Afsc 2W0X1 Munitions Systems
Afsc 2W0X1 Munitions Systems
Afsc 2W0X1 Munitions Systems
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Table of Contents
Note 2: Training Business Area (TBA) is an AF Portal, net-centric, GCSS-AF level web-based
application that provides warfighters with global, real-time visibility into the technical
qualification and training status of maintenance members Air Force wide. Use of TBA is
mandatory for all active, guard and reserve munitions personnel to document CFETP
requirements. Contact your MAJCOM munitions personnel if unable to comply with this
Part I
1. This CFETP is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle
education/training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core task requirements
for the Munitions Systems specialty. The CFETP provides personnel a clear career path to
success incorporating all aspects of career field training. NOTE: Munitions managers should
utilize Part II to support duty position qualification training for civilian personnel occupying
associated munitions positions.
2. The CFETP consists of two parts; both parts are used by supervisors to plan, manage, and
control training within the career field.
2.1. Part I provides information necessary for overall management of the specialty and will be
maintained as part of work center Master Training Plan (MTP). Section A explains how
everyone will use the plan. Section B identifies career field progression information, duties and
responsibilities, training strategies, and career field path. Section C associates each level with
specialty qualifications (knowledge, education, training, and other). Section D (not used)
indicates resource constraints (some examples are funds, manpower, equipment, and facilities).
Section E (not used) identifies transition training guide requirements for SSgt through MSgt and
other SNCOs as required by the AFCFM.
2.2. Part II includes the following: Section A contains the core task table supervisors will use to
determine if Airmen satisfied training requirements for 5- and 7-skill levels. Section B identifies
support material when applicable. Section C contains a training course index supervisors can use
to determine resources available to support training. Included here are both mandatory and
optional courses. Section D identifies MAJCOM-unique training requirements, when applicable.
Section E identifies the Specialty Training Standard (STS) and includes duties, tasks, technical
references to support training, Air Education and Training Command (AETC) conducted
training, core tasks, and correspondence course requirements.
3. Using guidance provided in the CFETP will ensure munitions systems personnel (military and
civilian) receive effective and efficient training at the appropriate point in their career
Advanced Training (AT). Formal course which provides individuals who are qualified in one or
more positions of their Air Force Specialty (AFS) with additional skills and knowledge to
enhance their expertise in the career field. Training is for selected career Airmen at the advanced
level of the AFS.
Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM). An individual at Air Staff that determines training
needs and requirements and directs training programs for his/her career field(s).
Air Force Combat Ammunition Center (AFCOMAC). The common name for the 9th
Munitions Squadron, located at Beale Air Force Base, where munitions systems personnel train
on combat ammunition planning and employment.
Core Task. A task the AFCFM identifies as a minimum qualification requirement within an Air
Force specialty or duty position as listed in Part II.
Critical Tasks. Tasks identified by the work center supervisor as having a detrimental effect on
mission accomplishment if not performed correctly. Critical tasks may, or may not, be the same
as core tasks but are mandatory if identified as ‘critical’ to the individual’s position by the
supervisor or work center.
Enlisted Specialty Training (EST). A mix of formal training (technical school) and informal
training (on-the-job) to qualify and upgrade Airmen in each skill level of a specialty.
Exportable Training. Additional training via computer assisted, paper text, interactive video, or
other means to supplement training.
Field Technical Training (Type 4 or Type 7). Special or regular on-site training conducted by a
field training detachment (FTD) or by a mobile training team (MTT).
Initial Skills Training. A formal resident course which results in the awarding of the apprentice
skill level within an AFS.
Master Task Listing (MTL). A comprehensive list (100%) of all tasks performed within a work
center and consisting of the current CFETP or AFJQS and locally developed AF Forms 797 (as a
minimum). Should include tasks required for deployment and/or UTC requirements.
Master Training Plan (MTP). Employs a strategy for ensuring the completion of all work
center job requirements by using a Master task Listing and provides milestones for task, CDC
completion, and prioritizes deployment/UTC, home station training tasks, upgrade, and
qualification tasks.
Occupational Survey (OS). A detailed survey of tasks performed within a particular AFS.
On-the-Job Training (OJT). Hands-on, over-the-shoulder training conducted to qualify
personnel in both upgrade (skill level award) and job qualification (duty position qualification)
Qualification Training (QT). Actual hands-on task performance training designed to qualify an
individual in a specific duty position. This portion of the dual channel on-the-job training
program occurs both during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to provide the
performance skills required to do the job.
Skills Training. A formal course which results in the award of a skill level.
Specialty Training. A mix of formal training (technical school) and informal training (on-the-
job) to qualify and upgrade Airmen in the award of a skill level.
Specialty Training Standard (STS). An Air Force publication that describes the skills and
knowledge an Airman in a particular Air Force specialty needs on the job. It further serves as a
contract between AETC and the user to show the overall training requirements for an Air Force
specialty code that the formal schools teach.
Standard. An exact value, a physical entity, or an abstract concept, established and defined by
authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring
quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results.
Task Qualified. Identifies individuals who have completed training on both core and non-core
tasks. Individual and trainer initial training completion blocks of the STS, the person is then
considered qualified to perform that task.
Total Force. All collective Air Force components (active, reserve, guard, and civilian elements)
of the United States Air Force.
Upgrade Training (UGT). Mandatory training which leads to attainment of a higher skill level.
Utilization and Training Workshop (U&TW). A forum of the Air Force Career Field
Manager, MAJCOM Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) functional managers, Subject Matter
Experts (SME), and AETC training personnel that determine career training requirements.
Section A - General Information
1. Purpose. This CFETP provides information necessary for AFCFM, MFM, commanders,
training managers, supervisors and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective
career field training program. This plan outlines the training that individuals in the munitions
systems career field require in order to develop and progress throughout their careers. This plan
identifies initial skills, upgrade, qualification, advanced, and proficiency training. Initial skills
training is the Air Force Specialty (AFS) specific training an individual receives upon entry into
the Air Force or upon retraining into this specialty for award of the 3-skill level. For munitions
systems, this training is conducted by AETC at Sheppard AFB. Upgrade training identifies the
mandatory courses, task qualification requirements, and correspondence course completion
requirements for award of the 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-skill levels. Qualification training is actual hands-
on task performance training designed to qualify an Airman in a specific duty position. This
training program occurs both during and after the upgrade training process. It is designed to
provide the performance skills and knowledge required to do the job. Advanced training is formal
specialty training provided for selected Airmen. Proficiency training is additional training (in-
residence, exportable, advanced training courses, or on-the-job training) provided to munitions
personnel to increase their skills and knowledge beyond the minimum required for upgrade. To
read, review, download, or print a copy of the current CFETP (Part I or Part II), go to the Air
Force Pubs web site at
2. Use. MFMs, supervisors, trainers and trainees use the plan to ensure comprehensive and
cohesive training programs are used for each individual in the munitions specialty.
2.1. AETC training personnel will develop and revise formal resident, non-resident, field and
exportable training based on requirements established by the users and documented in Part II of
the CFETP. They will also work with the AFCFM to develop acquisition strategies for obtaining
resources needed to provide the identified training.
2.2. MFMs will ensure their training programs complement the CFETP mandatory initial,
upgrade, and proficiency requirements. OJT, resident training, contract training, or exportable
courses can satisfy identified requirements. MAJCOM-developed training to support the
Munitions AFSC must be identified for inclusion into this plan.
3. Coordination and Approval. AFCFM (HQ USAF/A4LW, DSN 225-0780) is the approval
authority for the CFETP. MAJCOM representatives and the AFCFM will identify and coordinate
on munitions systems field training requirements. The AETC training manager for this specialty
(363 TRS/TRR, Sheppard AFB, DSN 736-3279) will initiate an annual review of this document
by AETC, the AFCFM, and MFMs to ensure currency and accuracy. They will use the list of
courses in Part II to eliminate duplicate training. All questions or change recommendations
regarding the CFETP will be routed through the respective MFM.
4. Specialty Descriptions
4.1. Specialty Summary. Responsible for safety, security, and accountability of all
nonnuclear munitions and related components. Responsible for safety, security and
accountability of all nonnuclear munitions and related components. Performs and manages
munitions production and materiel tasks and activities. Identifies munitions and equipment
requirements. Operates and maintains automated data processing equipment (ADPE) to perform
inspection, testing, and stockpile management activities. Stores, maintains, assembles, issues, and
delivers assembled nonnuclear munitions. Routinely demilitarizes nonhazardous munitions.
Operates and maintains Munitions Material Handling Equipment (MMHE). Develops and
implements munitions materiel management concepts and procedures. Complies with explosive,
missile, and ground safety, security, and environmental directives and practices. Identifies
munitions by filler, color code, marking, or physical characteristics. Receives, stores, handles,
and transports nuclear weapons. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup: 164500.
