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Hycner 1985

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Human Studies 8.'279-303 (1985).

© 1985 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. Printed in the Netherlands.



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This article explicates, in a concrete, step-by-step manner, some pro-

cedures that can be followed in phenomenologically analyzing inter-
view data. It also addresses a number of issues that are raised in rela-
tion to phenomenological research.

Part I

In t r o d u c tio n

This article is an attempt to spell out in a step-by-step manner, a series

of procedures which can be utilized in phenomenologically "analyz-
ing ''1 interview data. Despite the pioneering and extremely valuable
works of Colaizzi (1973, 1978), Giorgi (1975), Keen (1975) and
Tesch (1980), I have found that for many students and even colleagues,
who have not had much background in philosophical psychology,
they still have many questions about specific steps in carrying out a
phenomenological analysis of interview data. This is an attempt to
respond to this need.
There is an appropriate reluctance on the part of phenomenologists
to focus too much on specific steps in research methods for fear that
they will become reified as they have in the natural sciences. This
concern is well expressed by Keen (1975, p. 41).

...unlike other methodologies, phenomenology cannot be reduced

to a 'cookbook' set of instructions It is more an approach, an atti-
tude, an investigative posture with a certain set of goals.

Keen is completely right. What is being presented here is but one pos-
sible manner of phenomenologically analyzing data. It is presented
more as an attempt to sensitize the researcher to a number of issues
that need to be addressed in analyzing interview data rather than as a
" c o o k b o o k " procedure. Giorgi (1971) strongly emphasizes that any
research m e t h o d must arise out of trying to be responsive to the phe-
nomenon. No method (including this one) can be arbitrarily imposed
on a phenomenon since that would do a great injustice to the integrity
of that phenomenon. On the other hand, there are many researchers
who simply have not had enough philosophical background to begin
to even know what "being true to the p h e n o m e n o n " means in relation
to concrete research methods The following guidelines have arisen out
of a number of years of teaching phenomenological research classes to
graduate psychology students and trying to be true to the phenomenon
of interview data while also providing concrete guidelines.

1. Transcription. An obvious but important step in phenomenologicaUy

analyzing interview data is to have the interview tapes transcribed. This
includes the literal statements and as much as possible noting significant
non-verbal and para4inguistic communications. Usually it is helpful to
leave a large margin to the right of the transcription so that the re-
searcher will later be able to note what s/he believes are the units of
general meaning.

2. Bracketing and the phenomenological reduction. 2 Now we come to

the procedure which to be followed in listening to the recordings of
the interviews and in reading the transcripts The research data, that is,
the recordings and the transcriptions, are approached with an openness
to whatever meanings emerged. This is an essential step in following the
phenomenological reduction necessary to elicit the units of general
meaning. Keen (1975, p. 38) states that:

The phenomenological reduction is a conscious, effortful, opening

of ourselves to the phenomenon as a p h e n o m e n o n .... We want not
to see this event as an example of this or that theory that we have
we want to see it as a phenomenon in its own right, with its own
meaning and structure. Anybody can hear words that were spo-
ken; to listen for the meaning as they eventually emerged from the
event as a whole is to have adopted an attitude of openness to the
phenomenon in its inherent meaningfulness. It is to have 'bracket-
ed' our response to separate parts of the conversation and to have
let the event emerge as a meaningful whole.

It means suspending (bracketing) as much as possible the researcher's

meanings and interpretations and entering into the world of the unique
individual who was interviewed. It means using the matrices of that
person's world-view in order to understand the meaning of what that
person is saying, rather than what the researcher expects that person
to say.
This in no way means that the phenomenologist is standing in some
absolute and totally presuppsitionless space. To say this would be to
fall into the fallacy of "pure objectivity" that natural science has often
been prone to. In fact, the phenomenological reduction teaches us the
impossibility of a complete and absolute phenomenological reduction.
In the words of Merleau-Ponty (1962, p. xiv):

The most important lesson which the reduction teaches us is the

impossibility of a complete reduction . . . . that radical reflection
amounts to: a consciousness of its own dependence on an unre-
flective life which is its initial situation, unchanging, given once
and for all.

A good check on whether the researcher has been able to bracket

his/her presuppositions is for the researcher to list these presupposi-
tions that s/he is consciously aware of as well as to dialogue with his/
her research (dissertation) committee about these presuppositions.
Such dialogue may very well bring out presuppositions that the re-
searcher was not consciously aware of.

3. Listening to the interview f o r a sense o f the whole. Once the re-

searcher has "bracketed" his/her interpretations and meanings as
much as is possible, s/he will want to get a sense of the whole inter--
view, a gestalt (Giorgi, 1975, p. 87). This will involve listening to the
entire tape several times as well as reading the transcription a number of
times. This will provide a context for the emergence of specific units
of meaning and themes later on. When doing this the researcher espe-
cially wants to listen to the non-verbal and para-linguistic levels of com-
munication, that is, the intonations, the emphases, the pauses, etc.
It is also often important to have available a journal so that the re-
searcher can note specific issues that might arise or to record general
impressions. In this manner, these perceptions do not interfere with
the attempt to bracket interpretations and biases while trying to stay
as true to the interviewee's meaning as much as possible.

