Alpha Male
Alpha Male
Alpha Male
Gape emailed the last job application and shut the laptop, as he lay back on the chair his eyes got
fixed on his certificate; Bachelor's Degree in Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering , he sighed
disappointedly then his phone rang, he answered heading to his room.
Gape : Hello?
Marvin : (low voice) Aita mestah, I'm coming tomorrow ska thathela.
Gape : (laughed) thathela mang Masa a nkgana, What's up? You sound low, Are you
Marvin: They gave me a few days off, we will talk when i get there.
Gape: Ok, I just sent a few job applications again, I think studying this course was the worst mistake
of my life, four years now kesa spane...I should have been a teacher or nurse, they get hired right
after graduation.
Marvin: (sighed) Maybe but what's done is done, What happened with the other interview?
Gape: I passed that interview but then i got disqualified for giving false information.
Marvin: (laughed) Shit, kante ba serious they do background checks? So how many degree holders
were there?
Gape :There were 8 of us and only 2 BGCSE holders, ntšwa tsa teng kedi bintsha mogata ba utwa list
ya rona e bitswa gotwe we should leave.
Marvin: No ska wara laitaka, you will get a job and i have your back.
Gape: About that i want to start a car wash, i think since we stay close to the road it might work.
Tendai will help me
Marvin: No problem, just make a list ya equipment and I'll talk to Sego so that we can give you a
little cash.
He hung up and checked the time on his phone, It was a few minutes after five, he leaped up and
moved the curtains peeking outside, Masa was passing behind the house, He hurried out and waited
for her by the fence.
Her short hair was well combed and the little gold earrings on her ears glittered as the sun rays
reflected on them, her tie was neatly tied to her blue school shirt which was tucked in her navy blue
skirt. She nervously held her scarf and glanced at him as she passed hoping he wouldn't follow her.
He jumped over the fence and walked besides her.
Gape: Hey
She increased her pace looking around hoping nobody sees her being persuaded by a man, her heart
pounding with mixed emotions she avoided looking at him and doubled her pace. Gape increased his
pace looking at her.
Gape: Then stop and talk to me. (grabbed her school scarf) Can i at least have your number?
Masa: (pulled her scarf and hurried) Please don't touch me, you will get me in trouble and i don't
have a phone.
Masa: I wrote my last paper today, please go back. My mother is over there raking.
Gape: Tomorrow is Friday and I'm sure your parents don't know today was your last paper, put on
your uniform and visit me, I won't do anything to you if that's why you're afraid of me. Will you
She walked in the gate and he passed to the Tuck shop. Masa greeted her mother and headed to
her room where she closed the door and sighed with a wide smile, her hands were shaking as she
took off her uniform, he had that effect on her.
The next morning Marvin walked in on Gape fixing the bathroom bulb, they fist bumped and headed
to his room. Gape noticed how his big brother had lost weight, he had been asking him to go the
hospital for a while but he always found an excuse for not going.
Gape: You don't look so good, have you gone to the hospital?
Marvin: Yeah.
Gape: And?
Gape: What are they going to do? Have they done tests? What's the way forward?
Marvin: (handed him a letter and stood at the window putting his hands in the pockets) I don't
know how to tell Sego.
Gape: I heard the mine was retrenching but you been with them for years, i didn't think it will affect
Marvin: i have to bring Sego and the kids here while i look for a job. I don't even know how the
children are going to cope in a Tswana medium Kiddo doesn't know a single word in Setswana, it
was an option in their school.
Gape: Kids learn quickly, they will adapt but that means i have to move out.
Marvin: Yeah but you can sleep on the couch while hustling your way around.
Gape: (laughed) Sego won't allow that, i will stay with Thuo and Tendai.
Marvin: (sadly) I hope Sego and I will survive this waitse, i wonder gore how long will i be
unemployed, Mines don't hire anymore.
Gape: (shook his head and stood up) You know my opinion about her so...
Gape: (glanced at his watch) Let me check on Thuo and let him know I'm moving in with him until i
can find a job, i will be late cause i have to go mow Mrs Rossville's lawn, she says she will be
throwing her husband a welcome back party so the pool area has to be clean. White people!
Marvin: Okay
Marvin: Hello?
Sego: When where you going to tell me that you are jobless?
Marvin: Babe-
Marvin: i was gonna tell you as soon as i figured a away around that.
Marvin: No but we have to move the kids from the private schools baye to Tswana medium and we
should move to Maun because this month's salary is for moving and i want to pay off the bank loan
with my Retrenchment package.
Marvin: They are my children too and i wish there was a better way but there isn't. (sighed rubbing
his forehead) Babe I'm not feeling well, can we do this later? I'm exhausted.
She hung up, He sighed and closed his eyes as a sharp headache smashed his entire forehead.
At Thuo's house...
Gape: Uh Masa mona ke ngwana, ithela a tshogile blind gake bua le ene, i think she needs more
time. Marv got retrenched and he is moving back to Maun with his family so i have to move out.
Thuo: You can crush here Tendai likes the couch so we can share the bed.
Gape: Yeah
Tendai walked in holding his building tools and put them behind the door.
Tendai: What's the score?
Thuo: Cold shower bra, i switched of the geyser and the fridge motakase ke 3.4
He headed to the bathroom taking off his dusty overall, his phone received a message and he sat on
the toilet seat calling.
Farai: Hello?
Farai: Precious didn't go to school and we don't have food, why don't i come there with her?
Farai: (crying) Precious is starving, If i come there i will do hair, i heard it makes a lot of money you
know i can make money.
Tendai: I want you to come here but not like this, I stay in a house with another guy. You won't have
where to sleep and i don't want you to be stranded, I promise you tomorrow i will send something.
As soon as things have settled i will bring you two here, Where is Precious can i talk to her?
Precious: My teacher-
The call got disconnected and he clenched his teeth taking a few minutes to pull himself together
then he jumped in the shower and later joined the guys.
Thuo: (stood) Guys, My boss's friend gave me this offer. (handed them a pamphlet) If we get him
this, he pays us 70K,we can split it.
Gape lifted the pamphlet staring at the picture and threw it back on the table, Tendai stared at it
without even lifting it. There was a long silence...
Gape: I can't do that and i don't trust Asians.
Thuo: Shamwari i have a son too and he is the reason I'm considering this. Gape? Dude it's been four
years, you will never find a job because the truth is now you will be competing with people who
have flying hours and experience, I'm just being real.
Gape: No, This is the worst crime you can ever commit in Botswana, this one gao diege and when
you get caught you will never see the light, No.
Tendai: I'm with Gape, if i make one mistake i will get deported but i want to bring my wife and
daughter here for a better life, i can't take this risk.
Thuo: (sighed) It was worth a try, (shrunk it and threw it in the bin) Forget it.
Gape: (checked his watch and leaped up) Shit, I have to mow Mrs Roseville's lawn.
Gape hung his t-shirt on the hammock and mowed the lawn, Mrs Rossville and her business partner
Sue walked out holding glasses and sat under the gazebo.
Rossville: Oh it's... What's his name... Uh.. I just call him the Gardner,
Sue: (took off her glasses) my backyard needs his hands. Is he the one taking care of all these?
Roseville: Yeah, my husband hired him months back, Surprisingly he speaks very good English.
She walked over to Gape as he mowed the lawn, sweat dripping down his back he switched off the
lawn mower looking at her.
Sue: Hi
She glanced at his zipper and walked away sipping her drink, He turned and continued mowing.
Minutes later he wet his towel and wiped himself then he walked over to them hanging his backpack
strap on his shoulder.
Sue bid her business partner goodbye and headed to the car with Gape.
At Sue's house...
Gape inspected her backyard, she walked over with two glasses of wine and handed him the other.
Gape: Of course
Sue: Those are my daughters and their husbands, the first born has two kids the last one has one,
she is 26.
Gape: Yeah
Sue: You are growing too fast, (laughed) you look like a 34 year old.
Sue: No in a good way actually, (laughed nervously) i mean you look good- what am i saying? What
were we talking about?
Sue: (laughed) You are a comedian too. So how much should a widow pay to have you do more than
She put her glass down and walked closer to him, He calmly watched her rubbing his zipper when
she couldn't read his mind she moved back regrettably.
Gape: (staring at her) You can touch it if you want... Touch it...
She unhooked his belt and dropped his zipper smiling staring at him.
Sue: 50 USD
Gape: (shrunk his eyes converting it) okay, so what do you want?
Sue: I want something unique, it might be a little awkward- you might be uncomfortable with-
Gape: Sue, I know one or two things about sex, trust me, What do you want?
Gape dropped the condom in the toilet,wiped himself and flashed on his way out. Sue had dozed off
facing the other way as he sat on the edge of the bed putting on his t-shirt.
Sue: Yeah?
Sue reached for the drawer and handed him the money and a bottle of wine on the head board, she
escorted him to the gate as her two large dogs sniffed his feet wiggling their tales.
Gape: Don't worry about it, I'm good at keeping secrets. How was it?
Gape: Good (smiled walking out the gate) Pleasure doing business with you.
Sue: (laughed) I like the way you say that, Take care
Sue: No problem.
At Marvin's house...
Later that afternoon Gape arrived to collect a few of his belongings and found his brother laying on
the bed. His phone was ringing none stop, he shook him a few times but he didn't wake up, Gape
picked the call.
Gape: Hello?
Voice: Hi Marvin, this is Mavis I'm calling from Gaborone Private Hospital
Gape: Okay..
Mavis : your medical insurance failed to pay your bill for last month and this month because
apparently you're not a member anymore which means you will have to pay these outstanding
Mavis: P9 850
Mavis: When? You do understand that this is a private hospital right? I have been calling you since
last month and you ignored my calls, i called your wife and she hung up on me, why can't you people
cooperate with me? As long as you haven't received a kidney transplant you will need us so you
might as well give us a little respect, dialysis machine-
He hung up and checked his pulse again, it was there but he still couldn't get up.
Gape: Marv?
Gape shoved his brother's phone in his pocket and hurried to the taxi stop where he got a taxi and
took him to the hospital. While doctors attended Marvin he stepped out and dialed Sego.
Sego: Hello?
Gape: This is Gape, Marvin is in the hospital you need to come here and take care of him because i
think he going to be here for a while.
Sego: Sheh heelang, I am going to look for a job in Gaborone, my children are not about to attend a
government school ke tshela.
Sego: Why don't you take care of him? Isn't it he has been sending you money and allowing you to
stay in our house rent free?
Sego: Neither can i, I am moving to Gaborone to look for a job, My children are not coming to Maun.
Sego: His children need it, i need it to go around looking for a job.
Gape: I'm going to get that car, Marvin is sick, he needs a car.
Sego: Get it under whose authority? Boy this is my car, Marvin and i married in community of
property, I can even kick you out of that house and put tenants, don't get overly excited, Even if we
divorce the court will give me the car because i will obviously get the children, he should be thankful
that i let him have that house.
Gape hung up and leaned against the hospital building, he could only imagine how much his brother
had to take while he was dealing with his sickness and now her walking away with everything. He
closed his eyes and heaved a huge sigh then he walked in, Marvin was up talking to the doctor.
Marvin: No, i was just on the list, apparently it's a very long list.
Gape: Doc?
He walked outside and sat on the waiting chairs trying to calm down, A few minutes later the doctor
walked out and he stepped in.
Marvin: i didn't want to worry you, you already have your stresses of unemployment and i didn't
think it was a big deal.
Gape: Dude you get treated with machines and shit, how the hell does a dialysis machine look like
anyway? Seriously and how long has Sego been treating you like this? I thought we talked about
He paused talking when he noticed Marvin's lower lip was trembling tears filling his eyes. Gape sat
on the chair rubbing his mustache.
Marvin: Honestly I can't pay them because I'm planning to pay FNB with my Retrenchment package
but it still won't clear that debt. (tearfully) I also need money for my special diet and hospital bills. I
need money to breathe but I'm jobless and my wife walked out on me, Sego says she won't come
here, i don't even know why i married her. I just need a job.
Marvin: I believe Sethunya will help me, that's why i really came here, she might be a match.
Gape: You really think after abandoning us for over 20 years she would care about you? Why would
she donate a kidney for you when she couldn't come to see us on Christmas mme ale teng in Maun
enjoying her husband's money and perfect life?
Marvin: People change Gape, I understand your anger but i was old enough to understand. Dad was
really hush on her, he was rough...
Gape: That's not a reason to drop off your children with an elderly as if you will come back and never
return, i can never do that to my blood.
Marvin: I want to give her a chance. All i need is for you to tell her that i need her, Her motherly
instincts will kick in.
Gape: If Prisoners are allowed to donate I'm sure Dad can do it.
Marvin: Thank you. (sighed) I'm really hungry. Eating a special diet is very costly.
At Boyei…
Tendai confidently entered the gate at the site talking to his wife over the phone, The house owner
and his friend were parking in front of the house smoking cigarettes.
Tendai: (laughed) I have arrived but i will still have to go and queue for money transfer. (Precious
was laughing in the background) And i don't care what you need there you must buy her a doll
before anything, she has been begging me for months.
Tendai: (smiled) And i want to see your beautiful hair as well, i want good pictures of you two. They
make life easier for me.
Farai: (laughed) we will take pictures, Just hurry up.
He hung up as he approached the guys and shook hands with them, there was a short awkward
moment before the house owner said something.
Him: I don't like this house, you don't know how to build.
Tendai: My friend what do you mean? You have been coming here every day to check on the
progress and you were impressed.
Him: I don't like it, i cant pay you for something done so poorly. Do you even have papers to be
Tendai: (saddened) I have papers, (he took them out and handed them sucking his dry lips) Can you
just pay me? I built your house professionally, I have a diploma in bricklaying and you approached
me because you saw a castle i built, don't do this to me my friend. I have a family to feed.
Him: (gave him his papers back) I'm not going to pay for this shitty job, okay?
Him: I said no, report me if you can. I'm not paying for this.
Tendai: (tearfully) I have a daughter the same age as your son, she hasn't been going to school for a
while, a few minutes ago i spoke to her and promised her that I'm sending her the money. Please
pay me.
Him: Leave my yard before i call the police and tell them i found a thief in my yard.
Tendai turned around and walked away, he could hardly see the ground through the blurry vision of
tears. A car blew the horn and skidded inches from him as he crossed the road absentmindedly, he
snapped out of it and waved his hand apologizing to the driver.…
At Marvin's house...
Gape took the last sip of the wine and heard a knock at the door, he opened and raised his
eyebrows surprised...
At Marvin's house...
Masa uncomfortably walked in and he closed the door following her in, they both sat on the couch.
Gape: Occasionally
Masa: Okay. I have to go before my parents wonder if the tuck shop moved further away.
Gape: I'm not a drunkard, today was the first time in months. If you don't want me to drink i can just
stop. Don't let it turn you off like that, come on. Please sit down
Gape: I am not drunk and i will put a pillow between us if you think i might do anything stupid. Is
that okay ?
Masa: Ok
She walked back to the couch, his phone rang and he answered staring in her innocent eyes.
Gape: Hello?
Nurse: Hi Gape, Marvin has been referred to Marina hospital, he is about to leave.
Gape: (shuttered) I will be there before he leaves, Thank you. (He hung up and sighed) My brother
has been referred to Marina and i have to go see him before he goes.
Masa: Is that why you are drinking? I don't like alcohol because people do things they wouldn't
normally do and then regret later. I never thought you could drink.
Gape: (checked his time) let's go, if the lights are on it means i came back so you can run over. Please
do come, i really want to know you, so far i know drinking turns you off and I'm never gonna do it.
He put his arm around her back and pulled her closer giving her a firm hug. She closed her eyes and
put her arms around him, it was awkward touching a man for the first time and she soaked her
panties as he rubbed her back with his firm hands, her bean flexed as he kissed her neck.... Her heart
pounded as he slowly moved from her neck closer to her mouth, she had never kissed before and
wasn't sure she would do it right. He touched her cheek and French kissed her as she uncomfortably
staggered back.He paused gently biting her lower lip and baby kissed her.
Gape: (smiled) This is funny... (she shyly looked down) you don't know how to kiss. Are you a virgin?
Gape: (laughed) I can't believe you asked me if i was a virgin. You are so sweet... (he baby kissed
her touching her panties) This is mine from now on alright?
Gape: Nobody touches it except me, repeat after me; this belongs to Gape.
She stepped out and paced to the gate, he smiled staring at her as she ran home in her short pink
dress. He grabbed his backpack and headed out.
At Letsholathebe Hospital...
Gape paced through the emergency and headed to the nurse station.
Gape: Hi, My name is Gape i was just called by some nurse, my brother was referred to Marina and-
Tendai: Hello?
Gape: Laitaka i know you're sending your money home but borrow me P200, I want to go to
Gaborone, Marv has been taken there.
Tendai: The guy didn't pay me, apparently it was a shitty structure.
Gape: Are you serious? The guy was always on your neck about finishing. Did you leave him just like
Gape: Dude God takes forever, i can never wait that long. I would break it down brick by brick.
Gape: Hae, but at least i had given Thuo something for the electricity and meat.
Tendai: I can't even eat knowing my family staring at their phones expecting good news.
Tedai: Go sharp.
In Masa's room..
She laid on her bed writing in her beautifully decorated hardcover, she first drew two hearts on the
corners and the tittle GAPE, she smiled and bit her lower lip writing a short poem about him... Her
mother walked in and she quickly closed the book.
Her: I saw you walking out of that boy's home, are you seeing him?
Her: Masa you are old enough to make your own decisions, if you are going to let this boy
impregnate you then it's up to you. You're our hope here, you know how hard it is and he stays in a
big house, he probably doesn't know how it feels like to sleep on an empty stomach. I heard he went
to school overseas so if you let him-
Her: If you haven't had sex the next time you go there he will want it, I'm your mother dilo tse
retswa mogo tsone. This is why I'm here and my age mates are in offices, stay away from him.
Her: No
At Thuo's house...
Tendai was sitting on the floor cleaning his tools narrating what had happened to his friend.
Tendai: And what if he twists the story and manages to convince the police that i did something i
didn't do? Let him go, he is clever akere, he won.
Thuo: Tendai you know it's not the first time you built a house for free? Stop acting like an illegal
immigrant, you have the papers to be here and the police will make him pay.
There was a long silence Tendai put down his tools and turned staring at him.
Thuo: Chen?
Gape: Yeah
Thuo: (took out his phone and dialed him) It's ringing...
Gape: there is nothing to talk about Tendai, i need money. I don't know how long you will keep
making empty promises to your family but i need money, my brother is dying in the hospital... He is
not just a brother to me, he is like a father to me. He practically raised me and gave me everything i
ever needed, he is the only family i have. His wife is a total btch and he is breaking down. I need
money to take him to South Africa, I'm sure they can find him a donor if i give them a good offer.
Thuo: Shhh...
Chen: Hello?
Thuo: Hi, this is Thuo. I work for Jin Lee, we talked a few days ago.
Chen: Uh and? You want to meet? We can't talk over the phone. Meet me at my shop at... In 30
Thuo: Sure
Gape: I will
The guys got a taxi and dropped at Chen's shop, the shop assistant directed them to the back of the
shop where Chen was eating noodles. He stood up and shook hands with the guys before they could
Gape: we need to discuss a few things first, We want 100K for this and you're going to pay 10K
upfront because we need to buy tranquilizers.
Chen: What? That's crazy talk. Why would i pay for something i haven't received?
Chen spoke to another male in their language for a while until they came to an understanding, he
hung up the phone and sighed.
Thuo and Tendai pointed at Gape behind his back and he turned looking at them, they raised their
Chen: Give me your account number but if you disappear with our money, we will hunt you down.
We want that parcel in two weeks.
Gape: No, I need at least three months. It's not like we are going to get something that is just waiting
for us. Do you even know the risks? We could get shot while doing this.
Chen: Blackboy I just want the parcel, how you get it i don't care and make sure if you get caught this
doesn't lead to me.
Chen's phone rang and he spoke to his boss for a while then he gave Gape the phone.
Gape: Hello?
Boss: If you run away with my money I'm going to kill you.
Gape: Listen Jackie Chan if we are going to work together you have to tone down the threats.
Deposit the money and wait to hear from me.
Boss: He will give you my number, from now on you talk to me.
They exchanged details and later walked out, Tendai's heart was still pounding, Gape's hands were
shaking as he shoved them in his pockets, he still couldn't believe what he just signed up for and all
Thuo could think about was a VW and it's speed....
At Marvin's house...
Later that evening Gape was laying on the bed calling his brother but his phone wasn't available. A
call came in and he picked..
Gape: Hello
Mlungisi: Gape this is Mlungisi, we spoke earlier. I just spoke to some guys and if you deposit the
money they will be in Mafikeng tomorrow morning with your stuff.
Gape: I'm not paying you for something that isn't in my hands and I'm not in Mafikeng, I want those
things in Maun that's when i will pay you, I thought one of these Nigerians was to stash the package
in one of their ordered vehicles.
Mlu: Okay, i will do that but he won't give them to you until i receive the money.
Mlu: Some guy promised to give me feedback tonight, I will talk to him.
Mlu: Yes
Gape: No problem
Gape: Hi
Masa: Hi
He brought her a drink and sat next to her as she sipped. He smiled staring at her and she blushed,
she glanced back and he was still staring at her with piecing eyes...
Masa: What?
He traced her lip line and leaned over kissing her then he paused staring at her.
Gape: I found a job as a safari guide, i have to leave next week and I will be back in two or three
Masa: What?
Gape: Yeah...
The smile on her face disappeared, he leaned over and kissed her pulling out her panties....……….
The Alfa Male
She pulled up her panties at knee level and he grabbed her wrist.
Masa: No but...
He #removed
He walked back with a towel and wiped her pubic area, she got the towel and wiped her cookie
sitting up staring at him slipping in his gray sweatpants without putting on undies.
Masa: Shouldn't you put on boxers or something? you look funny with that tent.
Gape: Huh It will sleep, I don't like wearing a lot of clothes dia nkhupetsa.
Masa: (giggled) Goriana o nna o tsamaa ka motsoko hela what if borokgwe bo thubega?
Gape: (laughed and threw her with a coush cushion on the face) Otaa swaba Masa o raa monna yoo
kana ka nna ore motsoko, nxla
Minutes later he handed her a glass of Iron Brew, she took a few sips while he got temporarily
distracted by his phone, soon enough he placed it facedown and picked her panties from the floor...
He dusted them and put them on her then he kissed her. She stood up and he helped her put on the
dress. He smiled playing with her tits as they pointed under the dress.
Gape: (laughed) must oje leungo le lengwe jaana lele nang le maboa gatwe banyana gaba leja
batswa mabele.
Masa: (laughed) Iyoo wee the rra oska rialo wena ke jele golo moo gore, my crazy cousin told me it
will help me get big boobs and i ate like crazy only for me to remain the same.
Gape: (laughed) but i like them the way they are, I'm sure Junior will boost them years from now.
Gape: (kissed her and walked out) I'm also serious, let's go. (speaking from the bathroom) Ke tshaba
dic kana maloba ne oka ske o mpuise yaana. Why were you afraid of me?
Masa: (laughed) I don't think i was afraid of you, I liked you and didn't know how to react, and you
always approached me when i knew my parents might be out doing something. I don't want my
father to know that kea ratana, he would go crazy.
Masa: (laughed) Gape that's my father you are talking about. Where are your parents, i have always
seen you two only.
Gape: My father is in jail and my mother is married to one of Maun's famous rich men, she has
colored children and all that shit. We were raised by our late grandmother.
She read his certificate and saw his framed picture on the table, He was standing with about 25
people of different races standing in front of a jet dressed in white , She sat down admiring it.
Masa: (smiled) You looked cute in this uniform, I'm going to pray for you to be a pilot and not a
Gape: (sighed) Babe can we not talk about the pilots? I don't like talking about it.
She placed it on the table and took his hand as they walked outside.
At Thuo's house...
Tendai sat on the toilet seat and dialed his wife's number for the fifth time, she finally decided to
Farai: Hello?
Tendai: Hi, you haven't been answering your phone for hours, what's going on?
Farai: For months now you have been saying one thing and then doing another, What should I buy
with this little money?
Tendai: Things aren't as easy as you think, working on its own is a risk because i never know if i will
get paid or not, people don't pay foreigners beforehand because they are afraid i will skip the
country before finishing the job and when i work getting paid is a 50 50 chance, some people change
the minute they see their houses complete.
Farai: I'm very disappointed in you Tendai, i didn't think you would be like many men who go there
to look for a job and then forget about their families the minute they have Batswana women.
Tendai: I don't have a family here, I love you and i got a proper job now, a few months from now I'll
be sending you money to come here, there will be a house-a proper house for a queen like you and
Precious is going to attend school.
Farai: You have been making those promises for years, i don't believe you anymore. I'm going to
South Africa to work.
Tendai: (angrily) You are not taking my daughter to South Africa do you understand me? Don't test
me like that.
Farai: (crying) What do you want me to do? I can't just sit here and watch my child suffering, I'm not
making money here but I'm sure-
Tendai: Farai you are not going to South Africa, that's final. Don't ever say something like that to me
or else. This time i will get the money, I'm sure of it... Be patient.
Later that afternoon she watched with a smile as her parents drove off in a relative's car then she
closed the gate and ran to her room. She dialed the number and threw herself on the bed.
Entle: Hello
Entle: (jumped screaming loudly) You finally spoke to him? I told you to stop being stupid, uhhh... I'm
coming for the details, has Auntie and uncle left home?
Masa: Yes.
Entle: Keha mmanyana Auntie a mpotsa gore will we be fine spending the whole week alone and i
just laughed on my own wondering how old she thinks i am. Kere mme yo ene are ke ngwana gaa
itse gore ke mankge.
Masa: Ibile ware kiss? He did more than kiss me, he took what's his and left me with a big monkey
smile... (smiled biting her lip) Entle sex e monate monyana autwa?mme wee....Godmasgoterr!
Entle: (screaming) Heila monyana kweena! Masa o serious? Were you not scared?
Masa: (laughed)I was scared especially when he pulled down his pants and told me to look at his
cassava, go kopanya le gore Gape o kgona gogo thoma matho mosimane yoole autwa, ago lebile
straight mo mathong, I was shaking.
Masa: Keha a ntshwarisa cassava mama, e omeletse gore ditshika tsothe tsa lehatshe dile hoo... This
is the day i will never forget. Okare i can go back to school and write that composition ya the day i
will never forget, Title will be GAPE THE BAE.
Entle: (laughed loudly) Tleke Maun! Mme weee.... Ke eta monyana, i want all the details, everything.
Masa: He said.... (clearing her throat) Kgggm...(she deepened her voice) Okay...
Entle: (snapped her fingers) Blod of jesos! I'm coming there, your home theater plays USB akere?
Masa: Yes please come with music, i feel like dancing and sweating. Mo ke achievement, i made it
Entle: (laughed) oitse gore hao nyake o jesitse? I can tell from your voice, ke eta nna mma dikgaa.
At Marvin's house...
A few days later early in the morning around 4am, a four wheel drive stopped in front of the house...
The curtains moved and the guys walked out carrying their heavy big backpacks. They loaded them
in the car and got in shaking hands with the driver.
Gape: (blew warm air on his cold hands and rubbed his palms together) Can you drive this side? I
forgot something on the neighbors, its not far from here.
Driver: Okay.
Gape: (laughed) Laitaka you have an overactive imagine, i just forgot my jacket.
The car stopped, Gape slammed the door and walked away putting his hands in the pockets. He
knocked on Masa's window, a few minutes later the lights went on and she opened the door
yawning, Gape walked in and closed the door kissing her against the door.
Half asleep Entle heard banging sounds in the sitting room and got up rubbing her eyes, her eyes
widened when she saw Gape plugged in Masa who was holding the wall then she walked back in and
slammed the door. Gape continued and finally sprayed her butt...He picked her panties on the floor
and wiped himself.
Gape: Take care alright? (Masa nodded then he kissed her) I love you.
Masa: I love you too, don't get eaten by lions, i heard most guides get injured by wild animals.
Gape: I will be okay. (touched her cookie) Tell every guy ota salang ago bata gore your man has a gun
and he is a risk taker.
He smiled and kissed her then he rushed out zipping his pants. She wiped herself and switched off
the lights on her way to her room.
Gape jumped in the car and closed the door...the guys stared at him including the driver and he
stared back with a fake innocent face...
Gape: (struggling to keep a straight face) Kuku ya eng borra? i was looking for my jacket.
He laughed reaching for his backpack and sprayed himself with a little perfume as everyone
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house....
She got in bed and laid next to her cousin, tears filled her eyes and she began sniffing rubbing her
Entle: (pinned her elbow on the bed staring at her through the darkness of the early morning) What
Masa: (crying) I miss him, I can't believe I'm going to see him after three months, Entle what will i be
doing the entire time?
Entle: Akere we agreed to look for jobs until our results come out, that will keep you busy.
Masa: (put her hands on her face and cried) Three months omo ntsi thata....
Entle: (switched on the lights and sat next to her) I was going to laugh at you for what i just saw in
there but now you are getting me teary.
Entle: I know, i was here and i watched him shower you with love but it's good that he had to go
because tomorrow bo Mama le Auntie are coming, you wouldn't be able to see him anyway. At least
you enjoyed him for a week... (she continued crying and Entle got her phone) Call him.
Masa: (crying) Mosola wa tee ke eng? It's not like he will come back...
Entle pressed her dialed numbers and stumbled on his number. She dialed it and put it on
Gape: Babe?
Entle widened her eyes for her to speak but Masa continued crying.
Gape: Why?
Entle: I don't know...
She gave Masa the phone and she wiped her eyes and put it on her ear.
Masa: Hello?
Gape: Babe what's going on? Why are you crying? (she kept quiet) was i too rough? Are you okay?
(she closed her eyes tightly and cried even more) shit... Babe ke ire yang yaanong? talk to me.
Gape: (after a short silence) I will be back, just two or three months then we will be together again.
(she continued crying and he sadly stared outside as the car passed the road signs.) Masa?...
Masa: Hmm?
Gape: (laughed) Do you want me to lose concentration during work and get eaten by a lion?
Masa: No
Gape: How do you expect me to work knowing that I made you cry? knowing that you are crying?
(she stopped crying and wiped her tears) are you still crying?
Masa: No
Gape: Thank you, I don't want to make you cry as especially when we are kilometers apart, I love
you. The week we spent together is the best week of my life and the memories will take me through
the rough times I'm going to have ahead, Be a lady and take care of my girlfriend for me while I'm
gone, can you do that?
Gape: Get back to bed and get some sleep, i will call you later.
Masa: Bye.
She hung up and switched off the lights then she got undercover.
At Marina Hospital...
Sego walked over to Marvin's bed and sat down massaging his swollen feet.
Marvin: Hi
Marvin: I went to the dialysis machine three times this week so I'm feeling better but my BP is very
high, they booked me a social worker i don't know how that will go. How is kiddo and Winky?
Sego: (smiled) I came with them, they're outside. You can go see them if your feet allow.
Marvin: (smiled) Thank you so much, this is the nicest thing you have done for me in a while.
Sego: About that, Marv I'm sorry for the way i acted, i guess i was surprised and shocked... I was
scared of falling from the life we lived to poverty.
Marvin: Sego i love you and i will not sit around doing nothing, Of course it would be hard at first but
i would have found a way.
He slowly got off the bed and they walked outside, Kiddo ran over and hugged his father almost
knocking him down, they sat and Winky jumped on her father's lap.
Kiddo: Are you coming with us?
Winky: I'm.. I'm staying here with you, I'm not going.
Marvin: (wiping her tears) Okay Winky you will stay with me..
She laid on his chest and Marvin stared at Sego with appreciation, she smiled back. He had never
seen his daughter cry so easily...
Sego: (took out the papers) Um... The hospital is bothering me with calls so I think it's best we sell
our house in Maun and pay them.
Marvin: No that house is for the children and it will help us because we won't be renting while i look
for a job.
Sego: i understand that but what about the bills? Honey please.. It is hard for the kids, Desperate
times call for desperate measures, I don't want us to sell it but we don't have a choice, you are sick
and I'm not working, they-
Sego: i was thinking P160 000 because the house is big and it's next to the road. Some lady is
interested in buying it and i think we should take the money, I want you out of the hospital sooner,
the kids miss you.
Marvin: (he got the papers) You don't know how to use money, as soon as she deposits it let me
Marvin: And don't give her the papers before she gives you the money.
She held her breath staring at his hand as he signed the spouse letter. He signed and handed her the
papers and she put them in her bag.
Marvin: i don't know when you will get my certified copy of ID.
Marvin: Oh okay...
Sego: (stood up) Kids we have to go, i asked my mother to wait for me at Sebele.
Sego: (grabbed Kiddo's arm) You know how my mother is, she will be complaining that i kept her
waiting. Come on kids..
Kiddo: (pulled out of his mother's grip) We will wait for you here.
Winky had fallen asleep on his lap and she picked her up startling her, she opened her eyes and
grabbed her father's t-shirt crying...
Winky: (crying) Daddy I'm sick.... Mommy I'm sick, i want to stay..
Sego: Winky stop it you are not a baby, stop screaming before i spank your butt.
Marvin got Winky and put her on his chest rubbing her back.
Marvin: Winky?
Winky: Yes?
Marvin: Can you go and buy me a drink with mommy? I'm really thirsty. Don't you want chocolate?
Winky: yes
Sego: shhh...
Sego: Bye
She walked away carrying Winky as Kiddo dragged his feet behind her.
She put the kids in the car and closed the door dialing on her phone...
At Masa's mom's...
Later that evening her parents arrived home, she served them with food and took their bags to their
Her mother: (smiled) Baby the house is spotless, thank you for cleaning ibile you wiped the spider
webs up there, i have been meaning to clean that.
Her father: Bring my bag, they gave me a slice of cake at the wedding and i remembered how much
you like wedding cak-
Masa: Papa o tile ka cake ya lenyalo? (she hurried to the bedroom and brought the bag) it's been a
long time since i had a wedding cake.
Her father: (handed it to her) Here... I just told them to wrap it up for you.
Masa: Thank you papa, Mama wena koore o ntimile ya gago? Wena mma o nna o ntima hela.
Her mother: (laughed) I will bring for you next time, nngathela nxhanyana hoo ngwanaka.
Her mother: (taking a piece) Just a little piece, kego ntsha lebelo ngwanaka...
She took her father's bag to the bedroom while eating the cake, Entle entered holding a file.
Entle: Dumelang
Masa: (walked over chewing) Mama Entle and i are going to search for temporary jobs.
Masa changed her clothes and they walked out. On the way Masa took out her phone and tried
calling Gape but his number wasn't available.
Masa: (saddened) I have been trying to call him all day but the call is not getting through.
Entle waved her hand and a car stopped for them, the Benz reversed...
Entle : A mma akore tsamae, which one do you want to ride? Taxi e hedielng di shock or a Benz with
They jumped in the car and it joined the road. A fee minutes later the man dropped them at the mall
and rolled down the windows looking at Masa with a smile.
Masa: I share my phone with my boyfriend. (rolled her eyes and walked away)
Entle: 7....5..…3..
Him: faster
Entle: 75..32…44-
The man saved her number and drove away then Entle ran over to Masa as she walked in a
Entle: (whispered) Oka gana monna wa koloi, Mm where in the world have you seen a man driving
get rejected?
Entle: (laughed) Hahaha... Girrrrl... Your heart is whole i see... I have been there, nowadays I don't
waste my time if i like a guy i go for it end of the story.
Masa: (Dialing Gape's number again) Why isn't he thinking of calling me... (teary)
Entle: Maybe it's the network and put your phone in the pocket, the manager is coming.
The manager approached them with a smile and they handed her their job applications.
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The Alfa Male
At UB...
Marvin's stomach rumbled as he sat on the chairs under the shade, He sent Sego another call back
and waited for almost an hour, she didn't call and he sent another to one of his former colleagues.
He called...
Marvin: Hello
Him: Happy new year Marv, how is the job hunt? (laughed) I'm eating dog this side... Festive season
came and left while i was watching people celebrating.
Him: (laughed) Remind me to never trust a mining job, Debts are drowning me and if my wife wasn't
so sweet people would see me walking naked on the street like a mad man, She is feeding the entire
family without a complaint.
Marvin: Wena o bolaile laitaka, the rra help me I'm stranded in Gaborone, i want to go to Maun. I
have been sleeping in UB toilets for a week now since i have been discharged from the hospital and
I'm still not well...koteng ba lapile kego njesa dijo tsa gorvy.
Marvin: That old lady doesn't like me and she talks too much.
Him: I'm really broke but i will ask my wife when she knocks off from work, Where is Gape?
Marvin: Gape long left for the bush, when he left i was sick and we didn't even talk, i found a
message that he found a job as a guide. I'm really worried because his phone has been unavailable
for two months now, who knows what could have happened to him out there.
Him: Aish, that's hectic let me text my wife, I will get back to you.
Marvin: Thanks
Lady: (smiled) No, thank you. I wrote you a P200 tip here
She walked away hugging the tray with a smile and headed to the kitchen where Entle was putting
some drinks in the tray.
Entle: (smiled) wow... See why i like serving white people, tipping is like a tradition to them jaanong
blacks... Iyoo they will eat and even ask for a toothpick then walk away like robots.
Masa went to the toilets and sat on the seat, Entle walked in a few minutes after...
Entle: what?
Masa: I'm pregnant, I haven't seen my periods for two months now.
Masa: No
Entle: And you didn't think you'd get pregnant because? I don't understand.
Entle: (laughed in disbelief) Waitse monyana kweena hao serious, he knocked you up o serious?
Masa: My parents are going to kill me, my mom is going to bury me alive because she told me this
would happen.
Entle: Masa you don't even know the company he works for, maybe he lied. You don't even know his
Masa: Please don't stress me like that. (walked out) I'm getting back to work...
She walked inside and served a few customers, during lunch time they walked to the mall.
Entle: Cousie the mma sorry... I'm sorry i didn't mean to sound negative.
Masa: It's fine, I'm just stressed and it's true, i don't know his surname, I don't know any of his
friends or family...I just know his brother but he doesn't stay in Maun.
Entle: that's fine, we will ask the neighbors I'm sure they know his surname and maybe we don't
need to do all that because he will come next month. Let's be positive.
Entle: Hello? Hi.... Mm... I'm on my lunch break. Pizza is fine... Order another one for my cousin-
Entle: Oh you know what? she is not feeling well so she won't join us, mmm... hahaha, bye. (she
hung up) I'm going this way, this guy is going to pick me on the way.
Masa: (smiled) Okay, use a condom ska toga wa ikothaa jaaka nna. The way Gape was gentle i didn't
think i would fall pregnant I mean I saw him pulling out each time.
Entle: (laughed) Nna I'm not the type that gets pregnant, ke raa gore hane ele ka jalo nkabo kesa
bolo go ima kobo form2 kwa... Hahaha maybe i would have 6 kids by now the truth is if you don't
want a baby you won't have a baby, pregnant or not. Just saying.
Masa: I can never do that, what if Gape asks me gore where is the baby? And then the whole of
Maun will know me as the baby killer.
Entle: He obviously doesn't know he made a baby and if he doesn't know then who will tell? Almost
every woman has done this at some point in their lives.
Masa: (thoughtfully) What if i die during the process? My mother used to tell me stories of girls who
tried this and died during the process. I would rather have a baby... I love Gape anyways.
Entle: I was just saying, let me go i don't want to keep moreki waiting.
Masa: (laughed) o bona wena the witch who bewitched you long died and no one can reverse that
spell nxwi.
Entle: (laughed) Go sharp masparakazi
She walked back and Masa caught a taxi home, when she walked in her mother was sitting on her
bed holding the two packs of Always pads.
Masa: Because i have been buying my own pads, remember I'm working now... I prefer the Lilets
because they smell nice.
Mama: (sighed with a smile) I'm sorry my girl, i don't know why i fear you getting pregnant so much
maybe because i got pregnant and never went anywhere with life, i have nothing to show off when
my friends have big houses and cars, some even appear on TV but i have nothing.
Masa: You have me and Dad, I would give anything to have a gentleman like Dad. Do you guys ever
Her: (smiled) Well, he is quite a gentleman and you're well behaved so i guess i have a little
something but i want you to have more, be a strong woman who talks in Radios and makes money...
Driving her car and having her own office...
They heard the last part of "BGCSE results are out...." they paused then Masa almost tripped running
to the radio to increase the volume, her mother ran after her and listened...
Lesego Kgajwane:..... Botswana Examinations Council has released the BGCSE results...
Masa's heart pounded as her mom's, they continued listening at how to get access to the results.
She got her phone and dialed her cousin...
Masa: (shaky voice) Monyana the results are out! I'm so scared to check...
Her mother: (anxiously) hee nawa letsa i thought you are checking the results.
Masa: I'll check for you as wel-(she heard her moaning and laughed) Go sharp.
She hung up and sat down sending the message, she received a reply instantly then she put the
phone down and paced around the house taking a few breathing exercises...her mother got the
phone and read the messages.
Masa held her breath reading her mother's facial expression; she got teary and slowly put the phone
down... Masa's heart skipped, she thought she had studied well for her exams.... Her mother leaned
back on the chair powerless as tears fell, Masa sadly picked her phone and read her results. It was a
long list of B's... She dropped her phone and jumped up screaming loudly....
Her: (wiping her tears) This was my dream and you made it come true....
Masa: (took a look at them again and read them out loud) Masa Saudu... Mathematics B.. Double
Award BB.. English B.... Mama the mma bona B in everything even Social Studies and i hated it.
(screaming) I'm a genius!!!!!
Her father walked in the house wondering what the fuss was all about and Masa ran over to him
with her phone and hugged him.
Masa: I passed...
Masa: BAC or IHS I'm coming!!!! I am so coming... (laughed) i can't believe I'm talking to myself...
She sat under the Mophane tree and requested Entle's results, they came in and she frowned sadly.
A call came in...
Masa: Hello?
Entle: What were you saying? I couldn't hear you.. (giggled) That guy is crazy he was-
Entle: How much did you get? Didn't you check for me?
Masa: i did, you have F's and two E's.. I don't know how many points that is.
Entle: Congrats, We will go next year....I'm going to rewrite I'm sure i will pass.
Entle: You are pregnant akere, don't worry we will go next year.
Masa:. There is no way I'm not going to school, I'm going. Where can I find something to drink?
Entle: Come to the mall so that we can go together there is an old lady who knows how to get rid of
those things.
Masa: Okay
She hung up and hurried in the house where she bid her parents goodbye and took a taxi to the
Somewhere in Maun...
Masa laid on the table looking at the old woman as she put on the gloves and washed her big dull
syringe and a tube.
Oldie: I had used the alcohol to disinfect them now I'm just taking the dust off. Take off your
Masa: Is it painful?
Masa: (took off her panties) So are you a nurse or something? Like is this how it's done in countries
where its legal?
Oldie: (annoyed) Little girl if you're so educated maybe you should have thought of preventing
before spreading your legs for a man. I'm trying to help you here... I have helped a lot of young girls
and even married women but if you have a problem with my procedures you should leave because i
don't want the police on my door tomorrow.
Oldie: i need to know that whatever happens here you won't say my name because I'm just helping
Masa: I won't
Oldie: I hope you are not the types that scream and call the neighbors too...
Oldie: I'm inserting this tube all the way to your womb and then I'm going to suck that blood out.
Masa: okay
She slid the 30cm tube in her vjay and all the way to the uterus as Masa frowned closing her eyes....
The lady begun pumping the blood in to the syringe until it was full then she pulled it out and Masa
caught her breath....
She emptied the syringe into a bowl and connected the tube again.. Masa closed her eyes as the
tube slid in again, she sucked the blood and emptied the syringe.
Oldie: (washing her syringe with water) Mme o mosadi when it comes to pain...I'm done, wear a
pad. You should be in your periods until tomorrow.
Masa sat up and took a minute resting with her eyes closed then she reached for her panties, Entle
peeled a pad and pasted it on her panties then she helped her put it on.
Masa: But i paid you with all my money, I thought the P900 included the pills.
Oldie: No, I'm just giving you Compral you will have to buy painkillers as well.
Masa: (got off the bed and paid her) thank you.
Masa counted her last coins and handed her P19 then she gave her the Compral.
A few minutes after the girls walked slowly by the side of the road...
Masa: I don't have money for transport but i have serious period pains.
Masa: I don't have money, I wasted money on pads, why did you tell me to buy di Dr whites?
Entle: The last time i was here she did a different procedure and i bled a lot, she had to send
someone to buy those pads. I thought you will need them too. (she waved for a taxi) Let's get a
Driver: (smiled) No, thank you... My trip was sweeter than ever, I'll be smiling everytime i remember
this day.
Farai: Hello?
Lady: Dumelaa...
Lady: (cleared her throat) You... You... Go this side... passed away next to Mr Price and Mascom, you
will see the Nandos on the left and you will the Choice on the right and the taxi they will be sitting
there between, the taximan they will be calling the places and then you will say your place and they
will drive to your place. If you have P4 they will drop you at the skontiri if you have P20 they drop
you in the home.
She didn't understand anything the young woman said and it surprised her because she was actually
very beautiful.
After a short walk she met two young students, roughly 14 years old.
Farai: Hi..(she noticed they went to an international school) can i ask something?
Student: Okay..
Student: Um..Go straight and you will see a parking lot... Those gentlemen standing there are taxi
drivers you'll tell them where you are going.
Farai: Okay... (took out her phone) How do you pronounce this word?
Student: Se-di-e...
Farai: Yes, I'm going to this area. My husband once sent me that message he said that's where he
Student: Sedie CJSS is a school, a government school so you can tell the taximan to drop you there.
Student2: (reading the text) But he says he stays in front of the school, how will you know the right
Farai: (smiled) I will cross that bridge when i get there, thank you.
Their mother walked over pressing her phone and greeted her...
Farai: No i was asking for directions and they helped me. Thank you boys.
Student: She is going to Sedie CJSS but she doesn't know the place.
Her: You can catch a ride, we pass there on our way home.
She followed the lady and got in the car. On their way to Sedie the boys opened their drinks and
gave. Precious another one.
Student: Sure
Precious drunk all of it and gave the boy the tin, after a long drive the lady parked in front of the
school and dropped them off, they waved at one another as she drove away.
Precious: I'm tired mama, when are we going to arrive in Botswana?
Farai: (frustrated) Baby can you keep quiet for a minute and let me think? I promise we will talk once
we have found daddy's house, okay?
Precious: Okay, can i take off my shoes? They are burning me.
Farai: okay...
Farai piggybacked her and walked home to home asking for Tendai, After walking for hours she
finally came across a promising lead....
Lady: (leaned in the house) Choma tao bone mosadi waga Ten... {girlfriend come see Ten's wife}
Lady2: (walked over) Waa yaka the mma kana neke mo kwaisitse. (looking at Precious) temete
mosimane yoo wai tshola autwa...{you lie.. I'm crashing on him you know. Damn she looks like him}
Lady: (laughed) Gontse kwa o sebile tsamaa. (turned to Farai) He stays over there but him and his
friend haven't been around for a while, we actually thought he went to Zimbabwe. His landlord stays
next door in that white castle.
Lady: Pleasure...
Although she couldn't understand a single word they said, she picked the negative energy and a part
of her wondered if he had slept with one of them.
Lady: (smiled and lifted Precious) mme wee i swear this is Tendai's daughter...(laughed) this is not
your daughter, It's Tendai's daughter alone.
Farai: (sighed in relief and smiled) Everyone says that.. I'm Farai
Lady: (shook hands) I am Olly... (loudly) Masego? come and see this... (smiled at Farai) Just keep
The young woman walked over...
Her: (laughed) Tendai's daughter? Hahaha no wonder he can't stop talking about her (took her)
Olly: ( turned) Ijoo get in, Pardon me... I just got shocked by Tendai's daughter... Please come in.
Olly: They told me they got a tender at some safari in the bush, they are supposed to come next
Farai: I got worried when i couldn't talk to him, his phone has been unavailable for a while.
Farai: Is it possible for you to open their house for us? My daughter is exhausted and hungry.
Olly: (sighed) As a landlord I'm not supposed to open my tenant's houses but I will open only
because you are with a child, if not I would say no.
Farai: i understand.
Olly: Mercy bring the keys to the Batchelor pad and please warm food for Tendai's daughter..What's
her name?
Farai: Precious.
Olly: They will bring you something to eat, i don't think you will have the energy to cook.
Olly: You're welcome, Tendai is like the son i never had. He refuses to get payment for fixing things
in my house.
Olly: Please rest we will meet properly tomorrow.. (smiled) Bye bye nana..
Precious: Bye...
Farai walked in and closed the door, As she looked around there was no trace of a woman's things
and it gave her peace, she switched on the TV and Precious sat down watching...
She walked to the bedroom and looked around, a picture of a boy and young woman caught her
sight on the wall... Tears filled her eyes and she sat down dropping a tear, when she stood up wiping
her tears Precious's pictures caught her attention, hers with Tendai were there as well She paused
crying and noticed there were two chest of drawers one on both sides then she remembered the
roommate. She smiled with teary eyes and sighed putting her hand on her chest. Mercy knocked
and handed them two plates of food and a bottle of Twizza.
Farai watched her daughter eating until she was full then she bathed her with warm water…she fell
asleep as she applied lotion to her body, Farai took her time massaging her little feet and later took
her to bed...
In Masa's room...
That evening Masa changed her pad and laid down then her mother walked in with a bowl of soft
Her: (sadly) Baloi ba Mau gompieno abe ba mpeile hatshe ka marago, A few hours ago you were
jumping for joy celebrating your pass and now you're sick... They really want me to die poor, they
just had to bewitch you with period pains but they won't win, I will pray until my knees get bruised.
(noticed her eyes were closing) Get some sleep, i will check on you before i sleep.
Her mother walked out and she turned laying on the other side, blood flowed down her butt wetting
her sheets as she blinked trying to stay conscious, her blinking slowed as her eyelids got
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house...
Around 9pm her mother walked in her room to check on her before going to bed, she noticed her
leg was out...
Her: I can't believe a grown woman like you still drops the blankets... Some things never change.
She lifted the blanket spreading it and a large stain of blood shocked her, she dropped the blanket
and shook her.
Tears fell and her mother remembered their conversation earlier about the pads and covered her
mouth in shock.
She hurried out and told her father who called one of her uncles to drive them to the hospital. On
the way Masa began granting holding her tummy tightly...
Her mom: (rubbing her back) Tell me what happened, what did you do ?
She passed out on her arms and tears filled her mother's eyes.
Her mother: (shaky voice) Please drive faster!
Her father: I thought Masa was too young for this, (turned to her mother) Did you know she was
sleeping with boys?
Her father: (angrily) I can't believe you supported this and now you're acting surprised that we are
Her mother: I didn't support her, she walked out of Marvin's house.
Her father: Didn't i hear Marvin found himself a wife in the city and married there without his
parents? Now he is here raping our daughters? (clenched his teeth) But it's fine, me and him will
have a conversation.
Her mother: Masa went to see his younger brother, she told me she went to ask him about UB. I
think his name is Gape.
Her: Masa is 19 now, defilement ends with 16 ... The police will tell us that she is an adult.
Her father: If the law can't help me i will help myself. He is probably just like his father but I'm going
to deal with him. I know how Tsheko was... I know very well and if his son wants to do such rubbish
in my home i will teach him a lesson he will never forget.
Her: Rragwe Masa please don't do this, if you cause drama people will make fun of our daughter,
can't we get her treated and keep this to ourselves?
Him: woman what have you been doing all these time? Haven't you been talking to her?
Her: Masa is old enough, You know how old she was when i was her age.
Him: this is not about you, Gaona molao gothelele... How can a child get pregnant right next to you,
aren't you supposed to know these things? Argg...
They arrived and hurried to the emergency, her mother explained to the nurse what happened while
she attended her....…
Early that morning Marvin was the first one in the bus to Maun, he slowly walked to the far end of
the bus and laid down...
Conductor: Good morning
Marvin: morning...
Conductor: You don't look good bruh, Maun is too far aren't you going to give me trouble on the
Conductor: If you get sick on the way you will force us to leave you on the nearest clinic but we don't
have that kind of time, can't you go to the hospital and go to Maun the next day?
Marvin: i have been homeless for a while now, I'm not spending another night in the city when i
have money to be home.
Conductor: Then If you get sick on the way we gonna leave you by the road.
Marvin: Guys please... Please don't argue because of me, i won't give you any trouble and if i get
worse i will get off the bus, i know you have a business to run....
At Marvin's house...
Meanwhile the car stopped in front of the house and Gape jumped out of the car fishing for keys in
his pocket.
He inserted the key and pushed the inside keys unaware, when he turned the keys they couldn't
unlock the door, he shrunk his eyes looking at the keys to confirm if it was the right keys and tried
Meanwhile inside the house the startled wife shook her husband...
He slightly moved the curtains and saw three guys leaning against the car and another one
tempering with the door, heart pounding he tippy toed to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife
then he headed to the door...
On the other side, Gape took another look at the keys and tried again.
He took them out and stared at them, inside the man picked the keys from the floor and quietly
unlocked the door while Gape was facing at the car wondering if he lost one of the keys. The man
quickly opened the door and raised the knife to stab Gape, he turned around dodging the slash and
reached for his Jericho 941 in the back and pointed at his forehead...
Gape: One move and I'll blow your brains... Who are you?
Man: (trembling he put the knife down) My name is Michael... Please don't shoot me, take whatever
you want and leave.
Gape: What are you doing in here? Where is Marvin? Are you with Marvin?
Michael: (staring at his gun) Can you stop pointing the gun at me..
Gape dropped his hand and shoved it behind his back then he walked in, the house was different
and none of his things were there.
Gape: (smiled in disbelief) Of course she sold the house... Who else would... (shook hands with the
man) I'm sorry for pulling a gun at you. I didn't know there was anyone in here.
Michael: It's okay i raised the knife first, are you a detective?
Michael: (confused) Oh
Gape: So... Was the house empty when you moved in?
Michael: Yes.
Gape: (walking out) I'm sorry for the disturbance, bye
Michael: Bye..
Gape jumped in the car and sighed frustrated rubbing his eyes.
Thuo: Is this why you chose a handgun? So you can go around carrying it? Gape what if he had done
something stupid would you have shot him?
Thuo: they were shooting at us, that is the difference. You could have just moved back and asked
him why he wanted to stab you.
Gape:Are you listening to yourself right now? Who says why are you stabbing me when they get
attacked? Get real... (sighed) Sego sold this plot, i don't think Marvin would allow her to sell it and a
spouse can't sell a plot without the other's signature which means only one thing..
Gape: (swallowed rubbing his mustache) I hope I'm wrong otherwise all this would be pointless.(took
out his phone and dialed Sego with a private number)
Sego: Hello?
Sego: (heart skipped) I don't know, when i checked on him at the hospital he was gone, he has been
in and out of the hospital the past few months.
Gape: Why did you sell the house? Have you paid the-
Sego: Can't you just stay away from our lives? Get a life... A girlfriend or boyfriend, I'm sick of you
being Marvin's lawyer. Were you there whe-
Gape: Sego if i slap you, just once... you will never talk to me like that again, trust me. Where did
you put my things?
She hung up... Gape dialed Marvin's number again and it still wasn't available.
Gape: I don't get why my life is such a mess.
Tendai: What time do offices open? I want to book my wife and daughter flight tickets..
They continued discussing while Gape thoughtfully stared outside the car then he rested his back on
the seat dialing Entle's number...
Entle: Hello?
Entle: No I'm getting ready for work. Wow... For a minute i didn't think I would hear this voice again.
Gape: Masa's number isn't available but i want to see her. Can you get her to call me?
Entle: Yes
Gape: (smiled) Alright... Umm... Listen don't tell her I'm in Maun, I want to do something for her and
i want you to bring her to me when i call you, can you do that?
Entle: I will.
Entle: lime...
Gape: Alright
Entle: A necklace
Gape: Okay
Entle: please don't tell her you bought something for me, I always ask things from her and now you embarrasses me.
Gape: Sure
At Letsholathebe Hospital....
Later that morning Entle anxiously waited at the gynecologist ward, she glanced at her watch and
walked in 5 minutes before time...
She shook Masa's shoulder and sat next to her, Masa turned around and faced her...
Masa: Did you bring me the charger? He can't know I'm in the hospital. I can't see him.
Entle: Okay i will tell him. What did your parents say?
Masa: My Dad is angry, he wants to warn Gape but i don't think they will tell anyone about the
Entle: If your Dad warns Gape he will know you were pregnant.
Masa: I told them that nobody knew and mom asked him not to say anything about the pregnancy
to Gape or anyone for my image.
At Thuo's house...
The car pulled away as the guys walked to the door, the key inside made it hard for Thuo's keys to go
in the keyhole..
The guys noticed Tendai wasn't happy to see her and stepped back.
Tendai: Sure
They walked away and he got in... Farai hugged him and he put his arms around her and kissed her
Tendai: If you were patient enough you would be coming here by air, how many days did
immigration give you?
Farai: I don't have papers, we came in a truck and the driver hid-
Tendai: We?
Tendai: You brought my daughter here without-wait the driver did what?
Tendai: Do you honestly want me to believe that a man gave you a ride all the way from the boarder
to Maun and didn't ask for anything? (glaring at her) He risked his job as a truck driver by hiding an
illegal immigrant who also has a little child just because he is a nice person?
Farai: (tearfully shaking) That's the truth...
Farai stared in his fierce eyes and let the tears flow...
Farai: A week before i decided to do this, i was coming home from doing one of the piece jobs and i
saw Precious running over to maiVimbai's dustbin then she quickly ran away eating a rotten apple,
Vimbai and her brothers shouted at her making fun of her( Tendai's eyes got reddish) I will never
forget how her hands and legs were shaking because she thought i was going to beat her for that, No
mother wants to see her little child jumping fences to pick people's leftovers and then be the
laughing stock of the village so ye-
He swallowed staring at her as her tears fell down then he hugged her, she held him tightly crying
even more...
Tendai walked to the bedroom and slowly opened the door... Precious was asleep and he slowly
closed the door walking back to Farai who was sitting on the couch wiping her tears. Tendai leaned
over and French kissed her... He grabbed her blouse and tore it apart scattering the buttons all over,
Farai's jaws dropped as her valuable 5 years old blouse got torn, he stared in her eyes and kissed her
some more...
He #removed.... slowly pulled out staring at her and took her off the stove putting her down as his
seeds flowed down her thighs.
Tendai: (tracing her nose with the monster pop) Precious? Precious....
She slowly opened her eyes and saw her dad then she jumped off the bed screaming her mouth
wide open. He buried her little body on his chest and pulled her out of bed walking to the living
room laughing with her...
Tendai: (unwrapped the sweet and put it in her mouth) How are you?
Tendai: I know babe, i missed you too. Go get dressed I'm going to buy you any toy you want...
At Evergreen Apartments...
Gape signed the lease agreement, the lesser gave him his copy and drove off. He walked around the
spotless house trying his brother's number again...
Voice: Hello?
Gape: Hi
Voice: We found the owner of this phone by the road in Rakops, he was really sick so we took him
home, we asked somebody to help us take him to the clinic but you know how people with cars are
when you ask for help.
Voice: Same
Gape: My name is Gape, I'm his brother ke mo Maun, I'm driving over there now, I will call when I'm
in Rakops.
Same: Okay.
He hung up and locked his house on his way out dialing Entle.
Entle: I thought she was around kante she left for Gabs yesterday, we spoke on the phone she says
she didn't have a charger.
Gape: I don't know when cause I'm busy. I'm going to get my brother in Rakops.
Entle: Oh okay, I'm sorry the rra wena i heard he has kidney failure.
Gape: Yeah
Entle: (laughed) whatever you know what I mean... Someone to talk to or chat with when you are
Entle: bye
Masa: Hello?
Gape: (smiled) Hey babe, i tried calling you a few hours ago your phone was off.
Gape: Your cousin told me you are in Gabs, when will you be back?
Gape: This time institutions opened for applications too early the results just came out and already
students are applying. Where do you stay in Gabs?
Masa: (there was a long silence as she thought of any place she once heard of) Block 6.
Masa: Why?
Gape: something isn't right with your voice and the way you talk to me, it's like you're not
comfortable. What's going on?
Masa: Nothing.
Gape: I'm coming to Gabs tonight, Marvin is in Rakops I'm going to get him then I'm coming there.
Masa: I'm staying with relatives Gape you can't come here.
Gape: I didn't say ke tileo robala koo, i will pay for accommodation somewhere and spend a few
hours with you.
Gape: (frustrated) I didn't expect this... Are you cheating on me? O nale mang?
Nurse: Hi..
She hung up and he punched the air angrily, he dialed her number again but she didn't answer.
Gape: And she is very far away, ekare keka hoha ka thoma ko block 6.
He stepped out of the taxi and shook hands with the assistant who gave him a tour around the
Gape: I don't want anything expensive... I just need something like... (pointed at Mazda3) that, can
you be quick with the paperwork? i want to beat nako ya Transport.
Shop assistant: No problem, I have a friend there who can quickly register for you, o tsena ka
backdoor and then give him a little something.
Shop assistant: P600nyana hela akere laene ya transport wa itse gore e jwang.
Gape: (gave him his ID) Give me the keys and call him, I need to leave Maun in less than an hour.
The shop assistant gave him the keys and got busy, Gape inspected the car, opened the bonnet
checking the engine then he got in and started the engine...
He drove out for a 15 minute test drive and came back for the receipt and gave him a Bank
guaranteed check. He drove to Transport and waited in the car, a few minutes later the transport
guy got in the car and got his papers, he later returned them and Gape drove out....
At Old mall....
In brand new clothes Precious stepped out of the Chinese shop holding a big teddy bear...
Precious: Nope...
Tendai crossed the road holding Precious's hand and walked in Mr Prince...
Farai: (smiled) I have to fit in my clothes or else i might not like them when I get home.
Tendai: Remember we have to go pay for the house( Farai got busy checking the clothes and Tendai
shook his head smiling) Precious and I are going to get something to eat..
Tendai: Hello?
Tendai: Oh yeah, Gape said he would talk to you about that deal.
Tee: Yeah, i need their passports, the courier guys will go with them when they make their deliveries
and have a friend of mine do the little magic at the boarder but it will cost my friend, Gape told you
Tee: 4K
Tendai: Sure
In Gape's car...
The shiny wheels of his white Mazda 3 rolled next to the pump at Caltex filling station then he
stepped out to grab a few drinks as the fuel attendant filled his tank. After paying he joined the road
switching on the music stereo… the thought of Masa with another man made the music a bore, He
switched off the stereo and dialed her number holding the steering wheel with one hand.
Masa: Hello?
Gape: Masa?
Masa: Mhh?
Gape: Masa the mma oska ntiriana kea go rata... I'm very stressed my brother is sick can you not do
this? You're all i have been thinking about the entire time, I was looking forward to being with you....
You are the only thing going right in my life, don't mess that up.
Gape: I'm coming tonight, as soon as i have dropped him at the hospital I'm coming.
Gape: Why not?... (stepped on the breaks and waited for the goats to pass as he blew the horn) Who
are you staying with? What's his name? Babe koore relwa on your first trip to Gabs, what's going to
happen when you are doing second year?
Masa: I don't know what to tell you. I'm switching off my phone.
She hung up then he dialed her number, it wasn't available, he threw his phone in the back and
accelerated on the road to Rakops............
Bonus insert! those Likes and comments make it more fun, keep them coming , much love..
The Alfa Male
At Rakops....
Gape drove in to the bus rank and rolled down the windows dialing Same's number...
Same: Hello?
Gape: Dumelang, I'm at the bus rank. Look for a white mazda 3.
Same: Okay..
He hung up and tried Masa's number again but it was still unavailable. He pulled the chair back and
laid down as thousand thoughts crossed his mind...his Jericho 941 hurt his back then he put under
the seat...
At Letsholathebe Hospital...
Nurse: Mme kana mpa ya tsena ko Tertiary nnaka and the way you have passed you can go to any
institution of your choice, what made you think you can't go?
Masa: I just assumed because at a junior and senior school when you get pregnant you go home and
come next year ..
Nurse: (laughed) There is no such thing at a Tertiary nnana... When you're pregnant it's your
problem and no one cares, lectureres only care about their assignments...I promise you when you
get there you will find at least two pregnant girls.
The nurse's words stayed in her mind for hours, she covered her head with sheets as tears filled her
eyes. During visiting hour Entle walked in...
Entle: Are you going to let him go all the way there?
Masa: What choice do i have? I said i will come after two weeks but I'm not sure when I will be out
of here.
Entle: You should have asked me, you don't take long. As long as they cleaned your uterus and you
are not bleeding they discharge you.. Are you still bleeding?
Masa:. He is very stressed he thinks I'm cheating, maybe i should just tell him.
Entle: You think he will be okay with it and embrace you? You killed his child... Maybe if he had a
child somewhere he wouldn't care but he doesn't have a child, it might be a deal breaker.
Masa: Gone waa bua and he won't understand my reason for doing it because apparently people
attend lessons just fine even when they are pregnant.
Entle: Au?
Masa: Ee, i think Gape really loves me, the way he was hurting when he thought i was doing
something i regret doing all these, it wasn't worth it.
