03 LB 7 TB - Unit 2

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2a It’ll be cool.
Grammar Future with going to and will
R&B: Rhythm Vocabulary Types of music and musical instruments Read
and blues is a Listen An interview about a band
popular music Speak and Write About music and you
1 2
01 Read the article. Are you similar
to Ella or Stuart?
genre combining
several influences,

Monday 20th April

first performed by
African American
Playlist: A list of This week, we’re talking about music. How important is it to you – and how 1
songs chosen do you usually listen to it?
by the user,
often stored on a Ella Roberts, 13 2
computer or MP3 Music is quite important to me. I don’t play any
player. instruments, but I listen to lots of music. I like
A gig: a live R & B best. I’m going to get an MP3 player on
musical Friday, for my birthday. (I know because I saw it in
performance, Mum’s bag!) I’m going to make playlists for different 3
especially rock/ moods. In fact, I think I’ll make a playlist for my
pop (not used for birthday party on Saturday. It’ll be cool. I don’t think
classical music). I’ll use my CD player much in the future because they
(Exercise 8) probably won’t make CDs anymore.
A levels: Advanced 4
level exams, taken Stuart Keenan, 16
by students aged
I love music. I play the keyboard in a band. We play
rock mostly, and some pop. I’m not going to be a
17–18. (Exercise 8)
professional musician (I want to be an architect), 5
Exercise 2 but music will always be important to me. I’m quite
2b) a CD player old-fashioned because I collect CDs and I’ve also got 6
3b) the day after some vinyl records. I listen to music on the radio, too.
her birthday 4b)
an architect 5b) Tom Jacobs, record producer, has some ideas
ways of listening to about the future of music 7
music 6a) Ella Some people will continue to buy CDs, but I think
most people will probably download their music
from the internet. Webcasts and podcasts are popular 8
and I can see that they ’re going to be even more
important in the future.

2 Choose the correct options.
1 Ella enjoys a) playing an instrument. b) listening to music. 1 – b
2 At the moment she’s got a) an MP3 player. b) a CD player.
3 Her party is a) on Friday. b) the day after her birthday.
4 Stuart’s planning to be a) a musician. b) an architect.
5 He likes old-fashioned a) music. b) ways of listening to music.
6 Tom thinks most people will be like a) Ella. b) Stuart.


Exercise 3 Solve It!

Exercise 4a
2 classical 3 modern jazz 4 rock 5 rap 6 country
Exercise 4b
2 flute 3 cello 4 violin 5 trumpet 6 saxophone
7 clarinet 8 keyboard; Not seen: drums , piano
Grammar box
1 going to 2 will

6 Copy and complete the interview with the
3 What day is Ella’s birthday? record producer, Tom Jacobs. Use the Students’ Book
correct form of will or going to. Grammar summary,
page 108
Vocabulary: Types of music and Q: What do you predict for the future of live music, Workbook
musical instruments Tom? 1Will people pay (people/pay) to see their Practice, pages 8–9
favourite bands, or (2) (they/be) happy with their
4a 2
Recall Listen and name the types
02 Vocabulary
MP3 players?
of music (1–6). Then check the Topic summary, page 74
vocabulary on page 123. A: I think people (always want) to go to live
Extra practice 2a,
1 pop concerts. Live music (4) (not die). In fact, I (5) (start) page 90
my own band soon.
b 2
Listen and repeat. Then match the
Q: Wow, that’s big news! What kind of music
pictures (1–8) on page 18 with the names of
the instruments. Which instruments are not
in the pictures? A: We (7)
(not play) the usual kind of thing. Video and
We (8) (do) something different. We’re good – I Animation
• cello • clarinet • drums • flute think you (9) (love) us! Grammar: Future
• guitar (acoustic/lead/bass) • keyboard with going to and
• piano • saxophone • trumpet • violin 7 Copy and complete the the sentences with the
correct form of will or going to.
1 bass guitar 1 This music is great. I/think/I/download/it
I think I’ll download it.
Speak and write 2 This film is really sad. I/cry
5a Talk about you. Ask and answer the 3 We should call the police. They/help/us
questions in pairs. 4 Don’t worry about your exam. It/probably/not/
• What types of music do you like?
5 It’s Suzie’s birthday next week. What/you/
• Who are your favourite performers?
• Do you play any instruments?
6 I haven’t got much money. I/not/think/I/buy/any
• Which instrument(s) would you like to play?
music this week
• How do you usually listen to music?

