Honours Handbook 2022-23
Honours Handbook 2022-23
Honours Handbook 2022-23
Honours Handbook
If you require this document or any of the internal University of Edinburgh online resources mentioned in this
document in an alternative format, please contact the English Literature Teaching Office.
17 August 2022
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 2
Feedback 22
Plagiarism 26
LitPals 28
Welcome to Honours study in English Literature. This handbook, and the Honours pages for
Current Students on our website (see: https://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-languages-
cultures/english-literature/undergraduate/current/honours ), provide the information you’ll
need to navigate your way successfully through the later years of your studies with us, so do
take the time to familiarise yourself with what’s here. We will be updating this information
where appropriate, and we will let you know promptly about any amendments that may be
important for your studies.
Honours students in this department have been very successful at coming to terms with the
challenges of third and fourth years, and we are confident that you will too. We are pleased
that this year, after the challenges presented by the pandemic over the last few years, we
are returning to in-person teaching in full for all courses.
You will need to prepare for your courses fully and in good time. You’ll also be expected to
participate fully in the collaborative work you’ll be undertaking in your Autonomous
Learning Groups, as well as contributing to discussions -- whether in class, or online. There
will be a lot of independent reading for you to do as well so we ask that you tackle the
coursework required of you with due attention. In short, making a success of your time with
us means that you are going to have to play your part.
Our aim is to help you become confident, capable independent learners, and to aid you in
developing and honing your critical and intellectual skills. For our part, we will make sure
that the teaching we offer is energetic and imaginative and we will deal with any questions
or problems that may arise as promptly and as fully as possible.
As you go on, you’ll find more and greater opportunities to set the agenda for yourself,
culminating in the Dissertation work you may well be undertaking with us in your fourth
year. By the time you leave Edinburgh, we hope you’ll be an acute critic and an alert thinker
undaunted by the practical, professional, or academic challenges still in front of you.
Please direct all technical questions to do with use of LEARN, Group Tools, Blackboard
Collaborate and other digital issues to the Information Services helpline
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 5
Course Credits
3rd Year Semester 1
Core Period Course (Medieval to Renaissance) 20
Option course 20
Critical Practice: Poetry 10
Critical Practice: Criticism 10
3rd Year Semester 2
Core Period Course (Renaissance to Romanticism) 20
Option course 20
Critical Practice: Prose 10
Critical Practice : Performance 10
3rd YEAR TOTAL 120
4th Year Semester 1
Core Period Course (Romanticism to Modernism) 20
Option course 20
4th Year Semester 2
Core Period Course (Modernism to Contemporary) 20
Option course 20
4th Year Semesters 1 and 2
The English Literature Dissertation 40
All units are examined in the year in which they are taken.
In selecting courses in 3rd and 4th Years, Combined Hons English and Scottish Literature students
must include at least 4 courses with Scottish content. Courses with a Scottish content are indicated
with an asterisk (*). Students are encouraged to undertake Dissertation work in Scottish Literature,
in which case the Dissertation will count as two of the required courses with Scottish content.
Course Credits
3 Year
One Literature Option course in Semester 1 20
One Literature Option course in Semester 2 20
Course(s) in other subject 40
All 4 Critical Practice courses (10-credits each)
2 Critical Practice courses (10-credits each)
course in other subject (20-credits)
Course(s) in other subject (amounting to 40 credits)
3rd YEAR TOTAL 120
4th Year
One Literature Option course in Semester 1 20
One Literature Option course in Semester 2 20
Course(s) in other subject 40
English Literature or other subject Dissertation 40
All units are examined in the year in which they are taken.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 7
The rules regarding the weighting between the two sides of the degree and the number of
Critical Practice courses which English Literature and History students OR English Literature
and Classics students can take are slightly more definite than for some of the other
combined honours programmes.
