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spa & wellness

mediterranean garden
Sea Salt Body Scrub | 30 min | 55,00 € 410,97 kn
Originalan i učinkovit tretman eksfolijacije tijela uz vrlo intenzivan učinak opuštanja.
The original and effective exfoliation treatment for very deep relaxation.


Body Nectar Nourishing Wrap – Frangipani | 60 min | 105,00 € 787,70 kn
Body Nectar Nourishing Wrap – Frangipani | 90 min | 145,00 € 1.095,93 kn
Ovaj njegujući tretman natapa kožu vlagom čineći je mekanom i fleksibilnom, a kombinacija
egzotičnog kokosa i frangipani cvijeta štiti kožu i daje joj blistavost i sjaj. Tretman idealan za
trudnice i mlade mame.
A nourishing treatment that moisturises the skin whilst giving it radiance and glow. Combination
of exotic coconut and frangipani flower protects the skin leaving it soft, supple and luminous.
This treatment is ideal for pregnant women and young mothers.

Short Hammam Break | 30 min | 64,00 € 479,47 kn
Tradicionalni ritual uključuje opuštanje u parnoj kupelji, pling tijela pomoću rukavice „kesse“,
te express masažu tijela sapunicom od maslina.
This traditional ritual includes the pleasure of a steam bath, a body scrub with Moroccan ‘Kesse’ gloves
and a short massage with olive soap.

Traditional Hammam Experience | 50 min | 105,00 € 787,70 kn

Tradicionalni ritual uključuje opuštanje u parnoj kupelji, piling tijela pomoću rukavice „kesse“,
te masažu tijela sapunicom od maslina.
A traditional ritual that includes the pleasure of a steam bath, a body scrub with Moroccan ‘Kesse’
gloves and a massage with olive soap.


LED Beauty Mask | 15 min | 27,00 € 205,49 kn
Specijalizirani tretman infracrvenim svjetlima potiče prirodnu proizvodnju kolagena, zateže opuštenu
kožu, smanjuje bore i fine linije, tretira akne i upale. Pomladite se i osvježite našom LED maskom.
Specialized treatment with infrared lights stimulates the natural production of collagen, tightens
sagging skin, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, treats acne and inflammation. Rejuvenate and
refresh with our LED Beauty Mask Treatment.

Pro-collagen Age Defy Treatment | 30 min | 59,00 € 445,22 kn

Pro-collagen Age Defy Treatment | 60 min | 105,00 € 787,70 kn
Hidratantni anti-ageing tretman za lice i oči potiče proizvodnju prirodnog kolagena, restrukturira
konturu očiju, uklanja znakove starenja i smanjuje pojavu finih linija i bora.
Moisturising anti-ageing face and eyes treatment stimulates the production of natural collagen,
restructures the eye contour and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Superfood Pro-radiance Treatment | 30 min | 59,00 € 445,22 kn

Superfood Pro-radiance Treatment | 60 min | 105,00 € 787,70 kn
Tretman lica koji vraća sjaj umornoj, bezizražajnoj i beživotnoj koži. Prirodna biljna mješavina dubinski
hrani i hidratizira kožu. Idealan je za osobe koje provode puno vremena u zatvorenim prostorima.
This natural blend of highly concentrated plant-based superfoods deeply nourishes and hydrates
the skin for a healthy, radiant glow. It is ideal for people who spend a lot of time indoors.

Hot Stone Massage | 50 min | 69,00 € 520,57 kn
Masaža vrućim kamenjem s Balija i esencijalnim uljima. Djeluje duboko na mišiće, opušta cijelo
tijelo i daje koži intenzivnu hidrataciju.
Hot stone massage with stones from Bali and essential oils. It acts deeply on the muscles, relaxes
the whole body and gives the skin intense hydration.

Aroma Spa Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn

Aroma Spa Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn
Odaberite svoj mediteranski miris (citrusi, lavanda, smilje ili mandarina) i aromaterapijom uklonite stres.
Pomno odabrana esencijalna ulja ublažavaju eventualne tegobe, vraćaju vitalnost i regeneriraju kožu.
Choose your mediterranean scent (citrus, lavender, immortelle or mandarin) and remove your
stress with aromatherapy. Carefully selected essential oils will reduce ailments, restore your
vitality and regenerate the skin.