b Write your answers to the questions. Listen

8 2
04 Listen to Stuart and answer the questions.
1 What
Future with going to and will instruments do
I’m going to make playlists for different moods. Stuart, Danny,
I’m not going to be a professional musician. Rachel and
Webcasts are going to be even more important. Matt play?
2 How often do
I think I’ll make a playlist for my birthday party.
they practise?
Music will always be important to me.
3 Where are their
They probably won’t make CDs anymore.
I (don’t) think people will download their music.
4 How much do they each earn for a gig?
Complete the rules. 5 What are their plans for next year?
We use (1) for plans and intentions, and when we
use present evidence to make predictions. Extra practice
We use (2) for predictions and decisions. For more practice, go to page 108.


Exercise 6 Exercise 8
2 will they be 3 will always want 4 isn’t going to/won’t 1 Stuart: keyboard, Danny: lead guitar, Rachel:
5 ‘m going to start 6 are you going to play saxophone, Matt: bass guitar
7 ‘re not going to play 8 ‘re going to do 9 ‘ll love 2 Every Saturday morning (they try to) and
Exercise 7 sometimes after school during the week.
2 I’m going to cry. 3 They’ll help us. 4 It probably 3 The youth club once a month and parties
won’t be difficult. 5 What are you going to give her? 4 £25 each
6 I don’t think I’m going to buy any music this week. 5 Danny and Matt are going to leave school and go
to university, Rachel’s going to join an orchestra,
Stuart’s going to take A levels.

2b A dog which bends.
Background Grammar Defining relative clauses with who, which and where
notes Present simple with fixed times (for future)
Vocabulary Types of film
Avatar: A science
Speak and Write About your favourite film
fiction film (2009).
Function Buy tickets at the cinema
Famous for its
visual effects, it Vocabulary: Types of film
was released in 3D
1a 052 Listen and repeat. Then match
format. the photos to the types of film.
Mamma Mia!: A
Avatar – a science fiction film
musical film (2008), Avatar
Mamma Mia!
based on the songs
• an action film • an animated film
of the Swedish pop • a comedy • a crime film
group, Abba. • a fantasy film • a horror film
The Lord of the • a musical • a romance
Rings: An epic • a science fiction film • a spy film
fantasy novel by • a thriller • a western
the British author
JRR Tolkien. The b Now write a film title for each type
of film.
film series, based
on the novel, Read
includes The
Fellowship of the
2 062 Listen and read the Film File.
Lord of the Rings Skyfall
What are Serena’s favourite films?
Ring (2001), The
Two Towers (2002)
and The Return of
the King (2003).
This week Serena Martin lists her top three
The Hobbit: A films of all time.
fantasy novel for
children by the Number 1 Men in Black
British author JRR My FAVOURITE FILM OF ALL TIME: Men in Black.
Tolkien. The film Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are in this film. Will
Smith is a police officer who works with Agent K in
series, based on Washington DC. The men work in a big office under the
the novel, includes ground and their job is to find dangerous aliens. It’s a
An Unexpected great comedy film which has some scary moments, too.

