Report of Lab Experiment by Techniplant
Report of Lab Experiment by Techniplant
Report of Lab Experiment by Techniplant
The experiment was conducted on 09 th June 2022 until 13th June 2022 with Tecniplant team, Ms.
Orga and the laboratory personnel. On 09th June 2022, the machine was set up and test was
conducted by pouring the slurry into the suction to ensure the machine is under smooth operation.
On 10th June 2022, 100% slurry from the Extractor 2D2 and 100% slurry from the bottom RVDF 3D2
were taken for the experiment. We have decided to mix 80% of slurry from Extractor 2D2 and 20%
of slurry from 3D2 to obtain some amount of coarse particles for the next experiment which
conducted on 11th June and 13th June 2022.
The samples were prepared based on existing plant parameters which consist of 80% of Extractor’s
2D2 sample and 20% of bottom RVDF 3D2 sample. The preparation of the solution as per below
1. Sample of Extractor 2D2 (solution A) was taken from the plant around 50% from the volume
of the pail.
2. Sample of bottom RVDF 3D2 (solution B) was taken from the plant around 50% from the
volume of the pail.
3. Solution A was measured in mL and recorded.
4. Solution A was measured its concentration.
5. Solution A was poured 4500 mL into 5000 mL beaker and heated up to 55 ⁰C.
6. Solution B was stirred homogenously then measured about 1120 mL and poured into pail.
7. Solution A was poured into the pail consist of solution B to obtain 80% of slurry from 2D2
and 20% of slurry from 3D2.
8. The concentration of the solution was measured. The concentration of the solution must be
53 w/w%. At the same time, the pure hexane was heated up with stirrer at 55 ⁰C.
9. Use dilution formula to obtain the required concentration.
10. The temperature of the solution was taken and recorded.
11. 20mL of hexane at 55 ⁰C was ready for the cake washing.
12. Setting up the vacuum of the machine at 0.4 BarG and cloth that to be tested is to be ready.
13. Ensure the solution was stirred continuously.
14. The suction of the machine was immersed into the solution.
15. Vacuum pump was started and time taken was recorded for formation and drying based on
the manipulated variables.
16. Cake was washed with hot hexane once after formation period taken over.
17. The dry cake was removed and weighed. The weight of cake was recorded.
18. The cake was placed into the oven for 10 – 15 minutes.
19. The filtrated miscella was remove from the machine and weighed. The weight of the miscella
was recorded.
20. The miscella impurities was tested and recorded.
21. The dry cake from the oven was weighed and recorded.
22. Repeat the steps 11 until 21 with different type of cloth, air permeability, and vacuum.
23. All the dried cake samples were sieved via 40 mesh, 80 mesh, 100 mesh, 200 mesh, 325
mesh and 400 mesh.
24. The coarse particles of each mesh were weighed.
25. The data was tabulated and analysed.
Photos above are the setup of the machine and preparation of the experiment
Results and Discussion
Sample: 80% from 2D2 Extractor and 20% from 3D2 at 53 w/w% and 50 ⁰C.