Pollination and Fertilization (18 Files Merged)
Pollination and Fertilization (18 Files Merged)
Pollination and Fertilization (18 Files Merged)
Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a stamen to the stigma of
a carpel of a flower.
The transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or another
flower on the same plant is called self-pollination. Examples: Wheat, tobacco, pea etc.
The transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower on one plant to the stigma of a flower on another
plant of the same species is called cross-pollination. Examples: Hibiscus, china rose, brinjal etc.
It is the transfer of pollen grains from It is the transfer of pollen grains from the
the anther to the stigma of the same anther of one flower to the stigma of
flower. another flower of a different plant of the
same species.
It does not require any external agent, It requires an external agent for
such as wind, water or insects to pollination to occur.
carry out pollination.
It can take place even when the It can occur only when the flower is
flower is closed. open.
As new variations are not possible, As new variations are possible, the
the offsprings cannot adapt to offspring are healthier and are able to
changing environmental conditions. adapt to changing environmental
Fertilisation is the fusion of the male gamete present in the pollen with the female gamete or the egg
present in the ovule.
Events in Fertilisation
The pollen grains germinate after falling on the stigma of the same plant species.
The pollen tube grows through the stigma and style and reaches the ovary.
The pollen tube enters one of the synergids and releases two sperm nuclei.
One sperm nucleus enters the egg cell and fuses with its nucleus.
The other sperm nucleus moves towards the two polar nuclei and fuses with them.
Fate of Floral Parts After Fertilization
Ovary Fruit
Ovule Seed
Tissue: A tissue is a group of cells having a common origin, similar structure and function and held
together by a cementing substance. Example: Connective tissue.
Organ: Different types of tissues working together and contributing to some specific function inside
the body constitute an organ. Example: Stomach.
Organ system: Different organs coordinate to perform a specific life process and form an organ
system. Example: Digestive system.
Intercalary Located at the The cells are
meristem internodes or active and
stem regions continuously form
between the a number of new
places at which cells.
the leaves
attach, and at
leaf bases,
especially of
Lateral Present laterally The girth and
meristem/Ca (on the sides) width/diameter/thi
mbium on the roots and ckness of the
stem and is stem or root
situated parallel increases due to
to the the lateral
longitudinal axis meristem.
below the bark.
- -
Permanent Formed by the
tissue division of the
meristematic tissue
cells that have lost
their ability to
- -
Supporting Provides support to
tissue the plant.
Tracheids Made up of Provide a network
elongated cells with of hollow and
flat, tapering ends. connected cells
for the transport
of water.
Xylem vessels Consist of dead Allow free flow of
cells. water and
They are tubular minerals in the
structures and are vertical direction
much wider than from the roots to
tracheids. the leaves.
Xylem Consists of living Stores food in the
parenchyma parenchyma cells plant body.
associated with
Companion Cells are living and Help to control the
cells keep their nuclei activity of sieve
and other tube elements.
throughout their life.
Health is one of the primary concerns of all the governments of the world.
Governments strive to take steps individually, at the national level and globally to safeguard the health
interests of their citizens.
India is a vast country with highly diverse geographical and climatic conditions.
A. Food and Water Borne Diseases Contaminated food and water cause
several diseases.
Examples: Diarrhoea, gastroenteritis,
typhoid and dysentery
B. Insect and Air Borne Diseases Lack of cleanliness leads to breeding of
houseflies and mosquitoes which are
carriers of certain diseases.
Example: Malaria
Tuberculosis, whooping cough,
pneumonia and diarrhoea are air borne
National International
Local Bodies
Organisations Organisations
International Bodies
Nutrition is the supply of essential organic and inorganic chemical compounds such as proteins,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins etc. to the body.
Nutrition is needed for the growth, repair, energy, maintenance and protection of the body.
Classes of nutrients
Proteins Milk, pulses, peas, Needed for growth and repair Deficiency-
beans, chicken, fish, of the body. Kwashiorkor and
eggs, cheese etc. marasmus.
Dietary Plant products, whole Essential as they add to the Difficulty in formation
fibres/Roughage grains, pulses, fresh bulk of the food and help to of stools.
fruits and vegetables. eliminate the undigested food.
Water Besides liquid water, Helps to absorb nutrients from Impairment in bodily
many food items food, transportation and functions.
contain water such as regulation within the body,
tomatoes, melons, throwing out wastes from body
cabbage lettuce, etc. as urine and sweat.
Minerals are compounds found in nature which are required for various reactions taking place in the
Potassium Banana, potato, Nerve and muscle activity, fluid Nerve impulses do
citrus fruits balance, secretion of not get transmitted
Phosphorus Dairy products, Synthesis of nucleic acid, ATP, Soft bone
in cereals, beans, NADP, bones and enamel,
phosphate nuts, meat, egg muscle contraction, conduction
of nerve impulses
Magnesium Vegetables, whole Bone and tooth structure, Increased irritability
grain, nuts, sea synthesis of enzymes of nervous system
food, meat
Sulphur in Dairy products, Component of protein and co- Skin problems
sulphate onion, garlic, enzymes
radish, meat, egg
Chlorine Table salt Water balance, secretion of HCl Muscular cramps
in gastric juice
Micronutrients (needed in small quantity)
Iron Whole cereals, Synthesis of haemoglobin Anaemia
fish, nut, egg associated with oxidation-
yolk, liver, kidney reduction reactions
Cobalt Milk, cereals, Development of red blood cells, Pernicious anaemia
pulses, liver, red component of vitamin B12
Copper Nuts, legumes, Production of melanin, cell Loss of body weight,
liver, kidney oxidation, synthesis of enzymes anaemia
Zinc Cereals, pulses, Needed for synthesis of Retarded growth,
nuts, meat, liver enzymes, carbon dioxide skin lesions, albinism
oil transport in blood
Iodine lodised salt, Component of thyroxin hormone Goitre, cretinism in
water, sea foods secreted by thyroid gland children
Fluorine Water, milk Component of tooth enamel and Dental decay
Manganese Vegetables Bone development, nitrogen Poor bone
metabolism development
Molybdenum Pulses, cereals, Nitrate assimilation Slight retardation of
meat growth
Vitamins are organic substances required by the body in small quantities to maintain good health.
