(c) 46
(d) 48
(b) 2 only but also for their global political and economic patterns.
Hence, international comparisons are helpful to identify
(c) Both 1 and 2
past, present, and future power consumption.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
30. Which of the following statements best reflects
the logical inference from the passage given
29. Which of the following statements best reflects above?
(a) Unlike developed nations, it’s the
the crux of the passage?
developing nations which are more likely to
(a) Considering the possible devastation of
be dependent on renewable energy in future.
climate change, adaptations at the local level (b) Estimation of future energy demands will
can help our modern lives to continue with help in the smooth transition to renewable
only focus on local adaptation but also work renewable energy share in different
countries across the globe is important.
towards global mitigation of climate change.
31. Which of the following are sitting facing away (a) The Question can be answered using
from the center? Statement-1 alone.
(a) C, W, U
(b) The Question can be answered using either
(b) B, E, L
of the Statements alone.
(c) G, B, L
(d) U, S, Q (c) The Question can be answered using both
the Statements together, but cannot be
32. Which of the following statements is correct? answered using either Statement alone.
(a) C is sitting adjacent to G.
(d) The Question cannot be answered even by
(b) B is sitting facing towards the center.
using both the Statements together.
(c) B and L are the neighbors of G.
(d) U and Q are not adjacent to each other.
36. Of the 500 patients who were checked for
33. In the given arrangement, who is sitting seventh allergic diseases/symptoms, 40% had allergy
to the left of G?
from pollen, 50% had allergy from fur and 60%
(a) J
had allergy from dust. If all the patients had at
(b) U
(c) N least one of the aforesaid allergies and 20% of
(d) W the patients had exactly two of the aforesaid
allergies, how many of the patients had only one
34. Find out the odd triplet from the options given
of these allergies?
(a) J, W, E (a) 275
years of experience, 30 had MBA degrees, and 5 what the passage implies?
had less than 2 years of experience and did not (a) If one wants to succeed in life, he/she should
have an MBA degree. Find the ratio of the avoid newspapers and not listen to any
less than 2 years of experience and the number (b) The most important negative impact of
Read the following two passages and answer the items Passage – 2
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items When businesses prioritize transparency, accountability,
should be based on the passages only. and ethical practices in their operations, they create a
Many who struggle to secure the financial resources they and customers. This trust forms the basis for strong,
require often, find themselves unduly swayed by the mutually beneficial relationships along the supply chain.
perspectives of others. They allow newspapers and Effective governance ensures that companies maintain
gossipy neighbours to mould their beliefs and guide their rigorous standards in areas like risk management,
compliance with regulations, and responsible
thinking. Opinions, however, are abundant and often
environmental and social practices. These factors are
come at little cost. They can be readily imparted to
vital for supply chain stability, as they reduce the
anyone willing to accept them. Relying on the judgments
likelihood of disruptions and costly setbacks.
of others to make decisions can undermine one's success
Furthermore, good governance practices foster
in any pursuit. True success arises from the ability to sift
innovation and adaptability, enabling businesses to
through external influence, cultivating independent,
respond swiftly to changing market conditions and
informed decisions based on a clear understanding of
emerging challenges.
one's goals.
45. How many persons are sitting between M and O 49. Ten new magazines were started in January; 5
when counting from the right side of M? by company A, 3 by company B and 2 by
(a) Less than three company C. By April, only seven of the new
(b) More than five
magazines were still being published, five of
(c) Only four
them were by company A.
(d) Only five
Which of following conclusion logically follows
46. Find the odd pair in the options given below. from the information given above?
(a) R, S (a) Only one magazine from Company C is still
(b) P, F being published.
(c) M, T (b) Readers prefer company A over company B.
(d) S, P
(c) At least one discontinued magazine was
from company B.
Direction for the following 2 (two) items:
Consider the following information and answer the two (d) Only one magazine from company B is still
items that follow. being published.
precautionary principle in GM crop discussions can Which of the following conclusions can be
result in hasty approvals and inadequate safety drawn from the above statements?
assessments. Policymakers, scientists, and stakeholders (a) All those who have a telescope are members
must prioritize comprehensive, independent research
of astronomy club.
and transparent risk assessments to ensure the
(b) All members of astronomy club have
responsible development and deployment of GM crops,
considering the precautionary principle to safeguard
both our ecosystems and human health. Ignoring this (c) All those who take part in photo contests are
principle could have irreversible consequences for our members of astronomy club.
environment and future generations. (d) No conclusion can be drawn
52. Which of the following statements best reflects
the crux of the passage?
54. 78 people are surveyed about their preferences
(a) Few biotechnology companies should not be
regarding some mobile phones - Samsung,
allowed to monopolize the GM crop seed
Apple or OnePlus. Of these 36 like Samsung, 48
(b) The precautionary principle may counter the like Apple while 32 like OnePlus. 14 like both
concerns related to the development of GM Samsung and Apple, 20 like both Apple and
62. Who is sitting to the immediate right of W? 65. Rohit is standing north of Rajan and Raman is
(a) Q standing east of Rajan. The distance between
(b) U Rohit and Rajan is 12 m and the distance
(c) R between Raman and Rajan is 16 m. A boy,
(d) S Shyam, wants to walk from where Raman is
standing to where Rohit is standing.
63. How many persons are sitting between U and Which of the following statements may be true?
W? (a) Shyam will have to walk at least 28 m.
(a) Three (b) Shyam will have to walk at max 28 m.
(b) Two (c) Shyam will have to walk less than 20 m.
(c) Four (d) The length of the path travelled by Shyam
(d) One may be 21 m.
can follow, if she cannot pass through any centre that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
2. Continued water shortage in urban areas 2. Investment alone may not be enough for
could lead to the de-urbanization of our growth if the menace of corruption is not
cities. addressed.
Select the correct answer from the code given
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Passage – 2
In our contemporary world, where economies are
80. Consider the following statements followed by
continually evolving, the social sector has emerged as a
two conclusions:
crucial avenue for generating large-scale employment
opportunities. This shift towards bolstering sectors such Statements:
as healthcare, education, and public infrastructure holds 1. Some people are rich.
immense potential for several reasons. Firstly, 2. Some people are hard working.
investments in healthcare and education create a demand
for skilled professionals, ranging from doctors and
1. People are either rich or hardworking.
teachers to support staff and technicians. This not only
provides jobs but also enhances the overall quality of 2. Some people are neither rich nor
1 (b)
Option (a) is not correct: The passage mentions ‘agriculture’ only at one place - “Agriculture, health
and development are suffering. So, bringing the health discussion onto the agenda of the climate change
platform is essential for Africa.” Hence, it can be inferred that ‘agriculture’ is not one of the subjects that
has been ‘mostly’ emphasised by the author. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The first line of the passage itself mentions ‘health’ as an important subject of
discussion - “Health practitioners and experts attending the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi,
Kenya, have expressed displeasure with the exclusion of health on the main agenda despite its
inextricable link with climate change”. This implies that during the ongoing summit the exclusion of
health from the main agenda is a disappointment for experts. Further, it is mentioned in the passage that
“bringing the health discussion onto the agenda of the climate change platform is essential for Africa”.
It can be further inferred that health-related issues are important for Africa and need to be incorporated
into the ongoing climate summit in Africa. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The summit mentioned Africa Climate Summit, which is related with climate.
However, health practitioners and experts are disappointed with the non-exclusion of Health in the
agenda. The subject of ‘environment’ is mentioned at one place in the passage - “We must highlight the
relationship between climate change, environment and health”. It can be understood that the subject of
environment, though important, is not the one that is mostly emphasized upon. Hence, option (c) is not
Option (d) is not correct: The concept of “green growth” finds mention only in the following line of the
passage – The theme of the summit is “Driving green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa and
the World”. The phrase is not mentioned anywhere else in the passage. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
2 (b)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage says that “Hyderabad-based Altmin, a Hyderabad-based battery
material production and cell engineering company, collaborated with the International Advanced
Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, an institution under the Union Ministry of
Science and Technology”. It implies that it is a collaboration between Private and Government sector
entities. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct: The passage says, “Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, International Advanced
Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials and Nonferrous Materials Technology
Development Centre have their own battery know-how and capabilities”. Hence, statement 2 is
Statement 3 is not correct: There is no mention of international collaboration for EV, though the passage
mentions the collaboration of the private sector with the government. Hence, statement 5 is not correct.
3 (b)
Option (a) is not correct: The passage indeed mentions the significant strides made by India in the EV
battery sector. However, the passage does not specifically mention Indian startups. It only mentions that a
Hyderabad-based company is collaborating with a Government-supported institution in the manufacturing
of EV batteries. With this limited information, we cannot assume that Indian startups in general are doing
great in the EV sector. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: With all the technical know-how and technical expertise, the EV sector needs to
have government backing. Though various government agencies are involved in this sector, and schemes
1 ©Vision IAS
like PLI which encourage the manufacturing of ACC batteries have been launched, there is still a lot of
scope for technology upgradation in this sector. The passage says, “EV battery research is lacking in
government sponsorship. Even though the Indian government, through its Advanced Chemistry Cell
(ACC) Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, has laid out Rs 18,100 crore for manufacturing of
ACC, it doesn’t have a national programme to fund research and development into latest
technologies like SIB and SSB”. This implies direct support in the form of a national research program is
required for a technological transformation of this sector in India. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct: There is no mention of the EV batteries with respect to space missions. The
passage only mentions Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre having its own battery know-how and capabilities.
No mention of the use of EV batteries for space missions is found in the passage. Hence, option (c) is not
Option (d) is not correct: The passage says that “Even though the Indian government, through its
Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, has laid out Rs 18,100 crore
for manufacturing of ACC, it doesn’t have a national programme to fund research and development
into latest technologies like SIB and SSB”. It implies that the PLI scheme is for Advanced Chemistry
Cell (ACC). For latest technologies like SIB and SSB there is no government scheme in place yet. Hence,
option (d) is not correct.
4 (d)
Two persons sit between A and H.
5 (c)
6 (c)
After rearranging all the persons according to alphabetical order, we get:
D sits 3rd to the left of G.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
2 ©Vision IAS
7 (b)
Number of teachers that applied for only primary and junior level = 14 – 8 = 6
Number of teachers that applied for only primary and TGT = 12 – 8 = 4
Number of teachers that applied for only junior and TGT = 15 – 8 = 7
We can draw the following Venn diagram:
8 (c)
Based on the given information, the following Venn diagram can be drawn:
From the above figure it is clear that the percentage of guests who like both decoration and music but not
food is 15%.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
9 (a)
Let x% are selected in all the three.
Then, 53 + 61 + 60 – 24 – 35 – 27 + x = 95
Or x = 7
The Venn diagram would be:
12 (d)
Option (a): Tea and Coffee both are subset of beverages. Picture does not represent it.
Option (b): Authors and Teachers may be men or women. So, both will have a common part with men.
The picture given does not represent it.
Option (c): Boys, students and athletes will have boys as common. The picture given does not represent it.
Option (d): Sparrows are a subset of birds and mice have nothing in common with birds. The picture
represents the same.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
13 (c)
Option (a) is not correct: Refer to the lines of the passage, “In recent times, people seem to think urban
foxes are becoming bolder and more cunning, “wreaking havoc in central London” by scavenging in
bins for food scraps. But our recent study suggests that this popular portrayal may only be partially true
for the species”. These lines imply that urban foxes have adapted to the local culture. However, from this
information it cannot be generalised that bolder animals easily adapt to urban culture, as the passage itself
says that it may not be completely true. Moreover, it cannot be the most logical message conveyed by the
author. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage does not mention that there is a decrease in animal spaces
because of expanding urban areas. Further, the rational message of the passage pertains to the adoption of
local culture by foxes, rather than the change in size of animal habitat. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is correct: The passage compares the behaviour of red foxes staying in urban areas and those
which are found in the countryside. The passage says, “We found urban foxes were more likely to interact
with the puzzles than rural ones, suggesting they were bolder. However, when it came to their
willingness to solve the puzzles, there was no difference between the two populations”. From these
lines, it can be inferred that to some extent, the social environment indeed has a bearing on behavioural
patterns of foxes, but not beyond a point. Hence, option (c) is correct.
Option (d) is not correct: The passage mentions the word “colonisation”, but it is in the context of the
colonisation of cities by animals and not in the context of British colonialism. Hence, option (d) is not
14 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: According to the passage “The dangerous rise of AMR could lead to up to
10 million deaths annually by 2050, a United Nations Environment Programme report released February
2023 found. This would be on par with the 2020 rate of global deaths from cancer”. This implies that
AMR-related mortality in 2050 may be equal to cancer-related deaths in 2020, and even that is not certain.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: Refer to the lines, “The numbers (cases of AMR) were this high even though
many countries could not report data for 2020 due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The
global health body had called for more research to discover why AMR had increased and the extent to
which infections are related to hospitalisations and antibiotic treatments during the COVID-19
pandemic.” This means that there is a possibility that the rise in number of hospitalisations and treatment
during the COVID-19 pandemic had contributed to the increased AMR, but it’s a matter of further
15 (b)
Inference 1 is not correct: The passage does not mention that 11 countries cannot reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions by 100%. Instead, it says that “It could take 11 high-income countries over
200 years to reduce their 2022 greenhouse gas emissions by 95 per cent, according to a new
analysis.” However, it does not mean that the countries will never be able to reduce emissions by 100%.
This statement is illogical because it makes an extreme claim. Hence, inference 1 is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct: The passage says that “Our findings suggest that the continued pursuit of
economic growth in high-income countries is at odds with the climate and equity commitments of
the Paris Agreement,”. It suggests that “green growth is, therefore, not occurring and appears out of
reach for high-income countries”. Further, the passage says that “Scientists have warned that green
growth can only occur if decoupling is fast enough to reduce emissions consistent with the Paris
Agreement”. This implies that green growth can occur only with emission reductions, which is in turn
consistent with the Paris Agreement. Hence, inference 2 is correct.
16 (d)
The diagram representing the statements given in the problem is shown below:
Two of them were sitting between K and J. J was neither an immediate neighbor of O, nor an immediate
neighbor L.
Two kids were sitting between P and R. P was not an immediate neighbor of J. P and R cannot be placed
in such a way in case2. So, case2 can be eliminated.
17 (b)
J was sitting third to the left of L.
18 (d)
4 kids were sitting between P and K.
19 (b)
L and N were sitting at the extreme ends of the line.
20 (b)
Let’s draw Venn diagrams in each case.
I. Some cats are dogs. Some dogs are rats. Some cats are rats.
21 (b)
Case 1:
Case 2:
Observing these two cases, we can say that only conclusions l and II are definitely true.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
22 (c)
Case 1:
Observing these two cases, we can say that only conclusion lll is definitely true.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
23 (c)
On combining the given inequalities, we get:
Therefore, we can conclude that M < Y.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
Only three persons sit to the right of R. Also P sits to the immediate right of S.
Case 1: - - M R - Q O - - P S
Case 2:
- - - R - Q - - M - - - O - - P S
Now, since not more than five persons sit between P and Q, so case2 can be eliminated. The final
arrangement will be:
- - M R - Q O - - P S
24 (b)
25 (c)
26 (a)
27 (d)
Given that, 3<x<6…………………………. І
and 8<y<12…………………………. ІІ
So, on adding І and ІІ, we get,
Now there may be two cases possible.
Case 1: When x and y both are integers, then the largest integer value of x+y is 5+11 = 16 (when x=5 and
Case 2: When x and y need not necessarily be integers (i.e. x and y individually may or may not be
Let if x = 5.9 and y = 11.1 OR if x = 5.8 and y = 11.2 etc.
8 ©Vision IAS
In this case the largest integer value of x + y is 17.
Individual value of x or y need not be given for the calculation of the largest integer value of x + y.
However, we must know their nature (integer/non-integer).
Hence, option (d) is correct.
28 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the passage does not compare
the role of local and national governments in the process of climate adaptation. It only mentions that local
governments need to play a pioneering role in adapting to climate change as per the lines “Local
governments are therefore at the frontline of adaptation.”
Assumption 2 is incorrect: Refer to the lines, “throughout history, people and societies have adjusted to
and coped with changes in climate and extremes with varying degrees of success.”. Here, it talks about
how people and societies have adjusted and coped with changes in climate. There is however, no mention
of their role in accelerating climate change. Hence, this assumption is not correct.
29 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The given option is based on the following lines “Our modern life is tailored to
that stable climate, not the much warmer climate of the next thousand years. As our climate changes,
we will need to adapt” and “Climate change (drought in particular) has been at least partly responsible
for the rise and fall of civilizations”. These lines show that climate change causes devastation, but if we
need to live our modern lives then we need to adapt to the changing climate. Further the lines, “Local
governments are therefore at the frontline of adaptation. Cities and local communities around the
world have been focusing on solving their climate problems.” emphasise the role of local-level adaptation
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it mentions ‘reversal’ of climate change
with intervention at local levels. However, the passage focuses on adaptation to and not reversal of
climate change at the local level as is clear from the lines, “Local governments are therefore at the
frontline of adaptation. Cities and local communities around the world have been focusing on solving
their climate problems.” Hence, as per the passage, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The option adds a new context of ‘climate change mitigation’, which is not a part
of the passage. The passage only focuses on the adaptation to climate change as per the lines “Local
governments are therefore at the frontline of adaptation. Cities and local communities around the world
have been focusing on solving their climate problems.” So, this option does not reflect the crux of the
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option establishes a necessary relationship between adaptation
measures at the local level to solving climate change at the global level. This statement is logically
correct; however, such a relationship is not reflected in the passage. The passage states that since climate
change is felt on a local level, local governments are at the forefront of adaptation as per the line “The
faster the climate changes, the more difficult it will be. While climate change is a global issue, it is felt
on a local scale. Local governments are therefore at the frontline of adaptation.” However, to state that
unless changes are done at the local level, climate change cannot be addressed at the global level would
not be correct.
30 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: There is no mention of the likely relative dependence of developed and
developing countries on renewable energy in future. Hence, this option is not the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The lines, “This trend is anticipated to grow. A prediction of future power
consumption is essential for the investigation of adequate environmental and economic policies. Likewise,
an outlook on future power consumption helps to determine future investments in renewable
energy” show that estimation of future energy demands will help allocate proper resources and ensure a
smooth transition towards renewable energy. Therefore, this option is the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is not the best crux because it states that fossils are a thing of
the past and renewables like solar energy are the future, which is an extreme-sounding and unrealistic
judgement. Though the passage mentions increasing investments in renewable energy in future, it does not
talk about giving up on fossil fuel-based energy. Moreover, the passage does not mention anything
Now, P sits third to the right of U and is adjacent to S and J. N sits to the immediate left of S. Four
persons sit between E and N. So, we can eliminate Case 2. Now, we get:
31 (b)
32 (c)
33 (a)
J is sitting seventh to the left of G.
34 (d)
Except G, L and C, all others are adjacent to each other.
35 (c)
From statement-1:
A/E > B > ─ > ─
From statement-2:
From statement -1 and 2 together, we get:
E > A > B > C/D
Therefore, we can conclude that all are shorter than E.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
36 (c)
Let a = number of patients having allergy from only one of the things, b = number of patients having
allergy from exactly two of the things and c = number of patients having allergy from all three of the
Then, a + b + c = 500 (since each of the 500 patients had allergy from at least one of the things).
Given that b = 20% of 500 = 100,
So, a + 100 + c = 500
or, a + c = 400……………… І
Also, if the number of patients who have allergy from pollen (40% of 500, i.e. 200) is added to the
number of patients who have allergy from fur (50% of 500, i.e. 250), and this sum is added to the number
of patients who have allergy from dust (60% of 500, i.e. 300), then each patient who has allergy from only
one of the given things is counted exactly once, each patient who has allergy from exactly two of the
given things is counted exactly twice and each patient who has allergy from all of the three given things is
counted exactly 3 times.
Therefore, a + 2b + 3c = 200 + 250 + 300 = 750.
Using b = 100, we get:
a + 2(100) + 3c = 750
or, a + 3c = 550……………………. ІІ
Solving equations І and ІІ, we get,
a = 325.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
37 (b)
The problem classified the job applicants into two categories:
Whether they had more or less than 2 years of experience, and whether they had an MBA degree.
The given information can be summarised in the following table:
11 ©Vision IAS
At least 2 years of Less than 2 years of Total
experience experience
MBA degree 30
No MBA degree 5
Total 24 50
Thus, according to the given information, 50 – 24 = 26 applicants had less than 2 years of experience.
Then of those applicants with less than 2 years of experience, it is given that 5 applicants did not have an
MBA degree, so 26 – 5 = 21 applicants had less than 2 years of experience and had an MBA degree.
Therefore, out of the given 30 applicants that had MBA degrees, 21 applicants had less than 2 years of
experience, so 30 – 21 = 9 applicants had at least 2 years of experience with an MBA degree.
These results are shown in the following table:
At least 2 years of Less than 2 years of Total
experience experience
MBA degree 9 21 30
No MBA degree 5
Total 24 26 50
Hence the required ratio = 21/9 = 7/3 = 7:3.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
38 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option seems to be based on the following lines “Many who struggle
to secure the financial resources they require often, find themselves unduly swayed by the perspectives of
others. They allow newspapers and gossipy neighbours to mould their beliefs and guide their thinking.”
However, to state that for achieving success one should desist from reading newspapers and listening to
any person is not correct. The author of the passage tries to say that one should not blindly rely on word of
mouth or newspaper reports for financial decision-making but also apply his/her reason.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is not correct as the passage does not specifically mention that
decisions on financial matters are ones the most influenced by popular opinion, there could be other
matters as well. The impact of others’ opinions on other domains are not discussed in the passage and so a
comparison cannot be made. The passage only implies that securing financial resources solely based on
others' perspectives is not recommended. Refer to the line “Many who struggle to secure the financial
resources they require often, find themselves unduly swayed by the perspectives of others.
Option (c) is correct: The given option best reflects what the passage implies. The lines “They can be
readily imparted to anyone willing to accept them. Relying on the judgments of others to make
decisions can undermine one's success in any pursuit. True success arises from the ability to sift through
external influence, cultivating independent, informed decisions based on a clear understanding of
one's goals”, show that it is very important to make informed decisions that are based on a clear
understanding of one’s goals and by an objective and cautious consideration of external influence. Also,
those decisions that are taken solely on the basis of gossip and opinions may fail. Therefore, it is
important to listen to others’ opinions and gather information about the matter but the ultimate decision
should emerge from one’s own subjective analysis and reasoning.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is not correct as the passage does not say that people’s opinion
compromises one’s independent ability to reason and make informed decisions. The lines “They can be
readily imparted to anyone willing to accept them. Relying on the judgments of others to make
decisions can undermine one's success in any pursuit”, mean that one should not blindly trust others’
judgement and opinions on any issue. It does not mean that opinions compromise the ability to think. It
only means that others’ opinions have the power to influence one’s attitude towards various matters if one
12 ©Vision IAS
lets themselves be influenced. One has the autonomy to filter external influence and take independent
39 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it does not reflect the essence of the
passage. This option focuses on people being the centre of any business, but the crux of the passage is the
importance of good corporate governance as seen in lines “Effective governance ensures that companies
maintain rigorous standards in areas like risk management, compliance with regulations, and responsible
environmental and social practices.” Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is very limited in context as it covers only one of the aspects of
effective governance i.e., environmental and social practices. It is based on the lines “Effective
governance ensures that companies maintain rigorous standards in areas like risk management,
compliance with regulations, and responsible environmental and social practices.” However, the
passage is about the importance of good corporate governance which includes an efficient supply chain as
well. Hence, this option is not better as compared to option (d).
Option (c) is incorrect: The given features in the option are not the foundational concepts of good
corporate governance, but reflect its outcome, as per the lines “Furthermore, good governance practices
foster innovation and adaptability, enabling businesses to respond swiftly to changing market
conditions and emerging challenges.” Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is correct: The given option best captures the essence of the passage. The lines “This trust
forms the basis for strong, mutually beneficial relationships along the supply chain …. These factors
are vital for supply chain stability, as they reduce the likelihood of disruptions and costly setbacks.
Furthermore, good governance practices foster innovation and adaptability, enabling businesses to
respond swiftly to changing market conditions and emerging challenges”, show that good governance
is much more than a set of principles. Hence, this option is the best crux of the passage.
40 (d)
The following Venn diagrams may represent the statements given in the question:
41 (b)
2 is both even as well as prime. Both Prime numbers and Even numbers are subsets of Natural numbers.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
42 (c)
Given Venn Diagram:
43 (d)
Venn diagram of all options are as follows;
Option (a):
Option (b):
Option (c):
Option (d):
44 (c)
45 (c)
4 persons are sitting between M and O when counting from the right side of the M.
46 (b)
Except P and F, all others are sitting adjacent to each other.
E and F were sitting across the table facing away from each other. G was sitting 3rd to the right of A and
was facing the center. Hence the final arrangement will be:
48 (b)
A was sitting 4th to the left of G.
49 (c)
Three magazines have been discontinued. None of the discontinued magazines are from Company A. So,
the options- (a), (b) and (d) may or may not be true. Option (c) is certainly true.
50 (b)
Assumption 1 is correct: The given assumption is based on the line “Additionally, education can help
bridge the urban-rural divide by enabling rural youth to actively participate in emerging sectors,
including technology and entrepreneurship.” This implies that lack of education is a reason for rural
youth not participating in emerging sectors. Hence, this assumption is correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the passage mentions that rural
education will reduce immigration in already overcrowded cities as seen in the line “This can lead to more
balanced regional development and reduce migration pressures on already overcrowded cities.” This
does not necessarily mean that rural education will make people leave or emigrate from those cities.
Hence, this assumption is not correct.
51 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct as it does not capture the central theme of the
passage. The option focuses on the intention of capitalists. However, the central theme of the passage is
the relevance of hard work and making informed and intelligent life choices in achieving success as seen
in the lines “Hard work has helped them get there, but only because they’ve chosen to focus on tasks,
projects, and roles that align with their long-term growth goals.” So, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option suggests prioritizing intelligent life choices over hard work,
which is contradictory to the information given in the passage. The passage mentions the importance of
both hard work and quality life choices in achieving success. This is reflected in the following line, “Hard
work has helped them get there, but only because they’ve chosen to focus on tasks, projects, and roles
that align with their long-term growth goals.” So, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does emphasize the importance of informed and intelligent choices.
It says, "Most people fail not because of a lack of effort but because their effort was misdirected or
misaligned with their interests" and "People who make informed and intelligent choices about the
work they choose to focus on have been quicker to reach success." However, the passage does not
entirely negate the value of hard work. It adds, Hard work has helped them get there, but only because
they’ve chosen to focus on tasks, projects, and roles that align with their long-term growth goals.
“While option (c) is not entirely incorrect, it omits the continued importance of hard work when it is
directed correctly.
Option (d) is correct: The given option is correct because it gives equal importance to informed and
intelligent life choices and hard work on the road to success. Though hard work is an important
contributing factor of success, the passage equally emphasises the role of taking informed and intelligent
choices. It is reflected in the following lines, “Hard work has helped them get there, but only because
52 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is based on the following lines “While proponents argue that
GM crops can enhance yields … potential allergenicity, and the monopolistic control of seed markets
by a few biotechnology companies.” These lines highlight the issues with monopoly, but this option does
not reflect the central theme of the passage which is the importance of the precautionary principle in
developing GM crops. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option is the best crux and is reflected in the following lines
“Policymakers, scientists, and stakeholders must prioritize comprehensive, independent research and
transparent risk assessments to ensure the responsible development and deployment of GM crops,
considering the precautionary principle to safeguard both our ecosystems and human health. Ignoring
this principle could have irreversible consequences for our environment and future generations.”
Hence, we can conclude that precautionary principle may counter the concerns related to development of
the GM crops.
Option (c) is incorrect: The option uses the phrase, “despite the precautionary principle”. This means
that even after adopting this principle, GM crops will be a double-edged sword. Now, this is an
assumption which is not reflected in any line of the passage. The main theme of the passage is the need
for the application of precautionary principles in GM crops as seen in the line “The lack of emphasis on
the precautionary principle in GM crop discussions can result in hasty approvals and inadequate safety
assessments.” Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is the need for the application of precautionary
principles in GM crops which is not reflected in the option. The option mentions that things other than this
principle are required to address the concerns associated with GM crops, which may be correct in general
but not as per the passage. The passage focuses on the lack of emphasis on this principle as seen in the
line “The lack of emphasis on the precautionary principle in GM crop discussions can result in hasty
approvals and inadequate safety assessments.” Moreover, “Grassroot participation of farmers” has not
been discussed in the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
53 (b)
The two of the possible cases are:
54 (d)
n(A U B U C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) - n(A ∩ B) - n(B ∩ C) - n(A ∩ C) + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)
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⇒ 78 = 36 + 48 + 32 – 14 – 20 – 12 + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)
⇒ n(A ∩ B ∩ C) = 8
Following Venn diagram can be drawn based on this data:
Required ratio = 18 : 8 = 9 : 4
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
55 (b)
From Statement 5:
Coat Tie
Accounts Teacher
Business Studies Teacher Orange
Commerce Teacher
From Statement 2, Business Studies teacher’s coat is not blue. So, it is must be black.
Coat Tie
Accounts Teacher
Business Studies Teacher Black Orange
Commerce Teacher
From statement 3, Commerce teacher’s coat is not orange. So it must be blue. And from statement 4,
green tie belongs to Commerce teacher. The final table is depicted below:
Coat Tie
Accounts Teacher Orange Yellow
Business Studies Teacher Black Orange
Commerce Teacher Blue Green
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
56 (c)
On observing the above Venn diagram, we can see that there are 6 women painters who are IAS.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
57 (c)
Based on the given information, following Venn diagram can be drawn:
58 (a)
Students who opt neither for Arts nor for Science = 41 + 7 =48.
59 (a)
Students who do not attend classes for Arts, Science and Literature = 41
60 (d)
Students who study exactly two subjects = 11 + 7 + 2 = 20.
Explanation for Questions 61 to 63:
R sits 3rd from one of the ends, and 2nd to the right of V. V and T are immediate neighbors of each other.
Two people sit between P and R. Two cases are possible:
Case 1:
- - P V T R - -
Case 2:
V T R - - P - -
S sits at one of the extreme ends. Two people sit between S and T. So, case2 can be eliminated.
Case 1:
- - P V T R - S
U sits to the left of T, but to the right of Q. W sits to the right of Q. Hence, the final arrangement will be:
61 (c)
Except T and R, people in all other pairs have one person between them.
63 (c)
4 persons are sitting between U and W.
64 (d)
Some of the possible cases have been depicted below:
Case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:
From above, we can conclude that none of the given conclusions is definitely true.
Hence, option (d) is right.
65 (d)
66 (c)
Anil and Chintu are next to each other. Neither Deepa nor Binny are next to Anil. So, Emily has to be next
to Anil.
Deepa and Emily can be on any of the vacant chairs.
So, both the given statements are correct. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
67 (a)
Given Statements:
I. a > b > c = d < e
II. f ≤ g = h < c < i
By combining both the inequalities, we get:
Therefore, conclusion I is true but conclusion II is false.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
68 (c)
Value of Rs. 10 coins is twice the value of Rs 5 coins
It means that, Number of Rs 5 coins = Number of Rs 10 coins. = X (Assume)
Number of Rs 2 coins = 2 (Number of Rs 5 coins) = 2 (Number of Rs 10 coins) = 2X
Total number of coins = 2X (Rs 2 coins) + X (Rs 5 coins) + X (Rs 10 coins) = 4X = 4 times the number of
Rs 5 coins
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
69 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given statement is based on the following lines “Fake news presents
strong, often prejudiced opinions, as fact. It can also direct these opinions to those most likely to
agree to reinforce them.” However, the issues of India in this regard have not been discussed in the
passage. So, it’s out of context. Also, this statement is more of an implication than an assumption.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given statement is based on the line “Sometimes this is then reported as
fact by real journalists.”. This line shows that sometimes even real journalists get misled by fake news and
present them as real news. However, this does not mean that those journalists are not trustworthy. It
simply means that journalists need to be stringent with the verification of news before reporting.
70 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given statement is not based on the information in the passage. It could be a
rational implication as to what should be done to check fake news. However, it is not the crux because the
central theme of the passage is how technology enables the faster transmission of fake news.
71 (c)
Case 1:
Case 2:
From above cases, we can say that only conclusions l and II follow.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
72 (c)
As shown in the diagram above, office 6 may belong to either E or F.
73 (d)
Offices of B and F are farthest from each other in both the cases.
74 (d)
Shortest distance from G to A is: G-D-C-A
Distance = 9 + 18 + 5 = 32 km
75 (a)
Different routes from A to G are:
1. A – B – F – G
2. A – E – G
3. A – D – G
4. A – C – D – G
76 (a)
Using all the 3 statements, we get:
And, D ≤ X < Z = P = K ≤ G= Q > T ≥ S > R
Therefore, we can say that relation between R and X is inconclusive, while C ≥ Z.
Hence, neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
77 (d)
Option (a):
'M > S' and ' K > S' are definitely true.
Option (b):
'M > S' and ' K > S' are definitely true.
Option (c):
'M > S' and ' K > S' are definitely true.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
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78 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given statement is not a rational inference because of the mention of
“people’s participation”. The passage completely focuses on the misgovernance by the urban local bodies
as seen in the lines “Mismanagement, leakages, and inadequate maintenance further exacerbate the
problem. Ageing pipes and inadequate repair and maintenance programs result in significant water
losses.” All these issues are not people’s issues but governance issues. Hence, this option is not correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given option is not correct as supporting evidence cannot be gathered from
the information given in the passage. The option states an extreme consequence of continued water
shortage resulting from unchecked mis-governance of water-related infrastructure. This has not been
discussed in the passage. The passage focuses on the governance issues leading to water shortages in
urban areas. Hence, from the information given in the passage, we cannot infer that continued water
shortage in urban areas could lead to the de-urbanization of our cities.
79 (a)
Assumption 1 is invalid: The given assumption is not correct because the passage mentions what
investments can do in the context of employment in the social sector as seen in lines “Firstly, investments
in healthcare and education create a demand for skilled professionals, … This not only provides jobs
but also enhances the overall quality of human capital.” We cannot say that lack of investment is the
fundamental reason for poor employment. The reasons for this could be poor skills, etc. So, to assume that
lack of investment is the fundamental reason for poor employment is not correct. Moreover, the passage
hints towards increased investment in the social sector in the line – “However, increased social sector
expenditure must be combined with efficient governance …”
Assumption 2 is valid: The given assumption is based on the lines “However, increased social sector
expenditure must be combined with efficient governance, accountability, and measures to combat
corruption to ensure the funds are effectively utilised.” These lines mean that though social sector
investments need to increase, it must be complemented by governance reforms and measures to reduce
corruption. If corruption is not controlled, the funds invested will be diverted from their intended use and
therefore will not be properly used for growth. Hence, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
80 (d)
Based on the given statement, there may be many possible cases, two of which are shown in the diagram
In each of the two cases, there may be or may not be some people outside the sets of Rich and Hard-
working. Therefore, none of the conclusions given is definitely true.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
1. Arjun and Arnav start from the same point in the 2. Based on the above passage, the following
same direction at the same time. After travelling
assumptions have been made:
for an hour, Arjun turns to the left and at the
same time Arnav turns to the right. After turning, 1. As per Plato, democracy is the worst form of
they travel for a distance of 2 km each to reach government.
their respective destinations. Which of the
2. Democracy, because of its inherent nature,
following statements are correct?
(a) Arjun and Arnav are at a distance of 4 km is prone to authoritarianism.
from each other. 3. The distinct characteristics of democracy
(b) Arjun and Arnav reach their destinations at
are freedom and equality.
the same time.
(c) The exact distance between Arjun and Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
Arnav cannot be determined. (a) 1 only
(d) More than one of the above statements is
correct. (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
Directions for the following 5 (Five) items:
(d) 3 only
Read the following three passages and answer the items
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items Passage – 2
should be based on the passages only. India is shifting toward greater renewable energy
Passage – 1
generation while striving to improve energy access,
It is generally believed today that democracy,
“government of the people, by the people and for the affordability, and security. It’s also poised to be one of
people,” is the best and only fully justifiable political the fastest-growing economies in coming years, which
system. Why does Plato not consider democracy the best
will in turn sharply boost energy demand. Whether it
form of government? In the Republic, he criticizes the
direct and unchecked democracy of his time precisely meets those needs with fossil fuels or green alternatives
because of its leading features. Firstly, although freedom
has the potential to shift the trajectory of its greenhouse
is for Plato a true value, democracy involves the danger
of excessive freedom, of doing as one likes, which leads gas emissions for many more years to come. India has
to anarchy. Secondly, equality, related to the belief that made significant progress towards meeting its emissions
everyone has the right and equal capacity to rule, brings
reductions targets under the Paris Agreement, but with
to politics all kinds of power-seeking individuals,
motivated by personal gain rather than the public good. current policies total GHG emissions would nonetheless
Democracy is thus highly corruptible. It opens gates to increase by more than 40 per cent by 2030. While a
demagogues, and potential dictators, and can thus lead to
modest increase in short-term emissions may be
tyranny. Hence, although it may not apply to modern
liberal democracies, Plato’s main charge against the necessary to meet poverty reduction and energy security
democracy he knows from the ancient Greek political goals, a more rapid scaling up of current policies could
practice is that it is unstable, leading from anarchy to
tyranny and that it lacks leaders with proper skill and help lower emissions considerably over the medium term
morals. and bring India closer to a path to net zero by 2070.
are kept outside the temple. All the shoes are of figure.
different colours. Person 5 owns black shoes.
9. Suresh is the brother of Ramesh. Shalu is the 12. Find the number of triangles in the following
(a) Ramesh
(b) Suresh
U is perpendicular to line V which is parallel to 13. Rudra is the brother of Ishan, and Ananya is the
line W. Line X is perpendicular to line V. mother of Ishaan. Sanjeev is the father of
Which one of the following statements is Ananya. Shikha is the mother of Sanjeev. How
correct? is Rudra related to Shikha?
(a) Lines Z, U and W are parallel. (a) Son
(b) Lines X, V and Y are parallel. (b) Grandson
(c) Lines Z, V and U are parallel. (c) Great grandson
(d) Lines Y, V and W are parallel. (d) Brother
4 ©Vision IAS
14. Consider the following. 17. A coin collector has 1000 rare coins. For an
A * B means A is mother of B. exhibition, he wants to arrange all the coins into
A Ø B means A is brother of B. a grid such that the number of rows and the
A # B means A is father of B. number of columns in the grid is the same.
A @ B means A is sister of B. Which of the following options might enable
Which of the following means that E is the him to do so?
maternal uncle of R? (a) He cannot have more than 30 rows in the
(a) R Ø M * O @ E
(b) E * C @ M Ø R
(b) He may arrange the coins into 33 rows and
(c) E Ø O * M @ R
some coins may be left with him.
(d) R Ø C # E
(c) He may arrange the coins into at max 31
15. Gargi, Binod, Chandani, Dinesh, Ajay, Aarti and
(d) He may arrange the coins into at max 32
Firoz are seven members of a family. There are
two married couples. Gargi is a housewife and
her husband is an artist. Chandani is the wife of
18. Prem, who is a child of Subh, is married to Daya.
Binod. Aarti is a teacher and grand-daughter of
Bala is a daughter of Subh, who has only 2
Gargi. Dinesh is the father- in- law of Chandani,
children. Subh is paternal grandfather of Geet.
a dentist and father of Ajay, a scientist. Firoz is
Aarti’s brother and Binod’s son. How is Firoz Rathi is the only son of Daya. Prem has two
As people grow from being children to adults, they start 1. X # Y means Y is 15 metres to the Right of
to have more complex demands and desires and a
2. X $ Y means Y is 15 metres to the North of
growing economy is no different. If we fed a teenager the X.
same foods they ate when they were a baby, their bodies 3. X * Y means Y is 15 metres to the Left of
would not grow as well as they would if they ate
4. X @ Y means Y is 15 metres to the South of
teenager-appropriate meals, and they would not develop
as quickly as their peers. For economies of the past, 5. The direction convention is as shown below:
having land to farm, workers, and basic technology was
people need to be willing to change their behaviour, be If we are given P @ Q * R, then what is the
direction of R with respect to P?
progressive with their ideologies, and invest in new
(a) North
technology. If people are stuck in the past and unwilling (b) South
to change course, they are hampering growth. (c) North-East
(d) South-West
22. Based on the above passage, the following
(b) 2 only
Direction for the following 2 (two) items:
(c) Both 1 and 2
Study the following information carefully and answer the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 questions that follow.
27. Mother, father, daughter and son all four 30. For an upcoming debate competition Shashank
members of a family decided to play lawn wants to select four students from his school.
tennis. A game of mixed doubles is about to There are three boys P, Z and C and four girls R,
begin and the following is known: T, K and M among the seven shortlisted
1. Siblings are not on the same side. students. All students must be able to debate
2. Neither daughter nor mother is diagonally with each other. But Z cannot debate with R. R
across the net from father. cannot debate with K. C cannot debate with M.
Which of the following pairs can be on the same If all the three boys are selected, then what can
side of the net? be the possible team?
(a) Mother – father
(a) C, Z, M, R
(b) Son – daughter
(b) C, P, M, Z
(c) Son – mother
(c) C, Z, T, P
(d) Mother – daughter
(d) P, Z, C, R
(a) 18
(b) 20 Find the number of cubes which have maximum
(c) 14
number of faces touching the other cubes.
(d) 10
(a) 2
(b) 1
32. Shikha started from her office to go to a New
Year party and drove 25 km westwards. Then, (c) 3
she took a left turn and drove 15 km, and then a (d) 4
right turn and drove 15 km in that direction.
Then she turned to her left and drove 15 km to Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
reach the party venue. What is the shortest
Read the following three passages and answer the items
possible distance to the party venue from her
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
should be based on the passages only.
(a) 60 km
(b) 40 km Passage – 1
direction he was running when he finally got light we see as well as when and how long we’re exposed
caught. to it, has a critical effect on sleep. Learning about the
(a) South complex links between light and sleep allows you to set
(b) East
up your bedroom to be more conducive to consistent,
(c) North
high-quality sleep.
(d) West
9 ©Vision IAS
35. Which of the following statements best reflects 36. Which one of the following statements best
(c) People’s sleep quality is heavily dependent user experience as compared to other
Interactive systems are more than just functional. If we infectious diseases and helping children lead long
hope to engage more effectively with our users, user healthy lives. It also prevents them from missing school,
resulting in better learning outcomes. In some contexts,
experience is crucial. To create successful user
it can also secure a family’s social status and help
experiences, we need to know how humans think and
individuals maintain self-confidence. Yet, important
feel. But there is more to thought than just rational,
hygiene behaviours are difficult to practise without the
conscious deliberation. Many of our decisions and right knowledge and skills, adequate community support
feelings are based on complex subconscious processes. and the belief that one’s behaviour can make a
And not everyone thinks in precisely the same way. difference. Many children around the world live in
conditions that make it difficult to maintain good
There are differences in the levels of multi-tasking
hygiene. Where homes, schools and health centres have
people might be comfortable with, or for example, the
dirt floors; where water for handwashing is unavailable;
extent to which their learning styles are visual versus
and even where families share spaces with domestic
aural, kinesthetics and so on. As designers, it will also animals; maintaining hygiene can be a challenge. What’s
help to understand human error and how emotion affects more, practising good hygiene is often perceived as a
(a) Son 48. From his home Vikas walks 100 m towards
North to reach temple. And from there he walks
(b) Brother
70 m towards South-West, and finally he turns
(c) Cousin 225 degree in anti-clockwise direction and
(d) Nephew walks 30 m to reach his shop. In which direction
is temple from his shop?
(a) North- East
Direction for the following 2 (two) items:
(b) North-West
Study the following information carefully and answer the
(c) South-West
questions that follow. (d) South-East
(1996). (d) R
In a college building there are five floors. Ground floor (b)Dr. Sharma
is considered as floor number 1 (i.e. first floor), the one (c) Either Dr. Mehra or Dr. Sharma
(d) Dr. Tiwari
above it is numbered 2 (i.e. second floor) and so on till
the topmost floor. Every floor has different engineering
57. Which of the following combination is correct?
departments, i.e. Electrical Engineering, Computer
(a) Electrical Engineering – Dr. Mishra – Fifth
Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and
Electronics Engineering. Each department is headed by
(b) Civil Engineering – Dr. Mehra – First floor.
five professors named Dr. Batra, Dr. Mehra, Dr. Sharma,
(c) Computer Engineering – Dr. Tiwari – Third
Dr. Mishra and Dr. Tiwari (but not necessarily in the
same order). (d) Mechanical Engineering – Dr. Tiwari –
The department of Electronics Engineering is at third Second floor.
floor. Dr. Mehra is not heading Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering 58. Consider the following:
department. The department of Computer Science is at A * B means A is the sister of B.
an even-numbered floor. There are 2 floors between A + B means A is the brother of B.
Dr. Mishra is the head of the department which is at first A ÷ B means A is the daughter of B.
A × B means A is the mother of B.
floor. Dr. Batra is the head of Electrical Engineering
A = B means A is the father of B.
department. Dr. Tiwari is neither the head of Electronics
Now consider the following expressions:
Engineering nor the head of Computer Science
(1) Y × Z– X
department. Electrical Engineering department is neither
(2) Y– X ÷ Z
just above nor just below the department of Electronics
(3) Y * Z × X
(4) Y ÷ X × Z
55. The department of Mechanical Engineering is at
Which of the above expression(s) mean X is the
which floor? mother of Y and Z?