4. Delineating units of general meaning. At this point the interview has

been transcribed, the researcher has bracketed his/her presuppositions
as much as possible and has tried to stay as true to the data as possible,
as well as gotten a sense of the whole of the interview as a context. The
researcher is then ready to begin the very rigorous process of going
over every word, phrase, sentence, paragraph and noted significant non-
verbal communication in the transcript in order to elicit the partici-
pant's meanings. This is done with as much openness as possible and at
this point does not yet address the research question to the data. This
is a process of getting at the essence of the meaning expressed in a
word, phrase, sentence, paragraph or significant non-verbal communica-
tion. It is a crystallization and condensation of what the participant
has said, still using as much as possible the literal words of the par-
ticipant. This is a step whereby the researcher still tries to stay very
close to the literal data. The result is called a unit of general meaning.
I define a unit of general meaning as those words, phrases, non-verbal
or para-linguistic communications which express a unique and coherent
meaning (irrespective of the research question) clearly differentiated
from that which precedes and follows. (These might most easily be
recorded in the special margin alongside the transcription). If there
is ambiguity or uncertainty as to whether a statement constitutes a
discrete unit of general meaning, it is best to include it. Also at this
point all general meanings are included, even redundant ones.
A brief example of the above process follows below (Table 1). As a
caution it should be mentioned that it is obviously impossible to con-
vey the overall context in such a brief example which influences the
determination of the units of general meaning.
The context for the following example is that it is the second page
of transcription describing an experience of wonderment or awe. In
the previous page, the participant discussed the background where he
and his girlfriend were up in the mountains on vacation. The scene
being described is the beginning of an experience of wonder.
Note that there are some slight changes of wording, additions or
omissions, for the sake of clarification, but for the most part the literal
words were retained in determining the discrete units of general mean-
ing. At this stage these meanings are those experienced and described
by the participant irrespective of whether they later are determined to
be essential, contextual, or tangential to the structure of the experience
of wonder.
It should also be noted that at times it is difficult to clearly and un-
ambiguously determine what constitutes the gestalt of a unit of general

T a b l e 1. U n i t s of general m e a n i n g .

1I was l o o k i n g at Mary a n d 2all of a 1 Was l o o k i n g at Mary

Suddenly he knew
s u d d e n I k n e w 3I was l o o k i n g at h e r 3 He was l o o k i n g at h e r like h e n e v e r
l o o k e d at a n y b o d y in his w h o l e life
like I n e v e r l o o k e d at a n y b o d y in m y

w h o l e life - a n d 4 m y eyes were sort 4 His eyes were j u s t staring at h e r

of j u s t k i n d of staring at h e r a n d t h e

reason that s I realized t h a t it was s Realized it was t r e m e n d o u s w h e n

she said " W h a t are y o u d o i n g ? "
t r e m e n d o u s was t h a t she said to m e -

w h a t are y o u d o i n g - 6 a n d I j u s t said He j u s t said, " I ' m l o o k i n g at y o u . "

I ' m l o o k i n g at y o u - r a n d so we j u s t B o t h j u s t sat t h e r e

sat t h e r e a n d Sshe s o r t of w a t c h e d m e s She sort of w a t c h e d h i m l o o k at h e r

l o o k at h e r - a n d 9she was g e t t i n g k i n d 9 She was g e t t i n g k i n d of u n c o m f o r t -

of u n c o m f o r t a b l e 10and y e t also k e p t a0 She k e p t saying " W h a t ' s going o n ? "

saying - w h a t ' s going o n 11but n o t 11 She d i d n ' t seem t o w a n t a r e s p o n s e

really w a n t i n g t o h e a r - 12just l e t t i n g 12 She h a d e n o u g h sensitivity t o let

h i m e x p e r i e n c e it
m e - h a v i n g e n o u g h sensitivity t o let

m e e x p e r i e n c e it - 13a l o t was going 13 A l o t was going o n

o n - 141 d i d n ' t realize w h a t - w h a t it 14 He d i d n ' t realize w h a t was going o n

was -lsI was just'sort of sitting is He c o n t i n u e d t o j u s t sit t h e r e

t h e r e - 16i c o u l d n ' t move - 17I d i d n ' t 16 He c o u l d n ' t m o v e ( e m p h a s i z e d )

17 D i d n ' t w a n t t o m o v e
w a n t t o m o v e - 181 j u s t w a n t t o c o n - is J u s t w a n t e d t o c o n t i n u e l o o k i n g
at h e r
t i n u e l o o k i n g at her.

meaning. For example, in looking at the statement "...all of a sudden

I knew I was looking at her like I never looked at anybody in my whole
life...', it could be argued that actually this constitutes one whole unit
of general meaning rather than two as I have delineated it. Te context
is ambiguous and I would agree that this is a completely acceptable
alternative decision. Given different perspectives among phenome-
nological researchers there are bound to be minor differences even
when utilizing the same general method. The perspective I have used
in this case is to avoid the danger of potentially subsuming and there-
fore obscuring apparently separate meanings by deciding in all sig-
nificantly ambiguous instances to decide in the favor of separate
meanings. This can always be changed later on as the context becomes

5. Delineating units o f meaning relevant to the research question. This

is the beginning of a very critical phase in the explication of data. Once
the units of general meaning have been noted, the researcher is ready
to address the research question to them. In other words, the researcher
addresses the research question to the units of general meaning to
determine whether what the participant has said responds to and il-
luminates the research question. If it appears to do so, then it is noted
as a unit of relevant meaning in a manner similar to the process in step
number four. It should also be noted that therefore statements which
are clearly irrelevant to the phenomenon being studied are not record-
ed. Again, if there is ambiguity or uncertainty at this time as to whether
a general unit of meaning is relevant to the research question, it is
always much better to "err" on the safe side and include it. Greater
clarity should emerge as more time is spent with the data and its
overall content as well as in dialogue with the impartial "judges" or
the research committee.
This obviously requires some kind of "judgment call" on the part
of the researcher, though if the researcher has done a good job of
bracketing presuppositions, is very open to the data, and yet utilizes
a rigorous approach, it would seem that the danger of inappropriate
subjective judgments creeping in would be minimal. However, to play
safe, it will be recommended in the next step that the researcher train
an impartial panel of judges to carry out the above process and validate,
or modify, or invalidate, the units of relevant meaning elicited by the
A brief example of delineating units of relevant meaning follows
(Table 2). The research question addressed to the units of general

Table 2. Units of relevant meaning.