A diet which contains all the principal constituents of food in proper quantity is called a balanced diet.
Malnutrition is the condition in which a person suffers due to the lack or deficiency of one or more
essential elements of food.
Skin – ‘The Jack Of All Trades’
The skin is the largest organ of the body.
Mammals and birds are warm-blooded or endothermic animals, which can maintain a more or less
constant body temperature, irrespective of the surrounding temperature.
An optimum temperature of 35-40°C is necessary for the body to function properly. Low body
temperature slows down the activity of the enzymes, while high temperature destroys them completely.
Temperature Regulation
The hypothalamus, a portion of the forebrain, is the principal heat-regulating centre of the body.
It acts like a thermostat. When the body tends to cool below the normal temperature, it switches on
or speeds up the heat-producing process. When the body tends to get overheated, it accelerates the
cooling process and switches off the heat-producing process.
Characteristics of Respiration
a. The breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water does not occur in a single step. It
involves a series of chemical reactions—glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport.
b. Each breakdown step is carried out by a specific enzyme.
c. A small amount of energy liberated in the breakdown of the glucose molecule is released as heat
energy. But a major part of it is converted into chemical energy in the form of Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP).
Kinds of Respiration
Aerobic Respiration: The breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic
respiration. Most of the animals, human beings, several bacteria and fungi are aerobic in nature.
Anaerobic Respiration: The breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic
respiration. Unicellular organisms such as yeast and some bacteria are examples of anaerobes.
Fermentation: The breakdown of pyruvic acid to ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of
oxygen is called fermentation. Certain microorganisms or their enzymes carry out fermentation.
Differences between Respiration and Combustion
It occurs in a series of chemical steps. It occurs in a single step
It is carried out by enzymes. It is carried out by heat.
It is a biochemical process. It is a physicochemical process.
Energy is liberated in the form of ATP Energy is liberated in the form of heat
and some heat. and light.
No light energy is produced. Light energy is produced.
It is a cellular process. It is a non-cellular process.
It occurs at body temperature. It occurs at high temperature (at
ignition point).
No supply of heat energy is required. Supply of heat energy is required
The organic compound is oxidised to The organic compound initially chars
carbon dioxide and water. and later burns, producing a flame.
The energy is released in a step-wise The energy is released at once.
It involves the formation of several It does not involve the formation of any
intermediates. intermediates.
It requires the presence of water. It does not require the presence of
It requires the presence of catalysts. It does not require any biological
It is a slow process. It is a fast process.
It is a continuous process. It is not a continuous process.
It occurs in chloroplast. It occurs in cytoplasm/mitochondria.
It occurs only in the presence of It occurs in all living cells.
It occurs only in the presence of light. It occurs continuously at all times.
It utilises carbon dioxide and water. It utilises oxygen and glucose.
Oxygen is released as an end-product. Carbon dioxide is released as an end-
Light energy is converted into chemical Chemical energy is partly converted
energy and stored. into heat and partly into useful energy
for various activities.
It results in gain of weight. It results in loss of weight.
Food (glucose manufactured); Food (glucose broken down/oxidised);
constructive anabolic process. destructive catabolic process.
It occurs only in plants and few bacteria. It occurs in all living organisms.
It produces ATP by the use of light It produces AP by the oxidation of
energy. glucose.
NADP is reduced to NADPH2, using NAD is reduced to NADH, using
hydrogen from the water molecule. hydrogen from carbohydrates or food
ATP and NADPH2 are mainly used for NADH and ATP are used for cellular
the synthesis of organic compounds. functions.
Differences between Respiration in Plants and Animals
The main factors which contribute to personal hygiene and good health are personal cleanliness,
physical exercise, rest and sleep and healthy habits.
1. Personal Cleanliness
a. Hands and Skin
We must wash our hands with soap after handling things such as books, coins, furniture, tools and
machinery in workshops, seats and supporting rods in buses and even pets and other domestic
animals as many of them carry germs.
Bathing regularly keeps the skin free from germs and body odour. Undergarments and
handkerchiefs must be washed daily.
b. Hair
We should keep our hair clean by regularly washing it with a good shampoo.
We should brush and comb our hair regularly so that we look smart and tidy.
c. Teeth
We should brush our teeth twice a day, once when we get up in the morning and
before going to bed at night.
d. Nose
We should cover our nose and mouth with a handkerchief while sneezing or coughing to prevent
the spread of germs.
Always blow your nose into a handkerchief.
Make sure that you always breathe through your nose and not through your mouth.
e. Eyes
We must wash and clean our eyes twice or thrice a day.
Avoid watching television for long hours as it causes eye strain. Do not sit close to the television as
it is harmful for your eyes.
Avoid bright light which shines directly into your eyes.
f. Ears
Remember to dry your ears after bath and shake out the water which enters your ears after you
return from a swim.
We should also protect our ears from extreme cold or heat.
If at any time, a small insect enters your ear, it can be removed by filling the external ear with
2. Physical Exercise
Exercise helps maintain efficiency, size and strength of the muscles. It keeps the muscles, bones
and joints in good condition.
We should include a minimum of 15 minutes of regular exercise in our daily routine.
3. Rest and Sleep
Our body gets sufficient rest when we sleep. We need sufficient sleep to wake up refreshed and
recharged for the next day.
4. Healthy Habits
We must try to go to bed early and not go to sleep immediately after eating dinner.
We must ensure that our bowels are cleared every day, if possible in the morning.
We should eat a balanced diet which contains sufficient amounts of fibrous vegetables, fruits and
We must drink plenty of water throughout the day. We should try to avoid drinking water with our
The female Anopheles mosquito is responsible for spreading malaria in humans, monkeys and birds.
Elephantiasis or filariasis is spread by the Culex mosquito.
The Aedes mosquito is involved in spreading yellow fever and dengue, which are caused by two
types of viruses.
Mosquitoes act as carriers of disease-causing pathogens and spread diseases through the bite of an
infected person.