(a) First (a) 1 only
(b) Third (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) Fifth (c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Second (d) 4 only
strategic edge to India vis-à-vis China. with a large majority of 515 Members of the European
Parliament (MEP) backing it. While 34 MEPs did not
2. Military aircraft manufacturing in India has
vote in favour, 28 withheld their votes. The European
been the monopoly of the government. Union, the world’s largest trading bloc, aims to reduce
its dependence on China and increase its domestic
Select the correct answer using the codes given
capacity for critical minerals through this legislation.
below. Metals and critical minerals are crucial for the green
73. Which among the following is the most security risks. To increase economic resilience and
reduce the risks involved, the EU’s parliament on
important aspect of the above-mentioned
September 14 adopted a text that sets the framework for
acquisition of aircrafts? ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw
materials. The regulation aims to “diversify the Union’s
(a) It will provide employment.
imports of strategic raw materials with a view to ensure
(b) Technology transfer and involvement of that, by 2030, the Union’s annual consumption of each
private players would give a boost to the strategic raw material at any relevant stage of processing
can rely on imports from several third countries, none of
aerospace industry in the country.
which provide more than 65 percent of the Union’s
(c) It will boost the operational capability of the annual consumption”. According to the legislation, by
2030, the Union's extraction capacity should be such that
Indian Armed forces.
the ores, minerals, or concentrates needed to produce at
(d) It will break the monopoly of PSU least 10 percent of its annual consumption of strategic
1 (c)
The speed at with Arjun and Arnav travel is not mentioned in the question. Hence, it must be wrong to
assume that they travel at the same speed.
The following picture represents the possible course of motion of Arjun and Arnav.
The exact distance between the destination of Arjun and Arnav cannot be known without knowing their
respective speeds.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
2 (a)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: It would not be correct to state that democracy is the worst form of
government. The line “Why does Plato not consider democracy the best form of government?” only
shows that Plato believed that democracy is not the best form of government, but it does not mean that it
is the worst form of government. Hence, this assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is based on the following lines - “Secondly, equality
(inherent in democracy), … motivated by personal gain rather than the public good. Democracy is thus
highly corruptible. It opens gates to demagogues, and potential dictators, and can thus lead to tyranny.”
These lines show that as a result of democracy, people with personal interests can become leaders, making
democracy prone to tyranny or authoritarianism. Hence, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
Assumption 3 is correct: The lines “In the Republic, he criticizes the direct and unchecked democracy
of his time precisely because of its leading features. Firstly, although freedom is for Plato a true value,
democracy involves the danger of excessive freedom … Secondly, equality, … motivated by personal gain
rather than the public good” show that freedom and equality are leading features of democracy. Hence,
this assumption is correct.
3 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: Fulfilling energy demands from fossil fuels is possible (doable) in the short term
as seen in the lines “Whether it meets those needs with fossil fuels or green alternatives has the potential
to shift the trajectory of its greenhouse gas emissions for many more years to come. … but with current
policies total GHG emissions would nonetheless increase (possibly via fossil fuels) by more than 40 per
cent by 2030.” However, in the long term, it is unsustainable as seen in the line “more rapid scaling up of
1 ©Vision IAS
current policies could help lower emissions considerably over the medium term and bring India closer to
a path to net zero (not possible with fossil fuels) by 2070.” So, the given statement is not correct as per
the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option is based on the following lines from the passage “India has made
significant progress towards meeting its emissions reductions targets under the Paris Agreement, but with
current policies total GHG emissions would nonetheless increase by more than 40 per cent by 2030.
While a modest increase in short-term emissions may be necessary to meet poverty reduction and
energy security goals …” These lines show that if poverty reduction and energy security are to be
achieved then it would lead to increased GHG emissions. Hence, achieving the triple goals of poverty
reduction and GHG reduction in tandem with boosting energy security is not possible in the short term.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is contradictory to the lines “India has made significant
progress towards meeting its emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement, but with current
policies total GHG emissions would nonetheless increase by more than 40 per cent by 2030.” This
shows that instead of reducing GHG emissions for meeting international obligations, these might increase
due to domestic reasons. Hence, it would not be correct to say that current policies are sufficient to fulfil
the international commitments.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given statement is not correct because of the following lines “It’s also
poised to be one of the fastest-growing economies in coming years, which will in turn sharply boost
energy demand. Whether it meets those needs with fossil fuels or green alternatives has the potential to
shift the trajectory of its greenhouse gas emissions for many more years to come.” These lines show that
it is not clear whether green energy or fossil fuels will be used to meet the energy demands of the fast-
growing economy. Hence, it would not be correct to say that energy from green sources is crucial for
becoming the fastest-growing economy, as such a relationship is not mentioned in the passage.
4 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The given assumption is correct as it is based on the following lines “Over-the-
counter access to antibiotics, without prescription, and direct marketing of drugs to farmers are
common.” These lines show that the availability of drugs to farmers is not regulated which results in
inappropriate and unregulated use of drugs leading to cases of AMR.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The context of AMR in birds is not discussed in the passage. The passage
only mentions how animals in general are impacted by AMR. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope
of the passage.
5 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of increasing farmer's income and its relationship with the
treatment of AMR in animals is not covered in the passage. The passage mainly focuses on the reasons for
the development of AMR in animals.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option could be a rational inference. However, it is not the best
implication of the passage, because the central theme of the passage is the diverse reasons for rising cases
of AMR among animals and what can be done about it, not its repercussions related to livestock
Option (c) is correct: The given option is correct as highlighted in the lines “Awareness of antimicrobial
resistance (AMR) is low and antimicrobial stewardship in livestock is yet to be developed”.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of adequate administrative laws and viral diseases has not been
covered in the passage.
6 (b)
P = 100 + 30 – 70 = 60
Q = 100 + 70 - 100 = 70
M = 100 – 30 + 75 = 145
N = 100 + 115 – 75 = 140
O = 100 + 100 - 115 = 85
Total of M + N + O = 145 + 140 + 85 = Rs 370
Since M, N and O together spent Rs 270, therefore amount left with M, N & O = 370 – 270 = Rs 100
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
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7 (a)
Given figure:
In the given figure, the person has travelled in all the four basic directions and all the four sub-directions.
So that person has walked in 8 directions.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
8 (a)
Person 5 owns black shoes and pair 3 is black. So, Person 5→ Pair 3
Pair 2 must belong to person 3. So, Person 3→ Pair 2
Pair 1 does not belong to either person 1 or person 2. So, Person 4→ Pair 1
Thus, it is known that
Person 1→ ?
Person 2→ ?
Person 3→ Pair 2
Person 4→ Pair 1
Person 5→ Pair 3
So, option (a) is the right answer.
9 (b)
Based on the given information, the following diagram can be drawn:
10 (d)
11 (a)
Given figure:
So, there are a total of 18 squares.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
12 (c)
14 (c)
Let’s check each option one by one.
Option (a): R Ø M * O @ E
Family tree:
15 (a)
We can draw the following blood relation graph with the help of the given information.
16 (a)
Based on the given information, the following relation map can be drawn.
From above, it is clear that the concerned man is the cousin of Radha.
So, option (a) is the right answer.
17 (c)
He can arrange 961 coins into a 31 × 31 grid and have 39 coins still left with him.
Option (a): He can have 31 rows. → Not correct.
Option (b): He will be short of coins if he arranges in grid with 33 coins. → Not Correct.
Option (c): He will be left with some coins if he arranges them in a grid of 31 rows. It’s the maximum
possible number of coins he can place in a row. → Correct.
Option (d): Same as option (b) → Not correct.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
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18 (d)
Family tree diagram has been shown below:
By looking at the above family tree diagram, we can conclude that Geet is the niece of Bala.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
19 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage nowhere compares the contribution of cities and rural areas to
economic growth. The line, “While cities contribute to global economic growth, they are also drivers of
environmental degradation” indicate that cities do contribute to economic growth, but how much do they
contribute or whether it is more than rural areas cannot be assumed. So, this assumption is not correct as
per the passage.
Assumption 2 is correct: The lines “Cities consume 80% of global energy, are responsible for 70% of
greenhouse gas emissions, generate huge amounts of waste and pollution, and are rapidly encroaching
into natural habitats. Urban sprawl is leading to poor living conditions, making cities highly vulnerable
to climate change, and threatening the biodiversity of surrounding cities.” from the passage show that
urban areas consume way more energy, emit a lot of GHGs, etc. Therefore, as per the passage, it would be
correct to assume that urban areas present a less (if not the least) sustainable model of living.
20 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given statement could be a rational inference, but it is not the crux. The crux
is about how stressful it is for young adults to move out of home and what ways can be adopted to cope
with it. Also, by using the term, “informed decision”, the option reflects that moving out is not for
everyone and people who can adjust to stress should move out which is not the crux. So, this is not the
best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: This option reflects a rational inference of the passage. The stress arising from
moving out has been described in the lines “Not only that but, academic failure and problems with fitting
in the newer crowd can be a major stressor and induce panic, in severe cases, it could also put a student
in a depressive state”. However, this statement is very general in nature and cannot be the crux of the
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is not the best crux of the passage. The lines “On top of that,
having to look after oneself and accepting responsibility can also be very distressing”, show that there
are challenges related to moving out of home. The transition from the comfort zone of home to the world
outside home is a cause of stress. The passage is focused more on how to cope with this stress than on
inducing a sense of responsibility in youth.
Option (d) is correct: The given statement best reflects the crux as it encompasses the central idea of the
passage. The lines “Not only that but, academic failure and problems with fitting in the newer crowd can
be a major stressor and induce panic, in severe cases, it could also put a student in a depressive state. …
Taking care of your mental and physical health, eating well, and expressing yourself well for clarity of
thought also helps you to keep in check with your emotions”, show that moving out is stressful, but young
adults can be more aware about their emotions and handle them by consciously focusing on health, food,
etc. So, this option is the best crux of the passage.
22 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the lines “For economies of the
past, having land to farm, workers, and basic technology was sufficient to meet society's expectations”
reflect the opposite. Therefore, it would not be correct to assume that past economies were stagnant and
did not grow as per society’s needs.
Assumption 2 is correct: The following lines from the passage “For modern economic growth, people
need to be willing to change their behaviour, be progressive with their ideologies, and invest in new
technology. If people are stuck in the past and unwilling to change course, they are hampering growth”,
show that the people’s approach is significant in economic growth. If people do not move forward with
their thought process, then it becomes difficult to grow. So, the given assumption is correct.
23 (d)
We can represent the given expression, P @ Q * R, in the form of a diagram:
Hence, R is in South-West of P.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
S goes on Monday but does not go to Board-office. P goes to MP-Nagar on Saturday. The one who goes
on Tuesday, goes to Paharganj. F goes on Sunday. A does not go to Paharganj. The one who goes on
Thursday goes to Barkheda.
Days Girls Places
Monday S Board-office
Tuesday A Paharganj
Thursday Barkheda
Saturday P MP-Nagar
Sunday F
N goes to JK-Road but not on Friday. M goes to Piplani. So, we get:
Days Girls Places
Monday S Board-office
Tuesday A Paharganj
Wednesday N JK-Road
Thursday Barkheda
Friday M Piplani
Saturday P MP-Nagar
Sunday F
The final arrangement will be:
Days Girls Places
Monday S New-Market
Tuesday R Paharganj
Wednesday N JK-Road
Thursday A Barkheda
Friday M Piplani
Saturday P MP-Nagar
Sunday F Board-office
26 (a)
F goes to the Board-office.
27 (c)
Mixed doubles means one male and one female player will be on the same side.
Since, siblings are not on the same side it means son and daughter are on the opposite side. Son must have
teamed up with mother and daughter with father.
Since neither daughter nor mother is diagonally across the net from father. Hence, son is diagonally across
the net from father.
Thus, arrangement will be as follows –
Son Mother
Daughter Father
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
28 (d)
Given figure:
Number of squares = 17
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
29 (c)
Given figure:
31 (b)
Given figure:
32 (c)
We can draw the following path diagram based on the question:
From above figure, it is clear that he was running in the west direction.
So, option (d) is correct.
34 (a)
Cubes having the maximum number of faces touching other cubes are those cubes touching five other
cubes. These cubes are cube number 9 and cube number 10, i.e. there are two such cubes.
So, option (a) is correct.
35 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because what people should do for better
regulation of circadian rhythm is not the main theme of the passage. This could be a rational inference but
not the crux, because the passage focuses on light and its importance for sleep and circadian rhythm as
seen in the lines “Light plays a central role in regulating circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock that
signals when to be alert and when to rest.”.
Option (b) is incorrect: The line “Light also affects the production of melatonin, an essential sleep-
promoting hormone”, shows that melatonin helps in sleep. The connection of melatonin with circadian
rhythm is not a part of the passage. Moreover, the passage focuses more on light and its importance for
sleep and circadian rhythm. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The given option best captures the essence as it mentions the central theme of the
passage which is the importance of light. The lines “Light plays a central role in regulating circadian
rhythm, the body’s internal clock that signals when to be alert and when to rest. Light also affects the
production of melatonin, an essential sleep-promoting hormone. …. Learning about the complex links
between light and sleep allows you to set up your bedroom to be more conducive to consistent, high-
quality sleep.”, show that light regulates sleep and circadian rhythm. Hence, this is the best crux of the
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of nightlife culture and dark light is not a part of the passage. The
main theme of the passage is how light affects sleep and circadian rhythm. Therefore, this option is
beyond the scope of the passage and is not the correct crux.
37 (a)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct as per the lines “Yet, important hygiene
behaviours are difficult to practise without the right knowledge and skills, adequate community support
and the belief that one’s behaviour can make a difference.” These lines show that one’s behaviour can
make a difference which is negated in the assumption. Hence, this assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage mentions that hygiene "can also secure a family’s social status"
and talks about children missing school (which can have economic implications in the long run). This
supports the assumption that poor hygiene has both social and economic implications. Therefore, this
assumption is valid based on the passage
Assumption 3 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because it is not well established in the
passage. The line “Many children around the world live in conditions that make it difficult to maintain
good hygiene”, shows that the living conditions for children are poor but the cause for the same cannot
necessarily be a lack of investment in rural infrastructure. The reasons could be varied ranging from poor
culture of cleanliness, poor accountability, etc. Also, this issue need not necessarily be a rural one. Even
many urban areas may suffer from this issue. Therefore, this assumption is not correct as per the passage.
38 (b)
We can draw the following movement map based on the information provided:
From above figure, it is clear that he is in east direction and 30 meters away from his initial position.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
39 (a)
Let the two riders be R1 and R2.
Following movement graph can be made based on the information provided:
40 (b)
As per the information given in the question, following movement map can be made:
41 (c)
Clearly, the letters at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th and 24th are replaced by $ and letters at 7th, 14th and 21st
positions are replaced by #. Therefore, we get following arrangement:
a, b, c, $, e, f, #, $, i, j, k, $, m, #, o, $, q, r, s, $, #, v, w, $, y, z
The position of fourteenth letter to the right of seventh letter from left end = 21st letter from left = #
Hence, option (c) is correct.
42 (c)
Given figure:
Let’s, divide the figure in 3 segments.
The triangles are: BCF, ADE, ABD, ABC, DEF, CFE, ABG, BGD, AGC, CHE, DHF, EHF
Number of triangles = 12
Segment 1 and 3 are similar.
So, total number of triangles = 11 + 12 + 11 = 34
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
43 (a)
Given figure:
So, there are 9 rectangles in the given figure.
So, option (a) is the right answer.
44 (d)
We can draw the following relation graph with the help of the given information.
45 (c)
We can draw the following relation graph with the help of the given information.
Pratapgarh will present its work just before Gorakhpur. There is a gap of 2 days between Gazipur’s and
Pratapgarh’s presentation. Gazipur will present its art before Pratapgarh.
Aligarh and Gazipur are allotted Tuesday and Thursday, not necessarily in that order, with the rest day
falling between their presentations.
Days Districts
Tuesday Gazipur
Wednesday Rest day
Thursday Aligarh
Friday Pratapgarh
Saturday Gorakhpur
So, the final arrangement will be:
Days Districts
Monday Mirzapur
Tuesday Gazipur
Wednesday Rest day
Thursday Aligarh
Friday Pratapgarh
Saturday Gorakhpur
46 (b)
Aligarh will present its work on Thursday.
47 (a)
Wednesday is the rest day.
48 (a)
From the above diagram, we can say that temple is towards North-East from his shop.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
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49 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given inference is not correct because the passage does not mention that
achieving SDGs would be difficult on account of lack of investment. Context of SDGs is covered in lines
“The fundamental connection between people and the planet, with sustainable agriculture and food
systems, is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which stresses the urgent need
to take concerted action and pursue policies directed at transformational change.” So, this inference is
not based on the passage.
Inference 2 is correct: The passage revolves around the importance of holistic and integrated approaches.
When the passage speaks about not looking at food, livelihoods, health, and natural resource management
separately, it is essentially emphasising breaking the isolated or 'siloed' ways of thinking. The term "silo"
in the context of organizations or policy-making generally refers to a system, process, or department that
operates in isolation from others. The passage's emphasis on the need for holistic and integrated
approaches suggests that current methods might be siloed and that there is indeed a need for breaking
these silos to bring about transformational change. This option is supported by the passage.
50 (b)
Assumption 1 is correct: The lines in the passage “To bring order to societal chaos, Hobbes created his
“leviathan,” the model for a strong, centralised power that based on the support of the people, could
create a society in which peace could flourish”, mention that Thomas Hobbes wanted to create a society
based on peace and bring order in place of social chaos. So, it is correct to assume that the motivation
behind “Leviathan” is peace and stability.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given assumption is probably based on the lines “The notions of civil
society and the rule of law are relatively new. In previous eras, farmers armed themselves to protect
their lands; robbery seemed a logical solution to the misery of poverty.” However, based on these lines
we cannot assume that the concepts of police, justice, government and law were “completely” missing in
the seventeenth century. Probably what was missing was “a strong, centralized power based on the
support of the people”. Moreover, this is a very general and extreme statement.
51 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given statement is not a rational inference because “leviathan,” the model
for a strong, centralized power was created for peace in society within the state. The context of nations
being kept away from fighting each other has not been covered in the passage. Moreover, the best type of
government is still being debated as indicated in the line - “Hobbes’s ideas then revolutionized political
philosophy and are today still quite relevant, as we continue to debate which type of government can best
guide nations away from a permanent state of war.” So, this statement is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The main idea in the passage is how Hobbes's idea of “Leviathan” changed the
social order towards peace and stability via transforming the political governance landscape. Have a look
at these lines - “To bring order to societal chaos, Hobbes created his “leviathan,” the model for a strong,
centralised power that is based on the support of the people, could create a society in which peace could
flourish. Hobbes’s ideas then revolutionised political philosophy and are today still quite relevant ….”
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is generic and not specific to the information contained in
the passage. The passage is about Hobbes's “Leviathan” and how it was important in bringing change in
society. Hence, this statement is not the most rational inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does not mention anything about the concept of democracy or its
theoretical foundations. Hence this statement is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most
rational inference.
52 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: According to the passage, tanks were developed as a response to the situations
that developed during World War I. The passage says that “The now mythic Western Front was one of
the main theatres of the Great War. It was the stalemate of the Western Front that led to the
development of tanks. It was a weapon designed for one simple task: crossing the killing zone
between trench lines and breaking into enemy [defenses]”.
Statement 2 is not correct: The passage only mentions the situation that led to the development of tanks
as weapons. The passage does not specify the country that built tanks first.
17 ©Vision IAS
Statement 3 is not correct: From the lines, “It was the stalemate of the Western Front that led to the
development of tanks — vehicles which could provide mobile protection and firepower for troops in
order to take down trenches” and “It was a weapon designed for one simple task: crossing the
killing zone between trench lines and breaking into enemy [defenses]”, it can be inferred that tanks
not only provided protection to troops against enemies but also provided firepower that could break
enemy defenses.
53 (d)
a € b β c € d β e ¥ f can be read as ‘a’ is sister of ‘b’, ‘b’ is brother of ‘c’, ‘c’ is sister of ‘d’, ‘d’ is brother
of ‘e’ and ‘e’ is daughter of ‘f’.
Thus, a, c, e are females, while b and d are males. We do not know about f’s sex.
Hence, we cannot be sure about the number of females in this relationship string.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
54 (b)
Based on the given information, following relation map can be drawn:
Electronics Engineering department is at third floor. Dr. Mishra is the head of the department which is at
the first floor. Hence, we get:
Floor Department Professor
3 Electronics Engineering
1 Dr. Mishra
Electrical Engineering department is neither just above nor just below the department of Electronics
Engineering. Dr. Batra is the head of Electrical Engineering department. Hence, Electrical Engineering
department cannot be at second or fourth floor. Hence, Electrical Engineering department can be either at
first floor or fifth floor. But, first floor is headed by Dr. Mishra. Hence, Electrical Engineering department
cannot be at first floor. Therefore, Electrical Engineering department is at fifth floor and it is headed by
Dr. Batra.
Floor Department Professor
5 Electrical Engineering Dr. Batra
3 Electronics Engineering
1 Dr. Mishra
The department of Computer Science is at an even-numbered floor. Hence, Computer Science can be
either at fourth floor or second floor. Now, we also know that there are 2 floors between Computer
Science and Civil Engineering department.
Case 1: If Computer Science is at fourth floor, then Civil Engineering department will be at first floor.
Therefore, Mechanical Engineering department will be at second floor.
3 Electronics Engineering
2 Computer Science
1 Dr. Mishra
Case 2 is not possible because 2 floors between Computer Science and Civil Engineering department are
not possible here. Hence, case 2 can be neglected.
Dr. Tiwari is neither the head of Electronics Engineering nor the head of Computer Science department.
Hence, Dr. Tiwari must be the head of Mechanical Engineering.
Dr. Mehra is not heading Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering
department. Hence, Dr. Mehra is heading either Computer Science or Electronics Engineering. Hence, the
final arrangement will be as follows:
Floor Department Professor
5 Electrical Engineering Dr. Batra
4 Computer Science Dr. Mehra / Dr. Sharma
3 Electronics Engineering Dr. Mehra / Dr. Sharma
2 Mechanical Engineering Dr. Tiwari
1 Civil Engineering Dr. Mishra
55 (d)
We can see that the department of Mechanical Engineering is at second floor.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
56 (c)
The department of Electronics Engineering is headed by either Dr. Mehra or Dr. Sharma.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
57 (d)
Mechanical Engineering – Dr. Tiwari – Second floor is the correct combination.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
58 (d)
Checking the statements one by one:
(1) Y × Z– X: means Y is the mother of Z; and Z is the son of X.
(2) Y– X ÷ Z: means Y is the son of X; and X is the daughter of Z.
(3) Y * Z × X: means Y is the sister of Z; and Z is the mother of X.
(4) Y ÷ X × Z: means Y is the daughter of X; and X is the mother of Z. Therefore, X is the mother of Y
and Z.
Only from statement (4) we can deduce that X is the mother of Y and Z.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
Hence, there are 21 rectangles in the given figure.
So, option (d) is the right answer.
60 (a)
Given figure:
The triangles are: ABI, AIC, BFI, CIF, ABC, BCF, ABF, ACF, DGF, DGB, DBF, FEH, HCE, CFE, ADF,
Hence, there are 17 triangles in the given figure.
So, option (a) is the right answer.
C and F went on holiday in the same month having 31 days, i.e. either in October or in December, and C
did not go on an odd-numbered date. It means C went on an even-numbered date, i.e. on 10th. Therefore,
C went before F. G went on holiday just before C. So there will be two possibilities:
Now, A went on holiday in November. Therefore, A may go either on 10th or 15th November.
Two employees went on holiday in the time-gap between holidays of A and B. Therefore, in both the
above cases only one place is suitable, i.e. A went on 10th November.
61 (c)
It can be seen from above that four employees went on holidays in the time-gap between holidays of E
and H.
62 (a)
D went on holidays on 10th December.
63 (b)
E went immediately before G.
64 (c)
Following figure can be drawn with the help of the information provided in the question:
From above figure it is clear that the house is in the north direction from his school.
So, option (c) is the right answer.
21 ©Vision IAS
65 (a)
Checking all the options:
The persons who live in room A and H, have the maximum difference in daily earnings. P lives in room
D. V’s earning is $177 and he lives in room G.
Room Person Earning
A $164 / $182
G V $177
H $164 / $182
Only one person lives between S and the one who earns the minimum. One person lives between S and
the one who earns $179. One person lives between S and R. R’s earning is not $179. So, two cases are
Case 1:
Room Person Earning
A R $164
E $179
G V $177
H $182
Case 2:
Room Person Earning
A $182
D P $179
G V $177
H R $164
22 ©Vision IAS
One person lives between T and P. T doesn’t earn $167 and does not live in room B. So, we can eliminate
Case 2.
Room Person Earning
A R $164
E $179
F T $167
G V $177
H $182
One person lives between U and the one who earns $169. U does not earn $182. So, we get:
Room Person Earning
A R $164
C S $169
E U $179
F T $167
G V $177
H Q/W $182
S earns more than P. So, P must be earning $167.
Room Person Earning
A R $164
C S $169
D P $167
E U $179
G V $177
H Q/W $182
Not more than two persons earn more than Q. So, Q must be earning $182.
Room Person Earning
A R $164
C S $169
D P $167
E U $179
G V $177
H Q $182
Not more than three persons earn less than T. So, T must be earning $172.
Room Person Earning
A R $164
B W $174
C S $169
D P $167
E U $179
F T $172
G V $177
H Q $182
67 (c)
Q earns the most.
68 (a)
U earns $179.
69 (d)
As per the information of Amit
10 < Distance of Aligarh < 15
As per the information of Sunita
13 < Distance of Aligarh < 16
So, definitely 14 km is the distance of Aligarh.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
70 (c)
Given figure:
There are 14 or more squares.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
71 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: Both countries are in the process of negotiating an agreement called Early
Progress Trade Agreement (EPTA). Once the two countries sign such an agreement, they can lower their
customs duties. However, custom duties are lowered only when the agreement is signed. The passage says
that In March last year, the two countries re-launched negotiations for an interim agreement, officially
dubbed as Early Progress Trade Agreement (EPTA). It further says that “In such agreements, two
countries significantly reduce or eliminate customs duties on the maximum number of goods traded
between them”. This implies that lowering the customs duty is a part of EPTA, which is yet to be signed.
Hence, option 1 is not correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: The passage mentions that India’s resentment towards the political
development in Canada has temporarily paused the negotiations of EPTA. However, it is not mentioned in
the passage that it will have any effect on the bilateral relations between the two countries. Moreover, as
of now the suspension of EPTA negotiations is more of an outcome of adverse bilateral relations than
vice-versa. Hence, option 2 is not correct.
73 (b)
Option (a) is not correct: Employment will be generated as a result of local manufacturing of aircraft in
India. It implies that local manufacturing is the most significant aspect and employment generation is
merely a by-product of local manufacturing. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The lines “– there will be a transfer of manufacturing technology to Tata
Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) by Airbus” and “The acquisition sets into motion India’s first-ever
‘Make in India’ Aerospace program in the private sector,” highlight the role of private sector and a boost
to the aerospace industry in our country. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct: It is true that C-295 will replace the existing fleet of aircraft and significantly
boost the operational capabilities of IAF. But, as mentioned above, the most important aspect of this deal
is that it will involve private players and boost local manufacturing. Moreover, usage of the term “Indian
Armed forces” instead of “Indian Air Force” makes this statement more general in nature. Hence, option
(c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: Breaking the monopoly is one aspect of the mentioned deal. Now the military
aircraft manufacturing sector will be open to private players too and will no longer be a monopoly of the
government. However, to say that it will “break the monopoly of PSU manufacturing in India” will be a
very broad statement and rather extreme. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
74 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage says, “Metals and critical minerals are crucial for the green
transition as they are used to manufacture solar panels, windmills, and electric car batteries”. This
line implies that if more of the above-mentioned equipment is made, more will be the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions.
Statement 2 is correct: The EU depends on China for 99% of its requirement of rare earth metals. This
extreme dependency on a single country is considered a threat. The passage says that “German MEP
Nicola Beer, the driving force behind the law, said in the parliament that the EU was 99 percent dependent
on China for rare earth metals. We cannot allow that to be the case. Such dependencies create a high
risk of supply disruptions and increase the Union’s vulnerability and security risks”.
75 (b)
Option (a) is not correct: According to the passage metals and critical minerals are crucial for the green
transition as they are used in the manufacturing of electric batteries and solar panels. However, there is no
discussion on mineral companies.
Option (b) is correct: Too much dependency on a single source for procurement of raw material is a
security threat. The EU passed legislation that mandates diversifying of sources of procurement of critical
minerals. The passage says that “The European Union, the world’s largest trading bloc, aims to
reduce its dependence on China and increase its domestic capacity for critical minerals through this
legislation”. It is further mentioned in the passage - “Such dependencies create a high risk of supply
disruptions and increase the Union’s vulnerability and security risks”. Additionally, the passage says,
“The regulation aims to “diversify the Union’s imports of strategic raw materials”. From these lines,
it can be assumed that this option statement best reflects the crucial message conveyed by the author.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage mentions the legislation of the EU which is related to the
transition towards green energy. However, it is not mentioned that the EU is leading the world in this
Option (d) is not correct: This option states one of the means by which dependence on a single source
can be avoided. The legislation mentioned mandates to diversify the rare earth metals and critical mineral
sources which in turn address a security threat. It is different from “means of energy generation”.
4 balls are placed between Green and Black balls. 2 balls are placed between Blue and Black colored
balls. Also, Yellow ball is placed just above Black ball. Red ball is placed just above Yellow ball. So,
there are 2 possible cases:
Case 1:
Case 2:
2 balls are placed between Red and Pink colored balls.
Case 1:
Case 2:
Number of balls between Red and Black colored balls is the same as that between Pink and Blue colored
balls. So, we can eliminate Case 1.
76 (c)
There is 1 ball between Red ball and Black ball.
77 (d)
There are 6 balls above the Orange ball.
78 (c)
White colored ball is placed 4th from the bottom.
79 (c)
If Durgesh visited city T, then Chandan must have visited city S, because he visited the city immediately
to the left of Durgesh's city.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
80 (d)
It can’t be determined since data is not sufficient.
1 (a)
Total time from 6:00 a.m. on Friday to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday = 24 + 12 + 3 = 39 hours
In first hour, it gains 3 sec in 5 min. So, in first hour it gains (3/5)×60 = 36 sec.
In second hour, it loses 6 sec in 5 min. So, in second hour it loses (6/5)×60 = 72 sec.
So, in 2 hours it loses 72 – 36 = 36 sec.
So, in 38 hours it loses (36/2) × 38 = 684 sec.
In 39th hour, it will gain 36 + (39 - 1)36 = 36×39 = 1404 sec.
So, total gain in time = 1404 - 684 = 720 sec = 12 mins.
So, the time displayed by the clock at 9 p.m. on Saturday = 9:00 p.m. + 12 minutes = 9:12 p.m.
So, option (a) is correct.
2 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The main theme of the passage is awareness and perception of commercial
nuclear energy. However, the given option mentions safe development of new reactors which is not the
core theme of the passage. Hence, this option is not the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The lines “This perception is often based on three global nuclear accidents, its
false association with nuclear weapons, and how it is portrayed on popular television shows and films”
and “DOE also works to provide accurate, fact-based information about nuclear energy through its
social media and STEM outreach efforts to educate the public on the benefits of nuclear energy”, show
that DOE has taken various steps to address the perception issues of commercial nuclear power.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not a rational inference because it does not include the
context of changing perceptions about nuclear power. Hence, as per the passage, this is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the role of the people in busting false
perception of nuclear energy is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this is not the most logical inference
of the passage.
3 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of the role of the global organizations in preventing the spread of
invasive species is not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The given option is the best crux of the passage as can be seen in the lines “The
global economy, with increased transport of goods and travel, has facilitated the movement of live species
over long distances and beyond natural boundaries” and “… tremendous impact on the health of plants,
animals and even humans—threatening lives and affecting food security and ecosystem health. Their
negative impact on the economy costs countries billions of dollars…”
Option (c) is incorrect. The option could be a rational implication which explains what should be done to
prevent the spread of invasive species causing dire socio-economic consequences, but it is not the crux as
it does not present the summary of the passage. Also, eradication of species at their origin or source
sounds a bit extreme. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of proper regulations for the prevention of the spread of invasive
species is not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
4 (d)
Option (a) is not correct. The statement mentioned is correct, but it is not the most rational message
conveyed by the author. The passage revolves around the central idea of how women could be involved in
cities as equal participants. Hence, it is not a correct option.
5 (c)
337 days = 48 weeks + 1 day
The yearly calendar will repeat after 7 years when the 7 odd days add up to make a week.
So, option (c) is correct.
6 (b)
At 10 o’clock, the hour hand is at 10 and the minute hand is at 12, i.e., they are 50 minutes spaces apart.
To be together, the minute hand must gain 50 minutes over the hour hand.
Now, 55 minutes spaces will be gained in 60 minutes.
So, 50 minutes spaces will be gained in ((60/55)×50) = 600/11 = 54(6/11) minutes.
The hands will coincide at 54(6/11) minutes past 10.
So, option (b) is correct.
7 (b)
Given sequence: 5 e c 7 2 9 8 y 7 5 6 # 1 k 8 6 g 8 7 2 f 4 5 4 * 6
Digits preceded by a consonant and followed by a prime number are: (c 7 2); (y 7 5); (g 8 7) and (f 4 5)
So, required value = 4
So, option (b) is correct.
8 (a)
Clearly, we have:
A = B - 300 ...(i)
D = E - 500 ...(ii)
A + C = 2E ...(iii)
B + D = A + C = 2E ...(iv)
A + B + C + D + E = 4500 ...(v)
Or 2E + 2E + E = 4500 (Since, B + D = A + C = 2E)
Or 5E = 4500
Or E = Rs. 900
D = E - 500 = 900 - 500 = Rs. 400
B + D = 2E
Or B = 2E - D = 2×900 - 400 = Rs. 1400
A = B - 300 = 1400 - 300 = Rs. 1100
A + C = 2E
Or C = 2E - A = 2×900 - 1100 = Rs. 700
So, option (a) is correct.
9 (d)
Except , all are punctuation marks. So, it is different from the rest.
So, option (d) is correct.
11 (c)
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
Clearly, D + D = M
So, option (c) is correct.
12 (b)
Let the fixed amount be Rs. x and varying amount be Rs. y per unit.
We are given,
x + 350y = 3040 ...............(1)
x + 436y = 3728 ...............(2)
On solving equation (1) and (2), we get:
x = 240 and y = 8
∴ Amount of bill for 523 units = 240 + 523×8 = Rs. 4424
So, option (b) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 13 and 14:
One of them is a volleyball player and studies English and History. M is a boxer. The boxer studies
Mathematics and Accounts.
Person Sports Subjects
Volleyball English, History
M Boxing Mathematics, Accounts
Both badminton players study Mathematics. One badminton player also studies Physics.
Person Sports Subjects
Volleyball English, History
M Boxing Mathematics, Accounts
Badminton Mathematics, Physics
Badminton Mathematics
J and K play badminton. J studies Science.
So, Final arrangement:
Person Sports Subjects
L Volleyball English, History
M Boxing Mathematics, Accounts
K Badminton Mathematics, Physics
J Badminton Mathematics, Science
13 (a)
14 (a)
15 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage is not about the type of leadership in the workplace but about certain
differences in the approach of young generations and past generations towards their professional lives.
Further, the passage only says that the “command and control leadership is questioned” and not that
command and control leadership is NOT successful.
16 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage clearly says, “Zhengzhou in Henan province was one of the most
enthusiastic pioneers of sponge city construction, allocating nearly 60 billion yuan to the
programme from 2016 to 2021”. These lines imply that heavy investment is needed for the development
of Sponge cities. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. A number of activities are associated with sponge cities. The passage says
“Those solutions included the use of permeable asphalt, the construction of new canals and ponds
and also the restoration of wetlands”. From these lines, it is clear that sponge cities initiative includes
wetland restoration, which is an environmentally sustainable initiative. Hence, it is a correct statement.
17 (b)
Statement (a) is not correct. China has recently been hit by floods, causing heavy damage in urban areas.
However, the central theme of the passage revolves around the initiative of “sponge city” and its
effectiveness in controlling floods. Therefore, this statement cannot be said to reflect the crux of the
passage. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement (b) is correct. The passage revolves around the efficiency of sponge cities in controlling urban
floods. The passage mentions the launch of the sponge city initiative, its working, and how effective it is
in regulating floods and drought. The passage says, “The sponge city initiative was designed to make
greater use of lower-impact “nature-based solutions”. It further says, “Even if sponge city measures
had been implemented in full, they would have been unable to prevent this year’s disasters”.
Therefore, it can be considered as the crux of the passage.
Statement (c) is not correct. According to the passage, Chinese cities are vulnerable to drought and
floods. However, nowhere is it mentioned that drought and floods occur simultaneously. Hence, it is not
a correct statement.
Statement (d) is not correct. It is not mentioned in the passage that sponge city initiative is aligned with
the climate goals of China. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
18 (a)
Total hours from 5 a.m. on Friday to 11 a.m. on next day = 30 hours
The time gained by the hand watch in this duration = (8 + 12) = 20 minutes
So, the hand watch gains 20 minutes in 30 hours
So, the hand watch gains 8 minutes in (30/20)×8 = 12 hours
Required time = 5 a.m. on Friday + 12 hours = 5 p.m. on Friday
Thus, the watch shows the correct time at 5 p.m. on Friday.
So, option (a) is correct.
19 (a)
Difference in minutes between the two clocks in one hour = 5 – 3 = 2 minutes
Total number of hours from 6 a.m. today to 10 p.m. on next day = 24 + 12 + 4 = 40 hours
Difference in minutes between the two clocks in 40 hours = 2 × 40 = 80 minutes
So, option (a) is correct.
20 (d)
The time shown by the mirror image of the clock = 12 hours – 4 hours 35 minutes = 7 hours 25 minutes
So, option (d) is correct.
22 (a)
Let the present ages of P, P's son and P's father be x years, y years and z years respectively.
At present, the sum of the ages of P's father and P is 120 years.
So, x + z = 120
Or x = 120 - z
When P will be as old as P's father is now, P will be six times as old as P's son is now.
So, z = 6y
But at that time P's son will be seven years older than what P is now.
So, y + (z - x) = x + 7
Or y + z = 2x + 7
Or y + z = 2(120 - z) + 7 (since, x = 120 -z)
Or y + 3z = 247
Or y + 3×6y = 247 (since, z = 6y)
Or 19y = 247
Or y = 13
So, z = 6y = 6×13 = 78 years
And x = 120 - z = 120 - 78 = 42 years
After 10 years, P's age = x + 10 = 42 + 10 = 52 years.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
23 (c)
Income on the 1st day of his business = x
Income on the 2nd day of his business = 3x
Income on the 3rd day of his business = 3 × (3x) = (3)2 x
Income on the 4th day of his business = 3 × (3)2 x = (3)3 x
So, Income on the pth day of his business = (3)p – 1 x
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
Explanation for Questions 24 to 26:
The one who likes Dehradun works in the field of Information Technology only with T. Thus, only 2
people work in the field of Information Technology.
V neither works with T nor in the field of Finance. So, V works in the field of Healthcare. V does not like
Z works with V. So, Z also works in the field of Healthcare.
W likes Ranikhet.
X works with only one person. X does not like Dehradun and does not work in Healthcare. So, X works in
the field of Finance with only one another person. Thus, it is clear that three persons work in the field of
Person Field Hill station
U/Y Information Dehradun
T Information
V Healthcare Mukteshwar
Z Healthcare
W Healthcare/Finance Ranikhet
X Finance
U/Y Healthcare/Finance
Y likes Badrinath.
Person Field Hill station
U Information Dehradun
T Information
V Healthcare Mukteshwar
Z Healthcare
W Healthcare/Finance Ranikhet
X Finance
Y Healthcare/Finance Badrinath
The one who likes Mukteshwar works with the one who likes Rishikesh. So, they work in field of
Healthcare because three persons work in the field of Healthcare.
Y works with the one who likes Nainital. W does not work with Y.
Final arrangement:
Person Field Hill station
U Information Dehradun
T Information Mussoorie
V Healthcare Rishikesh
Z Healthcare Mukteshwar
W Healthcare Ranikhet
X Finance Nainital
Y Finance Badrinath
24 (b)
Y works in Finance field and likes Badrinath hill station.
25 (c)
V works in Healthcare sector and likes Rishikesh hill station.
27 (d)
Minimum number of matches that must be played = 45 - 1 = 44
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
28 (d)
Let the husband’s age be x.
Let the wife’s age be y.
Let the son’s age be z.
According to the question,
x + 2y + 3z = 85 ...............(1)
3x + 6y + 9z = 255
x + 2y + 3z = 85 ............(2)
4x + 8y + 12z = 340
x + 2y + 3z = 85 ..........(3)
All the three equations are essentially the same. Hence, the above system of equations will give no unique
Thus, the son's age can't be determined.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
29 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. Lampedusa, a Sicilian island, is situated nearer to Africa than mainland Italy. It is
a popular destination for migrant traffickers as well. These facts indicate towards its accessibility to
African migrants. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is not correct. The Italian government has urged the European Union to join efforts in
seeking Tunisia’s cooperation in controlling smuggling operations. However, the passage does not
mention that the number of migrants coming to Italy has decreased as a result of this. Hence, it is not a
correct statement.
30 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. People migrate to other countries and regions for multiple reasons. However,
the passage does not mention any reason as to why people migrate. Hence, it is not a correct option.
Option (b) is correct. According to the passage, 41 people recently died in a boat accident. Despite these
accidents, the migrants continue to emigrate to Italy. The passage says that “there have been numerous
shipwrecks of smugglers' boats leaving from Tunisia bound for Italy”. The passage further says that
“more than 93,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far this year, more than twice the 45,000 who
arrived during the same period in 2022”. This implies that even after the danger of accidents, people
continue to migrate. Hence, it is a correct option.
Option (c) is not correct. Even though the reasons for migration can be divided into two factors of push
and pull, the passage does not mention or indicate such a classification. The answer statement should be
within the scope of the information given in the passage. Therefore, it does not reflect the crux of the
passage. Hence, it is not a correct option.
Option (d) is not correct. The process of migration might have led to changes in the demography of host
countries, but the passage does not mention these. Hence, it is not a correct option.
31 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is incomplete in the sense that it only talks about the positive
impact of cell phones and ignores the other side of the story. But the passage also includes the negative
side of cell phones. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. Consider the lines “While this change has done wonders for so many reasons,
research shows that excessive cell phone usage may have negative impacts on mental health.” It captures
the essence of the passage which is that cell phones are a good servant but a bad master. Hence, this is the
best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. Giving up on cell phones as a solution to the problem of excessive use of phones
is not discussed in the passage. Thus, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is incorrect.
32 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage is specific to democracies
and does not talk about other political models. Hence this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is correct. Refer to the lines “… current climate of widespread mistrust in the
institutionalized and representative mediation of politics” and “… has led to greater familiarity with a
protest-based repertoire of opinions and/or actions, and an enhanced tendency towards extremism and
radicalization, particularly among younger generations.” These lines show that protest-based culture
arises due to the mistrust in the mediation of politics and eventually promotes extremism and
radicalisation in youth. Hence, to end extremism and radicalisation, it is important to build trust.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines “In contemporary democracies, protest feeds on the difficulties
currently facing political representation and is expressed within the framework of direct rather than
representative democracy.” This shows that protest is expressed in the framework of direct democracy,
but this does not mean that it’s better than representative democracy, as the passage does not compare
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not mention extremist and radicalized youth contributing to
politics as a desired trait. Hence, this option is not correct.
33 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The polar bears being the worst sufferers of climate change is not mentioned in
the passage. The example of polar bears is chosen to highlight the impact of sea ice loss, but it has not
been compared to any other species to conclude that it is the worst sufferer. Hence, this is not the best
crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it states that minimizing conflicts with
humans will conserve polar bears’ habitat, food, and reproduction. However, these issues of polar bears
are not majorly due to conflicts, but rather due to the loss of sea ice. Hence, this is not the best crux of the
Option (c) is correct. The lines “The plight of polar bears, for example, has become a symbol of global
warming in the Arctic due to the cascading impacts of sea ice loss. Polar bears that do survive are less
likely to produce healthy offspring, reducing the population over generations.” validate the given
statement. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct, but it is not. It could be a rational
implication and not the crux of the passage. It highlights what should be done to protect polar bears, while
the passage is more descriptive in nature.
34 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage does not talk about
Information Technology education in schools.
Option (b) is incorrect. The line “Increasing connectivity alone will not help in the goal of granting
universal access to higher quality and inclusive education”, highlights the potential of connectivity to
bridge the gaps in accessing education. However, the given option says that increasing connectivity has
caused a wide gap in digital education, which is incorrect. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (c) is correct. The lines “Granting universal access implies making sure that the benefits of
education and technology are accessible to everyone; this means, also to girls and to children and youth
belonging to minorities, indigenous and marginalized groups, refugees, and displaced learners, as well as
children with disabilities.” These lines capture the essence of the passage. Hence, this is the best crux of
the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is framed like an assumption and not like a crux. The passage
does not mention anything about right to education. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
35 (b)
Figures (1, 8, 9) → Bisected by a straight line
Figures (2, 3, 5) → Intersected by a straight line
Figures (4, 6, 7) → Extended arm
Hence, option (b) is correct.
