A1 - Heldawati - Analysis of Assesment
A1 - Heldawati - Analysis of Assesment
A1 - Heldawati - Analysis of Assesment
NIM : 2010117120005
2. Formative (used)
3. Summative (used)
Brief explanation:
English teachers at SMPN 31 Banjarmasin use two types of assessment, namely formative and
summative. When we made observations in grade 9, we observed an English teacher taking a test
in the form of multiple choice questions as preparation for the summative exam which will be
held in May. The tests carried out by the teacher also used a formative assessment in the form of
class discussions.
During the lesson, students will be divided into several groups, then answer the multiple choice
questions that have been prepared by the teacher based on questions that might arise during the
summative exam. After answering a few questions, students will take turns writing their answers
on the board. Each group will check the answers of other groups. After all groups have advanced
to write answers, the teacher discusses the questions and correct answers by discussing them
with students. In the formative assessment carried out, the teacher will assess each student who is
able to provide the right reasons for each answer. When the lesson end, score of each group will
be collected as a summative assessment for each material that has been studied before.
During my teaching practice, I also use the same 2 types of assessment, namely formative and
summative. In the formative assessment, I use class discussions while for the summative
assessment I use table analysis and essays.
b. Summative assessment is used to measure student understanding and to find out student
weaknesses so that they can be overcome before the final summative assessment (UAS).
a. Formative assessment
- To assist learners in the development of competencies. The teachers can use this
type of evaluation to determine an individual’s learning needs and guide them
toward their learning objectives.
- Examining student work attitude about how they handle solo work, group work,
hands-on tasks, and other factors. It can reveal a lot of information, particularly if
pupils are expected to explain their reasoning during the procedure.
- Higher-order questions require students to think more profoundly and assist the
teacher in determining the degree and scope of their comprehension.
- Documentation of challenges and the outcomes obtained in the early and middle
stages of the process can become an integral component of collaboration between
- Help assess how well you teach (how you present, type of instruction, etc.)
- Not always the perfect gauge of student understanding (students don’t always test