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Attention to Mistakes in nursing can have

detail severe consequences, and caring
• According to American Nurses Association, for multiple patients increases
Nursing is the protection, promotion, and the risk of human error. That
optimization of health and abilities; prevention of could cause you to miss changes
illness and injury; facilitation of healing; in a patient's condition if you
alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and don't understand the
treatment of human response; and advocacy in importance of minor details.
the care of individuals, families, groups, Excellent time management
communities, and populations. skills and the ability to balance
• Nursing is the act of utilizing the environment of competing priorities can help
the patient to assist him in his recovery you hone this skill
(Nightingale 1860). Stamina ability to work long hours in
• The unique function of the nurse is to assist the high-pressure situations while
individual, sick or well, in the performance of maintaining your composure.
those activities contributing to health or its Sense of helps spread positivity to other
recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would Humor nurses, patients, and their
perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, families. A good sense of humor
will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as is not only a characteristic of a
to help him gain independence as rapidly as nurse leader but reminds
possible (Henderson 1966) patients and their families that
"nurses are people, too" and
ultimately increases their trust
CHARACTERISTICS OF NURSING and openness with sharing
✓ is caring. feedback and concerns
✓ involves close personal contact with the recipient Commitment provide support in an objective
of care. to patient manner, being careful not to
✓ is concerned with services that take humans into Advocacy show approval or disapproval of
account as physiological, psychological, and a patient's choices.
sociological organisms. Willingness to improvements in education
✓ is committed to promoting individual, family. Learn approaches can help foster
community, and national health goals in its best successful learning
manner possible. environments, but a good nurse
✓ is committed to personalized services for all must possess a natural
persons without regard to color, creed, social or willingness to learn for them to
economic status. be truly beneficial.
✓ is committed to involvement in ethical, legal, and
Critical helps you analyze your patient's
political issues in the delivery of health care
Thinking condition and current
treatments to predict outcomes
QUALITIES OF A GOOD NURSE and identify potential issues
Caring a way for nurses to show Time having the ability to implement
empathy, compassion and management effective time management is a
emotional support towards their key personality trait for nursing,
patients. Caring can be done in as is being able to concentrate
many different ways, including on the most critical issues first,
talking to an individual or which isn't necessarily the
supporting them physically. patient/family that's demanding
Communication the ability to interpret and the most.
Skills convey communication Leadership exercising leadership skills in any
correctly, medical errors are role/level of the organization
more likely to occur, patients shows a willingness to grow and
often feel neglected or adapt at one's own pace.
misinformed, and the entire unit Problem as nurses generally have the
will feel the impact. Solving Skills most one-on-one time with
Empathy treat their patients as "people" patients and are often
and focus on a person-centered responsible for much of the
care approach, rather than decision-making related to their
strictly following routine care. Even seemingly small
guidelines. decisions can have major
impacts and cause adverse
patient outcomes if incorrectly believed to be due to either another person, whom
made which was an enemy, or a witch or evil spirits. In the
early times, Filipinos were very cautious not to disturb
NURSING HISTORY other people or the evil spirits for the good of their
health. These evil spirits could be driven away by
300 AD persons with power to banish demons. Belief in special
gods of healing, with the priest-physician (called "word
• Entry of women into nursing.
doctors") as intermediary. If they used leaves or roots,
1633 they were called herb doctors ("herbolarios") Filipinos
• Sisters of Charity founded by Louise de Marillac who became sick were usually cared for by the female
• Established the first educational program to be family members or friends in the home
affiliated with a religious nursing order
Early Care of the Sick
• Mother Elizabeth Seton introduced the Sisters of
The early Filipinos subscribed to superstitious
Charity into America, later known as the
belief and practices in relation to health and sickness.
Daughters of Charity.
Herb men were called "herbicheros" meaning one who
1836 practiced witchcraft. Persons suffering from diseases
• Deaconess Institute of Kaiserwerth, Germany, without any identified cause were believed bewitched
founded by "mangkukulam" or "manggagaway". Difficult
• Institute where Florence Nightingale received her childbirth and some diseases (called "pamao") were
initial education in nursing attributed to "nunos". Midwives assisted in childbirth.
1860 During labor, the "mabuting hilot" (good midwife) was
• Establishment of the Nightingale Training School called in. If the birth became difficult, witches were
for Nurses at St. Thomas's Hospital in London, supposed to be the cause. To disperse their influence,
England gunpowder were exploded from a bamboo cane close
• First organized program for training nurses to the head of the sufferer