Mean Girls
Journey (2012),
The Desolation of Number 2
Smaug (2013) and This film is a romance about a girl called Cady who goes
to a new school. Here she meets a group of girls called
The Battle of the
the Plastics. They hang out at a café where she meets Comprehension
Five Armies (2014). Aaron. She falls in love with him and her problems begin.
Skyfall: The 23rd 3 Answer the questions.
Toy Story 3
James Bond film Numbe r 3 Which film …
(2012). 1 is OK for young children to watch? Toy Story 3
This is an animated film about a toy called Woody and
Men in Black: 2 is a love story?
his friends, Buzz Lightyear and Mr Potato Head. There’s
A comic science also a dog which bends, called Slinky Dog. The toys live 3 is sometimes frightening?
fiction film (1997). in a school where children come and play with them. The 4 has horrible children in it?
kids aren’t nice so Woody and his friends try to go back 5 has a colour in the title?
There have been
to their own home. It’s an amazing film for all ages.
two sequels, Men
in Black II (2002) 20
and Men in Black
3 (2012). Men in
Black: The Series is an animated spin-off series. Exercise 1
Mean Girls: A teen comedy film (2004). A sequel, Mean Girls 2 (2011). Mamma Mia! – a musical, Lord of the Rings – a fantasy
Toy Story 3: A computer-animated comedy film (2010). film, Skyfall – an action film
Night at the Museum: A fantasy adventure comedy (2006). A sequel,
Exercise 2
Night at the Museum: Battle of the
Men in Black, Mean Girls, Toy Story 3
Smithsonian (2009).
Exercise 3
2 Mean Girls 3 Men in Black 4 Toy Story 3
5 Men in Black

Grammar Use your English: Buy tickets at Extra
the cinema practice
Defining relative clauses with who, which
Students’ Book
and where 8 2
07 Listen and repeat. Then
practise the conversation in pairs. Grammar summary,
page 108
This film is about a girl called Cady who goes to a
new school.
Practice, pages
There’s a dog which bends.
summary, page 74
They hang out at a café where she meets Aaron.
Extra practice 2b,
A: Can I have two teenage tickets for The
4 Read the Film File again. Notice the words in red.
Hobbit, please?
page 91

Practice B: Which performance? The 6.45 or the 8.15?

5 Rewrite the story of Night at the Museum with A: The 6.45, please. How much is that? eText
who, which or where. B: That’s £12, please.
Video and
1 The story is about Larry Daley. He lives in New York.
The story is about Larry Daley who lives in New York.
Ask for tickets Animation
Hello. I’d like/Can I have two teenage tickets Grammar: Defining
2 Every evening he goes to the Museum of Natural
for The Hobbit, please?
History. At the Museum of Natural History he relative clauses
works at night. Ask about the performance
with who, which,
3 In the museum there are a lot of statues. They walk Which performance? The 6.45 or the 8.15?
and talk every night. Say the performance
4 There is also a magic tablet. It belongs to an Use your English:
The 6.45 performance, please.
Egyptian king. Buy tickets at the
Ask the price
5 Gus, Cecil and Reginald are bad men. They try and cinema
How much is that?
steal the tablet.
6 In the end Larry gets help from Roosevelt and Give the price
Attila the Hun. They help him save the tablet. That’s £12, please.

Speak and write 9 Practise similar conversations. Use the film

6a Talk about you. Ask and answer. programme.
1 What types of film do you like?
What’s your favourite film?
What’s it about?
Vision Cinema
4 Who’s in it?
Monsters University 1.30 – 3.30 5.30 – 8.30
b Write about your favourite film.
Grown Ups 2 4.15 – 6.30 6.00 – 8.15
My favourite film is …
Ender’s Game 5.45 – 8.00 9.15 – 11.30
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 4.15 – 6.15 8.30 – 11.30

We use the Present Simple to talk about future events, PRICES:

when they are based on present facts, and when these facts Adults: £8.50 Under 12: £5.00
are something fixed like a timetable, schedule, calendar. Teenagers: £6.00 Book online at: www.vision.com/booking

Common fixed time verbs are start/finish, open/close, leave/ Phone: 0208 576 45345

Extra practice
7 Look at the Vision Cinema programme. Ask
For more practice, go to page 108.
and answer questions about the films.
A: What time does the first performance of
Monsters University start?
B: It starts at 1.30.
A: What time does it finish?
B: It finishes at half past 3.