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36 (d)
From one figure to the next, only one component moves and the rest stay at the same position.
Components move in the following order:
First × moves, then the circle, and after that the triangle.
In the fifth figure × moves one step forward. So, in the sixth figure, circle will move one step forward.
So, the next figure formed will be:
37 (c)
Frequency: In statistics the frequency (or absolute frequency) of an event is the number of times the event
occurred in an experiment or study.
In the given question the number of students who have obtained a certain number of marks will be called
as the frequency of that marks.
The count of number of students who have scored 40 marks in the above data is 4. Therefore, the
frequency of 40 marks is 4.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
38 (a)
Let weight limit of free luggage allowance be x kg.
A and B have a combined 90 kg of luggage with them, and are charged Rs. 1600 and Rs. 3200
respectively for excess luggage. So, if A has y kg extra luggage, then B must have 2y kg extra luggage.
So, A's luggage weight = (x + y) kg
B's luggage weight = (x + 2y) kg
Extra luggage = y + 2y = 3y kg
Rs. 4800 is the charge for 3y kg extra luggage.
So, Rs. 6000 will be the charge for (3y/4800) × 6000 i.e. (15y/4) kg extra luggage.
So, (x + y) + (x + 2y) = x + 15y/4
Or x + 3y = 15y/4
Or x = 3y/4
According to the question,
(x + y) + (x + 2y) = 90
Or 2x + 3y = 90
Or 2(3y/4) + 3y = 90 (since, x = 3y/4)
Or 9y = 90 × 2
Or y = 20 kg
So, x = 3y/4 = 3 × 20/4 = 15 kg
So, B's luggage weight = x + 2y = 15 + (2×20) = 55 kg
Hence, option (a) is correct.
39 (d)
In a correct clock, the hands of a clock coincide every 65(5/11) minutes.
But in this case, they are together again after every 70 minutes. Hence, the clock is slow and losing time.
Time lost in 70 minutes = 70 - 65(5/11) = 4(6/11) = (50/11) minutes
Time lost in one day (24×60 min.) = 24 × 60 × [(50/11)/70] minutes
Time lost in one week = 7 × 24 × 60 × [(50/11)/70] minutes = (7200/11) minutes = (7200/11)/60 hours =
10(10/11) hours
Thus, the clock loses 10(10/11) hours in a week.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
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40 (b)
At 9 o’clock, the hour is at 9 and the minutes hand is at 12, i.e., the two hands are 15 min. spaces apart.
The minute hand would have to cover extra 15 spaces in order to be opposite to the hour hand.
55 minutes are gained in 60 min.
15 minutes will be gained in ((60/55)×15) = 180/11 minutes = 16(4/11) minutes
The two hands will be in the same straight line but not together at 16(4/11) minutes past 9.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
41 (d)
Angle traced by hour hand in 1 hour = 360°/12 = 30°
Angle traced by hour hand in7 hours 45 minutes i.e. (31/4) hours = 30° × (31/4) = 232.5°
Angle traced by minute hand in 1 minute = 360°/60 = 6°
Angle traced by minute hand in 45 minutes = 6°×45 = 270°
Therefore, the required difference in angles = 270° - 232.5° = 37.5°
Hence, option (d) is correct.
42 (c)
Statement 1:
In 12 hours, all 3 hands will coincide 11 times. They will coincide only once between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.
But in all other instances, they will meet once per hour.
Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2:
The minute hand and second hand of a clock cross each other 1 time every minute after 6:15. Thus, they
will cross each other 26 times.
Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Thus, both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
Hence, option (c) is correct.
43 (d)
Statement 1:
Number of odd days from 1st May to 31st October = 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 16.
16 is not divisible by 7.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
Statement 2:
Here, 2100 is a century year, and so not a leap year.
So, from 2023 to 2123, there are 24 years in which February has 29 days.
Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
Thus, neither 1 nor 2 is correct.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
44 (d)
When 10n is divided by 7, the pattern of remainders we get is 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1.
Now, we have a power of 100, and remainder [100/6] = 4
So, we will get the 4th remainder on the list of 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, when we divide 100100 by 7, i.e. a remainder
of 4. That is, 4 odd days.
If today is Tuesday, then 100100th day from now will be 4 days after Tuesday, i.e. Saturday.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
45 (b)
23rd June 1757 = (1756 years + Period from 1.1.1757 to 23.6.1757)
Odd days in 1600 years = 0
There are 24 leap years and 76 ordinary years in 100 years.
So, Odd days in 100 years = (24×2 + 76)/7 = 124/7 = 5
There are 14 leap years and 42 ordinary years in 56 years.
So, Odd days in 56 years = (14×2 + 42)/7 = 70/7 = 0
Now, Number of odd days from 1.1.1757 to 23.6.1757 = (3 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 1)/7 = 5
So, Total number of odd days = (0 + 5 + 0 + 5)/7 = 3
Thus, 23rd June 1757 must have been a Monday + 3 = Thursday.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
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46 (b)
No two employees get equal number of holidays and each employee gets at least 4 holidays. Therefore, 39
holidays can be distributed among 6 employees as 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Tony gets more holidays than each of Kate and Robin but less than that of John.
John > Tony > (Kate/ Robin)
Emma gets exactly 7 holidays.
Also, John gets one and half times the number of holidays that Robin gets. Thus, the number of holidays
of John and Robin may be either (6 and 4) OR (9 and 6).
Case 1: If John = 6 and Robin = 4. We know that Emma gets exactly 7 holidays.
From above: Emma (7) > John (6) > Robin (4)
Now we also know that: John > Tony > (Kate/ Robin)
So, Tony and Kate should also get less holidays than John, i.e. less than 6 holidays. But Robin already
have 4 holidays and we can only heave one person (either Tony or Kate) having 5 holidays.
Hence, case 1 is not possible.
Case 2: If John = 9 and Robin = 6. Emma gets exactly 7 holidays.
From above: John (9) > Emma (7) > Robin (6)
Since, John > Tony > (Kate/ Robin), Tony gets more holidays than Robin, who gets 6 holidays, but lesser
holidays than John who gets 9 holidays. Hence, Tony will have 8 holidays.
From above: John (9) > Tony (8) > Emma (7) > Robin (6)
Now, Kate/Jack = 4 or 5.
Hence, the total number of holidays of Emma and Tony is 15, which is equal to the total number of
holidays of John and Robin.
47 (a)
Total number of holidays of Emma, Robin, Kate and Jack = 7 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 22 (since, sum of the number
of holidays of Kate and Jack would be 9 in both possible scenarios)
48 (a)
In 1980, Indian Republic day was celebrated on Saturday. Therefore, 26th January 1980 was Saturday.
Number of odd days from 26th January to 31st January = 5
Number of odd days in:
February (1980 is a leap year, therefore February has 29 days) = 1
March = 3
April = 2
May = 3
June= 2
July = 3
August = 3
September = 5
Number of odd days from 26th January to 5th September = {5 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 5}/7 = 27/7 = 6
Subhash was born on 5th September 1980. Therefore, his birthday fell on (Saturday + 6 days) = Friday
Arvind is 5 days younger to Subhash. Therefore, his birthday fell on (Friday + 5 days) = Wednesday
Arunima is 2 days elder to Arvind. Therefore, her birthday fell on (Wednesday - 2 days) = Monday
Arvind and Arunima were born on Wednesday and Monday respectively.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
49 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. Conservation of wildlife has not been discussed in the passage.
Assumption 2 is correct. The problems associated with urbanization are mentioned throughout the
passage. This is because of the neglect of the principles of sustainable urbanization. Hence, this
assumption is correct as per the passage.
50 (a)
Option (a) is correct. Consider the lines “Impervious surfaces (e.g., constructed surfaces, roofs, roads,
parking lots, driveways, sidewalks) alter the natural hydrological conditions …” and “Moreover, other
direct environmental impacts include the degradation of water resources quality when surface runoff
transports …” These lines show that when the natural hydrological cycle gets disturbed, it affects the
quality of water resources. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
51 (a)
Inference 1 is correct. The given statement is correct because of the line - “From an economic
standpoint, that poses a risk to long-term food security by creating the potential for a single point
failure”. It shows that due to the possibility of single-point failure, too much dependence on GM crops
could be risky for the future. Hence, this inference is correct as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The context of high morals is not discussed in the passage. Hence, it is beyond
the scope of the passage.
52 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because of the context of the production of seeds
in bulk to prevent single-point failure in future. This context is not a part of the passage. The author does
mention ‘single point failure’. But, mass production as a solution to this issue is nowhere indicated in the
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of ensuring nutrition for people with malnutrition is not a part of the
passage. Hence, this is not the correct statement.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of monopoly and need for policy is not a part of the passage.
Therefore, this statement is not correct.
Option (d) is correct. Refer to the lines: “Scientists can also engineer pest-resistant crops, helping local
farmers better withstand environmental challenges that might otherwise wipe out a whole season of
produce. However, GM seeds are produced primarily by only a few large companies that own the
intellectual property for genetic variations.” The various benefits of GM crops will depend on whether
the companies producing the seeds fail or not, and how they utilize these crops. Hence, this is the correct
53 (c)
Let x and y be the ten's and unit's digits respectively of the numeral denoting the woman's age.
Then, Woman's age = (10x + y) years
And, Husband's age = (10y + x) years
Therefore, (10x + y) - (10y + x) = (1/11) (10y + x + 10x + y)
Or (9x - 9y) = (1/11) (11y + 11x)
Or (9x - 9y) = (x + y)
Or 8x = 10y
Or x = (5/4)y
Clearly, y should be a single-digit multiple of 4, such that x is also a single-digit.
So, y = 4., and x = 5
Hence, woman's age = 10x + y = 10×5 + 4 = 54 years
And, Husband's age = (10y + x) = 45 years
Sum of the ages of woman and her husband = 54 + 45 = 99 years
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
54 (b)
When the paper is unfolded, it will look as follows:
56 (c)
Next figure will be:
57 (d)
It is given that, U has been substituted by 2, i.e. U = 2.
The difference between the numerical substitutes for U and Z is 8, i.e. either U – Z = 8 or Z – U = 8
If U – Z = 8, then Z = U – 8 = 2 – 8 = - 6 (which is not possible)
If Z – U = 8, then Z = U + 8 = 2 + 8 = 10
The difference between Z and A is 4, i.e. either A – Z = 4 or Z – A = 4
If A – Z = 4, then A = Z + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14 (which is not possible)
If Z – A = 4, then A = Z – 4 = 10 – 4 = 6
Hence, the integer that substituted A is 6.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
58 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage does not mention about the
type of stories or how they are told. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of healing capacity is seen in the line “They are integral to all
psychoanalytic theories of therapeutic action, and their telling is therapeutic.” But, how healing is related
to individuals and society is not discussed in the passage. Let’s put this option on hold and consider the
next options.
Option (c) is correct. The given option is correct because of the line “Finally, they can demonstrate how
shared stories consolidate group identities, uphold, and perpetuate a group's power (positives) over
others, and perpetuate racial and ethnic stereotypes (negatives).” These lines validate that in the context
of social relations, stories can play a role of a double-edged sword. Hence, this is the best crux of the
Option (d) is incorrect as both options (a) and (b) are incorrect.
59 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The given inference is correct because of the line “Electric vehicles (not only
cars) are the key technology to decarbonise road transport, a sector that accounts for over 15% of global
energy-related emissions.” It means that electric cars are only a part of a bigger group of electric vehicles,
i.e. only a partial solution. Moreover, the issue of carbon emissions is a very wide one. It would require
efforts in various sectors, not just in transportation. Hence, the given inference is correct as per the
60 (d)
The virus will turn from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8 and so on. So, the population of the given virus type, at any
given point of time, can be represented as 2n, where n is a whole number. It’s an exponential function
which is aptly represented by the curve D.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
61 (d)
Let the time when she left her home be x minutes after 7 p.m.
The speed of the minute hand is 6° per minutes and the speed of the hour hand is 0.5° per minutes.
Initial distance between the hour and the minute hands at 7:00 p.m. is 210°.
So, (6 - 0.5)x = 210° - 100°
or 5.5x = 110°
or x = 110°/5.5 = 20 minutes
Thus, Alisha left home at 07:20 p.m.
Let the time when she came back to her home be y minutes after 7 p.m.
So, (6 - 0.5)y = 210° + 100°
or 5.5y = 310°
or y = 310°/5.5 = 56(4/11) minutes ≈ 56 minutes 22 seconds
Thus, Alisha returns home at 07:56:22 p.m.
Required time = 07:56:22 p.m. - 07:20 p.m. = 36 minutes
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
62 (d)
Statement 1:
At 7 o’clock, the hour hand is at 7.
Angle traced by hour hand in 7 hours = 30°×7 = 210°
The relative speed of the minute hand with respect to hour hand = 6° – (1/2)° = 5.5° per minute.
210/5.5 = 38 minutes 11 sec
Therefore, the time when the hands of the clock will be together = 7:38:11.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
Statement 2:
At 7 o’clock, the hour hand is at 7.
The angle between the two hands will be 65° when the minute hand gains (210° – 65°) = 145° or when it
gains (210° + 65°) = 275° with respect to hour hand.
The relative speed of the minute hand with respect to the hour hand = 6° – (1/2)° = 5.5° per minute.
Thus, the time taken to gain 145° = 145/5.5 = 26 minutes 22 seconds
Thus, the angle between the two hands will be 65° at 7:26:22 o’clock.
Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
Thus, neither 1 nor 2 is correct.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
63 (c)
Let the four parts of the number be A, B, C and D.
According to the question, twice the first part, thrice the second part and four times the third part are
So, 2A = 3B = 4C
Let 2A = 3B = 4C = k
or A = k/2; B = k/3; C = k/4
or A : B : C = 6 : 4 : 3
or A : B : C = 30 : 20 : 15 …. (i)
It is also given that six times the second part, eight times the third part and five times the last part are
So, 6B = 8C = 5D
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Let 6B = 8C = 5D = k
or B = k/6 ; C = k/8 ; D = k/5
or B : C : D = 20 : 15 : 24 …. (ii)
Thus, parts of B and C are same (i.e. 20 and 15) in equations (i) and (ii).
Hence, A : B : C : D = 30 : 20 : 15 : 24
or A = 30x, B = 20x, C = 15x, D = 24x
Now, let us go through the options one by one.
Option (a): The first part is 30x which is divisible by 6. Thus, it is correct.
Option (b): The sum of the third and fourth parts is 39x which is divisible by 13. Thus, it is correct too.
Option (c): The third part is 15x and is divisible by 4 only if the value of x is 4 or multiple of 4. Thus, it is
not always going to be true.
Option (d): The product of the last part and any other part {i.e. (24x × 30x), (24x × 20x), (24x × 15x)} is
divisible by 5. Thus, it is correct.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
64 (d)
Let the age of the lady = x years
Age of the husband = x + 3 years
Age of the daughter = (x+3)/4 years
The daughter becomes 15 years old in 3 years. So, the daughter is 12 years old now.
Age of father = 4 times age of the daughter = 12 × 4 = 48 years
Age of the mother = 3 years less than the age of the father = 45 years
Sum of the ages of the husband and wife = 48 + 45 = 93 years
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
65 (c)
The same day comes after 400 years.
If 22nd October 2023 is Sunday, then 22nd October 1623 must have been a Sunday too.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
66 (d)
Starting with 2027, count the number of odd days in successive years till the sum is divisible by 7.
Number of odd days from 2027 to 2037 = 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 14
14 is divisible by 7.
Thus, calendar of 2027 will be similar to that of 2038.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
67 (d)
According to question,
# –$ + @ ÷ * = 21
We will try substituting the values of #, $, @ and * by hit and trial method.
By substituting: # = 18; $ = 1; @ = 16; * = 4 in above equation we get,
# –$ + @ ÷ * = 18 – 1 + 16 ÷ 4 = 17 + 4 = 21
Left hand side = Right hand side
Hence, @ = 16
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
68 (c)
Considering statements 1 and 2 together:
The couple was married before the 13th of February, 1955 on a Sunday.
In the month of February, there was only one Sunday before 13th February, i.e. 6th February 1955.
Hence, both Statement-1 and Statement-2 together are required to answer the Question.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
70 (c)
Doctor stays in Shimla.
71 (d)
T stays in Patna.
72 (d)
Let present age of Tanya be x years
And present age of her grandfather be y years
According to question,
(y – 16) = 8(x – 16)
Or 8x – y = 112 ...(i)
Also, (y + 8) = 3(x + 8)
Or 3x – y = -16 ...(ii)
On subtracting eqn. (ii) from eqn. (i), we get:
(8x – y) – (3x – y) = 112 + 16
⇒ 5x = 128
⇒ x = 128/5 = 25.6 years
Now, y = 3x + 16 = 3 × 25.6 + 16 = 92.8 years
8 years ago, ratio of the ages of Tanya and her grandfather = (25.6 – 8) : (92.8 – 8)
= 17.6 : 84.8
= 11 : 53
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
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73 (a)
The original figure is as follows:
74 (c)
The original figure is represented below:
On observing the options we can see that the original figure is indeed embedded in the figure given under
option (c). It has been represented below:
75 (b)
The circle moves diagonally upward and downward in each step.
The star moves one step forward in clockwise direction.
The triangle rotates 90 degree clockwise in each step.
So, the missing figure is:
76 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of cutting emissions being easy or difficult is not a part of the
passage. Also, the passage does not mention anything related to India. Hence, this is not the most rational
inference of the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The lines “Having a plan helps countries understand and orchestrate the many
different elements required to reduce emissions and adapt to protect lives and livelihoods, as soon as
possible. Every bit of warming matters. With urgent and ambitious action, the world will avoid surpassing
a threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, after which climate impacts would become even worse than they
already are” signify that the core aim of every country for emission reduction is limiting the temperature
rise below 1.5 degree Celsius. Hence, this is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of every country coming to the same platform for NDC
implementation is not a part of the passage. Hence, this is not the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of poverty alleviation is discussed in the line - “Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) factor in the understanding that countries must balance emissions
reductions with other critical demands like ending poverty.” This is not dependent on controlling
emissions. Hence, this is not the most rational inference of the passage.
78 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the context of “safe and strong
government at the centre” has not been discussed in the passage. Also, the passage is not India specific.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct, but it is not because it could be a rational
implication but not the crux. Also, the passage does not talk about “communication in governance” as
such, at least not explicitly.
Option (c) is correct. The given option best captures the essence of the passage as seen in the lines
“Likewise, Internal Security cannot be safeguarded if Governance is delivered by an inefficient and
corrupt administration” and “For the attainment of these objectives, … within the parameters of the
Constitution and the Rule of Law.” These lines reflect that internal security is dependent on governance
which is based on the Constitution and the Rule of Law. So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage is not about the importance of the Constitution per se. The main
theme is the link between internal security and governance. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
79 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct. The following line “Less immigration and high unemployment in destination
economies would hurt origin countries, especially poorer ones, that rely significantly on the remittances
that migrant workers send back home”, validates the assumption in the statement. Both destination and
origin countries would be affected. Hence, as per the passage, this assumption is correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The passage does not throw much light on labour source countries, especially
not on the corruption prevailing in those countries. Also, the passage talks about migrants in general, and
not just the labour class, which has more of a physical work connotation attached to it. Hence, this
assumption is incorrect.
80 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The given option is correct because of the lines “Less immigration and high
unemployment in destination economies would hurt origin countries, especially poorer ones, that rely
significantly on the remittances that migrant workers send back home” and “World Economic Outlook
looks at the economic impact of migration on recipient countries and finds that migration generally
improves economic growth and productivity in host countries.” These lines reflect that both countries
benefit from migration, and hence they share a symbiotic relationship. Hence, this is the best crux of the
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of the transfer of culture is not covered in the passage. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because migration is beneficial for both countries
- destinations as well as origin. The lines “Less immigration and high unemployment in destination
economies would hurt origin countries, especially poorer ones, that rely significantly on the remittances
that migrant workers send back home” and “World Economic Outlook looks at the economic impact of
migration on recipient countries and finds that migration generally improves economic growth and
productivity in host countries”, show that migration is beneficial for both. Hence, this is not the best crux
of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it mentions that origin countries should
promote migration so as to get remittances. This option statement could be more of an implication or a
fair suggestion, not the crux of the passage.
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1 (a)
Note: The question is about invalid assumptions.
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the context of investments or
related costs is not discussed in the passage. How much the security of high-security homes would cost is
not mentioned in the passage. Hence, this assumption is beyond the scope of the passage and not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given statement is correct. The lines “A new home is much more than just
a place of residence, it is increasingly where people are spending much more of their time working,
raising their families, schooling their children, consuming their entertainment and living their lives”
mean that the utility of home is much more than giving shelter to people. Hence, this assumption is
2 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it compares the present homes with
future homes. The passage does mention future homes; however, it does not compare the homes of these
two eras. Moreover, it completely skips over the security aspect. So, this is not the most rational inference
from the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given inference is based on the following lines “Design now and well into the
future will need to take these considerations seriously, constantly looking for ways to use environment,
sightlines, light, material, and space to create homes that are inherently set up for security. Modern
home design and designers often speak about the need to “future proof,” which is to say the need to make
sure current design anticipates the needs of the future.” These lines show that designs of the homes
should be based on future demands and the focus must be on security. So, this option is the most rational
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because the aspect of security has not been
compared with other aspects by the author. Also, the passage does not talk about increasing social
Option (d) is incorrect: This option is somewhat correct; however, it is not the best answer as it does not
include the key aspect of security, which is the main point of the passage. So, this option is not the most
rational inference.
3 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given inference is incorrect because the concept of minimalism is of the
notions of „less is more,‟ while consumerism is about new objects and the feeling of emptiness without
such objects. So, these are contradictory to each other; and therefore, they cannot go hand in hand.
Moreover, the passage does not shed much light on the concept of consumerism. Hence, this inference is
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given statement might be true in general, but it is not a part of the
discussion of the passage. The passage does not specify how the present trend of consumerism will affect
our lives in future; and therefore, this inference is not correct.
4 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage does not state that minimalism is the best way of living, nor does it
compare it with any other way of living. Hence, this option is incorrect.
5 (d)
4 5 3 = Ram, can, do
9 5 3 = Manoher, can, do
1 9 8 7 3 = Manoher, can, write, a, letter
Since „can‟ is in all three sentences so its code must be 3 and from 1 st and 2nd sentences code of do is 5
because 5 is common in both.
Code for „Manoher‟ is 9 because „9‟ is the other common number in 2 nd and 3rd sentences, apart from 3.
So code for 8 can be either „write‟ or „a‟ or „ letter‟.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
6 (d)
Based on the given information, the following Venn diagrams can be drawn.
From the above Venn diagram, we can see that either conclusion I or Conclusion IV, and III follow.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
7 (d)
The symbol is common in all the given dices. But we cannot see the 6 th symbol of the dice which
could be opposite to the symbol . Remaining four symbols are beside the symbol in different
positions of the dice. So, none of them can be on the opposite face of the symbol .
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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8 (b)
Given matrix:
C1 C2 C3
R1 28 42 48
R2 12 14 15
R3 4 ? 6
R4 84 98 120
In C1 :
84 ÷ 12 = 7; 7 × 4 = 28
Similarly, in C3 :
120 ÷ 15 = 8; 8 × 6 = 48
Applying the same pattern in C2 :
98 ÷ 14 = 7; 7 × ? = 42
So, ? = 6
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
9 (d)
The first permutation will have all the alphabets arranged in ascending order. In this order CCKLO comes
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
10 (c)
The answer to the question is figure (C) after 180 o clockwise rotation.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
11 (c)
Given: j _ m b _ a _ _ u _ b _ a d j _ m _ b _ d
By checking options and substituting accordingly, we get:
(a) j u m b b a m - j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d
(b) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j j m b b a d
(c) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d . Here, " j u m b b a d" is repeated.
(d) j u m b b a d - j u m b b a d - j u m m b a d
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
12 (c)
Ram is fifth from both ends. Clearly, there are 9 students in the row.
9 students may be re-arranged into 3 rows of 3 students each.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
13 (b)
If all the faces were painted, number of cubes with no painted faces = (n-2)3 = 1, i.e. the innermost smaller
cube (here n = 3)
Let us say the top face of the cube is not painted. So, out of the 9 smaller cubes on the top surface, 8 will
be on the edge and will have at least one face painted. The 9 th innermost cube on the top face will have
none of its face painted.
So, Total number of smaller cubes with no faces painted = 1+1 = 2.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
14 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not the best crux of the passage because the central theme of
the passage is how we only work for self-preservation as stated in option (d). However, this answer option
states just the opposite. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
15 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option inherently assumes that „only‟ India needs politics of love.
However, the passage does not mention the context of India at all. The passage is generic in context and
just reflects the importance of the politics of love in general. Hence, this option is not the most rational
inference as it is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option summarizes the meaning of politics of love as seen in the lines
“Of course, the idea that politics might be loving is not new: it has precedents in our relationships, and in
the everyday acts of kindness we show to one another, as well as in feminist, civil rights, LGBTQIA+,
and animal liberation movements.”. These lines show that the politics of love includes empathy and
compassion towards diverse sections of society. Hence, this option is the most rational inference of the
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is descriptive in nature and does not dictate that politics of love
should be the chosen way of governance for nations. Also, all this has nowhere been discussed in the
context of “democratic nations”.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of the politics of hate is not discussed in the passage. The passage
only sticks to the meaning of the politics of love and its importance. Hence, to infer that the politics of
love overpowers the politics of hate would not be correct, as it is not based on the information given in the
Explanation for Questions 16 and 17:
The position of the villages is like this.
16 (d)
B and C are 2 km apart.
17 (a)
Villages A, D and E are on a straight line north-south. Villages C, F and B are to the east or west of the
line as shown.
18 (b)
It is clear that the + sign means divide.
Hence, (10 + (6 + (3 + (2 + 1)))) = (10 + (6 + (3 + 2))) = (10 + (6 + 1.5)) = (10 + 4) = 2.5
Hence, correct option is (b).
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19 (d)
20 (c)
The logic is:
(mno) (nopq) (opqrs) (pqrstu)
Hence, „pqrstu‟ is the correct answer.
21 (d)
In each row, there is one figure with two legs, one with three legs and one with four legs. Hence, the third
figure in the bottom row should have 2 legs. This leaves us with figures 2, 4 and 5.
The other thing you can notice in the first two rows is that of the three figures only one figure has flat
bottom extensions to some or all of their legs. In the third row, the second figure already has flat bottom
extensions to the legs. Thus, the figure, which would replace the question mark would not have flat
bottom extensions. Thus, we need figure 4 or 5 to replace the question mark.
Similarly, the top line has to be straight, as other two figures in third row already have convex and
concave upper lines. Thus, we need figure 5 to replace the question mark.
Thus, option (d) is correct.
22 (d)
Originally direction is:
23 (b)
Checking each statement we get,
Z is brother of Q, who is brother of P, who is sister of O.
Here, gender of O is not known. So, it is not correct.
Z is brother of Q, who is father of O, who is sister of P.
Hence, O is niece of Z.
24 (d)
S, which is 3rd from the extreme left, is 3rd to the left of T.
P and S are placed beside each other. So, two cases are possible.
Case 1:
Case 2:
R and Q have as many books between them as V and R have between them.
Case 1 does not satisfy the above condition. So, it can be negated. As far as Case 2 is concerned, two
more possibilities arise.
Case 2 (a):
Case 2 (b):
Case 2 (b):
25 (b)
P had borrowed 10% of the cost of 2 tickets, i.e. he borrowed 20% of the cost of 1 ticket.
So, money left with Q = 20% of the cost of one ticket. Statement (b) is correct.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
26 (a)
Let the amount with Ananya and Rudra be Rs. A and Rs. R respectively.
Given, A + R = 200
So, if Ananya has more than Rs. 100, then she would have more money than Rudra. If she does not have
more than Rs. 100, then she would not have more money than Rudra.
Using statement 1:
If Ananya gives Rs. 10 to Rudra, then Ananya and Rudra would have Rs. (A – 10) and Rs. (R + 10)
There are two possibilities.
Case 1: A – 10 > R + 10
The difference of the amounts with them is Rs. 20.
So, A – 10 – (R + 10) = 20
Or A – R = 40
27 (c)
28 (c)
The following page numbers (5, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 50) were printed erroneously as (__, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0).
Had there been no error in printing:
Sum of page numbers = (50 × 51)/2 = 1275.
Now, 5 + 15 + 25 + 35 + 45 + 50 = 175.
And 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 0 = 10
So, sum of page numbers printed = 1275 – 175 + 10 = 1110.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
29 (b)
Many factors like control of effluents and dumping of construction material, removing the encroachments
from the flood plains, proper monitoring of water quality etc. are needed to improve the quality of the
water of a river. The impact of climate change has not been discussed in the passage. Keeping these things
in the mind, the most appropriate among the given answer options is option (b).
30 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The central theme of the passage is the psychological effects of colours on our
emotions as seen in lines “Different tints of blue evoke a wide spectrum of emotions, from serene to
distant. For example, dark shades of blue can make viewers feel lonely and detached. Light shades of
blue have a calming effect and signal dependability. The colour green has associations with the natural
world, generating tranquil and rejuvenating moods.” However, the option links colour combinations
with productivity. Even though the emotions of calmness and happiness can be linked to productivity, it is
beyond the scope of the information given in the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux.
Option (b) is incorrect: The claim that blue, green, yellow, and red are the most important colours
affecting our emotions is not correct because in the passage there is no comparison made among any set of
colours. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
31 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The given assumption is based on the following lines “Malnutrition from
overconsumption of calories affects more people than undernutrition, whilst agriculture has come to
threaten the ecosystems on which it depends”. These lines show that now overconsumption is happening.
This means that there has been a great improvement in the availability of food.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given statement is based on the following lines “Government
interventions to increase agricultural and dietary diversity and include social and environmental costs in
market prices can help enable such a transformation but do not address the configuration of the food
system itself, which is shaped not only by existing policies and institutions but also by incumbent
interests, social norms, and cultural values”. These lines just show that the government is not addressing
the issues related with food system. However, it would be incorrect to assume that government does not
have any role in it. The line “…food system itself, which is shaped not only by existing policies and
institutions but also by…” implicitly accepts that food system is shaped by policies and institutions too,
not only by culture. Hence, this is not a correct assumption as per the passage.
32 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The given option is the broadest in scope. The following lines “Rather, meeting
global goals, whether the SDGs or those of the Paris Agreement, will require a shift in emphasis away
from agricultural efficiency to system efficiency. Government interventions to increase agricultural and
dietary diversity and include social and environmental costs in market prices can help enable such a
transformation but do not address the configuration of the food system itself, which is shaped not only
by existing policies and institutions but also by incumbent interests, social norms, and cultural values”,
show that governments intervene using policies and institutions to address the impact of agriculture on the
environment, as steps towards fulfilling global environmental goals. However, governments alone cannot
do much. Along with the government, society and culture are crucial stakeholders to achieve global
environmental goals.
Option (b) is incorrect: This option only talks about one dimension of the broader issue of ecological
degradation. This option is inspired by the line, “Malnutrition from overconsumption of calories affects
more people than undernutrition, whilst agriculture has come to threaten the ecosystems on which it
depends.” However, the passage talks about other aspects as well, like government interventions, society,
and culture for bringing systemic changes in the food production and consumption process for a better
environment. So, this option does not cover the context of the whole passage and is not the most critical
inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is based on the following lines “The global food system evolved
out of a need to drive consumption on a global basis, at a time when lack of access to food was a real
issue and environmental degradation was not. The situation now has changed.” However, it cannot be
concluded that moving to the old pattern of consumption can solve the current issues because there were
issues with the old pattern as well, which was the of lack of sufficient food production. Moreover, the
author has not advocated such a drastic measure either. Hence, this option is not correct as per the
Option (d) is incorrect: The given statement is not correct because it mentions the context of organic
agriculture promotion by the government which is not a part of the passage.
33 (d)
It is a repetition of the string: anebb. The missing alphabets to fill in the blanks are: bnabe.
So, option (d) is correct.
35 (b)
This question is based on odd numbers, as only with an odd value of x would you keep getting integers if
you halved the value of rice and took out another half a kg from the shop store.
From the options, let us start from the second option.
If x = 7, then (7/2) – (1/2) = 3 kg
(3/2) – (1/2) = 1 kg
(1/2) – (1/2) = 0 kg
Hence, we can conclude that option (b) is correct.
36 (d)
Given statement does not mean that Rahul is a hard worker. Neither does it mean that everyone who
works hard succeeds.
Neither of the two conclusions is definitely true.
So, option (d) is correct.
37 (c)
50 in section A + 50 in Section B + 41 in Section C + 43 in section D = 184 marks, but no calls as each of
the 6 colleges would reject the student.
38 (b)
To get a call from all the colleges, Bhama should clear all sectional cut-offs & also aggregate cut-offs.
Thus, 45 + 45 + 46 + 45 = 181 satisfies this condition.
39 (d)
A, B, C are siblings and brothers of each other. D is their sister but we cannot say anything about E‟s
gender (whether E is male or female) and hence whether E is brother or sister is unknown.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
40 (c)
The pairs of successive numbers having a difference of 2 have been shown below:
41 (d)
The numbers that satisfy the given conditions have been shown below:
42 (c)
The first Monday is on 3rd.
Last Monday will be on 21 + 3 = 24th.
Remember: September has only 30 days.
Hence, the answer is option (c).
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43 (b)
The path taken by her is depicted below:
44 (c)
For Rahul the middle index will be 49 because whatever runs he scores against Pakistan, they could be
maximum 27 or minimum zero. This will not affect the M-index (i.e. middle number) 49.
For Saurav the middle index will be 50 because whatever runs he scores against Pakistan, they could be
maximum 27 or minimum zero. This will not affect the M-index (i.e. middle number) 50.
For Yuvraj, middle index cannot be determined as we don‟t know the exact runs scored by him against
South Africa. Same is the case with Kaif.
In case of Virendra, we only have one data point, i.e. his runs against Pakistan. So, we cannot calculate his
So, we can calculate the exact M-Index only for 2 players.
Hence, the answer is option (c).
45 (d)
R-Index → Difference between highest and lowest score.
For Yuvraj the minimum R-index can be 87 – 40 = 47
For Virendra the minimum R-index can be 130 – 48 = 82
For Kaif the minimum R-index can be 51 – 28 = 23
For Sourav the minimum R-index can be 75 – 27 = 48
For Rahul the minimum R-index can be 55 – 27 = 28
So, it's Kaif who can have the minimum R-index.
Hence, the answer is option (d).
46 (a)
In the worst possible scenario, we can assume that Yuvraj scored zero against South Africa. So, we have
to find how many players definitely scored less than 127.
Kaif can score a maximum of 49 runs against Australia. So, maximum possible runs scored by Kaif = 28
+ 51 + 49 = 128
Rahul can score a maximum of 27 runs against Pakistan. So, maximum possible runs scored by Rahul =
27 + 49 + 55 = 131
Saurav can score a maximum of 27 runs against Pakistan. So, maximum possible runs scored by Saurav =
27 + 75 + 50 = 152
Virender can score a maximum of 48 runs against South Africa, and a maximum of 49 runs against
Australia. So, maximum possible runs scored by Virender = 130 + 48 + 49 = 227
So, the number of players who definitely scored less than Yuvraj is 0.
Hence, the answer is option (a).
47 (b)
Maximum possible M-index of Kaif = 49
Minimum possible M-index of Kaif = 28
Maximum possible M-index of Rahul = 49
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Minimum possible M-index of Rahul = 49
Maximum possible M-index of Saurav = 50
Minimum possible M-index of Saurav = 50
Maximum possible M-index of Virender = 49
Minimum possible M-index of Virender = 0
Maximum possible M-index of Yuvraj = 48
Minimum possible M-index of Yuvraj = 40
So, Saurav‟s middle index is the best.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
48 (b)
It can be inferred from the figure below that H is the farthest south and C is the farthest east.
49 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct as the passage is centred around market economy
as the cause of economic inequality, not on weak social conscience.
Option (b) is incorrect: This given option may be one of the many rational suggestions. It explains what
should be done to improve the situation of high inequality. However, it is not the crux, i.e., the summary
of the passage. Also, nowhere has the author indicated that social conscience should be given importance
over the economy.
Option (c) is correct: The given option is correct because it is mentioned in the core discussion in the
passage. The lines “…“whether caring society can exist in a market economy” … because without the
periodic intervention of the social conscience, the economy will inevitably serve only the interests of a
small part of society if this has not been the case Gini coefficient would not have shown the highest level
of economic inequality”, show that a caring society is not possible in a market economy due to the lack of
social conscience in the market economy. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is rather extreme and has not been suggested anywhere in the
50 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of conflict affecting peace of mind is seen in lines “Conflicts feel
unpleasant, and we want to avoid them to maintain peace at home or a workplace.” But that it also
affects the relationship with loved ones is not covered in the passage. So, the statement is partially correct.
Moreover, the main theme of the passage is not just conflicts, but the question of whether to face them or
not. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option best captures the essence of the passage as seen in lines “…
Avoiding conflict gives good short-term results such as maintaining peace, and avoiding anger or
sadness, and may keep a boss happy … Confronting and sharing our feelings makes us feel exposed and
vulnerable, so we try to avoid it. Pretending as though differences don’t exist, doesn’t help – facing
them, does. It’s okay not to agree with others, and it’s okay to say that you disagree!” These lines show
that facing conflicts might be difficult, but it is better for long-term. Avoiding conflicts could help in the
short term but not in the long term. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is an extreme one which states that no issue could be solved
without facing conflicts. However, such an extreme proposition is not a part of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does cover the benefits of avoiding conflicts in the lines “CAP is a
Conflict Avoiding Person! Avoiding conflict gives good short-term results such as maintaining peace,
and avoiding anger or sadness, and may keep a boss happy,” but it does not compare it with facing
conflicts to conclude which is better. So, to say that avoiding conflicts outweighs the harms of facing
them would not be correct.
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51 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given statement seems to be based on the following lines “In our highly
competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may
sound like a paradox. With success comes change” However, this inference is not correct because the
passage does not mention that for adapting to change fear is a necessary element. It simply states that the
understanding that success involves changes that moves one from one‟s comfort zone may lead to the fear
of attaining success, and lists down some of the probable reasons behind it. However, it‟s not a certainty.
The necessity of fear in the adaptation to change is not specifically mentioned in the passage. Hence, this
is not the correct inference.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The context of fear of failure is not discussed in the passage. The passage only
mentions fear of success and some general information on fear as seen in lines “For instance, some people
may enjoy riding extreme roller coasters, while others may have a negative reaction and will avoid these
at all costs. In our highly competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the
fear of success may sound like a paradox. With success comes change.” Therefore, to infer that people
fail in life because they are not able to overcome the fear of failure would not be correct as this is beyond
the scope of the passage.
52 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given statement is not the crux of the passage. The phrase „success due to
fear‟ is itself not correct in the context of the passage because the passage discusses „fear of success‟ and
not „success due to fear‟. It is the fear of success that is a paradox as per the lines “… where success has
become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may sound like a paradox”. So, this option is
not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given option best captures the essence of the passage in the context of fear.
The passage discusses the phenomenon of fear in detail and explains that there exists among people a fear
of success, as success comes with change or responsibility. Have a look at these lines - “In our highly
competitive society, where success has become synonymous with happiness, the fear of success may
sound like a paradox. With success comes change …. When things go wrong, it can be easier to deflect
the responsibility and potential consequences that may come with it.” Hence, this is the best crux of the
Option (c) is incorrect: This option could be a rational suggestion but not the crux. The line “We hesitate
to enter uncharted waters even if this is our best course of action. Numerous people resisted letting go of
unhealthy habits or toxic partners because they were afraid to change their lives”, shows that fear may
hamper happiness and contentment. Therefore, it would be correct to infer that overcoming fear,
especially the fear of losing the current state of comfort for future good is important for well-being.
However, the statement does not cover the entire scope of the passage, which also includes the rationale
for the fear of success. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is an extreme statement and does not represent the best crux.
The lines “In our highly competitive society … With success comes change. … Many also fear success
because it can come with great responsibility”, only show that people are fearful of success as it might
bring change and responsibility which may be difficult to fulfil. However, it does not mean that without
overcoming one‟s fears one cannot even function properly in society.
53 (b)
Let‟s list the languages spoken by each of the five tourists.
Tourist Languages Spoken
A Hindi, English, Malayalam
B Hindi, English, Gujarati, Punjabi
C English, Gujarati
D Malayalam, Hindi
E Hindi, Punjabi
Hence, B speaks a maximum of 4 languages.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
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54 (b)
Based on the given information, the following Venn Diagram can be drawn:
It is clear from the figure that the conclusion „All laptops are hills‟ does not hold. Similarly, “Some cakes
are hills” is also not necessarily true.
If we take a look at II & IV, we can conclude that one of them necessarily has to be true.
Hence, the answer is option (b).
55 (b)
Ajay‟s result came after 29th June but before 2nd July. Therefore, his result must have come on 30 th June or
1st July.
While his brother‟s result came after 30 th June but before 3rd July. That means his result must have come
on 1st or 2nd July.
Since, their results came on the same day, Ajay‟s result must have come on 1st July.
So, option (b) is the right answer.
56 (c)
Here, Culiseta, Psorophona and Mansonia are all mosquitoes, while Midge is a fly.
Hence, option (c) is different from all others.
57 (b)
Given Series: K33E, M33G, N33J, Q33K
58 (b)
Sum of numbers 1,2,3...40 = (40 × 41)/2 = 820.
The page number of the torn page = 820 – 809 = 11, i.e. XI.
It is a prime number.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
59 (d)
After walking half the distance, Amar will reach the mid-point of the diagonal. Then he turns right and
faces northwest. After that he would face the southwest direction when he turns left.
(Note that the directions in the figure are different from the usual north, south, east, west directions.)
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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60 (c)
Their final positions would be:
61 (c)
62 (b)
63 (c)
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64 (a)
From all the statements, we get:
Animesh – Teacher, Actor and Businessman
Vikash - Teacher, Actor and Farmer
Vishal – Teacher, Businessman and Farmer
Yajunvendra – Businessman, Actor and Farmer
Thus, Animesh is actor, teacher as well as businessman.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
65 (a)
Total number of girls in the row = 9 + 18 - 1 = 26
Maya‟s position from the right = (26 – 9) + 1 = 18th
So, option (a) is the right answer.
66 (a)
Seven pieces consist of 6 smaller equal pieces and one half of a cake.
Weight of each small piece = 20 gm
So, total weight of cake = 2 (20×6) = 240 gm.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
67 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: There is no explicit mention in the passage that China is the biggest investor in
Pakistan. The passage says that “…investment into one of the initiative’s most important pieces, the
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), looks to have stalled”. There is mention of CPEC and BRI,
however the quantum or the size of Chinese investment is not mentioned anywhere. Hence, statement 1
is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage that “It is safe to assert that the hype surrounding
CPEC was more a product of propaganda than a reflection of reality”. It can be assumed that
propaganda was responsible for the hype regarding the CPEC, and it overshadowed reality. Hence,
statement 2 is correct.
68 (c)
Statement 1 is incorrect: Refer to these lines from the passage, “Manufacturing Chromebook laptops
in India will allow Indian students to get easy access to affordable PCs”. It talks of easy accessibility to
cheaper laptops for students. The passage does not mention students getting easy online academic content.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage, “By further expanding our manufacturing
operations, we continue to support the Make in India initiative of the government”. These lines imply
that laptop manufacturing firms when expanding their operations will also support Make in India, which is
a scheme to encourage local manufacturing in India. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Statement 3 is not correct: There is no mention of Google competing with Microsoft in the passage.
The passage says, “The move will help Google compete more effectively with Windows computers from
companies such as Dell, Lenovo, and Asus”. So, Google will compete with laptop manufacturers who
use software of Microsoft. Also, this is not something that is significant for India. Linux has not been
mentioned in the passage. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.
Statement 4 is correct: From these lines of the passage, “While India has a big domestic demand for
laptops and computers, almost all of it is currently being fulfilled by imports from China, something New
Delhi wants to change as soon as possible”, it can be implied that through this policy the Government
wants to fulfil domestic demand via domestic manufacturing. As mentioned previously, through Make in
India, local manufacturing would increase, which would in turn decrease dependency on imports. Hence,
statement 4 is correct.
69 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: The passage says, “The development is in line with India’s ambition to
establish itself as a “trusted partner” in global supply chains”. It implies that India wants the world to
look at it as a trusted player in global supply chain. There is no mention of India aspiring to becoming a
leader in global supply chain. Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
70 (c)
Main statement: Anuj either acts as Ravan or he acts as Ram.
This question is based on and either – or premise.
Thus, we can see that III, IV is correct. Since, if he acts like Ravan (statement III), he will not act like
Ram (Statement IV).
Similarly, we can see that I, II is correct. Since, if he acts like Ram (statement-I), he will not act like
Ravan (Statement II).