1884 Health Care During the Spanish Regime

• Mary Snively assumed directorship of Toronto The context of nursing has manifested
General Hospital and began to form the Canadian through simple nutrition, wound care, and taking care
National Association of Trained Nurses of an ill member of the family. Certain practices when
• Later became the Canadian Nurses Association taking care of a sick individuals entails interventions
from babaylan (priest physicians) or albularyo (herb
doctor). In 1578, male nurses were acknowledged as
• Establishment of the Nurses' Associated Alumni of
Spanish Friars' assistants for caring sick individuals in
the United States and Canada
the hospital. These male nurses were referred as
• Later became the American Nurses Association practicante or enfermero
• First university-affiliated nursing program
• Army Nurse Corps established
The religious orders exerted their efforts to
care for the sick by building hospitals in
• Formed American Nurses Association
1920 different parts of the Philippines. The
• Graduate nurse-midwifery programs were earliest hospitals were:
1926 • Hospital Real de Manila (1577) - it was
• ANA Code of Ethics approved established mainly to care for the Spanish king's
1953 soldiers, but also admitted Spanish civilians;
founded by Gov. Francisco de Sande.
• The National League for Nursing in collaboration
• San Lazaro Hospital (1578) - founded by Brother
with other universities, developed graduate
Juan Clemente and was administered for many
nursing education
years by the Hospitalliers of San Juan de Dios;
built exclusively for patients with leprosy.
HISTORY OF NURSING IN THE PHILIPPINES • Hospital de Indios (1586) - established by the
Franciscan Order, service was in general
Early Beliefs and Practices supported by alms and contributions from
Two words-mysticism and superstitions. charitable persons.
These were the early beliefs of health and illness in the
Philippines. The cause of a disease was primarily
• Hospital de Aguas Santas (1590) - established in 1919
Laguna, near a medicinal spring, founded by • The 1st Nurses Law (Act#2808) was enacted
Brother J. Bautista of the Franciscan Order. regulating the practice of the nursing profession
• San Juan de Dios Hospital (1596) - founded by the in the Philippines Islands. It also provided the
Brotherhood of Misericordia and administered by holding of exam for the practice of nursing on the
the Hospitaliers of San Juan de Dios; support was 2nd Monday of June and December of each year
delivered from alms and rents, rendered general 1920
health service to the public
• 1st board examination for nurses was conducted
by the Board of Examiners, 93 candidates took the
Nursing during the Philippine Revolution exam, 68 passed with the highest rating of 93.5%-
In the late 1890's, the war between Anna Dahlgren
Philippines and Spain emerges which resulted to • Theoretical exam was held at the UP
significant amount of casualties. With this, many Amphitheater of the College of Medicine and
women have assumed the role of nurses in order to Surgery. Practical exam at the PGH Library.
assist the wounded soldiers. The emergence of Filipina 1921
nurses brought about the development of Philippines • Filipino Nurses Association was established (now
Red Cross. PNA) as the National Organization Of Filipino
▪ Josephine Bracken - wife of Jose Rizal, installed a • PNA: 1st President - Rosario Delgado
field hospital in an estate house in Tejeros. She • Founder - Anastacia Giron-Tupas
provided nursing care to the wounded night and 1953
day. • Republic Act 877, known as the "Nursing Practice
▪ Rosa Sevilla de Alvero-converted their house into Law" was approved.
quarters for the Filipino soldiers; during the
Philippine-American War that broke out in 1899
▪ Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo - wife of Emilio
Aguinaldo who organized that Filipino Red Cross CARPER’S 4 PATTERNS OF KNOWING
under the inspiration of Mabini.
• Empirics: the science of nursing
▪ Dona Maria Agoncillo de Aguinaldo second wife
• Ethics: the moral component of nursing
of Emilio Aguinaldo; provided nursing care to
• Personal knowing: the self and other in nursing
Filipino soldiers during the revolution, President