Exercise 5 Extension
2 Every evening he goes to the Museum of Types of film
Natural History where he works at night. 3 In the Ask Ss to work in pairs to agree on a film that they really
museum there are a lot of statues which walk like/don’t like. They discuss what type of film it is, what
and talk every night. 4 There is also a magic it’s about, who is in it and make notes, if necessary.
tablet which belongs to an Egyptian king. 5 Gus, Then put two pairs together and get each pair to take it
Cecil and Reginald are bad men who try and in turns to describe their chosen film. Their description
steal the tablet. 6 In the end Larry gets help from should give clues about the film without actually naming
Roosevelt and Attila the Hun who help him save it and should mention what type of film it is. The other
the tablet. pair has to guess the name of the film.
2c They’re the best films ever!
Grammar Comparison of adjectives: much + comparative adjective; (not) as…as; Superlatives
X-Men: A team Noun determiners: all, most, some, none, both (of)
of mutant Vocabulary Adjectives of opinion
superheroes, who Speak About films
first appeared in
comic book form in
the 1960s. There
have been seven
DVD > film > box sets > reviews
X-Men films (2000–
Spider-Man: What’s your favourite box set?
Here’s your chance to tell us
An American
what you think. Read other
superhero, who people’s opinions and rate
first appeared in them, too.
comic book form in
the 1960s. There I think the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are the best films ever! The three
have been five LOTR films are scarier and more exciting than The Hobbit, but The Hobbit
films are less complicated. The plot gets much more confusing in LOTR! The
Spider-Man films actors in The Hobbit are as brilliant as the actors in LOTR. My absolute
(2002- 2014). favourite is Andy Serkis (Gollum). GANDALFTHEGREY 55 minutes ago
The Matrix : A 10 6

science fiction film

I’m a big X-Men fan, but the later ones are a bit disappointing – they aren’t
(1999). There have as good as the first three. I think the Spider-Man films are much better. I didn’t
been two sequels, like the third one much (it was a bit dull), but the last one is amazing.
as well as spin-off FILMFREAK3 3 hours 35 minutes ago
12 0
video games and
comic books. The X-Men series are my favourite films, without a doubt. They’re all fantastic,
but in my opinion X-Men First Class is the most enjoyable of all. It has great
action scenes and the special effects look amazing. The acting is excellent
and the music is awesome. XMENROCK 4 hours ago
6 2

Personally I don’t like films about superheroes. I prefer funny ones,

like Men in Black. The first two films are much older than the third,
but they’re still pretty good and very amusing. The third one is
much funnier than the others, but it’s also more violent. Don’t watch
it with your little brother or sister. OXFORDBOY 4 hours 10 minutes ago
7 0

Get started Comprehension

1 What was the last film you saw? 3 What is the name of the film series and who is speaking?
What was it like? 1 ‘I really like them all except one.’ Spider-Man – filmfreak3
2 ‘All the films are very good, but one of them is extra special.’
Read 3 ‘They’re great – but difficult!’
4 ‘They’re good, but some of them aren’t great.’
2 2
08 Listen and read the online film 5 ‘They all make me laugh.’
reviews. Who makes only positive