Thus, statements (III, IV) or (I, II) are correct.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
71 (c)
The time by which Ananya‟s watch slows down in 7 days = 80 minutes
∴ The time by which it will be slow down in 1 day = 80/7 minutes
∴ The time by which it will be slow down in 48 hours, i.e. in 2 days = (80/7) × 2 minutes
= 160/7 minutes
= 22(6/7) minutes
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
72 (b)
Let‟s find the pattern being followed.
G's opposite letter T
I's opposite letter R
V's opposite letter E
E's opposite letter V
N's opposite letter M
Reverse order of TREVM is MVERT.
Similarly, in case of MANGO:
M's opposite letter N
A's opposite letter Z
N's opposite letter M
G's opposite letter T
O's opposite letter L
Reverse order of NZMTL is LTMZN.
Hence, required analogy is MANGO : LTMZN
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
73 (d)
As per question, Randhir gets more pocket money than the combined pocket money of Kunal and Debu.
So, pocket money of Kunal and Debu individually must also be less than Randhir.
Randhir > (Kunal + Debu)
Combined pocket money of Kunal and Shankar is more than that of Randhir. So, pocket money of
Shankar can be more than or less than that of Randhir.
Shankar > Randhir or Shankar < Randhir
Sonal gets more pocket money than Shankar, i.e. Sonal > Shankar
Neha gets more pocket money than Randhir, i.e Neha > Randhir
It‟s evident that we cannot tell for sure who (Neha or Sonal) amongst them attained the highest pocket
Hence, option (d) is correct.
75 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: Refer to the lines, “Sartre said that he didn’t want his readers to be influenced
by his association to a global institution: “If I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, it is not the same thing as if I
sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize winner.” From these lines, it can be inferred that association
with a global institution may change public perception of an individual. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: Although it is mentioned in the passage that, “The first African-American to
win a Nobel Prize was political scientist Ralph Bunche, in 1950, four decades after the inception of the
prize – only 16 more Black people have followed him since”, it cannot be assumed from the limited
information given in the passage that African-Americans have faced discrimination by the nomination
committee. Also, the passage does not shed any light on Africans in this regard. Hence, Statement 2 is
not correct.
76 (d)
Option (a) is not correct: The passage mentions that Sri Lanka sought the help of India and China amid
financial turmoil. However, there is no mention of improvement of bilateral relations as a result of this
help. The author wants to convey the reason for the economic crisis that Sri Lanka is facing. It can be
assumed that this is not the crucial message that the author wants to convey. Hence, option (a) is not
Option (b) is not correct: From the following lines of the passage - “Simply, this meant that some of the
debt owed to other countries had to be managed through negotiations (called debt restructuring), for
the IMF to extend its loan to Sri Lanka”, it can be implied that debt restructuring is a facility employed
by IMF in helping developing countries like Sri Lanka tide over balance of trade crisis. However, this
statement is only a peripheral information deduced from the passage, and cannot be considered as the
„crucial message‟ conveyed by the passage. Also, World Bank has not been mentioned in the passage.
Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage mentions the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, its reasons, and the
help Sri Lanka sought from India and China. The passage revolves only around the economic crisis of Sri
Lanka. The passage does not mention the crisis spreading to other countries of South Asia. Hence, option
(c) is not correct.
17 ©Vision IAS
Option (d) is correct: The passage mentions the multiple reasons behind the economic crisis of Sri Lanka
and how it got help to come out of the crisis. The passage says, “The crisis was years in the making and
many factors were responsible, such as President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government pushing through
the largest tax cuts in Sri Lankan history, as part of the 2019 elections campaign, impacting the
government’s revenue sources. Another blow was dealt by the coronavirus pandemic, which hit the
tourism industry. The war in Ukraine further contributed to fuel shortages.” The passage further talks
about the efforts of Sri Lanka to come out of this crisis caused by multiple factors. Thus, this statement
can be considered to be the crucial message conveyed by the author. Hence, option (d) is correct.
77 (b)
Statement 1 is correct: It is mentioned in the passage, “President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government
pushing through the largest tax cuts in Sri Lankan history, as part of the 2019 elections campaign,
impacting the government’s revenue sources”. It implies that in Sri Lanka, election processes impacted
the revenue sources of government and contributed to the economic crisis of Sri Lanka. Hence, statement
1 is correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: Even though there is mention of Chinese help to Sri Lanka, there is no
particular mention of the EXIM bank of China. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
Explanation for Questions 78 to 80:
Consider the following map to answer the given questions:
78 (a)
C H path is CEGH by road or CGH by road.
City G needs to be crossed in every route going from CH.
79 (b)
FA by rail path is FDEA.
Thus, two cities, D and E need to be crossed.
80 (d)
When GC is closed, HC path by road is HGEC.
So, D and B need not be crossed.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: 2. Which one of the following statements best
Read the following three passages and answer the items reflects the most critical inference that can be
made from the passage given above?
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(a) In light of cyber-attacks, IoT manufacturing
should be based on the passages only. and security cannot be taken lightly.
Passage – 1 (b) India is not yet fully ready to adopt IoTs,
given the imminent security challenges.
Due to the unconventional manufacturing of IoT devices
(c) While the IoT is the future, it is unsafe.
and the vast amount of data they handle, there's a
(d) Implementation of IoT is not easy.
constant threat of cyber-attacks. Several high-profile Passage – 2
incidents where a common IoT device was used to Colonialism has never been only about the relentless
exploitation of resources for economic gain. Enmeshed
infiltrate and attack the larger network have drawn
in the project to rob and dominate through violence and
attention to the need for IoT security. The ever-looming force was the project to transform the knowledge and
possibility of vulnerabilities, data breaches and other governability of the territories called "colonies" and
risks associated with IoT device usage underscores the allegedly "civilize" their populations. When Big Tech
and their social divisions deploy datafication to do social
urgent need for strong IoT security. IoT security is vital
good, here, too, economic, and moral ideals feed each
for enterprises, as it includes a wide range of techniques, other but differently. For, helping vulnerable people
strategies, protocols, and actions that aim to mitigate the (something unobjectionable) becomes itself a site of
exploitation. Such harms are an intrinsic part of how
increasing IoT vulnerabilities of modern businesses. For
these companies operate, a natural consequence of
those deploying IoT systems, hardware security and
rationality at heart. A colonial rationality now applied
authentication are critical measures. within both Global North and Global South that
1. Based on the above passage, the following underlies their business model. As such, no ethical
guidelines can ensure that social good will truly be
assumptions have been made:
realized through such projects of datafication.
1. Unsecured IoT devices could have 3. Which of the following is most definitively
economic implications. implied by the above passage?
2. One of the ways to secure IoT devices is to (a) India should be careful to protect its digital
sovereignty against the growing big tech
enhance their data-handling capacities.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (b) In the context of the history of colonization,
(a) 1 only only the form has changed, not the nature.
(c) Big Tech uses big data for data colonization
(b) 2 only
of the global south.
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Big Tech companies collect data of the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 people to help them.
2 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 5. Two inlet pipes can fill a tank in 200 and 240
The last 30 years of liberalisation have changed the face minutes respectively and a leak empties it at a
of the Indian economy. From unending shortages and rate of 3 litres per minute. Two pipes working
subpar quality in telephones, scooters, cars, ration and together can fill the leaky tank in 150 minutes.
pretty much everything, India has come a long way What is the capacity of the tank?
because of liberalisation. The time is now ripe for the (a) 1000 litre
(b) 600 litre
education sector to be liberalized as well. The success of
(c) 450 litre
democracy in India depends upon the education of its
(d) 1200 litre
citizens. Modern education is to an extent a process of
learning from real life and the pulsating, dynamic society
6. For children’s day, Anuj decided to distribute
around us. So, the learning should be at the choice and
some electronic items (24 laptops, 72 tablets and
pace of the learner. So, educational opportunities are to
60 smartphones) among ‘n’ schools to promote
be provided to individuals to fully develop their
digital education. He wants to distribute them in
personalities. Truly speaking despite all attempts in the such a way that each school gets the same
direction of equality of opportunity, the result is not number of electronic items. Also, the number of
satisfactory. Hence to accelerate in the progress of laptops, the number of tablets and the number of
providing it, incentive measures are to be properly smartphones that each school gets is also the
implemented and the administrative structure must be same. What is the smallest possible figure for the
properly streamlined with a strong will and total number of electronic items that each school
determination. would get?
4. Based on the above passage, the following (a) 14
Box F is placed two boxes above the box that contains clothes, while others wear old clothes. Ramesh,
Khakhra (i.e. there is one box between them), but is not Pankaj and Suresh go with gifts, while others
placed at the topmost position. Box F neither contains have not taken any gift. Who are the two people,
Noodles, nor is placed adjacent to the box that contains who have not taken any gift and are wearing
Noodles. Box B is placed below the box that contains black?
Noodles, but not just below it. The number of boxes
(a) Kiran and Tina
placed above box B is the same as the number of boxes
(b) Ramesh and Tina
placed below box C. Box C does not contain Noodles.
(c) Kiran and Uday
The box that contains Burger is placed above the box that
(d) None of these
contains Namkeen, but not just above it.
5 ©Vision IAS
18. When Ram asked Shyam about the time, Shyam Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
mistook the hour hand for the minute hand and Read the following three passages and answer the items
the minute hand for the hour hand. He
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
incorrectly stated that it was 6:17 O'clock. What
was the actual time? should be based on the passages only.
(a) 3:30 O'clock Passage – 1
(b) 6:30 O'clock
The G20 expert group cites the climate crisis to argue
(c) 3:45 O'clock
(d) 6:45 O'clock that while stakeholders worldwide know what needs to
be done to mitigate it, they “lack mechanisms to make
19. If Friday is three days after tomorrow, then
this happen on a global scale, especially in emerging
which day was 3 days before yesterday?
(a) Saturday markets and developing economies (EMDEs).”
(b) Thursday According to the expert group, a reformed MDB
(c) Friday
ecosystem can equip stakeholders to better deal with
(d) Sunday
global challenges in effective ways. It has recommended
20. Study the following Venn diagram carefully and that MDBs operate more in sync with the developmental
answer the question that follows. priorities of individual nations. Additionally, the expert
group called for bringing private sector engagement to
the centre of MDB operations by breaking away from the
culture of limited operational interaction between their
private and sovereign financing arms. In the group’s
Which of the following set of options cannot be
represented by the Venn diagram shown above? view, greater coordination between multiple
(a) Human being, Teacher, Graduate. stakeholders is crucial to the success of MDBs. To
(b) Reptile, Snake, Lizard
mitigate coordination failures, the expert group has
(c) Female, Mother, Sister
(d) None of these called for greater involvement of national governments
to develop “a home-grown unified vision of goals,
21. Six different letters are printed on the six
policies, investments and financing.” These
different faces of a dice. It’s known that:
1. T, U and R are adjacent. recommended reforms are to “help address multiple
2. R, Q and U are adjacent. coordination failures among domestic and international
3. R, T and S are adjacent.
stakeholders, public and private.” The expert group also
4. Q, T and S are adjacent.
Which face is opposite to the face with alphabet notes that the existing perception and practices of MDBs
R? have adversely impacted their engagement with the
(a) P private sector. MDBs are often seen as bureaucratic and
(b) Q
risk averse, which deters the private sector from being
(c) S
(d) T more involved in assisting with financing.
6 ©Vision IAS
22. Which of the following statements can be Passage – 2
Pointing out that tax evasion is enabling billionaires to
inferred from the above passage?
enjoy effective tax rates equivalent to 0% to 0.5% of
1. Developed nations should impart their
their wealth, the European Union Tax Observatory in its
climate change mitigation techniques to ‘Global Tax Evasion Report 2024’ has called for a global
minimum tax on billionaires equal to 2% of their wealth.
emerging nations.
This would both address evasion and “generate nearly
2. MDBs are not usually considered as risk
$250 billion from less than 3,000 individuals,” the report
takers. stated. The report justified the proposal by noting that
while the number of taxpayers affected by it would be
Select the correct answer using the codes given
miniscule, the tax rate for them (2%) “would still be very
modest” given that the wealth of billionaires has grown
(a) 1 only at 7% a year annually on average since 1995 (net of
inflation). Assessing the impact of international efforts
(b) 2 only
made so far to curb tax evasion, the report highlighted
(c) Both 1 and 2
the success of one measure — the automatic exchange of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 bank information — in reducing offshore tax evasion by
a factor of three over the past 10 years. The report
observed that before this measure came into effect,
23. With reference to the above passage, consider
“households owned the equivalent of 10% of world GDP
the following statements. in financial wealth in tax havens globally, the bulk of
which was undeclared to tax authorities and belonged to
1. Increased involvement of the private sector.
high-net-worth individuals.
2. Increased coordination among
24. Which of the following statements best reflects
stakeholders. the most logical and rational implication
conveyed by the above passage?
3. Increased financial support to the
(a) A minimal tax on billionaires might raise a
developing countries.
substantial amount of money and aid in the
Which of the above-mentioned statements are fight against tax evasion.
(b) Billionaires have enjoyed lower wealth
among the reforms proposed for MDBs?
taxes due to inadequate policy
(a) 1 and 2 only implementation and corrupt bureaucracy.
(b) 2 and 3 only (c) Tax heavens need to be scrutinized by
authorities to check for tax evasion.
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) Undeclared money of billionaires is the
(d) All 1, 2 and 3 reason why tax heavens thrive.
7 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 26. Five years ago, the average age of a family,
Microalgae, which form the base of the food chain in the which consisted of three members, was 27 years.
ocean and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
The family now consists of four members as a
appear to rely on a unique strategy to cope with global
baby was born recently. The current average age
warming, according to a new study. The findings are
of the family is 25 years. How many years ago
published in the journal Nature Microbiology. As
climate change reduces the availability of nutrients in the was the baby born?
sea, marine microalgae or eukaryotic phytoplankton fire (a) 1 year ago
up a protein called rhodopsin. It is related to the protein (b) 2 years ago
in the human eye responsible for vision in dim light. This
(c) 3 years ago
light-responsive protein is helping the microalgae
(d) 4 years ago
flourish with the help of sunlight in place of traditional
chlorophyll. Microbial rhodopsins, per the study, are
proposed to be major light capturers in the ocean. 27. A person has three cubes of different sizes. The
Estimates suggested they may absorb as much light as sides of the cubes are of length 6 inch, 8 inch and
chlorophyll-based photosynthesis in the sea, which also 1 inch respectively. The person melts the cubes
captures light to generate energy and food. However,
and forms a new cube from it. What shall be the
their biological role in these organisms was unclear
surface area of the new cube?
before the study. “Global warming is increasing drought
on land and the same thing happens in the ocean: The (a) 486 inch2
warmer the surface water gets, the lower are the nutrients (b) 496 inch2
in these surface water layers,” Thomas Mock, professor (c) 586 inch2
of marine microbiology in University of East Anglia’s (d) 658 inch2
School of Environmental Sciences and the study’s
author, said in a statement.
28. Eklavya is the son of Komal. Bhanu is the
25. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the crux of the passage? brother of Dev. Geeta is Dev’s daughter. Komal
(a) Owing to adaptation, a phenomenon that is married to Dev, who is a man. Maya is
occurs on land can also occur in water. maternal aunt of Eklavya. What is the relation
(b) It is possible to mitigate global warming
between Bhanu and Eklavya?
using biochemicals found in nature.
(a) Uncle and nephew
(c) Adaptability is the key in managing a
(b) Brothers
changing environment.
(d) Adaptability to a changing environment (c) Father and son
inferred from the above passage? of the above Questions and Statements?
1. Visa shopping is not applicable to countries (a) The Question can be answered by using one
outside the European Union. of the Statements alone, but cannot be
2. Visa shopping is helping job seekers to get a answered using the other Statement alone.
work visa in their country of choice. (b) The Question can be answered by using
Select the correct answer using the codes given either Statement alone.
below. (c) The Question can be answered by using both
(a) 1 only the Statements together, but cannot be
(b) 2 only answered using either Statement alone.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) The Question cannot be answered even by
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
using both the Statements together.
obtaining visas for desired destinations. them can complete the same work while
(c) Visa shopping is becoming an easy way to working alone?
enter the European Union (a) 120, 40, 80
(d) Visa shopping is popular as it makes it easier (b) 120, 60, 80
to get a residence permit in the target (c) 40, 60, 80
country. (d) None of these
10 ©Vision IAS
38. Rahul takes 42 minutes to travel from T to C and 41. There are four positive numbers. The average of
Prachi takes 56 minutes to travel from C to T. first and last number is equal to the average of
Rahul and Prachi start from T and C respectively second and third number. If the average of all the
at 7:30 a.m. and go towards C and T, numbers is 20, then which of the following is
respectively. If they take the same route, when true?
will they meet? (a) The sum of first and last number is more
(a) 7:48 a.m.
than 40
(b) 7:51 a.m.
(b) The sum of second and third number is less
(c) 7:54 a.m.
than 40
(d) 7:58 a.m.
(c) The average of first and last number is 20
(d) None of these
39. Consider the following Statements and the
Statement 1: If the rate of interest had been 3 42. A race track is 18 km uphill and 18 km downhill.
percentage points more, an additional compound Anuj and Vishal participate in a race on this
interest of Rs. 1302 would have accrued in two track. Anuj runs uphill at 9 kmph and downhill
years. at 15 kmph. Vishal runs uphill as well as
Statement 2: Rs. 98 is the difference between downhill at 12 kmph. Who will win the race and
simple interest and compound interest at the by how much distance, if both start the race
same rate for two years. simultaneously from the bottom of the hill?
If principal amount is Rs. 20000, what is the (a) Anuj by 4 km
compound interest rate? (b) Vishal by 3 km
(a) 10% (c) Data insufficient
(b) 7%
(d) It will be a tie.
(c) Between 8% and 9%.
(d) Data insufficient to answer the question.
43. In a row of books in a library, Ramcharitmanas’s
position is ninth from the left and position of
40. The students of a primary school are asked to
Ramayan is 9th from the right. Raj accidently
form five digit numbers using the digits 2, 5, 0,
interchanges the positions of these two books,
6, and 8 (repetition of digits is not allowed).
Which of the following cannot be the difference due to which Ramayan becomes 18th from the
between any two numbers formed by the right. What is the new position of
Find the speed at which the train must run to Which of the following code represents ‘is’ in
reduce the time of journey by 20 minutes. this language?
(a) 55 km/hr (a) ko
(b) 70 km/hr
(b) la
(c) 54 km/hr
(c) tin
(d) 78.75 km/hr
(d) tid
5. Sprout
62. Find the next term in the following series.
6. Seeding
(a) 6, 5, 1, 3, 4, 2
(a) DHRB
(b) 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
(b) DHPB
(c) DHOB (c) 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1
(d) None of these (d) 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 3
15 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Passage – 2
Read the following four passages and answer the items Holidays are making a comeback after several years of
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 4
billion passengers boarded international flights in 2022,
should be based on the passages only.
up from fewer than 2 billion in 2020. Recent research
Passage – 1
suggests that people are likely to continue travelling
“What’s the philosophy of life”? This is a question that more in 2023 and beyond. But this resurgence in travel
has been pondered upon by great personalities of the is concerning. The tourism sector alone is responsible for
world, of all ages. Simply speaking, it explains a an estimated 8%–10% of global greenhouse gas
person’s belief as to how one should live life or utilise it. emissions. And conditions at traditional holiday
destinations in high summer are becoming increasingly
To figure it out, you need to understand what you want
unpleasant if not downright hazardous. As the effects of
out of life. Although it seems simple, it can be tricky for
climate change become increasingly severe, there’s
many people to crack it accurately. The first thing you genuine concern that traditional destinations will
need to do, dear folks, is to introspect yourselves. become too hot in summer to remain appealing to
Privacy is essential in this regard, and every individual visitors.
should have access to it. One thing that would help with 67. Based on the above passage, which of the
following can be the most logical
your introspection is meditation. The second important
point to bear in mind is that your philosophy of life
1. People may have to look for new holiday
should be practical. Life philosophy should be such that destinations on account of climate change.
it works in the real world instead of being some fancy 2. Without addressing climate change,
inapplicable mental gymnastics. enjoying holidays will be difficult.
66. Which of the following statements best reflects Select the correct answer using the codes given
the logical inference from the passage given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(a) Without understanding the philosophy of
(c) Both 1 and 2
life, one is always occupied with (d) Neither 1 nor 2
unnecessary thoughts and faces difficulty in
success. 68. What is the main idea that we can infer from the
(b) Understanding the philosophy of life is not passage?
(a) People should plan their holidays according
easy and is only possible for great
to the climate of the destination.
personalities who meditate and are practical.
(b) More than climate change, events like
(c) The art of understanding personal goals and COVID-19 impact the tourism sector the
living in the world needs introspection and most.
realism. (c) Tourism creates a vicious cycle of negative
(d) Poor introspection and lack of privacy cause consequences when it comes to climate
unawareness regarding the way to live life
(d) In the context of climate change, people
or utilize it.
must promote responsible tourism.
16 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 70. Which of the following statements best reflects
the crux of the passage?
Historical injustices are generally seen as targeting entire
(a) One cannot deny the reality of historical
groups, either disfavoured minorities or foreign
injustices across nations.
populations. While the barriers to reparations are (b) Without settling historical injustices, it is
significant, historical events are the subject of a growing not possible to provide justice today.
(c) Restorative justice is not the responsibility
number of legal and/or political claims by groups
of one but all.
seeking redress. The proliferation of such demands may (d) There is an increasing demand to redress
represent a global tribute to the strength of human rights historical injustices and provide reparations.
Passage – 4
doctrine and its moral claim on the international
Lack of concerted effort to control the growing rates of
community. The notion of reparations is close to the malnutrition globally can cause nearly 194 million
current idea of restorative justice as a potentially children born through 2030 to be stunted, an analysis by
Save the Children, an international non-profit. This
transformative social action. Legislatures may be better
means, at the current rate, nearly one newborn will be
suited to determine reparations: they are not bound by
stunted every second over the next seven years, a United
precedent and legal doctrine but can fashion equitable Nations note on the data found. Save The Children urged
(a) 1 only stand among the top four countries expected to face the
highest levels of stunting in the next seven years with
(b) 2 only
over 25% of their populations currently experiencing
(c) Both 1 and 2 crisis levels of hunger. The findings also underlined the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 link between extreme poverty and stunting.
17 ©Vision IAS
71. Which of the following statements can be 73. Ajay goes to his friend Shyam’s house. While
inferred from the above passage? returning, he becomes tired, causing him to
1. Stunting among children is a problem that is cover a distance of 10 km in the first hour.
worldwide, faced by poor and rich countries Afterward, in each subsequent hour, his speed
litre: correct?
(a) Only conclusion I follows
(b) Either conclusion I or II follows
(c) Both conclusions follow
(d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
same point in opposite directions. After and rational inference that can be made from
(c) They meet once and then keep going away (d) It is difficult to promote the growth of digital
is a necessary condition for individuals to be able to fully technology aids in climate monitoring and data
collection, providing valuable insights into climate
participate in society. When individuals have their
patterns and trends. Climate modelling and simulation
privacy respected, they are free to make their own
technologies help scientists predict the impacts of
choices about their lives and to pursue their interests
climate change and formulate strategies for adaptation
without fear of government or corporations.
and mitigation.
19 ©Vision IAS
78. Which of the following is the most rational and 79. Which of the following is/are the most rational
logical inference that can be drawn from the and logical inference/inferences that can be
made from the passage?
(a) Reliance on technologies for climate change
1. Rural-to-urban migration for innovation and
mitigation is due to their efficiency and cost-
effectiveness. economic growth is visible across nations.
(b) Technology in the context of climate change 2. Migration has the potential to solve the
is a necessary evil. fundamental issues of not only
(c) Without climate monitoring and data
manufacturing and services but also
collection, it is difficult to understand the
pattern & history of climate change.
(d) In the context of climate change, renewable Select the correct answer using the codes given
energy, electric vehicles, and climate below.
modelling are the technologies of the future. (a) 1 only
Passage – 3
(b) 2 only
Migration is a dynamic force that shapes the economic
landscape of nations. It has a profound impact on various (c) Both 1 and 2
export industries. However, it can also contribute to counter rural-to-urban migration of skilled
wage disparities and worker exploitation. Skilled labour.
immigrants can contribute to innovation and economic
(b) Migration from rural to urban areas leads to
growth, while the unskilled may face challenges in
job creation in the manufacturing and
access to social services and integration. Migration is a
complex issue with multifaceted impacts. To harness its services sector.
benefits and mitigate its challenges, comprehensive (c) Migration in any economy is a zero-sum
policies and strategies are needed, addressing the unique game in the context of different sectors.
demands of agriculture, manufacturing, and services
(d) Prudent policies are imperative to address
while fostering inclusivity and economic growth.
the ‘double-edged sword’ of migration.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English & Hindi. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
1. Point P lies between A and B, such that the Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
length of BP is four times that of AP. Car 1 starts Read the following three passages and answer the items
from A and moves towards B. Simultaneously, that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
Car 2 starts from B and moves towards A. Car 2 should be based on the passages only.
reached P. If the speed of Car 2 is 80% that of Habits serve as the silent architects of a streamlined and
time. How much time a day does the clock gain completion of daily tasks and routines.
survival. I. 2a2 – 3a – 44 = 0
(b) Climate change policies for the Arctic II. 3b2 – 20b + 25 = 0
Ocean need to keep polar bears in focus. What is the relationship between a and b?
(c) Reversing climate change is the only way to (a) a > b
protect the polar bears from extinction. (b) a ≥ b
(d) The polar bear is the keystone species of the (c) a ≤ b
Arctic Ocean affected by climate change. (d) Can’t be determined
4 ©Vision IAS
9. A carton of biscuit has 50 packets in it. Each 13. 512 identical cubes are arranged in the form of a
biscuit packet has 4 biscuit lines, with each line cubical block. How many such cubes are
containing 15 biscuits. It is also known that 5%
completely surrounded by other cubes from each
biscuits are broken in each packet. Find the total
number of broken biscuits in the carton.
(a) 216
(a) 200
(b) 150 (b) 112
(c) 60 (c) 72
(d) 156 (d) 60
(b) Thursday are given and answer the question that follows.
(c) Friday
(d) Saturday
Read the following information carefully and answer the should be based on the passages only.
Pradeep, Vivek, and Yogesh, seated in a hall. per meter. He marks up the price of a piece of
Information regarding their seating arrangement cloth by 45% and then gives a discount 30% on
(i) The distance between Rahul and Bijay is 2 summer, the metal scale which the merchant
less than the square of 4 (in meters). uses for measurement elongates by 5%. What
(ii) Vivek is seated somewhere between Rahul must be his approximate profit/loss percentage?
(a) 3.33% profit
and Bijay. Vivek is to the east of Rahul.
(b) 4.20% loss
(iii) The location of Pradeep is 9 meters north of
(c) 3.33% loss
(d) 4.20% profit
(iv) Yogesh is seated 5 meters north of Bijay.
(b) 116840 After insertion of the cards in the envelopes, it was found
(c) 105840 that two envelopes of red color were used by the houses
28. Which of the following statements is correct? pollution contribute to climate change, intensifying its
(a) Yellow envelopes were used by only two adverse effects. Scarce resources fuel conflicts as
houses. communities vie for access, heightening tensions, and
(b) Red envelopes were used by only two
jeopardizing stability. Climate-induced resource
scarcity, like water shortages and agricultural
(c) Brown envelopes were used by only two
houses. challenges, amplifies vulnerabilities, especially in
(d) Envelopes of all the colors were used by marginalized regions. Sustainable resource
more than two houses. management, renewable energy adoption, and
international cooperation are crucial to mitigate climate
29. Brown envelopes were used by which of the
change and alleviate resource-driven conflicts, fostering
following houses?
a resilient and equitable global response to the complex
(a) House A and B
(b) House B and C interplay between diminishing resources and the
pervasive issue of fake news. Ethical considerations in after 5 years Mr. David received a total sum of
this realm involve questions of responsibility,
Rs. 32000, then what must have been the money
accountability, and the potential harm caused by the
he lent to Romy?
spread of false information. Fake news, often designed
to manipulate public opinion, can have profound societal (a) Rs.12000
checking, and responsible information sharing, fostering left to right) in the blanks makes the expression,
an ethical digital landscape that prioritizes truth and
A < B definitely false?
____ > ____ ≥ ____ = ____< ___
32. What is the main idea that we can infer from
the passage? (a) C, B, D, A, G
42. 10% of Himanshu’s gross monthly salary is 45. Sandeep got married on the last date of the
deducted for NPS and 10% for TDS. The rest is February month of the year 1896. If he lived
given to him as in-hand salary. Himanshu spends upto 1963, then how many times did he celebrate
25% of his in-hand salary on fooding and his marriage anniversary?
lodging, 20% of the remaining on education and (a) 15
transportation, and 10% of the remaining on (b) 67
entertainment. If after all the transactions he is (c) 16
left with ₹ 15600, then which of the following
(d) 23
must be right?
(a) His gross monthly salary is Rs. 36518.
46. The following question is accompanied by three
(b) The remaining amount left after all the
statements 1, 2, and 3. You have to determine
transactions is approximately 35% of his
total gross monthly salary. which statement(s) is/are necessary to answer
(c) His monthly contribution towards NPS is the question.
Rs. 3,611. Two friends travel from Delhi to Bhopal and
(d) He spends Rs. 1773 on entertainment per back again. How long will it take them to travel
month. bothways by a car?
1. It takes a total of 15 hours to travel from
43. Three traders Sandeep, Pawan and Raghav deal Delhi to Bhopal by train and return by car.
in laptops. Sandeep sold a laptop to a customer 2. A person can save 3 hours if he travels both
after offering a 25% discount. Pawan sold a ways by train as compared to when he
laptop of the same model after applying two
chooses to travel by car while going to
successive discounts of 20% and 10%,
Bhopal from Delhi and then return by train.
respectively. Raghav sold a laptop of the same
3. The distance between Delhi and Bhopal is
model after giving a 56% discount. If the marked
prices of the three merchants - Sandeep, Pawan, 700 km.
and Raghav - were in the ratio of 2:3:4, find the Select the correct answer using the codes given
descending order of their selling prices. below.
(a) Sandeep > Pawan > Raghav (a) Only 1 and 2
(b) Raghav > Pawan > Sandeep (b) 2 and either 1 or 3
(c) Pawan > Sandeep > Raghav (c) Any two of them
(d) Pawan > Raghav > Sandeep (d) All statements are necessary
20 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Passage – 2
Read the following three passages and answer the items The election moral code of conduct in India is designed
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items to ensure fair, transparent, and ethical conduct during
should be based on the passages only. elections, covering various aspects such as campaigning,
In an era dominated by technology, the pursuit of a political parties and candidates to adhere to ethical
simple life is both elusive and challenging. While standards plays a pivotal role. Instances of violations,
technology promises convenience, it simultaneously including hate speech, misinformation, and divisive
introduces complexities into our daily existence. The rhetoric, challenge the code's efficacy. The sheer scale
and complexity of Indian elections further pose
relentless influx of information, the rapid pace of
challenges to enforcement. The Election Commission,
innovation, and the demand for constant connectivity
tasked with overseeing elections, plays a crucial role in
contribute to a more intricate and demanding lifestyle.
enforcing the code, but its effectiveness depends on the
Striking a balance between embracing technological
strength of its regulatory mechanisms, the timely
advancements and seeking simplicity requires conscious
adjudication of complaints, and the impartiality of its
choices. Simplicity in the digital age involves mindful
actions. Technological advancements and the changing
tech use, fostering genuine human connections, and
landscape of communication also necessitate regular
prioritizing well-being over the constant pursuit of more
updates to the code.
features. Navigating this delicate equilibrium allows
48. Which of the following is/are the most rational
individuals to harness the benefits of technology without
and logical inference/inferences that can be
succumbing to the overwhelming complexities it can
made from the passage?
introduce in the quest for a simpler life.
1. The moral code of conduct should be made
47. Based on the above passage, the following
legally enforceable to increase its
assumptions have been made:
1. Because of technology, it is not possible to
2. Regular violations of the moral code of
live a simple life anymore. conduct reflect the declining trend of the
2. Overuse of technology can make human life rule of law in political parties.
complex. Select the correct answer from the code given
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid? below:
(a) 1 only (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
22 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 51. N = 36 × 55 × 26 × 157. How many factors of N
Cuddling is a fundamental aspect of early bonding, are even numbers?
fostering emotional connection and a sense of security. (a) 1456
The tactile experience of physical closeness contributes
(b) 1024
to a child's social and emotional development, impacting
(c) 1020
their ability to form relationships and empathise with
others. The substitution of cuddling with mobile phones (d) 1092
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (a) 1 only
various forms of resistance. Many engaged in armed (b) Pre-colonial rule did more damage to the
uprisings, such as the Santhal Rebellion and the Birsa culture of the tribal Indian society than the
Munda-led Munda Rebellion, seeking to reclaim their colonial rule.
ancestral lands and resist cultural imposition. (c) British land policies and revenue systems
Additionally, some tribes retreated into remote areas to
continue to shape the socio-economic
preserve their distinct identities. The colonial legacy has
realities of Indian society at large.
left a lasting impact on tribal communities, contributing
(d) Despite opposition by tribals, colonial rule
to issues like displacement, poverty, and cultural
devastated the tribal society to a large extent
marginalization, which continue to shape their socio-
economic realities in post-colonial India. and the hangover is still far from over.
28 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 2 Passage – 3
Economic development often prioritized urban and The British colonial administration laid the groundwork,
industrial areas, leaving rural regions with inadequate introducing parliamentary structures that continue to
the effective delivery of welfare programs. Rapid Legislative Assemblies. Constitutional amendments and
population growth strained existing infrastructure, electoral reforms have aimed at enhancing
amplifying challenges in healthcare and education. representation and inclusivity. The evolution of political
the practical implication of the passage? through which British colonialism has
(a) In India, inclusive growth has not happened influenced Indian politics.
red parts of the pole make equal angles, then find girls who attended classes of Bengali and
the distance of the point from the base of the Geography to that of the total number of boys
pole? who attended classes of Hindi and Biology?
(a) 10√3 m (a) 63
(b) 10√2 m (b) 72
(c) 10 m (c) 71
(d) 7.5 m (d) 67
34 ©Vision IAS
75. Rukmani starts from a point P and travels 30 m Passage – 1
eastwards to Q and then turns left and travels The ethical hacker, or "white hat," employs the same
thrice that distance to reach R. She again turns techniques as malicious hackers but with the goal of
left and travels five times the distance she identifying and fortifying security weaknesses rather
covered between P and Q and reaches her than exploiting them. This paradoxical role mirrors the
destination S. What is the shortest distance dichotomy within cybersecurity – the battle between
between the starting point and the destination? intrusion and defence, attack, and protection. As
(a) 125 m technology advances, the need for ethical hacking
(b) 120 m becomes increasingly paramount to pre-emptively
(c) 175 m address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
(d) 150 m Organizations enlist ethical hackers to conduct
penetration testing and vulnerability assessments,
76. 2 men and 2 women players are to be chosen for ensuring that systems are robust against evolving threats.
the mix doubles team for a tennis tournament. This dichotomy is essential in maintaining the delicate
The selection is to be made from two different balance between innovation and security in an ever-
groups A and B. Group A consists of 3 women evolving digital landscape.
players and 2 men players, while Group B 77. Which of the following is/are the most rational
consists of 3 men players and 2 women players. and logical inference/inferences that can be
In how many maximum number of different made from the passage?
ways the selection can be made so that two 1. The state must support organizations and
players are from Group A and two players are ethical hackers to build infrastructure for
from Group B? cybersecurity, especially in this era of cross
(a) 40 border cyber-attacks.
(b) 46 2. An ethical hacker has the potential to
(c) 52 become a malicious hacker.
(d) 34 Select the correct answer from the code given
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: (a) 1 only
Read the following three passages and answer the items (b) 2 only
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (c) Both 1 and 2
should be based on the passages only. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
36 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 2 79. Based on the above passage, the following
The paradox of morality lies in the intricate tension
assumptions have been made:
between universal principles and cultural relativity,
creating a dynamic interplay that challenges our 1. Both conscience and legal frameworks are
understanding of right and wrong. Morality often
purports to embody universal truths, grounded in ethical not reliable sources of ethical decision-
principles transcending cultural boundaries. Cultural making.
context moulds moral frameworks, giving rise to
situations where actions deemed morally acceptable in 2. Societal culture and values certainly affect
one culture may be condemned in another. Moreover, the
and dictate both conscience and legal
paradox of morality extends to the internal conflict
within individuals. Personal moral convictions may frameworks.
clash with societal norms, creating a complex internal
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
78. Which one of the following is the most logical (a) 1 only
and rational inference that can be made from
the above passage? (b) 2 only
(a) The paradox of morality pushes individuals (c) Both 1 and 2
to navigate moral dilemmas that challenge
their established beliefs. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(b) The paradox of morality emanates out of the
clash between universal and personal
principals with social and cultural norms. 80. What is the most rational inference that can be
(c) Morality asserts absolutes while ethical
drawn from the passage?
relativism sees shades in cultural contexts.
(d) To resolve the paradox of morality one (a) Conscience is an internal compass, while
should do a critical examination of the
laws are external guardrails of a civilized
cultural boundaries.
Passage – 3 order.
Conscience, often seen as an inner moral compass, is
subjective and influenced by personal beliefs, values, (b) The reliability of conscience and laws, rules,
and cultural context. While it can provide a sense of and regulations in ethical decision-making
individual integrity, its subjectivity raises concerns about
consistency and potential biases. Laws, rules, and is a nuanced and debated topic.
regulations, on the other hand, offer a structured
(c) Conscience and legal frameworks are
framework for ethical behaviour. They are designed to
promote fairness, justice, and societal well-being. mutually exclusive as they do not
Adherence to legal and regulatory standards may lack the
complement each other.
flexibility to address every moral dilemma and may not
always align with evolving societal values. The ongoing (d) Reliability of conscience or legal
dialogue between personal conscience and legal
frameworks is essential for navigating the complexities frameworks increases with its adaptability
of ethical decision-making in a dynamic and diverse to the moral dilemma at hand.
38 ©Vision IAS
1 (c)
C1 → C2
A → 1 → P →→→→ 4 →→→→ B
Let Car C1 took “t” hours to reach at point P. Then Car C2 will take “t+2” hours to reach point P.
If AP = d km, then BP = 4d km
It is given that speed of C2 is 80% (4/5th) that of C1. So, if speed of Car C1 is d/t km/hr, then speed of Car
C2 would be 4d/5t km/hr.
So, d/(d/t) + 2 = 4d/(4d/5t)
Or t + 2 = 5t
Ot t = 2/4 = ½ hour = 30 minutes
So, option (c) is the correct answer.
2 (a)
Total employees (i.e. Sample space), n(S) = 340
Total graduate employees = 85
Now, total employees who are not graduate, n(E) = 340 – 85 = 255
So, probability of selecting an employee who is not a graduate, P(not graduate) = n(E)/n(S) = 255/340 =
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
3 (c)
In a correct clock, the minute hand gains 55 minute spaces over the hour hand in 60 minutes.
To be together again, the minute hand must gain 60 minutes over the hour hand.
Since, 55 minutes are gained in 60 minutes.
So, 1 minute is gained in 60/55 minutes.
So, 60 minutes are gained in 60/55 × 60 = 720/11 minutes.
So, in a correct clock, the hands of a clock coincide every 720/11 minutes.
But in this case, they are together again after 64 minutes, hence the clock must be gaining time.
So, the gain in 64 minutes = 720/11 – 64 = 16/11 min.
So, the gain in 1 min. =16/(11×64) min.
∴ The gain in one day (24×60 min.) = 16/(11×64)×24×60 = 360/11 min. = 360/11 min.
So, option (c) is the correct answer.
4 (c)
Note: The question is about invalid assumptions.
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct as it is not based on the passage. The
passage does not discuss the common habits of successful people. The passage only mentions habits and
their importance in daily tasks. Furthermore, it would be incorrect to say that the successful people have
common habits. So, this assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The passage nowhere mentions that all daily habits have an equal impact on
the completion of daily tasks. The passage only covers habits and their role in daily life.
6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of polar bears being shifted to other oceans is not a part of the
passage. The passage is about climate change and its impact on polar bears. So, this option is beyond the
scope of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The passage conveys that climate change has impacted polar bears and even
threatened their survival. So, any policy for the Arctic Ocean must keep polar bears in focus. The lines
“Conservation efforts, sustainable policies, and international cooperation are imperative to mitigate the
melting of Arctic ice, safeguard the unique ecosystem, and ensure the survival of polar bears, emblematic
creatures of the Arctic facing an uncertain future in the wake of climate-induced transformations” also
carry the same essence. So, this is the most logical inference from the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not mention reversing climate change as the ‘only’ way to
protect polar bears. It only mentions mitigation of climate change for the survival of polar bears in the
lines “Conservation efforts, sustainable policies, and international cooperation are imperative to mitigate
the melting of Arctic ice, safeguard the unique ecosystem, and ensure the survival of polar bears,
emblematic creatures of the Arctic facing an uncertain future in the wake of climate-induced
transformations.” Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage is about polar bears and the impact of climate change on them. The
passage does not mention that polar bears are keystone species. Therefore, this option is not correct.
7 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The option captures the main theme of the passage, which is the role of political
maturity in strengthening democracy. It is visible in the lines “Democracy, a cornerstone of political
systems, thrives when accompanied by political maturity among citizens … Political maturity acts as a
stabilizing force, fostering constructive dialogue and conflict resolution, ensuring that democratic ideals
withstand internal tensions and external pressures, and allowing nations to navigate challenges.” These
lines reflect that political maturity plays an important role in strengthening democracy. Hence, this is the
correct and best answer.
Option (b) is incorrect: The option is not correct because it states that a mature democracy consists of a
“biologically mature population” instead of saying a “politically mature population”. The central theme of
the passage focusses upon the role of political maturity in making democracy stronger. So, this option is
not the correct answer.
Option (c) is incorrect: Refer to the lines “Striking a balance between individual rights and collective
responsibility becomes paramount for the sustenance of a robust democracy.” The author clearly talks
about balancing individual rights and collective responsibility. A democracy might become chaotic if
there is no balance between individual rights and collective responsibility. Hence, this option is not the
correct answer.
Option (d) is incorrect: The central theme of the passage is political maturity and its significance for
strengthening democracy. However, the option talks about the elements of democracy, which is neither
the main idea of the passage, nor is covered in the passage per se. Hence, this answer option is incorrect.
2 ©Vision IAS
8 (d)
I) 2a2 – 3a – 44 = 0
Or 2a2 + 8a – 11a – 44 = 0
Or 2a (a + 4) – 11 (a + 4) = 0
Or (2a – 11) (a + 4) = 0
Or a = 11/2, -4 = 5.5, -4
II) 3b2 – 20b + 25 = 0
Or 3b2 – 15b – 5b + 25 = 0
Or 3b (b – 5) – 5 (b – 5) = 0
Or (3b – 5) (b – 5) = 0
Or b = 5/3, 5 = 1.66, 5
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
9 (b)
Total number of biscuits in a packet = 4 x 15 = 60
Total number of broken biscuits in a packet = 5% of 60 = 3
Total number of broken biscuits in the carton = 3 x 50 = 150
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
10 (c)
Let the ages of Geeta and Sita be G and S respectively.
40% = 2/5
According to the question,
(1/5) (G + S) = (2/5) (S - G)
Or (G + S) = 2 (S - G)
Or S = 3G
∴ Required percentage = (G/S) × 100 = (G/3G) × 100 = 33.33%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
11 (b)
Number of odd days in 9999 = Remainder [9999/7] = 3
If 1st January 2024 is Monday, then 9999 days from now will be Monday + 3, i.e. Thursday.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
12 (b)
The value of a car is depreciating by 12.5% every year.
We know that, A = P [1 – (R/100)]t
Where, A = Final amount; P = Initial amount = 540000; R = rate of depreciation = 12.5%; time, t = 4
∴ A = P (1 – 125/1000)4
Or A = 540000(7/8)4
Or A = 316538.086
So, the price of the car in the year 2025 will be Rs. 316538.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
13 (a)
We have to find the number of internal cubes, i.e. the number of cubes that are not exposed.
There are 512 cubes. Now, 83 = 512. So, n = 8
Number of internal cubes = (n - 2)3 = (8 - 2)3 = 63 = 216
Hence, option (a) is correct.
14 (b)
Let MNOPQR be a six-digit telephone number.
Given that the first two digits of each number are 5 and 4.
Therefore, the telephone number is 54OPQR.
As repetition is not allowed and 5 and 4 are already taken, the digits available for place O are 0, 1, 2, 3, 6,
7, 8, 9, i.e. eight possible digits.
Thereafter, the number of digits that can come at place P is 7.
15 (b)
On observing the graph, we can say that death of children due to lack of vaccination from 1990 to 2005
has decreased from 5 million to 1 million, and the death of children due to diseases from 1990 to 2005 has
increased from 3 million to 4.5 million. Hence, statement in option (a) is correct.
The total number of deaths of children due to malnutrition in year 1990 is 4 million, which is not equal to
the total number of deaths of children due to diseases in 2005 which is 4.5 million. Hence, statement in
option (b) is not correct.