Course Credits
3rd Year
One Literature Option course in Semester 1 20
One Literature Option course in Semester 2 20
History / Classics courses 40
All 4 Critical Practice courses (10 credits each)
[This is recommended if you wish to do your Dissertation in Fourth Year on
English or Scottish Literature]
Any 2 Critical Practice courses (10 credits each)
PLUS another course in History / Classics (amounting to 20
Further courses in History / Classics (amounting to 40 credits)
3rd YEAR TOTAL 120
4th Year
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 8
All units are examined in the year in which they are taken.
Third Year
During their third year, joint honours students with a MEL will be required to work on an
independent English Literature Long Essay; there will be separate guidance available as to
how it will be supervised and supported. This assessment is designed to be completed
regardless of whether students undertake their year abroad in whole or in part in 2021-22,
or whether they remain in Edinburgh for the academic year. The Long Essay will be
submitted and assessed when students return to the fourth year of their degree in
September. This Long Essay will count for 40 credits of third year work, the remaining 80
credits being assigned to the language; the mark will appear on the final degree transcript.
Fourth Year
During fourth year, students will take courses amounting to 60 credits in English Literature
and 60 credits in their language subject.
During their 3rd Year, Combined Hons Scottish Literature and a Modern European Language
students should write their Long Essay on an appropriate topic.
In selecting courses to take on their return for their 4th Year, Combined Hons Scottish
Literature and a Modern European Language students must select Literature option courses
with Scottish content, a list of which will be made available when courses are being selected
towards the end of Semester 2 of their 3rd Year. Courses with a Scottish content will be
indicated with an asterisk (*).
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 10
A core period course in each semester of your third and fourth year is compulsory for Single
Honours students. In exceptional circumstances, Combined Honours students may also be
allowed to take a Core Period course if there are particularly strong reasons for doing so.
Core Period courses are grouped by literary historical period, to ensure that you get to study
a range of literature from the medieval era to the present day. The period groupings work
as follows:
Within each period, the courses on offer will focus on genres or kinds of literature, particular
topics or issues, or specific literary and cultural practices. Not all of them will ask you to
engage in primarily historicist accounts of the literature studied.
As well as Core Period Courses, Single Honours students will take an Option Course each
semester. Combined Honours students will be required to choose a course for each
semester of their Honours years from the list of available Option Courses.
Option courses offer you the chance to study groups of texts from the varying perspectives
of genre, period, theme or topic, theoretical approach or methodology.
Links to handbooks with course descriptions of all Core Period and Option courses running
each year (including seminar schedule and required reading) and also a list of days, times
and locations of classes are available on our website at https://www.ed.ac.uk/literatures-
For fuller details, consult LEARN for the individual courses.
All Option and Core Period courses will involve membership of an autonomous learning
group as well as attending the weekly class meeting which will be held either in-person or
online. These groups will be central to your learning. Students will be divided into small
groups of four or five which will meet weekly, again either in-person or online but in
accordance with current policy on social distancing. The aim of these meetings will be to
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 11
discuss questions or a topic set by the tutor, to discuss allocated reading, write up reports to
specific questions, and respond to the comments and reports of other ALGs. The results of
these meetings will form the agenda for the weekly class meeting as students report back to
the broader group, respond to each other’s comments and ask further questions.
Autonomous Learning Groups are absolutely integral, therefore, to the structure of Honours
teaching in this department. You might regard your ALG as a great opportunity to discuss
with other students those parts of a text which you did not really understand and to set the
agenda for discussion. In this way, you are not alone in a class, and this should contribute
directly to your confidence in speaking.
Your Honours courses use LEARN, the University’s supported virtual learning environment,
in order to give you the essential and background information you will need to participate in
seminars and undertake written assignments. Each course has a LEARN section, which
appears as a clickable link when you log on to MyEd. You will find Course Information here,
ALG questions, a Resource List for further reading, Discussion Boards and further resources;
you will be required to submit an electronic copy of your coursework via this interface.