Exercise 2 Exercise 4a
xmenrock Positive: awesome, brilliant, enjoyable, exciting, funny, interesting
Exercise 3 Negative: boring, complicated, confusing, disappointing, dull,
2 X- Men – xmenrock frightening, sad, scary, violent
3 Lord of the Rings – gandalfthegrey Exercise 4b
4 X-Men – filmfreak3 Suggested answers:
5 Men in Black – oxfordboy Same meaning: amazing/awesome/brilliant, complicated/
confusing, frightening/scary, boring/dull
Opposites: amazing/disappointing, awesome/awful, boring/
exciting, interesting/dull, funny/sad
Exercise 6
Vocabulary: Adjectives of opinion Grammar 2 All of 3 Most
4a 2
09Listen and repeat. Which words are Noun determiners: all, most, some, 4 Most of 5 Some
usually positive and which are usually negative? none, both (of) 6 Some of
Positive: amazing, … Negative: awful, … All the films are very good, but some of them 7 None of 8 both of
aren’t great.
All of them are great – but difficult.
• amazing • awesome • awful • boring Extension
• brilliant • complicated • confusing Most of the Spider-Man films are good, but the
last one is amazing. Adjectives of
• disappointing • dull • enjoyable • exciting
The actors in both series are brilliant. opinion
• frightening • funny • interesting • sad
• scary • violent I like none of the films about superheroes. Ask Ss to work in
pairs to agree on
Complete the rules.
b Which words have the same meaning? Which
We use all/most/some/none to talk about (1) .
a film which they
ones are opposites? like/don’t like. They
We use all/most/some/none + of the/this/my etc.
share each other’s
c Match words in Exercise 4a to the sentences. to talk about (2) .
We use both (of) to talk about (3) . opinions and make
1 I enjoyed it. It was 1enjoyable.
notes, if necessary.
2 Hmmm, I didn’t really understand it. It was (?) / (?). a) two people or things
3 There were lots of fights. It was (?). Then put two
b) people or things in general
4 I hid behind the sofa! It was (?) / (?) . c) specific people or things
pairs together
5 I really wanted to see it but then I didn’t like it. and get each pair
It was (?). to take it in turns
6 It made me laugh. It was (?). 6 Choose the correct options.
to describe their
7 I cried! It was (?). 1 All / All of plants need water. chosen film. Their
8 The film was very, very good. It was (?) / (?) / (?). All plants need water.
description should
9 Sorry, I fell asleep halfway through! 2 All / All of my money is in the bank.
give clues about
It wasn’t (?) / (14) – it was (?) / (?). 3 Most / Most of pollution comes from cars.
the film without
10 I hated it. It was very bad. It was (?). 4 Most / Most of my friends live in the city.
5 Some / Some of children watch too much actually naming
Grammar television. it and should
6 Some / Some of the children were angry with include adjectives
Comparison of adjectives
the new teacher. of opinion, as
much + comparative adjective
7 None / None of my friends smoke. appropriate. The
I think the Spider-Man films are much better/worse. 8 The film was quite boring for both / both of us. other pair has to
The third one is much funnier than the others.
They’re much more/less exciting.
guess the name of
Speak the film.
(not) as … as
They are(n’t) as good as the first three.
7 Work in pairs. Choose three film series that

you like. Give each one a score from one to
five stars for the adjectives in the box. Then
X-Men First Class is the most/least enjoyable of all. discuss your ideas with the class. practice
They’re the best/worst films ever!
Students’ Book
Practice • exciting • funny • good • interesting Grammar summary,
• sad • scary page 109
5 Make sentences to compare the three films.
Use superlatives, (not) as … as or (much) and We think that all the Matrix films are better than Practice, pages
comparative adjectives. X-Men, but they aren’t as good as Spider-Man.
FILM scary exciting good The first Spider-Man film is …
The Midnight Man *** * ***
Extra practice summary, page 75
No Time Like Now **** ***** *****
For more practice, go to page 109. Extra practice 2c,
Come Back Soon * ** *
page 92
‘The Midnight Man’ isn’t as scary as ‘No Time Like
Now’ but it’s much scarier than ‘Come Back Soon’.
Video and
Exercise 4c Exercise 5
2 complicated/confusing Suggested answers:
Comparison of
3 violent 4 frightening/scary Come Back Soon isn’t as exciting as No Time Like Now,
adjectives: much
5 disappointing 6 funny but it’s more exciting than The Midnight Man.
+ comparative
7 sad 8 amazing/awesome/ No Time Like Now is the best film.
adjective (not) as
brilliant 9 interesting/ Come Back Soon is the worst film.
... as
exciting, dull/boring No Time Like Now is scarier than Come Back Soon.
10 awful The Midnight Man is the least exciting film of all.
Grammar box
1b 2c 3a