Amadria Park Choco Massage | 60 min | 73,00 € 547,96 kn

Senzibilna masaža toplom čokoladom potiče lučenje hormona sreće, podiže raspoloženje i
osjećaj zadovoljstva. Pomladite se prirodnom kombinacijom antioksidansa, vitamina i proteina uz
nezaboravan osjećaj tople čokolade na svom tijelu.
Sensitive hot chocolate massage stimulates the secretion of happiness hormones raising mood
and a feeling of satisfaction. Rejuvenate yourself with a natural combination of antioxidants,
vitamins and proteins with an unforgettable sensation of hot chocolate on your body.
Fiksni tečaj konverzije 1 € = 7,53450 kn / Fixed conversion rate 1 € = 7.53450 kn
De Stress Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn
Opustajuća masaža vrata, glave i vlasišta, pomaže kod pojačanog stanja stresa, napetosti i glavobolje.
Relaxing neck, head and scalp massage relieves stress, tension and headaches.

Freestyle Deep Tissue Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € / 328,78 kn

Freestyle Deep Tissue Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € / 465,77 kn
Prepustite se stručnim rukama terapeuta i opustite tijelo i um posebno odabranim uljima i stručnim
pokretima koje će potaknuti cirkulaciju i osloboditi vas stresa. Stimulacijom tkiva smanjite nivo
kortizola, potaknite cirkulaciju i vratite energiju Vašem tijelu.
Indulge in the expert hands of a therapist and relax your body and mind with specially selected oils and
professional movements that will stimulate circulation and relieve you of stress. By stimulating tissues,
you reduce cortisol levels, stimulate circulation and restore energy to your body.

Pinda Massage | 50 min | 73,00 € 547,96 kn

Aromatične pinde ispunjene kombinacijom mediteranskog ljekovitog bilja hrane kožu, a njihov opojni
miris opušta i relaksira. Drenažnim pokretima pindama zagrijanim u aromatičnom ulju povećava se
protok energije i revitalizira organizam. Koža postaje svilenkasta, a tijelo spremno za nove izazove.
Aromatic pinda’s filled with Mediterranean medicinal herbs nourish the skin, and the intoxicating
scent of herbs relaxes and unwinds. Drainage movements of pinda’s heated in essential oil
increase energy flow and revitalize the body. The skin becomes silky, and the body is ready for
new challenges.

Sports Massage | 50 min | 73,00 € 547,96 kn

Ova specifična masaža idealan je izbor za rješavanje boli i grčeva u mišićima te opuštanje umornih
mišića. Korištenjem različitih masažnih tehnika povećava se protok krvi i tretira mekano tkivo
nakon ozlijeda. Poboljšava psihofizičku učinkovitost, smanjuje anksioznost i stimulira organizam.
This specific massage is ideal for pain relief and resolving muscle cramps. It uses a range of
massage techniques to increase the blood flow and breaks down inflexible scar tissue. Improves
psychophysical performance, reduces anxiety and boosts the body.

Amadria Park Luxury Experience Massage | 90 min | 116,00 € 876,74 kn

Masaža ekskluzivnim uljima prilagođena Vašim individualnim potrebama. Vraća tijelo u ravnotežu,
regenerira kožu, ublažava stres i vraća osmjeh na lice.
Massage with exclusive oils tailored to your individual needs. It restores the body to balance,
regenerates the skin, relieves stress and puts a smile back on your face.


Oblikovanje obrva / Eyebrow shaping 14,00 € 102,74 kn


Djelomična depilacija (pola nogu / bikini) / Partial wax (half leg / bikini wax) 23,00 € 171,24 kn
Depilacija cijele noge / Full leg wax 36,00 € 273,98 kn
Depilacija nausnica / Upper lip wax 11,00 € 82,19 kn
Depilacija pazuh / Armpit wax 18,00 € 136,99 kn
Muška depilacija / Men’s Waxing (leđa ili prsa / back or chest) 36,00 € 273,98 kn


Manikura / Manicure | 45 min | 36,00 € 273,98 kn
Kupka, piling, maska, oblikovanje i rašpanje noktiju / Soak, scrub, mask, shape and file.
Pedikura / Pedicure | 60 min | 55,00 € 410,97 kn
Kupka, piling, maska, oblikovanje i rašpanje noktiju / Soak, scrub, mask, shape and file.
Lakiranje noktiju / Nail polish application 14,00 € 102,74 kn
Trajni lak / Perm. veneer nail polish 36,00 € 273,98 kn
Skidanje trajnog laka / Perm. nail polish removal 14,00 € 102,74 kn
(Akril i gel ne skidamo! / We do not remove acrylics or gels!)
Make up (na upit) 55,00 € 410,97 kn


SAUNE / SAUNAS | max. 180 min | (16+ g/yrs) 10,00 € 75,35 kn

Uključeno u cijenu smještaja

ULAZ BAZEN DJECA / CHILDREN’S POOL ENTRY per entry (3 ‒ 11.99 g/yrs)
FITNESS (16+ g/yrs)


Razveselite svoje najmilije poklon bonom u SPA I WELLNESS MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN centru.
Dostupno na recepciji Wellnessa. / Surprise your loved one with a gift voucher for SPA & WELLNESS
MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN. Available from Wellness reception.

Fiksni tečaj konverzije 1 € = 7,53450 kn / Fixed conversion rate 1 € = 7.53450 kn

spa & wellness
The ancient form of massage
right here in the Mediterranean

Traditional Thai Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn

Traditional Thai Massage | 80 min | 95,00 € 712,35 kn
Jača masaža koja se obavlja različitim terapijskim tehnikama, vježbama istezanja te pritiscima
na energetske točke na tijelu. Pomaže kod boli u leđima, ramenima i vratu, oslobađa od
stresa, glavobolje te emocionalnih poteškoća.
Stronger massage that is performed by using various therapeutic techniques, stretching
exercises and pressure on the body’s energy points. It assists with back, shoulder and neck
pain, stress relief, headache and emotional discomfort.

Thai Relaxation Massage with Aromatic Oils | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn

Thai Relaxation Massage with Aromatic Oils | 80 min | 95,00 € 712,35 kn
Opuštajuća masaža cijelog tijela koja smiruje i olakšava bolove. Masaža pomaže u otklanja-
nju stresa, glavobolje, preopterećosti i lošeg osjećaja te otklanjanju problema sa spavanjem.
Relaxing, calming body massage to help relieve pain. This massage assists in eliminating
stress, overload and ill feeling, headaches and sleeping problems.

Thai Oil Fusion | 50 min | 73,00 € 547,96 kn

Kombinacija Thai Streching i Deep Tissue masaže donosi energizirajuće rezultate te povećan
raspon kretanja. Savršeno za aktivne osobe i one koji uživaju u strechingu.
A combination of Thai stretching and deep tissue massage results in a more energised feeling
and an increased range of motion. Perfect for active people and those who enjoy stretching.

Thai Leg Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn

Thai masaža nogu djeluje opuštajuće na cijelo tijelo te pomaže u otklanjanju boli, napetosti
i smanjenju umora.
Thai leg massage acts to relax the whole body and helps in relieving pain, tension and fatigue.

Thai Back Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn

Tradicionalnom tehnikom i pritiscima duž kralježnice smanjuje se napetost i ukočenost, ukla-
nja bolove u području leđa i vrata i pruža osjećaj rasterećenosti i razgibanosti
Traditional technique and pressure along the spine reduces tension and stiffness, eliminates
pain in the back and neck providing a sense of restored balance and flexibility.

Thai Reflexo Foot Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn

Thai Reflexo Foot Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn
Masaža akupresurnih točaka na stopalima stimulira rad unutarnjih organa, daje osjećaj lako-
će te poboljšava cirkulaciju.
Massage of the acupressure points on the feet stimulates the corresponding internal or-
gans, providing a feeling of lightness and improved circulation.

De-stress Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn

(masaža lica, vasišta i dekoltea / for face, scalp and décolleté)
Opuštajuća masaža vrata, glave i vlasišta, pomaže kod pojačanog stresa i napetosti.
A relaxing massage of the neck, head and scalp, assists with relieving stress and tension.

Amadria Park Thai Spa Ritual | 145 min | 153,00 € 1.150,72 kn

Tretman prirodnim morskim blatom koje opušta tijelo, umiruje grčeve u mišićima, ublažava
ukočenost i lokaliziranu i prekomjernu masnoću. U kombinaciji s morskim solima, tretman
uklanja mrtve stanice kože. Nakon tretmana slijedi masaža gdje se različitim terapijskim teh-
nikama otvaraju energetski kanali i pospješuje protok energije u tijelu, daje osjećaj duhovne
i tjelesne ravnoteže.
Treatment with natural sea mud that relaxes the body, soothes muscle cramps and relieves
stiffness, combines with sea salts to remove dead skin cells. This is followed by massage,
and then various Thai therapeutic techniques for opening the energy channels to promote
energy flow in the body, providing a sense of spiritual and physical balance.