Total number of deaths of children due to diseases from 1990 to 2005 is 15 million (i.e. 3 + 3.5 + 4 + 4.5
= 15), which is more than total number of deaths of children due to malnutrition from 1990 to 2005 which
is 9 million (i.e. 4 + 2.5 + 2 + 0.5 = 9). Hence, statement in option (c) is correct.
The number of deaths of children in year 1990 = 5 + 4 + 3 = 12 million
The number of deaths of children in year 2005 = 1 + 0.5 + 4.5 = 6 million (i.e. half of 12 million)
Hence, statement in option (d) is correct.
Hence option (b) is the right answer.
16 (a)
Family diagram:
Tejas + Manya − Shan + Vinu −
Laddu + Nitya − Ishan +
Jay +
So, Ishan is the spouse of Nitya.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
17 (a)
18 (a)
The given word is ABIOGENETICALLY.
On arranging its letters alphabetically in reverse order, we get: “YTONLLIIGEECBAA”
Now, let's compare the two to identify the letters with unchanged positions.
We find that no letter has stayed in the same position.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
19 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is how social influence affects governance and
vice versa, not why one must have a strong social influence.
Option (b) is incorrect: Saying that governance without social influence would be meaningless is
hypothetical. Moreover, it only covers one aspect of the passage, which is how social influence affects
governance, and misses the second aspect of governance affecting social influence. Hence, this is not the
best inference.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option seems to be correct as it partially covers the context of the
passage. “How social influence affects governance” is covered, but it misses how governance impacts
social influence. So, this option is not the most logical inference.
4 ©Vision IAS
Option (d) is correct: The passage covers the effect of social influence on governance and vice versa. It
can be seen in the lines “The advent of social media has amplified the speed and reach of social
influence, enabling citizens to voice their concerns and mobilize movements.” and “Effective
governance requires responsiveness to public sentiment and the ability to positively navigate and channel
social influence.” Based on these lines we can infer that governance shapes societal influence, and
societal influence also moulds the nature of governance.
20 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage nowhere mentions the sustainability of leisure, especially
whether or not it is natural. In fact, the passage mentions that sustained leisure can be achieved after
addressing the challenges in the integration of machines into leisure. So, this assumption is contradictory
to the information contained in the passage and hence is not correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The passage does not discuss “the development of” technology per se.
Sustained leisure will depend not on technology but on addressing the challenges in the integration of
machines into leisure. So, this assumption is not correct because it is beyond the scope of the passage.
21 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: “Two sides of the same coin”, suggests that the two aspects are inseparable or
inherently linked, much like the two sides of an actual coin that cannot exist independently. Here, in the
given passage, leisure and machines are connected, but they can exist independently as well. So, this
option does not best reflect the crux.
Option (b) is correct: The given option is correct because of the lines “Achieving a harmonious
integration of machines into leisure necessitates addressing the multifaceted challenges to ensure a
balanced, inclusive, and sustainable leisure landscape for all.” The whole passage mentions the
multifaceted challenges like “Ethical considerations surface with data privacy issues … affecting mental
well-being. Environmental sustainability … to growing e-waste concerns.” These challenges must be
addressed to fulfil machine-based leisure. So, we can say that machine-based leisure is incomplete without
addressing its challenges.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not discuss the evolution of leisure. Rather, it discusses the
challenges related to the infusion of machines into leisure activities. So, this option can be ruled out as
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage has not touched upon the future of leisure from technology or
machines. So, to infer that the future of leisure from machines would be detrimental would not be correct,
as it is not based on any information contained in the passage. Hence, this option is not correct.
22 (b)
Let 5 kg of coffee be mixed with 2 kg of chicory.
C.P. of the mixture = Rs. (5 × a + 2 × b) = Rs. (5a + 2b)
S.P. of the mixture = (5 + 2) c = Rs. 7c
Since the seller registers a gain, therefore S.P. > C.P.
Gain/Profit = S.P. – C.P. = 7c – (5a + 2b) = Rs. (7c – 5a – 2b)
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
23 (a)
Based on the information provided in the question, we get:
S. No. Book
1. Bengali
2. Manipuri
3. Bhojpuri
4. English
5. Punjabi
6. Tamil
7. Hindi
So, option (a) is the correct answer.
The minimum distance needed to be covered by Pradeep to reach Vivek = √(12 2 + 92) = √(144 + 81) = 15
So, option (d) is the correct answer.
25 (c)
There are 21 consonants.
Therefore, the possible number of motor vehicle registration number plates that can be formed for the
state of West Bengal = 7 x 6 x 21 (consonants) x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 105840.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
26 (c)
Let the cost price of one meter cloth be Rs. x.
So, marked price of one meter cloth = Rs. 1.45x.
And, selling price of one meter cloth = 1.45x (70/100) = 1.015x
Now, due to the increase in the length of scale, the cost price of cloth (which the merchant thinks to be
one meter, but is actually 1.05 m) will be Rs. 1.05x.
So, loss = 1.05x – 1.015x = 0.035x
Loss percentage = (0.035x/1.05x) x 100 = 3.33%
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
Explanation for Questions 27 to 29:
After insertion of the cards in the envelopes, it was found that two envelopes of red color were used by
the houses B and D. We can represent it as follows:
House Card 1 Card 2 Card 3
B Red Red
D Red Red
Now, red envelopes were chosen by the houses B, D and E. Therefore, the fifth red envelope has to be
used by house E.
Further, besides red, house B prefers yellow envelope only. So, third card of House B is inserted in yellow
Besides red, house D prefers brown envelope. So, the third card of house D has to go in brown envelope.
Filling this information in the table we get:
House Card 1 Card 2 Card 3
B Red Red Yellow
D Red Red Brown
E Red
6 ©Vision IAS
House E prefers red and brown. Therefore, the remaining 2 cards of house E have to go in brown
House A likes only yellow envelopes. So, all the three cards of House A will go in yellow envelopes.
House Card 1 Card 2 Card 3
A Yellow Yellow Yellow
B Red Red Yellow
D Red Red Brown
E Red Brown Brown
House C has to use the remaining one yellow and two brown envelopes. Hence, we get:
House Card 1 Card 2 Card 3
A Yellow Yellow Yellow
B Red Red Yellow
C Yellow Brown Brown
D Red Red Brown
E Red Brown Brown
27 (a)
As seen in the table above, House A uses all the three envelopes of the same color.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
28 (d)
As we can read from the table, envelopes of all the colors were used by exactly three houses.
So, option (d) is the correct answer.
29 (c)
From the table we can see that brown envelopes were used by houses C, D and E.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
30 (b)
The average age of the people whose ages are below 31 years will be maximum if the average age of the
people aged 31 years and above is minimum. So, let’s assume that there are 60 people having the same
age of 31 years.
Let x be the maximum possible average age of the people whose ages are below 31 years.
So, (31×60 + 30x)/(60 + 30) = 26
Or 1860 + 30x = 26×90
Or 30x = 2340 – 1860
Or 30x = 480
Or x = 16
So, option (b) is the correct answer.
31 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The given option best summarizes the whole theme of the passage which is the
crucial issue of diminishing resources caused by climate change and the attention it needs in the form of
international cooperation and sustainable solutions. The lines, “Climate-induced resource scarcity, …
Sustainable resource management, renewable energy adoption, international cooperation are crucial to
mitigate climate change and alleviate resource-driven conflicts, fostering a resilient and equitable
global response to the complex interplay between diminishing resources and the escalating climate
crisis” validate the given option. Hence, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is vague. The passage talks about diminishing resources and
how it is connected to climate change, but this option only talks about solutions to climate change. So, this
option does not capture the central theme or context of the passage in its entirety.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not cover the context of human survival due to diminishing
resources caused by climate change. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
32 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage nowhere specifies or mentions about the responsibilities of
technology platforms, content creators and consumers separately. Hence, this is not the correct inference.
Option (b) is correct: The given option is based on the lines: “Technological ethics should guide the
development and implementation of tools and policies that promote transparency, fact-checking, and
responsible information sharing, fostering an ethical digital landscape that prioritizes truth and
integrity.” These lines show that technological ethics are critical for handling fake news because ethics
promote transparency, truth and integrity. Hence, this option is correct.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not mention anything about a surveillance system. Moreover,
this option misses out the main theme of the passage, which is technological ethics. Hence, this is not the
correct inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: Though true, this statement misses out the main theme of the passage, which is
technological ethics. Fake news is an important aspect covered in the passage, but so is technological
33 (b)
Total amount lent = 20000
Total interest after 5 years = 32000 – 20000 = Rs. 12000
Simple interest (SI) = (P × R × T)/100
or 12000 = (20000 × R × 5)/100
or R = (12000 × 100)/(20000 × 5)
or R = 12%
Hence, we get:
34 (d)
(a) C > B ≥ D = A < G; here, A < B is possibly true.
(b) C > D ≥ A = G < B; here A < B is definitely true.
(c) B > D ≥ G = A < C; here A < B is definitely true.
(d) G > D ≥ B = C < A; here A < B is definitely false.
So, option (d) is the correct answer.
35 (c)
The pattern is: I x III - 23 = II
(a) 9 ☺ 37 ☺ 5 = 9 x 5 - 23 = 37
(b) 11 ☺ 135 ☺ 13 = 11 x 13 - 23 = 135
(c) 3 ☺ 15 ☺ 7 = = 3 x 7 - 6 = 15
(d) 45 ☺ 757 ☺ 17 = = 45 x 17 - 23 = 757
Hence, option (c) is correct.
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36 (c)
Venn diagram:
37 (b)
38 (a)
39 (c)
40 (a)
30% of the work is done by A alone. It means A did 3/10 unit of work alone.
33.33% of the work is done by B alone. It means B did 1/3 unit of work alone.
Portion of work done by A and B together in 2 days = [1 – {(3/10) + (1/3)}
= 1 – (19/30) = 11/30
So, the portion of work done by A and B together in 1 day = 11/60
It is given that B takes 20% more time than A. Let A completes a work in x days. Then B will complete
the same work in 1.2x days.
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So, (1/x) + (1/1.2x) = 11/60
Or (1/x) + (5/6x) = 11/60
Or (11/6x) = 11/60
Or x = 10 days
B can complete the work in 1.2x days, i.e. 1.2 × 10 = 12 days
So, option (a) is the correct answer.
41 (c)
Given: Total overs in 1 inning = 20
Required run rate initially = 10.5/over
∴ Total runs to chase = 20 × 10.5 = 210
Now, Run rate at the end of 14th over = 11.5
∴ Total runs at the end of 14th over = 11.5 × 14 = 161
∴ Runs still required by India to win the match = 210 – 161 = 49 runs
Hence, option (c) is correct.
42 (c)
Let gross salary of Himanshu be 100 units.
Net salary (or in-hand salary) = 100 – 20 = 80 units.
Himanshu spends 25% of his in-hand salary on fooding and lodging, 20% of the remaining on education
and transportation, and 10% of the remaining on entertainment.
So, amount left with him = 80 x (75/100) x (80/100) x (90/100) = 43.2 units.
Now, 43.2 units = 15600
Or 100 units = (15600/43.2) x 100 = 36111.11 (approx.)
Monthly contribution toward NPS = 10 units = 361.11 × 10 = Rs. 3,611.11
Amount spent on entertainment = 4.8 units = 4.8 × 361.11 = Rs. 1733.33
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
43 (d)
Let marked prices of Sandeep, Pawan, and Raghav be ₹ 200, ₹ 300, and ₹ 400 respectively.
Selling price of Sandeep after 25% discount = 200 × (100 – 25)/100 = Rs. 150
Selling price of Pawan after giving two successive discounts of 20% and 10% = 300 × {(80/100) ×
(90/100)} = Rs. 216
Selling price of Raghav after giving 56% discount = 400 × {(100 – 56)/100} = Rs. 176
∴ Descending order of their selling prices is Pawan > Raghav > Sandeep.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
44 (d)
According to the question,
a < b and c < b
If we assume value of b to be 8, then a and c can be any digit between 1 and 7.
So, the total number of such numbers = 7 × 7 = 49
If we assume value of b to be 7, then a and c can be any digit between 1 and 6.
So, the total number of such numbers = 6 × 6 = 36
…..and so on.
So, the total number of such numbers = 49 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 140
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
45 (c)
Last date of the February month of the year 1896 = 29 (1896 is a leap year)
Number of years in his entire married life = 1963 – 1896 = 67
Number of leap years in his entire married life = Quotient [67/4] = 16
So, he will celebrate 16 marriage anniversaries in his entire life.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
47 (a)
Note: The question is about invalid assumptions.
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given statement is not correct because it is an extreme one. The passage
does not imply that it is not possible to live a simple life. The line “In an era dominated by technology, the
pursuit of a simple life is both elusive and challenging (but not impossible)”. So, this is an incorrect
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is based on the lines “Simplicity in the digital age
involves mindful tech use, fostering genuine human connections, … benefits of technology without
succumbing to the overwhelming complexities it can introduce in the quest for a simpler life.” Hence,
this assumption is correct.
48 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage nowhere mentions that issues or violations of the moral code are
happening because of the lack of legal sanctity. The passage is about enforcement and its effectiveness.
Also, whether effectiveness will increase by making it legal has not been discussed in the passage. Hence,
this inference is not correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The passage does not state that moral code is regularly violated, or that this
situation is worsening day by day. Moreover, the passage talks about political ethics in the parties and not
the rule of law. Rule of law is different from moral code. So, this inference is not correct.
49 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because the passage does not trace the
cause of the replacement of cuddling with phones. Therefore, to assume that parents are busy and that is
why they have replaced cuddling with phones would not be correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is based on the following lines “This shift might
contribute to a generation with diminished abilities to connect emotionally, understand social nuances,
and navigate complex relationships.” This shows that if cuddling does not happen properly, it may affect
a person emotionally as well as socially. Hence, it is crucial for emotional as well as social intelligence.
50 (a)
Let the number of balls be ‘n’.
As the boy covers 364 m, he covers 364/2 = 182 m on the one side and 182 m on the other side.
First consider the distance covered on one side:
As the balls are placed in the lawn at intervals of 1 m in a straight line, so the total distance covered by
him = 2 + (2+2) + (2+2+2) + (2+2+2+2) + ………. = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ………… = n/2[2×2 + (n – 1) 2] =
[Sum of ‘n’ terms in A.P. (arithmetic progression), Sn = n/2[2a + (n – 1) d],
where, n = number of terms, a = first term and d = common difference].
Here n is the number of balls or number of terms in the A.P.
So, n(n+1) = 182 = 13×14
∴ n = 13.
Hence, the total number of balls = 13 + 13 + 1 = 27.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
51 (d)
N = 36 × 55 × 26 × 157 = 36 × 55 × 26 × 37 × 57 = 313 × 512 × 26
So, total number of factors = (13 + 1) × (12 + 1) × (6 + 1) = 14 × 13 × 7
Any odd factor will have to be a combination of 3 and 5.
Total number of odd factors of 313 × 512 = (13 + 1) × (12 + 1) = 14 × 13
52 (b)
Let the first digit be n.
Third digit is equal to first digit. So, it will also be n.
Second digit = Sum of first and third digits = n + n = 2n
Fifth digit = Sum of third and second digits = n + 2n = 3n
Sixth digit = Sum of third and fifth digits = n + 3n = 4n
Fourth digit = Sum of fifth and sixth digits = 3n + 4n = 7n
Ratio of fifth and fourth digit = 3n : 7n = 3 : 7
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
53 (d)
Let a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h and i be the ages, in years, of the persons, listed from youngest to oldest. From the
given information it follows that e = 70 and i = 3a + 30.
Therefore, listed from youngest to oldest, the ages are a, b, c, d, 70, f, g, h and 3a + 30.
The maximum value of 3a + 30 will occur when the maximum value of a is used, and this will be the case
only if the youngest 4 persons all have the same age. Therefore, listed from youngest to oldest, the ages
are a, a, a, a, 70, f, g, h and 3a + 30.
The maximum value for a and by extension 3a + 30 will occur when f, g and h are as small as possible.
Since f, g and h are to the right of the median, they must be at least 70 and so 70 is the least possible value
for each of f, g and h. Therefore, listed from youngest to oldest, the ages are a, a, a, a, 70, 70, 70, 70 and
3a + 30. Since the average age is 50, we get:
(a+a+a+a+70+70+70+70+(3a+30))/9 = 50
or, a = 20.
Hence, the maximum possible age of the oldest person = 3a + 30 = 3×20 + 30 = 90 years.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
54 (b)
HCF of 160, 224, 96, 128, 192 and 64 = 32
So, minimum number of buses required = (160 + 224 + 96 + 128 + 192 + 64)/32 = 864/32 = 27
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
55 (a)
For the first strip, we have 7 colour options - say VIBGYOR.
For the second strip, we need to choose a colour different from the first strip. So, we have 6 colour
options. - say IBGYOR.
For the third strip, we need to choose a colour different from the second strip. So, we have 6 colour
options. - say VBGYOR.
….and so on.
So, the total number of possible ways to design the flag = 7 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 326592
Hence, option (a) is correct.
56 (c)
Mona Shubhra Divyadharsini
Ratio of capitals = 1/3 : 1/4 : 1/5
= 1/3 ×60 : 1/4 ×60 : 1/5 ×60 [LCM (3,4,5) = 60]
= 20 : 15 : 12
Ratio of profits = 20×3 + 10×9 : 15×12 : 12×12
= 150 : 15×12 : 12×12
= 25 : 30 : 24
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
58 (b)
Arya = (1/4) Sharda
Arya = 5 Konika
Arya + Himanshu = Luvkush + Konika ………….(i)
Luvkush - Himanshu = Javitri
Or Luvkush = Himanshu + Javitri ………….(ii)
Now, on putting Arya = 5 Konika and Luvkush = Himanshu - Javitri in equation (i):
Arya + Himanshu = Luvkush + Konika
Or 5 Konika + Himanshu = Himanshu + Javitri + Konika
Or 4 Konika = Javitri
Or Javitri = 4 × 7500 = 30000.
So, option (b) is the correct answer.
59 (d)
Here, we are required to decipher or decode the pattern.
LAPTOP is written as MWYUKY. We can see that the underlying pattern is very simple, as shown
L + 12 = M
A - 22 = W
P + 32 = Y
T + 12 = U
O - 22 = K
P + 32 = Y
We will follow a similar pattern to code BEACON.
B + 12 = C
E - 22 = A
A + 32 = J
C + 12 = D
O - 22 = K
N + 32 = W
So, the required code is CAJDKW.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
60 (d)
Let the length, breadth and height of the cuboidal room be l, b and h respectively.
The length of the longest pole that can be placed on the floor of the cuboidal room is equal to the length of
the diagonal of the floor (a rectangle) with its sides as the length and breadth of the room.
So, l2 + b2 = 52…………………. І
The length of the longest pole that can be placed in the room in any manner is equal to the space diagonal
of the cuboidal room.
So, l2 + b2 + h2 = (5√2)2 ………… II
Using I and II, we get:
52 + h2 = 50
⇒ h2 = 50 – 25
⇒ h2 = 25
∴ h = 5 m.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
62 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because the passage does not mention tribals to
be the ‘most’ formidable opposition. The passage does not compare tribals with any other section in the
context of opposing the British. So, this option is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is specific to tribals and mentions the opposition that tribals
presented to the British (colonial rule). However, the passage does not cover the aspects of pre-colonial
rule. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is specific to tribals and not generic to Indian society. However, the
option is about Indian society in general. So, this option is not correct.
Option (d) is correct: This option is based on the following line - “In response to colonial oppression,
tribals mounted various forms of resistance.” It reflects the opposition aspect. Now, consider the line -
“The colonial legacy has left a lasting impact on tribal communities, contributing to issues like
displacement, poverty, and cultural marginalization, which continue to shape their socio-economic
realities in post-colonial India.” So, the colonial legacy affects the tribals even today with issues like
poverty, marginalization etc. Hence, this option is correct.
63 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: Refer to the line: “Furthermore, economic growth wasn't always inclusive…”
The author clearly says that inclusive growth has happened, though not always. Therefore, it would be
incorrect to say that inclusive growth has not happened at all. Furthermore, the context is not specific to
any country. Therefore, this answer option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The entire passage talks about how in many cases economic growth is not
inclusive. The author lists the various factors that prevent the inclusive nature of economic growth.
Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that economic growth is inherently inclusive in nature.
Option (c) is correct: The lines “Inefficient implementation of social policies, bureaucratic hurdles,
and corruption hindered the effective delivery of welfare programs” show that the government also
grapples with issues related to inclusive growth. Also, the lines “Economic development often prioritized
urban and industrial areas, leaving rural regions with inadequate access to education, healthcare, and
employment opportunities” show that economic growth is not always inclusive in nature. Hence, the
government should focus on making economic growth inclusive.
Option (d) is incorrect as option (a) is incorrect.
64 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage does mention the influence of British colonialism on Indian
political institutions as reflected in the lines “The British colonial administration laid the groundwork,
introducing parliamentary structures that continue to influence Indian politics.” ‘Parliamentary
structures’ is one such example. However, there could be many other channels of influence. Therefore, it
would be incorrect to say that Parliamentary structure is the ‘only’ way through which British colonialism
has influenced Indian politics.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The evolution as mentioned in the passage is because of the changing
demands of the society as seen in the line “Over the years, India's federal structure has evolved,
accommodating regional diversity through the establishment of State Legislative Assemblies.” Therefore,
evolution of political institutions reflects changing societal demands and not vice versa as mentioned in
the option. So, this assumption is not correct.
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65 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The given option is based on the following lines “The British colonial
administration … continue to influence Indian politics. … Over the years, India's federal structure has
evolved, accommodating regional diversity through the establishment of State Legislative Assemblies.
Constitutional amendments and electoral reforms have aimed at enhancing representation and
inclusivity.” These lines depict the essence of the passage - transformation has happened in the political
institutions and political landscape of the country from the colonial era to the present day. So, this best
reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given statement is generic and not as per the information provided in the
passage. The passage mentions about evolution of political institutions, but the associated complexities
and limitations, if any, are not covered in the passage. Also, the main theme of the passage is to showcase
the evolution of political institutions. Therefore, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given passage is not about political parties and coalition partners, but the
overall political landscape of the country at large. Therefore, this option is not the best crux.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage is primarily about the evolution of Indian political institutions. Also,
there is nothing related to the evolution of Indian politics except the influence of the British administration
over it. We cannot conclusively say that Indian politics has not evolved since independence. So, this is not
the best crux of the passage.
66 (b)
From II, Ragini visited her in-laws on Monday. Thus, Ragini visited Goa on Tuesday.
So, option (b) is the correct answer.
67 (d)
Venn diagram:
68 (d)
The given sequence: wx_ivQhw_giVqhWx_ _vqH
We can break this sequence in three sets of 7 elements each. We can see that every third letter is a capital
The complete sequence is: wxGivQh/wXgiVqh/WxgIvqH.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
69 (d)
17 + (2 * 3) = 23
23 + (3 * 4) = 35
35 + (4 * 5) = 55
55 + (5 * 6) = 85
85 + (6 * 7) = 127
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
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70 (b)
The figure:
71 (c)
Ratio of water and sugar in mixture 1 = 5 : 1
Quantity of water in mixture 1 = {5/(5+1)} x 18 = 15 litres
Quantity of sugar in mixture 1 = {1/(5+1)} x 18 = 3 litres
Ratio of water and sugar in mixture 2 = 1 : 6
Quantity of water in mixture 2 = {1/(1+6)} x 28 = 4 litres
Quantity of sugar in mixture 2 = {6/(1+6)} x 28 = 24 litres
In new mixture, there is some extra water. Let it be x.
So, total quantity of water in the new mixture = 15 + 4 + x = 19 + x
Total quantity of sugar in the new mixture = 3 + 24 = 27 litres
According to the question,
(19 + x)/27 = 8/9
Or 19 + x = 24
Or x = 5
Total quantity of water in the new mixture = 19 + x = 19 + 5 = 24 litres
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
72 (a)
74 (d)
The total number of girls who attended Bengali and Geography = {800 × (16/100) × (7/16)} + {800 ×
(23/100) × (5/8)} = 56 + 115 = 171
The total number of boys who attended Hindi and Biology = {800 × (22/100) × (1/4)} + {800 × (25/100)
× (3/10)} = 44 + 60 = 104
Required difference = 171 – 104 = 67
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
75 (d)
The path taken by the person is represented below:
76 (b)
The selection of the players can be done in the following ways:
Group A (Number of ways) Group B (Number of ways)
Case I 2 Men ( 2𝐶 2) 2 Women ( 2𝐶 2)
Case II 1 Man + 1 Woman 1 Man + 1 Woman
( 2𝐶 1) × ( 3𝐶 1) ( 3𝐶 1) × ( 2𝐶 1)
Case III 2 Women ( 3𝐶 2) 2 Men ( 3𝐶 2 )
Hence, the required number of ways = ( 2𝐶 2 × 2𝐶 2) + ( 2𝐶 1 × 3𝐶 1 × 3𝐶 1 × 2𝐶 1 ) + ( 3𝐶 2 × 3𝐶 2) =
(1 × 1) + (2× 3× 3× 2) + (3× 3) = 1 + 36 + 9 = 46 ways.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
77 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The context of the state and what it should do for cybersecurity is not covered in
the passage. Therefore, this inference is beyond the scope of the passage.
Inference 2 is correct: The given inference is based on the lines “The ethical hacker, or "white hat,"
employs the same techniques as malicious hackers but with the goal of identifying and fortifying
security weaknesses rather than exploiting them.” These lines show that ethical hackers know everything
that malicious hackers know, but they use it for noble objectives. So, essentially, they have the potential to
become malicious hackers. Hence, this inference is correct.
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78 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage talks about the paradox of morality and the various reasons behind
it. However, this option focuses only on the individual and his established beliefs. So, this option does not
reflect the most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct: The given option captures the essence of the passage, which is the paradox of
morality and the reasons behind it. This is seen in the lines “The paradox of morality lies in the intricate
tension between universal principles and cultural relativity, … Cultural context moulds moral
frameworks, giving rise to situations where actions deemed morally acceptable in one culture may be
condemned in another.” And “…..the paradox of morality extends to the internal conflict within
individuals. Personal moral convictions may clash with societal norms, creating a complex internal
struggle.” So, this option is the most rational inference.
Option (c) is incorrect: This option differentiates between morality and ethical relativism. However, the
central theme of the passage is the paradox of morality and various reasons leading to it. So, this option is
not the most rational inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is quite vague and is not based on the passage, because the
context of critical examination of cultural boundaries is not covered in the passage. So, this option is
beyond the scope of the passage.
79 (c)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is extreme and is not based on the information
provided in the passage. Conscience and legal frameworks are tools of decision-making. Though
sometimes they might be wrong, but to state that they are not reliable would not be correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given assumption is not correct because of the lines “Adherence to legal
and regulatory standards may lack the flexibility to address every moral dilemma and may not always
align with evolving societal values”. This line shows that societal values may or may not impact the legal
80 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is quite generic in nature and does not cover the specific
context of the passage, which is about the reliability of conscience compared to laws. The passage
compares the approach of conscience and laws towards ethical decision-making. So, this option is not the
most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct: The passage is about conscience, laws and how they help in ethical decision-
making. The lines from the passage “While it can provide a sense of individual integrity, its subjectivity
raises concerns about consistency and potential biases. Laws, rules, and regulations, on the other hand,
offer a structured framework for ethical behaviour … may lack the flexibility to address every moral
dilemma and may not always align with evolving societal values.” show that both conscience and laws,
etc. are used in decision-making, but there is some complexity involved in their reliability. This is because
of the inconsistency in conscience and lack of flexibility in laws. So, there is uncertainty about their
reliability and it’s a debatable topic, as highlighted in the line – “The ongoing dialogue between personal
conscience and legal frameworks is essential …”.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option is not covered in the passage, because whether conscience and
law complement each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive or not is not discussed in the passage.
The passage only mentions their features and differences. So, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of adaptability and its impact on the reliability of conscience or legal
frameworks is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this option is not correct.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
(b) T (b) 10
(c) Either S or T (c) 8
(d) Neither S nor T (d) 6
4 ©Vision IAS
16. In a certain game, a large bag is filled with blue, 17. Which of the following is/are the correct
green, purple, and red chips worth 1, 5, x, and 11 inference(s) that can be made from the passage?
1. The concept of natural rights was invented
points each, respectively. The purple chips are
due to extreme abuses of individual rights
worth more than the green chips but less than the
during the Second World War.
red chips. A certain number of chips are then 2. Post-World War world order believes that
selected from the bag. If the product of the point citizens are bearers of human rights merely
by virtue of being human.
values of the selected chips is 88000, how many
Select the correct answer using the code given
purple chips were selected?
(a) 1 (a) 1 only
(b) 2 (b) 2 only
(c) 3 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 4
Passage – 2
The post-liberal economy has fuelled aspirations and
Directions for the following 5 (five) items: urbanization. Also, it has witnessed heightened
Read the following five passages and answer the items competition for resources, exacerbating pre-existing
ethnic tensions. The impact is palpable in the rise of
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
communalism, where economic disparities intersect with
should be based on the passages only.
ethnic fault lines, leading to social fragmentation.
Passage—1 Understanding the delicate balance between
After the Second World War and the extreme abuses of acknowledging the positive aspects of economic growth
individual rights under the Third Reich, the idea of and addressing the socio-cultural challenges, fosters the
society's use of the economy for uniform and integrated
natural rights was reinvigorated and transformed into the
notions of human rights. The founding of the UN and the
18. Which of the following statements best reflects
adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the crux of the passage?
by United Nations, point to the central role that human (a) Society and the economy have always been
rights played in the establishment of a post-war world
(b) The post-liberal economy has left an
order. This order was premised on the individual’s
indelible mark on ethnic identity and
primacy over that of the state. The consequence of this communal dynamics.
principle is that state action must be justified in the light (c) Economic reforms are not the solution to the
of human rights, while citizens do not need to justify or social tensions and ethnic fault lines.
(d) Growth in the post-liberal economic reforms
persuade the state that their human rights, which humans
has transformed society into an integrated
have, need to be respected.
5 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 Passage – 4
Microorganisms present a promising avenue for Discipline is an internal force that comes from within. It
is not a thing that can be imposed on you by anyone else.
addressing the current fuel shortage through various
People want to get freedom in a shortcut way, or they
innovative approaches. Microbial biofuels, such as
hack it. It has been observed that in the quest for
biodiesel and bioethanol, leverage the metabolic freedom, people shun discipline. They perceive that
capabilities of microorganisms to convert organic matter discipline is a hurdle in the way of freedom. They opine
into energy-rich compounds. Additionally, microbial it as a negative element in the way of freedom in their
fuel cells harness the electron transfer abilities of lives and others too. Having discipline is a way to handle
the situation positively. It enriches the life of every day
bacteria to generate electricity from organic substrates.
even in the hardest situation.
The production of biohydrogen through microbial
20. Which one of the following is the most logical
processes represents another avenue with the potential to and rational inference that can be made from
alleviate the fuel crisis. Furthermore, microorganisms the above passage?
can play a crucial role in breaking down organic waste (a) Discipline and freedom are incompatible
(c) 1 and 2 only how it occurs to the types of policies that might help
countries escape it.
(d) 1, 2 and 3
6 ©Vision IAS
21. Which of the following statements best reflects 24. For every positive integer n, the function h(n) is
the crux of the passage? defined to be the product of all the even integers
(a) Effective policy making to address the from 2 to n (inclusive). If p is the smallest
(prime) factor of h(100)+1, then p is
reasons behind middle-income trap can only
(a) Between 2 and 10
be done after a country has witnessed such a
(b) Between 11 and 20
(c) Between 21 and 30
(b) Not all countries face the middle-income (d) Greater than 40
trap, but robust policies can help them
escape it and become developed. 25. If the sum of five consecutive positive integers
(c) Before becoming developed, every poor is A, then the sum of the next five consecutive
22. The digits of a 3-digit number are reversed to 26. A rectangular tank is 60 m long and 40 m broad.
form another number. The difference between Water is being flown into it through a square
this number and the original number is always pipe of side 10 cm. What is the speed of water if
23. If X = 2891 × 2892 × 2893 × ........... × 2898 × 27. If Dennis is one third the age of his father Keith
2899×2900, then what is the remainder when x now, and was one fourth the age of his father 5
is divided by 17? years ago, then how old will his father Keith be
5 years from now?
(a) 0
(a) 20 years
(b) 4
(b) 45 years
(c) 7
(c) 40 years
(d) 14
(d) 50 years
7 ©Vision IAS
28. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below 31. If some license plates are to be produced that all
in the question figures. From the given answer
have the same pattern of three letters followed
figures, indicate how it will appear when opened?
Question Figures: by three numbers, roughly how many such
(a) 18 thousand
(b) 18 million
(c) 11 million
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
Passage – 1
29. In a certain code ‘EASIER’ is written as sustainability. Economic performance and improved
TGKUCG. How would CUTTER be written in well-being depend on more than growth in income and
that code?
GDP. Inclusive wealth includes a holistic assessment of
(b) TGWWVE produced capital (manufacturing output or GDP), human
capital and natural capital within a country. It is a
multipurpose indicator capable of measuring not only
30. If in the English alphabet, every alternate letter traditional stocks of wealth but also those less tangible
from B onwards is written in small letters while
others are written in capitals (i.e. A b C d E f and unseen—such as educational levels, skill sets, health
..…), then how would the 3rd day from Tuesday care, as well as environmental assets and the functioning
be written?
of key ecosystem services that form the backbone of
(a) f r i D A Y
(b) W E d n E S d A Y human well-being and ultimately set the parameters for
(c) T H U R S d A Y
sustainable development.
(d) f r I d A Y
attitudes towards where people defecate. Even when the crux of the passage?
poverty is being reduced and toilet facilities become
(a) Policies for addressing open defecation
available, cultural attitudes, social habits, and economic
factors may impair people from using or avoiding must consider socio-economic realities.
infrastructure considered safe and hygienic by (b) ‘Sanitation for all’ should be a mission to
environmental and health standards. Understanding the
eradicate open defecation.
sociocultural and economic factors underlying open
(c) Policies, even without community
defecation is therefore crucial for any policy aimed at
eradicating the practice. Finally, community-led participation, are sufficient to eradicate open
initiatives that draw on the creativity and capacity of
local people to take control of their change processes
(d) Open defecation is considered to be normal
must be integrated into open defecation intervention
programmes. in developing societies.
9 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 36. The average download speed for Max’s
The all-too-familiar triad of historical periodisation — computer’s Internet connection is 30 megabits
ancient, medieval, modern — now universal, has rather per second. Assuming no interruptions in
specific provincial and temporal origins. All societies internet service, what is the best estimate for the
evolved their modes of dividing their history into maximum number of complete video files that
periods: dynastic and regnal was the one prevalent in Max can download to his computer in a six-hour
India, Iran, the Turko-Mongol regions, besides Europe. period if each video file is 4.2 gigabytes in size?
The triad took birth in Europe around the 16th and 17th [1 megabyte = 8 megabits, and 1 gigabyte =
centuries, first in the history of theology and steadily in 1,024 megabytes]
society’s history, finding its largely evolved form in (a) 15
1688 at the hands of Cellarius, a German. This was the (b) 18
era when over the past few centuries, Europe had been (c) 19
creating its new self-image of rationality, science and (d) 21
progress, in short, modernity; to reinforce it, the inverse
image of its immediate past, the medieval, was also 37. After a team of 7 basketball players won a game,
created as one of irrationality, regression, and each of them high-fived the other players once,
superstition which were constituted as the synonym of how many high-fives did take place?
religion/religiosity — in short, the “Dark Age” from (a) 21
which Europe was progressing into Enlightenment. (b) 5040
35. Which of the following is/are the most rational (c) 720
and logical inference/ inferences that can be (d) 540
made from the passage?
1. Every society has a religious history filled 38. Find the number that should come in the white
with irrationality, regression and circle in the figure given below:
2. Europe gave birth to the triad of ancient,
medieval, modern.
Select the correct answer from the code given
(a) 1 only (a) 10
(b) 2 only (b) 12
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 23
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) None of the above
assumptions have been made: Despite the immense potential, the integration of gene
1. Open communication and healthy and cell therapy into mainstream healthcare in India
relationships are the bedrock of a modern comes with its own set of challenges. From infrastructure
2. A person should know how to discuss the without hurdles. However, these challenges present
difficult aspects of his/her relationship. opportunities for collaborative efforts - bringing together
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? scientific communities, industries, policymakers, and
49. M and T are running for class president. 150 52. A is the brother of B, B is the brother of C, and
D is the father of A. Based on these three
votes have been tallied so far; 88 for M and 62
statements which of the following statements
for T. If 250 students are voting in total, how
cannot be definitely true?
many more votes must M win in order to defeat
(a) B is the brother of A
T and earn exactly 50% more votes than him? (b) B is the son of D
(a) 125 (c) D is the father of C
(b) 62 (d) C is the brother of A
(c) 77
(d) 150 53. M is any point inside a rectangle PQRS, as
shown below:
(c) 9
(d) None of the above 59. x = y + y2, wherein y is a negative integer. If y
decreases in value, then x
55. Select the option that has the letters that, when (a) Increases in value
placed from left to right in the blanks below, will
(b) Fluctuates
complete the letter series.
(c) Decreases in value
A B C _ A_C C A B_C_B_C
(d) Remains the same
(a) A B B C C
(b) C A B B A
(c) C B C A C 60. Susie can buy apples from two stores: a
(d) A C C B A supermarket that sells apples only in bundles of
4 and a convenience store that sells single,
56. The greatest common factor of 16 and the
unbundled apples. If Susie wants to ensure that
positive integer 'n' is 4, and the greatest common
the total number of apples she buys is a multiple
factor of 'n' and 45 is 3. Which of the following
of 5, then what is the minimum number of apples
could be the greatest common factor of 'n' and
210? she must buy from the convenience store?
(a) 3 (a) 0
(b) 14 (b) 1
(c) 30 (c) 2
(d) 42 (d) 3
62. Which of the following statements best reflects 1. Only organic farming can solve the present
(a) Culture and women mould each other in 2. Consumer health is the prime factor behind
(b) Values of equality and respect towards girls Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
India domestically as well as internationally. (a) Considering the food and nutritional
demands in future, GMO crops are the way
(b) Considering the advantages of organic
to go.
farming, the government must invest in its
(b) Food choices in India reflect a total absence
of nutritional awareness.
(c) For wider acceptance, farmers should be
(c) Technology must not only address the
made aware of the benefits of organic
changing food demands, but also ensure
food safety.
(d) The only potential of organic farming is the
(d) Consumer awareness about nutrition, food
revenue from exports to international safety and limited agricultural resources can
markets. help deal with the future food crisis.
Passage – 3
The Indian food consumption landscape is changing 66. If we add a two digit number (A) to another two
significantly. Not only will the quantity of food that digit number (N), the digits of N will get
would be required to feed the growing population reversed. Now, if we add the same number A to
increase, but the changing dietary patterns would this result, we get a three digit number that has
mandate the discovery of foods that are healthy, safe, and the same digits as N, and in the same order, but
with a zero between them. What is the value of
able to meet the nutritional requirements of consumers.
While India has successfully managed to be self-
(a) 27
sufficient when it comes to the production of several
(b) 36
agriculture and horticulture crops, changing demand
(c) 45
patterns will need us to explore intensification
(d) 54
techniques to address limited agriculture resources
sustainably. Significant disruptions would be required at 67. Which of the following expressions has the
the supply end to manage evolving food demands, to largest value?
which technology will serve as a key enabler. (a) 1876452/1876455
Additionally, production systems need to be geared (b) 1883446/1883449
towards addressing food safety and ensuring traceability (c) 1883453/1883456
(c) 78
69. Sum of all the internal angles and all the
corresponding external angles of a regular (d) 88
70. A group of 1260 children are seated in rows for number in the first generation?
71. P is to the north of Q and S is to the east of P, is 5 m to the west of point P, then what is the
who is to the south of W. T is to the west of P. distance between B and Z?
W is in which direction with respect to T? (a) 8 m
(a) North
(b) 9 m
(b) Northeast
(c) 5 m
(c) Southwest
(d) 2 m
(d) West
18 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Passage – 2
Read the following five passages and answer the items When people speak about intelligence, they usually
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items mean the “hard” type of skills: problem-solving, verbal
should be based on the passages only. skills, use of logic, or cracking numbers. But when it
To young people living in democracies, authoritarianism understanding social roles, reading emotions,
may seem like a long-forgotten part of their country’s comprehending relationships, or effective listening– we
history. For as long as they can remember, their fellow rarely see them as part of an intelligence questionnaire.
citizens have had the right to voice their opinions and to And while the hard skills are very important, it’s the soft
organize freely, political parties have competed in ones that help us maintain friendships, be satisfied at
meaningful elections, and the legislature and courts have work, or simply find happiness in life. Since these skills,
checked their governments’ actions. But these which we also call social intelligence, are so often
experiences are far from universal. Many countries are neglected in schools, despite a huge body of research
not democracies, and most countries that are democratic revealing their undeniable benefits, it is critical to
are younger than a lifetime. This means that for most understand what social intelligence is and how you can
people, life under authoritarianism is either their current reap its benefits.
experience, or they remember a time when it was. 76. Which of the following statements best reflects
75. Which of the following statements best reflects the crux of the passage?
the crux of the passage? (a) Mastery in discharging social roles, reading
(a) Democracy is far better than emotions and effective listening makes a
(b) To value democracy, people should not valued less in society as compared to hard
(c) Presently, some countries are under (c) Schools should not only focus on hard skills,
authoritarian regimes, and some are but also develop social intelligence among
democracies. students.
establish democracy for voicing citizens' the key that unlocks effective
opinions. communication.
1 (d)
The number is in the form of 9x + 1, where x is the quotient.
If x = 1, p = 10. It’s an even number.
If x = 2, p = 19. It’s an odd number.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
2 (d)
The number of people who remembered at least one dream in Group Y = 11 + 68 = 79
Required probability = 79/200
Hence, option (d) is correct.
3 (d)
Samples Quantity (in litre)
A 261
B 377
C 435
Least number of bottles of equal size will be possible, when the size of the bottles is maximum.
Maximum bottle size can be found by finding HCF of 261, 377 and 435.
261 = 9×29; 377 = 13×29; 435 = 15×29
So, the HCF = 29, i.e. size of each bottle should be 29 litres.
So, the total number of bottles required = 9 + 13 + 15 = 37.
Hence 37 bottles of 29 litres each are required.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
4 (a)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage discusses the relationship between religion and political
development. The line, “Religion has assumed not only positive but also neutral and negative roles in
shaping a political system” clearly mentions that the role of religion can be neutral also. In such
scenarios, it is possible that religion and politics function independent of each other. So, it would be
incorrect to say that religion and politics can never function independent of each other.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is correct because of the lines “Since the effects of
religion are deeply embedded in the patterns of specific societies, the impact of religion on the
development of the political system varies from one nation to another.” These lines clearly validate the
statement that the impact of religion on politics is not consistent across societies.
5 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The core theme of the passage is how religion impacts the arena of politics.
However, the passage does not mention how they both shape the moral compass of a nation. So, this
option is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is incorrect: “Politics as a secular activity” is not mentioned in the passage. Also, it is not
clear whether or not this is the reason for not mixing religion with politics. So, this option is not the most
rational inference of the passage.
6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of humans becoming lazy due to technology is not covered in the
passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The passage shows that humans have evolved but still, there is an urge to engage
oneself in some work or the other. It can be seen in the lines “At some point, we feel the urge to get busy,
and we know we need to act on it. Work may not make us free, however, it is an integral part of who we
are.” Hence, this is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is about how humans engage in some work or the other, making
work essential for humans. However, this option mentions that work helped in human evolution, which is
not correct as per the passage. So, this option is not the correct inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of huge workload has not been discussed in the passage. Also, the
passage mentions that even retired people find it hard not to engage in some activity – “Even when we do
have free time, or when indeed we retire, we find hobbies to keep us busy. ” So, the passage is about work,
not workload.
7 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage has not stated or hinted that India can or should learn from
developed countries in this respect. So, this inference is incorrect.
Inference 2 is correct: The given inference is correct as it is based on the lines “Unleashing the true
potential of such a strong workforce demands the employment capacity of the industry. Therefore,
rigidities and administrative burdens in the labour regime were required to be addressed through
substantive reforms.” These lines reflect that labour reforms would help in utilizing the increasing labour
force in the country, without which India may not be able to increase productivity.
8 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage does not mention the expectations of the workers, that too in respect
of the emerging economies in general. The passage focuses on labour reforms for increasing productivity
and growth. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect: The case of emerging economies is mentioned to show that their labour reforms
have helped them grow. The context of supplying labour to other emerging economies is not mentioned in
the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The impact of the increasing labour force on the complexity of reforms or their
implementation is not discussed in the passage. Rather, increasing force demands labour reforms as seen
in the lines, “India is projected to have the largest working population in the world between 2022 and
2034, with 10 million youth entering the workforce every year. Unleashing the true potential of such a
strong workforce demands the employment capacity of the industry.” Therefore, this answer option is
Option (d) is correct: The passage is about labour reforms and how they would help in employment and
growth. This can be inferred from the lines, “Therefore, rigidities and administrative burdens in the
labour regime were required to be addressed through substantive reforms … Successful emerging
economies on a development path have leveraged their labour supply for accelerating growth; however,
India’s labour laws applied to around 80 million workers in the formal sector, leaving the rest of the 500
million-strong workforce out of these benefits.” Hence, this is the best answer.