Entle: Uh what's done is done and it's your body, you decide what to do with it. I personally think
men shouldn't have a say if the woman wants to abort because they are not the ones carrying the
baby or pushing it out.
Masa: I just feel bad and i miss him. He is very stressed... (switched on her phone) i don't know what
to do tota, I'm confused. Ekare keka ngwega mo spatela, i feel fine
Entle: what if you go bleed while you are together? Just stay.
In Gape's car....
Gape: Hello?
Chen: I thought about what you said but we can only offer you 100k like the first pair. 200K is just
ridiculous, how much profit will i make? Korean currency isn't that valuable.
Chen: 130
Gape: 150 take it or leave, there are so many Chinese and Japanese i can offer this to.
Chen: Fine, meet me tomorrow at 2pm
Chen: I'm going to Gaborone tonight, make the transfer and get your medicine tomorrow, one of the
guys will deliver it.
Chen: Okay.
Thuo: Yeah
Gape: We need a ghost company, If Corruptions catch suspicious activities in my account we are
Thuo: That's sound a great idea , I will collect the company registration forms at CIPA tomorrow.
Gape paused talking and stared at the young woman walking over... She had an hour glass figure
and the short red v-neck bandage pencil dress she was wearing was sticking on her like it was
tailored on her...
Thuo: So shoul-
Same: Hi..
Gape: Hi.. You know you sound so mature on the phone i regret greeting you kere dumelang
Same: (laughed) Mme kana le nna when i heard how deep your voice was i was expecting to see my
She stepped in and secretly checked her feet to see if they were dusty and they were then she
pushed them under the dashboard...
Oldie: Gape your brother doesn't look good, we long called a relative but people with cars always
claim to be busy when they have to help.
Gape: I'm just glad he met good people like you, thank you very much.
Gape helped Marvin get in the car while Same came with his bag and put it in the car then Gape
walked over to the old lady and took out P500...
Gape: (squatted next to her) Granny you will buy tea.....whenever i pass by Rakops I will always
make sure i come by to say hello, thank you very much for taking care of my brother.
Oldie: (got it with two hands and kissed his hand) Thank you so much, may God bless you and grant
you your wishes. (loudly) Same?
Same: Maa?
Oldie: (gave her P150) Can you catch a ride with him and go give this to your sister?
She hurried to the house and took a quick bath while Gape was sitting in the car with his brother...
Oldie: (loudly) Same? Can you leave the mirror alone, this man has to go to he hospital...
Meanwhile Gape adjusted the seats at the back and sat Marvin properly then he removed his belt
for comfort and helped him drink juice.
Gape: Marv?
Marvin: Thanks but I'm dying Gape, i don't have long, I can feel it.
Same walked out of the house and got in the car then Gape drove away as they waved at the old
lady. He never said a single word on the way as his brother's words echoed in his mind.
Same: (ashamed) I sell bales of clothes...i graduated three years ago with a diploma in Tourism and
hospitality but i couldn't find a job.
Gape: (smiled) I saw that little shame when you said you sell bales, don't be embarrassed about it at
least you are making an honest living and you don't sleep at night wondering when you will go to jail.
Same: (laughed) I wish I had him but when you're not working the men that ask you out are usually
not what you want and the ones you want are either taken or they are not interested in you because
an unemployed girl is a "burden.
Gape: I see...
Gape: No
Gape: (laughed) We haven't tried having a baby but I have been thinking about it a lot lately.
Same: Seems you really love her, every time a guy admits certain things in his girls absence it means
they really care.
Gape: I persuaded her for a very long time, months back she finally agreed and bang! we boned just
like that but sometimes i think I'm moving too fast.. In my mind that is.
Same: (laughed) Bare we boned, you are a straight talker. She is a lucky girl, you look like you have a
lot of love to offer...You care for your brother and the way you talk about her is nice....
Gape: Yeah...
At Letsholathebe Hospital...
Marvin: (staring at her beautiful eyes) Thank you for your help.
Same: (saved it on his phone) i saved it... Call me when you get out so that i can tell my
Same: Bye
He watched her walking away and sighed... Gape joined her on the hallway.
Same: I'm going to say hi to my former classmate at the gynecologist ward, she is a nurse then I'm
going, it was nice meeting you.
Gape: If i was done i would drop you wherever you are going. Thanks for everything you did for my
He went to his brother's bed and spoke to him then he ran up the stairs and headed to the gyne
ward to look for Same...
There wasn't anyone at the nurse station and he walked over to the next ward peeking in, he made
eye contact with Masa and walked in...
Gape: (smiled) Wow... Are you serious?
The Alfa Male
Masa stared at him her lips trembling then she started crying. He walked over to her and pulled the
curtains for some privacy...
Gape: You were seriously going to let me drive all the way to Gaborone for nothing?
Gape: (stunned)..... And they decided to put you in a gynecologist ward? It's either you are very
stupid or lying isn't for you... Do you even know what a gynecologist does?
He glared at her cheek as his heart pounded almost choking him then he pushed the curtains and
stormed out resisting the urge to slap her. Masa slipped in to her sleeper shoes and ran after him....
Masa: Okay... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for lying, I had a miscarriage...
Gape: Why would you hide something like that? It's not your fault... (stopped and faced her) I
wouldn't blame you for having a-(thoughtfully) unless.... It wasn't mine, was it? That's why you had
to hide it because it's not mine.
Gape: Really?
Gape: (walking away) The same reason you lied about your miscarriage.
Gape: (turned and stopped) Ke tago thuba ka mpama, Do you think I'm stupid?
Marvin's ward....
Later that afternoon a man walked over to his bed and unbuttoned his tux as he sat on the plastic
chair holding a file.
Him: (gave him some papers) My name is Walter, i am Segolame's lawyer. Can you kindly read this
Marv: (reading the document) Divorce?... Somehow I saw this coming, I knew she was going to
divorce me. I'm useless now... What woman wants an unemployed sick dying man? (staring at him)
Did you know that she doesn't allow me to talk to my children? They are going to hate me when
they grow up thinking i abandoned them.
Walter: You can always get a lawyer Mr Marvin, at this point i have her interest at heart. I feel guilty
handing you this when you are on a hospital bed and you don't look well but my client's interests
comes first and I'm going to make sure she gets the children and you pay child support.
In Gape's car....
Entle: Okay, that is none of my business. How does that involve me?
Entle: I don't get why you have to ask me though, why don't you ask her?
Gape: Who was she sleeping with? I know she was pregnant and it wasn't mine. For sure you know
and I'm sure you helped her cook the Gaborone story.You knew
Gape: You are not going to work until you give me his name.
Gape: But you just said you don't know his name, Entle don't play me like that ke tago thuba ka
mpama kana waitse? I know you know everything about Masa, all her dirty little secrets. She doesn't
have any friend but you and you are going to tell me.
Entle: (heart pounding she put on the seat belt ) Gape nna gake itse sepe, honestly i thought the
baby was yours.
Gape: You are going to tell me, It's unfortunate for you that she is in the hospital now you have
answer for her.
He parked in front of his house and opened the car door, grabbed her neck from behind and dragged
her inside the house then he closed the door and pushed her on the floor.
He lifted her up and slapped her then he pushed her against the wall tightly choking her neck. She
grabbed his strong arm trying to push him off but she couldn't, pee flowed on the floor all the way to
his boot...
Gape: You are going to clean it (leaned over) What's his name?
Entle: (choking) Ohhh-(he loosened his grip and she caught her breath) It was yours, she was
2months pregnant and she aborted it, I tried to stop her but she didn't listen. It was yours....
He released her then she coughed rubbing her neck tearfully, He stared at her as she cried sitting on
the corner, his childhood memories flashed back and a cloud of guilt covered him, he walked over to
her and helped her stand then he hugged her...
Gape: I'm sorry for hitting you....I wasn't planning to take it that far, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
She continued crying then he leaned over and French kissed her, She instantly kissed back and pulled
out his t-shirt...
They staggered on the middle of the house dropping clothes like rain drops and laid down, Entle sat
on his chest and leaned over kissing him then his phone rang..
Gape: No,it might be about my brother (he stood up carrying her and walked to the table) Hello?
Same: Hi again
Same: I was thinking about Marvin, he said something about him needing a kidney transplant, If my
blood group is O can i donate for him?
Gape: (Entle rubbed his dic) Yeah, Is your blood group O? (he moved away zipping his trousers)
Same: Yes, I'm a regular blood donor and for the past hour i was just thinking about his situation. If
you do it at a private hospital with good facilities i can help, I don't want to die.
Gape: (laughed) No body wants to die(Entle unzipped his trousers) Stop it!
Same: What?
Same: Okay.
He hung up and reached for his t-shirt on the floor then he slid it on and reached for his keys...
Gape: (he remembered he had choked her and walked back to kiss her) I will bring you some
Gape: Some guys are supposed to deliver my households, will you show them where to put them?
Entle: okay...
Gape: Ke kopa odi mphekele the mma especially clothes in the wardrobe.
Entle: (smiled) I will fix everything just go take care of your brother.
He stepped out dialing Same's number and drove off....…….
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house...
Later that evening Gape parked outside, Entle quickly took off her clothes and put oh his t-shirt then
she walked to the living room... Gape and Same walked in while she was sitting on the couch.
Same: Hello
Entle: (confused) Hi
Same followed Gape to his bedroom where peeled of one blanket and put her bag on the bed.
Gape: You will use the bed, i will use the couch.
Same: Typical, and you just had to get someone to lick your wounds. Tell me what is it that makes
men do that?
Same: But you're going to sleep with her that's why you're keeping her here.
Gape: I just had a moment of weakness, i obviously had enough time to rethink .
Same: Ehe rra.. (she took out P5) Ke kopa ote o nzamele when you go, Marvin sent me a message
and my phone failed to send my reply.
Same: (put her P5 in the bag) what are you laughing at?
He closed the door and walked to the living room. Entle was sitting on the couch..
Entle: You made me clean your house and brought another girl?
Gape : i brought you here to scare the living hell out of you so that you can tell me the truth about
Masa, what came after was unplanned.
She put on her clothes and slammed the door on her way out. He received a message from Masa,
read it and deleted it.
At Masa's house...
The next day she stepped out of the taxi with her bag and walked in the house, her parents weren't
home but there was food on the table, she got the plate and ate in her room.
After sitting around the house bored for hours Masa lay on the bed and called Entle...
Entle: Hello?
Masa: please come i need someone to talk to talk to someone, I'm so stressed.
Masa: I decided to send Gape a long message confessing gore nna tota i was scared of my parents
and i wanted school, he read the message and didn't bother replying me. Pelo ya uba mma i wish he
could have at least said okay or something not to just ignore me.
Entle: But why beg him? That's just being desperate. If he ignored your message let him go and
move on. Nna kana gankake ka rapela monna like that, why beg?
Masa: I feel guilty that he was really excited and looking forward to seeing me, maybe if i had just
told him, he would have understood but now i feel like he doesn't trust me.
Entle: Men don't forgive so stop begging him and if you both get back together he is going to use you
and leave you, once a relationship has been spoilt it ends there.
Entle: (sighed) Don't cry over the phone, I'm coming there now.
At Letsholathebe Hospital....
Gape pushed Marvin's wheelchair to the car while Same carried his bag. He helped him get in then
Same got in and opened a bottle of milk for him...
Marvin stared at her as she opened the plastic and handed him a muffin.
Marvin: Why?
Same: mm?
Marvin: (laughed) You're too honest, you could have at least sugar coated that.
They chatted while Gape pushed the wheelchair in the building and headed to the nurse's station to
collect his medical cards. The doctor passed by Gape then he followed him...
Gape: So what did you mean by i cant afford to pay for my brother's kidney transplant?
Doctor: It is insanely expensive, especially because you don't have medical insurance of which i
doubt they would have covered things like kidney transplants. It's good that you have a donar but
that's just half of it. Unless you are a drug warlord you won't pay for it from your pocket, remember
you also have to take care of the donar after her surgery too
Doctor: Since he is on the list just communicate with the officers, I'm sure the government will take
care of it but you have to be patient.
Gape: But he is not well, you have seen him...he can't wait that long...
Doctor : That's because you are staying in Maun and I'm sorry to say this but if you continue staying
in Maun he will die because there is no dialysis machine in Maun, you need to move to Gaborone or
Francistown for him to visit the dialysis machine every week, that is the only way he will have a close
to normal life while waiting for the government to decide on the date of his transplant.
He dragged his feet to the car as a thousand questions and ideas popped in his
head...Accommodation in Gaborone, Marvin's diet.... His phone rang as he walked to the car.
Thuo: I bought the babe laitaka gake e baa lenao ya kua...shit! The legend is the guy who designed
VW... Ai maan!
Gape: My problems just multiplied, I have to move to Gaborone so that Marvin can be closer to a
dialysis machine.
Thuo: Aish wena monna your brother's sickness is making you suffer, i thought you were saving for
his surgery?
Gape: The money will never be enough, I won't afford it so i just have to wait for the government
Gape: Uh Masa ene tota I no longer understand her, i don't know if she is cheating on me or she is
just immature, She was pregnant
Thuo: I think she is just inexperienced ... Hehe ikgodisetse mosadi laitaka.
Gape: I wish i had that kind of patience, I have so much stress is my life i just want a woman i can
love le ene a dira the same for me, Masa is just draining me and the one thing i hate the most is
being lied to, i mean yes make a mistake but be an adult and own up to it so we can move forward.
Thuo: I understand, it's depressing especially when you have your brother's situation to deal with.
Gape: Uhh
Thuo: sharp
At Masa's house...
Entle walked in and found Masa lying on the bed, she took off her shoes and lay next to her.
Entle: Hey
Masa: Hey... So what do you think i should do? I miss him. Did you know they sold that house?
Entle: I didn't..
Masa: And he gave me a seen, If i knew where he is staying i would just go, I know he is angry but i
miss him...
Masa took Entle's phone and went to her messages, Gape's name caught her attention then Entle
snatched the phone from her.
Masa: I saw his name, you sent him a message let me see what you said to him.
She tried to delete the message then Masa jumped grabbing the phone, they fell on the floor
fighting for the phone until Masa got it and ran to the bathroom where she locked herself inside...
She clicked on the screen with shaky hands and opened the message..
Entle: Ok, I think we're both calm now, Can I come over so we can talk? Did i tell you you are a good
She opened the door and angrily walked over to Entle who was standing at the door holding her bag.
Entle: I didn't do anything with him Masa mpha phone yame mma ke tsamae.
Entle: Ha nkake wa thuba phone ame the mma, You won't break it, Give me my phone.
Masa turned around and smashed it on the wall then Entle ran to her room.
They both dived for the phone on the bed and Masa grabbed it first.
Masa: Leave! You're unbelievable. You dumb b!tch with F's, when we were reading you were
thinking about sex
Entle: You can say anything you want sese salang ene o njele... You don't know his house but i do, He
took me to his house and f*cked me.....
Masa: (tearfully) I don't care, you can have him, YOU RETARD! You both deserve each other, I DON'T
Entle: You care, if you didn't you wouldn't be shaking! Your hands are shaking, your voice is
shaking(screaming) HE F*CKED ME!!!!!
Masa:Yeah him and the rest of men in Maun, You might as well go around with a sign that says
"insert yo dic".. You retarded fool who once copied everything even my name in class, get out!
Masa: (tearfully) Rather be boring than gain experience by sleeping with men older than my father...
Retard.... Mrs F...! You can have him, I'm going to school, i will meet better men than him. Mrs
Ffffffffffffff... Mrs 2 points... Retard!
Entle tearfully walked to the living room and picked the broken pieces of her phone, Masa moved
the curtains watching her walk away then she burst out crying covering her face sitting on the floor,
Her throat was painful and she could feel her heart thudding as she took deep breaths...she sent her
mother a call back and she called.
Her: Okay
She quickly hung up and burst out crying, minutes later she dialed his number.
Gape: Hello?
Masa: (shaky voice) IT IS OVER!! , I'm done with you. How can you do that with my cousin? My best
friend the only person i talk to and you do that?
Masa: I'm so happy i aborted your little dirt, I'm so relieved, I have been feeling guilty but you know
what? You can have Entle or any girl you want, I'm going to school anyway.
Masa: (wiped her tears) Go and call Entle your babe, I'M DONE WITH YOU!! IT'S OVER, and your sex
wasn't that nice don't fool yourself YOU DONKEY DIC!
She hung up her phone and broke her sim card crying...............................
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
After trying Masa's number for hours Gape laid on the couch with his arm on his eyes.
Meanwhile Same sat on the bed next to Marvin and packed her things. Marvin sat up facing her, she
could tell he had been meaning to ask her something but it seemed something was pulling him back,
she continued shoving her toothbrush and toothpaste in to her bag.
Marvin: Okay.
Same: Something is eating your brother, he has been laying on the couch with his shoes and he
didn't eat the food i cooked. I think you should talk to him.
Marvin: Okay...
Marvin walked to the living room and sat on the couch next to Gape...
Gape: what?
Gape: I don't know what to say because i don't even know what's hurting me, The fact that Masa
dumped me or the fact that she thinks i suck in bed.. (sat up facing him) I was trying to be nice to her
because she had just lost her virginity and now I suck in bed? (laid back) i should have torn her apart.
Gape: No, I kissed her, i was about to but i didn't. I should be the angry one, she aborted our baby. I
wanted to see her and she lied to me... Marv you don't know the half of it.
Marv: Mar Masa o monyenyane why did you get her pregnant in the first place?
Gape: It just happened, i didn't plan it and if she is that young she should have been afraid to commit
Marv: Just go take the blame for everything even the abortion, it will get you two together in no
time. The problem is Masa is younger it's kind of like nurturing than a normal relationship.
Gape: She said i suck in bed the rra, What does that mean? She is a virgin how does she know whats
good or not, at this time she should be able to take whatever I dish to her as nice.
Marv: She may not know nice but she knows pain, maybe it was painful, why do you care? You know
you are good...are you?
Gape: I want to know what she means by that, she crushed my ego.
Marv: You never display such insecurities around a woman, Don't ask her anything just make her eat
her words. Don't ever give a woman the impression that you don't trust your sex game....
Gape: I won't ask then. I want to go knock on her window later,I won't sleep if I don't talk to her.
Marv: Do what you have to do,(sighed) my Retrenchment package is coming out next week, I want
Same to come with us and return after a week, It will be nice to have a friend next to me when i go
for my treatment.
Gape: True and she is a great cook, her breakfast phakela was perfect.…i support the idea, if i stay
with her for a week I will get fat.
Marv: (laughed) Kgantele keha ke pateletswa mashi and when i told her that I'm tired of drinking
milk ke bata letswainyana she said "if you want my kidney you have to do what I say" (smiled) You
have got to like her...
Gape: Yeah neh... I hope my landlord will give me a refund, I paid a 6 months lease. (trying Masa's
Marv: check your contract if they don't give refunds you can ask somebody to come and use it for
that time.
Gape: Yeah...
Around 11pm Gape was parking a distance from her home waiting for lights out, he sighed in relief
when the light in the living room, kitchen and her parent's bedroom went off, a few minutes after
Masa's light went of. He waited for an hour then stepped out of the car pulling his hoodie over the
head and put his hands in the pockets as he walked over to her window.
He knocked softly on her window with his knuckle and waited for her response, there was none and
he tried again.
Inside Masa opened her eyes and sat up listening to the knock, She got out of bed and peeked
outside to confirm her suspension then she switched on the lights and opened the window...
Gape: (whispered) Can I see you for a minute? I just want to tell you everything that happened and
apologize to you. Just 10 minutes.
Masa: No, Shouldn't you be with Entle in your bed telling her how boring i am?
Gape: Masa the mma ska dira yalo babe , just give me 10 minutes, let's go to the car I'm getting cold.
Masa: I meant what i said, it's over Gape gao kake wa robala le Entle and then expect me to take you
back, you are dirty.
Gape: (frustrated) I didn't sleep with her kante ke eng resa bitse Entle ra mmotsa ne my love? Masa
the mma ska ira yalo babe keago rata. I'm sorry that you had to go through the pain of abortion
because of me, i should have been careful in the first place. (he put his hand inside) hold my hand at
least ke utwe your touch..
Masa: (folded her arms) Leave before my father catches you here, he has been looking for you.
Gape: (tearfully) Masa the mma tswela konte.. Or open the kitchen door ke tsene and risk getting
caught ee.
Masa: You had sex with my cousin while i was in the hospital... Ibile keha ole excited telling her I'm
boring. You claimed to hate liars in the morning but now you can't even admit the truth.
Gape: (swallowed and faced down) Yes, I'm sorry. I admitted it can you come with-
Gape: Shit...!
The lights went on as he jumped the fence and dropped his car keys, he jumped back in and
searched for them in darkness...
Gape: (took out his phone and lit the touch) Fuck! Where are you? Shit....
The back neighbors switched on their lights blowing the neighborhood crime watch whistles and
everyone got up as whistles blew from all directions and men jumped the fences screaming, he
found the keys and jumped the fence twisting an ankle on his landing....
A stone missed his ear flap and he tripped on the sand, when he turned about 6 men were running
after him with sjamboks and sticks... Dogs barking charging at him...
His heart pounding he got up and ran unlocking his car from a distance and slammed the door once
inside, his shaky hands missed the ignition a couple of times as dogs jumped scratching the car, he
finally started it and one of the men crushed his windshield, he swung the steering wheel and drove
off leaving them in the mist of dust.
At Gape's house...
Early in the morning around 6am Same was on the bed while Marvin was sleeping on the carpet with
his blankets.
Marvin: My father was a very violent man, he easily lost his temper and he believed in doing thinks
his way or the high way.
Same: It must have been hard for you two, i know kids always get caught between such things.
Marvin: It was a bit hard but he loved us, he never directly abused us.. He was just hard on us. One
day Gape came from school crying, he was 7 years old i think when Dad asked him why he was crying
he said the other boys beat him, Dad took a stick and beat him for losing a fight (they laughed) since
that day he has never backed away from a fight or lost a fight.
Marvin: (laughed) He was, he had so many awkward ways of doing how did you grow up?
Same: Well... My mother died when I was very young so my sister and I were raised by my
Marvin: She is a very nice old lady, i want to visit her as soon as i get well.
Same: Yeah..
Marvin: Will you come with me to Gaborone? I know it's a lot to ask for and we don't know each
other that much but I have never met someone as nice as you and wouldn't it be nice for you to
spend at least a week with the stranger you want to give your kidney to?
Marvin: Yes
Same: Okay, I will have to go home and properly say goodbye to my grandmother.
Marvin: Of course..
Same: (got out of bed and put on her clothes) Let me go make breakfast, next time one of you boys
is cooking.
Same made her way to the kitchen, when she glanced at the couch she noticed there was a few dry
blood drops under Gape's hand as it hung outside the duvet, she walked over...
Gape slowly got up rubbing his eyes, There was a big slash on his palm....
Same hurried to the kitchen and warmed water, Marvin walked over...
Gape: Masa got pissed and screamed for her Dad saying there was someone on her window. You
know how Neighborhood crime watch ya Boseja is tight, they blew their whistles and everyone woke
up chasing after me with dogs.
Same: (walking over with warm water) Why didn't you stop and explain that you are not a thief? I
thought you once stayed in that neighborhood too.
Marvin: They wouldn't have had time to recognize him because of the noise they make and the dogs
barking, especially when it's dark... They obviously thought he was a thief or rapist.... he did the right
thing to run gape even if they recognized him he would still have to explain why he is peeping in girls
Same: (kneeling down holding a bowl of warm water) Ao batho baa jeso ele gore how old is your
girlfriend yoo kua bo Papa?
Marvin: 19
Gape: 27
Same: But she is old enough to know what a mob can do, why would she do that to you? Imagine if
the stones they threw hit your head.
Marvin: She knows exactly what would happen, she has seen thieves being caught at night... She
knows by the time the police come the person is bruised and bleeding. (angrily) I can't believe she
did this... Kana had they caught him we would be saying a different story.
Marvin: Now we're wasting thousands on the windscreen replacement mme rele broke.
Same put on gloves and gently washed it with a cottton wool... The sandy blood stains cleared off
and inside the reddish cut a glass caught her sight and she jumped back her skin crawling...
Marvin: Gape we have to go to the hospital so that they can remove this..
Gape held the glass and slowly pulled it out grunting with a wide grin on his face, He dropped the
piece of glass on the floor and groaned as blood came out profusely....
Same: We are going to need bandages and at least an antiseptic cream. Should i go to the
Marvin went to the bedroom and took out his bag, as he pulled out the white first aid box a gun
caught his attention. He lifted it expecting it to be light, it fell and he picked it again... From it's
weight he could tell it was real.
Same: (laughed) O tshamekela unemployment, i paid for that course hoping i would get hired
somewhere, waii...
Marvin: (staring at him) What did you say was the name of the safari you work for again?
Same bandaged his hand up to his wrist and he took off his shoes, his ankle was swollen and Same
peeled out his white socks.
Same: Is it painful?
Gape: Yes
Same: Nna bagaetsho kitsonyana yame e heletse gone ha, I don't know what to do with a swollen
ankle... you really need the hospital so that a nurse can treat all these.
Gape: I work in the bush, i should be able to treat myself when I get injured.
Same took the bloody cotton wools and other things to the bathroom then Marvin sat closer to
Marvin: (lowered his voice) where did you get the money to pay GPH and buy a Madza3?
Gape: No, i will never kill a person unless it's self defense.
Marvin: Why do you have a gun in the house like you are some kind of a thug? Gape you're
intelligent... You are very educated.
Gape: Unfortunately education isn't the key to success anymore, Can we not do this with Same
Gape: I have to take the car to the garage so that we can leave in 2 days. Has Same agreed to come?
Marvin: Yes.
He limped outside....
At Olly's house...
Tendai and Farai joined their landlord in front of her house, Precious ran over to the other child and
played with her.
Olly: I'm very sad that you are leaving, where am i going to get good tenants? I was telling Thuo
yesterday that i liked you two. You never gave me trouble and when you were behind with rent you
were quick to explain to me.
Tendai: (smiled) Don't worry mama, we will keep coming here to say hi
Olly: You should drop by every once in a while, Hei maybe my next tenants are drunkards or the
types that runs away without paying rent.
Tendai: (laughed) I'm sure they will be good, I'm looking for a cheap plot to buy, have you heard
anyone interested in selling their plot? I want to build a house instead of renting.
Olly: You are my son, you have renovated my house for free and fixed things for me without a
charge do you really think I will sell you something at a price I would give a stranger? I want to buy
Vits... My legs nowadays fail me, they are painful and easily get swollen.
Tendai: How much is it? (smiled) Keep in mind that the house is very old and the plot is a small piece
of land.
Tendai: No think about it and maybe discuss it with your daughters. You will call me.
At Rakops....
A few days later Gape and Marvin greeted the old lady and had a chat with her while Same loaded
her things in the car...
Old lady: Oh okay... I know that family, we used to be neighbors way back before Maun became the
town it is now.
Marvin: Okay..
Gape: (gave her the phone) I saved all our numbers in your phone.
When Gape stood he caught a sight of Same walking over in yet another v-neck bandage pencil
dress...Marvin shook hands with the old lady and smiled at Same as she handed him her handbag.
The guys headed to the car while Same gave her grandmother a goodbye hug then she walked over
as they stared at her.
She got in the back with Marvin then Gape drove out of the yard switching on the music
player...from the base of his stereo banged Nico and Vince's Am i wrong....
Marvin: (singing waving his hand) I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing, Just cause
everybody doing what they all do.
Same: (joined singing along) If one thing I know, how far would I grow? I'm walking down this road of
mine, this road that I call home...
All: (singing nodding their heads) So am I wrong... Uuu... for thinking that we could be something for
Now am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?
At Maun Senior....
Masa and her classmate walked out of the staff room holding their references...
Masa: (putting it in her file) Hee Tshiamo mma so we have to apply with money at UB?
Tshiamo: Nna I don't want UB waitse, gae nthabe hela sente ke bata IHS hela yaana ele 1.
Masa: (smiled) I BAC or IHS but you must have second option in case they don-
Tshiamo: I don't like that girl, i can't believe she did that to you. So has your boyfriend called?
Masa: I broke my sim card he doesn't know my new number and that's good because I'm not
changing my mind. I will never be with a man that cheats on me, i won't settle for less.
Tshiamo: (smiled) At least he took your virginity, imagine I'm going to the city with mine, i feel like
such a village girl . I wish men could approach me, sometimes i feel like i must be very ugly.. Kana
ganke ke lekwa wena
Masa: (laughed) Le nna i hardly get men coming up to me like Entle and when my ex approached me
i panicked for days. i don't think you're ugly it's just that you're short and skinny, they think you are
still a baby
Tshiamo: Baby ya eng? didn't God give them special manly instincts to sense when a girl is ready? i
really want a boyfriend gape ke bata just one responsible boyfriend. If i can be lucky like my mom..
She met Dad at UB up to now they are together... You should hear her talking about their crazy love.
Tshiamo: (giggling) Yes... We can stay up all night while she tells me about things back then... All her
crazy mistakes and all that, it's crazy!
Masa: I wish i had your mom, she sounds cool nna ke tshaba Mama mma.
Tshiamo: My mom is naughty she always tells me gore if a guy knows you're a virgin he won't agree
to use a condom and he will say crazy things like the first time you won't get pregnant blabla... I
laughed until my ribs hurt and the way she says it it will kill you hahaha.
Masa: Hahaha ijoo nna I'm afraid of my mother...
At Block 3….
Gape parked in front of the servant's quarter's and stepped out holding three large tripple decker
pizzas, he placed them on the bed next Marvin and Same who were watching a movie in the
Gape: (staring at them) Are you guys going to share the bed?
Same: He suggested i sleep on the bed and he sleeps on the foor that's absurd, we will share cause
the floor is cold, (smiled at Marvin) If you touch me I'm not giving you my kidney...
He dragged his feet to his room and smiled surprised as he walked in... She had neatly made his 3/4
bed, arranged his shoes along the wall and placed his laptop on the corner of the bed on top of a
well folded towel. He sat on the bed smiling thoughtfully then went to their room minutes later.....
Same was standing by the table pouring drinks in three glass, Gape sat next to his brother looking at
the screen...
Marvin: Crank..
Same: (laughed) Marv made me watch it and it turns out it's very interesting and funnynyana....
An erotic scene came on and there was an awkward moment of silence as they all hoped it would
quickly pass but it kept getting more intense...
Gape grabbed his box and headed out with his other hand in the pocket...
He put his pizza on the bed and opened his laptop then he clicked on the adult videos and put on
headphones... His heartbeat raised as he watched then he put his hand inside his sweat
pants,Marvin walked in...
Gape: (quickly took out his hand) Uhh f*ck really? Why are you not knocking?
Gape: (Marv closed the door) Um Marv? (opened and peeked in) are you with Same?...Like dating?
Gape: Okay
Gape: Do you?
Gape: No... I was just asking because you two seem to be hitting it off.
Marvin: We talk about a lot of things, we're friends and when the time is right things will just
happen, i don't want to rush in. First I have to get better...
Marv: Thanks
Marvin: I will
Gape: Tell her as early as now, I'm sure she doesn't know you're married and it will blow up on your
face if Sego sees her before the divorce is final, just saying.
Marvin: It's true i will tell her... (staring at him) Next time lock the damn door.
Marvin closed the door and walked away then Gape took a sip of his drink and stepped out for walk,
As he passed by their landlord's house on his way to the gate, there was a heated argument inside....
Landlord: (loudly) You are very stupid, you're useless. Do you even know how much i paid for those
Voice: (crying) I tried my best to read and I didn't make myself stupid, maybe you made me stupid
because Dad was intelligent.
Landlord: You're useless... So what are you going to do with your life? I'm not paying for another
rewrite, what are you going to do?
Voice: I will see what to do with my life, stop calling me stupid. (crying) i know I'm stupid... I know
I'm a failure...
Landlord: You are going to be a nothing, Men are going to use you and dump you like trash....
Voice: (crying) Fine if they use me, at least i will be useful for once in my life.
Landlord: They must have switched you at the hospital because none of my children are stupid, all of
them went to school but you are a good for nothing. I'm tired of feeding you, you should start
thinking about getting a job too, oa lapisa mogo maswe sa gago kego ja fela!
Gape walked out of the gate and tried Masa's number over and over again but it wasn't available. A
few minutes later when he came back their landlord was driving out and Daisy crying watering the
Gape: Hi...
Her: (sniffed) Hi
Gape: Are you okay? (she kept quiet) You can talk to me.
She threw the water hose and covered her eyes crying, Gape walked over and hugged her from
behind then he turned her around and rubbed her tears....
Every time she tried to speak tears came rolling, he closed the tap and took her hand leading her to
his room where she sat on the bed while he sat on the plastic chair staring at her...he quietly stared
at her as she sniffed wiping her tears until she stopped.
Gape: (calmly) Are you okay? (she nodded) A beautiful girl like you shouldn't cry (she blushed
rubbing her eyes)... Your name is Daisy right?
Daisy: Yes...
She stared at his hypnotic eyes and shyly faced down as he leaned over and French kissed her. He
sneaked his hand under her top and kissed her harder laying her on the bed. She felt his boner and
panicked pushing him back.
Daisy: Wait...
Gape: Daisy..
Gape: We won't do anything... Come on, sit down. I won't do anything you don't like i promise.
Daisy: (Sat on the bed) Don't take off your sweat pants.
Gape: It won't, I just want to feel your temperature gake tsenye moteng.
Daisy: Let me see golo gateng pele? (he made her hold it) It's too bi-
Gape: I'm just rubbing, Gake tsenye moteng ke kgomisa ha nkong hela, trust me...
Gape: Babe kana gakena go utwa sepe panty e thibile, Look at me... (tearfully) Please... Togela
Gape: Ee..
She let go of her panties then he pulled them out and #removed.......
The Alfa Male
At Gape's room...
.....he exhaustedly fell next to her catching his breath then she pulled up her panties and stood...
Gape: wait (stood and peaked inside her wet panties) takego suthe
Gape: You're so tight, i have never had sex with somebody as tight as you.
He opened the door and walked her out shirtless in his sweat pants, He noticed she wasn't walking
properly and paused...
Gape: Are you okay? Why are you walking like that..?
Gape: (laughed looking around) But you have to walk properly now you walk like you have been
Daisy: (they both laughed and heard the gate sliding) I have to go, bye bye...
She ran over to the house, when Gape turned his brother was standing at the stoop staring at him,
He ashamedly passed him and laid on his bed opening the laptop...
Marvin: You need to grow up, How can you sleep with our landlord's daughter? How long do you
think we will last here? What is wrong with you these days? How old is she? she looks way younger
than Masa i thought you said you wanted someone mature.
Gape: It was just sex, I'm stressed she stressed and we helped each other out. No strings attached, I
won't be seeing her again.
Marvin: Did you use protection? (he kept quiet) Kante what exactly do you want? A baby or STDs?
Marvin: (laughed in disbelief) To think the government wasted money sponsoring your ass abroad...
(shook his head) I can't... I'm done.
Gape: Okay that was a dumb response... It just happened, i didn't plan it.. Had i planned it i would
have bought condoms.
Marvin: Here is my advice, Go get tested and buy condoms.... Lots of condoms... Put them in your
room, the car and you must always carry one in your wallet if you can't control yourself...this is the
city you will die young.
Marvin: Can you do me a favor and die after i have gotten a kidney transplant? I need you and you
know I'm going to need you more after the surgery.
Gape: Have you ever thought how all these affects me Marv? I get that you're sick but do you know
what it's like to watch your brother get sick and lose everything he had.. Having to be the
breadwinner when you're not employed? I can't find a stable relationship…have you ever tried being
me for a minute? I had dreams.... You know it, I wanted to be a pilot and get married right after
graduation but guess what it didn't work out like that.. I am not where I want to be in life, I'm way
Marvin: I know life hasn't been fair on you but don't let stress dictate your life, Imagine if this girl
falls pregnant that means you have child support on your list, If life isn't going easy on you that's
reason enough for you to be more careful because you can't afford another baggage. I know
unprotected is sweet but nowadays unprotected sex is the worst thing you can ever do, some
people are born with HIV...
Gape: I do Marv, Don't you think i feel guilty already? I wasn't thinking... I just wanted to get laid.
Entle: Why?
Gape: Okay
He sent her airtime and she sent the number then he called her again.
Gape: And if you tell Masa that i ever called you you will piss on your panties again.
Her: Hello
Gape: Hello Mrs Saudu, you're speaking to David from the Ministry of education, may i please talk to
Her: Yes sir, just a minute. (shouted in the background) Masa?! Hurry up... Why are you walking i
said hurry up, this is an important call.
Masa: Hello?
Gape: Masa please just listen.. Please. I know i have hurt you and I'm sorry but the truth is i didn't
sleep with Entle, I don't have a reason to lie now that i lost you but i wanted you know that i wasn't
playing with your feelings, i really love you. (she walked outside) I was angry when i found out you
aborted our baby because in my own little mind it would bring us closer but maybe it wasn't meant
to be if it's that easy to let go of us. If you ever need anything call me or we can be friends or
something. That's all i wanted to say. I love you and you will always be the one.
Masa: Nna tota Gape i no longer have feelings for you, The truth is i will never know whether you
slept with her or not but either way just the thought of you two kissing and all that makes me angry.
I can't forgive you.
Gape: (tearfully) Can't you give me a chance to prove that i have changed? Babe I'm really stressed
out, I can't think straight.
Masa: No,bye.
Gape: I can't believe i lost you that easily.
Masa: Maybe on the next girl you will zip your pants.
Gape: Trust me, I have leant my lesson.. (she rolled her eyes) And I'm saying this from the bottom of
my heart. I knew you were hurt but i didn't know you would really do this.
Masa: Bye
Gape: (tearfully) Can i have your number so that we can talk when you come to Gaborone?
Masa: No and don't call my parents again or i will tell them it's you fooling them.
He hung up and threw his phone on the bed rubbing his face....
Daisy's room....
After taking a bath she closed the door and got the pocket mirror from the wardrobe then she
squatted putting the mirror under... She frowned looking at her bruised cookie then her mother
walked in and she jumped...
Her: I just spoke to your grandmother and she agreed for you to move back to Mahalapye. Your
Auntie is also about to deliver and you know your grandmother is too old, they need someone to
work around the home and send to shops.
Daisy: (teary) Mama i don't want to go to Mahalapye and you know how Auntie is, she is just going
to fold her arms and have me do everything. I will look for a job.
Her: Daisy i don't have the energy to argue with you, You are going to Mahalapye, pack your bags, i
don't have time i have to prepare for my trip tomorrow.
Daisy: (crying) I'm sorry for arguing with you earlier, i won't do it again, let me stay i will work extra
home chores and do your laundry.
Her: It's better you go there, what's the use of having you around warming the couch? .
Daisy: Mama can you give me 2months to start a business then i will move out.
Her: Business without education? What kind of business is it? Selling airtime?
Daisy: But preschools knock off, i won't knock off... If a parent has an event in the evening they can
use my services, all these ladies who lock innocent babies in the house to party can use my help. I
think a lot of parents will come as long as they trust me not to abuse their children and I love
children, I can never harm a baby.
Her: That idea sounds stupid who will leave their children with a stranger who doesn't even have
qualifications? And how much will you make? Other girls are nurses, doctors and lawyers, how do
you think? Why can't you be like your older brothers and sisters? Can't you see their profession?
Ngwanaka tlhe o learugi...
Her: (impatiently) Just pack your things I'm going to get my bag.
She walked outside then Daisy packed her bags and got in the car crying. She suddenly remembered
she hadn't exchange numbers with Gape and stepped out of the car.
Daisy: uh Mama mma gao mphelela pelo jaana, i just failed i didn't kill anyone.
Her mother: (angrily) Don't talk to me like that, This attitude is the reason you are going there. (she
drove out as Daisy silently cried) Stop sniffing, it's irritating...
At Marina Hospital....
The next morning Marvin and Same stepped out of the car and walked in the hospital...
Marvin: He is crying for Masa kooteng ne a mo rata mogo serious but I'm sure he will be fine
tomorrow. He never mourns for long...
Her sister: Mme kana he is still your hubby legally and you can sue her.
Sego: Of course I'm going to sue, he even bought a car with his package a tlhanya skotwane mo
Gaborone le banyana badi fake figures, I'm sure she is wearing slimmer belts to have that waist and
flat tummy, fake b!tch. I'll show this girl. (fished for her phone in her handbag) I want pictures of
them together...
Her sister: You need intimate pictures those are the ones that the court accepts, we have to follow
them and see where they stay.. Tail him so good for months gore case ya gago e nne boketenyana.
Proving beyond reasonable doubt that this girl took your husband and made him abandon his
Sego: (smiled) I can't believe with so many law suits there are girls who are too naive to date a
married man bale comfortable enough to even keep him in their houses, Legale o siame she is
making me rich i hope she comes from riches because when they ask me I'm going to demand P80
000. I'll show this girl a daylight ghost just wait......
4 MONTHS LATER...........(9t)
Quick reminder: I only post bonus inserts when the previous post has a lot of likes otherwise i stick
to posting 2 inserts per day on weekdays so press Like every time you read. Much love...
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
Gape sprayed a little perfume on himself and grabbed his sweater on his way out. A few minutes
later he parked in front of another plot and blew the horn... A 4 year old girl ran out and he smiled
getting out of the car opening the door for her....
Her: Good..
He closed the door and waved at her mom then he drove off and stopped at another yard. A mother
walked out with her 2 year old and Gape stepped out getting her.
Gape: Today we will be singing The wheels on the bus.. Your favorite..
Her: Yeiii
He put her in and closed the door, the mother smiled at him as he got in the car...
Gape: (smiled) You always look beautiful but today you are gorgeous...
Her: (blushed) Thank you, you always look... You know... Never mind...
Gape: (smiled staring at her) You bad bad girl.. I should punish you for your dirty thoughts about
your daughter's driver.
Her: Don't flatter yourself.. (laughed) O bona wena Gape... O iphemisitse ka bomo
Gape: My thoughts about you are even dirtier...
He smiled shaking his head and drove off to another home, where a 7 year old boy ran out and got in
the front seat, he slammed the door and fist bumped with Gape.
Gape:Was up?
Boy: Cool (he fast forwarded the preschool songs to house) Yeahh...
Gape: (they made noise arguing) Maybe i should turn off the music, uh? Tumo listens to one song
and then we play the ABCs fair enough?
Gape: (smiled looking at Kayla) Oh God i thought kayla was beautiful but when she pouts... Ng ng...
Or maybe i picked the wrong Kayla, My kayla is beautiful and she is never mad. When she smiles her
little teeth come out and the car goes faster. (she smiled shyly) Uh there we go....
He got one more student and dropped them off at their schools. On his way back his phone rang and
he answered...
Gape: Hello?
Tendai: I don't feel this anymore.... You can never get away with crime twice..
Gape: I saved about 15 grand and I'm also doing a little something, it's not much but it pays the rent.
Thuo: i need money, I need serious money can we go for the last time? At least so that I can fix my
car and start a business.
Thuo: Guys come on, this time we won't take long because we know our way around the park.
He hung up and continued driving... While waiting for the traffic lights he caught himself smiling at a
flashback of Daisy saying she was disgusted by her panties after their sex and when he remembered
how she walked he chuckled on his own…she had been in his mind for weeks, he took out his phone
and called Same.
Same: Hello?
Same: I did, hei that woman though, does she have to always talk so loud? And i don't think she
loves her daughter, she is always making funny remarks.
Gape: (laughed) She needs a dic that's all, send me Daisy's number.
Same: Okay, how is Marvin? Has he eaten anything? You have to force him to eat...
Gape: I will mak something for him when I get home, ke tsamaya ha western by pass.
A few minutes later he parked home and stepped out calling Daisy.
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: I got Same to pretend she had borrowed you something and needed your number. Where are
you? I miss you... I want to see you.
Daisy: I'm in Mahalapye, my mother moved me here, I wanted to talk to you so bad but I didn't know
Daisy: No..
Gape: And?
Daisy: Thanks
He hung up and got in the house then he prepared breakfast whistling listening to music with his
headset.... Marvin woke up and sat up straight.
Gape: (turned smiling) Have a little faith in me... I'm practicing secondary virginity alright?
Marvin: Can't you leave the little girl alone? Is that why you been talking about her so much? Leave
the little girl alone.
Marvin: Wena monna kana i have never had sex with a virgin?
Gape: It sucks to be you...It wasn't a big deal to me until i did it with Daisy cause with Masa it was a
normal kind of sex but Daisy? (smiled) Damn that girl was all over the place and freaking turned me
on, she even cried time out are wa ikhutsa. I wanted to laugh kele ha godimo but nea nthomola pelo.
Marvin: (laughed) I can imagine and Daisy looks like the type that fears dic.
Gape: Keha tshweretse panty ha godimo a tshogile kamo iketela hela until a goroga hanneng ke
mmata teng.... (handed him the food) Here....
Marvin: Thanks
Marvin: Sure...
At Wimpy....
Sego: No..... thank you so much... (frowned looking at her phone screen) Oh no, My airtime just
finished. Can you borrow me your phone so that I can text my husband? he is late. We were
supposed to meet here. I promise i will refund you
Same: (smiled and handed it) You can call i have about P6 in there
She took screenshots of the conversation between Same and Marvin , she glanced at Same who was
smiling with other customers then she sent the pictures via Bluetooth. She deleted everything and
smiled as Same walked over.
Sego: He is stuck in traffic, Thank you so much . (paid and gave her a P20 tip) bye
Hours later Gape stepped out of the car and went for a leak at the toilets. On his way out he took
out his phone and dialed Daisy as a bus from Maun arrived.... He saw a familiar woman running over
to the bus carrying a bowl, She looked like Daisy except she was thicker and had short hair but he
walked over anyway...
Her: (lifting her bowl to the bus passengers) Drink le metsi! Manoko le di raisins...
The voice assured him and he increased his pace hoping he was wrong but it was her, He stood
under the shade and continued calling her phone but with so much noise she couldn't hear it ringing
as she continued to go around the bus...
Gape's heart broke as he stared at her old shoes, her skin tone was darker and she had gained more
weight... He put his phone in the pocket and walked over to her...
Daisy: (smiled) Gape? Hi...(checked her phone) Oh my God did you call me?
He ran out of words and grabbed her wrist leading her to the car....
Daisy: (held her bowl properly) Careful ota tsholola stock same..
He paused and got the bowl then he placed it on the ground and took her to the car......
Daisy: (a dog ran to the bowl) Hey... Hey... Fosek! (to him) Gape that's my last stock you can't-
She got in the car then Gape got in and silently drove away...
Gape: Nothing...
Gape: (frustrated) Babe can you keep quiet for a minute?I need to think...
She kept quiet and he drove to the nearest guest house where he paid for a night and lead her
Gape: (sat on the bed) Go and take a bath, I'm going to buy something for us to eat.
She took off her clothes and jumped in the shower, she smiled rubbing her tummy slowly as the
water ran down the foam....
Daisy later walked out of the shower wrapping herself with a towel, he was sitting on the bed with
his head buried between his palms, he turned looking at her and put the takeaways on the bed. She
blushed as he stood walking over.
He reached for her cheek and leaned over kissing her laying her on the bed and unwrapping the
The Alfa Male..
In Mahalapye...
After a gentle love making Daisy laid her head on Gape's chest tracing his chest with her finger as he
caressed her tummy lost in deep thoughts.....
Daisy: My grandmother knows but i begged her not to tell my mother until i figure a way of telling
her, she knows how her daughter is so she kept quiet.
Gape: Babe nna ke bata rago nna rothe in Gaborone i don't want you selling things ka ngwanake mo
tsatsing yaana. I'm not rich but i don't think I can fail to support you or the baby.
Daisy: I don't want to go there and taste that kind of life and then when my mother insults you
return me here then i start all over again, my mother talks and when she starts talking she never
stops. Le yone relationship e i don't think it will last because they're going to tell you how stupid and
worthless i am.
Gape: Babe I know you failed and I don't care about that because we all have different gifts,
education doesn't guarantee success believe me i went to school and passed at the top of my class. I
hammered every exam i came across even my practicals i have never made an error landing or
taking off, all my flights were excellent but I'm here not working. (sighed staring at her) I just love
you and this little guy.. (rubbing her tummy) I can't have you selling things to support the baby what
would that say about the kind of a man i am or the father i am? Let's just go together for a few
months when your due date approaches you will come have the baby then we go back again. Gake
rate long distance relationship you never get to know each other, i hate conversations over the
phone i want to look in your eyes when i tell you something.
Daisy: I will talk to my grandmother, I don't want to just up and leave without her blessing. It will be
like I'm one of those girls who don't have respect.
Gape: Yeah, i understand but (smiled) Daisy waitse gore you just changed my life? I will never be just
Gape i will be someone's dad.
Daisy: (smiled) and you changed mine, modimo! I can't believe I'm going to be a mother.. I hope my
granny gives me her blessing..
Gape: I want to go and greet her so that she doesn't think of me as a stranger. (smiled) I need to add
some scores and charm her a bit... Throw in a little bit of Gape magic
Gape: (checked his time) Babe I have to go, I have students that I transport to and from school. Let's
go buy you a few things kego drope ko lapeng,, .
Daisy: (got up smiling) They will be shocked to see me coming back without my stock, (laughed) I still
can't believe you did that...stock sele se nturetse kana.
Gape: Babe the mma don't remind of that, You should have seen my heart... Hake utwa ore drink le
metsi...f*ck! I don't ever want to remember seeing you like that.
Gape: (kissed her) But you're very clever babe waitse? I mean if i didn't show up the baby would
have something to wear and that turns me, the fact that you are a survivor...
Gape: (got on top of her kissing her) I don't want you hustling, that is for me to do not you, wena o
bereka go bolelela that little guy to grow up.
At Tendai's house...
...Tendai pulled out and kissed her then he grabbed a towel and wiped himself.
Farai: (checked the time) You have to go pick Precious from school.
Tendai: (laid next to her rubbing her bump) She will come by herself.
Tendai: Many kids walk to school why would she get lost?
Farai got up and put on her clothes, she hurried to the sitting room and heard school children singing
clapping hands. She peeked outside and saw Precious singing along... She waved at them as she
turned into the gate.
Kids: bye
On his drive to Gaborone Gape took out his phone and called his big brother...
Marv: Yuh?
Gape: Huh I don't like the way she is living here and I don't like the condition I found her in.
Marv: So what do you want to do? If you bring her here her mother will be on your case and ladies
like this are not afraid to send the police gotwe you locked their daughter in your house.
Marv: I don't know Gape this is what you should have thought about before o rotela ngwana wa
Marv: (laughed) Nxu struu o tile gore patika ene mosadi yoole...Did she tell her mother?
Gape: No her mother doesn't know but the grandmother knows, i even went there and greeted her,
i didn't stick around for long but she sounds like an understanding person. I want to rent a house
and move in with her.
Marv: It sounds like a good idea if her parents allow her, Waitse Gape o bakile kana you have only 4
months to hustle everything for the baby because the last month gare e bale, botsetse boa tura kana
laitaka wa itse akere? You were there when i had my kids you know
Marv: And you better stop whatever it is that you been doing or else you will be exactly like dad
Gape: (Got a call from Daisy) Marv I'll call you back, take arabe first lady.
Marv: Sure
Daisy: She said no, i can't visit you for that long.
Daisy: (laughed) I'm kidding, she says she doesn't have a problem but i should ask mom but I'm not
going to ask her because I'm trying so hard not to get stressed for the baby's sake. Send the money
I'll catch a bus tomorrow.
Gape: No I'll come get you... I have to put up a house search and hire a moving truck that is if I'm
lucky enough to find a house that quick.
Daisy: Okay
Gape: I love you and tomorrow ke eta koo ke tile go tsaya ngwanake tell him daddy is coming
Daisy: (smiled) I'll tell him, This shoes are beautiful, thank you.
Gape: Anytime go and rest,kare rest.. oskaya ko di renkeng ka ngwanake, okatago nthalosetsa.
He hung up and punched the air in victory then he increased the music volume nodding his head
driving back to Gaborone...........
The Alfa Male
At Dibete....
Traveling at 80km/h Madza 3 swam through the breezy air as Daisy put her hand outside enjoying
the wind brushing her skin... The woofer boomed with OMI's Cheerleader on repeat mode since
Daisy admired him as he hummed the song, She placed her drink on the holder and reduced the
Gape: Not really, I'm not a dancer but i can sing a few songs and play the guitar.
Gape: (smiled) I'm serious but it's been a while since I played, i learnt at school. My roommate was a
guitar fanatic and he managed to get me hooked on guitars before the end of my first semester.
Daisy: (whining) Ah rra nna i want you to sing for me... Ke curious, your voice sounds so sexy when
you sing Cheerleader. (smiling) Gapenyana wants to hear daddy singing
Daisy: (adjusted the chair and laid down putting her arms behind her head as a pillow) Gape?
Gape: Maa?
Daisy: I'm happy when I'm with you or whenever I think about you.
Gape: (laughed) The first day you were scared and you just pulled your panties osa sutha semen.
Daisy: (laughed) But can i tell you the real reason i was in such a hurry?
Gape: Yeah
Gape: (laughed)and?
Gape: Babe the mma tolela ko morago o nneele drink in the back kana marago ataa thama?
She went to the back and grabbed a Heineken then she jumped on the front seat and tried opening
it with her hands, he smiled and gave her the bottle opener, she still struggled with it then he
grabbed the bottle and opened as she quickly held the steering wheel...
Gape: Trust me, i can never be drunk to the point of putting you in danger.
Daisy: I will be observing you, i don't want you coming home late ore hewe hewe babe we were
having a few drinks.
Daisy: (increased the volume and sang along) Under the coconut tree...
Gape: (laughed) Ijaa babe you can't sing, just keep quiet hahaha
Gape: (he laughed as she continued to poorly sing along) Jesus please don't let her voice into my son
Gape: (put her hand in his pants) Massage it.. (she frowned) Ae ae babe... You're supposed to bow
down to this thing it made you a baby....
Daisy: ( rubbing it) can't believe this thing got inside me..
Gape: An next time ke tsenya gothe... (staring at her) Babe suck it...
Gape: Suck it twice then or once, just suck the tip. I want to feel the temperature of your tongue..
Daisy: No.
Gape: (pulled over the waistband of his pants) One day you'll be a professional at sucking it so much
you'll be swallowing everything it spits.
His phone rang, he gave her his beer bottle and answered.
Gape: ya?
Thuo: Guys?
Tendai: Hello?
Thuo: Gape that's why you need to go, child support wago e bona kae?
Gape : I'll find other ways, I have a bad feeling about this one.
Tendai: Me too.
Gape: Thuo kana if you get caught you'll lead the investigation to us, why can't you find other ways?
sente hela what did you do with your money besides buying a car? How can you be so broke osa
sapote ope? (he remembered Daisy was in the car) Guys can i call you back a little later? I'm with
Thuo: Seriously you're going to pass a business opportunity for a few rounds? Dude i understand you
are excited about being a father but you-
Gape: (angrily) No I don't that's why I'm asking, Thuo don't.. Don't even try
Thuo: Tendai you need to stop sucking up to him, you know you want the money, just because he
At Gape's house....
He stopped the car and handed her the house keys, She walked over and unlocked as he took the
guitar out of the car and locked the car.
She smiled looking at a new pair of pink sleepers by the door then she walked in and sat on the bed
staring at the big TV and the little fridge by the corner..
He walked in and closed the door then he took off his t-shirt and hung the guitar string across his
shoulders.... Daisy smiled staring at his smile going down his chest... His deepened bellybutton
caught her attention as she went down his black sweat pants... He hit the first string as if he was
testing the guitar strings then he slightly bit his lower lip and slowly released it staring at her.. He
started playing the first notes as she smiled trying to recognize the song... She smiled widely as the
strings got more defined as OMI Cheerleader ... She stopped smiling staring at him as he sang, his
voice gave her goosebumps as he went....
Yeah, Yeah
She tearfully stared at him as he continued singing, His fingers sexily moved around the guitar strings
as he controlled the tones... He sang walking over and sat next to her on the bed...
Gape: (singing staring at Daisy) 🎶🎸Oh, I think that I've found myself a cheerleader
The director walked in and threw Gape's file on the table as he took a seat, Tense silently praying for
a positive response Gape loosened the tightness of his tie as the director opened his file....
Him: Gape... Gape....This is quite a GPA (smiled) are you sure it's not fake?
Gape: (smiled) Yes sir but you can always confirm it.
Him: I'm kidding (looking at the file) This is a good performance...Your references look good, I like
your take-offs and could be a great start as a first officer before you can move on be a
captain but we are not hiring.
Gape: I understand that, that is why I'm willing to volunteer my skills for free or with a little
allowance just so i can add on my flying hours or you could add me to your engineering team. Just
anything and I'm willing to accept any amount of your choice.
Him: (frowned) I wish it was that simple but this looks very good... You're an excellent pilot.
Gape: (swallowed) Can you at least talk to someone in other airlines to hire me then? I mean i know
this is unprofessional... (he closed his file and pulled it closer) I have a situation at home, My brother
is a kidney patient and I'm the only family he has, he is on special diet and it is costly, I'm expecting
my first born and my girlfriend is unemployed, both her and the baby are my responsibility... I'm just
asking you from one man to another, help me get a job. Please... I know you obviously get this a lot
with high rates of unemployment but you will be saving my life, I have reached that point in my life
where I'm actually considering doing the worst just to take care of my responsibilities, My
conscience is wearing away....Maybe this is wrong to say but that's the truth, i really need a job that
is related to what i studied.(staring at him) I know you know a few people please help me, Help my
sick brother, help my son....
Him: (thoughtfully bit his pen looking outside) I will keep an eye open for you even in other airlines, i
have a few friends here and there, if God allows a post will pop and I'll be sure to hand over this (he
pulled over his file) I'll hold on to this. I'm not going to put in a good word for you I'll be handing over
your resume, if you fail the interviews then it's-
Him: (smiled) This was a brave move, most people send job applications and wait at home...
They shook hands and Gape took the elevator down...A lady smiled at him as he took off his tux
getting in the car...
Her: (smiled walking away) And you look very good in a suit... Letheka leo le tshwanna ke lebante.
He laughed and pulled out of the parking lot, His phone rang and he checked the rear mirror before
Gape: Hello?
Thuo: Do you want me to say sorry for something i said under stress?
Gape: It's not about that, If that's how you see my girl then we won't get along. You ought to respect
her just for being my mine, You don't get to call her names.
Thuo: I'm sorry, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I guess i was under a lot of stress. I crushed my car
and Junior's mother is on my case about paying his school fees or she will report me for not
supporting him. If she goes to court i will have to pay 24 thousand.
Gape: What? How does one get charged such amount of money?
Thuo: Don't you remember she reported me when Junior was 9 months old? I haven't paid any child
support through the court, i have been giving her cash but at the court it seems i haven't been
supporting because i didn't give her the money through court...
Gape: Temete!
Thuo: Yeah
Gape: But I don't know why i feel like if we go there i will kiss my freedom goodbye or I will get shot.
Thuo: Gape it can't feel good if it's illegal, it's normal to feel that way. I don't want to go with anyone
but you because you're a walking GPS, Please help me. I know you have dreams for the kind of life
you want your child to have but let's be honest, you might not get a job and watch your son eating
soft porridge without sugar. It happens..
Gape: That is going to be my last option, When Daisy is 8 months pregnant kentse kesa bona tiro we
will go for sure. She is now five months.
At Sego's house....
Walter:Hi, Sego i was just looking at the evidence you gave me, it appears like a maid or nurse
patient relationship than an intimate relationship, are you sure they are dating?
Sego: They must be dating, she is not a relative and i have never seen her before.
Walter: But nothing proves an affair here, She keeps sending reminders for him to eat, they never
even have long conversations she can deny it.
At Gape's house....
Later that afternoon Same and Daisy were standing by the stove as Same showed her how to bake a
cake…..Daisy opened the oven and placed the tray.
Same: Light the burner and put it on 180°c…most sponge cakes bake better at that temperature.
Daisy: Oh okay...
Same sat down as Daisy cleaned the dishes in the kitchen and walked back in...
Same: Well... Uh never mind and then your brothers and sisters where are they?
Daisy : They are all here in Gaborone, the problem is i guess everyone expected me to be a brilliant
girl and i failed horribly twice, the stupid girl i am is not matching with who everyone expected so
nobody cares about me.
Same: But i like your business ideas the mma kana nna i like making money even if it means selling
clothes, (smiled) ithela pelo yame ele tshweu gake bala madi after selling.
Daisy: (smiled) I know the feeling, as soon as the baby is 3months I'm starting my business.
Same: but about the cake business the mma let's pursue it. There is a short course for cake making..
We could make birthday cakes and wedding cakes kana.
Same: Let Gape know about it, it's just P450 per month for six months ekare after botsetsi ra
simolola. I don't think Gape will refuse if he can afford it.
Same: Let me go check on Marvin, when I came he was asleep.…(laughed) Today I'm just enjoying
my day off..
At Marvin's house...
Almost an hour later Same walked in and found Marvin watching a movie on the laptop...
Same: (smiled) I like her thinking, rea tsamaisana. (she took off her jeans and remained with hot
pants) Take off your t-shirt i found that lotion...
Marvin closed the laptop and took off his shirt, Same squeezed the body lotion on his skin and
massaged it all over his skin....
Same: Yeah, the pharmacist said it is the best when it comes to skin irritations…..
She continued massaging his back and neck, he closed his eyes as her gentle hands rubbed his broad
shoulders... He put his hand on top of hers and she paused. He turned around staring at her... Her
heart pounded as he stared at her lips, she had thought about the moment several times but she
didn't know it would be that intense. He swallowed and moved closer then there was a knock at the
Same: "Daddy?"
Same: What?
Sego knocked and opened the door then she took pictures of them on the bed, the kids walked in
and their faces lit up when they saw their father, Kiddo and Winky jumped on the bed hugging their
father... Marvin hopelessly hugged them as Same got off the bed, Sego continued taking pictures of
Same as she got dressed.
Same: I didn't know he was married, I'm sorry. (picked her bag and packed her things) I'm not a
home wrecker.
Marvin: Sego why are you doing this? You took everything from me. Same listen...
Same: (crying) Ma'am please i don't have money to pay you, I'm sorry. I'll leave, I was just trying to
help him get a kidne-
Same: I don't care, With these pictures you're going to pay me....
Same charged at her and grabbed her phone, They fell on the floor fighting for the phone as the
children screamed crying... Sego managed to ran out holding the phone and Same ran after her, She
tripped her feet and Sego fell hitting her face on the pavement... Blood gashed out her mouth as she
spat rubbing her bloody nose, Same reached for the phone.......
The Alfa Male
At Marvin's house....
Marvin hurried over and peaked at the phone as Same tried to delete the pictures but the phone
was password protected...
He removed the sim cards and threw them at Sego who was sitting on the pavement spitting blood.
Marvin: Don't, You don't know her... She will splash it on your face and hit you while you are rubbing
your eyes.
She got in the car and drove away, Same walked back in the house and packed her things. Marvin sat
on the bed quietly staring at her...
Marvin: She served me with divorce papers months ago so i didn't want to turn you off with the I'm
a married man line because I knew you wouldn't agree to come here but i really enjoy your
Same: The fact that i wanted to put my life on the line for you, donating you a kidney when i don't
even know you should have motivated you to tell me, Now i just feel like you wanted to use me and
then get back with your wife.
Marvin: (searched for the papers) I know i withheld a very important piece of information about my
life but I have no feelings for my wife, none whatsoever. Here... You can abandon me but I will never
forget that you actually wanted to donate me your kidney. I will always lo- (paused staring at her) I
really don't want to do anything with you now because it will all just look like it's fake because I want
your kidney.
Kiddo: Daddy?
Same:You have kids that you never talk about, i thought you'd make a good father. I must be very
Same: Solve your issues with your wife, i don't like being dragged into people's problems. What if
people in Rakops hear about this and assume i came to Gaborone to sleep with married men?
Kiddo: Daddy?
Marvin: Kiddo I'll get back to you. Same please don't make decisions when you are angry, what am i
without you? Look around...
Marvin: I don't know why you're scared.. You're my kidney donar and there is so much evidence to
back that up, we are waiting for our date of course it's reasonable that we stay in one house to cut
the expenses. I'm from Maun and you're from Rakops, We are saving money as much as possible
because after the surgery we will be sick. Give me one judge who will rule against you simply
because you tried to save my life.
Same: Marvin how could you do this to me? Is this what I get for trying to help you?
Marvin: Her case will be dismissed, relax. You know we didn't do anything.
They hugged....
Monnakgotla bus stopped for the passengers to use the bathroom, Masa took off her headphones
and ran to the toilets dialing her friend...
Masa: (smiled) I'm in Serowe, You better wait for me at the bus rank Tshiamo i don't want to get lost
in Gaborone.
Tshiamo: Wena ware le nna Gaborone kea mo itse, Ke itse Extention 10 hela but I will wait for you at
the bus rank.