The population of mosquitoes can be controlled by eliminating adult mosquitoes by spraying
insecticides, such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) on breeding grounds. Breeding places of
mosquitoes must be destroyed. The population of mosquitoes can be controlled by the elimination of
mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae are biologically controlled by releasing Gambusia fish in stagnant
Contamination of Water
Contamination of water is the addition of undesirable substances such as foreign matter, organic and
inorganic matter, and biological or radioactive substances which deteriorate the quality of water and
make it harmful for consumption.
Sewage, defecation, tannery wastes and pesticides are some sources of water pollution.
Common Water-borne Diseases
Population of flies
should be reduced
Raw vegetables
and fruits bought
from the market
should be cleaned
and washed
properly before
storing and eating
The Flower
A flower is a specialised shoot in which the leaves are modified to form floral structures.
A flower which has all the four whorls, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium, is called a
complete flower. Examples: Hibiscus, rose, sunflower etc.
A flower in which one or more sets of floral whorls are absent is called an incomplete flower.
Examples: Rue anemone, american elm, black walnut etc.
The essential whorls of a flower are the whorls that are directly associated with the process of
reproduction. Examples: Stamen and carpel.
The non-essential whorls of a flower are the helping parts which either protect the reproductive parts
of the flower or make them attractive for pollination. Examples: Calyx and corolla.
In plants, such as wheat and grasses, the petals and sepals are undifferentiated and together
compose the perianth.
In some plants, the sepals are not green but appear brightly coloured like the petals. These sepals are
called petaloid sepals, and the perianth is called a petaloid perianth. Example: Orchid etc.
In some plants, the petals appear green in colour and are called sepaloid petals. The perianth is
called a sepaloid perianth. Examples: Viscum, Mistletoe etc.
Bracts are modified leaves arising from the axil of a small leaf-like structure. They may be green
coloured like the leaves or different coloured like the petals. Examples: Hibiscus, Bougainvillea etc.
The nectar in the flowers is secreted by a group of cells, present either at the base of the pistil or
on the petals. These groups of cells are called nectaries. Example: Nasturtium etc.
A flower that contains both male and female reproductive structures is called a bisexual flower.
Example: Hibiscus etc.
A flower that has only one reproductive structure, either the male or female, is called a unisexual
flower. Examples: Papaya, palm etc.
A unisexual flower which contains only the androecium is called a male or staminate flower.
Example: Eastern cottonwood etc.
A unisexual flower which contains only the gynoecium is called a female or pistillate flower.
Example: Date palm etc.
A flower in which both male and female reproductive organs are absent is called a neuter flower.
Example: Ray florets of sunflower etc.
If the male and female flowers grow on the same plant, then the plant is said to be a
monoecious plant. Examples: Pumpkin, maize, cucumber etc.
If the male and female flowers grow on separate plants, then the plant is said to be a dioecious plant.
Examples: Palm, papaya etc.
The calyx is the outermost whorl of a flower. It is made of small, green leaf-like structures called
The sepals completely cover the flower at the bud stage and provide protection to the inner whorls of
the flower. The sepals, if green in colour, perform photosynthesis, thereby contributing to the
production of food in the plant. The non-green sepals sometimes perform the function of attracting
If sepals are joint or fused together, then the calyx is said to be gamosepalous. Example: Hibiscus
If sepals are free and not joined together, then the calyx is said to be polysepalous. Examples: Rose,
mustard etc.
In Hibiscus, the bracts form a whorl called epicalyx, just below the calyx.
The corolla is the second whorl from the outside of a flower. It consists of units called petals.
If the petals of a flower are fused or united, forming a tube-like structure, then they are called
gamopetalous. Examples: Nerium, Ipomea etc.
If the petals of a flower are not fused and are free from each other, then they are called polypetalous.
Examples: Rose, mustard etc.
Petals are generally arranged in a single whorl, but in some plants, they are arranged in double
whorls. Example: Poppy etc.
In some plants, the petals are spirally arranged. Example: Water lily etc.
In some flowers, the number of petals is equal to the number of sepals. Example: Buttercup flower etc.
In some flowers, the number of petals is not equal to the number of sepals. Example: Rose etc.
The androecium is the third whorl from the outside and represents the male reproductive part of the
flower. Stamens together constitute the androecium.
When the stamens of a flower are free, the condition is called polyandrous. Example: Petunia etc.
When the stamens of a flower are fused, the condition is called adelphous. Example: Hibiscus etc.
When the filaments of the anthers in a flower are fused into one group, the condition is called
monadelphous. Example: Hibiscus etc.
When the filaments of the anthers in a flower are fused into two groups, the condition is called
diadelphous. Example: Pea etc.
When the filaments of the anthers in a flower are fused into more than two groups, the condition is
called polyadelphous. Example: Bombax etc.
The gynoecium or pistil is the female reproductive part of the plant. The pistil is made of units called
carpels. The pistil consists of either a single carpel or many carpels.
If the carpels of a flower are free, then the gynoecium is said to be apocarpous. Example:
Buttercup flower etc.
If the carpels of a flower are fused, then the gynoecium is said to be syncarpous. Example: Orchid
A superior ovary is an ovary attached to the receptacle above the attachment of other floral parts
such as the thalamus and the calyx. Example: Onion etc.
An inferior ovary lies below the attachment of other floral parts such as the thalamus and the calyx.
Example: Rose etc.
In flowers showing marginal placentation, the ovary is monocarpellary and single chambered. The
placenta, along with the ovules, develops along the margins of the carpel. Example: Pea etc.
In flowers showing axile placentation, the ovary is two chambered or many chambered, in which the
margins of the carpels fuse together. The fused margin grows inwards to meet in the centre of the
ovary, forming a central axis. The placenta, along with the ovules, develops from this axis. Examples:
China rose, lemon, orange etc.
In flowers with parietal placentation, the ovules are attached to the walls of a unilocular ovary. The
ovules are borne on the inner surface of the ovary wall. Examples: Mustard, Argemone etc.
Cell: The Unit of Life
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. It is the smallest part of the
body of an organism, capable of independent existence and able to perform all the essential
functions of life.
The history of cell science began in 1665, with the observation of a thin section of a bottle cork by the
English scientist Robert Hooke.
In 1838, Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed a basic cell theory.