2d Dream job for a day
Museum: The
museum houses


over 70 million
items of life and
earth science
including an
impressive display
of dinosaurs and a
life-size model of a
blue whale. In the
Planet Earth gallery
of the museum,
you can experience
an earthquake
in the simulator
and find out what 1 2 3
actually happens
when volcanoes
erupt. The museum
is a Victorian
Gothic building in
South Kensington, Dream job for a day:
TV presenter
11.00 a.m. I wear school uniform during the
Look week but today I’m wearing a yellow top and
forward ❯❯❯ This week’s competition winner is Toni a skirt. The director doesn’t like my top. ‘Yellow
Gillingham from Bristol. Her prize is to do isn’t a good colour on TV, ’ he says. ‘Have you
Play a game of 20
her dream job for a day. This is her diary got a blue top?’
questions about
for that day.
jobs. Demonstrate 2.00 p.m. I’m standing outside the museum.
first by choosing a Monday 7th October People are watching me and I’m very nervous.
The director says. ‘Smile and talk slowly.’
job which Ss then 6.30 a.m. My dad usually takes me to school
have to guess. but today he’s taking me to the Natural History 5.30 p.m. I usually get home at about half
Explain that they Museum in London. I’m going to present past four. It’s half past five now and we’re still
can only ask Yes/ a Science programme for teenagers. I like working in the museum. But at last I’m starting
Science but I don’t like early mornings!!! to enjoy this job!
No questions, e.g.
Do you work with
When Ss have Get started
guessed, put them
into small groups to
1 Imagine you’re going to do a dream job for
a day. What would you like to be? What are
play the game.
you going to do?


Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Jenny writes emails to her friends every day but Jenny: a journalist, Kevin: a ski instructor, Rebecca:
today she’s writing a story for a newspaper. a vet
Kevin often spends the weekend at home but today Exercise 4
he’s teaching people to ski in Scotland. Photo 2: 11 a.m.
Rebecca walks the dog every Sunday but today Photo 3: 2 p.m.
she’s helping (a vet) with sick animals.

2 Look at the table Listen
below about people speaking
doing their “Dream LISTENING TIP: FOCUS ON LISTENING Students’ Book
jobs for a day” and Before you listen, look at the task. Read the
Chatroom, page 99
make sentences. questions carefully to focus your listening. Then
listen for that information.
(drive) a taxi
How often? Today
usually (fly) a plane
Now do exercise 7. eText
Jenny (write) emails every day (write) a
7 2
Listen to Ben talking
Video and
to her friends story for a
about his dream job and Animation
answer the questions. Additional video
Kevin (spend) the often (teach)
1 Why is he not at school today? lesson (vlog),
weekend at people to ski
home in Scotland
2 What does his uncle do? Chatroom, page 99
Rebecca (walk) the every (help) sick
8 Answer true, false or doesn’t say.
dog Sunday animals
1 Ben lives in London. false
Ken usually drives a taxi but today he's flying 2 Ben is at school today.
an airplane. 3 The sound engineer likes rap music.
4 There isn’t time for lunch today.
S ? LVE IT! 5 Ben often writes about music.

3 Look at Exercise 2 again. What are the Write

‘Dream jobs for a day’?
9a The school magazine conducted a survey
Ken’s dream job - a pilot of students' ambitions for when they leave
school 'What are your choices for after
you leave school. What job do you want to
get?' Read the paragraph and complete the
4 2
10 Read and listen. Match a photo to a time statements.
in Toni’s diary. 1 Working in a supermarket is ...
Photo 1 – 5.30 p.m. 2 There are many well-qualified people in ...

Comprehension I want to get a job and earn some money,

5 Answer the questions. Who … but I don't want to work in a factory or a
supermarket. I'd like to do something a bit
1 is taking Toni to the museum? Toni’s dad
more interesting - maybe work as a sound
2 doesn’t like early mornings?
technician in a recording studio. It's not as
3 doesn’t like Toni’s top?
exciting as people think, but it's creative.
4 usually gets home before five o’clock?
Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs in the
music industry and there are lots of better
Speak your mind!
qualified people. I know I can get a job in
SPEAKING TIP: PREPARE a shop more easily than in a studio, but I
Before you speak, it can help to prepare what you
don't want that. I have to work harder at
want to say. Make a list of things you want to say
school and go to university first.
and practice in your head.
Now do exercise 6.
b Write your own paragraph for the magazine.
6 Imagine you are doing your dream job for a Say what your dream job is and why it's the
day. Write a diary. Use Toni’s diary to help you. job you most want to do.
Then tell the class.
When I leave school. I'd like to ...
Dream Job for a day: A pilot
Saturday November 5th Extra practice
8.00 a.m. I usually … Watch a vlog, go to page 99.