Sego: I haven't been seeing my husband for months, he abandoned me and the children. I heard
from people that he was staying with a certain girl in Block 3 kako Tswana Spar kakwa so i went
there to try and ask him for some money and indeed prove to myself that I had lost my husband to
her. When i got there they were in bed engaged in some of sexual activity, I took pictures so that i
can cry to the court for help because i love my husband... The woman attacked me and beat me so
hard, she took my phone and kicked me out, i even begged her to open for my children but she
Sego: He was on her side telling me to leave. I want to open a case against this woman for beating
me so hard, it took my husband she didn't have to beat me.
Officer: (handed her the medical report) You need to see a doctor, he should fill out this form but
before let's go over your statement so that i can write it down.....
At Gape's house....
Later that afternoon Gape walked in the house and found Daisy asleep on the bed, He took out his
phone and took pictures of her then he leaned over and kissed her softly, she opened her eyes and
sat up...
Gape: (taking off his shirt) Tomorrow you're not eating junk food...
Daisy: It's not me it's the cravings...and di cravings tsa teng are so strong, I have been sick all day
wondering when you'll bring the hot wings...
Gape: Yeah but i don't want complications during delivery kana nna ke bati babe, i always have to be
extra careful. I wanted a child for the past 4 years, I don't want anything to go wrong
Daisy: (laughed) I think as the months go by you're becoming soft, Nothing will happen to me. I'm
not even over weight.
He laid exhaustedly on the bed and Daisy walked to the kitchen chewing, she later handed him food
and a glass of cold Oros.
Daisy: I spent the day baking with Same and we want to start a cake business but I have to attend a 6
months course. It costs P450 per month... I don't know if we can afford it.
Gape: I can pay it but there will be shortage of food around the house yet you're pregnant you must
eat, I wish we could postpone that to after the baby is born. Right now I'm really broke.
Gape: It was great, after countless efforts to meet the director i finally did and he seems like a good
man. I don't want to get excited but I'm happy he promised to call me if there is a post.
He put the plate in the sink and headed to the bathroom where he took a bath and joined Daisy on
the bed. She laid her head on his chest as they started a movie....
Daisy felt the baby kicking and put his hand on her tummy, he smiled as the baby kicked his hand...
Gape: (laughed) Was i? (laid back rubbing her tummy) I can't wait to see him... Ehe! Almost forgot...
(went to the car and came back with a three piece of baby vests for newborns) I bought this at Pep
earlier, what do you think?
Daisy: (smiled hugging it) Oh my God it's so tiny... I like it... Now I'm going to be anxious to see him
wearing it.
Daisy: (hugged him) thank you... Nxhowww..... I'm so curious to see him now, i can imagine him in
His phone rang and he answered with Daisy on his lap....
Gape: Hello?
Masa: I'm stranded at the bus rank, A former classmate of mine was supposed to wait for me at the
rank but now she isn't picking but it's getting late. I don't know anybody in Gaborone.
Daisy's smile dropped as she felt his heart thudding right under her palm and he stood up putting
her down.
Daisy kept quiet looking at him, She could hear that he was talking to a female even though her
words weren't audible.
Gape: My girlfriend.
Masa: (after a long awkward moment) I just want somewhere i can lay my head or maybe i should
sleep at the bus rank and risk getting attacked by thugs?
Gape: The girl i was talking to is my homegirl otswa Maun and the person who was supposed to pick
her isn't answering the phone, She asked me for accommodation and i told her i stay with you and
she says she just wants where she can lay her head but it's up to you.
Gape: She was my neighbor... And we once tried dating but it didn't work out.
Gape: No, I don't. We were over long before you got in the picture.
Daisy: Okay we can accommodate her 1 night and she will sleep on the couch
Masa: Hey..
She smiled proudly and changed her dress, Minutes later they got in the car and drove to the bus
Gape parked next to the FNB machine and walked to the waiting room while Daisy waited in the car
playing a game on Gape's phone.
Masa dusted her black boots and as she looked up she saw him entering the waiting room... He was
lighter in complexion and definitely buffed up in a white t-shirt printed Maun x-port and black sweat
pants and men's Puma sandals.... She breathed on her hand and smelled it, it was okay.
Holding the car keys he scanned the room and spotted her at the corner as she stood hanging the
hand bag on her shoulder. She was wearing a black string top and her hips had grown, she had filled
the size 32 skinny jeans with her hips and ass... She pushed her blended weave to the back as he
walked over.
They put their arms around one another and hugged each other, She could feel his heart beating on
her ear. Gape felt his little guy getting excited and cut the hug short putting his hand in the pocket.
He grabbed her big bag and she followed him carrying her handbag...
Gape: i parked in front of the the ATM, take reke di mints ha.. Ke Madza 3 e white.
Masa: Okay
Meanwhile the hotdog lady squeezed the mustard on the warm hotdog and handed Daisy, she paid
and headed to the car...
Masa approached the car and got in the front seat, she pulled the seat belt and took out a drink,
Daisy walked over to the car and saw Masa in the front seat then she got in the back seat, Masa
turned surprised.
Daisy: Hi
Masa: Hi
Gape walked over and put her bag in the boot then he got in the driver's seat... It felt awkward being
with them at the same time but he put a bold face.
Daisy: Hi
Masa: Hi
He started the ignition and reversed. Masa secretly glanced at Daisy's face to see if she was pretty
and she wondered if she was just fat or pregnant... Daisy was curious to know who left who and
why... "maybe i should have refused," she thought as she continued eating her now boring hotdog.
Gape slowed down behind another car joining the city traffic jam that was controlled by a traffic
officer who was using a whistle. They waited for a long time quietly listening to music.. Rasun's Hard
to walk Away played as everyone awkwardly faced the other way.
🎶i didn't want to give up never on the love that we had but everything happen so fast didn't want
to let you go but now i know i just can't live in the past i remember how she was back then in
another life i never thought that it would ever end remember how it use to be before things
changed she was like an angel to me that's why
It's so hard to walk away i know it's right but it feels so wrong still i wish the best for you no matter
what after all this time it's so hard to say goodbye i hope you remember the good times and it makes
you smile cause some things never change🎶
At Gape's house...
He parked in front of the house and stepped out as both girls got out, Daisy unlocked the door and
they all got in.…he went straight to the bedroom.
Daisy: You sleep on the couch, Hopefully you brought yourself blankets.
Masa: I did.
Daisy walked back to the bedroom with her pillow and threw it on the bed next to Gape who was
laying on the bed trying to tame his mind...
Gape: Why?
Daisy: She has a little attitude... (sighed) Never mind maybe it's my hormones.
Gape: (he got up and kissed her neck whispering in her ear) If you want her to leave let me know and
I'll kick her ass out so hard she'll land on her head.
Daisy: I went to buy a hotdog and when i came back she was already there and i thought it would be
arrogant to move her.
Gape: I thought you offered that's why I kept quiet but the arrangement was awkward, I like driving
with you in the front seat so that I can keep touching your thigh.
Daisy: (laughed) Can you believe it was the first time I was riding the back seat and i felt like a third
Gape: (smiled kissing her) Uh my little angel was jealous... (she blushed pushing him away and he
insistently kissed her) Your cheeks are even red... Don't ever do that to my son... If I'm doing
something that makes you feel insecure or uncomfortable just let me know, you don't even have to
say it in front of everyone cause i know you are shy but you can send me a text message or you can
whisper in my ear..
Gape: (smiled) No you're not, should I remind you something... (grabbed the guitar smiling) maybe
you're forgetful.
Daisy put her hand on the guitar strings and they both laughed.
Daisy: I am smiling...
Meanwhile Masa stared at their pictures on the TV stand and wondered how things would be had
she not committed the abortion. She got a message from Tshiamo....
Masa: We haven't talked but he got somebody pregnant, tomorrow I'm walking out of here.
Tshiamo: But i don't think he is over you, from everything you told me about him and the lengths he
went to just to talk to you, he still loves you.
Masa: He has a kid on the way now, that can't be good I'll meet someone.
Marv: We just left Broadhurst police station, Sego is pressing assault charges against Same.
Marv: I guess Sego has been stalking me because she thought I'm sleeping with Same, She fell while
they were fighting for the phone and now she claims Same is this wicked homewrecker.
Gape: Sego needs a man's slap that's all she needs... I swear I don't want to be in the same room
with her because I'll go to jail. Same gaa ngala yaanong?
Marv: She was angry but she listened. I should have met a woman like Same long ago goriana nkabo
re agile laapa hela lele tiileng kana.
Gape: But it's never too late, at least Same is understanding so what's next?
Marv: she is suing for home wrecking, i honestly don't know what the court will say but if she is
charged I will pay for it.
Gape: With the Retrenchment package? I thought we were saving that for you two when you go to
Marv: I'll tell you after confirming everything, Sego thinks I'm dumb.
Gape: If this woman didn't bear my nephew and niece I would make her disappear.
Marv: (laughed) Don't worry, very soon the divorce will be final and I have a feeling the divorce will
be finalized before her little case is considered but if somehow she manages I will see what to do,
Same won't get caught up in this.
Gape: I'm really proud of you big bro, this is the first time i see you standing up for yourself against
Sego (smiled) And i have a feeling it has something to do with sexy Mine...
Marv: (laughed) Don't call her that, that's your sister in law.
Gape: But you haven't even said anything to her, what's up with that?
Marv: (laughed) Same is a woman not one of your naive little girls, she knows what she wants in a
man and we need to understand one another before we "f*ck" as you put it.
Gape: Uh nna ke dumela mo kukung mr, if a woman loves me she has to spread her legs for me ke
ipee pelo ka ene. The rest comes after...
Marv: I hope you give Daisy a break every once in a while, She is pregnant and obviously always
Gape: Well tonight she'll have a break, Masa will be sleeping on the couch.
Marv: Daddy's girl? Please tell me you're not doing this to Daisy. You need to settle down-
Marv: You should have told her that you're with Daisy the monna.
Gape: No, First lady agreed, I obviously had to consult her... She is the one who agreed.
Marv: I'm sure she did it so that she doesn't feel guilty at some point.….
In the kitchen...
Daisy did the dishes in the sink then Masa walked over and put a glass in the sink, She peaked
outside and saw Gape still talking to the phone.
Daisy: Currently nothing but i want to start a business. What do you do?
Daisy: Oh...
Masa: So you just sit home waiting for Gape to bring you food? (Daisy kept quiet) What does
tomorrow hold for you?
Daisy: Is there anything else you need around here? I like to work alone.
Masa: I'm sorry if that sounded arrogant, I was just trying to figure out what your dream is.
Daisy: We are not friends so there is no need for you to figure out anything about me. Please go.
She walked out and Daisy continued washing the dishes... Gape knocked on the little window and
she opened with a sad face.
Daisy: Yeah
Meanwhile Masa took off her jeans and put on her hot pants and flip flops then she heard his car
starting and ran outside....
Gape: Sure.
Through the kitchen window she watched her jump in the front seat then he drove off.…......... (9t)
In Gape's car...
Masa: After talking to you that day i regretted the way i talked to you and weeks after Entle told me
what happened. I felt like such a fool for the way i treated you and the way you were apologizing i
should have known you were innocent, I should have been the one apologizing for aborting our
baby, every night i wonder how it would be like hanne erile o goroga and call me then i answer my
phone and go meet you. Entle told me you wanted to do a little surprise for me... (teary) I'm sorry
for destroying our relationship but I love you and i want you back...
The words he spent months hoping to hear had just been aired... He parked on the filing station's
parking lot and switched off the engine turning to her but he didn't know what to say... She tangled
their fingers together and held his hand tightly....
Masa: I have been such a big baby.... I disrespected you... Called you names.... Putting your life in
danger like that and then being too afraid to call and apologize. I was scared to get hurt, I want a
faithful responsible man....I'm sorry, please forgive me.. I love you.
Gape: (sighed) Masa you can't say that.... You can't, Please don't
Gape: I'm trying to move on with my life and you drop this on me? What do you want me to say?
Gape: (staring at her) I'm with Daisy, I'm going to be a father in a few months and it's a very big deal
to me.
Gape: I don't think I'll ever stop loving you but a relationship needs more than just love, there has to
be stability, respect, trust and forgiveness.. A relationship should have goals. When i look at our
relationship it didn't have anything besides Love. I love you and I will probably never stop loving you
but i found something worth more than this and i can't let it go for someone like you. I can't trust
you Masa... I want you but i can't trust you that tomorrow when things seem darker you won't chase
me in the most disrespectful manner or that you won't cry to your parents, i need a woman i can
discuss things with. I'm not perfect but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a stable
relationship but wena you live in the moment, if someone tells you something you jump to
conclusions. (sighed) You never even called me after that day but you knew they followed me with
dogs and sticks.. (opened his palm) i got injured that night... (she cried looking at his scar) There was
a glass in here...
Masa: (crying) I'm really sorry, i was childish. I don't even know what to say.
Gape: (staring at her) I'm finally happy with someone else and now you come here with your
beautiful self and-
Masa: Babe I'm sorry, you love me and I love you, let's start over. I admit i was wrong but the truth is
i was a child Gape i was guarded but now I'm an adult, i can be with you anytime i want. The kind of
love we had was childish. Let's start over...
Gape: I want to start over but i can't, I already made promises to Daisy and my son will be born soon.
Gape: (shook his head) I can't believe you're doing this to me.
Gape: I love her...I love her and i respect her.(adjusted his seat and laid back) You could have done
this when I was in Maun, why wait 5 months to tell me all these. You shouldn't have even told me
this because it is going to haunt me and it will keep ringing in my head whenever I'm with my family,
you shouldn't have told me this if you really love me.
She leaned over kissing him, he put his arm under and slid his seat to the back then he lifted her and
she sat on his lap, He pulled up her top and tongued her nipls, she moved her waist rubbing herself
on his cassava and he paused pulling down her top.
Masa: What?
Gape: Babe?
Daisy: Remember how you said if I don't like something I should let you know and you'll take care of
Gape: Yeah?
Daisy: I'm hurt that you left with her and I don't know what you're doing together, I also don't want
her in the front seat when you get back.
Gape: Yeah
Masa: Does she order you around like this all the time?
Gape: (drove to the fuel pump) She earned the right to order me around.
Gape: I can never hurt you and that's the problem, the fact that it's hard to hurt you even though
you have done worse to me.
Masa: I'm going to get you back though, You might as well leave her now with one child than to walk
away in the future leaving her with four children, (he turned staring at her) Just saying.
A few minutes later he walked back and handed her drink then put Daisy's things in the back and
drove off. After finishing her drink she opened the plastic at the back...
Gape: You should have said it earlier, that's for first lady.
Masa: I'm eating it... And don't call her that when you're with me, her name is Daisy.
She peeled it out and held it's stick then she took a bite on the corner and chewed the creamy
Masa: Mmm....
Masa: Why?
She went to the back and continued eating it as he parked in front of the house.
Gape: (stepped out holding the plastic) Throw that sachet in the bin.
Meanwhile Daisy moved the curtains peeking and saw Masa getting out from the backseat, she ran
to the bin fixing her top and threw whatever it was then she walked over.
Daisy wiped her tears and pretended she was asleep as Gape walked in. He closed the door and
kissed her sitting on the bed.
Daisy: Did anything happen out there? Did you have sex with her? And don't lie to me, you had sex
with me within 5 seconds after meeting me. (he kept quiet) Did you do anything with her?
Daisy's tears ran down and she quickly rubbed them, he tried to touch her but she moved back.
Daisy: I'm going to kick her out and if you say one word... If you want her to stay here or if-
He closed his mouth and took off his shoes laying on the bed, Daisy walked to the couch.
Daisy: I tried to be nice to you but you look down on me and I regret letting you in here so I want you
to leave.
Masa walked over to their room where Gape was sitting on the edge of the bed...
Gape stared at Daisy and she folded her arms waiting for his response, he kept quiet.
She put on her clothes and packed her blankets then she dialed Tshiamo sitting on the couch.
Masa: (hung up and picked her bags) I will be back for him, oska tshola thata otata o imelwa ke
Daisy: You watch too many high school movies, Grow up.
She walked out and Daisy stood at the door watching her close the gate, She put on her sleepers and
went to the bin... She shook her head looking at her favorite Magnum sealer then she walked back in
the bedroom and sat next to him.
Daisy: Ke kopa oe go reka Magnum yame (He reached for the car keys) Spar is not that far, don't
take the car.
Gape: (glanced at his watch) But there is like 7 minutes left, it takes about 20 minutes to get there.
He grabbed his wallet and put on his sneakers then he ran outside....
He kept glancing at the time on his phone as he ran, from a distance he saw the security guard
closing the doors then he went full speed and stopped at the door knocking, the security guard
signaled that they were closed and he put his hands together begging him, the security guard
opened and stuck his head out...
Guard: Yes?
Gape: (panting, he took out P50) Ke kopa go reka Magnum you'll get the change, please
Guard: Tsena..
He hurried in and got the magnum then he queued behind the last customer and handed the guard
change on his way out.
Meanwhile at home Daisy sat on the bed rubbing her tummy as the baby kicked, she saw the three
piece t-shirts he had bought for the baby and reached for them with a smile....
Gape walked in and handed her the Magnum, she slowly opened it and broke it into half then she
threw it in the little bin by the corner as Gape stared at her.
Daisy: I didn't want it, I just wanted to see if you'll go and buy it. From now on don't ever buy me
Magnum because every time i eat it I'll think of her, I hate Magnum. (angrily calm) I can't believe you
brought her here knowing very well that you still had feelings for her. You made me a fool in front of
Gape: (holding the bridge of his nose) Babe I'm sorry, it was wrong to bring her here
Daisy: If you want to be with her I will understand and go back to Mahalapye, I won't even prevent
you from seeing your child. You don't have to lie to me or yourself... You don't think for me at all,
How could you drive away with her? What did you think i was thinking?
Daisy: If you want her let me know and I'll leave, Gongwe jaana o bona gore nna gagona future in me
since i failed so you want an accountant.
Gape: Nnyaa the baby are skaa e baa yalo, Please let it slide, I'm sorry. I love you and my son. That's
all that I want.
She switched off the lights and got in bed while he was still sitting up, He took off his clothes and laid
behind her putting his arm around her.…
Gape: O ngadile?
Daisy: (smiled) I'm trying to sleep stop it... (gasped and put his hand on her tummy)
Gape: (smiled) That's my boy! This was a serious one...
He held her tummy feeling the little gentle kicks of the baby and kissed her neck sighing, she smiled
rubbing his arm......
The Alfa Male
Very late that night Masa sat at a taxi stop and dialed Tshiamo's number numerous times but she
didn't pick. No matter how many times she tried to block the echo of him calling her First lady it kept
coming back over and over, her eyes pricked with tears as she looked around wondering where she
About 3 guys passed by her as she pressed her phone...She stopped crying and stared at them as
they returned then she put her phone in the pocket looking around hoping to see anyone pass by
but it was dry except for the passing cars on the road.…she staggered back as they circled her...
She fearfully handed it over as the other one searched her pockets and spanked her butt...
Man2: Eses ngwana o tshwere dibono ... (he squeezed her butt)
She kept quiet as they searched her, the second guy dragged her under the shade and she started
screaming, they slapped her and put a knife on her throat... She immediately kept quiet..... Her heart
pounded as tears fell out the corners of her eyes. The other guy pulled out her jeans and took out his
pencil dic....
Meanwhile a driver pulled over to answer the phone and saw a group of guys surrounding her, he
stepped on the breaks blowing the horn and they spread running away with her bags.....
Crying loudly Masa shyly pulled up her jeans crying, the driver got out of the car and helped her
Shaking Masa continued crying and he got her in the car and joined the road....
Him: Did they rape you?
Masa: No they were about to remove my panties but they took my bags.
Him : Just in case the police call the public to recognize stolen properties... They always get caught at
some point.
Masa: Oh okay..
Boemo: (laughed) Ah kana kea bona gore o homegirl. What are you doing at a taxi stop at this time
of the night?
Masa: I asked for accommodation from my ex and his girlfriend kicked me out.
Masa: They took my phone and i don't know my roommate's number, they also took my purse i had
1.2K for rent and groceries.…my blankets and clothes.
Masa: Yes
Boemo: (laughed) I'm sorry for laughing, ke rata go tshega don't mind me. So o goroga first day hela
already you been mugged and almost raped? I can't wait to see you after a month... Welcome to
Boemo: Koore wa nkgatha, Le wena o monte thata you must always walk around with a pepper
spray in their handbag.
Marvin: Same?
Marvin: No
Same: I feel sorry for you and you are a nice person, you're a good man. Is that why you can't sleep?
Same: Honestly I love you too but I'm so scared of that law suit, i want us to wait until the divorce is
final, for now let's just continue with our friendship...
Marvin: I guess you're right... Did i ever thank you for your help?
Same: Yes you did and you do every hour, (smiled) I'm tired of your thank you's
At Boemo's house....
He parked in the garage and closed it then they made their way to the living room... Soccer
magazines, Men's health and soft drink cans laid everywhere.......
He picked the magazines and the cans, Masa moved a pile of clothes from the couch and sat down,
She could now clearly see him...his was mixed race and his wavy dark hair had been nearly cut. He
took the pile to the bedroom and came back with the broom......
Boemo: My house is usually clean, It's just that guests always come when your house is dirty.
Masa: (smiled) Okay...
Boemo: (handed her his phone) You can call your parents and update them again...
Her: Hello?
Masa: It's Masa, I wanted to let you know that we finished at the police station and I'm now at
Boemo's house.
Her: Thank God, I don't know where we will get the money but we will try to send money so that you
can buy a few things.
Masa: Okay
Masa: (staring at Boemo picking the disposable cups) It's just fine.
Boemo: Hello?
Him: This is Masa's father, i just wanted to say thank you very much for your help. I can't imagine
what would have happened if weren't there.
Him: Thank you very much. I like it when children who are from the same village look after one
another when they're far from home. Your father must be proud of you.
Boemo: I think your father has a son in law crush on me, you better do something about it if you love
your father.
Boemo: (hopped on the counter) Nna mma ke setshwakga, if i didn't buy takeaways i boil the
Boemo: Thank God (hopped off the counter and took out the pots from the shelf) I was very
Boemo: Ijoo kamoso abo siela ruri... (He stared at her back as she sorted the pots) So... Why your ex
of all people? Do you still want him?
Masa: I messed up our relationship by being childish listening to rumors and I thought we could get
back together only to find out he got someone pregnant and he is excited about it. I tried to
convince him otherwise but he rejected me and it painful, I was so bitter and jealous.....I somehow
pissed off his girlfriend and she kicked me out... (sigh)
Boemo: I graduated there with CIMA 6 years ago, what are you going to study?
Masa: CIMA
Boemo: (laughed) Yago thuba dihips tse CIMA gae tshege le ngwana wa mosetsana. When you start
the class will be full but on the second semester they'll be few of you. CIMA hago ingwaelwe
matsetse you must read.
Boemo: But if you're serious you'll pass. I still have my papers in the garage we will take a look at
them in the morning...
Masa: Thanks, (grabbed a chopping board and a knife) Do you have veggies?
Boemo: I don't know if they are still fresh though sale ke apeile bogologolo.
He opened the fridge stared at the bottle of wine in the fridge then he took it and hopped on the
counter sipping...
Masa: I thought you're giving me the veggies.
Boemo: Masa hao bona kesa apee yaana ke gore ke setshwakga motho wa modimo, oska nthoma
toga ke sia mo kitchening ibile
Boemo: (laughed) But only when it comes to cooking and doing the dishes, i can do anything except
those two eish... My mother whipped until she gave in.
Boemo: (laughed) just because you saw my house dirty once you think I'm lazy? I have been going
through a lot lately so i didn't care about cleaning or eating.
After cooking the two headed to the living room where they sat on the couch and ate, Masa later
took the plates to the kitchen then Boemo connected the Playstation...
Boemo: Sure
He filled the tub for her and she took a quick bath while he took a shower in the master bedroom. A
few minutes later he knocked on her door.
Boemo: I have put some clothes for you on the bed, in the other room
Masa: Thanks...
He sat laid on the couch scrolling through channels then Masa walked in wearing his vest with his
basketball pants...Her chubby face was all out with her hair tied into a pony tale. He sat properly as
Masa sat next to him then he scratched his dark wavy hair brush cut and continued scrolling through
the channels...
Masa: Half seven and i don't even know where BAC is...My papers are all gone even the ID
Boemo: I'll take a day off and drive you around so that we can get that fixed.
Masa: Thanks...……..
The following morning Boemo's Car slowed at the traffic lights, Boemo smiled staring at Masa as she
applied lip gloss on her lips...
Boemo: It's tough being a lady, nna kana if I took a bath and applied roll on le perfume I'm good to
go. I never even look at myself in the mirror.
Unaware Gape slowed down next to their car, While waiting for the green light he heard familiar
laughter and turned... Boemo snatched Masa's lip gloss and threw it outside and she playfully hit
him, The green light went on and Boemo stepped on the accelerator driving away.
Cars blew their horns at Gape as he stared at Boemo's car disappearing into the traffic... He started
the engine while it was running and stepped on the brakes, Cars maneuvered around him and
proceeded then he figured it out and accelerated joining the traffic......................
4 MONTHS LATER...........
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house....
The fan circulated cool air blowing the curtains of her room as she laid surrounded by teddy bears
Boemo knocked and she responded glued to her notes, He walked in looking at her butt in pink hot
pants... Her thighs were flawless and the soles of her feet were soft.
She turned and put her notes under the pillow smiling at him, He loosened his tie and sat on her
Boemo: Hey..
Masa: Hi...
Boemo: Oh the way you hate failing you'd be in tears, How much did you get?
Masa handed him the paper and he smiled looking at her 78%....
Boemo: See you were worrying for nothing, I told you you will pass.
Boemo: You did good... (an awkward moment passed) Are you busy?
She smiled when she got in finding a box of chocolate on the front seat and buckled up as he
reversed the car….
Masa: (threw the ball of chocolate in her mouth and chewed) Ohhh... Boemo please don't get me
used to this my friend.
Masa: Do you have to ask? (chewing) It's delicious... Where are we going?
Boemo: (laughed) You must thank God that you don't know Tlokweng, when i was doing third year i
rented there... Masa ne ere keya lesson my landlord would open the house with her keys and search
my room. Food went missing...
Boemo: Gake ake Masa, That lady made me pay extra 50 when my girlfriend at the time visited me,
she said P25 was for the toilet and P25 was for water.
Boemo: Gore ke huduge keha gonale leso mo lapeng lateng when i came from school i found serope
sa kgomo on the middle of the room and when i asked the landlord said she needed space.
Boemo: (laughed) Masa the mma kana nna kedi bonye tsothe mo Gabs mo, Neke nna le mathaka a
mangwe jaana, Jomo was one of them..
Boemo: (he pulled over and switched off the engine) Now you know. (He leaned over and kissed her
then his phone rang) It's my lawyer. (cleared his voice). Hello?
Lawyer: I emailed you your statement memorize it because you'll be alone in there.
He hung up and leaned over with a smile, His slips were soft and his eyes were brown....
Masa: You said it was dramatic and then when i pressed for more you said you didn't want to talk
about it, (smiled) Maybe now would be the right time to tell your girlfriend about it don't you think?
Boemo: When i caught my girlfriend with the other guy, I got mad... Really mad especially because
he wouldn't shut up so I punched him and he returned the punch, It went on and on for a while until
they got in the car and drove off, I followed him and tapped his car and they fell in a ditch...
Boemo: They got out with minor injuries but the car caught fire so this guy is suing me for damage to
his property. I know this might present me as a guy who can't control his anger but you'd have to be
there to understand how betrayed i felt.
Masa: (sighed) Ijoo... So you don't want to pay for the car?
Boemo: I don't want to, why should I? He is the one who lost control of the car. I'm just going to
argue my way out of it or at least ke duele half of the car value not full price like he demands.
Masa: Yeah
Boemo: I didn't expect that... But seriously Masa I love you and I want to be with you, like a serious
Masa: (smiled) It's funny that you have been helping me with things i need, i mean Allowance took
forever to get in but you were there for me and now you are asking me out.. It's very sweet, in my
mind i have been your girlfriend because you were there for me, helping me to study, giving me
money. I mean i know we didn't get sexual but i just thought you were slow and-
Masa: Okay as of today, i won't be smiling, I'll be serious with you... If you want a serious
relationship I'll give you a serious relationship. (they both laughed and she sighed looking at him) I
love you too, I liked you when I first saw you... I thought wow... He looks cute plus he saved me, my
superhero... (smiling) then when days went by and i didn't have transport money you dropped me at
school and picked me without demanding sex... I fell in love with you and you annoyed me because
you didn't say anything.
Boemo: (leaned over) come here.... (French kissed) Look at the back...
There was a big gift box on the back seat then she reached for it with a wide smile...
Masa: (tearing the cover) What is it? It's so heavy(she opened the box and covered her mouth) A
laptop?? Boemo.... And it's Apple... Oh my God..
Masa: (smiled even wider) Hee kana today is my birthday.... Thank you so much...
Boemo: Gake bate bo the rra ke kopa P8 keago typer assignment ko Internet café.
Masa: (laughed) I have never been given a present on my birthday before.... (tearfully) Thank you,
you're the first person to do something for me on my birthday.
Boemo:You're welcome... Switch it on... (she switched it on it) I got my assistant to load some notes
to help you on your modules.
Masa put the laptop in the back and hugged him tearfully....
Masa: I never thought I'd find a guy like you. I love you.……..
At Marvin's house....
Marvin: Why do you stalk her though? Why not forget her? You're just hurting yourself.
Gape: I saw them shopping at Gamecity last week and she just passed me like i was a stranger...
Marvin: I don't think you should care. What does the guy do anyway?
Gape: (stood up pacing around) I can't believe Masa moved on so quick, The very same day Daisy
kicked her out the next morning she is with this guy? Who just happens to be from Maun? Don't you
think there is too much coincidence? This could be the guy who got her to abort my baby. She
cheated on me.
Marvin: You're over thinking and it's the past, give it a rest.... Just focus on Daisy. You love her, right?
Gape: I'm not stalking her, i just accidentally passed by her house....(sighed) I should have used a
condom w-(his phone rang and he answered) Hello?
Marvin: Hi Daisy
Daisy: when will you be home? I miss you and you have been spending a lot of time out there.
Daisy: when?
Daisy: I-
He got up and put on his shoes then he grabbed his car keys.....
Marvin: Wednesday
Gape: I'll come with you guys, Let me go home before Daisy calls me again (she called and he
answered getting in the car) Hello?
Gape: I'm not hungry babe, i have a headache. I want to sleep when I get there.
He hung up and dialed Thuo's number then he hung up before it could ring... He put his phone down
and continued driving....…….(9t)
The Alfa Male
At Marvin's house...
On her way from work Same walked through the gate as her phone rang...
Same: Hello?
Uncle: (angrily) what is this rubbish i hear about you being sued for home wrecking?
Uncle: So where are we going to get the money to pay her? Do you want to go to jail?
Same: But uncle i didn't sleep with him, I'm helping him.
Uncle: He is not your husband to help? You can't go around helping people's husbands why do you
think they got married in the first place?
Same: you don't understand, She doesn't care about her husband.
Uncle: It is none of your business, stay out of married people's businesses. I will get two of your
Aunties so that we can come support you there-
Same: That's not necessary, I will be fine. I will let you know what the judge said. I believe the case
will be dismissed, Months ago she had reported me for assault but the case was dismissed because
the judge believed she fell but they concluded that there was something in the phone i didn't want
her to give the court but i still believe the case will be dismissed.
Same: But I'm working here, i found a job and sell my bales when I'm free.
Uncle: My airtime is finishing, call me and tell me what the judge said.
She hung up and walked in the house, the house smelled fried chicken...
At Gape's house....
He parked outside and rested in the car for a few minutes then he walked in the house.... Daisy was
sitting on the couch admiring the baby's clothes, Gape leaned over and kissed.
Gape: (smiled) staring at them won't make him come earlier you know..
Daisy: (smiled) I know but I just can't stop looking at them... I can imagine him wearing them. I spoke
to my grandmother...
Daisy: She is fine, she asked when I'll be coming and I said next week. (put the baby's clothes in the
bag) How was your day?
She put the bag in the bedroom and walked back, she paused staring at Gape taking off his t-shirt....
She literally got wet staring at his chest then she walked over and put her hand on his chest and
another up his neck, He bended and kissed her... Her panties got wetter and she put her hand in his
pants, His dic was as soft as his balls... He baby kissed her and sat down...
Daisy: (tearfully) Why can't you have sex with me? Am i too fat for you or what?
Daisy: Then what? Gape it's been two months, I'm dying to have you... I tried to keep quiet but my
body is putting me under pressure, please...
Gape: Not everything is about you, Can i get some sleep? I have a headache...
Daisy walked out crying and sat on the couch, his phone received a message and she quickly grabbed
it. It was from his brother.... She went through his messages and didn't find anything bad then she
went his Facebook account, he hadn't logged out and his search was on Masa's account but they
weren't friends. Daisy's mood dropped to zero as she stared at Masa's pictures.... Her selfies were
beautiful and she seemed happy...
She went to his gallery and found a folder of Facebook pictures, it had 42 pictures and they were all
Masa's face. She went to the bedroom and sat on the bed.
Daisy: Then why do you have her pictures in your phone and why are you stalking her account?
Gape: (got the phone and deleted the folder) I'm sorry, i deleted it.
Gape: Don't ever ask me something like that, Daisy you need to give me some space to breath...
You're always complaining and when I'm out you call me every 5 seconds asking me who I'm with,
you're embarrassing me in front of my friends.
Daisy: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... I don't mean to be annoying I just love you and lately you have been
distant, I feel like there is someone you're seeing because you don't even eat the food i cook and it
hurts me.... (staring at his biceps) Can't you just have sex with me? I won't trouble you after.
He took off his pants and she watched it swinging between his legs as he got undercover... She could
imagine the mushroom head sliding inside... Her heart was pounding as she yearned for his
touch...she was a prisoner of her hormones.
Daisy: (crying) You have been saying tomorrow for the last two months Gape.....
He closed his eyes and replaced her with Masa as he leaned over kissing her and #removed.......
Gape: (closed his eyes) #*"@%!…Masa…(he remembered and kissed her neck) I love you Daisy....
He slowly pulled out and reached for the towel, Daisy covered her face and cried. Speechless Gape
sat on the bed with his head down....
She reached for her panties and put them on then she walked to the kitchen and did the dishes, He
walked behind her and rubbed her tummy kissing her neck....
Gape: First lady.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you like that. It was just the slip of a tongue.
Daisy: (shaky voice) I don't know what to say, Are you cheating on me with her ?
Gape: Daisy can we not involve Masa every time we talk about us?
Gape: And i said I'm sorry Daisy come on... Stop it with your tears, you cry about everything!
Daisy: (crying she splashed him with soapy water) You called her name!
He walked to the bedroom and put on his t-shirt then she walked over....
Daisy:. I'm sorry please don't go, I missed you all day and i don't want to spend the whole evening
Gape: I'm sorry for what just happened, I don't want to hurt you and I want you to deliver safel-
Daisy: No it's fine, you made a mistake. I understand.... Let's not talk about her.
Daisy: (she smiled rubbing off her tears) It's not a big deal.... I understand... Can I make you
something to eat?
Gape: Yeah...
Gape: Thanks...
She walked out, disappointed in himself he laid on his back heaving a huge sigh rubbing his head.
Meanwhile Daisy got in the kitchen holding her tears in and closed the door then she put the kitchen
cloth on her mouth and cried sitting on the floor...
A few minutes after she stood up wiping her tears and warmed his food, She once could imagine her
life without him but not anymore and she didn't know how she got there.
She took his food to the bedroom and found him asleep.
Daisy: Gape?
Daisy: Tsoga o robale sente, Your body is going to ache if you sleep like that.. (she took the
continental pillows off the bed) Move up the bed...
Half asleep he moved up and laid his head on the pillow then she took his food back to the kitchen
and sat on the couch watching TV.................
The Alfa Male
Daisy's tears fell as she watched TV and she switched it off. She got her phone and walked outside
dialing Same...
Same: Hello?
Daisy: (crying)...
She continued crying, on the other end of the line Same got off bed and reduced the volume of the
movie and Marvin stared at her curiously.
Daisy: No
Marvin: Gape would never beat a pregnant woman if something he slept with someone.
Same: Daisy?
Same: Hee ke mathata..... But please don't stress yourself with Gape you're carrying a child and if
you're not careful you'll miscarry, i know what I'm talking about when i talk about miscarriage in fact
if i was you i would go home because your due date is just around the corner, it can never be exact
you can deliver before of after. Truly speaking when the pregnancy reaches a certain stage men start
acting up, yago letela botsetsi ko Mahalapye nnaka.
Daisy : Same I'm so scared that if go to Mahalapye it will be the end of me, I can't lose him. I love him
too much, He will bring her in this house..
Same: But you don't have a choice, go back to Mahalapye because Gape doesn't know anything
about go baya botsetsi and le wena it's your first child...And most parents don't like it when their
sons have to care for new mothers, botsetsi is taken seriously because there are all these myths
about the baby's umbilical cord and that there are things a man shouldn't see, they won't like it if
they heard you made him look after you, you don't want your in laws to hate you before they
negotiate your Bogadi, just go back to home.
Daisy: My grandmother scolded me yesterday saying i should go before i deliver in Gaborone but i
just have this feeling that I'll lose him if I go,he is going to sleep with her.
Same: That girl has a colourd boyfriend i served them at Wimpy days ago and I over heard Marv and
Gape talking the other day, Masa doesn't want Gape, don't stress, Just go have the baby so that we
can start our business.
Same: Bye
Her: Hello?
Her: Thank God, I was wondering when you will be here. I spoke to your mother about informing
that boy's family that he impregnated you but she said she is not getting involved.. I really don't
know what to do now because his parents might find it difficult to just show up to see the baby.
Her: It happens when you're pregnant, come home and focus on the baby. When you're pregnant
you also become demanding and that irritates a lot of men, if he is irritated he starts acting up and
this will hurt you, come home.
Daisy: (crying) What if he replaces me with another girl? How long will you keep me in the house?
Daisy : 2 months is enough for Gape to make another baby with another woman.
Her: You can't control a man my girl, A man controls himself. Even if you stay there he might surprise
you and have another woman pregnant right under your nose. You can't control him in fact if you
give him space he will think better. Remember how he came by himself to Mahalapye? Did you call
Her: He came by himself, drove all those kilometers just to see you... All the nice things he did for
you when he got here, did you ask for them?
Daisy: No
Her: Exactly... He did them all by himself, you didn't have to teach him...If Gape is meant to be yours
he will be in Mahalapye more often to see you and the baby... Just come then we will watch and see
how often he comes here and how often he sends money. If he does those things accordingly then
what's happening now is just him being a weak man.
Daisy: Okay...
Her: I will clean your room for you my girl, come home.
Daisy: Thank you granny.
She hung up and heaved a sigh with a little hopeful smile then she walked in the house... A few
minutes later Gape walked over and sat next to her....
Gape: Hey..
Daisy: Hi
Daisy: Yeah, I'm fine. I want to go home tomorrow or I can take the bus if the fuel isn't enough.
Daisy: it's not that akere you know i was supposed to go anyway so i want to go tomorrow.
Gape: I'll drive you, you're not in a condition to use the public transport. (guilt striken) I'm really
sorry about earlier
Daisy: It's okay... I need at least P1000 to buy food and other things I might have forgotten to buy.
Gape: (gave her his ATM card) I saved 4K for the baby, you can use it and I'll keep depositing money
monthly or whenever there is an emergency.
Gape: (staring at her) I'm sorry about earlier... I wish I could take it back.. I don't want to hurt you,
you made me a Dad for that you deserve all the respect. I'm really sorry.
Gape: I'm supposed to understand that, I know all about hormones and after what happened with
Masa months back you probably don't trust me.. I'm sorry, I don't like hurting you, My goal is to
never hurt you no matter what.
At Masa's house...
Boemo parked outside the plot and rolled up the tinted windows of his car, the two lovers sighed
and stared at one another...
Masa: Please come in...
Boemo: Babe i want to go watch the game, my team is playing.. I'll come after the game
Masa: (smiling) Pleaaaaase.... I just want to chill in bed with you, this weather e bata motho ale mo
dikobong watching a movie
Boemo: (his phone rang) Let me get this... (picked the call) Hello?
Jomo: (noisy background) Sniper where are you? The boys are getting in the field.... The line up is it
bruh, We gonna beat these guys.
Jomo: (talking to the other friend in the background) waii Masa omo tswaletse mo ntung...
Jomo: (laughed) Arrg... Tsamaela koo monna kana otile gore borisa game yaanong.
She smiled and hopped out..., He stared at her beautiful legs in her shorts and white sleepers as she
opened the gate then he drove in and parked next to the landlord's car.
Boemo locked the car and walked behind her holding her laptop as she unlocked the house then
they walked in, He took off his shoes remaining with white socks and unbuttoned his shirt handing it
to her, She hung it nicely on the chair.
Masa: (grabbed a towel) I'm going to bath, I'll be back... You can watch TV
Masa: (laughed and threw over the flip-flops) i didn't think you'd notice i stole them
Boemo: You're thief wena, i know you stole my charger too koore ha o bona ntu yame o bona
Choppies hela.
Masa: (laughed) Kana my charger frustrated me the rra wena babe, you know what happened? Nne
ere gake tsenya mo motakaseng phone tabe ere tingtilili jaaka oitse master cleaner eta nna e dira
yalo kesa kgone go Facebooka mme ke shwegashwega.
Boemo: (laughed) Next time I'll search you before you leave my house or hide my things when the
thief tells me she is coming over..
Masa: Hahaha ska hitha the ke wena shop yame kana ithela kego searcha ke ipotsa gore ketaa
utswa eng gompieno (He walked out laughing) the car keys?
Masa: Okay..
They all laughed as Boemo paid and walked away. As he walked in Masa was applying Nivea body
lotion on her smooth feet.
He inserted the memory stick in her laptop and connected computer speakers as she continued to
scent her face and neck with a ponds vanishing cream... He played music and turned around walking
over to her...
He pulled out his vest and leaned over kissing her pulling out her top, his breath was warm and
minted as he raked her teddy bears on the floor and #removed...
At Mahalapye...
The next morning Gape and Daisy hugged behind his car, Daisy couldn't help the tears pricking her
eyes as Gape wiped them and kissed her....
Gape: (held her cheek).... Just take care of yourself and my boy... If you need anything give me a call.
I don't want you needing anything. As soon as he is three months you'll be starting your school as
agreed, I'm going to work my ass off to make sure it happens…okay?
Gape: (smiled staring at her) I might be a lot of things but the one thing I'm not is a useless father...
That I can promise you. You won't need anything while you're in there nursing our son.
Daisy: (laughed) I heard everything akere you're not saying anything about faithfulness.
Gape walked over to the old lady who was raking in front of the house, She stopped raking as Gape
Her: I'm sorry for the dust, I'm just trying to clean before the sun gets stronger.
Gape: (smiled) I understand.. (respectively rubbed his hands together) i just wanted to say goodbye
Her: (smiled shaking hands with him) Okay... Please drive safely.
He headed back to his car where Daisy was standing then he hugged her and got in.
Gape: Where I come from it's kind of a norm especially on elderly in laws.
Daisy: (quickly leaned in and kissed him while her granny was facing the other way) I love you..
Later that afternoon Boemo's hand laid on her drumstick thigh as they both faced the wall naked
dead asleep on the bed after an exhausting night...
Bottles of drinks, Chicken licken takeaways and 2 large pizza boxes were on the table next to the
laptop which was playing music on repeat mode....
Meanwhile Gape slowly parked in front of the yard and walked to the servant's quarters in the back
then he knocked on the other door. Tshiamo opened the door...
Gape: Thanks
She closed the door then he knocked several times on Masa's door....
At Masa's house...
Boemo: Okay.
Masa jumped out of the bed and peaked outside then she put on her pants and top.
Boemo: (putting on his socks) I wonder what else you haven't told me about yourself, I don't like
surprises because I don't respond very well to surprises like this, What is he doing here? Are you still
Masa: I don't know what he is doing here, i haven't spoken to him since he kicked me out with his
girlfriend, Boemo please take off your clothes.
Masa: I thought you said you don't have temper issues, you're overreacting... Just give me a minute
to hear what he wants then we can continue with our day.
Boemo: There is nothing like hear him out, He still wants you, it's plain simple.
Boemo: I'm a man, I can see it in his eyes and i don't want to get caught up in your little drama
because i already have case. That's why i said i want a serious relationship because gake bate gore
ere ke robetse abo ke kokonyetswa, I'm too grown for that.
Masa: It won't happen again, I'm sorry. I'm going to let him know that I'm taken.
Boemo: Make it clear to him because next time when he pulls that stunt i won't back down.
He laid on the bed, she put on her sleepers and stepped out....
Masa: Are you drunk? You can't come to my house and make demands like i owe you anything. If
you have anything to say, say it right here and leave...
She followed him to the car, He got in the car and stared at her as she got in.
Masa: Any love I had for you is gone, It all left the night you kicked me out of your house and I have a
boyfriend so no thank you, He didn't like what you just did and he is pissed.
Masa: But seriously Gape i have moved on with my life can you leave me alone? You can't just come
over as if you and me have been talking. I almost got raped the night you kicked me out.
Masa: I'm serious, why would I lie about something like that? Please leave me alone. You have a
Gape: I'm sorry that you almost got raped, I didn't want to hurt Daisy's feelings because she is
pregnant...I did for my child.
Masa: I don't need your apology, just leave and don't come to my house again.
Gape: Don't you want us to give it a try? If i leave Daisy would you take me back?
Gape: Then have sex with me for the last time, i will never talk to you again after that.
Gape: You killed my child you owe it to me, it's my after tears.
Masa: (stunned) You must be drunk.. (she unlocked the car then he locked it) I want to go.
Masa: (she tried to unlock it again then he locked it as he started the car) Gape i want to go....
Gape: If you touch the door again I'll drive this car and you'll spend a night at my house.
Gape: I love you, Go tell him to leave and I'll leave Daisy then-
Masa: (laughed) Hoo iya... Dira rra nna o mpulele i had a very long rough night, i need the whole day
to rest my body....
Masa: (smiled and faced the other way) I didn't disturb you when you enjoyed Daisy madam first
lady allow me to enjoy dick hela le nna ke beege pelo yaaka Daisy ibile a imile ngwana wa gago. Le
nna after graduation ke parolela Boemo o tsenya ngwana moteng. Nka lapa..
Masa: (raised her eyebrows staring at him) I'm going to ride his dick until kingdom come. When a
woman is done she is done, I have moved to better things now an-
He slapped her cheek and she covered her face crying as the burning sensation covered her whole
Gape: (angrily) Oska ntirela makgakga ka gore we are here because of you... You were supposed to
keep that pregnancy until I came... I told you i would be back in 3 months and in 2 months you
aborted then twisted everything around and made me think that i destroyed our relationship, made
me beg you for forgiveness for things i didn't even do. I tried my best to reach out to you but this
pride of yours never allowed you to see your part of the mistake. I was okay with the fact that I lost
you then you came and told me you wanted to try... You took advantage of my love for you because
now I can't stop thinking about it ever since you told me, i considered and i want us to try, i can
support my child just fine even if I'm not with her.
Gape: (staring at her) Get back in the car, kana Masa ha oise o betswe akere? (she closed the door
and continued crying) Keep quiet I'm talking to you oka letswa ke mpama ele one…look at me! (she
stared at him) I love you and I'll die before you go any further with that guy... Get out and tell him i
saw that look he gave me, if he has a problem with me give him my number.
Masa: (slammed the door) If there was a bit of love for you in my heart you just got rid of it.
Gape: (started the ignition) I have been there Sunshine... You have no idea how many times i said i
never wanted to see you again and guess where i am... You still owe me my after tears...
He stepped on the accelerator and woke the dust as he drove away. Masa walked inside wiping her
Boemo was playing Spider Solitre in her laptop as she sat on the bed, he turned around looking at
her and saw a hand print on her cheek....
Boemo: (heaved a sigh) You're either going to report his ass or you're taking me to his house...
Which one do you want?
Masa: (crying) I don't want anything okay? Can we just let it go... He won't come back.
Boemo: Do you honestly expect to be fine knowing that another man just hit you, why did he beat
you anyway?
Boemo: I just want to know his names, I'm not gonna do anything.
She dragged her feet to the gate and pulled the sliding gate, he reversed his Navara and drove off
rolling up the tinted windows without a goodbye.
At Gape's house...
He laid on the bed and the hunger sent him to the kitchen... The pots were clean and when he
looked at the food containers the thought of cooking seemed like rocket science.... He spread Stock
on the bread and poured a drink then he sat on the couch watching TV while eating.
Daisy's favorite soapie came on and he switched off the TV and dialed her number....
Gape: (smiled) Hey... Are you sleeping? It's not even 6pm..
Daisy: Yes
Gape: I miss you, the house is weird without you and i just realized i never cooked ever since we
stayed together, that wasn't fair.
Daisy: (laughed) It's okay, i like cooking. What did you eat?
Daisy: You have to cook and eat, i don't want you to lose that six pack. I want my giant the way he is
when i get out of here.
Gape: I'll go eat at Marvin's house and start cooking tomorrow, I'm tired.
Daisy: Okay, don't forget to get your clothes from the line or thiefs will get them.
Daisy: We only have BTV here and you know BTV is just a cartoon channel.
Gape: I'll send the DSTV Decoder and the DVD player via the bus first in the morning, what else
should I send?
Daisy: what will you watch?
Gape: I only watch the game and I'll watch at Marvin's house, you need this more than me, i don't
want you staring at the ceiling all day.
Gape: (walking to the bedroom) Shame so entertainment ya gago ke Tsa temo thuo?
Gape: Mosadi wame oa sokola the banna ke imagina o lebeletse BBC news... (she giggled) But Daisy
you don't communicate well, so hanne kesa botsa ne o tile go lebelela BTV for how long knowing
your house has a decoder and your soapies diago sia, ke bonye mo gongwenyana go simologa just
now ga ma India or is it Philippians... ke utwa kego thwaahalela gore kere kana mosadi wame gaa
lebeletse this ithela arile tuu...
Gape: I didn't think I'd miss you on the first night maybe a week later or so but (sat on the bed
holding the guitar) The house is too quiet.
Daisy: Good this gives you time to think about us and where we are going.
Daisy: (laughed) Wait... Wait let me press record, is it a new song or one of the songs i recorded
With the phone on his chest he played the guitar and sang for her with a deep voice as she quietly
listened smiling rubbing her tummy...
After talking to his girlfriend he made his way to the couch and laid down in the quiet house, his
phone rang and he answered.
Gape: Hello?
Marvin: Masa sent me a long message on Facebook, she is complaining that you harassed her and
her boyfriend at her house.
Marvin: Did you really beat her? I told her i believe you did what she said you did except beating her,
tell me I'm right.
Gape: Masa is just being a drama queen.
Marvin: You're not even denying it, After the way we grew up... You saw everything that was
happening and you can still raise your hand to a woman? What kind of a person are you?
Gape: I didn't beat her i slapped her, there is a big difference between those, she ought to respect
Marvin: Respect you?? You might as well forget about that because now she is afraid of you. How
many women have you "slapped" ever since you started dating?
Marvin: She told me to tell you that next time if you harass her she will call the police on you.
Gape: She can't say that, she owes me after tears... I have to have sex with her before I go. Real sex
not the pampering i was doing thinking I'm having sex with a virgin kante she long been deflowered,
i want her for a night then i will walk away.
Marvin: So it's about your ego now? The fact that she said your sex game wasn't all that, Does
everything have to be about sex?
Gape: She tricked me and made me think she was a virgin, i didn't even enjoy our sex because i was
careful the entire time... "Oh hey Gape ska tsenya thata.." frowning and pretending!
Marvin: I don't understand this toxic thing between you and Masa, One of you will die and the other
will go to jail. Stay away from her, she sounded like a girl in love. She is done with you.
Gape: I'm not done with her not until we have had sex then she can go screw her stupid colored
boyfriend. I deserve that sex because all the sexes we had were for her, i didn't even enjoy them...
She hasn't done anything for me... I literally ate her pusy and she hasn't tasted me, she needs to
know a little about 50 50 if she believes she is a strong educated woman.
Marvin: But couldn't you ask her nicely? Or charm her into it? Stop harassing her and Daisy is a good
woman, do you really want to lose a good woman chasing after a sexy body and pretty face?
Marvin: And i will never understand why you are blind, Masa is not anyway near the woman Daisy is,
Daisy is your wife and by the time you realize it she will be gone.
Gape: (got a call from Masa) I'll call you back. (He hung up and picked her call) Hello?
Masa: Hi
Gape: Hey
Masa: If I give you what you want will you leave me alone and not tell Boemo that I did an abortion?
Gape: I never lie, I will never promise you something i won't do. I just want to have that last moment
with you... Say goodbye to you, that's it.
Masa: I can't spend a night with you because Boemo might visit me and i don't want him to wonder
where i was.
Masa: I will call you when i have free time and he is at work.. I think tomorrow morning.
Gape: Fine, I'll be waiting and I'm sorry for hitting you earlier...
Masa: I just want you to get what you want and leave me alone so that I can have a peaceful life.
Masa: Bye
He hung up and laid down smiling thoughtfully then he leaped up and grabbed his laptop and
opened his favorite folder........
At Boemo's house....
Later that evening Masa knocked on the door and Boemo opened the door, he stared at her and she
burst out crying, He stepped out and hugged her as she continued crying.
She walked in and he closed the door following her to the bedroom.
Masa: (sat on the bed) I don't want to report him because i believe it was the last time he did that
and i cant let you get involved because i don't want to get you in trouble, Wednesday is just around
the corner. We should focus on that and i don't want to have guys fighting for me. It's immature and
people will think I'm a loose woman who sleeps with two man. I really love you and I want to be with
Boemo: But i just want to have a word with him, The reason I want to talk to him is i want him to
understand certain things about you and what you mean to me, It will be a peaceful talk.
Masa: Let's agree to let this one slide and if he shows up after this i will tell you immediately.
Boemo: Okay that sounds good... (stood up) Are you hungry? I cooked Spaghetti and chicken...
He grabbed her from behind and lifted her as she laughed loudly, they got in the kitchen and
finished their cooking.....
At Gape's house....
Gape: Hello?
Marilyn: You have an interview on Tuesday at 9am, come with your ID and the receptionist will
direct you to the right floor.
He hung up and punched the air in victory then he dialed Daisy's number....
Gape: From here I'm going to research everything there is about Air Botswana and the entire
Ministry, everything!
Daisy: (tearfully rubbing her tummy) Junior Daddy is going to pass the interview right?
Gape: (smiled) This interview yone i dedicate to you and Junior, if i pass this interview. You will be
on my first flight i will make sure of that.
Daisy: (smiled) Why are you still talking to me, hang up the phone and go read.... I wish i was there
to massage your feet and even eyes...
Gape: Yes ma'am... But don't get too excited I might be with 100 more people maybe even fail, i
don't even know which position they're interviewing me for....
Daisy: Is that self doubt? Babe you're brilliant... I have seen your transcript you pass everything... I
believe in you, i know you got the job.
Daisy: Bye...
She hung up with a smile and heaved a sigh then she got on her knees and closed her eyes....
Daisy: Lord Jesus, Please give him the intelligence to remember everything he has ever leant, give
him the answers to those questions father. Let your Holy Spirit direct his pen and let every answer
he writes down or says be correct. Thank you God for giving me a friend and lover I never had, May
this little soul we are expecting change us for the better. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray,
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house....
Tshiamo walked into Masa's room holding her laptop and sat on her bed, as Masa typed her
Tshiamo: When you finish can you help me here? I need second eyes to check for errors.
She passed her the stick, she transferred her assignment and printed...
Tshiamo: When did you buy a printer? Kante wena Masa ha nkare o amogela double allowance
Masa: (laughed) Hahaha i got it from Boemo's garage, It was just in the box with a lot of garbage
and i took it ke e rekela ink cartridge..
Masa: Nnyaa mma, When it comes to my man our friendship ends. You're my friend not his....
Masa: Nnyaa mma nkile ka gamolwa ke cousin I'm not going down that road again. No offense ke
raya hela gore that's my principle..
Tshiamo: Ijoo nna mma I'm not going to sleep with your man, I'm still waiting for my Mr right and I'm
very patient.
Masa: Yes, He called are he is going for an interview somewhere then we going to get tested and do
Masa: Kemo plenetse I drunk a morning after pill last night, in a few hours I'll be taking another one
and when he comes ota dira sea se dirang and I'll never see him again, i just want to do it and get it
over with Gape oa lapisa.
Tshiamo: Aren't you scared Boemo will find out? Nna mma Boemo i feel like he has this... I can't pin
point it but bizolonyana ya gagwe ithela o kare o bogale.
Masa: But he is actually very sweet and he won't know, how will he know?
Masa: Gape, you'd swear God took another animal's dic and stuck it between his legs.
Masa: Arrrg that thing is just a myth, no guy can tell even if you sleep with a guy double his size ke
maaka golo moo.
Masa: I mean really how does a man know? it's all a myth.
10 minutes before the interview Gape stepped out of the elevator and headed in to room 2
expecting to see more than 50 aviation graduates but there were 3 people sitting on the panel with
files in front of them, he recognized the director of flight operation and the senior captain, next to
them was a psychologist.
His heart skipped and he glanced at himself...." Thank God Daisy forced me to wear a suit, I love you
babe " he thought as he took a seat. They all stared in his eyes as he comfortably put his arms on the
There was silence for a while as if they were trying let anxiety build in him... Relaxed he stared back
with a smile, The director of flight operations shuffled the pages of the file in front of him and leaned
back staring at him...
Gape: (relaxed) My name is Gape Friday, I went to Tsodilo CJSS and got an overall A on my JC
examinations then i completed my BGCSE at Maun Senior secondary school I got 42 points and went
on to study Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering at United Kingdom. I temporarily worked for
Namibia airlines for a period of 12 months.
Senior Captain: Why do you want to work for Air Botswana and not any other airline?
"I just want to get paid man it doesn't matter which airline i work for.... Okay so how do i answer this
professionally? " he thought staring at him...
Gape: I love my country, Botswana is a beautiful peaceful country and it will be an honor to fly my
country men... It will be a privilege to be able to see this beautiful country from above.
There was silence, "Shit... I messed that one didn't i? I should have said more..." he thought staring
back at them without a trace of worry.
Psychologist: What would you do If the captain you are supposed to fly with is smelling alcohol?
He stared at the captain and they both smiled," How do i answer this without making this guy feel
like I'm a snitch? " he heaved a sign and stared at her.
Gape: I would make a report before takeoff, I will never fly with an intoxicated partner because the
lives of all the passengers on that flight are my responsibility as much as their his.
They all looked at one another without showing any emotion and he was curious for a response but
didn't get any...
Senior Captain: What are you ready to do as a pilot for Air Botswana?
" What a question, this will definitely get me hired or returned home..." he thought as he loosened
his tie.
Gape: I will be a representative of Air Botswana and I will do this with a positive attitude and wear
my uniform correctly that includes a welcoming smile.
" Too short.... Is this good or bad... Oh shit, The senior captain doesn't look impressed, should i add
more? No, if i add now I'll look like I'm panicking and that's not good" he thought silently staring at
them totally at ease.
(they all smiled) I was born ready to fly, I'm ready to start anytime.
A few minutes later he walked out of the building taking off his tie, He dialed Daisy's number as he
pulled out of the parking lot.
Gape: Ash Babe first of all thank you for insisting i wear a business suit kana neke ile kesa apara le
thai... I thought it was a written interview kante ke Oral, Who does that? Ba ntsere ka surprise... It
was intense the monna...
Daisy: (smiled annoyed) i swear I'm going to punch you if you don't tell me.
Gape: I didn't see anyone but maybe others were interviewed in different rooms or on different
Daisy : (sighed fanning herself) Mxm... I have been anxious for too long my tummy hurts...
He parked next to another car that had a baby seat and a sign of baby on board.. As the traffic
moved he rolled down the window staring at the driver...
Gape: Hello?
Driver: Hi
Driver: (laughed) You don't have to say it... It's all over your face, reminds me of my husband.
At Marvin's house....
Marvin walked in the house and found Same sitting on the couch, She appeared worried and he sat
next to her....
Same: What if the judge finds me guilty tomorrow? Where will i get the money to pay for home
wrecking? The whole country will know me as a home wrecker.
Marvin: We have enough to prove that we are not lovers, if something Sego is going to be
embarrassed because she left me in a hospital after tricking me in to selling our plot and she took my
car... I have nothing she even took my kids, Don't worry okay?
Same: She says she has been following us and she seems so sure that she is going to win...
Marvin: She won't, relax... We will go through this. I'm glad this came after they postponed our trip
to South Africa because when I'm there i won't have to think about her anymore.
Marvin: (smiled holding her chin) You look beautiful with this hairstyle..
He leaned over and kissed her slim soft lips, her tits hardened as he intensified his kiss, she put her
arms around his neck and kissed him as he got on top of her, she turned her head the other way and
he paused staring at her. He rubbed her lower lip with his thumb and sat back staring at her as she
did him....
Same: (heaved a sigh and fanned her face getting up) Huuh... Okaaaaaay... Let me cook
At Masa's house....
Later that evening Masa opened the gate as Gape drove in and parked next to the landlord's car...
Meanwhile the landlord peeked through the curtains and saw Gape walking to the back, Her friend
came to the curtains as well....
Friend: Hee mosimane yo o agegile jang batho... Akere mme la bona gore ke eng reba dira ma Ben
10?... Letheka la gagwe le lebega le itse..
Landlord: (clapped once and sat down) Waitse ngwananyana yo wako Maun yo o rata banna wena?
Le first year le harakanya dikoloi mogo kana and it takes me a year to find someone to chat with
Friend: (laughed) Some of these girls are tasting freedom for the first time in the city because back
at home parents didn't allow this rubbish.
Landlord: But this girl will choke on a dic and she likes tall big guys, have you seen how tall this guy
is? The colored one is also tall like him.. Just this morning a Navara was here and now Madza3?
Landlord: If these guys catch one another in my house they will destroy it... One of them may decide
to burn them inside, you know how Tswana men like killing for love.
Friend: But nowadays they don't burn, they stab to death or shoot...(laughed) and then they go
straight to police with bloody hands to turn themselves in, these men though!
Landlord: Still, i don't want my yard to be known for passion killings, yo o tile gore golega.... O
excited thata.…
At Masa's house.....
Masa: (talking to the phone) Yeah... I'll be home late... I'm fine, why?..... I don't sound awkward I'm
fine.... I will call you when i get home.... Love you more and more...
She hung up the phone and closed the door then she sat on the bed in her short skirt as it pulled
back revealing her thighs, Gape slowly placed his keys on top of the chest of drawers staring at her...
She walked over to him and he pulled out the hairband she had tied her hair with then he pulled her
face up to his and kissed her as she stood on her toes...
Gape: I'm going to f*ck you very hard and every time you are having sex with your boyfriend you'll
remember this...
With quick breaths, heart pounding Masa stared up his fierce face as their eyes locked, he put his
hand inside her undies and moved his fingers in slow circles around her as she closed her legs
together, he pushed them apart with his boot and leaned over kissing her. Her lips parted as he slid
his middle finger in and wiggled it tapping her uppers as she shivered with her eyes closed then he
pulled it out and put it in her mouth as she frowned, he pulled her face up and French kissed her
then he #removed............ (9t)
The Alfa Male
She opened her mouth with her eyes closed, he sprayed in her mouth and all over her face then the
door opened.... Masa jumped as her eyes met Boemo walking in, Gape pulled her back down
rubbing his D and shook off the last drops on her as she wiped her face and spat on the floor pushing
him back then he released her hair staring at Boemo still rubbing his D....
Masa burst into tears as she quickly put on her top and sat on the bed crying shaking wiping her
face. Gape calmly grabbed his pants and put them on staring at Boemo....
Speechless, his heart shredded as he watched her wiping his cum off her face, He glared at Gape as
he put on his vest...
He turned to Gape who didn't appear bothered then he charged at Gape and spearheaded him as
they crushed against her chest of drawers breaking everything... The hustle went to her food stand
where they knocked off her plates and spilled her food....
Gape slipped on the cooking oil that had spilled on the floor then Boemo sat on top of him and
punched his face, Gape lifted his chest and headed him on the face then he raised his leg wrapping it
around Boemo's neck pinning him down bending him backwards....
Boemo: (wiped the blood off his nose) Why are you doing this?
Boemo: (he pushed him) Why-why are you doing this? I love her..
Boemo picked a knife from the floor and walked over as Gape staggered back staring at it....
Boemo charged at him with a knife and missed his skin by an inch.....
Gape: (smiled) What's up? Can't you fight like a man? Why get a knife like a little boy? Don't you
trust your fist?
He swung the blade again and slashed his arm,the cut slashed a vein and blood splashed out…Gape
quickly blocked it with his other hand….
Boemo swung the blade again and Gape grabbed his wrist, he kneed his privates and he dropped the
knife then Gape punched him on the face twice, Boemo reached for a bottle of Tomato sauce and
swung it, Gape dodged it and punched him again then he got up and went to the door, Boemo
kicked him from behind and locked the door then he quickly threw it out the back window....
Boemo: Why?