Cells vary in number (singlecelled: Amoeba; few-celled: Spirogyra, multi-celled: Man), size (smallest:
Bacteria, longest: Nerve cell, largest: Ostrich egg) and shape (columnar: Epithelial cells).
All organisms grow due to the growth in size and increase in the number of cells. This growth is
because of the production of more body substance and cell substance.
Feeding and nutrition have many steps, and each step is a result of cellular activities.
Circulation of blood as well as the movement of other fluids in the body takes place through
various forces that are set up due to the contraction of muscle cells of the heart and other parts of
the body.
Respiratory gases are transported from the lungs to different parts of the body by blood cells such as
Protection of the body from different germs and diseases occurs through cells called white blood cells
(WBCs). These cells either devour the germs or give out antibodies or antitoxins, which destroy the
germs and neutralise their effect.
The sensation of touch, pain, heat, cold etc. occurs due to sensory cells. The brain orders the muscles
to contract or glands to secrete through their cells.
Thermoregulation or maintenance of our body heat also takes place through cellular activity.
It can be defined as the ability of an organism to resist the attack of antigens or pathogens.
Various harmful substances, such as pollutants and pathogens, may enter our body through different
The defence system of our body works at two levels:
A. Local Defence System: This system prevents the entry of germs.
B. Immune System: This system deals with the germs after they have entered the body tissues.
Work instantaneously.
Effective against a wide range of potentially infectious agents.
Immune System
Naturally Acquired
Artificially Acquired
Naturally Acquired
Artificially Acquired
Characteristics of Antibodies
Vaccination: It is the introduction of any kind of dead or weakened germs into the body of a living being
to develop immunity against the respective disease.
Killed Germs
Kinds of Germs
Living, Fully
Antiseptics Disinfectants
They are mild chemical substances Strong chemical substances which are
which kill germs when applied on the applied on spots and places where
body. germs thrive and multiply.
Examples: Lysol (dilute), carbolic acid, Examples: Cresol, phenol, Lysol, 40%
iodine, benzoic acid, mercurochrome, formalin, lime, Bordeaux mixture, DDT
boric acid
Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some microorganisms and can kill or inhibit the growth
of other microorganisms.
Alexander Fleming (1881–1995) discovered the first antibiotic—penicillin.
Alexander Fleming
Sources of Antibiotics
Penicillin has been commercially produced from the species Penicillium chrysogenum.
Streptomycin is a widely used antibiotic. It is obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces.
Uses of Antibiotics
To fight infections
In 1930, a group of chemicals known as sulphonamides was discovered which proved to be effective
in many types of bacterial diseases. Examples: Sulphadiazine and sulphanilamide.
Diseases: Cause and Control
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
A condition of the body in which the vital functions are disturbed physiologically or psychologically is
called a disease.
Categories of Diseases
When the occurrence of the disease is restricted to a particular area and affects a small number of
people, it is known as an endemic disease. Examples: Yellow fever, goitre
When the disease spreads from place to place, followed by its outbreak and attacks a large population
at the same time, it is known as an epidemic disease. Example: Plague
When the occurrence of the disease is worldwide, it is known as a pandemic disease. Example: AIDS
The disease occurring in single, scattered cases is known as a sporadic disease. Examples: Malaria,
Diseases caused by infectious agents or pathogens are called communicable or infectious diseases.
Examples: Tuberculosis, chickenpox, measles
Diseases which do not spread from one person to another are called non-communicable or non-
infectious diseases. Examples: Beriberi, scurvy, arthritis
Diseases caused by bacteria are called bacterial diseases. Examples: Cholera, tetanus, syphilis
Diseases caused by viruses are called viral diseases. Examples: Poliomyelitis, mumps, rabies
Diseases caused by protozoa are called protozoal diseases. Examples: Malaria, amoebic dysentery
Diseases caused by parasitic worms are called parasitic diseases. Examples: Ascariasis, taeniasis
Diseases caused by consumption of food contaminated with chemical toxins or pathogens are called
food-borne diseases. Examples: Taeniasis, trichinosis
Diseases caused by consumption of contaminated water are called water-borne diseases. Examples:
Typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis A
Diseases which spread through air when droplets of pathogens are expelled into the air due to
coughing, sneezing or talking are called air-borne diseases. Examples: Influenza, meningitis
Diseases caused by pathogens transmitted by insects and ticks are called insect-borne diseases.
Examples: Malaria, elephantiasis
Viruses cannot live freely in nature. They can exist only inside other cells.