1 Was looking at Mary.

2 Suddenly he knew,
3 He was looking at her like he never l o o k e d at a n y b o d y in his whole life.
4 His eyes were just stating at her.
s Realized it was t r e m e n d o u s when she said "What are y o u doing?"
6 He just said, " I . m looking at y o u . "
?7 Both just sat there.
.~2 She had enough sensitivity to let him experience it.
13 A lot was going on.
14 He didn't realize what was going on.
is He c o n t i n u e d to just sit there.
16 He c o u l d n ' t m o v e - 17 Didn't want to move.
18 Just wanted to c o n t i n u e looking at her.

meaning (Table 1) was: "Is this an essential constituent of the expe-

rience of wonder as experienced by this participant?" The control or
context used for determining the units of relevant meaning (for exam-
ple purposes) was only the segment cited in Table 1.
As was mentioned previously, whereas ordinarily each unit of general
meaning would be evaluated against the entire context of the interview
to determine the units of relevant meaning, a serious methodological
problem arises when looking at a segment (as done here only for
demonstration purposes) as i f it were the entire context for each unit
of general meaning. The units of relevant meaning of a segment end up
being somewhat different than those which would emerge if the entire
context of the interview could be used as a control. Consequently, I
have erred on the side of inclusion in determining the units of relevant
meaning, using only this segment as the context and control.
At this point, the original eighteen units of general meaning have
been reduced to thirteen units of meaning relevant to the research
question (the original numeration of the units of general meaning
have been retained as much as possible so that the reader can follow
the sequence of decisions that is made t h r o u g h o u t ) Numbers eight
through eleven of Table 1 have been determined to be non-essential
to the structure of the experience of wonder. (This becomes even
clearer further in the interview). They have, therefore, been eliminated
from Table 2. There are question marks in front of numbers seven and

twelve because it is highly ambiguous within only the context of this

segment as to whether they are essential to the structure of the ex-
perience. At this early stage and working with only a segment of only
one interview it is much better to be overly inclusive than to exclude
something which might later prove important in a wider context. After
the researcher has had an opportunity to delineate the relevant mean-
ings from the entire interview as well as several other interviews, it will
become much clearer as to whether initially ambiguous units of general
meaning are essential to the research question. It should also be noted
that numbers sixteen and seventeen of Table 1 have been combined in
Table 2. In asking the research question (as well as in listening to the
tape) it appeared that what was essential was not the separate state-
ments, but that both occurred almost simultaneously in relation to each

6. Training independent judges to verify the units of relevant meaning. 4

A good reliability check is to train other researchers to independently
carry out the above procedures in order to verify the present findings.
Such independent verification is a helpful check in further establishing
the rigor of the study. If there is significant agreement between the re-
searcher and the judges, then this indicates that the researcher has
bracketed his/her presuppositions and has been rigorous in his/her ap-
proach in explicating the data.
My experience in working with graduate students well-trained in
phenomenological research is that there are rarely significant differ-
ences in the findings. However, since there is no illusion of pure ob-
jectivity in this kind of research and since each person does bring in
his/her own different perspective, even when trained in these proce-
dures, there are bound to he some minor differences. Such minor dif-
ferences can usually be quite easily worked out in dialogue between
the researcher and the judges. If there are significant enduring dif-
ferences in the findings, I would suggest that a research (dissertation)
committee be consulted to evaluate where the problem lies and how it
can be resolved.

7. Eliminating redundancies. When the above steps have been com-

pleted, the researcher is now ready to look over the list of units of rele-
vant meaning and eliminate those which are clearly redundant to
others previously listed. However, the researcher cannot just rely on
the literal content but must also rely on the number of times a meaning
was mentioned and how it was mentioned. In other words, in following

this procedure, it is important to note the actual number of times a

unit of relevant meaning was listed since that in itself might indicate
some significance; for example, it might indicate just how important
that particular issue was to the participant.
Non-verbal and para4inguistic cues which significantly seem to em-
phasize or alter the literal meaning of the words should also be taken
into account here. In the former case, two units of relevant meaning
have the same literal content might be different because one was given
greater emphasis. This could very well change the context. Also in
later comparing the non-redundant units of relevant meaning, the
"weight" given to one might be greater than the others because that
one was given greater emphasis.
In the latter case, two units of relevant meaning which might have
the same literal words, might because of different emphasis or other
non-verbal or paralinguistic cues actually say the opposite of each
other. In other words, someone might say "What nice weather" as a
straightforward statement of fact whereas later on the same person
might use the same words but with different emphasis to sarcastically
describe a sudden rainstorm.
Also, though two units of relevant meaning might use the same
words, the actual meaning might be very different because of the
chronology of events. In other words, someone saying "I thought it
was all over" when, in fact it turns out that an event was just be-
ginning means something very different from saying the same words
when in fact the event has actually ended for that person.

8. Clustering units of relevant meaning. Once the researcher has the

list of non-redundant units of relevant meaning, s]he renews the ef-
fort to bracket his/her presuppositions and tries once again to stay as
true to the phenomenon as possible. The researcher then tries to de-
termine if any of the units of relevant meaning naturally cluster to-
gether. In other words, whether there seems to be some common theme
or essence that unites several discrete units of relevant meaning. Such
an essence emerges through rigorously examining each individual unit
of relevant meaning and trying to elicit what is the essence of that
unit of meaning given the context, s For example, if there were a num-
ber of units of relevant meaning whose essence pointed to the impor-
tance of bodily reactions which occurred during the experience being
investigated, those units of meaning could then be placed together
under the cluster of "bodily reactions."
The context is of course critical because, for example, if one were

investigating bodily felt experiences during a sporting event, then there

actually might be several different clusters addressing bodily experi-
ences and giving further specificity. In fact, it is theoretically possible
that in any given interview, and given a certain context, that most
units of relevant meaning might actually be separate clusters. In prac-
tice though this rarely happens.
It should be pointed out that even more so than in any of the pre-
vious procedures t h a t the judgment and skill of the researcher is in-
volved here. There is more room for "artistic" judgment here than
ever before. Colaizzi, in discussing a similar procedure states: Par-
ticularly in this step is the phenomenological researcher engaged in
something which cannot be precisely delineated, for here he is involved
in that ineffable thing known as creative insight." (1978, p. 59).
The major danger in this procedure is of course that since more of
the researcher's judgment comes into play here that the researcher's
presuppositions might interfere. The best check on this is to have
either the researcher's (dissertation) committee check on the process
or even better to train other independent judges to repeat the process
to see if they come up with the same clusters. In the latter case, as be-
fore, any discrepancies should be resolved by the (dissertation) com-
mittee or an outside impartial panel.
Table 3 is an example of clustering units of relevant meaning. The
example is a continuation of that given in Tables 1 and 2. The focus is
whether the units of relevant meaning in Table 2 express discrete
clusters of the experience of wonder as experienced by the participant,
within the context of the interview segment. (Again, it should be men-
tioned that ordinarly at this stage the entire interview would be used
as a context. Limitation of space prohibits that here.)
To make it easier for the reader to follow the transition of relevant
meanings into clusters of meanings, Table 3 lists both the clusters and
the "subsumed" relevant meanings and their original numeration as
general meanings. I have also listed some separate comments in brack-
ets because they seemed to be strongly implied in the context of the
transcription and interview, and these implications may be helpful
later on in contextualizing the themes and discussing them.
At this stage the clusters are still quite situation-specific. (Some of
this in this example has to do with the very brief segment being ex-
plicated). Also, some of the units of relevant meaning have been listed
twice under separate clusters (e.g. # 1, 3, 5, 7 and 18). This was done
because it appears that they were essential to a number of separate

Table 3. Clusters of relevant meanings.

The tremendousness o f the looking at Mary

A. Looking at Mary in a way totally different than he had ever looked at any-
one in his life (~1,3).
B. His eyes were just staring (~4).
C. Realized it was tremendous when she said "War are you cling?" (~5).
D. Was (just) looking at her (~6).
E. A lot was going on (~ 13).
F. Just wanted to continue looking at her (~ 18).

II. Realization
A. A sudden realization (~2) [Almost like it breaks in].
B. Realized how tremendous it was (through her question). (~5)
C. A lot was going on and he didn't realize what was going on (#13, 14).
[rhythm of awareness].

III. Continuation o f what was happening

A. Both just (continued) to sit there (#7).
B. He continued to sit (~ 15).

IV. Inability to move

A. Couldn't move (~q 16) [issue of volition].
B. Didn't want to move (~ 17) [didn't desire to move].

V. In terpersonal dimension
A. Was looking at Mary in a way he had never looked at anyone in his whole
life (~ 1,3).
B. Her question elicited the realization of how tremendous it was (~5).
C. He just said " I ' m looking at y o u . " (~6).
D. Both just sat there (]~7).

In Table 3, all the units of relevant meaning have been clustered to-
gether. The procedure utilized was that the researcher went back to
Table 2 (as well as having a sense of the entire interview segment) and
interrogated each individual meaning to determine its "essence". For
example, the "essence" of the unit of relevant meaning # 1 (Table 2)
was the "looking at Mary." In interrogating unit #2, there was some
question as to whether it was an essential part of the "looking at Mary"
cluster. In reviewing the context, it appeared to be a separate cluster
discrete from the "looking." At this stage, the essence seemed to have
more to do with the "knowing" or realization that occurred. In exam-
ining unit #3, the essence seemed to be the unusualness of the looking.
This unit begins to connect with unit ~ 1 around the cluster of "looking

at Mary." With units #4 and #5, the "unusualness" or "tremendous-

ness" of the looking is re-emphasized. The above process is carried out
till it is seen that units # 1,3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18 all seem to cluster together
around the issue of the "tremendousness of the looking at Mary."
The same procedure is then followed with the other units of relevant
meaning till they all come together as clusters. Table 3 lists all the
clusters of meaning.
In this procedure, there is a constant process of going back and forth
from the transcript to the units of relevant meaning to the clusters of
meaning. It should also be mentioned that sometimes it is quite diffi-
cult to decide which relevant meanings cluster together; for example
with # 18, there was some difficulty deciding whether it clustered with
the "tremendousness" of the looking, or whether it would be better
clustered with a separate interpersonal dimension. It was finally de-
cided to include it under both. There was even some questions as to
whether to make an interpersonal dimension as a separate cluster. It
was finally decided to do so to err on the cautious side at this stage.
After the entire procedure was followed, there was a total of five
clusters of meaning. It should be noted that there is some ambiguity
as to where certain relevant meanings cluster and that there is some
overlap to the clusters. This is to be expected given that it is impos-
sible with human phenomena to totally delineate them. By their
nature, they are already an integral part of a whole and naturally co-
penetrate each other.
It should also be mentioned that another researcher might come
up with slightly different clusters. Given that there is more room for
different perspectives here and differing levels of skill and experience,
there are bound to be some differences of opinion.

9. Determining themes from clusters of meaning. Finally at this stage,

the researcher interrogates all the clusters of meaning to determine if
there is one or more central themes which expresses the essence of
these clusters (and that portion of the transcript). In the example being
used, the researcher listed all the five clusters and tried to determine if
there was a central theme which expressed the essence of the clusters.
In going back and forth among the various clusters, it was determined
that the central theme was "The Tremendousness of the Looking and
its Effect" (Table 4). Obviously, more so than the previous ones, this
procedure addresses more of the gestalt of the relevant segment and
the clusters of meaning. 6

Table 4. Determining themes from clusters of meaning.

Clusters of meaning Central theme

I. The tremendousness of the looking

II. Realization

III. Continuation of what was happening The tremendousness of the

looking and its effect
IV. Inability to move

V. Interpersonal dimension

10. Writing a summary f o r each individual interview. When the above

steps have been completed, it is then very helpful to go back to the
interview transcription and write up a summary of the interview in-
corporating the themes that have been elicited from the data. This
summary once again gives a sense of the whole as well as providing the
context for the emergence o f the themes. As Ellenberger (1958, p. 116)
puts it:

Whatever the m e t h o d used for a phenomenological analysis the

aim of the investigator is the reconstruction o f the inner world
o f experience o f the subject. Each individual has his own way o f
experiencing temporality, spatiality, materiahty, but each of these
coordinates must be understood in relation to the others and to
the total inner 'world'.

11. Return to the participant with the s u m m a r y and themes. Conduct-

ing a second interview. An excellent experiential "validity check" is
to return to the research participant with the written summary and
themes and engage in a dialogue with this person concerning what the
researcher has found so far. There are really two main issues here to be
checked on. First of all, whether the research participant agrees that
the essence of the first interview has been accurately and fully "cap-
tured". If not, obviously some corrections will need to be made. If
the participant is in essential agreement with the summary and themes
and s/he would like to add further information to that already gath-
ered, it would be extremely fruitful to conduct a second interview,

focusing perhaps especially on those issues that were not covered in the
first one.
There is an issue of a judgment call in this procedure too. In some
rare and unusual circumstances, and perhaps dealing especially with
certain populations, for example, with an individual diagnosed as
paranoid schizophrenic or as a borderline personality, the individual
might " d e n y " what appears to be manifestly in the content of the
interview (Cahalan, 1978; Quatrano, 1980). In such extreme cases the
interviewer must utilize his/her "clinical" judgment to decide whether
to ultimately agree with the participant. On the other hand the very
fact of tile "denial" becomes important information since that is the
way the participant presently perceives the situation. Such new infor-
m a t i o n would need to be included in the research. In these unusual
cases, a dissertation committee or an outside panel should be the
final judge of whether to include the initial data which the participant
later disowns. (It should always be remembered that according to
standard guidelines for the protection of human subjects in psychology,
that a participant always has the right to withdraw at any stage from a
research project.)

12.Modifying themes and summary. With the new data from the
second interview, procedures one through ten would again be utilized.
When this is done, the researcher would need to look at all the data
as a whole and modify or add themes as necessary. Also, if significant
new information has been elicited, the individual summary would
need to be modified or rewritten accordingly.

13. Identifying general and unique themes for all the interviews. Once
all the above steps have been repeated with each individual interview,
the researcher can then begin to look for the themes c o m m o n to most
or all of the interviews as well as the individual variations. This pro-
cedure requires the phenomenological viewpoint of eliciting essences
as well as the acknowledgment of existential individual differences.
The first step is to note if there are themes c o m m o n to all or most
of the interviews. If there are, then these themes from the individual
interviews can be clustered together as indicating a general theme that
emerged in most or all of the interviews. At this point the researcher
must be careful that s/he does not arbitrarily cluster themes together
when in fact there are significant differences.
The second step is to note when there are themes that are unique to
a single interview or a minority of the interviews. These individual

variations are i m p o r t a n t c o u n t e r p o i n t s t o t h e general t h e m e .

A n o t h e r p o i n t to n o t e is t h a t w h e n the t h e m e s f r o m individual inter-
views are clustered i n t o a general t h e m e , this should n o t o b s c u r e sig-
nificant variations w i t h i n t h a t t h e m e m a n i f e s t e d in the individual
interviews. T h e variations m a y indicate t h e significance o f the t h e m e .
A final p o i n t is t h a t once again the research c o m m i t t e e should be
c o n s u l t e d to provide a n o t h e r c h e c k on the rigor and j u d g m e n t o f the

14. C o n t e x t u a l i z a t i o n o f themes. 7 A f t e r the general and u n i q u e t h e m e s

have b e e n n o t e d , it is o f t e n h e l p f u l t o place these t h e m e s b a c k w i t h i n
the overall c o n t e x t s or h o r i z o n s f r o m w h i c h these t h e m e s emerged. As
Giorgi ( 1 9 7 1 , pp. 2 1 - 2 2 ) states it: " . . . t h e h o r i z o n is essential f o r the
u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the p h e n o m e n o n because the role t h a t the p h e n o m e -
n o n plays within the c o n t e x t , even i f it is o n l y implicitly recognized,
is o n e o f the d e t e r m i n e r s o f the m e a n i n g o f the p h e n o m e n o n (Gur-
witsch, 1 9 6 4 ) . "
F o r e x a m p l e , in discussing the t h e m e o f " b e i n g t a k e n " w h i c h was
elicited f r o m several experiences o f w o n d e r m e n t , H y c n e r ( 1 9 7 6 ) c o n -
t e x t u a l i z e d the t h e m e in t h e following e x a m p l e s (Table 5). ( N o t e t h a t
the data base f o r this differs s o m e w h a t f r o m the previous examples
since a n u m b e r o f full interviews p r o v i d e d the c o n t e x t n o t just a small
s e g m e n t o f o n e interview.)