His phone rang on the floor next to Boemo, he bended picking it reading the caller ID....
Boemo: Wifey?.....
Gape punched him and the phone fell down then Gape stomped on it repeatedly.....
At Mahalapye Hospital.....
Daisy put her phone down and took a few breathing exercises getting off the bed.....
Daisy: (grinning and grunting) I have to go to the toilet, i feel like pooping...
Midwife:No dear, It's the baby... If you push while in the toilet she will fall inside...
Midwife: (dragging her to the bed) Get on the bed before you drop the baby on the floor..... (her
water broke) Oh God.... Come on... Hurry up
She got on the bed as the pain multiplied.... She felt herself tearing as the baby's head made it's way
out her V....
Midwife: Push.... Push..... The head is out.... One big push my girl then we will be done....
She held on the bed sheets and granted heavily as she pushed the body out....
The baby started crying as Daisy covered her face crying tears of joy.... The midwife finished wiping
him and handed him over to her....She smiled holding him and reached for her phone, she took a
picture of her holding him and sent it to Gape, then she dialed him but his number wasn't available.
She brushed it off and continued admiring the baby....
At Masa's house......
Masa anxiously waited at the gate as the Police car pulled up... The three officers headed to the
back, the landlord and her friend followed them... Neighbors climbed up the screen wall and
watched as the Police knocked on the door....
The hustle inside continued as they heard something heavy falling, The police officers kicked the
door and walked in the house stepping on the dirty floor....
One officer pulled Gape off Boemo and dragged him outside where he pushed him against the wall
and cuffed him.... Minutes later the other officer walked out pushing Boemo in cuffs...
People peeking over the screen wall murmured as the guys were escorted in the back of a police
car.... Masa put on her shoes and closed the door...
Landlord's friend: Mme kana o buile, you said it and 24 hours didn't pass.... This girl!
Landlord: Find a house nana and you must replace the door as well.
Masa hurried to the police car and hopped in the front seat as the other officers sat with the guys at
the back........
Officer: Do you know that you have committed a serious crime? Stabbing someone with a knife is
not a crime we take lightly... (turned to Gape) Why couldn't you walk away?
Gape: He locked the door and threw the keys outside, I had to defend myself... I'm bleeding and i
feel dizzy...
Officer: (talking to another officer) Take off those cuffs and take him to the hospital....
Boemo tearfully stared at Masa from across the room as she wiped her tears, he could see her
hands shaking from across the room. Gape and the other police officer left for the hospital...
At the hospital......
Gape was sitting on the bed shirtless with stitches above his bellybutton... The nurse wrapped his
wrist with a bandage....
Nurse: if you take care of it... Three weeks you should be okay.
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: Hey... I was at the mall and I dropped my phone trying to answer you, now i cant find it....
What's up?
Gape: I'm coming to see, right now... Are you still at the hospital?
He stared at her as she cleaned him up and took off her gloves as she threw dirt in the bin then she
sat down and started writing on his card....
Gape: Are you always this quiet when you attend your patients? (he observed her as she canceled
what she wrote and started again) Are you okay?
Nurse: I'm fine, Don't say anything.. I need to concentrate on what I'm doing here.
She continued writing and handed him his medical card then she wrote her number down and
handed it to him, He took it staring at her and hopped off the bed..
Nurse: (remembered) um... That form has to be filled by a doctor but he is not around so you-
Gape: (smiled) It's okay... Thanks for taking care of me, okay?
He closed the door and walked to the officer who had brought him...
Officer: You can't drop a case here, there are procedures to be followed.
At Boemo's house.....
Hours later the cab dropped them at the gate, with a bruised vjay she bravely tried not to walk funny
as she followed Boemo, he unlocked the house with a spare key and walked in,he stood behind the
door as she walked in then he locked the door and walked in....
Masa sat on the couch crying, he grabbed the scatter cushion and smashed her face, she fell down
crying then he grabbed the back of her neck and dragged her to the bathroom where he opened the
glass door and pushed her in the shower.....
She quickly took off all her clothes crying as he grabbed the showerhead....
Masa: (blocking her breasts with her legs crossed) when my BGCSE results came out, I found out i
was pregnant... 2months pregnant. I didn't know i could come to school with the pregnancy so i
aborted his baby. We broke up after that and he moved on to the next girl, When I came here i
wanted to give our relationship a try but now that i think about it, i don't think i really wanted
to...maybe i was afraid of the city and felt like i needed a man to protect me. His girlfriend chased
me out and you know what happened after, I never spoke to him simply because i found a better
man...and I fell in love because that man gives me everything I want and need. I couldn't imagine
being without you, I was afraid he would tell you that i aborted and then make you think I'm not
woman enough and I'd abort your baby if i fell pregnant. He promised me he would never talk to me
if i gave him after tears.
Boemo: Did you really think I'd care if you aborted his baby? How does your brain work? The guy has
pride bigger than this country why would i wish to be a stepfather to his baby? Show me one man
who will cry because you aborted the baby of a guy he hates... (poking her forehead) How does your
brain work??
Boemo: And why would I care about your past? (tearfully) You let him treat you like trash?.... Do you
have any idea what i see in you? (he opened the water and pointed her with the showerhead as it
harshly splashed her) Thapa diodisele tsedi mogo wena... (she covered her face standing still as the
hot water burned her, he slapped her) Kare thapa o toga o swaba.... O ithaa gore kea shenama?
Boemo: I said wash your body ke toga ke oketsa temperature (She washed her face and body) turn
She turned around as he splashed her with water then he noticed the bruises on her butt and back...
Boemo: (dropped the showerhead) I'm coming... Don't stop showering until i say stop....
He closed the door and walked into the bedroom closing the door. He sat on the bed and covered his
face silently crying... His phone rang and he took it out his pocket....
Jomo: Serious?
Boemo: (rubbed tears off his eyes) And she had shit all over her face and mouth.... Masa is trying to
kill me.
Jomo: Shiit... Where is she? Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid... Where is the guy?
Boemo: I don't know, we had a fight i was thrown in a cell for a few hours then i was told he isn't
pressing charges. I didn't talk to him and I don't want to see him, I'll kill him if i see him again. When i
got there i was just panicking man... I didn't know what to do... I was surprised... Part of me thought i
was dreaming and the guy's attitude stinks, He was nasty bruh....
Boemo: In the bathroom... This girl is gonna kill dude, i love her...
Jomo: I know you love her but don't you think it's too early to have her in your house?
Boemo: I feel like she is too stupid and if i let her out she'll get f*cked again.... (rubbed his tears) He
didn't even use a condom.
Jomo: That's fucked up. He is twisted... I don't think after this I'll like her, just let her go... She doesn't
have self respect. Just let her go..
Boemo: No, I love her it's gonna hurt me is she gone than when she is here.
Jomo: I don't like her, She is going to send you to jail with her little drama...
Jomo: Don't spend a night with that girl, you're going to stress yourself.
Boemo: Sharp...
He hung up and rubbed his eyes dry making his way to the bathroom... Masa was still bathing.
She stepped out of the shower and got in the tub, her punani finally got soothed as she immersed
her body in... He closed the toilet seat and sat staring at her holding a toothbrush and toothpaste....
Boemo: Do you like rough sex? (she kept quiet) Nkaraba! Ke tago tika ka toothpaste e mo phateng...
Do you like rough sex?
Boemo: (he smashed the full Sensodyne toothpaste on her forehead and she covered her face
crying) That's the lie you told me last time, O tsaa gore ke seso? I need something different and
Masa: No, I'm never gonna see him again. I'm done with him.
Boemo: (staring at her) I want to forgive you and i hope i will because I really love you.
Boemo: I will never visit you until you find a new house, I don't want to walk into that house again.
Masa: Thank you... Can i get out of the water my fingers and toes are shrinking...
He went to the lounge and switched on the TV, a few minutes later Masa walked over tying her pink
robe... She fearfully slowed down as she approached the couch...
Boemo: You can sit down... I won't hit you.
She sat on the far end of the couch as he quietly watched the game, She stared at him as he was
facing the TV then she stood up and sat on his lap hugging him, He tearfully sat none responsive for
a while and finally put down the remote down and hugged her tightly as she cried loudly....
Masa: (crying) Hold me tight.... Don't let me go.... Hold me.... I swear with my mother I won't hurt
you again, I'll never see him.
He secretly dropped a tear and quickly rubbed it while they hugged one another tightly......
At Mahalapye Hospital....
Gape anxiously waited in the waiting section and smiled seeing Daisy walking over slowly, He smiled
and approached her with a hug…
Gape: (smiled) Ao banna babe ha o nna sexy hela oise o digele kgwedi yaana...
Daisy: (smiled) Thanks, what happened to your arm? You have a scratch on your forehead...
Gape: I got mugged ko Kgale hela kakwa... They took my phone so I have to get to the mall and cut
my sim card before I miss important calls... Where is Junior? I want to see him..
Daisy: You can't see him now... I share a room with 4 other mothers, you'll see him at home when
we get discharged tomorrow.
Gape:No go take him, Babe i drove all the way from Gaborone to see my son, come on
She walked back in and walked out holding Junior wrapped in a big blue baby duvet... He smiled
getting him and sat slowly like he was a robot...
Gape: (smiled) His fingers are very tiny... (turned to her) I can't believe I have a child... Thank you.
Daisy: You're welcome...
Gape: I spoke to my aunt on the way, she says they will come to see the baby after a week or so.
Daisy: (smiled) That's very sweet of them to come even though they weren't properly told.
Gape: I explained your family situation to my aunt and she spoke to my uncle, My uncle is too
traditional but he married a younger woman so it's easier to make her understand things and then
have her convince the old man.
Gape: My Aunt will probably like you... (turned to Junior as he stretched himself) Babe oa ikotolla..
Ekare seboko.... Hei o kananyana gore ekare aka robega...(he started crying) Oh shit he is crying...
Take him
She smiled and took him then she gave him her breast as Gape stared at her....
He stood and French kissed her then he took one last look at Junior before they parted....
At Gape's house....
Later that evening he parked the car and adjusted the seat laying back saving Itu's number, he sent
her the airtime digits and walked in.
He threw his phone on the couch and sat in the quiet house, He could feel the hunger but the
thought of cooking was exhausting, He glanced at his phone again.... He grabbed the remote and
switched on the TV then his phone rang, it was Itu but he let it ring until it stopped. She sent a text
Itu: Thank you for the airtime even though it's way more than I expected, thanks. Itu.
He read the message and put his phone down, an hour later he called her and she picked on the first
Itu: Hello?
Gape: How many days do I have to wait before you visit me?
Gape: You have it and I bet you believe in making a guy wait months to have sex with you, only for
him to get it and disappear... Now you don't trust guys because you believe we are all liars.
Itu: Yes, you're all liars. I'm sure you are about to say you love me...
Gape: Not really but i want to put my hands on your petite body, you're sexy and i liked the way your
hands felt when you touched.... If i love you it will be after getting to know who Itumeleng is and I
really want to know you.
Itu: iyoo...
Gape: Kare retego apaya rothe, I'm hungry and I stay know how boring food can be when
you eat alone, I'm sure you are hungry as well. I promise i won't ask for sex....
Itu: (laughed) ke tshaba mosadi wa gago, i heard you talking to her earlier
Gape: She is in Mahalapye and she just delivered, i won't be staying with her for months you know
how it works.... Can I come get you?
Itu: Okay, come after an hour... I want to take a bath, my legs are aching...
Gape: Okay...
At Boemo's house.....
On the same evening Masa brought two plates of food for them to eat watching TV... He picked a
piece of chicken and left the rest as Masa continued to eat....
Boemo: Yeah...
A while later she took back the plates and put his food in the microwave then she laid on his chest as
they watched the movie.. 30 minutes into the movie she fell asleep on his chest and he switched off
the TV with a remote. He closed his eyes recollecting what had happened earlier...
Tears filled his eyes, he slowly put her head down and walked outside the house... He sat on the
stoop, lit a cigarette and smoked staring at the full moon.....(9t)
The Alfa Male
At Itu's house.....
Early that morning around 6am Gape's car parked in front of her house, He switched off the engine
and sighed leaning back staring at her....
Gape: So.....
Itu: Yeah
Gape: Is he in Gaborone?
Itu: Yes but he is football freak, always watching football, always discussing football... Most of the
time I'm competing with football. As long as the world Cup is on I don't cross his mind, he just calls
me or text mme rele mo Gaborone rothe... bo Rollers bo Chiefs, bo kana gatwe Spanish laliga it
seems he has a favorite team everywhere and the games just never end.…
Itu: Kind of... I mean you got me to spend a night in your house when i didn't plan to.
Itu: I guess.... (smiled and faced outside) I'm afraid to date guys from Maun.
Gape: Why?
Gape: Some, not every guy from Maun has a big dick, that's just something formed by people to
make fun of men from North.
Itu: Ok, Can I feel yours?
She leaned over for a short hug then he pulled he held her cheek and French kissed her softly, She
sneaked her hand on his pants and felt his D lying along his thigh and he quickly grabbed her wrist
continuing the kiss but she moved back...
Itu: (heart pounding) Um.... Keago chaisa ka 5 tota? I will confirm... Bye
She stepped out of the car and hurried in her yard, she took out her phone to call her friend and
realized Gape was still waiting in the car she ran inside then he drove off. She dialed her friend's
Itu: You won't believe what i saw..... You won't.... Oh my God, Bo lonely jo jwame jo mma I agreed to
visit this guy kante guy has a big dic.
Itu: Mma?! It was big i don't know gore ntaga kaela ka eng but Jesus Christ, I'm so scared when i
think of the fact that i slept there.... What if he had slept with me by force?
Her: Hee lwena mma, how can you go to a stranger's house? (laughed) Le taare golega bo Itumeleng.
Itu: I'm so done with the guy, I'm deleting his number.
Her: Bye....
At Boemo's office....
Later that morning he walked in his office and sat laying his back on the chair... He rubbed his face
recalling what he had seen... Only this time he was recalling Gape intentionally pulling Masa over
and shaking his D over her...
He sighed rubbing his face, fantasizing about what he should have done to him or said to him... He
sighed and wondered if he would really be able to kiss Masa after seeing another man's semen in
her mouth and face.
PA: (smiled and waved in front of his eyes) Mr B are you okay?
Boemo: (snapped out of it) Oh hey... Sorry... (faked a smile) I saw you walking in but then my mind
got distracted... What is it?
PA: You have a meeting with the CEO at 8 and at 10 you have to be in court.
PA: Okay, I will call his PA and let her know that the meeting has been rescheduled. Can i bring you
She walked out of the office. He got his keys and phone, Made his way to the elevator and got in the
car driving off..…….
At Boemo's house....
Home alone Masa walked out of the kitchen holding an electric kettle and poured in the cold water
in the bath... She put her hand to check the warmth then she returned it. She took off her clothes
and slowly put her butt in the lukewarm water... She turned her eyes enjoying the soothing
sensation as the water covered her entire pussy...
Her phone rang on the couch and she stretched taking it together with the remote, She reduced the
volume and picked.
Masa: Hello?
Tshiamo: You're so lucky, I thought he would beat the crap out if you... I don't have airtime, Bye
Masa: Bye..
She hung up and increased the volume of the TV, she opened a pack of Simba chips and ate
watching TV relaxing in the water ..... Boemo opened the door and walked in, she quickly stood up
and wrapped herself with a towel....
Boemo stared at the water in the small plastic bath and her as she wiped herself and put on her
Boemo: (glaring at her) Kante ke eng ole maaka yaana? Do you have to lie everyday?
Boemo sat on the couch watching her as she picked the bath and emptied it in the toilet. She walked
back in and sat on the couch.... Boemo took the remote and switched off the TV.
Boemo: (sighed) I think you should go back to your house for a while-Go heal-(sighed) I'll call you...
Boemo: No, I think you need time to recover... I will call you.
Boemo: I'll be fine alone, it's not a very big case I'm sure it will not take more than an hour.
Masa: Okay...
He quietly sat on the couch with his head between his palms, minutes later she walked back in with
her bag rubbing body lotion on her hands.
He stood up and hugged her, for a minute he thought he could smell semen on her, He smiled and
walked her out to the next stop.
Masa: Next week on Thursday I'll be free, I want to come clean your house.
Boemo: Yeah but wait for my call... (waved at a passing cab) Lucky you... The cab just stopped.
Boemo : Bye
She got in the cab and they waved at one another then he walked back to his house.…He took the
bath she had soaked her vjay in and placed it on the trash can in front of his screen wall then he
walked in and sat on the couch thinking.....
In Gape's car.....
On his way from dropping off the preschoolers, he got a call from an international number....
Gape: Hello?
Gape: Well it freaked me out so I'm not doing that with you, You think if you die on me people will
blame sex? They will probably say i killed you... Besides I have a girlfriend now so-
Sue: My boy-
He hung up and continued driving, his phone rang again and he picked sighing...
Gape: (checked caller ID) Oh sorry.... I was talking to someone and the phone got disconnected. I'm
sorry, may i help you?
Voice: Please come collect your offer letter at Sir Seretse Khama Airport.
Gape: Yes....
Daisy: (screamed and dropped the phone, moments later she got it) Ouch rra o nthonkgetse di
stitch..... And i startled Junior.
Gape: O mo ree aska thula ka ngwanake the mma o one hela ke taa thola ke mmona kae gape.
Gape: Oh shit, Same and Sego's case... I don't think I'll make it, I'm on my way to collect my offer
Marv: I will, I'm secretly freaking out... The Voice journalist is here...
Gape: (shook his head) Mar these journalists, must they always publicize this? Kana they will put
Same on the front page.
Marv: He will still get the information akere he will be listening to every detail. This isn't fair.
Marv: Sharp.
He slowed down at the traffic lights, when he turned Boemo was staring at him... The lights went
green and he proceeded, Boemo followed him....
He checked his rear mirror and saw his Navara bumper right on his tail then he pulled over at the
next stop.
Boemo parked behind him and they both stayed in their cars for a few minutes, Gape stared at him
through the rear mirror as Boemo stepped out of the car and walked over with his hands in the
Gape's heart thudded against his chest as he reached for his Jericho 941 and rolled down his window
as Boemo approached..............
The Alfa Male
Boemo took out his hands from the pockets as he stood next to the door, Gape secretly slid his gun
under the steering wheel.
Gape laughed in disbelief and got out of the car, they both leaned against his bonnet....
Boemo: I want to know what the deal is with you and Masa, what are your intentions? I can't rely on
her for the truth and I'll assume you don't have a reason to lie to me.
Gape: What you saw in there was just sex, nothing more and it will never happen again. I have a
girlfriend and a child.
Boemo: (handed him his memory card) I got this from your broken phone and I thought about
creating a fake account on Facebook to post your girlfriend's nudes, so that the public can see her
the way you made me see Masa. I considered it for a while and decided not to.
Gape: (put it in the pocket) Thank you and I'm sorry for-
Boemo: (walked away) It's cool... (turned staring at him) Just make sure you don't cross me again,
you might find your sweet girl's nudes on Facebook...
Boemo: (smiled staring at him) No... It's an advice, don't go around throwing stones if you're living in
a glass house. She seems like a good woman, some of us are in search of such women and men like
you turn them in to bitter baby mamas. (Gape silently stared at him) Don't make me destroy her
Boemo : Stay away from Masa or your girlfriend will be so famous she won't go anywhere without
being booed by people.
At Tshiamo's house....
Boemo: Hello?
Tshiamo: (awkward moment) I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what Masa did to you, it was
wrong and not all women are like that.
Boemo: Yeah, I hope i will get over it, I pray i do even though it seems to be impossible, i did not
sleep last night but uh...
Tshiamo: I don't think you will get over it, it was terrible the way she explained it to me. I couldn't
believe women like her existed,she gave a bad name to all the women. I'm really sorry.
Boemo: I just came from court, i had a case there. Love will send me to jail I'm starting to think i
should look for a guy and make him my girlfriend.
Tshiamo: (laughed) No, Nnyaa rra at least try one more woman and see if it will work... Some of us
want serious men to have serious relationships with, boys ran away when they hear us saying we
want marriage and children.
Boemo: Nna ke bata mosadi yoo serious but at this point I'm stuck I'm not sure being with Masa will
ever be the same but I'm also wondering if maybe the woman i want doesn't exist.
Tshiamo: (laughed) if you mean a woman who wants to be faithful to one man and build a family
with, I here by apply.
Tshiamo: So am i.
Tshiamo: It's a few minutes to one... We can meet but i have a lesson at 2pm.
Masa: I think Boemo broke up with me, i heard guys never say it's over, they just disappear. (crying) I
regret having sex with Gape, it ruined my life.
Tshiamo: (hugged her) I'm sorry choma.... Maybe he will change his mind
Masa: (crying) The way he was talking to me this morning?.... It's different from last night..
Tshiamo: He is hurt of course he will change his mind a 100 times, give him some space.
Masa: He kept saying wait for my call like he didn't want me to contact him until he contacts me.
Tshiamo: Yes, don't call him. Stay away from him because you will annoy him and he won't forgive
you, just give him some space. One day he will miss you. Besides who cares about men? We should
be focusing on passing our modules..
Tshiamo: Hello?
Tshiamo: I don't know nice places, Just buy drinks we will sit in your car.
Boemo: Bye..
Tshiamo: I just met this guy on my way to school, he wants us to have a chat.
Masa: Okay... (stood) Let me go sleep... Ke mo mathateng mma if Boemo doesn't help me replace
the door landlord is going to kill me. Imagine the month has just started and these guys damaged all
my food. I don't have a chest of drawers... They broke my food stand. My laptop's screen has
cracked and the printer is not working.
Tshiamo: Ke mathata
Tshiamo: (sprayed herself perfume and closed the door as Masa sat on their stoop) Go sharp mma..
Masa: (smiled) Goodluck mma, Be nice he might be the one, you been looking for a boyfriend for too
long to mess this one.
Masa smiled at her as she walked away then she got in her room...
In Gape's car....
Daisy: Hey
Daisy: Yes so all those numbers are your salary per month?
Gape: Yeah
Gape: But it's not that much... Wait what is "you"? I thought we are in this together
Gape: Don't just say because what you say is what builds in you.
Daisy: And those benefits are they for real? Like are they all for you?
Gape: (laughed) Yes... The whole list, Anyway I was thinking instead of doing that little course, I want
you do something serious like a diploma or degree in any field besides baking. Cakes can be an extra
cash business
Daisy: You know i will fail those things... I don't want to waste your money.
Gape: The reason you will fail is because you believe that, think about it. I will bring you a list of
courses tomorrow and I want you to choose.
Gape: Okay
Daisy : Okay
Daisy: Bye..
She hung up and put her phone down, she breastfed her son as her aunt opened Junior's nappy bag.
Daisy: Okay
Auntie: Junior's father sure calls a lot, every time I'm in here you're both talking.
Auntie: I think he loves you, he must be so lonely without you. The way he calls...
Auntie: It's funny, most men disappear during this time, i mean look at my daughter... Her father
disappeared when I told him I'm pregnant but Junior's father is a good person, he is faithful to you
and he is a good father. You're blessed
Daisy: (smiled) I am blessed. I like that i can call any time and he will answer, when he misses my call
he can even borrow a phone to call me. He drives Mahalapye Gaborone like it's a short distance...
(smiled) I'm falling in love with this man, I'm falling so deep.
Auntie: You're blessed, love him because he deserves it. If he was another man he would be all over
Gaborone sleeping around with women.
Daisy: (smiled) I love him, I can't wait to get out of the house, I have been reading a few articles
online and i think i have learnt a thing or two about making a guy go crazy about you.
Auntie: (laughed) Yes make him go crazy, he deserves it, he is such a good man.….
At Marvin's house.....
Gape knocked and walked in on Marvin kissing Same...
Gape: And people think I'm the bad apple... Is that why you're not answering your phone?
Gape: (they bumped shoulders and fist bumped) Wow... Congratulations! That kiss makes sense...
Marvin: (smiled) Same was shaking the entire time but surprisingly the chief understood and when
he saw our medical records he was surprised Sego was even suing. You should have been there to
see Sego's face when she was asked a thousand questions she couldn't answer.... You should have
been there. You missed.
Gape: (smiled) i can imagine her disappointment, Home wrecking cases almost never get dismissed
so she was sure about the money, I'm sure she budgeted for it
Marvin: You should have seen her face.... O dule hale a ngadile.. Sego is one of those exs you look at
and wonder what brand of Ganja you were smoking when you married them. I must have been
desperate and high
Gape: (laughed) You were high.... I'm so glad she is out of our lives. So when is the surgery?
Marvin: It's next month, I have been put on a serious diet and i can't mess that up.
Marvin: (smiled) Hee banna! Your benefits.... Wow and the salary is not bad at all.
Gape : (smiled) It's not bad, After three months I'm getting a loan to start a business, i learnt
something from your Retrenchment- never fully rely on your salary.…
Marvin: Yeah, that's good, I'm proud of you. Always remember it's not a race... Your age mates long
started working so-
Gape: No I'm not racing with anyone actually I'm racing myself and my capabilities. I was meant to
be more than just a worker, this is the breakthrough I have been waiting for.
Marvin: (fist bumped) It's been a long time since I have heard you talk like this, I like it.
Gape: (smiled and walked away). I wish i was strong like you when a week passes kesa utwe bothitho
ithela ke lwala blind.
Marvin: Oa lwala laitaka...
2 YEARS LATER...........
The Alfa Male
As soon as the lecturer dismissed the lesson she hurried out to the parking lot arranging her books,
Her netball team members shouted calling her...
Daisy: (smiling) The bathong i have to collect my son from school, I'm already late. I will be playing
She got in the car and drove to Junior's preschool where Junior ran over dragging his blue snack
coolerbox and his bag... He fell down just before he could get in the car then he got up and dusted
his knees and he struggled but finally managed to get in the back. He sat on his car seat then Daisy
strapped him in and drove out of the school...
Junior: Fine
Daisy smiled on her own as Junior played with a toy at the back, He had the shape of his father's
handsome head and resembled his father in so many ways... She chuckled on her own and laughed
at herself for laughing alone.
A few minutes later she parked in front of their house and took junior out of the car, As she walked
in she glanced at Gape's flight schedule and passed to the kitchen.... Her phone rang as she handed
Junior a juice from the fridge.....
Daisy: Hi Gina
Daisy: Oh today was just a hustle for me, I'll be at the bakery in 30 minutes but you can release other
workers re tata re tsaya stock rothe.
Gina: Emma, Should the driver drop them each at home as usual or-
Daisy: Yes, tell him to drop them home then you can drop him off and wait for me in the bakery. Did
he deliver for Boyei primary school on time?
Gina: Emma, he went on time today, I made sure of it.
Daisy: Okay let me give Junior something to eat then I'll dash over.
Gina: Bye....
She hung up her phone and put his food in the microwave..... She remembered something and
quickly grabbed her phone...
Daisy:. Hi, when are we meeting? Today is just hectic for me.
Farai: We can meet tomorrow I'm also tired i just knocked off and i have to cook for the kids before
the Dad gets home even hungrier... (they laughed) But i sent the invites to a list you gave me.
Daisy: Okay,they are arriving on Saturday afternoon, I told the DJ that it's an all night party.
Daisy: Bye
She hung up and got Junior's food making his way to the living room, her jaws dropped when she
saw Junior with white body lotion all over his body, as soon as he saw her he ran outside naked....
Daisy: I'm going to beat you, come back here.. (thinking out loud) Mxm oka siela konte ka nonyane e
kanakana.... (loudly) Junior?!....
Two men loaded Tshiamo's households in the truck and drove away, she got tje broom and swept
the dusty floor.... Masa walked in and took the broom from her….
Masa: Go sit down, I'll sweep mma your legs like swelling...
Tshiamo: Thanks...
She removed her curtains and spread them on the stoop of their two and half then she sat down
rubbing her 6 months pregnancy...
Tshiamo: (looking at Masa sweeping) No... You will get me on the way.
Boemo: Seriously i cant play this little game anymore , You know your legs like swelling... I don't get
what's so hard about telling Masa that we are dating it's not like I'm cheating on her
Boemo: I broke up with her 2 years ago... What's the big deal?
Boemo: Doesn't she see the car whenever you go to school with it?
Tshiamo: (lowered her voice) Whenever I have the car I use the Staff parking lot...
Boemo: You need to deal with it soon gape nna this is just punishing me because you don't want me
to make you my profile picture because you're protecting "your friend".
Tshiamo: Babe let's talk later, I'm closing the door now, i guess you will pick me on the way, I'll walk
by the road.
Boemo: Okay....
She hung up and walked in, Masa had finished cleaning the room. Tshiamo locked it and handed her
the key...
Masa: Yeah... (grabbed an umbrella and put on her shoes) Let me take you halfway
They walked out of the gate as Masa opened the umbrella and covered both of them....
Masa: I hope your baby daddy knows he took my best friend, I'm going to get bored here.
Masa: Yeah but you were my friend, I'm going to miss you... Hee kana Tshiamo you haven't showed
me your baby daddy waitse? You're so secretive...
Tshiamo: (laughed) i wish but he is always busy.... Nowadays you never talk about Boemo, why?
Masa: He moved from the house he was staying at, thought i told you that. He also changed his
numbers and i feel so guilty for calling him almost every day, it must have irritated him.
Masa: It's so hard for me to move on, I believe if i can prove to Boemo that i have changed he will
change his mind. I have hurt him a lot...and i understand if it takes longer for him to forget it, maybe
he will come ask for forgiveness like Gape once did before we came to Gaborone and i swear i will
love and respect that man, the way ke bakileng ka teng i will do all sorts of things for him.. Laundry,
cooking and keeping my body for him and him alone.
Masa: I'm not in a hurry to move on plus school is keeping me busy, the assignments are very
difficult nowadays so it keeps my mind busy...i won't give up on him, the way i still love him even
when i finish school ketaa tsenya confidence ya di movie, go to his office and seduce him, i can't let a
good guy like him go.
Tshiamo: (sighed looking around) I think you should get back now, a taxi might pass anytime now
Masa: No its okay, ke taa bowa o sena go tsena mo taxing. Imagine if i left you here and you
collapsed by the road..
Meanwhile Boemo drove along the road listening to music, he spotted Tshiamo walking with Masa
and decided to pass them... Masa saw Boemo's scar and raised her hands screaming....
Masa: Hey?! Boemo? (ran talking to Tshiamo) Ke eta choma.... (raised her voice) Boemo?!
Masa: Hi
Masa: It's been a long time since I have seen you, I even thought you're not in Gaborone.
Masa: I know I have hurt you a lot and i don't expect you to be fine, it will take a long time to heal
and I will wait as long as i have to, i won't be seeing anyone but i just want to talk to you every once
in a while...just as friends to hear what's going on in your life and stuff like that...
Tshiamo walked over typing a text message on her phone..
Boemo: Come ask for a ride re tsamae, I'm sure your legs are swollen. I hate this game Tshiamo. I
don't know why i must sneak around like I'm cheating on someone.
Meanwhile in the car Masa waited for him as he replied her message and put his phone down...
Boemo: No....honestly Masa I don't think i will ever get over that image of... What's his name... I
forgot his name.. I don't think I'll forget the sight of his semen on your face and mouth. I would feel
like I'm gay if i kiss you because it would be like I'm eating his's disgusting... I really did
love you but what happened hurt me and it changed how i see you... You have no idea what comes
to my mind when I look at your lips-
Tshiamo: (standing at the passenger door) Can i have a ride? I'm meeting my boyfriend at Riverwalk.
Masa: (turned to him) Will you give my friend a ride? If it's not too much to ask for.
Masa: Tsena Tshiamo... (stepped out staring at Boemo tearfully) I wish we could talk more,
Communication can solve anything, i waited for your call but you never called... And then when you
call it's just "I have moved with my life" don't we deserve to talk about it..?
Boemo: Bye..
He joined the road and drove off, Tshiamo turned and looked at her as she covered her face crying,
she got teary..... Boemo looked at her reflection on the mirror....
Tshiamo: Let me go back and talk to her, Masa cries easily and I'm sure she will be crying all night.
Boemo: I can't play that game Tshiamo... Take off your shoes, how are you?
Tshiamo: Besides the fact that I'm a bad friend I'm fine. People at school are going to hate me when
they hear i snatched you... They will be calling me names.
Boemo: I don't care what people say and men don't get snatched, I'm not a property that gets stolen
and i haven't cheated on her, She cheated and I left, it's unfortunate thee one happened to be her
roommate or whatever that you two are.
Tshiamo: (sighed) Her kicks, She will break my ribs one of these days.. (smiled) I can't wait to see her
.... Her hair will be curly and she will have your brown eyes.. (laughed) she will have your black gums
and your pink lips...
Inside Flight BP051 with headphones on their heads captain Khumo and Gape received landing
clearance from Air traffic control as they prepared for landing....
Gape concentrated on the runway steering the flight as he touched down smoothly and taxied the
flight down the runway.....
Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Maun International Airport.For your safety and
comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten
Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move
Air Botswana ran down to its assigned parking and finally stopped, the guys pressed their button
panel, took off their headphones and fist bumped celebrating their smooth landing as the hostess
made announcements in the background...
A few minutes later they stepped out of the cockpit... Gape's eyes locked with a familiar face as she
smiled and waved at him, he didn't remember her but he nodded back with a brief smile...
An hour later he drove out of the airport, the same familiar face caught his attention as she waved at
him, he slowed down and she walked over dragging her bag... He stared at her legs as she walked
over and put her bag in the back seat. She sat in the front seat and pulled a seat belt, He glanced at
his rear mirror and joined the road....
Her: (smiled) No, you wouldn't know me but I know you... Well I know your voice and for months I
have been dying to put a face to the deep sexy voice coming out of the cockpit, months back i did..
Her: Exactly so the few times that you did it was different and say unique words.......
Gape: Nice….I stay just behind the mall, where should I drop you off?
Gape made a Uturn and drove to the hotel where he took out her bag and closed his door...
He stared in her eyes going down her blazer and paused at her cleavage, she buttoned it up and
walked away then he dragged the bag following her staring at her flat As....
She opened her room and walked in, He closed the door and put her bag on the chair then he
walked behind her as she took off her high heels... He held her waist with both hands and leaned
over kissing her neck softly, She closed her eyes biting her lower lip as he lifted her skirt and
squeezed her little butt.. He pushed her against the wall rubbing his Airwick on her...
She soaked herself instantly... Every touch he gave her weakened every part of her body, she had
fantasized about that moment for 7 full months seeing him in Uniform and hearing his deep voice
cracking the speakers from the cockpit.…
He stepped back and pulled out the headboard drawer, grabbed the rubber and pulled down his
zipper taking out the Airwick, with his shirt well turned and the belt still hooked around his waist he
rolled it on his Airwick and walked behind her, pinned her face to the wall, pulled down her panty
and drilled his way in.
A few moans and grunts later he pulled out and pulled up her panty then he walked to the bathroom
where he dropped his kids, rolled the TP and cleaned himself applying the hotel lotion on his hands
then he walked out of the toilet with his hands in the pockets as she laid on the bed staring at him...
His piecing eyes got her a little shy as she looked down...
Her: Nicole
A few minutes later as he approached his house he dialed his brother's number...
Marv: Yah?
Gape: Le ska bolaisa mosadi wame gole direla Welcome home party abo lesate ka nako. She invited
the whole of Maun.
At Masa's house...
She was sitting on the bed typing her assignment then her phone rang...
Masa: Hello?
Masa: Mmm... i guess he walked her to her boyfriend, she was going to meet her baby daddy.
Classmate: Yeah, I'm ready to put an end to this semester... These holidays kedi ikutwa gore
Masa: (laughed) O kare nna, I miss Maun like crazy. Tomorrow I'm submitting then Friday ke gata
base ya Maun.
Masa: Bye...
At Boemo's house.....
Tshiamo was laying on the bed reading Your Pregnancy magazine as Boemo massaged her feet with
a body lotion....
Boemo: This is the happiest and longest relationship I have ever been on....
Boemo: See that's what makes you special, A lot of people believe that a woman is supposed to
sleep with 100 men before she can be "mature" and do things properly, I just don't get that... I like
your maturity.... When you told me you're a virgin i was like waii, next week she will be in love with
another guy...
Tshiamo: (laughed) Ehe is that why you didn't pay attention to me goriana?
Boemo: (laughed) Honestly yes.... I didn't want to invest my feelings and be disappointed but over
time you proved yourself...
Tshiamo: Thanks...
Boemo: (he put a ring on her big bellybutton) Will you marry me?
Boemo: (put his ring on her finger and kissed her bellybutton then her lips) When are you closing at
Boemo: I want us to deal with the parents before Christmas... You'll set the date though, i don't care
when you want us to-
Tshiamo: (excitedly) Are you kidding me, i want to be Mrs Ben as soon as yesterday.... How is
December 10th on my birthday?
Tshiamo: I can't believe this.... Seriously is this a joke? (hugged him) i love you Boemo.... I can't
believe this...
At Gape's house.....
He parked next to her Mazda3 and unlocked the door, Daisy walked over from the bedroom and
hugged him, He French kissed her and lifted her walking to the bedroom holding her up...
Gape: Hey...
He laid her on the bed and kissed her touching her panties, there was a pad just as he thought...
Daisy: He is sleeping..
Gape took off his shirt and threw it at Daisy, made his way to Junior's room and banged the door....
Daisy: I told you to stop waking him like that, you're startling him...
Junior's eyes shrunk as he smiled running towards his dad, He picked him up and flew him around
the house making aeroplane sounds as he giggled loudly......
Gape: Mmmmmm..... Prepare to land Captain......
Gape: (he fell on the couch holding his son and tickled him) high five partner... Good landing boss.
He walked to the bedroom carrying him on his shoulders as Junior spread his hands on the air like an
Gape: Babe have you noticed how Junior's speech is maturing? And he is so fluent...
Daisy was sitting on the bed folding his clothes and put Nicole's card on the bed, Gape looked at it
and walked behind her kissing her neck...
Daisy: (walked to the kitchen) Your pockets always have business cards and it's always females.
Gape: Babe these people are persistent, they hand over their business cards everywhere and i find it
impolite to reject the cards so i put them in the pocket and then forget. You can tear it if you want....
It's not like I need it...(grabbed her chin and bended kissing her) If i was cheating don't you think I'd
hide them? Am i dumb enough to have my pocket as the best hiding spot for my dirty little secrets?
Come on...
Daisy: (smiled and rolled her eyes) I guess not but just don't take them...
Gape: Okay, done. I won't take them. Look at me... (she looked at him and he kissed her) I love you
and you got nothing to worry about.
Daisy: Mmm.... Anyway I was thinking we should invite your mom to Marvin's welcome home
Daisy: I spoke to your aunt and she thinks it might be a good idea plus Marvin sounded happy with-
Gape: Daisy i said no, I don't want her to come and she is not coming. I took care of Marv alone so
she won't be here to celebrate that victory with us.. She has a family she cares more about than her
two black relationship mistakes...
He sat on the couch and handed Junior the TV remote showing him how to change the channels... A
few minutes later Daisy served him with food and he pulled her over, she sat on his lap and he kissed
At Gape's house......
Gape and his son were in the living room watching TV as Daisy did the dishes in the kitchen…the
excuse of business cards didn't satisfy her and she couldn't get it out of her mind... She wondered
how it was possible to only receive business cards from ladies only.
After cleaning the kitchen she got the card and walked outside taking a short walk around the
neighborhood, she dialed the number....
Nicole: Hello?
Her voice was intimidating and Daisy quickly remembered she hadn't thought of what to say to her,
she hung up.
After a few minutes she gathered her confidence and dialed her again.….
Nicole: Hello?
Daisy: I found your card in my man's pocket and I want to know what it is doing in his pocket.
Nicole: (smiled and crossed her legs leaning back on the couch) What's your man's name nana?
Daisy: Gake omane le wena and i don't know how to insult another person, i just want to understand
what is going on.
Nicole: And what do you mean your man? I didn't see a ring on his finger.
Daisy: I'm warning you to stay away from him, he has a child-
Nicole: Darling listen...Monna wa gago yoo ke lebelete, o ntheeditse? I only slept with him because
my friend told me he was dishing something different. Le gone how do you know you are not the
side chick ka gaago nyala? I did it for the first time hours back and the way I'm impressed I'm going
to recommend him to another friend of mine. O utwalega ele gone o ithutang dilo tsa marato nana
monna oa jewa autwa? Akere wena owa bana?rona re hoha le ene mo lefaufaung gaa lenda plane
remo neela kuku.. Stay home and mop the floor, stupid fool! Don't call me again with your poor
English, o badile mang?
She hung up the phone as tears filled her eyes then she dialed Same's number....
Same: Hello?
Daisy: But how can Gape do this to me? I know when i ask him he will make me think I'm crazy...
Same: Don't ask him anything just yet, observe him. Be sure he is cheating before you approach him.
Daisy: There is no use, he will still do it... I don't even know what he does when he lands in the areas
he is flying to... I'm hurt.
Same: I don't know what to say waitse, i never thought Gape could cheat.
Daisy: Le wena dira ote mma ke lonely kwano and the bakery makes me miss my lessons, Gape gets
angry when I miss my lessons.
Same: We are coming tomorrow, Our check up went smoothly... (laughed) We are going to dance all
night long... Tell the DJ to bring serious music... Nna le Marvin re ikaeletse that party, please take
Junior to his Auntie's house i want you to go crazy for once in your life...
Daisy: (laughed) I already spoke to her and she agreed to take him
Daisy: Bye...
A few minutes later she walked in the house and sat on the couch, Junior was asleep on his lap...
He stared at her for a while and walked to the bedroom carrying him on his shoulders, he laid him
down and walked back to the couch....
Daisy: Nothing....
The next morning after submitting her last assignment, Masa exchanged goodbye hugs with her
Masa: (laughed) don't mention that thing you'll bring us bad luck.
Classmate2: See you next year, Where is Tshiamo? She has been missing lessons a lot ke yone mpa?
Masa: She wasn't answering my calls this morning maybe she will submit late akere she said she isn't
going to Maun.
Classmate: Oh okay
Masa: Bye guys... (checked her watch) i have to catch the 11am bus..
Both: Bye
She hurried home and collected her big bags then she got a taxi to the bus rank.
As she walked in the bus looking for a good seat a young lady smiled at her and she smiled back
sitting next to her....
Masa: Hi
Masa: BAC
Her: I am Molly... You have a very pretty face i bet it works for you every time...
Molly: I'm serious you're very beautiful, i was even scared to look at you for long thinking that some
ladies get offended when you look at them, they think you're hating when you are innocently
Masa: Thanks..
Molly: (gave her the other piece of her headsets) I was about to watch a movie...
Later that afternoon Boemo opened the door for her and they approached the house.... His sister
hopped out of the pool drying her curly hair and put on some pants walking over....
Boemo turned and hugged her swinging her around as they both smiled, her smile disappeared
when she saw Tshiamo's face... She was very dark.. Darker than chocolate and her face had
blemishes, her nose was way bigger than all the features on her face... A racing horse came to mind
as she stared at her nose...
Her: Hello?
Tshiamo: (smiled) Hi
The mother walked out excitedly with a smile and slowed down when she saw Tshiamo's face...
Boemo followed his sister inside and his mother watched him disappear in the house then she
walked closer to Tshiamo....
Her: You're not my son's type mma how can you sleep with a young man like Boemo... Oka ineelela a
31 year old young man... An old woman like you, gale tshabe go ikapolela bana the.
Tshiamo: I'm 21
Her: (laughed) I don't believe you and your age doesn't matter because you're even too ugly for
Boemo, People are going to laugh at us when they hear we want to marry someone like you. Stay
away from my son... There are so many young slim beautiful women he can choose from around
Maun. You look old....
Boemo: Don't mind my sister she can be a drama queen... My other siblings aren't home and I have
to go see my Dad at his office and discuss things in detail.
Tshiamo: OK...
At Choppies......
On her way from the bus Masa walked in the shop and headed to the refrigerators where she got a
bottle of drink... A familiar voice caught her attention behind the toy section.........
Voice : You already have this car at home, get a different one....
She walked behind the section and watched him talking to his son.... He pulled up the sleeves of his
gray muscle top and squatted next to him....Oh Gape, the shape of his head from the side was
perfect and his haircut was even better... He reached for his son's face rubbing his tears as the wrist
watch he had on slightly slipped down his arm... The veins on his arms had increased in size since last
she saw them...
Completely surprised Gape stood up slowly and smiled staring at her... She had lost a lot of weight
but was still very much pretty...
Masa: Hi... (smiled looking at Junior) He looks like you... Come here boy...
She lifted him and smiled at him, Gape's face saddened when he stared at the two of them, he
swallowed and grabbed the trolley handle a little tighter. Masa got teary staring in Junior's innocent
eyes then she put him back on the trolley seat....
He stood there watching her as she paid and walked out of the shop then he sighed and continued
to push the trolley around the shop.......... (9t)
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house...
A few hours after arriving and greeting her parents, she cleaned her dusty room... Her mother
walked in and sat on the plastic chair as mad her bed.
Her: You have lost a lot of weight, aren't you eating well?
Her: Are they very difficult? I heard your course is one of the most difficult courses.
Masa: It is but not that much because I read almost every day, the least mark i ever got was 55%
Masa: (sat down)I can't stop thinking about the baby i killed, he would be 2 years old now.... (teary) I
killed a human and i think God is going to punish me, I can't find love.... (crying) Something always
goes wrong.... I make a stupid mistake and the guy leaves just like that. (rubbing her tears) I have
bad luck... I had a good man and lost him just like i lost another before that.
Her mother sat next to her and put her arms around her rubbing her as she cried.
Her: Baby we have all made mistakes, big mistakes but as long as you don't forgive yourself you will
never be happy. Yes.... You made a mistake but you have to move on. Accept it...
Masa: (crying) I'm the worst woman ever, imagine you had me when you were way younger... You
didn't kill me.. Gape's girlfriend didn't abort his baby but-
Her : Good now the real problem comes up, Where is he and how is he doing?
Masa: He has a family now and he is good father... The kind of father i pictured when i first found
out i was pregnant... (crying) before the thought of killing came...
Masa: Mom..
Her: Masa i know you are a grown woman, when i was your age i was already married... I had this
home, you and your father... I know you have reached a stage of looking for a man to build a family
with, there is nothing wrong with that. Do you still love Gape?
Masa: Yes, he is handsome, he is intelligent... I like intelligent men because boys never gave me
attention simply because i always came first here and there in our tests, they were afraid to
approach me but he did... He is a good father and seeing him with his son today made me wonder
what if they were both mine, what if i hadn't aborted. He is not the most perfect man in the world
but there is something about him. I'm sad that I even have feelings for him after what he did to me.
Her: He slapped you? I don't like him if he is that kind of a man...He is just like his father. This boy
grew up under a lot of violence, everyone in the neighborhood watched their yard like television.. He
was young by then but even as he was growing up he got violent at school with other boys.
Her: His parents fought a lot, his father was an insecure man who drunk beer like it was water and
his mother was a very beautiful woman, every man wanted men wanted and his father
didn't have much money. He used to beat her and she was a no nonsense type of her woman, she
would beat him too... They would fight in public and these boys would be standing there confused
like little puppies. I'm not surprised he is like his father..... Stay away from him. You can find a better
Her: there isn't much to tell... She tried leaving him and he made up his mind to kill the children, her
and himself... That's why he is in jail.
Masa: (eyes widened) Oh my God what happened? i cant believe Gape never told me this...
Her: He is probably trying not to remember it, i certainly wouldn't want to talk about it... It was
Her: I think the oldest was 12 and Gape was 8 if not 9 years old...he took them and-
Her: I'll be right there (he walked out) Stay away from that boy, you're going to be a successful
woman who has everything she wants.
Her: (stood up) It's a long story.... Just wait for your Mr right.
Masa: I thought i found Mr right then i hurt him again and he didn't forgive me.. Or maybe he will i
just have to be patient. I feel like God is punishing me, I'm not happy... Nothing is going right in my
Her: Let me go help your father we will talk later, (smiled) I'm so happy you're home... And I want
you to gain weight, this is not your figure.
Masa: (smiled) I'm sure i will santse go apaa wena hela akere nna ke ngwana ke ja ke baa selwana
mo zink'n?
Her: (laughed) Gao hetsa hoo ore apeele tsa Gaborone, oa tshameka nka apeela mosadi yoo kana ka
Masa: (laughed) I'm the baby of this family, you should pamper me
Her: Ijoo.... And you should do my laundry and rake the yard, o gorogile ke ta ikhutsa ngwanaka.
She walked out leaving a little smile on her face then she heaved a sigh thinking about what she had
just heard and it made perfect sense why her father hated Gape when he heard about the
In Gape's car....
He drove slowly passing between the yards as Junior stood between the driver's seat and the front
passenger seat holding a water gun....
He couldn't stop wondering why Masa had lost so much weight, minutes later he parked in front of
the house and stepped out with Junior as he ran inside and bumped on Daisy walking out...
Daisy: But i have to be there as well besides I have to pass by Farai so that we can go buy the last few
things for the party....
Gape: (staring at her) Why do i feel like you are angry at me for something you're not telling me?
Gape: (grabbed her wrist and pulled her over) What is it? Something pissed you off, you're not
Daisy: (pulling off his grip) let go of my arm, you're hurting me.
At Boemo's parent's...
Boemo opened the door to his bachelor pad and walked in holding her hand...
Boemo: Damn... It is so dusty, Can you wait outside while i clean and open the windows for better air
Tshiamo: Drive me home first, i want to see my sisters, i can visit you later or you can visit me at
Tshiamo: yes but i want to sleep at home, I don't feel welcomed around here
Boemo: Is this about what my sister said earlier? She is just like that, she is always rude but-
Boemo: Okay, let me drive you home.....there is a party my cousin invited me to apparently it will be
it, can we go together?
Boemo: When you get tired we will come home, i want you to meet some of cousins.
Tshiamo: Okay...
In Masa's room....
Later that evening after taking a bath she sat on the bed and applied body lotion... Her phone rang....
Masa: Hello?
Molly: Yep... I don't know if you'll be interested but my cousin invited me to a party, gatwe they are
celebrating somebody who beat cancer or something, i didn't hear all the details but my cousin
drinks and you know how people who drink are, I want someone yoke ka swabelang mogo ene ha
batho ba eme kadi group ba jaa dikgang.
Masa: (laughed) Wena o tshwana le nna, when there is a gathering i always seem lonely batho bale
di group
Molly: (laughed) You know the struggle, sitting there watching people chatting sometimes you'd
even feel awkward to pass through the crowd because you're alone.
Molly: The party starts at 6pm tomorrow but it's an All night party.. I'm not a party animal so i think
by 10 we should get back i know for sure my cousin will refuse to come back o rata menate so must
re ipuele le taxi to collect us after.
Masa: Bye....
She hung up the phone and got undercover,A flashback of the old lady sucking blood out of her
womb came back, She remembered how dark the blood was and covered her face trying not to think
about it but the thought couldn't go away, She got her phone and Googled how much development
had happened on a 10 weeks pregnancy, tears filled her eyes as she read then she counted when he
would have been born....... She switched off the lights and laid down wetting her pillow with tears.
The Alfa Male
At Game city....
A few hours after landing in Gaborone, Gape walked in Game dialing Daisy's number, She finally
answered on the 9th call.
Daisy: Hello?
Daisy: What?
Daisy: Nothing, if you know that you didn't do anything you shouldn't be worried.
Daisy: Can you please call me after a few minutes i need to hand over my assignment.
Gape: Ema pele ka di assignments, I have a return flight and I should be resting as we speak... You
know my resting is mandatory but i came to Game city for you, what should I buy for you?
Daisy: Nothing
Daisy: What?
Gape: Mmagwe Junior? (she kept quiet) Ke kopa o bue le nna so that if there is something i did
wrong kese fixe'r
Gape: If you answered my calls then you could have spared me all this, I thought you might want
something here, you always say you need things in Clicks and all these funny shops i thought you
might nee-
Gape: Marv?
Gape: I'm in Gaborone, I'll be arriving there at quarter past five but I'll be home around 6 or 7 max.
Marv: Okay
Gape: The rra ako o ree Same a mpuele le Daisy, kana Daisy o rata go nngalela, Since yesterday she
been ignoring me and i have been begging her to talk to me, Waitse nna motho gaa ngala wa ntena
because i can't guess what i did.
Marv: I'll ask her to talk to her but didn't you do something to her? Anything you can think of?
Gape: No
Gape: I-(sighed) I had a quickie with some girl but i don't think it's that koore hela Daisy o rata go
ngala even when i haven't done anything related to cheating akere waitse.
Marv: Uh wena le wena monna kante isn't Daisy bringing it down kana jang?
Gape: Daisy gase motho le sex and she was on her periods.
Marv: I'll ask Same to talk to her but deal with her before the party the monna otherwise you'll both
be bored.
Gape: That's what i was trying to do because i don't want her to be bored at the party, i even
skipped my resting and rushed to Game city to buy her something but she told me she wanted
Marv: Wago pekela buy her whatever you can think of.
Gape: Yeah, Ibile nea ntenne I just walked out of the shop.
Marv: Buy anything and charm her, We can't afford to have her sulking around.
Marv: Ya...
At Rivershore Resort.....
A few hours later, Daisy, Gina and Farai stepped out of the boat staring at the white big shiny
Gina: This Resort is exquisite...
Her: Hello... My name is Segametsi... I have been asked to take you to the pool area hall.
They followed her in.... A big blue pool with sparkling clean water caught their attention has they
passed the circle tables and chairs, they walked in the hall and the staff member returned as the
General manager approached them...
Daisy: No, Thank you for the enormous discount, after seeing the prices i gave up.
GM: We are always happy to help our community wherever we can, Anyway we wanted to let you
know that we invited a journalist just as our Terms and Conditions of the discount stated. We want
to make sure the public knows Rivershore Resort as a business that not only takes but gives back to
the community. It's one of our publicity techniques
GM: Okay... There will be a table over there and our waitresses will leave the drinks and snacks there
for your people to serve themselves, we won't have any of our staff members this side until the
party is done.
Daisy : Thank you. I'm so happy.... I'm sure Marvin and Same will be very happy for all these because
as far as they know the party will be at home.
GM: I'll get the waitresses to sort the table, i can see the time is already gone. Enjoy the party...
She walked away and the ladies walked around admiring the classy area.... Gina observed Farai's
long skirt and flat shoes...
Gina: Farai you will wear something different right?
Gina: i just feel like you are always putting on long things, i have never seen your ankles but you're
young and your husband is actually kind of it culture to wear such long long things?
Gina: Boss you might be a little better than her but you also suck at dressing,you like German print
dresses... I mean, i am a married woman but i don't wear German print the way you do.
Gina: But you could wear a jean.. Just a simple skinny jean.. Farai you have a beautiful little body and
it doesn't look good in long long things especially with flat shoes the batho..
Daisy: I have been so busy but tonight I will look my age even Junior's father will wonder.
Farai: My husband is fine with the way i dress, he has never complained,he likes it.
Gina: Ehe... I guess you have a very good husband but this is Maun Botswana my dear, they don't call
this place Miami for nothing you will be surprised.
Farai: Tendai is not like that, he stayed here alone for years and he never changed.
Gina: He didn't have money what woman would want him? but now it's different, he makes money
and even his complexion is different...he has a car and he is a foreigner that on its own is a turn on
for some women because we have seen a many foreign men around and they know how to spoil a
woman rotten, when they date local women they treat them like little princess.
Daisy: I'm also bored, let's talk about something different...(checked the time) We should head back
time isn't on our side... I need a long bath...
At Masa's house....
Masa: Okay..
She hung up and opened the gate, Molly drove in and parked far from the house then she stepped
out in her black long sleeve plain t-shirt and light blue stylish tattered jeans with clean white All Star
sneakers... The neat Diamond styled cornrows on her head revealed her plain simple but beautiful
face with tiny gold earrings..
She hugged Masa and they walked to her room where she sat on the bed watching Masa getting
dressed. She took off the towel she was wearing remaining with matching panties and bra...
Masa: Hey mma I'm sorry if I'm going to makes us late, I dozed off. I had trouble sleeping last night..
Molly: Never worry about something you can't change, if you don't have the power to change it
accept it. That's my motto
Masa: (turned putting on her top) Wow... I should adopt that motto.
Molly: You have a very beautiful body, I bet men can't resist you.
Masa: (laughed) If only you knew that i have been single for 2 years now.
Masa: Thanks, you're beautiful too... I have never seen a woman looking pretty without make up
Molly: Thanks
Masa grabbed her blue low cut jeans and put them on then she put on her socks and All stars
Molly: Why don't you put on those brown sandals? You have beautiful toes.
Molly : Yeah and let your hair down, it looks pretty that way.
Masa: Okay.... Mxm so yesterday you made me think we will use a taxi when you knew we would
have transport.
Molly: I wasn't sure my Dad would borrow me the car, It took me an hour to convince him and he
told me would cut my throat if i scratch it.
Molly: Yeah, he is a great Dad we are more friends than the usual father daughter thingy.
Molly: (laughed) Ba re talks... I brought you a swim suit apparently it's part pool party.
Masa: Thanks the mma wena ibile i don't have a swim suit ke mokoba tota
Molly: (laughed) Sale ke bonye jalo... (they laughed as she switched on the music) I like this song...
Walking fast
Faces pass
Making a way
At Rivershore Resort.....
Over 100 people were seated in the Resort hall while others were standing in the far corners holding
their wine and juice glasses listening to the MC as he concluded....
They all applauded as Marvin stepped on the stage holding Same's hand....
He was wearing a slightly tight shirt that revealed his biceps and waist, His black jean tightened his
calves a bit and the black sneakers he had on had white soles... Same was rocking a mini brown
bandage pencil dress with black high heels..
He stood in front of the crowd and put Same in front of him holding her waist their faces flashed big
smiles as everyone clapped hands, A journalist flashed them with the camera light as he captured a
picture of him holding her waist his chin slightly on her neck.... Meanwhile a Paparazzi smiled
holding a glass of wine looking around for something much more juicer...
Marvin: (smiled still holding her waist) A few years ago i started getting sick as if that wasn't enough
BCL retrenched us.... Just when i thought things couldn't get worse my wife turned on me. In a short
period of time I lost my job, my health, my wife and my children.... I was a wreck but thank God my
little brother was there... (looking around) Where is he?
Gape raised his glass with a smile standing at the other corner holding Daisy, everyone applauded...
Marvin: (continued) My brother became my caregiver, He wasn't employed by then and he did all
sorts of jobs to keep me alive... (smiled and kissed Same's neck) Wait a minute... Wait a minute... I'm
about to get killed... This beautiful lady found me on the side of the road, yeah the bus left me there
and i laid there helplessly for hours.... She passed next to me carrying her big bag of clothes and
asked me what was wrong, she helped me walk about 2 KM to their home, jeez man her
grandmother was like the mother i never had. They cleaned me up and fed me..... (smiled as his face
got cuter) And all this time as she was feeding me i was thinking God heal me so i can kiss her...Her
cleavages were right on my face and my blood pressure was rising... (everyone laughed clapping
hands) She was trying to rescue me but at the same time killing me with her cleavages. Anyway i
don't know what happened.. Did God talk to her or she felt something i felt.. Out of nowhere she
offered to donate me a kidney and I was like, if this is a dream I'm going to kill myself when I wake
up... Skip a few years and we're in South Africa getting ready for our operation... I still couldn't
believe she was crazy enough to give me her kidney (smiled) I looked at her like fool do you know
how annoying i am? As soon as i get healthy I'm going to annoy you... I'll worship you and be by your
side so much you'll say.... Damn i should have let his ass die... (everyone laughed) to cut the story
short... Same and Gape are the reason I'm alive today, i celebrate my health but i feel like this party
is for them for saving my life... (raised his glass) Thank you to the almighty God because my body
hasn't rejected her kidney. I'm perfectly healthy... (kissed her neck) She lives in me now... Imagine
that... (raised his glass again) Thank you Jesus
Same: (smiled) Good evening everyone... Well honestly there was something about him, Sometimes
when you meet the love of your life you will feel it regardless of the situation they are in and that's
what I felt for this man...Taking care of him while he was using the dialysis machine and getting sued
by the woman who abandoned him (laughed) oh my God people you should have seen me ke
bapotse ditsebe ko Court, sale ke tsholwa abe ke nna kana gake ise ke seke ke sekile lantha ka rre
yo... (everyone laughed) I have seen it all and the day we went for the operation i was scared, all
sorts of questions came to mind and i kept reminding myself that I was saving a life and for that God
will reward me. After the operation he got healthy and started showing his annoying personality...
He is touchy he is talkative... He is... The list is endless but everything i ever did for him was worth it.
I don't regret it...... Anyway we went for our last check up last week and both of us are perfectly
healthy. Thank you....
Marvin: A big thank you to Rivershore Resort for allowing us to be here at a very big discount, What
a charitable thing to do(raised his glass) Let's party!!!!!!
All: Yeahhhhhhhhh!
The Dj played the music as everyone stood up and greeted one another mingling and chatting....
Gape handed Daisy a drink and tried kissing her, she leaned back....
Gape: Nobody is looking they are dancing... (sighed) can't you forgive me for whatever it is?
Gape: She means nothing to me, i don't even know her last name
Daisy: Is that supposed to make me feel better? There are STDs out there, I'm faithful to you and you
do this?
Gape : See now we're arguing... Congratulations you got your wish.
He grabbed her and she tried pulling away, he hugged her tightly as she quietly cried on his chest....
Gape: Yes.... I would never have unprotected sex with anyone but you,I'm sorry... Come I'm
sorry... We are at a party can we talk about this at home?
Gape: 5 minutes...
He hurried out....
On the other side of the party Boemo and his pregnant girlfriend walked in and joined the mingling
crowd.... His cousins spotted them at the entrance and waved at him....
Shirley: (burst into laughter holding a glass of wine) Is that King Kong? F*ck what did she do to get
Boemo? I thought Shosho was lying...
Kamogelo: (trying to keep a straight face) Cousie stop it.... (snorted and ended up laughing loudly)
Hahaha Seriously she must have bewitched him, Boemo would never date this chick...
Shirley: (turned around facing the other side and laughed even more as tears filled her eyes) Ao
batho King kong, Shosho o sotile a horse.... Iyoooooo my ribs hurt..... My ribs hurt.... Shit.... I'm
hurt..... Oh lord take me now... Kammy the rra I'm dying bring a paper so i can write my Will.... I
swear I'm dying...i see the heavens opening up... Oh wait it's hell cause I'm laughing at an ugly
person...... Hahahaha... Iyooo
Kamogelo stood up and fist bumped with Boemo then he shook hands with Tshiamo, Shirley hugged
her cousin and hugged Tshiamo as well....
Kamogelo: Hi Tshiamo, nice to meet you... Sniper let's go get the drinks...
Boemo: (smiled at Tshiamo) Babe I'll be back, let me get the drinks...
The guys walked away then Tshiamo stood awkwardly with the colored cousin who sipped wine
staring at her...
Tshiamo: Mxm
She walked away and sat on another table....Meanwhile the guys got the drinks and headed back....
Kammy: Masa must have crushed your ego big time, i wish i could see her live because her pictures
seemed too perfect, that girl was beautiful, No offense but have you looked at Tshiamo... I mean
really look at her and asked yourself deep down if you really love her?
Boemo: It's not about love, A relationship needs more than that... There has to be commitment,
respect and-
Boemo: Can everyone give me a break about how Tshiamo looks, she is my girlfriend and I love her
the way she is. I regret coming here, i know how my family can be i should have stayed in Gabs... I
have had it with beautiful women, they break your heart... I love Masa but she broke me... I'm
scared to love again... I can't go down that road again I'd rather be safe with Tshiamo. I don't want to
talk about this again...
Boemo approached Tshiamo and handed her juice, sat next to her as they whispered smiling....
Meanwhile Masa and Molly passed through the crowd heading to the drinks where Molly got their
drinks and led her to the pool.....
Masa: Wow... Seriously I have never been to a party like this one , Molly mma thanks...
Molly took off her clothes and remained with a black tights and a vest, Masa put on her bikini and
walked towards the pool smiling excitedly looking at other people splashing the water at one
another screaming loudly....
Molly grabbed her from behind and jumped in the pool with her as she screamed fearfully.... They
fell under the water then Molly emerged out of the water carrying her on her shoulders.... Masa
laughed excitedly rubbing the water off her face with her arm wrapped tightly around Molly's
Masa: Molly the mma don't let me go, i don't know how to swim...
Molly: Just hold me tight and move your feet a little... I'm teaching you how to swim...
She swam to the deep end and back as Masa got more comfortable in the water.....…..(9t)
The Alfa Male
Masa swam on the shallow side of the pool as Molly swam over with backstroke....
Masa: I wish I could swim like that, where did you learn how to swim?
Molly: (swimming out) You're shivering let me go get the towels... (turned swimming out ) Don't go
that side or else oka tsaa dikopi tse three before anyone rescues you
Masa: (laughed) Can't you see the way I'm holding this pavement.... Hahaha
Molly hopped out of the pool and bumped shoulders with her cousin who was holding a bottle of
Meanwhile Gape passed by the pool holding Daisy's handbag and saw Masa stepping out of the pool
in her bikini... He slowed down salivating as she walked to the chair popping the lastic of her little
bikini bottom stuck on her butt... She laid down rubbing her hands together and he walked over......