2 ©Vision IAS
9 (d)
As per the question, Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka
Now, Anamika scored fewer marks than only Anshika.
So, Anshika > Anamika > Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka
The one who scored the minimum marks secured 65%, and the one who scored the highest achieved 87%.
Anshika (87%) > Anamika > Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka (65%)
Hence, option (d) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 10 to 12:
A went to Q by car and B went to R by aeroplane. C travelled by boat, whereas D travelled by train.
Name Destination Mode of transport
A Q Car
B R Aeroplane
C Boat
D Train
The modes of transport used by A, B, C and D are already known. So, E must be the one who travelled by
bus. It is also given in the question that the city from which the friends started is not connected by bus to S
and T. So, P must be the city that is connected by bus.
Name Destination Mode of transport
A Q Car
B R Aeroplane
C Boat
D Train
E P Bus
10 (a)
As we have determined above, P travelled by bus.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
11 (c)
A, B and E travelled to Q, R and P respectively. C may have travelled to either S or T.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
12 (a)
A went to Q in a car. So, Q is connected by means of car.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
13 (d)
Volume of the cube = a3
Where, a = side of the cube.
So, a3 = 64 = 43
⇒ a = 4 cm.
So, side of the original cube = 4 cm.
When the four cubes are joined end to end, the length of the resulting figure (a cuboid) will be the sum of
the lengths of all the four cubes, however the width and height will be the same as the original cube.
14 (c)
I. (x+1)/(y+1) > x/y
or (x+1)y > x(y+1)
or xy+y > xy+x
or y >x
So, it is not true.
II. (x+1)/(y+1) = x/y
or xy+x = xy+y
or x = y
So, it is not true.
III. (x+1)/(y+1) >1:
or x+1 > y+1
or x >y
It is true.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
15 (b)
2 is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of x and y.
Let's find 2 numbers that have a GCD of 2. How about x = 2 and y = 2
If x = 2 and y = 2, then 5x = (5)(2) = 10, and 5y = (5)(2) = 10
The GCD of 10 and 10 is 10.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
16 (b)
We're told:
Blue chips = 1 point each
Green chips = 5 points each
Purple chips = x points each (more than Green, less than Red, so x = 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10)
Red chips = 11 points each
Now, 88,000 = (11)(5)(5)(5)(64)
Now, we know that there's a mystery number that is between 6 and 10 (inclusive) and must account for
We know that, 64 = (8)(8)
This gives us 2 purple chips.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
17 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: In the beginning, the passage says, after the Second World War, due to the
extreme abuses, the idea of natural rights was reinvigorated. That means, the idea was invented before the
world war. The concept (of natural rights) was simply revitalized or it was brought to the center stage.
18 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage specifically mentions about post-liberal economy and the social
issues around that period. However, the option states that society and the economy have always been
connected (not mentioned in the passage). But this is not the main theme of the passage, which is rather
how the post-liberal economy has left an indelible mark on ethnic identity and communal dynamics.
Option (b) is correct: The passage is about the post-liberal economy and how it has impacted society as
seen in the lines “Also, it has witnessed heightened competition for resources, exacerbating pre-existing
ethnic tensions. The impact is palpable in the rise of communalism, where economic disparities intersect
with ethnic fault lines, leading to social fragmentation.” These lines show the post-liberal economy has
impacted society gravely in the context of ethnic identity and communal dynamics.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage nowhere states that economic reforms were done as a solution to
social tensions and ethnic fault lines in the society. The main idea in the passage is to show that along
with economic reforms, there were issues in the society related to the reforms' outcomes. So, this is not
the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is contradictory to the passage as seen in the lines “The impact
is palpable in the rise of communalism, where economic disparities intersect with ethnic fault lines,
leading to social fragmentation.” This line shows that there was social fragmentation as an impact of
reforms, and not unity. So, this option is not the best crux.
19 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The given way is correct as per the lines “The production of biohydrogen
through microbial processes represents another avenue with the potential to alleviate the fuel crisis.”
Statement 2 is correct: The given way is correct as per the lines “Microbial biofuels, such as biodiesel
and bioethanol, leverage the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to convert organic matter into
energy-rich compounds.”
Statement 3 is incorrect: Though this option seems to be correct, the passage does not mention anything
related to increasing species richness or hotspots to solve fuel shortage.
20 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage highlights that in the quest for freedom, people shun discipline. It
nowhere reflects that discipline and freedom are incompatible with each other. So, this option does not
reflect the most logical and rational inference.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is about discipline and freedom. The lines “They opine it as a
negative element in the way of freedom in their lives and others too. Having discipline is a way to
handle the situation positively. It enriches the life of every day even in the hardest situation”, show that
discipline is not a barrier to freedom. At the same time, we cannot say that only discipline (and nothing
else) brings freedom. So, this is an incorrect answer.
Option (c) is correct: Refer to the line: “People want to get freedom in a shortcut way, or they hack it.”
It might be easier to be free than to be disciplined, if long-term time frame is not considered. Therefore,
this answer option is the most logical inference among all given alternatives.
Option (d) is incorrect as both options (a) and (b) are incorrect.
21 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option focuses on the creation of effective policies, but the core theme
in the passage is not limited to the creation of policies. The passage does not mention that until there is a
middle-income trap, the policies will not be effective. In fact, effective policies might even be put in place
to prevent the very occurrence of such an event. Further, to state that effective policies can be created only
after a country faces it would be an extreme inference, not based on the passage. So, this is not the best
crux of the passage.
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Option (b) is correct: The given option is based on the lines “In recent years, policymakers in slower-
growing middle-income countries (not all) have become preoccupied with the notion that they are stuck
in a “middle-income trap.” Much has been debated about this so-called trap—from how it occurs to the
types of policies that might help countries escape it.” The passage is about policymaking in order to
transition from poor/low-income to developed. This whole essence is reflected in the option. So, this is the
correct answer.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option reflects a necessary outcome that every country faces the
middle-income trap while growing from a poor to a developed status. This reflection is not correct as it is
not based on the passage. As per the passage, only some countries face this issue. Consider the lines, “In
recent years, policymakers in slower-growing middle-income countries have become preoccupied with
the notion that they are stuck in a “middle-income trap.” So, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (d) is incorrect: The option has linked escaping the middle-income trap with poverty alleviation
in low-income countries, which is not seen in the passage. Also, the middle-income trap is a phenomena
used to describe the experience of slow-growing middle-income countries rather than low-income
countries. So, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.
22 (b)
If abc is the original number, then cba is the other number.
abc = 100a + 10b + c
cba = 100c + 10b + a
Difference = 99 (a ~ c)
This would always be divisible by 9 & 11
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
23 (d)
2890 is a multiple of 17, and the next 10 numbers will leave remainders of 1, 2, 3 ….. 10.
So, required remainder = 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8×9×10 = (6×3) × (10×5) × (2×8) × (4×9) × (1×7) = 18 × 50
× 16 × 36 × 7 = 1×(-1)×(-1)×2×7 = 14
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
24 (d)
Two consecutive integers cannot be divisible by the same integer greater than 1.
So, if we can prove that h(100) is divisible by every number smaller than or equal to 50, it would mean
that h(100)+1 is NOT divisible by any number smaller than 50 (besides 1).
h(100) = 2×4×6×...×98×100 = 2× (1×2×3×...×50) = 2× (50!)
Hence, h(100) is divisible by every number smaller than 51. So, the smallest prime factor of h(100)+1 is
at least 53.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
25 (c)
Let the integers be
x, x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4 .... x+9
Thus, A = 5x+10
Sum of last 5 terms = 5x + 35 = 5x + 10 + 25 = A + 25.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
26 (a)
Volume of water collected in the rectangular water tank in 12 hours (it will be like a cuboid), V = lbh
where l = length, b = breadth and h = height.
So, V = 60 m × 40 m × 1 m.
So, Volume of water collected in the tank in 1 hour, V1 = (60 × 40 × 1 )/12 = 200 m3.
Water comes through a pipe of cross section = 10 cm × 10 cm = 0.1 m × 0.1 m = 0.01 m2.
So, The speed of water = Distance travelled by the water in the pipe in one hour = 200/0.01 m = 20000 m
= 20 km.
So, The speed of water = 20 km/h.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
28 (a)
The original folded piece of paper is as follows:
29 (c)
Letters are written in reverse order and moved +2 alphabetically.
Reverse of CUTTER is RETTUC.
Now, add 2 to each letter. R+2=T, E+2=G, T+2=V, and so on.
So, code of CUTTER is TGVVWE.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
30 (d)
The small letters are b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p, r, t, v, x, z.
The third day from Tuesday would be Friday and it would be written as frIdAY.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
31 (b)
For the letters, there are 26 possibilities for each of the 3 slots, and for the numbers, there are 10
possibilities for each of the 3 slots.
The total possible number of combinations = 26 x 26 x 26 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 17,576,000 ≈ 18 million.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
32 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: Though true, this is not the main inference of the passage. The passage reflects
how economic capital and natural and human capital are important for growth, and so all of them should
be taken in account to measure and achieve sustainable development.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage does not include the context of the role of government per se. It only
mentions that GDP has certain limitations, but that does not mean giving up GDP completely as suggested
in the option. So, this option is not the logical inference from the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: Though true, this statement covers only a part of the argument presented in the
33 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage specifies that despite infrastructure, people avoid using it and
practice open defecation as seen in the lines, “… and economic factors may impair people from using or
avoiding infrastructure considered safe and hygienic by environmental and health standards.” Also, the
passage does not exclusively mention that there is a lack of infrastructure. So, the inference that there is a
need to build infrastructure is not correct as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The passage mentions the issues of open defecation in developing countries as
seen in the lines, “Open defecation is a serious sanitation issue most developing countries are battling
with.” But to extrapolate it and conclusively state that developed countries do not face this issue would
not be based on the information contained in the passage. So, this inference is not valid.
34 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about open defecation, how it continues due to the lack of cultural
acceptance in society, and how inclusive policies would be needed to solve this. It is seen in the lines,
“Understanding the sociocultural and economic factors underlying open defecation is therefore crucial
for any policy aimed at eradicating the practice. Finally, community-led initiatives that draw on the
creativity and capacity of local people to take control of their change processes must be integrated into
open defecation intervention programmes.” These lines validate the given option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is generic and not specific to the core theme of the passage.
The core theme is to understand the reasons for continued open defecation and suggest measures to
eradicate it as captured in option (a). This option merely states that sanitation is needed for eradication.
So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage clearly mentions community participation as a tool for the
eradication of open defecation. It is reflected in the last line of the passage, “Finally, community-led
initiatives that draw on the creativity and capacity of local people to take control of their change
processes must be integrated into open defecation intervention programmes.” Therefore, it would be
incorrect to say that policies alone (without community participation) would be sufficient to eradicate
open defecation.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option does not cover the core theme of the passage which is the
reason for open defecation and the solution suggested. This option only mentions that it is a normal act,
which does not signify anything related to the core theme of the passage. So, this is not the best crux of
the passage.
35 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given inference seems to be based on the lines “All societies evolved their
modes of dividing their history into periods: dynastic and regnal was the one prevalent in India, Iran, the
Turko-Mongol regions, besides Europe.” These lines show that all societies divide history in different
ways, but it does not mean that every society has a religious history. In the context of this passage, the
religious history is specific to European society. So, this inference is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct: It can be inferred from the lines – “The all-too-familiar triad of historical
periodisation — ancient, medieval, modern — now universal, has rather specific provincial and
temporal origins. … The triad took birth in Europe around the 16th and 17th centuries, first in the
history of theology and steadily in society’s history, finding its largely evolved form in 1688 at the hands
of Cellarius, a German.”
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36 (b)
30 megabits/sec = 30 x 3600 megabits per hour = 108000 megabits/hour
Now, 108000 megabits/hour = 108000 / (8 x 1024) gigabytes/hour = 13.184 gigabytes/hour
In a 6 hour period, the total number of gigabytes that can be downloaded = 13.184 x 6 = 79.10 gigabytes
Since, 79.104/4.2 ~ 18.8, a maximum of 18 video files can be downloaded.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
37 (a)
To start, the first player makes 6 high-fives. The second player needs to make only 5 new high-fives
because he doesn't need to re high-five the first player. The third player needs to only make 4 high-fives
and so on.
This adds up to 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
38 (a)
The number in the circles are given by the sum of first n natural numbers. So, Sn = n(n+1)/2
S1 = 1; S2 = 3; S3 = 6; S4 = 10; S5 = 15; S6 = 21; S7 = 28; S8 = 36; S9 = 45
Note: You may also solve it considering it to be a question of series, wherein the difference between the
terms is continuously increasing by 1.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer
39 (a)
Total number of students from Bihar = 50+30 = 80
Total number of students who were selected for the interstate program = 20
Total number of students of Bihar who were selected for the program = 10% of 20 = 2
So, Percentage of students of Bihar who were selected for the program = (2/80) × 100 = 2.5%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
40 (c)
Total number of students from Maharashtra = 30 + 20 = 50
Number of students from Maharashtra who were selected for the program = 20% of 20 = 4
All the four students who were selected were girls.
So, Number of girls of Maharashtra who were not selected = 20 -4 =16
Percentage of girls of Maharashtra who were not selected = (16/20) × 100 = 80%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
41 (a)
Total number of girls who were selected for the interstate team = 50% of 20 = 10
Total number of selected students who were from Bihar = 10% of 20 = 2
Total number of selected students who were from Punjab = 30% of 20 = 6
Total number of selected students who were from Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra = 20% of 20 = 4
Now, it is given in the question that all the ten girls were only from two states.
This is possible only when the six girls of Punjab are selected and the other 4 girls can befrom any one of
the states – Haryana, Tamil Nadu or Maharashtra
In all these cases, the girls from Bihar are not selected.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
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42 (a)
Venn diagram:
43 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage clearly says that agrarian and indigenous lifestyles attract over
half of Indian travellers. This clearly means that there is a preference for destinations too. The last line of
the passage does talk about experience, however, it would be incorrect to say that it is the sole criterion
for planning holidays. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: Refer to the last line of the passage: “From thrilling adventures in a new
destination to feeling the pulse of a new culture and every experience in between, travel allows us to
become the best version of ourselves.” The author does talk about new destinations and new experiences,
however, it does not mean that tourists hate (abhor) visiting the same place again. It is possible that they
experience something new every time they visit the same place. Hence, this is not the correct assumption
based on the passage.
44 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is very generic and broad, and does not cover the main theme
of the passage. The different purposes of tourists for travel can be seen in the lines “59% of Indian
travellers carve out time for matchmaking holidays (to find a spark with a new partner), 53% opt for
heartbreak holidays (providing the healing space needed to overcome past relationships), …” So, we can
keep this option on hold and consider other options. Also, to say that tourism is linked to “every” aspect
of our lives would be a bit of an exaggeration.
Option (b) is correct: The passage, in various instances, discusses that the purpose for travelling is
different for different people. This is visible in the lines “59% of Indian travellers carve out time for
matchmaking holidays (to find a spark with a new partner), 53% opt for heartbreak holidays (providing
the healing space needed to overcome past relationships), and 79% plan to travel solo for personal
rejuvenation. Agrarian and indigenous lifestyles attract over half of Indian travellers — reflecting a
desire for self-sufficiency and harmony with nature.” So, this answer option better captures the different
dimensions of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: Travel helps us understand ourselves as per the lines “The 2024 travel
predictions reflect the idea that travel is not a means to escape life, but instead, a catalyst to live our best
lives.” However, the option states the contradiction. The passage covers different purposes of travel which
help us in living our best lives. So, this is not the correct inference from the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of government role and what they should do as regards the growth
of the tourism industry is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this option is completely beyond the scope
of the passage.
45 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The link between open communication and healthy relationships with
modern society is not explained in the passage. The main theme of the passage is the importance of
difficult conversations for healthy relationships. Hence, this is not the correct assumption as per the
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is based on the lines “Many times, in relationships, we
tend to avoid difficult conversations, thinking that it can lead to either disagreements or fights. But what
we forget is that these unresolved and undiscussed conversations result in misunderstandings and
conflicts.” These lines show that the non-discussion of unresolved and undiscussed things would lead to
conflicts, hence this assumption that a person should know how to discuss them is correct.
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46 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about the importance of having difficult conversations for building
healthy relationships, which is perfectly reflected in the given option. The lines “Unlike the traditional
cold plunges that involve immersing oneself in freezing waters to improve our health, ‘relationship cold
plunges’ are the difficult conversations and choices we need to make while coming out of our comfort
zone to ensure the health of our relationships” show the importance of difficult conversations in
building healthy relationships. Therefore, this is the best inference of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage discusses the importance of difficult conversations for building
healthy relationships. However, the context of narrow-minded societies has not been discussed. Hence,
this option is not the correct inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not mention about the lack of patience and quality time in
modern times. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does not touch upon the nuances of comfort zone. The author
mainly discusses the importance of difficult conversations for building healthy relationships, which is not
a part of this answer option. Moreover, relationship cold plunges can only be achieved once a person
comes out of his/her comfort zone a bit. So, in a way, this statement is contrary to what the passage says.
So, this is not the correct inference as per the passage.
47 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage talks about collaborative efforts as a way forward. So, it would be
incorrect to say that inclusive approach increases the challenge of regulation of gene and cell therapy.
Therefore, this is not the correct inference as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given inference seems to be based on the following lines “Investing in
research and development, creating regulatory frameworks that balance innovation with ethical
considerations, and fostering a supportive ecosystem for biotechnology are crucial steps.” However,
these lines mean that the regulatory framework would help balance the innovation and ethical
consideration for gene and cell therapy. This does not mean that ethical considerations compromise
innovations. Hence, this inference is not correct as per the passage.
48 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is the challenges faced by gene and cell therapy.
The passage only says that it has immense potential. Whether or not it is the most promising future course
for healthcare is not specifically discussed in the passage. So, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage nowhere mentions that future healthcare would be incomplete
without biotechnology integration. So, this is not the correct answer as per the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not weight the concerns and benefits of gene and cell therapy.
Hence, it would not be correct to conclude that there are more concerns than benefits. So, this is not the
correct option as per the passage.
Option (d) is correct: The central theme of the passage is the concerns related to gene and cell therapy.
The different stakeholders mentioned in the passage need to play a critical role. These are mentioned in
the lines - “Despite the immense potential, the integration of gene and cell therapy into mainstream
healthcare in India comes with its own set of challenges. From infrastructure limitations to ethical
considerations, … collaborative efforts - bringing together scientific communities, industries,
policymakers, and healthcare providers.” For the success of gene and cell therapy, there is a need of
collaborative efforts of different stakeholders.
49 (b)
For M to earn 50% more votes than T, she will need to earn 1.5 times his amount of votes. If we call T's
amount of votes x, and the total number of votes is 250, we can set up the equation:
x + 1.5x = 250
Or 2.5x = 250
Or x = 100
This means that T will get 100 votes. Since there are 250 votes in total, we can figure out that M will end
up with 150 votes.
M already has 88 votes.
So, M needs to earn 150 − 88 = 62 more votes.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
51 (d)
Time = Distance/Speed
In the above question, Distance = 120 miles
Let the speed for outgoing trip be x mph
So, Speed for incoming trip = x+5 mph
Time for outgoing trip = 120/x hours
Time for incoming trip = 120/(x+5) hours
Now, as per the question:
(120/x) – (1/3) = 120/(x+5)
Or 120/x = [120/(x+5)] + 1/3
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
52 (d)
A, B and C are siblings. A and B both are males, but we don’t know about the gender of C. So, we cannot
say that C is the brother of A.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
53 (d)
54 (c)
The term in the middle row is the product of the numbers in the first and the third column.
So, the required number = 63/7 = 9
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
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55 (c)
Using the given options:
1. A B B C C → A B C A / A B C C / A B B C/ C B C C
2. C A B B A → A B C C / A A C C / A B B C/ B B A C
3. C B C A C → A B C C /A B C C/A B C C/ A B C C
4. A C C B A → A B C A/ A C C C/ A B C C/ B B A C
Using option (c), we can see that ABCC is getting repeated.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
56 (d)
The prime factorization of 16 → 24
If the GCF (16, n) = 4 (where n is a positive integer), then we know that there are at least two 2's in n's
prime factorization.
If the GCF (45, n) = 3, then we know two additional pieces of information:
1) Given that the prime factorization of 45 is 32 x 5, we know that 5 isn't a factor of n.
2) At least one 3 is in n's prime factorization.
So, now we have at least two 2's and at least one 3 in n's prime factorization.
The question is asking for possible values for GCF (n, 210).
210's prime factorization = 7 x 3 x 2 x 5
n's (partial) prime factorization = 2 x 2 x 3
Since 210 and n at least share one 2 and one 3, we can eliminate (a) as a possible choice. Option (c) can
be eliminated because we know that 5 is not in n's prime factorization. Option (b) can also be eliminated
because we already know that 210 and n share one 2 and one 3 and the prime factorization of 14 (2 x 7)
does not contain a 3.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
57 (a)
1- digit numbers: 9 digits (9 numbers)
2- digit numbers: 180 digits (90 numbers)
3-digit numbers: 2700 digits (900 numbers)
4-digit numbers: 3189 – (9 + 180 + 2700) = 300 digits (75 numbers)
Therefore, total number of pages = 9 + 90 + 900 + 75 = 1074
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
58 (c)
1/8 part of a pencil is black, half of the remaining, i.e. (1/2) x 7/8 = 7/16 is yellow.
Now the part left = 7/16, which is equal to 3.5 cm.
Therefore, the total length of the pencil = 3.5/(7/16) = 8 cm.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
59 (a)
We may write the right side as y(y+1).
If y decreases, then both y and y+1 decrease. Since they are both negative, their magnitude (without
negative sign) increases, and this makes the product increase in value. Thus, x increases in value as y
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
60 (a)
Since the supermarket sells apples in bundles of 4, we can represent the number of apples that Susie buys
from the supermarket as 4x, where x can be any integer ≥ 0.
If the number of apples that Susie buys from the convenience store is simply y, the total number of apples
she buys is (4x + y).
We are asked to find the smallest possible value of y such that (4x + y) can be a multiple of 5.
If y = 0, (4x + y) can still be a multiple of 5.
The value of (4×5 + 0) is 20, which is a multiple of 5.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
62 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage states the impact of culture on women, but how women affect the
culture is not discussed in the passage. So, the context that culture and women moulding each other is not
a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage does talk about the discrimination faced by girls, but the main theme
of the passage is how culture impacts men and women. Inculcating the values of equality and respect for
girls could be a peripheral argument. It is not the best crux of the passage. Therefore, this answer option is
Option (c) is correct: The passage is about the impact of culture on men and women. This is visible in
the lines “However, many Asian, Indian, Hispanic, and Latino cultures believe that girls (even if the
youngest) should take care of the males in the family. It’s often acceptable for boys to bend the rules
whereas girls are expected to follow the rules.” These lines show that it is the culture which shapes the
values of boys and girls, and hence, we can state that culture has a deep impact on men and women in
society. So, this is the best crux of the passage.
63 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage does acknowledge the benefits of organic farming, but it
nowhere states that only organic farming can solve the present issues. Also, the passage does not cover
what the present issues of agriculture sector are. So, to assume that only organic farming can solve the
issues would not be correct as per the passage.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage clearly emphasizes that organic food is thought to be healthier and
safer, indicating that consumer health is a significant concern and a driving factor behind the promotion of
organic farming. It mentions that organic farming promotes the health of consumers, along with
ecological and economic benefits. These arguments make this assumption valid.
64 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage mentions the benefits of organic farming in the context of health
benefits and economic growth through leveraging world markets. This option also captures the essence of
the passage that focuses on how organic farming would benefit India domestically (health) and
internationally (exports). This is visible in the lines “The organic farming process is more eco-friendly
than conventional farming. Organic farming keeps soil healthy and maintains environmental integrity
thereby, promoting the health of consumers. Moreover, the organic produce market is now the fastest-
growing market worldwide, including India.” So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The context of government investing in promoting organic farming is not
covered in the passage. There is no mention of the role of the government in any context. So, this option is
entirely beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage mainly mentions the benefits of organic farming, and does not
discuss the issue of lack of awareness among farmers. So, the context of this option as well is not
mentioned in the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option overlooks the non-financial aspects of organic farming. The
author also emphasizes other benefits like nutritional, health, ecological etc. So, this is not the best crux of
the passage.
65 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage mainly focuses on how technology would aid in meeting future food
requirements. However, GMO crops are not mentioned or indicated in the passage in any context. The use
of technology could mean other interventions like farm mechanisation and food processing. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage, and is therefore incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect: Refer to the line: “…but the changing dietary patterns would mandate the …
able to meet the nutritional requirements of consumers…” There is an indication towards the changing
nutritional needs. However, this option states that there is a total absence of nutritional awareness, which
is incorrect. So, this option does not quite capture the best rational inference from the passage.
66 (c)
Let xy be the number (N)
So, N = xy = 10x + y. ……..(1)
If we add to it a two digit number A, it will become yx = 10y + x = A + N ……..(2)
Again, if we add the same number, we will get x0y = 100x + y = 2A + N ……..(3)
Now, (2) – (1) = (3) – (2) = A
∴ (10y + x) – (10x + y) = (100x + y) – (10y + x)
Or 9y – 9x = 99x – 9y
Or y – x = 11x – y
Or 2y = 12x
Or y = 6x
Since x and y are single digits, only x = 1 and y = 6 will satisfy this.
∴ A = (2) – (1) = 9y – 9x = 45x = 45
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
67 (d)
Notice that the difference between the numerator and the denominator in each fraction is equal to 3. Since
all of the numbers are positive and less than 1, we know that the larger the denominator, the larger the
E.g. 1/4 < 2/5 < 3/6 < 4/7 < 5/8 < 6/9 < 7/10
Using this logic, we can see that the largest fraction is 1883491/1883494
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
68 (c)
log10 p – log10 √p = 2logp 10
⇒ log10 [p/√p] = logp 102 = logp 100
⇒ log10 √p = log10 100/log10 p
⇒ 1/2 log10 p = 2/log10 p
⇒ (log10 p)2 = 4
⇒ log10 p = ±2
⇒ log10 p = 2 or log10 p = -2
⇒ p = 102 or p = 10-2
∴ p = 100 or p = 1/100 .
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
69 (a)
Sum of all the internal angles = [(n – 2)×180]°
(where, n = number of sides).
Sum of all the corresponding external angles = 360°.
So, Sum of all the internal angles and all the external angles = (180n – 360) + 360 = (180n)°.
So, 180n = 1440
⇒ n = 8.
Now, Number of diagonals = nC2 – n = n(n-1)/2 – n = n(n-3)/2
[Joining any two points (vertices) will yield a line, but this will include the sides and diagonals both, i.e.
Number of sides + Number of diagonals = nC2
⇒ n + Number of diagonals = nC2
15 ©Vision IAS
⇒ Number of diagonals = nC2 – n
Hence, the required number of diagonals = (8×5)/2 = 20.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
70 (c)
Let there be ‘n’ rows and ‘a’ students in the first row.
So, the number of students in the second row = (a – 4).
The number of students in the third row = (a – 8) and so on.
So, the number of students in each row form an arithmetic progression with common difference, d = -4.
Sum of ‘n’ terms in A.P. (arithmetic progression), Sn = n/2[2a + (n – 1) d],
where, n = number of terms, a = first term and d = common difference.
Now, consider the options.
Option (a): n = 6,
6/2[2a + (6 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 220.
Option (b): n = 5,
5/2[2a + (5 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 260.
Option (c): n = 8,
8/2[2a + (8 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 343/2.
Option (d): n = 7,
7/2[2a + (7 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
So, a = 192.
As ‘a’ is an integer, so ‘n = 8’ is not possible.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
71 (b)
72 (a)
Let xyz be the three-digit number divisible by 5. So, z can only be 0 or 5.
We are also given that x = 2y. This means x+y (i.e. 2y+y) must be a multiple of 3.
x+y+0 = 11
or x+y = 11
This can't be the case, because 11 is not a multiple of 3.
16 ©Vision IAS
x+y+5 = 11
or x+y = 6
On solving we get, x=4 & y=2
So, the 3-digit number is 425.
The product of the digits = 4 x 2 x 5 = 40
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
73 (b)
Let there be ‘x’ Amoeba in the first generation, i.e. n1 = x.
So, n2 = 10x, but only 50% survive,
So, n2, survived = 10x/2 = 5x.
n3 = 10(5x), but only 50% survive,
So, n3, survived = 10(5x)/2 = 25x = 52x.
Similarly, n6, survived = 56-1 x = 55x
Now, it’s given that: 55x = 3125
⇒ 3125x = 3125
∴ x = 1.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
74 (c)
HZ = PK = 9 m
∴ BZ = HZ – BH = 9 – 4 = 5 m
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
75 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage nowhere compares democracy with authoritarianism. It only states
the situation of various countries presently and historically. However, the option prefers democracy which
is not based on the information given in the passage. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it underlines the reason to value
democracy. However, the passage nowhere shows that democracy can only be valued if it’s seen in
context of the experience of authoritarianism. So, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The passage merely presents the situation of democracy and authoritarianism in the
lines “Many countries are not democracies, and most countries that are democratic are younger than a
lifetime. This means that for most people, life under authoritarianism is either their current experience,
or they remember a time when it was.” These lines show that presently some countries practice
democracy and others practice authoritarianism. So, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option seems to be correct in general, but it is not what is implied in
the passage. The passage nowhere reflects that authoritarianism should be overthrown to establish
democracy. It only states the situation of different countries concerning democracy and authoritarianism.
So, this option does not reflect the best crux of the passage.
77 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: There is no mention of Digital India programme anywhere and in any context
in the passage. The passage talks about consumer trust, market penetration, future prospects and impact of
technology in insurance sector. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Inference 2 is incorrect: High GST rates and lack of trust are covered in the passage, but awareness of
products is not mentioned as a reason for poor insurance penetration in the country. Furthermore, we
cannot conclusively say that they are the ‘only’ reasons. So, this option is not the correct inference based
on the passage.
78 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is about the role of digitalization and technologies in improving
insurance penetration. However, this option does not reflect it. The option states the importance of
insurance for every citizen which is not the main theme of the passage. So, this is not the correct option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is not about the issue of digital connectivity as the reason for poor
insurance penetration. The passage is on the role of digitalization and technologies in improving insurance
penetration. So, this option does not reflect the core theme of the passage, and hence does not present the
best-implied meaning of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option would be correct in general, but this is not the main theme of
the passage. It misses the main context of the role of technology in insurance penetration as covered in
option (d). Also, health expenditure of the government has not been discussed in the passage. The passage
is about insurance in general, and not health insurance specifically.
Option (d) is correct: The passage is on the use of technology in promoting insurance coverage. There
are multiple factors at play in insurance market - the trust in the company, and GST rates - as seen in the
lines “Beyond technology, there is a need for insurance companies to work towards building greater
customer trust in the industry and improving access to insurance by rethinking various processes and
rules, such as the GST rate for insurance products to boost insurance penetration for the next billion
Indian online users.” These lines show that only technology (though important) is not sufficient to
improve insurance penetration. So, this is the best-implied meaning of the passage.
79 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is not about the consequences of valuing destiny over free will. It
discusses the debate around free will and destiny without any bias. So, to state that valuing destiny causes
complacency and laziness is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The passage discusses the views on free will and destiny. It states the two aspects
of the historical debate, one with coexistence and the other with clashes as seen in the lines “Some also
argue that the two concepts are incompatible, while others believe they can coexist.” However, it does
not support any. This option also does not support any one aspect, and states that it is difficult to choose as
this debate is still ongoing. So, this is the most logical inference of the passage.
80 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. As per the passage, climate change may amplify inequalities. However, we
cannot deduce from this that limiting climate change will remove inequalities. Hence, this option is not
the best crucial message of the author.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct as climate change is one of the factors
behind rising inequalities and poverty in general, but the passage does not mention any other factors in
this context. Hence, this option is not the best crucial message of the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The option mentions how economic development helps in the issues of poverty
eradication, reducing inequalities, etc. which is not correct as per the information provided in the passage.
Hence, this option is not the best crucial message conveyed by the author of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is the best crucial message of the passage because of the
following lines - “Without action to limit and adapt to climate change, its environmental impact will
continue to amplify inequalities and could undermine development and poverty eradication.” These
lines validate the assertion made in the given option.
6. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
7. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
8. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.
9. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.
10. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
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11. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
More and more these days, young people are establishing Citizen participation in anti-corruption efforts
and maintaining relationships online. These “cyber” encompasses dynamics and approaches that may differ
relationships often arise because parents, out of fear for from citizen participation in other public processes,
given that the State may not always provide citizens with
their children’s safety, no longer allow them to be “free
the same access to space and information about fighting
range” to congregate in local parks, at malls, and on
corruption. Corruption bypasses democratic mechanisms
street corners. The only place that they have permission
to the extent that Mark Warren has defined corruption as
to “meet up” is in virtual gatherings such as Facebook,
a violation of democratic inclusion. Corruption bypasses
Twitter, and the “textosphere.” Plus, the reality is that
the laws and rules that were democratically established
your children are growing up as natives in this digital
and excludes those who do not participate in corrupt
world, so it is only natural that they spend some of their
exchanges (e.g., services that are meant to be public are
time in cyberspace. There are several questions that you
allocated to those who bribe or based on clientelism). For
must ask as your children immerse themselves in this this reason, the role of citizens is better understood in
connected world. First, are the relationships that they terms of social accountability, where the citizens oppose
build online healthy or harmful? and, do they foster your corruption by keeping it in check, critically assessing the
children’s long-term positive development? conduct and decisions of officeholders, reporting
4. Which one of the following statements best corruption misdoings and crimes, and asking for
made from the passage given above? 5. Based on the above passage, the following
(a) Parents should guide children in safely assumptions have been made:
1. The democratic mechanisms deter
navigating relationships online.
officeholders from corruption.
(b) Parents need not adapt to the changing
2. Apart from laws, it is the citizen's
modes of engagement - from physical to
participation which can keep a check on
virtual - of their children.
(c) The cyber world offers huge opportunities
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
for development for young people.
(a) 1 only
(d) Young people need not learn the value of
(b) 2 only
relationships in offline mode of (c) Both 1 and 2
engagement. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
have to take the three given statements to be true 3. D is the father of two children - one boy and
conclusions and then decide which of the given 5. There is only one married couple in the
statements disregarding commonly known facts. Which of the following statements is correct
Ayurvedic tablets - A and B, priced at Rs. 10 and Response strategies for climate change will require a
Rs. 12 per strip, respectively. He sells both types central role of education. Education helps people
of tablets for a total of Rs. 25,200, maintaining a understand and address the impact of global warming,
profit margin of 20%. It’s known that he sold encourages change in their attitudes and behaviour and
420 strips of tablets A. What is the quantity of helps them adapt to climate change-related trends.
tablets B in the total tablets he sold? Education and capacity building have also attracted the
(c) 7000 strips activities across the world. Various stakeholders need
(d) 1400 strips additional capacity, not only to deal with the additional
12. On 1st January 1949, 4000 soldiers were posted development efforts and safeguard development gains.
inside a barrack at the L.O.C. In the barrack, Climate change management at the international level
there was sufficient stock of food for 190 days. consists of the 1992 United Nations Framework
At the end of 30th January, due to heavy snow Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 1997
fall and extreme weather conditions, 800 Kyoto Protocol and the decisions taken by the signatory
soldiers were shifted back from the barrack to countries under these instruments.
the base camp. For how many days shall the 13. Which one of the following statements best
remaining food last for the remaining soldiers? reflects what is implied by the passage?
(a) 200 days (a) Climate change education is crucial for the
(c) 210 days (b) Education about climate change will lessen
Read the following three passages and answer the items (d) International bodies are giving more priority
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items to climate change education as compared to
Originally, public schools were created and funded as a following statements is correct?
part of our democracy. To ensure that all members of the (a) Along with being a great equalizer,
democracy were able to participate in our political education is also a great political polarizer.
system, education was identified as a key tool of (b) School administrators of private schools
democracy, known as the ‘great equalizer’. Although should ensure that political science classes
Education provides an opportunity for school (c) Education is the only source of awareness of
administrators to create an environment for education politics at the national and local levels.
which succeeds in creating educated and engaged (d) The less fortunate in society can be
students who are aware of politics at the national and empowered through the tool of education.
local levels and can use the classroom format to develop Passage – 3
their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This Culture is a term that is highly complex and often
will only enrich their political contribution as adults. If contested with academics recording about 160 variations
we don’t prioritize educational equity, it will be those in meaning. Underpinning the notion of culture is that it
less fortunate in society that will continue to suffer is dynamic and changes over time and in different
14. Which of the following is/are the most rational one or more cultures and many different groups. Culture
and logical inference/inferences that can be is a defining feature of a person’s identity, contributing
made from the passage? to how they see themselves and the groups with which
1. Education is the basis for political they identify. A person’s understanding of their own and
2. For students and public welfare, the the values and attitudes prevalent at home and in the
privatization of schools should be checked. surrounding community. Like culture, the notion of
Select the correct answer from the code given identity is complex with people’s identity or identities
23. In a certain code, ‘PUNISHMENT’ is written as accompanying strategies and methods. One of her main
‘NWLKQJKGLV’. In the same code arguments is that empathy often presumes that we can
‘PRECAUTION’ will be written as truly know another person, particularly the specifics of
their suffering. This can “flatten” suffering by presuming
how the other is truly feeling. In worst cases, this can
(d) NPGAYSRQKL become patronising, paternalistic, and even dismissive
as it turns the other’s pain into something of your own
24. Rajat likes a pair of shoes that costs Rs 5500. On (the listener). It can make it more about you, the listener,
a particular Thursday, all the items in the shop
than those who are listened to, by relating their
are at 10% discount. Further, on buying items
experience to something that has happened to you.
over Rs. 9500, the shop offers a discount of Rs
100 on the bill. Rajat tells Shyam about the offer 25. Which of the following statements best reflects
who also decides to buy the shoes. What will be the crux of the passage?
the percentage savings if two friends buy the (a) Properly understanding empathy is
same pair of shoes each on Thursday and get it fundamental to solving the issues of the
billed together?
(a) 10.9%
(b) We as a society should be open to different
(b) 10%
(c) 11.11% interpretations of empathy and morality.
(d) Cannot be calculated from the given data. (c) The understanding of empathy is not limited
to only one interpretation.
Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
(d) The value of empathy is not clearly
Read the following four passages and answer the items
understood in the psychological world and
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
should be based on the passages only. probably will never be.
The present economic system is destroying our natural Literary borders should be porous and the Sahitya
resources and thereby eroding the prosperity of future Akademi awards, which have been honouring writers of
24 Indian languages over the years, should be seen in that
generations. Large-scale logging, depletion of the
light. This year the Akademi has picked nine books of
oceans’ fish stocks and the loss of arable soil are prime
poems, six novels, five short stories, three essays and one
examples of this development. The follow-up costs of
literary study in Dogri, Gujarati, Kashmiri, Manipuri,
climate change and loss of biodiversity alone could run Odia, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Assamese,
up to one-quarter of the global gross national product by Bodo, Bengali, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Santali
2050. “Business as usual” in the industrialised countries’ and others. It is a prize to be welcomed just for the sheer
resource-intensive economies and the developing and linguistic diversity it acknowledges in a country where
there is a change in dialect every few square kilometres
emerging countries following suit is not a feasible
and no dearth of marginalised communities or languages
course. Environmental protection and economic
facing extinction. The possibilities are immense: in a
development are not a contradiction of terms but depend
country where not everyone can whip up a PR frenzy, a
on each other. Increasing energy and material efficiency Sahitya Akademi award is an encouragement to keep
is set to become the decisive factor for international pursuing the craft; writers can expect to see a rise in sales
competitiveness in the 21st century. This is why a and be taught in schools and universities; and readers can
transformation to a Green Economy is necessary which hope to discover some hidden gems. Writers also have
the opportunity to be translated into other regional
operates within the so-called ecological guard rails and
languages, and into English too.
preserves natural resources.
27. Based on the above passage, the following
26. Which of the following statements best reflects
assumptions have been made:
the crux of the passage?
1. The Sahitya Akademi Award helps in
(a) To ensure sustainability, the present concept country-wide cross-cultural interactions
of economic development needs to change. through books.
(b) Countries focusing on energy and material 2. Awards like Sahitya Akademi do not value
resources would lead the world in the 21st the different languages and dialects of the
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(c) The global race for green future markets has
(a) 1 only
picked up considerable momentum in recent
(b) 2 only
years. (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of the above (d) Neither 1 nor 2
matrix. figure?
96 48 6
48 12 12
72 ? 12
(a) 18
(a) More than 24
(b) 6
(b) 21
(c) 4 (c) Less than 20
(d) 16 (d) In between 35 and 40
the remaining two numbers is ‘a’ and ‘b’ and 38. If P, Q and R are three angles such that P = Q +
difference between these two numbers is 1. R and P > 180°, then which of the following is
definitely not true for Q and R.
Which of the following relationship(s) between
(a) One is obtuse angle and other one is acute
them is/are true?
(a) 5x + 3y – b = 1 (b) One is reflex angle and other one acute
(b) 5x – 3y – 2b = 1 angle.
(c) 5x – 3y – 2a = 1 (c) Both are obtuse angles.
(d) Both (b) & (c) (d) Both are right angles.
cost. below.
980 976
given graph?
Females per 1000 males
Child sex ratio ( 0 to 6 years) 57. If 17th March was a Monday, then what day
Overall sex ratio
would it be on 12th July?
(a) After 1971, there has been a consistent rise (b) Tuesday
(b) After 1991, there has been a consistent fall (d) Friday
since 1961. Read the following two passages and answer the items
(d) The rise in child sex ratio has been unabated that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
Allied activities make cultivation more efficient by A knowledge of the history of climate is important for
providing sources of energy and implements. These studying climate change. Climate history is studied by
collecting information about relevant parameters of the
activities are the sources of organic manure, draught, and
different components of the climate system. Most of the
traction power. These are also the source of some
modern national weather services including India's were
traditional implements like leather buckets and ropes.
established between the middle of the 19th century and
Camels, mules, and donkeys are better suited as means the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore,
of transport in certain areas where the use of mechanical instrumental records on global and regional climates are
means of transport (such as tractors) is either not feasible available for nearly 100- 150 years only. They are useful
or is very costly. In view of the increasing energy crisis, in understanding climate variability more precisely.
They also help in diagnosing any slow changes or trends
some countries have started the use of their cattle and
and fluctuations that have taken place on different spatial
buffaloes as a source of energy for the farm sector. The
and temporal scales and keeping vigil on the
allied activities enhance the economic viability and even
anthropogenic (man-made) changes in climate on global,
the technical feasibility of cultivation by providing regional and local scales. International mechanisms have
important inputs at the production stage and making use been established for monitoring the climate system under
of the by-products at the disposal stage. Allied activities the aegis of the World Meteorological Organization
thus open new dimensions of judicious land utilization (WMO) of the United Nations System, and other
scientific agencies.
through mixed or diversified farming.
59. Based on the above passage, the following
58. Which of the following statements best reflects
assumptions are made:
the most logical, rational and crucial message
1. Understanding past climate patterns is
conveyed by the author of the passage? crucial for interpreting and predicting future
(a) Allied activities are necessary for all farmers changes.
worldwide. 2. Along with understanding climate systems,
(b) Allied activities should completely replace international collaborations are crucial to
addressing climate change.
mechanized farming.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
(c) Involvement in allied activities leads to
animal exploitation.
(a) 1 only
(d) Engaging in allied activities leads to a more (b) 2 only
efficient, sustainable, and diversified (c) Both 1 and 2
agricultural system. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
rupee and 5 rupee coins. The total number of Philosophy endeavours to explain through speculative
reasoning the possible answers to varieties of questions.
coins is 300 and the amount is Rs.1200. If the
Since each philosopher develops his answer in
number of 2 rupees coins and the number of 3
accordance with his intellectual calibre, we have
rupees coins are interchanged, the total amount variegated philosophical truths. One thinker refutes the
comes down by Rs.60. Find the total number of other and comes forward with his own viewpoints which
are subsequently refuted by successive philosophers.
5 rupee coins in the machine.
This attitude is based on the historical situation of the
(a) 128
philosopher. Metaphorically speaking, a philosopher
(b) 65 inhales much before he exhales, i.e., he studies the
(c) 168 environment in which he lives, the philosophical
(d) 96 predicaments pronounced by his predecessors, the
scriptures or literature available during his times, and
develops dialogue, discussion, argument etc., with his
67. The angles po, qo, ro and (π - so) are indicated in
rival thinkers so that he sharpens his intellect before
the following figure. exhibiting his philosophical doctrines. The method of
refuting the alien view and the presentation of one’s own
view results in the enrichment as well as enhancement of
wisdom to the ardent admirers of philosophy. New vistas
of knowledge open the floodgates of wisdom thereby
eliminating ignorance.
68. With reference to the above passage, which of
the assumptions given below are correct?
Which one of the following is correct? 1. Progress in philosophy does not only depend
(a) p = q + r - s on reproducing what is already known.
(b) p = s - q - r 2. Studying philosophy fosters wisdom.
3. Philosophical reasoning leads to an
(c) p = q + s + r
objective hierarchy of correct and incorrect
(d) p = q – s - r
Select the correct answer using the codes given
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: below.