Learn is also integrated with Blackboard Collaborate, the principal medium for online
meetings and you will be automatically enrolled in this as well.
Students should attend all classes as specified in their course programme, and undertake all
preparation and reading required for them. If you are unable to attend, advance notice of
absence should be given to the course tutor, the course administrator (for third years, Hope
Hamilton; fourth years, Sheila Strathdee, June Cahongo) and your Personal Tutor. If you
are affected by ill health and will be unable to attend for more than one week, do please
inform your Personal Tutor as a matter of urgency.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 12
you fail to register/enrol at the start of your course or at the two additional registration sessions
each year and there is no explanation;
you are repeatedly absent or are absent for an extended period and are excluded from the
programme due to non-attendance. This includes missing Tier 4 census points without due
reason. The University must maintain a record of your attendance and the Home Office can ask
to see this or request information about it at any time;
As a student with a Tier 4 visa sponsored by the University of Edinburgh, the terms of your
visa require you to, (amongst others):
Ensure you have a correct and valid visa for studying at the University of Edinburgh, which, if a
Tier 4 visa, requires that it is a visa sponsored by the University of Edinburgh;
Attend all of your University classes, lectures, tutorials, etc where required. This includes
participating in the requirements of your course including submitting assignments, attending
meetings with tutors and attending examinations. If you cannot attend due to illness, for
example, you must inform your School. This includes attending Tier 4 Census sessions when
required throughout the academic session.
Make sure that your contact details, including your address and contact numbers are up to date
in your student record.
Observe the general conditions of a Tier 4 General student visa in the UK, including studying on
the programme for which your visa was issued, not overstaying the validity of your visa and
complying with the work restrictions of the visa.
Please note that any email relating to your Tier 4 sponsorship, including census dates and
times will be sent to your University email address - you should therefore check this
Further details on the terms and conditions of your Tier 4 visa can be found in the
“Downloads” section at www.ed.ac.uk/immigration
Information or advice about your Tier 4 immigration status can be obtained by contacting
the International Student Advisory Service, located at the International Office, 33 Buccleuch
Place, Edinburgh EH8 9JS
Email: immigration@ed.ac.uk
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 13
Coursework for Core Period and Option courses will take a variety of forms. The most
common form of assessment will be an essay: coursework essay titles are distributed to the
class by the end of week 3, and essays are due in on the Monday of week 9 of Semester 1
and week 10 of Semester 2.
Some courses also use alternative forms of coursework in accordance with their specific
needs and aims and in accordance with the adoption of online teaching. These assessments
include learning/reading journals, portfolios, close readings, podcasts, presentations. These
alternative assessments have all been scrutinised and approved by the department’s exams
team and their specific requirements will be explained by the relevant course organiser. In
some cases, the deadlines for submission of these assessments will vary as well; if this is the
case, it will again be made clear by the relevant course organisers.
Please pay very careful attention to the specific requirements of each assignment.
Failure to do so will often result in points being deducted. Specifically:
Where a rubric is provided, ten marks will be deducted for rubric violations.
A word limit will be set for every assessment. For a coursework essay, the limit will
usually be 2,500 words, but different assessments may vary in length and format
according to their needs. For a final essay, the limit will usually be 3,000 words. In
both cases, the word limit will include quotations and footnotes, but not the list of
Works Cited. (Tutors are aware that TurnItIn word counts include the Works Cited
page, so do not worry if the TurnItIn word count differs ever so slightly.)
Short Measure: An essay will not receive a passing mark if it is less than half the
required length.
Excessive length: Essays will not be read beyond the word limit. The mark and
feedback will reflect the quality of discussion up to that point and no further.
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Word limits are challenging, since they force compression and clarity. The discipline
of editing to this length encourages concision and precision, and results in better
writing. The challenge is well worthwhile since it teaches a skill valuable long after
the degree is over. Please note there is no 10% leeway applied to word limits.
Full details on the presentation and layout of essays are included in the English Literature
Writing Guide, which can be downloaded from the website. See link from:
The final deadline for coursework submission for both Core Period and Option courses in
Semester 1 is
However, in the interests of good time-management, Single Honours students are strongly
advised to submit the essay for one of their courses before 2 p.m. on Thursday of Week 8.
The final deadline for coursework submission for both Core Period and Option courses in
Semester 2 is
However, in the interests of good time-management, Single Honours students are strongly
advised to submit the essay for one of their courses before 2 p.m. on Thursday of Week 9.
All assessed work should be completed using MS Word and a clearly readable type face like
the standard Times New Roman font size 12.
A word count, including the main body of the coursework, all notes and quotations
but excluding your Works Cited list, should be added to the title page.
Please ensure that the file contains only the coursework you are submitting, and that
it is clearly identified during upload according to the format given below. A filename
such as <YourExamNumber>-<AbbreviatedCourseName>-Essay.doc would be
Please note: once submitted, your coursework will be scanned by software which generates
an ‘originality report’, to help you and your tutors ensure that you have referenced your
sources correctly.
Please make sure you download your Digital Receipt which is your proof of date and time of
It is a requirement that all students submit coursework on time and in accordance with the
published deadlines. Tutors are under no obligation to mark or to provide feedback on
written work that is submitted after the deadline without explanation. It's important to
manage your time, therefore, and to ensure that all written work is submitted on schedule.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 16
If you are seriously unwell or suffering serious personal difficulties and unable to finish your
coursework essay by the deadline, you must apply for an extension in advance of the
deadline. You should complete an extension request form on this link:
If you are unable to submit work within the extended deadline, it is vital you contact your
Personal Tutor or Student Support Officers immediately with a view to completing a Special
Circumstance form.
Semester 1 Option course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 25
November 2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Friday 9 December 2022.
Semester 1 Core Period course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 25
November 2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Wednesday 14 December 2022.
Semester 2 Option course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 31 March
2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Friday 14 April 2023.
Semester 2 Core Period course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 31
March 2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Wednesday 19 April 2023.
Semester 1 Option course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 25
November 2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Friday 9 December 2022.
Semester 1 Core Period course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 25
November 2022, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Wednesday 14 December 2022.
Semester 2 Option course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 31 March
2023, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Friday 14 April 2023.
Semester 2 Core Period course final essay questions will be released at 9am on Friday 31
March 2023, and the final essay will be due by 2pm on Wednesday 19 April 2023.
A final essay of 3,000 words is designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of
particular texts and issues from your course as well as of the broad range of texts and topics
covered. As you will be writing this essay with access to your notes, books and online
resources, it is expected that it will be properly presented and referenced in line with the
requirements set out in the English Literature Writing Guide (available on link from:
current/handbooks ).
The expectation is that a final essay is at most a five-day task, and is not expected to take up
all the time you may have available in the allotted period.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 18
Final essay questions are released inside the Course Content folder of a course’s LEARN
section. It is your responsibility to ensure that you can access LEARN on the days when
questions are released.
A rubric and full instructions will accompany the questions. Please read these carefully, as
rubric violations may be subject to a penalty of ten marks. Also note that a final essay may
not receive a pass mark if it is less than half the required length.
Students are strongly urged not to leave final completion of their essays until the last
One electronic copy should be submitted to Turnitin via LEARN for the course by the
deadline set. This will work in the same way as with the coursework essays except that the
final essay should be anonymous.
For further information on the font, spacing, word count and format in which to submit your
essay please refer to the advice on how to submit coursework essays earlier in this
As with coursework essays, it is a requirement that all students submit coursework on time
and in accordance with the published deadlines. Tutors are under no obligation to mark or
to provide feedback on written work that is submitted after the deadline without
explanation. It's important to manage your time, therefore, and to ensure that all written
work is submitted on schedule.
If you are seriously unwell or suffering serious personal difficulties and unable to finish your
final essay by the deadline, you must apply for an extension in advance of the deadline. You
should complete an extension request form on this link:
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 19
If you are unable to submit work within the extended deadline, it is vital you contact your
Personal Tutor or the Student Support Officers immediately with a view to completing a
Special Circumstances form.
Please note that the latest date submissions for this course will be accepted is 14 days
after the original deadline. The only exception to this is for students who have secured
extra time in line with their learning adjustment – any extra time permitted will be in
addition to the 14-day maximum. If you are unable to submit by your agreed deadline, we
would encourage you to consider applying for Special Circumstances. Students whose
Special Circumstances are accepted will then need to wait for the Exam Board decision to
find out about reassessment requirements.
If your essay falls substantially short of the word length required, it is unlikely to be of the
required standard, which will be reflected in the mark. Essays of less than half the required
length are unlikely to receive a pass mark. Excessively long essays will not be marked
beyond the word limit. This limit does NOT include the list of Works Cited.
You must submit your work in advance of the deadline. Penalties are exacted for late
submission using the following scale:
The end of year exam period for 3rd and 4th Year second semester courses will be Monday 1
May to Friday 26 May 2023). There will be no sit-down, timed exam papers; courses will be
examined by final essays or portfolios of coursework.
In accordance with the Taught Assessment Regulations, Honours students are entitled to
one assessment attempt for courses at SCQF level 9 to 12 (non-attendance or non-
submission is considered an assessment attempt). This means no resits are permitted
unless Special Circumstances are upheld.
In accordance with QAA expectations, as specified in Chapter B6 of the UK Quality Code for
Higher Education, the primary purpose of moderation is to ensure that assessment criteria
are being applied fairly and consistently and that there is a shared understanding of the
academic standards that students are expected to achieve. Moderation also provides an
opportunity to assure the quality of feedback provided to students on their assessed work,
in terms of its sufficiency, clarity, helpfulness and timeliness, and to comment on aspects
related to the design and implementation of the assessment that may feed into future
enhancements of the assessment.
At Honours level, all forms of assessment are moderated in one or more ways.
1. All fourth-year dissertations are double-marked; if the two markers cannot reach
agreement, the dissertation goes to a third marker who can assign a final mark
within the boundaries set by the first two markers.
Core Period and Option final essays, and Critical Practice assessments are sample
second marked.
The course organisers of team-taught Core Period courses have responsibility for the
oversight of exam marking for the entire course to ensure consistency of marking
and feedback.
Moderators at all levels have the power either to confirm or to adjust marks and
feedback in consultation with the original markers before final confirmation at the
Exam Board.
NB Only moderators can determine the existence of grounds for mark adjustment,
and all decisions confirmed by the Exam Board are final.
3. Exam Boards and External Examiners oversee the entire marking and moderation
For information on requirements for progression into the final year of your degree please
refer to the Degree Programme Table for your specific degree: see, for example, links to
degrees within the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at:
If you are unable to meet all of the requirements for progression in your degree
programme, you should contact the Student Support Office.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 22
The marks you receive for your work should always be understood in the light of the
feedback that you will receive at the same time, and both marks and feedback should be
read in the light of the Grade Descriptors published in the English Literature Writing Guide
It is important to recognise the variable forms that feedback takes. There is more to it than
just comments on individual pieces of work.
First off, as suggested above, you should appreciate the various forms that feedback takes.
Beyond that, here are some suggestions:
Learn more about study and assessment skills. There is a lot of helpful literature
and guidance available. Two places to start are:
(1) The Library. Books on ‘study skills’ are generally found under the Library of
Congress call numbers LB2395. You can always ask a librarian for guidance.
(2) The Institute for Academic Development – Study development for
Try to consider the various forms of feedback you receive not as isolated events, but
as part of an overall pattern of performance, identifying general areas of strength
and weakness. This should become clearer the more you are assessed and the more
feedback you receive as you progress through your programme. If you detect a
consistent area where you need to improve, seek advice from tutors and course
conveners about what to do.
In the first instance, when trying to understand a mark and any associated
comments, read these in the context of School marking descriptors. Marking
descriptors are necessarily general, but may help put the feedback you’ve received
in a wider context.
If you have questions about a mark and associated comments on coursework, you
are always entitled to seek clarification from the marker. For Core Period and
Option essays, you should approach the course organiser. For other pieces of
Honours work, you should approach the Undergraduate Director in the first instance.
Feedback on coursework is provided in written form online. You may also ask your
tutor or course organiser for additional comment and advice, where appropriate.
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Please note: this turn-around time does not apply with terminal assessments for
Honours courses. We will endeavour to return feedback as quickly as possible, and
certainly before the next round of assessment, but due to the need for double
marking, moderating and/or external scrutiny, this is unlikely to occur within fifteen
working days.
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Degree classification is calculated from marks obtained for the 240 credits achieved in
Years 3 and 4. One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits. The Degree
Programme Table for your degree (see http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/21-22/ for degrees within
the School of LLC) sets out the twelve units of assessment on which the classification of your
degree will be based. Papers that acquire a weighting of 40 credits for the purposes of
degree classification, such as Year 4 dissertations, will be listed twice.
In awarding degrees, the department strictly adheres to the College’s Taught Assessment
Regulations. Degrees are classified on the basis of the Extended Common Marking Scheme:
‘Borderline marks are defined as marks from two percentage points below the class or grade
boundary up to the boundary itself, e.g. 58.00% to 59.99% for an undergraduate 2.1
classification or 38.00% to 39.99% for a pass.’
In these cases, we are required to assess the ‘profile’ of the student’s marks. If the
candidate has achieved 50% or more of their course marks in the higher category then they
are eligible for the higher award.
Students should also be aware that all of our marking and examining is overseen by four
External Examiners who are entirely independent of the University: they sample our
marking and assessment throughout the year and during the Exam Boards.
In line with University policy, students are permitted to appeal for a decision made by a
Board of Examiners to be reconsidered. Details of how to undertake this process are
available here:
The process for complaining about an aspect of your teaching or assessment is set out here:
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 26
Work undertaken for our courses is designed to help you develop your knowledge and
understanding, and your own powers of analysis and argument. Essays, exams and final
essays assess these skills. Plagiarism therefore undermines the whole purpose of the
academic study of literature. For all work for the department’s courses, it is important to be
aware of, and to acknowledge the sources of arguments and words. This applies to material
drawn from critical books and lectures, but also from the work of other students (including
tutorial or seminar discussions) and from the internet and other electronic sources. Tutors
will check web-based material, as well as other sources, where they have reason to suspect
that the writing a student submits does not represent their own ideas, words and
Since different subjects involve different uses of material, and may have different
conventions about how it should be acknowledged, it is important that in each of their
subjects students consult departmental guidelines about the purpose and presentation of
written work in that discipline.
Aside from plagiarism, you must also avoid all other forms of academic misconduct. These
include collusion, the unauthorised and unattributed collaboration of students in a piece of
assessed work; falsification, the attempt to present fictitious or distorted data, evidence,
references, citations, or experimental results, and/or to knowingly make use of such
material; cheating, the attempt to obtain or to give assistance in an examination or an
assessment without due acknowledgement. This includes submitting work which is not
one's own; deceit, the use of dishonesty to gain an advantage; and personation, the
assumption of the identity of another person with intent to deceive or gain unfair
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 27
Visiting Students here either for the whole year or for a single semester take their Core
Period and/or Option courses under the same arrangements as home students, as outlined
Please ensure that you do not make irrevocable arrangements to return home until you
are completely sure you know when you will be required to submit your final essays.
One electronic copy of each final essay should be submitted via Turnitin on Learn in the
same manner as for coursework essays, except that the final essay should be anonymous.