They can take over the metabolism of the host cell, produce more viruses and ultimately kill the host
Differences between Viruses and Bacteria
Very small Larger
Visible only under an electron Visible under a light microscope
Non-cellular Single-celled
Have no metabolism Have metabolism
Do not take in any food Take in food by absorption
Do not grow and divide Grow and divide to produce more bacteria
Can be crystallised Cannot be crystallised
Command the host cell to produce virus Self-reproducing
All produce diseases in man, animals or Some harmless, some useful and some
plants disease-producing
3. Blood should
be tested
properly for HIV
before blood
4. Breastfeeding
should be
avoided by HIV-
infected mother
5. Addiction to
narcotic drugs
should be
Chicken pox About 14–16 Close contact with 1. Highly irritating 1. Complete bed
(Herpes virus days an infected person rashes or small rest
Varicella boils on the skin 2. Rashes must be
2. Rashes appear kept clean and dry
as pink spots and 3. Blisters should
may subsequently not be pricked
change into 4. Calamine lotion
watery or neem leaves
pustules/blisters can be applied to
3. Blisters shrivel reduce itching
and soon dry up 5. Active
forming scabs immunisation by
after 3–4 days administering live
vaccine containing
Hepatitis About 14–45 Contaminated 1. Yellowing of the 1. Maintaining
(Hepatitis A days food and water skin and eyes good hygienic
virus) 2. Abdominal pain conditions to
3. Loss of appetite prevent
4. Nausea and contamination of
vomiting food and water
5. Diarrhoea 2. Washing hands
6. Fever after handling
patient’s bed and
3. Intake of high
calorific diet with
limited or no
protein and fat
Hepatitis About 6−26 Exposure to 1. Yellowing of the 1. Use of
(Hepatitis B weeks infected blood by skin and eyes disposable
virus) contaminated 2. Abdominal pain needles and
syringes and 3. Loss of appetite syringes
transfusion 4. Nausea and 2. Multiple and
equipment vomiting unsafe sexual
5. Diarrhoea contact should be
6. Fever avoided
7. Cirrhosis of the
liver and cancer in
extreme cases
Hepatitis About 2 Exposure to 1. High 1. Use of
(Hepatitis C weeks to 6 infected blood by temperature disposable
virus) months contaminated 2. Headache needles and
syringes and 3. Joint pain syringes
transfusion 4. Loss of appetite 2. In case of
equipment 5. Nausea and infection, complete
vomiting bed rest until fever
6. Deep yellow has settled
urine and light- 3. Intake of high
coloured stools calorific diet with
limited or no
protein and fat
Hepatitis About 2−6 Exposure to 1. High 1. Use of
(Hepatitis D months infected blood by temperature disposable
virus) contaminated 2. Headache needles and
syringes and 3. Joint pain syringes
transfusion 4. Loss of appetite 2. Washing hands
equipment 5. Nausea and after handling
vomiting patient’s bed and
6. Deep yellow clothes
urine and light- 3. Complete bed
coloured stools rest until fever has
4. Intake of high
calorific diet with
limited or no
protein and fat
Hepatitis About 21−42 Contaminated 1. Feeling of 1. Drink plenty of
(Hepatitis E days food and water tiredness water to
virus) 2. Sudden loss of avoid dehydration
weight 2. Eat a healthy
3. Nausea and mix of foods
loss of appetite 3. Avoid alcohol
4. Yellowing consumption or
of skin, dark urine use of illegal/
and clay-coloured narcotic drugs
Movement and Locomotion
The body of living organisms is made up of an important framework of bones called the skeletal
system or the skeleton.
The bone is a strong, hollow and non-flexible connective tissue. It is a hard, greyish-white tissue,
composed of 2/3 of inorganic substances or minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, carbonates etc.
and 1/3 of organic substances.
Types of bones
a. Long bones
b. Short bones
c. Flat bones
d. Irregular bones
Cartilages are found between two or more bones. They smoothen the bone surface, act like cushions
and prevent the rubbing of bones against each other. They also function as shock-absorbing pads.
Ligaments hold two or more bones together at joints. They control the motion of a joint, and in some
cases, restrict the motion of a joint.
Tendons are tough parallel fibres of connective tissue or cords or straps strongly attached to the
bones. They play an important role in locomotion.
The fascia is a strong connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels
and nerves in the form of membranous sheets. Fasciae connect muscles to other muscles of the body.
Functions of skeleton include providing support and shape, protection, leverage, storage of minerals
and allowing movement and formation of blood cells.
Skull Divided into head bones and facial bones.
Head bones-8, Facial bones-14
Vertebral column Composed of 26 ring-like bones called vertebrae.
Has a characteristic S-shaped curve which helps in balancing the
Cervical vertebrae-7 bones, Thoracic vertebrae-12 bones,
Lumbar vertebrae-5 bones, Sacrum-5 bones, Coccyx-4 bones
Ribs Each rib articulates with a thoracic vertebra.
True ribs-7 pairs, False ribs-3 pairs, Floating ribs-2 pairs
Sternum Long, flat and strong bone in the centre of the chest.
Holds the ribs in place.
Bones of the Upper arm bone-Humerus, Forearm bones-Radius and Ulna
limbs Hand-8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, 14 phalanges
Leg bone-Femur, Bones of lower limb-inner Tibia and outer Fibula,
Knee bone-Patella
Foot-8 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, 14 phalanges
Bones of the girdles Each pectoral girdle consists of a collar bone or clavicle and the
shoulder blade or scapula.
Pelvic girdle-Ilium, Ischium and Pubis
Joints permit different types of movements. They allow varying degrees of movement. Some joints
permit no movement at all, while other joints allow slight movement. Certain joints afford considerable
Immovable/Fibrous joints do not allow any movement of the bones they connect. Fibrous joints are
found in the skull as well as in the pelvic girdle. They are also found between the calf bone and tibia.
Partially movable or cartilaginous joints permit only a limited degree of movement. Cartilaginous
joints are seen in the ear lobe, at the tip of the nose and in the sternum.
Synovial joints permit free movement in all directions. Examples: Joint in the knee, joint between the
atlas and axis, joints in tarsal bones, hip joint, shoulder joint and wrist joint.
Muscles are long bundles of contractile tissues. A muscle has two ends; a fixed end where the muscle
originates and a movable end which pulls some other part.
Actions such as walking, running, playing etc. require the combined action of several muscles.
Muscles that cause opposing movements are known as antagonistic muscles. Example: Biceps and
Functions of muscles
a. Muscles in the body provide the means of all movements.
b. They cover the skeletal framework and provide shape or contour to the body.
c. Muscles help to maintain the body posture while sitting, standing and walking.
Kinds of muscles
Discovery Anton von Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, first observed bacteria in
1675. He named them animalcules.
Occurrence Ubiquitous in nature, commonly found in air, soil, water, deserts, plants,
animals and in man.
Movement Possess whip-like flagella, which pierce through the cell wall and
Nutrition Photoautotrophs: Contain chlorophyll and use light energy for the
synthesis of food.
Chemoautotrophs: Obtain energy by oxidising inorganic
Saprophytes: Grow on dead and decaying organic matter.
Parasites: Obtain their food from a living host on which they grow.
1. Production of antibiotics
The chemical substances produced by a living organism that kill or stop the growth of disease-
causing microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria are called antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used to cure several life-threatening infections in humans, plants and
2. Production of serums
Serum is blood plasma from which fibrinogen has been removed.
It is used as a means of prevention against bacterial invasion.
3. Production of vaccines
A vaccine is any germ or germ substance introduced into the body to develop resistance to a
particular disease.
Vaccines confer immunity against specific diseases. They act as antigens and stimulate the body to
produce antibodies.
5. Nitrogen fixation
The process of circulation of nitrogen between the atmosphere, soil, plants and animals is called the
nitrogen cycle.