Read the following three passages and answer the items (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(c) 1 and 3 only
should be based on the passages only.
(d) All 1, 2 and 3
The discovery and colonization of America have In July 2023, the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) proposed a new draft of classification criteria for
contributed to augment the industry, first, of all the
industries into the red, orange, green and white
countries which trade to it directly, such as Spain,
categories. Delhi-based think tank Centre for Science
Portugal, France, and England; and, secondly, of all
and Environment (CSE) has reviewed the document and
those which, without trading to it directly, send, through
the proposed revisions and methodology for
the medium of other countries, goods to it of their own classification. In CSE’s view, the methodology is not
produce; such as Austrian Flanders, and some provinces full-fledged as it does not consider the impact of
of Germany, which, through the medium of the countries different types of pollution on the health of humans and
before mentioned, send to it a considerable quantity of occupational health impacts. Also, the fugitive emissions
from process operation and material handling have been
linen and other goods. All such countries have evidently
given low weightage, as compared to hazardous air
gained a more extensive market for their surplus produce
pollutants and emissions from the combustion of coal or
and must consequently have been encouraged to increase
liquid fuels. Due to this, the stone crusher units — one
its quantity.
of the most polluting sectors in terms of fugitive
69. Which of the following statements best reflects emissions — have been proposed to be shifted from the
the most logical, rational, and crucial message orange to green category in the CPCB report. Dust
implied by the passage? emissions from the stone crushers should not be given
(a) Colonization of America led to a significant low weightage as it is not less harmful than hazardous air
boost in economic activity and production in
70. Which of the following statements best reflects
European countries.
the most rational message conveyed by the
(b) The only objective of the European
author of the passage?
countries was to take resources out of (a) Due to the dispute on the criteria, there is a
America. need to reconsider the new draft for
colonization were solely enjoyed by the (b) All fugitive emissions are equally harmful.
(c) Stone crushers concerned with fugitive
ruling elite in European countries.
emissions must be kept under the red
(d) Getting access to the American market saw
an increase in agricultural output in Europe.
(d) None of the above
colleague Rohini starts driving her car from the II. A prime number
same office and in the same direction at a speed III. An odd number
IV. Smallest even number
of 60 km/hour. In how many hours will Rohini
Select the correct answer using the code given
overtake Rohan?
(a) 2.5 hours
(a) I and II
(b) 5/6 hours
(b) II and IV
(c) 3.5 hours
(c) I and IV
(d) 5/4 hours
(d) II and III
72. Price of petrol is increased by 30% by an oil 75. According to 2019 census report, the population
company, but then due to pressure from the of New Zealand (which includes only males and
ruling party, it is reduced by 20%. What is the females) is 56000. In a certain period of time,
net effect on the price overall? they witnessed 9% reduction in male population
(a) Does not change and 15% increase in female population. But the
1 (d)
According to the question,
Let 4 even consecutive numbers be:
R = 8, Q = 6, S = 4, P = 2
Let’s check each statement one by one.
(i) (P + S) ≥ (R + Q)
or (2 + 4) ≥ (6 + 8)
or 6 ≥ 14
Thus, statement (i) is wrong.
(ii) (R – S) > (Q + P)
or (8 – 4) > (6 + 2)
or 4 > 8
Thus, statement (ii) is also wrong.
(iii) (P + R) ≤ (Q + S)
or (2 + 8) ≤ (6 + 4)
or 10 ≤ 10
However, if R = 80, Q = 6, S = 4, P = 2, then this inequality would not hold.
Thus, statement (iii) is also wrong.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
2 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is how the introduction of robots by companies
threatens human jobs and earnings. We cannot say whether or not this competition will continue in future.
So, this is not the correct option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The context of the socialist model and its comparison to the capitalist model is
not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (c) is correct: The core theme of the passage is how the capitalist system works with innovations
like robots, but takes away the jobs of the workers. The following lines “As firms introduce new-
generation robots into the workplace and, more broadly, new technologies associated with I4.0 then they
need to include current workers who will be affected by such technologies in this introduction to allay
at least some of the fears that they have”, show that firms need to consider the concerns of their
employees despite the introduction of robots. This reflects compassionate capitalism. So, this is the best
crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option does not reflect the core theme of the passage. Also, this would
be an extreme step. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
3 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The core theme of the passage is the craze of materialistic things among
youngsters as the reason for crime in society. However, this option includes ethical socialization as an
antidote to crime, which is not discussed in the passage. The passage nowhere discusses that crime would
not happen after ethical socialization of children. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
4 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The option is based on the following lines “There are several questions that you
must ask as your children immerse themselves in this connected world. First, are the relationships that
they build online healthy or harmful? and, do they foster your children’s long-term positive
Option (b) is incorrect: The modes of engagement have changed for children. However, this option
states that parents need not adapt which is not correct as per the passage. Without adapting it would be
difficult to guide the children across digital modes of interactions. So, this is not the correct inference
from the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage talks about relationships in the virtual world, and not about
opportunities offered by it. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage, at the end, states that parents should focus on core questions for
their children in the context of building relationships online. However, this does not mean that young
people need not learn the value of relationships in offline mode of engagement. Therefore, this answer
option is incorrect.
5 (a)
Assumption 1 is incorrect. The given assumption is not correct because of the lines “Corruption
bypasses democratic mechanisms to the extent that Mark Warren has defined corruption as a violation of
democratic inclusion.”
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines “Corruption bypasses the laws and rules …For this reason, the role
of citizens is better understood in terms of social accountability, … asking for appropriate
countermeasures”, validate the assumption given. Corruption may bypass law; however, citizens’
participation would help put a check on it. So, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. Consider the line - “Citizen participation about anti-corruption efforts
encompasses dynamics and approaches that may differ from citizen participation in other public
processes, given that the State may not always provide citizens with the same access to space and
information about fighting corruption.” This context is very limited, so the inference based on this
information is narrow and pales in comparison to the one given in option (b).
Option (b) is correct. The lines “Corruption bypasses the laws and rules that were democratically
established and excludes those who do not participate in corrupt exchanges (e.g., services that are
meant to be public are allocated to those who bribe or based on clientelism). For this reason, the role of
citizens is better understood in terms of social accountability, where the citizens oppose corruption by
keeping it in check, … and asking for appropriate countermeasures.” prove the assertion made in the
option. So, this option is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. We cannot infer from the passage that people’s indifference is the “best”
breeding ground for corruption. Also, the context of bureaucracy-criminal nexus has not been discussed in
the passage. Hence, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect because option (a) is incorrect.
Conclusions II and III form a complementary pair. Hence, either II or III follows.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
8 (a)
3 boys can be arranged in a row in 3! = 6 ways.
Boy1 ---- Boy2 ----- Boy3
The two girls can either be seated between Boy1 and Boy2 or between Boy2 and Boy3.
Number of ways of seating the girls = 2 (ways of seating 2 girls) × 2 (ways of selecting the position of
girls) = 4.
Total number of arrangements possible = 6 × 4 = 24
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
9 (d)
From statements 2 and 3 we get:
From statement 4, it is known that B is daughter of A, and B is also a child of D. So, D and A are a
couple. The picture becomes:
10 (c)
Total number of pens in the bag = 12
Three pens can be drawn from 12 pens in 12C3 ways.
We can draw a blue pen out of 3 blue pens in 3C1 ways.
Similarly, a green pen can be drawn in 4C1 ways.
And a red pen can be drawn in 5C1 ways.
The required probability = (3C1 × 4C1 × 5C1)/ 12C3
= 3/11
So, option (c) is the right answer.
12 (a)
Total soldiers = 4000 ; Shifted soldiers = 800
Remaining soldiers = 4000 – 800 = 3200
Total number of days from 1st January to 30th January = 30 days
So, remaining days = 190 – 30 = 160 days
Let us assume that the remaining food will last for ‘X’ days for the remaining soldiers.
Then, (3200 × X) = (4000 × 160)
Or X = (4000 × 160)/3200
Or X = 200 days
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
13 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage revolves around the central theme of how education equips people
with the knowledge and understanding to address the complex challenges of climate change. The passage
says, “Response strategies for climate change will require a central role of education. Education helps
people understand and address the impact of global warming, encourage change in their attitudes and
behaviour and help them adapt to climate change-related trends”. The passage further says, “The
education and capacity building has also attracted the attention of policymakers, environmental activists,
multilateral organizations and stimulated diplomatic activities across the world”. It underscores the need
for education for a collective effort to address climate change challenges. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage mentions aspects related to education and capacity development
for climate change mitigation and its effective management. However, it does not mention that educating
about climate change will lessen the need for technological solutions. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage does acknowledge education's ability to encourage change in
attitudes and behaviours, but it doesn't guarantee an immediate or universal shift. The passage says,
“Education helps people understand and address the impact of global warming, encourage change in
their attitudes and behaviour and help them adapt to climate change-related trends”. It does not imply
that change in attitude and behaviour will be immediate. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: The passage says, “The education and capacity building has also attracted the
attention of policymakers, environmental activists, multilateral organizations and stimulated diplomatic
activities across the world”. It does not imply that education about climate change is a priority over other
solutions related to climate change. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
14 (a)
Inference 1 is correct. Refer to the lines: “Education provides an opportunity for school administrators
to create an environment for education .... This will only enrich their political contribution as adults.”
So, this inference is correct as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect. The context of the privatization of schools is not a part of the passage and is
beyond the scope of the passage. Hence, this inference is not correct.
15 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage only mentions education
being a great equalizer. Regarding political polarizer, the line “Although political polarization is not new
it is increasing” only mentions it but no relation has been established with regards to education.
4 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of political science classes is very narrow and nowhere mentioned in
the passage as such. The role envisioned for school administrators is much wider – “Education provides
an opportunity for school administrators to create an environment for education which succeeds in
creating educated and engaged students who are aware of politics at the national and local levels and can
use the classroom format to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.” Also, private
schools have not been discussed in the passage explicitly. So, this is not the correct statement.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage nowhere mentions that
education is the only source of awareness of politics at the national and local levels. There could be other
sources of generating political awareness. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is based on the following line - “If we don’t prioritize educational
equity, it will be those less fortunate in society that will continue to suffer disproportionately.” This line
shows the importance of education for less fortunate people in society.
16 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The context of survival in a social group based on a strong sense of identity is
not discussed anywhere in the passage. So, this assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: Culture and identity are complex concepts, but how cultural interactions
across groups complicate the development of identities or how it may give rise to people having confused
personalities has not been discussed in the passage.
17 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is on culture and identity. They both are complex and interrelated
concepts. It is seen in the lines “Culture is a defining feature of a person’s identity, contributing to how
they see themselves and the groups with which they identify. … Like culture, the notion of identity is
complex with people’s identity or identities becoming more complex over time as they interact with
different groups.” So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: Identity development is not specific to one culture as per the following lines
“Like culture, the notion of identity is complex with people’s identity or identities becoming more complex
over time as they interact with different groups.” So, this is not the correct crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given statement is rather absurd. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option seems to be based on the line - “Identity adapts due to many
factors including mass media, popular culture and increased opportunities for social interaction
facilitated by new technologies.” However, these lines do not reflect the core theme of the passage. Mass
media and technology are mentioned as factors of identity adaptations, not as something influenced by
culture. So, this is not the correct crux of the passage.
18 (c)
Let the number of officers in the L.I.C. office be x.
Then, number of workers in the L.I.C. office = (400 – x)
So, 20000 × x + 4000 × (400 – x) = 400 × 5000
Or 20000x + 1600000 – 4000x = 2000000
Or 16000x = 2000000 – 1600000
Or 16000x = 400000
Or x = 400000/16000 = 25
Thus, the number of officers in the L.I.C. office is 25.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
19 (d)
Let’s take the L.C.M. of 5, 3 and 7.
L.C.M. of 5, 3, 7 = 105
According to the question, every time 2 saplings were left.
Thus, Aniket had 107 saplings at least.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
Alternate method:
Let’s see the options.
We see that 107 is the only one, which if divided by 5, 3, 7, leaves a remainder of 2.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
21 (c)
Total age of Mr. and Mrs. Sharma at their wedding = 28 × 2 = 56 years.
Assume that the son was born after x years.
Total age of Mr and Mrs. Sharma when the son was born = (56 + 2x) years.
Average age of Mr. and Mrs. Sharma before the birth of their son = (56+2x)/2.
Average age of the family after the birth of their son = (56+2x)/3.
As per the question,
(56+2x)/2 - (56+2x)/3 = 10
or, 56 +2x = 60
or x = 2.
Son was born 2 years after marriage.
Total age of Mr. and Mrs. Sharma = 28 × 2 + 2 × 2 = 60.
Since the ratio of their ages is given as 8:7
Age of Mr. Sharma = (8 × 60 )/15 = 32 years.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
22 (b)
According to the question:
Students who scored more than 100 marks = 22%
And students who scored more than 200 = 6%
Hence, students who scored between 100 and 200 = 22 – 6 = 16%
Now, students who scored less than 30 = 12%
Students who scored between 30 and 100 = 100 – (22 + 12) = 66% = 990
So, Total number of students = 990 × (100/66) = 1500
Students who scored between 100 and 200 = 16% = (16/100) × 1500 = 240
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
23 (a)
Given that:
25 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is about the evolving interpretations of empathy. However, this
option focuses on solving the issues of the sufferer based on the understanding of empathy which is not
the main theme of the passage. This context of solving issues of the sufferer is not covered in the passage.
So, this does not best reflect the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option focuses that society must accept different interpretations of
empathy which is not the core theme of the passage. The passage is about the evolving interpretations of
empathy. It is nowhere indicated that society is not open to different interpretations of empathy. Also, the
concept of morality has not been discussed in the passage. Hence, this is not the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The given option captures the essence of the passage which is the evolving
interpretation of the term empathy. The following lines show that interpretations have evolved and are
varied: “In a new book, The Other Side of Empathy, author Jade E. Davis argues that we should be
sceptical of the recent cultural focus on empathy and its accompanying strategies and methods.” These
lines show that author Jade presents empathy from different perspective. So, its interpretations are not
limited to only one view.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage is on the evolving interpretations of empathy. To state that the
concept is not understood would not be correct. The passage describes how the author has given a new
interpretation of empathy. Also, to say that the value of empathy will never be understood is rather an
extreme statement. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
26 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about how the current economic growth model is impacting the
environment, which is not sustainable in the long term. This is visible in the lines “The present economic
system is destroying our natural resources and thereby eroding the prosperity of future generations.”
These lines show that if the current exploitation of resources is continued then it will impact the future
generations, and hence there is a need to change the current model of economic development. These
arguments are comprehensively captured in this answer option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option only focuses on one aspect of the passage which is the energy
and material resources; environmental aspects are not discussed. Therefore, it cannot be the crux of the
Option (c) is incorrect: The stated claim that the race for green future markets has picked up momentum
is not correct because the passage does not state any such momentum. The passage only mentions that a
green economy is the need of the hour. Whether or not it has picked up momentum is not covered in the
passage. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
27 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The given assumption is correct as it is based on the lines: “… a Sahitya
Akademi award is an encouragement to keep pursuing the craft; writers can expect to see a rise in sales
… Writers also have the opportunity to be translated into other regional languages, and into English
too.” These lines clearly prove that this award helps in cross-cultural interactions through books.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The author talks about the nine books of poems, six novels, five short stories,
three essays and one literary study in different languages. This means the language diversity is
acknowledged and rewarded by Sahitya Akademi. Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that awards like
Sahitya Akademi do not value the different languages and dialects of the country. Therefore, this answer
option is incorrect.
29 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The central theme of the passage is about the poor urbanization model/policy.
The context of the role of urbanization in rapid economic growth is not covered in the passage. Therefore,
it does not reflect the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage mostly covers the pattern and consequences of urbanisation. The
context of villages has not been discussed in the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The passage covers the lack of structured policy in Indian urbanization. The
following lines “Most modern cities in India are undergoing haphazard growth, and because of this,
the effects of living in huge cities have not been fully anticipated” show that there is a lack of coherent
policy approach. This shows that the current trend of urbanization is not sustainable and needs to be
changed. So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: To state that industrialization and urbanization go together is not covered in the
passage. Also, it is not the central theme which is about the lack of a systematic approach to urbanization.
30 (b)
Let Rs. x be the fare to Baroda from Alwar and y be the fare to Chitarkoot from Alwar.
Now, according to the question we get:
2x + 3y = 77 ….(i) and
3x + 2y = 73 ….(ii)
Multiplying (i) by 3 and (ii) by 2 and subtracting, we get 5y = 85 or y = 17.
Putting y = 17 in (i), we get, x = 13
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
31 (b)
We can make the following Venn diagram based on the given statements:
From the diagram we can infer that some Countries are Continents and some Countries are Capitals.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
32 (c)
33 (a)
In each row, 2nd element = (1st element/3rd element) × 3
In 1st row,
2nd element = (96÷6) × 3 = 48
In 2nd row,
2nd element = (48÷12) × 3 = 12
In 3rd row,
2nd element = (72÷12) × 3 = 18
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
34 (b)
Let Rati’s age be x years.
Her mother’s age = (83 - x),
According to the question,
(83 - x) + 6 = (x + 6) × 15/4
Or 83 – x + 6 = (15x/4) + 45/2
Or (15x/4) + x = 89 – 45/2
Or 19x/4 = 133/2
Or x = (4 × 133)/(19 × 2) = 14
Hence, the ratio of their ages 9 years ago = (x – 9) / (83 – x – 9) = (14 – 9)/(83 – 14 – 9) = 1/12, i.e. 1 : 12
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
35 (d)
We are given that average of five numbers = x
∴ Sum of these five numbers = 5x
Also, it is given that average of three numbers from above mentioned 5 numbers = y
∴ Sum of these three numbers = 3y
Value of remaining two numbers is ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively
Hence, a + b = 5x – 3y ……. (i)
Difference between a and b is 1. Hence, either (a - b) = 1 or (b – a) = 1
Case 1: if (a – b) = 1, then a = 1 + b
Putting this value of a in equation (i), we get
or (1 + b) + b = 5x – 3y
or 5x - 3y - 2b = 1
Case 2: if (b – a) = 1, then b = 1 + a
Putting the value of b in equation (i), we get
a + (1 + a) = 5x – 3y
or 5x – 3y – 2a = 1
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
The triangles in the given figure are: BGC, BGH, BCH, BKL, BML, DBG, DJG, DJF, FJG, JKG, BJK,
Thus, there are 25 triangles in the given figure.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
37 (b)
Due to a leak in the bottom of the tank, it gets emptied in 8 hours.
Hence, Part emptied by the leak in 1 hour = 1/8
Suppose tank is filled by tap when there is no leak, in A hours.
Hence, part filled by tap in 1 hour = 1/A
Part emptied by (leak + tap) in 1 hour = 1/12
Hence, (1/8) – (1/A) = 1/12
or 1/A = 1/8 – 1/12 = 1/24
So, Part filled by tap in 1 hour = 1/A = 1/24
Hence, tap fills the tank in 24 hours (if there is no leak).
Rate of flow through tap is 6 litres per minute.
Hence, tank’s capacity = 24 × 60 × 6 = 8640 litres
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
38 (d)
An acute angle is one that measures less than 90˚. An obtuse angle is one that measures between 90˚ and
180˚. A reflex angle is an angle that measures between 180˚ and 360˚.
P = Q + R and P > 180°
We can get sum of two angles greater than 180°, when one of the angle is obtuse and the other is acute or
both angles are obtuse or one angle is reflex and the other is acute.
However, sum of two right angles = 90° + 90° = 180°, which is equal to 180°, not greater than 180°.
Therefore, both angles (i.e. Q and R) cannot be right angles.
Hence, option (d) is definitely NOT true.
39 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about committing mistakes, sometimes repeatedly with optimism.
This shows that humans keep on committing mistakes. The following lines - “As human beings, we go in
cycles from one milestone to the next. Starting over is at the core of our existence. … There is no
denying that lessons from the past have advanced our species, but it may be the renewed cells talking, a
voice inside us responding to a familiar risk with ‘it could be different this time’”, show that even after
making the mistakes we often start over again to make more mistakes. So, this is the best inference of the
Option (b) is incorrect: The central theme of the passage is that irrespective of what we do, we commit
mistakes due to various reasons. Consider the lines – “There is no denying that lessons from the past have
advanced our species, but it may be the renewed cells talking, a voice inside us responding to a familiar
risk with ‘it could be different this time’. It might be the optimist in us talking but we can sometimes
convince ourselves that under different circumstances even an identical situation could have a different
outcome.” So, this is not the correct inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The context of reflection of ignorance due to the repetition of mistakes is not the
central theme of the passage. Rather, the very idea of ignorance is not discussed in the passage. Hence,
this is not the main inference of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: As per the passage, humans are optimistic despite making multiple mistakes.
However, the given option states that an optimistic attitude helps humans prevent the repetition of
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mistakes, which is contrary to what is mentioned in the passage. Prevention of the repetition of mistakes is
not a part of the passage. The author primarily talks about how committing mistakes, and even repeating
the same mistake is intrinsic to human beings. So, this option is not the best inference.
40 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage portrays the negative consequences of irregularity and lack of
punctuality. These include disrupted teamwork, reduced efficiency, inconvenienced customers, and a
damaged organizational image. The passage says, “Look around yourself and you may come across
people who get up late in the morning and are unable to send their children to school on time. They may
also not be able to provide their family members with proper meals and have disorganised homes due to
their irregular behaviour and lack of punctuality. Such people are frequently absent from work”. This
suggests that professionalism and adherence to expected work conduct are essential for maintaining a
smooth-running environment at the workplace. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct: The passage emphasizes how unprofessional behaviour ripples outward, affecting
colleagues, customers, and the overall reputation of the organization. The passage says, “You may have
witnessed the inconvenience caused to the public wanting to pay bills when counter clerks are either late
or not found at their seats in banks, post offices, and telephone and electricity offices”. The passage
further says, “The irresponsible behaviour of such people spoils the discipline of the work environment,
sets bad examples, causes inconvenience to the public and lowers the image of the organization”. This
implies that individuals hold a degree of responsibility for the collective success and image of their
workplace, and their actions can have far-reaching consequences. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
41 (a)
Number of ways Tapu Sena can form a committee consisting of 1 man and 4 women = 4C1 x 5C4 = {4! / 1!
(4-1)!} × {5!/4! (5-4)!}
= 20 ways
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
42 (b)
Area of a rectangular park = length x breadth
Or 160 = 16 x breadth
Or breadth = 160/16 = 10 cm
New area of the rectangular park = 160 x 4/3 = 640/3 cm2
New length = New area/Original breadth = (640/3) ÷ 10 = 64/3 cm
New perimeter of the rectangular park = 2 (New length + breadth)
= 2{(64/3) + 10} = 2(64 + 30)/3 = 2 x 94/3 = 188/3 = 62.67 cm
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
43 (c)
Given diagram:
44 (a)
Cost of transport by Ship (per ton), A = cost incurred via ship/volume transported by ship = (15% x
40)/(8% x 15) = 5
Cost of transport by Air flight (per ton), B = cost incurred via air flight/volume transported by air flight =
(9% x 40)/(9% x 15) = 8/3 ≈ 2.66
Cost of transport by Rail (per ton), C = cost incurred via rail/volume transported by rail = (10% x
40)/(15% x 15) = 16/9 ≈ 1.7
Cost of transport by Road (per ton), D = cost incurred via road/volume transported by road = (6% x
40)/(23% x 15) = 16/23 ≈ 0.695
So, A > B > C > D
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
45 (b)
S. No. Stream Boys Girls Total
Hostellers Non- Hostellers Hostellers Non-Hostellers
1. Science 44 48 35 33 160
2. Art 66 72 68 43 249
3. Commerce 40 38 60 23 161
4. Hindi 50 48 30 22 150
Total 200 206 193 121 720
Total students = 720
Number of students that passed = 720 x 60% = 720 x (60/100) = 432
Number of students that passed in science stream = 160
Number of students that passed in other streams (other than science) = 432 – 160 = 272
Number of students in other streams (other than science) = 720 – 160 = 560
Required percent = (272/560) x 100 = 48(4/7)%
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
46 (c)
If 97865A4B is divisible by 6, then it must be divisible by both 2 and 3.
B must be even number like 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, but A can be any number from 0 to 9.
Sum of the digits of 97865A4B = 9 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 5 + A + 4 + B = 39 + A + B
If we put A’s max value, i.e. 9, then we get 48 + B
So, B should be a number that is divisible by both 3 and 2. So, B = 6.
So, the maximum possible value of A + B = 9 + 6 = 15
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
47 (c)
According to the information given in the question,
Shark > Monkey ………..(i)
Rabbit ≤ Cat ……………………….(ii)
Monkey > Rabbit ………………………..(iii)
From equations (i) and (iii), we get:
Shark > Monkey > Rabbit ≤ Cat
Thus, Rabbit is the slowest of all the animals.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
48 (c)
Inference 1 is correct: The given inference is based on the following lines “To safeguard democracy
from the encroachment of corruption requires a multifaceted approach, including robust legal
frameworks, independent oversight, people participation and a collective commitment to ethical
49 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The assumption acknowledges that individuals and groups are not static entities
with pre-determined identities. Instead, they are constantly evolving and shaping each other through their
interactions and relationships. The passage says, “Identities are not inherited but fashioned both by the
individual and the group through their relationship with others. For the individual the social roles that
s/he plays imparts identity”. It can be inferred that the passage emphasizes the dynamic interplay
between individual choices and social expectations in constructing roles and identities. Hence, statement
1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct: The passage highlights the significance of shared language in defining and
recognizing roles, as well as in creating separate spaces and meanings for different groups. The passage
says, “This can often be done through the recognition of the particular language that is used among
role players”. The passage further says, “By creating this language which also serves as a code, they
create their world of meanings and significances”. The above-highlighted lines show that language does
play a crucial role in identity formation. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.
50 (c)
Required sequence is-
5 = 22+1
10 = 32+1
17 = 42+1
26 = 52+1
X = 74 + 42 = 116
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
51 (b)
(7/10) part of the water tank is filled with water. It means that (3/10) part of water tank is empty and when
we throw a stone of size 3x3x1 m3 (which is 9m3) in the water tank, it gets completely full.
So, (3/10)th part of tank is equal to 9 m3.
∴ Capacity or total volume of tank = (9x10)/3 = 30 m3
Volume of cuboidal water tank = L x B x H
Or 30 = 5 x 2 x H
Or H = 30/(5x2)
Or H = 3 m
Thus, the height of the cuboidal water tank is 3 m.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
52 (d)
After 25 days, 35 men finished the remaining work in (38 – 25 – 1), i.e. 12 days.
∴ 30 men would have finished it in (12 ×35)/30, i.e. 14 days, i.e. 1 day behind the deadline.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
54 (c)
2/5th of the sunken part is still sunk in the mud.
2/5th of 4/9th = (4/9) × (2/5) = 8/45th part
Now, 8/45th part = 4 m (according to the question)
So, 1 part = (4/8) × 45 = 22.5 m
So, 22.5 meter is the actual length of the whole pillar.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
55 (c)
This graph clearly brings out the fact that overall sex ratio increased (930 to 934) from 1971 to 1981 but it
fell to 927 in 1991 and there has been a consistent rise in overall sex ratio from 1991 to 2011 (927 in 1991
to 933 in 2001 and 940 in 2011). So, after 1971 overall sex ratio of a country is not consistently rising or
falling. So, options (a) and (b) are not correct.
The fall in child sex ratio has been unabated since 1961. So, option (c) is correct.
We can nowhere see a rise in child sex ratio in the graph. The graph represents consistent fall in child sex
ratio since 1961. Therefore, option (d) is incorrect.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
56 (b)
In between 1991 and 2011, the two curves of the graph intersect at the same point. So, at that particular
point of time, child sex ratio (0-6 years) and overall sex ratio of a country are equal. Therefore, statement
1 is incorrect.
It is given that 1961 is base year. So,
Percentage change in overall sex ratio in the given 50 years (1961 to 2011) = {(941-940)/941} × 100 =
Percentage change in child sex ratio (0-6 years) in the given 50 years (1961 to 2011) = {(976-914)/976} ×
100 = 6.35%
The percentage change in child sex ratio (0-6 years) is more than that of overall sex ratio in the given 50
So, statement 2 is incorrect.
The overall sex ratio in 1991 is 927 and child sex ratio in 2001 is 927.
Therefore, the overall sex ratio in 1991 and child sex ratio in 2001 are equal.
So, statement 3 is correct.
Average of child sex ratio (0-6 years) and overall sex ratio in the year 1971 = (964+930)/2 = 947
Average of child sex ratio (0-6 years) and overall sex ratio in the year 1981 = (962+934)/2 = 948
The average of child sex ratio (0-6 years) and overall sex ratio in the year 1971 and 1981 is not the same.
So, statement 4 is incorrect.
Therefore, answer is option (b).
14 ©Vision IAS
57 (a)
Number of days from 17th March to 12th July = 14 (March) + 30 (April) + 31 (May) + 30 (June) + 12
= 117 days
Dividing 117 by 7, we get 5 as remainder.
5 days after a Monday we get a Saturday.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
58 (d)
Option (a) is not correct: The passage does not imply that allied activities are necessary for every farmer
or agricultural environment, even though it does highlight their benefits. It would be extreme to infer that
allied activities are necessary for every farmer globally. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage mentions the advantages of animals and traditional implements in
specific situations. They are suited in certain areas where the use of mechanical means of transport (such
as tractors) is either not feasible or is very costly. But, it nowhere advocates entirely abandoning
mechanized farming. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage focuses on the practical benefits of animal-related activities in
agriculture, but it doesn't endorse animal exploitation or mistreatment. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is correct: The passage emphasizes the advantages of a holistic approach to agriculture that
goes beyond monoculture crop production. By integrating allied activities, farmers can create more
resilient, sustainable, and profitable agricultural systems. Hence, Option (d) is correct.
59 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage emphasizes the importance of studying climate history, and
highlights its relevance in understanding the current phenomenon of climate change. The passage says, “A
knowledge of the history of climate is important for studying climate change.”, “A knowledge of the
history of climate is important for studying climate change” and “They are useful in understanding
climate variability more precisely”. It can be implied that this knowledge serves as a baseline for
comparing and interpreting observed climatic changes occurring today. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is not correct: The passage nowhere signifies that there is a lack of international
collaboration. Also, how it is crucial for addressing climate change is not covered. So, this statement is
not based on the information given in the passage. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
60 (d)
Perimeter of circular track = 𝛑 × d = (22/7) × 1400 = 4400 metres
Perimeter of square track = 4 × side = 4 × 1400 = 5600 meters
We know that, speed of Milkha is same in covering circular track and square track. Let Milkha completes
one round of the square track in t seconds.
So, (4400/11) = (5600)/t
⇒ (44/11) = 56/t
⇒ t = (56 × 11)/44
t = 14 seconds
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
61 (b)
By hit and trial method:
16 @ 5 # 31
Or 16 × 5 – 31
Or 80 – 31 = 49
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
62 (a)
Let T be the time period for which Hemendra joined Shikha.
As given, profit part of Shika is = 2/3
So, Profit part of Hemendra = 1 – 2/3 = 1/3
Ratio of the investments by Shikha and Hemendra = Ratio of the profits earned by Shikha and Hemendra
Or (30000 × 12) : (18000 × T) = (2/3) : (1/3)
63 (a)
On drawing the diagram according to the question, we get:
64 (a)
f(2a + 4) = 40a2 + 80a + 60
Let, 2a + 4 = x
Or a = (x - 4)/2
So, f(x) = 40 {(x – 4)/2}2 + 80{(x – 4)/2} + 60
or f(x) = 40 {(x2 + 16 - 8x)/4} + 40(x - 4) + 60
or f(x) = 10x2 + 160 – 80x + 40x – 160 + 60
or f(x) = 10x2 - 40x + 60
On putting (5a + 4) in place of x in the above equation, we get:
f(5a + 4) = 10(5a + 4)2 – 40(5a + 4) + 60
or f(5a + 4) = 10(25a2 + 16 + 40a) – 40(5a + 4) + 60
or f(5a + 4) = 250a2 + 160 + 400a – 200a - 160 + 60
or f(5a + 4) = 250a2 + 200a + 60
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
65 (b)
Let the quantities of lily, rose and jasmine in a garland be x, y and z respectively.
Cost of a garland per kg = (30/125) × 100 = Rs.24 /kg
Total cost of a garland = 22x + 30y + 32z = 24(x + y+ z)
Or 2x – 6y – 8z = 0
Or x – 3y – 4z = 0 ………..(i)
Quantity of lily in the garland is 4 kg more than 3 times of the sum of the quantities of the other two
So, x - 3(y + z) = 4
Or x – 3y - 3z = 4 …………….(ii)
Subtracting equation (i) from (ii), we get:
So, the quantity of jasmine in a garland, z = 4 kg
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
66 (c)
Let the number of 2 rupee, 3 rupee and 5 rupee coins be x, y and z respectively.
The total number of coins is 300 and the amount is Rs.1200.
So, x + y + z = 300 ………..(i)
And, 2x + 3y + 5z = 1200 ……………..(ii)
67 (c)
In triangle PBC,
q + ∠PBC = π - s
or ∠PBC = π - s – q ……..(i)
In triangle ABE,
r + ∠ABE = p
or ∠ABE = p - r ………..(ii)
We know that line ABC is a straight line.
So, ∠ABE + ∠PBC = π
Putting the value of ∠PBC and ∠ABE from equations (i) & (ii), we get:
(p – r) + (π - s – q) = π
Or p – r – s – q = 0
Or p = q + s + r
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
68 (a)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage emphasizes that philosophers build upon and challenge each other's
ideas, creating a dynamic process of refinement. The passage says, “One thinker refutes the other and
comes forward with his own viewpoints which are subsequently refuted by successive philosophers”. It is
further mentioned, “Metaphorically speaking, a philosopher inhales much before he exhales”. This
implies a cycle of taking in the information that already exists and then interacting with opposing
viewpoints to generate new understandings. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct: The passage claims that encountering diverse philosophical perspectives expands
one's understanding and helps overcome ignorance. Refer to the line: “New vistas of knowledge open the
floodgates of wisdom thereby eliminating ignorance”. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.
Statement 3 is not correct: The passage describes philosophical reasoning as a process of refinement, not
absolute elimination of previous ideas. Each refutation can be seen as a contribution to the overall
understanding, not a complete elimination of what came before. The context of hierarchy in the statement
is not mentioned or symbolized in the passage. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.
69 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage revolves around the central idea of a boost in economic activity in
European countries after America was colonized. The passage highlights how countries like Spain and
England, directly trading with America, experienced a surge in industrial activity. The passage also
recognizes the indirect benefits for countries like Austria and some German provinces, which did not
17 ©Vision IAS
directly trade with America, but still saw increased demand for their goods like linen through intermediary
nations. Overall, the message emphasizes the positive economic impact of American discovery and
colonization on European nations. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Option (b) is not correct: This statement diverts from the passage's main point about economic benefits.
While resource extraction was certainly an aspect of colonization, the passage nowhere mentions that it
was the only purpose. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage focuses on the economic impact on countries as a whole, not on
the distribution of wealth within those countries. The impact on common people is not mentioned in the
passage. Also, the context of the ruling elite is missing in the passage. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: The passage does not explicitly mention the increased agricultural production
in Europe due to colonization of America. Instead, the passage focuses on industrial activity. Hence,
option (d) is not correct.
70 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage revolves around the theme of the review of the CPCB draft by CSE.
The passage says, “…the methodology is not full-fledged as it does not consider the impact of different
types of pollution on the health of humans and occupational health impacts”. It further says, “…the
fugitive emissions from process operation and material handling have been given low weightage”.
Therefore, CSE seems to favour a revision in the draft, so as to ensure a comprehensive and transparent
classification system. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage does not necessarily suggest that all fugitive emissions are equally
harmful, even while it condemns the downplaying of fugitive emissions in comparison to other kinds of
pollution. Depending on their concentration and makeup, different fugitive emissions (dust, gasses, etc.)
might have different effects on health. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage highlights the categorization of stone crushers as an example, but
it doesn't suggest that other industries with significant fugitive emissions are adequately assessed. Also,
the passage suggests, “Due to this, the stone crusher units — one of the most polluting sectors in terms of
fugitive emissions — have been proposed to be shifted from the orange to green category in the CPCB
report.” It means that originally it was under the orange category. But there is no basis in the passage
which suggests it to be under the red category. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
71 (a)
Distance covered by Rohan in 30 minutes = 50 × (30/60) = 25 km
Time taken by Rohini to overtake Rohan = 25/(60 - 50) = 2.5 hours
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
72 (b)
Let the original price of petrol be Rs. x.
According to the question,
Increased price of Petrol = 130% of x = (130/100) ×(x) = 13x/10
Decreased price of Petrol = 80% of (13x/10) = (80/100) × (13x/10) = 104x/100
Increase in price of petrol = (104x/100) – x = (4x/100)
Increase% = (4x/100) × (100/x) = 4%
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
73 (b)
Let the initial quantities of petrol and diesel in the vessel be 13x litres and 5x litres respectively.
Quantity of petrol taken out = (13/18) × 72 = 52 litres
Quantity of diesel taken out = 72 – 52 = 20 litres
According to the question,
(13x – 52)/(5x – 20 + 51) = 8/7
⇒ 91x – 364 = 40x + 248
⇒ 51x = 612
⇒ x = 12
So, the initial quantity of diesel in the vessel = 12x = 12 × 5 = 60 litres
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
18 ©Vision IAS
74 (c)
Let’s find the unit digit of the expression (374)202 + (384)203
Required unit digit = Unit digit of (4)202 + Unit digit of (4)203
= Unit digit of (4)2 + Unit digit of (4)1
= Unit digit of (6 + 4)
= Unit digit of (10)
We know that zero is the smallest even number.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
75 (a)
Given, total population = 56000
Suppose initially male population = X and female population = Y
Then, according to the question:
X + Y = 56000 …………. (i)
There is 9% reduction in male population.
X – (X × 9%) = X – (9X/100) = 91X/100
And there is 15% increase in female population.
Y + (Y × 15%) = Y + (Y × 15/100) = 115Y/100
According to the question,
(91X/100) + (115Y/100) = 56000
Or (91X + 115Y)/100 = 56000
Or 91X + 115Y = 56000 × 100 ………………(ii)
Equation (ii) – 91 × Equation (i):
24Y = 504000
Or Y = 21000
And, X = 56000 – 21000 = 35000
Thus, the number of males and females in the population is 35000 and 21000 respectively.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
76 (b)
Let the age of Dashrath’s son be X years and age of Dashrath be 11X years in 2005.
According to question,
11X + 15 = 14X
⇒ 3X = 15
∴ X = 5 years
Hence, age of son = 5 years
Dashrath’s age = 11X = 5 × 11 = 55 years
Difference between the ages of Dashrath and his son in 2005 = 55 – 5 = 50 years
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
77 (a)
Let he spent a total of Rs. 100X on buying 12 avocados, 18 kiwis and 5 apples. Let the price of one
avocado, one kiwi and one apple be A, B and C respectively.
Now, according to question,
12A + 18B + 5C = 100X .... (i)
And 6A + 9B + 4C = 60X .... (ii)
Equation (ii) × 2 - Equation (i):
On solving, we get,
C = 20X/3
Hence, amount spent on 5 apples = 5C = 5 × (20X/3) = 100X/3
Now, required percentage = {(100X/3)/100X} × 100 = 33.33%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
19 ©Vision IAS
78 (b)
[{(10/7) ÷ (2/5 ÷3/2) × 25/9} ÷ {(4/18) of 2/3 ÷ (3/5 of 4/3 ×3)}] / [6/8 of 10/36 ÷ 2/3]
= [{(10/7) ÷ (2/5 × 2/3) × 25/9} ÷ {(4/18) of 2/3 ÷ (3/5 × 4/3 ×3)}] / [6/8 of 10/36 × 3/2]
= [{(10/7) ÷ 4/15 × 25/9} ÷ {4/27 ÷ 12/5}] / [5/24 × 3/2]
= [{(10/7) × 15/4 × 25/9} ÷ {4/27 × 5/12}] / [5/16]
= [{625/42} ÷ {(5/81)}] / (5/16)
= (625/42) × (81/5) × (16/5)
= 25 × 27 × 8 / 7
= 5400/7
So, the difference between the correct answer and her answer = (5400/7) – (75/4) = 21075/28
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
79 (d)
Original amount (in 1995) = Rs.25,000
It is given that, his total amount doubles in every 10 years.
Amount after 10 years (in 2005) = 2 × Rs.25,000 = Rs.50,000
Amount at the end of 2005 = Rs.50,000 – Rs.500 = Rs.49,500
Amount after 10 years (in 2015) = 2 × Rs.49,500 = Rs.99,000
Amount at the end of 2015 = Rs.99,000 – Rs.500 = Rs.98,500
Amount after 10 years (in 2025) = 2 × Rs.98,500 = Rs.197,000
Amount after 10 years (in 2035) = 2 × Rs.197,000 = Rs.394,000
Therefore, he will get Rs. 394,000 at the end of the year 2035.
Hence, option (d), i.e. none of these is correct.
80 (d)
Statement 1 is not correct: According to the passage the study only tested the effects on lab-grown
cardiac micro tissues, that too for a few virus variants. It doesn't provide information on the long-term
effects or the frequency of such occurrences in actual COVID-19 patients.
Statement 2 is not correct: The passage says, “The study by the Riken Institute recreated human cardiac
microtissues through human-induced pluripotent stem cells”. It is further mentioned in the passage,
“After the cardiac microtissues were infected with SARS-CoV-2, they found that a viral infection can lead
to the reduction of tissue contractility in the acute phase of viral infection”. The use of human induced
pluripotent stem cells may or may not enhance the reliability of the findings. However, to say that it dents
the credibility would be wrong, as nothing of this sort is indicated in the passage.
4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers
6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
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7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
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9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
What face is opposite to the one having Printer 4. Which of the following statements best reflects
on it? the crux of the passage?
(a) Mobile stand (a) From predictive analytics to robotic
(b) Fast charger surgeries, AI will shape the future of
(c) Mobile healthcare delivery.
(d) Earphone (b) Ensuring transparency and enforcing strict
privacy standards is fundamental to
Directions for the following 5 (five) items: innovations in AI in healthcare.
Read the following three passages and answer the items (c) Without addressing privacy concerns, the
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items use of AI in healthcare could be dangerous.
should be based on the passages only. (d) None of the above
Passage – 1 Passage – 2
As AI applications become more integrated into In modern India, the traditional perception of marriage
healthcare systems, questions about consent, data as a sacrament is transforming, reflecting the evolving
ownership, and transparency arise. Patients must have social fabric. The once deeply ingrained societal norms
control over how their health data is used and shared. surrounding matrimony are encountering challenges as
Robust cybersecurity measures are essential to prevent individuals increasingly prioritize personal autonomy
unauthorized access and protect against potential and career aspirations. The rise in inter-cultural and
breaches. AI algorithms often rely on vast datasets, inter-faith marriages, as well as an increase in instances
including sensitive health information, to train and of late or chosen marriages, indicates a departure from
improve their performance. The handling of such data conventional views. The prevalence of diverse
demands stringent privacy measures to safeguard relationship models, cohabitation before marriage, and a
individuals' confidentiality. Regulatory frameworks with growing acceptance of alternative family structures
penalty provisions must evolve to address the unique contribute to the changing landscape of marital values.
challenges posed by AI in healthcare. Establishing clear Economic independence and educational empowerment,
guidelines for data usage, ensuring transparency in particularly for women, have contributed to this
algorithmic decision-making, and enforcing strict paradigm shift. The discourse on the value of marriage
privacy standards are pivotal to fostering trust in AI- as a sacrament in modern India reflects a clear transition
driven healthcare solutions. from traditional to modern perspectives.
2 ©Vision IAS
5. Which of the following is/are the most rational Passage – 3
The fear of making the wrong decision immobilizes any
and logical inference/inferences that can be
person, fostering a state of inertia that hinders personal
drawn from the passage? growth and achievement. This perpetual hesitancy
1. The notion of marriage as a sacrament is extends beyond the immediate choices; it corrodes his
confidence and self-esteem, creating a cycle of self-
subjective, and can differ among different
doubt. Relationships, career opportunities, and personal
segments of society and individuals. development become casualties of this chronic
2. The institution of marriage is heavily indecision. The person finds himself in a static existence,
witnessing the passage of time without actively engaging
influenced by the Western constructs
in the meaningful pursuits that could shape his life.
worldwide. Breaking free from this cycle demands a courageous
Select the correct answer from the code given embrace of uncertainty, for it is only through decisive
action that he can unlock the doors to progress and self-
(a) 1 only 7. Based on the above passage, the following
(b) 2 only assumptions have been made:
1. Uncertain choices may lead to a life marked
(c) Both 1 and 2
by missed opportunities and unfulfilled
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 potential.
2. An achievement-oriented person makes
decisive decisions for growth in life.
6. Which of the following is most definitively
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
implied by the above passage? (a) 1 only
(a) The transition of marriage from a traditional (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
to a modern construct reflects the loss of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
culture and values in society.
2022. Is the profit of company A less than that route, when will they meet?
of company B in 2022? (a) 7:48 am
Which one of the following is correct in respect
(b) 7:51 am
of the above Question and the Statements?