Students who are here for Semester 2 only will take their Core Period and/or Option courses
under the same arrangements as home students.
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LitPALS is the Department’s ‘peer-assisted learning scheme’, aimed at helping you adapt to
the demands of studying Honours, in particular, the Critical Practice courses. In small
informal groups, trained second-, third- and fourth-year literature students offer support to
third-year literature students in fortnightly sessions during Semester 1 and 2.
The sessions are tailored to aid with the challenges faced by Honours students by providing
advice on study skills, essay writing, exam preparation, and other academic issues, as well as
offering a relaxed and confidential setting in which you can ask your own questions about
your studies and university experience. It is also an excellent way to meet fellow students
and find out about the social life in and around the university.
LitPALS meet regularly during Semester 1 and 2 (you will receive more detailed information
on specific sessions by email).
If you'd like any more information at any time, please contact LitPALS (litpals@ed.ac.uk or
on the LitPALS Facebook page) or Dr Sourti Bhattacharya (Sourit.Bhattacharya@ed.ac.uk).
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Whatever your ideas – work, further study, gap year, volunteering, gaining experience …
whatever stage you’re at – clued up or clueless, and anything in between … the Careers
Service can support you in your journey from university to your future after graduation. We
work with students and graduates from day 1, to 2 years after graduation.
via our website, careers information centre, individual discussion with a careers adviser,
programme of talks and events, and more.
Browse our website www.ed.ac.uk/careers for further information on all of our services,
especially the information at: https://www.ed.ac.uk/careers/students/career-essentials-
quick-links/essentials. Or call in and see us on the 3rd floor of the Main Library Building.
There is a careers blog specifically for English lit students -
https://englitcareersblog.wordpress.com/ - which as regular postings to inform and inspire.
Finally – look out for notices and emails about Careers Service activity in English Literature
for the current session including regular bookable appointments for English Literature
students only, and sessions of particular interest to English lit students.
We look forward to working with you on your plans for your future after graduation.
English Literature Honours Handbook Page 30
The department of English Literature has the single largest number of undergraduate
students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS). We annually need to find
places for 400 honours students, taking either two or four Core Period or Option courses
with us, out of a range of around 85 choices: this equates to 1200 course places, to be
divided as equally as possible for each year group. This is by far the most flexible range of
choice in the College.
The department is also committed to retaining small group teaching: you can be sure that
there will not be more than 15 students in our Honours seminars. As we are also required
to reserve 3 spaces in each seminar for Visiting Students (in 3rd year) and for Taught
Masters Students (in 4th year), this means that, in practice, there are 12 places for our
home students. However, from experience we are aware that some courses are more
popular than others and where possible we offer a popular course twice in a semester to
accommodate student demand.
In order to maintain these kinds of flexibility, the Department relies upon some reciprocal
flexibility on the part of its students: for this reason, we operate a system of preferences.
Each year the Head of English Literature and the Director of Undergraduate Studies have to
plan which courses will be available in which semester, in order to a) accommodate student
needs and b) balance staff workloads (taking into account the fact that some members of
staff will be working on research projects rather than teaching for some or all of the
Students will be asked to complete an online course choice form. We ask you to indicate
your preferences using a Preferred/Reserve choice system for each of the Core
Period/Option courses which are appropriate to your Degree Programme.
If you require this document, or any of the internal University of Edinburgh online
resources mentioned in this document, in an alternative format, please contact the
appropriate course administrator mentioned on page 3 of this Handbook.
Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct http://edin.ac/2bl695P
Plagiarism is taken very seriously and incurs penalties. Follow the links provided to make sure
you know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
Learn http://edin.ac/1hVD6jA
Learn is the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and is used for course
information, discussion forums, coursework submission and so on.
Path http://edin.ac/1oUJqQN
Path is a neat tool to allow you to view your course selections and possible options throughout
your degree programme.
Academic Development.