Masa: Please don't act like you care when you don't
Gape: what makes you think i don't care? The fact that I respected your relationship with Boemo
enough to stay away or the fact that i kept a promise? You made me promise to stay away from you,
Masa: Because I'm growing up Gape i won't remain the chubby Junior school student you fantasized
about in your wet dreams
Gape: I must have been very excited to tell you something like that (they laughed then there was an
awkward moment) Can I swim with you?
Masa: Don't, i just want to enjoy myself with my friend tonight and go home.
Gape: (staring at her) Masa the o monte i like the way your lips move when you speak...
Masa: It doesn't matter and you're a family man so take your compliments to the right person, Nna
tota i have been hurt a lot... I mean yes i have hurt other people but i have reached a point where I
just want to smile and be happy without drama...Me and you can never be together and if we do it
will be drama all the way because of your other family and I can't be second best, I want a real man
who can love me and his child. I have accepted that there are things that happened and i can't
change them so i made peace with them...
Gape: (smiled) You know that some people are married with step children and are very happy?
Masa: Like you said a relationship needs more than just love....
Gape: That is a load of bull, i don't even know where i got that but it was the stupidest thing i ever
Masa: It makes sense besides we have been through so much that even if we tried everything will be
Gape: I'll be back, this chat is interesting... I forgot that when I'm with you we could talk until the
next day....
Gape: I insist, please go home.... You're not feeling well and you been working very hard lately....
Daisy: He will be fine, can you give me a break... Go to your brother or something...
At Tshiamo's table...
Tshiamo: I can't, i don't think I'll ever visit your family they are racists, I'm just going to stay in our
Boemo: (held her hand) Babe i love you that's all that matters, do i make you happy?
Boemo: I don't care about anybody else's opinion, We make one another happy and that's all that
He leaned over and French kissed her as Masa passed to the toilets, She recognized Boemo and
stepped back with a curious frown on her face... Her jaws dropped when Boemo leaned back and
she saw Tshiamo....
Tshiamo ashamedly rubbed her mouth as her engagement ring glittered and Masa's heart broke as
she stared at her stunned....
Masa: Tshiamo?!
Masa: Tshiamo!?
Masa's hands started shaking as she stared at Boemo who sighed and faced the other way.....
Masa: (tearfully) I asked you to give her a ride and you two acted like you didn't know one another.
Tshiamo i swept your house, i cared for you everyday and not once did you think to tell me this? I
couldn't move on because i wanted him and you watched me like a fool..... (smiled tearfully) I'm not
even sad that I lost him because I did that on my own but you? I'm disappointed in you... I thought
we were friends, You dated my ex right under my nose??... It's true... Snakes don't hiss anymore
they just say choma.….i must be uglier than i thought for me to date in the same league with you...
(turned to Boemo) I'm sorry that I broke your heart and lowered your self esteem this low... I don't
blame you one bit. I'm sorry for hurting you and i wish nothing but the best for you. Congratulations
on the baby and the engagement you must be ecstatic.
Masa: (staring at her)Oh don't worry honey I'm not about to kiss a guy who just came from your
mouth, he is all yours now you can freely have him. (turned to him) I finally understand how you felt
looking at me because the same sickening feeling is coming up... I'm glad i won't carry the burden of
guilt I have been carrying.
Masa: (frowned and slapped her) Don't even try to order me around...
Boemo sat putting his elbows on the table and rubbed his face as Masa slapped Tshiamo again, the
drink she was holding fell down and the glass broke into pieces, people got alarmed paying attention
as their voices got louder....
Tshiamo: (tearfully) You can't hit me for a guy who left you, you couldn't make him happy and i
made him happy.
Masa: (tearfully) b!tch i didn't slap you for him, i slapped you for telling me to go like you own this
place and for being a backstabbing ho... (shaky voice) Don't ever o ikgatha ka nna Tshiamo
Gape who was chatting with his friends got alarmed and walked over to the noisy crowd... He locked
eyes with Boemo, Tshiamo and Masa....
Gape: what's going on?
Masa: Nothing, I was just Congratulating a friend who managed to date my ex for 2 years right under
my nose......
She walked into the bathroom and Gape walked over to Boemo....
Gape: So you blackmailed me to stay away from her and then cheated on her?
Boemo: I'm not you, I don't cheat... I left her but you didn't deserve her either.
Kammy: (stood behind his cousin) what's up? You have a problem with us??
Gape: Somebody shut little boy before i shove my fist down his throat.... Who the hell invited these
flamingos? We ain't serving melanin pigmentation what are they looking for? (staring at Boemo)
Take your group and leave now.....
Marvin: (held him back) The journalist hasn't left yet, don't do this... (loudly to the crowd) Please
move back there is nothing to see...
Gape: Shove your tails between your yellowish legs and get the f*ck outta here... Stupid gate
crushers! Where are your invitations?
Kammy: (whispered) Dude let's go, i didn't get invited i heard about it on Facebook and decid-
Shirley: Gosh this is embarrassing Kammy people are looking at us, how dare you make me a gate
He took off his shirt and his pants then he walked to the pool and dived in the water. Tshiamo and
the cousins walked out as everyone stared at them.
In the parking lot, Tshiamo got in the car and locked the doors just as the cousins tried to open the
doors, they banged on the windows as she started the car.
Tshiamo: Why ride with an ugly person like me? Aren't you afraid I'll eat you? Mxm....
She reversed the car and drove away leaving them in the parking lot then they walked out of the
Resort Dialing a taxi driver....
In the toilets.....
Her heart pounding with disbelief she sat on the toilet seat and covered her eyes silently crying, it
hurt more than she imagined....
After wondering around the party holding a towel Molly walked in the toilet and heard her crying...
Masa: (crying) My friend... My roommate took my exboyfriend.... She is pregnant and engaged.....
(put her hand on her chest) We stayed together for two years... She was my girlfriend.... We talked
about everything.
Masa: (pushed him back) Can you just give me a break? Stay away from me, this is all your fault.
Leave me alone..
Molly: (grabbed her hand and moved her back) She said leave her alone
Molly: It doesn't matter, She doesn't want you to touch her so leave her alone.
Molly: (laughed shaking her head) Not every female bows to a man's bullshit... She said leave her
alone so leave her alone.
Gape: I said get out
Molly: Don't undermine every female you come across, I'll humble you.
Masa: (shaking) Molly it's okay, I don't want to get you hurt. I'll see you tomorrow.
Masa: No but-
Molly: You can only go with him if you want, No man has the right to drag you around like you are
his property, (to Gape) You're not leaving with her.
Gape: (walked over to Molly) ke tago betsa ka mpama kana ngwanyana ke wena waitse?
Gape stared in her eyes as she stared back ready to respond, He smiled and shook his head....
She grabbed her hand as they stormed out of the bathroom, Gape smiled intrigued as he took a leak
in the sink.... Daisy stepped out of the toilet with puffy eyes.....
Gape: (closed his eyes regrettably and shook his dic then he turned zipping his pants) why are you
still sitting in the toilet?
Daisy: You fight for another woman and promise another your-(turned and walked out) I can't even
say it.... I'm done with you.
Meanwhile Boemo saw the girls walking away, hopped out of the pool and ran after them, he
slowed down between them...
Boemo: Hey
Boemo sighed and rubbed his hands together as he faced her.... He failed to say anything and only
got on one knee holding her hands....
Boemo: I'm sorry, There is something you said earlier that got me thinking....
Masa: Please get up, you have nothing to apologize for, I hurt you and you moved on. We're even.
Masa: But I'm done with you not when you had sex with Tshiamo, nnyaa eseng boata jobo kalo. I'm
sure I'll find a man...
Boemo: Please...
She walked away from him and got in the car, Molly stepped on the accelerator as she passed by
him and drove out the gate.
Molly: What?
Masa: I don't know-i mean.... You're tall and your body just looks like a man... you don't wear make
up, You have the courage to stand before a giant like Gape and tell him you'll humble him, that's not
a womanly thing...
Molly: So because I stand up for myself or protect my friend I'm a lesbian? My height says I'm a
lesbian? Does that mean all the tall women are lesbians? Does that mean women who don't find
makeup intriguing are lesbians? One must be weak to show she is a real woman? What a community
we live in...
Masa: No, that's not what I meant and I'm just asking Molly... Come on.
Molly: Would you have a problem if i was a lesbian?
Molly : I'm not a lesbian either I'm feminist.... I was an only child and other students picked on me at
school, i didn't have an older brother or sister to help me, my mother wasn't there to pamper me
and my father didn't allow wining, He told me to stand up for myself and i did. He told me to never
let a boy get away with hurting me.... At this point I can do anything a man can do except getting a
woman pregnant, I'm sorry if my view of life is little unorthodox.
Molly: No, I wouldn't survive a day in a relationship with a man because these boys are raised with a
very wrong mentality. I'm not ready for that I'd kill somebody's son before they put a hand on me.
Masa: Ijoo.... you sound tough nna mma i can never do what you just did to Gape, I tried before and
he slapped me so hard i saw stars that was the day i sworn I'd never misbehave in front of him. If he
says jump i say how high then insult him over the phone to make myself feel better (staring at her)
But what if he had slapped you and trust me he would have if he wanted to
Molly: I would have taught him a lesson he would never forget, As long as he hasn't seen what i
meant when i said i will humble him he will one day slap me especially because I'm not going to let
you be his Whoopi cushion .
Masa: (smiled) I should have met you years ago, where the hell have you been? I want to visit a girl
called Entle with you.... I can imagine myself walking around with my head high because i got you
behind me
Masa: (laughed) After what you did in there? Girl your new name is Care Bear...
Molly: (laughed) It's not bad, I like it... You can call me that
Masa: Seriously thank you, I have never had a friend stand up for me like that. If i knew you were a
badass i could have slapped that witch Tshiamo so many times her eyes would turn.
Molly: I was telling you the truth when i said I'm a loner, i don't move around with a pack. Gake rate
ditsala in fact most of my friends are my male cousins.
Masa: If i was like you i would have spared myself some heartache, friends are just snakes. I'll never
trust a woman next to my man neither will i share anything with another female, no offense
Masa: (sighed) Somebody honest and romantic, I want to have fun gake ise ke thube marato hela
mogo serious, I need to be spoiled rotten... Above all i want to be respected.
Molly: Okay...
Masa: I once passed here years ago and thought white people stayed here...
Molly: It has been my father and me but when i was younger there was a nanny. (stepped out) let's
Masa: (Her jaws were still down as she looked around) Molly how are you not fat? I'm telling you if i
was living like this I'd be so fat...
Masa: Seriously and when I first saw you i didn't think you'd be this... How do you keep your cool,
you're not a spoilt brat at all
She took off her vest and tights then she twisted the tap and stood under the water bathing......
Masa: (took off her clothes) Your breasts are so tiny you look fourteen ekare dikolamolora
Molly: It's a medical condition, gatwe they will never grow beyond that...
Masa: Doesn't it bother you? My breasts used to bother me, before i had this cleavage.
The girls took a bath chatting and later stood on the balcony in robes holding glasses of wine as they
stared at the full moon enjoying the cold breeze....
Masa: (sipped) I thought wine was bitter...
Molly: (laughed) I won't give you anymore though, half a glass is fine otherwise you'll be drunk
before you know it... My father says wine is love.. Don't over due it.. Take it slow and the older it
gets the sweeter it becomes
Molly: He did... (stared at her) Let's go on a road trip to Kasane tomorrow...see Chobe River if you
have a passport we can even cross the border..
Molly: My treat, please don't say no... It's holidays... Be marry... Road trips are fun you won't regret
it... Plus you need it to clear your head, Come on... Music, drinks and lots of fun, we could do a little
shopping if you want...
Masa: Yes...
She brought her glass closer for a toast and Masa confusedly clicked hers as they smiled...
At Rivershore Resort....
Stressed, Gape opened yet another bottle of lager and walked passed Marvin who grabbed his arm
and pulled him aside....
Marv: Why are you drinking like this? You know what beer does to you
Gape: I'm celebrating my stupidity, okay? Leave me alone... (he grabbed him and dragged him
outside) Oh wow... He has a new kidney now he thinks I'm dumb...
Marv: (took his bottle and put it on the pavement) You're drunk, I'm driving you home, what's wrong
with you today?
Marvin: You're drunk, stop talking... You remind of someone right now and it pisses me off,
(screaming) What did you do to Daisy? She walked out crying....
Marvin: If you weren't drunk I'd punch your face right now but I know you understand me so Stop
doing this to Daisy, She worked hard to put this classy party together... For you and me!
Marvin: Of course I love her, she is the best thing that ever happened to you... She gave you a son
and she works hard to make sure you look good and then you turn around and sleep with your flight
attendants and random passengers?
Gape: I like your girl too... Her hips and curves... She looks sexy in a bandage dress and she has
beautiful seductive eyes-
He slowed down and bit his lower lip punching him on the stomach twice......
Marvin: (angrily) Don't you ever think like that about Same, She is older than you for f*cksake! I'll kill
Marvin:. I'll kill you before you touch her and i mean it, I don't care if you are my little brother I'll kill
A few minutes later he parked in front of his house, Gape stepped out and Marvin angrily drove
He walked in the bedroom and found Daisy crying packing her bags.. ..
Daisy: (crying) I'm leaving before you give me STDs, you don't respect me at all
Gape: (took out her clothes) You're not going anywhere... We are family.
Daisy: (picked her clothes crying) I'm leaving, It's over you can go after every woman you want, it's
obvious I'm not good enough for you.
Gape: The only thing that's going to come between us is death, my son is going to raised by both
parents, if you want to leave me you will do so when he is old... Not now.... Where is my son?
Gape: I don't mind your periods who said it's taboo to have sex during your periods?
Daisy: (shaky) You're drunk, I'm leaving I'll come for my things in the morning.......
He pushed her on the bed and she turned on her belly trying to crawl away but he sat on her butt
and pinned both her hands behind her back pulling down her panties...
Daisy: (crying) Kana Gape you're going to hurt me you're drunk... Stop it..
Gape: (he threw away her panti) Stop resisting you're going to hurt yourself... Relax...
Daisy: (crying) Gape you're drunk, you're going to be know it hurts when you put it all
inside, Can i give a blojob instead?
Daisy: (her neck got tired and she laid her head down on the sheets as she cried helplessly) God help
me.... God help me... Gape you're going to hurt me... Stop it.... (he unzipped his trousers and the
Airwick fell heavily on her butt, she tried to shake off his gigantic body with her petite body but he
didn't move, the joints of her arms twisted more as she moved and hurt) Oh my God... (her
heartbeat raised as her forehead sweated) Papa help me....I know you're dead but help me.... God
help me...... Gape I'm begging you.... At least turn me around, you will hurt me if you come from
behind gape gakea robala sente o mpolaa mabogo, turn me around.... (he shoved the Airwick and
she screamed in agony as the veins on her forehead emerged) AHHHHHHH!! GAPE YOU'RE TEARING
He #removed............. (9t)
Bonuses tomorrow, keep those Likes and comments coming. Much love..
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
The next morning Marvin stormed in and pushed Gape off the bed, half asleep he fell on the other
side of the bed and stood up....
Gape: (sat on the edge of the bed) Oh so she said i raped her?
Marvin: (angrily) You're not going to take this lightly Gape I'm serious
Marvin folded his fist and punched him on the face, he leaned over covering his face as his nose
Gape: (tearfully stared at him blocking the blood on his nose) Kante o bata gore ke reng Marvin?
Daisy walked over sniffing with swollen eyes from crying, She stood at the door while Marvin stood
next to Gape who was sitting on the bed in boxer briefs....
Marvin: He is denying it
Daisy: He forced himself on me and he hurt me. I'm going back to Mahalapye.
Gape: (he rubbed his bloody nose with a pillow) Kante Marvin wa itse gore why neke ira yalo? You
can't just budge in here and punch me osa itse what happened.
Marvin: Tell me what happened then... Tell me your side of the story. So far i know you forced
yourself on her and i believe her
Gape: Kana Daisy is not having sex with me, what did you expect me to do? I can't always cheat to
have sex.... Ask her the last time we had sex.
Marvin punched him on the stomach and sat on the bed resting his head on his hand...
Marvin: Look at her and tell me that's how you want the mother of your child to be..
Gape: There is no point in me telling you anything because it won't make sense to you anyway, she
got you thinking she is a victim akere and you don't know what it's like to have sex with Daisy... First
it takes me months just to have one round and then she creeps me up every time by calling all her
dead relatives...I'm sick and tired of having stolen sex maan Daisy can't have sex with me like she is
supposed to
Gape: what choice did i have? She doesn't want me to cheat and she not having sex with me either
ke reng?? And I didn't rape her, as soon as she started calling dead people i stopped, ask her!
Marvin: (sighed and sat down) Daisy when last did you two have sex?
Gape: Before that one round it was another two or three months... I give myself blowjobs like a little
boy ale teng Daisy saying she can't suck me cause i have precum and the funny thing is I always say I
understand hoping next it would be different.
Marvin: Why aren't you having sex with him? 3 months is a little too much don't you think?
Daisy: I was given a lot of stitches when i had our son and Gape might tear that. I don't ever want to
be stitched up.
Gape: Stitches from 2 years ago??(wiping his bloody nose) Ever since we had Junior i have had sex
with Daisy using the tip of my dic because of this idiotic excuse.. (stood up) If Daisy wants to go back
to Mahalapye she can freely do so but aseka o lekela go tsamaya ka ngwanake because reka
Marvin: Sit down... We are still talking, I'm trying to help you here.... Daisy I think you need to talk to
a midwife or nurse or something.... Ask about stitches i don't think it works like that, i don't know
much about what happens down there after childbirth but maybe if you two actually met a midwife
together he or she would explain it better... Or maybe there is something wrong if you feel pain or
are too afraid to so it-
Daisy: It's not just about that Gape doesn't respect me, He cheats on me and he doesn't have a
conscience. After what he did last night i don't want to stay with him and i know as long as I'm in
Maun he will harass me so I'm going back to Mahalapye and I'm not leaving my son behind.
Gape: (angrily) That's where you are wrong, that is my son! i got you pregnant not the other way
around. You're not taking Captain unless you want me to show you the other side of me you never
knew existed. If you want a child go ask another man to get you pregnant and have your own.
Gape: (staring at him) Marvin she is not taking my son. She won't pull a Sego card on me ke taa bolaa
Daisy before she crosses the Makalamabedi gate with my son. Eo don't get involved in it Marv
because Sego took your kids I'm sure some freak dude is abusing them out there or maybe they have
step siblings who are treated better, I'm not having that with Junior.... (stood) I don't even know why
I'm discussing this. (staring at her) I'm sorry for hurting you last night, i was drunk but i take full
responsibility for my actions and I accept that you are leaving me but you're not taking my son. Try it
and see what happens.... (he put on his clothes) You can go, take whatever you want in this but
touch Captain and see how much evil i have in me.
He got his keys and left,. Daisy sat on the bed crying....
Daisy: (crying) Junior is too young for me to leave him behind, can't you talk to Gape?
Marvin: I don't think he will listen now, i don't even know how he thinks he will care for him when he
is at work.
Daisy: Or maybe I should just stay with him for Junior's sake?
Marvin: I don't know if you two staying together is a good idea at this point because as long as you
are fighting about sex then Junior is going to grow up traumatized by that. That's not something i
wish on a child because I know the pain and you never outgrow it, it's even degrading when you are
a boy because there is an Alfa male trait in every little boy when it comes to their mothers or sisters,
you always want to protect them and when you're in a situation where by you want to but are
powerless you grow with little confidence and you'll always secretly blame yourself for your mother
leaving simply because you couldn't help her, I don't want that for Captain.
Daisy: Are we talking about Captain? I wish one of you could talk to me about this thing , I'm curious
but Gapes snaps whenever I mention your mother and you seem to love her, i don't get that.
Marvin: Gape visits our father twice in a year, he tells him lies about our mother and why they
fought all the time.
Daisy: (sighed and stood up) Let me get my bags so that you can drop me at the bus rank.
Somewhere in Botswana.........
Later that afternoon Masa was holding a glass of drink with her feet outside the window... She had
blue jean shorts on and a yellow bareback top, her long weave fell on both her back and front as She
wiggled her toes.....
Masa: (smiled) Yoo this is life! Wow....
Molly was wearing black sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt, she had pulled back the sleeves
revealing her black watch as she held the steering wheel watching the road.....
Masa: Hahaha it feels so good when the wind blows my hair, i feel like I'm in a Hollywood movie
Molly: Please don't tell me that you don't know that you're beautiful...
Masa: I wouldn't say I'm beautiful, i feel like I'm just neutral..
Molly: You're smoking hot, no doubt about that. Those guys gaba itire to follow you like that but that
other is douchebag for getting violent, you don't do that to a woman you love, the last one wasn't
bad, his approach was respectful. Which one do you want between them?
Masa: None, I don't want a guy from the past. I want a new man so that i can start over and correct
all my mistakes on him.
Molly felt the car hit something and stepped on the breaks......
Masa: (sat down) I spilled the drink on myself but I'm fine.
She closed the door and bended walking around the car. Masa got out and followed her... Molly
crawled out holding an injured African wild hare... Masa took it touching it's broken leg....
Molly: It has a broken leg,
Masa: What?
Molly: Throw it over there so we can go, something will eat it within a few minutes
Molly: It's a wild hare it will run away at any chance it gets...
Molly: (shook her head) Okay... Just make sure it doesn't pee on the seats, I don't like pets.
They got in the car and she drove as Masa tied it's leg sitting in the back seat then she reached for
the wine box and put it inside....
Molly: (laughed) It's gonna suffocate... Grab a pen or something sharp then punch serious holes for
air circulation...
Masa: I forgot that.. (punching holes) Kana i used to do Gymnastics at Junior school..
Molly: Your teacher must have been drooling at your ass, then what happened?
Molly: I did Karate and played basketball, i advanced Karate again in Gabs....
Masa: No wonder you can spit anything you want to anybody without fear.
Masa: That would be nice... (sighed and went to the front seat) I'm going to call it Snow white
Molly: Guess you have a point.. (threw her phone) Reserch about hare food so we can buy it
something when we reach the shops, Remind me to buy it a bandage and medication...
Masa: Okay...
She grabbed her glass of juice and sipped putting her legs out the window while holding the phone
with the other hand...
Marvin loaded her bags in the bus as she exchanged a hug with Same...
Same: I wish you could just rent a house in Maun so we can continue running our business together.
Daisy: Gape o dingalo akere wa itse, he would move in to my house by force and I just want to go
home, my granny is sick anyway I'll take care of her while I'm figuring my next move.
Same: I understand..
Daisy: (tearfully took her hand and stared at her) Same please take care of Junior, please... I don't
know if he plans to hire a maid or what but please check on my son, make sure Gape's girlfriends
don't step on him like that Ugandan maid on Facebook, please.
Daisy: I wish he could have allowed me to say goodbye to him, kana bogolo ata le wena letago
mmepega mo baseng...
Same: I will send you pictures of him every time I'm with him and I'm sure Gape is just angry, after a
few weeks he will allow him to visit you in Mahalapye
Daisy: Get Marvin to influence him to get the secret cameras for the house if he hires a maid, i was
checking the prices earlier and surprisingly it's not expensive.
Same: (wiped Daisy's tear) I will try my best, Junior is like a son to be i will make sure he visits me as
much as possible, Marvin's children are supposed to visit soon so the cousins will be there for him to
play with.
Daisy: I'm so stressed and confused, monna gaa dira jaaka Gape yana ithela kesa itse gore o dirwa
jang kana I should just come back and take his madness sitting down cause I wonder if I'll really
survive without my baby...
Same: It's complicated tota because ware your body isn't accommodating his thing and i don't see
him responding well to that, being raped every day wouldn't be a good life..
Same: Be strong
Daisy: Bye
She got in the bus and waved at Same and Marvin as the bus drove away..........
The Alfa Male
At Mahalapye....
Daisy and her Auntie shared a big packet of chips on their way from the shops....
Daisy: He angers me because I'm his plan B, i felt like he was waiting for her to accept him and leave
me, if she didn't he would stay with me.... It's risky especially because she told me i shouldn't even
have more of his kids because she was coming back. I didn't care about what she said i until i realized
he wanted her too.
Her aunt: That is complicated but you gave up too soon, Gape is a reasonable man I'm sure if you sit
him down he will understand and clarify certain things, He didn't talk to her for years i don't get how
he can just drop everything for her unless he has been talking to her behind your back. To me Gape
is a good man who made wrong choices.
Daisy: It's more than that,Gape loves this woman he even called her name during sex and that hurt
me, everytime he kisses me i wonder if he really wants me or her and whenever we have sex i kind
of wait for it; the moment he will be calling her name then i get completely dry just thinking about
it.... The pain of a man thrusting when you're dry... Oh my God... I always get a few cuts and bruises
whenever we have sex because at the beginning I'd be wet wanting it but on the middle of it i think
about this girl and wonder if he would call her name again then I'm dry again... At that point he
doesn't listen he just tears his way in, from there even peeing becomes a challenge because it stings.
Daisy: I didn't tell him and sex is tiring.... Women and men aren't built the same and he didn't want
to understand that sometimes i just want to cuddle....
Her: But you must get Junior, other women are going to abuse him or he might just forget you.
Daisy: I will get him and I must do it this month or I won't be able to do it because I don't want Gape
to know that I'm p-
A car pulled over next to them then a man rolled down the windows....
She got in the front seat and Daisy got in the back seat, the man proceeded as he glanced at Daisy....
Her short chubby face looked beautiful in a black boycut weave and her face was smooth and
Him: Where are you going?
She pointed and it wasn't far... He didn't have much time left to get Daisy's number at least, he could
tell something was cooking but it was worth a try.
Daisy: (smiled)....
Daisy: No thanks..
She said looking outside the window, she didn't bother looking at him...
Daisy: I just came out of a dramatic relationship, i need a break from relationships.
Him: I can wait for you to heal before we go on our first date but i want to your number so that I can
keep checking on you to see if you haven't healed, i will call once every month.
It wasn't a bad proposal and he sounded genuine, she turned around staring at him and she was
surprised... He actually wasn't bad and he was in a uniform... What a turn on. It was awkward feeling
the way she did about somebody else besides her ex.
She saved it and quickly went through his gallery and clicked on the camera folder...there were
pictures of him and his team, way down was two adolescent with a much older lady...
She gave back the phone as he slowed down at the gate, they stepped out and waved at him as he
drove away.
Daisy: (smiled) You won't believe this is the first time ke batiwa, it feels so awkward.
Daisy: Gape just took me to his room and had sex with me, i didn't know if he loved me or not, i
didn't know what was happening, everything moved so fast before I knew it i missed my periods,
months later he showed up and took me to Gabs.
Her: (laughed) Gape is such a character, otswa kgakala a tsenwa anyway as much as you been
stressed you don't look like it, you're beautiful and glowing.
Daisy: Thanks
At Gape's house...
Gape stepped out of the car and took out Junior who ran to the door, He took out the new puppy
and put it on the ground, it ran after Junior...
Captain: Chase
Captain: Yeees....
He unlocked the door and they both ran inside, Junior sat on the couch and switched on the TV...
Gape headed to the kitchen and cooked soft porridge then poured it in Junior's dish and put it aside
to cool while he filled the tub with water.
He called Junior over and they both got in the tub, Junior played with the toy cars floating on the
water as he dried his hand on the hanging towel and reached for his phone....
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: Hi
Daisy: Hi
Daisy: You want Masa and you're ready to fight for her, Gape where is your honesty? Do you hate
me enough to make me live a lie? What happens to me when Masa finally decides she wants to
accept you back?
Gape: (sighed) Masa is my past, I had a moment of weakness but I know you come first, Understand
that I'm not blaming you for what happened but honestly if i wasn't so horney i wouldn't have paid
attention to her, I never cared about her for the past 2 years why would I want to break my family
over her now? I love you Daisy... (tearfully) The truth is at first i didn't really love you, i lusted at your
beautiful body and innocence but Junior made me fall in love with you, I got to know you and fell in
love with you for you... I don't know when it happened but suddenly you became the first person I
wanted to celebrate with when I got the good news, the only person I want to know my salary or
have my bank card... The first person i want to see every time i come home... Every time i land my
flights and there is turbulence you and Junior are the first people i think about. Babe please...
(sighed) I'm sorry for cheating on you and for what happened at the party. I think Marv is right we
need to see a midwife and find out why we can't have sex like normal people.
Daisy: I don't want to do this anymore, you think about her when we are having sex.
Gape: I did that once and only because i was a f*cking coward, when you were on your third
trimester i was scared to have sex with you, that's why i stopped. I felt like I was poking the baby... I
know it sounds stupid but that was my reality. Trust me i enjoy having sex with you... Our sex life can
be fixed... If we want we can start over. Let's do it...
Daisy: (the guy called her) Let me answer another call, I'll send you a call me back.
Gape: Babe the mma oska jola keago rapela, We are fixing this akere? I mean we will go see the
midwife and start over?
Daisy: Hello?
Katso: (smiled) So when should I call again to check if you have healed? I'm very patient too.
Katso: Okay...thanks
Daisy: Yes
Katso: Yes, as long as you are telling me the truth about being single, Can we meet and talk more
about it tomorrow?
Daisy: No problem.
Katso: Goodnight
Meanwhile Gape was laying in the tub looking at Junior as he played with the toys... He glanced at
his phone again and called her....
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: We are taking a bath... I'll send you a picture once we're on the bed, does he wear diapers at
Daisy: No, don't switch off the light on the passage he goes to the toilet once at night.
Gape: I understand-
Gape: Of course... I'm sorry about earlier, I overreacted and I'm sorry.
Daisy: Go siame and please don't forget to send his picture or just a little video.
Gape: I will... Babe the mma ke kopa gore o intshwarele about last night, I can't stop thinking about
it, i went too far.
Daisy: I forgave you but I don't think I'll ever take you back because you don't respect me or our
relationship, Our relationship was chaos from the start.
Gape: Daisy that's what love is, you don't meet someone the first day and love them but after
getting to know you i fell in love with who you are, I love you.
Gape: Wait-
She hung up the phone and he sighed regrettably.....
A waitress walked over with a tray and served them their Wines, she smiled and walked away....
Molly: You going to love it, there is a reason Maun and Kasane are Botswana's tourist attractions...
Have you ever seen Okavango river?
Molly: We will drive there sometime soon, I like nature... City life suffocates me..(staring at her eyes)
Are you tipsy?
Him: (looking at Masa) Hello ladies, mind if I sit and say hi?
Masa: My name is Masa and this is my friend Molly... We are from Miami, you know sugar town?
Peter: Of course who doesn't?... (he and Masa laughed loudly) Your drinks are half empty can i buy
you more?
Molly: We got it, thanks. You said you hellos too so it might be time to hit it buddy.
Molly drunk the whole glass and grabbed Masa's arm pushing her out as they walked to their room...
Masa: (walking backwards) Okay, bye Petros.... (to Molly) Heeey.... What are you doing?
Molly: (grabbed her glass and emptied on the flowers close by) This is the last time you're having
wine..I can't believe you just did that.
Masa: I did what? I'm just having a little fun and that guy was hot, his accent though do you think he
is from Zambia? I want a foreign man just for bontša hela...
She opened the room, Masa walked in and laid on the bed, Molly closed the door and placed the
glass on the table.
Masa: Why are you so grumpy? I thought we were here for fun...
She walked over to Molly and put her arms around her neck...
Masa: Thank you for all these... You deserve an Oscar... I have never seen Kasane before... (smiled)
Come on smile a little the mma... (pinched her cheeks) smile please....
Molly: (annoyed she moved back) Stop it.... I swear I'll never let you drink again. Give me your phone
you don't even know him and you give him your number?
Molly got Masa's phone and laid on the bed with her feet on the carpet, she dialed his number...
Molly: Delete it, I'm a married woman, i don't know about your country but in Botswana it's illegal to
flirt or date a married person, you'll pay or go to jail.
Peter: I heard about that, I'm sorry I didn't look at your finger, i will delete it.
Masa: (sat on Molly's tummy and took the phone) I can't believe you just got rid of my Zambian
crush, I liked his accent it was sexy.
Masa: So how am i going to heal without my Zambian rebound? (still sitting on her)
Masa : (laughed) Kana gongwe yaana you're getting horny... (moving her waist slowly moaning)
Mhhhhh Molly..... Oh Molly.... Oh yeah Care Bear f*ck me....
Molly: (swallowed taking quick breaths staring up at her) Masa kana gao ire sente, Get off me
Masa: (put her hands on each of hers pressing them on the bed then she leaned over) Why don't
you have a boyfriend?I mean you're beautiful...mmh maybe it's the way you dress, Your fashion
sucks a bit... Who dresses like a tomboy? you should stop this Martial arts thingy it's giving you a lot
of muscles, Amantle has nothing on you... Your body is more manly than girlish, that's why you can't
have a boyfriend.
Molly: I'm not a lesbian, why does everyone keep saying that.
Masa baby kissed her, Molly closed her eyes and held her slim waist then she flipped her over
getting on top of her and French kissed her, Masa turned her head and pushed her off...
Molly: Masa it's late, where are you going and you're tipsy, sit down. (grabbed her wrist) If you go
out there somebody will take advantage of you.
Masa: (loudly) Leave me alone, don't touch me you creep! You're pathetic... I'm straight and you're
Molly: (tearfully) Please take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor.…you don't know Kasane you can't just
walk out at night, if you get lost I'll be in trouble because your parents know i left Maun with you.
Tomorrow morning we will drive back.
Masa: Mxm...
Masa got in bed, Molly got the other pillow and a sheet then she laid on the floor staring at the light
tearfully, she swallowed as tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.……
At Gape's house....
The next morning Junior walked over to the bed holding his bowl....
He got up and walked to the kitchen carrying him as he rubbed his face.....
He warmed his soft porridge and gave him then his phone rang and he ran to the bedroom...
Gape: Hello?
Boss: I'm not happy with the way you do things Mr Friday, You know every one has their weekly
schedule so where do i get your replacement?
Gape: It's an emergency, I'm very sorry. I'm in the hospital as we speak.
Boss: No, this is just wrong this is why people always complain about our flight delays, Ke raya gore
how can you tell me this now? Whose schedule am i going to interrupt?
He hung up angrily and Gape threw the phone on the bed, He lifted Captain and sat with him on the
couch as he ate soft porridge, Gape reached for his laptop and completed the business documents
he had been working on for weeks.
Gape: (frowned thoughtfully) Friday Transport and logistics? ... (staring at Captain) Friday and
son...Gape and son transport and logistics... Fuck! it's sounds stupid... (laid back) Captain what are
going call our company my man?
At Marvin's house....
Later that Sunday morning Marvin walked in the bedroom with a tray of breakfast, Same was asleep
facing the wall. He placed it on the head board and slipped undercover touching her butt...
Marvin: Sorry.. (put his hand on her pubic area) Good morning....
He whipped her butt with his dic and she flinched touching her butt..
Marvin: (laughed) Seriously that just turned me off, why do you have to put it like that?
Marvin: Morning...
She got off bed and headed to the bathroom, A few minutes later she walked back wiping the water
off her lips and got in bed... Marvin handed her the tray...
He got under the duvet and laid between her legs with his face right on her pubic area... He blew
warm air on her...
Same: (laughed) Marv stop it, you'll make me spill the tea... (He licked her clits and she flinched
almost spilling the tea) Babe the rra wena.... Hahah ema pele ke je breakfast ee....
He spread her pusy cheeks and licked her flaps as she quickly placed her tray on the head board
spiling it.. He emerged out of the duvet and French kissed her as she stroked him....
Gape: (shouted) Marv!
He got off the bed and handed her the breakfast, He put on a t-shirt and walked out with his hand in
the pocket...
Marv: Yeah
Marv: Sure....
Gape: Can you talk to Daisy for me? I made a mistake and I regret it, tota i can't live without her.
Gape: I know and i feel so bad, I don't know what to do to show her that I'm sorry and i mean it, i
think i have hurt her to a point where anything i say means nothing to her.
Gape: I don't know and i don't care, Can you talk to Daisy?
Marv: I can't do that, You have hurt her... I don't like what you said about Same too. You know what
alcohol does to you and i don't know why you're still drinking. You're destroying a life you worked
hard to build... Remember how long it took for you to find a job, Daisy was there helping you and
making your life easy but what did she get?
Marv: (staring at him) No you don't, You're just like your father...... I can bet my last thebe that soon
you'll be going to jail and leave Junior behind with nothing but bitterness.... You have allowed
yourself to be a curse.
Marv: No, if you want her to come back, work on yourself and show her you have changed.
Gape: Marv look at me,, do you really think I'd lie to you? I love Daisy and I'm a human, i made a
mistake... Honestly I didn't think she would ever leave me no matter what i did maybe that's why i
was relaxed but I love her and i cant lose her.
Gape: Can you ask Same if she would mind getting Junior whenever I'm not around?
Gape: I still can't believe gore Daisy o nthadile just like that...
Marv: It will be a miracle if she returns, A woman who tolerates nonsense usually takes forever to
leave but when she finally does she is gone for good.
Gape : (sighed) You're not helping with words like that... Go sharp.
He got in the car and reversed the car as Junior slept on his baby seat....he dialed Daisy's number...
Daisy: Hello?
Daisy: Don't waste your fuel because i won't see you unless you're bringing Junior of which you'll
meet my aunt who will get him from you.
Gape: Kante Daisy ha ekare you were waiting for me to mess up and leave yaana? How come you
don't even want to talk to me?
Daisy: I have nothing more to say to you. Leave me alone, don't call me unless it's about Junior.
Gape: Bona go sharp, kego rapetse waa gana akere, it's okay. I'll raise my son alone and don't worry
about step mothers on him too...I'm done with relationships, I won't have a girlfriend, you can visit
him anytime you want.
Daisy: I don't care what you do with your private life and you shouldn't care about mine. I'll live my
life you live yours. I'm sure Masa is waiting...
Gape: I said I'm not going to date anyone and I mean it!
Gape: I don't care if you don't believe me, I'm not going into a relationship until Junior is old enough.
He hung up and sighed, made a U turn to the mall and parked in front of Shoprite.
He stepped out holding him and pushed a trolley, Junior slid down excitedly and pushed the trolley
as they picked a few things around the shop... He stopped at the hair machines and glanced at
Captain's afro, he grabbed the hair cutting machine then they headed to the counter and joined the
Woman: I been seeing you pushing the trolley with your son and I like it, keep it up. He looks so
much like you...
Woman: My son is your age and he loves his son, The mother died during delivery.
Later at home he sat him in front of the TV and cut his hair doing a smart faded Mohawk then he
gently shaved a sharp line on his hairline .....
He leaned back holding the machine and smiled impressed... It had been a while since he held a
shaving machine but damn he wasn't rusty at all... He took the cloth off his neck and dusted him...
Ringo Madlingozi's Sondela ripped her heart off her chest as she drove on the lonely long long road
to Maun, It was a song she always sang and pictured herself with her precious girlfriend that she
would worship and protect. Masa was laying back pressing her phone with headphones on..
Tears filled Molly's eyes and she held her breath as the song continued, She was disappointed in
herself.... "I should have just laid there and not respond, " she thought as she wished she could
reverse time. It was better to see her beautiful face everyday as a friend than lose her completely
but now knowing she was nothing but a creep to Masa pricked her eyes as her sight got blurry with
tears...she stopped the car and stepped out slamming the door, she put her arms on the back
windshield and leaned her head over crying....
Molly: (took a deep breath) Yeah, I'm fine... Can you drive?
Molly: (swallowed tearfully) I can't drive.... (sat on the tar road) Give me a minute....
Masa: Okay
Classmate: Ijo..
Masa: If only she was a guy...she is loaded kana she is an only child and the father is stinking rich... O
skgoanyana mma she is romantic. I wish she was a guy wena
Classmate: Ngwanyana ere o baesa jalo oitse gore student allowance pays rent then finishes just like
that... And you owe me P350 don't forget.
Classmate: Dilesbian gadi beche dia amogedisa and they always know how to impress, they buy the
right gifts... Iyoo nna mma kana dilo re di dirile skare bona rele ha, legale mma ke raa hela.
Masa: Mmanyana o nthomola pelo she is sitting outside mo skontiring crying... I got tipsy last night
and said all sorts of things to her, i called her names now I'm ashamed to apologize to her and she
hasn't said anything too.
Classmate: I hope you're not one of those homophobic hypocrites who always bring up the bible
when talking about Lesbians yet they are having sex before marriage and doing all sorts of sins as if
the only sin is being homo.
Masa: I was just freaked mma i had never met a lesbian before and I like dick thata le gone.
Classmate: Okay do you girl, let me cook for my family mma, baby daddy o dule le ngwana.
Masa put her phone down and walked over to Molly who was walking back dusting the back of her
They got in the car and she drove the car switching off the music.....
Molly: It's okay, I understand. Most people react like that when they learn about other people's
sexuality that's why I didn't feel comfortable telling you and i wasn't going to force you, being friends
with you was enough for me.
Molly: Homo
Masa: No, i started it. I'm sorry and thanks for deleting that guy's number, it was very bitchy of me.
You looked out for me, it was nice.
Masa: (sighed) I owe a friend some money, do you mind helping me? I told her I'd pay her once
allowance is in but she is pestering me with messages and call backs now she is insulting me.
Masa: P600
Molly: (gave her the phone) I'm driving you do it, I'll give you the pin.....
Masa: (smiled laying back on the seat) Okay... How much should I send to myself?
Molly: Okay.
Masa: Thanks a lot, you are such a good friend, I love you...
At Maun Lodge....
Boemo waited for Tshiamo as she walked over pushing her tummy, He pulled a chair for her and she
sat down...
Tshiamo: What do you want? (put the car keys on the table) You want your car?
Boemo: No, i don't want the car. You're using it... You need it more than me. Why are you not
answering my phone calls?
Tshiamo: If you don't love me tell me so that I can focus on my baby girl. How dare you hold her
waist in front of me, how stupid do you think I am?
Boemo: You never told me that, how am i supposed to know? We should communicate.. If
somebody makes a remark you should let me know.
Tshiamo: (teary) I don't like how everyone keeps saying I'm too ugly for you and-
Boemo: Babe you're beautiful to me and that's all that matters. Stop stressing and focus on the
baby... We need her healthy.
Boemo: I don't want to discuss my ex with you, let's talk about something that will build us. Can we
go back to Gabs?
Tshiamo: That's a good idea, I'm not happy in Maun but what about the wedding?
Boemo: My parents say one of our relatives just died so we can't have a celebration right after
loosing a family member, they say we should wait at least three months before starting Bogadi
Boemo: Yeah..... (leaned over and kissed her) You look beautiful..
Tshiamo: Thanks
In Marvin's car....
Marvin drove the car as Same painted her nails with nail Polish....
Same: I heard Daisy saying you punched your little brother on the face and he bled,you shouldn't
have done that
Same: Maybe that's why ale stubborn because you talk to him with punches
Marvin: Gape is not the type you pamper otherwise he forgets himself he has always been like that. I
had to discipline him and what he did to Daisy wasn't right, he shouldn't use force on a woman. Otaa
twaela and one day he will meet a woman who is not afraid to report him and he will go to jail and
lose his job. I'm helping him...
Same: I guess but go easy on the beating. Anyway do you think Daisy is pregnant?
Same: (filing her other nail) I don't know just a hunch, she gained a little weight but I asked her and
she told me she wasn't, i thought she was lying...
Marvin: Babe amme Gape oka ja boloto Captain ale monyenyane yaana? I'm sure it was just weight;
she is happy ka your business is booming..
Same: That could explain it besides she finished school and she has been looking forward to finally
getting her diploma.
Same: (smiled) Babe I'm scared... What if your family doesn't like me?
Marvin: Don't worry about anything, you're perfect...They have heard so much about you.
Marvin parked at his uncle's house and they both walked out of the car approaching him and his
wife as the old lady peeled the water lily tubers....
Marvin: (bended his back and shook hands with his uncle) Dumelang....
Him: Why did Tsheko have to go to jail? haa? You could be enjoying his boys, How are you my boy?
Same: I'm fine... (shook hands with the old lady) Dumelang...
Her: (called loudly) Pini? Bring the chairs for your uncle
The young girl brought the chairs and they sat down....
Uncle: (after a short awkward moment) Can you excuse us for a minute?
Old lady: (got up) Okay.... Same bring me that tswii
Same got the water Lilly tubers and followed the old lady inside the house, she sat down and Same
put them next to her....
She got the knife and joined the old lady as they peeled.....
Meanwhile the uncle crossed his legs into a 4 shape and listened attentively to his nephew....
Him: Best decision of your life, not that evil woman you married... Do you have money?
Marvin: Yes..
Marvin: Erra
Marvin: I want to give them 18K for Bogadi, The legal 15 seems a bit lower for somebody like her. I
want to appreciate more...
Marvin: Yeah...
Him: I will call the relatives so that we can send someone to Rakops to let them know we want a
Him: I heard Dodo still visits his father in jail, do you ever visit him?
Marvin: Nothing justifies attempted murder and i will never forgive him for trying to kill me and my
brother... As for my mother he could explain his way out of trying to kill her but Dodo and I had
nothing to do with his quarrels with our mother.
Marvin: I will send you airtime so that you can call them... (gave him P300) You will fuel to collect the
ones without cars.
Meanwhile Same and the old lady finished peeling and washed the tubers, Same put them in the
three legged pot with meat at the fireplace... A few minutes later she came...
Same: (smiled) Is your cooking gas finished? Why are you using firewood?
Same: Ehe...
Her: Good...
A few minutes later Marvin and Same bid the elders goodbye and drove away.
Marvin: He wanted help with the cattle.. You know old people
Same: You should call Sego about the kids they were supposed to come and they were excited about
coming again. Captain could use their company as well
Marvin: I called her this morning and she didn't answer my calls, instead she sent a message saying
you should remove your picture with Winky from your Facebook account.
Marvin: She is crazy don't mind her, if she doesn't want to bring them I'll go get them myself........
At Sego's house....
Her daughter was sitting behind the house crying as she walked over with a shoe....
Sego: I will beat you if you continue crying...
Sego: (hit her on the head) Do you have a father? Hee? I'll beat you if i hear you say Maun? His
girlfriend will poison your food...
She kept quiet holding her tears in as she stared back at her mother then she put on her shoe and
walked away....
Sego: Nxla Marvin is going too far letting his girlfriend near my children to poison me against them.
That little witch is barren now she wants to steal my children and tell them to call her Mama..
While crying Winky saw P5 on the ground and crawled over getting it... She wiped her tears
hopefully and put on her flipflops then she quickly ran outside....
A few minutes along the road a car pulled over and a young man rolled down the window...
Her: I'm going to the bus rank and then.. and then I'm getting a bus to Maun.
Him: No, I'm your friend.. What's your name and how old are you?
Her: My name is Winky, I'm 7 years old, Do- do you know my Dad? His- his name is Marvin
Kgale hill....
Him: Yes but if you want to go back alone, it's fine I'm going....
Winky looked down, it was bushy and she didn't know the way so she continued walking.
He piggybacked her and went up the hill, after walking for a while he spotted a small tree and put
her down...
Him: Lay down and do something for me, i will show you where he is... Lay down
He knelt down and pulled out her skirt together with her panties, Her heart pounded as she
remembered her mother telling her that no one should touch their panties and that she must ran if
somebody tried it... She started crying silently...
Him: Don't cry it's not going to's going to feel very nice... You're going to love it.
He leaned back and unhooked his belt dropping his zipper then he took out the most scariest thing
she ever saw then she got up and ran screaming.... He quickly got up zipping his falling trousers and
ran after her....
Him: (angrily) I'm going to kill you if you don't stop running....
Winky ran as thorns pricked her then she pumped in to a couple exercising holding water bottles....
Afraid of the man with the woman she continued running, The man ran the opposite direction and
caught a glimpse of the suspect running away...
The woman ran after Winky while the man chased after the suspect but he had disappeared... He
went back and met with his wife who was taking off her vest and made a skirt for Winky....
Woman: (knelt down) Please tell me what happened, i won't be angry with you... Did he hurt you?
The lady gave Winky her water and piggybacked her as they walked down the hill while the husband
was talking to the police over the phone....
At Sego's neighborhood....
Meanwhile worried Sego and Kiddo walked around the neighborhood calling for Winky...
Sego: (angrily) Shut up with that word, I'll pinch your mouth if you say Maun again. You think Maun
keha station'eng...
Kiddo: I want to see my Dad, you said when the schools close we will go. When i leave I'm not
coming back.
Sego: Stop talking and call out for your sister (worried) It's getting dark, where could she be?
(screaming) Winky?!
Kiddo: Winky!?
At Masa's house....
Masa: No..
Molly: (smiled) You don't have to be ashamed to ask me for money... It's not like i have a friend I'll
gossip to and i never use the money i get from my father.
Molly: Yeah?
Masa: I have always met bad friends who always took advantage of me, after seeing Tshiamo with
my ex boyfriend i figured it's always screw a friend first before she screws you... Everyone i have
ever befriended always made sure they benefited from me and i always ended up crying...
Molly: I'm sorry to hear that…I hang out with my male cousin and guys hardly screw over one
another like females.
Masa: (sighed) I owe my classmate P350 and the rest was just me being selfish. I'm sorry for trying to
steal your money, i just feel so guilty looking at you... (emotionally) I wonder if Tshiamo ever felt the
way i feel right now... She saw me every day and still managed to keep a secret for 2 years...I just
don't understand how she managed to do it..
Molly: (smiled) You can keep the money, it's not a problem i mean you asked for it you didn't steal
it. As for your backstabbing friends... Maybe you need to hang around with a different group of
people and see things from another perspective not every friend is out to get you, some of us grew
up very lonely surrounded by television so we appreciate a friend's presence especially me, I get
judged a lot for who i am so i don't go out very much and i don't have a lot of friends... That's why i
wanted to have the best holidays this time around.
Masa: I can't believe i found a true friend and hurt her the same way other so called friends did, that
name calling wasn't necessary at all
Molly: I forgave you for that, i don't like to dwell in tje past can we talk about something else?
Masa: (laughed) I'm sorry let me tease you one last time, Your face looks very funny when you are
Molly: (bowed her head laughing) Please don't ever do that to me...
Molly: (sighed) Wow that would be nice, My father is at the mine so I'm just alone...
Masa: (laughed) Just saying, You have to teach me these things i don't know how to relate to a homo
Masa: Okay...
They hugged and she stepped out with her bag, Molly watched with a smile as she walked away then
she blew the horn.. Masa turned...
Molly: (smiling) Just wondering how you are going to tame this thing if you don't stay with it...
Masa: (smiled and walked back) Oh my God Snow... I forgot her or is it a him...
Molly: (laughed) You didn't buy enough food for him too, We can go together later and buy them.
Masa: Yeah that's a good idea, I'll let you know when I'm ready.
She reversed the car and heaved a huge sigh with a smile... The parting wasn't bad... Not bad at all, it
would be even better if she actually showed up that evening.... She joined the main road making a
silent quick prayer that she actually shows up, Spending a night in that big house alone wasn't she
At Marvin's house....
Later that evening Same and Marvin were cuddled up on the couch gently caressing one another
watching TV...Sego called and he put her on loudspeaker as he continued caressing Same's thighs.....
Marvin: Hello?
Sego: We have been looking for her for hours now but i cant find her
Marvin: (panicked, he leaped) Sego it's 8pm why am i being told about this just now?
Sego: I came to the police station to report her missing but the officer is talking to another officer
from another station where they say somebody brought a 7 year old who is suspected to have been
molested, apparently the police took her to the hospital.. I'm waiting for the officer to update me...
Marvin: (angrily) molested?? Sego you better pray nothing happened to her or I'm going to jail for
Sego: Don't try to pin this on me, if it's really her she was abducted at home... In fact Same should
tell me where my daughter is since she has been advertising her to people on Facebook. She
probably gave the man our plot number and Winky's pictures (Same's heart pounded with anger)
there is a reason i don't put my children on social media and wena le girlfriendnyana ya gago you
take pictures with my children and post them to get Likes from your child trafficking friends. Same
oa phapha tota she is just a girlfriend and already she is posing with my kids and for the what?
Doesn't she have a womb?
Marvin: I'm never gonna tell you this again; don't ever talk about my wife to be like that, I'm not
going to let you bring a baby mama drama in my life, don't forget the kind of a mother you're, I'm
going to file for custody of my children and what you did today is going to look every bad for you in
court. Find my daughter or else...
Sego: I'm waiting for the police officer to hear if we're going to check the little girl to see if it's Winky.
Marvin: I'm driving over there now, You better pray nothing happened to her or else.
Sego: Bye
He hung up and put on his t-shirt as Same deleted all of the children's pictures on her phone and
Facebook account.....
Marvin: Ignore her, get dressed we are going to Gaborone Sego waa ntwaela yaanong kana she
thinks things are the same as when i was sick.
Same: If this is how things are going to be, Sego might as well keep her children because if they
come here and God forbid something like this happens she will accuse me of selling her kids. I. can't
believe she thinks like that about me.
Marvin: Same I'm not going to have you and Sego fighting... I'm not going to be on the middle of it
and neither are these kids, I gave you the permission to take pictures with my kids because you're
going to be a part of their lives, You're dating me not Sego so i don't know gore wena Sego omo
reetsa ka lelereng. My kids came here and you treated them kindly, they loved you and got attached
to you... Don't punish them for their mother's stupidity. I'm not having a baby mama drama, be
mature. You're the wife you ought to act better than her.
He walked to the bedroom and sighed digesting what he had just said then she got up and joined
him in the bedroom...
Marvin: It's okay, just don't let Sego have mental advantage over you because it would spoil our
Marvin: You must listen to me not Sego, If you listen to her we will have baby mama drama. Don't
give her the time...
Same: I won't...
At Katso's house...
She sat on the couch, a few minutes later he walked back with a glass of juice and a bowl of fruits.
He sat next to her and handed her the juice, then he peeled the fruits....
Katso: I get it and this isn't bad, i mean sometimes it's easier to come early than at a later stage
which involves issues of introduction, bonding and all those awkward things
Daisy: True...
Daisy: I think I'll let him stay with the Dad for a few months so that I can settle in here and deal with
this one then I'll go get him after delivering, i was planning to go but the way my aunt screams my
glowing i prefer to just to stay.
Katso: Yeah, it's best that way...(smiled) Don't break my heart tlhe... I'm just taking a risk because I
really really love you... I may not know you but i have a feeling that there is a well behaved mature
woman in you..
Katso: (handed her a peach) Been watching you... Gao je but you really need to eat.
Katso: (smiled watching her) You're beautiful.. (kissed her soft hand) Very beautiful...
Daisy: Thanks...
He laid on the couch, put her head on his chest and played with her hair while scrolling through
channels.......... (9t)
The Alfa Male
At Daisy's home.....
The next morning Katso parked outside, she stepped out waving at him and got in the house..Her
Auntie stopped sweeping and walked over to her room..
Her: You don't break up with a man like that , there is a time you must give him to accept it at this
point he still believes he can fix things and if he comes here and find that poor nurse it will get
messy, have you even told him that Gape is twice his height and mentally disturbed?
Daisy: Auntie bathong so i must put my life on hold because Gape can't move on? I did not cheat on
Gape not even once but we broke up and it doesn't matter how long ago. I feel like Katso is a good
man should I let him go because i just broke up with Gape? I'm single aren't i?
Her: Nako tse dingwe re raela bana ba batho, Gape loves Junior and i doubt it's any different with
this one, he is going to kill you for doing this to his child, don't say i didn't warn you and you must tell
your partner in crime that the father of that baby is crazy, Katso has the right to make an informed
decision, let him sign his death certificate with knowledge because I doubt you ever mentioned Gape
to him.
Daisy: Gape has hurt me a lot, I know gatwe a man's feelings always come first and we are supposed
to bow but Gape is no longer with me, I can't let go of a good peaceful man who is a nurse and goes
to church... I can't let him go.
Her: Do you think Gape will cry when he comes here and finds you Katso? You think he will cry and
forgive you like you forgave him for cheating? If a man catches you with another he kills you or both
of you.
Daisy: There is nothing i can do, Ke raya gore gatweng? I should dump a good man just because I
broke up with my ex not so long ago? What time is the right time to move on then? Ke emele Gape a
nneele permission to date??
After watching movies one after the other, the girls fell asleep on the big couch wearing a polar
fleece blanket... The door alarm tripped off and Masa covered her ears as the sound hurt her ears...
Molly: (leaped up and moved the curtains) It's the cleaning lady, she always forgets the password...
(she disengaged the alarm and picked her t-shirt from the floor) let's go upstairs and give her a
chance to clean. (the telephone rang and she picked) Hello?... No it was nothing, Sorry...we
accidentally entered the wrong pin.. Sorry.. Molly.. 34566289…3872673…yes thank you..
Masa: (covered herself with a blanket and tripped on her way up) Ouch....
She carried her upstairs and put her on the bed then she stood outside looking downstairs as the
cleaning lady walked in...
Molly: Morning
Her: Okay...
She walked back in her room and closed the door sitting on the bed next to Masa...
Masa: morning...
Molly: She usually starts with the kitchen when she is done you're making breakfast for us.
Masa: I heard her offer to make breakfast, why didn't you say yes?
Molly: Because I want to eat your breakfast, I made us dinner last night it's your turn.
Masa: (putting on her shorts) I can't believe you're making me cook when she just offered and you
Molly: (laughed) So you thought you'd jump home chores by coming here?
Masa: (laughed) You're no longer Care Bear...
She playful grabbed her and tossed her back on the bed getting on top of her tickling her...
Masa: (laughing) Okay... Okay... You're Care bear(staring at her)Get off me... (smiled) O gakologelwa
eng gake rialo?
Molly: (smiled walking to the bathroom) I am not discussing this with you my straight friend.
Molly: Yes...
Masa: So let's assume you're with your girlfriend and you two are doing your thing... How does that
Masa: What's the point of getting horny and not actually cumming?
Molly: (closed the water and rubbed her face staring at her) I don't wanna brag but i can make you
cum twice or more and I'll have you calling my name like you're choking... Penetration ain't shit but
then if it turns you on i can give you that too..
Masa: How?
Molly: (smiled) And i bet you like it a little rough.. you tigress!
Molly: Sex is a very important part of human life, We are nothing without sex.
Masa: About the cumming, are you serious? I'm just wondering how? I can't picture it...
Molly: I can't tell you how, I can only show you but you're straight.
Molly: I can't... Sorry, it's a homo secret. We don't tell such things....
Masa: Because I like guys and i don't have feelings for girls.
Masa: Yes...
Molly: Let me test you then, let's prove once and for all that you are very straight... Not even
Masa: Okay..
She closed the shower and touched her neck leaning over for a soft kiss, She softly bit her lower lip
staring at her as she closed her eyes then she turned her head and kissed her passionately going
down her neck as they panted, she lifted her up and stepped out of the shower laying her on the
Molly gently rubbed her clits as she continued to explore her mouth, Masa put her arms around her
neck and slowly moved her waist rubbing herself against Molly's hand as she gently rubbed her then
Molly leaped up staring at her....
Molly: (sighed) Yep, you're straight... No doubt. You're for guys only
Molly: (smiled staring at her) I'm going to make breakfast. (winked) Get dressed…you're making me
At Gape's house....
He parked in front of the house and stepped out, Captain followed him... The maid struggled to
open the door and he opened for her.
He unlocked the door and they all walked in, the girl looked around the clean big house and
wondered if she would be able to do the job, the biggest house she had ever been in was a two
roomed house...
Gape: Follow me... (she followed him) This is your room, I share with Captain... This is the guest
room.. The bathroom is this side... This is the kitchen...
She looked around the kitchen...the microwave, pressure cooker, electric kettle, toaster, etc she had
never used them before....
Her: I don't know how to use these things, we don't have them at home.
Gape: Bonolo as long as you can cook on the stove everything is fine. You don't have to use the rest
Bonolo: Okay..
They headed to the lounge where he sat down, she sat on the carpet...
Gape: Come sit next to me... (she sat next to him on the couch) Listen to me and listen very
attentively.... You don't hit my son... Hitting i mean spanking, pinching anything that can make him
cry... If you abuse my son i will tie you up and whip you until you bleed then I'll kill you.
Bonolo: (heart pounding) I have little brothers and sisters, I can't do that to him..
Bonolo: I'm 18
Gape: If you don't do your job properly I'm taking you back to Mohembo in a split second.
Gape: I'll be watching him, if he loses weight or if he has bruises... He talks too and he is very fluent
in English, Can you speak English?
Gape: Okay... If you try me you'll never see Mohembo again, I'll kill you and bury you behind the
house. (she became visibly shaken) I mean everything i said. Your job is to take care of him, if you do
your job properly and satisfy me ere kemo leba abo ke bona a tshela sente and the house looking
clean then i will increase your salary with P400
Bonolo: No
Gape: I don't want boys in my house because I don't want anything to go missing.
Bonolo: (gave Junior her bag strap as she stood) Captain help me carry the bag... Let's go...
They walked to her room...............
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house...
In the morning Gape got up and realised he was alone on the bed, he took a leak in the bathroom
and went to watch the sports highlights.... A little later Bonolo passed to the kitchen and paused...
Bonolo: Dumelang...
Gape: Bonolo?
Bonolo: I think he got used to sleeping with me since you have been flying too much lately.
Gape: (reached for his wallet on the table) Can you buy yourself a cellphone? When you guys leave
the house it becomes hard to talk to you.
Gape: Never mind, I'll buy for you. You can go..
She walked away as her butt vibrated on the pants she was wearing.....
At Tshiamo' home....
Exhausted by the heat and the heavy pregnancy Tshiamo walked through the gate talking to her
Tshiamo: Emma.... I understand that but is it possible for me to get sponsorship to continue my
studies?... Emma it was Fail and discontinue... I understand, thank you.
She hung up the phone as she walked in the house and sat on the bed dialing Boemo's number...
Her: He is bathing.
She hung up and sighed looking around the house for something to eat, there was nothing. She
walked over to her mother's house......
Tshiamo: Hi Mama, don't you have some leftovers i can eat? I'm hungry....
Her: There is Phaletšhe and morogo wa dinawa in that plate. You don't look good, are you okay?
Tshiamo: I have a feeling that Boemo is cheating on me, A girl answered his phone saying he is
bathing.. Even at night he doesn't answer my calls he just gives me short replies.
Her: (sighed) Just focus on the baby and think of ways to go back to school again kana nna gake itse
gore banyana noo ba isa kae nkabo o tsenye skwele hela jaana nere dumalane.
Her: Ago Tshiamo the se ntire bari ngwanaka, i started talking to you about boys when you were
young and you understood me, do you want me to believe that as an adult you forgot that? You
wanted to have this boy's baby and i understand, he is a good looking young man but you shouldn't
have taken school lightly, he liked you because you were bathing and changing hairstyles with the
student allowance you got from the government. Now you're a burden... Do you see what i mean?
Tshiamo: Yes
Her: Oe robile gone hoo ngwanaka, you should have passed at school, pregnancy is not a disease,
People pass and continue but you didn't submit assignments and missed school, Can you imagine
how much the government is spending on each student? that's why they don't sponsor students
who fail, you played with your chance... This boy is in the city and light skinned as he is they won't
waste time throwing themselves at him. You messed up my girl...
Tshiamo: He said he will marry me...
Her: You and him are different and he is going to break your heart if you continue believing in him
that much, I don't know how you managed to date in the first place but i don't think anything will
come out of it, There is no such thing as we have to wait months to mourn a dead relative, you don't
even know the relative... We know the Bens and nobody died there, he lied. Start thinking about
your life my girl
Her: Nowadays men can love their children and still want nothing to do with the mother, That's why
we are having custody battles in court, things have changed.
Tshiamo: (stood up holding the plate) Boemo will never do something like that to me.
At the Fridays.....
A few old men surrounded the fireplace chatting loudly while ladies were sitting in front the house
wearing their Ditšale and Megagolwane... Young single women were standing at the other fireplace
making tea chatting loudly laughing....
The young man surrounded the DJ who was playing loud music getting the mood ready for the
wedding the following day....
A truck carrying a fat cow drove in with reverse as the Friday young men directed the driver from the
Cousin: (shaped his lips and whistled) Sharp stop.... Where is Dodo with the gun?
Gape walked out of the main house inserting the bullet in the shortgun, As his cousins let the cow
down with ropes...
Ogone: (laughed) Mr lerumo le ska la heta.. Botlhe kana it's been a while Gape a hudile ka thobolo.
Botlhe: Let cheeseboy do it, let's see if he still has it or the aeroplanes turned him into a sissy
Gape: (laughed) Lareng ne banna, I was born to shoot... And what makes you think it's been a while
since i used a gun?
Botlhe: Mr be fast re bata go bua kgomo reya dibiring, i heard some guys stole beer cases. Be fast...
Gape stood a few feet from the cow and aimed at it... Their young uncle walked over...
Him: You boys, Why give Dodo the gun? Don't you remember how he missed a shot and went for the
Gape: (laughed and put the gun down) That was many years ago, i was 19 and i had a lot of good
shots since then, i remember all the Christmases and New year's that i shot cows,can i get a break?
Gape lifted the gun and aimed between it's eyes... It kept moving its head looking around and eating
little grass on the ground....they all held their breath as he pulled the trigger and put the bullet right
between its eyes, it fell down instantly and his uncle pat him on the shoulder taking the gun...
Women ululated bringing the big bowls closer as the men took out their sharp knives to skin the
cow... A young lady smiled at Gape as she put down the bowl and walked away.
Ogone: (laughed) Since when? Dodo this is me.. You can't fool me
Gape: (laughed) I'm not dating the banna, ke tsere break mo kukung ke motsetsi ke godisa Junior
Ogone: (laughed) Wayaka the monna agrr
Gape: (laughed) Letaa baka gale sa dumele... (his phone rang and he stood up) I'll be back...
He washed his hands in the bowl and dried his hands on the blue overall he was wearing then he
Gape: Hello?
Bonolo: Hello?
Gape: Hi
Gape: Read any shop closer to you and I'll come there...
Gape: Okay, I'll be there in a minute. Hold Captain's hand so cars don't hit him.
Bonolo: Rra?
He hung up, took off the overalls he was wearing and passed by the table surrounded by girls and
they stared at him as he got in the car and drove away.....
Ntebo: Wena this guy o nthuba gore, I long had a crush on him when he was in Maun Senior asa
utwe gore!
Another Lady: (laughed) He used to be my crush until i saw him fighting this other guy at school, we
were at Tsodilo cjss... After that i feared him gore, He once took me halfway home ke tsamaile ke
roroma mala tsela yothe thinking he might slap me after that i avoided him the whole term ka
iphithela mosimane yo until he forgot me. He was so brutal he got suspended…(laughed) he always
missed the lessons but always got position 1 or 2 in the entire school.
Ntebo: Nna mme nea nthuba ka smile hela yaana and the way he looks at you my God, i used to wet
myself listening to him at the debate club and he spoke English like a pro.
Cousin: (laughed) Tlweks! a cousin yame e tshele batho, le babisa Dodo ditsebe..
A few minutes later he parked in front Sprint Couriers, Junior pulled away from Bonolo's gentle hand
and ran over to the car... Gape quickly stepped on the breaks almost hitting him, Bonolo ran over
and picked him shaking.... Pissed, Gape clenched his teeth as they got in the car and closed the door.
Gape: (reversing the car) Kante Bonolo why ole boleta yaana? (angrily) Did you see what just
Bonolo: I piggyback him every time i cross the road with him.
Gape: (pulled over at a stop) Get in the front, i told you to stop sitting in the back.
She strapped Junior on his car seat and sat in the front then Gape joined the road, He glanced at
her... She had just plaited Carrot and her beauty seemed to be getting polished by the month... Her
skirt accidentally pulled back as she pulled the seat belt and he stared at her thighs, she quickly
pulled down her skirt and he swallowed biting his lower lip looking at the traffic lights.
Bonolo: I bought clothes for myself, Junior cried for a toy in the shop and i paid for it.
Gape: You look beautiful... Carrot yaago tshwanela compared to other hairstyles i have seen you try
for the past three months.
A few minutes later he parked between other cars, Bonolo carried Captain as they walked over....
At the fire area his distant uncle stared at him and Bonolo walking over....
Him: Temete Dodo ene o tsere yo modahna jaa?
At the tea table Ntebo's face changed as Bonolo and Gape walked over.
Gape: (gave her the car keys) I'm going to help slice the meat, you can wait inside the house with my
aunt or over there by the chairs, I won't be long....
Bonolo: Erra
Bonolo put him down, he ran away with Winky and joined the other cousins playing...
Bonolo took a seat at the unoccupied plastic chairs, A few minutes later Ntebo passed by holding a
bowl of dirty beetroots water and tripped next to her emptying the whole bowl on her.... Bonolo
slowly stood up rubbing her face....
Ntebo: (covered her mouth) Oups I'm so sorry nana i didn't see you...
Bonolo: (rubbing her white but now reddish top) It's okay...
Ntebo rolled her eyes and walked away, Bonolo sat down rubbing her face, the thought of walking
over to Gape and ask to be taken home seemed too disrespectful and she didn't want to take her
eyes off Junior who was playing with other kids. She continued drying her stained clothes as the girls
at the table whispered and giggled looking at her.................
The Alfa Male
At the Friday's....
Almost an hour passed while Bonolo was sitting at the chairs, Gape walked over tying the arms of
the blue overall he was wearing around his waist...
Gape: (touched her t-shirt and it was almost dry) And you just sat here until you dried? Why couldn't
you tell me so i can take you home? (she kept quiet) I'm talking to you! (she kept quiet) And you're
holding the car keys couldn't you go to the car and change into new clothes since you just came from
shopping? (she kept quiet) Go to the car I'll bring Junior...
He walked over to Junior who was excitedly playing with other kids....
Junior: (crying looking at the others chasing after a balloon) I want to play..
Her: Dodo leave him to spend a night, I'll tuck him with Marvin's kids.
Gape: Okay
Her: Why are you going so early when tonight is All night?
Her: Oh okay, Just leave Junior I'll bath him a little later together with Winky and the others.
Captain bumped his little fist on his and ran to the others screaming excitedly, Gape got in the car
and reversed as Bonolo pulled the seat belt....
Gape: Are you okay?
Bonolo: Yes
Bonolo: (after a long silence ) you're always serious except when you play with Junior.
Bonolo: Yes, you said you will kill me on my first day at work.
Gape: (laughed) But you don't have to be afraid because you know you wouldn't do anything to hurt
Bonolo: Just knowing that you have those kind of thoughts scares me.
Gape: Mhh...interesting, you know this is the first time I have actually heard you say more than one
Molly parked in front of Spar and sighed exhaustedly, Masa stepped out...
Molly: (stepped out) I'm exhausted.... Driving from Gaborone isn't a joke, it's about time you learnt
how to drive..
They walked in Spar as Molly grabbed the trolley and pushed it while Masa dropped things in....
Masa: I will
Molly: Ehe, just making sure. Nna ke lapile kego kgweetsa... (her phone rang) Hello?.... (laughed) Wa
reng laitaka?... A wedding where? Kana i just touched down I'm exhausted the monna, No i wasn't
flying... Hahaha Alright let me go take a bath and rest...maybe I'll pass by... Alright.
Molly: Mocks says we should go to a wedding somewhere, are you up for it?
Molly: Think about it, If you can't go then I'm not going cause i know Mocks just wants a ride once he
is there he will be chasing after girls.
Masa: (smiled) I like those especially when people sing like a choir iyooo.... Once attended another
one and those people sang like crazy.
Molly: But nowadays they don't sing anymore, they just chill listening to music
They bumped in to Tshiamo holding a small All star tin fish, her Carrot was old and had growth in
between the lines and her tummy was huge,She had sweat stains under her dress armpits.... Caught
off guard she made eye contact with Masa who was rocking a 22 inch weave smelling like a
thousand Pula cologne...
Masa: How far along are you? This baby is tiring you now..
Tshiamo: (smiled) I might go any time now, my due date was last week
Tshiamo: Thanks
Masa: (laughed) Bare woman, It's a girl who used to be my classmate, she got an FD so you can
imagine life without the monthly allowance. Don't you remember her from that party where you
went gaga on my ex for trying to drag me out of the toilet
They paid for their stuff and walked out of the shop, People whispered as they walked to the car...
Masa: Every time i walk around with you i get the feeling that people are talking about us, they
probably think I'm your girlfriend
Molly: Wear a t-shirt that says I'm straight then, why do you care because you know you're straight.
Molly: I'm looking for a girlfriend I'm sure things won't be so awkward for you after.
Molly: I have been single for too long, i need to get laid (started the car and reversed) I need
someone to love and be loved back.
Masa: Ijoo...
Molly: What?
Masa: Just....
At Katso's house…..
Daisy was watching TV as Katso applied nail Polish on her toes.... Her phone rang....
Daisy: Hello?
Daisy: Aish.... Mm.. I won't make it, I'm not feeling well.
Same: Huh go siame mma, i don't want to force you to come to my wedding and about the bakery,
I'm taking my things from there because I'm doing all the hard work with the workers while you're
sitting in Mahalapye enjoying the same amount of money with me as if you are working. It's either
you come to work here or we close this bakery, Marv and i plan have a different kind of business we
want to do together anyway...
Same: Then come and work, you can't make me do all the hard work while you're just sitting there
waiting for the profits.
Katso: Babe since I'm on my leave why don't we go there? So that you can take care of things and
congratulate your friend on her special day, Weddings are very important and if you don't go to your
friend's wedding it says a lot about your friendship... Understand why she is angry..
Katso: Men can't tell how far along the pregnancy is unless you tell them and we can always say
you're carrying my twins.
Daisy: I guess you're right but motho wa teng o dingalonyana Katso if he talks to you just ignore him.
Katso: I'll handle him, don't worry about that and I'm sure he won't talk to me.
Daisy: Okay....
Katso: We can drive there tonight so that early morning abo re goroga, I have a friend who can
accommodate us... He is reliable
At Gape's house.....
Later that evening he walked out of his room and paused at the couch where Bonolo was sitting
watching TV...
Gape: I'm going back to the wedding, are you okay alone?
Bonolo: Yes, i will watch movies
Gape: Take out the keys from the door after locking so that i can unlock with mine when i get back.
Bonolo: Erra..
Gape: Yeah but I'm not taking even a single sip tonight, i don't want to harass that little girl.
Tendai: (sighed texting on his phone) I won't have fun until Farai goes home, when do ladies finish
Gape: I think around 9 they should be done with their things, We are the ones who will be cooking
meat the whole night.. Uh Tendai kana this is your first wedding in Botswana?
Thuo: (laughed) And he should watch and learn how we do it, I'm sure some boy has his eyes set on
Gape: (laughed) I can't imagine having a daughter, I'd kill someone just for fantasizing about my
daughter before she turns 21, Jericho 941 would work overtime...
Tendai: Can you pull over at the filling station? I need to buy some breath mints..
They pulled over at Marcus filling station and headed in the shop....
Gape: (laughed placing a can of Ginger drink on the counter) I'm not saying anything...
After paying they walked out and into the car..... (9t)
The Alfa Male
At the Friday's.....
Two braai stands were placed next to one another as men kept turning the meat while chatting
drinking beer....
Masa and Molly walked in and sat by the plastic chairs watching people dancing....
Molly: And it looks like it's just family members and friends, this guy!
Masa: (laughed) We can go... I think the wedding is tomorrow... This looks like a preparation, i guess
the wedding will be big if they're eating this much...
Her: Hi guys, have you seen two girls pass here? they are wearing white t-shirts... I lost them
Masa: No we haven't....
She was the shortest and tiniest girl Molly had ever seen, she could see herself tossing her around
like a toy....
Molly: I'm Molly this is my friend Masa... (wiped the chair next to her) Have a sit while waiting for
your friends.
Shai: (sat down) Thanks... (she rubbed the chill off her arms) I can't believe i let them have the car
keys knowing them.
Molly: (she took off her sweater and put it around her shoulders and she stared back with a smile)
Molly: Wait.. (turned to Shai) I can take you home if you want
Shai: Please do... I have been searching for them close to an hour now.
Molly: (gave Masa the keys) You drive, my back still hurts from driving earlier...
Molly and Shai got in the back seat chatting as Masa started the car and drove off...
A few minutes later they arrived at Shai's home and Molly walked her to the gate as Masa silently
watched through the windscreen... Molly took out her phone and saved her number then they
hugged and parted, Masa jumped on the passenger seat as Molly got in the driver's seat...
Masa: If you want to date people who am i to stop you? Date and have fun....
Molly: And we will still be even when i have a girlfriend, I need to get laid....
Molly: Okay...
Masa: I can't b-
Shai: Mm... I'm waiting for my cousins, just realized they have the house keys as well.
Molly: I can come get you, you'll come back once they come home.
Molly drove off as Masa walked in the yard wiping her tears, She didn't understand herself anymore
or what she wanted....
At the Friday's.....
Farai: Hi.. We were just making jellies, we put them in the fridge.. Now i can go and rest.
Farai: (smiled) You can hang with your friends, I'm tired.... Can you see how those ladies are going
home? We are exhausted, i need to rest for the wedding tomorrow...
Tendai: (baby kissed her) I won't be long... It will be boring without you.....
Farai: Bye
For some reason when he got to the wedding Gape was bored to even try braai or dancing, he
walked over to Marvin who was standing against the car with his former coworker....
Him: I can imagine UB toilets, Sego was a wife from hell, where does she come from?
Marvin: She is from Kanye but we met in Gabs.
Him: So how did you manage to get your children? I thought you said she refused with them.
Marvin: I didn't tell you that my daughter almost got raped? Sego monna is another story... I don't
know what i would have done had she been raped. After that i told her I'm taking her to court if she
doesn't give me the children... I guess she felt guilty for what happened to Winky, she agreed to get
them on holidays.
Him: But i can't believe how Sego changed, she used to love you...
Marvin: She used to love me, i loved her and we were perfect until i didn't have the money to give us
the luxurious lifestyle.
Gape rubbed shoulders with them and leaned against the car as well.....
Marvin: (smiled) What are you talking about akere Bonolo always remains alone when you're gone?
Gape: (smiled) You know what i mean, Captain is not there she might get lonely...
Marvin: Right...
Gape: I won't....
He hurried to the braai stand and put his arms around Tendai and Thuo....
Tendai: Sharp....
He got in the car and drove away, On his way he passed by Markus filling station and brought a
Cudberry chocolate....
At Gape's house...
Watching Telemundo laying on the couch Bonolo smiled as the theme song of My heart beats for
Lola played, she sighed with a huge smile as the clips of her favorite couple passed...when she
turned she saw the car lights and got up sitting properly...
Gape unlocked the door and walked in... She was wearing a pink short night dress and white socks,
he sat on the other couch and threw her the chocolate...
He removed his shoes and leaned back watching TV, She took his shoes to the bedroom and sat
down holding her chocolate....
A kissing scene played and Bonolo looked down unwrapping her chocolate hoping it passes quickly
before her boss thinks she watches overrated things, He watched the scene and turned staring at
her as she shyly put a chip of chocolate in her mouth...
He took a deep breath and tried not to think about it but his brain was screaming for him to do it...
Gape: (grabbed the remote and switched off the TV) Come give me that chocolate...
She slowly took the chocolate off her tongue with her fingers and handed it...
He took another chip and put it in her mouth staring at her with his piercing eyes....
She leaned over giving him the chocolate, he kissed her and pushed it back in her mouth putting his
hands on her waist turning her over to face him as she confusedly kissed back, He French kissed her
sucking back the chip of chocolate and paused staring in her eyes, He baby kissed and rubbed her
lower lip with his thumb.
Gape: (switched on the TV with the remote) Go and watch your program...
She stood up and sat on the other couch with her soaking wet panties then he walked away taking
off his t-shirt and closed his bedroom door for the night.............
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
After tossing and turning the whole night the next morning Gape walked out of the bedroom,
Bonolo's bedroom door was open and Captain's black suit was on the bed... Gape walked over and
silently stared at Bonolo who was facing the other side polishing Captain's shoes...
Gape: Hey...
Bonolo: It's in the wardrobe, I wasn't sure you will take me that's why i prepared his clothes only.
Gape: Who do you think is going to watch him? I'm the best man...
Gape: Get ready we are late (staring at her) but take your time on the mirror, I want you to look your
Bonolo: Okay
He walked away, she glanced at the door to make sure he was gone and sighed... It was as if the kiss
never happened the night before, She even questioned her credibility... "Was it a dream or it
actually happened but he couldn't remember it?" she thought as she continued polishing the little
shoes, but she was sure it happened because it was all she could think about the whole night... She
barely slept.
She took out her new Chinese V neck red bandage pencil dress and put it on the bed then she sat
before the mirror and opened her new makeup bag... She had no idea what most of the things were
for but she was sure about Mascara, eyebrow pencil and the lipstick...
She brushed her natural thick eyebrows with the little brush, grabbed the eyebrow pencil and
carefully lined her lower eye, she applied Mascara to her thick eyelashes and they stretched even
longer... the purple lipstick colored her lips as she traced it on her lips and smiled looking at herself
on the mirror....
She closed the door and took off her clothes... She got her first bra ever since the beginning of time
and put it on... Although she didn't have big boobs the bra brought them together and gave her just
enough cleavage to bring a big cat down to it's paws... She squeezed herself in her dress and pulled
it down... The zip was behind her and she couldn't reach it no matter how many times she jumped,
bended and twisted her arms…
She put on her black pumps and took Captain's clothes to the car then she went to her boss's room,
fixed his bed and laid his brand new tuxedo on the bed...
A few minutes later she knocked on the bathroom door as he was leaning over brushing his teeth, he
turned around staring at her...She had transformed into a gorgeous lady, all her curves and hips
completely defined and her face was simply pretty in an innocent way with less makeup...He
swallowed a bit of toothpaste and coughed turning around spitting on the sink, he rinsed his mouth,
washed the toothbrush and threw it on the glass...
He took a deep breath and turned around again this time with a bold face...
He walked over and slowly zipped her dress staring at her flawless back...
Gape: Done..
A few minutes later they drove out and no one said a word on the way. Instead of joining the bridge
he went straight to Old mall and parked in front of Jet...
She followed him as they walked in Dodos Exclusive shoes where he walked around the ladies shoes
panel and stared at a silver sparkling high heel....
Shop assistant: Can i help you?
She walked away and he stared at Bonolo who shyly faced the other way... The shop assistant
handed Gape the shoes and he squatted in front of Bonolo taking them out of the box...
As much as she wanted to scream the happiness at the top of her lungs she was somehow afraid to
show emotions so she supported herself with the clothes stand as he softly took off her her pump,
dusted her foot and put on her high heels... It was the exact size, he strapped it and stood up staring
in her eyes...
Gape: (handed the shop assistant his ATM card) Make it fast, we're late..
A few minutes later they walked out of the shop approaching the car as he held her pumps with one
hand, She held her breath as she walked in heels for the first time, they weren't too high but the first
time experience wasn't making it easy... A few steps with them she gained a little confidence and
walked comfortably.
He got in the car and started the car as she got in then he reversed, He wasn't saying anything and
she didn't know how to appreciate, she had never started a conversation with him before as she had
only always replied his questions.
She didn't understand him or what everything he did meant but it felt good.... Very very good. She
secretly glanced at him and sighed....
A few minutes later he parked at their home and realized the cars were gone...only elders and a few
children were around, He checked his phone; he had 56 missed calls....
Gape: Shit, Marv is going to castrate me... Get Junior now, They are at the DC office....
Bonolo: Okay.
She quickly got Junior from the aunt and got back in the car, Gape drove to the District
Commissioner as Bonolo dressed Junior at the back.
At the DC office....
He parked and they hurried in, he sighed when he saw another couple walking out, Marvin and
Same approached as he joined the crowd... His uncle angrily stared at him and he silently put his
hands together apologetically as Marvin and Same took their vows...
Same's gorgeous wedding gown tail laid on the floor as she stood next to Marvin whose black tuxedo
revealed how relaxed the creator was in his making... A true male sculpture you can't resist.....
Marvin: (repeated after him) I Marvin Friday take you Same Thipe to be my lawfully wedded wife, to
have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and
in health, until death do us part.
Same: (repeated after him) I Same Thipe take you Marvin Friday to be my lawfully wedded
husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, until death do us part.
Gape turned and stared at the far end of the room as unaware Bonolo applied a little Vaseline on
Captain's lips and smiled kissing him, Captain leaned over whispering in her ear and they both
After taking their vows the couple headed outside as the crowd followed them... Marvin held Same's
hand as her cousin lifted her wedding gown so they could get in the car....
Gape: (smiled) I'd never do that... (pat him on the shoulder) Congratulations, let me go get in the car
I'm with Nolly and Captain
Ladies: (singing) Re se tsere segonyana sa metsi segonyana.. Rare saaa meeeetsi segonyana... Sa
metsi weee
All: pepu.. Same ,pepu...same ,pepu re tsamae, bo rra Friday baa go bata,
Base: (men in another car) bo rra Friday, bo rra Friday -pepu re tsamaeeee
The car horns blew, men whistled and ladies ululated as they long queue left Maun all the way to
Rakops where the real Celebration would start...........
The Alfa Male
At the Thipe's.....
The Thipe's welcomed the cars with ululations and whistles as they filled the yard and parked cars in
the neighbors.....
Gape parked behind Same's house and gave Bonolo the car keys...
Bonolo: Okay...
He stepped out of the car and walked through the crowd to the groom and bride where he walked
behind his brother as more ululations fell on them... The DJ played music and they danced their
practiced steps approaching the tent....
A big white tent had filled the yard and the setting was splendid with a red and white theme.....
After dancing the bride and groom took their seats together with the best man and best lady...
Same: (smiled) Babe the rra we are a lot, soon it will be a town
Gape: (to Same's sister) Wame why are you always quiet?
Wame: (smiled) Ke taa reng... I'm just enjoying Same's day... (laughed) Can't believe she actually
married the guy she found by the side of the road, who knew it was that easy?
She passed through the crowd and walked to the car..... Meanwhile Daisy and Katso uncomfortably
walked over, She recognized Junior's head as Bonolo put him in the car...
Katso: In a nice manner right? Remember you are not here to cause trouble.
Daisy: Yes..
She walked over to the car and smiled excitedly seeing her boy so grown, handsome in a black and
white tuxedo and a sharp haircut....
Bonolo and Junior confusedly stared at her as she smiled standing close to them...
Bonolo: Please don't touch him, I'm not sure you're his mother.
Daisy: Why would I lie to you? (tried to get Junior and he cried sitting back in the car) Come on baby
it's me, don't you recognize me...
Bonolo: Please move back... I can't let you touch him and he is crying.
Bonolo: Please, If you're really his mother then you understand Mr Friday, I'll be in trouble if he finds
out i let a stranger take his son.
Daisy: But dear I'm telling you the truth he is my son, can't you look at me and look at him
Bonolo: He looks like his father i don't see you in him, I'm sorry
Katso: Daisy she has a point, if she doesn't know you it's only reasonable that she refuses to give you
the baby especially because he is crying.
Bonolo: It's okay, Gape is over there, you can talk to him and if he allows me i can convince Junior to
come to you.
Bonolo: (closed the doors and locked the car) We have to go... Bye
Gape: No, I'm not but I love her and my biggest fear is hurting her or her giving up on me if i make a
mistake like Daisy did to me.
Marvin: Daisy acted out of character, That wasn't the Daisy i knew but i guess she was fed up and I
believe you learnt a lesson, I really didn't believe you'd spend 3 months without getting it but you
did so i believe if you do things right this time , it might work out.. Just don't be too dominant on her.
Gape: Okay...
Marvin: But your biggest problem is your temper, if you can control that then you're good.
Gape: (laughed) No now you're being too much, since when do i have a short temper? Or we are
talking about my childhood now?
Marvin: Okay you have a point... I'll let that one slide.
Daisy and Katso walked over to the table and shook hands with the bride and groom, Everyone on
the table stared at her tummy and Katso...
Gape cracked his knuckles under the table staring at Daisy and Katso, Marvin put his arm around his
little brother and leaned over.....
Marvin: (whispered) Don't even think about, These are my in laws, We are in Rakops.
Gape quietly stepped down glaring at Katso who had just realized what he had gotten himself in to,
Gape's stare spoke louder than words and he bumped on him tossing him back and passed as he
caught his balance...
Daisy: Okay...
Daisy waited a few feet away as Gape got the keys from Bonolo and walked over......
Gape: Daisy?
She got in the car and he started the car then Daisy tried opening the door.....
Gape: (Locked the doors) Touch the door again and see what happens, wa ntwaela ne, nxla....
She sat back as he drove drove out of the yard and into an unfamiliar small road.....
Daisy: (panicking) Can you drive back? Where are you going?
Gape: (bit his lower lip looking at the road) Who is that guy?
Daisy: He is my boyfriend
Gape: How far is this pregnancy?
Daisy: (covered both her cheeks) Gape can you please drive me back?
Gape: It's either you cheated on me which explains all the fake periods and excuses or it's mine and
you're letting another man leave his filth in you while you are carrying my child which is very
disrespectful... (he parked under the tree, rolled up the windows locking the doors and stared at her
taking off his tie) Which is it?
Gape: (took off his gold watch and placed it on the dashboard staring at her) You think?....I told you,
a slap doesn't affect the baby.... (took off his tux and threw it in the back seat) So.... Which is it?
(annoyed) Ntsha diata mo mathong o toga o ntena oirang...
Gape: If i want i can grab your hands and slap the shit out of you, ntsha diata mo mathong...(calmy
staring at her) Which is it? You're wasting my time, my brother is getting married out there.... I'm not
gonna ask you again...
His joints got weak as he stared at her resisting the strong urge to smash her face with a slap, His
pounded when he thought of all the sex starvation and fake periods...
Daisy: (crying blocking her cheeks) I'm sorry.…i didn't want to hurt you.
Gape: (shook his head in disbelief) Women are all the same waitse... You should have been my
mother or maybe you're her daughter, you're just like her. (angrily) I gave you everything and you
still cheated on me?
Daisy: (faced him with reddish eyes) And i gave you everything but you still cheated, i gave you my
virginity, heart, body and soul but you still had time for Nicole, Marilyn, Mavis and all the other
women you met on your flights, i didn't say anything about your cheating and now you want to beat
Daisy: Mine was just sex to, I know everything you did behind my back and what pained more was
the innocent good boyfriend face you pulled every time you walked in through the door.
Gape: (shook his head in disbelief) I can't believe you cheated on me... Is that the father? The little
short guy?
Daisy: Yes
Gape: (started the car laughing in disbelief) Nxeh Daisy the wa ntwaela wena le mfananyana wa
gago! Why did you come with your boyfriend to my brother's wedding? to show off?
He parked behind the house and put on his tie as Daisy watched him...
Gape: You know where i stay if you want to visit him and you must make an appointment too, Today
you're not seeing him because you came to the wedding not to see him, you didn't even bother to
call me and tell me you'd want to see him, what if i had left him with my aunt?
Daisy: Kante ne rra o ntshokodisetsang ka ngwana ke mo tshotse, i was pushing alone in the delivery
Gape: (angrily) Oska bua makgakga o toga o lela... Get out of my car
She stepped out of the car and slammed the door, Gape took a deep breath and swallowed staring
at his hands shaking.…He tightly held the steering wheel and took one last breath then he grabbed
his tux and stepped out....
At the tent....
Katso: And?
Katso: When you said dingalonyana i didn't think you meant this, I don't even want to get involved. I
want to go back
Katso: You'll remain behind and sort it out, I was just trying to help you but it seems you and your
baby daddy have unfinished business, i don't want to get caught in between. I got the impression
that he didn't want the baby
Daisy: I never said that, I said i can't lose my baby, if he knows it's his, he will take it, I'm not a baby
making machine where he makes babies and then take them like I'm a surrogate mother.
Katso: Daisy this is just too complicated for me, you never mentioned all these before.
They stood and walked out of the crowded tent... Meanwhile Gape took a seat fixing his tie....
The camera man walked over and took pictures of them while Gape was facing the other way with a
serious face............
At Masa's house...
Sitting on the bed holding her phone Masa called Molly for the 17th time and she finally answered...
Molly: I was busy, Shai came over and i forgot my phone downstairs, sorry. What's up?
Molly: I'm taking Shai for a boat cruise in the afternoon I think you should come... (smiled) You might
find yourself a boyfriend at Backpackers you know...
Masa: I want to see you alone, Can't you tell her to go so that we can talk? I'm coming over....
Molly: Alright
Masa: Bye
She hung up, took a long bath and headed to her house. She dialed her number as she approached
and the gate opened...
Molly stepped out in her blue jeans, long sleeve blue t-shirt and white sneakers... She turned her cap
backwards as Masa approached and they hugged tightly...
Molly: Yeah, I'm alone... Let's seat over there reje sxane
Molly: (laughed) The sun... I don't even know what language that is
She laid on the hammock and she laid next to her, Molly brought Masa's face closer and laid it on
her arm as she swung the hammock...
Masa: No i don't mean it like that, i mean i really really love you... I want to try this-whatever it is...
But i don't want people to know.
Molly: (turned staring at her and held her chin baby kissing her) I love you too and I understand, it's
hard being bi in this country.
Molly: I'll end whatever that was about to start with her... (stood holding her hand) Let's get inside...
I was talking to some company that sells graduation gowns that shit is expensive
Masa: I wish i was you. I can't wait to graduate and start working.…having my own office... sham...
At the Friday's.......
Later that afternoon a long queue of married women from the Thipe family walked slowly carrying
her blankets, Same walked slowly sniffing as she was traditionally delivered to her new family....
The ladies formed a circle as they sat down, Marvin's aunt sat Same next to her mother in law
Thipe family woman: We have been sent by Mogomotsi Thipe to bring his daughter and he says his
daughter is young and should be taught how do home chores. Her grandmother says her son in law
shouldn't forget her... Her uncle says his niece shouldn't be beaten, if there are issues he should be
informed so that a solution can be reached and Her aunt says if you love fades away and you don't
want her sister's daughter anymore please kindly return her back home to the Thipe's without any
Friday family member: Tell Mr Mogomotsi Thipe that we are thankful for the bride but only God
knows about marriages.
Her family members stood and walked out as she sniffed silently crying with her head down…She
was now surrounded by new people she didn't know who would be her new family..
The Friday married men took Marvin to another room where they formed a circle around him to give
him a word/molao...
Uncle: Marvin?
Marvin: Rra?
Uncle: Now you're a married man mole gaga Sego gago saena ko sephiring re seyo ne ese nyalo.
Mosadi oa thokomelwa motogolo, A good husband brings money home, money is everything. Don't
let anybody fool you, money is part of happiness so don't starve your wife and children only to say
money is not everything. Build a beautiful house for your family, have a family car and let your wife
cook beautiful food... If you buy enough food a woman will surprise you with hotel standard food.
Young uncle: My boy marriage is sex, A woman deserves good sex... Take your time and touch her...
Bring her to that level and then whip her, You're a Friday surely you are a real man down there, If
she is quiet you're doing it wrong she should be moaning, screaming or crying tears of joy...make her
cum my boy don't rush and Mosadi wa jewa motogolo, Gao tsoga phakela ja, hao robala ja, haare wa
tshega somela, haare oa omana moje, haa bata gogo thokela maitseo moje gape o moje o tsentse
marapo mo dinameng ska tshamekela mo kukung, o eje abo ego tetene, wa nkutwa monna?
Marvin: Erra
Another uncle: Use that whip to tame her.... At this age my boy i still hammer the cookie until the
old lady start crying begging me to shoot. Whip your wife and she will start glowing, she will gain
weight and look fresh... Sperm gives a wife her glow... Sexually starved wives are lazy, bitter and
they get early wrinkles... Whip your wife until she calls your name, if she is quiet you're playing with
that pussy... EAT HER!
Another man: Spoil your wife like she is a girlfriend, let her be your side chick and everything of that
sort, refrain from Missionary position and the bed, those are the quickest ways to bore a young wife,
come up behind her f*ck her, Take her on a drive and eat that pussy in the car, Wait for her to bend
over brushing her teeth and kiss her neck then thank her for being your wife.... Wake up early in the
morning and kiss her lips and thank her for giving you beautiful kids. If she is crying hold her and
apologize to her, a real husband admits his mistakes and corrects them.
Senior uncle: if you have a problem with your wife don't beat her, calm down and talk to her if the
problem continues talk to the Thipe's those are your parents now because she will be coming to me
if you wrong her and believe me, i won't support you just because you are my little brother's son, i
will hit you if i have to, i know you're not Gape but i know some of you boys abuse wives, not in the
Friday family.
Another uncle: Sometimes it happens that you steal and i don't condone it but if it happens, hear me
right i don't condone it but if it happens your wife must never suspect anything because anything
you do to a wife she can do it twice as good and you'll commit suicide when you find out. Don't play
with a woman's heart.
Uncle: Re heditse gogo laa, ha ole monna o utule.... We are now taking you to your new wife, she is
bowing down until you take the cloth off her face and give her what's hers. Tonight you'll make love
to her for the first time as your wife, make it memorable my boy, show her who is the husband.
The group of men entered lelwapana with Marvin, his uncle took him to his new wife who was
sitting on the traditional mat (moseme) with her head down...
Marvin squatted taking Same's hand off her face and leaned over kissing her...... The whole yard
vibrated with ululations and whistles....
Meanwhile Marvin's Aunt prepared their room and made their bed with brand new blankets and
sheets then she joined the family outside.
A few minutes later the aunt took Same to their room and left....Marvin walked in and closed the
door staring at her...
He slowly walked over and took off her headwrap then he removed the safety pin of her white tšale
and took it off, he leaned over and kissed her laying on the bed as she unbuttoned his shirt. Their
new wedding rings glittered as they caressed one another.
Marvin paused and locked the door then he walked back with a boner, lifted Same off the bed and
kissed her laying her on the carpet as he rubbed his weapon on her pubic area and #removed............
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
On the same evening Bonolo sat on the couch with Junior and fed him soft porridge... He playfully
jumped on the couch dodging the spoon....
Junior: (singing along jumping) Paw patrol.. Paw patrol.. Ooo the double.. Dooo
His hand knocked off the bowl and spilled the soft porridge on the couch, Bonolo picked it up and
cleaned the couch then she switched off the TV...
Bonolo: Eat first then I'll switch on the TV... (fed him) one more spoon... (he ate) Good boy! Wow...
You're such a good boy.... (he sat down and ate smiling as he got complimented) Wow... Good boy...
Daddy is going to fly with this guy because he is eating... (he ate even more) Wow this boy is so cute
like daddy... (after a few spoons he finished) Finito!! High five...
She went to the kitchen and did the dishes... Meanwhile Gape parked outside and sat in the car
thinking about Daisy's words... He sighed tearfully and slammed the door walking out...
Gape: Hey
Gape: (put him down) Go watch TV, I'm not feeling well...
He walked to the bedroom and closed the door, A fee minutes after Daisy knocked and entered with
his food..
Bonolo: Your food is here
Gape: I don't want to eat, please switch off the lights on your way out.
Bonolo switched off the lights and walked out, his phone rang...
Gape: Hello?
Gape: I forgot to let you know that i won't make it to the Reception, I'm not feeling well.
Gape: I don't know- Daisy was cheating on me.. For a moment I was excited thinking the baby was
mine but-(swallowed tearfully) I don't think i can ever trust a woman, not after this.
Marvin: I had a feeling when i saw that guy but don't let it stress you, you should be here having fun.
Come to Maun Lodge
Gape: I don't want to drink or be around people, I just want to lay down.…
In Katso's car.....
Daisy: How can you leave when i haven't seen the bakery? I thought you'd be supportive
Katso: I am supportive but i don't want to make a love triangle, it never ends well. Try to understand
that... And a new relationship shouldn't have this... Whatever this is…we should be having fun...
Daisy: (got out and slammed the door) You're a coward, you turned me off. Don't ever call me.
Katso: Not every man is violent, at least now i know why you dated that kind of a man. If you
thought you found that in me you were wrong, i use my brain to think
Katso: Of course you wouldn't feel anything, even if a truck parked inside you you wouldn't feel
anything and those pussy farts not so sexy.
Same lifted her evening dress and walked out of the room.....
Same: Hello?
Same: we borrowed our house to one of Marvin's family members who are from the cattle post.
Daisy: Ao batho where am i going to sleep now? Kana I'm cold, i forgot to get my bag from Katso.
Same: Can i get back to the reception? It's kind of rude for me to be chatting while people came here
to support us.
Daisy: I'm sorry for everything but things are not like they seem, you wouldn't understand.
At Gape's house....
She walked out and sat on the couch watching TV, Gape went to the kitchen for water and glanced
at Bonolo's thighs as he passed to the toilet where he peed in the sink and washed his
Airwick....Staring at his Airwick, he couldn't resist the temptation so he continued stroking himself
then he paused and opened the door...
Gape: Bonolo??
Bonolo: Rra...
He stood behind the door as she walked in and closed the door...
Gape: Close your eyes and put your hands on your face...
Bonolo confusedly closed her eyes and covered her face with both hands, Gape lifted her skirt and
rolled it up then he hooked his thumb on her panties and lowered them down exposing her shaved
smooth punani.... He stroked himself for a few minutes pointing in her panties, his muscles
tightened as he bit his lower lip frowning and piled his semen in her panties...
With her eyes closed Bonolo's bean tickled as she felt his thick liquid wet her panties, he rubbed his
mushroom head on her pubic area and released the waistband of her panties whipping her
He pulled the panty waistband and whipped her with it again, she flinched back with her hands still
on her hands...
Gape: Open your mouth... (she opened her mouth and he put the pill in her mouth) You can take
your hands off your face.. (she took off her hands and shyly avoided his eyes) Drink water o hetise
pilisi.. (checked his time) After six hours you have to take another.
He closed the door, she took off her panties staring at his cum then she filled the tub with water and
stepped in...
Meanwhile relieved Gape sat on the couch and heaved a huge sigh changing the channels...There
was a knock at the door, he opened and stared at Daisy.....
Daisy: Hi..
Daisy: Do what?
Gape: (glaring at her) I have been fantasizing about killing you the whole day and thought maybe
Junior will need you someday but don't tempt me....i will shoot you and bury you in my father's
abandoned kraal, No one will find you there i know that for sure, trust me i can do it and still have a
very good alibi, don't tempt me or you'll go missing.
He slammed the door on her face and locked it then he went to bed.........
The Alfa Male
In Gape's bedroom...
Bonolo knocked and entered, Gape was asleep laying on his back with his arm on his face...his chest
was huge and the six pack was visible, his bellybutton was deep and he didn't have hair above the
waistband of his boxer briefs, He had a blue towel on top of his Airwick of which had been by then
the biggest mystery to her...
Gape took his arm off his face and rose up surprised to see her standing over his head.
Gape: (quickly made sure the Airwick was covered) WTF? (annoyed) What is it? I'm trying to sleep...
Gape: Who?
He reached for his pants and waited for her to walk out then he jumped in his sweatpants and
walked to the door...
Gape: What do you want? I'm trying to rest, I have four flights tomorrow.
Gape: (looking at the goosebumps on her arms) Come in... (she sat on the couch) Let's go to bed.
She followed him to the bedroom and sat down as he stood by the door staring at her, She took off
her shoes and got in bed.
Gape: What did you eat?
Gape: I'll throw you out if you give me that fucking attitude
Bonolo: Okay
She walked out, Gape went to Bonolo's room and carried Junior to their room, He leaned over and
handed him over, Daisy's sighed tearfully looking at his cute clean face...
He stared at the two of them and rubbed his face resting his chin on his blows.. Junior opened his
eyes and quietly stared at Daisy.....
Gape: It's mommy.... Say hello mom.... Hug mommy.... Look (he kissed Daisy on the cheek) See it's
Bonolo walked in on the happy family sitting on the bed, She handed Daisy the food and walked
Bonolo: Rra..
Bonolo got in her room and closed the door...Meanwhile in the bedroom Junior sat quietly on
Daisy's lap...
Gape: (staring at her) I really loved you and as much as I was an ass, I respected your presence in my
life. I know I have the potential to be a family man... I wouldn't get it right the first time because I
never saw that growing up but i was trying, it's unfortunate it wasn't good enough.
Gape: (staring at her) Carrying another man's child? I don't think so, You have no idea how many
times i actually plotted your mur-(shook his head) Never mind...
Gape: No, I'm sorry I did all these. Anyway after talking to you earlier i told my uncle i want to get
Junior officially.. ... He said your family will charge a maximum of 8k go tsala ngwana
Daisy: Why-
Gape: I want him to use my last name, We are obviously never gonna get married but I'm not
abandoning Junior.
Gape: My young uncle is supposed to go to Mahalapye next week to see your family about it.
Gape: No, You're not staying with my son, at least you have more babies coming up i only have one.
Don't be selfish...
Gape: Why should you? You think just because you're a woman you deserve to have him? I'm not
parting with Junior, this is his home. You decided to leave us instead of fighting for this family.
(noticed Junior was getting scared as they argued and kept quiet)
Gape: I don't have a problem with him visiting you in Mahalapye, i told you so you just never cared
because you were busy nursing your other babies with your little boyfriend.
Daisy: Can I go with him tomorrow and return him the following week?
Gape: (took off his t-shirt and got in bed) I'm sleeping,please don't wake me, I'm working tomorrow.
Daisy: Goodnight...
She laid Junior between them and ate, after eating she headed to the kitchen and put the bowl on
the counter, On her way back she saw Bonolo sitting on the couch watching TV eating ice cream...
Daisy: Why do you wear such short pants when you are working for a man? Can't you cover up.
Daisy: Kindly switch off the TV and go to bed, It's late, we are trying to sleep.
Bonolo quietly switched off the TV and walked to her room, Daisy lifted her nose staring at her butt
vibrating in her shorts, They exchanged stares as they closed the bedroom doors.
Daisy took off her clothes and slept next to Junior, she stared at Gape's head from behind as he slept
then she touched the waves of his hair going down and touched Junior's head as well.... Did she give
up too early? Why did it all seem stupid that she left in the first place... She didn't even remember
why she left in the first place... Oh Nicole, the night stand... She closed her eyes and put her mind to
rest as she fell asleep on the same bed with the father of her children, it felt like a family reunion.
At Molly's house....
Molly tossed and turned until she finally decided to call her again...
Masa: (smiled) I'm sleeping, it's a few minutes to midnight, what's going on?
Masa: (laughed) I am an adult but i can't leave the house on the middle of the night, I can't tell my
parents to come lock the door or lock them inside, it will be disrespectful.
Masa: (laughed) Our neighborhood watch crew is savage, if sombody sees a suspicious person they
whistle for others, you can't be snooping around here.
At Marvin's room....
Marvin and Same were laying on the bed staring at the ceiling... They still couldn't believe they were
married... Marvin held Same's ring finger and smiled....
Marvin: My boss says i should never hurt you.. (laughed) He says if i wrong you i shouldn't even take
two breaths before i can apologize...
Same: (smiled raising her hand admiring her ring) He is right... I'm Mrs Marvin Friday you know....
Marvin: (laughed) So were you shy when i had to kiss you in front of everyone?
Same: (laughed) My heart was pounding, All your uncles were staring, they are perverts. What do
they say to men ko kgoteng anyway? What did they say to you?
Marvin: I'm not supposed to tell anyone, Except when I'm giving a word to another young newly
married man but of course when you're new to marriage you don't give marital advice, you just
listen to the Legends until after a few years. What about you, What did your parents say?
Marvin: So you wanted to trick me, you tricky girl.... (kissed her neck and whispered in her ear)
Thank you for being my wife
Same: Stop it (staring at her ring) you'll make me cry...say my wife again
Marvin: My Wife....
Same: The rra wena imagine.... Hello my name is Same Friday...I'm Mrs Same Friday
Marvin: Same Friday? are you my brother's wife? My uncle's wife?
At Gape's house.....
The next morning Bonolo smiled staring at Junior sleeping next to her, She got up and prepared
Gape's tub as usual, poured a few drops of foam bath and threw in his washing rag.
Gape: (half asleep) He usually goes to Nolly's bed on the middle of the night.
Daisy passed to the kitchen to make breakfast for Gape and found a warm plate of two slices of
bacon, 2 Russians and two eggs with warm Koo beans, sliced cucumbers and lettuce...
Bonolo walked in and popped the toasted slices of bread, placed them in the plate and cracked two
eggs in the glass...
Bonolo: Gape has a certain way he prefers his breakfast and it depends on his flights-
Bonolo ignored her and added bananas to the raw eggs, she beat the ingredients with a mixer until
smooth then she headed to the bedroom where Gape was stretching his back getting off bed, she
handed him the glass and took his uniform from the wardrobe...
Gape: Morning
Daisy: Morning
Gape: That wasn't the agreement last night, I can't have you here with another's baby. It was
awkward enough for me last night.
Daisy: It's yours, count backwards when last did you cum inside me?
Daisy: I didn't want to lose my second baby, i was going to tell you I'm pregnant then i realized you
were cheating and kept quiet.
Daisy: It's the truth and you're crazy if you actually think i can cheat.
Gape: Daisy?
Gape: I don't know what to believe anymore, why are you doing this? Are you using me?
Daisy: It's funny you used that same word i once used. No I'm not using you..
Gape: Then why are you playing games with me? One minute it's another man's another it's mine?
Which is which?
Daisy: It's yours, think about it... You're going to be late, go and bath..
He gave her the glass and went to the bathroom, Daisy finished cooking and approached Bonolo at
the ironing board.
Daisy: You can go back to bed.. I'll iron it and you can't iron his shirt with the Drone pilot's wings,
you're supposed to take them out..
Bonolo: (she took the wings off) I was going to take them off.
Daisy: (noticed the shirt was burning and lifted the iron) You just burned the shirt
The iron fell on Daisy's foot, she pushed Bonolo down, Bonolo got up and pushed her on the couch
and they both fell down scratching and pinching one another's faces...
Gape walked in and they let go of one another, Bonolo tearfully got off the hot iron with a print on
her thigh...................... (9t)
The Alfa Male
Gape walked over and unplugged the iron staring at Bonolo's thigh...
Gape: (snapped) I wasn't talking to you, you're a visitor, remember? Do you honestly believe I'd let
you use me after getting abandoned by your boyfriend?
Daisy: It's your baby and I'm not discussing this in front of her.
Bonolo: She took the iron from me and then she continued talking not moving the iron around, the
shirt got burned and she wanted to blame me, she screamed at me to go to bed and shook the
ironing board, the iron fell on her foot, she pushed me for that and i pushed her back, she grabbed
my hair pinching me and pinning me on the iron, I don't know if she burned me intentionally.
Gape: (took a deep breath) Daisy I don't believe you're carrying my child, when you were carrying
Junior you didn't have a reason not to move on because I didn't even ask you out but you never did
this, This time you have a boyfriend and everyone saw that, I'd be a fool to bring you back to my
house with another man's shit. I gave you a place to stay because you were cold, the girl you just
burned has been taking care of your son day and night. She takes care of this house and me, As
young as she is i respect her for that. She respects me more than any other woman i have ever met
and if you ever disrespect her like that you'll never set foot in this house again.
Daisy: (crying) It's yours, I'm telling you the truth, i met that guy the day i arrived in Mahalapye and
he agreed to be a stepfather when we got here he changed his mind and went back.
Gape: It could be his kids and because he doesn't want to take responsibility you want to pin his
pregnancy on me? It's enough that i gave you a place to sleep, you were supposed to leave in the
morning... That was the agreement, Get ready so that I can drop you at the bus rank oye Mahalapye,
I'm not taking care of another man's child, if it's mine prove it because I don't believe you .
Gape: (walked away) Hake ise kego betse kana wena Daisy that's why o ntalela, the day i discipline
you you'll wonder if I ever loved you.
Daisy: You must have been a sad little boy growing up...
He walked back and choked her staring at her as she lost her breath, Daisy grabbed his arm gagging
then he released her neck, she caught her breath coughing....
Gape: Next time I won't stop until you stop breathing...don't ever talk to me like that.
He went to the bedroom, got another shirt and stood by the ironing board ironing his shirt then he
put it on staring at Daisy.
Gape: (threw over Junior's ATM card) Ngwanake aska boa a bopame and if anything happens to him
he will never go there again.
She angrily watched him walking away, Junior walked in the living room and got on Daisy's lap, She
smiled emotionally and lifted him walking to the bedroom...
Tucking in his shirt Gape walked to Bonolo's room, She was sitting on the bed silently crying... He
closed the door staring at her burned thigh...
He sat on the bed and wiped her tears then he baby kissed her as she reluctantly moved back...
Daisy's heart sunk when she saw the burn on her thigh....
Daisy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burn you.
Gape: I don't even know why you were out there disturbing her, Trust me If you weren't pregnant
we wouldn't be talking like this because wa ntwaela, Bonolo is way younger than you, you're
supposed to be the adult... You're unthankful. (angrily) Are you happy with the way she looks?
Daisy: (rubbing Bonolo's shoulder) I'm sorry nana i didn't mean to burn you, I'm sorry.
Gape: O dirile dilodisele, I took this girl from her family and her father asked me take care of her,
how do you think they will feel seeing her like this?
Daisy put Junior down and sat next to Bonolo staring at her...
Daisy: I'm sorry for what happened, i didn't mean to burn you and i can never burn you intentionally.
I can never scar another woman, that's not the person i am. I know we didn't meet under the right
circumstances but I'm not an evil person and I'm thankful that you love my son like he is yours. I'm
Daisy: Can we hug? (They hugged for a while then Daisy stood up) Where is Junior's bag? I want to
pack his clothes.
Bonolo: (walked over) This side, don't leave his Transformer truck, he likes it
Daisy: Thanks
At the Ben's.....
Boemo: (smiled) Hell no, you haven't even said hello, when last did you see me? How many months?
Shosho: Oh come on, we been talking over the phone, so? Are you going to borrow me the car?
Boemo: Maybe when i come from the hospital.. I want to see my daughter.
Shosho: That girl delivered?
Auntie: I didn't think you could do that to your own blood, How do you sleep at night? Don't you
even want to see how they look as grown men? They don't need money from you if that's what you
think, We managed to raise them, Dodo was difficult and made it hard for relatives to take them in
but they are successful... Just to pass by the wedding go bona ka matho hela jaana go padile-
Boemo: Dumelang
Her: (stood) Your Aunt was just leaving, I'm taking her halfway...
Boemo stared at them as they walked out and thoughtfully went to his room, opened an old photo
album and picked a photo of him holding a darker baby when he was about 5 years old... He waited
for his mother to get back...
Her: He was your nanny's baby, where did you get that picture?
Her: She is talking about relative issues, you know how extended families are... It's just nonsense
Boemo: (staring at her) I'm a grown man, you can't fool me... It seems you had sons somewhere
before you came here or something close to that,There was a time you didn't stay with my Dad and
i, where were you staying?
Her: I'm not discussing my past with you... (She walked away) You have been gone for months and
now you arrive without saying hello-
Boemo: (followed her) Mother don't force me to disrespect you, i heard and totally understood what
Auntie said, Where are your sons?
Boemo: (grabbed her arm tightly) I know what i heard! Tell me..... I deserve to know if i have
brothers out there, i want to find them.... I grew up wanting nothing but to have a brother....
Her: (slapped him) Don't you ever hold me like that, I'm not one of your little girlfriends, do you
understand me?
Boemo: (He put the picture in front of her with teary eyes) He is my little brother isn't it? How old is
the other one? and how did you do all these, i don't get it...
Her: Get out of my yard Boemo, you're a grown man who harasses me right? Get out.... O monna
akere? o poo gaona botho...... Ntswela ka jarata gakena ngwana yoo dirang jaaka wena. Leave my
yard you'll come back when you want to respect me.
Boemo: I will find them and God help you, if you're one of those women who abandon children I'm
done with you, These guys could be sleeping with their sisters without knowing.
He walked out as his father parked next to his car, He walked over and leaned in the car showing him
the picture...
Boemo: (smiled in disbelief) Wow... You too? You and my mother are a perfect match, I'm a grown
man do you seriously believe that i buy this story? I mean really, let's get serious..
Boemo: Where was she staying when you and me stayed together and she came on weekends?
Him: (opened the door and stepped out) Go and ask your mother those questions, leave me out of
that nonsense.
Boemo: Fine, Where is this little boy? Where can i find him?
He walked in the house and Boemo drove out of the yard pressing his phone...
Tshiamo: Hello ?
Boemo: Hey... I'm coming to the hospital, is there anything you need?
Tshiamo: Nothing
Boemo: Babe I'm sorry... I have been a little busy at work. Please lets not let the past spoil our
moment. Ke tise eng babe?
Boemo: I'll buy a few things and give you money for the rest.
Gape's car rolled over as Bonolo sat in the front seat, He parked the car and got out... Daisy followed
him holding Junior, Bonolo silently waved at Junior as he smiled at her.
Gape carried their bags to the bus and chose a seat next to the Emergency exit window...
Gape: Come seat here... Pay for two seat so that you don't get disturbed.
Daisy: Okay....
Gape: ( tickled him a bit as he giggled) I'm going to miss you Captain.... Bye okay
Captain: Okay...
Daisy: Okay
He walked away and Junior started crying, Daisy held him tight as he cried kicking annoying everyone
in the bus... Gape stopped at the door and walked back lifting him.
Gape: (wiped his tears) I'm going to get our drinks then I'm coming back, OK? And I'm going to call
Nolly so that we can all go. Do you want Nolly?
Captain: okay...
He put him down and walked out as Captain watched him through the window, His phone rang....
Gape: Hello?
He hung up and quickly drove out of the bus rank....a few minutes later he parked at Maun clinic...
Gape: (gave her P50) Take a taxi home when you are done, I'll see you when i knock off. I want to
show you something tonight.
Bonolo: Okay
He gently pulled her chin over and French kissed her... He put his hand under her t-shirt and gently
squeezed her nipple as he cupped her little breasts then he leaned over and kissed her again...
A river flowed in her undies as he turned his head kissing her softly and kissed her neck as his
mustache brushed against her sensitive neck then he leaned back and started the car…
Bonolo: Okay..
She got out and watched him driving off then she turned to the clinic toilets, rolled out a tissue in
her bag and wiped her slimy cum, pulled up her Jockey panties and stepped out of the toilet....………..
The Alfa Male
At Maun clinic...
Bonolo stepped out of the gate putting her medication and medical card in her bag walking by the
side of the road....
On the same road Boemo caught a glimpse of the most beautiful legs he had ever seen, He slowed
down and drove slowly staring at her body wondering if the face was as beautiful....he rubbernecked
at her face, It was innocent with big eyes sexy eyes and thick eyebrows. He pulled over and waited
for her as she walked over with headsets in her ears...
Bonolo: No
Bonolo: No
Boemo: Get in or I'll park the car and walk with you
Bonolo put on her headset and crossed the road heading to Choppies, Boemo swung the steering
wheel and passed her parking behind Choppies, Bonolo turned and walked back, He grabbed his
phone and wallet then he locked the car and paced after her....
Boemo: So? What's your name?
She waved for the taxi and got in, he got in the other door and sat next to her staring at her face....
He saved his number in her phone, paged his phone and saved her number then he gave her the
Boemo: Re mmogo
A few minutes later the taxi stopped, Bonolo paid getting out, Boemo paid and followed her...
Boemo: I'm not getting back until you look at me and talk to me.
Bonolo: Stop following me, You will get me in trouble, my boss doesn't allow visitors
Boemo: (opened the gate and walked in) I didn't get your name...
Bonolo: (walked back) Please get back, my boss will be angry with me..
Boemo: Is he a pilot?
Bonolo: Yes please leave
Bonolo: No
Boemo: I guess he wants you too which explains why he doesn't want you getting attention from any
male... Do you want him? How old are you anyway i don't want to go to jail for defilement.
Boemo: Wa fosa, Your hips tell me you're 17 or 18,I know a woman's body more than you can
imagine, it's kinda like a hobby... I bet you're a virgin too because you haven't looked in my eyes
since we met, you don't swing your hips like most ladies when they walk by the road to get driver's
attention, your clothes don't match and you don't have makeup, Your phone ke sedilame which
could possibly mean you know nothing about Facebook or you're not a Facebook addict which brings
me to this; you're from the rural areas which explains why you'd be a virgin at 18 and your heart was
pounding when I ran up to you, o tshogile or maybe you had sex ko mantwaneng which doesn't
count as sex because usually the hymen doesn't break so I'm 100% you're a virgin because I also
have that sixth sense for virgins.....
Boemo: Let's make a bet I'm going to break your virginity and you're going to love it, we are going to
fall in love and date for a year or two... With this pretty face and respect i get from your voice i
wouldn't be surprised if I made you Mrs Boemo Ben in that 2 years, just for
thought…(smiled) A guy can day dream hey...
Bonolo: (looking around) The neighbors are going to tell my boss that i was standing with a man at
the gate.
Boemo: (put his arms on the gate staring at her) Go on a date with me, 6pm today at Sue's café, No
touching, I just want to get to know you.
Boemo: Okay, can i buy you a milkshake then we chat in the car? how's that?
Boemo: Okay, clearly you're new to these things so I'll postpone this because I'm not going to give
up on you... I'll call you tonight...okay?
Bonolo: Go
Boemo: (grabbed her arm and brought her closer) Look at my face, you haven't looked at me since
we met.
She stared in his eyes and he smiled, He had dark gums and his lips were smooth like somebody she
knew... It was weird
Boemo: (he let go of her) Good, At least tomorrow you'll recognize me and maybe say hi...
At Mahalapye......
Daisy and Junior stepped out of the toilet as her aunt took out their bags, the taxi drove away and
they walked inside.
She put Junior next to her, the grandmother put him on her lap...
Junior: Hello
Her: Do you blame him? Aren't you the one who hit the pregnancy from him and even met other
man? You need to grow up and think like a woman, you have two children that means when you
think you must consider them first.
Auntie: I'm just happy he didn't beat her, I don't trust that man.
Auntie: (picked him up) Let me take him to the toilet, Daisy rest your back... You must be exhausted.
Daisy: (laying down rubbing her tummy) Aish mma I'm exhausted
The Auntie took Junior to the pit latrine toilet and took off his pants...
Junior: No...
Auntie: So you are one of those that poop behind the toilet...
She took him outside, made him squat on the ground and waited for him to poop but Junior just
stared at her without letting anything out...
Auntie: Do it
Auntie: You refused to poop in the toilet Junior, what do you want me to do?
Auntie: Junior refuses to sit in the toilet.. He thinks he will fall inside.
Auntie: Yes and nothing came out, he says he wants the toilet.
Daisy: He has never used a pit latrine before, Come here...(He sat next to her) He will do it later
when he is under pressure.(her phone rang) Hello?
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: Are gorileng Junior kesa utwe gore areng yaana?
Daisy: I think he wants the water toilet, he is afraid of the pit and nothing comes out when he is
sitting outside.
Gape: Ok, at least get him a laxative at the pharmacy. Don't you remember our trip to Moremi game
reserve? He can hold himself until he is constipated.
Daisy: I forgive you, how is Bonolo? I can't stop thinking about her thigh and I feel guilty. Can you
give me her number so that I can check on her?
Gape: I'll send it after this call and don't worry about it, Bonolo is a gentle soul I'm sure she isn't
holding a grudge.
Gape: Daisy oska ira yalo the mma, i don't like it when someone plays with my feelings. Bye
He hung up.......
At Gape's house....
Later that evening Bonolo was sitting on the couch watching her soap opera... Gape walked in, she
covered her thighs sitting properly...
Gape: Hey...
Bonolo: Hi
He took a shower and later joined her on the couch, she brought his food and went back for his
Bonolo:I'm fine
She came over and uncomfortably sat next to him putting her hands between her thighs, he took her
feet and put them on his lap then he shoved a scatter cushion behind her...
Gape: (took off her socks) You have beautiful feet... I like your toes.
He started eating and picked a drum stick then he slowly brought it to her mouth, She shyly opened
her mouth as he stared at her then he brought it back and put it in his plate staring at her,
Embarrassed she swallowed and turned her head watching TV.
He finished eating and put the plate on the table, reached for the wet kitchen cloth and wiped his
hands then he had his drink...
Gape: (caressing her feet)I have been thinking about you all day...did you think about me?
Not sure how to respond she kept quiet, he caressed her feet and thighs avoiding the affected
Bonolo: No..
Gape: You have thick eyelashes and thick eyebrows, your face is small but chubby.. You have
beautiful breasts, i love your nipples. Your body is hairy but you shave your pubic hair, it turns me on
it means you are hygienic and deserve a muffing... Not every female gets licked.….(not sure how to
respond she kept quiet) Have you ever had sex before?
Bonolo: No
Bonolo: No
Gape: I'm not that patient, I can't wait that long. I'm going to have sex with you before all that...
Gape: Age is just a number, you're too mature for your age, you're a woman o lekanye go nyalwa.
He stood up and plugged in the USB then he took off his t-shirt and sat down putting her feet on his
lap... He gently pulled out her skirt avoiding her bandage and threw it away... He caressed her thigh
going up her tummy and whipped her with the waistband of her jockey and she frowned as her
tummy deepened in response to pain... He pushed up her vest up and out then he threw it out and
cupped her breasts...
Gape: (sighed and leaned back) Okay let me show you something...
He pressed the remote, "Petite obsessions" words displayed... They dissolved into black and the
explicit hardcore video started... Shocked Bonolo turned her head and stared at Gape.....
She turned around and watched as things got hotter and rougher.....
30 minutes in to the adult movie she was sweating and he could tell from her chest that her heart
was pounding, she slowly crossed her legs and he gently pulled them apart and increased the
volume of the video.
She crossed her legs again and he pulled out her panties as cum dripped down her butt...
Bonolo: Okay
He spread her legs and sucked his thumb then he placed it on her cl!ts and gently rubbed her as she
watched the video....
A few minutes later she closed her eyes tightly, as her body vibrated... He rubbed her quickly, She
didn't know what was going on with her body but a load of pleasure engulfed her punani as her body
moved like a snake shedding it's skin, she eventually relaxed panting......
She turned looking at her cum stain on his lap, Embarrassed she wiped him with her skirt and he
gently rubbed her hair....
Her phone rang on the couch and he gave it to her, Babe caught his attention and he turned it
around to confirm.....
Bonolo: (heart pounding) Maybe it's the guy who followed me earlier
Gape: (angrily) Bonolo oska itira Daisy ke taago betsa ka mpama wa nkutwa? come sit here...
Shaking she sat next to him... She never forgot any threat he ever made and they all replayed in her
head as she stared at him....
Bonolo: (crying) No... He took my phone and put his number there ask him...
Gape: Ke tago imisa ha ele gore o simolola dilodisele, ware Babe ke mang?
Gape: Why are you crying? I didn't beat you... Stop it... Wipe that shit...!
He paced around as the phone rang over and over then he took a deep breath and answered....
Gape: Hello?
Boemo: No, I don't. She is your maid not your girlfriend, Give her the damn phone!
Boemo: (snorted) Dude... I have been around for quite some time, I know a woman's body and that
girl is ready for a dic, okay?
Meanwhile smoking a cigarette sitting on the bonnet of his Navara Boemo saw a car driving over
slowly.. He hopped off and stomped on the cigarette with his shoe, He leaned in and hit the lights a
couple of times then he hopped back on the bonnet and watched Gape getting out of the car........
The Alfa Male
Gape could not believe his eyes as he approached, Boemo smiled in disbelief recognizing him...
Boemo: (smiled) Funny enough I didn't know she was your maid, maybe it's fate who knows
Gape: (glaring) I need you to stay away from Bonolo, we both know you're way too old for her and
you want to take advantage of her. She doesn't deserve that.
Boemo: Not every guy is like you, O kae Masa? Do you ever think about her and what you did to her
Gape: You don't know what happened between me and Masa so don't even go there, you were
collateral damage and i honestly feel sorry for you about what you saw but you have to get over it.
Gape: I loved her too but we are not here to discuss her, You need to stay away from Bonolo, she is
not Masa. They are totally different...
Boemo: Of course they are, Bonolo worships you and that's about to change, sale kego lemaditse ka
Masa now you think you deserve all the finer things in life.
Boemo: (smiled)I keep telling you when i approached her i didn't know she was connected to you
but now that she is and the thought of losing her freaks you out enough to make you meet strangers
at this time of the night? Well I'm gonna love her even more and the fear you instilled in her will
evaporate, I'm going to take her from you and I'm going to do it very quickly just for control.
Boemo: (smiled) A trophy wife.… don't tell me the thought never crossed your mind... It did, didn't
it? (lighting a cigarette) You pervert!
Boemo switched off the lighter and exhaled the smoke on his face, Gape punched him on the mouth
and he hit his back on the bumper falling down...
Gape: (staring at her) I'm not going to tell you again
Boemo got up massaging his jaw with his hand behind his pocket, he quickly pointed at Gape with a
pepper spray gun and sprayed him on the face before he could flinch. The burning sensation blinded
him as he covered his face rubbing his burning eyes....
Gape: (slowly sat down rubbing his eyes) Shit... My eyes are burning, fuck!
He reversed his car and drove off as the security guard bended putting his hand on Gape's
Gape: Don't you have water? My eyes are in flames, i can't see anything....
The security guard walked back with a bottle of water and poured on his hands as he washed his
Him: But why meet your rival at night? Isn't that dangerous?
Gape rubbed his eyes for a few minutes and staggered to the car as the security guard helped him...
Him: I don't think you'll see why don't you wait for a while.
He reversed the car and drove home slowly barely seeing what was in front of him......
At Gape's house....
After sitting in the car for an hour Gape walked in the house and locked the door, He checked the
time on his phone... It was a few minutes to midnight. He knocked on Bonolo's door and she opened
the door putting on her sweater.
Bonolo: Yes
He walked to his room and she followed him, He sat down rubbing his eyes....
Gape: When you said i love you too earlier what did you mean?
Gape: I said i love you and you said i love you too, what did you mean?
Bonolo: Yes
Bonolo: Yes
Gape: Good cause I been played enough, i don't want a repeat of Daisy. You can go to bed
Gape: Yeah
Bonolo: I don't like it when you're angry at me, it scares me and I think you are too strict.
