Ground Improvement Techniques 01
Ground Improvement Techniques 01
Ground Improvement Techniques 01
Ground improvement has been both a science and art, with significant developments observed
through ancient history. From the use of straw as blended infill with soils for additional
strength during the ancient Roman civilizations, and the use of elephants for compaction of
earth dams during the early Asian civilizations, the concepts of reinforced earth with
geosynthetics, use of electrokinetics and thermal modifications of soils have come a long way.
The use of large and stiff stone columns and subsequent sand drains in the past has now been
replaced by quicker to install and more effective prefabricated vertical drains, which have also
eliminated the need for more expensive soil improvement methods.
Need for ground improvement
Dry density and water content correlate well with the engineering properties,
and thus they are convenient construction control parameters.
• Since the objective of compaction is to stabilize soils and improve their
engineering behavior, it is important to keep in mind the desired engineering
properties of the fill, not just its dry density and water content. This point is often
lost in the earthwork construction control.
• Laboratory tests are conducted on samples of the proposed borrow materials to
define the properties required for design.
• After the earth structure is designed, the compaction specifications are written.
Field compaction control tests are specified, and the results of these become the
standard for controlling the project.
• Laboratory tests are conducted on samples of the proposed borrow materials to
define the properties required for design
Soil is compacted by repeated, systematic application of high energy using
a heavy weight (pounder). The imparted energy is transmitted from the
ground surface to the deeper soil layers by propagating shear and
compression waves types, which force the soil particles into a denser state.
In order to assure effective transfer of the applied energy, a 1 to 2 m thick
stiff layer usually covers the ground surface. Pounders can be square or
circular in shape and made of steel or concrete. Their weights normally
range from 5 to 25 tons and drop heights of up to 25 m have been used.
Heavier weights and larger drop heights have been used for compaction of
deep soil deposits, but are not very common
Technique involves repeatedly dropping a large weight from a crane
• Dynamic Compaction is most often utilized as an economic alternative
excavation and replacement and/or deep foundations
• Weight may range from 6 to 172 tons
• Drop height typically varies from 10 m to 40 m
• degree of densification achieved is a function of the energy input
(weight and
drop height) as well as the saturation level, fines content and
permeability of the
• 6 – 30 ton weight can densify the loose sands to a depth of 3 m to 12
• Typical area that can be compacted with single crane 300600 m2
• Done systematically in a rectangular or triangular pattern in phases
Vibrocompaction, sometimes referred to as Vibrofloation, is
the rearrangement of soil particles into a denser configuration
by the use of powerful depth vibration. Vibrocompaction is a
ground improvement process for densifying loose sands.
To create stable foundation soils. The principle behind vibrocompaction is simple. The
combined action of vibration and water saturation by jetting rearranges loose sand grains
into a more compact state. Vibrocompaction is performed with speciallydesigned vibrating
probes 12 to 16 inches in diameter which vibrates at frequencies typically in the range of 30
to 50 Hz. The probe is first inserted into the ground by both jetting and vibration. After the
probe reaches the required depth of compaction, granular material, usually sand, is added
from the ground surface to fill the void space created by the vibrator. A compacted radial
zone of granular material is created.
• Reduction of risk of liquefaction due to seismic activity.
• Permit construction on granular fills.
• Reduce foundation settlements
• Prevent soil liquefaction during earthquakes
• Increase insitu density of land reclamation fills
• Increase shear strength to improve slope stability
• Reduce water permeability to facilitate dewatering
Preloading has been used for many years without change in the
method or application to improve soil properties. Preloading or
precompression is the process of placing additional vertical stress
on a compressible soil to remove pore water over time. The pore
water dissipation reduces the total volume causing settlement.
Surcharging is an economical method for ground improvement.
However, the consolidation of the soils is time dependent, delaying
construction projects making it a nonfeasible alternative.The soils
treated are Organic silt, Varved silts and clays, soft clay, Dredged
material The design considerations which should be made are
bearing capacity, Slope stability, Degree of consolidation
Preloading by means of an
• Sand Drains
• Prefabricated Drains
. Low cost.
. Fast Installation
. Ensured drain continuity
. Clean site
. High permeability
. Negligible soil disturbance
. Positive Drainage
Stone column
Stone Columns: In contrast with vibrocompaction, which is
undertaken solely to compact granular soils, stone columns may
be installed in granular or cohesive soils.
Vibrated stone columns are relatively stiff with respect to the
surrounding ground.
Stone columns may be provided in areas where subsoil consists of
more than about 5 m thick soft cohesive soil and where stability
and stringent considerations cannot be satisfied with
conventional removal / replacement of soft material.
Stone columns enable the embankment to be constructed to its
full height continuously without requiring stage construction.
6.2 The Technique A cylindrical vertical hole is made and gravel
backfill is placed into the hole in increments and compacted by a
suitable device which simultaneously displaces the the material
Application method of stone column
• Flexibility
• High loadcarrying capability
• Ease and speed of installation
• Pleasing appearance
• Mechanical Stabilization
• Chemical Stabilization
Mechanical Stabilization of Soil
The advantages of mechanical stabilization of soils are:
Environmentally friendly.
Apart from the advantages, some disadvantages of the
mechanical stabilization of soils are:
Labour intensive.
This is no longer a popular method.
Chemical Stabilization of Soil
Some of the advantages of soil stabilization
with cement and lime are:
Apart from the advantages, some
disadvantages of cement and lime stabilization
of soil are:
Possible health risks.
Only applies to paved roads.
Comprehensive soil testing is required prior to