Table 5. Contextualization of themes.

"Being taken". One of the most striking findings is that all of the participants in
this study spoke of how the experience happened to them. They are reported that
while engaged in ordinary activities, they were somehow "taken" out of their
everyday world and thrust into a different world. The contrast between their or-
dinary experience the person feels in control of what s]he perceives and does. In
the experience of wonder, the respondents consistently mentioned that they were
taken out of their ordinary experience. It was not something that they chose to do.
It was something that happened to them. It is as if the object of wonder seemed to
have a power of its own over the person. It is not absolutely clear in the descrip-
tions whether the person could have resisted this "call." As one person described
it: "My own experience was so compelling." At least with the persons spoken to,
there was no thought of resistance. Rather than a thoughtful response, there seems
to have been an entire bodily response to the "call." The person is more "passive"
and receptive. S/he allows the experience to take its own course aside from any in-
tention or control on his/her part. One respondent summarized this feeling as fol-
And I'm not as much in control as I thought I was. There are other things
happening that I can't say that I did it but rather that it happened to me.
That's scary in some ways but its kind of neat in others.

15. Composite summary. Finally, it is helpful and instructive to write

up a composite summary of all the interviews which would accurately
capture the essence of the phenomenon being investigated. Such a
composite summary describes the "world" in general, as experienced
by the participants. At the end of such a summary the researcher might
want to note significant individual differences.

Part II

Issues in phenomenological research

I will list a number of issues which are particularly relevant to this

type of phenomenological research which utilizes an interview format.
I am addressing them here along with an explication of method because
these issues questions, or criticisms, inevitably arise in the implementa-
tion of a phenomenological research method. Every phenomenological
researcher must be able to address these issues for him/herself as well
as respond to these questions from the research community.

1.Randomness. A frequent criticism from experimentally-oriented

researchers is that unlike experimental research, the "sample" is often
not random (though with certain phenomena it could be random.)
Even worse, from the natural science perspective, the researcher may in
fact seek a particular type of person for this study. Very often it is
necessary for a phenomenological researcher utilizing the interview
method discussed here, to seek out participants who not only have
had the particular experience being investigated but also are able to
articulate their experience. It should be remembered that the phe-
nomenological researcher is seeking to illuminate human phenomena
and not, in the strictest sense to generalize the findings. Therefore
randomness, or participants unable to articulate the experience, might,
in fact, keep the researcher from fully investigating the phenomenon in
the depthful manner necessary. The critical issue here is that the phe-
nomenon dictates the method (not vice-versa) including even the
selection and type of participants. In fact, part of the "control" and
rigor emerges from the type of participants chosen and their ability
to fully describe the experience being researched.

2. Limited number of participants. Doing this kind of phenomenologi-

cal research for the most part requires that only a limited number of
people be interviewed given the vast amount of data that emerges from
even one interview. The focus is of course on qualitative issues, not
quantitative ones.

3. Generalizability. Another common criticism from experimentally-

oriented researchers is that as a consequence of the absence of random-
ness, and the limited number of participants the results of the research
cannot be generalized and therefore are useless. In the strictest em-
pirical sense, the first part of the criticism is accurate in that the "re-
sults" only apply strictly to the participants interviewed. I would sug-
gest that if they illuminate to some significant degree, the "worlds"
of the participants, then that in itself is valuable. However, in the pro-
cess of even investigating the experience of one unique individual we
can learn much about the phenomenology of human being in general.
Even within experimental research there is a long and respectable
history of studies done with a sample of one. Therefore, even with a
limited number of participants, though the results in a strict sense may
not be generalizable, they can be phenomenaologicaUy informative
about human being in general.

4. "Accuracy" o f descriptions. A number of issues can be raised as

criticisms of the "accuracy" of the descriptions given by the partici-
(a) Retrospective viewpoint, and the difficulty of verbalizing essen-
tially non-verbal experiences. One of the first criticisms that is often
raised is that interviewing a participant about a p h e n o m e n o n elicits a
retrospective viewpoint. The criticism is that a retrospective viewpoint
is not the same as getting a description from someone while an ex-
perience is actually occurring. It is argued that a retrospective viewpoint
is altered by time and therefore different from the experience itself.
I would argue that any description of an experience is already dif-
ferent from the experience itself. Language, by its nature can enhance
or distill an experience. In any case a description is not the experience
itself. The best we can do through the medium of language is to be one
step removed from the original experience. Perhaps through non-verbal
mediums, such as painting, music, dance or visualization, we can come
closer to an original non-verbal experience. Even here, that is not the
experience itself. Consequently, a retrospective viewpoint has some
of the same shortcomings as even a concurrent description, given the
nature of language.

On top of that, a retrospective viewpoint especially has to be cogni-

zant of the passage of time. That is, the participant is describing an ex-
perience after some time has elapsed. The disadvantage might be that
the verbal description is not "accurate" because of distortions arising
from the passage of time (more will be said below about this and the
issue of confabulation). The advantage is that a retrospective viewpoint
may actually allow a much fuller verbal description because the par-
ticipant has had an opportunity to reflect back on the experience and
to integrate it consciously and verbally.
Finally, it should be obvious that for research purposes, if we want
relatively verbal descriptions of experience, that we will primarily have
to rely on a retrospective viewpoint.
(b) Confabulation and psychological defensiveness. Another issue
that is often raised, and is related to the above issue of the retrospective
viewpoint is that of confabulation. By confabulation is meant that a
participant fills in gaps in memory according to his/her later subjective
viewpoint, or in a manner that s/he believes would please the inter-
viewer. It is usually assumed that this is done unconsciously (this phe-
nomenon supposedly arises especially in hypnosis). It is true that this
is always a danger. On the other hand, it can be argued that such con-
fabulation in itself might be valuable in investigating a phenomenon
since what the researcher wants is the way the participant experienced
the situation, and thought s/he experienced the situation.
Another unconscious process that might interfere with an "accurate"
description is that of the participant unconsciously becoming defensive
about certain threatening aspects of the experience. At times it might
be quite informative about the participant's "world" to include any
defensive reactions. When this is not the purpose of the study, the re-
searcher will need to rely on his/her skill in discriminating defensive
from non-defensive material. Also, in those cases where the researcher
is more concerned about reaching the "essence" of the experience it-
self, aside from any confabulation of psychological defensiveness, the
very fact of interviewing a number of participants will help differentiate
confabulation or defensiveness from the experience itself.