Gape: (took a deep breath) Okay, I didn't know I'm like that I'll work on it. (checked his time) I have
to sleep...
Gape: (stood up and grabbed her wrist pulling her back) Come here (he French kissed and took a
deep breath staring at her) My relationships never last long enough for me to learn much but if you
keep telling me what you don't like, i can shed those. I don't want to hurt you that's why I'm taking it
slow..I want this one to last.
Bonolo: Okay
Gape: (baby kissed her) Goodnight... I lost your simcard I'll buy you a new one tomorrow.
Bonolo: Okay...
She walked out and he laid on the bed, he didn't have enough hours of sleep and that wasn't
At Boemo's pareats'
Boemo's mother tossed and turned for God knows how many times... His father had been sighing
trying to ignore it but the bed shoot him and it irritated him.....
Him: You might as well tell him, he will find out you know Maun is too small and your relatives will
tell him if he goes there, isn't it better he gets it from you?
Her: I can't, he will hate me... My daughters will hate me and those boys will hate me even more
Him: I don't think those boys will ever love you and it makes sense but their father was an abusive
piece of shit that threw fits of tantrums like a toddler, they deserve to know it and that little one the
last time i heard about him, he was a rebel... A true chip of the old block, i doubt he will be anything
in life with that kind of attitude.
Her: I just think it's best i stay away from them, Dodo hated me from a young age he probably still
hates me.
Him: He is an adult now and he will understand, i just hate that I have to be part of this secret,
Boemo and i might drift apart.
At Gape's house....
The next morning he tucked in his shirt and put on his belt as Bonolo quietly sat on the couch...
Gape: Don't hurt me, I really care about you and I want this to last...
Gape: (leaned over and kissed her) Think about it the whole day, when i get home tell me... I love
A few hours after she stepped out with a full laundry basket and put clothes on the line....
Navara parked at the gate and the colored guy walked over, His persuasiveness was turning sexy
now... She wondered what he wanted this time....
Bonolo: No, My boss lost my card, he said he will buy me a new one
Bonolo: P1400
Boemo: (gave her an envelope) My father is a major shareholder at this hotel and I occasionally do
their financial books, I asked him if they had any posts coming up and he called his general manager
who indicated that they will be looking for housekeepers, I spoke to her personally and she gladly
typed an offer letter, read it....
Bonolo: (struggled through it and stumbled on P2, 200).My salary will be 2.2?
Bonolo: I dropped out at Form 1,i was supposed to come for form 2 but i decided to stay home.
Boemo: Why?
Bonolo: I didn't have school uniform, i attended the whole year ya form 1 wearing clothes ... Other
students teased me, i couldn't even go to the kitchen to collect my food because they would whisper
and laugh at me, My parents couldn't afford to buy me uniform.
Bonolo: Yes
Boemo: The government gives poor people free food and free school uniform for the needy kids,
why couldn't you go register?
Bonolo: My mother doesn't have ID she is mentally challenged, My father went there and they told
him to bring our IDs so that we can start getting the government packages but he sometimes drinks
himself to sleep... It's complicated.
Boemo: (laughed) I'll have to talk to the manager but month end you must bring your father to
Maun so that you can apply for an ID, ID is very important, for you to even continue your education
you'll need it. How did you do on your PSLE?
Bonolo: I once thought about it, why are you helping me? What will I have to do for you?
Boemo: (sighed) Okay, I won't lie, I have a crush on you and obviously i wouldn't do all these if I
wasn't interested in you..…I'm trying to gain some points and prove that I can-shit what am i
saying.... I'm trying to impress you.
Boemo: I get it, No pressure.. I'll wait as long as I have to and even if it doesn't work out between us
and i don't get to break the cookie jar I'll be glad that you are not working for Gape.
Bonolo: I haven't gotten any since i started, i was just sending money home but he had no choice he
would be stranded with his son if i get a day off.
Boemo: Get a proper job, With this little salary you can rent a room for P500 and buy groceries, send
money home and maybe even stay with one of your siblings... Having a house will help you buy
households, stay in maids never have anything because they don't have houses but you're a woman,
how many siblings do you have?
Bonolo: 3
Boemo: See wouldn't it be nice to have your siblings visit you on holidays and see Maun? they
would be free in your house. What have you achieved since you worked here besides buying
Bonolo: (laughed) No, it's useful, i like it... It gives me hope...I needed to hear something like
that(laughed) And at least you are honest about trying to impress me and earning some points...
(smiled) you're on the right track
Boemo: (smiled and curtsied) Thank you your highness, Shall we? Gatwe you start on Monday, we
must pass by the office so you can talk to her.. You only have today and tomorrow to find a house
and buy that stove. We can house hunt together nna ke bata bachelor pad but wena you're lucky
one rooms are easy to find, I'm moving back to Maun
Bonolo: Oh okay, I have been saving money, do you think P1200 is enough for me to move out and
survive with it before i get my salary?
Boemo: I think so, but you'll need food, i can borrow you money for a stove and cooking gas but you
will be paying me back as soon as you get paid, (smiled) gake beche nna, I never give girls anything.
He waited for her while she got dressed then they left for the hotel and house hunt.
A few hours later Gape's phone received a message as he inspected the aircraft...
New number: (text) I'm quitting my job today, your keys are under the mat. from Bonolo.......... (9t)
The Alfa Male
A few hours later Gape's phone received a message as he inspected the airplane...
He immediately dialed the number and she cut the call... His heart pounded as he redialled but she
didn't pick.
He felt dizzy and squatted rubbing his forehead, Khumo walked over to him...
Khumo: We are taking off in 30 minutes, the passengers have boarded the plane.
Khumo: Gape you're not sick... (snatched his phone) Let me see that.... (read the message) You're
crying for a maid?
Gape: (snatched back his phone and walked away) She is not just a maid.
Khumo: Listen you're a few hours from your promotion and you want to let this maid do this? Think
about it.... 4 stripes... 4 stripes... I heard our supervisor saying something about it last week, he was
checking your hours and he said, " Mr Friday is about to get 4 stripes if he continues with this
Gape: Exactly, that is why i shouldn't fly like this because if i get absent minded I'll press the wrong
buttons and that will be the end of me or even everyone in the plane
Khumo: And then who will i fly with? Steven? Kana he is the one on standby, You know he annoys
me let's go we are delaying the flight... Don't be a girl, take a heartbreak like a man...
Gape: I can't believe she did this.... I'll never know what women want...
At Tshiamo's house.....
Boemo parked the car outside and took out the plastic bags...
Boemo: Yeah
Meanwhile Tshiamo moved the curtains and peeked at Bonolo eating chocolate in the car.... Boemo
stood at the door and knocked, her mother opened the door and took the plastics.
Her: It's okay, She just arrived she was just resting....
Her: You mean Tshireletso? I asked Tshiamo what Yolanda means and she couldn't answer me, a
child's name must have a meaning.
Boemo: Hale kake la bitsa ngwanake leina lele kima yaana, How can you name a baby with such an
old name? And isn't that the name of the minister?
Her: And there is nothing wrong with that, tomorrow she might be a minister as well.
Her: (looking at the girl in the car) Ngwana gaawa khujwana, Ota mmona beke ee tang asena gowa
Boemo: But i already saw her at the hospital and where i come from we don't believe in such things.
Her: No, you will see her after the umbilical cord has healed.
Her: Please respect me, I understand we are nothing to you but this yard has rules
Her: You will not see this child until the umbilical cord has healed and we will have to wet your shoes
and hands before you touch her because o dinao di molelo.
Boemo: Can i talk to Tshiamo?
An old woman walked passed him holding a plastic of traditional medicine and shrub roots.
Boemo: No disrespect but you're not doing that to my daughter, we don't do that where i come
from. Kante Tshiamo okae? A itidimaditse yaana... (knocked on the window) Tshiamo you're not
bewitching my daughter.... Get out, i want to talk to you.
Tshiamo: It's not magic it's mothuso gape it's not for you to decide.
Boemo: (boiling... He exhaled) That's my daughter, what do you mean i don't have a say?
Tshiamo: In Setswana you don't have the right because we're not married.
Boemo: You can't use those Setswana traditions on me you know I'm only half Tswana and that girl
is not completely Tswana... (frustrated) can you just not do this? She could get infections from this,
we don't know the ingredients used.
Tshiamo: Can you stop getting scientific? This was done to me and a lot of other people.
Meanwhile the old women surrounded the baby and poured some powders in her water, the
grandmother handed her to the old woman who put her on her lap as she lit the roots on the small
metal, a white strong smoke started as they all coughed......
Old lady: (rubbed her black stained nostrils) Mpha kojwana ho gwadagwadaka...
Tshiamo threw over a sheet, the old lady made a tent over the strong white smoke and put the baby
under the smoke as she cried loudly.....
Boemo: (took a deep breath) I'm at Tshiamo's house and they are doing some voodoo on the baby,
according to Tshiamo i don't have a say in all these because we are not married, how true is that?
Him: Son i know we don't do certain things but some people have traditions and ways of doing
things, Many kids go through that in some homes
Boemo: I don't want my daughter to be given spells and become retarded. I'm her father and it has
nothing to do with marriage, She is my daughter i must have a say.
Him: That's why you must know a girl and where she comes from before you knock her up, what do
you want me to do? It's their tradition... And you chose to have a child with a girl who believes in
Him: How?
Him: What are you going to do with a newborn? and the law doesn't favor you son, this is
Botswana... The law is always on a woman's side. Even if you file for custody you will lose because
they stay with their mothers until 18 unless the mother is an unfit mother but Tshiamo is as fit as a
giant. Accept it, you love a magic girl and now your daughter is a magic baby all because you don't
listen. I told you to stop that nonsense of a relationship because you were still hurt but no, you
couldn't listen to the old man and trusted your broken heart.
Boemo: Why are you so hard on me? Haven't you ever made a mistake in your life? So my daughter
has to suffer because i made a mistake?
Him: Her mother grew up just fine with that voodoo I'm sure your daughter will be fine with the
voodoo too. It's an African thing, she will be fine.
Tshiamo: Hello?
Boemo: I didn't know this is who you're, I never thought someone as educated as you could believe
in magic.
Tshiamo: It's not magic it's mothuso, it will help her be strong and have power to fight any spirits
Boemo: (defeated) Spirits, She said spirits.... (smiled shaking his head in disbelief) And she said
powers..... (angrily) You're a fucking witch! How the fuck did i date you anyway? Did you pull a
voodoo on me too?
Boemo: (took a deep breath) Tshiamo keep your daughter Tshireletso, okay? keep it and do all that
shit on her that's fine, that's what I get for sperming on every passing skirt, lesson learnt. I hope she
forgives me for this but I'm done, Your mother won't even let me see my own daughter like it's hers
and you named her Tshireletso, are you insane? I'm done and we're over.
He hung up and reversed his car as Bonolo quietly stared at him. Meanwhile Tshia hung up the
phone tearfully...
Tshiamo: Mama kana Boemo gaa bate methuso mo ngwaneng wa gagwe, They don't do those things
where he comes from and he thinks it's witchcraft and the baby will get lung infections from this
smoke it's even too strong for me.
Her: (coughing as the smoke got in her lungs) Boemo did not marry you, he is a Motswana, His father
might be white but this child belongs here until he marries, it's our culture.
The old lady took the baby out of the smoke as she caught her breath and sneezed... She bathed her
and made a black cross on her head and back then she tied her neck, wrists, waist and ankles with a
green and a red wool twisted together.….
She gave Tshiamo a big container of black mixture and some shrub roots.....
Old lady: You will smoke her every morning and afternoon, with this lotion you will apply it on her
skin like this....
The old lady applied the lotion and white smoke came out of the baby's skin as she applied the
Old lady: (gave her a box) This is called luckystar, you burn it every night when the baby is having
difficulty sleeping because she will be sensing witches and evil spirits. If you burn it, she will sleep. If
you don't have lucky star use salt... Spread it around... Thokolosis and witches are afraid of salt. I'm
Tshiamo got her baby and laid her down feeding her as her mother took the old lady halfway.......
Gape took a deep breath as he bounced the plane, The passengers panicked buzzing as the flight
attendant calmed them down... He touched down twice and slid down the run way as Khumo
communicated with air traffic control.....
He slowly taxied the runaway, parked on the allocated space.... They both took off their headphones
staring at one another, To avoid further trouble both pilots kept quiet aware of the cockpit voice
recorder in the deck...
Khumo rubbed Gape's shoulder and stood outside receiving the evil eyes and mxms from the
Once everyone had deplaned Gape walked out the stairs trying Bonolo's number....
Bonolo: Hello?
Gape: (tearfully) I'm not angry with you, I want to know what i did and how i can fix it, I can't lose
you. Junior needs you and i need you... I thought we about to start dating....
Gape: (his heart shredded in to pieces) Nolly i love you and I'm sorry for whatever I did, I can fix that.
(rubbed his eyes) Shit I'm not ready for this...
Bonolo: Bye
Gape: Wait, where do you stay? I just want to talk to you.. (in the background{Boemo: They don't
have Cream Soda, Bonolo: Iron Brew}) Bonolo?
Bonolo: yes?
Bonolo: He is a friend
Bonolo: I'm not going to tell you where I stay or where i work.
Gape: If I'm not doing something right why don't you tell me so i can fix it
She hung up, he dialed her number again, it was unavailable and he smashed his phone on the
pavement and rubbed his head as his pounding heart choked him....
At Marvin's house...
Marvin and Same stared at the pile of gifts on the living room... Same smiled caressing the washing
Same: Oh.... This is beautiful.... I can't believe someone would buy another person a washing
machine... Seriously i didn't know wedding gifts are big things.... (opened a box) Oh my gad babe the
plates.... I love this plates...
Marvin: (smiled opening a toolbox) I can't believe my uncle bought me a toolbox... This is great...
Same: (laughed) The entire family gaba kare Dodo hae...and i realized i was the only one saying
Marvin: (looking at the car) Abo ba dirile nnake eng ne banna? hao bona asatswe mo koloing yaana
koore abo bamo rumotse.…
Meanwhile in the car Gape inserted the card in another phone and tried Bonolo's number again and
again...…his bravery was wearing away with every unanswered call.... He tried one more time...
Boemo: She left her phone in the car, she is shopping. What do you want?
Boemo: Because I can, remember that... Fuck you! She is changing her number too.
He threw his phone on the back and leaned over the steering wheel as tear drops wet his pants,
Marvin opened the door and pulled him out....
Marvin: Bonolo?
He remembered his last conversation with Boemo and his tears dried completely...
Gape: The mall, she is at the mall... Nxla keya goba kopanya kadi mpama, baa ntwaela.... Baago nyela
He opened the door and got in the car, Marvin took out the keys from the ignition...
Gape: Give me my keys, I don't want to disturb your operation, give me my keys.
Marvin: Lela hela mr abo wago robala... What's going to happen to junior when you go to jail? I
didn't know you can still cry for a girl....
He leaned on the car bonnet crying as his brother stood next to him............
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house...
Marvin drove in and parked the car as Gape laid on the passenger seat with his boot on the
dashboard and arm on his face....
Marvin: (sighed and took keys off the ignition) Listen... If you really want to have a lasting
relationship you have to tone down your dominance on women, I don't get why you have to be like's selfish. A relationship is for two people, Your girlfriend isn't supposed to be too scared to
say no to anything you say, I never thought you could beat a woman with the way we grew up. You
used to hate it when our parents fought...
Marvin: You don't know what happened, she ran because Dad was abusive.
Marvin: Our parents used to be happy, i was happy..we were perfect until she fell pregnant and we
were all excited...We had him for like three or four months then he died. Things were never the
same since then... They fought like crazy... Dad started drinking. I don't remember much but years
later you were born and i was happy cause you replaced that one. Things were okay for a while and
then they started fighting again.
Gape: There is no such thing as a dead baby, she lied to you.... Dad told me what happened and i
believe him.
Marvin: That's your problem, he deserves to be in jail and not get any visitors because he was
Gape: That baby didn't die, It was another man's child, A white man's child.. She slept with her boss
and they realized he was white when he was growing and his Dad took him, he didn't die.
Marvin: He died, Dad will say anything to get in your good books because he knows he is about to
get out of jail of course he needs somebody on his side.
Gape: He is not what everyone makes him to be...That kid didn't die, his father took him. Our
relatives are so secretive they wouldn't tell you because ba lopela bokgoa.
Marvin: He is lying, she would never lie to me like that, He is trying to make her look bad and this is
what makes you think you must control women to avoid what he went through.
Gape: (sat up) Okay fine... I wasn't there but you were there and you saw the boy, right? Wasn't he
light skinned? How do you remember him?
Marvin: He was too light and yes his hair was very curly but i was little and all newborns have curls
gape le wena your hair has waves
Gape: But I'm not colored and there is a difference between waves and curls. That kid was colored.
She lied to you, she chose the white kids over us and she can go to hell for all i care, i know Dad was
rough on her but she deserved it.
Marvin: Nothing justifies violence... He could have responded differently but he chose to kill, this is
somebody who tried to kill you, i don't get how you can justify his actions. I still can't get over what
he did.
Gape: I understand why he did it, I'm not saying it's okay but i understand.
Marvin: (sighed) See now i know why we agreed to never discuss this two.
Marvin: Back to you, You're reckless and too rough, don't beat a woman and learn to listen to a
Gape: I did not hit Bonolo, i treated her much better than i ever treated any girl, i didn't even have
sex with her and she was a virgin that was hard to ignore but i ignored it for three months. I deserve
a medal for that better yet a Nobel prize because i had the power to break her but i didn't. I
controlled myself and lying on that bed every night ka nopa knowing that she was in the next room
naked wasn't easy but i did it.
Marvin: I don't even know what's so fascinating about a virgin, they don't have sexual experience for
you to say you enjoyed it because the entire time you're careful not to hurt her. It also feels like
molestation, you're too old to be sleeping with teenagers that's why they break your heart because
bone ke bana bamo mantwaneng. Next time find a mature woman find a woman aged between 25
and 28 years old.... At that age they have brains and they want to have a family, at least your
relationship will have a goal besides sex and you will talk about serious things, relationship is more
than sex. You think you know about sex but sex with the love of your life is sweet....(smiled) I'm
telling you Dodo you haven't had sex until you have slept with your wife on the night of your
wedding... Ba mogo neela semmuso laitaka bare keo kuku boy... Eje! O lala oe mamola bosigo jothe
phakela ose leba se robetse ka ring ya gago abo o bua mo pelong hela ore, ketaa ja sose the banna...
Gape: (they both laughed loudly)Hahahaha yeah neh, i can imagine....katswa gole monate blind.
Marvin: Take your time and heal but after this, look for a mature girl.... Be a lion.... Stalk your prey...
Look at your girl from a distance osa bue sepe le ene for a while, find out if she is the type of girl you
can call wife before you approach her and understand the type of a woman she is, what she likes
and doesn't like, what are her ambitions, her background... If you know all these surely you'll know
how to charm her and then when your prey is relaxed drinking water by the river move in for the kill
and sweep her off her feet... Love her so much she won't look at another male....
Marvin: It is, You lack patience but if you're patient you'll get the girl and even after getting the girl
you don't have to hurry, Nna the monna Same nea mpolaisa nopa mme hela i controlled myself, at
this point i understand her so much mo eleng gore i know her fears, I know she keeps wondering
what if Marvin leaves me or starts sleeping around after i have risked my life giving him a kidney,
give me one fear yaga Bonolo or any of your exs..kana Masa since you spent years o mmata.
Gape: (thoughtfully) I don't know
Marvin: See you don't talk to your women, it's always sex. Change that... Talk to your woman.
Marvin: This time don't fall for the maid, Kante don't you think Daisy might be right about the baby
being yours? It wouldn't hurt to give the relationship another try.
Gape: No, It's not mine. I don't want her to pull my mother's card on me, I'd flip an nna nka mmolaa
Marvin: Try to fill your head with positive thoughts about women... What if Daisy lied like she said?
Gape: Then that would mean she slept with another man while carrying my child, it's totally
disrespectful and i would never forgive her for that. It doesn't matter if the baby is mine or not i
won't get back with her because I'd never trust her, If it's mine I'll take care of it but not to be with
her gape o ntshulagaletse hela because i saw her with another man, i can never get over that maybe
hanne kesa bona sepe ee.
Marvin: I understand, so next time we are looking at the mature ones akere? No more teens
Gape: Yeah
At Molly's house.....
Masa was sitting on the couch pressing her phone, Molly walked over holding a plate of food and
kissed her as she sat down...
Masa: When I'm working, earning my own money and if possible married. It would be so cute to be
pregnant with a ring on my finger in my own office, it has always been my goal in life.
Molly: If you plan to be married by next year and have kids where does that put me?
Masa: Molly I'm sure you understand... I don't want to be alone the rest of my life, I want a proper
family. You and I are just having fun...
Molly: We are having fun? Is there love?
Masa: So I'm supposed to grow old without kids because i love you? Let's get real this is not America
we wouldn't even be able to adopt and besides i want to be pregnant and feel the baby kicking, i
want to be in the delivery room.
Molly: I can afford to adopt a baby, things have changed and we can get married in South Africa...
Masa: My father would kill me Molly and that just sounds so complicated, i want a serious family, a
man i can love and a child to pamper, i want a picture perfect family of three kids and a husband.
Molly's food got tasteless, she put it on the table and leaned back on the couch, Masa stood up in
her panties and sat on her lap baby kissing her, Molly put her arms around her waist....
Molly: (sadly) You're bi, i have to remind myself that each time to avoid getting hurt.
Molly French kissed her rubbing her thighs and pulled her top out, She stood up holding her and laid
her on the couch getting between her legs as they kissed....
At Daisy's house...
After bathing him, she put Junior on the bed and wiped him with a towel... Her phone rang...
Junior: Daddy?
Gape: (reduced the TV volume) Hey buddy, wasup? How are you?
Junior: Fine
Daisy: Hi...
Gape: Bonolo quit the job so I think you should hold on to Junior for while i find another maid.
Daisy: Is it because of what i did? I feel bad, Did she say why?
Gape: I don't think it has anything to do with you, don't worry about it.
Daisy: She wouldn't tell you but i bet it's me, I feel guilty, I'm really sorry,
Gape: It's okay, forget it. I want to sleep i had a long day.
Gape: Goodnight.
At Bonolo's house...
Her pink curtains were hanging by the pegs on the curtains rails... Her small mattress laid at the far
corner next to her bags... Her two burner stove was on top of the wooden table next to a small food
After taking a bath, she poured it in the bucket and emptied it outside... She placed the bucket inside
the bath and sat on the mattress applying body lotion...
She smiled looking at her white neatly painted room and sighed... There was a knock at the door, she
put on her dress and opened....
Boemo smiled at her and she opened wider as he walked in holding a continental pillow,his laptop
and takeaways.
Boemo: I knew i was coming to an empty house so i brought myself a pillow and something to watch
le dijo tota... Having poor friends is a challenge i tell you.
Bonolo: (laughed) Month end I'm buying myself more households, just make fun of me
He placed his pillow by the wall and sat on the mattress plugging the laptop as Bonolo opened the
Boemo: I heard you saying you like My heart beats for Lola, I downloaded all the episodes and put
them in-
Bonolo: (gasped) All of them? Thank you.... Waiting for one episode every day is torture..
Boemo: there are other series in, I'll borrow you my laptop until you buy TV, if you break it you're
buying it.
Bonolo: (sat next to him) Teach me how it works, i don't want to press wrong things...
She sat in front of him and he put her hand on the mouse....
Boemo: This is the mouse.... You use it to click on folders... You see i named your folder kere Bonolo,
everything that belongs to you goes there... You click twice to open the folder gore o bone Lola
Boemo: Try it.. (she tried but moved the folder) Hahaha you're too slow Bonolo.... Tsoga maroko
ngwanyna hao
His phone rang, he checked the screen... It was Tshiamo then he cut the call, She called again and he
switched off his phone....
Bonolo: (clapped) woooo.... I did it... Shame I'm such a crack waitse
At Gape's house.....
He was sitting in front of his desktop typing and his phone rang...
Gape: Hello?
Gape: (saved his document and stood up sipping coffee) Oh good, I'll be there in a minute.
Voice: Good morning, thanks for calling Moretwa office equipments, may i help you?
Mike: Uh Mr Friday.
He hung up, A few minutes later he pulled over at Old mall and made his way upstairs where he
shook hands with the caller....
Paul: (walking inside) We have repainted and sectioned the little offices as requested...(walking in
the CEO office) a lot of work was needed here and we did our best... What do you think?
Gape: (took his hand out of the pocket and reached for the air con remote) It's impressive... I like it...
(switched on the air con) I like it.
Paul: (smiled) We aim to impress, Please if there is anything you are not happy with give me a call.
Paul walked out and Gape walked in every little office checking, the offices were perfectly
renovated... A truck of his office equipment parked downstairs as he stood by the window looking
A group of guys walked in holding tables together and placed them in each office... Their supervisor
walked over to Gape and they shook hands....
Mike: An hour or two, After putting them in each office we have to arrange them, it can take time.
Mike: When are you hiring? I want to let my little brother know.
Gape: Sure
Marvin printed a document and grabbed the pages from the printer, He sat on the chair and
arranged them properly... His phone rang...
Same: Hey...
Same: (smiled biting her lower lip) Congratulations to you too Mr Friday, I can't wait to tell Winky
about it. She will be excited...
Marvin: I bet..
Marvin: Bye
Gape: Yeah?
Marv: Do you think your workers will be okay without you? Maybe you need more time
Gape: My supervisor will never agree to that and I trust my COO, He has 7 years experience.
Gape: Yeah and the trucks are on their way from South Africa, they should be here two days.
Gape: No they are brand new, they will be branded here... (shook his head worryingly) Koore what if
i don't make profits in three months? this will blow up in my face and i wouldn't know how to pay
back my creditors.
Marv: I trust you to, You long wanted this and i doubt it will fail.
Marv: But i don't think you have anything to worry about, i have seen your cash flow and its not bad
at all.
Gape: Sure
At Tshiamo's house....
She bathed her baby and laid her on her white sheets... She stared at her baby with wool on her
joints then she got the scissors and cut them... Her mother walked in...
Tshiamo: She looks like a Sangoma baby and I can't even post her on Facebook.
Her: Why do you want to post her on Facebook? There are spirits on those things.
Tshiamo: Mama i can't live in fear of things I can't see, Gone jaana Boemo o ngadile ngwana, last
night he told me not to send him pictures of her in this wools. I really think I should consider his
feelings because it's our daughter.
Tshiamo: But he is still her father, I don't want to be the reason my daughter grows up without her
father, Try to understand what I'm trying to do, besides i need Boemo to support her
wholeheartedly, i need him to send her to a nursery so that i can look for a job, I can't live like this,
my life is not improving. I'm getting poorer and people are making fun of me.
Her: (sighed) I understand my girl, I'm sorry for enforcing this on you, You're a different generation
and things have changed...
Tshiamo: Thank you and I'm not trying to disrespect you or our beliefs.
Her: I understand, explain no more. You're right you need him to help you the baby so that you can
find a job.... (took the baby's bath) Let me empty this....
At Boemo's office...
His phone rang, he smiled taking it and sighed disappointedly looking at the screen...
Boemo: Hello?
Tshiamo: Hi
Tshiamo: I want to look for a job, can you help me pay the nursery?
Boemo: I don't have money Tshiamo, i have debts and that baby is too young for school. Why are
you so anxious go tswa mo botsetsing?
Tshiamo: You only buy things for the baby and the money you bring is too little. I'm starving,
Breastfeeding makes one eat a lot and there is nothing to eat.
Boemo: Your mother says the reason i can't see the baby is because i might be having sex and that
will affect the baby so when you take him to school won't other people affect her? Or I'm the only
one who can affect her?
Tshiamo: I spoke to her about that and i have cut the wools you said you don't like.
Boemo: Now you cut them because you want me to pay for her school fees? That baby is too little, i
have never heard of a 2 months old baby going to school. Don't play me like that, all along you have
been making decisions about her without considering me, just go on doing it, I will keep supporting
the baby.
Tshiamo: Stop being difficult and understand my situation, this was my first child, i was bound to
make mistakes here and there. I'm correcting myself... I want to move in with you.
Boemo: Tshiamo kana omo botsetsing and you know your family and their beliefs, i don't want to be
told stories…
Boemo: Uh Tshiamo, you're always complaining, can you give me a break on that?
Tshiamo: (tearfully) Are we together or not? I know there is a girl who is always in your car, people
tell me and i saw her picture as your profile picture, i just want to know where i stand in all these?
Tshiamo: (wiped her tears) I love you Boemo, I'm sorry for what happened ka ngwana, Since i can't
work can i at least come stay in your house. Please take me there.. I want you to have a relationship
with your daughter, you know my history. Don't do this to our daughter...
Boemo: (sighed) Babe... Don't cry, I'm sorry... When do you want to move in?
Tshiamo: As soon as possible, I want to fix our relationship and put this family together. Meet me
Boemo: But things have changed now, i go for trips a lot and I work late at night, I come home very
late so when you come here i hope we won't be arguing about that.
Tshiamo: We won't, as long as you let me know you're working late I'm fine.
Boemo: (sighed) I love you too babe, let me get back to work.
Meanwhile Bonolo was changing the hotel sheets as her phone rang.....
Boemo: Hi wa reng?
Bonolo: Sepe
Boemo: Yolanda's mom just asked me to give her accommodation for a while, i don't know what's
going on at her home but she has my daughter and she is little... Is that okay with you?
Bonolo: (smiled) Boemo rra, how can you ask me like I'm your wife?
Bonolo: I don't have a problem with it but what if you're going to sleep with her? I mean you're not
getting it from me, will you be able to control yourself?
Boemo: I will be sleeping in your house most of the time to avoid drama but to answer you, i will
control myself, sex is not oxygen i can very much live without it.
Bonolo: No problem,bye
Later that afternoon Daisy slowly stepped out of the bus holding Junior's hand... He saw his Dad
walking over and ran over to him....
Gape's face brightened as he picked Junior and swung him around with his arms spread on the air.....
He brought him down and tickled him as Daisy laughed staring at them... He was wearing black jeans
with black sneakers and a black muscle top that revealed his huge biceps....
Gape turned the brim of his cap to the back as he laughed with his son and put a mall identical cap
on his head pulling his brim to the back as well...
Gape: Hi..
He was handsome in a cap and when he was holding his son in the same cap... Well it was
breathtaking, their smiles were cute with white teeth and dark gums....
He grabbed the two bags and carried Junior with the other arm as he made his way to the car…Daisy
got in the front seat as Gape threw the bags in the bag.
Gape: (closed the door) You can drive home Junior and I have a few things to do around the mall.
Gape: No we are cool. I prepared his room for you, I'll share with him.
She reversed the car and drove away as Gape walked away with his son chatting.......
At Old mall....
Gape and his son circulated around the mall and ended up in a Chinese shop where Junior cried for a
Spider-Man branded tricycle....
He squatted next to the tricycle and inspected it, Junior anxiously jumped on it....
Gape: (checking the tyres) Mr ako o ikete pele... O bata gowa ore thodia akere
He placed it on the passage and put him on it, Junior paddled and bumped on the wall...
He paddled between the Chinese shops and ended up in front of KFC with Gape walking closer to
As they passed in front of KFC Junior almost bumped into Boemo who quickly moved his foot holding
Bonolo's hand.
She paused as they both made eye contact with Gape, Bonolo's heart skipped as she stared at Gape,
Boemo put his arm around her waist staring at him.....
Gape: Hi...
Bonolo: Hi..
At Old mall....
His heart was pounding as he paced behind his son, It was the first time he was seeing Bonolo since
she left and he still wondered why she left....
Gape: Wait... Wait... Let's go this side, I want to show you our office
Junior: Office?
He held his wrist and carried his tricycle as they headed to his office....
In KFC....
Boemo stood behind Bonolo holding her waist, She uncomfortably looked around and moved his
Boemo: (put his hands in the pockets) Okay... When are you going to collect your ID?
Bonolo: On Wednesday
Boemo: Okay, I want you to meet my family tonight, what do you think?
In Gape's office.....
He opened the main door and Junior ran across the reception on to the long passage passing the
small offices heading to the COO office..
Junior sat on Gape's chair and swung around as Gape switched on the computer and inserted the
memory stick... His phone rang....
Gape: Tiger?
Gape: Yeah, I was about to call you, Moretwa office equipments arranged everything but we need an
inventory list of every office to make sure everything has been delivered.
Tiger: I'll be in the office right away.…Will you be doing the interviews?
Gape: No except for the post of my personal assistant who is also the receptionist, She has to have
other duties because I'll hardly be in the office until i have resigned at work. I have already set the
interview questions for all the vacancies, I'll email them to you, We will select the candidates
together then you'll take it from there.
Tiger: Of course, I checked on the drivers, The trucks are passing Mahalapye... Phakela mathaka ba
branding will be here ba tsenya our logos but i don't know where you want the logo on the
Gape: Both doors, you can call me when they start so i can take a look.
Gape: Sure
He hung up, took out a picture of Junior from the printer and neatly cut it sitting on his desk then he
reached for the empty frame and put it inside... He placed it on the table and walked back staring at
his son swinging on the chair....
At Gaborone....
Masa was laying on the bed reading her notes, Molly knocked and entered... She laid on top of Masa
and kissed her neck...
Molly: Hey...
Molly: I want to drop off the graduation gown but before that... (she kissed her neck) I want...
(kissed her chin) To show you (kissed her lips) Something....
She took out the Edgar's gift card and put it on her forehead...
Molly: (pushed it down her mouth) Heard you complaining about your jeans being torn... Let's go get
you some clothes.
Masa: (smiled and put her arms around her neck) Oh Care bear thank you... I can't believe you did
this, How much do I have to spend?
The Hare moved under the bed and startled them.. They kept quiet listening...
Masa: (sighed and laughed) Hahaha Jesus i was wondering what it was...
Molly: (kissed her) I love you Masa... (caressing her smooth face) I wish I could have all of you...
(tearfully) I'm so scared of losing you... I really do love you...
Masa: But it doesn't mean I'll abandon you, stop over thinking... I love you and i don't like seeing you
Masa French kissed her, Molly closed her eyes and kissed her unzipping her trousers as Masa rubbed
her back....
At Tshiamo's house....
She had been waiting for hours and the thought of spending another night without him broke her
heart, The baby started crying and she changed her full diaper...
She had been sitting on her front door holding the baby staring at the gate hoping to see Navara but
there was no sign of it... she checked her time again, it was 8pm and she dialed his number again.....
At Boemo's parents'......
Boemo's parents were sitting on the couch watching news... He walked in holding Bonolo's hand. His
father adjusted his glasses and stared at her body... His mother smiled taking her scarf off the couch
so they could sit..
Boemo: Hello
Shosho walked out of the kitchen sipping a drink and paused at the living room door staring at
Bonolo, she quickly swallowed her drink and dropped her jaws.... She sneaked back to her sister's
room and stuck her head in...
Shosho: (whispered) Boemo's girlfriend is super hot Nicky you've got to see her...
Shosho: Come and see her... Her eyes are big and sexy mmanyana... Iyoowee.... Tshiamo haaka bona
monyana yoo ota wa ke pelo.
They innocently walked in the living room and sat on the couch opposite Bonolo staring at her with
monkey smiles.
Boemo: Babe that's my youngest sister Shosho and that's Nicky there is another crazy one who isn't
here.. (to them) Close your mouths…
Boemo: Shut up
Nicky: (to Bonolo) Girl let me tell you about your boyfriend, When we were young he-
His Dad: (laughed) Get out of here lona, you're making noise... We are talking serious things
His mother: (smiled) Or they can show her around (stood) Let me make get us a juice...
Bonolo quietly stood up and followed the girls out as they loudly chatted, she just chuckled in
response,she was uncomfortable being around colored people especially because they spoke very
Meanwhile his father stared at her again as she disappeared out and turned to his son....
Him: That is Mrs Ben right there... I like her humbleness. You hardly meet beautiful women who
have manners if you find her put a ring on it and no dog will drool over her.
Boemo: (smiled) I haven't proposed to her yet, I want to do it on her birthday at her home village
before her family.
Him: That's my boy, I like that. Bring her home, make her a Ben.... I will talk to your uncles.
His phone annoyed him by vibrating, he took it out and typed a message.
At Tshiamo's house...
Tshiamo: Boemo the rra se dire jalo wena, kante ke eng o ntsaa yaana? I have been sitting here
waiting for hours and you say that?
Tshiamo: (text) Can you pick my call? Why are you not answering me?
Boemo: I'm busy, kana yaanong I'm pressing my phone ke nale batho and its rude. Don't you have
friends you can chat with for a while, I'll call you.
Tshiamo: What friends? You're my only friend. Boemo the rra se dire jalo ke amusa ngwana wa gago,
o raya gore o ntirela sente?
Tshiamo: (tears fell on the screen as she typed) Please talk to me... Please don't do this. I'm hurting,
pelo yame e bothoko...are you with her?
He hung up and tried to call but it was off she cried out loud as the baby cried even more, She
piggybacked her with a blanket and carried her handbag walking out of the yard..
Tshiamo: (texting) I'm going to your parent's house to ask gore amme o dira sente. Please call me...
She put the phone in her bag and wiped her tears, Her body sweating she walked along the dusty
concrete road to the taxi stop.
Once there she waved and the taxi stopped... She got in and put the baby on her lap. The hot girl
next to her frowned at her staring at the breast milk stain on her t-shirt. Tshiamo ignored her and
tearfully looked outside the window as her tiny baby sucked the other breast.......
The Alfa Male
At the Ben's....
Boemo's sisters led Bonolo to the pool where they dipped their feet in the pool...
Bonolo sat between them as they stared at her making her uncomfortable....
Bonolo: I was on my way from the clinic, he started talking to me but I rejected him, he parked the
car and followed me home. He was very persuasive
Nicky: (smiled) When are you guys getting married? How old are you?
Bonolo: I'm 18
Bonolo: No
Shosho: I want something like that, I want my first boyfriend to be my husband... Boemo is a lover
and when he loves he loves hard but he doesn't want to be cheated, if you cheat-
Bonolo: (blushed) Yes i love him, he is a charmer and he knows how to take care of a woman.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Boemo's mother poured drinks in glasses and headed to the living room....
The girls got up and wiped their feet with the towel and headed inside the big house holding their
shoes, Bonolo sat next to Boemo...
Shosho later walked in and threw Bonolo a pair of pink socks....
Boemo: (put them on Bonolo's feet) Dikausu tsa gago di thuntse yang
Shosho: (laughed) I'm helping your girl and you respond like that..
His mother: (handed Bonolo a drink) Bonolo my girl don't mind these ones, they are like a cat and
Nicky: (loudly) Come in.... Jesus I'm so lazy, who is going to marry me?
Her father: No one baby, they will all get married except you.
Everyone laughed as the door opened, Tshiamo's white dusty feet stepped in and everyone stared at
her, when she looked down she realized how dusty she was from walking on the concrete and it
broke her heart, their eyes stung her as she stared at Boemo sitting next to Bonolo...
There was silence as everyone stared at her, She walked over... The sofas were full as the girls were
putting their feet up...
His mother: Didn't your mother say the baby can't be seen or go out because spirits and dikokamo
will affect her?
His father: (angrily) Don't do that.... Please... (to the girls) please go to your rooms. Boemo don't go
outside with that baby, she is too you to be in this cold and wind... (stood) We will excuse you. (to
his wife) Let's go...
She went to her room with the baby and laid on the bed staring at her with a smile, she had curly
hair and her lips were pink...
Meanwhile Tshiamo sat down staring at Bonolo and then Boemo, He sat next to Bonolo and leaned
back putting his arms on top of the couch..
Boemo: Why are you here? I said I'll collect you tomorrow
Boemo: Tshiamo don't do this, don't force me to do this, you're going to hurt yourself.
Boemo: (Bonolo stared at him waiting for an answer) You're just the mother of my child, I tried to
give you hints but you ignored them.... (she bowed her head crying) This is what i was trying to
avoid... I didn't want this... I thought you will get the hint and dump me...
Tshiamo: (put her hand on her chest crying)Boemo what changed? We came to Maun and you got
bored because of what people said? You allowed your family to influence you to leave me?
Boemo: (sighed) Bonolo go bring the baby so we can drop her home, It's late...
Boemo: You would need the same from me and i honestly can't guarantee that... I'm sorry that I
have been a coward about it, I wanted to tell you that I'm not interested anymore but it was hard to
just say something like that...
Bonolo walked over and gave Boemo the baby, he stared at her as she slept on his arms... She was
pretty and very little.…he stared back at Tshiamo's teary face and felt a wave of guilt...
He stood and walked outside holding his daughter for the first since she was born... Tshiamo got in
the back seat and Boemo gave her the baby...
Bonolo: Okay...
Boemo: She is so beautiful and it feels awkward holding a baby knowing it's mine.
Boemo: (holding her tiny fingers) She is so beautiful... (laughed) And she has curls...
Tshiamo: Boemo?
Boemo: Yeah
He glanced at Bonolo standing by the gate and leaned over French kissing her.. Tshiamo touching his
package and he grabbed her hand...
He got in the car and drove to the gate where Bonolo got in and they drove away...
At Gape's house....
Later that evening Junior fell asleep on Gape's lap as they watched Cartoons and he took him to bed
then he came back to the desktop and typed his business documents...
Daisy walked behind him, put her hands on his broad shoulders and massaged the stiffness off ...
Daisy: You spend a lot of hours sitting on the computer, your back must hurt when you go to bed
every night... (he slowly closed his eyes and sighed as she massaged his shoulders) Why do we have
to let challenges keep us apart? Don't our kids deserve a proper family?
Daisy: (stopped touching him and moved back) I can't believe i prayed for your success and now that
you are getting rich you see me unfit to be your wife. I loved you when you had nothing...
Gape: What makes you so sure i succeeded because of your prayers and not mine? Besides you left
me not the other way around, I begged you to come back and you refused. (getting angry) to add
insult to injury you came with your boyfriend to- (took a deep breath) Please go back to bed, I have a
lot of work to do, I have been sleeping at 1am for days now trying to get this thing finished.
Daisy: Goodnight
Gape: Goodnight
Alison: (posted a screenshot) Ke tseo...Captains Transport and Logistics ea hira Source ke Daily zero Facebook leta intshwarela.
The post reached 200 Likes in 30 minutes and comments went over 100…
Eric: (commented) Heavy duty ke moteng legoka, Traka nngwe moo yame.
Tshiamo: (commented) F
Henrietta: (commented) F
Maureen: (commented) F
Lisa: (commented) Kante F ke eng? di phone tsa lona gadina turn on notifications, reka lapa...
Pearl : (commented) Gatwe at least 3 years experience ko front desk?? e Bushirinyana waitse
Celine: Hehe i swear I'm the new HR officer wako Captains transport and logistics by fire by force.
Kagiso: (posted the screenshot) Bo munee check today's Daily news, This new company e bitswa
Captains transport and logistics e hira a lot of staff. Ke itsapile go typa.
Gase: (commented) Me ntjiana nkabo o didmetse, ke makgakga selo seo, nakorele tee hagona bo
Daily news ba goroga after 7 days.
Tsaone: Leta itsa batho gore thusa, kagiso thanks for the tip
It was a sunny morning in Maun as usual and over 70 candidates filled the company's little
conference room...
Tiger: Good morning, I am Topo Nkwe also known as Tiger..I am the chief operating officer of this
company, we apologize for the delay. Since there are so many candidates we will divide you in to
Meanwhile Gape ran upstairs holding his papers, he unbuttoned his tux as he reached for the
conference door and walked in...
All eyes fell on the tall broad shouldered CEO as he walked over to his team and whispered to
them... His tux was just the right size showing the silver watch on his wrist as he greeted his team...
Lady: (whispered to her friend) How can somebody be so cute?are we in America or what?
Her: (laughed) Akere, and he is gifted look at the size of that shoe khi
At the corner...
Man: He was allowed to write and I think he passed cause i heard he schooled overseas. I think he is
also a pilot
Man: Ga haselwa
Another corner...
Girl: Mme wee monna yo o monte jaa, his upper lip looks like it was stung by a bee
Girl: Eseng rona ba marinini a mahibidu okare a ntja, God is not fair.....
The team finished it's brief discussion and Gape opened his file...
Gape: Good morning, I'll be calling a few candidates who are here for the post of a receptionist and a
personal assistant.... When i call your name stand and follow me
He called the names as everyone listened, They stood one by one and walked out, he nodded at his
team and walked out...
Tiger : (sighed) Okay... Let's continue, um for the ones who didn't know that's Mr Friday our boss...
Let's continue.....
In Office 8.....
Gape was sitting on the desk in front of 11 ladies who were well dressed and ready for the test, He
got off and placed the papers on the first desk...
Gape: Take one and pass the rest... (gave her another paper) Fill in that and pass it on.
His cologne was like a wave of wind as he walked around pressing his phone....
Gape: (checked his time) Ladies you have 5 minutes left.
He saw a pink diary on the table and flipped the cover, she closed it and put it on her lap then she
continued writing....
Gape: (checked his watch) Time up.. (he walked around collecting them together with the IDs) You
may wait in here or go for 30 minutes while i mark this, I just want one person out of the 11 of you
and unlike the interview going on that side you'll leave this premises knowing if you have been hired
or not.
Girl3: you keep asking yourself if they took someone or they will call until 3months a wela.
Gape: (smiled walking out) Trust me I know what you are talking about...
He sat in his office and took out his pen marking the papers...
At Gape's house....
Junior was sitting on the couch eating breakfast watching TV, Daisy walked into Gape's bedroom and
sat on his bed..... Tears filled her eyes and she covered her face crying. Her phone rang...
Daisy: Hello?
Auntie: Hao Daisy, how can you cry for rragwe said yourself that you don't want to be
with him because he was everything negative, what changed your mind? He won't want you, no man
will want a woman who got pregnant by another man while they were together. You should be glad
he can even allow you to bring Junior for visits.
Auntie: He will never believe you and men hardly forgive, I'm sorry. I think you should focus on
reopening your bakery, there is nothing for you in Mahalapye, you shouldn't have abandoned your
business, ke raya gore as much as Gape was bad he changed your life for better, you went to school
and he financed your business, appreciate that and move on. If you haven't sold your stoves reopen
Daisy: I will do that but I'm going to fight for this man with every bone in my body, I was there when
he was a nobody and now he is a moneymaker gatwe i must move on? No... I blame my hormones
for what happened months ago, it wasn't me. I love this man way too much and i won't move on
because other men turn me off... They're weak, short and have little dicks... I want him.
Auntie: E thata mme, you're just calling for a heart attack because Gape's parents were here last
week they want to get Junior, that shows he is serious about not wanting you. If a man pays for
Bogadi jwa ngwana abo amo tsala asago nyale it shows he is done.
Daisy: Bye...
At Tshiamo's house....
Her: (massaging the baby's legs) Ako ba hire ngwanake the batho a togele go kongorela madi a
lekurukuru le batho. (put the diaper on) She already dropped out of school can't she get a job to at
least buy her daily bread. My daughter looks older than her age mates, God what did she do?
At Boemo's relatives....
Boemo stepped out of the car and walked over to the old ladies sitting under the tree, he bended
greeting them and sat down.
Old lady: Uh uh.... I see, the one who caused the havoc
Auntie: No, with this one Tsheko forgave Sethunya and they stayed together, the one who caused
havoc is Nicky
Old lady: Ehee nnyaa ke gone, waa bua
Boemo: (gave his aunt the picture) Who is that boy? Please tell me everything there is about him.
Auntie: I don't have a problem telling you what happened as long as you don't tell your mother it's
me who told you.
Boemo: I won't say anything to anybody, I just want to see my brother. I grew up surrounded by girls
wanting nothing but a brother, I just want to reunite with him and catch up.
Auntie: Your mother was your father's maid, she had a family... She was married to a man called
Tsheko Friday. They had a son called Marvin, a gentle responsible kid if you ask me.. but then she fell
pregnant and only found out it wasn't her husband's child when the baby was around 3 or 4 months,
this baby was you. At first your mother told her husband that the boss raped her then her story
changed when we wanted to report, she was a very beautiful woman so her husband forgave her
and your father took you. They never recovered but stayed together nonetheless, he started
drinking and they fought everyday, After a few years this little boy you're holding was born, His
name is Dodo..
Boemo: (smiled) Marvin and Dodo... Okay this is good. I have two brothers.
Auntie: Your mother must have been seeing your father behind her husband's back because she got
pregnant again but she quickly filed for divorce, Her husband was devastated, he broke down and
tried to wipe out the entire family, he is in prison for attempted murder, Your mother got the
divorce and married your father leaving those boys with their father's mother who raised them and
later died, The little boy Dodo was trouble, he fought other kids and he could refuse to get a beating
from teachers, I once tried staying with them because they were homeless but that boy brought me
trouble, I went to police three times but they had only been with me for a week, He brutalized
others, he could fight a group of boys alone and walk away without a scratch leaving them bleeding.
I gave up and let them go. His big brother was stuck with him and funny enough he never gave up on
him. Although i don't know him that much i believe he has changed now because he is educated and
successful. Marvin is a married man.
Boemo: (sighed) I can't believe this, it sounds like a fabricated story... No offense... I believe you but i
just don't believe it... Wow...
Auntie: Marvin and Dodo also don't know you guys, they just know that their mother abandoned
them when she got married. I doubt they know there they have a middle brother.
Boemo: Thank you, I'll search for them on Facebook, Gatwe Marvin and Dodo, surname ke Friday
Auntie: Yes...
At Gape's office......
An hour later Gape was sitting on his chair jotting something down, the successful candidate walked
in and sat down... He stared at her biting his pen and leaned back on his chair swinging it a bit... He
had a serious look on his face and she sensed arrogance from the look on his eyes....
Gape: (sighed) Welcome to Captains Trans and Logistics, you'll be my Personal assistant, learn
everything there is about me and do your job efficiently... If i want a document printed and stapled
on my desk by 8 o'clock i actually mean 5 minutes to 8. I want my office ready for me each time I
walk in and you must always be the first to arrive...Any questions regarding your contract or job
The Alfa Male
Gape: Good.. (stood) I have a meeting with somebody, see you tomorrow morning.
He closed the door and she sighed taking out her phone dialing her sister's number....
Monei: (smiled) They hired me... I'm so excited, i can't believe this..
Her: (screamed) Yees... You can finally finish building your house.
Her: Work hard and get a salary increase or something, respect your job akere you see how hard it
was to find it?
Monei: The way i see it go lebega ke simolotse, My boss is arrogant and bossy
Monei: I'm serious, I hope he won't treat me like trash I'd quit right away. He looks like one of those
guys who don't give a shit about women's feelings.
Her: (laughed) You're so judgemental, You're a PA you're supposed to be his office maid and ask how
high whenever he says jump.
Monei: (stood up) Let me go and fix my office then i have to check out his schedule.... Girl i have my
own computer and free Internet, Which means I can do an online course.
Her: Okay madam PA, I'm so proud of you, mom would be so proud of you right now.
Monei: (laughed) Nkabo rago rapela jaana gotwe let's thank the all mighty. I miss her...
Her: (laughed) Hei Mama was something else kana she could pray for a long time hei ke taa hela pelo
ke ipotsa gore Amen wagota leng.
Monei: (laughed) Remember when she slapped me for falling asleep during prayer gotwe ke nale
spirit sa boroko. Ha gongwe gotwe let's sing one last song before going to bed tabe a ntsha..
(singing) Boitshwaaaaareloo jwa mooodimo jonaaaa (they laughed louder) Hei I'd be so annoyed
knowing I'll be asleep half way through the song.
Her: Hey wena Neyney you're making me miss her
Her: Bye
At Boemo's office....
Later during the day Boemo walked in his office and switched on his desktop...
Boemo: (typing) Dodo Friday.... Mmm... Nothing okay.... Marvin Friday... There we go...
He clicked on the Marvin Friday of Maun and shrunk his eyes staring at his pictures...
Boemo: (smiled) Family guy... Okay...(went to about and checked his relationships) Let's see... Where
is our little brother.... (Martin had not added any relationships then he went to his pictures) Kids...
Kids... Wifey.... Kids... Wifey... Oh no you were sick?
He watched his pictures with Same from the time they were operated until they recovered and sent
him a friend request, He continued with the pictures and came across more pictures of Marvin with
Gape... A certain post caught his was Gape standing next to Marvin when he was on his
hospital bed.
Martin: (caption) This guy is the only family I have and he has had my back since day one. Every time
I want to give up and think about how hard he is working and hustling to keep me alive, i find
strength. #Brothers_for_life
Gape: Yeah and you better get well soon so i can get laid, i can't get it up when you're sick.
Bonolo called and he stared at the screen until the call ended, he put it and clicked on Gape's
Boemo: (looking at the pictures of Gape in the flight deck) Okay... At least you have brains... (looking
at pictures of him in formal wear) A little class... Not bad.. Captains Trans and Logistics.. Okay... This
guy is good... For a fucked up little kid, you turned out good.
He came across a picture of Bonolo with Junior captioned "Family goals", he leaned back on his chair
and sighed....
Boemo: Shit........
Boemo: Hi, I'm Boemo Rodney Ben, Sethunya Ben's "first born", her names were Sethunya Friday
before she remarried. Can we meet and talk?
At Marvin's office...
Meanwhile Marvin signed some papers and heard a notifications, he clicked and read the message
frowning... He went to Boemo's account and stalked him as well then he typed a message...
Marvin: Okay
Marvin sat back sighing in shock, Could his father have been right? What kind of a woman would his
mother be?
At Tshiamo's house....
She walked in the house hungry and exhausted after walking 5 kilometers to the interview with
nothing in her tummy...
Tshiamo: The interview wasn't bad, i got the questions correct but we have to wait for their phone
Her: I will pray they call you, you will find a job
Tshiamo: Hello?
Boemo: (driving) Hi
Tshiamo: Hi
Tshiamo: I told you i don't have food a few days ago, Boemo if you want to give me something do it
without me begging you to, your girlfriend knows o beile botsetsi she won't be surprised to see you
buying Bopi and milk.
Boemo: Okay I'm sorry, I'm meeting somebody now, after lunch I'll come by to collect so that you
can buy you.
Tshiamo: Ewallet the money, I don't want to walk around with you because it will give me hope but i
want to accept that we are just coparenting.
Boemo: I don't think there is anything wrong with us hanging together, we have a child together.
Tshiamo: Maybe after sometime... I'm still recovering from what you said to me last week ore kante
why am not dating as if you don't know why.
Boemo: I'm sorry for saying that, it was wrong. I should've said that. I will send the money
Tshiamo: Bye
She hung up and took off her shoes, the phone reported the deposit of 2K…
Tshiamo: I don't want to give myself hope, I saw his girlfriend and his family loves her, Ke ledile ke
chaisitse. Koore hela gone jaana ke stresiwa kego thoka tiro, if i find a job I'll be complete.
Tshiamo: I feel like i passed that interview, i knew every answer, I hope they hire me.
At Cappello....
Boemo sipped wine as Marvin walked over, He stood and they bumped shoulders, Marvin sat down
staring at Boemo as if he would recognize him...
Marvin: The last time i saw you, you were a few months old.
Marvin: Your mother said you died, I lived all these years knowing i lost a brother...
Boemo: She also didn't tell me anything, i got the information from relatives.. (put the picture on the
table) I guess that's Dodo...
Boemo: Wait.... (sighed) Gape and I have met before but under different circumstances.... I dated
Masa soon after he left her and then I i caught them together... (saddened) It was an ugly scene, i
still struggle to get over it, it killed everything i believed about love and women. I trusted Masa and
she betrayed me, Gape rubbed it on my face....
Marvin: Oh yeah, i remember you now.... I remember you refusing to leave the party and jumping in
the pool. Are you still with Masa?
Marvin: You're the guy who took Bonolo? He cried for that girl..
Boemo: And i can leave her, I haven't slept with her yet so things won't be that complicated.
Marvin: I don't know, we will hear from him but I hope the circle stops, ke boata hela go sheera
Boemo: I didn't know he was with her when i approached her but even after i still wanted him to
understand what he made me feel with Masa.
Boemo: Not really but i felt like he was about to attack me...(sighed) I loved Masa, I still love her but
what Gape did hurt me, I still think about it and wonder gore Gape one a nnyatsa eng. Anyway I'm
willing to put that behind us and forgive him. I wouldn't want to lose a brother for a girl.
At FNB...
Gape walked out of the bank and got in the car increasing the ring volume of his phone, it rang while
he was holding it.......
Marv: Dodo come on, It's lunchtime can we put business aside for a minute? you're going to lose
weight if you keep working like this. You need to rest
He hung up and realized he had 9 missed calls from Daisy, he slid them down and dialed his
At Gape's house......
Daisy slowly sat on the toilet seat as the pain on her abdomen increased... She peed and saw black
mucus like discharge on her party liner. She put on another one and flashed the dirty one...
Daisy: (granted closing her eyes tightly) Iyooo.... Mmmm...
She stood up and walked out, her phone rang in the bedroom and she hurried, Another contraction
struck and she stopped putting her palms on the bed....
Daisy: Please hurry, I'm in labor... (her water broke) My water just broke... Oh my God... I was trying
to delay a bit so that I don't spend hours at the hospital but this one came quickly...
Same: (panicked) Modemo Daisy!? I'm coming ka taxi Marvin has the car
Same: (screaming waving at the taxi) Heela naare waa pusha Daisy?breathe....
Junior walked in the bedroom and stared at the blood on the white tile......
He started crying and walked over, he slipped on the stained water and held her bloody dress.
Daisy: Uhhhhhh...….
Gape: It's too late you can't fill the tub with water, just lay down.... I'm a few minutes away, i wonder
if we will make it to the hospital.......
Gape hung up and stepped on the accelerator overtaking three cars and missing the oncoming one
by an inch............ (9t)
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house....
A few minutes later Gape walked in and found Daisy breastfeeding the tiny baby and wiping her
body with the sheets
Daisy: Yes...
Junior: Blood...
Gape: It's okay.... Mommy is not hurt okay? Take a bath I'm coming...
He got the towel and spread it on the floor to absorb the liquids then Same walked in....
Same: (looking at the blood on the bed and floor) Get out of here, I'll take care of it. Give me your
car keys or the keys to Madza3 I'll take her to the hospital... Put that towel down, you're not
supposed to see things like this.
Gape: (searched for keys to the Madza and gave her)it has enough fuel..
Daisy: i didn't come with the baby bag, i knew i had time
Same: Daisy a woman of your age doesn't know that 8 and 9 months are the possible times to
deliver? You shouldn't even be here, look what you made Gape see. Madza is parking outside, why
didn't you drive to the hospital?
Daisy: I didn't know where he put the keys and he wasn't answering his phone.
Same: Gape I will send you a list of what to buy, please help her.
Gape: Ok..
Gape walked out, dressed his son and left.... Meanwhile in the bedroom...
Same: (giving her clean clothes) Gape ntse asago bate gale now o tsholetse mo bolaong jwa gagwe
I'm sure you turned him off completely, you just killed any little hope. I'm just saying.. Put on a clean
dress so we can go.... I have to come back and clean the entire room before Gape and Junior come
Daisy: Gape will not treat me like that, I met him when he had nothing to his name, completely
Daisy: (slowly walking to the car) I made him who he is, i prayed for his success. All these suits he
wears is because of me... I met him when he wore sweatpants now he wears shirts and suits he
wants to get rid of me.
Same: I know this is Gape's baby, why did you lie to me? I thought we were friends.
Daisy : I knew you would tell Marvin and he would tell Gape then he would stop me.
Same: Why do you want to come back? His size hasn't changed...
Daisy: Obviously i overreacted and sex is tiring especially when you're dating Gape, I overreacted...
Now i want my family back.
Daisy: I met him when he had nothing and I'm supposed to let girls chow his money? He gave me
two kids!
Same:I don't remember Gape being poor, he had a brand new car when you met him, he didn't have
a lot of swag like now but he had money, I remember him paying our rent and buying us food, ke
raya me and Marvin, he supported us until i found a job at Wimpy even then he still paid our rent,
He wasn't working but he had money, i don't know where he got it but he had money, he wasn't
poor. Stop saying he was poor, I have never seen Gape broke ever since i met him and his brother.
Same: If you want him back be honest with yourself, don't make up stories
At Ackerman's.....
Gape walked around the baby section holding Junior's hand... A shop assistant walked over
Her: (smiled) Hi, can i help you?
Gape: Hello?
Gape: Ackerman's eha Spar... Kante why are you looking for me?
Gape: Okay..
A few minutes later Gape walked out of the shop and threw the plastic in the back..
Marvin parked next to him and Boemo parked on the other side.. They both got out of the cars and
walked towards him, Gape lifted his son and closed the door...
Marvin: Remember what you told me about our mother having a baby with her boss? The kid being
Gape: (faced Boemo and laughed in disbelief) You've got to be kidding me....hahaha wow.... (put his
son on his seat) I'm getting out of here, I have to go to the hospital.
Marvin: Gape we have to talk about this... He is our brother and he wants to make amends
Gape: Marvin you keep forgetting something, I knew he was out there but i didn't look for him or his
mother because i don't care, My father told me he was out there and i believed him but I don't want
anything to with them and now that it's this motherfucker-(sighed) I'm getting out of here before i
do something stupid.
Boemo: I didn't have sex with Bonolo, you can have her.…
Gape: I don't want your little virgin, keep her, I can do better than that. Stay the hell away from me.
Marvin: He is your brother, We have to make this work. You can't possibly let a girl get between you
and your brother, Both of you have to make a pact not to go back to Bonolo and Masa.
Gape: Masa? This has nothing to do with Masa, take her out of it and then Marv you chose to tell me
something like this at the mall? I'm disappointed in you...
Boemo: I really want to make things work, I'm willing to forgive you for sleeping with Masa-
Gape: Dude i don't need your forgiveness for sleeping with Masa, she wasn't yours to begin with.
Marvin: None of you owned her, why are even talking about her?we should be talking about our
Gape: He is not my brother and he should stay away from me because he owes me, One word from
him I'll knock his teeth out..
Boemo: (laughed) Dream on, I see those stitches didn't teach you a lesson...
Marvin: Believe me, it could have been worse if we were in a private area...
At Letsholathebe Hospital.....
Almost an hour later Daisy walked over to Gape and he handed her the plastic....
Daisy: (smiled) Thank you... You should see her lips, they look like yours...
Gape: Daisy you messed up my bed, I'm gonna need a new one, do you understand that?
Daisy: I'm sorry, I delayed a bit thinking it would be like with Junior but this one happened so quick.
Gape: Where are you going to stay when they discharge you?
Gape: (sighed frustratedly) Okay... I can not keep sugar coating this any longer.... We are over, that
means i don't want you. If you stay in my house you will make it impossible for me to move on but
I'm looking for a serious girl to be in a relationship with.
Gape: Trust me to but it still changes nothing, We are done, having my kids doesn't mean we have to
stay together.
Daisy: Can i stay in your house just until my stitches have healed then I'll go back home and nurse
the baby before i open my bakery, please.... Just three weeks...
At the dumpster.....
Same pulled over and threw the black plastic bags of the bloody sheets in the skip.. A driver made a
sudden stop when he caught a glimpse of her face then he reversed as she took out more bags. He
got out of the car and walked over to her...
Him: (smiled in disbelief looking at her ring) You are married? I can't believe this... You sent me to jail
and did this?
Him: (angrily) Ska bua makgakga Sasa, You ruined my life, do you know that? BDF won't accept me
back, go hedile and no one is going to hire me with this record... I have been looking for you. We
have a lot to talk about...
Same got in the car, he pulled her out and closed the door....
Daniel: (angrily) pregnant? Pregnant Sasa? Didn't you say you're barren?
He slapped her and she sat down crying covering her face...
Daniel: Did you marry him? Is it him? (slapped her again and pulled her up by her neck) I asked you a
He dragged her to his car, A passing police car stopped and an officer walked over, Daniel let go of
her and got in his car.....
Officer: (walked over to Daniel's car) Please step outside the vehicle, I would like to talk to you.
Daniel: I'm soldier... I know all about serve and protect.... I didn't do anything...
Officer: Just step outside the vehicle please and put your hands where i can see them....
He stepped out of the the car and the officer pinned him against the car cuffing him....
Daniel: Talk about unlawful arrest, I didn't do anything.... (loudly) Sasa you're going to do it again
punkin? Uh?
Daniel: You can't arrest me, you're not sure about anything.
Officer: I saw you dragging her against her will as soon as we stopped you let her go, she is crying
and accusing you of beating her, that's enough for me to take you to the police station. (locked his
car and gave him his keys) Let's go...
Meanwhile the other officer spoke to Same and she followed the police car with Gape's car... She
dialed her husband crying...
At BPC.....
Marvin: I'd like that, you must have had a happy childhood.
Marvin : It wasn't the case with us, we could go for days without food and look forward to school
Marvin: I used to believe she was a victim but the way she lied to me shocked me, I just want to
understand why.... (His phone rang) Sorry it's my wife... (picked) Hello?
Same: (sniffing) I'm on my way to police, Daniel saw me at the dumpster at attacked me.