The process of conversion of free nitrogen from the atmosphere into soluble nitrates by
microorganisms is known as biological nitrogen fixation.
The microbes which carry out biological nitrogen fixation are commonly called biological nitrogen
fixers. Examples: Rhizobium and Azotobacter.
6. Biogas production
Gobar gas, biogas or methane production is carried out with the help of bacteria using animal
faeces. Examples: Cowdung and urine.
Biogas is used as a fuel and for street lighting.
1. Spoilage of food
Bacteria carry out the process of decay or fermentation, resulting in the spoilage of food materials,
such as milk, fruits, vegetables etc., especially during summer. This spoilage can be so severe that
it can also lead to food poisoning.
Plant Diseases
Animal Diseases
Human Diseases
Fungi are eukaryotic and have a true nucleus enclosed within the nuclear envelope.
4. Production of enzymes
Some fungi are commercially very important because they produce several useful enzymes such as
proteases, amylases and cellulases.
5. Production of antibiotics
The first antibiotic was produced using fungus Penicillium notatum as discovered by Alexander
Other fungal antibiotics include cephalosporin, fumagillin etc. which are used to cure wounds,
infections of the throat, brain, eyes etc.
7. Production of alcohol
On a commercial basis, yeast is grown on natural sugars present in grains such as barley, wheat,
rice, molasses, corn starch, toddy and crushed fruit juices to produce alcohol.
Several industries use alcohol as a solvent and in the manufacture of some drugs.
The alcohol can be converted into vinegar with the help of acetic acid bacteria.
8. Cheese making
Cheese is a milk product and is considered as a valuable food.
9. Mushroom cultivation
Mushroom cultivation can be carried out indoors, in a small space. Mushrooms are able to grow on
any particular substrate or simply compost of a variety of agricultural wastes.
They are very rich in vitamins and minerals, which are retained even after cooking, canning and
dehydration. They also have sufficient amounts of niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin.
Harmful Role of Fungi
1. Destruction of goods
Fungi are responsible for the destruction of textiles, wooden articles and leather goods.
2. Spoilage of food
Fungi such as Penicillium and Aspergillus cause spoilage of food materials such as fruits,
vegetables, meat, bread, dairy products etc.
Plant Diseases
Animal Diseases
Human Diseases
The seed is a mature and ripened ovule of a flower which is formed after fertilisation. It stores food
material for the nourishment of the embryo during germination. The seed coat protects the embryo
from mechanical damage. Examples: Bean, pea etc.
Grain is actually a fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective
layer. Examples: Maize, wheat etc.
Monocotyledonous seeds: Consist of only one cotyledon. Examples: Maize, grass etc.
Dicotyledonous seeds: Consist of two cotyledons. Examples: Pea, gram, bean etc.
Small seeds: Very tiny and not visible to the naked eye. Examples: Poppy, orchid etc.
Large seeds: Bigger and easily visible to the naked eye. Examples: Watermelon, pumpkin, mango
Largest seeds: Biggest and double the size of large seeds. Examples: Coconut, double coconut etc.
Albuminous/endospermic seeds: The endosperm is large, thick and fleshy. It serves as the food
source for the developing embryo.
Dicot albuminous seeds: Poppy, custard apple, muskmelon, fenugreek etc.
Monocot albuminous seeds: Cereals, millets, palm, onion etc.
Exalbuminous/non-endospermic seeds: The cotyledons store food and become thick and fleshy.
Dicot exalbuminous seeds: Gram, pea, mango, mustard, soya bean etc.
Monocot exalbuminous seeds: Orchid, Amorphophallus, Vallisneria etc.
Differences between Bean seed and Maize grain
The process in which the embryo emerges out of the seed by rupturing the seed coat, leading to the
formation of a seedling is called germination.
Types of Germination
Epigeal germination The hypocotyl elongates and the cotyledons are Bean, castor,
pushed above the ground. sunflower, gourd
Viviparous The seed germinates while it is still inside the Rhizophora,
germination fruit, attached to the mother plant. Sonneratia
The seedling is a stage in plant growth where the plant is still dependent on the reserve food of
the seed or the food manufactured by the cotyledons.
The seedling consists of five parts—the radicle or embryonic root, hypocotyl, epicotyl, plumule and
Waste Generation and Management
Waste is any substance which is discarded after its primary use, or it is worthless, defective and of no
further use. Examples: Spoilt food, vegetable peels, leaves, wood, grass, paper, leather, cotton, cattle
dung etc.
Categories of Wastes
Waste that is generated from domestic activities such as washing, bathing, cooking etc. is called
domestic waste. Examples: Fruit and vegetable peels, leftover food, waste paper etc.
Waste which is generated by industries is called industrial waste. Examples: Chemicals, paint
residues, oil, ash, sludge, heavy metals etc.
Sources of industrial waste include mining operations, cement industries and oil refineries.
Waste such as animal manure, plant leaves, bark, flowers etc. which is generated from plants and
animals is called agricultural waste, farm waste or garden waste. Examples: Residues of
fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals.
Waste generated from domestic, industrial and commercial activities is called municipal solid waste
or urban waste. Examples: Garbage and plastic bags, glasses, metals, fibre, paper, rubber,
discharge from hospitals, hotels etc. are all included under municipal wastes.
Sources of municipal waste include the household discharge of excreta, discharge from public toilets,
degradable wastes and non-degradable wastes.
Discarded electrical appliances, such as old television sets, computers, radios, mobile phones,
fluorescent tubes, medical instruments, toys and lead acid batteries all fall into the category of e-
wastes or electronic waste.
Broken or discarded glass equipment, waste chemicals, condemned machines and plant and animal
wastes from biology laboratories and culture rooms are some of the wastes generated at science
laboratory and research centres.
Methods of safe disposal of wastes
A. Segregation
One should separate the degradable waste from the non-degradable waste.
Proper segregation of waste helps the municipal authorities to decompose and dispose off the
organic part of the wastes easily.
Segregation involves separating the refuse into three main categories—reusable, degradable and
non-degradable wastes.
B. Dumping
Non-degradable wastes such as plastic, pesticides, fibres etc. can be dumped or buried in specially
dug up pits at far off places away from the human habitation.
