Job Description Planning Officer
Job Description Planning Officer
Job Description Planning Officer
To apply expertise consistent with the role within a specialist team in the service and
contribute to the delivery of team outcomes by applying detailed
technical/professional knowledge and skills and through a personal caseload of
applications and/or projects.
Duties for Planner/Specialist posts within the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning
Service (GCSPS) included, from Grade 3 up to Grade 6 and are categorised as
generic (G) or applicable to: Delivery (D), Planning Policy, Strategy and Economic
Development (PPSE), Built and Natural Environment (BNE) or Strategic Sites (SS).
Key result areas / overview
• The work of the GCSPS and the post holder is expected to contribute directly
to key outcomes in each Council’s corporate plans and the GCSPS business
plan as well as national priorities for the region, and uphold and support the
organisational values of both local authorities.
• To promote GCSPS in a positive manner both externally and internally and
demonstrate professional behaviours and culture across the service.
• To apply technical skills and professional knowledge consistent with the role
within a specialist team within the GCSPS and contribute to the delivery of
team outcomes including through personal application and/or project
• The post holder is also expected to provide advice and support to colleagues
and other users of the service, within and beyond the GCSPS.
• To deliver a high-quality service to customers, including residents, applicants,
developers, landowners, parish councils and businesses.
• The post holder will also be expected to play an active part in the
achievement of performance and budgetary aspirations, consistent with the
continuous improvement of the service for its users.
• To work collaboratively with key partners including Cambridgeshire County
Council, other planning authorities, the Cambridge and Peterborough
Combined Authority and Greater Cambridge Partnership to deliver agreed
outcomes on strategic projects.
• At more senior levels, the post holder will be expected to support the
development of less experienced staff and take individual responsibility for
projects and initiatives that contribute positively to the delivery of the service,
team or each Council’s corporate plan objectives and values.
Key contacts / communication links
Grade 3
• To provide technical and administrative support to senior staff. (G)
• To assist in and/or prepare technical reports, graphical data presentation or
mapping for various internal and external stakeholders as required. (G)
• To deal effectively with enquiries and communications
from customers and other stakeholders. (G)
• Undertake site visits as required. (G)
• To undertake initial screening of planning applications and assist in the
registration, collation and monitoring of appeals. (D)
• To deal with Minor/Other categories of planning applications and associated
workstreams within required performance targets as required. (D)
• To support more senior planning enforcement officers in investigations of
breaches of planning control, dealing with correspondence and progressing
formal enforcement proceedings. (D) (BNE for specialist areas e.g. Listed
• To create and maintain documents, databases, spatial and information
mapping platforms and websites (as appropriate), collect, prepare and
present statistical information. (PPSE)
• Support and participate in activities associated in the development,
implementation, review and monitoring of local planning policies and strategy.
Grade 4
• To be familiar with the changes in techniques, legislation, national policy and
other guidance relevant to the field of work. (G)
• Undertake site visits as required. (G)
• To deal effectively with enquiries and communications from customers and
other stakeholders. (G)
• To communicate effectively with a range of customers, both orally and in
writing. (G)
• To provide support for more senior officers on large-scale and strategic
projects as appropriate and deal with less complex related work streams
under supervision from Senior / Principal officers. (G)
• To advise and give guidance on the preparation of illustrative material and
technical work related to the field of study. (G)
• To provide cover on day-to-day matters in the
absence of the supervising officer on matters directly
relating to the duties of the post holder and refer more complex issues for
decision where early responses are required. (G)
• To attend and support community and other planning service stakeholder
engagement events as required. (G)
• Responsible for a designated caseload of less complex planning applications
and related work streams, to assess and report on planning applications and
related workstreams appropriate to grade and responsibility. (D)
• To investigate alleged breaches of planning control and to report direct to the
Principal Planning Officer (Enforcement) on any action (if any) to be taken.