Exercise 5 Extra practice

2 Toni 3 the director 4 Toni
In pairs, Ss tell each other what their dream job is and why it’s the job
Exercise 7 they most want to do.
1 It’s work experience. 2 He’s a taxi driver. Stronger Ss/classes can also describe what training or qualifications
Exercise 8 they might need for this job. Monitor and help Ss with any new
2F 3DS 4T 5DS vocabulary they need.
Pairs report back to the class on what their partner said, e.g. Becky’s
Exercise 9a
dream job is a journalist. She loves…
1 not very interesting/ boring 2 the music industry
The class can see if any of the students choose the same dream job
and which dream job is the most unusual, exciting or dangerous.
Exercise 1
1 I’ll probably fail
2 Language Revision
2✓ Сору and do the exercises in your notebook.
3 You’ll have
Grammar (19 marks) Vocabulary (17 marks)
4 Is he going to
come 1 Find the correct sentences. Correct the wrong 5 Write the musical instrument.
5 You’ll feel ones. Use going to or will. 0 efutl flute
6 She’s going to 0 You need a warm coat. It’s snowing later. 1 oenphxoas
cycle It’s going to snow. 2 arnietcl
1 Maths is so hard! I’m probably failing the exam 3 noiap
Exercise 2 next week. 4 turiga
1 which 2 Have a look at the timetable. What time does the
2 where
6 Complete the adjectives.
bus arrive?
0 I fell asleep because the film was very
3 who 3 Don’t run across the road. You’re having an
4 which accident.
1 I didn’t understand the story. It was c (1) d
5 who 4 I like John. Will he come to your party?
and c (2) g.
5 Go to bed early. You’re feeling better tomorrow.
Exercise 3 6 Sheena is training hard. She’ll cycle in a
2 I was really frightened. It was a very s (3) film.
1 better than 3 The photography was aw (4) e, but the plot
competition next week.
2 isn’t as intelligent was d (5) g and d (6) l.
3 the best
2 Complete the sentences with who, which or 4 Well done! Your project on the Romans was
where. ex (7) and very f (8) y!
4 funnier than
0 This is the town 0where I lived when I was a child.
Exercise 4
7 Match the first half of a word in A to the
1 Is there a shop near here (1) sells computers?
second half in B to make types of film.
1 all 2 Can we find a place (2) we can sit down?
0 – e animated
2 both 3 This is the girl (3) saw the accident.
3 none 4 Can you think of a name (4) begins with K? A 0 ani 1 car 2 wes 3 hor 4 fan 5 thril
4 some 5 That’s the actor (5) was in Dates. B a) tern b) ror c) toon d) ler e) mated f) tasy

Exercise 5 3 Complete the sentences so they mean the same.

1 saxophone 0 Batman is more exciting than Spider-Man. Phrases/Use your English
2 clarinet Spider-Man isn’t as exciting as Batman. (4 marks)
1 The first film wasn’t as good as the second one.
3 piano 8 Complete with a word from the box.
The second film was (1) the first one.
4 guitar
2 Jessica is more intelligent than Emma.
• performance • Which • for • That’s • like
Exercise 6 Emma (2) as Jessica.
1 complicated 3 This film is better than all the others.
2 confusing This is (3) film. A: Hello. I’d 0 like two tickets (1) The Hobbit.
4 Toy Story 2 isn’t as funny as Toy Story 3. B: OK. (2) performance? The 6.15 or the 8.30?
3 scary
Toy Story 3 is (4) Toy Story 2. A: The 6.15 (3) please. How much is that?
4 awesome
B: (4) £12 please.
5 disappointing 4 Complete the sentences. Use all, most, some,
6 dull none or both.
7 excellent 0 Mr Brown teaches English and Mr Smith teaches CHECK YOUR SCORE
8 funny Biology. They’re 0 both teachers. Grammar 19
1 I have to read (1) of the books in the list.
Exercise 7 Vocabulary 17
2 I called two hotels but (2) of them haven’t got any
1c cartoon free rooms. Phrases/Use your English 4
2a western 3 A called a lot of hotels but (3) of them had any free
3b horror Total 40
4f fantasy 4 Most students here are British, but (4) are
5d thriller American.