C. Composting
The rotting and conversion of organic waste into manure is known as composting. The product
formed after composting is called compost.
The household garbage as well as farmland wastes can all be converted into useful compost.
The use of compost improves the fertility of the soil as it provides nutrients to the soil.
Dry composting toilets are a hygienic and cost-effective solution to dispose off the human wastes.
A major drawback of composting is that, due to a lack of adequate knowledge most of the people
do not segregate the wastes in their homes, which hampers the process of composting.
D. Drainage/Sewer system
A sewer system is a channel of pipelines which carries sewage from the houses, offices, hospitals
etc. through drainage pipes to the sewer mains of the city.
The sewer mains flow into progressively larger pipes until they reach the waste water treatment
F. Incineration
Incineration is a method in which the waste is burnt at very high temperatures.
The hazardous bio-medical wastes, such as discarded medicines, toxic drugs, human anatomical
wastes, blood, pus, microbiological and biotechnological wastes etc. are usually disposed of by
Incineration helps to reduce the weight and volume of waste and converts the toxic wastes into
less toxic or even non-toxic substances. Electricity can be generated from the heat released during
This method releases fumes and harmful substances.
Incineration should be carried out at very high temperatures.
Incinerators should be equipped with pollution control devices.
G. Scrubbers
Scrubbers are devices used to remove both, gaseous and particulate matter.
Wet scrubbers are used in chemical, metallurgical and mining industries to trap the sulphur dioxide
(SO2), ammonia (NH3), metal fumes etc.
H. Electrostatic precipitator
In an electrostatic precipitator, gas or an air stream containing dust, smoke soot and other
particulate matter is passed through a chamber containing electrically charged plates.
Up to 90% of the particulate matter in the thermal plants can be removed by electrostatic
I. Disposal of e-waste
The rag pickers and waste dealers collect the discarded electronic gadgets. They remove the
usable components and extract the secondary raw materials. This recycling process however
can cause various health problems and can even lead to cancer.
Most electronic goods contain a variety of materials and metals which can be recycled for future
If recycling has to be carried out, then it must be done carefully under skilled supervision.
The Respiratory System
Need for energy
a. Synthesis of proteins from amino acids
b. Production of enzymes
c. Contraction of muscles for movement
The need for energy production is greater in animals as compared to plants because animals have to
move from one place to another, either to obtain food or to escape from their enemies.
Respiration is the catabolic process of releasing energy from simple sugar, glucose, for carrying out
various life processes.
Characteristics of Respiration
a. The breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water does not occur in a single step. It
involves a series of chemical reactions—glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport.
b. Each breakdown step is carried out by a specific enzyme.
c. A small amount of energy liberated in the breakdown of the glucose molecule is released as heat
energy. But a major part of it is converted into chemical energy in the form of Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP).
Kinds of Respiration
Aerobic Respiration: The breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic
respiration. Most of the animals such as human beings, several bacteria and fungi are aerobic in
Anaerobic Respiration: The breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic
respiration. The unicellular organisms such as yeast and some bacteria are examples of anaerobes.
Fermentation: The breakdown of pyruvic acid to ethanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of
oxygen is called fermentation. Certain microorganisms or their enzymes carry out fermentation.
Differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration in Plants
Parts of Respiration
a. Breathing: It is a physical process in which the atmospheric air is taken in and forced out of the
oxygen-absorbing organs, the lungs.
b. Gaseous transport: Oxygen absorbed by the blood in the lungs is transported by the red blood
cells (RBCs) as oxyhaemoglobin throughout the body by the means of arteries. Carbon dioxide
from the tissues is transported to the lungs by the blood via veins in two ways.
o As bicarbonates dissolved in plasma.
o In combination with haemoglobin of RBCs as carbamino-haemoglobin.
c. Tissue respiration: The terminal blood vessels or the capillaries transport the oxygen to the body
cells or tissues, where the oxygen diffuses through their thin walls. Likewise, the capillaries pick up
the carbon dioxide released by them.
d. Cellular respiration: The complex chemical changes which occurs inside the cells to release the
energy from glucose.
Cellular respiration consists of three main stages: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport.
The respiratory system in human beings consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and
Nose Consists of nostrils which open into the nasal cavity.
Nasal hair prevents the entry of large particles inside the nose.
Pharynx Muscular chamber is connected to the larynx through glottis.
Air from the pharynx enters the larynx when the food enters the
Larynx Hollow, cartilaginous structure that connects the pharynx to the
Contains vocal cords. Air is expelled forcibly through the vocal
cords vibrates them to produce sound.
Trachea Begins from the larynx, situated below the neck, and enters the
thoracic cavity.
Walls of the trachea are strengthened by several C-shaped rings of
cartilage that provide flexibility.
Moves the air into the lungs through the bronchi.
Bronchi Branches of trachea.
Bronchi→Secondary bronchi→Tertiary
Helps in gaseous exchange.
Lungs Pair of spongy and elastic respiratory organs.
Enable rapid exchange of gases between air and blood.
Separate the CO2 from the blood and also excrete water vapour.
Diaphragm Curved, musculo-fibrous sheath.
Plays a major role during respiration.
The concentration of oxygen in the alveolar air is more than the concentration of oxygen in the blood
capillaries surrounding the alveoli. Hence, oxygen from the alveolar air moves into the blood capillaries
by the process of diffusion.
The exchange of gases between the air and the blood is called external respiration.
The blood contains RBCs which contain the pigment haemoglobin. Haemoglobin has an affinity for
oxygen and hence acts as an oxygen carrier. The oxygen combines with the haemoglobin to form
Exchange of gases between the cells and blood is called internal respiration.
A large fraction of carbon dioxide produced inside the tissue is converted into bicarbonate, which gets
dissolved in the blood plasma. A small fraction of carbon dioxide diffuses into the RBCs and combines
with the haemoglobin, forming carbamino-haemoglobin.
The blood rich in carbon dioxide is then transported back to the heart through the veins. From the
heart, the blood is supplied to the lungs through fine branches of the pulmonary artery.