(D)(BNE for specialist areas e.g Listed buildings)
• To initiate action to resolve identified breaches of planning control and
prepare associated delegated and Committee reports. (D) (BNE for specialist
areas e.g. Listed buildings)
• To prepare written representation appeal statements in accordance with
the Town and Country Planning Appeal (Written Representation)
Regulations or contribute to such statements as relevant to the role,
reporting directly to the supervising officer. (D & BNE)
• To prepare reports on minor/other categories of planning application and
planning enforcement issues to the Planning Committee /Joint
Development Control Committee and undertake associated
presentations. (D and SS)
• Assist in the preparation, review, consultation and implementation of
planning policy and guidance, including the Local Plan and related
Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and Supplementary Planning
Documents (SPDs). Neighbourhood Plans and Conservation Area
Appraisals and Management Plans (PPSE & BNE)
• Assist in monitoring and reporting the effectiveness of planning policy
(such as the Annual Monitoring report). (PPSE)
• To support projects and activities consistent with the promotion of high-
quality sustainable design and construction and/or the effective
management of the built or natural environment.
This is likely to include engagement with external
agencies and stakeholders, including communities, developers/specialists
and elected representatives on behalf of the Council. (BNE)
• Act as advocate for and support the development, implementation and
continuous review and monitoring of strategies related to Heritage,
Ecology, Arboriculture, Landscape, Urban Design and Environmental
Sustainability to promote sustainable management, enhancement and
protection of built and natural heritage across greater Cambridge. (BNE)
• Support in the provision of advice on Heritage, Ecology, Arboriculture,
landscape, Urban Design and/or Environmental Sustainability matters, as
relevant to the role, to case officers, senior officers and external agents
involved in development, and as appropriate to Committee and public
meetings throughout the pre-application, consultation and post decision
stages, including acting where appropriate as advisor to public/internal
panels and the Planning Committee. (BNE)
o To have working knowledge of trees in relation to both development and the
ability to deal with applications relating to tree works in conservation areas
and protected trees. (BNE)
Grade 5
• Working knowledge of changes in techniques, legislation, national policy and
other guidance relevant to the field of work.
• Undertake site visits where required. (G)
• Advise and negotiate with applicants and/or other stakeholders on a range of
development proposals, ensuring planning requirements including S106
obligations are adhered to. (G)
• To communicate effectively with a range of customers, both orally and in
writing and briefing members on issues as required. (G)
• To prepare written statements on planning and enforcement appeals to be
considered by way of written representations or hearing and to appear at the
hearing as the relevant Council’s witness. (G) To attend and support
community and other planning service stakeholder
engagement events as required. (G)
• Responsible for a designated caseload of planning applications and related
workstreams / projects, to assess and report on planning and related
applications/projects appropriate to grade and responsibility. (D)
• Advise and negotiate with applicants and/or other stakeholders on a range of
development proposals, ensuring planning requirements including S106
obligations are adhered to. (D)
• To investigate more complex alleged breaches of planning control and to
report direct to the Principal Planning Officer (Enforcement) on any action (if
any) to be taken. (D) (BNE for specialist areas e.g. Listed buildings).
• To initiate action to resolve identified breaches of planning control and
prepare associated delegated and Committee reports. (D)
• To prepare reports on a range of categories of planning application and
planning enforcement issues to the Planning Committee /Joint Development
Control Committee and undertake associated presentations. (D and SS)
• To lead on less complex applications and associated work streams in respect
of strategic development sites and to support more senior officers on large-
scale strategic development applications and related work streams as
required. (D and SS)
• To prepare, review, consult on and implement planning policy and guidance,
including the Local Plan and related Development Plan Documents (DPDs)
and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) Neighbourhood Plans and
Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans, making
recommendations and presenting to the relevant Council and public meetings
as necessary. (PPSE & BNE)
• To prepare or assist senior officers in the preparation or commissioning of
technical reports and expert advice relating to planning strategy, policy and
related matters (such as sustainability appraisal, housing, employment,
transport, environmental protection, design, land use). (PPSE & BNE)
• To prepare statements required for the Local Plan
examination process to be considered by way of
written representations or hearing and to appear at the hearing as the relevant
Council’s witness (PPSE)
• To participate in partnership working to represent the interests of Greater
Cambridge in the preparation of planning policy, strategy, environmental and
infrastructure projects by partners including Greater Cambridge Partnership.