5. "Subjective" influence of researcher. Perhaps the most common

criticism is that the subjective influence of the researcher, in both the
interviewing and analysis phases negates any possibility of the re-
searcher coming up with objective and therefore usable data. The entire
scientific orientation of the phenomenological researcher is very dif-
ferent from that of the natural scientific viewpoint. The phenome-

nologist would like to even think s/he is being more inclusive and there-
fore even more objective than just experimental research. The whole
meaning of "being objective" is quite different here. Objectivity in this
approach means trying to be as comprehensive as possible in responding
to the whole phenomenon (Sardello, 1 9 7 1 ) a n d utilizing a method or
methods which will be as "faithful" (Giorgi, 1 9 7 1 ) t o the phenomenon
as possible.
Another way of responding to such criticism is to utilize some of the
orientation of natural science "objectivity" by building in some forms
of traditional "objectivity"; that is, to train and utilize independent
interviewers, and independent evaluators of the explication of data.
This, in a traditional sense, controls for some of the "subjectivity"
of the individual researcher. However, given the approach of phenom-
enological research, there is no way to eliminate the "subjectivity" of
research. In fact, the phenomenologist believes that it is the very
nature of such "subjectivity" which allows for greater "objectivity,"
that is, an approach that is most comprehensive and faithful to the
It seems to me that the phenomenological orientation does not ex-
clude using experimental techniques (Price and Barrel, 1980). However,
these would always have to be grounded in a more comprehensive
phenomenological, and therefore a more comprehensive and "ob-
jective" viewpoint.

6. Validity. An important question that is raised in any scientific re-

search is whether the research data is valid, that is, whether it does
accurately represent or "capture" the phenomenon being studied.
This is an extremely important question but also one which is ex-
tremely difficult at times to answer. (In psychology, this is especially
true in trying to validate assessment instruments). In the natural scien-
tific orientation, some of the difficulty arises because the researcher
has to utilize another medium or instrument in order to validate the
data and that instrument's validity is itself questionable and validated
by some other instrument. Ultimately, the question comes down to a
sort of consensual validation among researchers; that is, a number of
researchers agree that this is a valid instrument or approach. Phenom-
enological research is no different. There are a number of levels of
validation which will be mentioned in order of increasing sophistica-
tion. I would suggest that the first validity check is the participants
themselves. They are able, at an experiential level to validate the
findings of the research, that is, whether the findings are valid for them.

The next level is the researcher him/herself. The researcher needs to

evaluate whether the findings "ring true" as Coles (1974) says. The
findings should also be evaluated by the research committee. This
brings in a certain "objective" or trans-subjective agreement. The
findings should also be checked against the current literature; to what
degree do the findings fit in or not fit in with the tradition of literature
in the area. Finally, the researcher needs to submit the findings to the
scientific community and the lay community. This is the initiation of
a larger dialogue whereby the findings can be discussed and evaluated
from a larger number of perspectives and either be accepted, modified,
or rejected as necessary.

7. Replicability. An essential feature of natural scientific research is

that a study can be replicated by other researchers and get essentially
the same results. The underlying philosophy here is that the method
is "objective" and therefore consistent irrespective of who the re-
searcher is. In other words, the results are not due to some accident
or the subjective influence of the researcher.
Clearly, replicability is an important aspect of any research. How-
ever, given the nature of phenomenological research, there are abound
to be some differences among researchers. Giorgi (1975, p. 96) states
it this way:

It is even conceivable that another investigator could write a dif-

ferent structure of style, byt mu experience has shown that it is
never wholly different; rather, it is divergent because another
investigator is looking at the same data slightly differently. Con-
sequently, the control comes from the researcher's context or
perspective of the data. Once the context and intention becomes
known, the divergence is usually intelligible to all even if not
universally agreeable. Thus, the chief point to be remembered
with this type of research is not so much whether another posi-
tion with respect to the data could be adopted, (this point is
granted beforehand), but whether a reader, adopting the same
viewpoint as articulated by the researcher, can also see what the
researcher saw, whether or not he agrees with it. This is the key
criterion for qualitative research.

Given the fundamental nature of existential, phenomenological re-

search at this stage of development, it is understandable that there
have been few studies undertaken to replicate the results of previous
studies. The main thrust is the pioneering work of applying phenom-
enological principles to research.

Clearly much needs to be done in terms of "replicating" studies.

However, the phenomenological researcher is not willing to fall into
the natural scientific error of trying to have such a meticulously "ob-
jective" and therefore replicable method that there ends up an inverse
relationship between the replicability of results and the meaningfulness
of the findings. A balance must be struck between the two.

