Sec A Debayan Maiti

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Sudhir ChandraSur Institute

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CA2Assignment (Report Writing)

Topic: Superposition Theorem
Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering
Subject Code: BS-EE101

Submitted by: Debayan Maiti

Department: CSE
Semester: 1"Semester
Year: 1 year
Session: 2023-2024


Roll No: 51
University Roll No: 25500123067
Registration No: 232550110217
SUPee PosiHon Theore

"Sta tevaeni of Supevo Posiion theonem: In a ineao bij lakyeal netuor k

Containnq Seveaal Sounee5 the euenent fhia ough valtage

alqebwie Sum of the
any beawch én tne nelwonk equals the eon ci de vae d
of eaeh endèvidal
volBoqes 5ounees made inopenatve. e. neplacod
Jpera}ely le}h all olhen
intey nal oesi5Ian ees.
oesis}anee s equal !o thei
vemoven tne voltag
be hole d te ne that wteleyoesistance oa bË a
dl5 normal
Sourece i! Should be oePlaced by
voemoving the cury ent Soee as snould
Shont cincuit nd cohile m
cincut . upes Posihon lheovsE
be repla eed bj an oPen dc) ceoheve corvent
lè neav hefvooks (botn ae
applicabla onyio as Pes Ohms law
velated to Volkage
" Ilusratíoni
curre nt
I as Shówn in the Aqune appy
Let us fnd he
SUperposiion theovem.
Ru J2

Conciderig vol bage Sounee E, aetong alone

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Hhe othevo Voltage sounee ta af er vep laciw
otheswise [hot circwiting the souYee
in ter wal vesistanee f any) the soUree
alone . otherwise the sno t cèvcuoti n
wal vesislanee Otnevwibe
Eg afY Yeplaang } by àts inter
Snbt càY cui Hn he soynee the Cewvent hsough h,i5
hevee Cwvent nsough




Si milerly Concideim {he voltage Souseo a a achng

Shont circat
emoring tne sounee I X veplaco ng 1 by

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There fone èf theve are tus souweas Cowreeted
vetwark, the vesutanl cUrent f6 wing tnsogh Ris
Select n Sousee rplace all oBhes Boerees by tnein in<esnal
DeBesme ne j ne tevel ahd dineetion of the cewen ral flous
nsough the desircd brancn as a oesoit of Sig le Souree aChg
Q lone.

Rep ea the tuo sieps

the actual
Co mporent cvents to ob}asn
byaneh CUryents.

" Liniaions of this
dewlate he powes of cincvit·
Wfeol sto
Aekuowled qe ment
ive sPecà al thanks lo ny eyde
suppo rt to Corn ple te he Proj eet on supes Posi ion
Cuho ñave ?iven
intesnet Witnoul kelp
ext bok
heore J also took help of
t nes
I Cou ld not comp le le

Thank yoU.

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