of the Filipino Red Cross branch in Batangas • Aesthetics: the art of nursing
▪ Melchora Aquino a.k.a. "Tandang Sora" nursed
In the 1970s, Carper introduced fundamental patterns
the wounded Filipino soldiers and gave them
of knowing in nursing including empirical, aesthetic,
shelter and food.
personal, and ethical knowing. Her work marked the
▪ Capitan Salome - a revolutionary leader in Nueva beginning of a new phase of thinking among nursing
Ecija; provided nursing care to the wounded when researchers. Basic patterns of knowing encouraged
not in combat. nurses to identify the art of nursing work and the
▪ Agueda Kahabagan - revolutionary leader in importance of understanding the complex nature of
Laguna, also provided nursing services to her nursing practice.
▪ Trinidad Tecson ("Ina ng Biak-na-Bato") - stayed 1. Empirical knowing is formally expressed through
in the hospital at Biak na Bato to care for facts, models, theories, and thematic descriptions.
wounded soldiers 2. Ethical knowing focuses on the ethical
components of nursing practice and tries to
College of Nursing answer the question of what is right and what is
▪ UST College of Nursing - 1st College of Nursing in responsible.
the Phils: 1877 3. Personal knowing enables the nurse to identify
▪ MCU College of Nursing - June 1947 (1st College his/her responses, strengths and weaknesses in a
who offered BSN-4 year program) situation and to be aware of the individual biases
▪ UP College of Nursing - June 1948 affecting the quality of the nurse-patient
▪ FEU Institute of Nursing - June 1955 relationship.
▪ UE College of Nursing - Oct 1958 4. Aesthetic knowing or the art of nursing is
achieved through empathy, dynamic adaptation
and understanding of the components as a whole
1909 as well as the recognition of specific cases rather
• 3 female graduated as "qualified medical-surgical than holism.
5. Emancipatory knowing as a fifth patterns of ➢ The Expert nurse has an intuitive grasp of each
knowing is a capacity for man to be aware of the situation and zeroes in on the accurate region of
society, culture and political situation of society the problem without wasteful consideration of a
and to critically reflect on these issues. This large range of unfruitful, alternative diagnoses
critical awareness and reflection is needed for and solutions. The Expert operates from a deep
change towards social justice. understanding of the total situation. His/her
performance becomes fluid and flexible and
highly proficient. Highly skilled analytic ability is
STAGES OF CLINICAL COMPETENCE necessary for those situations with which the
nurse has had no previous experience.

➢ The Novice or beginner has no experience in the
situations in which they are expected to
perform. The Novice lacks confidence to
demonstrate safe practice and requires
continual verbal and physical cues. Practice is
within a prolonged time period and he/she is
unable to use discretionary judgement.


➢ Advanced Beginners demonstrate acceptable
performance because the nurse has had prior
experience in actual situations. He/she is
efficient and skillful in parts of the practice area,
requiring occasional supportive cues. May or
may not be with within a delayed time period.
Knowledge is developing.

➢ Competence is demonstrated by the nurse who
has been on the job in the same or similar
situations for two or three years. The nurse is
able to demonstrate efficiency, is coordinated
and has confidence in his/her actions. For the
Competent nurse, a plan establishes a
perspective, and the plan is based on
considerable conscious, abstract, analytic
contemplation of the problem. The conscious,
deliberate planning that is characteristic of this
skill level helps achieve efficiency and
organization. Care is completed within a
suitable time frame without supporting cues.

➢ The Proficient nurse perceives situations as
wholes rather than in terms of chopped up
parts or aspects. Proficient nurses understand a
situation as a whole because they perceive its
meaning in terms of long-term goals. The
Proficient nurse learns from experience what
typical events to expect in a given situation and
how plans need to be modified in response to
these events.


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