Exercise 8
1 for
2 Which 26

3 performance
4 That’s
Extra practice eText
Workbook Games
Language round-up, page 14

Skills Revision Extra
Сору and do the exercises in your notebook. practice
Read Skills practice,
1 2
Read the text quickly, then match the
12 page 15
headings (a–d) with the paragraphs (1–4). Extra practice
a) The first international rock concert Round-up 2,
b) Protect the environment page 93
SAVING c) The first charity supergroup

d) Stop world poverty

1 In 1984, the Irish rock singer Bob Geldof 2 2
13 Listen to three conversations and

was horrified when he saw a TV programme complete the table.

about a famine in Africa. He asked his
Garage sale Walk Concert
show business friends to record a song for
When is it? Wed 14th
charity. Some of the most famous stars in the
world, for example, David Bowie, Sting, Paul What are they doing?
McCartney and Bono, formed a ‘supergroup’ What’s the charity?
called Band Aid. Their song raised eight What does the
million American dollars for famine relief in charity do?
the first month. Then Geldof started planning
something much bigger – Live Aid. Speak
2 The press called Live Aid the ‘biggest 3 Imagine you are organising a big concert for
rock concert in the world’. In fact, there charity. Use the questions below to help you.
wasn’t just one concert. On 13th July 1985 Make notes, then tell the class.
more than one hundred and fifty thousand • Where is it going to be?
people attended concerts in Britain, the USA, • Which performers are you going to invite?
Australia and Russia. Performers included • Which charity is it for?
Madonna, Elton John and Queen. One and a
half billion people around the world watched Write
on television, and in just sixteen hours Live 4 Look at your notes from Exercise 3. Write a
Aid raised about eighty million dollars for paragraph for the school website about
famine relief in Africa. your plans.

3 Twenty years later, Bob Geldof and Bono NOW I CAN UNITS 1 & 2
helped to organise Live 8. They wanted understand
politicians from eight of the world’s richest a blog about a family
articles about fashion and music
countries to listen to their message Make Read
a blog about a dream job
poverty history. There were concerts in ten film reviews
countries. Geldof predicted, ‘The boys and an article about charity events
girls with guitars will change the world.’ understand
a talk about fashion
4 Live Aid and Live 8 weren’t as big as Live an interview about a band
a conversation about charity events
Earth. In 2007, there were ten huge concerts
speak about
on six continents. The organisers wanted myself and other people, my ideal room
to teach the world about global warming and my family
and climate change. ‘Nothing on Earth is as clothes and fashion, shop for clothes
music and films, buy tickets at the cinema
important as this,’ they said. Celebrities and my dream job
their fans promised, ‘We’re going to change write
our lifestyles. We’re going green!’ an article about fashion styles
a paragraph about my dream job
a paragraph about a charity event

Background notes Exercise 1

Bob Geldof: lead singer of an Irish rock 1c 2a 3d 4b
band, most famous in the 1970s. He is Exercise 2
now better known as a political activist, Garage sale Walk Concert
particularly in association with African When is it? Wed 14th Next Friday 7th June
aid. What are they Selling old books, Walking 30 km Play music + sing at
Bono: lead singer of successful Irish doing? clothes, games etc. a concert at school
rock band, U2, he has also become What’s the charity? Oxfam Homehelp Play Days
well-known for political activism and has What does the Help poor/hungry Help homeless Help poor families
been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. charity do? people (famine relief) people with children

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