Tuberculous Osteomyelitis: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume August 1997
Tuberculous Osteomyelitis: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume August 1997
Tuberculous Osteomyelitis: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume August 1997
Tuberculous osteomyelitis
Article in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume · August 1997
DOI: 10.1302/0301-620X.79B4.7618 · Source: PubMed
163 1,722
5 authors, including:
Rajat Saggar
Symbiosis International University
All content following this page was uploaded by Sandeep Dogra on 24 September 2015.
From Mohan Dai Oswal Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, Ludhiana, India
Tuberculous osteomyelitis which does not involve a joint drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium, an ageing popu-
is uncommon and may fail to be diagnosed by an lation, and an increase in the number of health-care workers
orthopaedic surgeon. We treated 28 lesions of exposed to the disease.
tuberculous osteomyelitis in 25 patients between 1988 The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains an
and 1995. The duration of symptoms was from two to 39 important risk factor for the reactivation of latent tubercu-
months, and most of our patients had been treated lous infection. Presentation of skeletal tuberculosis in an
initially with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs immunocompromised patient may be atypical and reach an
which failed to provide relief. Bone pain which does not advanced stage by the time of diagnosis.
promptly respond to analgesic medication is often due Isolated involvement of bone by tuberculous infection is
to infection or neoplasia. uncommon, and the variable clinical and radiological pic-
In the early stages, when plain radiographs are tures may mimic chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis, Brodie’s
normal, MRI or CT may help to localise lesions. On abscess, tumours or granulomatous lesions. We have
plain radiographs, more advanced lesions may mimic reviewed our experience in the hope of stimulating a high
chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis, Brodie’s abscess, index of suspicion for early diagnosis.
tumours or granulomatous lesions. Biopsy is mandatory
to confirm the diagnosis, and antituberculous drugs are
the mainstay of treatment. When operative findings at
biopsy have the features of skeletal tuberculosis Between 1988 and 1995 we treated 28 sites of tuberculous
curettage of the affected bone may promote earlier osteomyelitis in 25 patients. There were 20 males and 5
healing. females with an average age of 26 years (18 months to 47
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1997;79-B:562-6. years). In the upper limbs, the 12 bones affected were the
Received 21 January 1997; Accepted after revision 11 April 1997 phalanges (4), metacarpals (2), humeral shaft (2), medial
condyle of the humerus, olecranon, ulnar shaft, and lower
end of the radius. In the lower limbs ten lesions involved
Tuberculosis remains a major international problem despite the metatarsals (4), greater trochanter (2), talus, cuboid,
advances in radiological diagnosis and antituberculous ther- medial cuneiform, and a phalanx. In the girdle bones the six
apy. It affects approximately one-third of the world’s popu- affected sites were the ischial tuberosity (2), ischium,
lation; each year there are about 20 million prevalent cases ischium-ilium junction, clavicle, and scapula. Six of our
and 8 million new cases. Some developed countries have patients had skeletal tuberculosis at seven other sites
now recorded a resurgence in the incidence of tuberculosis, including the dorsal spine (3), cervical spine, elbow, wrist
attributed, particularly in the USA, to a rise in the number and the foot. Six patients had associated pulmonary
of people with immunosuppression, the development of tuberculosis.
Pain and swelling were the most common symptoms
with a duration ranging from two to 39 months. Eight
patients had sinuses, three of which developed after the
surgical drainage of abscesses. Six patients had palpable
abscesses. The draining lymph nodes were considerably
R. Vohra, MS Orth, DNB Orth, MNAMS, Consultant enlarged in seven patients, and loss of weight and appetite
H. S. Kang, MS Orth, Former Senior Consultant
S. Dogra, MS Orth, Senior Consultant with low-grade fever were seen in four.
R. R. Saggar, MS Orth, Junior Consultant The ESR was significantly raised in 22 patients, ranging
R. Sharma, MS Orth, Senior Resident
Mohan Dai Oswal Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, G. T. from 31 to 83 mm/hour. A positive tuberculin skin test was
Road, Sherpur Bye Pass, Ludhiana -141 009, India. found in 21. In ten patients serological testing for tubercu-
Correspondence should be sent to Dr R. Vohra. losis by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was pos-
©1997 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery itive in six. We performed serological testing for HIV in
0301-620X/97/47618 $2.00 seven young or middle-aged patients with either multiple
Fig. 1
MRI of a foot in which the plain radiographs were normal.
There is an altered signal from the cuboid which confirmed The mean follow-up was 41 months (13 to 96). All patients
tuberculosis (arrow). were relieved of pain within six months of the initiation of
treatment and sinuses healed within 14 weeks. In 20
lesions or with a history of multiple sexual contacts: in all patients the ESR returned to normal within six months of
it was negative. the beginning of treatment. Demineralisation of the affected
All patients had plain radiographs of the affected area. In region persisted for a maximum of five months. During
one, these were normal but MRI located an abnormality. healing, we noticed increased radiodensity in all cases. By
Only eight lesions showed the characteristic radiological the end of treatment for nine months 23 patients had
findings of tuberculosis; six had the appearance of chronic regained full range of painless movements of the adjacent
pyogenic osteomyelitis or a Brodie’s abscess, and nine joints; only two had slight limitation.