The concentration of carbon dioxide is more in the blood capillaries surrounding the alveoli as
compared to the alveolar air. Hence, the carbon dioxide from the blood moves into the alveolar air by
the process of diffusion. The carbon dioxide is released from the body by the process of expiration.
Physical process. Chemical process.
Process of taking oxygen into the lungs. Process of taking oxygen from the
lungs into the bloodstream or inside
the cells.
Occurs outside the cells. Occurs inside the cells.
No energy is released. Energy is released.
The respiratory cycle consists of inspiration and expiration, with a short respiratory pause.
The inspiration or inhalation is the movement of air from the outside environment to the inside of the
body. The oxygen from the air enters inside the body.
The expiration or exhalation is the movement of air from the inside of the body to the outside
environment. The carbon dioxide from the body is released into the outside environment.
The number of times a person breathes in a minute is called the breathing rate or respiratory rate.
Differences between Inspiration and Expiration
Breathing movements are largely controlled by a respiratory centre located in the medulla oblongata of
the brain.
They are normally not under the control of our will. They are involuntary. However, one can consciously
increase or decrease the rate of breathing.
Air at higher altitudes contains a lesser amount of oxygen. Therefore, one may suffer from air sickness
due to a lack of oxygen. Air sickness results in dizziness, unsteady vision, loss of hearing, lack of
muscular coordination and even complete blackouts at times.
Hypoxia is a condition in which the tissue is deprived of adequate supply of oxygen. It may occur due to
sitting for long hours in a crowded room with poor ventilation. It may also occur at higher altitudes,
where the oxygen concentration is low.
Asphyxiation is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body. It may occur due to
several causes such as strangulation, drowning, choking or any other obstruction in the respiratory
Comparison of Respiration in Plants and Animals
The process of cellular respiration releases energy. This energy released in the form
of ATP is stored in the mitochondria.
The end products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and water.
Do not exhibit external ventilation or Higher animals such as human show
breathing movements. external ventilation or breathing
No gaseous transport involved during The tissue fluid—blood—is
respiration. The respiratory gases simply responsible for the transport of gases.
diffuse in and out of the cell.
Oxygen released during the process of Air is the only source of oxygen.
photosynthesis acts as an additional
source of oxygen.
End product of anaerobic respiration is End product of anaerobic respiration
ethanol. is lactic acid.
Produces a small amount of heat. Produces a large amount of heat.
Rate of respiration is comparatively Rate of respiration is comparatively
lower. higher.
Digestion is the process of breakdown of naturally occurring foodstuffs into a diffusible form. It is a
process which makes the foods soluble and of such a chemical nature that they can be absorbed
through living membranes.
The enzymes which help in the process of digestion are called digestive enzymes.
The space where the food is chewed and mixed with the saliva is called the mouth or mouth cavity.
The mouth opens into the buccal cavity which has teeth, a tongue and three pairs of salivary glands.
The tongue is a fleshy muscular organ attached to the floor of the buccal cavity at the back region of
the mouth.
Functions of Teeth
Teeth help to cut food into small pieces, to chew and to grind it.
They prepare food for digestion by mastication.
They help in speaking and add to facial beauty.
Structure of a Tooth
Salivary Glands
There are three pairs of salivary glands in the wall of the buccal cavity which opens into the mouth.
They are the parotid glands, submaxillary glands and sublingual glands.
Salivary glands secrete a watery fluid called saliva, which initiates digestion in the buccal cavity.
Functions of Saliva
Salivary amylase present in the saliva converts the starch into maltose and dextrose sugars.
The mucus present in the saliva lubricates the food and thus helps in the swallowing of food.
Saliva moistens and lubricates the inner lining of the mouth cavity and the surface of the tongue,
and helps us in speaking.
The pharynx is the common passage for food and air leading to the oesophagus and the larynx,
The oesophagus, also known as the food pipe, is a narrow tube that connects the pharynx to the
The stomach is a J-shaped muscular, bag-like organ with walls made of thick and elastic muscles.
The gastric glands release three gastric juices—hydrochloric acid, enzyme pepsin and mucus.
The liver is a reddish-brown gland situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side.
It secretes bile which is temporarily stored in a sac called the gall bladder.
Functions of Bile
Bile juice helps in the digestion of fats.
Functions of Liver
Production of bile, fibrinogen and heparin.
Control of blood sugar levels and amino acid levels.
Synthesis of foetal red blood cells.
Regulation of blood volume.
The pancreatic alpha cells secrete hormone glucagon and the pancreatic beta cells secrete the
hormone insulin.
Small Intestine
The small intestine is a very long tube found in the abdomen. It is about 6-7 metres in length and about
2.5-3 cm wide.
The small intestine is divisible into three regions—duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
The digested food is absorbed by the blood vessels in the small intestine.
Large Intestine
The large intestine extends from the ileum to the anus and is about 1.5 metres in length. It is divided
into the caecum, colon and rectum.
Species which are structurally similar or related constitute the next higher category called the genus.
A phylum is the largest division in the classification of plants and animals. The classes which share
features constitute a phylum.
One of the earliest systems of classification, called the Two Kingdom Classification, was proposed
by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758.
According to the two kingdom classification, living organisms were classified into two broad
kingdoms—plants and animals.
Plantae Cell is bound by a cell wall which is made Algae, moss, fern, pine,
of cellulose. Hibiscus
Contains a true nucleus and membrane-
bound cell organelles.
Amphibia The body is divisible into head and trunk. Neck is Frog, toad,
absent. salamander, newt
Have a three-chambered heart with two auricles
and one ventricle.
Cold-blooded vertebrate animals.
Reptilia The body is divisible into head, neck, abdomen Lizard, snake,
and tail. tortoise, turtle,
Most of them have a three-chambered heart. crocodile, alligator
Ventricle of the heart is partially divided.
Aves All birds belong to Class Aves. Pigeon, sparrow,
Warm-blooded or homeothermic animals. crow, duck, owl,
Heart is four-chambered. penguin, ostrich, emu
The binomial nomenclature system was suggested by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus.
According to the binomial nomenclature, every organism is given a scientific name for individual
identity. The scientific name includes two terms. The first term is the name of the genus and the
second term is the name of the species.