Traditional Thai Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn
Thai Oil Massage | 50 min | 62,00 € 465,77 kn
Thai Reflexo Foot Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn
Thai Back or Leg Massage | 30 min | 44,00 € 328,78 kn
Blitz Thai massage | 20 min | 29,00 € 219,19 kn

Fiksni tečaj konverzije 1 € = 7,53450 kn / Fixed conversion rate 1 € = 7.53450 kn

Spa & wellness dress code
Dozvoljen je ulazak u saune bez kupaćeg kostima uz obavezno korištenje ručnika. Imajte na
umu da naše saune zajednički koriste žene i muškarci. U svim ostalim spa zonama mora se
nositi kupaći kostim.
Entry to the sauna without a bathing suit is permitted, however a towel must be used. Please
note that our saunas are mixed gender. In all other spa areas a bathing suit must be worn.

Tuširanje / Showering
Tuširanje je obavezno prije ulaska u bazen, jacuzzi i saune i ako je potrebno i prije tretmana.
Showering is compulsory prior to entering the pool, Jacuzzi and sauna, and prior to treatment
if required.

Rezervacija ležaljki / Sunbed reservation

Ležaljke na Spa terasi nije moguće rezervirati unaprijed. Ukoliko se ležaljka ne koristi 2 sata
osoblje wellness centra može je ustupiti drugim gostima.
Sunbeds on the wellness terrace cannot be booked in advance. If a chair is not in use for two
hours, the staff may allocate it to another guest.

Rezervacija termina / Appointment booking

Kako biste odabrali željeni termin za tretmane molimo Vas kontaktirajte wellness recepciju
najmanje dan prije željenog termina.
To book an appointment for a treatment, please contact the wellness reception at least one
day in advance.

Otkazivanje termina / Appointment cancellation

Rezervirani tretman može se odgoditi najmanje 3 sata prije zakazanog termina, u suprotnom
klijent snosi 50% od cijene tretmana.
A booked treatment may be cancelled up to three hours before the scheduled appointment,
otherwise the client is required to pay 50% of the treatment price.

Kašnjenje na tretman / Arrive on time

U slučaju nepredvidivih situacija zbog kojih klijent zakasni na termin duže od 15 min, uslugu
možda nećemo biti u mogućnosti pružiti. Tretmani završavanju u točno predviđeno vrijeme
kako kašnjenje ne bi utjecalo na slijedećeg klijenta. U slučaju kašnjenja tretman će biti napla-
ćen u cijelosti. Rezervaciju tretmana poslati ćemo na email.
In the case of unexpected situations where a delayed arrival of more than 15 minutes for an
appointment occurs, we may not be able to provide the service. Treatments are scheduled
to end at a precise time in order to avoid any delays affecting the next client. In the case of
a client being late, we shall charge the entire treatment amount. Your appointment will be
confirmed via email.

Dolazak na tretman / Preparing for treatment

Molimo da dođete 10 min prije zakazanog termina, kako biste imali dovoljno vremena da se
pripremite za tretman.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment so that you have sufficient time to prepare
for treatment.

Plaćanje / Payment
Recepcija wellness centra prihvaća većinu kreditnih kartica te gotovinu za plaćanje. Svi hotel-
ski gosti imaju mogućnost korištene usluge teretiti na račun sobe te platiti prilikom odlaska.
The wellness centre reception accepts payment in the form of all major credit cards and cash.
Hotel guests may charge utilised services to their room and pay upon check-out.

Djeca / Children
Djeci do 3 godine dozvoljeno je korištenje bazena samo uz korištenje pelena za vodu. Djeci is-
pod 16 godina dozvoljeno je korištenje bazena samo uz pratnju roditelja. Djeci ispod 16 godina
nije dozvoljeno korištenje sauna i Spa zone. Djeci ispod 12 godina nije moguće odraditi masaže
i tretmane. Djeca od 12 do 17 godina koji koriste usluge, roditelji moraju potpisati suglasnost.
Children up to three years are allowed to use the pool only with the use of swim diapers. Chi-
ldren up to 16 years are allowed to use the pool only if accompanied by parents / guardian.
Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the sauna and spa area. Children under
12 may not receive massage, children from 12 to17 require parental permission.

Za vašu udobnost / For your comfort

Wellness centar je područje tišine, te poziva na opuštanje i mir. Pušenje i konzumacija alko-
holnih pića nije dopuštena u unutarnjem prostoru wellness centra, osim na wellness terasi.
The spa centre is an area of tranquility, for relaxation and unwinding. Smoking and alcoholic
beverages are not permitted inside the wellness centre except on the wellness terrace.

Spa & Wellness Mediterranean Garden | radno vrijeme / working hours: 07:00 – 21:00 h |
T + 385 22 363 970 | |

Amadria Park Ivan, Business & Leisure Hotel

Solaris d.d. | Hoteli Solaris 86, HR-22000 Šibenik | OIB 26217708909

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