(PPSE and BNE)
• Provide technical assessments and draft responses to the policies and
strategies of other agencies, such as Government, Cambridge and
Peterborough Combined Authority, adjoining authorities and other statutory
bodies (including Highways England). (PPSE and BNE)
• To deliver projects and activities consistent with the promotion of high-quality
sustainable design and construction and/or the effective management of the
built or natural environment. This is likely to include engagement with external
agencies and stakeholders, including communities, developers/specialists and
elected representatives on behalf of the Council. (BNE Act as advocate for
and to develop, implement and continuously review and monitor strategies
related to Heritage, Ecology, Arboriculture, Landscape, Urban Design and
Environmental Sustainability to promote sustainable management,
enhancement and protection of built and natural heritage across greater
Cambridge. (BNE)
• The provision of advice on Heritage, Ecology, Arboriculture, landscape, Urban
Design and/or Environmental Sustainability matters, as relevant to the role, to
case officers, senior officers and external agents involved in development, and
as appropriate to Committee and public meetings throughout the pre-
application, consultation and post decision stages, including acting where
appropriate as advisor to public/internal panels and the Planning Committee.
• To have in depth knowledge of trees in relation to both development and the
ability to deal with applications relating to tree works in conservation areas and
protected trees. (BNE)
Grade 6
Plays a key role in supporting and deputising for the Delivery Manager and in
providing management support and overview of the team as required by the Delivery
• To provide a lead role within the Strategic Sites Team in ensuring that the
team has robust development programmes in place for each development site
covered by the team and that PPAs and other funding mechanisms are in
place to support development programmes as required. (SS)
• To procure/commission technical reports or appoint consultants to advise on
technical matters as required. (SS)
• To ensure delivery of programmes /infrastructure to create and support
sustainable communities including the Cambridge Fringe sites as well as
Cambourne West, Northstowe, Waterbeach, Bounrn Airfield and any future
sites that come forward as part of Local Plans or other mechanisms. (SS)
• To support and deputise for the Delivery Manager and other senior officers
and provide management support and overview to the team as required by the
Delivery Manager. (SS)
• To lead on negotiations of large scale strategic S106 and other agreements
and take responsibility for ensuring that any associated corporate approvals
have been secured. (SS)
• Together with partners within and outside the two local authorities, to ensure
that new development is implemented in accordance with approved plans and
that associated infrastructure is provided in a timely way in accordance with
agreed delivery arrangements. (SS)
• To support and nurture a collaborative approach and flexibility in the use of
people resources. (SS)
• To prepare committee reports and presentations, to attend committees and
advise members and to support other team members and officers at
committee as required. (SS)
• To lead on and provide support to member development programmes. (SS)
• To contribute to the planning applications determination process on a range of
application types including complex applications (as the first signatory) as
required in in accordance with the agreed scheme of delegation as may be
updated periodically. (SS)
• To prepare and present reports detailing the stages of progress with projects
and to provide briefings for the Delivery Manager, other senior managers,
members and external partners as required. (SS)
• To lead on projects with multi-disciplinary inputs, ensuring effective
consultation and engagement with elected members and local stakeholders,
including residents; ensuring that key issues and risks are identified, resolved
or escalated as appropriate. (SS)
• To represent the Councils at partnership meetings. (SS)
• To assist with the preparation of policy, strategic frameworks or supplementary
planning documents and other guidance in relation to strategic developments.
• Working collaboratively with the Area Planning Managers and Technical
Support Team Manager, ensure that development management procedures
and processes for strategic developments are kept up to date and that
consistency with the development management
teams is maintained as applicable. (SS)
To comply with / ensure compliance with the Council Data Protection Policies and
the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation.
This post carries specific responsibilities for Health and Safety in particular the
carrying out/updating of Risk Assessments.
South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Safety Policy and other safety procedures
and guidelines are deemed part of this job description. Employees must look after
their own health, safety and welfare and be mindful of other persons who may be
affected by their acts. Employees must co-operate and comply with management
instructions regarding Health and Safety issues and report all accidents, incidents
and problems as soon as practicable to their supervisor, manager or other senior
members of staff available.
The responsibilities outlined above cannot totally encompass
or define all tasks that may be required of the post-holder.
The outline of responsibilities given above may, therefore, vary from time to time
without materially changing either the character or level of responsibility or grade.