were cystic. One patient presented with features of a neo- Imaging appearances. In the early stage plain radiography
plasm and three lesions of tubercular dactylitis had a coarse may not show any abnormality. If the clinical features
trabecular pattern. favour skeletal tuberculosis MRI may be useful (Fig. 1), but
In 22 patients the diagnosis was confirmed by histo- the diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy. Subtle radiological
logical examination of the material obtained from the changes may be missed (Fig. 2), but clinical progression, or
lesions and in the remaining three by histopathological the formation of a sinus with obvious involvement of the
examination of the material obtained from associated bone, reinforces our view that the radiologist must be told
osteoarticular lesions. In 19 patients the macroscopic the precise site of pain initially. A small focal area of
appearance at biopsy was suggestive of tuberculosis with osteolysis located eccentrically with little or no surrounding
soft friable whitish-grey debris resembling clumped cheesy reactive bone is characteristic, and the presence of local
Fig. 2a Fig. 2b
Fig. 3
Radiographs of the hand of a nine-year-old boy show a
pathological fracture of the proximal phalanx of the
middle finger (arrow).
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Radiographs of a 23-year-old man show a distal radial abnormality which Radiograph of the pelvis of an 18-year-old woman. The abnormality
is characteristic of chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis. (arrow) in the ischium had been described as a Brodie’s abscess.
osteopenia helps to diagnose tuberculosis. In our series only four the lesions were expansile with underlying bone
eight lesions had such radiological findings. In one patient destruction and periosteal thickening giving the appearance
(Fig. 3) a pathological fracture was seen. that has previously been termed spina ventosa. Although
Osteoporosis, bone lysis, sclerosis and periostitis are this is more common in the metacarpals and metatarsals
seen in both tuberculous osteomyelitis and chronic pyo- we found this appearance in the ulna in one of our patients
genic osteomyelitis and it is often difficult to differentiate (Fig. 8).
the two conditions. Six of our 28 lesions had radiological In three cases of tuberculous dactylitis the radiological
findings similar to those of chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis finding was diffuse bone infiltration with a coarse tra-
or a Brodie’s abscess; histopathological examination was becular pattern (Fig. 9). One patient appeared to have a
required for diagnosis (Figs 4 and 5). neoplasm of the ischium (Fig. 10), but the appearances at
One type of tuberculous osteomyelitis is cystic tubercu- biopsy and the subsequent histology showed it to be
losis, which is more commonly encountered in children tuberculosis.
than in adults. The multifocal form is more common than
solitary lesions and, in a series of 13 children with histo-
logically confirmed tuberculosis of bone, solitary cystic
lesions were found in ten. We detected nine solitary cystic Our aim was to draw attention to tuberculous osteomyelitis
lesions in six adults and three children (Figs 6 and 7). In which is rare compared with skeletal tuberculosis involv-
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
Radiographs showing cystic tuberculosis in the proximal phalanx of
Radiographs of the foot of an 18-year-old man show a cystic lesion in the thumb of a six-year-old boy. There is a large soft-tissue swelling
the first metatarsal. overlying the bone.
Fig. 8
ing the spine or a joint. Because of that, and a low index of Radiograph showing tuberculous dactylitis in the
first metacarpal of a 30-year-old woman. There is
suspicion for its diagnosis, early lesions may be neglected. soft-tissue swelling.
Osteoarticular tuberculosis is a major problem in many
parts of the world. The spine is the site of bone tubercu-
losis in about half the cases, and isolated bone involve- Nearly all of our patients had initial treatment with non-
ment without spread to a joint often fails to attract atten- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which offered some
tion. Because of the subtle nature of the symptoms, the relief of pain or swelling or both. The repeated use of these
diagnosis is not made until the process is well advanced. drugs created a false sense of security until it became
VOL. 79-B, NO. 4, JULY 1997
Fig. 10
Plain radiograph of the pelvis shows bone loss but no
bone production (arrow) in the right ischium of a
35-year-old woman. This has the features of a malig-
nant neoplasm, probably a secondary carcinoma, but
possibly a Ewing’s tumour or plasmacytoma. Subse-
quent histological examination showed it to be tubercu-
lous in origin.
apparent that their continued use had failed to provide grown on culture, may lead to a diagnosis of chronic
complete relief. Mild pain and swelling of bone, with slight pyogenic osteomyelitis; but if the sinus persists after suita-
warmth and tenderness, and overlying boggy swelling of ble antibiotics, underlying tuberculous osteomyelitis must
the soft tissues should alert clinicians to the possibility of be considered. Because of the variety of radiological find-
skeletal tuberculosis. Enlargement of regional lymph nodes ings biopsy is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. Anti-
and the presence of an abscess or sinus are also of great tuberculous drugs remain the mainstay of treatment and, in
significance. our experience, judicious surgical intervention may help to
Bone pain which does not respond to analgesic medica- promote early healing.
tion may be due to infection or neoplasia. If plain radio- We wish to thank Mr Ramakrishnan and Mrs Paramjit Kaler for their help
graphs are normal more sensitive investigations such as in preparing the manuscript.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a
MRI and CT are required to detect and localise lesions. The commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this
presence of a sinus from which pyogenic organisms are article.
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