8. Absence of control groups. Some natural scientific researchers have

suggested that if there are no control groups then a study can't be
scientific. The very narrow understanding of science is obvious here
and has been addressed elsewhere. Also, it seems patently absurd to
suggest that there could be some way of controlling for a person's
experience when what the phenomenological researcher is primarily
concerned about is the investigation of the very uniqueness of human

9. Absence of hypotheses. Another stalwart feature of experimental

research is the testing of hypotheses. What experimental researchers
fail to make explicit enough is where these hypotheses come from.
For the most part they come from such "unscientific" experiences
as hunches, intuitions, insights, suspicions, etc. (Maslow, 1969). There
is a certain "dishonesty" built into the whole "face objectivity" of
stating hypotheses. Also, the phenomenological researcher has the op-
posite orientation. That is, s/he wants to be as open to the phenomenon
as possible without constricting his/her perspective by placing the phe-
n o m e n o n on the promethian bed of hypothesis testing. In a sense, the
phenomenologist is working with a "null-null hypothesis". Maslow
(1969) suggests that often such foundational work is done, it might
be appropriate to later test certain aspects of the findings bu generating
hypotheses which can later be experimentally verified.

l O. Absence of prediction. It should be obvious that the phenom-

enologist does n o t believe that the most meaningful aspects of human
beings can be predicted. That which can be "predicted" is often very
trival or in such a broad range as to be meaningless. The phenomenolo-
gist is more concerned with a comprehensive and d~'pthful under-
standing of a phenomenon. S/he believes that this will advance science
and human good will to a far greater extent than will the dimension of
"predictability" per se.

1 1. Absence of "interpretation" and comprehensive theory. Obvious

t o o , is the fact t h a t the p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l researcher's p r i m a r y t h r u s t
is t o u n d e r s t a n d , and as m u c h as possible n o t t o i n t e r p r e t according
t o some laready d e v e l o p e d t h e o r y . T h e l a t t e r is the k i n d o f r e d u c t i o n -
ism t h a t the p h e n o m e n o l o g i s t is m o s t c o n c e r n e d a b o u t avoiding since
it has b e e n such a serious e r r o r in m u c h traditional research.
P h e n o m e n o l o g y is still relatively new and still at a f o u n d a t i o n a l
stage and there is n o t e n o u g h o f a b o d y o f k n o w l e d g e to a t t e m p t a
m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n t e g r a t i o n o f t h e o r y . Also, at the core o f phe-
n o m e n o l o g y is the v e r y deep respect for the uniqueness o f h u m a n ex-
perience and t h a t this ever p r e s e n t uniqueness will always m a k e the
a t t e m p t t o develop a t o t a l l y c o m p r e h e n s i v e n e s s t h e o r y o f h u m a n ex-
perience an u l t i m a t e l y futile one. It is t h e uniqueness o f the h u m a n
being which c o n s t a n t l y instills n o v e l t y and u n p r e d i c t a b i l i t y i n t o any
a t t e m p t t o t o t a l l y and c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y " c a p t u r e " t h e p h e n o m e n o n
of human experience.


1. I have initially used the term "analysis" here though it has some dangerous
implications. The term usually means a "breaking into parts" and therefore
often means a loss of the whole phenomenon. Giorgi avoids this danger by
using the term "explicitation", which means an investigation of the consti-
tuents of a phenomenon while always keeping the context of the whole. I
have decided not to use this term initially because of the lack of familiarity of
most readers with it. Also, there is a tradition of using the phrase "phenome-
nological analysis" in such writers as Binswanger, Boss and May, where an
analysis of the constituents of the phenomenon does not detract from the
whole phenomenon. Later in the article I will use the terms interchangeably.
2. A word of caution is needed here to note that perhaps the terminology "phe-
nomenological reduction" coined by Hussefl is unfortunate. The term and ap-
proach has nothing to do with reductionistic tendencies in some natural science
methods, that is, a tendency to do a great injustice to human phenomena by
over-analyzing them, removing them from their lived context, and reducing
them to simple cause and effect components. The utilization of the phenome-
nological reduction is to bring about quite the opposite result, to be as true to
the phenomenon as possible, without any premature imposition of theoretical
3. It should be noted that this section and the following one, in particular, are
heavily dependent on the pioneering work of Giorgi (1975, pp. 74, 87-91)
and Colaizzi (1978, pp. 59-61). However, it should also be mentioned that
there are some significant differences in terminology and specificity of method
which could cause confusion.

Giorgi's first step is to delineate what he calls "natural units" (1975, p. 87)
or constitutients (1975, p. 74), that is "...differentiating a part in such a way
that it is mindful of the whole...". Such a natural unit seems to usually include
a whole series of sentences or statements. Colaizzi on the other hand, refers to
"extracting significant statements" (1978, p. 54). This specific approach seems
to move much more wuickly beyond the literal meaning given by the partici-
pant. The approach utilized in this presentation of method is one which tries
at first to stay quite true to the literal statements and meanings given by the
participant. Only later does it move in a more thematic direction. For a more
general thematic approach cf. Rogers (1961, pp. 128-129).
4. This is especially an attempt to respond to experimentally-oriented researchers
who are concerned about the "subjective influence" of the researcher in this
type of research. I am under no illusion that this will satisfy these concerns,
but it seems to be a movement in the right direction in order to have a fruitful
5. For the general procedure of eliciting essences, see Spiegelberg (1976, pp.
6. It is possible that with a great deal of training and experience, the researcher
might be able to bypass procedures ~8 and ~9, and proceed directly to the
gestalt of the interview segment in order to determine the central themes
which communicates the essence of that segment of the interview. This would
more closely correspond to the work of Colaizzi (1978), Giorgi (1975), and
Stevick (1971). However, for the initiate, it is recommended that all the steps
be followed for the sake of vigor.
7. This section has been very heavily influenced by Maslow's work (1968, pp.
7 4 - 9 6 ) , and Giorgi's concept of explicitation (1971, pp. 2 1 - 2 2 ) .
8. Several of these issues have been raised by Polkinghorne (!978).


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