Marvin: (paused and turned staring at him) Really? Beat him senseless?... (dumbfounded).... Uh...
Why do you guys have to use violence all the time?
Boemo: I'm sorry if it sounds a bit stupid but if somebody beat my wife I'd send them a loud and
clear message than a police casenyana.
Marvin: (got in his car) You should have been Gape's twin.
Boemo: The way he hates me he would have cut my umbilical cord and drowned me in the amniotic
Boemo: sure
Marvin reversed and drove away, Boemo go in his and joined the road pressing his phone then he
pulled aside dialed Masa's number holding his breath hoping she had not changed her number...
Masa: Hello?
Boemo:I'm good, I was just thinking about you, kante ota hetsa skolo kana re ithoboge?
Masa: (laughed) Shem... The rra wena i can't wait to finish school... I'm counting the months
Boemo: Even if i want to I'm sure some big company will hire you....
Masa: (laughed massaging her scalp)Remember that guy i told you about? Who always manages to
get higher points
Masa: (laughed) Yes, that guy annoys me he always gets above me but kemo makile gore this
Masa: I don't want drama rannana, hakena stress and i want to keep it that way.
Boemo: Facebook friendship hela? Besides I'm not with Tshiamo, I'm just supporting my daughter.
Not that I'm trying to hit on you or anything, i respect your decision. Exs don't have to always hate
each other right?
Masa: I'm serious Boemo, go heta this semester hela then I'll need a job...
Masa: thanks..
Boemo: Bye...
She hung up and put her phone under the pillow rolling on top of Molly in her red thong and bra...
She kissed Molly on the cheek as she faced the wall with a straight face....
Masa: Uh batho Molly, Do you have to be jealous about every male i talk to?
Molly: (shaky voice) I can tell from his voice that he wants you, I'm sure that's not the voice he uses
on his sisters and buddies. He wants you and i don't think you should accept his friendship request
Masa: Not this time Molly, you made me block a lot of guys on Facebook and i did it to give you
peace but i think now too much...What matters is that i don't want him besides Boemo never said he
wants me.
Molly: At this point in time show me a guy who says hey i want you or i love you, you'll just find
yourself under his chest...
Masa: (smiled and kissed her) you're so cute when you're insecure... Look at you.... (pinching her
cheeks) Care Bear wame bathong....
Masa: (sat on her tummy snapping her fingers singing) Na na na.... I kissed a girl and i liked it.... Uh
Molly smiled looking at Masa's flat tummy and boobs on her push-up bra.... She looked gorgeous in
extensions and her armpits were hairless and smooth....
Masa: (leaned over and kissed French kissed her)... How is that?
Masa kissed her and pulled down the strips of her bra then she unhooked it and threw it on the
floor... Molly stared at her brown nipples pointing at her....
Masa: (smiled seductively biting her lower lip) Nyanya baby autwa... Nyanya o didimale...
Molly smiled and cupped them shaking them then she leaned over gently sucking her tits as she
closed her eyes facing upwards with her eyes closed........
At Gape's office.......
Later that afternoon, the building was quite everyone had knocked off and Gape was sitting on his
chair with his foot on the table biting his pen bottom lost in deep thoughts.......
He closed his eyes rewinding everything and found himself in Gaborone bus rank waiting room....
Her hips... Face... And the magical hug that made his heart skip... He opened his eyes and sighed
disappointedly then he got the mouse and logged in his female fake account friends with her...
Masa: (updated her status an hour ago) Chilling with Bae... My Care Bear..
He checked her Likes and visited every profile that liked her status but he still couldn't find the Care
bear... He went through her uploads and saved a beautiful clear picture of her sitting by the pool. His
phone rang and he picked....
Gape: Hello?
Gape: Rra?
Gape: Oh okay.
Gape: How did you find your wife? How did you know she was the one?
Young uncle: On a serious note when she is the one you feel it, you can't stop thinking about her and
nothing fulfills you except her, even if you meet a good girl she will never be enough....
Gape: Was she a good girl when you met her, was she a wife material?
Young uncle: Well she wasn't an angel, i molded her and she moulded me, we built each other. We
had our flaws, You don't always get the perfect wife you always pictured...the one who cooks and
cleans without getting tired, gives you sex all the time and never disagrees with you...that's not how
it works, you only get something close to that the rest is up to you two to work on and even after
understanding one another it will never be perfect, there will be times when she does something
Gape: (thought of the dogs and neighborhood crime watch people chasing him) I see what you
Gape: I can't find a woman that satisfies me like this other ex girlfriend of mine, she is very difficult
to deal with and I think she has moved on, kgang ya teng e ntsenya stress blind and i keep trying to
ignore her gaa pala...
Gape: Not to the best of my ability, she is difficult and she makes me angry at times then i end up
doing something stupid THEN she misinterprets that wrongly... Koore e nna ele fork fork hela
Young uncle: But wena Dodo the way i know you, the problem might be you and not the woman.
Gape: I have grown passed the boy you know, i know much better than that now and since Marvin
got married, i really want to have something solid as well.
Young uncle: That is very good, and let me tell you something... I can tell you are going to be very
successful businessman but that is only possible if you have a stable family, Check out all the
successful men... They are married because a wife keeps you sane and will always have your best
interest at heart, a wife can sense a parasite kilometers away (they both laughed) I'm telling you
otherwise you'll give your money to every nightstand, All successful men are married and it wasn't
easy, you go through challenges so go get your girl. Don't use a phone bashimane ba malatsia le
kgaeditswe ke Facebooku, Mosadi wamo latela regardless of where she is you travel there just for
her omo leba mo mathong gore a inanathe omo lebile sente... Your manly instincts kick in when
you're looking at her and you automatically say the right thing... Gadi phone ledi sticker tsa heart mo
ke bogatapa hela. Nna even during my university years i have never wanted a girl over the phone,
Neke ba leba mo mathong... Haare waa chika kemo turna so kere nteba o mpolele gore wareng...
None of them rejected me, nowadays you young men are cowards sending women silly messages,
some things must only come out of your mouth right in front of her....
Gape: (laughed) Ankele kana motho yore buang ka ene oko Gaborone.
Young uncle: Kante gase gore o pilot monna? Aren't you supposed to be wherever you want
whenever you want? I thought oa lenda gongwe le gongwe mo Botswana le Southern Africa, le
bereka jang ko Air Botswana?
Gape: (thoughtfully smiled looking at his time) I have to go. A friend of mine is about to take off,
maybe i can pull a few strings and sneak myself in his flight....
Young uncle: Okay, oseka itwaetsa dilo tse tsa di phone, mosadi wa latelwa gore a helelwe ke di
excuse le maaka.
Young uncle: Leha o iteisa, iteisa go utwala you must be able to bring it down both sides.
Gape: (impatiently) Ee
Gape: (Impatiently) My phone is low battery..( He hung up) shit this old man never stops talking,
He quickly grabbed his car keys and hurried out dialing his coworker's number. He drove out of the
parking lot and joined the traffic checking his time as the phone rang.............
The Alfa Male
Same: Yeah...
Daniel and Marvin exchanged glares as the police officer continued to write...
Same: Yes
Marvin: I'll explain in the car, please do it. Just ask him to apologize in exchange with you dropping
the case
Same: Okay.... (cleared her throat) I can forgive him if he apologizes, I'll even drop the charges.
Same:Yes ma'am
A few minutes later Marvin and Same walked out of the police station holding hands, Daniel walked
out a few minutes after and waited for the taxi as Marvin opened the door for Same....
Marvin: Are you sure it was just the slap? We can go to the hospital and check the baby...
Same: (laughed) I'm fine, no need for the hospital.
Same: Yes... (laughed) If it didn't hurt I'd wish it happened everyday so that you can open the doors
for me hahaha
Same: So...
Same: Marv i don't want you talking to him, What if he fights you. He is very violent... That's why i
don't think twice about putting him in jail.
Marvin: Babe think, a slap won't send him to jail. I will talk to him.
Same: that he couldn't believe i was married bluh bluh... And then he was angry that I'm pregnant,
after my miscarriage i had told him i couldn't have kids.
Same: What if he isn't? Marvin i appreciate you giving someone the benefit of doubt but you don't
know Daniel, i don't want to lose my baby please
Same: Okay...
He walked in the shop as Same adjusted her seat and laid down, her phone rang and she picked....
Same: Hello?
Daisy: I think tomorrow morning we will be discharged, will you take me to Gape's house?
Same: (sighed) Daisy you're not going to Gape's house, Don't do that to yourself. He doesn't want
you, I understand that you are nursing his baby but the pain you're going to feel every time Gape
comes home late is going to drive you to hang yourself, You have Junior's ATM card if I'm not
mistaken it gets P1400 monthly, can't i drive around and find you a room? That way your aunt can
come and help you with the new baby.
Daisy: Same you don't have a child i don't think you will understand what I'm trying to do here, Gape
and i are a family of four now, I'm fighting for what's mine.
Same: You're going to hurt yourself, Don't stay in Gape's house. Automatically you'll expect him to
act like you two are together, what if he brings a visitor?
Daisy: To a newborn baby? What kind of a girl will agree to that ? Every time women realize he is
staying with me and the kids anything he says won't matter if at all ke basadi baba nang le di
Daisy: You think just because you are married you know everything.
Same: Mme kana haoka lebelela it has nothing to do with the ring. I'm just helping you, I know you
want me to agree with everything you say to prove I'm your friend but i find it hard to lie about
certain things, tabe kesago direle sente if i support you, I don't want to see you boney because i
know a man, trust me i dated one soldier and he did them all, i once spent a night with him and
another girl on the bed, The girl saying she isn't going anywhere on the cold, I had nowhere to go ke
kaletse ko Panda a shwele mosimane, It was cold as hell and he didn't have a lot of blankets, We put
him in between and slept, That girl touched him the whole night and although it was dark i could tell
he was kissing her ke utwa mxim mxwim ba teng, Don't beg a man too much you'll hurt yourself.
Daisy: I also want to be married like you, You gave Marvin your kidney i want to give Gape the time
he needs to grow up.
Daisy: Kante wena Same are you jealous of me or what? You never support me in anything i do.
Same: I want to find you a house but waa gana, I'm willing to borrow you my stoves so you can
continue with the bakery since I'm doing a different business but you're refusing, you just want to be
a house wife to a guy who doesn't even pretend anymore. But i will support you ee if not supporting
you means I'm jealous, I will come and drive you to his house.
Same: (took a deep breath) I'm sorry if I'm being a little hard on you, you remind me of me and i
didn't want you to experience what i went through but men are different, maybe Gape will respect
your presence and come home on time, doing other things... I'm sorry, I'll come get you.
Same: I'm glad to hear that... Um... Marv is here, we will chat later
Daisy: Bye
She hung up as Marv started the car, Marvin have her a juice...
Same: yes, she wants to stay with Gape, the rra bua le monnao aseka amo sota please
Marvin: Why does she want to stay with him? Kana Gape is busy nowadays, he hardly sits down
because his company just started plus his leave days are over, who is going to help her with the
At Masa's house.....
Classmate: Thanks
He hung up and stepped out, locked the doors and slide the gate walking in. He took a deep breath
as he approached her room...
The curtains were open and the fan was circling around fanning the room... As he got closer he saw
Masa with her legs spread apart and her eyes closed as Molly muffed her... He put his hands in the
pocket and watched licking his lower lip.... His heart pounded as he silently stared at them... He took
out his phone and recorded them making out....
Molly kissed her inner thighs as she moaned... She kissed her foot going to her toes and then back to
her nipple and lips then she #removed...
After 15 mins Gape stopped the recording and put the phone in his pocket then he knocked with his
hand in the pocket holding his Airwick...
Masa: Who is it? (he knocked again) Who is it?...
She wrapped herself with a towel and put on her pink sleepers then she opened the door, Gape put
his hands on her waist and lifted her up putting her on his tummy and French kissed her...
Surprised and startled with a pounding heart she became weak in his arms as he walked backwards
sneaking his hand under the towel and felt her cum... He French kissed her rubbing her as she put
her arms around his neck kissing back...
Gape: (unzipped his jeans) Damn i could slide myself in here... You're deliciously wet....
Molly stepped out tying her sweatpants her heart almost fell out of her chest as she saw Masa up on
his arms, Masa quickly moved her body trying to slide down but Gape held her tightly and pulled her
up holding her properly walking over....
Gape: (smiled staring down at her and gave her a hand) Care bear, we meet again.
Masa: (kicking the air pushing him) Gape I'm serious put me down,kana my towel will unwrap
(looking at Molly) Molly he just lifted me. (teary) Gape put me down!............ (9t)
The Alfa Male
At Masa's house....
Gape put her down, she picked her shoes and ran inside fixing her towel... Molly's heart continued
pounding as she stared at Gape...
Gape: Gorileng?
Gape: Hurt who? You? Are you seriously going to cry for another girl? Don't you ever think about
having kids, family... Having a normal life than licking girls?
Gape: This is not your house and I'm not your guest.
Masa: Seriously Molly i told you to keep your insecurities in check, besides being your girlfriend i
have a life.... We won't always want the same thing.
Masa: I want to talk to him. That's why.... I'd appreciate it if you don't make this complicated than it
is, You can wait for me here or leave then I'll call you.
Molly: (sat on the bed) I'll wait...
She sprayed perfume on herself and joined Gape outside, Molly watched her walking out of the gate
and sat down crying....
In Gape's car....
Masa: What do you want Gape? and who showed you my house?
Gape: I want us to try again... I can't love anybody else except you
Gape: Sex? I flew all the way just to talk to you and you think i want sex from you?
Masa: Well it was the first thing that came out of your mouth when you saw me, that's all i am to
you a sex tool. And please don't even try to be mr romantic you didn't fly from Maun to Gaborone
just for me, You're a pilot.... You're working, you probably felt horny and decided oh hey maybe i can
demand another after tears from her and tear her vagina up so she can sit on salt water for three
days again, Mxm you must think I'm stupid, I can't believe for a minute i thought you were mature...
Gape: Masa i have no reason to lie to you, i came for you and I'm sorry that I gave you the
impression that i came for sex but that's not why I'm here and don't talk about maturity when you
have just been licked by a girl. (sighed) What do you mean sit on salt water for three days?
Masa: That's what happened because of your after tears but that was years ago I'm fine now and I
really don't want drama in my life, I know your girlfriend is pregnant and just like last time you want
to use me and then forget all about me once atswa mo botsetsing, You're so predictable.
Gape: Masa the mona oska ira yalo keago kopa Babe, I don't even know if it's mine or not but -
Masa: Exactly that's the drama I'm talking about, Your life is a mess and I'm not ready to be part of it,
Very soon I'll be finishing my school then I'm going to look for a job, Extend my parents house and
then build for myself and look for a single man without kids and if he has kids the mother must have
moved on because most baby mamas never move on and make the life of a girlfriend a nightmare i
don't want drama.
Masa: While she is carrying your child and living in your house, uploading pictures of you sleeping
with your son?you must think I'm a fool.
Masa: She requested a year ago and i gladly accepted her request, She uploads your pictures like
nobody's business.... I guess she is trying to make me jealous or send me a message but I'm not
jealous, I have accepted that we will never be together. I love you, there is no doubt about that but a
relationship needs more than love to succeed. You know that.
Gape: (frustrated) what kind of pictures does she upload? I have never posed for a picture..
Masa: You sleeping with Junior, Sometimes watching TV... Driving the car.. Loads of pictures, aren't
you her friend?
Gape: She blocked me on Facebook and I never thought she would upload such pictures on social
media, My employees will lose respect for me... Am i well dressed in these pictures?
Masa: Mostly you're shirtless akere she is showing off with your six pack
Masa: But i see her updates, don't lie to me. You're such a liar acting surprised, i know you're even
staying together. I see her pictures every day, leave me alone.
Masa: Do you?
She got out of the car and walked in through the gate, he reversed the car and drove off dialing
Marvin's number...
Marv: yeah?
Gape: Will you ask Same to get Junior from auntie's house?
Gape: In Gaborone
Gape: No, I came to see Masa but it didn't workout,I spoke to ankele about her and he kind of
motivated me to go for it but i messed up, the minute i saw her i forgot everything he said and
kissed her, now she thinks i want to use her, apparently Daisy has been taking pictures of me with
Junior and uploading them so even if i approached her properly she was still going to reject me
because to her it's like I'm still with Daisy, she thinks I'm lying and want to use her
Gape: Marv ke mmona kae? It's hard to find a girlfriend, everyone is taken and the single ones are
single for a reason, they have been fucked up banale di trust issues or they want money, some of
them perception ya bone of love is a fairy tale... They want perfection and you know I'm no where
near perfect.
Marv: This is the first time I hear you doubt yourself and not every single person is bad, take your
Gape: I'm getting old, I should be married building a future for my kids.
Gape: It doesn't matter what i do Marv, Daisy is busy giving people the impression that I'm with her
and lying about it, I don't know why she is doing that to me, it's like she is punishing me for having
kids with her.
Marv: Daisy loves you and i truly believe pregnancy hormones were playing tricks on her, she made a
mistake forgive her, I like her for you.
Gape: Marv i don't love her,I don't feel anything for her
Marv: Do you even know love? Daisy is your family, the mother of your kids and just like family
sometimes we annoy each other but it doesn't mean we don't love each other.
Gape: You won't understand, nobody ever understood me since the beginning of time, go sharp
Gape: And?
Gape: Talk? Are you serious? Somebody put their hands on your wife and you want to talk? That guy
is from prison talking isn't exactly the language he will understand.
Gape: I hope he never does that to her in my presence because I'll make him call his mama.
Gape: (panicked) Marv?! My gun is in there.... Why is it at police? Shit I'm going to jail if they get that
Marv:They didn't take it, we parked it there, why would you go to jail? What did you do with the
Gape: It's hidden, nobody can see it unless they are looking for it.
Gape: Please hurry.…I'm going to look for accommodation, tomorrow morning I'll fly back.
Marv: Sharp
At Tshiamo's house......
The next morning Tshiamo was doing laundry outside her daughter laying in her pram.... Her phone
rang, she dried her hands and picked...
Tshiamo: Hello?
Tiger: Good morning Tshiamo, it's Tiger from Captains trans and Logistics
Tiger: I have your letter on my table, when can you collect it?
Tshiamo: What kind of a letter? If it's a rejection letter you can just let me know.
Tiger: (laughed) Tshiamo i don't open people's mails, come get your letter.
Tshiamo: Yolanda pray for mommy, if i get this job our lives will never be the same again.
Gape's phone rang under the pillow and he reached for it....
Gape: Hello?
Young uncle: We just came from Juniors parents and things are complicated, you also haven't been
honest with us, you embarrassed us...
Young uncle: First of all they don't want to give you Junior, Gatwe Daisy is not a cow gaa thaolelwe, if
you want your son you have to marry their daughter, those are their words and they asked us gore if
we're taking Junior what about your daughter, (angrily) Why didn't you tell us Daisy was pregnant
and that you have a daughter?
Gape: Uncle she told me it wasn't mine... She left me. I'm still not sure it's mine.
Young uncle: (angrily) You're lying to me Dodo isn't this girl in your house as we speak? So yesterday
you fooled me?
Young uncle: I'm very disappointed in you, You're very disrespectful Dodo and you will never change,
how can you be chasing after girls when you have another woman in your house?
Young uncle: O bona wena Dodo o bodipa and you're disrespectful, Where are you? We want to call
a meeting with the other elders and talk to you...
Young uncle: We want to see you as soon as you get here, You're not serious and the
embarrassment you made us to go through, Her uncle said he wants her niece back in Mahalapye
together with his grandchildren, you can't stay with them if you haven't married her. Are o buse
Daisy le bana bao o nyale kaha molaong o lese go gana ka bana ba gagwe and he-
He hung up and threw the phone on the bed rubbing his head. It rang again and he glanced at it.. It
was a different number..
Gape: Hello?
Coworker: Sure...
At Gape's house....
A few hours later Gape walked in the house, Junior ran over and he lifted him with a simple smile...
Gape: Hey Captain... (put him on the couch) I'm not feeling well,I'm going to sleep, just watch TV
Junior: Okay..
He walked in his bedroom and found Daisy laying on the bed with the baby, He silently took off his
clothes and went for a shower, Minutes later he walked back drying himself and sat on the bed
facing Daisy.
Gape: Daisy I'm in big trouble with my parents because they think I'm playing you, if at all this little
girl is mine then let me get them both, I want them to use my name. You will stay with them, I'll find
you a house and I'll pay the bills and buy groceries but i want them in my name.
Daisy: I'm sorry Gape, I can't let you have the kids, We are a package, you either get the three of us
or nothing.
Gape: Daisy kante waa itse gore nobody likes me in my family because of who i used to be growing
up? Everyone has a certain perception about me and apparently I'm forcing you to be here and I'm
playing you, your parents want you back but i want you to leave Junior, Same will babysit him when
he comes from school.
Daisy: Gape if you want Junior you have to marry me and my uncle called me this morning they say i
must return home with all the kids and never come here unless you marry me. They long sent my
cousin with a car to get me and he should be here anytime now.…
He turned and saw big bags, A car parked outside... Daisy stood....
Daisy: If you marry me yes or if you visit me in Mahalapye but he will never come to Maun.
She walked out, her cousin loaded the bags and took Junior, Gape was still sitting on the bed with his
hands together and head down, The car engine started and drove off as he listened until the house
was completely silent....
Gape: (closed his eyes) Shiit....(rubbed his teary eyes) What is wrong with me?
He went to the food pantry and reached for a bottle of wine, popped the cork and poured in the
glass.... He stared at glass as the bubbles settled then he reached for the glass and paused before
sipping, he poured it in the sink and went to bed....
His phone rang getting on his last nerve, he smashed it on the wall, it went silent and he laid down
closing his eyes......
The Alfa Male
At Old mall....
Tshiamo walked around the Chinese shops looking for formal clothes... She picked a white blouse
and a skirt...
Tshiamo: Hi, can you borrow me P300? I want to buy formal clothes, I found a job as a Receptionist
and you know what they say about a receptionist's dressing.
Tshiamo: My mother.
Boemo: Oh okay, I'll send the money but don't return it.
Tshiamo: Thanks, I hope your girlfriend won't mind this. Negosena gore keka adima kae
Boemo: It's cool, She won't mind. When will she be old enough for me to take her and spend time
with her?
Boemo: Yeah
Tshiamo: I think 5 months, the rra try to get your girlfriend's attitude towards her before she starts
visiting, i don't want a situation where Yolanda comes to your house and comes back with bruises
that don't even have an explanation.
Boemo: The truth is gone jaana I'm not with anyone but if it happes that i have a girlfriend, she
won't get close to Yolanda too quickly. When Yoli comes I'll be with her alone or with my family,
Nicky likes her
Boemo: But it's the same thing with you, don't let your boyfriends molest my daughter I'd run them
over with a car.
Tshiamo: (laughed) Tabo o nthusitse nka kua gore omo thule thata... Gone mme there won't be
such, I want to make enough money to pay for my retake and then apply for sponsorship again.
Tshiamo: Sharp
She hung up and got in the next shop, the message beeped and she smiled reading it.....
At Gape's house....
A knock interrupted his sleep, he walked over and opened the door, his heart skipped as he looked
at his uncles and aunts....
Senior uncle: I said it didn't i? Gagona sepe sa Cape Town. I know this boy in and out.
They walked in and sat on the couch, Gape later walked back in putting on his t-shirt and sat on the
carpet as all the seat were taken by the elders.
Senior uncle: I sent your uncles to Mahalapye and they are not happy with the way the Pitsos have
treated them, Those people are angry because you found their daughter at a young age and made
her mother and now you want to separate her with her son and leave behind the daughter, why?
nobody knows. I want to understand your side of the story.
Gape: Daisy told me the baby wasn't mine that's why i only wanted Junior and I'm currently not with
Uncle: He is lying, if it's not your baby why did you agree for her to stay here?
Uncle: Gago dirwe jalo Gape, o tshodisitse ngwana yole bana bale 2, 2! Obata gore a nyalwe ke
mang? Nyala o togele tshameko eo...
Senior uncle: So you gave her 2 kids, who is going to marry her?
Gape: That's why i want my kids, so that they don't disturb her
Senior uncle: Let me tell you something, Since you claim to love your kids know that no girlfriend will
wash your child's clothes, bath her or even spend a night with him at the hospital when they're sick,
only a mother can do those.
Gape: Daisy can have the little one and i can stay with Junior.
Auntie: You take things lightly, no mother wants to be separated from her kids. Daisy is humble and
very respectful. Has she ever insulted you?
Gape: No
Gape: No
Gape: I don't love her that much and she cheated on me.
Gape: I did but she didn't use a condom, that says a lot. The fact that she doesn't know if the baby is
mine or not turns me off
Senior uncle: If you didn't start cheating she wouldn't have cheated, you pushed her to it, next time
don't cheat. Let's move forward, are you marrying her or not?
Young uncle: He says he doesn't love this woman and i think we should consider that.
Uncle: He should have thought about that before he gave her two kids. Who is going to marry her?
He destroyed her future.
Gape: Fine, I'll marry her, how much do you need for all the charges?
Young uncle: Dodo you don't have to do this, you can fight for your son in court.
Gape: I won't stand a chance in court, I would have to prove she is an unfit mother, My job is also
going to disadvantage me because I'm hardly home, the judge will weigh her options between a 3
year old staying with a maid or his mother, I'll lose it, for now i just want my son in my name, I'll deal
with the rest later.
Gape: Yes (gave them his savings account card) You'll tell me the wedding date.
Gape: You'll give them a date that's good for you and you'll let me know, i don't care when you do it
as long as it's not later than 2 months.
At Masa's house...
She sipped juice watching an African American movie starting with men played basketball and
smiled as the colored one scored, he was shown in slow motion celebrating, Masa picked her phone
and dialed a number smiling.....
At Boemo's office....
Boemo was typing on the computer, the receptionist knocked and entered....
His phone rang and he glanced at it... He paused with a smile on his face and answered leaning
Boemo: It's gonna rain apples tonight, the Princess called me....
Masa: Yeah, I was just watching a movie and this other guy looks just like you.
Boemo: I spoke to somebody, Once you're done with your exams tell me and you'll start working
Masa: (smiled) I don't want to work with you, i have changed my mind.
Boemo: Why?
Boemo: You have a point, I would have hard time ignoring you too.… Masa kana golo hale I really
loved you, deeply...
Masa: I'm sorry for hurting you, I'll never forget how stupid i used to be.
Boemo: It was a long time ago, it took a long time but i got over it, I'm now thinking clearly...
Boemo: Maa?
Masa: Did you ever love her? Be honest i won't judge you.
Boemo: I wouldn't exactly say love, i felt safe with her, I was sure she won't cheat on me but as time
passed i healed and my feelings changed, i realized i had to let the relationship die before i hurt her
Masa: I'm sorry for making you feel that way, i ruined our relationship.
Boemo: Don't blame yourself, we all make mistakes but what scares me the most is going through
the same thing, I'd die
Masa: I'm too grown, i know what i want and if i don't want something, nobody can make me do
Masa: Go on
Masa: No, i don't want him and I'll never date him.
Boemo: Not enough to be with her again maybe because we have history hela.
Masa: It's the same thing with Gape, it's not enough for me to be with him.
Boemo: Because i can't stop thinking about you... I keep wondering what would have happened had
i forgiven you. I love you and i can't hide it anymore, i tried ignoring the feelings but i think about
you a lot.
Masa: What i did to you was terrible and it's a miracle that you still love me
Boemo: (laughed) Don't be turned off please but I recently approached this other girl she looked like
you.. Big eyes and body structure so gare ntse re tsweletse le relationshipnyana ya teng i realized
she wasn't as brilliant as you and i was hurt... (they both laughed) I was like ao banna le raya gore
Masa is irreplaceable?
Masa: Mm maybe i should give you one last chance to put your hands on this gorgeous body, what
do you think?
Boemo: (laughed) I remember... Hey Masa you're thief do you remember you used to steal every
time you came to my house, if you couldn't find anything to steal you'd rather steal my toilet paper.
Boemo: When are you coming to Maun? You're making me miss the good old times.
Boemo: I want to come get you and see your face when the plane takes off.
Masa: (laughed) Iyowee Boemo don't say that you'll make me finish my exams quicker.
Masa: Bye
Boemo: Bye
She hung and opened her notes, Molly knocked and entered holding the takeaways....
Masa: I'm saying let's just be friends, you know i have been looking for guy to be serious with.
Masa: I don't know but akere i told you I'm not a lesbian, I want a real man.
Molly: (got in the car) It's cool, i knew this day would come.. I just didn't think it would be this soon.
At Daisy's house....
Later evening Daisy's cousin parked the car and Daisy walked in with the baby, Her mother stood
from the couch and got the baby with a smile......
Her: (smiled) Look at you... So beautiful like mommy.... (looked at Junior and smiled rubbing his
head) And he looks just like his dad.... This head and the hair.... My grandkids bathong.... (hugged
Daisy) Hello baby?
Daisy: I visited his company website, how come he is not saying anything about getting marriage?
Those big trucks must be making a lot of money.
Her: That's what men always say, they don't want to brag so they keep saying they are broke or in
debts, broke men never say they are broke. I spoke to your uncles and told them that this man is
wasting your time, he should marry you instead of making you a baby machine.
Old lady: I don't blame this boy for wanting one child because Daisy you told him otherwise but now
saying Junior can not go to Maun is just wrong, he is close to his father he must visit him.
Aunt: But he refused with Junior before, the reason he doesn't know how to use a pit latrine toilet is
because he didn't allow him to come over.
Old lady: So Daisy should do the same wrong? Two wrongs don't make right and your children will
suffer the most Daisy.
Her mother: I searched him on Facebook and his profile is full of his son, he will marry Daisy, i know
it. I'm so proud of you my daughter, So when is he coming over? I would like to meet him..
Daisy: Hello?
Junior: Daddy?
Junior: Okay...
Daisy: Hello?
Gape: I spoke to my uncles, I'm not sure when they will come there for bogadi negotiations.
Daisy: (smiled) I don't know, I'll pick a date... I can't believe this
Gape: So when can Junior come here since we are getting married soon ?
Gape: I see, you'll tell me once you have picked a date, we are getting married out of community
property,hope that's okay with you.
Gape: No, I am a corrupt man, I wouldn't want to see my karma putting you in the same sack with
Gape: Are we getting married for material things? Why do you want to get married?
Daisy: Goodnight...
Daisy: Yes, he doesn't want to share any of his property with me.
Her mother: Then he should forget about his children, With marriage you become one, what is his is
yours. Tell him that, call him
Aunty: I was wondering where the loving uncles came from since Daisy never had anybody who
cares for her, Now i know.
Her mother: Don't start with me, this is why you're still living with your mother at your age, that's
not about to happen to my baby girl.
At Gape's house....
He was laying on the windshield of his car with his feet on the bonnet staring at the stars and the
half was a nice breeze if only he had a companion to count the stars with…His phone
Gape: Hello?
Daisy: I thought about what you just said and i feel like you're accusing me of theft or you don't trust
me, i want us to share everything like a proper married couple.
He hung up and put his arms behind his head staring at the moon................... (9t)
The Alfa Male
On A1 road...
Molly sipped wine from its heavy bottle and exhaled holding the steering wheel with one hand
looking at the road.... She hid the bottle behind her feet as she approached the road block and
reached for a breath mind.....
The short tiny officer raised her hand and she slowed down rolling down her window.
Molly: (smiled) I have never seen a short and tiny cop before...
Her: (blushed checking the car registration on the windshield) I'm not a lesbian rra
Her: (laughed) I didn't know you're a female until i saw your license
She stepped on it and reached for her bottle, her cousin called....
Mocks: What money? get outta here so are you going to the Lesbo Gala?
Mocks: Masa got you wrapped around her finger, how can you miss something like that? Dude!
Mocks: Wena Molly your problem is not being able to say no when a girl says she wants money,
Money is the root of evil even a straight girl turns lesbo when you make it rain.
Molly: (laughed) Masa ene o njele autwa! Ibile gape kesa je sepe the rra... Neke bolaisiwa biti ke
gore she is beautiful and walking around with her was a privilege mme hela the relationship was one
sided. Sex ya teng was boring...
Mocks: (laughed) Neo kgaba ka ene hela. I'll get you contacts tsa the people selling the tickets
At Mahalapye.....
The front yard was full of married men and women as the Fridays walked out, Daisy's uncle gave her
mother the whole bundle of 15K Bogadi, she took it with a smile and put it in her bra...
Uncle: Yes
Uncle: It is for Daisy, she is the one who has been damaged.
Uncle: Ijoo (walked over with the 3.5) Keya madi a gago mma..
Old lady: No, you can not give her that money, Daisy told me she was planning to use it on the yard,
to paint the houses and buy a few things, Gape said he is not paying for any decorations in our yard
so i was thinking since Daisy is not working we should use this Bogadi and her damages to decorate
the yard, pay for the tent and other things.
Her: No, bogadi is my money, we all know that it's mine. I have plans for it
Uncle: But shouldn't you help your daughter? the Fridays are obviously not happy with certain
Old lady: I have been hearing rumors that they say we blackmailed their son into marrying our
daughter, we have to use this bogadi and tshenyo properly because I don't think he will give her
more money.
Senior uncle: I'm tired of this woman acting like she is the head of this family, I asked you a question,
Did that boy sleep with you and get you pregnant for you to be demanding damages? (she kept
quiet) you can keep your bogadi since you're heartless. I wish my nephew was alive. He would make
better decisions putting his daughter first.... The wedding is in less than a month and we haven't
even decorated the yard and you want the money all to yourself knowing your daughter isn't
Her: i changed the diapers alone, it's my money, the law is behind me.
Senior uncle: (stood) I am not going to be part of this joke. Dirang nyalo ya lona ke seo....
He walked out and his wife followed him, The other two people followed.... Then another four....
Daisy's grandmother bowed her head and rubbed her teary eyes....
Granny: (sniffing) You're bringing bad luck to my granddaughter's marriage.... Why can't you
cooperate? Merero ya lenyalo ga ea tshwanela go nna jaana....
Her: Pato e fedile anyway, they did their part, we are left with the celebration
Auntie: Daisy wago bopeletswa ke mang? Maun people are going to make fun of her if she is
delivered by few women, a girl from a loving proper family is delivered by a long queue of married
women... She automatically gains respect from her in laws baago tsaya Daisy light if you do this.
Her: If people don't come i will invite my married friends from Facebook....
At Daniel's house....
Marvin knocked on his door and went back to his car, a few minutes after Daniel walked over....
Marvin: You need to stay away from my wife for your own safety, I'm warning you.
Marvin: I'm not challenging you, I'm warning you. (got in the car) I'm a man of few words, don't
mistake it for weakness because i can back it up. I'm sure many don't know where you stay since you
just got out of prison but i found you easily because I know my shit, i grew up in the streets and I can
be heartless when i want. Stay away from my wife.
He drove away as Daniel stared at him......
At Gape's office....
He walked in and sat down reducing the aircon temperature with the remote, Monei knocked and
walked in holding his Cappuccino and two muffins...
Gape: Morning...
She placed them on the table and grabbed his files putting them in the drawers.
Monei: Yes sir, should I stop bringing tea? You haven't been having it for a week now
Gape: Yeah.
Gape: (stung her with his piecing eyes) What are you trying to say?
Gape: Hi
Daisy: He is at school
Gape: Oh yeah, of course anyway I wanted to talk to you about your name changing.
Daisy: (smiled) Don't worry I'm not one of those women.... I'm going in with every part of my body. I
will be Mrs Daisy Gape Friday.
Gape: That's the thing... I don't want you to change your names, keep Pitso as your name don't leave
it behind.
Daisy: But Gape I have been looking forward to being Mrs Friday...
Gape: Keep your father's name, Unless you are ashamed of it?
Daisy: Ae Gape the rra i want to be Mrs Friday, why should I come with my father's name when I'm a
married woman?
Gape: Daisy we can stop all these if you have a problem, You put me under pressure to do this and
your parents are getting involved in our relationship, if i don't have a say in anything let me know.
Don't use my name is all i ask for, is that too much to ask for?
Daisy: Fine, I'll keep my father's name, what about the kids?
Gape: What do you mean what about the kids? It's Gape Friday Jr and whatever her name is you add
Gape Friday at the end, when are we doing a DNA test on her?
Daisy: There is no need for a DNA test, you should give me that money so that I can rent a wedding
gown, you know I'm not working i can't pay for my own things.
Gape:. Daisy you must contribute something to our wedding, surely you don't expect me to pay for
everything? This is our wedding, me and you... Don't put all the burden on me.
Daisy: Fine, I'll sell all my bakery equipment and pay for my wedding gown and groceries people will
eat during the wedding.
Gape: We won't be having any tents or celebration at the Fridays. Celebration rago e bonela kogo
Gape: I don't have money to feed people, only close family members and friends will accompany us
to Mahalapye, when we get back we are going to our homes.
Gape: I don't have money, the company just started operating, it won't make profits until next year.
Gape: No, I want my bank statements to be clean because I'm planning to get a loan and buy a small
aircraft then open a small flight scenery company for tourists in the okavango areas and others in
Botswana.. Just a business idea i have been brainstorming, I'm doing it's market research
Daisy: (smiled) It sounds nice, You're always thinking of ways to make more money, i like that about
Daisy: What?
Daisy: I was tired most of the times, going to school, the bakery, Junior then the home chores... You
also wanted it everyday and never even gave me a chance to feel horny and i felt like you were
destroying my vagina, It made sounds whenever i sat and when you had sex with me 3 days in a row
i could feel it getting loose sometimes i got in my periods after our sex, i felt like you didn't want to
understand that you're huge and you're supposed to be careful during sex but i guess i was wrong to
starve you like that, i should have given it to you and now that I'll be your wife i feel motivated
because you'll be my husband, my conscience won't whisper things like you're destroying my vagina
and going to marry another woman.
Gape: So you cheated to have a normal dick then since i was destroying you?
Daisy: I never cheated, Gape no one can fit your shoes, that you should know... I can't enjoy sex with
a normal man because i feel nothing at all.
Daisy: (closed her eyes regretfully) Not when we were together, after we broke up and it was just
Gape: (angrily) Can't believe you slept with another man carrying my daughter if at all she is my
daughter. Bobelete baago rona Daisy... I'll never forget what you did to me, what did i ever do to you
to deserve that kind of cruelty?
Daisy: (wanted to give a long list but took a deep breath instead) Nothing babe, I'm sorry
Gape: On Thursday I'm flying to Gaborone, you must meet me there with her so we can do a DNA
Daisy: Okay
Gape: Sharp
Daisy: I lo-
Boemo and Masa walked down stairs holding hands and headed to the parking lot as Boemo dialed
his sister's number...
Shosho: Hello?
He hung up and Threw their bags in the back, they both got in slamming the doors....
Masa: (smiled) Oh my God, i missed Maun....
He drove a short distance and parked in front of Spar, they walked in holding hands....
Masa: (smiled) just a drink... Jesus I'm too excited... I missed my parents....
Bonolo walked over holding a shopping basket, Her heart skipped as she saw Boemo holding hands
and chatting with some gorgeous girl... She turned and walked over....
Bonolo: Hi...
Boemo: (turned) Hi... Masa this is Bonolo.... Bonolo this is Masa she is my girlfriend.
Boemo: My ex.... And we didn't have sex(awkward moment) if it makes any difference...
Bonolo: Hi
Bonolo walked away and Masa continued picking things from the shelf....
Masa: (annoyed) Stop saying she is hot like me, it's wrong in every level and don't compare her to
me. I'm nothing like her.
Marvin walked passed them holding a bottle of water and paused, He returned to them....
Marvin: Hi Masa....
Masa: (smiled) Hi
Marvin: (staring at him) Can we talk?
He gave her the money and followed Marvin to the parking lot...
Marvin: You know Gape wants her, why are you with her?
Boemo: So I'm supposed to suppress my feelings for a guy who doesn't even acknowledge me as his
brother? I love Masa and none of you is going to stop me from being with her, Gape is getting
married why should he care?
Marvin: He is your brother and she is his ex, there has to be limits...
Boemo: Gape said I'm not his brother so there is nothing between us, we are just strangers who
happened to fall for the same woman, I can't help it if she chose me. (walked backwards) Excuse
He turned and walked away meeting Masa as she walked, They got in the car and drove off.....
Masa: He is probably going to tell him, He was at my door step three weeks ago looking for sex.
Boemo: Oh.. I didn't know he still wanted you but he is getting married.
Masa: I saw the wedding invitation from Daisy and I ignored it. I'm not going.
Boemo: Good, We should get out of Maun for a few weeks, go camping or something, what do you
At Daisy's house....
In the morning Daisy's grandmother walked in holding a bowl of soft porridge and gave her.... She
took a few sips and put it down.
Daisy: I don't like the things i heard my mother was doing to the other family members, I want my
wedding to be proper...
Her: But they left because your mother doesn't want to cooperate.
Daisy: Then i want the wedding preparations to be paused and i was hoping Bogadi will be used to
decorate but if my mother won't help then i won't afford to do it on my own.
Her: But my baby girl, Gape seems not interested in this wedding, do you think it's a good idea?
Daisy: Granny have you ever slept with a man from Maun specifically wa Moyei?
Daisy: That's the problem, You see this man found me as a virgin and broke my virginity. I was young
and naive but accepted that I was stupid to spread my legs for a man i hardly knew, I started my
little business and was making enough profit, This man came here and made me taste the expensive
lifestyle... He brought me chocolate every time he came home and he sang for me playing me a
guitar... He could run to the shop 5 minutes before the shop closes and he would bring that
chocolate. He called me every time his life improved and whenever i said your life is improving he
scolded me and said it is "OUR" life, he said it so much it stuck in me. When i suspected he wasn't
satisfied with me i asked him to let me go so he could have his educated girlfriend but he refused to
let me go and He invested in my education and gave me a daughter, All this time he was sleeping
with his flight attendants and even random passengers, I saw it and kept quiet, that was my mistake.
I should have talked but that's fine. To get to the marriage point Gape Friday will marry me because
he has destroyed my body.... My breasts were pointing when he first put his hands on them, My
vagina was untouched i have never been molested and i have never put my finger down there even
when i was bathing he was the first person to enter that side and he is huge grandma.... I am not
exaggerating.... He has a very long and fat thing... (she looked around and picked the insert killer
spray) O bona Doom e ya Morteîn e nkuku?
Daisy: That's his size when he is erect and he doesn't use half of it during sex, he uses all of it. After
all the years i spent with him, I feel no one but him... I wouldn't say I'm used to his size because if I'm
not wet it hurts a lot and he likes sex, i had to resort to faking my periods just to rest my body.
Her grandmother got the Morteîn spray and looked at it as she spoke then she put it down and
continued listening....
Daisy: Today I look myself in the mirror and I'm not the innocent girl he met, I'm a mother and a
girlfriend who tolerates nonsense, he changed me and now I'm going to teach him how to be a
man... It will take time but i will teach him just as he taught me.
Daisy: Then ke taa tholwa ke lekile and I will try everything there is because I love him.... The things
Gape is accumulating are for my children and no woman is going to manage them but me, I will iron
his shirt every morning and he will kiss me every time he comes home because that's what he lead
me to believe. He is mine...
Her: But the wedding is going to be an embarrassment, We can't do a wedding with 3.5
Her: Tell my uncles that I want them to pause the wedding preparations , I need to talk to my
mother and then I'm going to Maun to have a heart to heart with Gape I'm not happy with a lot of
his conditions but i can't discuss them over the phone. Will you watch the baby for me?
Her: Yes... And let him know that you are coming, men have visitors when their women have gone
for botsetsi.
Daisy: Gape is doing our wedding preparations, i doubt his mind is there.
Daisy: I don't get how old people used to deal with this, How can you easily say that?
Her: It happens..
Daisy: (got dressed) I'm going to see my mother then I'll come for my handbag and catch a bus to
At Bonolo's house...
In the afternoon Bonolo walked in holding a shopping plastic bag and sat on the bed taking off her
shoes, Her little sister was sitting on the bed watching TV...
Her: Yes..
Bonolo: Put this plastic on the table and bring it so that I can check it..
She got the plastic and peeked in, she got the lollipop and brought her exercise book....
Bonolo: (reading it) It's correct but rub this L there is no L in thata..
Her: I always get this wrong, I never know where the L gets in..
Bonolo: I sometimes struggle too but as the standards go up you'll understand. (checked the pots
and smiled) You cooked rice and meat? Di budule tota?
Her: (smiled) Yes... (gave her the plate of food) Here you go...
Bonolo: (laughed taking a bite out of the meat) The meat isn't perfect but the rice is good, next time
pour more water on the meat.
Her: Okay...
She sat on the bed and started, She remembered her earlier encounter with Boemo and Masa and
put her food down...
Bonolo: (smiled and continued eating) No, it's delicious.... Did you wash your socks?
Her: Yes
Her: Okay
Later that afternoon Tshiamo arranged the company brochures and wiped her table then she took
her handbag to the ladies room and combed her weave... She refreshed her make up and pounded
her face.... Her perfume diffused the entire room as she pressed it a few inches from her neck and
shoved it in her handbag...
A few minutes later she stepped out of the building and made her way to the taxi stop.... A driver
slowed down and rolled down his window....
Him: Okay...
She crossed the road dialing on her phone...
Her mother: Don't worry, i decided i won't go to the meeting, i will visit our neighbor and ask her
what the meeting was about.
Tshiamo: Okay..
At Gape's house.....
Later that evening Gape was laying on the couch watching sports and his phone rang....
Marvin: Yeah, i was just talking to uncle and I'm not happy with the kind of wedding you want to, If
you want to marry, marry with dignity or don't at all. We are left with a few weeks and you haven't
bought a suit, Nothing at home shows there will be a wedding and i heard you haven't paid for
something as simple as a wedding cake wago nyala ka sponge cake sa Spar?
Gape: Not everyone is fascinated by weddings, as long as i have signed the papers I'm fine besides i
have a lot of tuxedos, I can even use the one i bought for your wedding and you can wear yours.
Marvin: I'm not wearing an old suit, be serious o nyale sente hela, o talela Daisy wena.
Gape: Daisy wa ntwaela how dare she gives me an alternative about my kids
Marvin: But ke setswana, it's not her... Many kids use their mother's last name and it's not a big deal
besides Daisy can make a good wife, honestly.
Gape: Daisy nea ntima kuku, what kind of a wife does that? sex matters to me, A ntime dijo or not
Iron my shirt but go ntima kuku is the worst punishment she gave me, cause nna gao mphile kuku ke
ikaela shirt yame abo keya spaneng i don't care about the rest.
Marvin: Then make her understand, Couples go through arguments but if you discuss you can find
the middle point...
Marvin: But that's your fault, you didn't initiate her properly gape you must reduce your sex drive
naturally women are not as active as men...
Gape: Kana i used to love Daisy until she cheated on me and the fact that i didn't punch that stupid
short nigga annoys me even more, I should have made him swallow his teeth.
Marvin: (laughed) O nale stress laitaka go sharp, I'll call you later but think about what I said,
marriage is a big step and you don't want certain things as your memories, marry properly or don't.
You have a reputation to protect, think outside the box Dodo. This is the girl you found crying, took
to your room and took her innocence, She gave you two beautiful kids, that baby is obviously yours
Daisy is not the type of a woman to cheat, she said that so you can let her go, she was suffocating in
your house because you were fucking up, she was pregnant and that rape stunt pushed her over the
edge. That is Junior's mother... How you treat her is exactly how he will treat all his girlfriends, the
kind of a man you're now is exactly what your little girl will look for in a man, she is going to fall for
douche bags. Marry her like this, embarrass her.... women love weddings and if you don't make it
beautiful for her she will be embarrassed, everyone will gossip and she will be sad and that's what
the camera will capture, it will be a memory she will carry the rest of her life. You're not a perfect
man but i know you can be romantic if you want, you know this game very well but no one can force
you if you don't want but don't embarrass the mother of your children like that. Marry properly or
don't at all.
Marvin: Do the right thing and you know i got your back no matter what.
Gape: Yeah..
He hung up and laid back thinking. Almost an hour later he dialed Daisy's number and it wasn't
Gape: Tomorrow I'm driving over there, we need to talk about a lot of things, I know omo botsetsing
but I hope they will give us a few hours to talk. Goodnight....
He laid down for an hour and later went to the kitchen, he took a few glasses of wine while sitting on
the kitchen counter, the house was quiet and he was lonely.... His worst feared feeling.
He put the glass down and grabbed his car keys on his way out.
At Sports bar....
He drove in and waited in the car listening to music, a few minutes later two skinny girls passed by
his car and he tapped his hooter, they turned and walked back as he rolled down the window, the
other one leaned in...
Girl: Hey..
Gape: Yeah
Gape: Okay, you will leave for your appointment at 7 and she can remain until morning...
Gape: BDSM
Girl2: Uh uh no, i want P300 if it's that kind and you use condom.
Gape: Cool..
Girl2: You have to ewallet the money first in case you refuse to pay after.
Gape: (locked the doors, took out his phone and drove off) your numbers?
They gave him their numbers and he ewalleted the money, A few minutes later he parked the car
and they all walked in the house....
Gape: This way.... Make sure you don't leave anything behind.
They followed him to the guestroom and sat on the bed as he took off his shirt remaining with a
white vest and tied a rope from the other window burglar to the other....
They both kept quiet as he walked over and took off his vest, they knelt before him as the other
unzipped his jeans and they pulled down his jeans, the Airwick sprung out...
She watched her friend's lips stretching as she licked it, Gape took it out of her mouth and put it in
hers as the other one played with his jewels.
She stared at him as he moved in and out making her gag, her friend took it from her mouth and
sucked it then Gape #removed....
Later on around 7pm Gape opened the door for the other girl, He spanked her butt as she walked
Gape: (staring at her reddish eyes) Sure babe we can do that... Kiss me... (She kissed him and he
stood up) You can rest for now, I'm going to watch the game.. Ke tago cheka ha game e hela..
She put the glass on the headboard and laid down, Gape pulled a blanket over her and switched off
the lights on his way out.....
A few hours later the bus parked and the passengers stepped down, Daisy stepped out of the bus
and approached a taxi....
She got in and the taxi drove to Gape's house, It stopped at the gate and she walked in...
Meanwhile the girl's hands were tied to the rope crossing between both burglars as Gape hit it from
behind.... The door opened and he paused listening..…there was silence and he continued
Shaking Daisy quietly sat on the couch, her heart pounding she started crying with her hand on her
mouth, After a few minutes she took a deep breath and unzipped her handbag taking out a
hairband, She tied her hair tightly and took off her shoes. She grabbed the broom and unscrewed
the stick as she walked to the bedroom............(9t)
The Alfa Male
At Gape's house.....
She threw away the broom and walked in with the stick, Gape jumped pulling out and quickly
reached for his pants...
Girl: (panicked) Shit what?! Untie me... Jesus are you married?
Daisy: (walked over) Ke shename le bana ba gago ko Mahalapye wena oa beleta mo Maun?
Gape: First lady... Come on... Put the stick down re bue, I'm sorry.
Daisy: (tearfully) First lady? Ibile oa gakologelwa gore o kile wabo o mpitsa jalo?
She angrily raised the broomstick striking his arm as he blocked moving back. The stick hit his joint
and broke in to two....
Gape: Babe you're hurting me.... Daisy? (she whipped him) stop it...
Gape: (angrily) Daisy?! ... (she continued whipping him) Daisy kana I'm flying tomorrow waitse?
Daisy: (crying) I don't care.... (paused) I am tired of your nonsense, I asked you to leave me if you
didn't love me before we had our second born? Didn't i? DIDN'T I?
Daisy: (crying) Gape what did i ever do to you? Should I suffer the rest of my life because you
decided to take advantage of me when i was at my lowest point?
Gape: (held her waist leaning over) I'm sorry.. Can we talk without sticks? You're still recovering
babe you shouldn't be here, where is the baby?
Gape: (showed her his swollen wrist) Babe bona o irileng? How am I going to work like this? I'm
flying tomorrow...
Daisy walked over, whipped her naked butt as she screamed jumping up and down...
She turned and whipped him a couple of times then he pushed her back and she fell on the bed....
Daisy: Do what? Hit me?... (got up) Gape hit me if you want.... Kill me if you want, how dare you
defend your little whor!
She got up and whipped the girl, Gape put his arms around her upper torso pressing her arms
together and lifted her, he walked to their bedroom and tossed her on the bed then he quickly
closed the door and ran to the guest room where he untied the girl, she put on her panties and Daisy
ran back in.
She slapped the girl and pulled her hair hitting her against the wall... The girl kicked her tummy and
punched her on the face, Daisy fell on the floor, Gape pushed the girl against the wall....
Her: (panting) Tell her to stop attacking me.... (Daisy threw her with a shoe on the forehead) Tell her
to stop, gake bate...
Gape: (turned and held her waist pushing her back) Daisy stop it, you're hurting her..... Sit down.....
(she pushed him and he got angry) Ke taago thuba ka mpama kana Daisy kare sit down.... Sit....
She quickly sat down, Gape picked the girl's clothes and handed them to her, she put them on as
Gape picked the used condoms and went to the bathroom....
Her: Respect don't pay the bills and you have yourself to blame for all this, If you don't give your
man sex somebody will do it for you.
Her: (checked if Gape was coming) Hao tola waa nyel*... Goroga....
Daisy stood up and the girl charged at her, She kicked her tummy as they fell down, Gape walked in,
grabbed her hair and yanked her off Daisy....
Gape: (slapped her cheek) when i say sit your ass down you sit until i say otherwise.
Girl: (staring at Daisy) I'm going to report you, just gogo ntsha makgakga. Soo santha you don't know
me and you whip me ka Broomstick mo maragoong like I'm your child.
A few minutes passed while the house was quiet, He sat there trying to come up up with a plan but
he was blank...
Her: Can i please go home?
She walked out and Gape followed her to the gate with his hands in the pockets...
Gape: I'm sorry about what happened, can you forgive her? Please
Gape: I'm sorry but i really liked our session and i want to be a regular customer.
Her: You can't be a regular customer, you mean coming after how long?
Her: You're too much unless you're going to increase the price
Gape: Yes I'll top it up next time. (took out his phone) How much for not to reporting her? (she
stared at him) Say it, you know you want it....
Her: P500
Her: P300 ee
Her: (she gave him the number and he sent the money) P100?!
Gape: The rest will come after three days when these bruises have disappeared, i know you can get
the money and still report her.
Gape: Girl you're a business woman and I'm a businessman, you can't knock me. Go, i might even
top it up if you behave.
Gape: I will because I'm going to need your services on regular basis. If you want to be a successful
business person you need to know that establishing a relationship with your customers is very
important, that lady is the mother of my children and we have a month old baby. There is a lot
where that came from and i can make it rain for you, if you let me... (pulled up her chin and kissed
her) think like a business minded person don't use your emotions.
Her: (sighed) Okay but next time get a hotel room, i don't want to get beaten up like that again.
Gape: Noted..
Gape kissed her and squeezed her butt as she walked away, He sighed and walked back in the
Meanwhile in the house, Daisy was crying hysterically... She couldn't believe he chose to leave with
another woman leaving her behind. She got the spade and walked out....
She smashed the windscreen of his Mazda 3 and the rest of the windows, Gape heard the glasses
shuttering from the gate and ran over as she approached his new Land Rover Discovery 3.....
Gape: (glaring at her) Daisy if you put even just a scratch on my car I'll beat you... Do them all but
don't touch my car
Gape: I was negotiating with her so she doesn't report your ass for assault and it took a lot of
convincing, don't touch my car....
She raised the spade and smashed his windshield as Gape ran over and pushed her on the ground,
He grabbed her by the neck and dragged her inside the house where he threw her on the bed and
closed the door removing his belt...
He whipped her all over as screamed crying then he threw away the belt and got on the bed sitting
on her tummy...
Gape: (slapped her and pointed at her forehead) O ntwaetswa ke eng? Who is going to pay for
everything you broke?
He slapped her again and again on her face as she cried turning her head....
Gape: So you f*cked another man carrying my daughter? (she screamed louder) Shut the f*ck up wa
nthodia! O twaela ngwanake kana o nyatsa nna rraagwe? Hee? (he slapped her again)
Daisy: (crying) Can you just kill me if you're going to do it... I'm sorry...
Gape: And then you bring him to my brother's wedding? Daisy wa ntwaela kana waitse.. (He slapped
her) Otaa swaba Daisy autwa?
Gape: (put his hand on her mouth) Wa thodia, shut up.... O toga o lela kana Daisy....
Neighbor: (banging on the door) Gape?! Stop what you're doing, Otaa tshwara molato kana...
He got off her and she crawled to the corner and leaned against the wall wheezing, The police car
stopped outside as he reached for his phone and dialed his brother's number....
Marvin: Hello?
Gape: (moved the curtains looking at the police approaching the door) Ke biditse Daisy and I'm going
to jail, Call my boss first thing in the morning, I don't know what you'll tell him but make it positive.
Marvin: (got off the bed) Dodo what did you do? Is she bad?
Gape: (looking at Daisy's bruises as her eyes slowly closed) It's bad.…it's really bad and I'm going to
jail, listen to me-
Marvin: (panicked) Dodo what did you do?
Marvin: (angrily) I can't believe you're putting me through this again, this time you are on your own
Gape: (loudly) Marv, listen to me.... Talk to Tiger and tell him to get my meeting appointments from
my assistant, there is a report on my desktop, i was supposed to present it to one investor, he
should do it because i can not afford to lose him. I don't know how long they will keep me so keep
checking on the employees.
The police busted through the door and walked in, Gape hung up and put his hands up as they
walked in the bedroom, The two police officers pushed him against the wall and cuffed him....
Daisy finally gave in sliding down the wall and hit her head on the floor with her eyes closed....
Cop: (checked her pulse) I can't feel her pulse.... (shaking her) Ma'am?!
They dragged him out and in the back of a police car as he stared at the door hoping to see her
getting out....
Neighbors flocked over as the other cop asked them to step back, another officer jumped in the back
with him while the other drove off... A few minutes on the road they passed a wailing ambulance in
high speed as all the cars moved aside clearing the way.....
At Letsholathebe Hospital...
Marvin and Same walked in the emergency and peeped in the curtains of every bey looking for
Daisy, she was no way to be found, Same peaked in through the glass in the ICU and saw Daisy laying
on the bed with the Oxygen mask on.....
They pushed the door and walked, Same dusted Daisy's hair...
Same: Daisy?
Marvin observed the bruises of the belt on her arms and lifted the sheet on her feet, his heart sunk
and he covered her again....
He walked out of the emergency and sat on the pavement rubbing his forehead in disbelief.
He found himself talking alone and sighed drinking the little of his remaining water.....
Meanwhile inside ICU Daisy opened her eyes and took off the mask as Same smiled pulling her chair
Same: Hi.... What happened?
Daisy: I don't know... He did it because i was angry that he was having sex with some random girl.
Same: I knew Gape had a bad temper but this is..... have you seen your skin?
Daisy: Yes, i was angry after catching him with another woman.
Daisy: Yes, I have to not after doing this to my body, the scars will take forever to go away.
Same: If he is found guilty he might lose his Job, you know that right?
Daisy: Yeah but the last time I used a spray i was doing form 4…
Same: Iyoo.....
At Mahalapye...
Later Daisy's grandmother bathed the baby and a call came in...
Her: Kea bo ke buile gore letsa, did you find him with another woman?
Her: You look for something long enough you find it, are you okay?
Daisy: I'm fine, the doctor just dismissed me but I'm going back to the police station, i don't know
when they will be done with me but as soon as they done, I'll come for the baby...
Her: Please take care, your relationship with this boy is very toxic. This is not good..
Daisy: Bye..
Meanwhile Daisy's auntie swallowed her Atripla and drunk water as Junior walked over barefooted
from the toilet holding his underwear
Her: (tickling his tummy and thighs) hey juju... Juju... Juju boy... Juju...
He giggled as his little d begun erecting, She rubbed it until it was fully up... He looked so much like
his father... His eyes would make him a very sexy man in decades to come and the perfect haircut
with a sharp curve on his hairline was just like his father's...........
After spending the whole night sitting in his cell, The next morning a police officer walked over and
After taking his fingerprints They escorted him to the police car, He knew what was waiting for him
and kept taking deep breaths. Soon enough the car parked at Maun main Kgotla and he was
escorted inside.. He glanced at Daisy and sat down facing the Chief and his team...He wasn't a very
merciful man when it came to issues of violence against women and children, this Gape knew....
In Marvin's car.....
Parked behind the Kgotla, Marvin exhaled anxiously and stepped out leaning against the car, His wife
stepped out and stood next to him....
Marvin: I doubt that, You see Gape told them his wrist is hurt but they didn't take him to the
hospital, koore Daisy is the most important thing right now, he won't stand a chance..... It's always a
man's fault.
Meanwhile inside the Kgotla the case continued as Daisy narrated her ordeal and came Gape's turn
for defense...
Gape: (sighed hopelessly and rubbed his sweaty palms) I have no defense for what i did and I'm
ready to get my punishment...
Gape: She caught me in a compromising position with another female and she attacked me with a
Broomstick, i tried to calm her down but she was too angry, she beat me and my companion but i
eventually i managed to calm the situation down and escorted the other lady out, when I came back
she had broken all the windows to my Mazda 3 and she was heading to my brand new Land Rover
Discovery 3, I warned her not to smash it but she did, i lost my temper, whipped her with a belt and
slapped her a few times. I don't want compensation for the vandalism she did on both of my cars, i
told them at the police station last night, I'm sorry for beating her, she is the mother of my children
and i should have respected her.…this will never happen again Chief, i apologize for all these. It was
all my fault, i shouldn't have been with another woman in the first place, I'm sorry.
Kgosi: I have seen young men like you, beating women and then acting humble in front of everyone
but when it's the two of you, you become the master. Nothing justifies violence on women, I don't
know why you're saying she beat you yet i can't see anything on you that says you're a victim, She
doesn't have to tell me because i can see bruises on her arms. Show me your bruises.... (he kept
quiet) How many times did you slap her?
Kgosi: (shook his head) I'm sentencing you to four lashes and a probation of 12 months.....
A few minutes later he was escorted in to the room, the whipper walked in testing his whip...
Gape unzipped his jeans, pulled them down together with his boxer briefs and lay on the bench...
He opened his eyes looking at the bloody whip and slowly got off the bench, he gently pulled up the
boxer brief over the open wounds and then the jeans without zipping them.....
Gape slowly stepped out with reddish eyes and glanced at Daisy as he walked out, She swallowed
tearfully looking at his bloody jeans.....
At Marvin's Car.....
Marvin turned and saw his brother slowly limping over with a frown on his face, he walked over and
Gape put his arm around Marvin's neck supporting himself...... As they approached the car Marvin's
heart sunk when he saw blood stains on his back....
Marvin: Aish...
Same's eyes got teary as Gape's jeans got soaked in blood...Marvin adjusted the seats and Gape
crawled in...
Marvin closed the door and got in then they drove off as Gape knelt in the back......
At Dr's Inn.....
A while later Gape let his jeans down and tried to pulled down the briefs but they were stuck on the
wounds and the pain was unbearable....
Dr: (holding the injection) It's okay leave it, I'll take care of it.... Let me give you a shot first...
Dr: Um three weeks should be okay... What did they charge you with?
Dr: He intentionally slashed your skin putting one whip on top of the other
His phone rang, he checked.. It was Daisy, He sighed and blocked her number.
Daisy got in the bus and leaned on the window, A picture of Gape limping out holding his pants
troubled her.... His pants were too bloody she could only imagine the damage... She took out her
phone and dialed his phone again but it didn't go through.....
At Gape's house....
Later that afternoon Marvin helped him in the house, Gape slowly laid on his tummy and Same
brought him his laptop...
Gape: Sure.
They all walked out and he laid his head down, The painkillers knocked him out for hours.…
At Mahalapye....
Later that evening Daisy was laying on the mattress drinking soft porridge..
Granny: (put her palm on his forehead) Junior's temperature is a little high and he has been sleeping
all day.
Daisy: I'll give him paracetamol.... (sighed) I'll never let Gape go through what he went through
Granny: Those whips are not a joke but he deserved them for beating you and i hope you know that
you could have prevented all that by walking away, you can't go to somebody's house, beat them
and vandalize their property then leave the person bedridden like he is, what you did was wrong and
Granny: Give him some space and focus on getting better then get a job because i don't see a
wedding anytime soon, ke gone jaaka a chaisitse jalo monna.
She walked out, Daisy inserted her new sim card and dialed his number....
At Gape's house....
A phone call interrupted his sleep, The house was dark and none of the lights were on, the
painkillers had worn off and he felt every bit of the pain straight to the heart...
Gape: Hello?
Gape: (calmly) Daisy you won, Keep my children in your father's name and don't allow them to visit
me in Maun like you said, I'm not marrying you. I'll keep sending their money and visit them for a
few hours. I did everything i could to be in my children's lives but you're making it hard... I didn't
want to be a visiting father but the law is on your side so keep them, i tried now i have to accept that
it won't happen. I have to move on I'm just glad my next children won't be out of wedlock, this was a
lesson. Don't call me again unless it's about the children.