4.2. Duties and Responsibilities. Tests, assembles, and processes non-nuclear munitions.
Prepares munitions for loading on aircraft. Checks safe and arm mechanisms. Installs warheads,
guidance units, fuses, arming wires, squibs, strakes, wings, fins, control surfaces, and tracking
flares. Processes aircraft gun ammunition. Maintains and reconditions munitions and MMHE.
Reconditions, repairs, and replaces defective or missing parts. Maintains operational or bench
stock materiel and secures replenishment. Modifies munitions and all MMHE when directed.
Inspects munitions for serviceability and applies munitions product assurance procedures. Installs
spotting charges in bombs. Inspects ammunition, components, and containers for defects.
Prepares documentation indicating identification and quantity of assets. Performs routine
demilitarization of non-explosive munitions items. Repackages munitions and applies container
Receives, stores, handles, and transports non-nuclear munitions via multiple modes (air, sea,
land). Unloads and unpacks munitions. Checks shipping documents for accuracy. Delivers
munitions to assembly, storage, or maintenance areas. Prepares munitions for shipment.
Determines and maintains storage facilities, reports, safety and security requirements. Performs
inspections and maintains inspection and storage records. Issues non-nuclear munitions. Performs
operator maintenance on munitions vehicles and equipment. Performs munitions materiel
management and materiel accounting functions. Performs and oversees management and
procedural application of manual and automated positive inventory control. Determines inventory
control actions. Conducts inventories and corrects discrepancies. Accomplishes requisitioning
actions and maintains due-in, due-out, and status files. Maintains source document control and
ensures validity and completeness. Recommends system and program changes to data processing
methods. Develops and maintains stock level data. Monitors excess munitions programs.
Prepares reports. Operates and maintains ADPE for munitions accounting, reporting, and status
configuration. Coordinates with maintenance activities on repairable munitions components.
Obtains material for equipment modifications, periodic component exchange, and maintenance.
Receives, stores, handles, and transports nuclear weapons.
Establishes and evaluates performance standards, maintenance controls, and work procedures.
Computes data to support financial planning and programming. Analyzes and validates munitions
host-tenant and interservice munitions support agreements and plans. Develops methods and
techniques to maintain and recondition munitions and handling equipment. Evaluates munitions
account condition, identifies deficiencies, and initiates corrective actions. Ensures compliance
with policies, directives, and procedures. Evaluates munitions equipment maintenance. Evaluates
procedures for assembling, renovating, and storing munitions, and procedures for demilitarization
of non-explosive munitions. Provides status information and expected completion dates.
Analyzes mission effectiveness, program requirements, stock control levels, and validates
requirements. Analyzes stockpile requirements to determine type and quantity of munitions
facilities needed to safely store, inspect, maintain, and secure munitions assets.
4.3. Specialty Qualifications. Knowledge is mandatory of: composition and characteristics of
munitions, storage, safety, security, and environmental requirements and procedures; fusing and
arming systems; technical drawings; precision measuring tools and equipment; wiring diagrams;
handling, use, and disposition for non-hazardous materials; munitions material accounting
systems; basic mathematics; policies and procedures for accountability and pecuniary liability;
techniques of munitions materiel management and procurement; Air Force property accounting;
munitions policies and procedures; inventory and stock control; preparing and maintaining
munitions records and documents; procedures for hazardous and non-hazardous materials; and
procedures for assets turn-in.
5. Skill/Career Progression. Adequate training and timely progression from the apprentice to
the superintendent skill level play an important role in the Air Force's ability to accomplish its
mission. It is essential that everyone involved in training do their part to plan, manage, and
conduct an effective training program.
5.1. Apprentice (3) Level. Upon completion of initial skills training, trainees will work with a
trainer to enhance their knowledge and skills. They will use the 2W051 Career Development
Course and Task Qualification Training identified in the STS, AFJQS, and MAJCOM-identified
training programs to progress in the career field. It is highly encouraged that Airmen complete
the 5-skill level CDC within one year to be successfully upgraded in a timely manner. The 3-skill
level personnel must be qualified in core tasks identified in the core task table as well as tasks
identified in the Master Training Plan (MTP) as 2W051 upgrade tasks (UGT) for the duty
position prior to being awarded a 5-skill level. Once trained and qualified, a trainee may
perform the task unsupervised, except where prohibited by safety or security requirements.
5.2. Journeyman (5) Level. Once upgraded to the 5-skill level, a Journeyman will enter into
experience-based career-broadening continuation training. Our 5-skill level personnel may be
assigned to crewmember or crew chief positions in any of the nine functional areas. Individuals
will attend the Airman Leadership School (ALS) after serving 48 months in the Air Force. 5-skill
level personnel may be considered for supervisory duties after attending ALS or selection to
SSgt. Individuals will use their Career Development Course (CDC) to prepare for testing under
the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). They should also consider continuing their
education toward a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree. Journeyman must be
qualified in core tasks identified in the core task table, tasks identified in the Master Training
Plan (MTP) as 2W071 upgrade tasks (UGT) for the duty position attend AFCOMAC's Combat
Ammunition Planning and Production (CAPP), course, and complete the 7-Skill Level Craftsman
Course prior to being awarded a 7-skill level. Individual Mobilization Augmentee’s (IMA) may
attend AFCOMAC CAPP if vacancies are available.
5.3. Craftsman (7) Level. Craftsmen can expect to fill various supervisory positions within an
organization. They may also be assigned to work in staff positions at squadron, group, wing, or
command levels. Our 7-skill level munitions personnel should take courses or obtain knowledge
of management of resources. Continued academic education through CCAF and
higher degree programs is highly encouraged. In addition, when promoted to TSgt, individuals
will attend the Noncommissioned Officer Academy. Individuals will attend the Senior
Noncommissioned Officer Academy upon promotion to MSgt. ARC personnel may utilize
distance learning for the NCOA. Craftsmen must attend AFCOMAC CAPP again as a SNCO
(MSgt or SMSgt) prior to being awarded a 9-skill level.
5.4. Superintendent (9) Level. 9-skill level munitions managers can be expected to fill
supervisory and management positions within an organization. They should also strive to gain
experience in all major functional divisions of the Munitions Storage Area commonly referred to
as Systems, Materiel and Production, and should seek additional training in budget, manpower,
resources, and personnel management through continuing education programs. They may also be
assigned to work in staff positions at squadron, group, wing, or command levels. ARC personnel
may utilize distance learning for the SNCOA. IMA may attend AFCOMAC CAPP if vacancies
are available.
5.4.1. Once promoted to SMSgt and CMSgt, individuals are added to a master listing at
AFCOMAC CAPP to accurately track attendance for these key ranks. Ranking on this list is
based on date, rank when they last attended. Priority for SMSgt classes will be afforded to those
who require AFCOMAC CAPP attendance to earn the 9-level. The SMSgt and CMSgt attendee
roster is then reviewed at the AFCOMAC Curriculum Review. These selected individuals are
expected to attend AFCOMAC CAPP when scheduled in order to ensure proper class structure
and appropriate training of all attendees is accomplished.
6. Training Decisions. Training decisions are made during Utilization and Training Workshops.
Functional managers use Occupational Survey and Field Evaluation Questionnaire data in their
decision making process. Supervisors must understand the importance of these documents and
ensure they are returned in a timely manner. The Air Force Career Field Manager, in conjunction
with MAJCOM Functional Managers (MFM) and Subject Matter Experts, works with training
experts from the 363d Training Squadron, Sheppard AFB, to develop and approve the munitions
systems training process. Changes to the process, including this CFETP, the STS, AFJQS, CDCs,
and formal course content, will be addressed through the unit munitions supervision to the MFM
for coordination and approval. The MFMs forward their recommendation to the CFM for
coordination and consideration.
Note: The CFETP uses a building block approach (simple to complex) to encompass the entire
spectrum of training requirements for the munitions systems career field. The spectrum includes
a strategy for when, where, and how to meet the training requirements. The strategy is apparent
and affordable to reduce duplication of training and eliminate a disjointed approach to training.
6.1. Initial Skills. This CFETP updates the 3-skill level course. The Apprentice course now
emphasizes accountability throughout the training process to mirror real-world requirements. All
2W0 training is considered warskills training.
6.5. Proficiency Training. Any additional knowledge and skill requirements that were not
taught through initial skills or upgrade training are assigned to continuation training. The purpose
of continuation training is to provide additional training exceeding minimum upgrade
requirements with emphasis on present and future duty positions. In order to effectively broaden
the knowledge base for personnel in this career field, experience in several different functional
areas of the munitions storage area is a necessity.
7. Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). Enrollment in CCAF occurs upon
completion of basic military training. CCAF provides the opportunity to obtain an Associate in
Applied Sciences Degree in Munitions Systems Technology. At a minimum, the Journeyman 5-
skill level must be held at the time of program completion. The following are CCAF
requirements for the Associate Degree. The web link is provided to CCAF:
7.2.1. CCAF Instructor Certification (CIC) Program. CCAF offers the three-tiered CIC
Program for qualified instructors teaching at CCAF affiliated schools who have demonstrated a
high level of professional accomplishment. The CIC is a professional credential that recognizes
the instructor's extensive faculty development training, education and qualification required to
teach a CCAF course, and formally acknowledges the instructor's practical teaching experience.
7.2.2. Instructional Systems Development (ISD) Certification Program. CCAF offers the
ISD Certification Program for qualified curriculum developers and managers who are formally
assigned at CCAF affiliated schools to develop and manage CCAF collegiate courses. The ISD
Certification is a professional credential that recognizes the curriculum developer’s or managers
extensive training, education, qualifications and experience required to develop and manage
CCAF courses. The certification also recognizes the individual’s ISD qualifications and
experience in planning, developing, implementing and managing instructional systems.
7.2.3. Professional Manager Certification. CCAF offers the PMC Program for qualified Air
Force NCO’s. The PMC is a professional credential awarded by CCAF that formally recognizes
an individual’s advanced level of education and experience in leadership and management, as
well as professional accomplishments. The program provides a structured professional
development track that supplements Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME) and
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP).
7.2.4. Additional off-duty education is a personal choice that is encouraged for all. Individuals
desiring to become an Air Education and Training Command Instructor (including FTD) must
actively pursue an associate degree. AFCOMAC Advisors must have the career field CCAF
associates degree before selection as an advisor. A degreed faculty is necessary to maintain
accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
-Minimum rank of SMSgt -Attend AFCOMAC
CAPP as a Senior NCO (MSgt or SMSgt)
9. Purpose. Skill level training requirements in this career field are defined in terms of tasks
and knowledge requirements. This section outlines the specialty qualification requirements for
each skill level in broad, general terms and establishes the mandatory requirements for entry,
award and retention of each skill level. The specific task and knowledge training requirements
are identified in the core task table of this CFETP. The 2W0 AFCFM has established a core task
table that specifically meets the needs of the 2W0 community. Use Section A core task table in
Part II to determine core tasks required for upgrade. Additional tasks identified in the Master
Training Plan as 5- or 7-level upgrade tasks (UGT) for the assigned duty position are also
required. Work center tasks identified in the MTP as Proficiency or Continuation Training are not
required for skill-level upgrade.
Apprentice Journeyman
Knowledge Knowledge is mandatory of: composition and characteristics of munitions, storage,
safety, security, environmental requirements and procedures; fuzing and arming
systems; technical drawings; precision measuring tools and equipment; wiring
diagrams; handling, use, and disposition of munitions; munitions materiel accounting
systems; basic mathematics; techniques of munitions materiel management and
procurement; Air Force property accounting; munitions policies and procedures;
inventory and stock control; preparing and maintaining munitions records and
documents; procedures for hazardous and nonhazardous materials; and procedures for
asset turn-in.
Education Completion of high school or general education Qualification in and possession of
development equivalency is mandatory for entry AFSC 2W031.
into this specialty.
Training Successful completion of the Munitions Systems Completion of the 2W051 CDC is
Apprentice Course is mandatory for award of mandatory.
AFSC 2W031.
Experience A minimum of 12 months
experience as a trainee is required
for upgrade to the 5-skill level.
Experience is mandatory in
performing functions such as
warehousing, accounting,
mechanical assembly, electronics,
preparing munitions for shipment,
preparing and maintaining
documentation and records for
inventory management actions
involving automated systems.
Additionally, personnel must have
been Qualified in one.
Other For entry into the specialty, individuals must have normal color vision, depth
perception, and additional requirements IAW AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and
Standards, no record of emotional instability IAW Air Force Enlisted Classification
Directory, must meet qualifications to operate government vehicles IAW AFI 24-301,
Vehicle Operations, and never been convicted of domestic violence IAW the
Lautenberg amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968 and AFI 31-117, Arming and
Use of Force by Air Force Personnel.. For award/retention of AFSC 2W0X1,
individuals must meet eligibility requirements for a Secret security clearance IAW AFI
31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, and , must maintain an Air Force
Network License according to AFI 33-115, Vol 2, Licensing Network Users and
Certifying Network Professionals.
Training Sources The munitions systems technical school at Supervisors are responsible for
and Resources Sheppard AFB provides basic knowledge and enrolling trainees in CDC 2W051
skills necessary for the award of the 3-skill level. and administering the course. The
This training can be reviewed by examining the CDCs provide much of the
3-skill level column in the STS. knowledge necessary for upgrade
training. The supervisor and trainer
provide qualification training by
assigning a trainee to a duty
position and using the STS to
determine qualification tasks to be
Implementation Students are awarded a 3-skill level upon The 5-skill level is awarded to
successful completion of the Munitions Systems individuals that meet the
Apprentice Course, J3ABR2W031 0A0C, or requirements in Table 8.1.
successor course.
Craftsman Superintendent
Specialty Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2W051. Qualification in and possession of
Qualification Experience is mandatory in supervising or performing AFSC 2W071. Experience is
functions such as: receiving, identifying, inspecting, mandatory in managing functions such
storing, reconditioning, issuing, delivering, as accountable munitions materiel
maintaining, testing, and assembling guided and operations; munitions storage,
unguided munitions; and preparing and maintaining maintenance, and assembly functions;
documentation and records for inventory management munitions inspection; equipment
actions. maintenance; line delivery and
handling functions; and maintaining
munitions materiel management
Knowledge Knowledge is mandatory of: composition and characteristics of munitions, storage, safety,
security, environmental requirements and procedures; fuzing and arming systems; technical
drawings; precision measuring tools and equipment; wiring diagrams; handling, use, and
disposition of munitions; munitions materiel accounting systems; basic mathematics; techniques
of munitions materiel management and procurement; Air Force property accounting; munitions
policies and procedures; inventory and stock control; preparing and maintaining munitions
records and documents; procedures for hazardous and nonhazardous materials; and procedures
for asset turn-in.
Education Craftsmen should pursue an Associate Degree in Superintendents are strongly
Munitions Systems Technology. encouraged to complete an Associate
Degree in Munitions Systems
Technology and are encouraged to seek
an advanced civilian degree.
Training Completion of AFCOMAC CAPP course and Completion of AFCOMAC CAPP and
completion of the 2W071, 7-Level Craftsman Course completion of the 2W071, 7 level
are mandatory for award of the 7-skill level. Craftsman course are mandatory for
award of the 7-skill level. Additionally
AFCOMAC CAPP must be completed
as a Senior NCO for award of the 9-
skill level. All 9-skill level munitions
systems training is gained through
experience and OJT.
Experience Individuals must complete 12 months of OJT from the Individuals training for the 9-skill level
first day of the month of the SSgt promotion cycle must seek supervisory/management
they were promoted in. Supplemental (out-of-cycle) positions in the munitions storage area
promotes must complete 12 months of OJT from the and staff positions at group, wing, and
first day of the month following notification of MAJCOM level.
promotion. All individuals must also be qualified in
two functional areas identified in the core task table.
Other For entry into the specialty, individuals must have normal color vision, depth
perception, and additional requirements IAW AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and
Standards, no record of emotional instability IAW Air Force Enlisted Classification
Directory, must meet qualifications to operate government vehicles IAW AFI 24-301,
Vehicle Operations, and never been convicted of domestic violence IAW the
Lautenberg amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968 and AFI 31-117, Arming and
Use of Force by Air Force Personnel.. For award/retention of AFSC 2W0X1,
individuals must meet eligibility requirements for a Secret security clearance IAW AFI
31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, and , must maintain an Air Force
Network License according to AFI 33-115, Vol 2, Licensing Network Users and
Certifying Network Professionals..
Training Sources The supervisor and trainer provide qualification
and Resources training by assigning a trainee to a duty position and
using the STS to determine qualification tasks to be
trained. AFCOMAC CAPP is developed and
maintained by the 9 MUNS at Beale AFB, California.
Additional courses are listed in CFETP Part II,
Training Course Index.
Implementation The 7-skill level is awarded to individuals that meet The 9-skill level is awarded to
the requirements in Table 8.1. Note: If previously individuals that meet the requirements
qualified, requalification is not required. The core task in Table 8.1.
requirements are a career total and are not meant to
imply that 7-skill level trainees have to be
concurrently qualified in two functional areas.
Section D - Resource Constraints. Currently, there are no training resource constraints.
Part II
The core task table identifies mandatory training for upgrade to 5-level and 7-level. Use the task
paragraph number located in the 5-level and 7-level column to identify core tasks that apply to all
2W0X1 functional areas. Munitions Supervision will identify additional tasks in the MTP for
each duty section, based on mission specific requirements that are mandatory for upgrade to the
5- and 7-skill levels.
1. Purpose. This section of the CFETP identifies training courses available for the specialty and
shows how the courses are used by each MAJCOM in their career field training programs.
2.1. Air Force Formal Courses are listed at the Education & Training Course Announcements
site. Announcements are subject to change. A sample is listed below. For the current list, visit:
2.2. U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center and School Courses are listed at the Directorate
for Education catalog site. Announcements are subject to change. A number of distance learning
training courses are also available thru the Defense Ammunition Center. A sample is listed
below. For the current list, visit:
2.3. Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) Courses are listed at
2.5. Exportable Courses are listed at: Announcements are subject to change. A sample is listed
below. For the current list, visit:
Maintenance Data Collection (G081) General Course
Munitions Inspector Certification 2W0X1 personnel assigned to stockpile surveillance and/or
Workbook C3ADU00TPB0001 munitions storage flights.
NCO Logistics Course General Course- Plans, Scheduling and Documentation
3. USAFE. The following courses are unique to USAFE and are listed in AFI 23-104 USAFE
1. Implementation. This STS becomes effective when published. Class start dates are
documented in the AETC mandated course development and course control document system.
2. Purpose. This STS defines the technical training requirements for in-resident and non-
resident upgrade courses and non-AFSC awarding supplemental courses. This STS is also the job
qualification standard when placed in AF Form 623, Individual Training Record, and used
according to AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program. For OJT, the tasks in column 1 are
trained and qualified to the “go/no go” level. "Go" means the individual can perform the task
without assistance and meets local requirements for accuracy, timeliness, and correct use of
2.1. Lists in column 1 the most common tasks, knowledge, and technical references (TR)
necessary for airmen to perform in the 3-, 5-, and 7-skill level. These are based on an analysis of
the duties in this CFETP. The task statements are numbered sequentially (i.e., 1, 1.1, 1.2. 2, 2.1,
2.2. Provides in column 2A & 2B (Core Tasks are identified by a 5 or 7), core task training
requirements are for award of 2W051 and 2W071 AFSC.
Note: Due to the diversity of the 2W0 specialty, all core tasks for the career field are required
for upgrade.
2.3. Provides in column 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, OJT qualification columns to record completion of task
and knowledge training requirements. Qualification is accomplished as outlined in AFI 36-2201.
Task qualification must show a qualification/completion date.
2.4. Shows formal training and correspondence course requirements in Column 4. Columns
4A(1) and 4B(1) of this STS show the level to which task knowledge training has been
accomplished by the Training Center for 2W031 and 2W071 courses, respectively, as described
in Air Force Education and Training Course Announcements (ETCA). ETCA can be accessed
via AF Portal at: Columns 4C(1) indicate the career
knowledge provided in the 5-skill level CDCs.
2.5. Is a guide for development of the Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT) portion of promotion
tests used in the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). The SKT is developed at the
USAF Airman Advancement Division by Senior NCOs with extensive subject matter area
knowledge judged by test development team members to be the most appropriate for promotion
to higher grades. Questions are based on the study references listed in the WAPS catalog.
Individual responsibilities are in Chapter 1 of AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing
System. The WAPS is not applicable to the Air National Guard and Reserve.
3. Upgrade Qualification Procedures. All 5-skill level trainees must be qualified on 5-skill
level core tasks identified in the core task table as well as tasks identified in the MTP. All 7-skill
level trainees must be qualified in core tasks identified in the core task table, tasks identified in
the MTP, attend AFCOMAC's Combat Ammunition Planning and Production (CAPP), course,
and complete the 7-Skill Level Craftsman Course prior to being awarded a 7-skill level. IMA
may attend AFCOMAC CAPP if vacancies are available.
4. Qualitative Requirements. This attachment contains the proficiency code key used to
indicate the level of training and knowledge provided by resident training and career
development courses.
5. Documentation.
5.1. Documentation procedures are provided in AFI 36-2201. In order to avoid duplication and
in order to prevent confusion due to AFI changes, use documentation procedures as described in
the current instruction.
5.2. Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) is authorized by AFI 36-2201, to designate core
tasks that require third-party certification. The 2W0XX AFSC has no Air Force requirement for
third-party certifications of core tasks.
5.2.1. Mission-critical maintenance tasks or tasks with definite potential for personnel injury or
damage should be documented on Special Certification Roster (SCR) as outlined in AFI 21-101,
Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management.
5.2.2. Use AFI 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Procedures, for certification
requirements associated with nuclear weapons tasks.
6.1. Transcribing from old to new CFETP. As explained in 5, documentation procedures are
provided in AFI 36-2201. Follow transcription procedures in the Training Business Area (TBA)
Users Guide.
** A subject knowledge scale value is used alone to define a level of knowledge for a subject not directly related to any specific task, or for a
subject common to several tasks.
- This mark is used alone instead of a scale value to show that no proficiency training is provided in the course or CDC.
X This mark is used alone in the course columns to show that training is required but not given due to limitations in resources.
NOTE: All tasks and knowledge items shown with a proficiency code are trained during war time.
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
TR: AFI 21-200, 21-201, 36-2101, 36-2618;
1.1 Airmen Munitions and Weapons Career Field A B -
1.2 Progression/duties within the 2W0X1 career A B -
2.1 Levels of security classification - - -
TR: AFI 21-201; DoD 5200.1-I;
2.2 Specific OPSEC vulnerabilities of AFSC - B -
TR: AFI 21-109, 31-401;
AF Security Munitions Classification Guides;
DoD 5200.1-I
2.3 Munitions Security
TR: AFI 31-101, 31-401; DoD 5100.01,
5100.76, 5200.01, 5200.1-I
2.3.1 Controlled/restricted areas A B -
2.3.2 Entry control point A B -
2.3.3 Escort duties A - -
2.3.4 Apply Inventory Item Code (CIIC)/Risk codes A B B
2.3.5 Apply transportation/storage of munitions 5 - B b
2.3.6 Intrusion detection systems (IDS) Access and reset - B -
TR: AFI 91-202; AFMAN 91-201
3.1 Safety principles
3.1.1 AF Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) A B -
TR: AFI 21-101, 90-821, 91-202, 91-203, 91-
302, AFMAN 48-155
3.1.2 AFOSH standards A B -
TR: AFI 91-203
3.1.3 Hazards for AFSC 2W0X1 A B -
3.1.4 Hazard reporting A B -
3.1.5 Apply Operational risk management (ORM) 5 a - -
TR: AFI 90-901; AFPAM 90-902
3.2 Weapons safety
3.2.1 Explosive/missile safety
TR: AFMAN 91-201, Specific item T.O. Explosive/missile safety A B - Forward Firing Ordnance (FFO) A B -
3.2.2 Range demonstration A - -
3.2.3 Radiation safety - B -
TR: AFI 91-108
3.2.4 Crew chief duties for explosives operations
TR: AFMAN 91-201; AFI 21-201, Specific
Item T.O. Conduct pretask safety briefing 5 2b - 2b Direct all phases of the operation 5 2b - b Identify all hazards of the operation 5 2b - b
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Brief emergency procedures to workers, 5 2b - b
casuals, and visitors Maintain strict housekeeping standards 5 2b - - Identify unsafe conditions 5 2b - -
3.3 Inspect/maintain safety equipment
3.3.1 Identify/inspect fire extinguishers 2b - -
TR: AFI 91-203
3.3.2 Identify/inspect eyewash systems, Permanent - - -
and Portable
TR: AFI 91-203
3.3.3 Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2b - -
TR: AFI 91-203; Manufacturer’s Manual
3.3.4 Static ground and lightning protection system A A -
TR: AFI 32-1065
TR: AFI 10-2501
4.1 Counter Chemical Warfare (CCW) - B -
TR: C-CW-Operations for Functional Area
Organizations, Vol 1
4.2 Contamination avoidance techniques - B -
4.3 Operational decontamination - B -
4.4 Contaminated waste - B -
TR: AFI 91-203, 90-821, 32-7020, 32-7042,
32-7086; AFMAN 48-155; AFPD 32-70, 90-8;
Installation Restoration Program Management
Guidance Handbook; Stand & Local
5.1 Munitions aspects of Federal Hazard - - -
Communication Training Program
5.2 Hazards and waste management
5.2.1 Functions and responsibilities - - -
5.2.2 Sources and characteristics - - -
5.2.3 Identification/disposal - - -
5.2.4 Comply with Material Safety Data Sheet 5 1a - -
5.2.5 Storage/labeling - - -
5.3 Environmental Protection Agency’s Military - - -
Munitions Rule
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-200, 21-201, 38-101, 38-
201, 36-2101, 36-2406, 36-2502, 36-2618, 36-
2803, 36-2805, 36-2907, 36-3017; AFMAN
91-201; AFECD and applicable command
6.1 Orient new personnel - - -
6.2 Assign personnel to work crews - - -
6.3 Plan work assignments and priorities - - -
6.4 Schedule work assignments - - -
6.5 Establish
6.5.1 Work methods - - -
6.5.2 Controls - - -
6.5.3 Performance standards 7 - - B
6.5.4 Work schedules - - -
6.6 Resolve technical problems for subordinate 7 - - B
6.7 Evaluate work performance of subordinate 7 - - B
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
TR: AFI 36-2101, 36-2301, 36-2201, 36-2232;
Education and Training Course
Announcements (ETCA) and ECD
7.1 Evaluate personnel to determine need for 7 - - B
7.2 Schedule personnel for training - - B
7.3 Plan and supervise OJT - - B
7.4 Prepare job qualification standards - - B
7.5 Conduct training 7 - - B
7.6 Counsel trainees on their progress - - B
7.7 Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of training 7 - - B
7.8 Maintain training records 7 a B B
7.9 Integrated Maintenance Data System - - A
TR: AFCSM 21-Series;
8.1 Technical Orders
TR: T.O. 00-5-1
8.1.1 Technical Order System A - -
8.1.2 Responsibilities of the TODO, TODA, Library - - -
8.1.3 Establish/maintain technical order files - - -
8.1.4 Technical order improvements A - B
8.1.5 Technical Order Indexes A - -
8.1.6 Use Technical Orders when performing tasks 5 2b B -
TR: Item T.O.
8.1.7 TCTO Program - - -
TR: T.O. 00-20-2
8.1.8 Supervisory review of AFTO IMT 22 - - -
8.2 Other Documents
TR: AFPD 33-3; AFI 33-360
8.2.1 Use Publication 5 - - -
8.2.2 Responsibilities of Publications/Forms - - -
8.2.3 Establish/maintain publication files - - -
8.2.4 Use indexes/AFEPL - - -
8.2.5 Use Defense Logistics Information Services 5 - a -
8.2.6 Joint Hazard Classification System (JHCS) B - -
8.2.7 Use Allowance Standard (AS) 7 - - b
8.2.8 Use JHCS 5 - - -
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-201, 38-101
9.1 Basic Wing/Base functions - B -
9.2 Organizational Structures A B -
TR: AFI 21-200
9.3 Functions and responsibilities
TR: AFI 21-200, 38-101
9.3.1 HQ USAF - B -
9.3.3 Major Command - B -
9.4 Maintenance systems
TR: T.O. 00-20-1
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
9.4.1 Preventive maintenance - B -
9.4.2 Periodic maintenance - B -
9.4.3 Unscheduled maintenance - B -
9.5 Major inspections
TR: AFI 90-201; AFPD 90-2
9.5.1 Program - B -
9.5.2 Core criteria - B -
9.6 Maintenance and equipment forms
TR: T.O. 00-20-1
9.6.1 AFTO IMT 244 Identify symbols and usage 5 a - - Document 5 2b B B Clear symbols 7 - B B
9.6.2 AFTO Form 350 - B -
9.6.3 DD Form 1500 Series and usage 5 a B -
9.6.4 AFTO IMT 95 - B B
9.6.5 In-progress or end-item inspections - B B
9.7 Maintenance Data Documentation System
TR: AFI 21-201; T.O. 00-20-2
9.7.1 Reliability Asset Monitoring System (RAMS) - B -
TR: T.O. 21M-1-101
9.7.2 Tactical Munitions Reporting System (TMRS) - B -
TR: T.O. 21M-1-101
9.7.3 Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS) - B -
TR: AFCSM 21-566 through 579
9.7.4 CAMS For Mobility (GO-81) - - -
TR: AFCSM 21-566 through 579
9.8 OPLANs/Munitions Employment Plan
TR: AFI 10-401, 10-404, 21-201, 38-205;
9.8.1 Purpose 7 A B B
9.8.2 Development - A B
9.8.3 Execute - B B
9.9 Mobility
TR: AFI 10-402, 10-403, 10-404, 21-201, 25-
101, 36-2129; AFH 10-416
9.9.1 Prepare unit non-nuclear munitions for - - -
mobility deployment packages
9.9.2 Prepare unit mobility deployment - - -
(equipment/accountability) packages
TR: T.O. 36M-1-141
9.10 War Reserve Materiel (WRM) stockpile - B -
9.11 Manning/personnel documents
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-200, 21-201, 38-201;
AFPD 38-2
9.11.1 Unit manning document (UMD) - - -
9.11.2 Unit personnel management roster (UPMR) - - -
9.11.3 Special certification roster - - A
9.12 Facility Management Principles
TR: AFI 32-1021, 32-1024; AFPD 32-10
9.12.1 AF Form 332 Process - - -
9.12.2 DD Form 1391 - - -
9.12.3 Facilities board - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
9.12.4 Munitions Facility Standards Guide - - -
TR:; Portal keyword
search “AFCEE”; “Welcome to the AFCEE
Website”; “Design and Construction”;
“Guides, Specifications, Project Management
Aids, & Family Housing Publications”; “AF
Munitions Facilities Standards Guide – PDF
Vol. 1 (4.9 MB) | Vol. 2 (965 KB)”
9.13 Vehicle Management Principles
TR: AFI 24-301, 25-101; AFPD 24-2
9.13.1 Requirements - - -
9.13.2 Authorizations - - -
10.1 Perform lock maintenance - - -
TR: T.O. 44H2-3-1-101
TR: AFMAN 23-110; T.O. 00-20-3
11.1 Prepare requests for equipment and supplies - - -
11.2 Review/maintain supply products - - -
11.3 Maintain residual/bench stock - B -
TR: AFI 21-101
11.4 Monitor Test, Measurement and Diagnostic - - -
Equipment (TMDE)
11.5 Uniform Repair/Replacement Program - - -
TR: T.O. 00-20-3, 00-25-240
11.6 Reusable Container Program - B -
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-201, T.O. 11A-1-60
11.7 Manage Custodial Accounts - - -
TR: AFMAN 23-110
11.8 Supply Discipline
11.8.1 Supply Discipline - B -
11.8.2 Standard Base Supply System (SBSS) - - -
11.8.3 Use of supply products - - -
11.8.4 Equipment account management - - -
11.8.5 Maintenance supply concept - - -
TR: AFI 21-200, 21-201, 31-101, 10-401;
AFMAN 91-201; T.O. 00-5-15, 00-20-2
12.1 MC2/NMC2 SharePoint A B B
12.2 Planning and scheduling
12.2.1 Interpret flying schedule for munitions 7 - B B
12.2.2 Conduct scheduling meetings - B B
12.2.3 Work priorities - - B
12.2.4 Job Control Numbers - B -
12.2.5 AWM/AWP Program - B B
12.2.6 TCTO Program - B B
12.2.7 Maintain visual aids - - B
12.3 Coordinating
12.3.1 Coordinate munitions requirements - B -
12.3.2 Advise agencies of munitions maintenance - - -
12.3.3 Coordinate entry procedures with security - A -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
12.3.4 Advise security forces of building risk code - A -
12.3.5 Advise agencies of fire symbol/chemical - A -
warning sign changes
12.3.6 Advise agencies of munitions movements or - A -
12.3.7 Notify vehicle maintenance of requirements - A -
12.3.8 Coordinate work requests with appropriate - A -
12.4 Directing/controlling
12.4.1 Initiate personnel recall procedures - B -
12.4.2 Initiate emergency action checklist - B -
12.4.3 DoD lock program
=PORTAL Use AF IMT 2432 Key Issue Log 5 - B - Use AF IMT 2427 Lock and Key Register - B - Perform key and lock audit - B -
12.4.4 Use radio 2b - -
12.4.5 Dispatch personnel - - -
12.4.6 Post munitions control status - - -
12.4.7 Maintain documentation on grounding and - - B
lightning protection
TR: AFI 32-1065
12.4.8 Conduct/coordinate MSA fire drills - - -
12.5 Flightline munitions management
12.5.1 Direct and coordinate munitions flightline - A -
12.5.2 Validate accuracy of movements/expenditure - A -
data before direct input
TR: AFI 20-110, 21-200, 21-201
13.1 System overview
13.1.1 Fundamentals B - -
13.1.2 Preparation and Use of AF Form 68, a B -
Munitions Authorization Record.
TR: AFI 21-201
13.2 System Admin Responsibilities
13.2.1 SPO - - -
13.2.2 MAJCOM - - -
13.2.3 Local SA - - -
13.3 Stock Control
13.3.1 Process DIFM - - -
13.3.2 Process Requisitions a a a
13.3.3 Process Receipts a a a Nuclear Weapons Related Materials (NWRM) - - - NWRM shipment - - -
13.3.4 Process Issues a a a
13.3.5 Process Turn-ins a a a
13.3.6 Distribution Process shipment a B B Deployed munitions management Import/export munitions - B B Custody accounts - B B
13.4 Expenditures
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
13.4.1 Process expenditures a B b
13.4.2 Expenditure reconciliation - - -
13.4.3 Previous month expenditures - - -
13.5 Level and Allocation Management
13.5.1 Org record maintenance - - -
13.5.2 Load munitions allocations - B b
13.5.3 AMST forecast and allocation module - B B
13.5.4 WCDO - - B
13.5.5 DLAR - B B
13.5.6 TAMP - A A
13.5.7 Optimum storage level - - -
13.5.8 Level record maintenance - - -
13.5.9 Time change levels - B B
13.5.10 Stock levels - B B
13.6 Prepare and use inquires and reports
13.6.1 Asset balance inquiry by NSN/MSRG 2b - -
13.6.2 Complete round inquiry a - -
13.6.3 Weapons code inquiry a - -
13.6.4 Transaction history inquiry 2b - B
13.6.5 Due-out inquiry - - -
13.6.6 Inspection due date inquiry - - -
13.6.7 BIF inquiry - - -
13.6.8 Ad hoc inquiry - - -
13.6.9 ADR inquiry - - -
13.6.10 Facility maintenance inquiry a - -
13.6.11 S/N cross reference inquiry - - -
13.6.12 Asset level inquiry a B B
13.6.13 Non-accountable assets inquiry 2b - -
13.6.14 Report print 2b - -
13.6.15 Report scheduler 2b - -
13.7 Inventory
13.7.1 Inventory accounts 5 a - -
13.7.2 Relief of accountability - B B
13.7.3 Report of survey - - -
13.7.4 Identify warehouse locations 5 a B -
TR: T.O. 11A-1-61-1
13.7.5 Reverse post - - -
13.7.6 Inventory adjustment - - -
13.7.7 Nuclear Weapons Related Materiel - B -
TR: AFI 21-110, 21-201
13.8 Complete round management
13.8.1 CRA main menu - - -
13.8.2 Determine components of CRC a - B
13.8.3 Complete round build-up a - B
13.8.4 Complete round tear down a - B
13.8.5 Weapon code nomination - - -
13.8.6 Local CRC update/load - - B
13.9 Inspection
13.9.1 Regroup lot numbers - - -
13.9.2 Lot number, condition code, and selective - - -
identity change
13.9.3 Ammunition disposition - - -
13.9.4 Conventional Munitions Restricted and a - -
Suspended (CMRS)
13.10 Post-post procedures - - -
13.11 Document control a B B
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
13.12 MASO responsibilities a - -
13.13 Maintain files - - -
13.14 Process movements 5 2b - -
13.15 Malposition indicators - - -
13.16 Container-in-Container
13.16.1 Characteristics A A B
13.16.2 Container identification naming conventions - A B
13.16.3 Load in CAS - - -
14.1 General policy - B B
TR: AFI 25-101
14.2 Munitions redistribution in support of - B B
operational plans
TR: AFI 10-401, 21-201, 38-205
14.3 Munitions packages (STAMP, STRAPP or - A B
TARRP) for deployment
TR: AFI 20-110; 21-201; AFMAN 91-201;
MIL-STD 129; Conventional Munitions
Restricted or Suspended (CMRS) website,
15.1 Serviceability procedures A B B
15.2 Perform and document inspections
15.2.1 Periodic (PI) - B -
15.2.2 Storage Monitoring Inspection (SMI) - - -
15.2.3 Pre-Issue Inspection (PII) - B -
TR: T.O. 11A-1-10
15.2.4 Special Inspection (SPI) - B -
15.2.5 Shipping Inspection (SI) - B -
TR: AFI 24-203; 20-110; IP; DoD 4140-M-1;
Applicable Special Packaging Instruction;
T.O. 11A-1-10; Title CFR 49 and
15.2.6 Receiving Inspection (RI) - B -
15.2.7 Returned Munitions Inspection (RMI) - B -
15.3 Identify/process/tag assets - B B
TR: AFI 20-110; T.O. 00-20-3, 11A-1-10
15.4 Document munitions serviceability records - B B
15.5 Annotate discrepancy reporting forms
15.5.1 Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) - B -
TR: DoD 4500.9-R Part II (Chapter 210)
15.5.2 Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) SF 364 - B -
TR: AFJMAN 23-215
15.5.3 Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) - B B
TR: T.O. 00-35D-54
15.6 Ammunition Disposition Request (ADR) - B -
15.7 Identify munitions inert, empty or - B -
TR: T.O. 11A-1-10, 11A-1-53
15.8 Inspection of munitions residue and
reusable containers
TR: T.O. 11A-1-60
15.8.1 Inspect/certify munitions residue - B B
15.8.2 Turn-in munitions residue - B B
15.8.3 Certify empty containers a B B
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
TR: AFI 21-201; AFMAN 91-201; JHCS;
T.O. 11A-1-61-1; Item T.O.; Approved
16.1 Identify/apply storage requirements b B B
16.2 Storage magazine types B B -
16.3 Storage area hazards B B -
16.4 Identify/apply site planning principles - B B
16.5 Identify/apply Quantity-Distance (Q-D) a B B
16.6 Identify compatibility requirements 5 b B 2b
16.7 Warehousing principles
16.7.1 General principles and storage planning A B B
16.7.2 Buffered storage - B -
16.7.3 Document movement of munitions 5 a B B
16.7.4 Complete round storage/dispersal A B -
16.7.5 Perform general warehousing 2b B -
16.7.6. Establish/mark storage location 2b - -
16.7.7 Perform facility inspections - - -
16.8 Courtesy storage procedures A B -
16.9 Non-Accountable courtesy storage - - -
16.10 Posting fire hazard symbols and chemical 5 b B -
warning signs
16.11 Remove and store munitions - - -
TR: AFI 21-201; IP,
91-201; DoD 4500.09E; Title CFR 49;
T.O. 11A-1-10, Item T.O.
17.1 Receipt of munitions
17.1.1 Initial inspection A B -
17.1.2 Suspect vehicle procedures A B -
17.1.3 Document receipt - B -
17.2 Shipment of munitions
17.2.1 Package/document requirements for Break bulk - B B Intermodal A B B Air A B B
17.2.2 Shipping Labels A B B
17.2.3 Shipping documents A B B
17.2.4 Pacer AMMO - - -
17.3 Aircraft Cargo Pallet System A A -
TR: T.O. 36M-1-141
17.4 Load/unload munitions into or from - - -
17.5 International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) containers
17.5.1 Inspect/certify ISO containers - A -
17.5.2 Load/unload - - -
TR: DoD 4160.28, Volume 1
18.1 Explain techniques - A -
18.2 Procedures/requirements - A -
TR: AFI 21-118
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
19.1 Perform corrosion control procedures 5 b - -
TR: AFI 21-101; T.O. 1-1-8, 1-1-691,
Item T.O.
19.2 Use torque wrenches 5 2b - -
TR: T.O. 00-20-1, 00-20-14
19.3 Perform banding 2b - -
TR: AFI 91-203; Specific Item T.O.
19.4 Use multimeters - B -
TR: AFMAN 91-201; T.O. 00-20-1, 00-20-14
19.5 Use common hand tools 5 2b - -
TR: AFMAN 91-201; AFI 91-203; T.O. 00-
20-1, 32-1-2, 32-1-101, Munitions Item T.O.
19.6 Use tool control procedures 5 2b - -
TR: AFI 21-101
19.7 Use power tools 2b B -
TR: T.O. 32B Series
19.8 Use heat producing devices - - -
TR: AFMAN 91-201, Owner’s Manual
19.9 Use micrometer/depth gauge - - -
TR: T.O. 32-1-151, 32-1-201, Item T.O.
19.10 Use pallet jacks - - -
TR: AFI 91-203; AFMAN 91-201; T.O. 00-
19.11 Use lifting devices b B -
TR: AFI 21-101, 91-203; T.O. 00-20-1
19.12 Apply package markings b B -
TR: IP, 91-201;
T.O. 11A-1-10, 11A-1-60, Item T.O.; JHCS;
CFR 49; MIL STD 129; Applicable SPI T.O.
19.13 Palletize munitions - - -
TR: Specific Item T.O. and SPI
TR: AFI 21-204, 31-101, 91-101, 91-104, 91-
107, 91-108; AFMAN 91-118, 91-201;
AFPDs 21-2, 24-2
20.1 Nuclear Surety A B B
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
20.8 Convoy nuclear weapons - B -
TR: AFI 31-101; DoD 5210-41M-V1/V2/V3,
AFMAN 31-108; T.O. 11N-45-51(series)
20.9 Transport nuclear weapons/shapes on:
TR: 11N-45-51 (series)
20.9.1 MHU-141 - B -
20.9.2 MHU-196/MHU-204 - - -
20.9.3 MHU-226 - - -
20.9.4 25/40 foot trailer - - -
20.10 Nuclear Weapons Related Materials
TR: AFI 20-110, 21-201
20.10.1 Fundamentals A A A
20.10.2 Identify - - -
20.10.3 Mark/package - - -
20.10.4 Storage/warehouse - - -
20.10.5 Shipment/receipt - - -
20.10.6 Inventory/audit - - -
TR: AFI 21-201; AFMAN 91-201;
T.O. 35D-1-2-CD-1
21.1 General handling procedures
TR: AFMAN 24-306; JHCS; Item T.O.
21.1.1 Placard vehicles 5 b B -
TR: Title CFR 49
21.1.2 Transport munitions 5 2b B -
21.1.3 Communicate movements 5 b - -
21.1.4 On/off-base movement procedures A B -
TR: DOD 4500.9R Part II; T.O. 13C2-1-1
21.1.5 General munitions handling A B -
TR: DOD 4500.9R Part II, T.O. 13C2-1-1
21.1.6 Flightline safety - - -
TR: AFI 91-203
21.1.7 Pintle Hook 2b A -
21.2 Configure, load/unload, position, and tie-
down General Purpose (GP) bombs on:
TR: T.O. 11-1-38, 13C2-1-1, Item T.O.
21.2.1 MHU-141 trailer - B -
21.2.2 MHU-110 trailer 2b B -
21.2.3 MHU-226 trailer 2b B -
21.2.4 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized) 2b B -
21.2.5 Cargo truck - - -
21.3 Configure, load/unload, position, and tie-
down Precision Guided Munitions (PGM)
and Containerized Missiles on:
TR: T.O. 11-1-38, 13C2-1-1, Item T.O.
21.3.1 MHU-141 trailer 2b B -
21.3.2 MHU-110 trailer - B -
21.3.3 MHU-226 trailer - B -
21.3.4 Cargo truck - - -
21.3.5 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized) - - -
21.3.6 MHU-196/MHU-204 trailers - B -
21.4 Configure, load/unload, position, and tie-
down Cluster Bombs (CBU) on:
TR: T.O. 11-1-38, 13C2-1-1, Item T.O.
21.4.1 MHU-141 trailer - B -
21.4.2 MHU-110 trailer - B -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
21.4.3 MHU-226 trailer - B -
21.4.4 Cargo truck - - -
21.4.5 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized) - B -
21.4.6 MHU-196/MHU-204 trailers - - -
21.5 Configure, load/unload, position, and tie-
down dispensers on:
TR: T.O. 11-1-38, 13C2-1-1, Item T.O.
21.5.1 MHU-141 trailer - B -
21.5.2 MHU-110 trailer - B -
21.5.3 MHU-226 trailer - B -
21.5.4 Cargo truck - - -
21.5.5 25/40 foot trailers (including rollerized) - B -
21.6 Configure, load/unload, position, and tie-
down missiles (out of container) on:
TR: T.O. 11-1-38, 13C2-1-1, Item T.O.
21.6.1 MHU-141 trailer 2b B -
21.6.2 MHU-226 trailer - B -
21.7 Configure, load/unload, position, and
tie-down aircraft gun ammunition
21.7.1 MHU-141 trailer - - -
21.7.2 MHU-110 trailer - - -
21.7.3 MHU-226 trailer - - -
21.7.4 Cargo truck - - -
21.7.5 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized) - - -
TR: T.O. 35D-1-2-CD-1
22.1 Non-powered support equipment (SE)
22.1.1 MHU-141 trailer
TR: T.O. 35D3-2-27-1 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use/general inspection 2b - -
TR: T.O. 35D3-11-36-6WC-2 Tow 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform maintenance/periodic inspections - - -
22.1.2 MHU-110 trailer
TR: T.O. 35D3-2-26-1 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use/ general inspection 2b - -
TR: T.O. 35D3-11-36-6WC-2 Tow 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform maintenance/periodic inspections - - -
22.1.3 MHU-226 trailer
TR: T.O. 35D3-2-31-1 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use/general inspection 2b - - Tow 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform maintenance/periodic inspections - - -
22.1.4 MHU-196/MHU-204 trailers
TR: T.O. 11N-H5083-1 Characteristics - - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Tow/operate - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
22.1.5 Aluminum Rail Set (ARS)
TR: T.O. 35DA5.2.1 Characteristics - - - Preparation for use - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Perform operator maintenance - - - Perform pre-use inspection - - -
22.2 Powered support equipment (SE)
22.2.1 MJ-1 series lift truck
TR: T.O. 35D3-2-25-1 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - -
TR: T.O. 35D5-3-8-36WC-1 Drive/operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.2.2 MHU-83 series lift truck
TR: T.O. 35D5-3-8 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - -
TR: T.O. 35D5-3-8-36WC-1 Drive/operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.2.3 MC-7 air compressor
TR: T.O. 34Y1-253-1 Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - -
TR: T.O. 35-1-256 WC-1 Operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.2.4 A/M32A-60 Generator Set
TR: T.O. 35C2-3-372-11 Characteristics - - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - -
TR: T.O. 35C2-3-1-426WC-4-20-1 Operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.2.5 A/M32A-86 “Hobart” Generator Set
TR: T.O. 35C2-3-469-11 Characteristics - - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - -
TR: T.O. 35C2-3-1-426WC-4-20-1 Operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3 Vehicles
22.3.1 Bobtail trucks
TR: T.O. 36A10-3-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - - Drive/operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.2 ½ ton cargo truck thru 2½ ton cargo truck
TR: T.O. 36A12-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
22.3.3 5 ton truck – 15 ton truck tractors
TR: T.O. 36A13-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.4 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized)
TR: T.O. 36A9-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Tow - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.5 Aircraft Tow Tugs/Tractors
TR: T.O. 36A10-3-(series) verify TRs Characteristics - A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.6 Forklifts: 4K/6K/10K/15K, Gas/Diesel
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - - Drive/operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.7 Forklifts: 22K/40K/44K/50K, Gas/Diesel
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.8 Container handling equipment:
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(Series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.4 Munitions Material Handling Equipment
TR: AFMAN 91-201
22.4.1 20MM Universal Ammunition Loading
TR: T.O. 35D30-4-15-1 Characteristics A B - Perform operational checkout 2b - - Tow - - - Operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform periodic maintenance/inspection - - -
22.4.2 20MM Ammunition Loading System
Replenisher Assembly
TR: T.O. 35D30-4-11-1 Characteristics A B - Perform operational checkout 2b - - Operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform periodic maintenance/inspection - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
22.4.3 30MM Ammunition Loader System
TR: T.O. 35D30-4-12-2, 35DA15-7-3 Characteristics A B - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Tow - - - Operate - - - Perform periodic maintenance/inspection - - -
22.4.4 Munitions Assembly Conveyor, A/E32K-3,
TR: T.O. 35D2-17-1, 35D2-17-11 Characteristics A B - Preparation for use - B - Preparation for storage or shipment - - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - - Operate 2b - - Perform operator maintenance - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Perform periodic maintenance/inspection - - -
22.4.5 Transport Modules Chaff/Flare Modules Characteristics A B - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - - BDU Modules Characteristics A - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - - Rocket Modules Characteristics A - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - - 105MM Modules Characteristics A - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - - Decoy Modules Characteristics A - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - - CSAR Modules Characteristics A - - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Load/unload - - - Securing doors - - -
TR: AFI 21-201; AFMAN 91-201
23.1. Explosive characteristics A B -
TR: T.M. 9-1300-214 (Order Through – US
Army Distribution Center, 1655 Woodson
Road, St. Louis, Mo., 63114-6181)
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
23.2 Explosive Train types and characteristics A B -
TR: T.M. 9-1300-214 (Order Through – US
Army Distribution Center, 1655 Woodson
Road, St. Louis, Mo., 63114-6181)
23.3 2.75” Rockets
TR: T.O. 11A11-24-7
23.3.1 Characteristics A - -
23.3.2 Inspect a - -
23.3.3 Assemble/disassemble a - -
23.3.4 Maintenance - - -
23.4 Launchers: LAU-131
TR: T.O. 11L1-3-27-1
23.4.1 Characteristics A - -
23.4.2 Inspect/test - - -
23.5 Practice Bombs
23.5.1 MK80 Series, BDU-50, BDU-56, M117
TR: T.O. 11A3-4-7 Characteristics A - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.5.2 BDU-33, BDU-48, and MK106
TR: T.O. 11A3-3-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.5.3 BDU-38/B, BDU-46/E
TR: T.O. 11A3-6-7, 11A3-8-7, 11A17-12-7 Characteristics - - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6 General purpose bombs
TR: T.O. 11A-1-63
23.6.1 M117, M117-AIR
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.2 MK82, MK82-AIR, BLU-111
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect 2b - - Assemble/disassemble 2b - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.3 MK83, BLU-110
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics - - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.4 MK84, MK84-AIR, BLU-117
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.5 BLU-109
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.6 BLU-113
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.7 BLU-118
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.8 BLU-122
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.9 BLU-126
TR: T.O. 11A-1-5-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.10 BLU-129
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.7 Bombs, countermeasure and leaflet
(PDU-5/B, M129 Series)
TR: T.O. 11A3-2-7
23.7.1 Characteristics A B -
23.7.2 Inspect - - -
23.7.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
23.7.4 Maintenance - - -
23.8 Cluster Bombs CBU-87, 89, 97
(SUU-64/65/66 Dispensers)
TR: T.O. 11A9-31-7, 11A-1-63
23.8.1 Characteristics A B -
23.8.2 Inspect - - -
23.8.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
23.8.4 Maintenance - - -
23.9 Bomb fuzes/sensors and components
TR: T.O. 11A1-12-7, 11A4-(Series),
23.9.1 Mechanical Fuzes Classification A A -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.9.2 Electrical Fuzes Classification A A - Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.9.3 Proximity fuzes/sensors Classification A A - Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.10 Airbase ground defense munitions
TR: T.O. 11A8-2-1, 11A8-3-7, 11A8-5-7,
11A13-6-7, 11A13-10-7
23.10.1 Small arms - - - Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.10.2 Grenades - - - Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.10.3 Mines - - - Characteristics - B Inspection - B
23.10.4 Mortars - - - Characteristics - B Inspection - B
23.11 Pyrotechnics
TR: T.O. 11A10-(series)
23.11.1 Characteristics A B
23.11.2 Signal flares A B -
23.11.3 Smoke producing munitions A B -
23.11.4 Illuminating flares A B -
23.11.5 SUU-25 series flare dispensers
TR: T.O. 11A21-7-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect/test - - - Load/unload - - - Maintenance/reconditioning - - -
23.12 Ammunition for cannon
23.12.1 20MM - - -
TR: T.O. 11A13-4-7 Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.12.2 25MM - - -
TR: T.O. 11A13-16-7 Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.12.3 30MM - - -
TR: T.O. 11A13-14-7 Characteristics A B Inspection - B
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
23.12.4 40MM - - -
TR: T.O. 11A13-11-7 Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.12.5 105MM - - -
TR: T.O. 11A13-13-7 Characteristics A B Inspection - B
23.13 Demolition explosives
TR: T.O. 11A20-7-7, 11A20-8-7, 11A20-9-7,
11A20-10-7, 11A20-16-7
23.13.1 Characteristics A B -
23.14 Impulse Cartridges
TR: T.O. 11A16-(series), 11A17-(series),
23.14.1 Characteristics A - -
23.14.2 Maintenance - - -
23.14.3 Inspection - - -
23.15 CAD/PAD
TR: T.O. 11A18-(series), 11P-(series)
23.15.1 Characteristics A B -
23.16 Chaff/flare/decoys and dispensing systems
TR: T.O. 11A16-7-7, 11A16-38-7, 11A16-39-
7, 11A16-40-7, 11A16-41-7 , 11A16-46-7,
11A16-45-7, 12P3-4-89-2, 12P3-2ALE-102
23.16.1 Characteristics A - - Dispenser A B - Countermeasure munitions A B - Squibs/impulse cartridges A - -
23.16.2 Load/unload - - -
23.16.3 Inspect/use wrist strap - - -
TR: T.O. 00-25-234
23.16.4 Maintenance - - -
23.16.5 Assemble/Disassemble - - - RR-170 - - - RR-180 - - - RR-188 - - - M-206 - - - MJU-7 - - - MJU-10 - - - MJU-50 - - - MJU-51 - - - MJU-53 - - - MJU-62 - - - MJU-64 - - - MJU-66 - - - MJU-71 - - - M211 - - - M212 - - -
23.16.6 Inspect/test - - -
24.1 Principles
24.1.1 Guidance systems A B -
24.1.2 Control systems A B -
24.1.3 Warhead systems A B -
24.1.4 Propulsion systems A B -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
24.2 GBU-10 Series
TR: T.O. 11K10-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.2.1 Characteristics A B -
24.2.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.2.3 Maintenance - - -
24.3 GBU-12 Series
TR: T.O. 11K10-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.3.1 Characteristics A B -
24.3.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.3.3 Maintenance - - -
24.4 GBU/EGBU-24 series
TR: T.O. 11K20-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.4.1 Characteristics A B -
24.4.2 Assemble/disassemble 2b - -
24.4.3 Maintenance - - -
24.5 GBU/EGBU-27 series
TR: T.O. 11K25-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.5.1 Characteristics - - -
24.5.2 Assembly/disassembly - - -
24.5.3 Maintenance - - -
24.6.3 Upload/download - - -
24.6 GBU/EGBU-28 series
TR: T.O. 11K28-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.6.1 Characteristics - - -
24.6.2 Assembly/disassembly - - -
24.6.3 Maintenance - - -
24.7 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) series
TR: T.O. 11K39-2-7, 11B29-3-73-1
24.7.1 Characteristics A A -
24.7.2 Inspect 2b B -
24.7.3 Perform BIT/reprogramming - B -
24.7.4 Upload/download to/from carriage system 2b - -
24.7.5 Maintenance - - -
24.7.6 BRU-61 - - - Characteristics A A - Inspect 2b - -
24.8 Digital Test Set TTU-373/595
TR: T.O. 33D5-24-16-2, 33D5-24-23-2
24.8.1 Characteristics A B -
24.8.2 Prep for storage - - -
24.8.3 Perform checkout - - -
24.8.4 Perform user maintenance - - -
24.9 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser
(WCMD) series
TR: T.O. 11A9-31-7
24.9.1 Characteristics A A -
24.9.2 Inspect - - -
24.9.3 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.9.4 Perform BIT/reprogramming - - -
24.9.5 Maintenance - - -
24.10 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
TR: T.O. 11K31-2-7
24.10.1 Characteristics A A -
24.10.2 Inspect 2b - -
24.10.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course GBU-31 - - - GBU-32 - - - GBU-38 2b - - GBU-54 - - -
24.10.4 Perform BIT/reprogramming 2b - -
24.10.5 Maintenance - - -
24.11 Common Munitions Bit Reprogramming
Equipment (CMBRE) AN/GYQ-79 series
TR: T.O. 33D7-3-372-1, 33D-7-3-372-11
24.11.1 Characteristics A B -
24.11.2 Prep for use/storage 2b - -
24.11.3 Perform checkout 2b - -
24.11.4 Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.11.5 Breakout boxes ADU-890
TR: 11K39-2-7 Characteristics A B - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout - - - ADU-891
TR: 33D7-3-372-11 Characteristics A B - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout - - -
24.12 AGM 65 Series
TR: T.O. 21M-AGM65-(series)
24.12.1 Characteristics A A -
24.12.2 Inspect - - -
24.12.3 Assemble/disassemble (HAS/G&C) - - -
24.12.4 Maintenance - - -
24.12.5 Test Set AN/DSM-157
TR: T.O. 33D9-54-62-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/shipment - - - Perform missile checkout - - - Perform cluster checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.12.6 AN/DSM-129 Target Simulator
TR: T.O. 33D9-61-39-1 Characteristics - A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform Missile Checkout AGM-65A - - - AGM-65B - - - AGM-65H - - - AGM-65K - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.12.7 SM 787/DSM Target Simulator (IR)
TR: T.O. 33D9-14-70-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform Missile Checkout AGM-65D - - - AGM-65G - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
24.13 AGM-88 series
TR: T.O. 21M-AGM88-(series)
24.13.1 Characteristics A A -
24.13.2 Inspect - - -
24.13.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.13.4 Maintenance - - -
24.13.5 Test Set AN/GSM-396
TR: T.O. 33D9-45-42-1 Characteristics - B - Prep for use/shipment - - - Perform checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.14 AGM-114 Series (Hellfire)
TR: T.O. 21-AGM114-2
24.14.1 Characteristics A A -
24.14.2 Inspect - - -
24.14.3 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.14.4 Maintenance - - -
24.15 AGM-158 Series (JASSM)
TR: T.O. 21-AG158A-2
24.15.1 Characteristics A A -
24.15.2 Inspect - - -
24.15.3 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.15.4 Maintenance - - -
24.15.5 Perform BIT/reprogramming - - -
24.15.6 Support equipment - - -
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM9M-2, AMA T.O.
24.16.1 Characteristics A A -
24.16.2 Inspect 2b - -
24.16.3 Assemble/disassemble 2b - -
24.16.4 Maintenance - - -
24.16.5 Test Set TS-4044 B/D
TR: T.O. 33D9-54-67-31 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.16.6 GCU-30/E Recharging Unit
TR: T.O. 35D18-5-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform purge/shutdown - - - Operate - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM9X-2
24.17.1 Characteristics A A -
24.17.2 Inspect - - -
24.17.3 Maintenance - - -
24.17.4 Perform BIT/reprogramming - - -
24.18 AIM/CATM-120 series
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM120-2
24.18.1 Characteristics A B -
24.18.2 Inspect - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To
Indicate Training/Information
Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill 5 Skill 7 Skill
Level Level Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
24.18.3 Maintenance - - -
24.18.4 Perform BIT/reprogramming - - -
24.18.5 Assemble/Disassemble (CATM-120D only) - - -
24.18.6 Prep for use/storage (CATM-120D only) - - -
24.18.7 Perform checkout (CATM-120D only) - - -
24.19 Miniature Air Launch Decoy (MALD)
TR: T.O. 21-AD160B-2
24.19.1 Characteristics - - -
24.19.2 Inspect - - -
24.19.3 BIT/Reprogramming - - -
24.19.4 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.19.5 Classified Erase - - -
24.21 GBU-44 (Viper Strike)
TR: User’s Guide
24.21.1 Characteristics - - -
24.22 AGM-176 (Griffin)
TR: User’s Guide
24.22.1 Characteristics - - -
24.22.2 Deprogramming - - -