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1425)  To recognize the relevance of Rizal’s ideals,

thoughts, teachings, and life values to
-an act to include in the curricula of all present conditions in the community. To
public and private schools, colleges and universities apply Rizal’s ideas in the solution of day-to-
courses on the life, works and writings of jose rizal, day situations and problems in
particularly his novels noli me tangere and el contemporary life.
filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and
distribution thereof, and for other purposes  To develop an understanding and
appreciation of the qualities, behavior, and
WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of character of Rizal.
our history, there is a need for a re-dedication to the
ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our  To foster the development of moral
heroes lived and died; character, personal discipline, citizenship,
and vocational efficiency among the Filipino
WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, youth
particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose Rizal,
we remember with special fondness and devotion SECTION 1
their lives and works that have shaped the national Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose
character; Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El
WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of
Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and all schools, colleges and universities, public or
El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring private: Provided, that in the collegiate courses, the
source of patriotism with which the minds of the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me
youth, especially during their formative and Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their English
decisive years in school, should be suffused; translation shall be used as basic texts.

WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under SECTION 2

the supervision of, and subject to regulation by the It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and
State, and all schools are enjoined to develop moral universities to keep in their libraries an adequate
character, personal discipline, civic conscience and number of copies of the original and unexpurgated
to teach the duties of citizenship; Now, therefore, editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
History of Rizal Law Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and
biography. The said unexpurgated editions of the
Senate Bill 438, known as Rizal Law, Authored Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their
by Senator Claro M. Recto. Is Considered as one translations in English as well as other writings of
of the most controversial bills in the Philippines. Rizal shall be included in the list of approved books
When was that Rizal Law approved? for required reading in all public or private schools,
colleges and universities.
June 12, 1956
 To rededicate the lives of the youth to ideals
The Board of National Education shall cause the
of freedom and nationalism.
translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El
 To pay tribute to our national hero for Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose
devoting his life and works in shaping the Rizal into English, Tagalog and the principal
Filipino character. Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed in
cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be
 To gain an inspiring source of patriotism
distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring to
through the study of Rizal’s life, works, and
read them, through the Purok organizations and
Barrio Councils throughout the country.
SECTION 4 d. The Young Rizal in his Diary
Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
amendment or repealing section nine hundred A. FAMILY
twenty-seven of the Administrative Code,
The Rizal Family belonged to the
prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by
“Principalia” aristocratic town of
public school teachers and other person engaged in
distinguished families.
any public school.
The family was able to live well by the dint
of honest and hard work and frugal living.
The sum of three hundred thousand pesos is hereby They get their living from the farms, which
authorized to be appropriated out of any fund not were rented from the Dominican Order, they
otherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to harvested rice, corn, and sugarcane. They
carry out the purposes of this Act. raised pigs, chickens, and turkeys in their
 Doña Teodora, Rizal’s mother managed a
This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
general goods store and operated a small
Approved: June 12, 1956 flour mill and a home-made ham press.

SENATORS WHO AGREED LAW  They owned a carriage, which was a status
symbol of the Ilustrados in Spanish
 Senators LorensoTanada, Philippines, and a private library (the largest
 Quintin Paredes and in Calamba) which consisted of more than
 Domocao Alonto of Mindanao 1,000 volumes.
SENATORS WHO OPPOSED RIZAL LAW  The Rizal family had a simple, contented,
 Senators Francisco Rodrigo and happy life. Don Francisco and Doña
Teodora loved their children, but they never
 Mariano J. Cuenco
spoiled them.
 Decoroso Rosales
 They were strict parents and trained their
What Makes it Controversial?
children to love God, behave well, be
This issue is not welcome in various quarters. The obedient, and respect people, especially the
catholic church opposed the Rizal Law because old folks.
given the fact that Rizal Law has a book which is
 They give their children a sound spanking
about the El Felibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere
whenever they (children) get into mischief.
which contained a passage that is anti-church.
They believed in the maxim: “Spare the rod
According to the church, it violates the freedom
and spoil the child.
of religion. And according to Father Cavanagh
out of 333 pages in Noli Me Tangere only 25  Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in the
pages are patriotic statements so 120 pages are town of Calamba, province of Laguna, then
anti- catholic statements. a town with three to four thousand
inhabitants, is located 54 kilometers south of
Rizal’s Life Manila.
a. Family  Dr. Jose Rizal. The newborn was given the
b. Childhood
c. Early Education was the seventh child of the eleven children
of Don Francisco and Doña Teodora.
Meaning of Name “My father was a model of fathers had given us an
education commensurate with small fortune; and
JOSE -Chosen by his mother who was a devotee of through thrift he was able to build a stone, house;
the Christian Saint San Jose (St. Joseph – Patron erect a little nipa house in the middle of our
Saint of workers). orchard under the shade of some trees and others.”
PROTACIO –Saint Gervacio Protacio, whose feast Doña Teodora Alonso Y Realonda
is celebrated every June 19
 Born in Meisik, Sta. Cruz, Manila on
RIZAL -(Ricial – Greenfield ) Is the surname November 8, 1826.
adapted by the Mercados during the 1940’s because
of the Claveria Decree  Studied at Colegio de Sta. Rosa in Manila.

MERCADO -Given to Jose’s great-grandfather by  Died in Manila on August 19, 1911, at the
their great-great-grandfather Domingo Lamco 1731 age of 85.
– meaning market  A woman of refined culture and character,
Y- and with exemplary literary talents, the fortitude
of a Spartan Woman, and wit business
ALONSO- The middle name of his mother ability.
REALONDA- Is the surname adapted by the “My mother is a woman more than ordinary
Alonsos during the 1940’s because of the Claveria culture; she knows literature and speaks Spanish
Decree better than I. She even corrected my poems and
 On June 22, 1861, at the age of three days gave me wise advice when I was studying rhetoric.
old, Jose Rizal was baptized in the Catholic She is a mathematician and has read many books.”
church of his town with Father Rufino
Collantes, the parish priest who baptized the
young hero, a Batangueño and Father Pedro SATURNINA RIZAL
Casañas who was the godfather (Ninong) of
Rizal, native of Calamba and close friend of  The eldest child of the Rizal children born in
his family. During the christening ceremony, 1850.
Father Collantes advised the Rizal family,  “Neneng” – nickname
“Take good care of this child, for someday
he will become a great man.”  Married to Manuel T. Hidalgo

Don Francisco Mercado Rizal  She published Pascula Poblete’s Tagalog

translation of Noli Me Tangere
 Born in Biñan, Laguna, on May 11, 1818.
 “Cabeza de barangay" (head of town.)
 “Lolo Ciano"
 Studied Latin and Philosophy College of
San Jose in Manila  Closest brother of Jose born in 1851.

 After the death of their parents, he moved to  Confidant of Jose Rizal and he convinced
Calamba and became a tenant farmer of the the young hero to study in Europe without
Dominican-owned hacienda. their parents’ permission.

 On January 5, 1898, he died in Manila at the  Joined the Philippine Revolution and
age of 80. became a combat general in 1900’s.

 Jose describes him as “A model of fathers.”  Died on April 13, 1930, an old bachelor
aged 79.
 He had two children by his mistress  During his exile in Dapitan, he lived with
(Severina Decena) Josephine Bracken, an Irish girl from Hong
Kong; had a son with her, but this baby boy
died a few hours after birth; Jose named him
 Born in 1852 and nicknamed as “Sisa.” “Francisco” after his father and buried him
in Dapitan.
 Married to Antonio Lopez (nephew of
Father Leoncio Lopez).  He was executed by the Spaniards on
December 30, 1896
 Musician and educator of Pueblo de Morong
(former name of Rizal Province). CONCEPCION RIZAL

 Can recite from memory most of Jose’s  Born in 1862

 Concha – nickname
 At the age of three, she died of sickness and
 Born in 1855. Her nickname was “Ypia” her death was Rizal’s first sorrow in life.

 Married to Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph JOSEFA RIZAL

operator from Manila.
 Born in 1865
 She died while giving birth in 1887.
 Panggoy – nickname
 Remained single until she died in 1951 at
 Born in 1857. the age of 83.

 Married to Mariano Herbosa of Calamba.  Josefa was said to have suffered from
Their children were Delfina, the first wife of epilepsy
General Salvador Natividad who helped
Marcela Agoncillo make the first Philippine
flag in Hong Kong.  Born in 1868
 Herbosa died of cholera and was denied  Her nickname was “Trining” She was the
Christian burial being the brother-in-law of last of the Rizal children to survive and died
Jose Rizal as spinster too at the age of 83. She also
became a member of the Katipunan and she
was the caretaker of “Mi Ultimo Adios”
 Born in 1859, given the nickname “Biang.”
 Trinidad was the one who received an
 She married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, alcohol lamp from Brother Jose, in which he
Laguna, and was blessed with 5 children. secretly hid the "Last Farewell" better
known as "Mi Ultimo Adios," a poem Rizal
 Mauricio Cruz, one of Maria's children wrote on the eve of his death in 1896
became a student of Jose Rizal in Dapitan
and was known to be one of his uncle’s SOLEDAD RIZAL
 Also called 'Choleng
 was the youngest child of the Rizal family.
 Born on June 19, 1861
 Being a teacher, she was arguably the best
 Pepe – nickname educated among Rizal's sisters
THE TOWN THAT INSPIRES A HERO  Doña Teodora – Rizal’s first teacher
 Calamba was located amid a rich  At the age of 3, he learned the alphabet and
agricultural region in Laguna, the lake the prayers
province of Luzon, famed for coconut in the
hillsides and sugar cane in the valleys. It is
enclosed between the vast Laguna de Bay  Maestro Celestino- First tutor
and the enchanted Mt. Makiling. It endowed
the area with breathtaking landscapes and  Maestro Lucas Padua- Second Tutor
comforting nature that tenderly fondles the  Leon Monroy – a former classmate of his
townsfolk from dawn to twilight Father
 The Dominican friars virtually owned the  Maestro Justiano Aquino Cruz – first formal
town of Calamba and its haciendas at the teacher of Rizal in Biñan, Laguna (1869-
time, hence, non-Spanish families were only 1871) at the age of 9
renting the lands they tilled and were subject
to pay taxes, mostly excessive in money or FIRST SCHOOL BRAWL
kind  June 1869 – Paciano accompanied Pepe to
 The system known as the encomienda that Binan to continue his studies.
left people very vulnerable to cruelty and  Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz – Paciano’s
discrimination from the Dominican friars. former teacher and a disciplinarian.
Despite those cruelties, Calamba still offered
opportunities. Rizal himself wrote a poem  The school was made of Nipa and dubbed
reminiscing his happy moments in the town the house of the Maestro
of Calamba, entitled “Un Recuerdo A Mi SCHOOLING AT ATENEO
Pueblo” (In Memory of My Town).
 On June 10, 1872, Jose accompanied by
 The house of the Rizal family was one of the Paciano went to Manila. He took entrance
most distinguished in Calamba during examinations on Christian doctrine,
Spanish times. It was a two-storey building, arithmetic, and Reading at the College of
rectangular in shape, built of adobe stones San Juan de Letran, and passed them.
and hardwoods, and roofed with red tiles.
 He returned to Calamba to stay a few days
MANY SPLENDID TALENTS with his family and to attend the town fiesta.
 At 5 years old – he began to draw with his  His father, who first wished him to study at
pencil without any assistance Letran changed his mind and decided to
 Uncle Jose Alberto – a fine artist, helped send him to Ateneo.
him develop his innate gift for arts  Upon his return to Manila, accompanied
 Uncle Gregorio – a tireless reader, lectured again by Paciano and matriculated at the
his foundation of success and Profound logic Ateneo de Municipal.

 Uncle Manuel – a sport and fitness  Father Magin Ferrando – the college
enthusiast, helped him develop his frail registrar who first refused Rizal
Body by way of athletic drills, martial arts,
and physical exercises
Reasons:  (1) Roman empire consisting of the internos
(boarder) (2) Carthaginian empire
1. He was late for registration.
consisting of the externos (non-boarder).
2. He was sickly and undersize for his age
 Each of these empires has its rank. Best
 However, upon the intercession of Manuel student (emperor), second Best (tribune),
Xerez Burgos, nephew of Father Burgos, he third best(Decurion), fourth best (centurion),
was admitted. and fifth best (standard bearer).

 registered as Jose Rizal  A student could challenge any officer in his

empire, his opponent could lose his position
 His college was located in Intramuros, if he committed three mistake
within the walls of Manila.
2nd Year in Ateneo (1872-1873)
 He boarded in a house outside Intramuros,
on Caraballo Street, 25 minutes walk from  Nothing unusual happened during his
the college. The boarding house was owned second year, except that he repented having
by a spinster named Titay who owed the neglected his studies in the previous year
Rizal (Mercado) family an amount of P300. because he was offended by the teacher’s
remarks. So he studied harder and gained
 1st Year in Ateneo (1872-1873) emperorship.
 Fr. Jose Bech – first professor of Jose  Some of his classmates are new. Among
Jesuit System of Education them were 3 boys from Biñan, who had been
his classmates.
 “Roman Empire” (Interno - Boarders) and
 At the end of the term, he received excellent
 “Carthaginian Empire” (Externo - Non- grades and a gold medal.
 He undergoes private tutoring for Spanish
 Emperor lessons. P3 payment
 Tribune 3rd Year in Ateneo (1874-1875)
 Decurion  His mother was set free.
 Centurion  He did not make an excellent showing in
 Standard bearer his studies. His grades remained excellent in
all subjects, but he only won gold medal in
 The system of education given by the Jesuits Latin.
at the Ateneo is advanced from other
colleges.  He failed in Spanish because his spoken
Spanish was not fluently sonorous.
 Rigid discipline, religious instruction,
physical features, fine arts and scientific  He was beaten by a Spaniard, but naturally,
studies are promoted. could speak Spanish with fluency and with
right accentuation
 Student heard mass in the morning. Class is
opened and closed with prayers. 4th Year in Ateneo (1875-1876)

 Students are divided into two groups and  On June 16, 1875, he became an interno in
students fight for position. Ateneo.
 Fr. Francisco de Paula de Sanchez - a great
educator and scholar. Inspired Rizal to
study harder and write poetry. Jose
considered him as his best professor in
Last Year in Ateneo (1876-1877)
 He excelled in all subjects.
 The most brilliant Atenean of his time, he
was truly “the pride of the Jesuits”
 He finished his last year at the Ateneo in a
blaze history.
 March 23, 1877 – received his degree of
Bachelor of Art with honors
Rizal at UST
 Being a child of a family of landowners,
Jose Rizal decided to study for a degree in
Land Surveying and Assessment at Ateneo
Municipal de Manila and graduated on
March 23, 1877, with honors or
sobresaliente. (Excellent)
 In 1878, he pursued his passion for arts as he
enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Letters
for a degree in Philosophy at the University
of Santo Tomas.
 He also enrolled Medicine major in
ophthalmology with the intention and desire
to cure his mother’s failing eyesight.

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