(c) 7:54 am
(a) The Question can be answered by using one
(d) 7:58 am
of the Statements alone, but cannot be
answered by using the other Statement
alone. 12. Raghu borrows Rs. 36000 from Hari at 10%
(b) The Question can be answered by using simple interest per annum. He lent the sum
either Statement alone.
borrowed to Kunal at 20% p.a. compound
(c) The Question can be answered by using both
interest. Kunal repaid the loan at the end of two
the Statements together, but cannot be
years. Had Kunal repaid the loan at the end of
answered by using either Statement alone.
(d) The Question cannot be answered even by three years, the additional profit for Raghu
(b) 34 days Read the following two passages and answer the items
(c) 36 days that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(d) 38 days
should be based on the passages only.
4 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 1 Passage – 2
The Digital India initiative has made significant strides Over the decades, educating people about health has
been an important strategy for preventing illness and
in enhancing digital infrastructure, promoting e-
injury. This approach has drawn heavily from the fields
governance, and fostering technology adoption, there are
of public health, social science, communications, and
critical aspects that warrant analysis. One aspect is the
education. Early experiments with education relied
digital divide, which persists across urban-rural and heavily on the delivery of information and facts.
socio-economic lines. Despite increased internet Gradually, educational approaches have turned more to
penetration, disparities in access to digital resources and skill development and addressing all health aspects,
including physical, social, emotional, and mental well-
skills hinder the full realization of Digital India's
being. Educating children and adolescents can instil
potential. Bridging this gap is crucial for ensuring
positive health behaviours in the early years and prevent
inclusive growth. Privacy and data security concerns also
risk and premature death. It can also produce informed
emerge with the increasing digitization of services.
citizens who can seek services and advocate for policies
Effective utilization of digital tools requires not only and environments that affect their health. Education for
access but also the ability to navigate and leverage them. health is an essential component of an effective school
Initiatives to enhance digital education and skills training health programme, and it is likely to be the most
are essential to empower citizens fully.
14. Based on the above passage, the following
13. Based on the above passage, the following
assumptions have been made:
assumptions have been made:
1. Health education may be a tool for
1. Digital literacy remains a challenge in the promoting citizen participation in healthcare
country. governance.
2. Due to the inherent challenges, Digital India 2. Health education should be prioritized in
schools for the healthy development of
initiative has not been successful.
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
= 2 + √3) (d) 3 ÷ 3 + 1 × 3 + 1 =1
(a) 1000 m
(b) 1100 m Direction for the following 3 (three) items:
(c) 800 m Read the information given below carefully and answer
17. In the figure given below, AB is parallel to QR weights), labeled as M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S, in a straight
PQR is 1:4. If the perimeter of PQR is 24 cm, The weight of bottle O is greater than that of bottle Q,
then what is the perimeter of PAB (in cm)? which is just heavier than bottle S. Two bottles have
weights between bottle Q and bottle M. Bottle S is lighter
than bottle M, which is heavier than bottle O. The weight
of bottle P is 15 kg more than that of bottle N, while the
weight of bottle N is 22 kg. The weight of bottle P is not
the maximum. Two bottles are heavier than M.
20. Which bottle has the maximum weight?
(a) 10 cm (a) M
(b) 12 cm (b) R
(c) 14 cm (c) O
(d) None of these (d) P
6 ©Vision IAS
21. How many water bottles are heavier than bottle Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
S? Read the following two passages and answer the items
(a) Less than three bottles that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(b) Only four bottles
should be based on the passages only.
(c) Only two bottles
Passage – 1
(d) More than five bottles
Child-rearing involves nurturing and guiding a child
through various stages of development. Parents navigate
22. Which of the following cannot be concluded?
(a) Weight of bottle R can be 50 kg. a dynamic journey, adapting to the changing needs and
(b) Weight of bottle Q can be 12 kg. personalities of their children. Understanding and
(c) Weight of bottle O can be 29 kg. meeting a child's needs requires a multifaceted approach.
(d) None of the above. Effective communication, setting boundaries, and
providing a supportive environment contribute to a
23. Consider the following Question and the child's emotional well-being. Balancing discipline with
love and fostering independence while ensuring safety
Statement 1: Arun and Banwari together get a
present intricate challenges. Parents often find joy in the
sum of Rs. 80.
process of imparting values, skills, and knowledge.
Statement 2: Banwari and Chandan together get
Providing a secure foundation for a child's exploration of
a sum of Rs. 100.
Question: A sum of Rs. 160 is shared among the world contributes to the fulfilling nature of parenting.
Arun, Banwari and Chandan. How much of it 24. Which of the following is/are the most rational
does Banwari get? and logical inference/inferences that can be
Which one of the following is correct in respect made from the passage?
of the above Question and the Statements? 1. Only parents can contribute to the emotional
(a) The Question can be answered by using one
well-being of their children.
of the Statements alone, but cannot be
2. A supportive environment and good
answered by using the other Statement
communication are ingredients of a good
child-rearing practice.
(b) The Question can be answered by using
Select the correct answer from the code given
either Statement alone.
(c) The Question can be answered by using both below:
Directions for the following item:
I. Some cars are buses.
Read the following passage and answer the item that
II. All trains being buses is a possibility.
follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the
III. No car is a bus. passage only.
Select your answer using the codes given below. Passage
(a) Only l follows Cooking, an essential daily activity, has deep
(b) Either l or III follows connections to energy sources like biomass and coal,
often used in traditional methods. However, reliance on
(c) All follow
these fuels contributes to indoor air pollution, leading to
(d) None of these
alarming health impacts. According to data, millions of
deaths annually are attributed to household air pollution
33. In a row of children, Manoj is tenth from the left from biomass and coal combustion. The toxic fumes
and Kamal is thirteenth from the right. Vimal is released during cooking create respiratory problems,
20th from the right end and third to the right of especially affecting women and children. The impact is
Manoj. How many children are there between disproportionately severe on the poor. Rising usage of
cleaner cooking gas is crucial for health, alleviating
Manoj and Kamal?
poverty by reducing medical costs, and mitigating
(a) 9
environmental degradation. Efforts to transition away
(b) 10
from traditional cooking methods play a vital role in
(c) 8 breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering a more
(d) 6 sustainable and equitable future.
9 ©Vision IAS
36. According to the author, the most rational 39. The area of an equilateral triangle and a square
inference would be: are equal. Which of the following can be
(a) Poor households are giving up polluting
(a) The triangle and the square have the same
fuels due to increased awareness about perimeter.
health hazards. (b) The perimeter of the square exceeds that of
the equilateral triangle.
(b) Access to clean cooking gas, can reduce
(c) The perimeter of the square is less than that
deaths due to air pollution in poor of the equilateral triangle.
households. (d) None of these
(c) Subsidising cleaner fuels will decrease the
40. At present, the ratio of Ajay’s age to Sachin’s
issue of poverty and deaths in poor
age is 4:5. Ten years ago, the ratio was 19:25. If
households. Suresh is 12 years older than Ajay, then what is
(d) Both (a) and (b) the present average age of Ajay, Sachin, and
(a) 52 years
37. In a certain code, 478 means ‘big rose tree’, 701 (b) 48 years
means ‘small rose garden’, 476 means ‘red rose (c) 56 years
tree’. The digit in the code that indicates red is (d) None of these
all the taps are opened together a full tank is 42. The password of a secured lock changes every
day as per the pattern described below:
filled in 1 hour. If a bucket can hold 2 gallons of
Password for day 1: TREWQ
water, what is the capacity of the tank (in
Password for day 2: REWQT
gallons)? Password for day 3: EWQTR
(a) 287 What would be the password for day 4?
(b) 284
(c) 285 (c) WERTQ
(d) 286 (d) WQTER
10 ©Vision IAS
43. Twice the difference between a two-digit 45. A vessel contains 10 liters of honey. 1 liter of
number and the number formed by reversing its honey is taken out and replaced by an equal
digits is two less than the sum of the number and amount of sugar syrup. Then 1 liter of mixture is
the number formed by reversing the digits of the taken out and replaced by an equal amount of
number. If the original number is greater than sugar syrup. Find the ratio of honey and sugar
the number formed by reversing the digits, then syrup in the final mixture.
what is the original number? (a) 81:100
(a) 62 (b) 81:19
(b) 72 (c) 19:81
(c) 82
(d) 19:100
(d) 92
(a) The Question can be answered by using one (d) None of these
What part is described by the letter K? 57. All the students of a class are sitting in a row.
(a) Lawyer, artist, businessman Raman is 7th from the left and Rohan is 14th from
(b) Thief, businessman, artist the right. The number of students sitting in
(c) Lawyer, thief, artist, businessman between them is 1/4th of the total of students in
(d) None of these the row. How many students are sitting in the
55. The following graph indicates the expenses on (a) 18
different commodities in percentage terms. (b) 26
(c) 30
(d) 28
decorative work is what percent of the total of 55 trees, how many trees are there on each
As smartphones become an integral part of daily life, availability - essential resources for agriculture. These
many individuals find themselves compulsively reaching impacts will disproportionately affect marginalized
for their phones, even in seemingly inconsequential
communities and small-scale farmers, who often have
moments. The addictive allure of notifications, social
media updates, and constant connectivity can lead to a limited access to technology, financial resources, and
dependency that impacts both mental and physical well- social safety nets. Moreover, climate change-induced
being. The constant exposure to screens may disrupt disruptions in food production can lead to price
sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and a decline in overall
volatility, food insecurity, and even conflicts over scarce
health. Social relationships can suffer as individuals
prioritize virtual connections over face-to-face resources. To address climate justice in agriculture, it is
interactions. The addictive nature of phones is imperative to prioritize sustainable and resilient farming
exacerbated by the fear of missing out (FOMO) and the practices, support innovation in climate-smart
pressure to stay digitally always connected. Fostering a
agriculture, enhance access to climate information and
balanced relationship with technology becomes essential
for maintaining overall well-being and reclaiming financial resources, and promote policies that prioritize
control over one's time and attention. social and environmental equity in food systems.
59. Which of the following is/are the most rational 60. Based on the above passage, the following
and logical inference/inferences that can be
assumptions have been made:
made from the passage?
1. The dopamine-driven cycle of viral news 1. Conflicts over scarce resources are
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Which among the following can be concluded
with respect to the total number of triangles and
Directions for the following 2 (two) items:
rectangles in it?
Read the following information carefully and answer the
(a) The total number of triangles and rectangles
2 (two) items that follow: is a prime number.
1. M and S are good in subjects 2 and 3. (b) The product of the total number of triangles
2. A and M are good in subjects 3 and 1. and rectangles is a multiple of 7.
3. A, P and N are good in subjects 1 and 5. (c) The total number of triangles and rectangles
4. N and A are good in subjects 1 and 4. is a multiple of 3.
(d) None of these
5. P and S are good in subjects 5 and 2.
15 ©Vision IAS
66. Find the missing letter pair in the following 69. A student took five papers in an examination,
where the full marks were the same for each
paper. His marks in these papers were in the
LX GT DK proportion of 4:5:6:7:8. In all papers together,
IR TV KP the candidate obtained 60% of the total marks.
Then the number of papers in which he got at
XU ? NM least 70% marks is:
(a) 4
(b) 3
(a) TN
(c) 2
(b) RD (d) None of these
(c) MN
Directions for the following 6 (six) items:
(d) YD
Read the following five passages and answer the items
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
67. Nine different hamlets namely L, M, N, O, P, Q, should be based on the passages only.
Passage – 1
R, S and T not necessarily in the same order, lie
Success often emerges from the crucible of setbacks,
on the left bank of a river that passes through a revealing the symbiotic relationship between
jungle. The distance between two adjacent achievement and the lessons learned through failure.
Every triumph bears the silent scars of past challenges,
hamlets is 1 km. P is 4 km east from L and T is
and every setback carries the potential for growth and
4 km east from P. Distance between N and T is resilience. Understanding life allows for a holistic
3 km. What is the distance between L and N? perspective, encouraging an embrace of both light and
shadow. It's a reminder that growth often sprouts from
(a) 1 km
the soil of challenges and that every peak is preceded by
(b) 2 km a valley. In navigating this we find wisdom in accepting
(c) 4 km both sides, forging a path that acknowledges the intricate
beauty of life's dualities.
(d) 5 km
70. Which of the following statements best reflects
the logical inference from the passage given
68. To 5 litre of 20% sulphuric acid, 7.5 litre of 80% above?
(a) In the journey to success, patience and
sulphuric acid is added. What is the strength of
perseverance act as compass.
the acid in the mixture now? (b) Without perseverance and wisdom, being
(a) 56% successful in life is challenging.
(c) Life is a coin; success and failure share the
(b) 50%
same currency of experience.
(c) 64% (d) Knowledge through understanding success
(d) 60% and failures is the ultimate objective of life.
The times of war conflict require leaders to make swift, The Public Stockholding (PSH) program, a crucial
strategic decisions under intense pressure. While innate element for India's food security, faces challenges under
landscape of war, steering their teams through adversity international trade agreements. Rising population
with courage, precision, and a profound sense of pressure and the unpredictability of climate change
(d) Leaders having war experience are better (d) Balancing food security concerns with
than leaders who have acquired skills international trade agreements is a complex
enhancing climate resilience necessitate financial stimulating economic expansion. The positive
investments. These costs encompass not only the correlation between exports and economic growth is
deployment of clean technologies but also the evident through various channels. Exports boost a
restructuring of industries, the development of nation's income by generating revenue from foreign
sustainable infrastructure, and the adoption of climate- markets. This influx of funds can be utilized for domestic
smart agricultural practices. Moreover, the economic investment, infrastructure development, and social
impact extends beyond direct expenses. Industries programs, all of which contribute to economic
advancement. Additionally, exporting facilitates job
relying on fossil fuels may face restructuring costs, and
creation as industries expand to meet international
regions vulnerable to climate impacts may bear the
demand, reducing unemployment rates and increasing
economic burden of adapting to changing conditions.
consumer spending. Exposure to global markets
However, the cost of inaction far exceeds the investment
encourages innovation and efficiency. To compete
required for climate mitigation and adaptation.
internationally, businesses often invest in research and
Ultimately, viewing the costs of climate action as an
development, adopting advanced technologies and
investment in a sustainable and resilient future
improving production processes. This not only enhances
underscores the importance of proactive measures.
the competitiveness of domestic industries but also
73. Which one of the following is the most logical
elevates overall productivity, fostering sustained
and rational inference that can be made from
economic growth.
the above passage?
74. Based on the above passage, the following
(a) Compared to developed countries,
assumptions have been made:
developing countries need more funding to
1. In today’s world no country can have a
fight the consequences of changing climate.
closed economy.
(b) Without proper funding and pre-emptive
2. Economic growth is possible only when
action, almost everyone will face the
businesses compete internationally with
consequences of climate change. some tariff protection.
(c) The best approach to tackle the impact of Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
climate change is to implement mitigation (a) 1 only
and adaptation measures. (b) 2 only
(d) Climate change is a real global challenge (c) Both 1 and 2
demanding collective solutions. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
18 ©Vision IAS
75. Which of the following statements best reflects 77. If Y is selected and B is rejected as venues,
the crux of the passage? which of the following stadium will serve as
(a) Winds of prosperity often blow with the venues?
sails of strategic export endeavours.
(a) A, C, W and Y.
(b) Exports alone cannot ensure economic
(b) A, C, X and Y.
growth and social prosperity in any country.
(c) For economic growth, nations should have (c) A, C, Y and Z.
84 98 120
(a) 5 79. If all the Tier I cities are selected as venues, then
(b) 6 how many possible combinations of four venues
(c) 7 can be selected?
(d) 8 (a) 1
(b) 2
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(c) 3
Read the following information carefully and answer the
3 (three) items that follow: (d) 4
In a tennis tournament, four matches are to be scheduled
in different cities. Out of the seven possible venues – 80. Rohit walks for 3 km in the north direction, turns
stadiums A, B and C are in Tier I cities and stadiums W, right and walks 5 km, before again turning right
X, Y and Z are in Tier II cities. At least two matches have and walking 9 km. Then, he takes a left turn and
to be held in Tier I cities. Cities B and W are not directly
walks 3 km. How far is he from the starting
connected to each other. C and Z are also not connected
directly and the direct road between W and Y has been
(a) 15 km
damaged due to floods. All the other cities are directly
connected with each other. It is known that the matches (b) 16 km
can be conducted only in those cities which are directly (c) 8 km
connected to each other. (d) 10 km
1 (d)
Given, Q is an odd natural number.
∴ 41Q +7Q must be divisible by (41 + 7), i.e. 48.
∴ It will be divisible by any factor of 48.
Among the given options, only 36 is not a factor of 48.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
2 (a)
Given positions of the cube:
3 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct: Refer to the line: “Patients must have control over how their health data is used
and shared.” Clearly, there are privacy concerns with the increasing use of AI in healthcare. So,
innovations in AI need to be balanced with addressing these concerns for the effective use of AI in
healthcare. So, this assumption is correct as per the passage.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage is about privacy concerns with the increasing use of AI in healthcare
and highlights the need for regulations. It is evident from the line: “Regulatory frameworks with penalty
provisions must evolve to address the unique challenges posed by AI in healthcare.” The government is
responsible for regulations through laws and policies. So, this assumption that the government needs to
form laws and policies for privacy threats is correct.
4 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is about AI in health and the associated privacy concerns. However,
this option misses the context of privacy concerns. So, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
5 (a)
Inference 1 is correct: The passage clearly shows that the institution of marriage has transitioned from the
traditional form to the modern construct as seen in the lines “The rise in inter-cultural and inter-faith
marriages, as well as an increase in instances of late or chosen marriages, indicates a departure from
conventional views”. Also, the line “...the traditional perception of marriage as a sacrament is
transforming...” clearly shows the changing notion. So, it would be correct to infer that the value of
marriage as a sacrament is subjective.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The context of the Western constructs has nowhere been discussed, and how they
impact the institution of marriage is also not covered. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and
is not correct.
6 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The transition of marriage from a traditional to a modern construct is a
phenomenon driven by changing social milieu. There is no information in the passage which can prove that
it reflects the loss of culture and values in the society. It just represents the changing values and culture.
Option (b) is incorrect: The context of reversal of transformations in the institution of marriage is not
reflected in the passage directly or indirectly. The author nowhere indicates a disappointment with these
changes. So, there is no question about reversing them.
Option (c) is incorrect: The option seems to be correct, but it is not because of the aspect of redefined
gender roles. Refer to the line: “Economic independence and educational empowerment, particularly for
women, have contributed to this paradigm shift. ” These developments may redefine gender roles, but
saying that they are the ‘only’ factors driving the change in marriages would not be correct. There could
also be other cultural shifts responsible for these changes.
Option (d) is correct: The passage is about the changing nature of the institution of marriage due to
changes in society driven by evolving choices and changes in social environment. This is seen in the lines
“The once deeply ingrained societal norms surrounding matrimony are encountering challenges as
individuals increasingly prioritize personal autonomy and career aspirations. The rise in inter-cultural
and inter-faith marriages, as well as an increase in instances of late or chosen marriages, indicates a
departure from conventional views.” These lines clearly show that societal changes impact the institution
of marriage. So, this is most definitively implied by the passage.
7 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The passage is about uncertainty in the context of decision-making, and its
consequences. This assumption refers to the uncertainty that could result from choices which eventually
could cause failure or a pause in growth as per the lines, “The fear of making the wrong decision
immobilizes any person, fostering a state of inertia that hinders personal growth and achievement. This
perpetual hesitancy extends beyond the immediate choices; it corrodes his confidence and self-esteem,
creating a cycle of self-doubt.” So, this assumption is valid as per the passage.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The passage covers the issues of uncertainty in decision-making. However, the
given assumption mentions what kind of person makes decisive decisions in life which is not a part of the
passage. For success, decisive approach might be needed. But to assume that a goal-oriented person is
decisive would not be correct, as it is not based on the information contained in the passage. That would be
an extreme extrapolation of the propositions made in the passage.
9 (d)
Using either of the statement alone, we cannot find the ratio of profit as the data about sales and
expenditures are given in different statements.
Combining both the statements, we get:
Let 4a and 5a be the sales and 3b and 4b be the expenditures of A and B respectively.
∴ Ratio of profits = (4a – 3b)/(5a – 4b)
= [(5a – 4b) – (a –b)]/(5a – 4b)
= 1 – [(a - b)/(5a - 4b)]
(a-b)/(5a-4b) may or may not be positive, depending on whether a>b or a<b.
So, the ratio of profits may or may not be greater than 1 and hence, which company got a higher profit
cannot be determined even using both the statements together.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
10 (a)
Number of hours taken by Sachita to finish the work = 48×9 = 432 hours
Number of hours taken by Shikha to finish the work = 36×16 = 576 hours
Together they will do, (432 + 576)/(432 × 576) = (7/1728)th work in 1 hour
Hence, they will take 1728/7 hours to finish the work.
Therefore, working 7(5/7) i.e. (54/7) hours a day, they can complete the work in (1728/7) × (7/54) = 32
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
11 (c)
Let d be the distance between Pratapgarh and Prayagraj.
Then time taken by them to meet = d/[(d/42) + (d/56)] = (42 × 56)/(42 + 56) = 24 minutes
Since they started at 7:30 am, they would meet at 7:54 am.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
12 (d)
Actual gain of Raghu = (Amount repaid by Kunal) – (Amount repaid by Raghu)
= 36000 [1 + (20/100)]2 – 36000 [1 + (2×10/100)]
= 36000 (1.44 – 1.2)
= Rs. 8640
Had Kunal repaid at the end of three years, the gain for Raghu would have been
= 36000 [1 + (20/100)]3– 36000 [1 + (3×10/100)]
= 36000 (1.728 – 1.3)
= Rs. 15408
Extra gain for Raghu = 15408 – 8640 = Rs. 6768
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
14 (d)
Assumption 1 is correct. The given assumption is correct as it is based on the following line “Gradually,
educational approaches have turned more to skill development and addressing all health aspects, including
physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being. ... It can also produce informed citizens who can seek
services and advocate for policies and environments that affect their health.” So, health education can
enhance citizen participation in healthcare governance. Therefore, this answer option is correct.
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines “Educating children and adolescents can instil positive health
behaviours in the early years and prevent risk and premature death” and “Education for health is an
important and essential component of an effective school health programme, and it is likely to be the most
effective”, show that health education in school should be prioritized. Hence, the given assumption is
correct as per the passage.
15 (a)
We need to check all the options to see which of the codes follow the given rule.
Option (a): M +2→ P +2 → S +2 →V +2 →Y +2 →B +2 →E (follows the rule)
Option (b): Q +2 → T (does not follow the rule)
Option (c): E +2 →H (does not follow the rule)
Option (d): Z +2 →C +2 → F (does not follow the rule)
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
16 (d)
The figure:
18 (a)
Let the first term be a and the common ratio be r.
Given that,
a/(1 - r) = 27 ………………(i)
And a2/ (1 - r2) = 243 ………………..(ii)
Dividing (ii) by (i), we get:
a/(1 + r) = 9 …………(iii)
Dividing (iii) by (i), we get:
(1 - r)/(1 + r) = 1/3
Or 3 – 3r = 1 + r
Or 4r = 2
Or r = 1/2
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
19 (a)
Substituting the signs, equation in option (a) becomes: 3 × 3 - 1 = 9 -1 ÷ 1 or 8 = 8, which is correct.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
20 (b)
21 (d)
24 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: Refer to the line: “Parents navigate a dynamic journey …communication, setting
boundaries, and providing a supportive environment contribute to a child's emotional well-being.” This
line does underline the role of parents in emotional development of their children. However, it does not
mean that others (like friends and teachers) do not contribute to emotional well-being of children. So, this
inference is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct: The given inference is correct as it is based on the lines “Effective communication,
setting boundaries, and providing a supportive environment contribute to a child's emotional well-being.”
25 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: This option captures only the positive aspect of child-rearing which is a small part
of the passage. Other aspects like the challenges of child-rearing are not captured in this option. Also, the
passage does not mention that the end goal is for them to become “responsible and compassionate model
citizens.” Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is about the complexity and good things of child-rearing. Child
rearing, as done by parents, includes the transfer of values, skills, and knowledge. However, whether such
rearing depends on societal values or not is not covered in the passage. So, this is not the best-implied
meaning of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The context of child rearing and success is not covered in the passage. The passage
does not link good child rearing with a successful life or vice-a-versa. Hence, this is not the best-implied
meaning of the passage.
Option (d) is correct: The given option is based on the lines “Balancing discipline with love and fostering
independence while ensuring safety present intricate challenges. Parents often find joy in the process of
imparting values, skills, and knowledge.” These lines validate that child rearing is a complex process, but
parents do enjoy it.
26 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: This option only covers one aspect of the passage which shows the benefits of
globalization as seen in the lines “While it promotes interconnectedness and shared experiences, it also
raises concerns about the loss of cultural diversity”. However, it misses the issues caused by it in the
context of the loss of local culture. So, this is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct: The lines “As a result, local traditions and practices face the risk of erosion or
assimilation into a globalized culture (cultural homogenization) … While it promotes interconnectedness
and shared experiences, it also raises concerns about the loss of cultural diversity” validate this answer
option. This option best captures the inference that globalization has threatened local cultures. So, this is the
most rational inference from the passage.
6 ©Vision IAS
Option (c) is incorrect: The context of de-globalization is not correct because it is not discussed in the
passage. Also, it is not close to the main theme of the passage which is covered in option (b). This option
presents an extreme view. So, this is not the most rational inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it focuses only on Western culture whereas
the main theme of the passage is the impact of globalization on local culture. Moreover, even if true, this
does not mean that the promotion of local culture globally is the solution. So, this is not the most rational
27 (b)
As H.C.F is 16, so the numbers must be multiples of 16.
∴ p12 = 112, or 512, or 912
And, 7q4 = 704, or 784
The product of LCM and HCF of any two numbers is equal to the product of the numbers.
So, LCM = (512 × 784)/HCF = (512 × 784)/16 = 25088. It checks out.
So, p = 5 and q = 8
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
28 (b)
Suppose Anuj buys ‘a’ pen, ‘b’ pencils and ‘c’ notebooks.
So, 6a + 5b + 3c = 50
As he has to buy at least 3 items of each kind, Rs. 42 would get spent.
With the remaining Rs. 8, it is only possible to buy 1 pencil and 1 notebook. Thus, there is only one unique
combination in which the items can be bought.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
29 (b)
Let us check which of the roads can be used.
X → Affected by flood. → Cannot be used.
Y → Blocked by storm → Cannot be used.
Z → Blocked because 1 is blocked. → Cannot be used.
1 → Affected by flood → Cannot be used.
2 → Can be used
3→ Affected by flood → Cannot be used.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
30 (c)
‘BDZBKMLN’ is the code of ‘CALM’
Each letter of the given words is represented by the letter preceding it and the letter following it.
(B-C-D), (Z-A-B), (K-L-M), (L-M-N)
31 (d)
Given series: 15, 21, 34, 54, 81, ?
Observing above, we get:
From the above diagrams, we can conclude that either conclusion l or conclusion III follows.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
33 (a)
According to the question,
34 (b)
As per the given information, we can draw the following sitting arrangement:
35 (a)
P = (40% of A) + (60% of B) = 0.4A + 0.6B
Q = (75% of A) - (25% of B) = 0.75A - 0.25B
Q is greater than P means 0.4A + 0.6B < 0.75A – 0.25B
Or 0.85B < 0.35A
Or 0.85/0.35 < A/B
Or A/B > 17/7, i.e. A/B > 1
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
36 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is about the issues of traditional cooking methods and the benefits of
cleaner fuels. However, this option mentions that poor households are giving up polluting fuels due to their
increased awareness which is nowhere mentioned in the passage. So, this is not the best inference.
Option (b) is correct: The passage is about issue of polluting cooking fuels that cause deaths as seen in the
lines “According to data, millions of deaths annually are attributed to household air pollution from biomass
37 (b)
‘478’ means ‘big rose tree ' ……….....…..(i)
'701’ means ‘small rose garden’ ……………(ii)
‘476' means ‘red rose tree’………….....(iii)
Comparing (i) and (iii), we get:
Code for ‘rose tree’ must be 4/7…….. (iv)
Using (iii) and (iv), we get:
6 means red.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
38 (d)
Since in 4 minutes, tap X fills 3 buckets.
So, in 1 minute, tap X fills 3/4 bucket.
Since in 6 minutes, tap Y fills 5 buckets.
So, in 1 minute, tap Y fills 5/6 bucket.
Since in 10 minutes, tap Z fills 8 buckets.
So, in 1 minute, tap Z fills 8/10 bucket.
So, buckets filled in 1 minute
= 3/4 + 5/6 + 8/10
= 143/60 .
Since 1 bucket can hold 2 gallons of water.
So, 143/60 bucket can hold 2×143/60 = 286/60 gallons of water.
So, in 1 minute, total water discharge = 286/60 gallons.
Since the full tank fills in 1 hour (60 minutes),
So, the capacity of the tank = 286/60 × 60 = 286 gallons.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
39 (c)
Let the sides of the equilateral triangle and the square be s and a respectively.
Area of equilateral triangle = (√3/4) s2
Area of square = a2
As per the question, (√3/4) s2 = a2
Or √3s2 = 4a2 ………(i)
Perimeter of the equilateral triangle = 3s
Perimeter of the square = 4a
(4a)2 = 16a2 = 16(√3/4)s2 = 4√3s2
Now, 4√3s2 < 4(2)s2 < 9s2
Or 4×4a2 < 4(2)s2 < 9s2 (Since, √3s2 = 4a2)
Or (4a)2 < (3s)2
∴ 4a < 3s
Thus, perimeter of the square is less than that of the equilateral triangle.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
40 (c)
Let at present Ajay’s age = 4x years
Then, Sachin’s present age = 5x years
10 years ago:
41 (d)
Let, the number of chocolates with Anuj and Basant be x and y respectively.
Given, x + y = 50 and x2 + y2 = 1300
On solving, we get:
x = 20, y = 30
x = 30, y = 20
The possible number of chocolates with Anuj and Basant, the rate at which they sell their chocolates and the
possible amounts they get are tabulated below.
Number 20 30 30 20
Rate 5 6 5 6
Amount 100 180 150 120
Total amount 280 270
42 (a)
The password moves in a cyclic order
First letter becomes the last Letter
Second letter becomes the first letter
Third letter becomes the second letter
Fourth letter becomes the third letter
Fifth letter becomes the fourth letter
So, the correct password is WQTRE
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
43 (c)
Let x and y be the units and ten’s digits of the two digit number.
Given that; y > x, and
10x + y + 10y + x = 2[9(y - x)] + 2
Or 11x + 11y = 18y – 18x + 2
Or 29x = 7y + 2
We will check the different values of x and y which can satisfy the above equation.
Here, x = 2 and y = 8 is the only solution set that satisfies this equation.
So, Original number = yx = 82
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
44 (a)
From Statement 1:
The marked price of the article was 30% more than the cost price.
Marked Price (MP) = 130% of CP = 1.3CP
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Discount% = 20%
So, Selling Price (SP) = (100 - 20)% of MP = 0.8MP
Or SP = (0.8) (1.3) CP = 1.04 CP
Profit = SP – CP = 1.04 CP – CP = 0.04CP
Thus, the article is sold at a profit.
So, statement 1 alone is sufficient.
From statement 2:
If the article had been sold at a discount of 40%, then there would have been a loss of Rs. 50.
Selling Price (SP) = (100 - 40)% of MP = 0.6MP
Loss = CP – SP
Or CP – 0.6MP = 50
Or CP = 50 + 0.6MP
However, if discount is 20%, then SP = 0.8 MP
Loss = CP – SP = 50 + 0.6MP - 0.8MP = 50 – 0.2MP
Profit = SP – CP = 0.8 MP – (50 + 0.6M) = 0.2MP – 50
Thus, we can’t say whether the selling price of an article is more than the cost price, or not.
So, statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
45 (b)
Ratio of honey and sugar syrup in the vessel after the first replacement = 9:1
When 1 liter of the mixture is taken out, remaining mixture will have 9/10th of 9 liter as honey.
Quantity of honey in the final mixture = 9 × (9/10) = 8.1 liters
Quantity of sugar syrup in the final mixture = 10 – 8.1 = 1.9 liters
Required ratio = 8.1 : 1.9 = 81 : 19
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
46 (c)
Salary of Ajay in 2021 = Salary of Anuj in 2021 = 24000 [1 - (20/100)] = Rs. 19200
Salary of Ajay in 2022 = 19200 [1 + (20/100)] = Rs. 23040
Total salary of Anuj in both the years = 19200 + 24000 = Rs. 43200
Total salary of Ajay in both the years = 19200 + 23040 = Rs. 42240
Thus, total salary of Ajay is (43200 – 42240) i.e. Rs. 960 less than that of Anuj.
∴ Required percentage = (960/43200) × 100 = (20/9)%
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
47 (b)
Average monthly income of Ananya for that year = [9(12000) + 3(16000)]/12 = Rs. 13000
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
48 (b)
Decadal Difference of Literacy (in terms of percentage point) of:
Kerala = 94 - 91 = 3
Lakshadweep = 92 – 87 = 5
Mizoram = 92 – 89 = 3
Goa = 87 – 82 = 5
Puducherry = 87 – 81 = 6
Chandigarh = 86 – 82 = 4
Delhi = 86 – 82 = 4
Puducherry has Decadal Difference of Literacy of 6. So none of the other States/Union Territories has a
Decadal Difference of literacy more than Puducherry.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
50 (c)
Pipe A supplies water at 50 liters/hour.
Pipe B can fill the tank in 4 hours.
Pipe C can empty the tank in 12 hours.
So, portion of tank filled by pipe A in 1 hour = 1 – (1/4) + (1/12) = (5/6)th part
∴ Time taken by pipe A to fill the tank = 6/5 hours
So, Volume of the tank = (6/5) × 50 = 60 liters
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
51 (b)
Total number of ways of selecting 8 boys and 4 girls from 15 boys and 10 girls = 15C8 × 10C4.
The number of ways A and B are together = 14C7 × 9C3
Hence, they are never together in 15C8 × 10C4 – 14C7 × 9C3 ways
So, option (b) is the correct answer.
52 (c)
Total count of deaths in cities E, F and G = 1049 + 1055 + 1322 = 3426
Thus, in three cities, the total count of deaths is not greater than 3450.
Hence, option (a) is not correct.
The sum of the people injured in cities A and D = 11756 + 3912 = 15668
Thus, sum of the people injured in city A and D is not less than 15000.
Hence, option (b) is not correct.
By looking at the chart, we can conclude that cities D, E and F had less than 5000 accidents.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
53 (c)
Total numbers of accidents = 11303 + 8111 + 6340 + 4390 + 4441 + 4997 + 6315 = 45897
Total number of injured people = 11756 + 3425 + 5383 + 3912 + 4744 + 4092 + 5440 = 38752
Required difference = 45897 – 38752 = 7145
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
54 (c)
The letter K is inside all the shapes.
Thus, letter K means lawyer, thief, artist and businessman.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
55 (d)
Expense on transportation and decoration work = 12 + 15 = 27%
Expense on construction material and labour = 30 + 21 = 51%
∴ Required percentage = (27/51) × 100 = 52.94%
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
56 (d)
Speed of rowing in still water, x = 7.5 km/h.
Speed of water current, y = 1.5 km/h.
Speed downstream, u = x + y = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9 km/h.
Speed upstream, v = x – y = 7.5 – 1.5 = 6 km/h.
So, the average speed of rowing
57 (d)
Let the total number of students = n.
Number of students to the left of Raman = 6.
Number of students to the right of Rohan = 13.
Number of students between Raman and Rohan = n/4.
Total number of students in the row = 6 + 13 + 2 + n/4 = n
So, 3n/4 = 21
Or n = 28.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
58 (b)
The arrangement of trees is somewhat as shown in the picture below:
The first row has n trees; second row has n-1 trees and so on till the last row which will have 1 tree.
So, total number of trees = n + (n-1) +(n-2) .... + 1 = n (n+1)/2
As given in the question, n(n+1)/2 = 55
So, n = 10
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
59 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage is about smartphone addiction and the issues associated with it.
However, this option mentions the dopamine cycle and viral news which is not explicitly mentioned in the
passage. Even if we assume it to be true, it would be an extreme statement to say that they make it
“impossible” to break free from phone addiction.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given inference seems to be based on the following lines “Social
relationships can suffer as individuals prioritize virtual connections over face-to-face interactions.” Here,
the passage mentions preferring virtual connections whereas the inference is about valuing full isolation
more than face-to-face interactions which is not correct because full isolation includes isolating digitally as
60 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage clearly states “…climate change-induced disruptions can lead to
conflicts over scarce resources.” The passage does not state that climate change is the only factor causing
conflicts over scarce resources. So, this assumption is incorrect.
61 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The given assumption is based on the premise that with high population growth
there will be a large young population. However, to assume that such a young population would help reap
better dividend would not be correct, because the demographic dividend is not only based on a large young
population, it needs adequate skills and employment. So, this assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: The given assumption is based on the following lines “The services sector,
including technology and finance, is likely to witness heightened demand globally, driven by an expanding
middle class.” However, these lines mean that the service sector expands due to the increasing middle class
and not vice versa, as stated in this assumption statement. So, this assumption is not valid.
A, P and N are good in subjects 1 and 5. N and A are good in subjects 1 and 4. P and S are good in subjects
5 and 2.
Student Good in Subject
M 2, 3, 1
S 2, 3, 5
A 3, 1, 5, 4
P 1, 5, 2
N 1, 5, 4
62 (d)
N is good in 1, 4 and 5 but not 3.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
63 (a)
A is good in 5, 1, 3 and 4.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
64 (d)
Let x (Rs) be the fixed cost and y (Rs/guest), the variable cost.
x + 50y = 50000 ……………(І) and
x + 100y = 80000 ……………(ІІ).
From (І) and (ІІ), we get,
y = 600 and x = 20000.
Now let the average expense of 200 guests be Rs ‘z’,
Since the variable cost of the guest house is linearly related to the number of guests
Therefore, 200 × z = x + 200y = 20000 + 600×200
or z = Rs 700
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
The rectangles in the given figure: BCFH, BDFG, DCIJ, IJGH, DCGH
So, there are 5 rectangles.
The triangles in the given figure: BDF, FDG, DIC, ICJ, IJH, IHG, ICH, ABD, ADE, AEC, ABE, ADC,
So, there are 15 triangles.
Their product = 5 × 15 = 75
Their sum = 5 + 15 = 20
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
66 (c)
Given matrix:
Column C1 C2 C3
R3 XU ? NM
Let’s consider R1C1,
In the term ‘LX’, the product of the alphabetical position of L (12) and reverse alphabetical position of X
(3) = 12 × 3 = 36 = (6)2.
Applying a similar pattern in the whole matrix, we get:
36 49 64
81 100 121
144 169 196
R1C2 = GT = alphabetical value of G × reverse alphabetical value of T = 7×7 = 72
R1C3 = DK = alphabetical value of D × reverse alphabetical value of K = 4×16 = 82
R2C1 = IR = alphabetical value of I × reverse alphabetical value of R = 9×9 = 92
R2C2 = TV = alphabetical value of T × reverse alphabetical value of V = 20×5 = 102
R2C3 = KP = alphabetical value of K × reverse alphabetical value of P = 11×11 = 112
R3C1 = XU = alphabetical value of X × reverse alphabetical value of U = 24×6 = 122
R3C2 = 169 = 13×13 = alphabetical position of M × reverse alphabetical position of N = MN
R3C3 = NM = alphabetical value of N × reverse alphabetical value of M = 14×14 = 142
Hence, required term is ‘MN’.
So, option (c) is the correct answer.
N is 3 km from T. So, N has to come in the position as shown in the above picture.
Distance between L and N = Distance between L and P + Distance between P and N
= 4km + 1 km = 5 km.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
68 (a)
Percentage strength of the acid in the mixture = (Quantity (volume) of the acid in the mixture )/(Total
volume)× 100
= ( (5×20/100+7.5×80/100)/(5+7.5))×100 = (5×20+7.5×80)/(5+7.5) = 56%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
69 (c)
Let the marks scored in five subjects be 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x and 8x (on a scale of 100).
Average score = 60% = 60 marks
So, (4x+5x+6x+7x+8x)/5=60
or x = 10.
So, the marks obtained are 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80.
Hence the number of papers in which he got at least 70% marks = 2 (70 & 80).
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
70 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is not about the patience for achieving success. It shows two sides of
life in various scenarios like “…every peak is preceded by a valley” and “Every triumph bears the silent
scars of past.” So, this option does not reflect the logical inference from the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: This option is about perseverance and wisdom, but the passage just shows two
different sides in various aspects of life. So, this is not the best inference from the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The given passage discusses the two sides of life in different conditions like “Every
triumph bears the silent scars of past challenges, and every setback carries the potential for growth and
resilience. Understanding life allows for a holistic perspective, encouraging an embrace of both light and
shadow.” These lines show that life is a coin wherein success and failure are two sides of the same coin. So,
this option is the most logical inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does not mention knowledge as the ultimate objective of life.
Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
71 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage shows how leadership is helpful in handling wars. However, this
option states the other way round - war as essential to learn leadership qualities, which is not correct. So,
this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The given passage is about leadership and how it helps in handling war scenarios.
Leadership can be inherent or learned through training. The idea that such a unique blend of leadership is
helpful in handling wars is visible in the lines “While innate traits like resilience and adaptability
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contribute, structured training cultivates the skills needed to navigate the complexities of warfare.”
Hence, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is about learning/ acquiring leadership skills for wars. The line
“…structured training cultivates the skills needed to navigate the complexities of warfare” suggests that
training could be imparted externally. Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that leadership can ‘only’ be
self-acquired; it can also be externally taught. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option compares the two kinds of leaderships which is not discussed in
the passage. The main theme of the passage is not the comparison of war-experienced leadership and the
leadership acquired through training. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
72 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is on the clashes between India’s food security concerns and WTO
norms. The given option means that India does not adhere to international trade norms, which is not
reflected in the passage. Also, reforming agricultural laws and policies is not the core idea of the passage.
Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is extreme and is not based on the passage. The passage shows
the concerns that India faces in food security by following WTO norms. The author nowhere hints towards
leaving WTO. The main theme of the passage is that it is difficult to balance both aspects. So, this is not the
correct option.
Option (c) is incorrect: Whether WTO norms are discriminatory is not mentioned in the passage. Also,
how those discriminatory norms restrict India’s commitment to food security is not mentioned in the
passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is, therefore, incorrect.
Option (d) is correct: The central theme of the passage is the challenges India faces in ensuring food
security in the backdrop of WTO norms. This is reflected in the lines “However, the clash between India's
domestic support programs and WTO norms creates tension. The need to uplift millions from poverty and
hunger clashes with the demands of international trade agreements.” This option captures this theme
73 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of developed and developing countries is nowhere mentioned in the
passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct: The main issue in fighting climate change as per the passage is funding as seen in the
lines “Implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy
sources, and enhancing climate resilience necessitate financial investments” and “Ultimately, viewing the
costs of climate action as an investment in a sustainable and resilient future underscores the importance
of proactive measures.” Therefore, we can infer that when cost is central to fighting climate change, then
without funding and proactive measures, almost everyone will face the brunt of climate change. These
arguments are aptly captured in this answer option.
Option (c) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is the core issue of funding which is essential to
fighting climate change. Mitigation and adaptation measures are only a part of the passage and not the
central theme of the passage. So, this option is not at all the most rational inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is quite broad, generic, vague and not quite specific to the
information contained in the passage. The passage primarily discusses the issues of funding in every aspect
of fighting climate change. This is not captured in this answer option. So, this option is not the most rational
inference of the passage.
74 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage mainly focuses on exports and their importance for economic
growth. However, it does not mean that every country must necessarily have an open economy. So, the
assumption that no country can have a closed economy is not correct because the passage does not imply
this anywhere.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: It may be possible for an economy grow even when businesses do not compete
internationally. Also, the issue of “tariff protection” has not been discussed in the passage. Therefore, this
answer option is incorrect.
76 (b)
Given matrix:
C1 C2 C3
R1 28 42 48
R2 12 14 15
R3 4 ? 6
R4 84 98 120
In C1,
84 ÷ 12 = 7: 7 × 4 = 28
Similarly, in C3,
120 ÷ 15 = 8; 8 × 6 = 48
Applying the same pattern in C2,
98 ÷ 14 = 7; 7 × 6 = 42
So, ? = 6
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
77 (b)
At least two matches have to be held in Tier I cities. It is given that B is rejected. So, A and C have to be
selected as venues.
We know that Y is selected as a venue.
Direct link between W and Y is damaged. So W cannot be selected as venue.
C and Z are not connected directly. So, Z cannot be selected as venue.
So, from Tier II cities, X and Y can be selected as venues.
Thus, the possible selections are A, C, X and Y.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
78 (c)
This question can be solved by using the options:
Option (a) → A, B, C and W. → B and W are not connected directly. Thus, this combinations is not
Option (b) → A, B, C and Z → C and Z are not connected directly. Thus, this combinations is not possible.
Option (c) → A, B, C and X → This combination is possible.
Option (d) → A, W, Y and Z → The direct road between W and Y has been damaged due to floods. Thus,
this combinations is not possible. Also, atleast two tier I cities must be selected.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
80 (d)
Path of Rohit can be represented as follows: